#ffxiv Wolc
candycryptids · 8 months
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I never shared my favorite screenshots of all time what the fuck. These were taken at the end of Endwalkers when I was feeling a lot of things about the closing of one adventure to look to the horizon on the next.
An adventure is only as wonderful as the friends you share it with… thank you for playing with me 💖
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jennasart · 1 year
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Revenge for ShortieSenpai on artfight!! They drew their WOL Xiggs with Tamaki so I wanted to do the same back ;v;
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mitaikenhorizon · 4 years
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Doodle of Mira I did a bit ago when playing on her, was trying to make a canon-ish glam for her in HW and had to draw this hair on her bc she’s so cute!!!!
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candycryptids · 8 months
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Nightmares, Trauma, Jealousy
If the tireless, dauntless, Eikon slaying Warrior of Light won’t pay attention to him he’ll simply take more extreme measures until he Cannot Be Ignored.
Character on far left is Kizuna and belongs to @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight
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candycryptids · 8 months
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Bright and early is the only time to start any real adventures
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candycryptids · 7 months
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Full Name: Levraut du Manseauguel
Nicknames: Lev, (Tolerated, but would rather you not) Kid, Scrag, Levvy
Jobs: Rogue, Machinist, Warrior, Pirate (amateur), Dragoon, Has picked up and tried many other jobs but not stuck with them all, Adventurer, Warrior Of Light
Gender: Trans-Masc Man (He/Him)
Race: Elezen
Age: 18-20 (elezen years)
Origin: Ishgard (minor Noble house)
Religion: Rocky. Can still be caught praying to Halone when things look dire but otherwise denies it. Prays more frequently to Llymlaen for safe passage.
Sexuality: His plan is to kiss anyone that likes him until he figures it out.
Relationships: —WIP/TBD—
Unique Physical Traits: Ears longer than average Elezen by. A decent amount. Burn scarring from hands to elbow/shoulder on both arms. Thin slash scar on cheek. Can’t seem to grow body hair even though he’s tried. Sunburns easily. Wears heat resistant gloves to cope with his inability to feel as much in his hands.
Likes: Cheesy adventure and mystery novels, new experiences, The Sea, Dark Red (color), The Bismark (sandwich), Salt cured meats, airship travel, swordplay, Murder Mysteries, Oranges, Baderon, Summer, the smell of cigar smoke, rose tea with cream (will not ask for it or admit this; real adventurers drink black coffee)
Dislikes: Hardtack, Playing Cards against Jacke (swears he cheats. Levraut is just bad at cards.), peeling popotoes, pitching tents, poetry books, misreading the moment, black coffee, having to keep a secret all to himself and not tell ANYBODY else.
Can often be found: The Drowning Wench, At Festivals, Looking for Trouble, eventually Tural, probably
Playlists: [Pirates, Investigations, Adventure]
Character Tags: #Ffxiv Levraut #Levraut Du Manseauguel
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candycryptids · 8 months
Hide and map for the oc meme! Dealers choice for character v-v)/
This took me an embarrassing long time to get to despite being so zazzed for the ask (sending you flowers btw) (under a cut for length) (We’re gonna dive into Chuu and Mochiie, two of my Final Fantasy Oc’s ;w;)
“Hide; what does your OC hide, why do they hide it?”
In the case of Chuu, she hides quite a bit; her origins, her projects, her workshop… Largely because her projects border illegal-unethical and being uh. An ex-engineer for Garlemald prior to the Calamity doesn’t look Great when you’ve skipped country and moved into one of the several countries that were harassed by Garlemald lmao. The FC she fell in line with isn’t exactly on full legal lines either, which is why it’s perfect (they’re not inclined to turn her in even if they find out because they’ll all go down with her, but more likely than turning her in, they’d probably Get It.
She also hid the Questionable Project of Cloning herself, until it was nearly done. Or, rather, she Built Tuesday, meant to be ‘her, but if she was a boy and just a little uglier’ because she has ego and she has to be The Prettiest. (Besides her girlfriend, Talia) and you might think ‘that’s not that unethical’ and you’d be kinda right except they took the concept of Anima (from the Relic Weapon Questline. Where you imbue a weapon with a soul.) and then. Reworked it to fit into her Pet Project. To clean and cook. And. To go to places she could not for Legal and Safety reasons. Fun thing she doesn’t hide is her Inability To Read Common. She just can’t. She could learn to, she’s very smart, but she refuses. Instead she invented her own writing system and makes someone else read her letters to her and dictates anything she wants to mail (to Tuesday, usually, if he’s home. Otherwise she just Calls via linkpearl, because she has No phone-call anxiety unlike me)
(I’m guessing Map was an autocorrect on Mask cos I couldn’t find map anywhere in there >w>;;) “Does your OC wear a mask, literally or Figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets so see who they are under the mask?”
Mochi dons a figurative mask of being Brave and Heroic and Resourceful as the Warrior Of Light as time goes on. At first it wasn’t a mask, because things were challenging and hard but he had support and he felt Capable. But then the Massacre of the Waking Sands happens and he breaks down hard. (I have screenshots! I might add a link to them later, but they’re in his tag 💖) It sets that shift from being a hero is fun and adrenaline pumping to, everything feeling very. Real. And lethally dangerous. (As if being Kidnapped and fighting a false God isn’t dangerous while the people who were captured with you got tempered and then subsequently put to sword… but they weren’t people he KNEW.) So he starts putting up the front of being Unshakeable, a Paladin, the Sword and Shield of Hope, the Unbreakable Fists of Freedom. Etc. The Hero (not Man) who will take down the Empire and any Primals that threaten the peace and safety of This Star’s peoples. Which becomes a heavy weight to carry- especially when he gets to grappling with… not everyone with the potential to be, to do, good, can be swayed to pursue that potential (Zenos). Not everyone can be saved etc.
So Zenos gets to peek under that mask- an angry, and terrified Au’ra with the edges of control issues when things don’t work like he believes they should (You CAN do good you just won’t) and Zenos relishes in this because that’s always when their clashes are the most fierce (When Mochi stops putting on bravado and face and starts fighting without etiquette or restraints.) (it’s complicated. I haven’t gotten this far with Mochi yet but it’s what I imagine it’s going to shake out like ~v~)
And, someone who he actually cares about (someone who he’s not at odds with) that sees under the mask is probably Thancred and Urianger? They know the kinds of burdens Mochi carries and even if Mochi doesn’t let the mask slip around Thancred I feel like he’s sharp. He can. Tell. So if he perhaps invites Mochi to spar somewhere far from everyone where there’s enough room to cut loose and go until everything burns and he collapses with a dagger or a gunblade pointed at his chest it’s. A nice reprieve. (Alternatively. He just invites Mochi to have a drink or 15 at the Rising Stones.. it’s not healthy, but at least Mochi can blame his tears on the bottle.)
Urianger is good at getting Mochi to open up just by Being there, either quietly researching in the same secluded room as him or sipping coffee (black, he doesn’t need cream and sugars, the man’s drinking this for the caffeine Only) while Mochi sits there writing correspondences to the Tribes or to his Squadron until he just starts talking out loud. He asks rhetoricals and complains and mourns and Urianger listens quietly and doesn’t comment when Mochi moves to sit next to him with his tail wrapped around his ankle :/ (he’s a guy that employs casual touch frequently)
Uhhh…. Anyways that’s what I got Big Kisses if you read this mwah mwah
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candycryptids · 1 year
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The relief of finding you didn’t lose everyone. The bright, shining hope that pierces the darkness that had swallowed you.
Shtola may not be much of a hugger but she puts up with it.
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jennasart · 2 years
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Commission I did awhile ago for @windup-dragoon of her wol Kiri!!!
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jennasart · 2 years
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Made myself mythical, tried to be real
Saw the future in the face of a
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jennasart · 2 years
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jennasart · 2 years
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Become what you must...
Bad end lightwarden au :’)
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jennasart · 2 years
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doodled the frontier outfits on them back when they came out (I am now a frontier glam owner)
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mitaikenhorizon · 4 years
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mitaikenhorizon · 4 years
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I finally finished Mira’s Fullbody 😭😭😭 I had this almost done for so long but got hit with art block super bad so I only just now finished it up
and I still have more ocs to draw with the list only getting bigger ajksfnjkfas
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