#oh my god i want to watch david tennant run around in new earth being silly and fun i Love that episode so much its insane
parapsychoiogy · 10 months
fighting for my fucking life trying to pirate doctor who on my stupid lg tv browser and its not fucking working i just want to see them (the doctor)
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morganas-pendragons · 2 years
justifiably angry. 
I'm going to preface this by saying that I haven't been able to watch Jodie's goodbye episode yet (I can't find a place to watch it :( ) but of course I saw spoilers. I don't usually care about them, so I subjected myself to it.
Oh boy, I'm angry.
Spoilers beneath the cut for the power of the doctor. Read at your own discretion!
First of all, I have been watching this show faithfully since 2012. I have stuck around through the garbage eras of Moffat's era, and I have stuck around through the equally more terrible garbage era's of Chibnalls. I consider myself a loyal Doctor Who fan. It made me fall in love with so, so many things. It brought me my best friend.
So let me tell you the truth: I am emotionally invested into this show. I have seen myself portrayed in the last three incarnations of The Doctor rather well. Doctor Who is an extremely relatable show that millions have loved over nearly sixty years of being on the air.
That was, however, until Jodie came along with Chibnall and "ruined it.'' which is why so many fans stopped watching.
I know fans who stopped watching when Capaldi was casted. Capaldi, who to this day stands out as the best incarnation of The Doctor for me.
Did I enjoy all of Thirteen's run? No. I didn't. But despite that, I always knew that Jodie Whittaker was going to give the performance of her life because long before I saw her as The Doctor, I saw her as Beth in Broadchurch with David Tennant.
That being said, if you haven't seen it, go watch it. That show portrays the exact caliber of what Jodie could've done with The Doctor if she were given good scripts.
Chibnall wrote a handful of good episodes. I think he's a decent writer (THE MAN WROTE MOST OF BROADCHURCH FOR GOD'S SAKES) but he's appallingly bad at sci-fi. He was never set to write well for this show.
Despite that, I remember quite well when Jodie was cast. I was sitting in the sound booth of my church in June of 2017 and yelled when that teaser trailer crawled across my Tumblr feed. You all know the one.
A woman doctor. Sixty years of tradition broke the glass ceiling with the casting of a woman doctor.
A woman doctor who perfectly embodied her previous counterparts.
Her opening scene in The Woman Who Fell To Earth won me over to her. I haven't rewatched Season 13, but there were so many scenes in her most recent season where her anguish was so palpable. I think we all knew to some degree that she would be special. That she had something to give.
And oh... she did. She really did.
Now, to the point of this post. They broke the glass ceiling by casting a woman to this role in 2017.
And then they went even further and cast a black man in 2022! Fantastic! Wonderful! I was elated to see him brought to this role. I haven't seen Ncuti in anything either, but I hadn't seen any of the Doctors in previous roles before. That's why they usually cast ''no-body's'' in the role.
So imagine my surprise when I find out that RTD is coming back, and he's bringing Catherine Tate and David Tennant with him!? AND MURRAY GOLD?!!?
Accomplishing what fans who loved the duo in 2008-2009 have wanted for over a decade, some closure for 10 and Donna!
But wait, then the rumor starts about Jodie regenerating into David. I laugh it off. It absolutely has to be a joke.
Yeah, to be quite honest, it's stupid. At the very least, they should've kept with the tradition of the doctor regenerating in their former incarnations clothes -- not spawning new ones.
Someone in the comment section on Facebook pointed out that The Curator in 2013's fiftieth anniversary special mentioned seeing familiar faces along the way (or something along that line) which, I get. I do. But bringing back David as obvious fan service took away THE WHOLE LITERAL POINT OF CASTING NCUTI AS FOURTEEN.
Another record was broken by casting a black man to the role, and you bring back literally the most iconic doctor for... for what?? Three episodes in 2022? And then you tie it off by telling the fans that HE is actually fourteen?
are you kidding me??!!
Here's my opinion on this, and then I'm done. You're free to disagree with anything I've said in here. I love David. I love 10, but he's not my favorite Doctor. It's 12. 10's era was very clearly over with the 50th anniversary special, and it should've been left there. Just like 11's being done with his exit episode.
Would I have loved to see 11 or 12 return for the 60th? YES.
Ten, however? He has literally gone down in history as the most iconic Doctor. The one everyone loves. Why would you bring him back if he's obviously going to overshadow the newest incarnation we have yet to love??
Make it make sense?? Please??
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Fright Night - 2011 - 2/5
we start , very, very high. its ominous to begin, the dreamworks opening dark and spooky and slow. scrawled font glides across dark stormy clouds and we're over a small square, isolated suburb. a house is on sale. that's the Charmed font.
oh my god what is that david tennant what the fuck was not expecting that.okay so this is a modern Fright Night.  and david tennant sis peter vincent. okay what a jump scare just happened the dog is scared, and this girl is dead and he's covered in blood and holy shit its the senator. wow the bed was bloody where his dad was scrambling for the gun hidden beneath the mattress that the boy finds. oh his dads body is sliding away and what the fuck is that im scared what the hell holy shit. ohh cool title card. nice symmetry in the birds eye. just a happy, normal small neighbourhood, everyone is diverse and happy and the kids are playing outside. holy shit its that dead guy poor ol mate.oh its hereditary mum.  they got a chill equal relationship just chatting like friends more than parent adn child. and the mum's intelligent and assertive and smart and a real estate agent. this is very very different from the original fright night. is it really the same movie? is it oh its the girl from 28 weeks later nice she's hot and eyy pumped up kicks is playing damn. I'm pretty sure they're both like 25 and playing as  oh holy shit its like zac efron's brother. trumping all over stereotype. what the hell its the weird super bad creepy guy comedian dude 'Brewster' it's the weird cackling kid. they've got relationship issues they're both geeks but brewster got hot and with the hot girl and rose through the 'social ranks' and they had to stop being friends. weird kid is threatening to show all his new friends embarrassing stuff from the past. oh my fucking god oh my god colin farrell. holy shit. oh my god. and damn she is Amy I'm forgetting everything cause its so different. he's charming and fucking hot and buff with like a paled face.being all charming and neighbourly. wife beater and silver necklace and damn the way he bit that apple. what are they doing here crawling through the doggy door who's adam. outta nowhere weird kid tells him jerry's a vampire, like a 'by the way' situation where are they going why does he have a cross and stake? they just added a stock door opening noise. they're telling the realisations of hm being a vampire without actually showing any of it and the weirdo kid is the one interested and telling brewster that jerrys a vampire like what first he's not even met him he hasn't been involved or around him at all and now he's adamantly trying to argue that he is a vampire?? in the original brewster was obsessed and found out quick to the start all by himself and half the trouble was trying to convince everyone else too. now one of his friends is trying to convince him?? what?? and they're mentioning Twilight and weird kid is saying how he's not broody or whatever like show us what his personality is like why are you saying this it's like this long ass dialogue chunk in the middle of a completely irrelevant situation, all about Jerry. fucking weird man what the fuck. we've seen the guy once. he's got evidence? why are they in this house? why is this happening? this was the Charley show - his journey from fear to sorting Jerry out and his tension with the guy the weird kid was basically comedic effect now he's premature exposition guy? and he's the one who thought of peter vincent cause it showed him watching him all the time but now its the weird kid convincing him and now they're having relationship problems and brewster fkn pushed him damn son use your words wow he's a fucking asshole like die dude the fuck. oh damn what the fuck the bully just grabbed him off his bike fr riding down his street like its his turf what the hell there's like four streets in this suburb and now they're fighting who wrote this why bother calling it fright night its a whole nother (fkn messy shit) story he's literally chasing him over the fence like he wants to kill him damn this isn't bullying  fuck. what is this movie? oooooh jerry is hottttt i love me a murdererous manly man. weird kid is in big trouble. oh my god. oh my god did they get him to play fake grindelwald because of his role in this. damn he's turning weird kid and the cross falls dramatically from his hand. ohh he's a fuckin dick to his friend and now he's feelin all guilty and worried and reminiscing about the time he wasn't an asshole to his friend. wow we're not even half an hour in and half the original movie is gone and replaced by whatever high school drama movie this is.he walked into weird kid's room and didn't turn the light on? yeah alright. what the fuck. why is peter vincent fkn that 'sexy' emo magician man who was popular -Chris Angel Mindfreak. he found a laptop with evidence that jerry's a vampire videos on it. and here's Jerry and what's happening ahaha he's not gonna invite him in and its physically uncomfortable standing at the door he's literally stuck at the door and it's really really obvious.  damn that was cool though passing the beer through the doorway and the communication in their eyes and now he's perving on his mum is this acting intentional? like he looked really unsure what to do with himself was that in character or?? he's looking around all paranoid he's perving on all the girls he's threatening him really obviously i can't tell if i like it more than the smooth suave chilling conversation that was driving charley mad at the start of the other one. jerry telling him to 'manage' the women in his life cause its his job to keep them safe. now they're doing the distracted disinterested in Amy play and she's the one coming onto him strong  and what are we gonna see this. this is literally worse acting than the screaming kid in the first one it's like halfhearted. now the movie's settling in for like a spookier, much darker version of the  nah nevermind its like a padded retelling. there's no billy in this one, just Jerry - who's gonna cover him during the day? original was a squad effort movie - bunch of kids and an old man going up against a vampire. not anymore its just this obviously mid 20s guy sneaking around in a dark house to quiet, eerie music. wait he's in Jerry's house? oh cause Jerry drove off. ooh Jerry's got awesome creepy office with spooky drawings on the walls why is this place so dark goddamn turn on the lightswitch. he's got costumes for hunting damn that's cool. and here he returns uh oh run charley run. try escape the vampire now that you're in his lair. a secret door to like a jail block in the wall? what he's letting himself be close in? what is he doing how did Jerry whip this up?jumpscare lol lame it's Doris. you telling me he's gonna lockpick the lock okay he's never done it before but okay. god he's hot. the swooning blond in the arms of a vampire. it's like hella horrific oh my god she just shushed Charley where he hid in the other room. drinks from her all orgasmic and tosses her back in the room. damn he looks good with a bloodstained mouth lickinn his lips and shit. good luck picking with a bobby pin you're hilarious holy fuck she's tiny, like a limp ragdoll. ew why is he watching skanky girls on TV. tryna tell me he's watching the TV so loud that he can't hear they panting and crying. yeah he can he's outta the chair - there's no reflection and he's like crying damn this is tense. such a nice house. strutting around, drinking beer, vaguely amused at everything. he just caught an apple. it's like he knows something amusing no one else does.  but does he actually kno-- oh my god yeah he does that's awesome. oh holy fucking shit holy shit holy fucking shit she was a vampire she fucking exploded in the sunlight. his jumper s covered in her ash that's messed, Jerry stood inside listening and laughing to himself as he bit into the apple. now he's out here being the one looking up peter vincent - that entire start was completely pointless they should've cut out all of the weird kid stuff. now he's snubbing his girlfriend too this is how it should have all begun here comes david tennant. what the hell he's pulling a secret swipe identity thing to try get in to see vincent and vincent is a gross slimeball of a david tennant why are all these men slimy he's pretending to be a reporter she's walking around in a bra, vincent is an expert on vampires and the lot - not just using what he learned from doing his show and now she's using 'little girl' as a derogatory term for vincent. okay not the most attractive bod and i hate tattoos tbh at this point its true. god this whole thing is so edgy and wow okay here we go his hair is so much betterokay damn holy shit. it was the hair the hair was fucking me up okay holy damn all his facial hair is fake. and thank god his eyebrow piercing - wait nevermind all that 'expert' stuff was bulll? or is he mucking around? okay no its bull he isn't an expert. i can't believe how much hair affects someone. oh and his tattoo are right as well. damn he sounds schizo and vincent is fkn cold and that is some bad cgi and trying to be so dramatic its just a filter over the shot. oh and here's  zac efrons brother and eternal grunge guy.  ohh he's got creepy long nails and oh damn eating them and there's the blood oh fuck why is that hot im so disturbed. he's shaving stakes and its mum who confronts him and he's awwkard about it and now they've referenced 'Dark Shadows' as well as Twilight. these highschoolers are so serious and mature tryna talk to each other and here's Jerry at the door.this is a game to him but she's sticking up for her son and Jerry thinks its awesome or is it just oh damn he's coming back with a shovel and a power saw?? what's he doing??? where's he going oh my god what's he doing the girls are slowly realising that he might be right what is he digging up.flinging huge chunks of earth around. oh uh oh oh FUCK  THAT:s  GAS HOLY SHIT are you serious Jerry no holy daaaaaaamn he's blowing up their house I love it ahahaha 'dont need an invitation if there's no house' that is hilarious oh my god as if they're going to get out with what really he's gonna  oh wait he''s gonna take the dirt bike what the fuck he just threw the bike at them what is happening is this Michael bay. and now he's ramming them fuck he really wants them dead damn oh ahahah they have a tank of a car driving getting hit by a bike, smashing through a vampire and his big ass car. is he-- he's under the car that's amazing yeah okay like they survived that too oh he just lifted up the car oh what the fuck he looks like that shark guy from batman oh no why does he look like that who made him look like a shark he's eating that guy blood squirting, he's very animalistic like twitchy and shit too  black eyes eats a guy, morphs into something evil blood stained mouth cars all fucked up and he turns around 'hey' he greeted jovially, the girls run away - the mum just leaves her son to face off a vampire? yeah, okay. - and he calls 'catch you later!' damn some of this is gold and other bits are trash but so far they're evening each other out. he's oh damn he grabbed the cross and it lit on fire and he's got charley and was gonna stake him but mum popped up and shanked him through the shoulder with one of her real estate signs that's so lame, but he's screeching and flinging himself around making growling noises and now mum's fainted and hit her head and jerry's twitching out with a oh okay he hit him with his car again. jerry's all kinds of fucked but he heals up fine soon enough. vincent isn't charming; there's too much sex and money and cynical and assholey and its grotesque compared to the teenageriness of the original. and now mum's out for the count at the hospital lol  what's happening. he's shitting on the idea to call the police that's hilarious he wouldn't stop calling them in the first. i dunno i keep comparing them because these are the bits i 100% liked better in the other one. now he's talking about weird kid who disappeared ages ago. he's a loser - she likes him cause he's different; she's the popular girl who didn't want an ass bully to date. vincent's a drunk on top of everything. but he does know his stuff about vampires. there's different species different breeds - Jerry's a tribal snacker who keeps his victims alive for days and oh damn its weird kid he's a black eyed vampire and he's mad Jerry got him Vincents in his panic room the bra girl is dead weird kids arms off and now Jerry's coming and weird kid's twitching out and he looks like a wolf shark and they're being vulgar again he's hunting them down this is a serious relationship drama issue. if they're strong enough to like bend metal how did grabbing him hard around the neck not immediately crush it. they're fighting - like what; charley just took a deep clawing across the chest they're blocking and slashing and every ones smashing stuff and he just got weird kid at the neck and uh oh she's in trouble but she's got a gun but he's barely flinching oh what. how did she know that was holy water the cup was up too high for her to see there was even any water in it. dude they're strong when its plot convenient - how do these guys know how to fight with weapons he's just so chill with that slash across the chest. ahaha what the fuck she's like urging him to kill him aha he stabbed him all drama and she's in survivor mode like fuck outta the way everyone oh good he's pretty again. i'm disappointed no jerry/amy stuff though tbh she's spicy, he thinks this is a great time. he's just hunting them and its nightclub time are they gonna do the jerry amy thing no he grabbed her by the throat oh damn oh okay no that was pretty hot he's got a slash on his chest and the bouncers just grabbing it and he doesn't react fuck sake 0 that was pretty cool if not exactly what i wanted - he properly vampired her: blood on his lips he kissed her and it drugged her enough to take her neck in the middle of the club. and now a vampire killed vincent's parents and that's why he's a drunk but how'd he become a magician what's that got to do with anything. damn highschooler dropping moral truthbombs that immediately make adults change their mind immediately and wanna help him. how does that car still drive. this is so gay like he is overreacting he's dressed to go to war - i forgot he burned their house down he's got a fucking crossbow and he's dressed in like military shit and he's swinging the crossbow around like he's in the military, did they tell him to take this serious or like he shoulda been an awkward stumbling kid oh what the damn they'res a secret like basement damn he just broke a hip how is all of this under his house didn't just move in???he switched on the first light in the whole movie and it barely lit anything up so lame. so extra oh damn that tiddy damn nice just dodged an arrow oh fo real really is he the vampire who killed vincent's parents are you serious that's so lame. and now Amy's  what the fuck why is there like an entire institution beneath this house what is this. oh its the tribe?? they live in the dirt whoop her eyes are black but vincent's got a dramatic black leather jacket and a stake gun that just fucked up and he's just gonna stake her straight up they barely gave her time for her scary wide face he just stabbed her and ran and now she's eating her own blood and whoop vincent's being eatenoh really how did he know there was sunlight up there aren't we in the base meant isn't this place made of cement. damn he's hot with his shirt open. he just hissed at the beam of sunlight. even his fingernail burns oh that's cool he's in teh shadow and charleys in the sun beams as he taunts him about Amy and vincent's turning ahaha  and they're gonna wait til the sun goes down and in the meantime he's gonna like fuck amy in front of charley ahaha nice drinking bloods like sex. oh yeah okay what he's gonna what he's expecting to go up in flames what the fuck he'd oh no okay what the fuck as if. as the fuck if. first of all, charley is human and a crazed vampire is not and are you joking me that charley could survive being thrown around plus he's fucking on fire that should have destroyed him by now fucking burned to a crisp oh im so disappointed and okay yea being a vampire was just dark spirits? and now everyones free to die of their wounds aha jesus. his clothes would have seared into his skin, his goggles would have melted but no, completely unscathed. so lame. oh that was such a slow awkward dialogue. weird like one liner jokes throughout are we in vegas? oh nice they're fucking i really don't care i don't wanna see these 25 year olds why do we care what happens now Jerry's dead. jesus that was bad. please im so upset. oh well sometimes 1980s camp horror is better than cheap rushed or at least badly edited modern ones. disappointing man.
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dannifielding · 7 years
The Time Child Rewrite
Alright, I can’t stop thinking about this. I can’t promise that I’ll continue, or when the new chapters will replace the old ones. I, at the very least, want to get a few built up so it seems less... I dunno, messy when I do update.
But check under the Read More. Read the first chapter on FF.net and then this one and tell me what you think.
For as long as she could remember, which was maybe the last seventeen of her twenty-two years of life, Danni had always loved Christmas. Not just the day, although it was always fantastic getting presents, but the entire Christmas period. Spending time with friends and family, the music, the general atmosphere, all appealed to her and she always felt her happiest in the last month of the year.
This year it had actually snowed, in the UK, on Christmas! Well, alright, it was maybe a day or four beforehand, but it was the closest she had ever seen since she was a baby. She couldn't stop the grin on her face as she trudged through the couple of inches on the floor, heading towards her best friend Claire’s house for their pre-Christmas meet up. For the last couple of years they had met up a couple of days before the big day to exchange presents before Claire headed down south to her parents and Danni went slightly north to her parents. It was one of the joys of being a university student; you were now considered old enough to cook your own food and wash your own clothes unless you went home to your parents, so no one ever stayed in the vicinity unless absolutely necessary. She knocked on the front door of the red brick house, managing to hide the gift bag she was carrying behind her back before it flung open. Claire was still in her pyjamas, blonde hair sticking up in every direction, in contrast to Danni who was in her big coat and matching scarf and glove combo with her deep red hair sticking out from underneath her woolly hat in pigtails.
“I am so sorry; I was up all last night because next door decided to have a bloody party without warning. Again!” Claire screamed around the doorframe at her bothersome next door neighbours. Danni’d had many encounters with them in the past, and it was generally known that they were inconsiderate party animals. It always made her slightly glad that she’d stayed in halls for her third year rather than in the house as Claire had suggested that summer. She’d never lived well with people anyway, but for the most part people left the halls to get drunk and rowdy.
Danni shrugged. “No problem. Let me in, it's freezing.”
Claire did just that, giving the finger to the house next door, like it would have made any difference, as she headed back inside. Danni took a moment to take her coat and shoes off in the hallway, she didn’t want to trudge snow in through the house, and then she headed to the living room.
Claire was the last one out of her housemates to go home for the holidays, so Danni flopped down on the well-loved sofa and pulled her feet up on it without worrying about encroaching on all the free space. Claire had disappeared for a moment but followed shortly afterwards now wearing an oversized Christmas jumper and carrying a gift bag.
Danni grabbed the one she’d brought and they held them out to each other, getting straight down to business so they could spend the rest of the day watching TV.
“So here it is, Merry Christmas!” Danni sang out loudly as she pulled out a box-shaped present from the bright bag Claire had given her. It was too fat to be a DVD or book and she tore into it with the enthusiasm of a small child. Claire did the same with her small present and squealed at the silver necklace Danni had bought her.
“Oh my god I love it!” she cried. Danni laughed joyfully at the Doctor Who box that had be wrapped in shiny paper. She held it up to her chest as she turned to her friend.
“You know the way to my heart,” she complimented her friend as she gazed down at River Song, who was looking back up at her with a smirk; all bushy hair and full of sass. Inside the dark blue box was a faux leather Vortex Manipulator, with built in calculator and time and date display. She ripped it out of the box and placed it on her wrist.
“Where on earth did you get this?”
“EBay,” Claire replied simply. “I think it came over from America. It must of, it took like a month to arrive. I didn't think it was coming at all to be honest. That's why there's something else in there.”
Danni hadn’t even noticed, but inside the bag was another wrapped up gift. She tore the wrapping off and found a child’s Eleventh Doctor dress-up kit. She quickly took the red bow tie out and placed it around her neck with the same eagerness Claire had done with her necklace.
“This is the best thing ever!”
The friends hugged tightly, then Claire joined her on the sofa, grabbing the remote as she did. “I think there’s a movie on BBC1,” the blonde told her.
As the credits of Toy Story 2 began scrolling down the screen Danni stretched and turned to her best friend, who was curled up on the opposite side of the sofa hugging a cushion to her chest.
“So, Miss Claire Watson, now what?” Danni asked, placing a faux posh accent on her friend’s name.
“Dunno. I'm thirsty though, what time is it Miss Danielle Fielding?” She replied in the same style. Danni flipped open the toy on her wrist and showed it dramatically to her.
“Well, this is flashing 12 am because I haven't set it yet, and personally I think 12 am means only one thing,” they both threw their arms up in celebration.
Claire jumped up from the sofa. “I'll bring the stuff!”
Danni smiled warmly as she watched her friend run out of the room. They were only visiting their families for a week or so, but she was really going to miss her. She looked down at the Vortex Manipulator, poking a few of the buttons to try and change the time and date but all that happened was she found out 2312 minus 2012 was 300, which she did actually know. She frowned and looked around.
“Where's the box for this thing? I want to set the time on it,” she called through to the kitchen.
“Down the side of the sofa. I had to move it ‘cause it was digging into my back,” Claire replied and she pulled it up and took out the instructions. After flipping through the manual to try and find the English instructions she opened it up and did as it said. Press the red button, type in the date first then the time and press the red button again. She typed in the 25th of December 2012 and grinned to herself.
“Oh I wish it could be Christmas every day!” she sang loudly and Claire's laugh floated through. She then pressed the button on the remote to bring up the time on the television. 14.40; that was typed into the pad and she looked at it with a thoughtful frown before checking the instructions to clear the screen then typed in 14.40 on the 25th of December 2006.
“I'm just off to 2006, won't be a moment,” she called into the kitchen.
“Bring back some lemonade with you. I can't find any anywhere,” Claire called back.
“Will do.”
Danni giggled to herself, sometimes it was so much fun being a grown-up child, and forcefully slammed her finger onto the red button. She gasped then groaned in pain as it felt like she had been punched in the stomach. Her vision went white, and she curled up as she felt herself drop to the ground with a thud.
Danni winced as a female voice rang through her head, waking her sharply up from her sleep. She hated being woken up, mornings were never something she wanted to live through. She opened her eyes and found herself not in her bed, but on a metal floor in a room she could not place, but seemed familiar.
“Who are you?!” Danni sat up and saw a ginger woman in a wedding dress screaming furious at a man in a pinstriped suit. Not just a ginger woman, Catherine Tate. Catherine Tate was stood in front of her screaming at David Tennant.
“But...” he looked around the console room dumbfounded.
“Where am I?” Catherine shouted again.
“What?” He seemed to be rather confused and she smiled at the look on his face. She had no idea what was going on, but she loved this part.
“What the hell is this place?”
Danni pushed herself up. Maybe she got an electric shock from the toy. That must be it. She's unconscious. She laughed in relief; oh thank god for that. The pair turned to look at her and David grinned happy at her.
“Danni, are you alright?” He rushed over and helped her steady herself as she seemed to be rather off balance.
“Yes, yes I'm fine. This is just the best dream ever,” she replied with a grin.
“Where were you? Did you just come from the 1950's?” he asked hopefully and she laughed.
“No, sorry mate. 2012 through and through here. I'm guessing I'm heading back there in a few moments when Claire finds me on the floor unconscious,” she motioned to Catherine who just seemed to be getting increasingly angrier at the fact that she was being ignored. “Don't let me interrupt you, David. Carry on, I love this episode.”
He looked her up and down, taking in every detail. “Is this your first time here?” he finally asked and she nodded.
“Unfortunately it is.” He closed his eyes as if he was in pain then they shot open and he looked at her confused.
“Did you just call me David?”
Danni shook her head in exasperation and pointed behind her. “Aren't you forgetting someone?” He jumped in realisation and spun back around to face Catherine, who stared back at him aggressively.
He then turned back to Danni, still not quite able to shake the confused look on his face. “Are you wearing a bowtie?”
She reached up around her neck, nodding to herself as she did. “I guess I am,” she agreed before smirking at him. “You always liked a bowtie.”
“What does…” he started before sighing. All she would do would be to throw that ‘spoilers’ word in his face and he wouldn’t get anything else from her about it. Sometimes he really hated not knowing what she did. He preferred when he was the cleverest person in the room.
But, she was right, and he turned his attention back to the bride who had appeared out of nowhere. She looked furious about being ignored, but that was the least of his worries right now.
“You can't- You can’t just appear in the TARDIS,” he accused. “I wasn't... we're in flight! That is-- that is physically impossible! How did--??”
As he fell back into the situation, a stutter in his voice, Danni had to marvel at how her brain seemed to be able to recall the script and yet edit it to allow for her own intervention. Maybe she was some sort of dream genius. That would be awesome.
She’d also added in the details of the console room. There was no crew, no cameras. Just more railings around the edge to create the circle of the elevated platform they were on. But that wasn’t particularly awesome, after all she’d seen many a set photo in her time. The console room was complete, with her own dream Doctor and Donna to join in. She giggled to herself; Doctor-Donna, even.
“Tell me where I am. I demand you tell me right now - where am I?” Donna cried agitated. Danni couldn't blame her, she was getting married after all.
The Doctor just stared at her as if it was obvious. “Inside the TARDIS.” Danni shook her head; even if she hadn't seen the episode she could see where this was heading.
“The what?”
“The what?”
The Doctor turned back to the controls of the ship but his words were just gibberish to Donna. “The what?”
“She’s called the TARDIS,” Danni chipped in, wanting to get the most out of this situation while it lasted. She couldn't wait to tell Claire about this. She was have a fit that she hadn't experienced it.
Donna glared at her angrily. “That's not even a proper word. You're just saying things,” she exclaimed.
“How did you get in here?” the Doctor tried again, still trying to work out how she had suddenly appeared in the TARDIS.
“Well, obviously, when you kidnapped me. Who was it? Who's paying you? Is it Nerys? Oh, my God, she's finally got me back. This has got Nerys written all over it.”
The Doctor turned to watch her rant, looking her up and down as if the answer would just pop out of her. “Who the hell is Nerys?” he asked her as his curiosity got the best of him.
“Your best friend,” she snapped back.
“No, that's her,” he pointed to Danni, who blinked at him in confusion. He shot her a grin then turned back to Donna. “Hold on, wait a minute - what're you dressed like that for?”
“I'm going ten pin bowling,” she told him sarcastically. “Why do you think, Dumbo? I was halfway up the aisle!” The Doctor began fiddling with the console as Danni watched Donna begin to rant. “I've been waiting all my life for this. I was just seconds away! And then you-- I dunno, you two drugged me or something!” The Doctor looked startled.
“Hang on a minute, I haven't done anything! You watched me appear!” Danni exclaimed, feeling slightly offended at being brought into her accusation. Donna didn’t care that she’d upset her, though, and just shot her a dirty look.  
“We're having the police on you! Me and my husband - as soon as he is my husband - we're gonna sue the living backside off ya!” the Doctor didn't reply and Danni didn't really know what to say as Donna noticed the TARDIS doors. She rushed over to them and threw them open, despite the Doctor's protests. She gaped as she saw the supernova they were floating around, her wind taken out of her at the sight outside. Danni had to agree, it was pretty spectacular. It definitely looked better in person than when the Doctor had been saying goodbye to Rose.
Danni’s mouth fell open slightly. Oh, he’d just said goodbye to Rose, hadn’t he? She looked at him again as he approached the magically appearing bride. Poor Doctor. She hated seeing him hurting on the television, in person it suddenly seemed a lot worse.
Suddenly the way he walked over seemed a lot sadder. She knew that this episode seemed like a giant distraction from the pain that he’d faced, and she’d always seen it as that, but suddenly this dream was making that seem less likely. Her heart ached for the lonely time traveller. Would he let her give him a hug?
“You're in space. Outer Space,” the Doctor explained to Donna gently. “This is my... space-ship. It's called the 'TARDIS'.”
Danni walked over to join them, slotting herself in the other side of the doorway. She knew how this would go, however she just wanted to take another look at the outside before she woke up. She wanted to try and commit it to memory. It made her seem so small, made Donna’s anger seem so pointless. It truly was awesome.
“How am I breathing?” Donna asked, also in awe of the sight outside.
“The TARDIS is protecting us,” Danni replied without thinking, barely paying attention at all. The Doctor smiled down at her, a fond look she missed completely. That was the Danni he remembered. Always knowing more than she should.
“Who are you?” Donna asked the Doctor again. This time she was calmer as the realisation of how far from home she was hit her.
“I'm the Doctor, and she's Danni,” the Doctor introduced quietly. “You?”
He looked her up and down. “Human?” he enquired.
“Yeah,” she replied before turning to him, a suspicious look on her face. “Is that optional?”
“Well, it is for me.”
Donna glanced around at them, casting her gaze up and down the two individuals. She tried to be surprised, but suddenly nothing seemed like it could be too far-fetched. “You're an alien.”
“Yeah,” he simply replied.
She took a moment to process everything, pondering on what to say next. Her Granddad had always said alien’s existed, but even he would struggle to believe this. “It's freezing with these doors open,” she settled on and he slammed the doors shut then ran back over to the console.
“But I don't understand it and I understand everything!” he exclaimed, rambling as he tried to grab some thought of an idea that might explain what had happened. “This-- this can't happen! There is no way a Human Being can lock itself onto the TARDIS and transport itself inside. It must be...”
He grabbed a device out of a tool belt he seemed to have lying around – usually very convenient Danni had always thought as she’d watched the show – and held it up to look into Donna’s eyes.
“Impossible. Some sort of subatomic connection? Something in the temporal field? Maybe something pulling you into alignment with the Chronon shell,” he lowered the device and Danni could see Donna’s hands clenching at her side. While on the show Danni had always found the slap very funny, because he could ramble for an age if he wasn’t stopped, knowing that Rose had just left him made Danni step between them both.
“Doctor,” she stated firmly, catching his attention with a pointed look. If he wasn’t careful he was going to get himself slapped. “Maybe we should take her to her wedding,” she reminded him pointedly. “She’s in her dress. Examining her when she’s stressed isn’t going to give any proper results.”
She blinked, surprised by how the reasoning had just rolled of her tongue. Maybe she’d picked up more off the television that she had always suspected. And they said that television wasn’t educational.
The Doctor, now broken from his ranting, took a look at Donna over Danni’s head. While part of him tensed at listening to her, he fought to push it away and nodded in agreement. “Fine,” he grumbled and Danni smiled at him as he turned to the console.
Danni turned back to Donna, who looked rather annoyed that she had stepped in. “Thank you,” she grumbled begrudgingly and Danni shrugged.
“I’m sure he means well,” she replied, after all she only had a TV show to go off for his motives. “You’ve just excited him.”
Donna gasped in indignation. “Is that why I’m here?” she exclaimed. “Have you- you kidnapped me to breed with me?”
The Doctor shook his head. “Of course not,” he snapped. “I’ve got better things to do than kidnap some human and breed with it. Where is this wedding?”
“Saint Mary's, Hayden Road, Chiswick, London, England, Earth, the Solar System,” Donna snapped out as she walked away from him around the console. How dare he not want to breed with her? He shouldn’t be turning his nose up at her. When Lance heard about…
Her angry thoughts tapered off as she spotted something on the railings. Danni watched her reach over to it and almost groaned; it was Rose's top, the one she left behind. Donna snatched it up and stormed over.
“I knew it. Acting all innocent,” she sneered accusingly, showing him the blouse, shaking it in her anger. “I'm not the first, am I? How many women have you abducted?”
Danni felt her heart tighten slightly as he looked up at the garment with a confused look, before taking it in and his face fell. He was so hurt. “That's my friend's,” he replied forlornly.
“Where is she, then? Popped out for a space walk?” Donna asked sarcastically.
“She's gone.”
Donna just looked more enraged than comforted by his answer. “Gone where?” She was obviously scared at her situation, Danni couldn't blame her but her attitude towards him was starting to grate on her nerves. He had just lost Rose, after all, her brain should have calmed her down a little bit. She was never going to watch this episode the same again.
“I lost her,” he replied after a pause.
“Well, you can hurry up and lose me!”
The two women watched him for a moment, Donna expecting denials and Danni wondering yet again if it would be weird to give her dream a hug. Donna suddenly seemed to realise that there was something more in his answer than he was letting on.
“How do you mean, 'lost'?” she asked, a little bit more sensitively. The Doctor stared at her then stormed towards her. Donna looked slightly scared as he snatched Rose's top off her then made his way towards the door.
“Right! Chiswick.”
Donna stormed out of the TARDIS as they landed, looking around at the tall, nondescript buildings. The Doctor followed behind her, and Danni slowly behind him. She looked upwards, it all seemed so real. She really should have woken up by now. Feeling the chill of the winter air, she rubbed her arms to try and gain some body heat. Would she remember all this detail when she woke up? Or would it be like the rest of her Doctor Who dreams, where she’d remember she had them but be frustrated by how little she remembered?
“I said 'Saint Mary's'. What sort of Martian are you?” she snapped, “Where's this?” The Doctor turned and faced the TARDIS, stroking it almost tenderly and ignored her completely.
“Something's wrong with her...” he replied, concerned for the spaceship. Donna rolled her eyes at him. “It's like she's... recalibrating!” Danni stepped out of the way as he ran into the TARDIS.
Danni didn’t follow him in, instead staying with Donna who seemed to realise that she’d walked out of a rather small blue wooden box. She backed away slightly, staring up at the TARDIS in shock.
“It's alright, you know? She’s supposed to be like that.” Danni told her gently, but Donna just shot her a look of disbelief and began pacing around the TARDIS. She reached out, touching the wooden walls as if she didn't believe it was there.
“Donna? You've really gotta think. Is there anything that might've caused this?” the Doctor called from inside. “Anything you might've done? Any sort of alien contacts? I can't let you go wandering off in case you're dangerous. I mean, have you... have you seen lights in the sky? Or... did you touch something? Something-- something different? Something strange? Something made out of a sort of metal or... who're you getting married to?” Donna chucked her hands over her mouth in horror at what she had just seen. Danni stepped closer to her but she just turned and ran the other way.
“Donna! Wait!” Danni cried and began chasing her. She knew the Doctor would catch up in a moment, but this was a dream and not the actual episode. If she didn’t follow Donna would that mean that she’d disappear and the whole scenario would change? Or would she just jump to a point where they were together again? She’d never really had much control over her dreams in the past.
But if she was going to lose one, she definitely didn’t want it to be the Doctor. She turned her head, slowing down but the Doctor came running out of the TARDIS and she smiled in relief. Oh good. He was the best part of any dream.
He fell by Donna’s side, barely having to walk fast to keep up with her. She only spared him a glance. “Leave me alone. I just want to get married,” she pleaded.
“Come back to the TARDIS,” he suggested instead but she just hitched her dress up slightly so she could walk faster.
“No way. That box is too...” she paused for a moment to find the right word to describe the impossible box she’d stepped out of. “Weird.”
“She’s just bigger on the inside, that’s all,” Danni tried to reassure her but Donna shot her a look.
“Oh! That's all?” she retorted sarcastically. She continued on but checked her watch, tears appearing her eyes. “Ten past three. I'm gonna miss it.”
“Can’t you phone them? Tell them where you are?” the Doctor asked.
“How do I do that?” she asked, distraught.
“Haven't you got a mobile?”
Donna came to a stop, turning to him with an angry look on her face. “I'm in my wedding dress,” she explained sharply. “It doesn't have pockets. Who has pockets? Have you ever seen a bride with pockets? When I went to my fitting at Chez Allison, the one thing I forgot to say is ‘give me pockets!’”
The Doctor nodded to himself. “... This man you're marrying, what's his name?”
The anger immediately fell from her face. “Lance,” Donna replied dreamily.
“Good luck Lance,” he replied and Donna glared at him, almost shaking with rage as she pointed at him.
“Oi!” she exclaimed. “No stupid Martian is gonna stop me from getting married.” She hitched her skirt up. “To hell with you!”
She turned and ran off, the Doctor sighing heavily in resignation. “I'm-- I'm not... I'm not... I'm not from Mars,” he muttered to himself. Why couldn’t he have a random bride who took to the whole ‘time travelling box and alien’ thing a lot smoother? Like Danni. She wasn’t complaining at all about it.
The thought had him turning to her, suddenly concerned by just how easygoing she was being about the whole thing. If this really was her first time in this universe she should have been much more upset about it. Was she in shock? He needed to remember to take better care of her now.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, concerned.
She shrugged. “I'm just getting a bit worried. I thought I'd've woken up by now,” she confessed. There seemed no point in lying to him, after all. He was her subconcious, he probably knew that anyway. It was nice, though, to see the Tenth Doctor looking at her with concern on his face.
“Woken up?” he asked, confused.
“You know? Cause I'm unconscious? This is all a dream,” she replied. He blinked for a moment, as if realising something before his look turned distinctly apologetic. That look on the Doctor’s face that would appear when he had to tell someone that something terrible had happened.
A cold rush went over her. The fact that, so far, everything was going just like the episode hadn’t bothered her but now that he wasn’t running after Donna she realised just how strange that was. “What’s going on?” she asked him.
Where did he start with that? He opened his mouth to reply when his brain caught up with him. The reason that he’d even been thinking of Danni was because of Donna. He jolted, turning around.
“Donna!” he exclaimed, taking off after her and leaving Danni to stare.
She could feel herself starting to panic, and it had nothing to do with what was going on around her. This was turning into a bad dream. She didn’t want it to. “No, wait!” she cried as she ran after him. “Doctor! Please!”
“Why do they always run off?” he snapped as they headed onto the highstreet.
“Do you blame her?” Danni replied, panting in a way none of the companions ever seemed to do when meeting the Doctor. “No one would appreciate being zapped somewhere they didn’t know without warning.”
There was that look again. Almost pitying and she really didn’t like it. Luckily he spotted Donna and rushed off before she could question it further. She wasn’t hard to miss, stood in the street in a wedding dress while everyone around them was bundled up against the cold. She was trying to call down a taxi but nothing was stopping.
“Why's his light on?” she exclaimed in annoyance as one drove past.
The Doctor immediately set off in a run neither women could keep up with. “There’s another one!” he cried but even though all three of them waved it down it just drove by.
“Oi!” Donna called after it before setting her sights on yet another taxi. Once again it didn’t stop for them.
“Do you have this effect on everyone?” the Doctor asked her as they took a moment to stop of the pavement. “Why aren't they stopping?”
“They think I'm in fancy dress,” she reasoned uncertainly. A taxi that drove past honked its horn and the driver inside made a drinking motion as he drove past.
“Stay off the scotch darlin'!” he called and Donna chucked her arms into the air.
“They think I'm drunk.”
“You're fooling no-one, mate!” A couple of young men in a blue car called out as they drove past.
“They think I'm in drag!” Donna exclaimed, hands out by her side, offended and a little hurt. The Doctor looked her up and down as if to check and Danni caught the look. Donna was already having a bad day, there was no need to add to it.
She smacked him on the arm. “Oi, rude,” she scolded and he grabbed where she’d hit him. He still grinned at her with that cheeky grin that she’d loved to see on the Tenth Doctor and, try as hard as she might, she couldn’t surpress the one that would appear on her face in return.
“Hold on, hold on,” he said, turning to the street and looking for the next taxi coming towards them. He put his fingers between his lips and whistled, much louder than a human possibly could and the two women had to cover their ears to protect them from the high-pitched noise. It worked, though, a taxi stopped in front of him. They all climbed in; Donna first, then the Doctor and then Danni.
“St Mary’s, in Chiswick, just off Hayden Road,” Donna told the driver quickly. “It's an emergency, I'm getting married! Just... hurry up!”
“You know it'll cost you, sweetheart? Double rates today,” the driver replied, looking at the trio through his rear view mirror.
“Oh, my God!” She turned to the Doctor. “Have you got any money?”
“Um... no. And you?” he replied.
She stared back for a moment before waving up and down herself. “Pockets!” she reminded him. They both turned to Danni, who just held her hands up in front of her.
“Hey, don't look at me, I'm just here for the ride,” she told them. The taxi skidded to a halt and a moment later the three were unceremoniously chucked out. The Doctor slammed the door shut as Donna made a rude gesture at the driver.
“And that goes double for your mother!” she yelled angrily as the taxi drove off. “I'll have him. I've got his number. I'll have him. Talk about the Christmas Spirit,” she ranted as the Doctor looked around in slight surprise.
“Is it Christmas?” he asked happily. He’d always liked Christmas. Danni had too, if he remembered correctly. It made sense that this was when she’d first landed.
“Well, duh. Maybe not on Mars, but here it's Christmas Eve,” Donna retorted. Danni frowned. That wasn’t right, though, was it?
She opened the flap on the vortex manipulator and saw the screen was completely blurry, like someone had broken a calculator. She had typed in Christmas Day. She was sure Donna had gotten married on Christmas Day, but maybe she hadn’t. Either way the screen didn’t look healthy.
“There's something wrong with this thing,” she stated.
“You have no idea,” the Doctor replied under his breath and she glared up at him, hand on her hip.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” she asked angrily.
“You'll find out soon enough,” he replied vaguely and she poked him hard in the arm.
“No, you listen here Spaceman,” she started. “You will tell me right now what the hell is going on. You’ve been looking at me sadly since the moment I arrived and I know for a fact you shouldn’t be. It’s freaking me out. Tell me what is going on!”
“I will,” he promised her. “But not yet. We have other things to worry about.”
He nodded towards Donna pointedly but that wasn’t good enough for her. “Oh no, now mister.”
He placed a hand on her arm in an attempt to calm her down. “Let's just get Donna home, then I'll explain. I promise,” he told her with a calming tone and she relaxed slightly, nodding.
“Alright. But you promised, and I expect you to tell me.” He nodded and made two crosses on his chest, one over each of his hearts and she couldn't help but grin at his cuteness. Donna suddenly hit him on the arm, much gentler than maybe she would have before.
“Phone box!” she told the, pointing at the ordinary phone box off one of the streets and they all rushed towards it. “We can reverse the charges!”
“How come you're getting married on Christmas Eve?” the Doctor asked, intrigued. Christmas was a time for families and domesticity on Earth, but it seemed a bit odd to be getting married when there was a holiday happening around them.
“Can't bear it. I hate Christmas. Honeymoon in Morocco. Sunshine – lovely.”
The Doctor held the door open for Donna, but stood in the way before Danni could get in as well. She frowned to herself, feeling rather left out all of a sudden. This was her dream, right? She crossed her arms.
Donna picked up the receiver before turning back to the Doctor. “What's the operator? I've not done this in years. What do you dial? 100?” she asked, still panicking about making it on time. The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the machine, setting it off with a quiet buzz.
“Just-- just call the direct,” he told her before pocketing it again.
“What did you do?” She demanded.
“Something,” he paused for a moment wondering if he should explain it to her. He decided against it. “Martian,” he settled on instead. “Now, phone. I'll get money!” He ran off and left Danni watching Donna try and ring someone at the wedding.
“Ohh, answer the phone!” Donna exclaimed to herself before trying another number. Danni watched as she suddenly took a breath, ready to speak. “Mum, get off the phone and listen,” she told her mother’s voicemail. “I'm in-- ” she paused. She had no idea. She turned to Danni, who also shrugged. She was a Northern girl, she’d never really even been to London before. She was no use.
Donna turned back to the phone, still panicking. “Oh, my God-- I dunno where I am!” she exclaimed. “It's... it's a street. And there's WH Smith... but it's definitely Earth,” she assured her mother’s answering machine. Danni couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the words. Donna shot her a dirty look as she slammed the receiver down.
“Bloody use you are,” she snapped before she stepped out into the street again. She looked around, looking for her best bet, before approaching a woman with a few shopping bags.
“Excuse me... I'm begging you,” she said almost breathlessly. “I'm getting married, I really am and I'm late and I just need to borrow a tenner and I'll pay you back I promise and it's Christmas.”
The woman smiled and nodded, handing her a note and Donna could have hugged her. Danni glanced down at the Doctor, who was still waiting impatiently for the ATM machine. She couldn’t let Donna go. She’d just get caught in the taxi with the santa robot.
“Look, just wait for the Doctor,” she said to try and convince her to stay. “He'll be back in a sec with money.”
Donna ignored her and, hand full of money, called the first taxi that drove past down. Danni quickly glanced into the front seat and saw the Santa robot and grabbed Donna’s arm.
“Look, Donna, just look in...” she started but Donna pushed her off and onto the floor.
“I don’t have time to play around,” she snapped. “If you wanna follow him, fine, but I’m going to my wedding.”
“Will you just look?” Danni tried again as she scrambled up but Donna opened the back door, climbing in. Danni turned back to the Doctor, who was finally finishing up. “Doctor!”
The Doctor looked over at them and his eyes widened. “Donna!” he exclaimed but the taxi just drove off. He rushed over to Danni’s side and she tapped his arm.
“It's worse than you think.” She told him, pointing at the Santa's playing trumpets behind them. He watched as they move to hold the trumpets as if they were weapons. “There was one driving the taxi Donna got in. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen.”
She reached into his pocket and pulled out his sonic screwdriver, pointing not at the robots but at the cash machine he’d been using. Money started spewing out and she grinned up at him as people starting running to grab the flowing cash.
“Just point and think, right?” she recalled cheekily.
“Are you sure you’ve not been here before?” he asked in return and shook her head.
“Never,” she promised. With another shared grin, they turned and headed back to the TARDIS while they still had the chance. This was more like it. The Doctor and Danni running away from bad guys. This was what her dreams were normally about.
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