#oh nayoung icons
buntterflies · 2 years
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apink's seasons greetings.
don’t repost anything, like/reblog! ✧♡  
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doyoungr · 4 years
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love is blind
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ggs-site · 5 years
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girl groups details icons, like or reblog if you save/use
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weeparam · 7 years
One of the best vocal moment of PRODUCE 101
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cutezarchive · 5 years
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((▒⃞. ⃕.⠂ᷔ〰️〰️nayoung soft icons✁̫ํ⛓ ᥋⃨⃛ᨼ⃨⃛᥇⃨⃛᥋⃨⃛ᥲ⃨⃛))
((﹏( ͟͞:͟͞ :͟͞˧⌗͢𝗸𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗴𝗼𝗼🥝ˀˀ▒▒᪼‼︶(꯱ᦸꫬᦸꫬsᥲᩚᨰ▓▓
((〰️ ▓⃯:░᪶᪼🍣᪶ᩨ⃞⃯⌇♡!! ░⃝᳕᪼🕸˿〰️┳┻ 🥑𝗲-𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 ✄❞))
((▓▓▓⌇📞▒꩖͜͡𖧷な𑀈᪶Ꜣ🕷 ꩅ⃨⃛૭⃨⃛ꩅ⃨⃛ꩅ⃨⃛⃞⃗ᰋ⃨⃛𓍯჻჻ᩚⴰ▚♡))
((⋰⋱⃞%..⊹⟳𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖞 oh #☆_ ╌⃝᪶ 〰️〰️ 〰️ 🐝 ))
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rkcheri · 5 years
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first place comes as a surprise -- not because mijoo didn’t see it coming, no, it definitely wasn’t that. but because she’s learned time and time again not to put her expectations too high, no matter the talent and hard work that pulses between veins and exhausted bones and beads of sweat that trembled against desperate entities. 
( a part of her wills expectations to be thin, but they rise more and more as names are called and their team has yet to come -- she sees sunmi’s team place last and her heart falls, remembering throughout the episode how hard their team worked and how much her best friend was trying, although harshly, to help them. and the way that same heart flutters at the sight of mason, his smile as his team, trc -- antidote -- receives third place )
she wants to hope the best for them, she wills it in every way she can, dashing hearts, crossing fingers -- sprinkling mythical fairy dust in every corner of her mind up until the winners are announced. they’ve worked hard for this, but mijoo has tasted victory once before and lost it all in the same breath. it’s why, watching the show in real-time with nayoung, she’s on edge; fingers clutching tightly to her member’s as they baek jiyoung recited the first place of the night and ultimately, who would be departing from them. 
it’s bittersweet -- a perfect win with a devastating loss paired with it.
mijoo didn’t see it coming, she couldn’t -- wouldn’t dream of assuming who out of the five would leave them but there he goes, his whimsical smile last seen moments before his name is called and mijoo has her breath caught between a gasp and a choked up sob. 
she barely hears the rest of the monologue go by -- negating her attention elsewhere now, fingers loose from nayoung’s hold to grab her phone and immediately text a message to hyojin. 
( after she had left their last run through of their stage, she had distributed her cell phone to each -- inciting that if ever they needed someone to talk to, whether to calm their nerves or to recommend a good chicken place, she was always free to message. emergency or not, mijoo left her line open. only now, it seemed she would have to reach out first )
﹡* ❪  SMS ☎︎ ┊  김효진  ❫  ⨯
… 💌 ᵎ  i just saw the last episode, you did amazing, hyojin-ssi! … 💌 ᵎ  this may be the end for you on the mgas, but please know that a good opportunity is always around the corner! … 💌 ᵎ  if you still feel bad, i’ll treat you to ice cream next time, yes?
it’s the least she can do, she knows loss well. she’s felt it to the bone -- seen it in the eyes of her team many moons ago. mijoo had hoped to never feel it again, but as she sees the rest of the taped episode go by, she knows this is the last she’ll keep her hopes up so high.
but first place was first place and mijoo still thought winners deserved to celebrate. it’s why, when the topic had come up among the coaches -- all in favor of ice cream cake -- it was decided instantly, that while the winners could have their cake, it wouldn’t be fun to just let them eat it like that, right?
a plan is set into motion: a small prank to congratulate them on all their hard work. while mijoo wasn’t one to overly praise, she did think such achievements deserved their own rewards. so, when the day came -- she comes flying into the room, singing her own little tune, a little too happily, a little too ‘clumsily’ she comes, swinging this way and that as she comes closer and closer to the little group until her words stop and she’s ready to hand over the cake to the first to come her way. 
and it’s a one-two exchange, one she doesn’t usually mess up but -- oops! there goes her fingers and oh no! there goes the cake. 
 by the way her facial expressions pull into a look of horror, mirrored heavily upon the other’s faces, mijoo can’t help the way her lips threaten to spill into laughter rather than the exaggerated ‘o’ they fell into at the get-go. 
it was priceless, watching them in unison stare in horror as the cake fell from grace -- kyungsoo was hilarious as he stood, arms outstretched, like the cake would just reverse back and fall into his hands, instead -- even to mijoo’s eye, she felt her own stomach plummet at the sight of a delicious cake going to waste but alas, all in the name of comedy. an entire gotcha! moment that spills into laughter as she tries to stop the giggles from over taking her. it’s quickly relieved when seolhyun and wonwoo come in after her with another cake, resolving the fiasco that was the ‘fallen cake’ mission 001. ( that doesn’t save her from sighing, in the end, as she cleans up the rest of the cake, piling it into the box it had fallen from ) 
time moves on, all is forgiven ( at least that’s what mijoo thinks ) as they’re giving their slices and seated across from one another. enjoying their time, their victory in the end when eric suggests calling hyojin and mijoo finds herself growing lighter. another bittersweet feeling taking over as she forks one helping after another between her lips as she hears the tone beep, waiting for the receiver to answer: and he does before long, and mijoo can’t help but smile at the sight of him beaming at them without fail.
it sucks, that he’s not there with them but she hopes it’ll pass, the guilt. 
( it will, she thinks, it has to )
“don’t worry, hyojin-ssi! when this is all over, we’ll go out for cake, all of us -- together!”
 in the same breath, cake and all, they’re still as serious as ever. it’s a determination that mirrors the one mijoo had felt the week before but this time, she feels the chills. the determination to do better than the last, to prove that last week wasn’t a fluke -- that they weren’t just going to be complacent because of this win. 
song choices are hard to come by. when they agree on one, they’re far too contemplative on another. and by some force, mijoo finds herself throwing in the suggestion of adding a feminine element, they have been dominantly suggesting male songs, and while they had one girl: pretty heejin-ssi, she thought it would be interesting if ... -- perhaps ... “a girl group, maybe?” and she waits, with expectant eyes as the group digests her words.
( they end up agreeing on she’z ‘luv’ and mijoo couldn’t have been more ecstatic -- if the mimicing of the iconic L-O-V-E hand movements wasn’t a tell-tale sign )
as choreography goes, mijoo is no where near as athletic as any of the team. watching, and grimacing, when seolhyun brings up the idea of doing squats in order to build the muscle and endurance in order to pull of the more complicated movements at the beginning of the performance.
purposely pretending not to notice the look seolhyun passes her way when she brings it up -- personally praying she’s not forced to participate for team morale. ( thanking god when the day passes and she seems to be saved from the torture that would come to her thighs )
in the days leading up to the performance, while she’s not as busy seolhyun or wonwoo, she’s still confined by her own practices; running back and forth from the practice rooms to the vocal lessons that when she’s able to come visit the team while the other coaches are away, it’s at a time when they’re doing the dread squats seolhyun had suggested and mijoo can’t help but laugh ( trying with utmost care to not sound like some wicked stepmother as she did so ) at the sight: one by one, the four of them were lined up doing squats all while harmonizing various parts of their song ( a practice mijoo had suggested after the four had finished singing flo-rida’s low for the millionth time ) ; phone in hand as she filmed footage to send to the coach group chat she shared with seolhyun and wonwoo. 
an attached ‘🤪🦵🦵 LEG DAY FOR DAYS’ comment sent along with the video shortly after.
perhaps, saying all was forgiven was spoken too soon. let it be known now, mijoo wasn’t partial to scary things.
she did not take kindly to being scared.
whether intentional or not, all she can remember is the memes that followed her ridiculous screams during royal survival. honestly, she had thought her screaming career had ended then and there. dusted her hands of anything scary and that was that.
but here it is, in plain sight -- hidden beneath smiles and false senses of securities as she and ella are walking, talking simultaneously -- an unfortunate rookie move in this case -- as the door is pushed open and --
she’s immediately collapsing on the floor, crawling backwards into the hall, screaming at the top of her godly lungs, “DEMONS! DEMONS!” -- her might propelling whatever sound could come from her all while pointing a finger into the room. it was a dirty trick and one mijoo probably should have saw coming but that didn’t mean she couldn’t still feel hurt by it.
her hurt is shown in the case of pouts and the tears that were rounding tear-ducts as she’s helped up from her fetal position at the other side of the hallway by suwoong. she’s still sniffling, fingers to her heart, hoping to calm it’s racing pulse, all while mumbling, “i forgive you but that was really, really mean.”
one day, it’s a day of reminiscing -- and while most days, all mijoo does is avoid it. today, she finds her peace and laughs at the memories that flood her.
they’re wonderful memories, days that started her journey -- that led her all the way to here. she opens up like a book untouched, dust in the air as she breathes in the memories and laughs along the way. “my favorite performance?” she sighs, head shaking. “it’s been years. let it be known that i participated way back when in 2013 during the first mgas, so i’m not sure how relevant the performance is these days but it was our final performance. i was on a team with eclipse’s haseul, too. we performed after school sunbaenim’s ‘because of you’ and surprisingly, i rapped. i know, shocker, right? but i think that’s my most memorable because it definitely pushed my limits. we were fighting for our dreams, much like you guys are now -- and the only way we knew to win was to fight it with every inch of our potential.”
“just like how i see you guys do, every single day you come to practice. just like how i know you guys will when you get up on that stage saturday.” 
and while it’s not a promise for the better, mijoo knows ( she digresses, hopes ) there’s no regrets to follow.
it’s too soon -- smooth sailing is an assumed default and mijoo is a fool to take to this carefree nature.
when they come for another visit, to supervise the practice again, the team announces they’ve changed the plan for the finale. this shocks them all.
enough that mijoo finds herself making a face, one that doesn’t hide her skepticism as they show her just what they meant by changing the performance. 
and of course, it was a joke.
but maybe, just maybe, it was the first time, mijoo almost felt the flame of frustration strike a chord in her ( one that was quick to be extinguished once the laughter had put a dent in the wall and allowed the flood of jest to overcome them one by one ).
again, mijoo comes with a pout -- and a, “yah! that was mean! i thought you guys were really serious!”
in the days leading up to the performance, she’s more and more scarce as her own schedules take time away from helping but she does what she can. and she hopes that’s enough. on one of the last days, she lingers to the side; not saying much rather than watching them proceed again and again. not to the point of exhaustion but she can see their profiles well, see the improvement flexed into their bodies at each performed segment.
they’re trying their hardest, much like last week.
hopefully, this final time, victory treats them just the same. 
𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃   ∙    @rkella, @haseulrk, @rkmiya, @rkmason@rkwon, @hyojinrk, @rksuwoong, @rkkyungsoo, @rkheejin, & @ericxrk
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
17, 18, 33, 35, 61
17. Your favourite leader?
oof,,, i honestly think namjoon is a great leader?? like idk also nayoung from pristin, taeyeon, haseul, saerom, jiu, solji, irene, jihyo, exy dbhsakmoe i’m just listing everyone now i’ll stop
18. Your favourite maknae?
Lisa, Yeojin, Krystal + a whole lot more yay maknaes
33. Your favourite rapper?
Soyeon probably, she’s amazing and i’ve always loved her as a rapper from predebut to now (though i really like oh my girl’s mimi, she’s really diverse and good, and dami from dc i love her voice,, and LE god i keep forgetting people AND MOONBYUL WOW)
35. Your favourite dancer?
Hyoyeon, Chaeyeon, Lisa, Momo, Seulgi, Sua, chungha i think are some of the strongest dancers at the minute, Hyoyeon will forever and always be the dancing queen though, no one can top her
61. Favourite 3 iconic moments?
f(x)’s dracula live stage from f(x) docking station
all of mamamoo’s stages from 2018 awards season i mean coME ON-
sunmi and seulgi being the iconic gays
luna’s smtown solo dance
wjsn’s mirotic cover
any loona moment ever
and that’s 6 but fuck it they’re just the ones that popped into my head so
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somidoumas · 7 years
i was tagged by known thot @rihannasweeddealer (thanks i guess)
1. ultimate bias.
somi ennik douma, known icon and treasure (hello, my url). i would die for nayeon and joy. they are my wives. jinsoul is a visual innovator. chaeyoung, chungha, sorn, pinky, nayoung, luna, jennie, momo, sunmi, yves, chuu, vivi, sohee (elris), i (cha yoonji), yooa.
2. ultimate bias wrecker
her name is kim yerim, she is precious, and every single one of you dragging her right now CAN. FIGHT. ME. TWICE.
3. favorite kpop song (s)
it’s called when love tries to leave (faded love) by wonder girls and every other answer is incorrect, good night.
honorary mentions: hear the wind sing by gfriend, free somebody by luna, week by chungha, eclipse by kim lip, I WISH BY I (2017 PAID KPOP’S ISABELLA PARIGI SO MUCH DISRESPECT).
4. First kpop song
i actually have no idea. the first one i remember is ice cream cake by red velvet because i remember everyone on tumblr being utterly dragged by that entire aesthetic. but i was a casual listener even prior to what happened to ladies’ code (and have vague memories of sera leaving 9muses, so even further back than that), so my first song came before icc.
5. favorite album or single
again, reboot by wonder girls is the only correct answer. second best? perfect velvet by red velvet.
honorary mentions: the velvet by red velvet, free somebody by luna, myst3ry/strang3r by ladies’ code, pink revolution by apink, windy day by oh my girl.
have to sneak in only gained weight by 4minute because it’s a little known single and it is by far the best song brave brothers have ever produced.
6. favorite kpop ship:
i don’t ship real people. however, i am a thot for FEMALE FRIENDSHIPS.
7. hard or soft stan ?
i am a hard, hard stan. ask anyone who knows me.
8. favorite company
i think every company is shitty at something (or, if you’re yg, absolutely everything) but jyp at least doesn’t hold their former idols hostage. the way they’ve dealt with sunmi speaks to their integrity as an organization. i still have their number for allowing wonder girls to disband in the first place tho. turn on your location, park jinyoung.
bbc is great, for now. i’m sure they’ll fuck up at some point. probably when loona doesn’t perform well on the charts.
9. backstory of how I got into kpop ?
essentially, i studied abroad in singapore for a semester and took the opportunity to connect with my south/west asian/middle eastern family members. i made contact with my turkish ones, but was unable to visit them due to all the chaos in istanbul. instead, i visited the part that had migrated to south korea because of all the unrest, and took up learning the language to better communicate with the kids (and friends i had made while abroad). 
at this point, about two and a half years in, i can speak korean semi-fluently. kpop helped a ton with that, which is why i started listening to it. i speak it much better than i can write it, but given the fact that i’m used to phonecian letters, hangul sends me for a loop. hoping to change that, though!
i know what you’re thinking. yes, you. kpop is stupid, i won’t understand it, y’all are koreaboos. thought the same, fam. then i turned on a messy reality show called sixteen and im nayeon strutted in like she owned the place. at that moment, i knew my ass was grass. you, too, will have that moment.
i only need to tag a messy bitch who lives for drama: @poundkate. dassit. everyone else can go home.
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gaysols · 7 years
ok below the cut is a list of people im gonna make gif icons of-- if anyone has been itching to use a female idol with no resources reply or something and i can potentially add them
EunE from S.E.T
Chaea from Pocket Girls
Eunjeong from Hi Cutie
Daisy from Momoland
Som from Laysha
Gyeoul from Sol-T
Chaejin from Laysha
Gracie from H.U.B
Keina from H.U.B
Seeya from Blity
Hyeri from Laysha
Goeun from Laysha
Jooe from Momoland
Hyosun from H.U.B
Monika from Badkiz
Jieun from BP Rania
Yeondu from Delight
Yeoni from Switch
Yery from Yery Band
Yeji from Flashe
Eunshil from Year 7 Class 1
Ahin from Momoland
Hyebin from Momoland
Yeonjoo from Oh!Bliss
Jane from Momoland
Kim from Rubber Soul
Anna from Vetty L
Nayun from Momoland
Yeonwoo from Momoland
Taeha from Momoland
Roa from Ramisu
Minjae from Sonamoo
Chaewon from April
Eunji from G.I
Hyeme from BP Rania
Ivone from Lime
Gaeul from Favorit
Habin from Pocket Girls
Sojin from Hashtag
Woolim from Playback
Hyunseo from G-reyish
Bom from Moxie
Lucky from Good Day
Haeri from P.O.P
Hayoon from Bonusbaby
Yeonjoo from P.O.P
Dajeong from Hashtag
Sanha from Omyjewel
J.Bin from Moxie
Yeorin from A.De
Seungmin from Hashtag
Yoonji from Playback
Eunjin from Playback
Chaesol from Good Day
Miso from P.O.P
Yuem from H.U.B
Seungji from Lime Soda
Sua from Hashtag
Yeonji from Pocket Girls
Viva from Good Day
SoonE from S.E.T
Minji from Busters
Chaeyeon from Busters
Boyeon from Yellow Bee
Rozy from Yellow Bee
Somee from Yellow Bee
Yuri from Blah Blah
Hayeong from Hi Cutie
Hayoung from Fromis_9
Jisun from Fromis_9
Chaewon from S2
Yujeong from S2
Miyu from S2U
Sujeong from S2U
Mimi from Gugudan
J-Sun from S.I.S
Dal from S.I.S
MInzy from S.I.S
Sieun from Ramisu
Hanseol from Ramisu
Yuna from Marmello
Doeun from Marmello
Daeun from Marmello
Gaeun from Marmello
Hyuna from Marmello
Jayeon from 1NB
Leeda from 1NB
Merry from Walwari
Ceena fro Live High
Bohye from Live High
Elly from Weki Meki
Lua from Weki Meki
Byeol from Seeart
Sua from Seeart
Yeeun from Seeart
Hyedam from Seeart
Seoryn from Lipbubble
Mirae from Lipbubble
Ryua from Lipbubble
Haea from Lipbubble
Ina from Lipbubble
L.cia from Fantasie
Moonhee from Bonusbaby
Chunglyn from Oh!Bliss
Mina from Holics
Joohee from 8eight
Jayoung from J-Young
J-Na from J-Young
Eunjin from Highteen
Minsong from New-A
Rami from Five Run Strike
Soyee from Gugudan
Hyeyeon from Gugudan
Jini from Sol-T
Hanna from Mixx
Sol-E from Twinkle
Sehee from Mercury
Haerin from Tweety
Gakyung from PPL
Dahee from PPL
Ahhee from PPL
Yujin from PPL
Sarah from the Lush
Juha from Bubble X
Daae from Bubble X
Chaeree from Vetty L
Edge from High.D
Hayang from High.D
Bonny from High.D
Jiwon from LPG
RIwon from LPG
Songha from LPG
Jiyul from Queendom
Miel from Queendom
Kimmi from I.C.E
Minju from I.C.E
Yeona from Dia Girls
Genie from Bulldok
JInah from ACE
Seola from ACE
Areum from Hady
Haein from Walking After U
Yeonji from Bloomy
Jiyun from Bloomy
Seula from Leader’S
Dain from Sixbomb
Taeyeon from She’z
Jueun from DIA
Somyi from DIA
Hyeonsung from 10x10
Jiyoon from 10x10
Rica from 10x10
Liz from Lime
Chaekyung from April
Naeun from April
Yena from April
Rachel from April
Shin from As1
Kayan from As1
Jun from Awe5ome Baby
Yechan from Awe5ome Baby
Nara from Asha
Migyo from LoveUs
EunA from LoveUs
Sina from Verry
Sogeum from Hint
Naeul from Hint
Arra from Hint
Cherry from Hint
Gabin from Blady
Dayoung from Blady
Giru from Blady
Tina from Blady
Bada from S.E.S
Uhm Junghwa
Kim Hyunjung
Jace from Miss $
Minhee from Miss $
Showking from Vivid
Ahreum from Vivid
Choi Cho from Rubber Soul
Baek Sehee from Year 7 Class 1 
Shin Eerang from Year 7 Class 1
Kwon Sojung from Year 7 Class 1
Han Bitna from Year 7 Class 1
Yoohwa from Year 7 Class 1
Nine from D.Holic
Eeum from Odd Eye
Hayule from Odd Eye
Crystal from As One
Dia from Kiss&Cry
ZU from A-Daily
Kahi from After School
Geonhee from Purfles
Wooyoung from Purfles
High.D from Sonamoo
Juha from Queen B’Z
Nora-Born from Queen B’Z
Jenny from Gavy NJ
Lydia from A.N.D.S
Jimin from Switch
Hyeji from 4Ten
Heeo From 4Ten
Sojung from Ladies Code
Heuira from Sunny Days
Minju from A.Kor
Park Jiyoon
Narae from Flashe
Minseo from Flashe
Yaerin from Flashe
Yumin from BP Rania
Zi.U from BP Rania
Ttabo from BP Rania
Saem from BP Rania
Johyun from Berry Good
Daye from Berry Good
Sehyung from Berry Good
Sihyun from Spica
Boa from Spica
Narae from Spica
Jiwon from Spica
Qri from T-Ara
Jerry from Tahiti
Jiu from Two-X
Eun from Two-X
Surin from Two-X
Eunyoung from Two-X
Jiae from Wa$$up
Sujin from Wa$$up
Woojoo from Wa$$up
Jinju from Wa$$up
Dain from Wa$$up
K.Me from Badkiz
Duna from Badkiz
Hyelin from 2eyes
Nayoung from Wings
Lime from HelloVenus
Yeoeun from Melody Day
Yoomin from Melody Day
Chahee from Melody Day
Zinni from Glam
Heeso from G.I
Ai from G.I
Oneket from G.I
Eunsae from Delight
Chemi from C-Real
Effie from C-Real
Ann J from C-Real
Hyoyoung from F-ve Dolls
Hyewon from F-ve Dolls
Eunkyo from F-ve Dolls
Juliane from Chocolat
Tia from Chocolat
Zin from D-Unit
Jea from BEG
Narsha from BEG
Minyoung from Brave Girls
Yujeong from Brave Girls
Eunji from Brave Girls
Yuna from Brave Girls
Hyeran from Brave Girls
Hayun from Brave Girls
Haeryung from Bestie
E-Young from After School
Sungah from Nine Muses
Dabin from Baby Boo
Anne from S.I.S
Hyunah from Urban Zakapa
A-Min from Cahscoma
Hi-Lee from Cashcoma
Lany from Premu
Hati from Premu
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markleetrashh · 7 years
11 (or 22) questions tag
tagged by @jaehwinnie & @nctimagery , thanks kids 💖
1. Who are your top 3 biases?
minhyung, yuha & doyoung? i think HAHA
2. What is your favourite kpop music video?
hmmm im not sure definitely not around sorry taeyong i'd say the one that left the biggest impression would be please dont by kwill i still the plot twist always iconic™
3. What is your favourite song lyric? (it can be either kpop or non-kpop)
walk you home + sorry by halsey!
4. What has been your favourite comeback this year?
cherry bomb/highlight's please dont be sad!
5. Which idol would you want as a brother + why?
taeyong/taeil!! i feel like because of our personalities we'd be the typical siblings that always fight/argue but still love each other dearly and idk they just give off older brother vibes! younger brother would be jisung i wanna protect him
6. Which idol would you want as a sister + why?
dahyun from twice & eunwoo from pristin hehe. these two cuties i want to protect with my heart because they're so adorable, plus they'd be very fun to be with!
7. What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?
mark's failed fried eggs™ im weird but i'd like to try bugs,, like you know those that people always eat-
8. What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
oh no idk i dont normally rewatch movies :-(
9. If money wasn’t an issue, what career would you pursue, and why?
being an idol! the stage is my second home plus i love performing/dancing, it gives me a sense of comfort??
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
when people are rude and have no respect at all/cursing non stop
11. If you could trade places with an idol for a day, who would it be + why?
roa so i can be with kyungwon 24/7 and tall and pretty for once 😩
12.Construct your ideal kpop family and state the roles of each kpop idol in the family. ( with you included )
father- leeteuk
mother- irene (dont ask me why idk)
older brother- taeyong
older sister- momo/nayoung
younger sister- dahyun
younger brother- jisung
me- an extra middle child
my boyfriend- mark
13.Suggest a song to your followers and mutuals. State reason for your choice.
when you love someone by day6 huhu makes my heart soft 24/7
14.State a member of any kpop group you would like to recommend to your mutual(s). ( the respective mutuals are originally not stans of that particular group that you recommend them )
all of pristin; please stan my babies they need more love
15.Try creating an acrostic poem for your bias?
M- Maybe you will never know of my existence
A- and we will never meet. But i
R- really love you and i hope you know i will always
K- keep you in my heart
im dying goodbye
16.An activity that you would like to do with a kpop idol? Who is that kpop idol?
dance session with ten!
17.Which kpop idol do you think you are most compatible with?
18.Which song resonates with your life the most? (kpop & non-kpop)
i have no idea tbh im so sorry
19.What is a skill that you would trade for?
cooking!!!! hahahaha
22.Lastly, anything that you would like to say to your followers/ mutuals?
20.Your proudest achievement?
coming second in class and being the top 20% in my whole cohort of like 200 people?
21.Your favourite drink(s) and food(s)?
22.Lastly, anything you would like to say to your followers/mutuals?
even though i don't show it often and i never ever start conversations i hope you all know i always care and love you all!!! just send me a message if you need anything 💖
im super lazy to tag anyone (what has studying done to me zz) so im so sorry :-(((((
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11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @ilove2suffer! Thank you my future sister in law!
1. “What Kpop group would you join if you could?” I would probably want to join BLACKPINK, since I like their style of music and their sort of “girl crush/lively” concept. 
2. “Who is your favourite rapper?” I have a lot that I like but, I would have to say my boy Mark from NCT. He’s young yet he’s so talented! 
3. “What’s your favourite colour?” I love pastel colours! To be more specific, I would have to say pastel pink. I also LOVE LOVE a cherry red and black!
4. “Who are your bias wreckers?” Oh my god I have a lot lol. My bias wreckers are SF9 Youngbin, Red Velvet Irene, Seventeen Junhui, CLC Yeeun, EXID LE, BLACKPINK Rose, ASTRO MJ, BTS Jungkook, TWICE Sana, Pentagon Kino, Girl’s Generation Yuri, PRISTIN Nayoung, NCT(U, 127, Dream) Doyoung, Taeil, Yuta, Jeno, Hello Venus Lime, SHINee Taemin, BAP Jongup, Gfriend Sowon, AOA Minah, Monsta X Shownu, Sistar Soyou, KARD Jiwoo, Oh My Girl Arin, Girl’s Day Yura, Apink Namjoo, Mamamoo Solar, Gugudan Hyeyeon, WJSN Seola, and I have others, but I think I’ll stop!
5. “What Kpop song have you been playing on repeat?” For the past few days I have been switching between Watch Out and Hide and Seek by SF9.
6. “If you could hug one each member of one kpop group, what group would you choose?” I would probably pick ASTRO! They are one of my top main groups!
7. “What’s your astrological sign?” LEO!!!!
8. “What’s your favourite eye colour?” I personally love both brown and green eyes! Hazel is super cute too. Basically anything but blue lol
9. “Which idol’s wardrobe do you want to steal and why?” AHHHH this is hard since my style is such a wide range lol. I guess I would have to steal Hyuna’s wardrobe. She has a wide range like me! She has lots of the more revealingish clothes that I like yet, she has cute styles, classy styles, comfy styles, basically she has lots of options. 
10. “What song would you want your bias to serenade you with?” Ok idk if anyone else is like this but, I hate the idea of being serenaded. IDK I feel like its too intimate and awkward. I feel like I would want one of my biases to serenade me with a fun or iconic song. Nothing romantic. I’d probably want them to sing fergalicious, or like a high school music song or something lol. 
11. “Which idols would you want in your squad?” I would have a squad made of idols all my age so, NCT Mark, SF9 Hwiyoung, Red Velvet Yeri, TWICE Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, ROMEO Kangmin, PRISTIN Seungyeon, ASTRO Rocky, Seventeen Dino, and WekiMeki Doyeon and Yoojung!
I tag @aspiring-highschool-nobody, @you-have-ruined-me, @tae-smile, @mxdi8
Anyone else who wants to do it feel free!
Questions: 1. What’s your ultimate group? 2. What concepts do you like the best? 3. Rappers, Dancers, Vocals? 4. If you could hang out with an idol for a day (ignore language barriers) which idol would you choose? 5. If you could’ve been in any music video, which one would you choose and why? 6. Which song(s) do you recommend? 7. Which era did your bias/bias group look the best? 8. If you could have a poster of any group/idol, who would it be? 9. If you could have an idol’s hairstyle, which one would it be? 10. Do you like softer songs/ballets or harder more dance like songs? (Basically like spring day vs not today) 11. Light hair or dark hair? 
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seunghi · 7 years
music video: we like or wee woo? :)
omgdihsfoi i love pristin’s mvs uhhh this is actually really hard because I have certain scenes I love a lot in both mvs ;-; I think I’m gonna go with Wee Woo! Blonde Yuha wrecked me, Nayoung had on glasses and looked adorable af :( and I also love the part when they’re sitting in the circle “casting spells” near the end. Oh and the hair flipping in Wee Woo is extremely iconic for me. Thanks for asking !! ♡
make me choose…
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rhiezus · 5 years
isso eh na vdd mt raro a gent nunca faz porem 🥀 - Your hardest/least favourite character to write💕 - Your easiest/favourite character to write
           this is really rare and hard actually, but i’m gonna say the hardest character to write is probably ruyjae (and i don’t think that come as a surprise), he is not the least favorite tho (i dont even have a least favorite), its just challenging to write him because i have this need to make everything he says iconic, so i also find myself like… wow, this is hard. another one that is not as hard as ruy, but it’s also challenging (and this one will probably come as a surprise) is jinhyung, i don’t even know why at this point, is just like ‘oh wow, is he really saying that? okay’, other challenging ones are probably linlin, eleanor and gok inna. now, for the easiest, is mostly everyone, nayoung is by far the easiest, hana the most fun too, i lOVE writing with kaili, hyoshik was a nice surprise too, i never thought yehjin would be so relatable, haneul is also really fun… but i just, i think it depends on the day too or the shit i’ve been thinking, you know?! yea you do. 
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softeyoongi-moved · 7 years
just in case nobody's asked yet, pristin and exo !! - soul partner 🌸
my first bias: i think it was actually siyeon during p101, nayoung during ioi and then sungyeon during pledis girlz rip
current bias and why: now its yebin bc she is so funny and talented and i just love her the most she brightens up my life
favourite song: probably we but all of their songs are iconic and my favorites
favourite mv: we :( its so cute n gay
member you think has the best smile: yehana!!!!!!!!! 
favourite choreography: black widow
favourite era: wee woo was blessed but when they had those special stages for black widow vampire version..... a lesbian was found dead in a ditch (me)
have you seen them live: im crying thinking abt this possibility that will never come to life
favourite voice/singer: sungyeon!!!! her voice is my favorite in the entire world
favourite dancer: sungyeon too. god herself
my first bias: i dont actually remember but probably kyungsoo
current bias and why: jongin. he’s rly talented and he laughs like he doesnt know how to hes such a dork i have the softest spot for him dhjgjfdjfg
favourite song: THUNDER
favourite mv: mama. legendary mv of the century i rewatch it like once a week
otp: kaisoo!!!!!!!!!! i truly would d*e for them
member you think has the best smile: kyungsoos heart smile heals souls
favourite choreography: playboy..........i love this gay anthem
favourite era: growl 
have you seen them live: no :(
favourite voice/singer: KYUNGSOO
favourite dancer: jongin (yixing is amazing too)
send me a group! 🌈
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girls-scenarios · 7 years
Take Me Over
Idol: Eunwoo (Pristin)
Prompt: “There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely," Eunwoo has always been loved by many, being one of the most popular people in school, she never has had a bad day in her life. In a partner project, she is paired up with the school's loner and bad girl, (Y/N), as Eunwoo starts getting to know her, she starts to live life the way she never thought she would
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: I LOVE Pristin. And I love how detailed this request is. Also anon asked for fluff/angst but I’m not sure if the angst aspect is very big. I did write it for a female reader, though, instead of keeping it gender neutral like I usually do, as the “bad girl” was requested. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the first Pristin post on this account!
Warnings: Gotta add some to this one. Hints at sex and innuendos. Skipping school. A few curse words. Underage drinking and smoking. Generally lots of things that you Shouldn’t Try At Home (or School, in this case). Mentions of an iconic lesbian movie. What else would you get with a popular girl meets school bad girl story? Also there is no actual smut. 
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Eunwoo’s life began with her name being called, her mother smiling as the name sounded in the room as the doctor placed her in her mother’s arms. Her life also ended with someone calling her name, but this time there was another name being called as well.
“Eunwoo, (Y/N), you two will be working together. Please pair up.” Eunwoo could feel her world falling apart around her as the words tumbled from her teachers lips. Beside her, Roa snickered and elbowed her when the teacher looked back at her sheet.
“If she kills you, I’ll make sure your funeral is awesome.” Eunwoo whimpered and gripped her notebooks.
“No protecting or avenging me?” 
“Nah, she’s scary.” Kulkyung shot her an apologetic smile as Eunwoo stood to go sit in the empty seat next to you. You hadn’t even looked up from where you were doodling something on your notebook. She had to resist the urge to melt into a puddle on the floor as she sat down This wasn’t fair. Her life wasn’t fair.
“Roa, Kulkyung, you’ll be working together.” The other two girls cheered, and Eunwoo buried her head in her arms. The world was out to get her, she was sure of it.
“Dude, you got paired with (Y/N)?” Xiyeon huffed and slumped back into her chair, crossing her arms. “That’s not fair, she’s so hot.”
“Scary,” Kyla corrected. “You mean scary.”
“Nah, she’s hot. She skips school and wears fishnet stockings and leather jackets and honestly I’d be down to skip school with her and go do you know-” Eunwoo yelped and covered her ears, shutting her eyes tightly at Xiyeon’s words.
“I don’t want that mental image, please, Xiyeon! You’re making this entire situation even worse.” Roa’s tray clattered loudly against the table and she grinned.
“Princess Eunwoo. Working with (Y/N). The entire school probably knows now.” She said. Eunwoo kept her hands over her ears, beginning to hum loudly.
“I really hope you don’t get murdered though,” Kulkyung said as she sat down, Nayoung and Yuha at her side.
“Who’s murdering Eunwoo?” Asked Yuha, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked from the grinning Roa to the pouting Xiyeon who Kyla was trying to comfort with pieces of pepperoni. Xiyeon quickly sat forward when Yuha asked, slamming her hands down onto the table.
“Eunwoo gets to work with (Y/N). Is she lucky or what?”
“Oh shit. Yeah, (Y/N) is any lesbian’s wet dream. It’s like that movie. But I’m a Cheerleader, right?” Xiyeon clapped her hands, looking relieved and ignoring Eunwoo’s plead for her to be quieter.
“Exactly what I was thinking! See? Somebody agrees with me.”
“I think you’re both thirsty,” Nayoung said, picking at the salad on her own tray and glancing at Kulkyung’s pizza. “I’ve never even watched that movie.”
“It’s a must-watch for any lesbian, let me tell you. Eunwoo is going to miss out on a movie perfect storyline if she doesn’t get that,” Yuha said, glaring at the younger girl out the side of her eyes.
“I don’t want to get that,” Eunwoo replied. “I want to not have to talk to her. She’s scary. I’ve heard that she has a tattoo and smokes cigarettes and drinks even though she’s underage.”
“Half of us at this table have drank, Eunwoo.” Nayoung finally stabbed at her salad and took a bite after speaking. Eunwoo pouted and sat back in her chair, crossing her arms and glaring resolutely at the table in front of her, trying her best to ignore the girls talking around her. Xiyeon and Yuha had gotten into a deep conversation about how perfect the situation followed the plot of the movie Yuha had brought up, and Nayoung had finally stopped staring at Kulkyung’s pizza and stolen herself a bite. Why were none of them any help?
“Cheer up,” Rena finally said. Maybe-. “At least you might get a good lay out of it.” Eunwoo slammed her head into the table.
Never before had Eunwoo been nervous about going to school. School, although tedious and boring, was where all her friends were. For the first time since she was elementary school, she debated faking sick to get out of going in. But nothing short of a life threatening fever would convince her mom to keep her home, and she’d have to face you sometime. So she reluctantly rolled out of bed and shuffled over to her closet. Her eyes landed on a short black skirt, and what Xiyeon and Yuha had been talking about popped into her head.
She’d watched But I’m a Cheerleader, despite popular belief, and the image of Megan in her cheerleading outfit flashed before her eyes. Quickly, she shook her head and grabbed a pair of jeans instead, wrinkling her nose in aggravation at herself. What was she even thinking? That had been a movie, and this was real life. Shit like that only happened in movies. In real life, the bad girl would rather never have to speak to the popular girl again than fuck her, and the popular girl would never survive trying to get into a relationship with the bad girl.
Her phone buzzed and came to life, signalling a text. One from Yuha, asking if she still had the shorts she’d borrowed from her a week ago, and one from Rena, asking for her to give her the homework because she had a doctor’s appointment. She shrugged on one of her favorite shirts as she typed out replies, glancing at the clock. Plenty of time to grab her normal coffee and still make it to class on time. She shoved her feet into her shoes and grabbed her bag, tripping down the stairs and hugging her mother goodbye before rushing out the door, fingers typing a text to Kulkyung for the other girl to meet her at their normal Starbucks.
She was already there when Eunwoo walked up, leaning against the wall with her hands in her pockets. When Eunwoo called out to her, she looked up and grinned, kicking off the wall as the other girl walked up.
“You actually woke up on time today?” Eunwoo rolled her eyes, but Kulkyung continued as they walked inside. “I’m surprised you didn’t bail, considering today is the first day for partner projects.” The familiar smell of coffee assaulted their senses as they walked in, and Eunwoo closed her eyes, breathing it in slowly to try and calm down. 
“I’d rather you not remind me about it. I was tempted to bail.” As she opened her eyes, she saw familiars. The barista who knew her name and what coffee she was going to order because she’d been in there so many time. The business man who always ordered a venti black coffee before bolting out the door. The woman with her young daughter who always came by after dropping her older children off at school. She turned her head, glanced out the window, and saw you, walking down the sidewalk with your earbuds in, head slowly nodding along to whatever you were listening to, hands shoved deep in your pockets. The unfamiliar.
“Hello? Earth to Eunwoo?” Kulkyung waved her hand in front of said girl’s face, making her blink and look up. “We’re next in line. You okay? You looked all dazed out for a second there.” She shook her head and forced a smile, despite feeling a bit dizzy.
“I’m okay. I was just thinking.”
“You’re always dazing off.” Kulkyung grinned and knocked her knuckles against Eunwoo’s head, making the other girl whine and try to duck out of the way. “Is there anyone in there?”
“Don’t be rude, you brat.” It was their turn. The barista smiled and wished them a good morning, already keying in their orders. Eunwoo pulled out her wallet and handed over her card, sparing a glance back out the window. You were gone, no doubt already a while down the road, but she still felt her pulse jump a bit looking at the space where you had been standing. “When we get our coffees,” she said as they stepped away from the counter. “Let’s just head to the school right away.”
“Okay,” Kulkyung replied, giving her a weird look. “You wanting to be on time for school? Do you have a fever?” She again moved her hand to the other girl’s head, but Eunwoo ducked out of the way this time, sticking out her tongue.
“No. Shut up.” Kulkyung kept talking, but Eunwoo tuned her out, staring at the counter in front of them, lost in her own head.
The bell sounded like chains rattling, tying Eunwoo to a decision someone else had made for her. She dragged herself into the classroom and sat at her desk, immediately dropping her backpack and pillowing her head in her arms. Kulkyung patted her head, but said nothing as she passed to her own seat nearer to the window. The seat near the back of the classroom remained empty as other people began to file in, and Eunwoo had a small sliver of hope that maybe it would remain empty for the whole class. But then, five minutes after class had started, the door banged open and slammed closed, and you were in your seat within seconds, slumping down against the plastic surface.
The teacher sighed but said nothing, continuing on with her explanation of the activities for the day, and Eunwoo inwardly sighed as well. So much for the higher forces having pity on her for once. And you looked like you were in a bad mood as well, making her stomach flop nervously. As the teacher wrapped up her short instruction, Eunwoo gripped her books tightly, trying to psych herself up. But when she turned around and saw you, glaring down at your notebook like something on it had offended you, all of her confidence went out the window.
Slowly, she moved back to the empty seat beside you, dodging the other students milling around the classroom to try and find their partner. When she dropped her books on the desk, you finally looked up at her, face impassive. She tried her best to mirror your expression.
“Hey.” You looked at her, not replying. Frustrated, she dropped her bag to the floor with a thump and sat down in the chair next to you. “Which war do you want to cover?” You looked down at the notebook in front of you, then shrugged your shoulders.
“I don’t give a shit. I wasn’t here for most of the classes where we covered them anyway.” Eunwoo bit the inside of her cheek and looked down at her own notes, trying to shove down the retort building up in her chest.
“We could dibs WWII. The world wars would be the easiest.”
“I’ll dibs WWI then.” Eunwoo snapped her head up, but before she could say anything, your hand was already in the air, eyebrow cocked as if daring the teacher not to call on you first. The teacher hesitantly called your name and wrote down your names beside WWI on the board. Eunwoo noticed her mouth was hanging open, so she snapped it shut and swallowed.
“Wait, I said WWII.”
“You said the world wars would be the easiest, and I know WWI the best. Don’t think I’m going to put a ton of effort into this. I don’t really give a shit about any of this.” You moved, already ready to start shoving your books into your bag, but Eunwoo’s hand shot out and she grabbed your wrist, making you hiss and looked up, curses on the end of your tongue. She was glaring.
“I know you might not give a shit about this class, or like me or want to work with me, and the feeling is mutual. But I am not going to get a bad grade on the project just because you refuse to do work.” You glared back at her, yanking your arm away from her.
“Listen, princess. I don’t get bossed around.”
“And neither do I.” Eunwoo stood strong. “You’re going to at least put enough effort into the project that we get a B on it. I’d do all the work but the teacher would know, and that would just drop our grade even more.” With a long sigh, you rolled your eyes and put your books back onto you desk, settling back into your chair.
“Fine. I’m not doing much though.” You turned to her, meeting her gaze head on. “And we’re going to do something easy, like a collage or something.”
“Fine. Shake on it?” She held out her hand, raising her eyebrows, and you regarded her hand warily before finally accepting it and shaking. Satisfied, Eunwoo turned to her books. “Now. We’ll start at the beginning.”
“I can’t believe you have me in a library. I haven’t been in one of these in a while.” Eunwoo rolled her eyes at your words, books already assorted on the table and laptop balanced on the table she’d managed to grab. “Couldn’t we at least work outside? I can smoke out there.”
“No. No smoking while we’re doing out project. Are you kidding? The teacher would be able to smell the cigarette smoke and then we’d both get in trouble.” You sat in the seat across from her and smirked, narrowed eyes making Eunwoo feel almost like some sort of prey.
“What, has little miss popular never been to the office before? It’s pretty easy to get out of.” Eunwoo huffed and tossed her hair over her shoulder.
“I haven’t. And I have no intention to. We left off after the assassination, so we can pick up there.” You huffed and shoved your hands into your pockets, slumping back in your chair as Eunwoo looked down at her laptop. 
“You’re literally the most boring person I’ve ever met.” Eunwoo snapped her head up, offended.
“I am not! I know how to have fun, I’m just trying to focus on this project and not fail.” You raised your eyebrows, pushing your feet against the ground so that your chair came up off the ground and tilted back. Eunwoo could feel the tips of her ears getting red with embarrassment.
“Prove it,” you said. She’d been afraid you’d say that, but she wasn’t going to back down. Swallowing around the lump rising up in the throat, she crossed her arms across her chest.
“How?” A thrill traveled over her body as you looked her over, eyes dark.
“Meet me behind the bleachers before school tomorrow morning.” Thump thump went her heart.
“Just so you know, I’m not going to smoke with you. I know how to have a good time, not give myself lung cancer.” You rolled your eyes. Again.
“Fine fine, goody goody. Just meet me back there, okay?” Eunwoo thought about it, eyes trailing back down to her laptop, where the screen glowed bright with pictures of WWI battlefields.
“If you cooperate with me now, I’ll meet you tomorrow.” You groaned, letting your chair fall back to the floor again.
“You can be a real demanding bitch, you know?” Eunwoo broke out into a smile, smugly looking across the table.
“Yeah, I know.”
Agreeing to meet you behind the bleachers had been the dumbest thing Eunwoo had ever done. And she’d accidentally dyed her hair green instead of blonde one time. If you’d decided you hated her and wanted her dead, you could totally off her without being seen. Eunwoo whimpered as she leaned against Yuha, who was grinning like an idiot after what Eunwoo had told her.
“You’re totally gonna get laid. Man, you’re so lucky. I wish I could meet (Y/N) behind the bleachers.”
“God, shut up. I shouldn’t have told you, you’re too thirsty to think of all the things that could go wrong.” Rena laughed, shoving Eunwoo’s shoulder.
“Remember, if you die I’ll make your funeral awesome.”
“Thanks,” Eunwoo deadpanned. “Thanks a ton.” They were already on the school grounds, and the bell was about to ring and summon them all inside at any minute, but Eunwoo still hadn’t built up enough courage to go back behind the bleachers. Yuha shrugged her off, making her have to stand up straight. There was still a thrill knowing what she was going to have to do, but at the same time she felt as if she might be sick to her stomach.
“We have to go. You really have to go,” Yuha said, shifting her backpack up onto her shoulder. “Have fun.”
“Yeah,” Eunwoo looked down at her feet. “Fun.” Finally, she waved goodbye to her friends and trudged towards the bleachers, gripping the straps of her backpack tightly. When she arrived, she looked around, spinning in a slow circle to try and find you, but you were nowhere to be found. Just as she was about to give up and leave, a voice hissed her name. She spun around to see you standing where the bleachers almost met a fence, completely hidden from view. 
“Wow, you actually showed up,” you said as she walked over, looking her over once again. She could feel her face getting red, but she set her shoulders.
“What, did you really think I was too chicken?” You laughed, and she noticed the piercing on your tongue that glinted in the sun, contrasting your black lipstick.
“A little bit, yeah.” You stepped closer, hooking your thumbs in the belt loops on your shorts, making Eunwoo’s chest close up as she fought the urge to lean back. You smelt like lingering cigarette smoke and coffee. “Have you ever skipped school, miss popular?”
“Please call me by my name,” Eunwoo said, summoning her best glare. “And yes, I have.”
“I’m surprised. I didn’t know you had it in you, princess eun.” Before she could retort, you grabbed her wrist. “Let’s go.” She tried to protest, but the thrill shooting through her chest silenced her, urging her to follow along behind you as you dragged her away from the field and to the parking lot.
“You have a car?” You smiled smugly and pulled the keys out of your pockets, dangling them from your fingers.
“Of course I do. Now hurry and get in before we run into a teacher.” Too dumbstruck to think of a witty comeback, Eunwoo climbed into the passenger seat and closed the door behind her. The car was nothing fancy, but it was more than she had, and she looked around. A glance into the backseat revealed a package of condoms and some cigarettes sticking out from underneath a leather jacket, and Eunwoo shivered involuntarily, dragging her eyes back to the road and you maneuvered the car out of the parking lot. 
“You’re good at this. You do this a lot?” You sat back in your seat.
“There are things I do on school grounds too. Want me to show you?” Nope. Eunwoo did not want to be shown. She was being shown too much already.
“We’re not on the school grounds anymore,” she said instead, glaring out the window and refusing to look your way. Your snort of amusement echoed in the car.
“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll just have to show you another time.” You raised your eyebrows again, glancing at her legs. “Your skirt is perfect for it today though.” She flushed deeply and played with the hem of the skirt with her right hand, tugging it down further. She knew you were just playing with her now, but she still refused to back down.
“You missed out. Where are you taking me now?” You shrugged, pressing down further on the gas pedal.
“I’m hungry, I didn’t eat breakfast. So we’ll go eat.” She glanced at you, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Just breakfast?”
“Yeah.” You laughed. “What were you expecting me to do?” Embarrassed, she looked away again, refusing to reply. You turned the car into a parking lot and pulled to a stop outside a bakery, then quickly unbuckled your seat belt. “Just grab your wallet, and leave your backpack in the car so they don’t know we’re high school students.”
“I’m sure we don’t look old enough to be-.” You rolled your eyes and opened your door.
“We’ll be fine as long as we don’t have any IDs or backpacks in sight. Don’t worry so much.” You closed your door and she huffed, quickly clambering out her side and jogging to catch up with you at the door. You led the way in, walking up to the counter with your hands in your pockets and ordering with quiet ease, stepping off to the side after only a moment, leaving her face-to-face with the lady behind the counter who tapped her pen impatiently when Eunwoo didn’t automatically order. Stuttering, she hesitantly ordered a bagel and coffee, fumbling with her wallet nervously. But the woman handed her back her card and said nothing, waving her away, and the tension in her shoulders waned away.
You had already found a table when she stepped away from the counter, and she glanced around at the shop as she walked over. It was small but nicely decorated, white walls pristine and lined with frames holding awards for things like ‘Best Donuts in the City’ and ‘Best Family-Owned Business’. As she sat down across from you, the lady from the counter walked over with their coffees and food. After thanking her, she turned to you.
“I didn’t even know this place existed. How did you find it?” You stirred your coffee and took a sip before answering.
“One of my friend’s families owns the place. He brings me here often.” She looked surprised, and you narrowed your eyes. “Yeah, believe it or not, I have friends.”
“No, no,” Eunwoo said, waving her hands frantically. “I just. You never talk to anyone at school so I was curious.” You glared down at the cup in your hands.
“That’s because nobody at the school talks to me. I don’t really care. I have other friends, I’ve known them since I was little. Honestly it’s easier to get through high school not talking to anyone at school. Less drama, less bullshit.” Eunwoo frowned and picked at her bagel as you continued. “People are scared of me. But I mean, I gave them a reason to be.”
“But you’re a fine person,” she said. “Why let everyone think you’re some evil person?”
“You ask a lot of damn questions.”
“I just want to know.” You took another sip of your drink, silent. Eunwoo waited, curling her fingers around her own cup.
“I got bullied when I was younger. Now that everyone is scared of me, I don’t have to worry about that. My parents never paid much attention to me either, so when I started dressing like this and sneaking out and smoking, they started paying attention. Eventually they stopped caring, but I decided I liked living like this more than I liked the way I was before.” You looked up, meeting her eyes. “How would you like it if people thought you needed to stop being popular and change everything you’ve become accustomed to doing?”
“I guess I wouldn’t like that.”
“Exactly. I don’t mind being the loner, because I have friends outside of school. I like doing the things I do. I’d rather be scary than scared.” With a sigh, Eunwoo stirred her drink. 
“Yeah. But still, don’t you get lonely?” You ripped off a piece of your bagel, making her flinch.
“I used to. Now I don’t give a shit. It’s not like I show up to school often anyway.” 
“I’d talk to you.” You sneered and popped a piece of your bagel into your mouth, standing abruptly.
“Sure you would, miss popular. But we don’t want to taint your reputation.” Eunwoo stood as well as you walked past her to the trash, turning and grabbing the back of her chair.
“Maybe if you’d ever been anything other than an ass to me, I would have been nice to you back. I have feelings too, you know.” You stopped and turned around, staring at her. “I’ve never been mean to you. The only times we’ve ever interacted, you’ve been rude. You didn’t even look at me in class the other day.”
“Maybe I didn’t feel like fucking talking to you.”
“I didn’t feel like talking to you either, but at least I was nice.” Eunwoo grabbed her own trash and walked over to the trash can, looking you in the eye as she passed you. “I can’t believe I was afraid of you. You’re nothing but a coward, hiding behind a fake tough facade. You’re too afraid to let someone in, so you’ve talked yourself into thinking I’m a bad person just because I’m popular.” Your face turned red and you reached out to grab her wrist, but she yanked her hand away. “If you don’t like me, then why did you bring me out here today?”
“I didn’t think you’d actually show,” you said, fists balled at your sides. The woman behind the counter watched the two of you with a wary eye. “Maybe I was intrigued because I saw you had more guts than I thought you did. I wanted to see how much I could push you and mess with you. I didn’t ask you to try and break me out of my shell.”
“Yeah, well. It’s kind of hard to make friends when all you do is insult people and push them away.”
“I didn’t want to be friends with you.”
“Then what did you want, (Y/N)? What did you want?” You clenched your jaw, unable to answer, and Eunwoo threw her now empty cup into the trash can. “You’re the one who wanted to talk to me outside of the project. You can’t blame this on me. Now if you’ll unlock your car, I’ll get my things and just walk back to the school.” Wordlessly, you turned and stalked towards the doorway, pulling out your keys and unlocking your car as you pushed the door open. She walked past you and opened the car door long enough to grab her things before closing it again and walking away without another word. She half expected you to yell something profane at her retreating figure, but you didn’t. You just stayed silent and watched her go.
“Where the fuck were you this morning?” Xiyeon stuck her face right in front of Eunwoo’s, eyes narrowed. Glaring, Eunwoo pushed her face away.
“I’m not in the mood, Xiyeon. Not right now.”
“She was with (Y/N),” Kulkyung informed the younger girl as she scrolled through her Twitter feed, not bothering to look up from her phone. Xiyeon’s jaw dropped, but before she could say anything, Yuha was speaking, rolling her eyes.
“She somehow managed to get into a fight with her. Don’t ask me how.”
“Shut the fuck up, Yuha,” Eunwoo said. Yuha looked at Xiyeon with raised eyebrows, hand gesturing to the girl beside her.
“See?” Before Eunwoo could reply, or possibly throw her class copy of The Great Gatsby at the other girl’s head, Roa walked up with Nayoung. 
“You guys know what time it is, right? We’re supposed to be in the cafeteria in like, two minutes.” With a sigh, Kulkyung shoved her phone into her pocket and grabbed Eunwoo’s arm, hauling her up while Xiyeon stood with Yuha, regarding Eunwoo cautiously.
“Then move it. We’ll follow you.”
“I still don’t understand why we have to be in the cafeteria for a certain amount of time, we’re not little kids anymore,” Xiyeon said, kicking at a pebble in their way. Yuha reached over and messed with her hair, earning her a whine from the younger girl.
“You’re still a little kid, Xiyeon. And it’s to make sure nobody is back late from getting lunch.” Xiyeon muttered something under her breath that made Yuha laugh, but Eunwoo’s eyes stayed focused on the floor and she relied on Kulkyung to pull her through the throngs of students pouring into the cafeteria. In the back of her head, she silently thanked whatever gods there were that Kulkyung was her friend. Without the other girl, Eunwoo would probably be dead at this point.
Everyone else was waiting at their normal table, and Kyla shot them all looks from over her book.
“You guys are almost late.” Roa shrugged her shoulders, waving away the other girl’s concerns. Eunwoo took her normal seat at the table and forced a smile to her face as people said hello as they passed her table. She was too tired for this. Just as she was about to put her head in her arms and take a nap until the bell rang, someone slammed their hand onto the table beside her. Surprised, she jerked her head up to come face-to-face with you. A hush had fallen over the tables surrounding hers.
“You’re next period is a study hall, right?” Her face twisted in confusion.
“Yes, why?”
“Meet me in the library.” You picked your hand up off the table and brushed past her, ignoring the people staring open mouthed at you as you left. She turned and watched you go, ignoring Yuha’s confused laughter and Roa’s ‘What the fuck’. Her hands seemed to move without her permission, reaching down to grab her backpack, and when the bell rang she was already on her way out the door, all but sprinting to the library.
It didn’t take her long to find you. You were sitting in the back of the library, legs over the arm of chair as your back pressed against the wall instead of the back of the chair. You were looking down at your phone, but looked up when she dropped her backpack beside the seat across from you. For a moment, the two of you were both silent, staring at each other, neither of you moving. Then you sighed and turned off your phone.
“I’m sorry about earlier.” She opened her mouth, but you cut her off, eyes still trained on the black screen of your phone. “I wasn’t entirely truthful. And you were just trying to be friendly and I blew up.” She slowly sat in the chair opposite, as if any sudden movements might scare you away. “The truth is.... I actually think about you a lot. Too much. And since you’re popular and I’m not I decided to try and hate you instead of developing a crush on you, ‘cause that hurts less.” You played with your phone case, still refusing to look up. “Then we started doing this project and I was super scared ‘cause I didn’t want to feel things. And I got caught up in playing with you and enjoying being able to talk to you. Then I realized what I was doing and I got scared this morning. You’re right. I’m a coward.”
“I said a lot of things I didn’t mean as well,” Eunwoo said, clutching the end of the chair and leaning forward. You still didn’t look up. “I was really rude. I called you bad things and got mad at you for being afraid of being hurt. And I’m sorry for that. But.” Your fingers stilled. “What I said still applies. About building friendships. And relationships.” You finally looked up.
“I meant an actual crush. An I want to kiss you crush. A big lesbian crush.” Your face was colored slightly and it made Eunwoo want to laugh, because she’d never imagined you could blush. But she held it down.
“I know. I’m a lesbian too. And it turns out that I wouldn’t mind kissing you, or meeting you behind the bleachers, or going to breakfast with you.” You still looked like you didn’t believe her. “I. I had a crush on you back in middle school.” Your eyebrows raised.
“Yeah.” She laughed and covered her face and eyes, whining softly. “This is so embarrassing to admit. I was so embarrassing.” She brought her hands away from her face, only to laugh again at the shocked look on your face. “But I thought you hated me! You knocked me over one time, remember?”
“Oh shit, I did, didn’t I.” You let out a laugh as well, leaning your head back against the wall. “I forgot about that.”
“I tried to be nice. Sure I had ulterior motives of getting to kiss you, but still. And then you knocked me over. I was so heartbroken I cried for weeks.” You laughed again, covering your mouth, and Eunwoo basked in the sound of it, despite her revelation of her secret crush bringing a deep blush to her cheeks and turning her ears red.
“Damn, I’m sorry. I promise I wont knock you over this time around.” You sobered up and looked over at her again. “Still. I’m not going to change things about myself. I still like the things I like, the music I like, the hobbies I have.”
“You don’t have to,” Eunwoo said. “I don’t want to change big things about myself either. But I think we’ll find we have more in common than we think. And as long as we try things with each other, I think it’ll work out.” You nodded slowly.
“Yeah. You skipped school with me, so I’ll have to do something with you.” You smirked, resting your chin in your palm. “What do you like to do? Study?” She snorted and kicked your leg softly.
“No. Please. I like bowling.”
“Oh. Bowling is much better than studying.” She nodded and leaned over, unzipping her backpack.
“But since we’re on the subject, we do have a project due in a week.” You groaned and slumped down in your seat, shutting your eyes tight as she laughed at you, reaching over to ruffle your hair playfully.
“How did I know.”
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pristin10 · 8 years
URL song tag!!
i’ve been tagged by @fullofsinb thank u so much!!
pick me - produce 101 trainees (the most iconic song ever)
angel - mamamoo
rough - gfriend
recipe - mamamoo
knock knock - oh my girl
my copycat - orange caramel
yellow light - tiffany
um oh ah yeh - mamamoo
no love - 4minute
glue - 9muses
excuse me - aoa
up and down - exid
nonono - apink
i  tag @gfsay @somioi @buddha-nayoung @eunwooshighnotes @guggudan @junhan and whoever who wants to do it!! you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!!
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