#ffxiv Ishi
candycryptids · 4 months
‘How Does Your Journey End’ [Quiz]
I got tagged by @archaiclumina !!! thank you 🥰‼️✨
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You know where you belong
The adventure involving swords, blood and gold may be over, but the one with your new-found friends has only just begun. Home, once dull and boring is now alight with laughter and joy as you find love in the little things. You love your friends and your friends love you.
Fairly accurate I’d say! After EW I think Ishi settles down for a little bit with Kizuna, for a (somewhat forced by Ishi) vacation from being in the worlds spotlight (they cultivate an Island Sanctuary together with minimal Mammets uwu) but I think they’re both too restless and prone to wanderlust to fully retire from adventuring lmfao. After all, Kizuna is still drawn to helping and saving people, and evil/trouble isn’t going to take a vacation either.
Though they’d both probably love the chance to go back to being no-name nobodies, doing small scale low-stakes quests… something less stressful than the fate of the shard hanging in the balance maybe…
Gonna tag a few people I think would enjoy this! But no stress, pressure, obligation, etc! This is just for fun uvu;! (Also if you’d rather not be tagged in future stuff lemme know I’ll make a note ! OvO) @cindernet-explorer @verysmallcyborg @oneiroy @mythandral
@sjofn-lofnsdottr @cadrenebula
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disciple-of-frost · 21 days
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I did a thing!
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the-littlest-kojin · 11 months
5 for the shuffle prompts!
(I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers)
Setting the burnishing hammer down, Orinitt grunts in satisfaction. Picking up the work, he turns it over in his hands - an ornate, thin piece of metal, sculpted into a decorative breastplate.
Reaching for a polishing cloth, he sets to bringing the piece to a mirror sheen, his hands moving rhythmically. The gift is nearly complete, and his hopes are high for how it will be received.
Setting it down on the table, he nods in satisfaction, going to put the tools away - the piece took months to get the materials and complete, but he is at last happy with its quality.
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Self-reminder that:
HARUko ICHIkawa is NOT the writer Shadowbringers and Endwalker expansion of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV
NATSUko ISHIkawa is NOT the author of Houseki no Kuni, also known as Land of The Lustrous, a manga series about gem people and existential crisis
This has to be made otherwise I'll keep thinking that Ichikawa-sensei took a long hiatus on Houseki no Kuni because she had to help Yoshi-P writing Endwalker.
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lhunuial · 8 months
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Ishi with the love heart emote from the Valentine's Day event in FFXIV. I went to the max rank dream world from the pixie quests, because I love this place to gpose.
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kittkaleen · 4 years
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“To know exactly where you’re headed may be the best way to go astray. Not all who loiter are lost.” ― Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits
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tinytveit · 3 years
that’s actually my first crafter skysung 
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party-of-rpg-muses · 3 years
Attack on Rhalgr’s Reach (FFXIV Story)
@chronochronicler @loona-cee
Flames bellowed forth from Rhalgr’s Reach, hidden base of the Ala Mhigan Resistence. Said flames lit up the night sky like a beacon, a portent of the horror within. The Warriors of Light charged forward, concerned about the possible bloodshed. Even if they didn’t know the state of the battle, a surprise attack no doubt lead to heavy bloodshed on the side of the Resistance. And yet, no sooner had they arrived did a few Resistance survivors appear, falling in exhaustion with Garlean soldiers close behind. Despite the survivors clearly being unable to fight, the Garleans continued their assault.
“Alright, everyone.” S’bera spoke, his voice taking a commanding tone towards his fellow Warriors of Light. “Protect the Resistance members!” The others nodded in agreement, eyes steeled as the drew their weapons, S’bera doing the same; S’bera with his spear in hand, Omutu with his sword and shield, Ishita holding her rapier, and U’tala drawing her globe. Frances, however, was engulfed in a blue light for a split-second, swapping her bow for a pair of claws.
“No, please! I beg of you!” The Ala Mhigan soldier looked at his assailant in horror as the Imperial Centurion raised his sword. “Know your place, savages!” He called before bringing it down. The Ala Mhigan closed his eyes, bracing himself for the blade and cold hands of death. But rather, he heard the sound of blade meeting shield. He looked up and saw a small Lalafell clad in Paladin’s armor. With a swing of his shield, Omutu deflected the blade, following up with a decisive strike, felling his opponent.
“Quickly, flee to Castrum Oriens!” Omutu spoke. “My friends and I shall stay and save as many as we can.” The Resistence member quickly scrambled to his feet and making his way towards the entrance, only making an exhausted “thank you” before leaving.
“Omutu!” Ishita called out, her hands full with another Garlean. “Help Tala.” The Lalafell turned his gaze towards U’tala, noticing an Imperial Signifer was preparing an magitek spell while the Miqo’te was busy healing. He gave a nod, charging towards the enemy mage before slamming his shield against the Garlean’s torso, distracting him for a brief moment. Before the mage could recover, claws slashed across the Signifer‘s body, blood coming from the wound as the soldier fell, dead.
“Impressive work, Lady Frances.” Omutu said to the Viera as she swiped her claws against the air, removing most of the blood from the blades. She looked down at her friend, giving a single nod, her expression as calm as ever. At the same time, the other two soldiers cried out, S’bera and Ishita landing the killing blows on their opponents and allowing the other Ala Mhigans to escape.
Frances sniffed the air, following with a visible grimace. “Tch... The smell of blood is strong. This wasn’t just a battle; but a massacre. And the people had already surrendered, too...” Her ears swiveled from side-to-side, as did the two Miqo’te. The area was drowned in the sounds of fires burning, steel and metal clashing, and the screams of the injured or dying. “I can also hear a woman’s voice. I assume this one is a commander of sorts.”
“So, what shall be out plan of action, Ishi?” S’bera’s gaze turned towards the small Au Ra, trying his best to ignore the sounds for the time being.
“We must find Lyse and Y’shtola and attempt to find Conrad and Meffrid. We’ll save as many people as we can while at the same time drawing Garlean forces towards us. That should allow any survivors to escape or raise morale of those who wish to stay and fight.”
“Alright, friends.” S’bera spoke up again. “We’ll travel north-west and save any allies we see. Remember; this is a rescue mission first and foremost. If a Garlean is retreating, do not chase them; our focus is to remain in Rhalgr’s Reach.” The others gave a nod, affirming not only their leader’s words, but Ishita’s as well.
The group ran forward and it didn’t take long for them to run into a pair of Magitek Predators opening fire on Resistance members who had already surrendered. “Frances, Ishi, take out the pilots!” The Viera swapped her job once again, swapping her claws out for her bow and arrow, taking careful aim at the Magitek pilot. She let loose a single arrow, letting it fly true and strike the pilot directly in their head, the soldier falling forward in his seat.
Ishita closed her eyes, calmly exhaling as her aether focused within her rapier. “Verthunder II!” She stopped for a moment, placing the focus upon her rapier as lightning shot out and towards the other Predator. A combination of electrical magic and an overload of magical energy caused the core to explode, completely destroying the mount and its pilot.
The group continued forward, intercepting more Garlean soldiers, but in the midst of battle, wolf-like beings arrived, fighting on the side of the Garleans. Once the battle had concluded, Ishita could help but take notice. “What could Lupin be doing here? And so far from Othard as well...” She nearly got lost within her own thoughts until she hear U’tala call her to her, snapping her back to attention before moving forward
Amongst the combat, a single woman effortlessly cut down the Ala Mhigan soldiers that charged her way, her blade dripping with their blood as the explosion caught her attention. “The hells?” She turned her head towards the sound, noticing the party of five running towards her. “It would seem the rescue party has arrived.” She swung her blade, getting rid of the access blood before turning to her new opponents. “Shame you’ll die like the rest.
“That voice...” Frances spoke up, already holding an arrow, ready to fire when combat starts. “It was her voice I heard before. She must be the commander.”
“You’ve got that right, my dear Spriggan. I am Fordola rem Lupis.” She pointed her blade towards the party as they came to a stop before her. “I am the commander of the Imperial Army within Ala Mhigo and of the Crani Lupis.” Getting a better loo, the party instantly remembered her, they remember seeing her men brutally beat Wercrata because he was late with the tribute.
Omutu stepped forward, his blade pointed up at Fordola as he glare met her eyes. “I am Omutu Rasumutu, son of Ala Mhigo! How could you come to serve the Empire; to serve those who wouldn’t even consider non-Garleans worthy enough to lick their boots, the ones who treat our people worse than garbage?”
Those words... They very clearly struck a nerve with Fordola, especially when he used the words “our people”. Rage flared in her eyes as she clenched her teeth hard enough that one would swear her gums would start bleeding. “How dare you lump me in with garbage like you! You want to know why I would ally with Garlemald? Die with that question on your lips!”
“Keep the other Garlean solders busy.” Omutu said, his tone becoming eerily calm. “I shall deal with this one myself.” Even though his tone was level, it didn’t take much to notice there was a rage bubbling inside him. He could understand not having he strength to fight back, but to actively betray kin and country was something he could not accept! He charged forward his blade meeting with Fordola’s.
“Not bad, little man. I did not expect one so small to have such strength.” Fordola grinned, almost as if she saw the Lalafell before her as a toy to play with. The two pushed pushed back, putting a little bit of space between them for their battle to properly start. They exchanged sword strikes, either countering with their own blade or blocking with their shield. Suddenly, Omutu could see an area around Fordola begin to glow. He knew what this meant, causing the Lalafell to step out of the range. As soon as he did so, Fordola thrust her sword downward as light seemed to erupt from the ground around her.
Once the light faded, Omutu continued his assault striking her with his shield. While she was stunned, he swung his blade in a circular area around him, quickly following up with a forward thrust towards the woman before she was able to recover. She gritted her teeth, increasing the ferocity of her attacks. He did his best to parry or block, but a few of her attacks made it through his defenses, slashing at his chest. Even though he wore armor, he could still feel the blade against his form. just then, he could see an area in front of Fordola glow. He responded by moving to the side just as she stabbed forward, countering with a strong slash towards her side.
“Gah!” Suddenly, Fordola swung her shield to the side, catching Omutu off-guard and hitting him in the face, returning the favor from before. Another circular area began to glow around her, one slightly smaller than the first one. But the stunned Lalafell was unable to get around of the way before Fordola swung her blade in a circular area around her.
Omutu fell back, taking the full force of the blow before recovering. He steeled his resolve, increasing his defenses against Fordola’s continued onslaught as he slammed his blade into the ground, light bursting from the ground and hitting Fordola. He immediately followed up by swinging his blade around him before bringing it upward against her.
“Y-You...! What in the seven hells are you?!” Fordola called out, hunched forward as she looked at her smaller opponent in disbelief. “Tch... Fall back, men!” Her allies turned their attention from the Warriors of Light towards their commander, immediately retreating as the Warriors of Light watched them run. Sticking to the plan, they won’t give chase.
Omutu gave an exhale, having his work cut out for him. Whenever injuries he took vanished as he heard U’tala calmly say “Benefic”, the stars healing his wounds. “Come along. We still have work to do.” Omutu said, looking up at his taller allies before the group ran forward.
It didn’t take long for them to notice a large man clad in bulky armor. And standing across from him, Lyse stood bloodied and winded. And behind her, Y’shtola, unmoving.
“Y’shtola!!” S’bera called out when he noticed the other Miqo’te on the ground. He jumped forward, covering the remaining ground in an instant and putting himself between Lyse and the mysterious man.
“You... You came...” That was all she could say as the other Warriors caught up with their leader, standing to defend their friend. “That man... He’s Zenos... Zenos yae Galvus...”
“You’ve done well, Lyse. We can handle this. Take Y’shtola to Krile. The path should be free of soldiers.” S’bera kept his gaze upon Zenos as he spoke. Lyse could only nod as she lifted the immobile female Seeker and ran towards the initial entrance.
“So, you must be the legendary Warriors of Light I’ve heard so much about.” The armor-clad man finally spoke. “I hope you can provide me with more entertainment than your friend.”
“So, what do you propose we do, Ishi?” The male Seeker asked, still keeping an eye on their opponent.
The Au Ra scanned Zenos from top to bottom, making as many notes as she can before speaking. “His armor is strong, but bulky. So he’s probably really slow. If we can strike hard and strike fast while he’s distract, we should have a change. But I can’t see any dents in his armor. Lyse fought him, right? She should have left some kind of mark.”
“We can worry about that latter.” Once again, Frances’ body was engulfed in a blue light as she switched jobs yet again; trading her bow and arrow for a samurai katana.
“For Ala Mhigo!” Omutu called as he charged forward. Zenos hardly reacted to the Lalafelln Paladin’s attack, casually striking at Omutu while holding his blade in a single hand. Omutu blocked Zenos’ weapon with his own blade, having to use both hands on his sword just to hold Zenos back. Never before has he seen a man with such impossible strength; and this man was holding him back with only a single hand.
At the same time, Frances circled around to Zenos’ side before running towards the Legatus. Once she was close, the Viera gripped her blade with both hands and performed a series of strong, but quick strikes before retreating. And yet, it didn’t seem to do anything. “Is that truly the best?” Zenos clearly knew about the attack, but it seems it was no more effective than a bug bite to him.
With a sudden burst of strength, Omutu pushed Zenos’ blade back, following up with a quick series of slashes with his blade, not that it seemed to do anything as well. Zenos responded by driving his blade into the ground as some sort of energy began to grow beneath the surface. Suddenly, a shockwave rolled through, pushing the Warriors back. “Pathetic.”
“Helios!” U’tala called out as the stars shined down on the party, healing them for some of the damage Zenos effortlessly inflicted upon them. “We’re not done yet!” Omutu picked himself back up before charging at Zenos again, keeping him busy with more sword strikes. U’tala drew the Spire card and used it to bless Ishita as she fires a barrage of black and white magics. Veraero, Veraero II, Verthunder, Verthunder II, Verfire, Verstone, Jolt, as many magic spells as she can.
She turned her gaze to S’bera, the two of them nodding in agreement as S’bera jumped high into the air. At the same time, Ishita rushes forward, both of them hitting Zenos at the same time. S’bera started his assault with his spear techniques, opening the way for Ishita to deal more damage as she attaced with her rapier. Just as she finished her rotations, the pair jumped back as Frances followed up. A star shined upon her, increasing her strength thanks to U’tala. She returned her blade to its sheath as she focused her concentration, hand hovering over the handle before striking at blinding speeds. “Midare Setsugekka!”
And yet, despite everything they through, his armor still showed no signs of cracking. “A bit better, but still lacking.” With very little effort, he pushed Omutu away, following up with a slash as he turned to face the others. “Now then. Show me more of what you can do!”
He brought his blade down upon Frances, only for the Viera to jump out of the way at the last second, putting distance between them as she slashed the air with enough force to cause a wind blade. “Divination!” The female Seeker called out, allowing the stars to bless the party and increase their damage further.
S’bera followed up her attack by jumping into the air once again. Only this time, he came down with more than ever, so much so that it was as if fire erupted from his landing.
The assault continued with a dual attack from Ishita and Omutu. “Verflare! Verholy!” Ishita called out before following up with a upward strike and summoned a group of aetherial rapiers that converged on Zenos. Omutu attacked with a quick series of attacks, ending with a jumping spin-slash and transitioning to a quick stab towards, Zenos.
“If this is truly you have to offer, then I am quite disappointed.” Zenos gripped his blade and with a quick spin, sent frontline attackers flying back, each of them landing near U’tala. Zenos first approached Omutu, the first one to engage the battle. “Farewell, O Warriors of Light.” Just as he intended to end the Lalafell’s life, a massive barrier erupted from U’tala, protecting not only him, but the group from the assault. Noticing this, he switched his focus to Astrologian Seeker and with a single strong strike, broke her barrier as if it was glass. Exhausted, U’tala could only look up at the monster of a man. This was it; her death was staring at her right in the face, the clock counting down to her final moments. She was absolutely terrified, but there was nothing else for her to do.
Zenos brought his blade to his side before bringing it forward with enough force to knock U’tala back. As she flew, blood sprays from the gash on her midsection. TIme seemed to stop as her friends looked on; a mist of blood coming out of her wound, mouth agape, and eyes wide in horror. The sounds of fire seemed so distant. Not even her body hitting the ground seemed to make a sound.
“NOOOOOOOOOO!!” Ishita called out as hard as she possibly could, so loud and so hard, it was as if her voice would tear itself to shreds. The love of her life lay before her, with a mortal wound. U’tala’s globe fell beside her, the cards strewn about like someone tossed a deck onto the ground without a care in the world. The others looked on in silent disbelief. This couldn’t really be the end, could it? She can’t really be dead, right? Not their friend!
“No...! No, no no, no!! NOOOO!!!” Tears fell from Ishita’s eyes as she slammed her fist against the ground over and over again. Heartbreak and sadness filled her very soul. But that sadness quickly gave rise to something else. Anger; pure, unrestrained rage. This bastard killed her girlfriend, so she’ll make sure he dies a painful death.
From this rage, came newfound strength; one that brought her back up to her feet, eyes burning with absolute hatred. “You’ll pay for what you did to her!!” In her hands, a staff made of pure light started to form. Her fingers curled around the staff and the moment she gripped it, aether swelled and raged around her like a tsunami, the air whipping around at all sides.
The clouds in the sky directy above them converged and swirled like a tornado, slowly reaching down to Hydaelyn’s surface. A sight that could easily be seen from Castrum Oriens, the Peering Stones, and Castellum Velodyna. “I hope the Kami can forgive you, because you’ll find no mercy here! Die a thousand deaths and atone until the end of time!” Ishita called out, raising her staff towards the sky, causing the clouds to part, revealing a large chunk of rock hurtling down towards the surface, targeted specifically at Zenos. The other Warriors of Light looked on in awe while Zenos merely smirked, not even trying to avoid the incoming meteor.
The ground trembled and shook as the distance between the ground and the meteor shrank, the large rock glowing a bright red, power swelling up as it made contact, a powerful shockwave exploding outward. Ishita’s friends covered their faces to protect themselves from the light and violent winds before looking up towards the wall of dust.
Her aether expended, the staff of light faded away as she panted with exhaustion. “Regret your actions... in the deepest depths of hell...”
The dust hadn’t even cleared when a voice came from the cloud. “I must admit, I was not expecting this. So the phrase was true; even a cornered rat can bite a mighty griffin. A shame that just like a rat, your attack meant very little.” Zenos calmly stepped out of the cloud, still not a single scratch on him as he wiped the dust from his armor. With each step, his heavy armor clanked together, like a clock counting down to their doom.
Almost instantly, the small feeling of victory was replaced with an overwhelming sense of and dread. Perhaps none more than Ishita as the behemoth of a man stood, towering over her before striking with his blade. 
“C-Cover!” Omutu mustered up just enough strength to hold his hand out, a bond forming between them just in time to protect the Au Ra from Zenos’ attack. “Guh!”
Zenos halted his attack for a moment, seeming to acknowledge Omutu’s desperate attempt to protect his friend; but that’s all it was... desperate. Over and over, he struck at the barrier protecting Ishita, each blow reflecting onto Omutu, feeling like a massive fist was pummeling every square inch of his little body at once. Each time, it proved harder and harder to maintain consciouness before slowly, the bond started to fade, his energy doing the same. Before collapsing, he was only able to say “Forgive me, Lady Ishita... And you... Lady U’tala...” With a groan, he fell over, just as unmoving as U’tala.
The Legatus glanced over at Omutu’s body for a brief moment before once again turning his attention to Ishita. His blade raised upward, resting above his head before bringing it down. She closed her eyes, embracing herself for the end, but just because it came down on her, the blade suddenly snapped up, causing its owner to instantly pause his assault.
He brought his sword up to his gaze, studying the clean cut of the blade before tossing it to the side as if it were garbage. “Pathetic”. The was all he said as he turned and calmly left, not even bothering to finish his defeated opponents off.
“It’s... over...” That was all S’bera could say. Though they survived and repelled the Garlean attack, it didn’t feel like a victory. That Zenos... his strength was in a completely different level; they couldn’t even put a chip in his defenses.
Once she recovered from the fear of looking directly at her impending death, she limped over to U’tala, falling to her knees as her hands rested on her girlfriend’s midsection. “Tala... Tala, wake up! It’s over!” Slowly, desperation turned to disbelief as her fears began to set in. “Please... wake up...” She shook U’tala’s form, desperately trying to wake her, carrying little as U’tala’s blood spread onto Ishita’s hands. She removed her hands from U’tala’s form to grab her rapier and focus “Vercure! VERCURE! VERRAISE!” She did her best to focus her aether, but she was too drained, only able to perform a single Vercure.
Frances dragged herself over to where Ishita and U’tala were, taking a moment to look at her Lalafellin friend, hearing him still breathing. Once he reached the Astrologian, she placed two fingers upon U’tala’s neck, feeling a faint pulse. “She’s alive, but barely. She needs medical attention as soon as possible. As will Omutu.”
Slowly, the adrenaline fueling the Warriors began to fade. Just in time to see reincorcements arrive. Though their vision started to fade, they could just barely make out Raubhan, Krile, Pippin, and the Leveilleur twins. One by one, they passed out with Ishita being the last to fall. Just before her strength failed her, she said “Please... save Tala... Save her and Omutu...” Her eyes finally began to close as unconsciousness finally claimed her.
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candycryptids · 6 months
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Ishi does not intentionally adopt cats, he just. Kind of. Happen into them. And then his house is full of em… because how could he leave that sweet little face to fend on its own 🥺🤧😭
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candycryptids · 4 months
beep beep QUESTION TIME!!!
what are each of your characters' favorite minion(s) and why? 👀
Bet you weren’t expecting SCREENSHOTS!!!! BAM…!! (I was trying to get into cozy town so these are speed-shots LOL it was a fun pseudo challenge gettin em all done in under an hour)
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Chuu’s favorite Minion is the Toy Alexander: a moving mini replica of the time traveling Machine-God? and it’s kinda hot? It’s one of the few machines she didn’t build herself but only because Cid and the Ironworks rushed to do it before she could, fearing the features she’d put into a tiny war machina-Primal. It’s like an action figure to her. It’s set a hilarious precedent though, and she’s still waiting for her Miniature G-Warrior. Chop chop Garlond!
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Tuesday’s favorite minion is Gigi, after he has a long talk with Keathan and he retires the Haurchefant Mammet for a spell, worrying for the negative impact it was having on his mental state. He finds a lot of kinship with Gigi, though, being black mage machines. …… he’s a little worried about what misadventures the Inspector is going to get up to next time, though. And that scrawny elezen and his dog, who seemed to conveniently be away whenever the Elezen Inspector Briardien came around….
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Nobody knows where that little baby Buffalo came from. Nobody stopped Tangy from scooping it up under her arm like a little purse dog and taking it with her when they moved to the Rising Stones, either. It’s just a little guy! She couldn’t leave it there all alone. What if something like a Pelican tried to eat it… also, it’s cute, and round, and the Rising Stones could use a Mascot anyways.
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Ishi’s favorite minion- that isn’t one of his increasing clowder of kitten adoptee’s- is the Odder Otter! He ADORES silly little mascot like creatures, so he jumped at the chance to have a little pal of his own to come on adventures. It even has its own little lantern! He might just cry thinking about it. When he finds out about the Abroader Otter he’s going to become inconsolable. Lmao.
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The OOC origin behind Colette’s baby bat is when her and Setsuna first set off on their journey together in Ul’Dah, a stranger came and pressed Bats into their possession. It was baffling, and funny. The IC origin is fuzzier, only that Setsuna and Colette have had them since they first started adventuring and they’re probably attuned to each other in some way. Either way, here’s Colette and aptly named ‘Bat’.
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Mochiie refuses to let anything bad happen to little Ryunosuke. Which is why he makes sure the jacket is on snug and fully when it’s raining, so the chick doesn’t run risk of catching cold while they’re traveling together. He has the problem Ishi has with adopting cats, but with Chocobo chicks. He’s pretty sure Ryunosuke is some kinda Hingan Pygmy breed, meant for Nobles to keep in their estates and on display, prized for their docile, lap-loving nature and silky plumage. He doesn’t get on very well with Cindy, or Sandy, but that’s not a huge surprise; the girls are strong personalities, spoiled with attention, and bigger, older birds from a breed meant for Combat, not pets. Mindy tolerates Ryunosuke but only because she knows he would fit perfectly in her mouth if she so chose to, and Mochi would be extremely upset in her if she did.
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Levraut’s favorite minion is. Naturally. Canonball :’3 the scrappy little wolf pup saved from the brink of starvation and then fed up, spoiled with plenty of attention and poor manners. He’s stolen a fair number of unsuspecting sandwiches… Lev is going to have to teach him the thieves code one of these days or they’re both going to get in trouble lol.
[shader for all is Neneko’s Gameplay Essence]
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candycryptids · 4 months
Good morning (or good evening in your case I guess)! 🤭
Because you asked me about the theme songs: If you had to choose one for each of your OCs what would it be?
Goooood Morning! Or evening for you by now I think 🤔🥰 This’ll be easier for some than others B’3 (links will all be to YouTube videos hopefully!) thank you for the question this was a real thinker x3
So Levraut actually has a song we recently heard and went HOLY SHIT ITS LEV’S THEMESONG! Which would be [Creator, by Lena Raine] it has the mysterious suspense of the music box at the start, and then shifts into the cadence of something I associate with the Sea, which is something that sounds like Accordion ahaha (and then it further intensified with electric guitar, which isn’t usually in his soundscape, but it’s So Good)
[cut because… length again LOL]
For Tuesday I’d have to say my first choice is [Hello World, by Louie Zong] as far as songs that make me immediately associate with Tuesday lololol. The other song I have is [Waltz No. 2, Robot, by Hikaru Shirosu] it has, to me, the cadence of going shopping in a small market, but you’re still very ‘young’ in a sense, and small obstacles can feel like big obstacles 🫢 it’s also Piano, which is one of the instruments associated with Keathan! Who has a very heavy influence on Tuesday’s soundscape :3
For Chuusday…. Picking just one is rly hard… hm… it’s not on EITHER of her playlists I think, but [Home Beyond The Horizon by I think Masoyashi Soken and Daiki Ishikawa] Which is a song played on a crunchy, tinny radio. She’s not patriotic, but it was too large a part of her life for it to not have had some major impacts on her, lol. For a less/more serious song (???) I’d say [Hardware Store by Weird Al Yankovic]. It’s got. The vibe. LMAO.
Tangy is also hard to pin down, but I think [Fell In Love With A Girl, by White Stripes] does a pretty good job of suiting both the vibe and at least a Lil Bit the lyrics [because the first three lines remind me of Minfilia and Tangy :/ not that I ship them explicit romantic 100% of the time, but it coulda been. It coulda.]
🎤Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love once and almost completely
She's in love with the world🎵
Otherwise my other offering is When You Look At Her and it’s just playing [Cat Cafe by Tsundere Twintails] in her whole expression.
There’s not a particular song I can think of for Mochiie yet- I’ve been fighting that gorilla for a month or so now and I’m not much closer to victory yet, lmfao. However I do offer the song from [this post] because it reminds me Thavnair, so the real answer is I have a lot of music in Urdu I need to listen to and figure out his vibe LOL. I found the song in particular after scouring the notes though! Which is ->[Mehndi Laga Ke Rhakna, sung by Lata Mangeshkar and Udit Narayan] (I also need to figure out the influence the Azim Steppe had on him 🫢)
Ishi’li is… tricky. Cos I’m also still working on their playlist BDJDNFJDJFSK and the one song I’ve heard recently that made me think of him so so hard isn’t in the soundscape I’d set for them :T but. It’s rly Ishi.
[Like or Like Like by Miniature Tigers]
🎤I watched you get undressed
I must have turned bright red
'Cause I couldn't stand to face you
'Cause I liked what I saw
And maybe we should just be friends
Tell me how you feel about me
Do you like or like, like me?
Tell me what you really feel
Do you like me? Just say you do🎵
Swydghem actually has songs because I listened to a playlist on basically endless loop while writing so even though it’s Baldurs Gate [Down By The River composed by Borislav Slavov] always makes me think of her LOL… Solkmyna gets slightly more associated with [How The Tide Rushes In by Anne Dudley] Jojoha doesn’t have a particular soundscape yet because it overlaps with Levraut regularly😅 (at least in terms of; the Dreadnaughts, which is one of the bands I listen to for him lmao.)
Colette is my monster hunter/Ffxiv cross oc and while I haven’t really given her a whole lotta thought I think [I Want It All by Arctic Monkeys] could definitely fit her vibe, lol. She’s someone else on my to-do for music thoughts, just a little further down the line from Ishi and Mochi uvu;
Bonus!!! If you were wondering [Love Like You from Steven Universe] makes me think of Tuesday/Haurchefant. :’)
I hope you enjoy the music 🫶 lord knows there’s a bunch of it SHFJRJFEKCKSKXKA hopefully the color/bolding isn’t obnoxious, it makes it easier for my eyes to not glaze over if there’s variation lmao
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candycryptids · 3 months
This can apply to any/all/some of your lovely OCs, up to you!
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
! Cat 🐱 answers time !
Ishi is a thrill seeker, an adrenaline junkie, whatever you wanna call it, they’ll laugh when the tensions runnin high and the air is rushing through their hair, on rollercoasters, or soaring through the air before landing a critical strike, or racing Kizuna to the top of the Moonfire Faire obstacle course ! In game you have to jump but it really looks like you could (in character) parkour swing and scramble and Ninja Warrior your way up the whole thing. They’re also just a little ticklish 🫢 but I don’t recommend tickling the warrior of light they know how to use knives 🫣 (also… I posed Kizuna and Ishi parkouring all over the Moonfire faire once…. I guess I never posted it?! It was 2 years ago! What the heck)
Tangy laughs at absurdist things- unexpected gags, yknow, you open the peanut butter jar and snakes pop out? And slapstick- she wasn’t present for Urianger OR Alphinauds unfortunate forray into the water but that’s the kind of thing she’d double over laughing at (and, feel kinda bad after, she doesn’t want anybody getting ACTUALLY HURT)…. She’ll also laugh at herself when she falls in most situations; all the graces of a big cat missing a step and going for a spill straight into the watering hole. Mostly, it’s a signal that she’s ok and nobody needs to come save/heal her from whatever spill. But it’s also just comedic, and it feels better to laugh at her own mistakes than to linger on feeling bad about them (especially when she was first adjusting to her Hrothgar body and it was, bigger and heavier and wider than she was used to so she knocked into and fell off of quite a few things 🫢)
[Weirdly Specific Questions for Character Building, if you wanna give it a go yourself!]
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candycryptids · 5 months
Did I accidentally click unfollow because it was next to the Ask button? Maybe. This truly is the best hour.
Anyway! What do they do to pass time during long journeys?
The mood of the century. Why make it so clickable. Tappable. Whatever. I’ve used desktop lately and they’re like “HERES YOUR BIGGEST FANS. UNFOLLOW THEM NOW.” Like…… help…
Anyways the vibes(™) dictate this is real WoL hours, so. Ishi’li travels on foot/Chocobo more often than not because their companion (the Main WoL/their co-wol - husbands wolc, I swear I’m gonna pose him sometime this year, prommyfr) gets Aethersick (yknow, when you teleport to Thav and everybodies like EUUURGH… that, but every time.)
So they’ve passed the time with
-bitching about the Company Of Heroes (two weeks of running back and forth across Eorzea, bitching the whole time about how this shit is all for a banquet, TO CELEBRATE THEM, FOR SOME REASON, and there’s a Primal, like, LOOSE?)
-Singing popular songs (Ishi does it not.. always well… but it’s the heart that counts right?)
Aaand.. honestly sometimes I think they spend a lot of time trying to decide what to make for dinner that evening, or where a good place to let the ‘Bo’s rest is, if it’s not a Pressing Mission, which, let’s be real, after ARR? Everything feels pressing. So conversation tends to turn towards plans for when they get there…
(If Ishi isn’t having to steer/ride they’d like to have something to fiddle with their hands, a puzzle cube, or a math puzzle like Sudoku, tho I dunno if Eorzea would HAVE sudoku… it’s the kind of thing they enjoy lmao)
Edit: forgot to add the link to the ask meme like some kinda sea cucumber [here you go]
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candycryptids · 6 months
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I had actually intended to do Miqo’march but I got two days done, last steam, couldn’t think of captions, and ended up never posting them 🤦‍♂️
So have Ishi looking more like an apple salesman than a WoL (use code Ishi for 20 Gil off your first apples subscription !) and him realizing he won the Cactpot, bought a house in the Lavender Beds, and then used a huge chunk of that fortune to build it to some weird exacting needs (the Co-WoL being like 8 ft tall meant things needed to be very. Specific!!!)
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candycryptids · 7 months
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Full name: Ishi’li Jusumhi (Sometimes referred to as Hideki by One Person)
Nickname: Ishi, Warrior Of Lights Little Shadow, Beloved Sapling
Jobs: Scholar, Ninja, Samurai, Astrologian, Fisher (casual), Culinarian (beginner), One Of the Warriors of Light
Gender: Boy, but also a girl, so- (He/She) [I use They when the placement on the timeline isn’t clear, since he starts out masc and then slowly slides Fem, and then ends up bi-gender- it is a mess.]
Race: Miqo’te
Age: 25
Origin: Isekai’d, originally from Japan. (Eorzean origin: Ala Mhigo)
Religion: Prays to all 12, favors Rhalgr up to HW, then favors Menphina with increasing intensity through Heavensward till the Pantheon Raids (where shit gets kind 😳😵‍💫 for religion and Ishi)
Sexuality: Men, Masculine presenting People, occasionally also Physically Strong Women (Self identified as Gay/Queer)
Relationships: Kizuna [Husbands Oc!] (Co-WoL, Complicated Romantic Feelings)
Keathan [also Husbands Oc lol] (Mentor in Aether, FWB, party member)
Unique Physical Traits: Covered in freckles, has a scar on his lip
Likes: Travel, Colorful drinks (boozed or not), The Golden Saucer, Soft and comfy clothes, rice bowls, Sudoku, Sparring, racing, Chocobo racing, Triple Triad, Rain, Fat Cat Anything, Blue (the color), Parkour, Gambling
Dislikes: Bitter drinks, Mud, being completely Alone, Aetheryte Travel, being Cold, Archon Loaf, Mother Mionne, and The Company Of Heroes.
Can often be found: In the Gold Saucer, at the Moonfire Faire, and Revenants Toll (in the Rising Stones).
Character Tags: #Ishi’li Jusumhi #FFXIV Ishi
Playlists: [Dazzling Eorzean Adventurer In Purple]
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candycryptids · 4 months
Okay, what is the most huggable creature for all YOUR characters? :D
Oh this is gonna b kinda silly so hold on to your seat or s/t 🫣 (Ty for the questionnnn I needed the distraction and something to keep me awake a little longer heheheh!)
Chuu: Carbuncle; became a summoner almost exclusively to be able to summon her own. They don’t need to eat or sleep since it’s sustained off your own aether so it’s like, the perfect pet for someone who’s idealized form is the flawed beauty of the Machine. Her other most huggable creature is This Thing, one of the Stubby Models whose name I can NOT finds
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Tuesday: is a simple guy. He thinks Peatie is the most huggable creature secondary only to June, his faithful and graciously patient Chocobo. They’re both pink, which is a hilarious coincidence.
Tangy: I mentioned in a previous post she’d enjoy having a Dodo/Pudgy Puk/Ahriman plush and that still holds, but I think she’d find Tonberries the most huggable. They’re not necessarily creatures, though,
Mochiie: hands down, finds Chocobos the most huggable creature in all the land. Their big round eyes. Their razor sharp talons. Their bone snapping beaks. The soft downy feathers!!! Can be also be swayed with horses, and Steppe-Dzo.
Colette: Behemoth. It is… Big Uppy Goggy. Reminds her of the [Magnamalo] which is also not very Actually huggable Tbf, but I think Colette could find a way to make it happen anyways.
Ishi’li: wants to hug a Coeurl and Not Die. Wants to hug one so bad. Wdym they’re full out danger electricity cats. :( they are so KITTY… is also extremely charmed by the Odder Otter, lol.
Levraut: finds [Canonball] the most huggable, an act of absolutely no bias whatsoever, definitely. (He also thinks Namazu look huggable, in that like… Cute Aggression way, where he kinda wants to hug one tight enough it makes a squeaking noise)
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