#oh noooo I could have made the turtle neck red
goldfish-fhr · 5 months
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@hypnostanatos I like how different their styles are and I wanted to doodle it after you showed me that collage of outfits—even though this outfit is far tamer then the edgy ones he probably wears 🫣
Two cool cats 🐈‍⬛ 🐈‍⬛
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extsev · 1 year
The Silly Story PT 1
This high schools a hell hole. Mila and I are considered "the weird kids," as you may call it. For some reason, we're not bullied as much as the others. We're kind of just, ignored?
There's these four kids. Eric (well we call him Cartman because its his last name,) Kyle, Stan, and Kenny.
Eric wears a red sweater with a blue scarf, and dark brown sweatpants. His outfits pretty simple! He doesn't really talk much, he's nice.
Kyle wears a trapper hat, with fluffy flaps to cover his ears. He has a black turtle neck, with an orange button-up jacket on top, black sweatpants, green gloves and a blue necklace that adorns on top of his outfit.
Stan wears a red button-up, with a half zipped brown jacket. He wears blue jeans. He used to wear a blue and red beanie, but eventually ditched in middle school.
Kenny's outfit is my favorite. (Along with Kyles, but shh...) He wears an orange parka, with light brown cargo pants. He used to like matching his pants and parka with the same color, but decided the brown looked better. Good on you for color theory! Instead of hiding his face with the hoodie like he used to do, he just wears a fabric mask to school.
During the years they've gone to this school they've just made it worse. They torture the kids here to the point some even went to the hospital. I don't know why the school doesn't do much about it. The most they get is a suspension, never kicked out of school.
Surprisingly, even though my bestie and I are "weird kids," we're not beaten up. We're just ignored. That's good, but it kinda sucks when no one knows who you are.
"Sev! Wake up girl, it's lunch time. I gotta go get my lunch. And, y'know, you don't have to since you get the free lunch shit.... Sev? Heellllooooo...? Girl, are you narrating your life in your head again?" I wake up from my trance, as Mila snapped in my face.
"Fuck- Sorry! And uhhh... Maybe..." I shooed her away as I got up in embarrassment.
She facepalmed, and dragged me into the hall. "Ughhhh... What have we talked about..? This ain't no Disney movie! Plus, it's really distracting you now. All you do is zone out and imagine scenarios!"
"But it's fun! Plus," I brush my pants off from the dust of my chair, "I don't have to deal with being ignored 25/8 if I imagine that stuff!"
"You'll still be alone eiithherrrr wayyyyyy!! Although, you do have me!" Mila flipped her hair smiling, as I walked away. "Noooo! Don't leave! I need to go to my locker!"
I chuckle and turn to her, "Just meet me in the lunch room, m'kay?" (haha.. mkay..? ... shhh)
I grab my lunch, and walk over to the spot her and I always sit in. Suddenly, I bump into a tall dude. Bruh. Move, the fu-
OH. Okay, never mind. It's Kyle. Oh shit. I knocked his stuff out of his hands too. I'm definitely screwed, this is how I become known. Literal dead meat.
"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Let me get your stuff." I mutter, reaching for his bag.
He slapped my hand off his bag. "Don't even bother," he spoke, picking it up. "Who the hell even are you? I've never seen your stupid face around here."
"Oh! Uh, I'm Sev! I'm still really sorry.." I scratched my neck, I'm so stupid. He stayed silent for a moment, but looked to his friends.
"Sit with us."
HUH? BITCH WHAT? HELLO? "Well uh, I always sit with my friend Mila!-"
"Sit. Now. She can sit with us too." He told Cartman to push a seat out on the opposite end of the table, and he patted it.
"Well, if you insist..?" I sat down near Cartman, who clearly was always terrified. How is he still friends with those 3? Well, I mean he is stuck. I spot Mila, and wave at her to gain her attention. She stands in total shock, sweating at the sight of the boys. She runs over, clinging onto the sleeve of my blue hoodie.
"Why are you sitting with them..? They could completely bite your face off!" She whispers into my ear, as they glare at her.
"C'mon, sit down! It'll be fine!" I whisper back, and drag her onto a chair.
"So.. What do you guys do after school for fun?" Stan questions, poking at his food.
"Well, we like to go to 7-11! Or that good ramen place on park!" I spoke, as Mila looks at me with terror in her eyes.
"Sick. Which 7-11?"
I draw a line of the road with my fingers as I talk, "Y'know the one near the gas station? And the little park right there!"
"What do you get there?" Kenny finally talked, shocking Mila and I. I thought he doesn't talk?
"I love to get orange Monster! Or a coke-" I state, but Mila cuts me off (although I don't care because I was about to stop talking anyways.)
"I like pink lemonade!" Mila slowly lowers down because she talked. "Sorry.."
"Mila it's okay girlll!" I reassure her, patting her shoulder. Kenny leaned over, whispering in Stans ear. Stan nodded and whispered back, as Kyle added on. Cartman, Mila, and I sat there confused.
"Uh, do you wanna like.. Hang out with us after school? Kenny'll pay for you guys."
Mila and I look at each other giggling like idiots, and I exclaim, "Heck yes! We'd love that!"
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migeviellardi · 3 years
Out Of Comfort
Rottmnt Donnie-Centric Fanfic
Genre : Adventure, Action, Humour, Hurt/Comfort
Side Notes : I wanna try something different. The fic that I made mostly conversational heavy. So, there’ll be parts where the characters talk, I will give them names to show who’s talking and there’ll be parts where the characters talk with quotation marks. I dunno how will this go, but I just wanted to give a new style a try, my style.
So, I really hope people will enjoy my stories!
Also, tcesters go the HELL away from here!!!
Chapter 1 Prologue
“HOT SOUP!!!!”
2 years after the incident of ‘you-know-who’, people expecting some changes. Others stays the same and not prone to change.
Some says, changes brings a new and better you, but staying the same brings out the real you.
But what if, you can stay the same, while make a change, at the same time.
The sound of katanas piercing through the air current, smokes puffing here and there, the glint of bluish blur bouncing all over the place, like a spark of electricity caused by a short-circuited cable.
“Look out, big bro~” the blue blur flew in with high speed as he launches with a kick. The big red ducked down to avoid the kick, landed onto a black and red figure, sending them to a wall.
“Ey, watch it, Leo!”
“To be fair, I did warned you.” he smirked, hoisting his katana onto his shoulder. 
“Leo!!” before Leo could react the big red threw a barrel at the figure behind him, the impact sended them to the same spot of the previous one, breaking the wall behind them and fell off the building.
“HEY!!! Watch it!!!”
“I was about to warn you.”
“Guys, there’s more coming.” the orange turtle warned his brothers about the oncoming reinforcement. They all readied their battle stance. A group of black and red figures charged in from a hallway. They awaits their next battle.
The flooring on the hallway blew up, the group froze in midair, before they realized the floor’s missing, they all fell in with screams. The three brothers blinks in confusion, until a purple turtle flew up from the hole with a smirk.
Donnie : And, that’s how it’s done.
Raph : Donnie! Nice work!* gave him a thumbs up.*
Leo : *shrugs* Could’ve gone better myself.
Donnie : Thank you. Thank you. 
Donnie landed to his brothers. The orange aka Mikey ran towards the hole.
Mikey : Whooaah, since when you make bombs, Dee?
Donnie : About two years ago. I just somehow remembered that I made some, so alas,  here it is. 
Showing one of the bombs he made on his hand. Leo took a closer look at it.
Leo : Wait, you had these things for two years and you never use them?
Donnie : To be honest, it was still in beta. Also, I ran out of options about the supplies to  make more of this. 
Raph : How many more you’ve got?
Donnie : Well, these are the last ones and since there’s only four of them left, I shall- 
Leo snatched the one Donnie holds before he finished. Donnie gave him the ‘seriously?’ look.
Leo : Ohoho, boy! You let us use this thing? Awesome!
Raph : Ooh, ooh! Can I have one too?
Mikey : Pleaaaaaaaseeeee....... 
Mikey gave him the puppy eyes. Donnie figured they might react like this. He sighed, relunctantly gave them one each. 
Raph : Yes!!
Mikey : Thanks, Dee!
They all inspecting the small objects as if they were toys. Donnie pinched his nose bridge. 
Donnie : Okay, okay. Gather up, kids! Let me show you how to use it-
Mikey : Oooh, what does this do? 
Mikey curiously about to press a button on the bomb. Donnie quickly grabbed it before it’s too late.
Donnie : THAAaat, is the instant knock-out button. Which mean, instant explosions.  Which MEAaan, you do not touch!
Mikey : Oh, okay.
Donnie sabotaged the button real quick, semi questioning why he had it in the first place. He gave it back to Mikey and sabotaged the others as well. 
Leo : Why would you put that button there?
Donnie : I dunno. I was young and strictly melodramatic. Probably, sometimes thought  about ending life right there and then. 
He give the bomb back. Leo blinked at his words.
Leo : Wait, what?”
Raph : Donnie, are you sure you okay giving us this?”
Donnie : Yes, Raphael. I am certain, sure and superbly confident to give you a chance, to  try such dangerous, yet ‘fun’ accessory for one use only. 
He gave back the bomb. Raph starting to get worry about the idea, despite having the joy to actually blow things up on purpose. Especially, with Donnie’s tech.
Mikey : Aaawww, thanks Don. That’s very thoughtful of you. 
Mikey doesn’t seems to bother about it. He cherished everything his brothers gave him and he knows they did it with compassions. Even if it’s something that might blew up without notice.
Donnie smiled at his little brother, a genuine warm smile. He never thought that they will accept his gift. As much as he knows about the risk, but he does--somehow--promised them that he would build a bomb for them, and that was when he was six. Children’s mind can be chaotic at times, especially when they decided to watch action movies that involving explosions and how awesome that is seeing their hero epicly emerge from the fire.
Technically, they never wanted a bomb, they just wanted something that can cause explosions. Which means, they wanted a bomb.
Donnie : Like I said, once again. One use only, so use it wisely. 
He then activates his bomb and dropped it into the hole. It goes boom and comical screams was heard from below. The trio stared at him in confusion. 
Donnie : I had to. I heard them climbing up, okay?
Mikey : Oooh. 
Raph : Oh, I see. Okay.
Leo : Okay, cool.
Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed Donnie’s ankle and pulled him into the hole. Donnie yelped in surprise as he dragged away.
“DONNIE!!!” they all yelled and went after him. Donnie got slammed to the ground onto his plastron. He gasped in pain before got thrown away onto the wall. He groaned as he landed hard onto the floor. He looked up to see the familiar big muscular guy with fire above his head. Laughing evilly at the downed turtle.
“Imma grind your bones, turtle.” he said, fist bumped himself. Donnie stood up, readying his bo. Before the brute charged at him, two sets of glowing chains wrapped around him.
“Cowabunga!!” Mikey pulled the guy upward, Raph came in with his flying fist, slamming down the brute, creating a crater. Donnie was surprised by the sudden assist. Out of the shadow, the skinny one sneakily emerge behind him. His giggles startled him, as he look back Leo teleported right between the two and kick the guy on the face. The Foot ninja got thrown through a wall, buried in debris. 
Leo : Donnie, you okay? 
Leo looked at him in concern. The other two joined in before he got to answer.
Mikey : Donnie!
Raph : Are you hurt, buddy? 
Donnie froze for a bit, clutching his bo tightly. He shook his head as response.
Donnie : No, no, I’m fine.
His reply is semi-whisper, which concerns Raph. Mikey somehow urged to see how’s his shell doing.
Mikey : *gasp* Dude, your battleshell! It’s all broken!
Donnie peered his head to his back. He can see some of the metal bends and he could see some sparks coming out of it. Great, that’s another one this week.
Donnie : Yeah, I figured. Don’t worry, it’s still can be fix.
Leo : At least, you got some more at home, right Dee? 
Leo patted his shoulder. Donnie remained quiet, his eyes fixed to the ground. Leo grew concern with his brother being quiet. 
Leo : Donnie? 
Raph and Mikey noticed the change. Could Donnie be possibly running out of Battleshell? No, there’s no way. Surely Donnie had fixed some of them, and perhaps he made some new ones as well, right?
Donnie still not answering, his hands trembles while holding his bo tighter than ever before. He inhales with his nose, then let it out through the mouth with shaky breathe.
“Yeah, yeah. I do. I do.” he finally replied, although this time it sounded more unsure. Leo smiled at his twin. He felt a little bit relief that at least there’s still something he can use to protect his shell. Leo put his arm around Donnie’s neck, hugging him in the way.
“Come on, let’s go home.” Leo led Donnie and the rest back to the tank. 
They drove home in a rather awkward and quiet atmosphere. It was supposed to be another celebrations for accomplishing their mission, but Donnie’s quiet demeanor made an exception tonight. Donnie hadn’t said anything ever since they asked about his battleshell. He just sits there at his spot, putting his battleshell onto his lap. He done nothing with it, just staring.
The others don’t know what to do, or what to say. Every few seconds, they only glanced at his brother. Unsure if they have the courage to do some pep-talk with him. Of course, Donnie can feel they all staring at him.
Donnie put aside his battleshell, the others quickly look away as if they never stare. Donnie put on the usual emotionless face at them, leaning further to his chair, arm-crossed at his chest.
“If you guys wanted to say anything, just say it.” 
“Nonono, we just thought that you-” “What? Noooo. Did I say anything? Nah I-” “Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just that we-” 
They all spoke at the same time then stop when they realizing it. Donnie blinks, he certainly didn’t understand what they’re saying right there. Leo decided to go first.
“Donnie, if you need any help, you can ask away, okay?” he smiled reassuringly. Donnie unsure of what to say with that.
“We can help you fix your battleshell.” 
“Yeah, we promise we won’t touch anything else without your permission.”
Donnie stared at each one of their eyes. They didn’t seems to be lying about offering help. Donnie didn’t feel they should, though. Well, it’s very kind of them, but they don’t have to. He can fix it himself, it’s his thing after all.
“I appreciate that, dear brethren. But I’ll be fine. I can do it myself.” he said. The others understands that, they nodded with his reply.
“Okay, then.” Leo said, “But if you do, just please ask, okay bud?”
“Sure, Leo.”
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trashyswitch · 4 years
美しい島の愛 ( Beautiful Island Love)
Toss Boy heads over to Goobers house and goes on a cute little date with her!
美しい島の愛 = Utsukushī shima no ai
Toss boy walked out of the Sakuranbo Airport, and laid his wide, circular eyes on his pretty girlfriend: Goobers!
"Hi Toss!" Goobers cheered happily.
"Hi Goobers. I made it." Toss boy replied, titty-clapping happily.
"Ooh! I got you something." Goobers said excitedly, before dropping something on the ground for Toss to pick up. Toss walked over and picked it up.
"A paper bag?" Toss reacted, picking it up and looking at it.
"You can put it on your head. try it on!" Goobers explained.
Jacksepticeye bursted into laughing at the silliness of the gift before putting it on. "Yay! Now Toss Boy can hide his ugly mug and special tooth from the world. No one will ever discover Toss Boy's true beauty." Toss Boy joked in his nerdy little voice.
Goobers laughed at Toss Boy's joke, and began walking over to her house. Toss Boy stood in front of the American-style house, admiring the familiar purple flowers that lined the doorway. On the left, Goobers flowers took over more yard space, while there was only one vertical line of a different type of purple flower. Toss Boy knocked on the door and let himself in.
One of the first things Toss saw as he gazed into the bunny day-themed room, was the rainbow-colored egg rug that Goobers was standing on. The room was covered head to toe in bunny day decorations, bunny day wallpaper and Bunny Day flooring. It truly was a cursed room.
"Ah, yes! The cursed egg room. Tossy remembers this room very well. It is the cursed of the cursed." Toss commented.
"Yup. I also have my hamster here as well. Carl's been forced to look at this cursed room for a while now." Goober mentioned.
"My turtle, Tortellini is living in trash." Toss declared.
Goobers made a surprised reaction.
"By that, I mean my music room has garbage flooring on it." Toss explained.
"Oh yeah, I remember." Goober reacted, giggling.
Next, Goober and Toss walked themselves up to the hallway at the back of the room, and walked into the Japanese-themed room Goober had in her house. Toss sat on a chair and watched as Goober poured him a cup of tea. Then, Goober poured her own cup of tea and doctored it up how she wanted it.
"The room is so pretty." Toss boy complimented.
"Thank you." Goobers replied, putting her tea down. "It's turning out really nice. I'm proud of it." Goobers said.
"Thank you for the paper bag. I am enjoying the taste of soggy bag-flavored tea." Toss said politely. Toss boy's paper bag cover was soaked with tea around the bottom, where his mouth should be. Goober just shook her head and laughed at her strange, but adorable boyfriend.
Next, the cute couple went outside and checked out the stores for new items. Toss boy found a few more of his peaches to get some extra money, and got to look around for any take-home souvenirs. Then, Toss Boy and Goobers ran to the museum to see her updated museum.
"Look! I got a few more fish and bugs recently." Goobers said excitedly to Toss.
"Cool! I got an oarfish. It's in my museum now." Toss Boy replied.
Goobers gasped. "You got your oarfish? Yay!" Goobers cheered, making a happy expression.
"I also got fleas. They were from Shari." Toss Boy added.
"Huh. I didn't get any fleas yet. That's one thing I'm missing." Goobers replied.
As Toss Boy looked around the museum, Goobers watched Toss Boy struggle to say all the dinosaur names. But, he said them confidently! And that's what made Goobers feel happy for him. He may make mistakes, but he'll make them with confidence.
Even if the mistakes involve a little murder...
Goobers began to laugh when she realized something: "Hey Toss, you're checking out a museum with no pants on." Goobers reacted, pointing at Toss's white-colored underwear.
Toss boy looked up at Goobers, and stared at her with his wide eyes and his slightly concerning smile. "I went on a date barefoot and with no pants, Goobers!" Toss cheered before titty-clapping proudly.
Goobers bursted into laughter. Oh, Toss...
A few minutes later:
"Don't steal these. They're mine." Goobers warned, looking down at the 100 turnips she had on the ground in the bathroom.
Toss boy slowly tip-toed away, with his hands behind his back and an innocent smile on his face.
"I will hate you forever if you steal my turnips." Goobers warned.
Toss slowly turned himself around, and began to reach his hand out towards the turnips...
Goobers slapped him on the hand. "No touchy!" Goobers warned. "No! Touchy!" Goobers warned, pointing a finger at him to keep his filthy hands off her turnips.
"Okay, okay! Put the gun away, man! We're all friends here!" Toss reacted, sticking his hands up in surrender, towards the scary finger.
Goobers no longer trusted Toss. "I wanna watch you leave this room." Goobers decided, unable to trust Toss Boy on his own anymore. In retaliation, Toss Boy decided that then and there, would be the PERFECT time to take a shit.
"I gotta leave you a gift." Toss Boy muttered, taking a shit through his undies to not embarrass his now-helicopter girlfriend.
This (surprisingly) ended up being the perfect memory to photograph! Goobers happily photographed Toss Boy's very first shit in an Animal Crossing game. The poor Toss Boy didn't own a toilet back home, so this was his first time using such a contraption. Goobers made a surprise face to that. (Have fun unclogging your backed-up toilet, Goobers!)
With word on the pandemic effecting everything, all visitors were required to have a face mask when travelling. So, when Goobers took off her own mask, Toss boy FREAKED! How DARE SHE REMOVE HER MASK! SICKNESS! THERE'S SICKNESS!
Goobers made fun of him, being all like: "Oh no! Cooties!" to Toss.
Meanwhile, Toss was yelling through his black mask. "EEEEK! 6 FEET 2 METRES!" Toss Boy shouted, running to the other side of the bathroom to get as far away from his girlfriend as possible.
To make matters worse, Goobers SNEEZED in the room!
"AAAAH! GO AWAY!" Toss boy shouted, running out of the bathroom. "STINKY SNEEZEY!" Toss yelled from another room in the house. Goobers only continued to laugh at Toss Boy.
Throughout the rest of the day, Goobers continued sneezing in Toss's direction. Toss had a reaction for every single one of them.
One of his reactions involved a red-faced angry face.
Goobers even went as far as to sneeze as she got closer to him, further making him react.
Finally, Toss was not having it anymore. When Goobers sneezed the next time, Toss Boy turned around.
"You keep sneezing, I won't let you suck on Toss's tooth." Toss warned.
Goobers winked. "I can survive without the taste of your tooth." Goobers joked.
Toss narrowed his eyes, making them look...somewhat normal. Then, he leaned into Goobers in an attempt to intimidate her. "No. No one can survive without the taste of Toss Boy's sacred tooth. It tastes like Coke Zero! My glorious tooth gives life to all!" Toss boy proclaimed.
Goobers smirked and poked Toss Boy on the shoulder. Toss jumped back, and wiped off the touch. "Hey! No touchy! You infested with FLEAS! You CONTAGIOUS!" Toss warned. Goobers only giggled and continued to poke Toss, just to annoy him.
Soon, Toss began poking Goobers back. "You give me pokes, I give you pokes back!" Toss declared.
"Hey!" Goobers reacted, giggling and poking still. "What happened to the 6 feet rule?!" Goobers asked.
"Toss has abandoned it. His girlfriend refuses to follow rules and keep him safe! TOSS BOY WILL PAAAAAYY!" Toss Boy replied, poking Goobers as much as he could.
"Not unless I get you first!" Goobers declared, before poking a finger into Toss's side.
"EEEP! NOOOO! BAD GOOBERS!" Toss Boy squeaked.
"Why? A little ticklish?" Goobers asked.
Toss Boy continued squirming and kitty-fighting Goobers with his floppy hands. "No! Well, maybe. But NO TOUCHY- AAAAH!" Goobers shouted as he felt a bunch more pokes against his sides.
"Boop! Boop, boop, boop! Boopity-boopity-boop!" Goobers teased, poking Toss on his sides and ribs. Then, Goobers gave Toss Boy's nose a little boop as well.
Toss Boy covered his nose. "Hey!" Toss boy reacts.
Goobers smirks and lifts up her boyfriend. "I see face, I kiss!" Goobers said in a baby voice, before kissing Toss on the cheek.
Toss giggles, but still reacts in a disgusted tone with a smile. "NO! You're infected! You're gonna get ME infected!" Toss reacted, attempting to push Goobers' face away.
"Oh no!" Goobers teased, before kissing him on the cheek again. "It happened again!" Goobers teased, giving his cheek another kiss.
Toss started trying to turn his head away. Wanting to still kiss Toss on the cheek, Goobers gives Toss's neck a little tickle.
"EEEEK! Hey-" Toss squealed, covering his neck with his shoulders, before getting another kiss on the cheek.
"Oh no! I can't stop!" Goobers teased, kissing his cheek again. "Your cheeks are too kissable!" Goober added, giving him another cheek kiss. "I must kiss!" Goober teased.
"Six feet! SIX FEEEEET! GOOBERS! SIIIX FEEEEEET!" Toss reacted, giggling as he struggled to keep up his distancing reminders.
Goobers whined. "But six feet is not a kissable distance! When I see face, I must kiss!" Goobers teased, giving Toss yet another kiss on the cheek. "I must kiss de face!" Goobers teased in her baby voice.
Toss's giggles got longer as he felt his face heat up from the teases. "Toss Boy is flustered! Toss Boy can't HANDLE IT!" Toss shouted, closing his eyes and flailing his arms.
Goobers giggled. "Aww, is Toss getting bashful?" Goobers asked, giving Toss a few bear kisses with her nose.
Toss giggled, unsure what to do with himself.
"I love you." Goobers said, looking at Toss Boy before hugging him.
"I love you too." Toss Boy replied.
Goobers smirked and dug her fingers into his sides. "GOOBERS! NO! BAD! EVIL! EVIL GOOBERS!" Toss Boy shouted.
"I'm not evil! I'm trying to calm your nerves abut social distancing!" Goobers argued with a smile.
"Tihihickling dohoes NOT CALM NERVES! T-TICKLING TICKLES!" Toss Boy argued back.
"Tickling makes you laugh! And laughing lessens anxiety! So come on, Toss! Laugh for me!" Goobers encouraged. Goobers turned Toss around and hugged him from behind. Then, Goobers crawled her fingers all over his sides.
"EEEEK! Tihihickles! TIHIHICKLES! STAAAAP!" Toss yelled, before leaning forward and falling into a puddle of giggles.
"There we go! Aaaaand down you go!" Goobers said happily, letting him go so he could fall to his side onto the grass. Then, Goobers knelt down and continued tickling him. Toss Boy bursted into even more laughter, squirming and rolling around on the ground. Toss's giggles filled Goobers' ears, along with the surrounding area. His rare, innocent attitude made Goobers feel all giddy and warm inside!
But, as most things do, Toss's laughter had to end eventually. She removed her hands and laid down beside Toss.
Toss brushed himself off, and turned his body towards Goobers. "You're lucky you're my girlfriend. I don't really share this part of me with very many people." Toss Boy warned.
Goobers giggled and rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, I know. Toss boy is supposed to be the tough, blood-thirsty villager who lives in Hel. And yet: he's the most adorable." Goobers mentioned, booping Toss on the nose.
Toss Boy covered his face with his hands, not wanting anyone to see him blushing. "Goobers, not here...I have a reputation." Toss whispered through his hands, trying to make sure no one was around him except for Goobers. Thankfully for Toss, It was only him and Goobers.
Goobers respected his space, but also wanted to soak in as much of Toss's reaction as she could, to appreciate later. Seeing Toss Boy act all bashful like this, was super rare! If Toss Boy wasn't trying to kill villagers and survive in the depths of Hel, Toss was usually visiting and making his girlfriend laugh. So: Goobers making Toss laugh, was a well-earned luxury! Goobers felt so proud to have such a boyfriend. The cute and humorous demeanor that hid itself under his cursed, murderous nature was very lovable! Geez, even his evil side was kinda hot. Especially the axe! Good lord, anyone could fall for THOSE biceps! But amazingly: Toss fell for her! So, here they were: Living their independent lives together and breaking social distancing rules.
Such sweet love!
To end off their date, Goobers took Toss over to the museum for one last thing: She wanted to show off her newest butterfly! She had caught the Agrias Butterfly recently, and gave it to Blathers to keep in the butterfly fountain.
"This is the butterfly I got while I was visiting islands the other day." Goobers told him. Toss smiled as he looked at the purple, blue, pink and black butterfly in front of him.
"It's very pretty." Toss Boy reacted softly, holding a finger out. After a couple seconds, the butterfly flapped its wings and landed onto Toss's finger. There, Toss got to look closer at the colorful, pretty butterfly in his hand.
Then, Toss grabbed Goobers' hand and held it calmly while he looked at the butterfly. Then, Goobers leaned on her hip and rested her head on his shoulder. After a few seconds, Toss Boy laid his own head on Goobers' hair, and watched the Agrias butterfly flutter off to explore the room. The couple watched the fluttering butterflies in awe... comfortably in each other's arms, enjoying the comfortable silence between them.
Oh my gosh...I don't think I've fallen so in love with a couple like this before! This is a first for me!
And Sean or Evelyn: If you came across this fan-fiction, I hope you enjoyed it! You guys are so cute together! 
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I’m Okay
Barry and iris were sitting on the couch, as they watched one of Barry's favorite movie musicals, Singing in the rain. Iris watched as a soft light smile appeared on her best friends face.
“Bear? you okay?” she asked, her hand went to his thigh, and she rubbed slowly, as if to calm him.
“ Yeah, um...yeah, I'm okay iris” he said, smiling.
“You know you can always talk to me, you know, I am always here for you barry”
“I know, but I promise, I am okay” he smiled, and went back to watching TV.
Iris had a feeling her 14 year old bestfriend was not okay, but she decided to leave it at that.
Iris was pacing back and forth, panicking, as she began to cry. “Why? why is it always me?” she asked herself.
“Iris, what’s wrong?” barry asked. concern clouding his thoughts.
“I forgot to finish my essay, and its 30 points, and I forgot to finish the last part, and class starts in 7 minutes, and I don't know what to do!!!!” she said, she finally stopped pacing around and settled on a school chair . Barry sat down with her and smiled.
“Iris, I already had English class, you know that, right?” barry smiled.
“Yeah, I know...”
“The teacher extended it to be due at midnight” he saw iris’ face light up.
“Yeah, so you have time, and I can help, so, are you gonna be okay then?”
Iris hugged barry tightly, causing a few looks from their peers, as she said.
“Thank you so much barry, gosh I love you!” iris kissed his cheek and went off to her 12th grade English class.
Barry’s face turned red, as he grinned. “Glad to help”
Barry and iris were sitting on their couch, yet again watching a movie.
“Babe, I am bored” barry said.
“We are watching a movie”
“But baby, I had lots of sugar and now I want to play” barry said in a cute voice.
“Barry...” iris laughed and kissed his cheek.
“Baby, I am very horny”
“Oh, okay then, thanks for telling me baby” she said smiling.
“Babe, I wanna do some things”
iris turned to face barry smirking. “What kind of things?”
Barry grinned, as he flipped,  so he would lean over her. And then he kissed her neck, and softly started to bit her bottom lips, as they kissed. his hands roamed to her shirt, and he teased her, by pressing his length on her entrance.
“I want to do some very Naughty things to you baby” he said in a low voice.
“L-like what?”
“I want to kiss you, and then eat you all up” he said kissing her harder on the neck.
“T-then -w-what?” she said, softly moaning after.
“Then I want to be inside of you, all the way in” he said , moving to suck her bare chest.
“Th-en, oh my god bear, t-then whattt?” she asked, leaning her head back.
“Then I am going to vibrate” he said, in his flash voice.
“Omg my god barry”
“are you gonna be okay iris?” he asked.
“I am gonna be great, yes, I will be okay”
you can imagine how the night went...;)
“Iris, I wont let you die-”
“You cant promise that barry, so much has already happened!”
“Caitlin is dead, barry, killer frost is alive. everything we have been doing, It has only made the future realer then it seemed!!!” she yelled, holding back her tears.
“Iris, listen to me for once!” he yelled back. grabbing her arm.
“What!? barry?” she yelled at him back, moving her arm away, tears running down her face.
“I promise I wont let you die”
“Bear, at what cost? killer frost has already killed 3 people today, cisco is depressed, my dad is having a speech this Tuesday... everything is coming true, which means that-”
“No! I wont let you die, iris, we have to keep trying, I love you, don't you get it? you... I cant be without you iris1 your the only thing that keeps me going” barry started to cry. “please iris, please don't leave me, please let me know, will you be okay” he cried.
“Barry” she walked back and hugged him. “yes, I am okay”
iris stood in front of savitar. As barry slowly walked.
“No, please, No!” barry yelled.
“You lose barry!”
“NOOOO!!!” he ran as fast as he could. kid flash came behind savitar and got iris, phasing through him. iris fell over on the ground, as super girl came in, and took iris to her planet with the help of cisco.
“Noooo!” savitar yelled. “ You don't deserve any of this!”
“ I don't, but you do deserves this!” Wally said. Oliver shot an arrow to savitar, and it was a tranquilizer.
“No, you don't win barry” savitar said.
“yeah, yeah I do” just then a huge portal opened, and jay Garrick came out, as the black flash took savitar.
“Nooo!” savitar yelled. Team flash smiled, and was very happy.
Barry called kara to bring back iris. Soon enough iris was back. as she ran and hugged barry.
“I told you I promised you iris” he said happily.
“I’m okay, barry”
“So, was that not the must awesome thing ever???” wally yelled.
“oh, okay, glad she is alive, nice seeing you guys!” kara said, and soon enough she was gone. Oliver came down a line, and scared half of them.
“ Oh, hi Oliver ” iris said, shaking his hand. barry rolled his eyes.
“ hi iris” he said. iris turned to barry.
“OMG HE KNOWS MY NAME!” she squeaked.
barry kissed her back. and held her. “I love you iris west”
“I love you barry Allen”
“I love you, Iris West-Allen” he grinned.
“were okay” cisco said.
A few weeks later after they were able to get things in control, iris was cooking with Caitlin for team flash. ( they used some thing from the league of assassins to bring Caitlin back) and cisco and barry were playing with the turtle. Joe and HR was playing cards, wally and Jesse were playing tag, for some weird reason. and everything seemed perfect. For once, everything was okay.
Thanks for reading! what do you think?
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mychoisan · 8 years
Golden flower episode 61
Marshmellow’s Alone was playing at the back and things couldn’t be anymore accurate than this. Eera sat on a couch with a little glass of juice, probably getting judged by others, and she watched EunHa have fun dancing to the beat. Just like her, Eunha is always working, she hardly sees the little girl take breaks although she’s the reason why workspace isn’t half as bad. Eera kept sipping on her juice and listening to music.
The lights kept changing, from blue to red to pink to purple and back to blue. The smoke was there but it wasn’t as excessive like they always do in clubs. The smell of cigarette and alcohol filled the air slowly and intensified as time passed. Eera found clubs enjoyable and fascinating but somehow the inclusion of alcohol didn’t make sense to her. “It would’ve been more sensible if it was just some club music and people hanging out, dancing and grooving with friends.” She once told this to a friend of hers who, of course, laughed it off. The bass was so loud that at times, she covered her eyes despite loving the music. She watched EunHa take another shot and go back to the dance floor. She kept waving at Eera and ask her to join which she’d carefully dismiss. The reason why she’d really come here was because of the club music. She loves it, enjoys it. Being here can bring some changes and may relax her for change. Although she was alone, it wasn’t lonesome. As she rested her head on the edge of the seat and felt the bass sink into her body and make it groove, her phone gave her purse a good nudge.
“Where are you now? I checked your workstation, you weren’t there”
It was Minseok.
“Ah Mian. I left with a friend and now I’m ata club with my friend”.
*Buzz* “what are you doing in a club??!”
“I just came with a friend, i needed a little change”
*Buzz* “which club are you in now?”
She texted him the name, not really sure why she felt he was upset. But before she could think any further, Eunha held her hand and pulled her to hug her. “Thank you so much for coming..” she said to Eera. “aren’t you a little too drunk to thank me?” Eeea replied cheekily.
“Ahhh noooo. Cause I’ll buy you dinner, anything you want” She said, her eyes were still small and sparkly.
“Don’t forget this deal, now go enjoy and let me sit in peace”
“ARASSO ARASSO. I’m leaving”
Eera went back to her seat and closed her eyes for a second. His face flashed right before it and she smiled carelessly, sighing out. “What’s wrong with me?”, she opened her eyes and saw the laser flash creating patterns on the ceiling, synchronised with the base drop.
*Martin Garrix-Animals*
“Should i drink? Will it help me think straight?” she thought to herself as she eyed the bar section. “maybe”, but before she could get up and get something for herself, Eunha came back and held onto her arms
“Eera, we should go home. Don’t we have work load tomorrow?” She wasn’t drunk, just a little tipsy. But she was still in her senses to understand her priorities which calmed Eera.
“yeah, let’s go. Another hour here and I’ll probably have a headache”
“ But you didn’t even drink and you say you’ll get a headache” Eunha scoffed.
“The loud bass can really do wonders”, she said as she grabbed her purse and phone and made her way out. Eera made sure to get a can for Eunha so she can go home safely as she lived on the other side of the city.
“Komawo.” Eunha smiled at her and waved.
“Call me when you reach home okay?” Eera demanded and Eunha nodded.
She decided to walk her way home, things weren’t clearing out inside her head. She kept thinking of Minseok, the time he touched her hand and asked her to sit close to him, the look in his eyes when he’s concerned for her, even when she felt him so close to her face but she blew it off thinking it was a dream. “I should have taken a drink”. She began to walk, partially being thankful that she was well dressed as the cold wind was freezing her bones.
“Eera?!” A familiar voice cried out from the back. She turned immediately with her eyes wide open . A tall boy with eyes as bright as the sun and smile that could light up an entire city, came running towards her. He wore a turtle neck sweater under a jacket that covered his chin.
“Minhyuk?” Eera was a little more than shocked and confused.
“What are you doing here?”
“What are YOU doing here?”
“I’m just out with some of my friends from school. Why are you here?” Minhyuk inquired.
“Oh, i was just here with my friend and… Wait, isn’t this way past your curfew?” She asked, rather worried.
“I snuck out” he gave a mischievous laugh, “ don’t worry though, i was just making my way back. Shownu hyung helped me but it’s time i go back or he would never help me anymore” he scratched the back of his head and smiled guiltily.
“Yeah, go home fast” she sighed out fast.
“let’s walk home together? Your home is right on my way so…” Minhyuk’s puppy eyes were gazing at her and waited for an answer. “let’s go, there’s nothing to think about” he lightly put his hand on her shoulders and gestured to walk forward.
Before they could take a step forward, Minhyuk felt a hand on his chest lightly resisting his motion. He looked up to see his Minseok sunbae look right at him with a smiling face.
“it’s okay, I’ll take her home” he softly spoke and looked at Eera.
Minhyuk bowed immediately, greeting Minseok, not fully understanding how he should be acting since they were outside a club. Minseok light tapped on Minhyuk’s shoulder and greeted.
“You must be very tired, I’ll walk her home, besides i had something to talk to her about so that would be appropriate” Minseok added.
“Okay, as you wish hyung.” Minhyuk did not date disobey his senior, he really respected his seniors a lot. Eera was, the whole time, staring at all what was happening and couldn’t even manage to let out a single word. How did even minseok, why did he come here?
“I’ll go then, Take care” Minhyuk looked at Eera and she could see how sad he had become. She could understand since he must’ve thought he could have a good chat with her while walking before Minseok showed up and …
“Go home safely” She told minhyuk. Minseok clenched his teeth and tried not to show signs on discomfort in any way, he was oldest one there, he should be mature about things.
Minhyuk left , he kept waving at Eera until he took the left turn and completely disappeared out of sight. Eera looked back at minseok, as confused as she was, she had to ask
“And what are you doing here?”
“I came to see you, i hadn’t seen you since the last time we met” He looked at and let out a smile. It almost made her heart skip a beat.
“Yeah, cause i know you guys were busy and i was too” she said.
“But you still came here with him…” He regretted it. He regretted saying this. He couldn’t stop the words flow out of his brain and now he regretted it and it was all over his face as he looked at her with broad eyes and saw her astonished face.
“Wow, you think…. That’s why you came here?” She was extremely mad, whatever minseok had said really upset her, her hands were clenched toa fist and bit her lips.
“I didn’t mean….”
“it’s okay, i can go home myself” she looked down and avoided his eyes.
“Don’t be like this” His soft voice hit her again and she remained unmoved.
“I said i can go home on my own. You should go back to yours, it’s getting cold”
She called a taxi and immediately got in it and left, it all happened in a flash of seconds. Minseok just stood there, knowing what he had done. He rubbed his face roughly, realizing he he had just done. This wasn’t right, nothing was right. His heart was beating out of his chest and he couldn’t take it. He just Stood there in the cold and looked up at the sky. For the first time in his life, he regretted his decision, he regretted his words and he ended up hurting a part of his soul.
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