#oh mary.... i mean this is on cullen too but i think she's disgusted by vulnerability beyond the templar stuff
kirkwallguy · 2 months
can i get your mary having Realizations. maybe at the day of her wedding?
omg TY for this prompt i love talking about mary but very rarely actually write about her. this stumped me for a little while because everything that happens at her wedding requires SOO much context that i had no idea how to start, and it felt ooc to just have cullen suddenly do something so terrible. so here's him and mary just kind of sucking in unique and strange ways. this takes place juust before the wedding when everyone is beginning to gather at the winter palace.
mild tw for vomit mention and templar ptsd-esque nightmares (???).
Mary awoke in Cullen's arms. Their bed at the Winter Palace was bigger and softer than any she'd ever slept in - she and Cullen gravitated towards the middle of the feather mattress together, leaving a large indent that would inevitably linger after they crawled out of it in the morning, waiting for their return later that evening.
Cullen never looked more like a Templar than when he was sleeping. It was strange - Mary had heard (and, she was ashamed to admit, read in Varric's romance novels) that people were supposed to look innocent in sleep. Haunted heroes became innocent boys, creased foreheads smoothed, racing thoughts slowed.
But Cullen's brow remained creased as he dreamed. He muttered to himself, kicked, scratched, growled like a dog. Sometimes, he frightened Mary. She'd cling to him in the dark, heart pounding, as he whispered cruel words at some imagined threat that taunted him behind his eyelids.
Were all Templars like this? Were there thousands of people all across Thedas just like her? People who lay awake with their palms flat against their lovers' sweaty backs, thanking the Maker that they weren't born a mage? Was she just unlucky? Or was this, as Hawke had darkly insinuated that final time they'd spoken, exactly what she deserved?
According to Varric's stories, Mary had a duty here. She was Cullen's reward at the end of a difficult road, a symbol of all he had lost and gained. She was supposed to comfort him, to soothe and fix his troubled soul - her arms designed to wrap around him like bandages, her kiss the perfect antivenom.
But on nights like this, when she pressed her lips to his twitching cheek, the taste of stale sweat always made her draw back with disgust.
One night early in their relationship, Cullen had drunk far too much and vomited all down himself. Shuddering and crying, he'd reached out for comfort. The smell of his breath, beer and vomit mingling together, had made Mary turn and run, leaving him alone on the floor in his own filth. The next morning, he'd kissed her chastely on the cheek at breakfast and his breath had smelled of peppermint.
It was easy to resent him for drinking like that. Many women resented their men for drink.
"Drink doesn't make men into beasts," her mother had whispered to her one night before bed, not loud enough to cover her father's heavy snores in the next room, "it just tells us which ones have beasts hiding inside them."
After that, she'd spent years of her childhood trying to see who did and didn't have a beast inside of them. She wasn't sure about her father - if he was a beast, he was nothing but an old bear, loud but too tired and lazy to do any harm. A few of the Chantry Mothers, the ones who would rap her on the knuckles when she giggled during the Chant, seemed to have dragons inside of them. The men who fought outside the taverns late at night were wolves, howling at the moon with their hackles up. And the girl in the portrait that hung above the fireplace in Mary's bedroom stared at her with the eyes of a songbird.
Cullen had something inside of him as well, but Mary wasn't sure if it was a beast. A beast, after all, could be killed.
As his dreams became more violent, so did his body. He writhed in her arms, as if a demon was taking over him. Mary held him tighter.
"She'll regret it," he muttered, "she'll be sorry soon."
Mary shuddered. Trying to distract herself, she traced the muscles in his back with a morbid fascination, feeling as they shifted and bulged unnaturally. If she'd been a healer, she might have understood how muscles worked - the violent snap and pull of them beneath her fingers might have been cause for gentle concern rather than a sensation that revolted her. But the inner workings of the human body were as good as witchcraft.
Cullen groaned, "kill it," he said, so loud that Mary squeezed her eyes shut and prayed that nobody else could hear, "kill it now!"
Whatever he was dreaming of terrified him. He cried out and twitched, kicking Mary hard enough in the shin that she yelped and pushed him away roughly enough to wake him up.
Cullen's eyes flew open. He stared directly at Mary, panting.
"Oh, thank the Maker," he whispered.
Mary stared back at him, keeping her eyes half closed as if she'd just woken up, "hmm?"
He looked like was going to cry. To Mary's horror, his trembling lips embarrassed her; she edged away from him a little, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"I was dreaming," Cullen said, "it was just a dream. A terrible dream."
Mary didn't respond. This was exactly how this scene played out in every single one of Varric's stories. She swallowed her disgust and reached out to brush Cullen's hair from his sweaty forehead, almost gagging as her fingers met his wet skin.
"Just a nightmare." She agreed, hoping Cullen didn't notice how flat her voice was.
Cullen, Maker help him, closed his eyes at Mary's touch. He lay there and shook as she stroked his hair, tense shoulders beginning to relax. That innocence he lacked in sleep was plain on his face now - he looked like someone Mary had never met before, someone she wasn't sure she would ever meet again.
"What was the dream about?" She tried.
Opening his eyes, Cullen stared at her for a long moment. His gaze passed over her face, lingering on each detail for so long that she almost found herself blushing.
Only when Mary was sure that he'd forgotten she'd asked him a question did he answer her:
"You." He said.
It should have been a shock, should have made her blood freeze, but in that moment his answer seemed like the most logical thing in the world.
Mary continued to stroke his hair, "what happened to me?"
"You were possessed," Cullen closed his eyes again, sleepy, "an abomination."
"Did you kill me?"
He was halfway back asleep now. He leaned in closer and wrapped an arm around Mary's waist, "I did," he whispered, "I killed it."
And then he stuck his face into Mary's neck, his hair brushing her collarbone, and fell straight back asleep.
Mary didn't sleep again. She stayed awake, palms against Cullen's sweaty back, and thanked the Maker that she wasn't born a mage until the sun was high in the sky.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Inkubus x Vampire!Fem!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Always There
I think outta all Englund's characters on this blog, I like writing for Inkubus the most. Which is criminal seeing as I write for him the least. I need to change that haha.
Plot: You meet up with a very old friend of yours and you spend some time catching up. And he's so clearly in love with you, its unbelievable and torturous to him that no matter what he does, you don't notice.
Warnings: A very unreliable narrator (In terms of particular other peoples clear feelings for her), BLOOD, DRINKING BLOOD, DRAINING SOMEONE OF BLOOD (But in a sort of polite way? Hah), MENTIONS OF AN ABUSIVE EX PARTNER, vampires and incubus'.
The smell of iron and petrichor fills your nostrils, disgusting and refreshing and also, just... relieving... in equal measure filling you up as you kneel by the victim - the man you'd chosen, - for tonight; A needle and tube attached to a blood bag between your fingers and digging into the poor mans neck.
You hate doing this, knowing this guy will be weak and sick feeling for the next day - maybe two depending on how much you take from him, - without understanding why. But, its for sure better then the alternative- which is just digging in right here and now with your teeth. That's messy, and the marks you leave behind aren't easy to explain away as 'animal attacks' anymore.
You need the blood, but you aren't a savage, jeez. You always catch any new vampire movies or shows together with your daughter and watch those actors with blood all over their chins, and think... How old are these vamps supposed to be?? 300 hundred years old!?
And they don't know how to eat without getting it all over their face?
Pfft! Rolling your eyes, you gently shake your head at the memories of bloody Edward Cullen and Lestat and Damon Salvetore swimming around in your head as watch the man's breathing. To be fair, you love them all - Twilight, Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Diaries, Nosferatu, Vampires Vs the Bronx, etc, - but that's just because its more fiction then truth- and that's coming from an honest to goodness bloodsucker.
Finally deciding you've taken enough without truly hurting the man, you put pressure on his neck and pull out the needle, carefully wipe away any mess with a cotton ball from your bag and put a band aid on him.
"Now," You talk firmly, softly, as you look into his eyes - which are dull, almost sleeping. A nice touch to the docile state you put your victims, in so they can at least not feel any pain or fear while you're collecting your feed, - , hands on his shoulders. "You're not going to remember this, or me. You're going to get a taxi home," You tuck some money in his shirt pocket, a thank you for his service; Its the least you could do. "Then get into bed and have a wonderful sleep with lots of lovely dreams. Thank you so much."
After you watch the man get up, still in a bit of daze but shaking it off - and not even noticing your presence, crouched down by where he's standing, - and leave the alleyway, you carefully pack away the blood bag and the tube and needle (In a separate plastic bag, for you to clean and sanitise when you get home) in your satchel and finally get back up, wrapping the strap over your head and resting it on your shoulder.
Brushing a hand through your hair, you turn to leave the alleyway and go home- when a familiar voice speaks up from the very back of the alley- and immediately your hopes rise.
"You look even more beautiful every time I see you."
You smile, peering into the darkness. "Oh, that's very sweet... but you and I both know I look like trash. I haven't eaten for a week!" When he just chuckles back, you tilt your head and waive him over. "Come out here so I can see you!; When did you get into town?"
Gracefully - more so then even you can manage, being a goddamn vampire, - Inkubus slips out of the darkness and you're happy to see he looks well. Its been forever since you say him last - 40 years? 70? - and you always have it in the back of your head for some reason that next time you see your friend, it'll be the last time. So its always lovely when he turns up and looks just as healthy as he always does.
"Oh I just got here; Thought I would come see you immediately. Otherwise you might nag at me." This time you chuckle, rolling your eyes. His eyes flicker to your satchel. "Collecting our dinner our we?"
"Yep! Smells like A Negative, my favourite. When was the last time you ate?"
"Ohh, a couple weeks ago. I'm due for my next fill soon, though... any suggestions?"
"No," Scrunch up your nose, you put a lot of emphasis on your response; See, you don't subscribe to the notion that monsters like the two of you have to act all blasé and cocky about the terrible things they must do. Apart from these night time trips to find breathers to bleed, you live a... mostly... normal life! So no- you definitely don't know anyone he can make his next victim.
And Inkubus knows this, which is why he laughs and you roll your eyes again at him, fixing the satchel on your shoulder. "So- " Again his eyes flicker to your bag, this time with meaning. A cheeky grin flits across his lips. "Want to get a drink?"
Smiling, you turn on your heel, you loop your arm through his and lead the way. "So have you been?"
4 hours later and the two of you are still stewing at a 24-Hour-Diner you frequent - seeing as you don't really sleep that much, - and are onto your 9th drinks at this point. You two may not see each other too often since the 1400's and went your separate ways in the world, but you never go longer then a hundred years - preferably 80 maximum, - without seeing each other and when you do- you have a lot to say. Filling each other in on what you've missed in each others lives is always a... disorientating experience, at times, but you must do it. You couldn't survive in a world where you didn't know what was happening in your best friends life. That would just be too lonely.
See, Inkubus is the only one you know - still, to this day, - who knew you when you were human, aside from the man referred to very nearly exclusively as 'Dick for brains' - being your daughters father, - and while having human friends who can make you feel normal again, is wonderful... so is feeling normal, in what you actually are currently. And that's not human. That's thousands and thousands of years old and a mystery to scientists. And, seeing as he's a literal demon... that's a very easy service for him to provide.
A waitress walks by to pick up you empty glasses and looks oddly at your personal tumbler. You clearly weren't meant to notice, but you do of course, and unassumingly shrug. "Bloody Mary... don't tell." You give her a conspiratorial wink, and she chuckles, walking off.
When you look back to Inkubus, he looks ready to make a joke so you give him a timid shrug. "Well, there is vodka and Tobasco sauce in it!... " He smirks, but lets it go- seeing as your words were funny enough.
"And how is Bethany? Has she seen her father lately...?" Your eyebrows arch, hearing Inkubus ask about him; Dick for Brains, Beth's father and the bane of your long, long existence. Obviously, seeing as the bastard impregnated you with his literal spawn of hell causing you to die during childbirth at age 26 so he could then turn you into a vampire, made you raise your daughter alone- and then returned 20 years later just to turn Beth into a vampire as well and claim that you can all be a 'proper family now'... you aren't a huge fan of the guy. And talking about him you don't do often, as it causes a horrible clenching feeling in your stomach and heart. Luckily, Inkubus is one of the few people who is allowed to make you feel that way. Him, and Beth.
You sigh, taking a slow sip of your drink through the matching metal straw and metal tumbler set Beth got your last mothers day (So as to hide the fact that its blood inside), you wonder what to say... "Beth's great, as always... she's fallen in love with a human, though. That can only end brilliantly." Shaking your head, you look to Inkubus to see his reaction and catch him rolling his eyes, smirking. Yep. "Um, and... yes. There has been contact with Dick for Brains... He recently, like... 20 years ago? turned up at her place in Egypt, and wouldn't leave till I had to fly down there and shoo him away." You grit your teeth. There is so much wrong with that man- you do honestly with you had never met him sometimes. That's horrible, you know, as if you hadn't met him you wouldn't have had Beth and she's the light of your life, but... at times like that instance? When he troubles her?
Its hard to not wish his existence away.
"Do you want me to speak with him?... Again... ?" Your gaze returns to Inkubus again, feeling at ease the moment your minds back in the diner with him and not in your head with Dick for Brains; Eyes softening. The idea is tempting, unbelievably tempting... And it would keep your friend around awhile longer. "That always seems to win you a couple hundred years of reprieve."
Taking a deep, needless breath - an anxious habit, - you set down your tumbler and shake your head. "No, that's okay... thank you for the offer, though. He seems to be giving up, slowly, finally. But damn, its taken him long enough to get the hint, huh?"
"Far too long." Inkubus' voice is bitter and dark, talking about your ex- and his eyes are reading much different. You know if you let him, he would kill Derek... but you cant do that. If anyone's going to kill him, it would be you or Beth, and neither of you are there yet. Inkubus takes a deep breath, relaxing again like a chameleon changing its colours. "Anyway, love; Onto prettier business. How did that thing go, that you had with that Djinn half a century ago. You seemed quite optimistic about that one."
A fluttering of laughter immediately comes out of you and Inkubus' truly cheers up at the sight of it, and you just look at him and shake your head; An awkward toothless smile on your lips. Ha! No.
His brows arch, laughter in his eyes. "Didn't end well?"
"That ended up being the shortest affair I've ever had and that's saying something." Brushing hair back from your face, you chew on your bottom lip. "You'd think after nearly 10 centuries, I'd learn... Oh- wait- make that 10 and nearly a half, centuries... Boy, am I clueless."
"Clueless about what, love?" You're just breathing in to respond, when a cheeky look crosses Inkubus' familiar face. "I mean, you are quiet clueless- about plenty of things. But specifically, this time."
You scrunch up your nose at him in response, grinning, before once again chewing on your bottom lip. "... I'm just not the woman that gets proposed to." You shrug, as if its no big deal; Even though your heart bleeds saying it out loud for the first time, to someone that matters and not just your ex-therapist, Julie. Setting your drink on the table in front of you, you idlily twist it. "Obsessed over and stalked, yes." You grin, a tinge of sadness to it. "Fucked, yes. Dated even, yes. But married?... Ha, no... "
His eyebrows climb up his forehead even more, before he softly smiles and pats your hand. "I asked you to marry me, all those years ago, sweetheart. Remember?" He reminds you gently, and you cant help giving a soft smile back at your well-meaning friend.
"Oh, yes of course I do. That was very sweet, but... I mean for love, you know? Not because I'm pregnant and alone."
Inkubus sighs, slightly frustrated, and leans back in his seat. "Mhmmm... " Rubbing a finger under his nose, he quickly clears his throat. Then he reaches his hand further up your arm to lay it on your forearm, running his thumb comfortingly across your skin. "Love, I'm sure that you'll find someone. Perhaps multiple someone's. Or, maybe, you don't need to find anyone new."
A little smile twitches at your lips as you pick up his hands and hold it on the table in both of yours. "... Maybe." For a split millisecond, your friend smiles. Sighing wistfully, you shrug. "Maybe I can learn to be happy alone. I mean, I like my life. I like my daughter, I like my job, I like my patterns... Maybe I don't need a man." Immediately his smile disappears and he rolls his eyes.
"You definitely don't need a man." He sighs, frowning. "But one can be good for a few things, no?"
"Hey." You set him with a stern look. "I thought we were making me feel better, about not having one?"
"Oh, you're right. I rescind my comment."
"You better." A cheeky grin crosses your face.
He looks back at it, the cheeky grin of yours, and the smile returns to his face.
The sun is warming up when you're on your way home, Inkubus beside you with his arms folded carefully behind his his back and your hands stuffed in your leather jacket pockets; One arm linked affectionately through his. You're an odd sight, you're sure, to any early morning commuters. You, and your barely-out-of-college looking self walking so close - and so domestically. A fact that is lost on you but not on the smug demon walking beside you, - to a man that currently looks to be in his 60's-70's age-wise.
Not that either of you care.
"Well, this is my place! Whatdaya think?" You ask, letting him go in order to unlock the door or the townhouse apartment and push open the door. He walks on in past you, looking around and you watch a soft smile grace his handsome features. "You like it?"
"Much better then the hole in the wall you thought was a good idea to show me in Transylvania- took everything in me not to sweep you away somewhere safer... with fewer mould spores... " He turns to look at you over his shoulder, a mischievous smirk on his mouth as you scrunch up your nose at him, before smiling.
"Well then, Mr Judgmental... I guess you don't want to know, that I chose this wallpaper cuz of you."
That definitely catches his attention, more then anything else you've said. He turns around in a full 360, assessing the wallpaper before looking curiously at you. "You... you chose this wallpaper because of... me? How so?"
You shrug, still leaning back against the open front door- sunlight filtering through the doorway. "The colour is very you. Its got 'Inkubus' vibes. You know," Raising your brows at him, you smirk. "Eccentric, full of itself." At that cheeky remark, he says 'Ha ha', sarcastically. "And, I guess, I missed you. Sooo... yeah... wallpaper."
"Hm... " Looking really far too pleased about this, looking a lot more engrossed by the home then before- but mostly the wallpaper. "This place is looking better, suddenly... "
"Like I said- Full of itself." You roll your eyes, laughing. Then you push off the door, push it closed with your foot and then go to pass by Inkubus to hit the livingroom. "Oh! The book! The one we were talking about at the diner- I'll find it for you! Come on- "
"Y/N." A hand curls gently around your arm, at the perfect moment so that you don't get yanked back with the force of your travelling and instead you just coat to a careful halt at Inkubus' side.
Blinking up at him curiously, wondering what he needed you for so suddenly, you tilt your head to the side. "Yes?"
For a good moment, he just looks at you whilst you become worried. What is happening? Every second that passes by, more and more ridiculous ideas cross your mind.
Finally, the man tilts his head slightly in sincerity.
"Sweetheart, are you ever going to see how ridiculously in love with you I am?"
And... for all of the disastrous and ridiculous possibilities that came to mind when he was saying nothing, you had a response. To this, you just stand their dumbly, your shoulders dropping and just looking at him in total shock. "... wel- uh- um... a few more hundred years?" You feel like a ton of bricks has just been dropped on top of you. "Maybe?" You squeak. You actually squeak.
And of course, you squeaked. You'd be surprised if you had managed to keep your composure after a confession like that. Here's this beautiful man, who against all foreseeable odds understands you, and cares about your kid, and whom you love... and somehow he's telling you that he loves you? That, for some reason, he wants you?
Is there something wrong with him?
There must be. Something terribly, horrible, irreversibly offensive that you aren't already aware of.
But you rack your brain and theirs nothing. Nothing, at all, that you can figure that would make you turn away from him right now.
He smiles a little bit at your awkward reaction, and lets go of your wrist in favour of tucking some hair back behind your ear. "Do you quite mind if I kiss you now?"
Your breath hitches, it actually hitches, like a tiny shy anime girl who's giant crush just got down on his knees in front of her for whatever reason, and you have to fight to pull yourself together; Rolling your shoulders back, hands on your hips. Totally, and translucently fake confident. "Um- you know? I don't?"
God, you are a centuries old vampire; Your vernacular should be yards better then this.
And then kisses you.
Oh god- And then he kisses you.
Because you're suddenly struck hard in the face with a million words and phrases, from current to boomer-speak to old fashioned to forgotten, to describe it but mostly you're just wondering why in the world you hadn't been doing this the whole damn time. Your hands find the sides of his coat in order to steady yourself, and pull him closer as you carefully tilt your head into the kiss. It comes so naturally, the kissing does. Between you and him. Its like, despite the bounds of your relationship never having reached this level before, you know exactly how to kiss each other. There's no awkwardness or searching. You just fit.
When finally, you slowly end the kiss, you fail to open your eyes for a good moment, before cracking them open slightly, half lidded and flickering up to his eyes.
And you take a deep, unnecessary breath and step away, torturously out of Inkubus' personal space. "... holy shit." You have so many questions... None of which touch on how exactly you're feeling because you get that much, at least.
But you cant help but wonder why- and for how long this has been brewing and how long exactly that you missed it- and how the hell this is going to work-
He follows you, thank god, a roguish yet soft look on his face. "Maybe we should take this to the livingroom, love. I promise, I can explain everything to you."
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Hope Can’t Fix Everything pt 2
Jasper x Human! Reader
Warnings - angsty 
Summary - Jasper tries to make it right
part one 
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Jasper had royally fucked up. And he knew it. He knew that he ruined his chance with his mate. One mistake would destroy the entire lifetime they were supposed to have together. Carlisle made Jasper skip the next week of school. Mostly to get him to calm down. But also to make sure nothing else happened. Progress into vegetarianism for vampires isn't exactly linear mistakes are bound to happen. Carlisle honestly was expecting for a slip up- if not from Jasper then from one of the others. However the slip up wasn't what was crushing Jasper. Sure he felt absolutely terrible for snapping on his mate but- seeing that his mate was terrified of him, disgusted by him. He was crushed. And with having to stay home and away from everyone else was just causing him to spiral.
Finally after a week Jasper went back to school. But he didn't feel any comfort. He learned from Alice and Bella that Y/n didn't tell anyone anything that happened. They kept their near death a secret. However he also learned that they were avoiding the Cullen clan as much as she can. He didn't know if them not telling was a good thing. If it meant that maybe they could talk about it- or if they just didn't know how to explain it to anyone else with out sounding crazy.
"You freak!"
"Mr. Hale," The teacher calls snapping him from replaying the memory for the millionth time. "Are you okay?"
Jasper wanted to laugh. Okay? No. He's never been okay. Not in his 100 plus years of being a vampire has he once been okay. No that is a lie. He was okay with Y/n. He finally felt like he had something in his life that made his eternal life worth something. And he scared that meaning away.
"Yes sir," Jasper says softly, "just tired."
He could feel the eyes of a couple of his classmates on him. Watching him curiously.
"I heard he and Y/n broke up," The girl behind him whispers to her friend, "apparently it was messy."
"Where did you hear that?" The friend asks.
"Everyone is talking about it," The girl says, "Mary Spencer said she saw then go up to the Lake Frisky then saw Y/n flying out of there a hour later. Apparently in such a hurry she almost hit Mary. And I haven't seen the two as much as look at each other since he got back."
"Wow," The friend says, "what do you think happened?"
"Who knows," The girl says, "Tracey Catcher thinks that Jasper is hooking up with one of his adopted sisters. The little one Alice. Maybe Y/n found out."
Jasper scoffs lightly. This is stupid. Listening to everyone talk like they know what's happening. Feeling the emotions of everyone in the room as they pry and poke into his failed attempt of a love life. He feels his own anger bubble up. Getting more and more intense as he catches more of the harsh whispers. Before he can snap the bell rings loudly. Bringing him back to his senses. He sighs slipping from the classroom to the lunchroom. He meets the others at their lunch table. However the complete lack of you in your spot at the table makes his heart ache.
"Jasper," Alice says softly as he sits down, "how are you holding up?"
He doesn't say anything. Instead his eyes search the cafeteria for his mate. Looking over the mess of kids at tables. Finally he sees them across the lunchroom. Sitting with a couple of their friends. They don't seem interested in whatever their friends are talking about. He watches them as they pick at their lunch. He wishes he could read minds and figure out what he needs to say to make this all better. But then he thinks about all things that could be on their mind. Things he couldn't handle. Your perspective of the memory.
"Jasper get out of your head," Edward says carefully.
"How about you get out of my head," Jasper says firmly.
"Jasper you need to calm down," Rose says, "getting mad at Edward while amusing, isn't going to fix your problems."
"I just- how do I even begin to fix this?" Jasper says softly, "I almost killed them. They begged me to stop to back away and I ignored them. I'm a monster."
"You sound like Edward," Emmet says laughing lightly.
"This is serious," Jasper says, "what do I even say? What do I do?"
"You need to talk to them," Alice says simply, "try to explain. Try to make them understand. Promise it won't happen again."
"And what if it does?" Jasper asks softly, "what if it happens again but you guys don't get there fast enough huh? What if I killed them?"
"Jasper you aren't thinking-" Bella says softly.
"He is," Edward says, "he thinks we all should leave."
"Oh come on we saw how that worked out with Bella," Rose says.
"It was different then," Jasper says, "Bella wanted to hang on. Y/n doesn't want to. They want normal. A average life with kids and a big house in a sunny place. I can't give that to them."
"Jas," Alice says softly.
"This is your mate," Rose says, "and you'd leave them?"
"I'd rather them be happy and alive then be with me and regret everything," Jasper says, "it's the best decision. And after what happened. I don't need to put their laugh at risk. It was stupid of me."
"You can't leave your mate," Bella says, "you love them."
"I do love them and that's why I'm making this choice," Jasper says, "I can't trust myself not to hurt them. It's not your decision it's mine. And I've made my mind up. We're leaving. Carlisle is already preparing for us to leave."
"You're making a mistake-"
"Maybe I am," Jas says, "but if it saves their life... I don't really care."
No one else could argue. Because at the end of the day... They believed he was right. None of them think he'd ever hurt his mate on purpose but... on accident. Another incident like the last one. It's possible and sure leaving his mate hurts but watching them die. Know he caused it. That would be a whole other level of pain. He wouldn't be able to live like that. So the Cullens decided to move again. As they were preparing the move Jasper was sneaking every last glance at you. Trying to memorize their body, their scent. Everything about them. If he has to leave he wants to prepare to severe the ties. Not that it was hard. Y/n wanted nothing to do with him. Swapping seats, ignoring his texts. Not sparing him even so much as a passing glance.
'It's for the better' Jasper reminds himself. If he disappears like this- when they already clearly doesn't want him around them then it won't hurt them. It won't break them like leaving broke Bella. They won't try to do anything to bring Jasper back. They'll let the relationship fade into nothing but memories. Just like it needs to.
After a couple days they had everything packed. Loaded up and ready to go. Esme and Carlisle had went ahead to get everything ready at the newest house. Everyone else was getting ready to leave. However they remained with Jasper as he stalls. His focus on a box full of things.
"Are you ready?" Alice asks Jasper. The blond looks down at the picture of him and his mate. He bites his lip lightly. No. He doesn't want to leave. He wants to pull his mate into his arms and hold them until the end. He doesn't want to run away.
"I want a minute," He says softly, "ya know to collect my thoughts."
"Okay," Alice says, "we'll be on our way then. Come on guys." Rose and Emmet leave with her. However Bella stays back for a second.
"Jasper," She says softly, "you know they deserve closure for all this."
"The closure is me leaving," Jasper says, "I can't hurt them if I'm not here."
"Whatever," Bella says, "I can't make you do this right. Come on Edward."
The two join the other vampires starting to pack into their cars. The go, leaving Jasper alone in the empty house. He sighs as he stares into the box of his things from his relationship. Pictures, mementos from dates, things she'd give him. He felt guilty. He felt like the world was punishing him for his past sins. As if Y/n being his mate was a cruel joke fate was playing on him. Give him the most amazing soulmate then just- make him not able to be with them. Not trust himself to protect them. To save them from himself. Hw wants to trust his hope. That maybe somehow someway he'd see them again. And they'd be able to be happy. He wants to hope for that future. But fate would never let him have it.
"So the rumors are true?" He hears a soft voice asks. He looks away from the box and turns to see his mate. His eyes widen. This can't be real. There is no way they are actually here. But it looks so real. His mate. His love. Right there. So close he could touch them. He wants to. He wants to take their hand and pull them into a soft kiss. But he knows that will only make it more painful. "You're really moving away and you aren't even saying goodbye."
"Carlisle got a new job," He lies, "a town needing doctors..."
"Bella told me you were leaving because of me," They say softly making whatever his lie was going to be pointless, "said that I should come down here and talk to you before you leave."
"You didn't have to," He says, "it was a bad idea. You should go home."
"I think I deserve an explanation," They say, "I mean- I wanna know what happened at the lake."
He tenses. He didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to go over it. He wanted to just move on. Just leave. Run away from his problems.
"It's only fair to me," They say softly, "if you get to just leave- then I get to know."
"I'm leaving so you don't need an explanation," Jas says, "I'm leaving so you can forget what happened and me."
"I don't want to forget you Jas," They say.
"Well you should," Jasper says, "I'm not good for you."
"You don't get to decide that," They say firmly, "you don't know if you're too good for me."
"Y/n I am a monster!" Jasper snaps, "I almost killed you at the lake. If my family was any later you'd be dead. If I'm around you won't be safe."
"But I'll have you," They mumble.
"That's stupid," Jasper says, "you'd risk your life to be around a monster-"
"You're not a monster," They say, "I know you Jasper you are a great guy-"
"I'm a beast," He says, "you know that. I could kill you. I can tell how you feel. And you're scared. You're afraid of me."
"I'm afraid of losing you," They say tearing up, "Jasper I love you! I want you to stay here with me. Whatever you're going through- whatever is happening to you. I want to be there for you. To support you- to ease the pain. Because I am in love with you Jasper."
He wants to pull them in his arms and never let go. But he knows that it's dangerous. That he shouldn't be allowed to be this close to them after what happened. He backs away.
"Jasper please just talk to me," They say, "what's happening?"
"I am not normal," He says, "I'm a vampire- I'm a monster. I kill people." They stay silent. "I've killed so many people. Sometimes I don't mean it. And I tried to stop. But its so strong- the hunger.  The bloodlust- When I look at you it's so painful because I won't to protect you but I also want to devour you."
"You wouldn't hurt me," They say boldly.
"I almost killed you."
"You hesitated," They point out, "and when they knocked you away you stopped."
"That means nothing," Jasper says, "who is to say that they could do that again?"
"I say they won't have to," Y/n says, "because you won't hurt me. Because I know you love me as well."
"Y/n I'm leaving tonight," He says, "there is no changing my mind."
"So you leave," They say, "fine- I wanna come with you."
"No you have a life here- you have family here," He says, "you'll get the life you want if you stay away from me-"
"The life I want is with you," They say, "Jasper don't walk away from us."
"I'm doing this for you," He says, "I doing this to keep you alive. I'm doing this because i love you so much and I want you to have everything you've always wanted." They move closer taking his hands into theirs.
"I need to be stronger if I want to be with you," he says, "I need to have more control. And I will make sure I have that control and maybe if you'll still have me- then we can get together. But now? I can't risk hurting you- or losing you. So please. Please understand I'm not doing this without thinking. Because I've thought of every alternative and this is the only solution that will work."
"Jas," They whimper.
"I promise this won't be the end of us," He says, "one day- we'll find each other again."
Y/n moves pulling Jasper into a soft kiss. He moves deepening it. Making the one kiss last for all the years they won't have each other. After a while he finally breaks the kiss so his partner can breath.
"I'm sorry," He says softly.
"I love you Jasper," They say.
"I love you Y/n," He says, "we'll meet again."
He hugs them tightly. Then steps from the house climbing into his car. He'll see them again. He has hope that he'll see them again.
@whattheheckisevengoingon @treestarrrrrrrr​ @thequeendesi​
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authorellenmint · 5 years
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New Chapter With Duke Rutherford -- I really need a damn title if this is going to keep going.
First Chapters
Second Chapter
Third Chapter
An inhuman groan peels from Cullen’s lips as he lowers his weary body into the steaming water. The old tin tub clangs as his backside sinks to the bottom, more water slopping over the side than he anticipated. Too many days trapped in his office and not enough in the field.
“Sir,” a lone voice calls from the sitting room to his sleeping chambers. “Do you think you will require my assistance?”
Sighing, Cullen tips his head back and says, “No James. I believe I can handle a bath.”
“I’m needed down at the southern wing of the estate, but if you think...”
“For god’s sake, Jim. I’m a grown man. I do not need to be coddled like a babe.” Cullen spits, weary of the constant groveling. He winces at his tone even if the anger feels right.
“Very good, Sir.” Only the sound of the door closing answers after that curt dismissal. No doubt the lower stairs would be gossiping about their brute of a Duke for that one.
Bunching his knees up, Cullen drags his head down below the soapy surface. Just before his face slips under the water, he pulls in a breath to embrace his submersion. The other officers had hazed him something awful when he appeared on deck, green as the algae. A true sailor, a man worthy of the salt, could hold his breath for at least four minutes underwater. Cullen trained his lungs every chance he could, even as he was expected to remain dry on deck. He never could last longer than three minutes before aching for air.
Concussions rattle around him, the explosions dampened by the water swarming around him. His tries to keep his eyes closed, salt already crusting over his lashes, when a hand pushes against his back. Cullen’s eyes open upon a lagoon of blood swirling like wet fog from the mass of bodies tumbling to the sea.
Gasping, he sits up fast in the bath, the jangled memories seeping off his body like nightmares come dawn. Some nights he turns to find it is his brother’s or father’s dismembered hand pressing against his back. Others, it’s the same nameless limb as from the Atlantic. The ghosts will not cease haunting him, the man entrusted to their care, the one who lost the battle but won the war. The dead care little if their sacrifice was warranted.
With both hands, Cullen massages across his temples, trying to worry away the unending cloud. To think, the day had begun rather delightfully. Caroline invited him a bowl on her lawn. He’d adored the game as a child, and often won quite a few tournaments as he aged. At first, it was relaxing to fall back to the familiar, Caroline directing him to the proper manners of the day, guiding him to who mattered and who was on the outs. For a time, he felt all of 17 again, uncertain about this nobility curse placed upon his head, but trusting that he’d somehow figure it out.
Then his knee twisted on a throw, the ball careening so wildly off course it looked more of a cannonball aiming to take out a leg. Cullen kept himself upright; a Duke rolling upon the ground in pain was undignified after all. But the reality crashed hard around him. He wasn’t a spotty youth savoring time in the sun, he was a broken man tricked by fate into the life he tried to run from. All his efforts to try and prove himself beyond the family title and all he got was a game leg and the same yoke as before.
Reaching for the end table, Cullen uncorks one of the medicine bottles. The stench reminds him of horses, not the animal itself, but something in the care needed to keeping them going. He’s not certain what’s in it, only that the doctor’s told him to rub it into his knee every other day for the pain.
Funny, he thinks to himself while loading up his palms and slathering the herbal oil over his knee. If he were a horse, they’d have put him down for such an injury. The musket ball wobbles under his skin as he rubs. It’d been trapped too dip for the doctors to remove before, but somehow in the year hence it moved. He often finds himself pressing against the ball, wringing it through a small pocket under his skin. While there is pain for such a move, it is nominal, and the feel oddly centers him while he sits in dull meetings.
No doubt a doctor would shout him stupid for such a folly, and be right to do it too. He should tend to himself, he is the last remaining head of the household now.
Cullen snarls at the thought and grows tired of the pruning around his fingers and toes. Grabbing both hands to the sides of the tub, he begins to rise -- when a searing pain pierces from his knee down the length of his calf. He crumbles to the water, his backside bounding against the bottom while curling over in agony. Water gurgles into his gaping mouth, but he barely notices, spraying it back out as he crumples deeper to try and wick away the pain.
“James? Hello?” His pride crumbles as Cullen realizes that he cannot escape the bath alone. “Is anyone out there?” Only crickets respond to the Duke’s command. Delightful. How else could he be humiliated today?
No. No, no, it cannot be...
The door doesn’t open, but he hears her body press tighter to it as she asks, “My Lord, do you require assistance?”
The Governess is the only person near enough to hear him. “No!” he cries, his body blushing at the thought of her having to haul him from the briny depths. Of her delicate fingers swept over his arms, her shoulders providing a crutch below his helpless body.
“As you say,” she says, clearly put off by his dismissal.
“Wait,” he speaks, wounded by his own barbed tongue. Wait how? How can she possibly be of assistance? “I am...I require assistance,” Cullen admits, his face cringing at the thought. “I am trapped in the...bathtub.”
“Oh? Oh...” her eagerness to help slams into a wall as she realizes what that means.
“Perhaps you can fetch the Steward, or another man wandering the halls to...” he begins when the door swings open. On instinct, Cullen pulls his naked body deeper into the tub in order to disguise as much as he can. Lady Trevelyan walks in with her hands extended outward and a handkerchief knotted over her eyes.
When she bumps into a table, she leans to the right and gasps, “Can you guide me towards you? I’m not certain where I’m heading.”
“Forward,” he squeaks realizing that the woman is dead set on helping him. Which means she will have to touch him. The flush burns to a crisp across his entire body, Cullen boiling like a prawn in his own soup. “A little more closer,” his lips fumble as the woman glides into his bedchambers. She may not be able to see anything, but the fact she’s even willing to risk so much to help him is...confounding.
Her fingers slide first against the lip of the tub, then cup the back of his naked shoulder. As she gets a grip on his skin, her touch warm and gentle, she says, “Could you put my hands where you need them?”
The trust is nearly insurmountable, Cullen wondering what she’d do if he turns out to be a cad. But, as he wants to be free of this unending nightmare, he pulls her hand around to the other side of his shoulders. “Dip down, please,” he orders, his own wet hand gripping to her pretty dress. He had never noticed before how well it frames her chest or that the color harmonizes with her deep green eyes mercifully hidden behind her blindfold.
“Lift,” Cullen commands, both of them straining as he puts half of his weight on his undamaged leg, and the rest upon her. But she does not speak a word against it, Miss Trevelyan waiting patiently for her next step. Standing on one leg, Cullen stares out over the floor he must cross. Stepping over the tub requires him to slide her hand lower.
Mother Mary, forgive me for this. Wrapping his hand over the top of hers, Cullen pulls her hands down until it rests at the start of his waist. He pushes her fingers in, trying to tell her that she will have to grip against him no matter how much it might disgust her. But the Governess seems unsurprised. “Ready?” she whispers, and Cullen counts down. Once one is reached, her strength transfers to her arm and the pair haul him clean out of the tub and to the floor.
Quickly, he hobbles towards his bed and the long nightgown he knows can hide his shame. Even as the pair limp together in a childish three-legged race, he feels the flush pooling in his loins and growing more turgid with each step. That is not helping!
At the bed, he lunges free of the Governess, snatching up towels to envelope around his hips. All the while she remains poised, her hands cupped to her stomach as if she didn’t mind having to carry him. Cullen snarls to himself, “Foolish, impotent, having to be helped from the tub as if I am some child or the elderly.”
His fussing freezes when he feels her delicate fingertips glance against his back. They press to the linen he threw across him, but with his body yet wet it sticks tight. “We all have bad days, my Lord. It is not wrong to need help every now and again.”
“I...” he turns to the woman who trudged into his bedchambers even knowing he was without clothing all to help him. If any knew, if any heard of this, she could never escape such a scandal. Yet she didn’t even hesitate. Tipping his head down, Cullen confesses, “Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without your help.”
“Pickles, most likely,” she says with a laugh bringing a smile to him as well. “Do you require anything else?”
“No, no, I’m...good evening, Miss Trevelyan.”
“To you as well,” she says with a bob of her head. Turning on a dime, she exits his bedchambers with her hands extended outward for guidance.
Unable to handle the shame of his bungle, Cullen avoids the Governess and all bodies of water for a day. Exhausted and weary, when he returns to his bedchambers, he’s shocked to find a rope attached to a pully system strung from his ceiling to the side of his empty tub.
“James?” he shouts to the Steward ordered to never leave his side. “What’s this?”
“Ah, Miss Trevelyan’s idea.”
“She put this in?” Cullen marvels tugging on the rope. The pull is clean and sturdy, the wheels oiled to not even whine.
“Yes, she said it was to assist you should you ever need help,” James explains with his back straight. No doubt the servants gossiped like wet hens over their Duke’s latest escapade.
Cullen bends down to inspect the knots on the sandbag to counter his weight. Strong, unbreakable. A sailor’s knot. “Miss Trevelyan, is she...?” he begins, before shaking the foolish thought off. Women weren’t sailors. And James stares in anticipation of a command. Blushing, Cullen finishes, “Thank her for me, and please reimburse her for her work designing this.”
“Of course, my Lord,” James says while bowing to take his leave.
“Miss Trevelyan,” Cullen whispers to himself, “you are an ocean of surprises.”
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5ftgarden · 7 years
Thank you @varriccallsme-foxlette
Interview With: Grace Trevelyan
1. Pick an original character! 2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were being interviewed for an article and you were the character/muse 3. Tag people to do the same:
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Full name?
With titles or without?
With, if you’d be so kind. All of them.
alright... I am The Lady Inquisitor Grace Anne Fortunata Serena Trevelyan-Rutherford, Sister to the Bann of Ostwick, Lady Hunter of the Ostwick Circle, Commanding Officer of The Templar Order, and Savior of Thedas.
2. NO SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS YOUR NAME? It really is Grace. Do you think I made all that up for fun?
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU WERE CALLED THAT? Fortunata is a family name, as is Serena. That’s “Ser-rain-a” not “Ser-E-na” I’m not sure about Anne, but my mother really liked the name Grace. She said it reminded her of flowers.
Happily married, thank you.
Besides being a battlemage? Sure I guess for a time I had some skill with opening and shutting fade rifts.
6. STOP BEING A MARY SUE. That’s not really in my capabilities to control, Ser.
7. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Green. If you want to be specific, they’re “emerald” green
8. HOW ABOUT YOUR HAIR COLOR? Very dark red.
9. HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? I have two brothers living in Ostwick. It was three.. but you know how these things go.
I also have my husband, and my four children.
You mean three correct?
No. Four. Lily is as much my child as the others. That she came to me from other sources is irrelevant.
10. I SEE…WHAT ABOUT PETS? Oh good lord. There’s Lady, Cullen’s mabari hound. Then there are the horses. Sargent, who is Cullen’s. Endeavor is Lily’s... horse. Then there’s mine, and his name is Blinky. And then... There’s Aiya, who is Lily’s half-wolf. Adelaide has a kitten, who hasn’t got a name yet, and the boys are too young for pets.
11. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. Licorice. It’s disgusting.
12. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? Before I lost my arm, I enjoyed playing the violin, but now I just have to sing. But music is definitely one of my joys.
13. EVER HURT SOMEONE BEFORE? Would you like me to demonstrate? 14. EVER…KILLED ANYONE BEFORE? It was my job, so yes.
15. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? A sparrow. Just ask anyone.
16. NAME ONE OF YOUR WORST HABITS. Not letting go of the past.
17. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? Cassandra. She’s incredibly strong. And I do look up to that Hawke woman. Circinae? We both understand what it is to be suddenly thrust into power.
18. SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Straight if you must know. Is this question really necessary?
19. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOl? I did, at one point. The finest training the chantry can provide- which is fairly high end.
20. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? I do? I think I have enough. 21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? Losing my freedom. Again. 22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? Trousers and men’s shirts. What? They’re comfortable. 23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Absolutely. 24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? Um... Upper class, I would guess? I am the sister to a Bann in the Free Marches. And we own our own land 25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? Maybe 20? Total? 26. THOUGHTS ON PIE? Hard to make one handed. Delicious though.
27. FAVORITE DRINK? Scotch. Preferably very strong scotch. 28. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? There’s a bluff that overlooks the House. I like that place. It’s quiet. 29. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN A LAKE OR THE OCEAN? Ocean. I love the smell of salt water. 30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ANYONE? I would hope it’s my husband.
31. WHAT’S YOUR BRA SIZE? I’m sorry? 32. WELL, WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? *snorts* definitely Templars. 33. AND WHAT ATTRACTS YOU? Diligence. 34. ANY FETISHES? Do I have to answer this truthfully? Yes I do, but i’m not sharing them with the likes of YOU.
35. SEME OR UKE? TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? Oh sweet fucking ma- if you MUST know, bottom. 36. CAMPING INDOORS OR OUTDOORS? Outdoors.
ummm.... I’ll tag @galadrieljones for Lethany, and @redinkofshame for Marigold.
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poison--pals · 3 years
cold hearts | rosalie hale
"I can't thank you enough, Charlie,"I say, fervent in gratitude.
I give the awkward, introverted, man a hug. He reacts like I usually do-frozen and tense.
However, I'm simply too filled with temporary happiness and gratitude to care.
My parents died last week, and well, I'm not about to let my aunt house me. So when Charlie heard the news, he offered to take me in.
So I've been shipped across the country to stay with my childhood best friend, Bella Swan. I know this girl more than she does herself, which just goes to show that our relationship is extraordinary.
We met in Phoenix, where I had just moved at age 7. Since then, we had hung out and texted forever, even when I moved back to Atlanta at age 16. Safe to say I haven't seen Bella in a good two years, but I missed her so much that I've just been pining to hug her again.
Bella and Charlie are the only people that know about my family's ... predicament. A town this small though, I won't be surprised if someone reads it out of our minds.
The two of us slide into the police cruiser, and I relax on the familiar seat. Sure, I've been seated on the backseat more then the front, but Charlie doesn't need to know that.
I peer out of the window at the dark small town, taking in its imperfections.
We chat like old friends, and silence takes over comfortably. "How is she?" I ask, referring to Bella. Charlie grimaces.
"She's great. Her boyfriend isn't, though." And I perk up in interest.
"Old Bella's got a boyfriend, does she?" I smile. "Hey, what happened to her converting to lesbian and marrying me?"
Charlie smirks. "Guess you can surprise her, Ti. She still doesn't know that you're here."
It's been a running joke for a long time. After I told Bella that I was a lesbian, she embraced it accordingly. Just goes to show that when a straight girl can be friends with a boy, a gay girl can be friends with a girl too.
Charlie frowns. "You know, I'm worried. Bella's pretty clumsy, but she was almost killed on the second week of school."
My head almost hits the roof. "She what?"
I swing out of the cruiser as we pull up to the quaint yellow home. Bounding up the stairs, still high on fear and worry, I slam the unlocked door against the wall and scream up the stairs, "BELLA SWAN! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!"
A couple of seconds later, a groggy Bella rolls down the stairs, wearing earbuds and a drool spot on her chin.
Bella wipes at her face with sweater paws, and squints her eyes, trying to wake up. "Ti-Tiana...?" She whispers in disbelief.
"Duh, how many friends do you have named Tiana> Do you even have friends?" I tease as she squeals and jumps up from halfway down the stairs.
Now, because this is Bella Swan we are talking about, she naturally has to fall down the rest, tripping and breaking her arm with a sighing Charlie Swan behind me.
Disappointed, but not surprised, I massage my head in exasperation. "I'll take her, Charlie, just get me the keys,"
He throws them to me, and I pick Bella up "Let's go, bestie. You owe me an explanation and a hug."
And that, my dears, is why we are sitting in a hospital.
The doctor tending to Bella, a Dr.Cullen, smiles at us, "Only a sprained wrist, though it looks much worse then it is. I can get get you a cast; green, blue, black or white?"
I snort quietly. Bella's going for the least inconspicuous one, I guarantee it.
"Green," She says. I choke on my snort, coughing a little. "Seriously?" I ask her.
"No, " Bella replies, laughing. "White please." Dr. Cullen nods and leaves.
That's the thing with our friendship, Bella and I; we'll never worry about being black and white.
We love each other more for it.
We head home, Tiana driving my truck.
As she parks at our house, lifts me out of the truck, and we enter the living room.
Charlie takes one look and sighs into his hand condescendingly. Tiana rubs his back teasingly. "I don't know how you deal with her, Charlie. I could never."
"Oh save it," I retort, while hugging my dad close. I know he's been worried ever since the car accident with Tyler, and I love him and relate so much to him that no one except Tiana can replicate.
He hugs me back awkwardly, and me and Tiana begin the spaghetti.
I may be straight, and my best friend may be lesbian, but we've made a cuddle rule at the young age of 7, and have yet to break it.
We eat dinner happily, revelling in each other's aura, and fall asleep together, cuddling like always.
Playing with Jasper's hair in the few moments he lets me, I stare sourly at the scene in front of me; Carlisle and Esme staring into eachother's eyes.
Like I need more romance right now, Edward and Bella disgust me enough. Ella and Emmett were shopping, and Alice was... well I had no idea.
Edward was busy playing the piano, trying to impress Bella even more. Like that could happen; the girl was already smitten.
Edward let out a snort, then shot me a pitiful look, reading my bitter mind.
How ironic, the two unmated vampires in the house, until a human of all things comes and claims one of them. Even more painful when the other vampire is, well, bisexual.
I didn't even really hate the girl, it was just...
I just wish I could've died when I was supposed to. It's not like there'll be anyone for me.
Alice burst through the door breezily. "She's coming!" My sister sang.
"Who?" Bella and I asked at the same time.
"Tiana. Tiana Melrone" Alice answered back.
Bella shot up from the desk, hitting her knee one the piano's bench. "Owww," She groaned. "When?"
Alice smiled. "That's for me to know and you to find out, dear future sister."
"Edward?" Bella turned around, still clutching her knee.
He held his hands up innocently. "Hey, I don't know everything!" He protested.
"And why do we care again?" I asked dryly. "Oh yeah! We don't," Before turning back to Jazz.
Bella scrunched her nose at me, "Well, she's my best friend... I'd better go home and yell at Charlie not telling me sooner. Say hi to Ella and Emmett for me,"
Bella hugged Alice, Esme and Carlisle before leaving, shooting me and Jasper a smile.
Alice smirked at me. "Moody already, it hasn't even started, " She sighed in anticipation.
"Mary Alice Brandon Cullen, reveal your secret at once," I demanded.
Ella (Emmett's mate) and Emmett decided to show up at that crucial moment, lugging bags of clothing in.
"Hey, just passed Edward and Bella-" Ella was cut off by Alice.
"La. Tua. Cantanteeee" She trilled, and the whole family snapped her heads up to look at her.
"What? Again?" Carlisle whispered.
"Oh yeah," Alice grinned. "Here's the plan."
I roll over, yawning lazily, sunlight streaming through Bella's old white blinds.
"Bells, babe, you gotta get up," I unstick my taller form from the tiny brunette, eyebrows creased in worry.
I check my watch; 7:15 AM. Eh, I'll let her have her sleep.
"Just a couple of minutes, mkay?" I lean over and kiss Bella softly on the forehead. I know I'm acting like we're married, but although Bella is beautiful, I'm simply not attracted to her.
I grab a blanket, and walk down the stairs, sighing softly.
Staring at the small kitchen, gleaming in the sunrise's effect, I slide over to the cupboards, pulling a waffle maker from the first shelf.
I whistle softly while I make the waffles, Charlie having already left. Just how happy is Bella?
I get the chance to ask her when she tramps down the staircase, brown hair neatly behind a red headband, and sporting jeans and a black sweatshirt.
"Oh hell no," I remark, and slide the waffles onto the plates, allowing them to cool off. "You've got a man, right? That is not how you dress, sweetheart."
"It's the only thing I have," Bella wheedles, but I'm not having it.
I run upstairs, view her embarrassment of a closet, grab a couple things from my suitcase, and push Bella into the bathroom with the articles of clothing.
"Tian- TIANA! YOU EXPECT ME TO WEAR THIS?!" Bella screams from inside. I only giggle.
"The red looks really good with your type of brown hair, Bells. Just like how I look good in green." I yell back.
I hear a sigh of defeat. "Fine. But one day, Ti, and if Jessica of all people doesn't compliment it, I'm never wearing this again."
I chuckle softly, then stop. "Wait, who's Jessica?"
I can her laugh softly. "This girl from Trig. She thinks I'm going to steal Mike from under her-"
I rest my head against the door softly. "Lemme know all of the dirt in that high school on the way there, Bella. Don't you try to change the subject on me, come on out."
I can practically feel her biting her nails, and swings the door open.
I check her out, then do a double take and check my best friend out again. I sigh, "Dammit, Bells, you're going to make me catch feelings, and then where will we be?"
She chuckles, looking like a goddess.
Bella's dark red headband sits perfectly on her flowing, glossy hair from the oil I gave her. At her throat, a red, glass, circle pendant sits.
Her dark red sweater wraps just the right way around her, accentuating her curves and slimness. Black skinny jeans hug her thighs, and make her legs look longer then they are.
And finally, laced boots that I bought a couple of weeks ago, black with red laces.
Bella offers me a shy smile, and I nod. "Yes. This is it. Oh my gosh!" I squeal.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Ti." Bella looks me over. "Looking like a meal."
I keel over laughing. "It's lookin' like a snacc, Bells. Oh, you'd think that you just turned 39 instead of 17."
She slaps me on the arm teasingly. "Be grateful you're hot, Ti."
I mean, I do look pretty good. A green crop top with black sleeves and a black undershirt, green jeans and green laces on my black lace -ups.
Then, three green bracelets and a green clip in my hair. Overboard? Yes.
I'm a black girl in a white world. Like my wardrobe could do anything to change that.
I get out of the red Chevy, feeling eyes burning into my skull, scouring every part of my body where my skin is visible.
The chatter is silenced, and I see people sneering at me.
I knew this would happen, and I still thought that people would accept me in this white-washed town.
I hold my head up, and sashay towards the office building, Bella walking beside me.
Once we are safely inside, I turn to her and whisper, "You can go, Bells. You know me, I'll be fine"
Bella hesitates, then hugs me. I wrap my arms around her. "I'll talk to you at lunch. Text me if you need anything." She says into my shoulder.
"Okay, love you," I let go of her hand.
She mouths 'Love you too' and then she's gone, walking back towards the entrance.
I set my arms on the office desk causally, and the secretary, an old white woman with permed blonde hair in a purple tee hung her phone up and glared at me.
"Hi, I'll be attending here for the next couple of months," I smiled kindly, "I'm Tiana Melrone,"
"Is that so?" She asked, drawing out every word.
"Yes. I actually need to go to my next class in 5 minutes, can I have my schedule and map?" My smile grew wider.
"Of course! Just give me a couple of minutes to draw one up for you," Mrs. Pine bared her teeth at me and bent down, completely ignoring the stack of maps beside her.
She perused the files for several minutes, muttering quietly, "Melrone, Melrone, Melrone," As I watched her passed the "M" section several times.
I tapped my foot angrily, clenching my jaw. The unabashed disrespect was voluminous, and when Mrs. Pine finally set my schedule down, I left, pulling Bella's old map out.
I checked it briefly, and then headed to the gymnasium, or whatever the little room was called here.
I breathed out thankfully; I still had 30 seconds until class started. The last thing I needed was detention.
I rushed to the gym as quickly as possible, and burst through the gym door right before the bell rang, huffing in annoyance and irritation.
- F O R K S H I G H S C H O O L - G Y M N A S I U M -
It was awkward.
Those were the words I'd use to describe trying to get changed in the small change room.
I was currently hushed in the crook of the locker room, trying to slip off my sweater and replace it with a t-shirt as soon as possible. I decided to take my high-rise jeans on, it would hurt my performance too much.
I practically sprinted out of the room, relief spreading as I ignored the baleful stares.
"Who does she think she is?" I heard, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blonde with a lip ring place her hand on her exposed hip in utter annoyance.
Great. It appeared that the little crook was actually "Her Spot". Perfect.
I smoothed out my leggings, and made my way to the gym floor, where everyone was setting up the nets.
There was apparently one good thing about Forks after all; it played volleyball.
- G Y M N A S I U M-
I was holding back, as per usual.
Years of playing volleyball at a high level made me really competitive at the sport, and the absolute incompetency of my peers disgusted me.
I was leaning to spike over the net to my opponent before the coach blew his whistle and announced that we were going to start playing couples against couples.
Just perfect.
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