felassan · 6 months
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Now in the BioWare Gear Store: Isabela Romance Bundle
Item description:
"GIVE IN TO THE SIREN'S CALL. What could Isabela possibly be doing out at sea? Drinking? Dueling? Getting into trouble? Actually, she might be daydreaming of sailing into the sunset with you. The Dragon Age Isabela Romance Bundle makes for a great gift for those who played Hawke and fell in love with the self-styled Queen of the Eastern Seas. It includes a piece of jewelry and a never-before-seen love letter—all housed in a gorgeous wooden box carved with a portrait of your beloved Rivaini pirate. Includes: A Letter from Isabela 3.15 x 4.55 in (8 x 11.6 cm) antiqued worn edged love letter Necklace inspired by Isabela's Rivaini Fertility Talisman"
Transcription of the letter:
"My dear Hawke, Do you know anyone with a flock of parrots? I'm trying to cheat on a bet with Varric and the stakes are exceedingly high. If you help me, I shall take you to that breathtaking beach you so crave. Free of ancient horrors, too. I think. I'd hate to take respite from all my adventures, but there are other ways to make the heart flutter. In fact I'm already imagining a few. Aren't you? Sailing there can be fatal, but Admiral Isabela will keep you safe. Are you interested? I would love to see you again. Yours, Isabela"
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"Admiral Isabela".. this letter was written in 9:41 Dragon or after.
(thanku to @iceta for helping me figure out a word in the letter for the transcript!)
You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until April 12th using my latest discount code BWAPRILFOOL. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my tracking link.
✧d(•̀ v•̀ )~~♪
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apathyosis · 1 year
do you bite (friendly) and do you bite (hostile)
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petxina · 2 years
a known catalan politician came to the museum yesterday and the fact that i couldnt physically attack him was such an act of misogyny
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12endigital · 1 year
El pleno de Elche aprueba por unanimidad reclamar al Gobierno de España la cesión temporal de La Dama tras la negativa del ministro Iceta
El pleno del Ayuntamiento de Elche en sesión extraordinaria ha aprobado por unanimidad de todos los grupos políticos el rechazo a la decisión política del Ministro de Cultura, Miquel Iceta, de negar la exhibición temporal de la Dama de Elche a nuestra ciudad, además de la puesta en marcha de medidas respecto a la promoción del busto y del yacimiento arqueológico de la Alcudia. Un acuerdo que…
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creatureesque · 1 year
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@iceta thank you for infecting me with the anders dragon age disease
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resident-problem · 13 days
Maybe spirits are the strongest emotion/ideal you exemplified or needed during your life? Andrastians believe that souls cross through the Fade when you die and that you can't come back, so maybe they're partially right in that you become a spirit, so utterly changed that you are no longer recognizable (I can't remember as well if there's a concept of being washed in the waters of the Fade, similar to Lethe, but that'd work too)? I re-played Cole's quest recently and it got me thinking that it was possibly part of what happened when the "real" Cole died.
It seems as well, that during a lot of characters journeys into the Fade they are being tested and finding out who they truly are and what they exemplify. Like in Origins for example, where (in my opinion, and from what I've played) you seem to portray hope even in the darkest hours, Cole becoming Compassion to ensure no one else was left without it, there's also something here about Solas being exemplified by a Pride demon as well, but I can't put my finger on it. Maybe that's just how things were for the elven people before the Veil? Where the Spirit and the person weren't seperate, but were one being?
It would also stand to reason that demons are those who either can't find peace, are corrupted spirits, or were already corrupt when they died. Maybe it was a case of demons never existing until a certain event happened and then it spread like a disease. Be it the creation of the Veil, something to do with the Void, or something else entirely, but something possibly provoked a shift in the spirits.
**EDIT** Thank you to @iceta for reminding me that Down Among the Dead Men exists!! I re-read it, and I have some thoughts.
There seem to be roughly two categories of this phenomenon: One is that you're truly dead like Karn and Audric and it's your corpse that's possessed, and the other is right before you die, the spirit inhabits your body. Some tentative examples would be Wynne, Anders (although I haven't played the DLC, so this is just what I read on his wiki page), Cole, and these are out there, but I'd also categorise Lucanis — from what I've seen in the QnA with the devs, specifically the line where someone decided to make the "Demon" part of the Demon of Vyrantium more permanent — and Solas, but that's hinged on my ancient elf theory from earlier. Could also make an argument about the Evanuris being the first demons (something about their useage of power being so against a spirit's nature that it corrupted them), but I don't have enough evidence to prove it either way.
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zbigniewedward · 10 months
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Miquel Iceta
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got tagged by @herearedragons to make some ocs in heroforge! I already had these guys done before but did try to tweak their faces now that that's a thing you can do!
Tagging @greypetrel @shivunin @brainwormterrarium @a-drama-addict @bearsizedant @scorbutic-properties @cao-the-dreamer @iceta @midmorninggrey @nanowatzophina @daggerbean @creativegoblin @superboyconner @inquisimer and anyone else who wants to give it a go! :]
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Sixteen Spanish nuns have announced they are breaking from the Catholic Church and instead placing themselves under the authority of Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, a self-styled bishop who was excommunicated in 2019.
The 16 Poor Clare sisters, part of the Franciscan Order of Saint Clare, were based in the dioceses of Burgos and Vitoria in northern Spain.
The schism comes against the backdrop of conservative anger over the leadership of Pope Francis. In February, 90 Catholic clergymen and scholars wrote a letter to "all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church," urging them to oppose a document approved by the pontiff that allowed priests to bless same-sex couples. Earlier this month, Francis angered many American conservatives by describing efforts to prevent migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexican border as "madness."
The 16 nuns, led by Sister Isabel of the Trinity, announced their break from Catholic authorities in a five-page open letter published on their convent's website.
In the letter, Sister Isabel said Catholics have had to endure "the silence of our pastors," who "left their sheep alone and helpless to face the wolves."
Referring to the papacy, she added: "From the Throne of Peter we have been receiving contradiction, confusion and doublespeak, ambiguity, lack of clear doctrine, which is all the more necessary in stormy times, to hold the rudder more firmly.
"During this time the sisters, each in her own style, way and rhythm, have been contemplating a question, a doubt about the one who steers the Barque of Peter, and his closest collaborators. A doubt which, in time, became SCANDAL."
Newsweek has contacted the press office of the Holy See for comment by email.
Sister Isabel also said the Vatican prevented the community from selling an empty monastery in Derio, the proceeds of which were intended to pay for a new monastery in Orduña. She said the decision was a bid to control "traditionally minded communities and keep their real estate to sell."
The sister said the group would instead put itself under the authority of Sánchez-Franco, whom she styled a "legitimate bishop of the Holy Catholic Church" despite his excommunication by the Vatican.
She added: "They are going to call us heretics and schismatics, crazy, and many more very disagreeable and calumnious things, but don't believe them; at least this once, don't let them fool you."
In an attached 70-page document titled "Catholic Manifesto," the group said it recognized "H.H. Pius XII as the last valid Supreme Pontiff," adding that "the see of St. Peter is vacant and usurped."
In a broadcast on Spanish radio station COPE, Archbishop Mario Iceta of Burgos, under whose jurisdiction the 16 nuns fell, said when he first heard they were leaving, he "thought it was fake news," the Catholic News Agency reported.
He said the schism "seems absolutely wrong," adding that the church must see "if it is possible to heal it, cure it, reverse it" through dialogue with the nuns.
According to the Catholic News Agency, the archbishop added: "I don't know if they realize the profound consequences that this step has and that is why my option or my opinion is that this should not be done precipitously, let this media tidal wave pass, let's see if it's possible to establish a relationship with them and dialogue and look at these issues and give them time to reconsider this situation that seems so surprising and strange to me."
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vigilskeep · 1 year
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@iceta no i totally agree i just didnt realise until very late in my playthrough so i canonised that my warden was no good at them jgshsjsjks. anders is my glyphs man in awakening, i cant do without him
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skipp3r · 1 year
My art page @skip-sketch. Theres nothing there yet but hello
@iceta @druckers
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apathyosis · 1 year
ask game: 1, 2, 4 and 43
1 ; who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Uhhh , meta knight , dedede , kirby , magolor , pyro tf2 , probably more but thats all i can think of rn HAH
Silly little guys that are like parental figures , or just super silly and huggable HEHE
2 ; lighter or matches?
Lighters are hard for me to work , i like matches better tbh
4 ; which cryptyd being do you believe in?
Uhh , hm , good question ,
Definitely the native American ones , and the uh !! Mothman !!!
Tbh any really i think /lh
43 ; what’s your take on spicy foods?
I cant handle them alot but i like em , can really only eat them if im craveing it though
I like it :]c
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smbwithana · 2 years
i couldnt fast bc i was gonna binge if i hadnt eaten. i plan to eat by counting calories for today
breakfast: mini bread with olive (270), icetae (63)
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12endigital · 1 year
El alcalde de Elche exige la creación de una Patronato Nacional para excavar la Alcudia
El Alcalde de Elche, Pablo Ruz exige la creación de un Patronato Nacional en el yacimiento arqueológico de la Alcudia para financiar las excavaciones del patrimonio arqueológico que queda pendiente en la zona donde se encontró el busto de la dama de elche. Ruz reclama que la presencia del Ministerio de Cultura en los espacios arqueológicos debe ser permanente, y “debe ser a través de un Patronato…
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laus-deo · 7 days
Belorado: por fin Iceta pide en el juzgado el desahucio de las exmonjas... puede tardar un año o más
El arzobispado de Burgos ha anunciado mediante una nota pasadas las siete de la tarde del lunes que “ha quedado presentada la demanda en el juzgado competente para que las exreligiosas abandonen el monasterio”. La nota no usa la palabra “desahucio” ni “desalojo”, pero implica la petición a la autoridad judicial, y llegado el caso policial, para que se actúe expulsando a las ex-religiosas de los…
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creatureesque · 2 years
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my fenders fanart based off my amazing friend's ramblings about them . never played the game. hi @iceta
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