#oh my god sonnetts face
gamergirl929 · 2 years
This is a masterpiece, puts The Mona Lisa to shame.
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wosostories · 1 month
Prompt: Can you do a uswnt x teen reader, where reader gets hurt when someone pulls a prank on her or something like that?
Sonny pulls Y/N in to the aftermath of a prank and it doesn't go as planned.
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You were heading back to your room from a meeting with coach. You had been told that you were going to be starting in tomorrow's game. You were so excited that you didn’t notice Sonnett running down the hallway. 
“Y/N watch out!” She calls out right before she runs into you. You wobble a little but she steadies you before you hit the ground. “Sorry! Got to run.” She is about to take off again down the hallway. “Actually, I could use you.” Sonny grabs your hand and drags you down the hallway behind her. 
“Why are we running? What did you do?” You ask her. 
“There is no reason for the running. I didn't do anything. Why would you even ask that?” Sonny responds. 
“Sonny, get back here!” You hear Kelley yell from down the hallway. 
“Did you prank Kelley?”
“Becky told you that you aren’t allowed to drag me into your prank wars. And I think that this constitutes dragging me.”
“I may be dragging you, but this is not a prank war so not breaking Beckys rules.”
You turn a corner and are all of a sudden heading down a set of stairs. Sonnett’s grip around your wrist made it impossible to get out of it without hurting yourself. 
“Can you let me go please. I was on my way to get ready for dinner. I am already running late.”
“You're fine, we can just go to dinner right now.” You are keeping up with Sonny until the final bit on the first floor. You trip over one of the stairs and let out a yelp as you fall down the final few stairs. You fall into Sonny and you both tumble to the ground in a heap. 
“Sonny! Y/N!” Kelley calls from the flight of stairs above you. This draws the attention of some of the other girls who are waiting in the meal room which is next door to the staircase. 
In a second they were at the bottom of the stairs as Sonnett peels herself off the floor. 
“Oh God, Y/N! Are you ok?” You let out a groan clutching your wrist to your chest. 
“Sonnett what did you do?” Becky all but yells. 
“I- I didn’t…” 
Ali came running in with the team doctor. 
“Y/N can you sit up for me?” The medic asked. She helped you into a sitting position leaning up against the wall. She took your hand into her own and started poking it in different spots. 
The rest of the girls turned back to Sonnett and Kelley knowing that you were in good hands. They were berating them as the medic made her assessment. 
You let out a cry and tears start streaming down your face as she continues her assessment. “I think it's broken. We need to get you to the hospital for x-rays and casting.”
“A- am I still going to be able to start tomorrow?” You ask through your tears. All of your teammates went silent waiting for the answer. 
The medic sighed, “It’s not the end of the world, you will have another opportunity to start. You are only 16.” 
“Y/N I’m so sorry.” You shake your head and let the medic help you to your feet. Her and Ali help you out of the hotel to head to the hospital. 
“You’re the one who is going to tell coach why Y/N can’t start tomorrow. And the part you played in it.” Becky told her. 
Sonnett nodded tears in her own eyes, “I hope you think pulling her into the prank was worth it.” Kelley said, walking past her leaving Sonny alone as the team made their way back to the meal room to wait on news of Y/N wrist. 
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Taking care // Jessie Fleming
kinda pt. 2 of Protective Moms
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a/n: based off this request.
"Tobs, I can walk on my own" you whined, the striker supporting you. "I have broken nose, nothing more"
"And a serious concussion"
You grumbled but you had no other choice, Tobin wouldn‘t leave your side until your body was laid down in your bed. "Can I at least have my phone back?"
"Ask Christen"
Back at your room you laid down, Tobs placed a glass of water on your nightstand before she tucked you under the duvet. "How shall I ask her when she isn’t here?"
"That‘s not my problem, we‘ll check up on you later." the forward then left the room, ready to go to training. (She tried to tell the coach that she had to watch you and take care of you but as soon as you heard that you argued with her, that you‘re old enough, etc. which she only half-heartedly accepted)
A long sigh left your throat.
"Jess is pretty amazing, isn‘t she?" you smiled as you went to breakfast with Chris and Tobs. "She‘s alright" said Tobin while Christen answered, "She’s such a sweetheart." As you had your breakfast on your plate you walked towards the table where Sonnett, Kelley and Alex sat. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through your head, it throbbed and spun then went black. You passed out.
Everything seemed fine so far, your nose was broken but otherwise nothing to notice from the concussion. Yesterday, Chris, Tobin, Jess and you were out for a 'parents meet kids girlfriend' date and you were your usual self.
Well, until now. The plate shattered across the floor, your body hitting the floor with a 'humpf'. Christen was the first by your side, rapidly and firmly patting your cheek, with no luck in waking you - you were knocked out while Tobin ran around the hotel searching for someone from the physio team, a doc, anyone.
That‘s how you ended up for the rest of the day and the next few days in your bed with no phone and no remote to turn the tv on, strict guidelines: Rest, rest, rest! Tobin took the doc very serious, she wouldn‘t risk more damage. The little meet up with your girl was already to much after the knock from Chapman. Even though the moms where at training they made sure you had everything, a bottle of water beside your bed and painkillers next to it, just in case.
Meanwhile Jess was going crazy. Why hadn‘t you replied to her texts? Did the moms forbid you to contact her? Oh god, they didn‘t like her?! She tried to call you over and over, your phone ringing in Chris‘ bag as she was doing drills with her team mates.
"You good, Jess?" Sinc asked the young canadian as she saw how she was biting her lip nervously, her fingers playing with the hem of her hoodie.
"Huh? Yeah! I‘m fine" the midfielder replied. She wasn't convincing so Sinc took a seat beside her. She nudged the shoulder of the young canadian, silently asking what‘s wrong. "She isn‘t answering" she admitted, her ears turning red, "the only text she sent was a good morning which was hours ago"
"So? Maybe she‘s at training?"
"No, no. She has to be in bed because of her concussion"
"Well then, maybe she‘s sleeping" the older woman tried to ease Jessie‘s mind but with no success, she could see that her brain was working on high speed, trying to figure out what‘s wrong. "I just feel like something is off, you know? Like something happened."
The only thing Christine could do now was support her, "If you think someting is off then go to her." a big smile spread across the face of the small canadian "you think?"
"If you don‘t, you have to wait until she answers"
Knocking on your door, Jess was nervous. Shortly after her talk with Sinc the midfielder went to your hotel, it took her some time but she made it. She didn‘t know why she was nervous, you were her girlfriend after all yet the thought of an angry Tobin Heath opening the door was scary. Her knock wasn‘t too loud, she didn‘t want to make your headache worse though the knock was loud enough to be heard. "Hello?" you rasped out as you opened the door. "Hi" your girl said, shuffling with her feet.
"What‘re you doing here?" you looked down the hall before you pulled her in to her room. "You didn‘t answer my texts" you chuckled as you placed yourself back on the bed. "I don‘t have my phone," patting the spot next to you to signal her she should join you. "Why?" She asked, taking her shoes off, joining you. Immediately, your head rested on her chest as her arms wrapped around you. "Chris has it and the remote as well. I‘m so bored, you can‘t even imagine," you stated, melting in the embrace of your lover. "I get that, baby, but why?" While lips were pressed against your forehead, you answered, "strict doc rules 'cause I passed out. Tobin is being overprotective" in to her chest, slowly getting tired. The whole day, you‘d been laying around, doing nothing yet couldn‘t sleep but with your lovers arms around the tiredness started to set in. "You passed out?" The midfielder asked shocked, she knew something was off. "Yeah, i‘m alright though, just need to rest" your eyes shutting at the end of your sentence. "I love you" was the last thing you said before you fell in to deep slumber.
Freshly showered, the team got back to the hotel, Chris and Tobs already on her way to your room. As they opened the door and stepped in to the room, they could see the brunette you were hugging, both of you deep and fast asleep. Christen laughed softly; the two of you couldn‘t be away from each other. Even Tobin smiled, seeing you like this. Normally, she would have gone all protective but something in her was telling her that she was seeing the right thing, Jess was the right 'thing'
"They‘re adorable" said person stated, slinging her arm around the dark haired women who could only agree.
Sleeping in your lovers arms will always be the best kind of recovery.
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futfemfantasies · 1 year
“She’s my daughter too!” - Alex Morgan x reader
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“That’s the problem, I don’t think Charlie has ever seen me play for my national team” You take a breath as you fight back tears and loosen you hand around your phone.
“You know I want her with me and the girls” You faintly hear the room door open and close due to being on the balcony. You turn around and see your roommate Steph and best friends Mackenzie (Macca), Caitlin and Alanna.
“She’s my daughter too! My name is on the birth certificate just as much as yours. Hell, she has my last name. I think you forget that sometimes she’s mine too”
Too angry to hear your wife, you hang up and sit on one of the plastic chairs. You don’t see it but your friends give each other a look and Steph decides to go out and comfort you. You breakdown in her arms and the rest come out for support.
“Why d-doesn’t she trust me w-with Charlie?” You ask your friends with bloodshot eyes.
“We aren’t sure what’s going on y/n/n but we all know one thing, you are an amazing mum. Nothing is going to change that” Alanna mentions, putting a hand on your knee.
“Thanks Lanz”
Macca offers to join the four of your friends for a walk and maybe some ice-cream on the way back from the place downstairs. You respectfully decline and the girls leave, giving you a tight hug each. You decide to have a long, hot shower before cuddling up in bed for a quick nap before dinner.
On the other side of the globe, Charlie had woken up hearing your voice on the call. She then proceeded to start crying because she couldn’t see you in the room. Charlie looked everywhere and in all the drawers and cupboards she could open and still nothing. While this was happening, Alex slipped on one of your Matilda’s hoodies and moved to scoop Charlie into her arms.
“Smell like mama” Charlie mumbles into Alex’s neck.
“We can call her later if you want baby” Charlie’s eyes light up and a wide smile spreads across her face.
The pair get ready before going downstairs for breakfast with the team. Alex walks into the meal room with Charlie on her hip, scrunching the yellow, green and grey material tightly in her small hands. Kelley catches sight of the mixed matched outfit and is about to say something before Alex gives her a stern glare. Alex grabs her vegan breakfast and some pancakes for Charlie before sitting with Kelley, Sonnett, Lindsey and Kristie.
“You ditching us for the girls down under Al?” Kelley teases.
“Never. Charlie’s missing y/n and she stopped crying when she had this so” Alex shrugs.
“I think Sam was saying she hasn’t seen Charlie since she could just walk” Kristie mentions earning a slight nudge, as to tell her to shut up.
Alex begins to think how long ago that was and it was at least a year ago, if not more. Alex realises what she’s don’t and she feels sick to her stomach. She pulls Charlie off her lap before taking the hoodie off and giving it to her. Alex grabbed her phone and moved to the side of the room before making a call.
You finish dinner when you see your phone ring from beside your plate. The photo of you and Alex on the beach pops up and you know she’s FaceTiming you. You decide to ignore it for now and call Alex back later. After a quick talk from the manager, you were all allowed a free night. Steph informs you she’s having a movie night with Caitlin and a few others if you wanted to join. You decline as you have to call Alex back.
You eventually get back to your room and you flop on the bed. You press the FaceTime button and put your arm behind you, slightly flexing your tattoo sleeve and muscles.
“Hey ba- oh my god” You laugh and take a screenshot of Alex’s face.
“What’s up Al?”
“I’m sorry for everything. I don’t mean to keep Charlie with me all the time. I’m just so used to you being here with the Wave. I didn’t give it a second thought. I’m really sorry baby”
“Hmm, it might take a little more than that” Alex rolls her eyes and calls Charlie over. She flips the camera and Charlie races over to Alex, as fast as her little legs can take her. You see something in Charlie’s hands and notice it’s your Matildas hoodie.
“She wouldn’t stop crying until I wore it” Alex mentions.
You talk with Charlie and Alex for a few hours until Steph came back in the room. You all talk for a little while longer until you and Steph both yawned.
“Mama and Aunt Steffy go to sleep now?” You looked at the time and realised you all talked for the last 2 hours or so.
“I have to go bubs so I can be ready for my game tomorrow”
“Okay mama. You call before play?”
“Of course I will. Te amo mucho princesa” Alex smiles at the interaction out of cameras sight.
“Te amo Mamá. Bye Aunt Steffy! Love you”
“See you soon baby girl, I love you too” Steph gets up from you bed and mentions she’s having a shower.
“I love you baby. I’m going to make it up to you both when you get home” Alex promises.
“Can’t wait my love”
You end the call and look up at the ceiling with a smile on your face. When Steph comes out of the bathroom, you two wind down before eventually going to sleep.
You finish the Cup of Nations on a high. You not only win the entire cup but get Player of the Tournament and the golden boot after scoring 7 goals in 3 games. You pack your suitcase and put your trophies plus your winners medal safely between clothes. You go down to the lobby and see most of the team there as some as staying behind to see family. Since it’s late at night, the bus to the airport is quite and most people are exhausted from the last 10 days.
After check in, customs and security lines, you and Emily arrive at your gate with 10 minutes to spare. You put your bag in the overhead and get comfortable in the seat. You pull out your phone to send Alex a quick text.
Hola mi amor, I’m finally on my way home. See you and princesa very soon. I love you Ale xoxo
See you soon baby x We can’t wait to see you
A short 18 hours later, you land and feel more tired than before the plane ride. After leaving the plane and getting your suitcase from the carousel, you text Alex to see where she is since Emily already left with her girlfriend.
Hey babe, I’m in the arrivals part. Where are you two?
Turn around x
You follow Alex’s instruction and you see Charlie running towards you. You meet her half way and lift her up in the air before you give her the tightest hug. You don’t realise you’re crying until you feel someone wipe your tears from your cheeks. You open your eyes and see Alex looking at you with sad eyes and a pout sporting her lips.
“No cuddles for me?”
“There’s always cuddles for you my love” You move Charlie to your hip and kiss Alex softly before giving her a hug.
“Let’s get you home”
Alex takes your luggage from beside you and you carry Charlie out to the car. You buckle Charlie in when she immediately grabs your hand tightly.
“Sit with me Mama” You nod and move around to the other side to put your seatbelt on.
The whole journey home consists of you holding Charlie’s hands and you both falling asleep. Alex stops at a red light and asks you a questions and when she doesn’t get a response, she turns around and sees you two cuddled up together. She takes a quick photo before driving the rest of the way home. Alex parks the car in the garage and goes to unbuckle Charlie when you tighten your arm around Charlie protectively.
“Hey, babe it’s just me” Alex reassures you.
“I’ll get her Al”
Alex gets your bag and starts going inside the house. You walk around to Charlie’s side and lift the toddler out of the car seat.
“We home Mama?”
“Yeah baby, we’re home”
You walk into the house with a half asleep Charlie resting on your shoulder, when you feel your shirt getting wet. You calm Charlie down before asking what’s wrong.
“What’s wrong bubs?”
“Missed you Mama” You pout and kiss her temple.
“I’m not going anywhere for a long time baby. I’m staying right here”
y/ninstagram story
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reimagine7 · 2 years
A thing for Aquaman (Kelley O'hara x reader)
This was a request, but I had a tough time writing it and don’t know if I achieved your expectations. It’s a short one. 
Kelley pov
“Hello ladies! My name is Shean and I’ll be one of the instructors that will be guiding you all today.” We were at the Marine Life Rescue center in Florida. The USWNT is combining forces with the Program to help raise visibility to their mission, so we are making a visit and recording some media stuff. A few of us visited the Clearwater aquarium, some went to the beach to see a turtle and a dolphin release. Me, Lindsey, Alex, Sofia, Trinity and Sonnett are in the group that is going scuba diving. 
“So, a quick story before our leader gets here. The Marine Life Rescue Project was created to support the mission and funding to Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute. We believe in preserving our environment while inspiring the human spirit through leadership in the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of marine life. By research, conservation and environmental education of the community. Alone, we can’t do much, so that’s why your visit here is so important for us…” The boy kept talking and my attention quickly was out of it. I poked Alex and asked. “This guy sounds like he is repeating this line for the hundredth time and has zero animation to be here” Alex laughed but kept looking at the boy, Lindsey that was near heard me and answered. “He is cute though. But I don’t know if I’m too excited to enter the water. I think I will rather stay in the boat talking to him.” Trinity, who was also listening to us, spoke. “What? We are scuba diving for free. Why would you want to stay in the boat?” “What if there are sharks in the water?” Lindsey whispered loudly. “That’s the fun part.” Trinity has a smirk on her face. “I don’t think there will be sharks in there. Right?” I tried to calm Linds, but I was not too sure of myself.”  “Don’t worry, the sharks don’t like humans that much. They usually don’t show up. Usually.” A woman whispered behind us, making the girls who were close jump a little as we haven’t seen her before. “Usually?” She just shrugged. “Who are you?” I was the one making the question now. “I’m…” 
“Y/n! You made it. Come here.” The woman winked at us, stood and went up front. “Girls, this is Y/n Y/l/n. She is going to be the lead instructor that will be diving with some of you. Any questions?” Lindsey raised her hand and asked. “Can I stay in the boat?” We all laughed and Y/n answered. “Of course you can, no one will be forced to be down there. But I must warn you that you will be missing a lot.” “Thanks. But I rather stay here than risk being eaten by a shark.” “First, sharks don’t attack like that. That is a huge myth created mostly due to Spielberg's movies. There is a bigger chance of you dying in a plane crash than being eaten by a shark.” Y/n corrected Lindsey, who still didn’t look convinced. “I think I'll take my chances with the plane.” Y/n laughed but before she could say anything the other instructor called her informing that everything was ready on the boat. “We are going. And second…” She interrupted herself by taking off her hoodie, and Oh, dear! She has muscles. God, she is hot. “Second, I know this beach like the palm of my hand. I know these animals and you’ll be safe with me and my team. Don’t worry. Let’s go girls?” With that she walked toward the boat leaving us behind.
We watched her going and I broke the silence “Have anyone else seen those muscles?” “Yeah. You know what Linds, you can stay in the boat. I will dive with her.” Sonnett grabbed her backpack and started her walk to the boat. “Wait. I think I changed my mind. With those arms, I think I will be safe.” Lindsey says following Sonnett. “You know Kells, if you want a chance to stay near those arms you’ll have to run. Sonnett and Linds are thirsty.” Alex laughed at me and we all ran to the boat. 
An instructor started the drive and we all sat in the boat waiting for the boat to stop at the diving spot. “So Y/n, is being this muscular and hot a requirement to being a scuba diving instructor?” She laughed and answered. “If it was Shean over here would be with his days counted.” “Hey! I work out.” “I’m just kidding man. But answering your question, it’s not. But it helps to keep the girls' attention at you when you’re repeating the program instructions.” She winked at me. “I noticed, but don’t know if I paid too much attention to what you were saying, was occupied with something else. Too distracted. I would love to learn more about it.” “Well, unfortunately that isn’t part of the tour but I’m always open to show what those muscles can do some other time.” “I think I know how those muscles work in the gym.” “I imagine, but I wasn’t talking about the gym.” My eyes widened and I stayed speechless. She stood up and started grabbing the equipment.
“Well, as we already pass through instruction on the beach, I won’t repeat them. The only thing I’m reinforcing is to make sure to be close by. This water is normally safe and calm, and you will have the chance to watch the most different species of animals and corals, but your safety is the most important thing here and any caution is too much. Any question?” This time it was Trinity who raised her hand. “How close can we stay to you?” “Can I hold your arms?” Sofia asked. Y/n only laughed and put her backpack on. “Calm down girls, there is enough of me for everyone. Now, who is ready to dive?”
Next thing I know Y/n was helping the girls with their equipment and Alex poked me. “Really Kell? You’re almost drooling over her.” “Can you blame me? Look at those muscles.” “She is more than just that, you know?” “I know, but how can I not want that? She is smart, strong, funny, and hot. She is friends with the fishes, sharks, and almost the whole marine life. She is basically the female Aquaman.” “Kids, why did I have to stay in the kids group?” She walked away and Y/n came near me to help me with the equipment.
“Everything is good?” Y/n asked. “Yep.” “Great. Let's finish our tour then and wish for it to end with a success.” She said finishing tightening the strap. “Success? I thought you said we didn’t have to worry about it.” She looked at me. “You don’t. Not on my part anyway.” I looked at her confused. “What do you mean?” “You know the story, the hero saves the ladies from the sharks and gets the girl in the end.” “Who says you were the hero?” “We are in a small boat Kelley.” A smirk appeared on her face and she went near the edge of the boat. “But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you have a thing for Aquaman.” She winked at me and jumped in the water. Oh God, I have a thing for the female Aquaman.
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uswntstories · 1 month
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Prompt - “we need to get our stories straight before they separate us for questioning.”
Tierna Davidson x reader
* not proof read lol
If you knew that one day you’d be in this position, you probably would have never believed it. But, it’s happening and you know one day you’ll look back at this moment and laugh.
You’re sitting on your bed in the hotel room and Tierna, your girlfriend, is sitting besides you.
“Well, that was unexpected.” You said with a grim smile.
“You could say that.” The defender replied. If you’re wondering what just happened, let me recap for you.
Tierna and I were in bed in mine and Kelley’s shared hotel room watching a movie. The other girls were out partying or something, while we decided to get some quality girlfriend time together that we seem to never get because the team doesn’t know we’re a couple.
At some point during the movie we must have fallen asleep because next I know I wake up to whispered shock of multiple members of my team. As I opened my eyes I indeed saw Kelley, along with Sonnett and Rose and a few others behind them.
I looked over at Tierna, who has begun stirring. Our teammates are still staring at us shocked.
“Get out, get out, get out!” I whisper yell and throw a pillow at them causing them to scurry out of the room like rats.
At the door closing, Tierna opens her eyes and asks what happened.
“Well, they know about us now.” I say with a bemused smile.
“Oh god, how?” My girlfriend replied.
“We must have fallen asleep during the movie and Kelley walked in on us snuggling and called in the others.”
Tierna just groans in response and starts to get out of bed.
“I’m gonna take a shower and then let’s deal with them.” I said and headed into the bathroom.
And that brings us to now.
“We need to get our stories straight before they separate us for questioning.” I laugh and Tierna cracks a smile.
“Good thinking, babe.” She responds.
“Are we telling them the truth?” I ask hopefully.
“I mean, after that we probably should. It’d be wrong to continue lying to them.”
“True, but maybe we can have some fun with it.” I smirk and Tierna responds,
“What are you thinking?”
- - -
“I can’t believe you! How could you be so stupid and let us fall asleep?” I yell.
“Me?! What about you? It’s your room! You should have known Kelley was gonna come back and see us!” Tierna yells back.
I huff and open the hotel room door,
“Yeah, blame it on me why don’t you!” I reply. I walk out of the room without looking back and slam the door.
When I look up I see Kelley, Sonnett, Ali, Ash, Tobin, and Christen standing next to the opposite wall. Ali gives me a weak smile and a wave.
“I am so sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean for you guys to fight!” Kelley cries out.
I nod weakly and head in the direction of the elevator. I hear them whispering behind me,
“Sonnett, Ash and Tobin, you go talk to Tierna. Kelley, Christen and I will go after Y/N.” Ali says firmly.
As I make it into the elevator, the three aforementioned girls run in.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Ali asks worriedly. I turn to Kelley and say,
“My god, Kelley, can’t you mind your own business for once in your life. Tierna is seriously pissed at me now. ” I sigh.
Kelley once again apologizes profusely and I laugh,
“Okay, I can’t do this anymore.” I look at three confused faces, and I laugh again, “We’re just messing with you, we’re not mad at each other, or you.”
“What?” Kelley asks, “I really thought you were pissed at me!”
I laugh again,
“Payback, Kel, payback.”
We head back upstairs to Kelley and I’s shared room.
As we walk into the hotel room, I hear Tierna also telling the other three that we were messing with them.
When Tierna sees me her face lights up and she pats the bed besides her.
“Hi, love.” I say and peck her on the lips.
“Hello to you too.” She responds.
We both turn towards the group and I say,
“Okay, what do you want to know?”
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Wow. Wish I had a friend like that. So she got you into soccer. Tell me about your fav players.
Oh boy. Are you sitting down? Cause I’ve got a lot. But I’ll do top 3.
1)Lindsey Horan. This one I stand by despite some people not particularly caring for her, either as a person or as a player. She was the first player I ever really liked. She has unbelievable skill, she’s dynamic on the field, and I could just watch her play forever. She’s not called the Great Horan for nothing, that’s all I’ll say. I also met her by accident once, and she was so kind and sweet to me and my best friend, despite me not being able to form words due to being starstruck. Something I saw someone say once in response to the question, “why is Horan built like a linebacker?” was “Because God gave her everything he didn’t give to Dolly Parton.” And I wholeheartedly agree with that.
2)Kelley O’Hara. Frat Daddy Sr. One of the best damn defenders this world has ever fucking seen. Acts like a 5 year old off the field, but has the confidence and energy of “we need a bitch, get Kelley” on field. She takes no shit, she doesn’t let herself get pushed around, she plays hard because she loves what she’s doing and you can see it in her eyes. She somehow manages to have chemistry with everyone she ever plays with, be it Alex Morgan, Trinity Rodman, anyone. She celebrates everyone’s victories, not just her own, because she has the kindest soul I’ve ever seen. Sweet Southern class, but will kick your ass.
3)Emily Sonnett. The defender that maybe should be a mid. But who cares either way because if you cross her path, you should run the other way. Because she will never back down from anything. To quote her replying to getting asked how it felt to be punched in the face, “I don’t feel pain”. Being able to switch between two positions at any given moment, the talent that oozes from her is unlike any other. Another Georgia peach like Queen Kelley, she makes everyone laugh all the time. She’s the comic relief, the comforting feeling you need after a loss, the obnoxious celebration you need after you win. Dog mom, Spotify playlist enthusiast, lover of Waffle House.
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jessicaaatje · 2 years
We fell for eachother
Christen Press x fem!reader
Y/n meets Christen her teammates from the USWNT. Sonnett was curious how you guys met. So here are three stories were you met and one when you realised you loved eachother.
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'Girls, now that we're here in Los Angeles for camp, I want you guys to meet a very special person to me' Christen told her USWNT teammates.
Nobody knew, except for Tobin, that Christen was in a relationship. Not that she wanted to keep it a secret, no, she just forgot to tell the team.
But now it was time, you knew it and she knew it.
When you're in your hometown, the best time to meet your girlfriends second family, was when they are there for a trainings camp, right?
Only you just didn't know what was waiting for you if you met them...
'Chris, are you dating someone and WE never KNEW??', the one and only Alex Morgan screamed.
Christen did expect that someone would yell, but not that it would be Alex, she thought it would someone be like Kelley or Sonnett, but apparently she was wrong.
'Yes Alex, I'm dating someone. And if Vlatko approves, then I could maybe call her when we are having dinner, so that she maybe could eat with us and you guys can ask her everything you want'.
'EVERYTHING?', now, this time it was Sonnett who screamed it. And Christen knew, right there on that moment she shouldn't have said that.
'No, no, no, everything that she would want to answer', Christen replied fast enough hoping that it wasn't too late yet.
Now it was dinner time, Vlatko approved that you could come to eat dinner with the team. And Christen texted you that she would wait for you in the lobby of the hotel.
You hadn't even stepped a foot inside the hotel yet or your face, that was spaced out, brightened immediately up.
You knew right there and then, you wanted to marry her someday, she was your and will always be your everything.
'Hey babes', you said softly to Christen while hugging her.
'Hey y/n', Christen hugged you back, 'are you ready to meet the team?'
But Christen knew you, so she asked it again. Pulling away from you to be able to look in your eyes.
'No, it is so many people at once Chris, I don't know', you replied, looking down at your feet.
'Come here', Christen said, and she gave you a tight hug, knowing you needed something to ground you.
This time it was you who was the one to let go. Saying you were ready to meet her team.
Christen did take this answer to lead you to the dining room were everyone was eating.
It wasn't really quiet in the room, but what were you expecting? That a full team would eat in silence? No, but that would change.
On some of the tables the topic of discussion was Christens girlfriend. Everyone wanted to meet her. So when you two came in the room, you could hear a needle drop on the ground.
Tobin was the first one you spotted, waving to her. With that motion was the silence not a silence anymore and you could hear a loud gasp.
'OH MY GOD, TOBITO, YOU KNEW HER ALREADY!?', Alex Morgan yelled. Tobin became red at the nickname she got, but she still managed to get her head in the motion of a nod.
'Guys, this is y/n, she is my girlfriend', Christen stated proudly.
You waved again, but now at the whole group of women.
The two of you were going to sit on the table were Tobin also was sitting. The only person you knew.
Also occupying the table were: Alex Morgan, Kelley O'Hara, Alyssa Naeher, Rose Lavelle and Kristie Mewis.
Suddenly Sonnett was standing at the head of the table, scaring some of you.
'Can you tell us how you met?'
And you agreed, you took the responsibility to tell the story. Your girlfriend glad you wanted to, because you were a good story teller.
The first time you met was in a grocery store.
Walking in a grocery store, with headphones on and spacing out, still you knew where you needed to be, at the shelves for pasta ingredients, but you didn't know where other people were walking.
And that is the reason why you didn't see her.
THE soccer player Christen Press.
Christen was looking on a shelve for some pasta ingredients that she needed, for herself and her bestfriend Tobin Heath, who was coming over.
And then it happened.
You walked against Christen and the both of you fell on the ground. Centimeters from each other.
'I am so sorry, I didn't know you were standing there and I just wanted to go to this shelve for the mac & cheese ingredients. Please let me help you pick everything up', you rambled.
'It's fine', she replied. But you still helped her. Now you had your headphones off and hanging around your neck, so you could hear her speak if she was speaking to you.
'Have a nice day' Christen said to you when you two were done picking the stuff from the ground. You just replied with a nod and a smile, a now shy side of you showing.
'Wait, so you guys fell over eachother? Is that really the first time you met?'
You blushed, and nodded looking at the now entwined hands of you and Christen.
'That is kinda cheesy'.
You laughed.
The second time you met was in a whole different circumstance, but also not a so different circumstance.
You were in a rush of time, your alarm clock didn't go off and now all you have is stress to get on time on your work.
Again you had headphones on, taking the time to bike to your work instead of going with a car.
Only the gods seemed like they weren't your best friends today, your bike decided to give you a flat tire. This situation caused you more stress and you didn't think about your next move.
Running with the bike in your hand to work.
And there she was in all her shining glory, Christen Press.
She was also out and about, deciding to take a morning run, the one of the many processes where you can clear your mind with.
You could guess it, but faith seemed to work gravity again on the two of you. You collided with Christen again.
This time you fell on top of eachother, and if someone hold a tomato next to your head, they couldn't see the difference then.
'We meet again', Christen said with a grin.
'I am again so sorry. I am late and I have a flat tire and -', you began to ramble.
'It's fine, I hope that you won't get in trouble', the soccer player replied, 'I am Christen by the way'.
'Fancy meeting you, y/n, next time we see each other, I want to take you for a coffee' Christen said confidently.
'I'll take you on that offer, have a nice day, Christen'.
'Are you guys serious? You fell for eachother again?'.
You nodded, smiling to Christen because the last story was coming of when you met.
So the last story...
You were walking in the park, letting the dog of one of your friends outside. The dog, who was named Mint, and was wearing no leash, running after a ball you threw somewhere.
Mint was happily searching for the ball, so when she found the ball, instead of bringing it to you, she brought it to a stranger.
The stranger picked the ball up and threw it in your direction, but Mint didn't try to catch the ball ir get the ball, no she stayed with the stranger.
'Mint, c'mmon girl leave the nice person be', you said to the dog.
'Y/n, you have a dog?', the stranger asked.
Looking up you saw it was the women who you met every time while stumbling into her. Saying: 'No, Mint is the dog of one of my friends, I just needed to babysit her',
'Sweet dog you have there', another women said, who you didn't even know was there, 'I'm Tobin'.
Christen thought suddenly about something, something like a coffee date she promised.
'Y/n, I promised I would take you for a coffee the next time we saw eachother'.
'I thought that was a joke?', you replied.
'No, no, faith wanted us to meet, so when can I tale you on that offer?' Christen answered fast.
'Can I meet Mint sometime?', you think Rose asked.
'Maybe if I needed to babysit her once again, and when your near ofcourse', you said to Rose.
'Okay, thanks'.
'So you guys fell for eachother two times and the other time a dog brought you together? That is like the most cheesy thing to happen to someone', Kelley asked/ said.
'Yes, but faith wanted us together', Christen said while looking at you.
You felt her gaze on you and your cheeks flushed red.
'How did you guys fell in love?'
Now it was Christen her time to tell the story.
One coffee meet up, led to many more. After a while the coffee meet up's led to hanging out at eachother places.
After so many time the two of them met up, they realised that there was maybe something more than just a friendship.
So maybe after a month of drinking coffee and watching movies or TV shows, y/n was the first one to realize her feelings.
She asked Christen on a date and after the date, where they went in a chic restaurant. Christen asked y/n to be her girlfriend.
'That is so sweet guys', Becky says, 'I hope you will have a happy life together'.
'I hope so too', You and Christen said at the same time. 'Jinx, you owe me a coke', you said fast after that.
'You show me everyday a more childish side of you', Christen laughed and kissed your hand, 'but no matter how childish you end up, I love you'.
'I love you too'.
'Get a room!', Kelley yelled.
'But wait...', Sonnett said.
'Don't finish that sentence Sonny', Lindsey Horan said to Emily.
'You guys fell for eachother, so...'
'No Emily, don't you dare-'.
'AND THEY FELL FOR EACHOTHER!!!', she suddenly yelled, followed some couple smacks on her back from her teammates.
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outsideratheart · 3 years
Dropping Hints (Christen Press x reader)
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A/N: I had two requests so i put them together, in result we have this fic. Also, i didn’t know what simping was so i had to google it, it must be an american thing.
Anon request: 1:hi can you write one for christen press where the reader is famous and everybody is obsessed with her but they don’t know her and christen are dating. 2: Can you pls write a Christen press x reader where the reader is really famous (you can choose what she’s famous for) and the team is constantly simping over her but they don’t know the reader is dating christen ( you can pick how they found out)
Touring was one your favourite parts of your job. It was what everything led to, all of the writing sessions, hours in the studio and time away from your girlfriend.
Tonight was your first of two sell out shows at The Forum, the last two shows of your tour. Best of all you had sent your girlfriend tickets so that she and her friends could come watch.
“Happy Birthday Mal” Christen says as she hands her an envelope.
Everyone watches as Mal opens it, her reaction is priceless.
“Are these real? How did you get them?” Mal asks as she gets up and hugs Christen tightly.
“Yes, there real and let’s just say I know a guy” Christen says.
“Or a girl” Tobin whispers so that only Christen can hear her.
“Shut up. You’re just jealous that she likes my present better” Christen sticks her tongue out at her best friend.
“What is it Mal?”
“Yeah, show us”
Mal stands up and shows the team the Y/N Y/L/N VIP tickets.
You could only send a certain amount of tickets so you jokingly told Christen that her team mates would have to fight over them, little did you know that this is exactly what would happen. 
You are one of the team’s favourite artists, it seems like every single player liked at least one of your songs. They would listen to you during workouts and in the locker room before and after games. You were a staple for the USWNT.
You had told Christen that the tickets were for anyone but her attendance was mandatory and you knew she would bring Tobin because she had been a keeper of your secret relationship since the moment is started.
After an hour of negotiations Christen texted you to tell you that it would be her, Tobin, Mal, Sam, Rose, Sonnett  and Kelley that would coming to your concert. 
You reply to her saying that you will be looking for her in the crowd and that you will see her after the concert.
You were sat backstage waiting for your manager to come and tell you it was go time. You were exhausted, your throat hurt and you missed your girlfriend, it wasn’t a good combination.
“Cheer up Y/N you will see her soon” Your manager sits next to you.
You don’t respond as you get a text from Christen. It was a selfie of her and the rest of the girls in their seats.
“Do you want to know where she is sat?” Your manager asks which gets your attention straight away. You nod your head.
Your manager tells you that they are sat to the left of your drummer.
“In all seriousness I do need you to cheer it, it’s showtime”
“You know me, always ready to put on a show”
You both walk to the stairs that lead up to the stage. She connects your in ears and hands you your microphone.
“Two more shows Y/N, I know it had been hard but I am so proud of you” 
“Let’s go!” You shout and watch as your band walk out and you can hear the fans screaming. When you walk out the arena erupts.
After a couple of songs it is the part in the show where you talk to the crowd.
“Los Angeles, you sound amazing. Thank you choosing to spend your night with me”
The crowd cheers. You take a moment to look to the area where your manager said Christen and the USWNT would be. A huge smile appearing on your face as you make eye contact.
“I can see what have some special guests in the house tonight” you says as you walk towards your girlfriend.
“Oh my god, she is coming to us” “Play cool” “Act natural” Those are the words Christen hears as you approach them.
“We have the USWNT with us. It is nice to see you girls tonight” you tell them.
“Now a little birdy tells me that it is someone’s birthday”
You chuckle to yourself a little bit when you see that Mal realises you are talking about her.
“It is Mallory Pugh’s birthday so I think it is only right that we sing to her. What do you say LA?”
You and the crowd sing happy birthday to the forward.
“Happy Birthday Mal, I hope you have a wonderful time tonight” 
You perform several more songs before you leave the stage. You take a few minutes to cool down, have a drink before going back out for your encore.
Just before your last song you thank the fans for their support.
“Now there is one more song I am going to perform, one that I haven’t sang live for a few years. You see my girlfriend is here tonight” 
The crowd screams when you mention her. They all know you have a girlfriend, you have told them but as for who, now that was a secret but you loved to tease them and tonight was no exception. 
Christen understood your desire to keep your relationship between the two of you and a small group of people. The whole world wanted to know everything about you and for the most part they did. So when you and Christen got together you both agreed to have this part of your private life stay private until your were ready to tell everyone.
“This is her favourite song of mine, so baby, this song is for you, I love you” you say trying not to make eye contact with Christen, ultimately failing as you lock eyes with her at the end of your sentence.
After the concert you tell your security guard to go get Christen and her friends.
They are just about to leave when he gets to them.
“Miss Press, Y/N wants to know if you and your friends would like to go backstage?” He asks her.
Your girlfriend takes a second to respond and even then she gets cut off.
“Are you kidding me? Y/N wants to meet us, I am going to pass out” Sonnet says dramatically before pretending to faint into Kelley’s arms.
Christen looks at her team mates, she was going backstage regardless but she wanted to know if they wanted to as well.
“Mal, it’s your birthday. Do you want to go meet your favourite singer?” Christen asks.
The birthday girl is at a loss for words so she just nods her head.
“We are actually going to meet Y/N Y/L/N” Rose says.
They follow your security guard backstage through the numerous corridors before they arrive at your dressing room.
“Did you know about this?” Tobin asks her best friend.
Christen shakes her head. 
When they enter your dressing room it is empty. 
“Y/N is just finishing up a small meet and greet. I have been told to tell you to make yourselves at home and to help yourselves to the drinks” he points towards the table with the beers and spirits on.
“Just when I thought I couldn’t love her even more she gives me beer” Kelley says earning a laugh from her team mates.
Half an hour later you enter your dressing room and see Christen and her friends dancing to one of your songs. You stand in the doorway watching for a few seconds.
It’s Tobin who notices you first as she isn’t as into the dancing as everyone else.
“Looks like they are having fun” you say.
“They are, we are. Thanks for the tickets by the way” she replies.
“No worries” 
Rose is the first to notice you. She stops dancing straight away leading Sam to dance straight into her. They remind you of dominos, each one noticing you after the next.
“Y/N!’ Sonnet shout.
You introduce yourself to everyone, shaking each of the players hands, lingering a little longer when it comes to Christen.
“Hi. Sorry I took so long, I had a few fans to meet then I had an interview to give” you look at Christen and she smiles sympathetically at you.
“You don’t have to apologise, we understand” Christen says and little did her friends know just how much she understood what it was like.
“You were incredible tonight!” Mal tells you.
“Thank you. I hope you had a good night, Happy Birthday again. I actually have a little present for you somewhere. I’ll get someone to find it”
Mal looks at you and you can tell she is shocked. You are her favourite singer and here you were telling her that you got her a birthday present.
“I don’t know how you do it, performing in front of all those people” Rose says.
“Do you want to try it out? I mean all the fans have gone home but the stage is still up. How about you take your little karaoke session to the big stage” you suggest.
“Are you being serious?” Kelley asks and you nod your head.
Christen looks at you and you can see a little concern on her face. She knows how much this tour has tired you out and after your day of media and then a show, must must be ready to pass out. You shake your head slightly at her, telling her that she doesn’t need to worry.
“Tobin, do you think you can find your way back to the stage?” You ask her.
“Yeah sure”
“Great. I am just going to get changed quickly. How about you grab some of those beers and I will meet you out there” you tell the group of girls.
Everyone leaves the room and just as you hoped Christen took her time leaving, double checking that the rest of team mates where out of seat.
“You were incredible tonight” she tells you.
Christen wraps her arms around your neck and you rest yours on her hips.
“Thank you Baby” you give her a quick peck on the lips fully aware that you could be interrupted at any point.
“You sound very scratchy” you can tell Christen is concerned, she has been your entire tour.
“Nothing some tea and honey can’t fix” 
Christen rolls her eyes at your calm demeanour.
“Honestly I’m fine Chris, I only have one show left. Now I really do need to get changed, you can either go meet your friends of you can guard the door” 
Christen chooses the later option “That’s what I thought” you tell her.
“What can I say, my girlfriend is hot and face time doesn’t do her body justice”
You quickly get changed into some yoga pants and a hoodie.
You and christen go to leave your dressing room but don’t make it to the exit. You feel her pull your wrist, her lips on yours as soon as you turn around. You missed this feeling, her touch, the ways your lips moved in sync.
You only stop when you hear your manager clear her throat. 
“I have the gift you asked me to get for Mallory Pugh” she tells you.
“Thank you. We are going to stay here for a bit”
“I thought that much when I heard some soccer players singing your songs by the stage”
Her response causes you and Christen to laugh. You take the present and the two of you go to find the rest of the team.
“You still happy with our plan?” Christen asks you and you nod, this is going to be fun.
When you get to the floor Sam and Rose are singing your latest single and are even doing the choreography.
“Y/N this is awesome” Rose says.
“It’s even better when you are on stage” you say as you unhook one of the barriers creating a entrance to the stage.
“Wait, you were serious about us going on stage?”
“Are you sure we are allowed?”
“This is my stage, I do whatever I want” you tell them.
You see your security guard out of the corner of you eye chuckling, ok maybe you couldn’t do whatever you want but you could go on stage after hours.
All of you go on the stage, some of you sitting down watching the others perform, or at least try their best.
“I love your ring” Mal says and you see it as an opening for your plan.
“Thank you. It’s my girlfriends, she gave me it before I went on tour. This way I can have a little part of her with me no matter where I am” 
“It reminds me of a ring Christen used to wear all of time” 
Mal’s comment catches Tobin off guard, making her spit out her drink. 
“It does look exactly like one I used to wear. Your girlfriend has good taste” Christen says giving herself a pat on the back in doing so.
“She really does” you say playfully.
“You said your girlfriend was at the show tonight. Isn’t she mad that you are with us and not her?” Sam asks you.
“She was at the show, she came with some of her friends” time for you to drop some hints “As for her being mad, no I don’t think she is. I was able to catch up with her back stage”
Everyone nods and hums in response.
“Is she who all of your new songs are about?” Kelley asks you.
“They are. Everyone seems to like it more when I sing love songs than they do when I sing songs about heartbreak” 
“Is it true you met her in Paris? That is very romantic” It is now Rose’s turn to ask a question.
“I did, it was last summer, during the world cup. I was at a coffee shop and she spilt her drink on me. She kept apologising and I said if she really wants to make it up to me then she should let me take her on a date. She persuaded me to stay in Paris, I even got to watch most of your games”
“You came to our games? I didn’t see you in the VIP section” Sonnet says.
“I was keeping a low profile. I had just finished my last tour and I needed some time to myself and I had to write my next album. I love watching you guys play so it was a win win. Congrats by the way”
They all just stared at you. They had no idea that you were a fan of theirs.
“We played your music after we won. Actually Christen was the one that put your songs on, normally it is me or Sonnett” Mal says.
You can’t help but feel a little cocky. You had met christen a few days before the final and she was playing your songs after one of her greatest achievements, she won the world cup but she was still thinking of you.
“Out of curiosity, did you wear a US jersey to any of the games?” Kelley asks you and you nod.
“Did it have someone on the back?”
“I only wore a jersey to the final and it had Christen Press on the back” you smile remembering the day Christen gave it to you.
Everyone looks at Christen, waiting for her response. She just shrugs her shoulders, playing it cool when in reality she freaked out when you sent her a photo of you in her shirt at the game.
“Remind me to send you a O’Hara jersey for your next game” Kelley says earning a glare from Christen but only you notice it. 
Christen told you that she loved it when you wore her jersey and clearly she didn’t like the thought of you having another players’ name on the back of your shirt.
“Oh before I forget, this is the gift I was talking about earlier Mal, I hope you like it” You say passing her the bag.
“No way! It even has my name on it” Mal holds up her jacket which you famously only gave to the crew on each of your tours.
She puts it on straight away, clearly liking the gift.
“Not fair, I want one” Sonnett says childishly.
“Well this tour is almost over but you never know what could happen next time. You will just have to wait and see if I perform on your birthday next year or the year after” you try to cheer her up “Or I might send you one if you win the next world cup or get a gold medal in Tokyo”
“You have a deal! Tokyo, gold medal, we can do that” 
The girls, all but Tobin and Christen, perform for you. Apparently this is what they do in their spare time at camp, they learn the dances to your songs then perform it for the rest of the team.
“So are you finally telling everyone about the two of you then?” Tobin whispers.
“She is making it obvious right?” Christen asks.
“She is, you are” Tobin turns to you.
“I think it is fun. I have a few more crumbs to drop” 
The girls finish their song just as your manager comes over and tells you that it is time to call it a night.
Kelley goes to order an Uber but you tell her she doesn’t need to.
When you get in the car, you make a point to sit next to Christen. You tell your driver the name of the hotel.
“Wait that is our hotel, we are staying in the same hotel”
“Not exactly, you are staying in the same hotel as my girlfriend” 
“Can you imagine if she is dating a member of the England team?” Sam says remembering that they are also staying at the hotel.
“What if it is someone on our team?” Rose says.
You look at Christen, thinking they have caught on but when they both burst of in laughter you realise that they don’t have a clue.
A short while later everyone is sat in a comfortable silence. You rest your head on Christen’s shoulder whilst her hand softly strokes your thigh, if it was just you and her in the car you would have fallen asleep.
“Tonight has been amazing!” Mal says as she scrolls through the photos she took “Christen you never did tell us how you got the tickets” 
You look at your girlfriend and pretend to act hurt.
“Y/N gave them to me”
“Wait you know Y/N, like know know her?” Rose asks.
“I do, we met last summer” She pauses for a moment” in a coffee shop”
 “In Paris” you whisper, it was like you was daring someone to hear you.
When you look around you see everyone staring at you.
“Seems like Paris was good to us. Christen met Y/N, Y/N met her girlfriend and we won the world cup” Sonnett explains.
When the said it like that, it was obvious. Why hadn’t they realised yet?
The car arrives at the hotel and you all get into the elevator.
“What floor?” Tobin asks.
You and Christen both roll your eyes, Tobin knew exactly what floor you were going to.
“She is on our floor” Christen says.
“Wait a minute” Mal says “This floor is for the USWNT only”
The doors open and you and Christen are the first ones out, you knew that Mal had figured it out.
“Y/N didn’t you say you were staying with your girlfriend tonight” she says.
You hum in agreement.
“Guys, guys, wait!” Sam says.
Everyone stops except you and Christen who continue walking to her room.
“Christen met Y/N in Paris and Y/N met her girlfriend there as well” the younger Mewis states
“And Y/N wore a Press shirt to the final. She wears a ring which is identical to one Christen used to wear” Rose joins in
“Y/N said that her girlfriend was a the show tonight” Sonnet says.
“It is weirdly satisfying to watch them figure it out” you whisper in Christen's ear.
 “and she told us that she was staying with her girlfriend tonight but Y/N is still with us on our team’s floor” Kelley puts the final piece of the puzzle together.
They all turn their attention to you and Christen who are about to go in her room.
“You’re Y/N’s girlfriend!!” Mal says as if she had just figured out the solution to world peace.
“It took you long enough, they have been dropping hints all night and were practically cuddling in the car” Tobin tells the other players as she knocks on Alex’s room.
“Why aren’t you staying in your room?” Sonnet asks the forward.
“They haven’t seen each other in 6 weeks, I think I will give them their privacy”
“Goodnight guys” You says as Christen pulls you into her room.
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slimthicksonnett · 2 years
🤲🏻 (please)
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Your wish is my command!
The shenanigans at the apartment complex proved to absolutely set the girls behind schedule as they managed to just barely get to the training grounds in time to meet their teammates who were standing around talking, ready to start practice. 
“Listen, it’s all Sonnett’s fault! She drives like someone’s grandma!” Trinity exclaimed the second the trio made their way to the field. 
“My fault?! If you hadn’t lost your boots in As- OOF!” Emily attempted to counter Trinity's accusation but she was quickly cut off by the taller player tackling her from behind. 
“I got them here alive!” Ashley added, skipping over to set down her stuff and tie her boots on.
Still play fighting with Trinity, it took Emily a moment to recognize that all of her teammates were staring at her. 
“Hello? Why are you all looking at me like I’ve suddenly sprouted a second head? I assure you, there’s just the one of me and you’re all welcome for that!” Emily joked, smiling playfully at her teammates like usual. When her jest didn’t even get a laugh from Kelley, she knew something had to be up. She took a moment, looking from face to face as they all stared at her in some mix of what looked like sympathy and also shock? 
“What? Seriously, Trinity couldn’t find her stupid boots…” She muttered, shifting uncomfortably under so many stares.
“You seriously don’t know?” It was Ashley Hatch who spoke first but didn’t do anything to clear Emily’s confusion.
“Don’t know what?” She asked, brows furrowing together. Emily had no idea what was going on with her teammates but if someone didn’t explain soon she was convinced she’d have a permanent worry wrinkle formed on her face.
“Em, when’s the last time you checked your phone?” Kelley asked softly, stepping forward to place a hand on the blonde's shoulder comfortingly. 
“Uh, I don’t know? Probably this morning when I got my coffee. Why?” It seemed like a stupid question for Kelley to ask. The older defender knew that ever since Sweden, she’d been limiting her screen time.
“The Colombia camp roster dropped.” Hatch supplied, as if this cleared anything up.
“Cool? Vlatko called me last week, I know I’m on it. So what’s the big deal?” Emily still wasn’t understanding what was going on. When everyone had gotten the call last week, the seven Spirits who had been called up had celebrated together. Therefore, she knew everyone already knew she’d been called up and she knew they had to.
“Oh my God.” Trinity whispered behind Emily, the latter turning to look in confusion at her teammate who was staring at her phone.
“What?” Emily whined, resisting poking her head in to see Trinity’s phone screen.
“It’s Y/LN.”
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gamergirl929 · 6 months
I Shouldn't Be Jealous (You Aren't Even Mine) (Kristie Mewis x Reader)
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Kristie Mewis knew she didn't have the right to be jealous, sleeping together in no way meant you were dating. However, when she saw Alessia Russo's arms wrapped tightly around you, she couldn't help but march across the field and stake her claim on something she wanted and didn't have.
Disclaimer: Full disclosure, this fic contains smut, if that isn't your think, feel free to skip this one, otherwise, I hope you enjoy, feel free to let me know what you think, feedback is appreciated! ❤️❤️❤️
You turn on your heels, your lips splitting in a massive grin when you see Alessia Russo jogging your way. 
Considering you were currently a member of Arsenal, you and Alessia were incredibly tight, you had grown up together after all and even when Alessia left the NWSL to play overseas, you were still thick as thieves.
Since your childhood, you were attached at the hip, partners in crime your parents would call you, and that still stands to this day.  
You can’t help but laugh when Alessia lifts you in the air and does a spin, the blonde kissing your cheek playfully.  
“Knock it off.” You snort, pushing her chest halfheartedly, the blonde wrapping her arms around your neck.  
“But it’s been so long since we seen each other!” She giggles and you roll your eyes.  
“I don’t think I’d call a few weeks a ‘long time’.” Your fingers forming quotation marks in the air.  
Alessia swats at your hands.  
“Don’t act like you didn’t miss me...” She smirks and you shake your head, knowing that she was right.  
“Shut up.”  
You’re so deep in conversation with your best friend, that you don’t realize you’re being watched closely by a certain mid-fielder, a mid-fielder who was currently fuming.
Kristie Mewis was jealous, incredibly jealous.  
She knew she shouldn’t be; she knew she had NO reason to be, it wasn’t as if you were dating after all, but seeing Alessia Russo run up to you, wrapping her arms tightly around you and spinning you in her hold made her scowl.  
She knew you weren’t dating, sleeping together to blow of some steam didn’t mean you were dating, but she still couldn’t stop the urge to stake her claim, especially when Alessia’s hands rested gently on your waist.  
The final straw for her was when Alessia’s arms wrapped around your neck, the blonde kissing your cheek lovingly, whispering softly in your ear.  
Kristie’s hands ball into fists, her nostrils flaring.  
“What’s the matter with you?” Emily Sonnett asks, her brows furrowed.  
She follows Kristie’s gaze, her hazel orbs widening.  
Her lips split in realization, the blonde turning back towards her teammate.  
“Oh my god, you’re jealous.” She teases, falling silent when the older woman shoots her a glare.  
Emily bursts into laughter, her arms wrapped around her middle.  
“You’re SO jealous.” She snickers, Kristie’s blue orbs going aflame, something that makes Emily’s laughter cease.  
“Coming Lindsey!” She yells, Lindsey Horan turning towards her with an arched brow.  
“I didn’t-- 
“Yes, you did, now let's go.” She says, dragging the USWNT captain away, the woman wearing a confused expression.  
Meanwhile, Kristie is still seething, her feet subconsciously carrying her towards the two of you.  
You turn, your eyes widening when you see the look on Kristie’s face, your brows furrowing.  
“Is something wrong?” You ask as you approach her, the blonde glaring daggers at Alessia, her brows arched as Kristie reaches her hand out, shaking it a bit harder than necessary.  
“Good game.” She says through gritted teeth, Alessia’s blue orbs darting between the two of you.  
“Everything okay?” She asks, her brows knitted in confusion. 
Kristie takes your hand, intertwining your fingers with a smug smirk, noting the twitch at the corner of Alessia’s mouth.  
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Kristie asks, giving your hand a squeeze, her hand resting on the front of your jersey, your muscles prominent beneath her palm.  
“Are you ready?” She asks, your eyes dropping to the hand resting on your abdomen, your cheeks flushing. 
“U-Uh, yeah, give me just a second.” You say, turning towards Alessia, giving her a shrug, the two of you equally confused.  
“Well, I gotta get going anyway. It was great seeing you!” Alessia says, wrapping her arms around you once more, Kristie’s hand still very much in your own as you hug the English Player.  
Alessia turns, kissing your cheek again before she jogs towards her teammates, Kristie’s blue orbs burning holes in her back.  
“Are you okay?” You ask as you turn to Kristie, her blue orbs leaving Alessia’s retreating form and locking with your Y/E/C’s.  
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She says, her voice clipped.  
“Kris, I know you.” You say, placing your hands on her shoulders before you turn her towards you.  
“I know when something is wrong.” You say, ducking down to catch her gaze.  
Kristie sighs.  
“It’s nothing, now come on, we have to get to the locker room.” She says, dragging you across the field towards the locker room.  
You screech to a halt, your eyes widening, a smirk stretching across your face.  
“Were you staking your claim on me Mewis?” You ask teasingly, the woman stalling mid-step.  
“Were you jealous?” You say, poking her in the side playfully.  
She growls, turning on you her blue orbs locking with your Y/E/C’s.  
“I was NOT staking my claim on anything, and I am CERTAINLY not jealous.” She growls, her hand leaving yours as she stomps towards the locker room. 
Kristie avoided you for the remainder of the day, you’d never seen the woman so jealous, but you also knew she’d never seen someone hanging all over you before.  
You hadn’t expected her to react the way she did however, you hadn’t expected the woman you were simply sleeping with to stake her claim on you in front of your best friend.  
In all honesty, it kind of made your heart swell.  
You knew when you started this arrangement with Kristie, it was about blowing off steam, about having your pleasure sated with someone you trusted, and that someone was Kristie Mewis.  
Your arrangement first started at the World Cup, the two of you sleeping together nearly the entirety of your time overseas.  
Though you thought no feelings would develop, they did, and they did in such a way that made you long for the blonde for more than just sex.  
You wanted her, in every sense of the word, you wanted to hold her, to call her yours, but that wasn’t what you agreed to, that wasn’t going to happen.  
At least that’s what you thought, now though, with her current display on the field in front of Alessia, you wondered if she felt the same way you do.  
Just as the thought cross your mind, your hotel room door swings open, the woman you were sharing it with making her way inside, her blue orbs meeting your Y/E/C’s.  
“Hey.” Kristie whispers, dropping her bag on the floor beside her bed before making her way out onto the balcony where you're standing.
The silence is tense, and awkward, the two of you choosing to remain silent, that is until Kristie’s hand moves to rest on top of your own.  
Your eyes widen, your cheeks flushing pink as she pushes her fingers in between your own.  
“You were right.” She confesses softly, your brows arching, though you remain silent.  
“I was jealous.” She mumbles, a small smile stretching across your face.  
“Why?” You ask, Kristie sighing softly as she shakes her head.  
“I-I just...” She stammers, her mouth opening and closing, as if searching for a way to put her thoughts into words.  
Instead, her mouth shuts, the blonde instead, cupping your cheeks gently before pulling you into a kiss.  
The kiss is unlike any you shared before, the kisses between you before driven by lust, this kiss however isn’t.  
It’s passionate, it’s soft, and loving, neither of you attempting to deepen the kiss like you typically did before, content with the slow and tender kisses you were sharing.  
You reluctantly part, Kristie’s forehead leaning against your own, your noses brushing lightly.  
“I love you, Y/N.” She confesses, your heart skipping a beat in your chest, your eyes going glassy.  
“I think I have for a while, and seeing you with Alessia, just...” She shakes her head, her gaze falling to the floor.  
“I wanted to be the one holding you like that.” She murmurs, her breath hitching when you tilt her chin upward with your fingertip until her eyes meet yours.  
“First off, Alessia and I are only friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.” You say softly, gently stroking Kristie’s chin.  
“And second.” You pause, leaning in, your lips meeting hers again, the kiss even softer than the one you’d shared before.  
“I love you too.” You whisper, Kristie’s eyes widening, her blue orbs watery as she surges in, her lips slamming against your own.  
The kiss is intense and emotional, the small of your back meeting the balcony’s railing as you kiss, Kristie’s tongue eventually making its way into your mouth.  
Her breath catches in her throat when you guide her backwards, her back now meeting the opposite railing.  
Your tongues tangle, the blonde midfielder moaning into your mouth, her hands sliding up the back of your shirt, her fingertips prodding into your back. 
She gasps when you lift her into the air, pressing her against the balcony’s door, burying your face in her neck, the woman moaning as you nip at her pulse point.  
Her legs wrap around your middle as you suck a bruise into her neck, now staking your claim on the woman you have pinned between you and the glass door.  
You carry her into the room, gently placing her onto the bed’s surface, something you’d done multiple times, but this time it was so different.  
You jerk your shirt over your head, leaving you in nothing but a bra and the pajama bottoms you were wearing.  
Kristie holds her arms up, a signal that she wanted her upper body to be as bare as your own.  
You jerk her shirt over her head, tossing it across the room before crawling on top of her, your lips inches away from her own.  
“I know we’ve done this plenty of times before, but I want this to mean something.” You whisper, the woman’s chest rising and falling rapidly.  
You yelp when you’re rolled over onto your back, the woman now straddling your middle.  
You sigh when her hands settle on your stomach, her fingers prodding into your abdominal muscles as she teasingly runs a finger down the line between your abs.  
“I do too.” She says softly, smiling as she ducks down to kiss your lips before almost immediately pulling back.  
Your throat bobs when she undoes her bra in one swift motion, the sight of her bare chest never ceasing to make your cheeks flush.  
She moans softly, her head tilting backwards when you cup her breasts, lightly teasing her nipples with your thumbs.  
“Ah.” She moans when you sit up, your lips wrapping around one of her erect nipples, your tongue lashing against the pink bud.  
Lithe fingers tangle in your hair as you turn your attention to her other breast, giving it equal treatment as the other, but unlike the other, you leave small purple bruises in your wake.  
“Who’s staking their claim on who now?” Kristie teases and you chuckle, rolling the two of you over, her back now against the bed beneath you.  
“Nobody better ever see these besides me.” You say, flicking your tongue against her nipple again, Kristie gasping softly.  
She sits up, unhooking your bra, her lips wrapping around your own nipple, a groan crawling up your throat.  
“God, I love that sound.” She says against your breast, giving your nipple a light bite before turning her attention to the other.  
You push her back onto the bed, her back arching when you slide a hand between you, her slick already soaking through her shorts.  
“So wet for me, huh?” You ask, teasingly drawing small circles against the wet spot on her shorts.  
“Oh.” She moans, throwing her head back when your teasing caresses increase in speed, the circles you're drawing against her much faster than before.  
“Just like that.” She sighs, her brows knitting as your hand leaves her entirely.  
She moans loudly when she realizes your hand is sliding into her shorts, bypassing her panties and making direct contact with her clit.  
“Fuck.” She moans as you press your thumb against her clit, giving it a small rub.  
“Please.” She begs, whimpering when you tease her opening with your fingertips.  
“Mmm.” She whines when you slide two fingers into her tight heat, your fingers expertly and almost immediately finding her spongey frontal wall.  
She keens as your fingers slip in and out of her, curling in just the right way to massage the spot in her that makes her see stars. 
“Yessss.” She hisses, her dark blue orbs fluttering open, locking with your equally dark Y/E/C’s.  
“Keep your eyes open.” You whisper, your throat bobbing as she does everything to fight her fluttering eyelids, her core fluttering around your fingers.  
She gasps when you slip a third finger into her, the pulsating of her core around your fingers, telling you that she was close.  
“I love you, Kris.” You whisper, leaning in, your forehead resting against hers as your fingers slide in and out of her pulsing core.  
“I love too-- 
Kristie’s back arches, a high-pitched moan leaving her as she trembles, her core clenching down around you, pulling your fingers in.  
You draw small circles on her clit, prolonging her orgasm, the woman continuing to twitch and whimper. 
She grabs your wrist, stopping you from rubbing her clit any further.  
“Jesus.” She pants, a smirk stretching across your face as you grab her ruined shorts and panties, dragging them down her body and tossing them behind you.  
Your eyes lock with Kristie’s as you slide down her body, your tongue swiping across your lips as you hook Kristie’s legs up over your shoulders.  
You wiggle your eyebrows, the blonde giggling as you tickle her inner thighs with the tip of your nose.  
“Do you think you can handle anymore?” You ask, kissing the inside of her thigh tenderly.  
“We can always stop if you want.” You smile, leaning your cheek against her thigh, the blonde brushing a strand of loose hair out of your face.  
“You get in THAT position, and you think I’m going to tell you to stop now?” She asks with a grin, and you chuckle.  
“I will admit, I WAS hoping you wouldn't want to stop.” You smirk, your eyes falling to her glistening core.  
Kristie’s fingers tangle roughly in your hair when you surge in, running your tongue along her slit before flicking it against her clit.  
“Fuck.” She sighs, moaning when your tongue runs through her lower lips, teasingly circling her entrance.  
Her back arches, her eyes squeezed shut. 
“Right there.” She whimpers when you start sucking on the throbbing pink bundle of nerves between her legs.  
Kristie’s back arches off the bed as she climaxes with a loud cry that you know can be heard in the rooms nearby.  
She quakes violently, your lips wrapped firmly around her clit, sucking it wildly until she’s crying out again, being rocked with a third orgasm.  
This time, you stop, knowing the blonde was spent, the woman panting heavily, staring bleary eyed at the ceiling above.  
“You alright there?” You ask as you crawl up her body, the woman chuckling breathlessly as you collapse beside her.  
“More than alright.” She says, covering her eyes with her hands before she turns towards you, your arms wrapping around her as you pull her against your chest.  
“What about you?” She asks, and you hum, ducking down to kiss the top of her head.  
“I think we’ll have enough time for you to return the favor, don’t you?” You ask, the woman leaning back to look into your eyes, a loving smile stretched across your face, your Y/E/C orbs sparkling with what could only be described as pure adoration.  
She leans in, pressing her lips gently against your own, before bumping the tip of your nose with hers.
“Yeah, we do.” She says softly and your lips split in a grin.  
“You better, I mean I DID just make you orgasm three times.” You shrug and she rolls her eyes, giving your shoulder a playful shove.  
“Oh, trust me, I haven’t forgotten.” She snorts and you smirk your tongue trapped between your teeth as you sneakily slip your hand back between her legs, the woman gasping when your fingers again brush her clit.  
She whimpers, her arms wrapping tightly around you as you draw small circles against the swollen bundle of nerves between her legs. 
Her back arches as your small circles increase in speed, her brows furrowed.  
“Fuck.” She says, her mouth a gape, her head tilted back.  
It isn’t long before she begins shuddering as she climaxes again, her nails digging into your back as her thighs quake, the slick between her legs growing.  
“Shit.” She whispers against your neck, panting heavily, her hot breath dampening your skin.  
“You won’t forget that one either, right?” You ask, and she chuckles, kissing your collarbone.  
“Not a chance.” She says, continuing to pant, gently caressing your back, knowing she’d done some damage with her nails.
You snort, the woman pulling away from you with a furrowed brow.  
“What’s so funny?” She asks and you chuckle.  
“I thought you were going to murder Alessia.”  
She scoffs, hiding her face against your neck.  
“Shut up.” She mumbles and you chuckle, tightening your hold on the woman.  
“Come on, it was cute.”  
You yelp when she playfully nips at your collarbone.  
“It wasn’t cute.” She growls and you snort, the woman squeaking when you give her sides a squeeze.  
“It was.”  
She groans, nuzzling against your collarbone, a smirk stretching across your face.  
“If this is what happens every time you get jealous, I might have to make you jealous more often.” 
Kristie whines, her voice muffled by your shoulder, the exhaustion in her voice evident.  
“You better not.”  
You chuckle, kissing the top of her head again.  
“I only have eyes for you.” You whisper against the top of her head, smiling when you realize the woman has dozed off.   
You nuzzle against the top of her head before whispering again.  
“I’ve only ever had eyes for you Kristie Mewis and I will always only have eyes for you.”  
You tighten your hold on her, the woman humming as you bury your face in her blonde hair, you too eventually drifting off with the woman you loved, and the woman who loved you fast asleep in your arms.  
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uswntxfootball · 4 years
baby, you’re like lightning in a bottle (kristie mewis x reader)
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sam doesn’t know, so it’s unintentionally a series of rendezvous in the hotel. 
word count: 2388 ish
rating: H for hi i had some time to write so i did this short thing and Y for yeah i’ve been in a kristie kind of a phase so enjoy :)
title- electric love, borns  
your heart beat wildly in your chest as you laid there on the ground, sam’s voice distracting you from the grossness of the hotel room floor.
“okay now can you get up and put on some clothes already so we can go to breakfast?”
there’s a little bit more chatter until you hear a bit of rustling from the bed on top of you, followed by the clicking of a door, signaling sam’s exit from the room. 
still, you don’t dare to move, but it’s only when kristie bursts out laughing that you do. 
“okay that was too close of a call!”
 you shuffle out from under the bed and glare at your girlfriend, which only makes her laugh harder. 
you sit back onto the bed, a sheet draped over you, and pout.
“you didn’t have to kick me off the bed you asshole!”
kristie rolled her eyes.
“would you rather have been naked in my bed when sam walked in?”
“alright fair point,” you grumble.
kristie laughs again, and you try to stay mad at her, but when your girlfriend is kristie mewis, how could you? 
you eventually join in the laughter and break out into a grin, giving your girlfriend a quick kiss on the cheek when she walks by to get her phone.
“as much as i love you like this you should get dressed too y/n.”
you roll your eyes but agree.
“yeah yeah- speaking of, where is my shirt?”
kristie looks up from her phone and arches a brow at you.
“it’s your shirt. how would i know?”
you smirk and pull her in gently by the front of her hoodie, the girl in front of you gasping slightly as you do so.
“well you ripped it off of me last night didn’t you?”
kristie grins and wraps her arms around your neck. 
you look up and meet her in a searing kiss, your tongue slipping in her mouth almost immediately.
kristie pushes you onto your back and moves her kisses to your neck, but a slam on the door makes the two of you jump and almost fall off the bed in surprise.
your girlfriend groans into your neck before screaming a reply: 
kristie groans, and just as she opens her mouth, sam cuts her off again.
kristie rolls her eyes.
“not anymore..” you mutter, earning a smack on the chest from your girlfriend. 
despite her annoyance, she leans down to give you one last peck before making her way to the bathroom.
“okay i’ll leave first, and i’ll text you when the coast is clear so you can go back to your room.”
you hum in compliance.
“mhm okay kris.”
a few minutes later, after your phone pinged with a text, you still couldn’t find your shirt, so you slip on one of kristie’s hoodies on your way out, not noticing the trail of hickies down the side of your neck...
it’s later when you arrive at practice that your carelessness bites you in the ass.
you were warming up alongside abby, when your girlfriend arrives with sam and rose, the trio heavily conversing in a topic unknown to you.
your ears perked up immediately upon hearing your girlfriend’s voice, your eyes following her every step.
you blush a little when your eyes meet sam’s, this morning’s close call still fresh on your mind. 
the taller midfielder shoots you a smile and a wave, both of which you reciprocate. 
kristie and rose do the same, though kristie’s eyes linger on you for a little bit, which you realize is probably because you’re wearing her hoodie.
she meets your eyes again and you quirk your eyebrow up a little challengingly.
your girlfriend rolls her eyes and mouths: 
“you look hot.”
you smirk and do a little hair flip and mouth back, “i know”, all which earn a halfhearted eye roll from kristie. 
an exclamation from sonnett tears your vision away from your girlfriend.
“damn y/n that’s one hell of a mosquito!”
your eyes immediately shoot to sonnett’s face in panic, and from the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of kristie’s similar expression.
you clear your throat.
sonnett makes her way to you and leans in to inspect your neck.
she points to the trail on your neck:
you swat her hands away. 
sonnett narrows her eyes. 
“wait a minute..”
you turn away abruptly and mouth a “sorry” to kristie. 
sonnett grabs your shoulders and spins you back around towards her. 
“...these are fresh! who’s defiling you during camp?!”
“okay girls! time for practice!”
thank god for vlatko.
unsurprisingly, you get swarmed again at lunch. 
by this point, everyone knows. 
kelley runs into you first. 
“alright so who are you banging?”
you roll your eyes. 
“i’m not banging anyone.”
kelley snorts as she grabs a salad. 
“yeah right. and i’m straight.” 
you roll your eyes again and ignore her, taking a seat at your typical table. 
kristie sits down next to you as soon as you get there. 
your mood almost immediately improves. 
“hey,” you grin back at her. 
the bashful smiles and exchanges aren’t missed by rose, who almost squeals in excitement across the room. 
she grabs sam’s arm, but realizing who’s she’s talking to, almost immediately drops it. 
sam gives her a weird look, but returns to her lunch nonetheless.
too caught up in staring at your girlfriend’s side profile, you almost scream when sonnett claps your back and leans over you. 
“emily sonnett! what is wrong with you!”
the defender just laughs. 
“what do you want?”
“you know what i want. who are you banging?”
kristie chokes on her bite of food next to you.  
“i told you already, no one.”
sonnett rolls her eyes and opts to question kristie, who’s currently coughing, instead. 
“hey you and y/n are close, do you know?”
kristie finishes coughing and locks eyes with you, smirking. 
“i don’t know y/n, who are you banging?”
you roll your eyes and stand up. 
“y’all are annoying.”
you throw away the remnants of your lunch and meet kristie’s eyes, who takes the hint and gets up too. 
unbeknownst to you, rose is watching your every move, and seeing the exchange, gets up to follow you. 
as soon as the elevator door closes, you push kristie into the corner. 
kristie grins and gives you a kiss. 
“hey to you too.”
the two of you meet again, but you pull back after a few seconds. 
“do you think it’s time to tell them?”
 kristie sighs. 
“i don’t know, we could just have them figure it out themselves.”
“true. b-“
kristie shushes you. 
“less talking, more doing whatever we were doing before.”
you grin and comply, the two of you so caught up in kissing that you don’t hear the elevator doors open. 
you spring apart so abruptly you hit your head on the wall. 
rose stands before you panting slightly, but more excited than anything. 
you furrow your brows in confusion. 
“how did- we took the elevator-“
kristie butts in. 
“di-did you run up the stairs?”
rose nods regretfully. 
“all six floors?”
she nods again. 
“but how did you-“
“okay enough about me!”
rose grabs your arms and pulls the two of you out of the elevator and into the hallway. 
“how long-”
you finish for her.
“-is my dick?”
kristie smacks your arm and rose rolls her eyes. 
you hold you hands up in defense. 
kristie shakes her head and pinches the bridge of her nose. 
“i’m dating a child.”
rose asks again. 
“how long have you been together?”
you grin and give kristie a kiss on the cheek before saying:
“a little over a month.”
rose squeals in excitement. 
“wait does sam know?”
“do i know what?”
the three of you spin around to see sam stepping out of the elevator with a confused look on her face. 
when you remain silent, she asks again. 
“what did i miss?”
rose saves the two of you.  
sort of. 
“we’re talking about y/n’s hickies! have you seen them?”
sam replies in the negative. 
she leans in and inspects your neck, and over her head you catch kristie’s glare directed at rose. 
“these are fresh! so it’s someone at camp!”
rose agrees with her. 
“that’s what i said! but she denies it!”
you look up at them.
“tell us.”
you should’ve known that they wouldn’t let you off the hook that quickly. 
team movie night was happening, and kristie knocked on your shared room a whole 30 minutes before it began. 
abby was the one who opened it. 
“oh kristie, hey, you know it doesn’t start for like another half an hour right?” 
you sneak up behind abby and grin. 
“she knows.”
abby’s eyes flicker between the two of you when it hits her. 
she makes an “oh” face and lets your girlfriend in.
“please don’t have sex while i’m here.” 
you assure her.
“don’t worry, wasn’t planning on it.”
luckily for you, your best friend wasn’t as pushy or nosy as the rest of the team was. 
you could tell there were questions she wanted to ask, but abby being abby, refrained from doing so. 
so all was well. 
for those thirty minutes. 
and then the rest of the team arrived. 
“all in favor of skipping movie night for a non alcoholic version of never have i ever say aye!”
following kelley’s exclamation, a loud cacophony of “aye’s” could be heard throughout the room. 
you rolled your eyes. 
of course.
you turn towards your girlfriend who shrugs. 
“alright everyone make a circle make a circle!”
you get dragged by abby to sit next to her, across from kristie, who’s sitting next to sam. 
kristie meets your eyes and you both smile a little. 
then the game started. 
it was innocent enough at first. 
“okay never have i ever ridden a ferris wheel!”
everyone groans. 
“really sam?!”
“that’s so lame!”
and then after a few rounds it got interesting. 
“never have i ever dated a national team teammate!”
rose stared at you when she said it. 
you shoot her a glare and try to non conspicuously take a sip of your drink, kristie doing the same. 
“NO! KRISTIE!” sam exclaimed in shock. 
kristie rolled her eyes. 
sam gave her a look that read we need to talk later.
you get the same treatment from the kids.
“wait y/n who have you dated?!”
“is that who gave you the hickies?!”
you cut them off.  
“OKAY next one.”
suddenly sam stands up when her phone rings: 
“wait hold on pat’s calling me.”
everyone awws and sam rolls her eyes, before stepping out into the hallway to take the phone call.
kelley pipes in to continue and you groan when you hear it.
“never have i ever had sex in the past week.” 
you meet kristie’s eyes and both of you blush, grabbing your drinks along with tobin and christen.
“NO WAY! I-“
lindsey promptly slaps a hand over sonnett’s mouth to shut her up. 
it takes a second for it to click. 
then everyone starts talking at once. 
you yell at them to shut up. 
you look at kristie apologetically, who just shrugs and smiles at you. 
you look at everyone and say: 
“okay you get three questions collectively.”
christen pipes in first. 
“how long?”
kristie answers. 
“a little over a month-.”
sonnett cuts off the rest of your sentence.
“how the fuck did you keep it a secret for that long?!”
“is that your second question?”
everyone glares at the blonde defender almost immediately. 
“sorry sorry.”
“does sam know?”
you both shake your head.
“alright one question left.”
“how’s the sex?” 
that question is followed by a “kelley!” and a slap. 
kristie responds to it nonetheless, accompanying the end with a wink.
“great thanks for asking.”
you blush and the rest of the team gags.
“hey what’d i miss?”
oh right. sam. 
“we just finished up another round.”
“oh cool what was the question?”
“never have i ever had sex in the past week.”
sam scrunches up her face.
“that’s a boring one. i mean it would just be tobin and christen right?”
a week later, she found out.
sam’s shriek wakes both of you up. 
your heart was hammering in your chest under the blanket you pulled over yourself.
kristie just groaned and pulled her pillow over her head.
kristie mumbled under the pillow:
“surprise, we’re dating.”
sam’s face softened. 
“you’re dating?” 
kristie sat up. 
“yes. how’d you even get in this room?”
“jane gave me your keycard.”
“you’re really dating?”
sam claps happily. 
“i have to call pat now! we can go on double dates omg this’ll be so fun!”
sam sits down on the opposite bed and grins. 
“y/n you can stop hiding now.”
from under the covers you mumble:
“i’m not wearing anything.”
sam crinkles her nose in disgust. 
“okay never mind then.”
you take a peek at sam, who’s smiling widely and happily, and then at kristie, who’s watching you with a loving smile. 
seeing her, you temporarily forget sam’s there and give your girlfriend a quick kiss.
kristie smiles back.
“good morning you.”
sam’s watching the interaction with a shit eating grin, and when you move to kiss kristie again, she covers her eyes.
“ew y/n you just side boobed me.”
you flip her off and kiss your girlfriend anyway. 
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There’s a wall there - Christen Press x Reader
Prompt: Okay hear me out. Christen x Hockey player R. Where R is always wearing baggy clothes and a hoodie. Then they go to watch christen play in a hot state so they were like shorts and a tank top. Christen has never seen R like this before so she’s very stunned at the amount of muscle and just how good R looks. All the while the team is teasing christen?
“Press, Pressy, Christian, Press, hey Press,” Tobin nudged Christen who had completely zoned out, staring off to the entrance of the field.
“What?” Christen vaguely reacted to the nudge, still looking at the entrance.
“You alright there Pressy?” Ali laughed at the forward.
“Yea…” she was still distracted, not paying attention to anyone around her.
Across the field Y/N was approaching the team, she had taken all of Christens attention. The team was playing in Miami in July, making it hot and humid, causing everyone to remove layers of clothing. Y/N included. The hockey player normally played in Boston, leaving her in pants and long sleeves most of the time. But here in the Florida heat, Y/N stripped down, leaving her in loose running shorts and tank top, and Christen practically drooling.
“You guys need to bang,” Tobin leaned over and whispered in her ear.
Christen and Y/N’s relationship was still new, plus with them playing different sports in different cities, it made getting time together difficult. And this the first time Christen had seen Y/N in such minimal clothing.
Tobin’s comment got her attention, Christens head whipping around, mouth opening and closing, blushing deep red. Suddenly a random towel hit Christen in the face.
“You might want to wipe up before your girlfriend gets over here,” Pinoe laughed at the stunned expression on her face, while she frantically wiped at her face.
“Fuck,” Christen whispered as Y/N approached the group.
“Hey guys, how was practice?” Y/N stretched an arm out, offering a fist bump to Kelley.
“It was good, wasn’t it Pressy?”
“Yea, a hot practice, huh Pressy?” Tobin nudged her shoulder again.
“yea, hot,” Christen replied distracted, shamelessly ogling at her girlfriend.
“Ready for lunch Chris?” Y/N asked with a smirk, she tilted her head when Christen didn’t reply.
Tobin pushed Christens shoulder, pointing to Y/N when Christen was shaken out of her stupor.
“Your girlfriend wants to know if you want lunch,” Ali smirked.
“Oh yea,” Christen attempted to stand up, stumbling over her the joggers she hadn’t pulled up all the way, falling back onto her butt. The entire team burst out laughing. Y/N chuckled and took a couple steps forward, holding a hand out for Christen to help pull her up. The muscles flexing while Y/N pulled.
The team continued to laugh as Christen kept both hands wrapped around Y/N’s biceps. Y/N flexed both biceps, causing Christen to squeeze both, gasping at the firmness.
Tobin rolled her eyes when she saw the action.
Christen gasped as cold water was sprayed on her back, letting go of Y/N’s arms and turning around to see Lindsey smirking and tilting a water bottle.
“You were looking a little thirsty,” Horan smirked, spraying Press again. She squealed and jumped backwards into Y/N. The team’s laughter increasing. Christen turned back around, palm flat on Y/N’s chest, other on her abdomen. “I will spray you again Christen Press, back away from the Greek god.”
Christen pulled her hands away abruptly, blushing deeply.
“Alright, let’s go for lunch before you get any wetter,” Y/N tugged Christens arm, beginning to pull her towards the entrance. Christen blushed and looked at her feet at the hockey players wording, Pinoe let out a loud bark of laughter.
“I like her! Can we keep her?”
The next morning Y/N walked into the hotel lobby to pick up Christen for breakfast. The soccer team only had a meeting in the afternoon, meaning the team had a free morning. Christen and Y/N were taking full advantage of the available time they were able to spend together.
Christen and Tobin stepped off the elevator, Christen quickly spotting her girlfriend who was again in shorts and tank top. She stumbled over her own feet.
“First day with the new feet?” Tobin chuckled, helping Christen remain upright.
“You’ve seen her, right? She is very distracting!” Christen defended. The pair continuing to the hotel entrance. At the same time, Y/N bent down to scratch her calf. Causing the muscle to flex while she twisted her leg to reach the itch. The tricep ridge popping, the definition clear along her scapula  as she bent over.
Christen stumbled again, this time bumping directly into the corner of the wall.
“Hey Chris, there’s a wall there,” Sonnett called as she stepped off the elevator.
“Fuck,” Christen pushed off the wall she walked into. Sonnett and Tobin laughing out loud, “Shut up!” she called over her shoulder as she approached her girlfriend.
“Hey Chris,” Y/N leaned forward placing a quick kiss to Christens cheek.
Y/N smirked and pulled away, looking over Christens shoulder, hearing the group make fake kissy noises. Looking up she watched them all fake air kisses.
“I hate this team, hate them, I’m quitting soccer,” Christen blushed, refusing to turn around to face them.
“That seems a little dramatic,” Y/N pulled Christen into her side, turning herself around to begin walking out with her.
“You need to start wearing more clothes,” Christen grumbled, plopping down in the passenger seat.
“Ouch,” Y/N feigned offence, “I kind of thought the sun was helping my tan,” she stepped back, rotating her arms while she looked at the tan skin.
“Enough, stop making this so difficult!” Christen pushed Y/N’s arm down, the hockey player grinning, knowing exactly the reaction she caused. The forward flushing and adding a squeeze to the firm forearm.
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Eat My Bubbles (Emily x Reader)
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Request: Emily sonnett imagine where the reader can tell that Emily is just really stressed out and R plans a day for of surprise for Emily?
Author’s Note: Special thanks to @literaryhedgehog. 
Wake up calls weren’t usually a good thing, especially on one of the few days a week where Emily was allowed to sleep in. “But there were worse ways to wake up,” she thought drowsily as lips pressed into her collarbone and trailed up her neck before landing on her cheek, nose, forehead and finally her lips. 
“Wake up sleepy head.” 
Your voice called down somewhere above her eyelids. 
“Noooo,” The only proper response to a request like that (Waking up before noon on a Saturday- practically sacrilegious) was throwing one’s pillow. It was practically a law. Of course having a girlfriend who was one of the best keepers in the world meant that the pillow would hit neither the floor nor her girlfriend’s actual face, so Emily didn’t feel especially bad about it. 
“Oh come on. It’s 10:30. I made you breakfast,” you called in a sing song voice near Emily’s ear, gently placing the pillow back on the bed next to her. 
“Pancakes?” She asked, cracking an eye open. 
“With the chocolate chips, just like you like,” you said. “But you can only eat them once you get dressed. I’ve got plannns for us today.”
“But I’m stressed and I need pancakes now. And cuddles.” 
“You’ll get pancakes and cuddles and a whole lot more, but you’ve gotta wake that ass up first,” you nudged her a little more insistently with your nose. 
“Fine,” she whined, finally opening her eyes to look at you. You smiled softly at the woman, smoothing back her hair and placing a very sweet kiss on her lips before racing off to put the finishing touches on breakfast. 
Emily shook her head and laughed. Everyone called her the child, but you were the one who acted like a hyper 5 year old when you were excited. 
“We’re going to the zoo?” Emily bolted up in her seat, staring at the sign. She hadn’t thought about going to the zoo in ages. It was the sort of place that only seemed to exist in memories of elementary school field trips. 
“You seemed stressed and we both love animals, so I thought this would be fun,” You smiled shyly at your girlfriend, backing your car into an open spot. 
“Are you kidding? This is going to be the best! Do you think they have penguins? Can we go to the gift shop afterwards? The gift shop always had the coolest stuff when I was a kid,”
“I’m pretty sure there are some penguins, and I heard they have a new baby giraffe so we can totally check that out too. What’s the point of coming it the zoo if we don’t hit up the gift shop at the end,” You smiled brightly. 
Emily stared at you for a minute, eyes looking into yours and brushing over your wide smile and cheeks before she grabbed you by the collar and pulled you forward into a kiss. 
Your hands immediately found the back of her neck, tangling in her baby hairs. Emily wasn’t always good at putting her feelings into words, but you thought you knew what she was saying as you kissed once, twice, and then she pulled back and pecked you on the nose before opening the car door. “I heard there’s a train between the different ‘continents’ of the zoo animals! Can we go catch it first and start at the end of the zoo?”
“Whatever you want darling,” You nodded, also exiting the car, still a little dazed from your kiss. 
“Come on then!” She grabbed your hand and pulled you forward, holding a fist in the air as she shouted “ONWARD!”
You were in love. Disgustingly, uncompromisingly in love with the goofiest defender on the planet. The second you entered the zoo, she had been off racing you from exhibit to exhibit, nearly vibrating with excitement as she read each of the little plaques. 
And when you went to the giraffe exhibit you let Emily ride piggy back so she could feed the giraffe one of the branches the docents had available. The docent snapped a picture of the two of you as well- Emily staring up in awe at the giant blue tongue wrapped around the leaves and you smiling at her.
God you were in love. 
It also hadn’t taken much for Emily to convince you to buy her a hippo shaped stuffed animal. Or to let her get her face painted into a Swallowtail butterfly. Though you resisted getting your own cheek painted to match. Instead you agreed to get it painted like a bearded dragon. The paint had lasted an impressively long time, you thought looking down at Emily, as she sprawled over your lap.
 You had gotten home from the zoo about 20 minutes ago and it was still there on her cheek. A bit smeared from hugging Gloria (her new hippo friend) perhaps, but still a beautiful yellow and blue butterfly wing grazed her cheekbone. 
You gently brought your finger down to run over the smudge, brushing a stand of hair behind her ear- you would suggest a group bath later. You know, to get all the paint off… 
“Did I ever tell you how incredibly gorgeous you are?” 
“Eh, I have a short term memory. You’ll have to tell me again,” she said sweetly. 
You laughed lightly, leaning down to press a kiss to the crown of her head. “I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, even when your stressed or covered in turf, or have a giant butterfly covering the wonder that is your cheeks,” you watched as the cheek uncovered by paint blushed a bright pink. “Speaking of short term memory,” you said, shifting things around on the couch as you prepared to stand up, “I was thinking we could watch Finding Nemo tonight-”
“-Only if we put on our matching footie Pajamas,” Emily interrupted seriously before you finished. 
“After we put on our matching footie pajamas,” you conceded, smothering a smile. “But only if we take a bath first.”
“I think you’ve got yourself a deal,” Emily put her hand out for you to shake (which you did with a giggle), before launching herself off of the couch. 
“I’m gonna beat you- can’t fight evolution and I was built for speed!” 
“Hey no fair, you got a head start,” you yelled, bolting after her. 
“Eat my bubbles, bitch!
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reimagine7 · 3 years
How to get out of trouble? (Emily Sonnett x reader)
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Me, Y/n and Linds were on our way to practice at Providence Park. We always go together, well Lindsey comes with us, me and y/n already live together. We were parked outside the coffee shop, Y/n went inside to get our orders. I was in the driver seat and Linds was at the back.
“You two look better now, she is not mad anymore? It Has been like two days right?” Lindsey asked, noticing that the dynamics between me and Y/n were better again. “Yeah, we are better. But still not 100%.” “So, you never told me the full story, all of that was just because you haven’t cleaned the house? I didn’t picture her being the kind of person that got mad for things like this.” “Well…” I looked through the window and Y/n was coming back to the car, so I stopped the conversation. “Wait a minute.” 
Y/n put her hand through the opened window and said. “I forgot my wallet. Be right back.”
As soon as she goes away, Linds speaks. “So…?” I let out a big sigh. “My mom got to my house and Y/N was getting the clothes out of the dryer. My meeting with the Thorns got late, and while they waited for me for lunch, mom decided to help her. So they got the clothes and went to put it in our room and that was the problem.” Lindsey looked at me with a confused face. “I don’t get it, Sonnett?” “Let's just say that we had some fun the night before.” “Oh.” The confused face was now replaced by a smirk. “Yeah, and I got tired so I said that I would clean everything in the morning. But I kind of forgot.” “You kind of forgot?” “Yeah, it’s not like I did on purpose. So anyway, I left the strapon on the floor, next to my side of the bed, so Y/N didn’t see it. And it happened that my mom was the one who found it.” “Oh my god!” Lindsey yelled and started laughing at me. “If I was your girlfriend I would have killed you.” “Oh believe it, I just didn’t sleep on the couch that night because my mom slept over, otherwise I would probably have a hard back pain for the next two days.” She was still laughing. “Sonnett I can’t believe you did that, this is a beginner's mistake.” “How was I supposed to know that my mom was going to enter my bedroom? She doesn't even live here. Shut up, she is coming back.”
Y/n entered the car and gave us our orders. “Here 's your orders.” “Thanks babe.”
I pecked her and was about to start the car, when I noticed Y/N looking different at me and then to Lindsey. “What?” I asked. “You know, don't you? Emily told you.” Y/n asked looking at Linds, who even though wasn’t laughing anymore, was clear in her face that she had been. “Do you think I would do that?” I intervened, pretending I was shocked. She just looked at me. “I know you would.” “Sorry.” 
I started the car and drove our way to the stadium. “Whatever. Let’s go to practice. Now at least you have someone to complain to, until the end of the month.” “Wait, you were kidding right? About not doing it anymore?” “Of course not.” Lindsey started laughing again and spoke. “Oh, you’re so screwed Dassani.” I kept arguing trying to get rid of this punishment. “But that’s not fair, I didn't do it on purpose. And beside this way you’re getting punished as well for something I did. That’s not good.” “Babe, that was not the first time you forgot. Remember that time with Toby and that other time with Linds, after the semi-final?” I rolled my eyes and Linds exclaimed. “Oh my god, that’s why I couldn’t get in your room and you made Dassani go get the blankets.” Y/N nodded. “I would have killed to see Tobs face if she had seen it, you’re her little sister. This is priceless, sorry Sonny but you deserved it.” 
Y/n looked at my devastated face. We arrived at Providence Park and I was parking the car. Y/n put her hand at the back of my neck and said. “And by the way babe, I said YOU wouldn’t have fun with it, I haven’t said anything about me.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek. “No! You can’t do that.”
“Look, we arrived.” Y/N completely ignored me and got out of the car. I looked at Linds with a worried look. “Sorry girl, but you put yourself into this, you’re the only one who can get out.” She patted my shoulder and got out. Fuck! 
It’s been a few days since the incident with my mom, and since then me and Y/n haven’t had sex. I’m having trouble with convincing her out of this punishment idea, one month is too much. I was out with Linds right now getting coffee.
“Sonnett, how are you doing about you know what?” “Horrible?! Frustrated. Annoyed. Randy. Want me to keep going?” “Sorry. How many days have been?” “10 days, actually 12 if you count while my mom was here. Stop laughing.” I hit Lindsey’s arm because she was laughing at my situation. “I can’t take it. You did it yourself.” “I know. The first five days were easy because we had an away game, so I was tired. But this week was so hard. Would it be easier if she was ignoring me or if she was in another place, at least I wouldn't keep being tempted with her sleeping by my side.” “She's mad?” “Not mad, just... ashamed and annoyed with what has happened. It was really bad, I can’t even imagine what I would have done if it was me. And I wasn’t even there to help, what was worse. But I have a plan in mind, and I think it's gonna work.” “What are you going to do? Humiliate yourself so you could call it even?” “Of course not, this would only make it worse, then she would get mad. I’m planning dinner, then movie night, a proper apology with a spoil bag and a massage.” “Spoil bag?” “Yeah, that’s what I called the kit I do for her when she is on her period. I put her favorite treats in it, and some healthy things to help with cramps or to stay hydrated.” “She is in her period as well?” “Nope, but the kit also works when I’m in trouble.” “ Good luck with that Dassani.” “‘Thanks, I will need it.”
I was finishing dinner when I heard the door of the apartament closing and Y/n calling. “Babe?” I appeared in her view. “Hey, welcome.” I hugged her and gave her a kiss. “What is this smell? I thought we were eating pizza.” “Nope, I made dinner tonight. Your favorite.” “Oh!! Love it.” “Come here, have a seat while I bring the food.” 
I pulled the chair for her and went to grab dinner. I put the food on our plates and sat beside her. “So, how was your day?” “Do you remember that I had spent half of it with you right?” “Yeah, but then you have a meeting that I don’t participate in. How it went?” “Good…” 
We finished eating and went to watch a movie on the couch. We were half way through the movie, she was cuddling in my arms and we were watching “The Shallows”. I know it is not a romantic one and is neither my type of movie, but it is one of her favorite ones so… 
“You know what would be good right now? M&M’s, the normal ones. Just chocolate.” “Wait a minute.” I stood up, so I could get the bag. “Where are you going?” “Stay right there.” I went to the kitchen where I had hidden the bag and came back. “Here.” I gave the bag to her. “Really?” “Yeah, your favorites. I bought it this morning.” She looked at me skeptically. “You know I’m not on my period. Right?” “Yep.” She kept looking at me, I tried to pretend to watch the movie, but when I looked back at her she was still staring. “What?” “Spill it. First you made my favorite dish, then you didn’t complain when I chose the movie. And this is your Spoil bag. Despite when I’m on my period, you only give it to me when you’re in trouble.  So what have you done?” “Well, I am in trouble.” “Why?... Oh, that trouble.”  “Okay, listen to me. I’m really sorry. I know that what happened was really bad, and I know it was my fault. But I learn from it, I promise I will do my best to always remember to put it down. I am really sorry for what happened with my mom, and if you want me to, I will talk to her and I’ll tell her that it was mine and I was the one to leave it on the floor, and I take all the blame. I love you and if I could I would come back in time and prevent it from happening, but that I can’t do. But I do anything you want that is in my power, but please stop this. I need you. I miss you.”
She keeps looking me in the eyes and for a moment I think that she isn’t going to accept. “Finally!” She pulls my shirt and gives me a kiss. “But we will never talk about it with your mom again, ever. Why took you this long?” “I know, I should have bought you the bag earlier.” “Is not the bag Em, well I’m not complaining about it, but I didn’t forgive you because of it.” “No?” I am confused now. “No, I was just waiting for you to apologise, for real not just say sorry when you trying to have sex. It was very shameful.” “I know, I’m sorry.” “I know, now come here.” She gave me some hot kisses and just made me chase her, wanting for some more. “I really miss this.” “Me too.” 
We were about to reconnect our lips when a big noise came from the movie. I pause it. “What do you say we stop the movie and go to our bedroom?” I asked her. “But I really want a M&M. Or some dessert.” “They will still be here in the morning, and we can have dessert in the bedroom.” “That one is good?” “Your favorite.” “I don’t know, still not convinced.” “What do you say I give you your dessert and I’ll give you one orgasm for each day I didn’t apologise and made you wait for it.” I said as I pull her to my lap and give her kisses all over her neck. “Huumm… I am liking that.” “It's good isn’t it? And I will owe you a massage.” With that she pushed away from me but still seated on my lap. “What are we doing here yet?” I connected our lips, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I lifted us. Let's just say that the night was long, thankfully we have an off day tomorrow.
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a-writes3 · 3 years
Sex On Fire
Krashlyn x Reader
Warning: SMUT. 
This is my first time writing smut so it’s not gonna be the greatest but here we go. This is way longer than expected. And kinda kinky. But please feel free to tell me your thoughts and don’t hesitate to give me requests. There will be more parts to this. It will be a series.
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Readers POV
We had a day off from camp which led to others, mostly sonnett and Kelley, forcing everyone into a group trip to a bar across the street from our hotel. All night I could feel Ali and Ashlyn’s eyes on me. Sure, I was super attracted to the couple but I never made a move due to the fear of rejection. But when the night was over and the duo was walking up to me to steal me from the group that’s when everything changed.
“So, you want to come to our room when we get back?” Ashlyn, The more dominant one of the pair, asked me. The tone of her voice low.
“I-Uh. I-.” I couldn’t help but stutter out.
“Come on. We all know that you like us and we like you so.” Ali said with a flirtatious voice.
The alcohol must’ve taken over because all of my inhibitions were gone and I could only say one word.
And with that I was being dragged along the sidewalk by the two women into the hotel. Ashlyn’s strong arm wrapped around my waist while we were walking up the stairs.
When we got to the room Ali eagerly retrieved the key card from her pocket before opening the door and locking it behind her. I suddenly froze in the middle of the room when realizing what was about to take place.
Ali took my hands into hers while looking into my eyes. “Come on.” She led me to the bed, sitting me down near the edge. “Can I kiss you?” She gently asked. A sweet but slightly seductive tone in her voice. I shyly nodded and she closed the space between us.
When we pulled away Ashlyn guided me to the middle of the bed, laying me down before kissing me as well with a dark look in her eyes. Before continuing she stared into my eyes, “Are you sure you want to do this?��� I nodded but she just shook her head slightly. “I need you to say it.”
“Yes,I want this.” I replied.
With that Ali and Ashlyn gave each other a look. Ashlyn was obviously the more dominant energy in the room and started to slowly and teasingly take off all my clothes except for my underwear which her fingers were ghosting over barely touching me and I couldn’t help but whimper at the contact or lack there of.
A smirk was obvious on both the women’s faces. Ashlyn kisses from my lips, down my jaw before stopping at my ear. “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already a mess.” She said before slightly biting my ear causing me to moan once again.
Ashlyn sat up removing herself from me, I sighed harshly at this gesture. “You’re a needy one, huh?” Ashlyns tone was teasing with her smug grin that was set on her face. She and Ali shared a look, automatically knowing Ashlyns plans Ali lifted me up before sitting with my back to her chest.
After a moment Ashlyn peppered kisses all the way down my body stopping right about the line of my underwear and looking up into my eyes. She slowly removed the cloth that was covering myself. The cold air hitting my sensitive clit made me moan. Ashlyn chuckled slightly at the desperate sound as did Ali.
Ashlyn began kissing my stomach again but when she reached the spot where I needed contact the most she moved on to the middle of thigh, leaving dark marks as she went on. “Ashhh..” I whine.
“Tell me what you want baby.” She replied before blowing on my clit which ignited a loud moan from me followed by whines.
“I don’t think you answered her question, babygirl.” Ali spoke up with a surprisingly dominant tone and reaching to play with my nipples.
“I- I” I stuttered but couldn’t quite get out any words as both of the women were slightly touching me in different ways. My sense were on fire.
“Hm?” Ashlyn asked.
“I want you to fuck me. Please. Please god. Please just touch me.” I finally managed to get out in a quick manner.
This ignited something in Ashlyn who immediately began an assault on my pussy with her mouth. Her strong hands found themselves holding onto my thighs as if they were going to run away from her, definitely leaving bruises. I let out loud moans which could probably be heard from across the hotel but in my current state it didn’t matter.
Ali was behind me running her hands everywhere she could touch while whispering dirty things into my ears. “You’re so sensitive aren’t you? You know, you’re being such a good girl for us.” She could see that I was closing in on my release. “Are you gonna come for us baby?” I slightly nod. Right after I did this Ashlyn removed her mouth from my center. I groan at the lack of contact before throwing my head onto Ali’s shoulder.
“You don’t get to come yet.” Ashlyn rasped out. I roll my eyes slightly before bucking my hips up to try and get some sort of relief. Ashlyn pushed my hips down onto the bed roughly. I roll my eyes again but this time both of the women noticed. “Oh, so you’re a brat too? You know, Brats don’t get to come.” I groan loudly.
Ashlyn then leaned up to kiss her fiancée who was still positioned behind me. The kiss was long and heated which didn’t help my current state.
Before I could register anything else Ashlyn had thrusted two fingers into me without warning causing me to erupt to loud moans of her name and curses. My back started arching off the bed and both Ali and Ashlyn place their hand on my stomach so I was flat against the hotel mattress.
Suddenly Ali’s free hand found its way to my clit and started circling it at a quick speed. I grab onto her forearm to help center myself but my mind was foggy from the pleasure coursing through my body. Soon enough my body was shaking from an orgasm but that didn’t stop either woman from stopping their motions. I tried to squeeze my thighs together to stop them but Ali’s hands pulled them apart and held them in place while Ashlyn’s tongue replaced Ali’s fingers. Within minutes I was again reaching my peak, this time Ashlyn pulled away but somehow I knew the night wasn’t over yet.
Ashlyn and Ali swapped places, Ali seemed to enjoy using her fingers more than anything mostly to be able to see the looks on my face. Her fingers traced my clit barely touching it purposefully teasing me. Soon enough she started circling it at an agonizingly slow pace. Her lips found their way to my neck but making sure not to leave marks in places the whole world could see. Ali’s fingers finally entered me, fucking me roughly and quickly. Her mouth was making hickeys all over my collarbone and chest. Her fingers slowed.
“Ugh.” I exclaimed with a whine. Ashlyn’s hand found its way around my throat, barely squeezing it but enough to where my breath staggered.
“What’d I say about being a brat, princess?” Ashlyn said lowly. At this point Ali’s hand had stopped entirely as she gave me a look that I could only read as “you’re not getting what you want just yet.” Ashlyn put her fingers into my mouth, taking them out and placing them onto my clit. I gasped in surprise but she stopped as quickly as soon as she started. A few moments passed with no contact so I resorted to begging which seemed to work earlier.
“I’m sorry. Please.”
“Please what?” Ali said with a quirked eyebrow. When I didn’t answer Ashlyn’s hand squeezed my throat a little bit harder.
“You answer when asked a question” Ashlyn growled.
“Touch me please.” I squeaked out.
“As you wish.” Ali replied.
Ali put her fingers inside me once again quicker than before if possible. I put my hands on her back which resulted in my nails raking down her back. The moan that came from her mouth only heightened my pleasure. I felt my self getting closer to my release and Ali could sense that and her pace quickened and her fingers were practically pounding into me. As i was about to scream out in pleasure from my orgasm Ashlyn slammed her lips onto mine forming a passionate kiss and once she pulled away her mouth was replaced by Ali’s whose tongue explored my mouth. 
When Ali’s mouth moved from mine and her fingers left my body, She brought her fingers up to her mouth and cleaned them off before kissing me again so i could taste myself and then kissing Ashlyn who moaned at the taste. After what i could sense was hours the two women finally stopped their movements which was followed by the whispers of praises from both of them.
“You were so good for us Babygirl.” Ashlyn said before kissing my forehead which was layered with sweat. 
“You did so good Princess.” Ali said into my ear. I cuddled into her side with Ashlyn rubbing my back but this only lasted for a few moments. 
“As much as i love this, Good sex is always followed up with good aftercare which means a nice warm bath.” Ashlyn said, her voice sweeter and gentler than ever before. 
“Ugh. But i’m so tired.” I said as i could barely keep my eyes open. 
“I know Baby but it’ll help you not hate your life in the morning.”
I groan loudly before putting my face into the nook of Ali’s neck who just smiled sweetly. 
“How about this, Ashlyn gets the bath ready and i’ll stay here with you for a few more minutes.” Ali said.
“Fine.” I replied with a frown.
A few minutes later Ashlyn carried me into the bath. Both of the women taking care of me and washing me up. The bath ended with Ashlyn carrying me back to the bed. It wasn’t long before i fell asleep in between the both of them. When i woke up a few hours later i started to panic at the unfamiliar surroundings but soon remembered the events of the night before. Now my head was filled with questions. Was it just sex? Was it a one time thing? Do they actually like me? 
Although i was tangled with other arms i found my way out of the bed and found my clothes before putting them on. As i was about to walk away I felt a hand on my wrist to stop me. 
“Where are you going?” The sleepy voice belonged to Ali. Her bare body was on partial display and i found myself staring for a few seconds which Ali smirked at.
“Oh uh just back to my room.”
“Why? Just stay here with us.”
“I wanted to get going before the other woke up and figured out what happened, you know?” Before she could respond i spoke again, “I’ll uh see you later.” I pulled out of her grasped and hurried out of the room leaving a confused Ali behind.
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