#oh my god and they were Wol-mates.
candycryptids · 8 months
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Nightmares, Trauma, Jealousy
If the tireless, dauntless, Eikon slaying Warrior of Light won’t pay attention to him he’ll simply take more extreme measures until he Cannot Be Ignored.
Character on far left is Kizuna and belongs to @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight
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dragoonaway · 4 years
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Word Count: 1593
Synop: I wanted to kill my WoL off but then I was like nah nvm this is cool so here we are. When I played it out in my head it looked a lot better lmao.
It had been a decade, and she had not died yet.
Eorzea seemed to be okay, in this limbo of primal summoning and peace. There was no imminent war on the horizon, nor were they fighting for sovereignty anymore. Occasionally she would be called upon for an emergency when one of the beast tribes attempted to summon their gods in hopes they would listen to their cries for...whatever. She never bothered to really learn the reasons, they all sound the same after a while. The Scions had disbanded after a time, each going their separate ways and continuing on with whatever their work required. She was someone who was happy to fade into the stone of Ishgard, feeling at home in the snow and mountains. 
Though she was their champion and pioneering light to end the Dragonsong War, they treated her as someone who just wanted to be left alone. That was all she asked for anyway. Her days were filled with training the next league of dragoons and their dravanian mounts, other times she was away for a while with Estinien, finding the last of those affected by his song of vengeance and trying to distinguish the last of that flame. They had not gone through with a ceremony of bonding, they were fine with just the common knowledge that it was them against the world. The last two Azure Dragoons, and the very first Crimson Dragoons. 
Instead of death, she had become sanctified. The warrior who brought peace and unity to a kingdom so strife with division and war. The people knew peace now, knew how it meant to be a nation, and it had been that way for nearly a decade. 
The intelligence was interesting to be briefed on, though. Once again she was called upon, not to get rid of a primal however, but to protect her home. She didn’t call the Scions and requested for them to not bother, usually she had these things all handled. It’s not like they really helped her at all when it came to slaying primals, how would a small insurgence be any different? 
Oh, but it was so different. 
So, so different. 
She found herself restricted by invisible forces, so far greater than that of a god. Most of Ishgard’s army lay dead on the Steps of Faith, dragoons and dragons alike speared with their own lances. A force field stood glittering, separating her from Aymeric and Estinien, who watched with horror as the Warrior of Light was brought to her knees by power never encountered before. Maybe this would be her demise, then. Her blood was roaring in her ears, the steady beat of her heart picking up as she felt fear, truly, for the first time. 
This would be the end.
Estinien was yelling beyond the wall, his voice barely reaching her ears. Her opponent said naught, facing her with his faceless apparition, holding her life in chains. She wished she could reach Estinien, reach him and tell him to let her go. Self-sacrifice was a thing of the past, but they came for her. The fighting had stopped as soon as they got their sightless grip on her. For all that she loved, she was willing to go. Maybe it was time. She felt like it wasn’t, but the taxing title of Warrior of Light had an expiration date that might have been sooner rather than later. 
She watched her lance rise in the air, twirling delicately. The rush of her blood was louder in her ears this time and she could not feel the blessing of Hydaelyn anymore. There were cracks exploding in the air as all those attempted to break through whatever force field began to yield to the force of the Crimson Dragoon. 
But it was too late. 
The lance pierced the air, through her body, breaking her ribs with its force. Her breath was forced out of her, blood making its way up from her stomach, flowing at the corners of her mouth. She accepted her fate in those quick seconds, just as the force field shattered through Estinien’s sheer force of will. 
But in a moment of cruelty, this being sent her body off the Steps and into the Sea of Clouds, tumbling with her own lance piercing through. The last thing she heard before slipping into the cold hands of death was the great roar of Nidhogg as Estinien called upon the wyrm’s power.
Death, however, for the Warrior of Light, wasn’t all that simple.
No, she had been blessed, but not by Hydaelyn. 
“Hello, warrior of warriors.” The draconic words floated into her subconscious, and she found herself among the stars, resting among a seal of draconic magic. Ratatoskr’s celestial form stared into her, the blue fire of her making cradling the warrior in its painless flame.
“Ratatoskr.” She breathed, confused and yet thankful she wasn’t dead just yet. Or maybe she was, and this was some weird allusion to an afterlife for the dragoon that was blessed by Hraesvelgr. 
“I heard mine brother’s cry at thy death. The knight that is thine mate knows naught except pain, akin to Nidhogg. He rages but cannot exact vengeance for thy demise with mine brood-mate’s power threatening to erupt. I fear the Dragonsong will be sung again, but mayhap all of Eorzea rather than thine kingdom alone.”
A scene in her mind’s eye. The storm of fire racing down the Steps of Faith, burning corpses to ashes and lighting stone to burn. Estinien was barely visible among the power, but he was there. On the brink of losing control, and yet at the same time composed with hurt burning in his eyes. She could see the slight glimmer of wetness on his cheeks and her heart broke. Though her and Estinien were not ones for words of love and affirmation, just subtle shows of their feelings in action and partnership, it was beyond all that was ethereal her love for him. They did not discuss it, but in whatever mystical way the Eye worked and the power of the Azure Dragoon fated them together and forged a bond much deeper than that of every day. It has been that way for ten years, and she’d be damned to let it go now.
“I would give thou mine blessing, if for one condition.”
The great beast was certainly terrifying, but she felt a certain kinship with this great wyrm, dead or alive. “Anything.” She whispered into the void, her voice harsh with emotion. 
“Let me consume thou as Nidhogg consumed thy mate, and for one last time, let us defeat your opponent. Then I will restore thine soul and yet again thou shalt see another dawn.”
At this point, she’d give all her aether away just to kiss that Elezen one last time.
In a sudden rush of life and power far greater than she has ever known, she came crashing down onto the steps beside Estinien. Her corporeal body was nowhere to be seen, just this apparition hemmed in an azure flame. She was not in control here, though. Looking to Estinien, she saw the reflection of Nidhogg mirror Ratatoskr’s shade, and she glimpsed a play of emotion on the dragoon’s face that she had never seen before. He knew what was happening, though, and the subtle bob of his throat told her enough. It was time to swallow hurt, in order to triumph for another day. 
The lance of aether she wielded in this form raised, with Estinien mimicking, and together they summoned the shades of the great wyrms to the Steps. No greater power existed beyond this moment right here, as the strength of eternity barreled its way towards the slaughterers. In a great burst of dragonfire, swirling between red and blue in a show of mystical prowess, her slayer ceased to exist. The cloak it wore lay empty on the stone, the being or whatever it was banished into a realm that would bar it from ever entering again.
And then it was over, the shades disappearing into the mist and her with it.
“Thank you, warrior of warriors.”
Estinien, as strong as he was, could not stand any longer. He sunk to his knees, lance skittering across the stone. He had no voice anymore, nothing left to scream, nothing left to yell. He had destroyed her murderer with the warrior at his side, yet she did not stay. He thought he knew the pain of death when his family was taken from him in such a violent way, and he carried that every day, but this was fresh. He could no longer feel her soul tugging on him, letting him know that she existed in the world. His equal, his partner, a piece of his life force.
All taken away.
“She lives yet, dragoon.” A haunting, familiar rumble that spoke sweet nothings that held no truth.
But then she was there, surrounded in a ring of fire. Her armor untouched, her lance at her side, unconscious on the ground and yet whole once again.
Remaining composed was on the forefront of his mind as he gathered her body in his arms, watching life rattle through her as she took a frail breath. Aymeric had reached him by now but understood that perhaps silence is better than trying to get in his way to make sure the Warrior of Light was still alive. The lord of Ishgard gathered the great relic lances and followed in Estinien’s stead, bringing her home.
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Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Characters: Pyotyr Ilych (Male Duskwight Elezen WoL OC), Mhardraga Drystelakwyn (Roegadyn Sea Wolf OC)
Rating/Warnings: T (Sexual Situations, Implied Violence)
Summary: Around 20 years before he joins the Scions and gains the title of Warrior of Light, a young privateer gets some news that will change the course of his life forever
"Oi! Ilych! Cap'n wants to see ye!"
The first mate's rough voice echoed through the hold, to the corner where Pyotyr was currently involved in the rather delicate operation of mixing up a fresh batch of gunpowder. He startled, nearly dropping a rather potent mixture, and only barely catching it at the last minute, he laid it aside very carefully before he turned to answer.
"Seven Hells, Slafsryswyn! Ye could have made me blow up half the ship!"
"But you didn't now, did ye, pretty boy?" The Sea Wolf grinned at him.
"Bah, I guess not. I'll be there soon as I stow this shite."
Slaf raised a hand in acknowledgement and climbed back to the upper decks as Pyotyr busied himself with tucking away the fresh batch. They weren't expecting any more combat until they docked back in Limsa, but they'd nearly depleted their stock taking on that fat Garlean transport, and you never knew when one of their magitek contraptions would show up looking for revenge.
Still, that was a worry for later. With everything put away, he stopped by the rainwater barrel, scooped up a cup, splashed a bit to clean the powder from his hands and face, and reached up to undo the bandanna around his head, letting his long, luxurious hair fall around his shoulders. It was admittedly harder to keep it looking good out at sea, but damned if he didn't try, putting aside part of his share of every haul for special Uldahn oils, keeping a fine bone comb and brush in his personal belongings. And came close enough to succeeding to earn the moniker pretty boy, at that.
With his toilette attended to, he grabbed the ladder out of the hold, bounded up the stairs to the upper decks, and soon stood to knock smartly on the door of the captain's cabin.
"Enter!" her voice barked from behind the thick red door, and Pyotyr opened it, stepping in quickly and closing it behind before turning to grin and fire a casual salute at the captain, "You wanted to see me, Captain?"
The captain sat behind her dining room table, fingers steepled in front of her face as if deep in thought. She broke the pose to gesture to the chair across from her, "Ilych. Sit down, we need to talk."
Pyotyr's face fell a bit, noticing the somber, sober look on his captain's face, a look she rarely put on even in the depths of battle, "Everything alright, Captain?"
"Seven Hells, Darlin, I ain't even sure how to put it." She slumped a bit in the chair, now letting one hand fall to the table as the other cradled her forehead for a moment.
At the sound one of her pet names for him, Pyotyr's stance loosened a bit, and he leaned over to clasp her free hand in his own, "Whatever it is, Mhar, I'm here. You tell me who's throat I gotta slit or who's boat I gotta sink, and I'm on it."
Captain Mhardraga Drystelakwyn raised her head to smirk at Pyotyr at that, "Damn it, Pet. You know I like to do that shite myself. Anyway, it ain't about someone else, not really. It's about us."
"Us...?" Pyotyr looked, lips pursed slightly, eyes shining.
"Oh, don't give me those Dodo eyes, Darling, it ain't even about that. It's... Well, Gods damn me, I'm pregnant."
"Oh, well, that's not too bad, I'm sure we can-" Pyotyr's mouth ran full speed ahead for a few seconds before his brain caught up, "Wait. Pregnant?"
Mhardraga sighed, "Aye. I've had my suspicions fer a few days, but I had Doc come by and check a few things. Ain't many other explanations fit the signs."
"Well. Blow me down. That's. Unexpected..." Pyotyr leaned back in his chair now, his eyes widening as he stared at her.
Mhardraga shook her head, crossed her arms, "Ain't that the understatement of the century."
A Moment of silence, Pyotyr scratched the back of his head, then spoke, "So. What do you want to do?"
"You mean after I keelhaul the Chemist what sold me that bum batch of lambsbane?" She chuckled, "Well. That's the rub, ain't it? Ye know me better than almost anyone on this ship, sides from maybe Slaf. Ye know I ain't the mothering type. I like my freedom. I like to go where I will, do what I want, plunder and explore to my hearts content. Only thing I've ever wanted. A Kid wouldn't really do well with that, y'know?"
"So. After ye visit the chemist, ye visit the hedge witches?"
"Ugh. Maybe, but Doc thinks I might be too far long to just flush em out safely too. Hard to say. Maybe I need to carry the kid out, and if they come out alright, I'll see I can find an orphange on shore to take 'em in."
Pyotyr frowned.
"I know that look, Ilych," Mhardraga reverted to his "serious" on deck name, but his voice was full of fondness, "What're ye thinking?"
"I don't know Mhar, I ran with a few Orphans, back in the day. I saw what their lives were like, heard some pretty bad stories bout some of them orphanages, bad food, bad beds, angry old asses for caretakers, an' everything. I'd have a hard time, knowing my flesh was being put through that."
Mhardraga sighed, "Maybe, but what choice do we have?"
"Well. I could go ashore. Raise the kid meself."
"Listen, Mhar. I know it sounds knee-jerk an all, but... I love this ship. You and Slafs and Doc and the Powder Monkeys and everyone. You've been the best bunch of mates a tar could ask for. An' in some other world, I coulda stayed on this ship til it sunk or I lost my sea legs. But it ain't my life, not like it is fer you. I came out here to lose some heat and 'cuz just about every Limsan street rat tries their hand at it sooner or later. You're out here because this is what ye were born to do. You deserve to be out here. You're the best sailor, the best captain, the best skirmisher, the best carouser, the best, well, damn near everything a pirate should be! And you don't deserve to have to give that up just because some crooked Chemist decided to give you a bum lambsbane order to save himself a few gil! So. Let me go ashore and raise the kid. I'll do right by it."
"You sure about this, Pet? It'll be a lonelier sea without you."
"And I'll miss you, Mhar. I will. But Limsa Lominsa always was my home. I still remember every inch of her back alley. I still know every dive bar and fighting ring. I still miss sitting on the docks next to the fisherman's guild and watching the boats come back in with their catches, or picking pockets down at the Bismarck. Maybe it's about time I went back anyway."
"And how will you feed the brat? Hell, how will you feed yerself? You know if you stay with me I'll keep you rollin' in treasure til your dying day."
Pyotyr chuckled slightly, "Aye, you would, I know. But I ain't helpless either. I've kept the ships books for a few years, and between mixing gunpowder and helpin' Doc out with poultices, I know my way around a chemist's lab alright. I could probably get a job with the Arcanist's guild without too much trouble."
"Ugh. I suppose you're right. You always were too smart for your own good."
"Aaaaaand. If I get enough pull in the guild, and you needed to get something through customs..."
"Pah, where's the fun it that? There's no challenge in just finding some crooked inspector! 'Sides, it'll be my kid you're raising too. I may not be interested in being a mother, but I'm not gonna beggar my own kid by getting their father clapped in irons. I'll smuggle it in the old fashioned way."
"Fine, fine. But the option will be there. You can take the pirate out of the sea, but you can't take- wait, you can't- Um. Hm, that metaphor made more sense in my head. Anyhow, I'll still be a Privateer. Til Death."
Mhar chuckled, "Seven Hells, I'm gonna miss you, Ilych. You were a good lay and a better crewmate, and I won't let no-one say different."
Pyotyr grinned, "Luckily, I've had no complaints in either department."
Pyotyr laughed at that one, raising his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. I deserved that one. But you still got a few months before the kid comes, right? And you got me til then, if you want me."
"Course I want you, Pet. Don't be silly. We'll take these months then, and we'll squeeze everything we can out of 'em. We'll remind the Garleans why they fear the name of Pomona's Privateers. I might need a few months to recover after popping this baby out, and I don't want them to forget in the meantime."
Pyotyr smiled, "Aye, Captain."
A beat,then Mhardraga spoke again, "You got any duties right now, Ilych?"
"Nothing to speak of Captain. I should brew up a few more onzes of Gunpowder, though..."
"Oh, Hang the Gunpowder. We ain't gonna see any action between here and Vylbrand anyway," She said, and leaned back in her chair, one hand reaching lazily up to undo the buckles on her waistcoat, "So. Why don't you stay here, for now? I could use the company."
Pyotyr smiled again, softly, and rising from the table, he gave a mock salute before coming round it to the other side, "Aye, Captain."
0 notes
xiumin-on-this-shit · 8 years
I Am An Alpha Ch 7: Yixing
I hope this makes up for being MIA for a few days
“Is all of this really for me?” My jaw drops and my mouth waters at the sight of the beautifully set table with many kinds of food covering it. “I’ve never seen this much food before.” The wolf on my left hums as he leads me closer to the table, he nudges the head chair before looking at me expectantly. I quickly obey and curl up in the seat. I’m thankful Yixing has also given me one of his hoodies to keep warm in such a big house. He lays down at my side allowing me to eat alone, I sigh, when is he going to realize I don’t want to be alone. I use my foot to push the next to me out making him jump. “Join me?”
He hops up on to the seat and stares at me.
“What would you like?” I muse scanning over all the dishes, most consisting of marinated meats and vegetables. He continues to stare at me and I swear I can see him smiling. “You can transform back into a human if you want. I promise I won’t be scared anymore.”
He shakes his head.
His eyes scan over the room and even into the living room.
“Ah, you don’t want to leave me alone again, right?”
He nods.
“What a shame, I would really like to talk to you,” I hum as I pet his head. His massive head leans into my touch eagerly. “Well I guess since you can’t tell me what you want you are going to eat what I give you.” I take the empty plate that had been left for me and quickly begin filling it with a little of everything that was on the table until there is no room left. “How does that look?” I set it down in front of him and watch for any kind of reaction. He stares down at the food before looking at me, concern in those golden eyes. I chuckle, “Don’t worry Hyung, I’ll eat too.”
I begin picking off each plate and shoving the food into my mouth eagerly, hoping that he would eat too.  After I stuff down a few bites he eagerly begins eating too. I’m proud of myself, see, I tell myself, I can do this!
“How are things tasting?” Baekhyun muses as he places a hand on my shoulder. I’m out of my chair before I even know it, my teeth bared at the sudden intruder. His hands are up in surrender, “It’s just me.” The moment I realize that it’s him I stand up straight and give him an apologetic smile.
“I’m so sorry Hyung!”
“You are fine,” He gestures for me to return to my seat, “Your pack mentioned something about how you won’t be used to physical affection, I’m sorry. I just got excited.”
“They’re right, beyond my pack I never received any kind of love or gentleness so I’m going to have to get used to it.”
He nods, “I think that is one of the reasons we let Lay take care of you, he has the most self control out of us. Especially right now, I’m so impressed and kind of jealous.”
Yixing lets out a low growl.
“Don’t worry Hyung I’m just stopping in to make sure she’s enjoying her food and her silent company.”
“I told him he could transform back but he doesn’t want to leave me alone.”
“He is right, not all of us have his ability to stand this close to you for a long period of time without being all over you. I heard that Kai couldn’t even last a minute once he caught her scent.”
I wrap my arms around myself, his stare making me uncomfortable, “You heard about that?”
“I also heard that Kris got to touch you,” He takes a step closer making me curl tighter in my chair.
“I figured it would be fair, I owed him.”
“For what? If anything he owed you for attacking you all those year ago.”
I gulp, “I shot him.”
“This is getting so exciting!”
Yixing growls once again when he comes even closer.
“I would leave if I were you,” I suggest sensing the hostile energy coming off the wolf. “He doesn’t look like he’s in the best mood.”
Baekhyun suddenly looses his happy smile, “Do you want me to go?”
“That’s not it, I just-“ I’m cut off by the sound of excited boys speaking loudly and rushing in our direction. Again I’m out of my chair, but this time before they enter the room. My back is to Yixing, at this point I feel like he is the only person I can trust to stand behind me.
“Go quick, they just came back from a quick run, their instincts are still going to be really strong. We don’t want them getting too excited when they see you, go back to Yixing hyung’s room and I’ll bring some more food up, but you need to go now.” Baekhyun shoos me out of the dining room.
I follow Yixing back up stairs, pouting a bit, “I wasn’t scared for once and now I’m running.” At the top of the stairs I hesitate and almost consider going back down, I might not be this brave later on. By brave I mean I’m not shaking in my boots like a pup and I feel like I could actually look them in the eye. But Yixing nudges me forward, I trust him to know best. Back in his room I’m cautious of where I stand so I end up standing in the middle of the room like an idiot. He gestures to the door with his nose, asking me to lock it, which I quickly obey before he disappears into the closet.
“Feel free to sit on the bed,” His voice startles me. Of course he transformed back to his human form, I even told him too but why do I suddenly feel nervous? I take this moment to mental prepare myself to have one on one time with one of my mates for the first time. I can do this.  “Or if you don’t feel comfortable with that you can continue to stand in the middle of the room,” He teases as he comes out of the closet.  I turn around to face him and automatically regret it.
He is so good looking. In sweat pants and a t-shirt he is wearing what I’ve seen my pack mates wear a thousand times but on him but just looks so much more sexy. He pushes his black hair out of his face and gives me a small smile that has my heart racing. Of course he notices it and automatically switches from charming to panic. He rushes over to me, his hands hold on to my upper arms.
“Are you okay?” He worries. “I’m not scaring you am I?”
“No!” I answer quickly, and a bit too aggressive. I find myself covering my mouth from embarrassment.  
“Than what’s wrong?”
I nibble on my lip before admitting, “You just made my heart race, that is all, I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“Oh,” His grip on me loosens but he doesn’t let go, a small smile forms on those pretty pink lips. We just stand there for a minute enjoying each others company, I let my hands hold on to his forearms and smile at the electric sensation between our skin. After a long moment he asks me, “Could I ask you a few questions about you and your past?” Looking up at him I know it was a hard question to ask, I’m expert when it comes to reading peoples body language and facial expressions, it also helps that Yixing seems to be an open book. It allows me to know that him and the rest of his pack are very concerned about what could have happened to me, that strangely warms my heart.
“Of course, ask anything you want, I’m not shy about my past,” I try to give him a non-awkward smile as I let him lead me toward the bed. I sit on the left side with my back pressed against the headboard, I almost consider going under the covers but kill the idea when I think about what could happen with us under the covers together. My cheeks burn at the thought of anything dirty.
“I’m going to get more blankets, Sehun and some of the others like the house cold at night so we are going to need them,” He says as he leaves the room.
When he is gone I let out a breath I didn’t even known I was holding, oh my god, he’s so cute. I can’t believe he is part of this pack, he seems far to sweet but I guess I have no room to judge. I grimace at the thought of them seeing the real me, but at the same time I can’t wait for it. They are going to be blown back, the idea has me giggling so hard I don’t hear Yixing coming back in.
“What a beautiful sound,” He muses, “What has you giggling so hard?”
“Nothing,” I lie with my big doe eyes.
He doesn’t question it, he just chuckles to himself as he lays out a couple of blankets over the bed. I relax into the bed and sigh, I can’t even remember the last time I slept on a real bed. It must have been around the time we got Kookie, so around 25-28 years ago? Oh god it has been too long. My embarrassment of sharing covers is taken over by my urge to burry myself in the comfort of all these blankets and pillows. Yixing just watches as I burrow under the covers and into the calling warmth.
“Are you having fun?” He chuckles once again.
I nod, “It have been a long time since I’ve slept in a bed and it definitely wasn’t this soft and it sure as hell didn’t smell as good.” The last part kind of slips out and I find myself blushing. I realize that’s why this bed seems so inviting, sure the bed is soft and the blankets are warm but it is his alpha pheromones calling me to him and his territory.
“What do I smell like to you?” He wonders as he crawls on to the bed, he lays on his stomach.
“You smell sweet,” I hum as I try to think of more descriptive words. “You make me think of when I would mix honey in with my tea.”
“I smell like honey tea?” He mocks.
I nod, “I love the smell of honey tea. But before I let you mock me, tell me what I smell like to you.”
“Spring, like the beginning of spring when all the flowers are blooming and everything is waking up after winter.”
I smile, “You said you wanted to ask me a few questions?”
“Aw yes!” He pops up to rest on his elbows, “I actually have more than a few but they are not all my own. Kris hyung and the others were sending me some when I was in my wolf form.”
“I completely forgot about the telepathy.”
He cocks his head in confusion, “You don’t transform often do you?”
I shake my head, “I haven’t transformed in over a year, it makes it harder for people to sense us on their territory when we are in human form.”
“What about before you were out of the army? Did you transform often?”
“Nope, we weren’t allowed to. They thought that if our wolves had the chance to dominate our mind we would rebel.”
“Do you miss transforming?”
“I would like to be able to run freely, I haven’t done that in so long. The last time I let my wolf take over completely was right after we were set free. All of us did it, in turns, half of us went while the others stayed back to keep an eye on your stuff. But when I went out I didn’t come back for a whole day,” I grin at the memory. “It felt so amazing to be that free, I have no idea how I got my wolf to turn back for my pack.”
“Why didn’t you start being a normal female omega after you were freed?”
“In all honesty I was really scared of the idea. I mean even if I started acting like a normal girl and dressed like one my pack would have treated me the same but I didn’t want others to think of me as some weak link. Not to mention it would have added a target on not just my back but my packs as well. Most male packs would kill for a female omega, mate or not, it was something to fuck. I wanted to avoid the attention and at the same time I also didn’t want to loose my title.” I pat my chest proudly, “I am an alpha. I made it into the top hunter party of the blood red army. Even though I didn’t enjoy what I was doing to the innocent I was happy about the fear I could strike into the other soldiers who looked like they were enjoying the horrible things we were doing.”
“My mate is so strong,” He coos.
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“How did you end up here?” I scoot a little bit closer to him but there is still a massive space in between us on the king sized bed.
“Nothing even near as exciting as your story, my brothers and I just took over this territory from our father and we’ve just expanded it a bit but that is just about it.”
I scoff, “That is not just about it, you are the black dragons! I’ve heard scary stories about you, you guys wiped out the whole entire red ribbon army, while at least most of them. Some were too good to be caught,” I mock with my tongue out.
“We are pretty brutal people, but I don’t want you to know that side of us until you get to know us. I don’t want you to know anything but warmth and love from us.” He reaches out and strokes my head softly.
“Too late for that Hyung,” I chuckle. “I was already attacked by head alpha and shot him, I already know your dark and wild sides, well his not yours.”
“Kris ge,” Yixing corrects.
“Kris ge,” I echo.
He nods, “Ge would not like you being so formal with him, he already feels like you hate him.”
“I don’t hate him.”
“Make sure you let him know that when you see him.”
“He isn’t sleeping this early is he? Could he be doing work or something?”
“He’s most likely working, why?”
“I don’t hate you Kris ge!” I sort of yell, loud enough for him to hear where ever he is in the house but not loud enough to bust an eardrum.
Yixing laughs so hard he has to hold his stomach, “Couldn’t wait could you?”
“I don’t want something like that weighing down on his mind.”
“Such a sweet girl.”
“I’m not usually like this so enjoy it, my hyungs and dongseangs would have a field day with this.”
“I will definitely enjoy this.”
We lay there for hours talking about everything and anything. We slowly scoot closer and closer together until my head is resting on his shoulder. Our hands are collapsed together, fingers intertwined. Yixing has tucked us both under the covers hours ago when the house already started getting colder, his body makes the perfect heater. He offers to sleep on the floor or in another room but I quickly shut that idea down.
“Did you ever feel scared and alone out there being an omega?”
“I felt lots of things when I was out there. I felt weak, scared, stupid, useless, but never once did I feel alone. I always had someone, I always had my pack. Sure some times we would get separated for a little while due to missions but never for more than a day. Loneliness is foreign to me or at least I thought it was.”
“Trust me, you are never going to feel lonely here, there will always be someone trying to get your attention so you can rest easy.”
“Good, I don’t even want to imagine life all by myself,” The horrifying thought has me snuggling into Yixing’s embrace. He doesn’t seem to mind one bit, in facts he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer.
“Is this okay?”
“This is more than okay,” I mumble as I finally burry my face in the crook of his neck.
“Good, because there was no way in hell I was going to be letting you go.”
 Here you go! *Throws glitter aggressively into your face*
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eirenare · 7 years
Möbius Final Fantasy: more hyperino
So, lately I’ve been playing Möbius Final Fantasy a lot, and... Well, I mentioned before I was excited about the game, but that reached new levels yesterday when I finished part 2 of chapter 3.
Chapter 3 was going around the area close to the royal castle, helping people out, earning the Marks of the elements to show your worth before being able to meet princess Sarah in person, and so on... And then WHAM, Chaos appears and things get interesting.
It’s mentioned that Blanks seemed to have a “hole” in their heart they fill doing different things, and then it was also implied/said that they “seek release”... And, well, it got confirmed yesterday, because it also seems that, when they’re close to Chaos and/or about to die, they remember their names and so on.
It was quite a wink to FFIV reading a certain Blank that I liked proclaim he was from Eblan before rushing to charge and dying (poor dude...).
Oh, and also it seems that Garland had been going around doing what he’s doing now with Wol, with other previous Blanks... A captain said a rumour that runs around that Garland eats (or something similar) the souls of Blanks, but well, I’m not giving much credit to that.
But well, heading to the most interesting things...
Chaos is, like... Not what I was expecting. I was expecting a guy that would be scary and humanoid, and we got this statue that looks like the statue of a sword with a head and a crystal, and he’s TALL AS FUCK, and has an expression that’s weird (and it looks like kinda sad, like as if it’s suffering ot something).
His attacks along with his monsters are devastating, and the part 2 of the chapter 3 you spend it going after him in the area, until the fight comes. Also, you have one or two scenes with Garland, and in one he tells something like that Wol isn’t fated to die that day...
The fight is not that though, and when you finish it, GOD DAMMIT, Chaos just leaves the area, like, letting you live because you’re not fucking worth to be smashed to the ground by him. 
But MORE JUICY THINGSSS, and this time concerning Garland!
After the battle with Chaos, he goes to talk to you, and he says Sarah (he didn’t even mention her title) wants to see him. And thus it started a scene that had me, at the same time: surprised, laughing on the inside, seeing it as ironic, feeling suspicious, AND FANGIRLING.
Yes, all at the same time. To sum it up? ... GARLAND IS THE BOSS.
You’re about to go into the castle to meet princess Sarah, and Garland, as ALWAYS, warns you. He says to not let her get to your mind, and then, you talk to a moogle and the scene starts rolling out. You’re in princess Sarah’s room, which is, contrary to the humble things one sees in the game, pretty much beautiful and full of things and decoration.
She’s crying by the time you enter the room (a moment that, by the way, is suspicious, because Wol mentions again that he smelled something “rot” in the room, something that was bothering him in earlier events), but she composes quickly and, well, you have a talk time with her that reveals that, after slaying Chaos, the Warrior of Light will marry the princess of the realm (which, by the way, is kinda interesting because there are female Blanks, and the prophecy stats specifically “princess”, not “royalty” in general)... And princess Sarah, more or less, just asks him to marry her. 
Jeez, it’s just... I don’t like her, okay? Wol hasn’t been the first Blank following the prophecy, and A LOT of Blanks have failed... Maybe that means that princess Sarah dumped a lot of people before because they failed, or well, dumped them in case they looked like being able to become the Warrior of Light? Because, in all honesty, I don’t believe she’s in love with Wol. 
I think there’s something more in this. I mean, I don’t think she’s in love... Gosh, you’ve only see him twice or thrice, exchanged words with him for a very little minutes, and you look so much in love with him, and WHAM then there’s that prophecy saying you’ll marry? SO convenient, mate. SO convenient. 
There’s something more to this, all the more when you hear Garland talk about her... “Don’t grow to need her love”, if I remember exactly, he told Wol. Which probably means he was to be the Warrior of Light and somehow things turned upside down. Also, it made me remember that Garland threw Mog away when he was about to say something about princess Sarah and the Warrior of Light, that seemed to be about the engagement... Weird.
But well, in all this ordeal of talking about marriage, Wol seems like, surprised, stunned (like in a “this is too rushed” kind of stunned, which I totally understand), and he gets silent for a moment, probably searching for words, or blocked, when... A WILD GARLAND APPEARS!
Garland walks firmly and fairly quickly towards both Wol and Sarah, and here I thought things were going to go wild, but what happened just got me by total surprise (as if it wasn’t already a surprise the earlier thing)...
He just INTERRUPTS them, like, in time to save Wol of having to answer to Sarah’s proposal XDDD 
Garland just entered and was like saying to Wol they had to head for the next temple. AND he took off his helmet, and there were some tense glances between and Sarah (who, by the way, didn’t recognize him, or acted like she didn’t, and she asked his name but he just didn’t say it). In a certain moment, it just seems that Garland is angry, and just turns away to walk out of the room. I’m want so much to know more of Garland, to know of his story.
And well, I’m sure as fuck that Wol’s head was something like non-stop thanking Garland for interrupting, because as much as Wol is sassy, he’s not a bad-hearted guy, and I doubt he would have felt nice having to turn down Sarah’s marriage proposal, but probably would feel trapped if saying yes given the fact he barely knows Sarah. And, well, the scene ends with Sarah saying he’ll wait for him, and so on.
In my head, however, there was a part of me fangirling and saying “GARLAND IS MARKING HIS TERRITORY, FUCK OFF PRINCESS” XDDD
Best thing is that, contrary to some classic tales... Wol questions EVERYTHING, and thinks of EVERYTHING, concerning the prophecy and everything. And then you have a moment in which you can see Wol wondering about what happened, and he wonders if Sarah’s feelings are real or not, and what about HIS feelings, like he thinks it’s too rushed and would want to properly know her before doing anything. He also looks surprised that she received him in such a warm way, and baffled.
I guess we’ll know in time better about Sarah. Maybe I’m judging her wrong, who knows... But I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something more.
And, oh...
Later on, when you’re getting close to the temple with Garland, a scene takes place in which Garland tells Wol something in the lines of “the temple it’s close and I’m not leading you there by the hand so you’re alone for now”... and as he walks away, Wol says: “...what a good friend”.
Wol considers Garland a friend. And he didn’t think it, no, he SAID IT.
Can I die already because of feels? Yes? Good. Because, even if not in a shippy way, I like their dynamics, and I was HOPING they would get to be companions, but Wol just called him FRIEND and I was just SO HAPPY. 
And it also adds a point in tension because in the glossary, in the part of the prophecy, it reads that the Warrior of Light has gone through “tragedies”... Plural. And so far, Mog has died and we have witnessed the horror that Chaos brings, plus the death of a soldier that was a good guy for which Wol cared too and the death of a lot of soldiers... but I think there are more tragedies to come.
Another thing that surprised me was the way of ending part 2 of chapter 3...
When you go to the next temple’s crystal, before heading to the next teleportation stone, you see in the crystal the moogles in Sarah’s castle gone crazy looking for her, saying she’s disappeared...
She sneaked out of the castle, and she joins Wol lmao. I mean, I kinda liked the scene, it’s like, well, I’ll get to see her more and therefore I’ll be able to judge her more properly as things happen. But I feel like Wol is a bit overwhelmed about what’s happening, and I can’t help but feel sad for him. No memories, no name, forced to fight, following a prophecy to save people, and now, a princess he barely knows is very interested in him and wants to marry him, something that the prophecy states too.
I’m really hoping that, whatever happens, Wol will get to be happy, but given the fact this is a Final Fantasy, that it’s Square-Enix and that Sarah looks suspicious, who knows. I’m also looking forward to see Garland interacting with her, in all honesty.
And, damn... Vox appeared, before the ending scene, and pretty much talked as he always does, and he told that he didn’t WANT Wol to become the Warrior of Light? WTF. He said he sees no light in him (???), and then looked as if he just used words to make him go forward on the prophecy or something... And I’ll continue saying it: if Sarah may look suspicious, then Vox is CERTAINLY suspicious.
And the chapter ended up with Wol wondering about what happened, and mostly about what Vox said, and thinking something in the lines of that maybe he’ll be able to find that light with Sarah by his side. Or, what’s the same, he wants to get to know her, and see where all leads, which I find logical.
I don’t know if they’ll end up as canon pairing, or if things will start going crazy, but either way, I’m enjoying the story so much!
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