#oh okay so mimi’s in her feelings today????
lovingjingyuan · 3 months
What if reader has turned into a kitten or a cat? How will the hsr boys react to that?
(got this idea from this post https://www.tumblr.com/matchaitham/717357559079665664/how-un-fur-tunate?source=share )
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Pairing: Aventurine, Jing Yuan, Dr Ratio
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Aventurine(Kakavasha) Would spoil you with a luxury cat life. How could this have happened?! Aventurine was just on a peaceful stroll around the IPC headquarters when a sudden peculiar cat perched its head out of the corner and started tailing him. Who allowed the cat in this building? Topaz? Oh, he wouldn’t be surprised.
Unlike Topaz Aventurine was never too fond of animals himself. It’s never that he dislikes animals but rather he feels indifferent towards pets. Yet for some reason, this cat held his regard.
“Meow~” the cat's eyes falter before Aventurine’s presence.
“Are you talking to me, kitty?”
“Mh? Is there something you want to say, pretty kitty?”
Communication was harder than he anticipated, but the urgency in the cat and anomalous behavior were enough evidence that he should follow through.
“Look here, Little Kitty,” he heaved a sigh, “I really don’t have the time for this. I need to go back to work,” he gently cushioned your head between his palms so he could feel the softness of the cat fur.
But in the end, despite all his protesting, Aventurine yielded to the cat’s insistence. Aventurine trailed behind the cat into his beloved bedroom. Strange why would this cat bring him into your shared room with him? The cat directed its attention to a portrait featuring both you and Aventurine, suddenly it all clicked to Aventurine. You are the cat!
“Kitty, what do you mean? Yes, I know my sweetheart is beautiful,” he would tease you pretending he didn’t catch on to what you were trying to hint. He watched the panic arise on your kitty's face.
“Just playing, sweetheart,” he knelt down, opening his arm for your embrace, “Come here you good, little kitty! Aren’t you just a clever kitty?” his fingers scratched behind one of your fluffy ears. “God, you’re adorable and lovely even as a cat.”
You profusely let out meows while in Aventurine’s embrace. You would hiss at Aventurine whenever he tried feeding you cat food.
“Well, aren’t you feeling a little feisty today, sweetheart? Okay okay, I’ll get you back in no time”
He would prodigal you in luxurious cat beds and toys, even if he realizes or knows he’ll have to turn you back into your true self sooner or later. He just wants to embrace this special moment he has with you. Plus he knows he wouldn’t be able to have you stay a cat forever. You’re his lover, not his pet. Boom! Now he adores cats! Whenever he sees a cat he would think back to the situation between you and him.
Jing Yuan He would find this situation adorable and silly. Jing Yuan strolled around his garden frowning and sighing at the weeds hanging around his garden. A sudden cat perched at his feet. His thoughts immediately wandered to Mimi, yet he knew it couldn’t be her.
He gently patted the cat’s head as it nuzzled against his fingers, looking up at him with familiar eyes. It was uncanny how much this cat resembled you in his head. Jing Yuan couldn’t help but chuckle to himself thinking about how’d you react when he introduced this cat to you.
“I’m sure my love would adore you,” he muttered, scratching the cat’s chin. He couldn’t help but bring himself to smile every time the cat nuzzled, brushing his head against his touch. Such an affectionate cat.
“Meow Meow!” The cat darted off expecting Jing Yuan to follow behind. Amused by its anomalous behavior, he let this little feline lead him to the bushes.
There, he watched the cat retrieve his lover’s phone, attempting to unlock your phone. The cat meowed trying to convey a message to him as a form of communication. Jing Yuan observed the strange cat’s behavior and was intrigued by the cat’s intelligence.
Before you the cat could succeed he takes the phone away from your captive. “Sorry, kitty. I need to return this to my lover,” his eyes stay falter, stretching the cat’s chin.
“Meow!” you hissed at him trying to get him to understand you ARE the cat, yet communicating with him was inefficient.
“General!” A high-pitched voice interrupted, and a purple dragon girl appeared, recognizing her as Bailu, rushing up to Jing Yuan in panic. “I-I turned your lover into a Cat! I’m so sorry!” Bailu pleaded.
“Mhhh… how fortuitous, “ he mused, his eyes relaxing on your small frame.
“I’m so sorry General! I was giving them medicine because they came in sick! I gave them something else by accident!” Bailu continued pleading with Jing Yuan, even if she knew the General was too kind to mind.
Jing Yuan can only chuckle, kneeing to your level and patting your head. “How unfortunate, yet how adorable. I’m sure we can fix this in no time,” he scooped you up in his arms, “Right my love?”
He found himself adoring every moment spent with you while you’re a cat. He even prodigal a lot of cat toys and beds for you to feel comfortable. Of course, you still choose the bed with him. When you turn back into your former self, he’ll adopt a cat who looks just like you!
Veritas Ratio Let’s say he’s certainly not the brightest when you do. Ratio would cast you a disapproving look eyeing you up and down, as you can only meow at his direction. You had somehow shifted yourself into one of Ruan Mei’s creations while messing around with the Liveform Oven, creating new Cake Cats. Due to the potential danger, Ruan Mei had to return you over to Ratio for your safety.
“You imbecile,” was the first response he came up with seeing your circumstances. He surveyed you nestling in your cake as if it’s your bed which it technically is. He shook his head in disappointment as all you could mutter out were soft meows. “What am I ever going to do with your idiocy?”
His heart falters at your meows. He couldn’t deny the unbearable adorableness, yet he would never express it to keep his ego intact.
Ruan Mei did assure him the effect would wear off in 60 system hours, but could he really handle 60 system hours of this? He was certainly not thrilled knowing it would slumber his intellect. Although harsh and overly honest on the outside he did have a weakness inside of his heart for you. Ratio is just an impatient man who sounds like him who cannot keep up. He never meant to offend anyone by being honest. Needless to say he certainly enjoyed it when you nap on his lap while he engrosses himself in a good book.
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I wanna start improving my writing and wording, plus i really don't know my writing style. I never had a style or anything. I was also mid writing Boothill and stopped cause idk what to do for him. I love you Aventurine ur my new obession. Still loyal to Jing Yuan. I do proof read once but that's all.
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marlynnofmany · 8 months
Fun and Dangers with Hovercycles
When the spaceship is grounded for a mechanical checkup that most of the crew helps with, but your knowledge of alien tech is limited to “That button means go, right?” then there’s not much to do. I’d been stuck with cleaning duty on other similar overhauls, which was fair enough. But it sucked. So I was delighted today to find that Mur was giving the hovercycle a once-over in the cargo bay, and didn’t mind letting me help.
“Is it hard to ride?” I asked while he shone a flashlight into the fuel tank, standing on the tips of his tentacles to get a good look. “I’ve never actually gotten to.”
“I wouldn’t say so,” he replied. “The balancing function is top-notch, and the brakes are reliable.”
Paint sorted through the toolbox, organizing wrenches and whatever. “It’s a little high off the ground for my taste.” She craned her lizardy neck to look up at me. “But that may not bother you.”
“Probably not,” I said with a smile. “Can I try it? There’s never been a good chance before. It’s always in storage unless we need it for some rush delivery on the far side of a space station.”
Mur sighed and clicked off the light. “Yeah, and that’s usually my job these days. Mimi is a great rider, but he’s usually busy, and Coals is respectable but doesn’t like to…”
“I don’t like to either!” Paint exclaimed, holding a scaly hand to her chest. “He always has a better excuse!”
“Why don’t you like to?” I asked.
“Too fast, dangerous.” Paint shook her head. “I don’t like the pressure of urgent deliveries when a minor distraction could leave me and the package smeared across the scenery.”
“Okay, fair,” I said.
“It’s not that dangerous,” Mur said. “It won’t tip over, and the brakes have an impact sensor.”
“It feels that dangerous!” Paint insisted, lashing her tail and looking away.
I said, “I guess you can’t really drive slower without being late, huh?”
“Oh, some deliveries have plenty of time. But it’s still too high off the ground.”
“Can I try?” I asked again. “It really doesn’t sound that scary to me.”
“Sure, why not.” Mur tightened the fuel cap and consulted the checklist. “We’re almost done here.”
The rest of the checklist was quick. I helped by holding things and occasionally reaching with my long human arms, while Paint was in charge of the toolbox and unscrewing things with her claws.
“Annnd done!” Mur said as he finished the checklist with a flourish. “Let’s take it outside where you won’t crash into a wall.”
“I thought you said there were impact sensors for that,” I reminded him as he clambered into the seat.
“Eh, they’re not perfect.”
Paint hit the controls for the bay door, toolbox already set aside, and I followed as the hovercycle whirred quietly out onto the alien landing pad.
I reflected that this really was an ideal place to practice riding. Only a couple other ships were parked at the moment, some distance away, and the settlement was set far enough back that people wouldn’t be bothered by the noise and whatnot of landing spaceships. Everything else around us was dry, rolling ground, with hills in the distance and not so much as a cactus to dodge around.
“You twist this to go forward,” Mur said. “Turn it the other way for backward, or just a little to slow down. It’s pretty intuitive once you’re moving.”
“Just don’t twist it too far!” Paint said. “It can go really fast!”
“Right, I’ll be careful,” I said. “Do I steer by leaning or turning the handlebars?”
Mur gave me a few more pointers on the basics, with Paint adding cautionary tips, and soon enough they let me get on. It wasn’t really human-shaped like an Earth bike, but it was close.
“Okay, so I’ll just aim to go over that way, then circle back,” I said. “This way for forward, this way for backward?”
“Right,” Mur said, tentacle-walking up onto the ramp.
“Start gently!” Paint said as she scampered up beside him.
“Got it.” The motor was already on and burbling away, so I held on tight and gave the throttle a minuscule twist. The bike scooted forward.
With Mur and Paint offering encouragement behind me, I eased it out across the smooth ground with no trouble, giving a couple experimental leans to get a feel for the auto-balancing mechanism. It really was good. Then I sped up a little, and was honestly impressed with the stabilizing gyros or whatever. Even on sharp turns, I didn’t feel like I was in danger of being thrown off or skidding out of control, which was pretty great. I still had a traumatizing memory of bike-riding as a kid and running over a tin can that slid out from under me. But there would be no scraped-up arms today! This hoverbike knew what it was doing. I gave it some proper speed.
I zoomed over a couple low hills, laughing at the change in pitch while the hover engines adjusted to catching air. I spun in tight circles and a gradual curve, leaving a faint trail of dust behind me where the wind of my passing had kicked it up.
Then I got a look back at my coworkers on the ship’s ramp, and they were waving their hands urgently. I straightened out and looked around in alarm; was some local beastie or natural disaster right behind me?
Nope. Not unless it was invisible. Which I wasn’t ruling out.
I powered back toward the ship, worried now, and braked to a stop that felt pretty darn perfect for my first time out.
“ARE YOU OKAY?” Paint yelled, rushing over.
“Yeah, why?” I looked behind myself again.
“Wait, you weren’t out of control?” Mur demanded. “You were going that fast on purpose?”
“Uh, yeah? Should I not have?” I took in their worried faces. “It felt pretty safe. You’re right about the balance; that’s great.”
“WHAT?” Paint exclaimed while Mur laughed. “Why would you go that fast on purpose?”
“It’s fun?” I asked, shrugging. “I really didn’t think it was that big a deal. Do neither of you like going fast ever? I mean I can understand not wanting to worry about getting an urgent delivery there on time, but what about casual joyriding?”
The way Paint was sputtering for an answer and Mur wasn’t even trying to come up with one told me I’d stumbled into another unexpected bit of culture clash.
Paint finally settled on, “No, that is terrifying!”
Mur straightened up from where he’d collapsed into a puddle of tentacles and helpless laughter. “I’ve been doing all the time-crunch bike deliveries because I can hold on best! You’re doing the next one.”
“Okay,” I said, smiling a bit myself. “You know I thought you were trying to tell me there was something chasing me, right?”
Paint covered her eyes. “I can’t believe you flew over that big hill deliberately.”
“Oh, that was great!” I said. “I want to do that again. Can I?”
Paint spun to walk back up the ramp. “Have fun! I’ll tell whoever’s in the cockpit not to call for bandages unless you ask.”
Mur told her, “You should probably tell the captain about the roster change too.”
“On it!”
“Thanks,” I said. When Mur waved me forward, I zoomed back out into the desert for more joyriding. It really was fun. I made sure not to do anything reckless like standing up during a jump, as much as I wanted to. The crew in the cockpit was probably worried enough already.
I looked forward to the next urgent delivery, though.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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kookwashere · 1 year
Can we get over it?
Summary: You and Jungkook grew up together, you ate from the same lunch box, rode the same bus, cried on each others shoulders, until his new girlfriend came in between you two and you both got into an argument and began to hate each other, but can you guys just get over it?
Warning: Contains fluff (my baby 😭), smut (yeehaw bois) oral (f&m), soft AND rough sex, riding, OC is a virgin, Jungkook is experienced but still gentle with OC, breeding kink, petnames (Baby, my love) language (Obviously) Aftercare, smut with very little plot 😋 This is my first ff so please don't expect it to be good 😔
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Pain. That's what I felt as I laid in bed, curled in a ball, with dark chocolate and a heating pad on my stomach.
I didn't feel like going to school today, why? Well, what a very "lucky" day to be a woman, right? This period seems to be worse than some of the other ones i've had.
I groaned in pain as the cramps kept pulsing in pain, it felt like a knife was in my uterus and it was being twisted.
I managed to pick up my phone from my nightstand, I got a text from my friend Eunhye.
Eunhye: gurl u good?
Me: hell no, cramps 🤧
Eunhye: aw im sorry, anything i can do for u?
Me: no, it's ok, did you finish the project for art?
Me: it's due soon
Eunhye: uhhh abt that...
Me: wat?
Eunhye: jungkook is in our group 😭 but don't get mad at me!! i tried to tell the teacher to switch him out
Me: r u fr.
Me: time to switch out of that class
Eunhye: listen, maybe it's not the worst thing, i mean, he is a good artist? it could get us a decent grade
Me: yea but it's HIM and that's the problem
Eunhye: just pls give it a try, why can't yall js get over it?
Me: i wish it was that easy, i gotta go eunnie, love ya
Eunhye: ttyl girl, love u lots
You sighed as you put your phone down, maybe you should just sleep, you got tucked in your burrito blanket and fell into an abyss of darkness.
"Hey ____" You sighed and looked up, immediately recognizing the voice. "What is it, Jungkook?" You looked back down at your paper, trying to ignore him. "Why weren't you here yesterday?" He pulled out the chair to take a seat next to you.
"Why does it matter to you?" You said and rolled your eyes mentally "I'm just curious, calm down girl," He chuckled "You know, it's cute when you are annoyed." He smiled a bit, "Jungkook? Where's your girlfriend?" You started to become flustered so you changed the topic
"Oh, we broke up." Your jaw dropped, Mimi and Jungkook were basically like the golden couple, the couple that everyone wanted to be, they were like in love with each other, what happened?
"You and Mimi broke up? Why?" You put your pencil down, now stopping your work to listen. "She was just to controlling, she didn't even let me hangout with any other girls, I couldn't do it, plus, there are plenty other girls that are way better than her in this school." He explained, "Oh yeah? Like who" You said and crossed your arms looking at him. "Hm, well," He looked up thinking while leaning back and crossing his arms too "Bomi's pretty hot, so her...Your friend Hannie, and well..." He put up fingers naming the girls and then paused, "Well.." He chuckled once again "You."
"H-huh? Me? What?? Why?" You were shocked "Calm down, ___. You are just...like the perfect girlfriend, I mean, you are smart, you have a good sense of humor, you are drop dead gorgeous, what else can I say?" He smiled to himself, looking down.
"I-I'm what? Gorgeous?" You turned away, flustered again. "Have you seen yourself, ___? Every boy in this school wants you are has wanted you, no exceptions." You felt your breathing getting faster, as well as your heart beat. "Every boy...does that mean you too?" You whispered, he went silent and looked down "I have to go now, bye loser" He teased you and smiled.
"Why can't we just get over it?" You mumbled under your breath, playing with your fingers.
Okay, okay, Jungkook is coming over today for the project, Jeon Jungkook, my enemy, my first crush, my only crush.
I wish Eunhye was here but she got the cold, fuck you cold weather.
You were getting a snack and then you heard the door knock, you took in a deep breath and opened the door, seeing one of the most handsome man you have ever seen.
"Hi, Jungkook."
"Hello, ____."
"Come in, it's cold outside," You moved out of the way so he could come in, "Ah, so you do care about me." He smiled "Shut up or i'll lock you out instead." You closed the door.
"Where are your parents?" He asked while taking his jacket and shoes off "Out of town, my aunt died so they are at her funeral." You said while getting everything ready "I'm sorry for your loss, why aren't you there with them?" You sat down next to him on your bed "I wasn't very close with my aunt, I didn't know her that well.." You said and played with your fingers again
Jungkook went quiet, we both sat in silence for what felt like forever. "____, that fight that we had that night, I never wanted that to happen, you were the only good thing in my life and I just let you go." He was still looking away from you, you looked up at him. "Then why? You knew what she was doing to me, and still, you always picked her...it's like I didn't even exist to you anymore or I was just a burden in your life." He finally looked up at you too, looking in your eyes.
"You never have, never was, and never will be a burden in my life...I guess I was just scared." He laughed at himself. "It's silly, I know..." You licked your lips "Scared of what, Jungkook?" You scooted closer to him. He took a deep breath in and out, "I was scared of my feelings, I mean, fuck. You were the most beautiful, caring, funny, smart girl I have met, I guess I was scared I couldn't ever admit my feelings for you..." Your eyes widened "____, I don't hate you, if anything, those feelings never changed, I don't like you anymore, I love you, I'm sorry if that was sudden but I-" You cut him off.
"I love you too, Jungkook."
"You what?" His jaw was dropped "I said I love you too, I don't care if it sounds selfish but you don't know how long i've been waiting for you two to break up." You giggled a bit "I've liked you sense we were kids Kook," You smiled at him "I really really-" This time it has his turn to cut you off, but not with words, his lips were tangled with yours, one of his hands on your cheek and the other one on your waist.
"You don't even know how long I have wanted to do that..." He whispered and pulled you into a kiss again.
The kiss got more intense and he pushed you down onto the mattress and came above you"
"Mmh" He groaned into the kiss and pulled away, "Do you..do you want to?" He asked still hovering above you. You nodded and pulled him back down to kiss.
He started unbuttoning your blouse as you guys were kissing, you sat up to let him slide it off, then he pulled away from the kiss to slide the shirt over his head.
"Can I?" His fingers fiddled over the top of your panties "Yes." You whispered softly
You lifted your bottom up off the bed so he can pull your panties off, he threw them somewhere across the room, and let his fingers slide all over your body to your back, he undid your bra, letting it slide off your shoulders.
He takes a moment, taking in a deep breath, eyes scanning over your body, taking it in "Fuck, you're so beautiful...most beautiful girl in the whole world, my pretty baby..." He rubbed his hands on your legs, brining your feet up on his shoulder, he gave a soft gentle kiss against your foot and set it down
"Jungkook..." You whined "What is it baby? How do you want me? Hm?" His eyes still taking your beautiful frame in
"I want you here..." Your hand resting ever so gently over your mid section. "I'll get there my love, just be patient." He said while kissing down your thighs, going in a zigzag line between each thigh until his mouth was over your pussy.
With one lick against your clit, you developed goosebumps over your body "Kook- Mmh" You moaned softly.
His long tongue went over your clit, kissing, licking, sucking, with his mouth over your clit, he shook his head side to side to get you closer to your high.
"Kookie...I-I'm gonna...mmm- cum.." You said and gripped his hair "Yeah? let go for me baby, cum all over my face, you can do it baby, let go..." He mumbled, sending vibrations through your whole body starting on your mid section.
You released over his face, wetting it, soaking your bed sheets. "Good job baby, good girl..." He whispered while coming back up to kiss you so you can taste yourself.
"Jungkook, I want to help you too." You said softly. "Baby...you really don't have to, it's okay." He looked down at you
"No, I want too. Please?" You pleaded "Fuck, alright, yeah." He breathed out
He layed on his back, head resting against the pillows, you kissed down his chest, defined abs and toned body, reaching his jeans, sliding them off, then the exact same with his boxers, his cock hard and leaky, veins running his big length.
"Can you take it baby?" He asked teasingly "You know I can." You whispered before grabbing his length in your small hand. "Mmm, oh fuck...s-shit..." He moaned gently.
Jungkook was very vocal in bed, sometimes when he had girls over you could hear him, sometimes even louder than the girl, that was very rare though.
"A-ahh, baby, can you take it in your mouth? Please...I need it.." He whined, you slowly enveloped his cock with your mouth, gagging noises filled the room, your eyes getting teary.
"Oh my god...like that babygirl..." He tilted his head back, your hands caressed his balls and he whined at that, moving your head faster with his hand.
"B-baby, I need to cum...where c-can I?" He stuttered because he was about to see stars. You didn't answer so he presumed down your mouth, and he was right.
"O-oh yeah...shit! Oh my fucking god baby..." He cummed down you're throat, you tasted the salty liquid and swallowed it like the good girl you are for him.
"Can I fuck you now? Please.." He practically was begging "Yes, take me, im all yours Kook." You layed your back on the mattress again.
He put hands on each of your knees, slowly spreading your legs apart, seeing your pink pussy dripping with need for him, that only he could make happen.
"You are all mine, my girl, my princess, my pretty baby, my little cum slut." He said while looking down at your cunt, giving it a slap, making you jolt.
"Can I put it in now baby? I'll go slow...I promise." He said and grabbed his shaft in his hand "Yes, oh god please Jungkook."
He moved his hand up and down, getting on his knees while the top of his hand was filled with his pre-cum that had leaked out.
He slowly slide in with easily, your wetness helping both you and him to feel more comfortable. "I-Is this okay?" His breathing quickened and you nodded.
"I-I'm gonna move now, okay baby?" He slowly moved his hip back so only the tip stayed in, then slowly pushed it forward, you were already addicted to the feeling it gave you, and he felt the same way.
"Fuck, you're so tight...such a good fit for my fat cock." He breathed out, face stuffed in your shoulder and neck.
He started slow at first then started going faster, the headboard was rocking against the wall, you were pretty sure you were going to receive noise complaints.
"Ride me." He said out of breath. You winced when he pulled out and flipped you on top of him, he helped you guide him in and you sunk down, moaning loudly and throwing your head back.
"Come on babygirl, show your boyfriend what a good girl you are...only for me, no one else." You slowly moved up and down, gaining a steady rhythm, his hands were all over your body, your ass, waist, hips, your breasts that were bouncing right in front of him.
"That's a good girl, that's a good fucking girl..." He growled out "Nobody in this fucking world gets to have this cunt, just me, just your boyfriend." You whined again "You like that huh?" You nodded fast, still riding him hard, his hands intertwined with yours and you rode him faster.
He threw his head back and his eyebrows furrowed, biting on his bottom lip. "Shit, I think i'm gonna cum baby..." You nodded "I-I am too..." You whimpered feeling a knot in your belly, trying to chase that feeling.
"You gonna let me cum in you? You gonna let me fuck a baby into you? Let you be my baby mama?" He growled and flexed his hips up to meet you in the middle.
"Oh yes! I will Jungkook, take all of me.." You moaned out.
"I-I'm cumming..." He moaned and came inside you, just a few seconds later you came, your legs shaking and back arching.
You rolled off of him, onto the side right by him, and he slowly pulled out of you. He kissed your forehead and got up to clean the mess. When he was done he joined you back in bed and cuddled you.
"Fuck, that was amazing, you're amazing.." He whispered while playing with your hair "Thank you Kook, the feelings mutual." You giggled
"I love you so much, ____, words can't even describe it." He whispered "I love you too, Jungkook." You smiled, and he smiled back sighing contently, but also while wondering,
"Why couldn't we just get over it?"
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lightsoutletsgo · 7 months
P L A Y L I S T (cl16 x singer!reader series) vol.4 - monaco
warnings: none
word count: 2.6k
hi everyone! here's the next part! they finally meet in person! I'm really vibing with writing this rn so I have a couple of chapters already drafted so I'm hoping to upload the next few pretty regularly! happy reading love, mimi taglist currently: open! @whatsupstark
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Y/N didn’t know much about F1. But as she wandered through the ‘paddock’, as Charles had called it, she found herself being swept up in the hype and excitement. Celebrities mingled amongst team investors and sponsors and mechanics. Already she’d seen a few friends and acquaintances. Y/N stopped suddenly at a call of her name, turning round she saw Charles and a man who she was pretty sure was called Carlos. He was dressed the same as Charles so that seemed like a good indicator. “Y/N!” She couldn’t help the grin that overtook her features and she felt Carlos stare at her knowingly from opposite her. “Charles, hi!” Her answer was breathy as he got closer, stopping just in front of her. Neither of them spoke for a second but both of them could have sworn it was longer than that. ‘God his pictures didn’t do him justice’ she thought as, ‘she’s even prettier up close’, ran through Charles’ mind, 
“So are you going to introduce us or…?” Carlos chimed in from next to his friend. Charles cleared his throat as Y/N took a step back,  “Uh yes! Carlos this is Y/N.” Y/N smiled at Carlos warmly as he extended a hand for her to shake,  “It’s lovely to meet you.” His accent was warm and his face was very handsome. Y/N mused to herself if good looks were also a necessary qualifying trait for F1 too. 
“Your concert in Rome was incredible!” Y/N was dragged back to the current conversation by Carlos’ compliments, “Thank you so much! We loved every second of it.” “I know Lily will be so excited to know you’re here today. This way, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Carlos continued as he held his hand out to guide Y/N towards a larger group of people and Charles had to bite back a frown. She was his guest today, he had invited her here so he could get to know her and maybe spend a little time with her. Why did he need to share her with everyone else too? “Are you not coming with us Charles?” Y/N’s sweet voice and concerned look made his tummy flip and he nodded dumbly at her before trudging along behind the pair, ‘there’ll be other opportunities’ he told himself firmly. 
“Guys, this is Y/N.” Greetings were exchanged and fangirling was done (though Lando refused to admit he had squealed when Y/N shook his hand) and before Charles knew it, he was being called to the garage to prepare for the start of the race. “I’m sure Lily will be more than happy to let you hang around with her!” Charles nodded towards Lily who was almost vibrating where she stood. Your face fell ever so slightly, “Oh… Yes of course, thank you.” “Is that okay? I’m sorry I can’t stay longer.” “No no it’s okay! I uhhh…” She trailed off, “I guess I’d just hoped that I’d be able to watch it from the Ferrari garage?” Charles felt himself turning as red as his Ferrari team uniform at her confession and he nodded, his tongue feeling heavy, “That’s more than okay, yeah that’s cool... dude,” He gave her a thumbs up and immediately facepalmed mentally. He cringed as he heard Lando snort from behind him and saw Max cover his mouth to hide a laugh out of the corner of his eye. “I-I’ll walk you there.” Charles strolled with her through the paddock, doing his best to pretend that Carlos was not tagging along behind them. She asked him questions as they walked; how long was the race? Was he nervous about today? Did he think it was going to rain? How fast would he be going? Charles answered each one with careful thought and consideration and he felt his heart swell a little at the way she took such genuine interest in him and his job.
“Well, here we are!” Charles led her into the Ferrari garage, greeting each team member he passed and wishing them good luck for the race. Y/N smiled at the interactions, clearly Charles was a kind person. Something fluttered in her tummy as she saw his dimples appear again and again. He handed her a pair of headphones and helped her find a place in front of several large screens. “Have a good race!” She said enthusiastically before cringing internally, “sorry I don’t know what you usually say before a race… I'm guessing I shouldn't really tell you to break a leg…” Charles’ head tipped back as a full laugh came from deep in his tummy. God she was adorable, “Just good luck is enough!” As he turned to leave for the grid, he suddenly stopped at the feeling of her hand gently taking his wrist. “Charles!” His eyes flitted down to look for a second before he looked up at her, she hesitated for a second and he watched as a look of realisation flashed across her eyes before she was dropping his wrist and stuttering out her next words, “I-I just wanted to say… umm…” He took a step towards her, “Yes?” “Drive safely? Please?” A soft smile spread across his face and those damn butterflies were taking flight in her tummy once more. “Always.” He gave her hand a squeeze for reassurance before he was swallowed up by the bustling garage and out of sight. 
Y/N’s lack of F1 knowledge was showing as she did her best to follow along with the race. Part of her wondered if she should have gone with Lily after all. It may have been easier to follow along with her experienced commentary, but Y/N was glad she’d chosen to support Charles a bit more closely. After all, she was his guest. As she watched the cars lap the track again and again she thought back to their conversations. How he’d, albeit quite awkwardly, flirted with her. He’d made her smile that was for sure. Even through the exhaustion of the tour, she’d found herself staying awake a little later just to reply to him. So naturally when he’d invited her to be his guest at Monaco this weekend, how could she say no? 
She watched the screen intently, eyes searching for a red car with each new camera angle. Once or twice she sensed the TV cameras on her, ready to catch her reactions and so she did her best to appear smiley and calm, despite feeling nervous at her surroundings but also nervous for Charles. 
78 laps later and the race was finished. Y/N didn’t know much about F1 but she knew that 6th wasn’t a bad place to be… it just wasn’t the result Charles wanted. She felt bad for him, having sensed through their conversations that week that he added extra pressure onto himself when he raced at Monaco. She understood, she alwasy felt more pressure when performing at home too. Nevertheless she was waiting there for him with a smile when he reached the garage. “Congratulations!” Charles gave a small smile but she could tell he wasn’t feeling as good as he had before the race. “Thank you.” “Well you didn’t crash so I’d say you did a good job! I doubt I could even manage the simplest corner!” Another smile pulled at his lips this time, more genuine. She could tell even after a short while of talking to him when his smiles were genuine or not. His dimples were always deeper and his eyes a lot brighter. “So what happens now?” Charles inhaled before letting out a heavy sigh, “I have a few interviews and then debrief before we pack up and do it all again somewhere new next week!” She giggled, “Sounds just like tour!” Y/N joked before Charles bit his lip, suddenly turning nervous “Hey uhhh, I have to go and do these interviews but if you want, we could… maybe go and get dinner later? I can take you to Lily so you don’t have to hang out alone!” Y/N was silent, Charles felt himself growing embarrassed, “But if you’re busy it’s fine I totally get it and-” “No no! I would like that…” Y/N nodded as she bit her lip shyly, her head dropping to look at her feet as Charles nervously brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck. 
Acorss from them at the entrance of the garage, Lando and Max stood in conversation with Carlos, all three of them watching the pair intently, “I bet you 50 they’re together by the time we get to Silverstone.” Max nodded completely convinced he was right, “Silverstone? Nahh mate, more like Canada…” Lando said assuredly, “You’re both wrong!” Carlos shook his head, crossing his arms as he leant against the wall, “End of the season.” He said confidently. “End of the season?” Lando raised an eyebrow as Max scoffed, “They’re both two blind idiots with feelings.” Carlos justified, “You have a point…” Max conceded. 
Y/N shifted uncomfortably as she felt someone’s eyes on her, looking around she spotted Carlos, Lando and Max and she felt her cheeks get warm as she realised they’d been staring at her and Charles. Charles followed her gaze and rolled his eyes, “Just ignore them, I think they’re still a little starstruck. Shall we go? I’ll drop you off at Williams on my way.” The pair made their way out of the garage and down the pitlane to the Williams garage. Lily smiled warmly at Y/N as she made her way through the circus of mechanics and engineers and higher ups, “I’ll look after her, don’t worry” Lily sent her a wink which made her giggle, feeling less nervous about not having Charles around. She turned and he smiled at her reassuringly, “I’ll be back in a little bit - I’ll come and find you outside hospitality!” Y/N nodded before turning back to Lily who still seemed a little dazed that she was standing next to her. “I’m so glad you managed to come to the concert!” Lily smiled widely, “It was incredible! I think a few of us are going to go to a few more concerts before the season is over!” Y/N laughed as Lily led her out of the garage and towards hospitality, “You know, I was pretty surprised that Charles decided to join us.” “Oh really?” Y/N said taking a seat with her at one of the tables outside, “Yeah, he’s probably admitted this himself but he had no idea who you were when you guys first met…” Y/N giggled as Lily shook her head good-naturedly, “it’s crazy how you guys bumped into each other like that twice!” “I know!” Y/N’s eyes widened “Did you talk about it with him at all?” Lily asked curiously before Y/N nodded, 
“We did actually! He apologised for not recognising me and assured me he wasn’t trying to kidnap me!” She said with a fond smile, “And I apologised that I’d scared him so much - twice!” The two girls collapsed into fits of giggles before Y’N’s voice dropped to a whisper, “Can I ask you something?” Lily nodded, “Is it true he kept googling all the lyrics through the concert?” Lily let out a loud laugh as Alex and Logan approached the table, “What’s so funny?” Alex asked, taking a seat, “Y/N was just asking me about Charles googling the lyrics at the concert, “How did you hear about that?” asked Logan, “Oh I see everything on twitter,” Y/N said with a smirk, “my fans keep me very well informed!” Lily gasped, “Does that mean you’ve seen the videos of me crying and dancing along?” Alex snorted as Logan coughed to cover up a laugh, both of them remembering how the sight had looked in-person right in front of their eyes. Y/N nodded, her face turning solemn as she placed a hand on Lily’s shoulder seriously, “I’m so sorry Lily but… I don’t think we have a space for you as a backup dancer on this tour.” Lily played along, looking down and clasping her hands together as her eyebrows furrowed, “It’s a brutal industry…” The table fell into laughter before Y/N saw Charles approaching.
“What are we all laughing about, hmm?” Charles was curious as he reached the table, “Oh we were just discussing the outcome of Lily’s audition.” You nodded, face becoming serious once again, “It wasn’t the outcome she wanted…” “I just can’t believe my dancing wasn’t good enough.” “Dancing? Is that what you’d call it?” Alex gave Lily a playful nudge as she gasped dramatically, “Y/N you see how mean he’s being?!” Charles gently placed a hand on her shoulder before leaning down to stage whisper dramatically, “We should leave before this gets nasty!” With a stifled giggle, YN stood up from her chair, making sure to give Lily a hug and exchange her number before following Charles away from the business of the paddock and down a small quiet side street.  
“Where are we going?” Y/N asked, looking around as she took in her surroundings, “There’s a great spot I know a little out of town. It’s kind of a hole-in-the-wall place but they make some of the best pasta I’ve ever had.” 
“Pasta? Sign me up!” Y/N gave an enthusiastic reply as Charles unlocked his car, taking her bag from her shoulder and holding it as he opened her door for her. She slid into the passenger seat and took her bag back, placing it on her lap as he closed the door and jogged round to the driver's seat. As he turned on the engine and the car roared into life, the sound system came on automatically. A familiar voice drifted out through the speakers and a rhythm that her body knew by heart filled the car. “I-is this my song?” Charles found his cheeks matching the colour of his team brand once more as he scrabbled to mute the volume but just turned it up louder in the process Y/N clapped a hand over her mouth, looking at him, as she began giggling harder than she had all day. “I was just… it was… research?” Charles scrambled for an excuse as Y/N continued giggling, hand falling away from her mouth as her head tipped back in laughter. And as they sat there in his car, her song still quietly playing in the background, Charles realised he didn’t mind embarrassing himself and would happily make a fool of himself over and over again if it meant he got to see her laughing like that once more.  “No no no, don’t be embarrassed.” Y/N sighed, her stomach sore from laughter, “I think it’s cute you were researching.” Charles’ cheeks heated up again, ‘she called me cute?’ he screamed at himself in his head. “Okay, honestly? I haven’t been able to get that song out of my head since I heard it at the concert, it’s really catchy!” Y/N nodded, “It gets stuck in my head too sometimes - and it’s my song!” “It’s definitely one of my favourites.” Charles admitted and Y/N found herself having to look out of the window to hide how big her smile was. Charles cleared his throat, “So! Shall we go?” He began to drive, fighting to contain his excitement that you were in the passenger seat, “Don’t go driving as fast as you did earlier!” Y/N joked, Charles smiled, eyes darting to look at her for a second before fixing his gaze back on the road once more, “Never. Not when I have such precious cargo in the passenger seat.” Y/N bit her lip and looked out of the window once more, but Charles could tell she was smiling to herself, he caught it in her reflection in the window.
It suddenly dawned on him as they drove that he didn’t feel as down as he expected to after the race. In fact, he rather felt like he’d won.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Digimon Adventure 01x18 - Piccolomon, the Fairy! / The Piximon Cometh
Previously on Digimon Adventure: What was supposed to be a lovely vacation cruise to get away from it all was ruined by undercooked poultry. Mimi and Sora were forced to skewer and roast it themselves. After filing a complaint with the manager, the kids returned to their journey.
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The kids continue their march through the desert, though Taichi and Agumon immediately inform us that at least the heat isn't insufferably blazing this time.
Taichi: Nice weather we're having! Agumon: The wind feels great!
A cool breeze has blown in today, making for a nicer walk than usual. The dub gets this point backwards.
Tai: Okay, I admit a little breeze would be nice, but it's still a beautiful day! Don't you think? Agumon: Yeah, maybe for a scorpion!
Dub Tai is being relentlessly optimistic even though the weather sucks as much as ever. Even Agumon isn't having his bullshit.
While those two march ahead, the rest of the group hangs back behind them, deliberating Mimi's new Crest.
Mimi: I got a Crest, but.... Jou: We don't know how to use them. Sora: How do we raise our Digimon correctly? Yamato: Hang on. We haven't found all the Crests yet. Koushiro: That's true. We should shelve this conversation until everyone has their Crests. Taichi: HEY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK THERE!? Agumon: HURRY UP!!! Taichi: YOU'RE GOING TO GET LEFT BEHIND!!! Takeru: We're holding a really important conference about the Digimon right now! We'll be right there, so just wait a minute, okay?
Man, Taichi just got told by an eight-year-old. Sorry, Tai, but when twelve people are in the back and you and Agumon are way out front, they aren't falling behind. You're running ahead.
The dub kicks this conversation off on a different tone, matching the tonal shift in the previous episode's ending.
Mimi: It's beautiful, isn't it, Joe? And every Crest we've found so far has been different! Joe: Yeah, but... We need to learn how to use them.... Sora: Or else our Digimon could Digivolve all messed up, right? Matt: Yeah, but none of that really matters until we find all the Crests. Izzy: Hmm, I think you're probably right about that one, Matt. Maybe the Crests' power comes from having them all! Tai: Hmm... What are they doing back there? HEY!!! WE GOTTA MOVE ON!!! IF YOU'RE GONNA TAKE SOME DOWNTIME THEN WE NEED TO FIND SOME SHADE!!! T.K.: Oh, thanks, Tai! We were right in the middle of a serious Digi-conversation about the Crests and everything, and then YOU made me forget what I was saying! You be in charge of finding the shade; We'll catch up!
Even though the dub changed the weather, Tai won't need to find any shade because T.K. threw so much at him already. XD Tai just got told by an eight-year-old squared.
We see a couple shifts here based on previously altered context. Mimi loves her Crest and is excited to have it. Sora's line is altered to emphasize the risks while de-emphasizing the whole "proper care of your Digimon" thing, similar to last episode.
Suddenly, the sand beneath Taichi's feet opens up.
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A huge Kuwagamon emerges from the ground, flinging both Taichi and Agumon.
(I guess he wasn't amused by Taichi's impatience either.)
Even though we've already encountered one of these, the narrator gives us a rundown all the same. Kuwagamon is an Adult-stage Virus-type Insect Digimon.
Narrator: Kuwagamon. When using his special attack Scissor Arms, the pincers on his head can slice through anything. He's far stronger than the one on File Island.
The dub seems to think this is actually the same Kuwagamon we met before.
Izzy: AHHHHHH!!! IS THAT THE SAME ONE FROM LAST TIME!?!? REALLY!?!? Palmon: It's Kuwagamon alright. There's no mistaking that ugly face! But he's sure bigger than he was the last time.
A week of flying over solid ocean with nowhere to land does spectacular things for your lats, I guess.
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Agumon pelts him with a Baby Flame, but Kuwagamon shrugs it off.
Agumon: He's a lot stronger than the one on File Island!
In the dub:
Agumon: Uh, we have a big problem; This guy's much stronger than he used to be!
The rest of the group stands around watching like a bunch of useless chodes while Agumon's forced to fight alone. Gabumon yells at him to evolve, but Taichi and Agumon hesitate.
Taichi: If... If he evolves wrong this time.... Agumon: If I don't turn into Greymon.... Taichi: (races towards Agumon) AGUMOOOOOOON!!! Gomamon: WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? If he gets you with his Scissor Arms, that'll be the end for you!!!
Establishing a big part of the episode's plot, we see that Taichi and Agumon are still traumatized by the SkullGreymon event. They're afraid to even evolve at all without the certainty that it won't happen again.
In the dub:
Tai: Alright, rethinking our training program here. Oh man, I hope Agumon doesn't freak out. Agumon: What if something's wrong with me? What if I can't become Greymon? Tai: (racing towards Agumon) Agumon, stay away from his choppers! Gomamon: Ahh! Move, Agumon! Move! Move! Do something! Get back!
The first two lines aren't so clear about Tai and Agumon's trauma. Tai makes it sound like Agumon's the one with the problem, while Agumon seems physically unable to Digivolve rather than reluctant to.
Taichi tackles Agumon to the ground just as Kuwagamon's Scissor Arms snap shut overhead. Kuwagamon comes in for another swipe and--
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A mysterious voice calls out "Pit Bomb" as this single shot erases Kuwagamon. The dub calls it "Pixie Bomb Seek and Destroy", which is a mouthful.
Shortly after, the kids meet their adorable savior.
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While Taichi and Agumon unbury themselves from sand and disintegrated Kuwagamon ash, this little guy marches past and lets out an adorable "Pi!" with every step.
Sora: (to Taichi) You look okay. Jou: Where's Kuwagamon? Takeru: Who's that? He's weird. Digimon: PI! Hey, amateurs! Piyomon: WAUGH!!! You're Piccolomon! Mimi: (picks him up) Cute!
Pretty basic dialogue. The dub spices it up with gags.
Mimi: A powderpuff with wings! Sora: Just don't use it on your face. Joe: And where's Kuwagamon? T.K.: Oh man! Maybe that's him! Digimon: Ha! I am no enemy, nope-nope! If anything, you are your own enemies. Biyomon: Oh! I've heard of you! You're the famous Pixiemon, right? Mimi: (picks him up, impressed) You are!?
The dub cuts out his marching Pi's, instead having him hum a marching tune. We also see that here that's very verbose. Dub Piximon speaks very quickly and with peculiar mannerisms to make him odd and quirky but in a different way from the original adorable fluffball.
From here, we go into his rundown. Piccolomon is a Perfect-stage Data-type Fairy Digimon. Notably, his attack is actually "Bit Bomb" but he says "Pit" due to his verbal tic of uttering "Pi" all the time. His name is rooted in the italian word for "small". Dragon Ball fans may also recognize it as a musical instrument; Specifically, the piccolo flute, so named because it's a half-size flute.
His dub name is, of course, a play on "pixie".
Narrator: Piccolomon. A fairy Digimon who brandishes his favorite spear Fairy Tale and wields strange magic.
Since she's the one who recognized him, Biyomon handles the rundown in the dub.
Biyomon: Piximon is famous in the Digital World for his skills and training, but few have ever met him!
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As soon as the rundown's finished, Piccolomon lays into the kids for being weak and useless.
Piyomon: It must have been Piccolomon who defeated Kuwagamon for us! Piccolomon: PI PI PI!! Impressed by the strength of my magic, aren't you? (jabs spear in the kids' direction) PI! You're all supposed to be the Chosen Children, aren't you? You're all so weak, I could barely stand to watch, pi. If you keep up like this, then the Tags and Crests will just go to waste, pi. Mimi: This Digimon isn't cute at all. Piccolomon: The same goes for you Digimon PI! You're slacking off PI! You aren't trying hard enough PI! You're gutless PI! Yamato: (grumpy whisper) Pi-pi-pi-pi. He's so noisy. Palmon: I hate exerting myself.... Gomamon: I didn't have any guts to begin with. Piccolomon: That's why all of you are coming with me for training, starting today! Sora: Training? Tentomon: What do you mean? Piccolomon: Especially you two over there! Taichi & Agumon: Me!? Piccolomon: (flies out of Mimi's hands) You and your Agumon win the grand prize. You'll receive intensive training from the Special Menu PI! Taichi: Special Menu!? Agumon: Intensive training!? Piccolomon: Now, follow me! (lands and starts marching) Pi pi pi pi pi pi pi pi....
Piccolomon is incredibly rude and calls them all wankers. It's almost like they're lost children or something. Who could have predicted this?
He doesn't so much invite them to come with him as take ownership of them. He's telling, not asking. These are supposed to be the heroes of legend but he finds them woefully unimpressive, so he's going to fix it.
In the dub, Biyomon continues on from her diegetic rundown.
Biyomon: His secret home is the training ground for all the great Digimon fighters! Piximon: And I've heard all about you two but so far I am NOT IMPRESSED!!! You seven are supposed to be the DigiDestined!? HA! You'd better be more careful or you'll end up DigiDinners yup-yup! Without my spears and my magic, Kuwagamon would be eating you with a side of DigiFries! Mimi: That's gross! Thanks a lot. Piximon: And that's not all! You Digimon there! You're supposed to protect the children, but half the time they're protecting you! I wanna see some guts! I wanna see some courage! Matt: (grumpy whisper) This guy reminds me of a gym teacher I once had. Palmon: He's right. We just don't have any guts. Gomamon: Aww... Don't we get points for enthusiasm? Piximon: But the news isn't all bad! Yep-yep, from now on you're all going to train with me! Sora: But why? Tentomon: Let's not go overboard, Piximon! Piximon: Especially you two guys! Tai & Agumon: Wha--!? Piximon: (flies out of Mimi's hands) You heard me! You two need lots of help and I have a special extreme training program just for you! Tai: Did I hear him right? Agumon: Sounds kind of extreme. Piximon: Yep! Follow me! (lands and starts marching, humming his marching cadence again)
His quickly spoken dialogue peppered with yep-yeps and nope-nopes are what replace the pi pi pis. Otherwise, this scene is mostly identical. The only difference here is Matt's barb. Since he can't make fun of the "pi pi pi", he drops a solid crack about gym teachers who think they're drill sergeants.
Gomamon's line is also different, but it's actually improved over the original line. "Points for enthusiasm" is a better line for him than "I don't have any guts" because. Like. What are you talking about, Gomamon? You're a rowdy thrill-seeker. You have guts for days. Jou wishes you had less guts. Remember that time you tried to fistfight him?
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The kids huddle up to decide what to do from here.
Taichi: What should we do? Jou: Can we even trust that Digimon? Yamato: What's your take, Gabumon? Gabumon: He complains a lot, but he's not a bad Digimon. Palmon: I didn't see a Black Gear or Cable either. Sora: Why not give it a try? After all, we don't know how to raise our Digimon correctly. It'll be fun if we think of it like a training camp! Mimi: It may be more relaxing than wandering around.... Yamato: What do you think, Taichi? Taichi: Let's try it. It sounds interesting. Takeru: It's decided! Group: YEAH!!! Piccolomon: WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG!?!? HURRY UP PIIIIIII!!!
Wouldn't count on intensive training being relaxing, Mimi. You're gonna eat those words in a few hours. Also, I'm amused by the implication that Palmon was cautiously inspecting Piccolomon during all that time Mimi was holding him.
In the dub:
Group: (unintelligible murmurs of suspicion from everyone) Mimi: I don't know about this. Joe: I have a question. Do we trust a ping-pong with wings? Tai: But he did save Agumon and me. Why would he do that if he was no good? Izzy: Precisely! He didn't have a Black Gear anywhere on him; I checked. Joe: What do you say, Biyomon? After all, you seem to know a lot about him. Biyomon: Well, it's an honor to be chosen for training by Piximon! Mimi: Sounds like a lot of work to me. Sora: He's right, though. We could use some help. Tai: How can you say that? Just cause we've nearly been eaten a hundred times...! Matt: Well, there are worse options? I mean, do we have a choice? All in favor, say aye. Group: AYE! Piximon: WOULD YOU ALL JUST HURRY UP!?!?
Having a still image of a huddle with no lip flaps moving gives them the flexibility to change who's talking around quite a bit. Joe seems to lead this discussion instead of Taichi and Yamato, though Matt comes in for the vote at the end.
Notably, it's Izzy who inspected Piximon instead of Palmon. He was also less thorough, only checking for a Black Gear and not, like... a cable sticking out of Piccolomon's butt or something? Honestly, not sure where Palmon expected to see a Black Cable.
Biyomon continues to fangirl over Piximon-sama.
And another line about "how to raise our Digimon properly" gets cut down into vagueness.
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As the kids trudge through the desert, Mimi complains.
Mimi: Are we there yet!? Piccolomon: A little further PI! Palmon: 'A little further, a little further', that's all you've been saying! Piccolomon: (ten feet later) Here we are pi. This is the place pi. Sora: Here? But I don't see anything. Piccolomon: PI!!!
In the dub, more kids get in on the complaining so it's not just Mimi.
Mimi: Are we there yet!? Piximon: Just a little further! Joe: That's about the seventh time he's said that. Matt: I think he's lost. Tai: So what do we do, ask a cactus for directions!? Sora: ...ice cream... cold root beer-- Group: STOP THAT!!! Piximon: Halt! We have arrived! Sora: What are you talking about!? There isn't anything here.
The dub's so good at its banter. XD
PIccolomon casts a gibberish incantation to open the way, while Piximon calls out "Pixie Portal!" and then spends the rest of his lip flaps giggling like a madman. His spell unseals a hole in reality, leading to a tropical jungle.
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Jou: WHAT!?!? Piccolomon: Nothing to fear pi. This is just the entrance through my barrier pi. Now follow me pi.
After a moment of hesitation, the kids cross through the barrier.
In the dub:
Mimi: It's a hole in the desert! Joe: Am I the only one who thinks this looks like trouble? Piximon: Actually, it's just my front door. Come on in now! Quickly, before it closes, yep-yep!
Mimi gets to chime in, while Jou's shocked reaction is changed to conscious whining.
As the kids enter the jungle, Takeru exclaims:
Takeru: (gasp) A jungle!
But most of it is just 13 seconds of looking around the jungle. Prime opportunity for the dub to add banter.
Tai: Cool! A jungle inside a desert! T.K.: I bet you've got LOTS of friends who want to play with ya! Piximon: You should have seen it when I first got it!
Not their best work. T.K.'s line doesn't seem to connect to anything and I'm not sure what Piximon even means by that. Is he trying to compare his jungle to a used car?
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Suddenly, Sora hears something. The sound of a horn, like on a car or train, honking in the distance. Whipping around, she spots Etemon's trailer crossing the desert sands just outside the jungle's border where they'd been moments ago.
Sora: Hey! Behind us! Jou: What do we do now!? Piccolomon: That's Etemon's trailer pi. Jou: Ehhhhh!?!?!? Piccolomon: Nothing to worry about pi. He can't see through my barrier on the other side pi.
This is a fun bit because it's something we've glimpsed in past episodes. It's such a minor detail, I haven't even bothered to mention it. Etemon likes to honk his horn when his trailer's getting hauled around, for no apparent reason but shits and giggles. Because he may be Perfect-stage but he is an absolute mon-child.
Suddenly, his unnecessary honking is plot relevant.
The dub makes the inexplicable decision to cut the car horn from Etemon's trailer. So Sora, I guess, has a psychic premonition and that's why she turns around.
Sora: (reacting to nothing) Huh? (turns around) Heads up! BEHIND US, GUYS!!! Mimi: Oh no, it's Etemon and his trailer! Joe: Oh boy, this is bad! Piximon: And right outside the front door he is too! Joe: Huh? Piximon: Oh, don't worry about it. He isn't able to see through the barrier. He sees nothing but desert.
They add in Mimi to ID Etemon in case kids have forgotten. This, however, creates a second continuity error right alongside the lack of the horn.
The kids have never seen Etemon's trailer until now. That's why Jou had the big "EHHHHHH!?!?" reaction when Piccolomon ID'd it. He knee-jerk reacted to the strange vehicle by assuming they were in peril, and then Piccolomon's explanation upgraded that to THE MOST PERIL. So I guess Mimi's having psychic premonitions too today.
I can forgive Mimi's continuity flub. I don't think the dub team approached this show as a serialized story and were instead looking at it like an episodic cartoon, since that's what most cartoons in the 90's were like.
But removing the car horn is an incomprehensible choice to make.
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Inside the trailer, repairs on the Dark Network remain underway, though they seem to have several sectors now online. Etemon, however, is throwing a hissy fit.
Etemon: HAVEN'T YOU FIXED IT YET!?!? Gazimon 1: It's being restored at an incredible rate! Gazimon 2: Please wait just a little longer! Etemon: (bouncing on chair) I can't wait anymore! Hurry up and REPAIR MY NETWORK ALREADY!!!
As someone who works in tech, I feel for these Gazimon.
The Gazimon are bolder in the dub.
Etemon: The stupid screen is still broken; What's taking so long!? Gazimon 1: We've almost got it fixed, Etemon. Gazimon 2: No need for a conniption fit! Etemon: (bouncing on chair) I'LL SHOW YOU CONNIPTION YOU INSOLENT LITTLE WORMS!!! Fix it right away; I have a show to get on!
The boldness to say that straight to an already agitated Etemon's face. Holy shit.
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So the kids come to Piximon's home. A tall mountain with stairs spiraling up it, leading to the various structures.
How's that "more relaxing than walking" thing coming along, Mimi?
Jou: ...up there...? Mimi: What is that!? (crying) I don't believe it.... Koushiro: We have to climb that? Takeru: How many steps are there? Yamato: There's no use counting them. Sora: Wait, does this mean our training has already started? Piccolomon: That's right PI! Tentomon: (quietly, to himself) Hehehe, this is a piece of cake. I can just-- Piccolomon: By the way, flying is forbidden during training pi! Tentomon: Aww.... Piccolomon: Stop whining and start climbing pi!
Nice try, Tentomon, but no dice. Start walking, everybody.
In the dub:
Piximon: Alright, everybody, home we are! My house is just up these steps. Joe: We have to walk up there!? Mimi: But I didn't bring my stair-climbing sneakers! Tai: Uh, yeah... And I just remembered I'm afraid of heights! Izzy: Purely from a logical standpoint, it doesn't look very safe. Sora: Is this part of our training? Piximon: Exactly! Tentomon: (loudly, to everyone) Hey, no sweat! I'll just FLY up there! Then, before you know it, I'll be chilling by the pool while you guys are still-- Piximon: And oh, by the way, did I mention there will be no flying by anyone during all my training? Tentomon: Aww.... Piximon: Haven't you rookies learned that the easy way is sometimes a TRAP!? Now let's move out! Joe: I guess Piximon never heard of elevators....
Low blow on that last line. XD These kids do struggle with that. They walk into traps so easily.
Meanwhile, Dub Tentomon deserves to walk. The original was whispering to himself about his loophole; In the dub, he's openly gloating.
On the way up the mountain, Piccolomon motivates the kids to reach the very top by promising food when they get there. And by food, he means:
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Gomamon: Hey. Where's the food? Piccolomon: You'll have to finish your next training first pi! Gomamon: (distraught) I knew it.... Piccolomon: (conjures up buckets and washrags) You'll be scrubbing all of these floors pi! Yamato: Scrubbing all of the floors!? Jou: All of them from top to bottom!? Mimi: (crying) No way! Piccolomon: (to Taichi and Agumon) You two have the Special Menu pi! Come with me pi! Taichi & Agumon: (groan) Special Menu....
This is the same in the dub but with all of the kids complaining at once upon hearing about the scrubbing such that it's hard to make out any one complaint.
Until we get to Tai and Agumon. Then they drop this gem.
Piximon: But not you, Agumon and Tai. Come now, I have a special chore for you. Tai: Great; We probably have to paint the place!
XD Yeah, probably.
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The kids get to work on scrubbing the floors, with various grumbles arising.
Sora: There's no other choice. Let's get this over with. Mimi: I've never scrubbed a floor; Not even in my own house.... Piyomon: Is this really training!? Palmon: Maybe he's just using us to work as his maids! Gomamon: FOOD!!! Takeru: Tokomon, let's race to see who's faster! Tokomon: Okay! I won't lose to you! Yamato: (stops cleaning to watch his brother and smile) Takeru....
In the dub:
Mimi: The last time I scrubbed a floor was... Never! Izzy: It's a simple task, Mimi; Even you'll catch on. Matt: Is this really training or is this just Piximon's maid's day off and he doesn't like to vacuum!? T.K.: Tokomon, let's have a cleaning race! Ready, set, go! VROOM! VROOOOOOM!!! Matt: (stops cleaning to watch his brother and smiles) Ahaha....
Two key differences here, one I appreciate and one I hate. I like that they composited Piyomon and Palmon's lines into one for Matt. It feels a little weird that, in the original, all of the girls grouse while the boys mostly just get straight to work. Except Gomamon, of course, who's still mad about the food fakeout. This way, it's more even.
But also, they add a line that's just Izzy being mean to Mimi about her line from the original. Thanks, I hate it.
For the Special Menu, Piccolomon drops off Taichi and Agumon in a small, pitch-black cave. As they enter, they sink through the ground and are lost to places unknown. Training has begun.
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Later that night, the group goes to sleep on the floor of a miserable looking waiting room with one chair and a couch. Jou-senpai takes the chair (perk of being the oldest, I guess) while Sora and Mimi share the couch, sleeping sitting up and leaning against each other. Everyone else piles on the floor.
But Koushiro can't sleep. Starting to get up, he spots Yamato sneaking out. Yamato shushes him, and the pair leave the room together. Once they're outside, they can talk.
Yamato: Taichi and Agumon haven't come back. Koushiro: Yeah. I wonder what happened to them?
Before they can follow that line of conversation further, Yamato and Koushiro's Tags suddenly begin to pulse.
Yamato: They're glowing! Koushiro: Yamato-san! Yamato: Our Crests must be nearby!
Following the pulsing of their Crests, Yamato and Koushiro descend the mountain. As they leave Piccolomon's home in the dead of night, Koushiro starts to get nervous.
Koushiro: Should we bring Tentomon and Gabumon with us? Yamato: No. We're safe inside the barrier. We should let them sleep.
Trusting his senpai to know best, Koushiro follows Yamato's lead. When their Tags begin to pulse again, they race off from the house, following the trail. As they go, we catch a glimpse of the ever inscrutable Piccolomon watching them leave.
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Taichi and Agumon wake up on a boat, floating in a mysterious glowing body of water. Agumon wakes first, then rouses Taichi.
Taichi: Wh-Where are we!? Agumon: I don't know! I thought we were in a cave! Taichi: (stands up in the boat and calls out) HEY!!! PICCOLOMON!!!
No answer returns to him but he does rock the boat enough to fall out so that's a reaction, at least. Agumon grabs an oar to fish him out.
Agumon: What are you doing? Taichi: Oh, be quiet. Is this really training?
Tai doesn't get to talk in the dub; Agumon eats up the screentime for both of their lines so he can chastise Tai more.
Agumon: Don't you know not to stand up in a boat!? Here, grab this.
Unfortunately, a sudden bright light in the distance appears, distracting Agumon.
Agumon: Taichi! Something's shining over there! Taichi: H-Hey! Keep looking this way!
Too late. Agumon's so distracted, he can't pull Taichi in properly. Instead, Taichi ends up pulling him out of the boat.
Surfacing, they both end up clinging to the side of the boat and lay into each other.
Taichi: Crap, Agumon! What are you doing!? Agumon: I was just trying to help you! Taichi: That's a lie, you were staring off at something else! Agumon: But the light! Taichi: Wait a second. This boat is drifting somewhere. Come on, hang tight! Agumon: Don't change the subject! To start off, Taichi, you were--
They squabble just as hard in the dub.
Tai: Now look what you did! We're both in the water! Agumon: What I did!? You were the one standing up in the boat. I was just trying to pull- Tai: Well, if you'd been watching what you were doing instead of looking at some stupid light in the distance-- Agumon: Well, if you hadn't pulled on the oar, we wouldn't be swimming like tuna in pea soup! We'd be back in the boat warm and dry! Tai: I do not swim like a tuna fish and where do you get off blaming--
I'm not sure what swimming like a tuna means but it sounds scathing. Take that, Tai!
As their boat drifts further away, the light slowly moves in. Taichi and Agumon fade away as it passes.
The following morning, the kids remaining at the house are woken up by Piccolomon banging on a metal bucket.
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Mimi: What is that racket!?!? Piccolomon: Morning! How long do you plan on sleeping, PI!? Look sharp PI! Tentomon: Has anyone seen Koushiro-han? Group: (suddenly alert) Huh!? Gabumon: And Yamato! Takeru: Piccolomon, do you know where they are? Piccolomon: Those two left to find their Crests pi! Tentomon: (grumpy) Oh. So he left me behind.
So help me, if he wasn't Perfect-stage, they would probably make him eat that bucket.
In the dub:
Mimi: ...what is it? What's going on? Piximon: Rise and shine, everybody! Everybody up! Come on, people! Tentomon: Picomon(sic), do you know where Izzy went? He's not in his bed. Group: (suddenly alert) Huh!? Gabumon: And I can't find Matt! T.K.: What!? Hey, did you send my brother somewhere? Piximon: Your brother and his pal left to look for Crests about midnight. Tentomon: Ohh, I don't believe it! Why would Izzy leave me behind!?
Got another flagrant line flub here. Tentomon's actor says "Picomon" instead of "Piximon", as if starting to say Piccolomon but then realizing and snipping it off. Yet again, they just left it in and didn't shoot another take.
Realizing that three people are now missing, the girls do the only sensible thing.
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They bully Jou for absolutely no reason. XD
Sora: Taichi and Agumon haven't returned since last night, and now it's Koushiro-kun and Yamato-kun. What a mystery that they keep disappearing, one after another.... Mimi: Maybe Jou-senpai is next. Jou: H-Hey, don't say weird stuff like that! P-Piccolomon might-- Gomamon: D'aww, Jou. You get scared too easily. It's fine. We can trust Piccolomon! Jou: Are you sure...? Piccolomon: Now! Time for training PI!
While everyone's triggering Jou's neuroses on purpose for funsies, we return to Yamato and Koushiro. They've descended all the way to the jungle in search of their Crests.
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Trudging through the underbrush, they discuss their own motives for pursuing these ambiguous little macguffins.
Yamato: Hey. Why do you want your Crest, Koushiro? Koushiro: Why? I want to see what Kabuterimon evolves into next, of course! How about you, Yamato-san? Yamato: I, uh... I want to improve myself! It's not only Digimon who evolve and grow stronger. I want to mature alongside them and grab hold of a part of me that's different from before.
Yamato putting off incredible senpai energy right now.
The dub expresses the same sentiments but the way they phrase it is interesting.
Matt: Why do you want to find a Crest, Izzy? Izzy: I guess it's mostly because of Kabuterimon. I would like to see which stage he will Digivolve into after that one. Isn't that the reason why you're looking for a Crest? Matt: No. I want to use the Crest to Digivolve me! Izzy: Oh? Matt: Not into a Digimon, but to make me stronger and smarter. Maybe learn something new about myself. Y'know, to reach my next level!
Matt captures the sentiment from Yamato really well. The phrase "Digivolve me" is a bit awkward, but purposely so. It's attention-grabbing and demands explanation, which he provides immediately.
Izzy, however, tries to sound smart by asking what stage Kabuterimon's going to Digivolve into which. Uh. Isn't. Really. A question. It's Perfect/Ultimate, Izzy. He's going to Digivolve to Ultimate stage. That's how the stages work. The question here is what specific Ultimate-stage Digimon he's going to become.
(It will always be confusing that the dub calls Ultimate-stage Mega and Perfect-stage Ultimate.)
Finally, they come across their destination.
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Yamato: We're at the edge of the barrier. Koushiro: We came this far only to reach a dead end. (The well in the desert begins to glow) Yamato: Hey! Koushiro: The well is glowing! Our Crests must be inside it, Yamato-san! Yamato: But it's outside the barrier!
Koushiro approaches the barrier and touches it with his hand, testing whether it's a physical obstruction or not. As he slides his hand through, Dub Izzy utters:
Izzy: Hope my hand doesn't melt....
Fortunately, his hand passes through easily.
Koushiro: We can pass through! Yamato: (nods approvingly) Okay!
Yamato descends the well first, with Koushiro following behind. Before long, they're both able to find their Crests glowing along the walls.
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Their Crests activate at the same time, slotting into their Tags. Five down, two to go.
It's just too bad they left the barrier.
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The Dark Network is back online and fully functional. Yamato and Koushiro appear circled on Etemon's map. They've been found.
Gazimon: There's a signal in Area K-1! Etemon: What!? HEY!!! (strangles the Gazimon) WE JUST PASSED THAT PLACE!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!! (Etemon goes to his console once he's done throttling his technician) Etemon: Area K-1 is Tyrannomon's territory. Alright, I'll teach them a thing or two!
The dub calls it area G-3 but the dialogue is otherwise identical.
As the boys emerge from the well, they soon realize that the enemy is onto them.
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It's not subtle.
(Huh, look at that. The Dark Cables really are coming out of his butt. I owe Palmon an apology.)
Koushiro and Yamato run screaming for their lives while the narrator launches into our rundown. Tyrannomon is an Adult-stage Data-type Dinosaur Digimon. Named, of course, for tyrannosaurus rex.
Of note, some sources say Tyranomon with one 'n'. This is because, in Japanese, it's Ti-ra-no-mo-n. However, that's also how the word tyrannosaurus is spelled: Ti-ra-no-sa-u-ru-su. So the intent, to me, for it to be named Tyrannomon with two 'n's is pretty clear. It's supposed to be spelled exactly like tyrannosaurus.
(The t-rex is also called 覇王竜 haou ryuu, which translates literally to Emperor Dragon or Overlord Dragon. Compositing the kanji ha meaning conquest or domination, ou meaning king, and ryuu meaning dragon. So that's pretty badass.)
Narrator: Tyrannomon. A Dinosaur Digimon well-prepared to survive in the wild. His special attack is the scorching flame Fire Breath.
Piximon handles our diegetic rundown from... wherever he is.
Piximon: Tyranomon. A huge Digimon with fire breath strong enough to cook a couple of boys like you!
Koushiro and Yamato sprint as fast as they can for the safety of the barrier. Koushiro barely makes it inside with Yamato about to follow when Tyranomon lets off a shot of Fire Breath. Unfortunately, the barrier doesn't prevent objects from passing through, so they're both caught up and thrown into the jungle by the explosion.
It also has... other consequences....
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Up the mountain, Piccolomon is leading the kids in a meditation session when he hears the explosion. Everyone races outside to see to Yamato and Koushiro.
Tyrannomon enters the jungle. The tree cover hides Yamato and Koushiro, so Tyranomon opens fire blindly. Sending off projectile shots of Fire Breath into the jungle indiscriminately.
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A subtle blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment I really like: Koushiro starts falling behind and calls out in fear to Yamato to wait for him.
Koushiro: P-Please wait for me, Yamato-san! Yamato: Hurry, Koushiro!
In the next shot, Yamato is leading Koushiro by the hand so they don't get separated by the huge difference in their stride. Big Brother Yamato is such a good senpai.
The dub downplays this gesture, unfortunately. We still get the shot of Matt leading Izzy by the end, but it doesn't connect the same because the dialogue to set it up is gone. Instead, we have a quip.
Izzy: Didn't I see this guy in one of my nightmares!? Matt: I wish you'd be more careful what you dream!
This doesn't segue into the handholding as directly so it's easier to overlook.
Eventually, the rest of the group finds Yamato and Koushiro, joining them in the jungle.
Gabumon: Yamato! Yamato: (releases Koushiro's hand) Gabumon? Tentomon: This is what you get for leaving me behind! Koushiro: Tentomon! Sora: Are you guys alright!?
XD Sassy Tentomon will never not be funny.
Sadly, his sass doesn't make it into the dub.
Gabumon: Matt! Izzy! Over here! Tentomon: Oh, thank goodness you're safe! T.K.: Oh, hey bro!
There's a cacophany of voices talking at once. Matt and Izzy don't respond to the crowd shouting at them. Those three lines are the ones most audible over the crowd, though T.K. sounds like he's running into Matt at the supermarket.
Fortunately, the group's all together now. Unfortunately, the Dark Network is back up and running in full. You know what that means.
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Black Cables surge up through the trees so Etemon can be heard. Etemon takes to his guitar, sending out Love Serenade through the jungle and suppressing the Partner Digimon from being able to evolve. All while Tyrannomon makes his way inward, continuing to fire blindly into the jungle.
In their cave, Taichi and Agumon continue drifting through the mysterious glowing water. They've made it back in the boat, where they lie curled up together and float through memories of human buildings and structures.
Until they come across a bridge. There, they find a visual metaphor for the uncertainty and hesitation gripping Taichi's heart.
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A younger Taichi is trying to ride his bicycle, but keeps falling down.
A brief cut back to the world outside shows Piccolomon sustaining a dome barrier to block Tyranomon's Fire Breath from hitting the kids. Looks like they've been made.
Taichi watches his younger self pick the bike back up, but start to cry.
Young Taichi: I can't do it. I can't ride a bicycle. Taichi: Don't give up! You can't quit just because of one or two failures. Don't be so faint-hearted. Believe in yourself. Believe it will work out this time Agumon: Taichi....
Encouraging Taichi's younger self to get back on, Taichi and Agumon hold the bike steady for him while they start running. Then they let go, allowing the young Taichi to ride the bike all by himself.
Young Taichi: I'm pedaling on my own! I can ride a bike! Taichi: I almost forgot, Agumon. I forgot that I can't lose heart. I lost my nerve because I was afraid you'd evolve into a strange Digimon again. Agumon: I felt the same way. That's why I couldn't become Greymon. But it's just like riding a bicycle! If we combine our powers, I feel like I can evolve again!
Taichi and Agumon get back in the boat, taking up the oars and paddling their way back to the others. As they paddle through the mysterious glowing plane, they start hearing the terrified screams of their friends and realize they're needed. Agumon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
During Agumon's transformation, we briefly cut to Piccolomon for a line that, though brief, explains an important detail.
Piccolomon: I can't wait for Taichi and Agumon any longer! I'll have to take care of Tyrannomon myself....
As a Perfect-stage Digimon, Piccolomon is more than capable of shutting down Tyrannomon. He's done nothing but sustain a magic barrier to protect the kids and their drained Digimon because he wants to use this as a training exercise for Taichi and Agumon.
However, at the last second before Piccolomon takes the field, it finally happens. Greymon comically flips Tyrannomon over and charges into the jungle as if he wasn't even there. Letting off blasts of Mega Flame from a distance, Greymon destroys the speakers that were blasting Love Serenade into the jungle.
Then he turns his attention back on Tyrannomon.
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Greymon hoists Tyrannomon up into the air, tearing the Black Cables attached to him out of the ground and snapping them from the tension. Then he brings him down into the jungle in a crushing suplex.
We don't see the gory details, but we do see the dust of Tyrannomon degenerating rise into the air from the jungle below, signaling the end of this battle.
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To prevent kids from realizing that we just fucking killed that guy, the dub adds some dialogue here. When Greymon first starts lifting Tyrannomon, Sora shouts:
Sora: Greymon's pulling the cables out!
Then, once the degeneration dust emerges from the jungle, we get:
Tai: He did it! Greymon did it! Sora: Look at the Black Cables all shattering into pieces!
What happened to Tyrannomon? Don't think about that. What's important is that Greymon destroyed the Black Cables. That is most certainly what he did, and it's what you're seeing onscreen right now.
Cut to Etemon throwing a tantrum in his trailer.
Etemon: Those children piss me off!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!
In the dub:
Etemon: Those rotten kids beat me again! Ugh, I gotta find something easier to beat like some cardboard boxes or something!
XD If it makes you feel better, you got to throttle a Gazimon earlier. Those are way easier to beat!
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Now that everyone's back, the group decides it's time to move on from Piccolomon. Quickly.
Taichi: Really. Thank you for everything. Agumon: Thank you for taking care of us. Piccolomon: Don't think your training is over yet pi. Everything in life is training pi. Work hard and never give up pi! Taichi & Agumon: Yes, sir!
Nobody else thanks Piccolomon. I don't think the rest of the team's Yelp reviews are going to be as glowing as Taichi's.
Though they do speak up in the dub.
Matt: Thank you, Piximon! We've learned a lot from you. Joe: Yeah, like how to scrub floors and starve half to death-- Mimi: Joe! That's just Joe's stomach talking. Piximon: Far from over, your training is. Remember, life itself is a training session. Learn all you can. Everyone: RIGHT!
Tai and Agumon only speak up when the camera fixes on them for their "Yes, sir!" moment. For some reason, the dub chose to put everyone else at the forefront of this scene, even though they didn't learn shit.
We close on Piccolomon watching the kids depart his magic jungle.
Piccolomon: Only you can save this world pi. Do your best, Chosen Children PI!
In the dub:
Piximon: They truly are the DigiDestined yep-yep! No doubt have I, for though they are sometimes foolish, I have seen the love in their hearts. With a little luck, they just may succeed and save our Digital World.
Hey, Piximon? Question. What part of the preceding events hinged on "the love in their hearts"? Was it when Matt and Izzy hurt their Partners' feelings by going to the well alone or was it when Sora and Mimi bullied Joe for no reason?
I think the dub is rambling off Generic Good Guy Speech again.
Assessment: With two Crests in one episode, we are ramping towards endgame. The Etemon arc is surprisingly short, lasting only 7 episodes compared to the 13 that Devimon got.
Piccolomon's episode is kind of dull. For all the talk about offering training to everyone, we only really see it with Taichi and Agumon. It feels like he's doing the Wax On Wax Off esoteric martial arts master shtick. However, the purpose of scrubbing his floors is never explained, so it kinda feels like the sharp comments about doing maid service were right.
I'm not going to be hard on literally using "riding a bicycle" for the metaphor because it was the 90's and Japan. I don't remember when that became a tired metaphor and I certainly have no idea if it ever did in Japan. Taichi and Agumon's stuff worked for me. But a lot of the other "training" felt like space filler.
Yamato and Koushiro's segment was gold, however. Their brief discussion on the way to the well, and Yamato grabbing Koushiro's hand as they fled Tyrannomon? Loved that.
The dub nails a few moments, but it's also peppered with continuity mistakes, weird lines, and inexplicable choices. And the triumphant return of adding in dialogue just to be mean to Mimi. Overall, I'd say I'm tepid on this one.
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kindnessisweakness2 · 6 months
Emily winced as the needle glided over her hip bone. She liked the pain but sometimes when the needle hit that sweet spot she couldn't help but bite down hard on her lip or pull a funny face. "So i heard that someone has become quite the special guest around Charming royalty." Emily's tattooist Mimi grinned as she continued to ink the dark black lines across the curve of her hip. Emily couldnt help but roll her eyes, a smile spreading on her face at the mention of Jax. "I dont know where you heard that Mimi, maybe the Charming gossips are wrong this time." Mimi pulled a skeptical face, the smile never leaving her. "Well if thats the case, why are all the girls in this shitty town having a crisis over the fact that Jax hasn't slept with anyone since a certain someone stormed into TM?" Mimi wiggled her eyes at a shocked Emily. There was no way Jax wasn't sleeping around. The girl she put in her place last night was clearly a recent fling. Jax's sex life was nothing to do with her. Before she could overthink it anymore, the bell above the shop door rang. Mimi removed her gloves before heading to the reception area.
Emily took the moment to breathe. She was having a 6 hour session today and was already 3.5 hours in. Cara was having a lazy day, trying to ease the hangover she was left with after last nights party. "Em, you have a visitor." Mimi spoke breaking Emily's thoughts. Maybe Cara decided to actually leave her bed today. "Oh okay-" Shifting to her side as much as she could, trying to keep her position on the bed, Emily shoved the privacy screen back fully expecting to see her best friend. Instead she found Jax stood there looking as sexy as ever, holding a TO-GO bag from Harry's Diner. Emily's eyes widened in embarrassment, she was currently half naked on the tattoo chair and clearly was not expecting her visitor to be Jax. Jax's eyes widened for a completely different reason. She was fucking sexy as hell lay on the bed in nothing but a black thong and a black V-Neck cropped shirt. The ink on her legs and stomach just added to the awe of her. The designs contrasting against her sunkissed skin. Her hair pulled high into a messy bun and her face bare of any make up. Clearing his throat Jax had to force his brain to form words. "I know you mentioned your appointment yesterday, and i thought id stop by with food." Jax could feel his cheek's tinge pink and he hated it. Emily smiled at him, patting the stool next to her. "Take a seat Teller, you can feed me while Mimi here inflicts pain on me." Mimi giggled as she took her seat, pulling on a new pair of gloves. "So much for wrong gossips aye?" She quipped. Emily shot her a look before turning to Jax as he sat on the stool. "I also need to give you the heads up that Juice is currently in your house. I think him and Cara really hit it off." Jax spoke as he opened the bag of food pulling out a coke for her. Emily smiled as she gratefully accepted the drink. "Thats fine. From the way Cara talked about him last night i think he's going to be a regular at my house. She's really into him. Hopefully he doesnt take it too hard when she goes home though, shes only here for 3 weeks." Jax nodded holding out the tray of fries for her, Emily leaning over as much as she could to feed Mimi a few. "So there was one other thing i needed to talk to you about." Emily leaned back in the chair, wincing as Mimi started shaving on the sensitive curve of her hip. Biting her lip she looked up at Jax, nodding for him to carry on so he knew she was listening. Jax's breath hitched in his throat as he looked at her. God the urge to push her back and take her right there on the tattoo chair was immense. Clearing his throat he mentally kicked himself and forced his brain to form words. "I'm going away for a few days. Up to Nevada to see my uncle." Emily hated how the words made her stomach sink. It made her realise how attached to him she had gotten. "You dont have to explain yourself to me Jax. Enjoy the time with your family." Jax smiled at her and it made her heart leap in her chest. Just like every other girl he flashed his pearly whites at. The reality was she was at the bottom of a very long list of women who would give their left leg to be the one Jax chose to have a life with. She could deny it to everyone else but couldnt to herself anymore. She genuinely liked him. "Well the thing is some of the guys are going with me, so we're all leaving from the clubhouse in the morning. I was wondering if you'd come by? Alot of the old ladies and family will be there. Cara can say bye to Juice and i can see you before i go." Emily's cheeks glowed pink as she realised he wanted her there. He wanted to see her. Mimi turned to wipe her tattoo gun and collect more ink. Emily was thankful for the momentary break, her skin was warm and sore after almost 4.5 hours in the chair. Making eye contact with Mimi as she leaned down to resume the assault on her skin, she didnt miss the smirk and knowing look she recieved. "Sure why not. Ill never hear the end of it if Cara doesnt see Juice off."
Both of them grinned wide at each other. Emily happy that he'd admitted he wanted to see her, but trying to keep her metaphorical feet on the ground that they were just friends. Even if her head wanted to be up in the clouds day dreaming about what her and Jax could have.
Jax was happy that he got her to agree, knowing already that he would miss her terribly the next few days while he visited Jury.
He hadnt even left Charming yet and he already regretted agreeing to the visit.
Here you go guys!
I hope you are all enjoying this. Apolgies it has been so long since posting, i have been having issues with my account!
Let me know what you think so far and where you would like to see this go!
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merrodi · 2 years
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☆ Chocomimi Volume 6 English Translation / Chapter 1
Translated through phone scans and my limited knowledge of Japanese! I appreciate any and all corrections.
This series was a big part of my childhood but localization had stopped after volume five, so I’ve decided to translate as much as I can for fun. I hope someone out there enjoys!
link to purchase this book (japanese only)
Note: comments in italics are words spoken outside of the bubble. (comments in parenthesis are thought, not spoken) [comments in brackets are words contained inside a bracket]
This comic is traditionally read right to left, top to bottom.
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(skipping over the character pages for now because they’re a lot to translate)
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☆ Reading ☆
Choco: It’s autumn, the best season for reading! Choco: Guys, how about we all read books and write down our impressions of them?
Mumu: okay! Is a fashion magazine alright? Choco: Can you please choose something that has a story?
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Mimi: okay! Is a shoujo manga alright? Choco: Could you please choose something that doesn’t have pictures?
Mikachin: okay! Is a Japanese dictionary alright? Choco: As long as you’re using it to write down your impressions…
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☆ Recommended ☆ Mimi: Mikachin, I read the book you recommended~♡ (New universe theories)
Mikachin: Really? How was it? Mimi: (ehe) Difficult to get through, but interesting!
Mikachin: I see. Mimi, you’re very admirable. Mimi: (honestly, I didn’t understand any of it, but I’m glad I read it anyways)
Mumu: Woah, what’s with the difficulty in this? Mumu: I’m trying to read it, but it’s impossible.
Mikachin: Is that so?  Mikachin: Should I explain to you the parts you don’t understand? Mimi: gasp!
Mikachin: Come over to my house after school today. there’s cake, too. Mumu: huh——- okay, sure. Mimi: ((I made a mistake!!)) how nice…
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☆ The Next Day ☆
Mimi: Mumu-chan, did you go to Mikachin’s house yesterday? Mumu: hm? I did.
Mumu: The two of us read the book the whole time in Mikami-kun’s room. I got sleepy. Mimi: (just them alone in Mikachin’s room?!)
Mumu: Halfway through, I fell asleep. Mumu: Mikami-kun ended up giving me a piggyback ride to my house. He’s really kind, huh.  Mimi: (A PIGGYBACK RIDE FROM MIKACHIN?!!??) AAAHHH….
Mimi: I’d also like to be an idiotic and inconsiderate human being… I envy Mumu-chan... sigh… Andrew: You’re already idiotic and inconsiderate enough.
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☆ Girls ☆
Mikachin: Sometimes I just don’t get girls, y’know? Andrew: Huh? what happened?
Mikachin: on Snow White... Mikachin: If a stranger covered from head to toe in black offered you an apple… would you normally eat it? Witch: here, take this apple Snow White: oh dear
Andrew: I wouldn’t eat it. That’s way too suspicious. Mikachin: and Little Red Riding Hood, too… Mikachin: The wolf was pretending to be her grandmother in her house…
Mikachin: To not be able to tell the difference from a beast to a human… is that even possible? Red: Gramma, why are your ears so big? Andrew: That’s just how fairy tales are.
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☆ Tears ☆
Choco: Speaking of emotional stories… Choco: Once in a while, I’m hit with the desire to really want to read one.
Mumu: I know what you mean! The more you cry, the better it is. Choco: Exactly! I have to read those alone, because tears end up falling from my face.
Mumu: Exactly! And that’s when I snap a pic of my crying face!
Mumu: I like verifying that my crying face is the cutest thing ever~ it’s the photo after I was reading Choco: Sorry, can’t relate to that whatsoever.
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☆ Shoujo Manga ☆ 
Choco: Mimi, the manga you lent me is so interesting! I really relate to the main character. Mimi: The protagonist Shouko is really similar to you, Choco!
Choco: Isn’t the transfer student Shindou-kun also a bit like Ando? Choco: Her close friend Yumi is just like you, Mimi, and almost predictably, Matsuda-sensei is like Take-chan, too! (The manga she’s reading is called chocomint)
Mimi: [hehe… Choco doesn’t know this yet, but in volume five, Shouko and Shindou confess to each other and find out they have mutual feelings~] Shindou: please go out with me. Mimi: [and also, Yumi, the girl that Choco said looked like me]
Mimi: [confesses to her homeroom teacher, Matsuda-sensei] Matsuda-sensei: You moron! Matsuda-sensei: I’m going to use this triangle ruler’s 30-degree angle to stab you! Mimi: [that’s just horrible, honestly…] It seems so depressing...
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☆ Bible ☆
Choco: Mimi, what book are you reading? Mimi: The “How to Be a Good Woman Book”! If you read it, you’ll become a wonderful lady!
Mimi: Ah, it’s essential that a good woman has an attractive lover! Mimi: I guess I’ll have to study up on the “How to Find a Great Boyfriend Book”.
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Mimi: Ahhh… but there’s no doubt that a wonderful boyfriend would also be popular with the ladies… Mimi: I’ll have to research the "Affair Detection book”...
Mimi: sigh… and I’ll need to read the “Getting Back Up After a Broken Heart Book” after we split up from the cheating… I can’t get depressed now! Choco: ah... the only thing she’s learning is delusion…
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Fashion tips section!
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☆ Feelings ☆ 
Choco: Ando, have you read this too? It’s a book about understanding your pet’s feelings! I borrowed it from Mimi! Ando: nah, I don’t need it.
Choco: Ahh.. you already know whatever Picho’s thinking, huh. Ando: Not at all, but…
Ando: Even if we never reach understanding over an entire lifetime, it’s okay. Ando: If that’s how it is, then I’d be pleased just guessing as to how I can make her smile… thinking of my beloved companion day and night…
Ando: Isn’t that the key to continuing to love other people? Choco: What’s with your dialogue sounding like it’s coming from a master of love?
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☆ Returning a Favor ☆ (this is based off a japanese tale called tsuru no ongaeshi)
Bambi: Like a crane who comes to return a favor, Picho turns into a human before your eyes! Bambi: What would you do?
[One night, Picho had opened the door and returned in the appearance of a beautiful maiden...] Picho: Good evening... Ando: That wouldn’t be bad…
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Mikachin: Wait, Picho is a girl? I thought he was a guy this whole time. Bambi: Oh yeah, and Picho’s also a little kid. So instead…
Bambi: One night, Picho opened the door and had returned in the appearance of an elementary school boy with a shaved head! Ando: Absolutely not.
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☆ Heroine ☆
[A great man’s entire life will remain in history through books.] [His story will be read by all.]
Jin: Wouldn’t it be nice if there were books about ordinary people, not just the greats? Jin: A book written about an ordinary person’s life from their birth up to their death!
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Aoi: Would that be interesting to read about? Jin: There’s a chance it wouldn’t be interesting, and there’s a chance it wouldn’t have a happy ending…
Aoi: right? Aoi: (But, if it’s Jin-kun’s book, I might be interested in reading it...)
[If it’s Jin-kun’s book, then I think it’d definitely be happy.] Jin: look, that cloud is like taiyaki! [How many pages in it will I appear?]
Aoi: (No, it’s not how many pages… how many lines?…) Aoi: (Oh…I wonder if I’ll be able to make an appearance at all...) Jin: You know…
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Jin: It’s fine if I end up not reading about Aoi-chan’s life.
Aoi: (I-is it…because it’d be so insignificant?!) Jin: or should I say, I wouldn’t have to go to the trouble of reading it.
Jin: Whatever happens in Aoi-chan’s life, my eyes will have seen ALL of it, so that’s why I wouldn’t need a book. Jin: We’ll be together forever, yeah?
Aoi: ........ Aoi: Forever?
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Jin: Yep, forever. Aoi: Even when we become adults? Jin: Yup, foreverrrrr. Aoi: I see…
[Then, my book] Jin: look, that cloud is a heart-♥️ Aoi: You’re right. [Will surely have a happy ending.]
154 notes · View notes
avislazuli · 1 year
Joy to the world
Story: Joy to the world (Tori’s Christmas 4*)
Unproofread and done for training purposes using lots of dictionary
Imouto gimi = young sister (+respectful honorific)
Mimi-chan: Tori’s sister’s stuffed toy who Mika repared in Poison a la Mode scout
Writer:  Yuumasu
Season: Winter
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Yuzuru: Young master, imoutogimi, the tree is ready.
Tori: Thank you, Yuzuru.
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Now, decorate with your big brother, I brought some adorns I thought you would like
Look, this stuffed animal is similar to Mimi-chan, isn't it? I was surprised when I saw it in the city!
Kagehira-senpai put flowers and jewels in it for me. It was a long time ago, but it seems that he still remembers.
He still cherishes the drawing you gave him! He even asked "how is your sister doing~?"
...Hey, why have you been so quiet all this time?
Why are you avoiding my eyes...?
(...I already know the reason. It's my fault that she is like this.
Daddy and mommy won't come back home for Christmas because of their work. And not just that, I'm busy this year too, my schedule is full
I wanted to spend time together even if it's before Christmas, that's why I came back today.
I was going to decorate the tree with her and give her a present, so she could enjoy Christmas at least a little earlier.
But she got angry when she knew that we couldn't spend Christmas together.
She was having fun talking about what she wanted to do for Christmas until a while ago, of course she is angry...)
...Hey, I actually brought a present for you―
Wait, where are you going? Come back!
She is gone...
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Yuzuru: Excuse me, young master. Are you okay?
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Tori: Yuzuru… I ruined it. I’m not a good older brother…
Christmas is special for her. She is often at home, so it's a rare opportunity for her to be with her busy family.
I'm sad. I thought I could make my sister smile if I became an idol. But I ended up taking her smile away.
Yuzuru: Young master, don't make that face. If your face is clouded by those feelings, the whole mansion would be wrapped in sadness.  
If we keep like this, the memories of this Christmas will be bitter. Now that you're back, shouldn't you face up with her?
Tori: ...Yes, you’re right.
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[After a while]
Tori: ...  
...Hey, open the door and come over here.
I brewed tea for you. 一Would you let me talk? It's okay if it's only the time until you finish drinking.
Thanks. I'm sorry for making you feel bad.
...Yes, I know. You're a kind girl, so you understand my circumstances.
But the Christmas schedule you were looking forwad to just disappeared, you can't simply accept it right away.
But it's because I'll be absent for Christmas that I came here today.
Only for now, your brother is only yours. I’ll spoil you for daddy and mommy too. I’ll do anything.
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So please tell me, what do you want me to do?
...Branco? Oh, have you been watching the PV everyday?
Fufu, I’m glad to hear that. Can I tell everyone in Branco? I’m sure they’ll be glad too.
Huh? Why are you apologizing? ...Were you angry at yourself?
...You can't help feeling lonely, even though you understand the importance of my idol activities, and that bothers you一  
Well, I used to feel like that in the past too, so I understand your feelings.
I knew our parents were busy, but I kept wondering “why can’t daddy and mommy stay with me?”
I hated that part of me that couldn’t smile when I had to say goodbye.
Fufu, we are similar in many ways, aren’t we?
...Oh, right. You said you thought about the PV as a Christmas present, right?
Follow me, I want to show you something.
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[An hour later]
Yuzuru: We’ve arrived. Please, watch your feet.
Tori: Yes. ...Hey, isn’t it cold? Are you okay?
Are you struggling to move? Yuzuru made you wear those winter clothes.
It’ll be bad if you get ill, so please bear it.
...That’s right, our parents would never bring you here because they’re worried about your health.
That’s why we must keep this as a secret. A secret only between us...
Here, take my hand, so you won’t fall down. Let’s go this way.
...Look, it can be seen from here.
What do you think? It’s more beautiful than when you see it through the screen, right?
Fufu, your eyes are sparkling with happiness. I’m also happy to have brought you here.
...Would you accept the present I couldn’t give you before? I hope you like it.
...Thank goodness. I wanted to see your smile, so I visited a lot of shops and did my best to choose.
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Thank you for always being there to support me.
Merry Christmas, I love you...   ♪  
59 notes · View notes
thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Imagine Me & You
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A Jake “Hangman” Seresin fic.
First time writing TGM fanfic - please be gentle.
Jake stumbles across a woman on base that seems to enjoy the finer things in life... just like the future he’d like to build - with her in it.
Chapter 2: Making Headway
“Hi Grandma,”  Mia smiled, stepping into Dorothea Thomas’ suite.
“Hello darling girl,” Dorothea was having a good day according to her aides. Dorothea Thomas was clearly where Mia got many of her physical attributes. The same golden-brown eyes, the same blonde hair and the same pronounced cupid’s bow. She was honored to share the features.
“How are you doing today?” She asked, taking a seat beside the matriarch and staring out at the rolling ocean.
It did take a small chunk out of Mia’s inheritance to keep her grandmother in this particular care facility, but it was worth it. She trusted the staff, her grandmother loved the ocean, and she could live as close to independence as possible.
As a woman who lived her whole life in the Midwest, she was thankful each day to see the coast.
“How can I complain?” Dorothea asked with a small smile as her granddaughter poured her a glass of iced tea.
The truth was, she could complain. She lost her husband to war, her son to a heart attack and used some of the prime years of her life raising her two motherless grandchildren. At least, for as long as she could.
“Jack is coming into town next week,” Mia said, taking a sip of her own tea.
“Oh, how wonderful,” Dorothea smiled serenely.
“We’ll be by to go to brunch and down to the water,” Mia said, holding her grandmother’s hand in her own.
“I always love when you come to visit, Lenora,” Dorothea sighed, patting Mia’s hand on top of her own. Mia simply smiled and gently rest her head against her grandmother’s shoulder.
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“Jack Jack,” Mia giggled, feeling as if she was glowing when her baby brother swept her off her feet in a big hug.
“Man I missed you, Mimi.” He said, burying his face in her neck. “Missed you more,” she insisted, rubbing her hand up and down his back. She opted for a pair of crisp white sneakers today, making their height difference even more apparent. “Have your suitcase?” She asked, peeking around his shoulder.
“I got it,” he said, lifting the Rimowa into the trunk of the Jaguar. “Can I drive?” He grinned.
“A promise is a promise,” she agreed, handing over the keys. She lifted the IU hat from his head, running her fingers through his fine blonde hair before replacing the cap. “How’s your elbow?” She asked as he opened the passenger door for her.
“Good, really good,” he insisted. “I’ll need to ice and heat while I’m here, but other than that, doing good.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” She sighed as he started up the car. “Come on, I got everything to make your favorite dinner.”
The drove in peace, chatting excitedly about everything they could since seeing each other last over Christmas in Indiana. Mia had flown out to IU, helped re-stock Jack’s college house he shared with four of his baseball teammates and cooked Christmas dinner for the group of misfits who weren’t able to go home for the holidays.
“Classes are going good?” Mia asked, stirring the spicy pasta sauce on a low simmer.
“Really good,” Jack nodded. “My last year will be pretty light so I can focus on my senior capstone and job hunting.” He said, smearing a wipe of goat cheese on crusty bread.
“Good, Jack, I’m proud of you,” Mia smiled, “and baseball?” She asked.
“It’s going okay,” Jack shrugged. “I think I can get a few combine invites, but I don’t want to rely on it.”
“Smart man,” she nodded.
“How about you? You’re settled, you’re living the life here?” He asked, leaning against the kitchen counter top and watching as she carefully poured heavy cream into her saucepan.
“I think so?” She shrugged. “I don’t see it as permanent, but I enjoy it for right now.”
“Is it weird? Working for the military?” He asked, grimacing softly.
“A little,” she laughed. “I don’t know, sometimes I feel separate from it because one, I’m not enlisted or a pilot, but two, I’m also pretty removed from all the procedure and formality.” She shrugged. “We can go visit the base this week – there’s going to be an airshow for families that I thought could be cool. My boss said he’d give us a tour of the base.”
“That would be dope,” Jack nodded.
“Okay, need you to drain the noodles, please,” she said, tapping him gently. They worked seamlessly together around the kitchen, two peas in a pod that relied on each other more than anyone would ever know.
She didn’t know what she’d do without her Jack.
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Jake Seresin’s eyes tracked the two blondes that hopped out of the vintage Jag.
He had been in and out of base for the past few weeks on assignment and working with some of the young guns before returning to Miramar for a two-month assignment.
Drawing the short stick, he was asked to attend and oversee today’s airshow, which would take place a few hours from now.
Seeing Mia was like a breath of fresh air. She hadn’t been running laps through his mind for weeks, but she had been strutting in those heels for certain.
“Hangman,” in a rare moment, Jake was caught off guard as he whirled around to see Lt. Gen. Bozek.
“Buzzer,” Jake replied.
“Welcome back,” he greeted as they shook hands. “Glad to be grounded for a bit?” He asked, standing in front of the large picture window beside the aviator.
“Grounded no? But not bouncing around for a short while will do me some good,” His eyes flicked back out to where Mia was adjusting a small leather backpack – her companion helping her shorten the strap.
“I see Mia’s brother arrived in town,” Bozek commented, watching Jake out of the corner of his eye.
“Brother?” Jake asked more to himself than anything else.
“Good kid – plays baseball at Indiana,” Bozek elaborated. “They’re close – she gives me regular updates on him. They’re pretty much it as far as family goes.”
Who knew Bozek would be a fountain of information?
“I could introduce you, if you’d like.” He offered.
“Appreciate it, but we’re old friends at this point,” Jake smirked.
“Make good decisions,” Bozek called out as Jake departed the administrative building. “I always do,” Jake said confidently.
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“Snow cones should be available in more public places,” Jack said, finishing up his treat and tossing the paper cone in the trash nearby. “So what kind of planes are here?” He asked, draping his arm around his sister’s shoulder. She was centering a nice shot on her iPhone as he asked.
“Honestly I have no idea, I couldn’t tell you the difference between any of these.” She admitted. “They kind of all look the same to me.”
“Helps to have a professional around,” Jake said, rounding on the pair. “Hello, Jake Seresin,” he stuck out his hand for Jack to shake.
“Jack Thomas,” The height difference was off by just an inch or two – but still hovered around the clouds over Mia’s head.
“Hi Lieutenant Commander,” Mia said, leaning into her brother’s side. “This is my baby brother, Jack.”
“As you can see, graduated from being a baby many years ago,” Jack bumped her shoulder.
“Pleasure,” Jake nodded.
“You’ve been out and about, right? I feel like it’s been a moment since I’ve seen you.” Mia commented.
“Unfortunately that’s classified information,” Jake replied, a tight grin on his face.
Jack’s eyes darted back and forth between the pilot, who was zipped carefully in his flight suit, and his older sister. It was nothing new watching men sniff around his big sister, and this man was no exception.
Jake was aware of the man’s observance.
“Are you flying today, Lieutenant Commander?” Mia asked, tucking her phone back in her pocket.
“Just here for safety,” Jake commented. “We’ll have a few of our young guys doing the showcase.”
“But they’ll be flying the planes you normally fly?” She asked.
“Demonstrations today include my usual aircraft, an F-18 Super Hornet, an E-2 Hawkeye and an F-35 Lightning,” he listed off. “We’ll have some jumpers as well.”
“Do you jump?” Mia asked, genuinely curious.
“Only if the occasion calls for it.” Jake replied. “Ejecting will take about and inch and a half off of your height as your spine compresses.” He explained, watching her eyes widen just a bit. “Sick,” Jack commented.
“How long are you in town for?” Jake asked.
“Just for the week,” Jack replied, “I’m in school and had a small break,” He explained.
“Baseball, right?” Jake asked, aware of Mia’s eyes on him. “What position?”
“Short,” Jack said. “Started at third as a freshman and migrated over.”
“I’ve got a cousin that plays professionally in Houston,” Jake commented. “Is that the plan?”
“Jack is finishing up school to be an engineer,” Mia said, beaming with pride.
“Lots of great opportunities in the Navy,” Jake raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No, no, no,” Mia said, throwing her arms around her brother and hugging him tight. “This is not a recruiting session.”
“It could be,” Jake countered.
“It’s not,” she was firm.
“Appreciate the offer,” Jack laughed.
“Is there a plane you need to go get into?” Mia asked.
“Grounded for a while now, don’t you worry,” Jake said. “Enjoy your visit, sir.” He extended his hand out to Jack once again, noting how the student’s handshake was just a bit stronger than their first. “See you around, Mia,” he said with finality.
Jack waited until the Lieutenant Commander was out of earshot.
“What’s his deal?” He asked, the sound of a plane approaching in the distance.
“What do you mean?” Mia said, ambling forward alongside her brother.
“He’s intense,” Jack commented.
“You think so? Didn’t notice,” she shrugged.
“You guys hook up?” He asked.
“Jackson Thomas!” She laughed, “no we did not hook up!”
“Well, he’s trying,” Jack shrugged.
“Come on, let’s find you another snow cone.” She rolled her eyes.
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Even though he was 21 and well within his legal rights, it was still weird for Mia to see Jack drinking in a bar. Even more so now that he was tearing it up with the Top Gun pilots, playing pool and joking around with levity she didn’t get to see him have too often.
“You going to be able to carry that giant man home?” Bobbi asked, grinning as she watched the Top Gun pilots hoot, holler and leap on your brother as he sunk a shot.
“I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again,” Mia laughed.
“Okay, two IPAs and a French 75 for the lady,” Bobbi’s friend Tina set down the next round of drinks. “Moose over there will have to get his own, but I think the boys have him covered,” she tilted her head back toward Jack.
Tina was nice – she worked off base but was married to one of the Top Gun instructors and had been at Miramar for a few months.
“I think they’re living the frat boy college fantasy they never got,” Bobbi commented, making Mia laugh.
“Jack doesn’t get to blow off steam too often, either,” she took a long sip of her cocktail. “Between practice, games, traveling, workouts and class, Indy’s got him pretty booked.”
“All the more power to ‘em,” Tina clinked her glass against Bobbi and Mia’s.
“So Mia, you’re cute and young and single, and I’m old and haggard and locked down – how are you blowing off steam?” Tina asked.
Mia giggled, stalling with another sip of her drink.
“Not currently blowing off any steam – or anyone for that matter,” she winked, making Bobbi and Tina laugh.
“Babes you’ve got the pick of the litter,” Tina insisted loudly. “Your heels are high, your tits are perky and that dress is really doing something.” She elaborated.
“First of all, thank you, you’re so kind,” Mia smiled, “but hooking up with someone on base? I work here!” She insisted.
“Uh yeah, that’s like the whole point,” Tina said, looking pointedly over at Bobbi. “Nowhere else on earth, are you going to find a smorgasbord of men like this.” She said, waving her drink around. “They’re hot, they’re young, they’re eager to please and have something to prove – I’m not saying you’ve gotta marry ‘em, though I did, but it’s worth considering.” She insisted.
“Tina I love when you wax poetic about me,” The ladies looked up to see an unfamiliar face.
“Roost!” Bobbi and Tina hopped out of their seats to give the mustachioed man a firm squeeze. He was more than happy to take them up in his arms.
“Mia this is Rooster,” Bobbi introduced.
“Hi Rooster, I’m Mia,” the blonde smiled widely, sticking out her hand.
“What are you doing here?” Tina asked, taking her seat again as Rooster hovered near the table.
“Eight weeks in Miramar,” he explained. Mia found that to be the norm – not saying why someone was on base, but rather, how long they’d be there.
“Just in time for summer,” Bobbi winked.
“Mia, what’s your story?” He asked, dropping his sunglasses down onto the collar of his vintage band tee. A cold beer appeared in front of him on the table.
“Mia is a lawyer, sexy, single, and working for Lt. Gen. Bozek,” Tina said, making Mia laugh. “Her little brother is over there, seeing how much Mezcal the new recruit class can take.” She tilted her chin back.
“Are we husband hunting?” Rooster asked? His eyes flicking over the cleavage her sweet little floral dress was showing off and down to the ring on her left hand. “That’s not going to help.”
“One, I am not husband hunting!” She laughed. “This is my dad’s ring.” She explained, “I mean, sized down about six times, but it just makes me happy.” She shrugged.
“I’ll drink to that,” Rooster said, tapping her glass with his.
“What are we drinking to? My accomplishments?” Bobbi knew it was a matter of time before Hangman showed up.
“Hangy, you big shit.” Rooster laughed, giving his former teammate a big hug. “Have you met Mia?” He asked, that damn mustache twitching just enough to tip off Jake.
“We’re keenly acquainted,” Jake said, his hand finding a resting spot on the back of her chair. Rooster’s grin became even more salacious.
Jake Seresin was not the type to pick up on-base girls at a bar.
Mia clearly was not an on-base-at-a-bar type of girl, but rather, just Jake’s type that wandered right into his snare.
How fortunate for Jake, and how fun for Rooster – and how much more fun for Tina and Bobbi that were watching it all unfold in front of them.
Though Rooster and Hangman were friendly now, they had a sordid past, and it still rang off-key to see them be chummy with one another even now.
“Y’know, Mia, Rooster also drives a classic car,” Bobbi said, raising a brow as she took a drink.
“Also?” Rooster asked, intrigued. “What’re you steering, Mia?”
“It’s a ’73 Jag XKE,” Jake answered, “right Mia?”
“That’s right, Lieutenant Commander,” she nodded. “Convertible.”
Rooster whistled low, “think you could take me for a joy ride sometime?” He prompted. Jake could feel his pulse tick in his neck.
“Depends, what ya go?” She asked.
“First gen blue Bronco,” he replied. “My dad’s back in the day,” he elaborated.
“Hey Roost, where’s my husband?” Tina asked.
“He was just wrapping up when I left, can’t imagine he’d be too far behind now.” Rooster explained.
“We were just talking about how Mia’s husband hunting,” Tina chimed in. She had been watching Jake observe Mia for the last five minutes.
“I’m not husband hunting,” Mia insisted, rolling her eyes, though the smile stretched across her face betrayed her expression.
“Baby, we don’t even have to husband hunt,” Tina insisted. “We can hunt just for a night, like true lionesses.” Mia burst into giggles with a shake of her head.
Rooster watched as the exchange went on between the two women, his eyes darting over to Jake, whose hand tightened on the back of her chair.
“Mia, I’m just saying, if you don’t use it, it closes up,” Tina said. “Hand to God.”
“What’s that? I think I hear my brother calling for me.” Mia laughed.
“That’s right, baby girl, you go dive into that man pool,” Tina cheered as the petite blond hopped down from her seat and grabbed her cocktail before heading off to check on Jack.
“Tina,” Jake hissed, sending the woman into a spurt of laughter.
“Calm down, Hangman,” Bobbi laughed, “she’s not going to take any of them home.”
“Mia!” Jack cheered, causing the ten men around him to parrot his excited call.
“Hi Jack Jack, how are we doing over here?”
“Mimi, these are my new friends,” He said, gesturing to the group. “Fellas – and Bridger – this is my sister, Mia.” He introduced.
“Pleasure,” she smiled with a shy wave.
“Mia works on base as a lawyer because she’s smart as fuck,” Jack explained.
“Mia, you play pool?” A man in glasses, blue pants and a coordinating t-shirt asked, “Rewind” stitched over his heart.
“Oh, absolutely not,” Jack laughed, caging his sister in his arms. Rewind simply laughed, eyeing up the shorter of the two Thomas siblings before prowling around the other side of the table.
“Mia really seems more like a darts person to me,” Jake said, arriving alongside the table. Jack noticed how the pilots straightened up just a bit in the Lieutenant Commander’s presence. “Jack,” he greeted with a tilt of his head and a peace offering of another drink.
“Jake,” Jack said, gladly accepting the beer. “And you’re right,” He said, tilting his head back toward the set of dartboards hanging on the far wall. “Mia’s a ringer.”
“I am not,” Mia said assuredly, looking over at Jake.
“She lies,” Jack said simply. “She was on our high school archery team.” Jake’s brows raised just enough to show his keen interest.
“Show me what you got, Thomas.” He insisted, ushering her over to the board.
“Wait, Mimi, some of the guys are going over to a house off base,” Jack said quietly. “Would you mind if I go? They wanna play COD.” Mia looked a little worried.
“Who’s driving there?” She asked.
“I am!” Bridger spoke up, the lone woman in the group. “I’ve not been drinking, Ma’am.” She insisted.
“Jack you don’t know these guys,” Mia said quietly.
“He’s safe, Mia,” Jake insisted. “They’re good kids, and Bridger is responsible. They wouldn’t let a single thing happen to Jack, would they?” He asked, raising his volume and looking around at the group.
“Couldn’t be safer than with a bunch of pilots!” She heard called back.
“Okay, but please text me if plans change,” Mia’s worry placated by Jake’s words. “We leave for Del Mar at 11 sharp tomorrow morning,” she reminded.
“I’ll be home by 10,” he pressed a kiss to her temple before taking off with the group – another batch of pilots happily filling in their spots.
“If something happens to him, I’m holding you personally responsible, Lieutenant Commander.” She gave Jake a pointed look, taking up her first red dart in her hand, and without setting down her cocktail, hit inner circle. Jake gulped softly. Their kids would be beautiful and athletic.
I’ll let you hold me regardless.
“Y’know, Jake rolls off the tongue a little easier.” He goaded, picking up his own green dart and landing it just to the right of Mia’s.
“Mm, you don’t really strike me as a Jake,” she said, using his own words against him.
“And what do I strike you as?” He asked, watching as her dart sailed through the air with precision.
“A Lieutenant Commander.” She replied, smirking.
“She’s got jokes,” he smiled back, throwing his next dart. “I bet it’s nice having your brother in town.”
“It’s amazing,” she smiled, taking a drink of her cocktail. “He’s my best friend. Do you have siblings?”
“I have a sister back in Austin,” he replied, “She’s there with my nieces.”
“Sweet,” she smiled, checking her phone to see that Jack was live-texting her his trip to negate her worry. There was clearly nowhere for her to keep her phone on her person in that dress. A wispy wonder that fell to the top of her thighs and showed off her breasts that he calculated would the perfect handful in his palms. He wondered if her nipples were the same pouty pink as her lips. “Do you get to see them much?”
“Usually four or five times a year – goddamn Mia.” He laughed as she hit dead bullseye. He caught the tail end of a cocky little smirk from her and it set his skin on fire.
“Hangman’s getting schooled,” A recruit called out behind them. He resisted the urge to raise his middle finger.
“That’s the third person I’ve heard call you Hangman.” Mia commented, sliding her phone on a nearby tabletop.
“Callsign,” he shrugged simply.
“And what’s the story behind it?” She had picked up a thing or two from Lt. Gen. Bozek.
“Wish I could tell you it’s some raucous story, but it’s from another lifetime ago.” He replied.
“Back when you were one of them?” She asked, tilting her head back toward the mixed group of service khakis and blue checks.
“Back when I was one of them,” he nodded, a shy smile on his mouth – a new look for him.
“Back when you were out hunting for the night,” she laughed, tilting her head toward a young pilot who was doing his best to lay down some game on a local girl over by the jukebox.
“Relentless,” Jake said with a shake of his head. A fresh French 75 appeared at her side. Mia looked around until her eyes landed on Rooster, who toasted her from back at the table with Bobbi and Tina. Jake tracked, none too pleased. Rooster sent him a wink as well. That fucker.
“If I have one more, I’m not going to be able to drive home,” she said, taking a sip of the drink nonetheless. There was just something about a bright, lemony cocktail.
“One of us will make sure you get there safely,” Jake reassured.
“Are all of these beers in your meal plan?” She asked, recalling his meal-prep-101 grocery cart.
“Why, you think I’m falling out of shape?” He asked, allowing her to trail her eyes down his obviously well-kept body. His white shirt strained just so across his chest and biceps and trailed down to the blue slacks that were held up by the size of his thighs and a brown leather belt.
“No, I think you’ll be okay,” Mia said airily. “I think I’ll go… check on Bobbi.” She turned to walk away from the high-top.
“You’ve got one more throw,” Jake said. Mia turned, picking up the lone red dart, once again, hitting inner circle without breaking stride. Jake had to laugh. She was something else. But he did notice the way her eyes lingered on his arms.
He was making headway.
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writingrenna · 1 year
"Learn to Love (Pt. 5)"
Oooh, unexpected 5th part
That's because of Tumblr's word count, lmFAOOO-
I will post Chapter 1 of the continuation pretty soon! Writing it as we speak, actually
You place two random little figurines on the table, before hurriedly taking them both off. Is it too much? Too little? You NEED to put on the finishing touches before they arrive, but something isn't quite right...
"They'll all be here any moment... ugh, WHY isn't my artist brain being all artsy right now...?"
There needs to be a certain amount of added detail to the table, to make it look fun yet not cluttered. But...
The sound of an enthusiastic chirp interrupts your thoughts. Oh no! They're here! You put the figurines back before making a move. Rushing out the door of the mostly empty storage room, you stop them from coming right in.
"Waitwaitwait! Not yet!"
You wave to dissuade them. Cap, Mimi, Jacq, and Saguaro. You called them in for one specific reason. A reason you weren't ready for, because... well, reasons.
"Oh, that's all right. I can wait for a moment, you?"
Jacq turns to Saguaro, who looks at him before nodding.
"Yes, I have some time."
You feel bad. Saguaro was a little more busy than usual today, having agreed to help bake something special in the cafeteria, which certainly threw a wrench in things. It wasn't either of your faults, however, and you'd be quick.
"Okay! Lemme just... er..."
You run back in, pulling the little gifts you had prepared out from under the tablecloth and in front of your display.
...huh, that... that actually helps. It makes the figurines look less like clutter, too, if that even makes sense. Still, though, you brush off your uniform, take a deep breath, and walk out again.
"Hah, so... you may be wondering why I had you all come over here..."
The boys all nod, but Mimi actually shakes her head 'no'. You're immediately worried.
"Wha- Mimi, did you figure it out already??"
She shakes her head 'no' again, trilling politely. Why? You think back on what it is you said exactly. 'You may be wondering why I...'
Oh, wait. Of course she wouldn't question you wanting to see her. You're her trainer, after all. You swallow down the feeling of the little heart attack you just had before clearing your throat.
"Hehe, r-right, right... ANYWAY, yeah, uh, the uhm... I have a..."
You back away into the room again, this time not closing the door.
"-yeah, sorry, I just wanted to do something for you, to show my appreciation."
"Ooh, really?" Jacq questions, eyes full of curious wonder. Ah... hopefully it isn't underwhelming...
"Y-yeah... so, uh, come in! For a second, at least, heh..."
You turn and walk in with your head down. They follow, and you're honestly kind of terrified of what their reactions might be, but you hear your duo chirp in surprise.
Turning to them, you see them running towards the table in awe. They look at the gift bags, noticing the ones with little doodles of their faces on the tags. Mimi trills in delight, rubbing the electic sacs on her cheeks and discharging a small amount into her own fur. Cap actually squeals- a sound you've never really heard from him before, after he bumps the tag to straighten it out a little so he can see it better. They seem happy just seeing the tags, their reactions actually making you feel a lot better. Grabbing the first bag, a pink striped one, you turn to the man.
"Okay! Saguaro, I wanna give you yours first. You can, uh, take it to your room if you like, don't worry about sticking around!"
You hand it to him, pointedly looking away from him, being sure not to let your hands linger too long. He takes it and bows a little.
"Thank you, I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness. It pains me to leave so soon, but we must thoroughly prepare for today's menu. Farewell, everyone."
He nods at everyone, giving you all a small smile before making his leave. You couldn't help but wonder what it was they were making. Regardless, you clap to yourself, refusing to look at the only other human in the room despite knowing he's looking at you now.
"So! Uh... it's... all right, come here."
You walk towards the table again, picking up his purple dot-patterned bag, the negative space resembling stars. Just like everyone else, his had a little doodle of his face on the tag, but you refused to look at it.
"Here ya go. It's not much, but it's... uh, a thing."
He looks at it. You can hear the excitement in his voice as he looks over the bag.
"Oh, hey! That's me!" He says, no doubt staring at the tag.
"Hehe, yeah, I uh, wanted to prepare you for the theme of the gift..."
He looks up at you, now even more curious before looking back down at it for a moment.
"Aww, you didn't have to do all this..."
You shake your head.
"It's okay, I really wanted to. Not just as thanks, but also because you deserve it!"
He makes a weird noise, head shooting back up to look at you before quickly looking away, obviously a bit flustered.
"I see... well, then. I'm honored," he says, finally putting a hand in the bag to start unearthing its contents.
You're honestly horrified he went for the card first, looking away as his eyes scan the cover.
"For the greatest mind in Paldea- aaaww! That's..." he looks away, feeling bashful. "...that's not true..." He sends a little hand wavy gesture your way.
"Well, to me it is..."
You finally look over to him again while saying this, only to see him avoiding eye contact.
"Hehe, thank you..."
He reads the rest, mumbling to himself now. He's smiling, and you can tell it's real, you just find it hard to believe he actually likes it. Maybe it's the self-doubt talking. Maybe you can see how bad it is now that it's been a while since you drew it. You have no clue...
He's looking through everything else in the bag, now completely silent. It's all stuff you either made/drew yourself, grabbed based on random tidbits you got, or stuff that reminded you of him as a person. It felt... personal enough. Oh no, what if it looks like a grab-bag of junk?
'Ohnoohnoohnoohno, please don't hate it, or at least, make fun of me behind my back like a decent person, maybe.'
He's still smiling, though. His upper eyelids are slightly drooped, so it's a weird mix of happy and sad. Solemn, even. He sits down on a large box behind him, bag now in his lap as he goes through the rest of it. The card, a little Arcanine figurine, a small box you painted and filled with random items related to Pokémon, some nerdy memorabilia you knew he (might) like, as well as other stuff on the bottom of the bag itself to really round it out. Just small things, but hopefully it adds up. You're honestly kinda too afraid to look at him, but you force yourself to take a peek, only to notice he's crying.
He's crying. Why? Why is he crying? Ohgodswhatiswrongwhyishecrying-
You bend down to see his face a little more. He's staring into the box, occasionally looking at the art you did of his team on the lid, trying to stay quiet, but he sniffles a little and makes an even tinier noise. You hesitantly place a hand on his shoulder, which causes his eyes to widen for a moment.
"Uh- sorry, sorry..."
"Nono, don't apologize, please..."
He nods, before falling mostly silent again. You decide to give him a moment, going over to sit next to him, hand placed lightly on his upper back. You take a moment to let the silence set in. It was quite nice, being able to have a quiet moment together, save for being worried about Jacq, of course.
You finally look up at your two Pokémon, before noticing them quickly look away from you. Huh, strange. Cap seems to stare at the tag again, as if trying to will it to do something, but Mimi politely puts her arms behind her back, rocking back and forth on her hind paws just a little. It was then that the fact that they haven't opened their gifts yet hit you like a sack of bricks. Wet bricks, even, if that makes a difference.
"Oh! You guys can open your-"
You don't even get to finish your sentence. Mimi starts to squeak as she excitedly rips the tissue paper out, plopping down and holding the bag as she digs into it. Cap actually jumps up with a chirp and cannonballs into the bag itself, causing it to tip over, him spilling out and back onto the floor in the process. Yikes. Good thing nothing in their bags were particularly fragile...
You watch with an effusive sense of love, just wanting this moment to last forever. You couldn't wait for the rest of your lives together! You'd celebrate their Gotcha Days, show them more of this world you share, you'd let them know you'll never let them go...
Bleh, here you go again. But y'know what? This is better than anything you ever could've asked for, all thanks to this school, as well as the man next to you, who is also watching the scene unfold with a soft smile on his face. You gently rub his back, eliciting a little nod of acknowledgement.
"...this is nice..." he simply states as your Pokémon freak out over their gifts.
Yeah. It is, isn't it?
"...sooo, for reasons completely unrelated to any previously mentioned, I caught a Klawf-"
"-are you kidding?" He asks with laugh. He's amused, but also mildly concerned.
"Nope! Actually, though, I uh... caught a pretty interesting fella," you say, eyes drifting off toward the side a little.
This piques his interest for sure. With a raised eyebrow, he glances over at the battle court, as if telling you to show him without words. You grin, tossing the Pokéball up.
Bracing for impact, you hear the sound of a deep bellow, as well as a rather large creature landing nearby. You then hear a surprised gasp coming from Jacq.
"You found a SHINY Klawf?!"
You knew he'd be interested, but anticipating it doesn't stop the uncontrollable beam on your face.
"Yup! I wasn't intending on catching a shiny, but while sizing up another one I found, this guy caught my eye, and I was like, 'wow! Life out here must suck for you,' so I caught him instead!"
You were so excited, you didn't even notice yourself rambling. Pokémon just get you so jazzed, especially your own now that you're diving into the whole "trainer" thing. He doesn't mind, however, cautiously approaching the Pokémon, who was currently looking around the plaza.
"I see... you are very lucky, then! Do you know the odds of finding a shiny...?"
He bends down and observes Olaf, watching as his eyes dart around before catching a glimpse of the man, looking away without fully noticing him before doing a double-take, eyes finally settling on him. Olaf moos curiously.
"Err... one in 4,000... -ish?"
"Correct!" He says, now sitting back up and turning toward you again. "It's quite a special experience finding a shiny. And especially as your 3rd Pokémon, what?!"
You smile, face heating up again as you look away. You really didn't do anything special, but maybe there was just... something in the air today?
"Hehe, yeah, it's pretty neat. He seems pretty cool already, too! See?"
You walk over, grabbing Olaf's claw as you awkwardly shake it.
"See? He just kinda... lets it happen."
Jacq nods curiously, inquisitive eyes searching the Klawf's face. He isn't distressed at all, but he seems confused. Just as confused as you seem to be, actually. Nothing seems wrong to him, so he turns back to you, which catches you off-guard. Isn't he more interested in Olaf...?
"Hah, but uh, yeah! Great news, also. Cap actually listened to me!"
"Oh?" He tilts his head, looking excited.
"Yeah! I think it's time we do a little showcase again..."
You walk towards the center of the battle court, hands slowly moving towards the other two Pokéballs on your belt. You grab them, grinning, before tossing them up as well. Cap and Mimi emerge, letting out their own little battle cries before landing on the ground. They look up at you, both ready for whatever you have planned. You hold out the Pokédex app. Jacq noticeably flinches, but he then smiles.
"All right, you two! Ready to show us what you got?"
They both nod, determination burning in their eyes. A wonderful sign. Mimi runs over first.
"Okay, ready?"
Mimi squeaks before taking a deep breath. It then begins.
She makes a digging motion on the ground.
She hops forward, kicking and swiping furiously at the air.
'Close Combat'
She lets loose a flare of electricity.
She dances with a very odd rhythm.
You clap, whooping and cheering. Cap even mimics you, whooping enthusiastically. Jacq simply claps, but he does seem proud.
Mimi squeaks and bows, eliciting a round of applause from the small crowd you... didn't... realize formed. Eh. Anyway...
"Okay, Cap'n! You're up next!"
Cap chirps, running over to the spot Mimi just occupied. She walks over, joining you, Jacq, and her new teammate Olaf, who she curiously looks up at. Olaf is too preoccupied watching Cap.
"Alright, buddy. Moment of truth..."
Cap lowers his head for a moment before standing up as tall as he can, crying out, and running around to charge up an attack.
"Oh! Zen Headbutt!"
He stops, nodding cheerfully before going to perform his next move. Huh...
He summons sharp leaves before launching them.
'Razor Leaf'
He jumps up, opening his mouth before forcefully biting down on a still-falling leaf, doing a little flip as he lands.
He forcefully spits out a barrage of seeds into the air.
'Bullet Seed'
You're all overjoyed, loudly cheering him on as he lets out a triumphant laugh. His little underdeveloped arms even mime putting his hands on his hips, just like a Scovillain... he runs over to you, happily jumping up and chirping. You scoop him up in mid-air, squeezing him to your face in a little 'hug'.
Cap chirps again, rubbing the side of his face against yours, before noticing something wet touch the top of his head. He leans back, only to chirp in surprise when he sees the tears streaming down his face.
You're crying in public. Crying tears of joy of course, but crying nonetheless. In front of people who probably came to see the funky Klawf, only to stay to see your Pokémon perform. You're crying in front of people who have no idea why this moment is so important to you, but surprisingly, you really don't care. This is it, you two are finally in-tune with each other...
You take in a shaky breath, looking him in the eyes. He seems to stare back, as if you're slowly coming to a mutual understanding on something you aren't quite sure of yet. But something deep down inside you tells you things are somehow different now.
You turn to Jacq, closing your eyes in contentment and smiling.
"AHHHH!! The day has COME!! Can you believe it?!"
His response matches your enthusiasm.
"Sure can! You really have come so far. It feels like you first came barreling through my door just yesterday..."
This comment actually makes you pause. Oh yeah, autumn is right around the corner. Something about the thought made you feel kinda cozy, officially being at the school for longer than you planned. This is sorta it, you realize, not even noticing the season's starting to change until now, those cast shadows giving the current tilt in the Earth's axis away...
This brings a look of comfort to your face, smile soft and eyes half-lidded as you stare at the ground. Cap is still in your hands, looking tired as well. It'd be nice, taking a nap or something.
"Bullet Seed? I thought you were practicing Seed Bomb..."
You look down at Cap, who's face gives it away. He was waiting for you to realize it. You squint one eye, giving him a suspicious yet playful look.
"Hey, buddy? Why are you still focusing on using THAT move, huh?"
His eyes crinkle a little as he lets out a quick laugh, which basically amounts to "Ooh-hoo! Ooh-hoo!"
Jacq leans in after letting out a subdued little laugh.
"Hey, remember, that's the move that brought you two together! He could just be holding on for sentimental reasons."
You smile a little wider. He was probably right. Maybe he keeps using it because of sentimental reasons... or maybe it's just because he's little asshole. Perhaps both reasons are equally valid here? You can honestly see it going both ways at this point. Whatever the reason though, you were happy to admit: you really and truly do love him and the life you've built together.
You feel tears coming yet again, but they don't fall this time.
You raise your free arm up, causing Mimi to look up, covering her mouth in anticipation as Jacq's eyes widen in surprise.
"C'mere, you!"
Mimi squeaks, jumping up and throwing herself into your side without hesitation. You take the initiative to pull Jacq into the hug, savoring the moment. Klawf is a bit too frazzled by the whole experience to join, but he observes the four of you, as if getting used to the idea of your dynamic. You give him one more tight squeeze before backing away, making sure to hang onto Mimi as you do so.
Upon seeing him, she squeals in delight. It takes you a moment before you can see his face, placing Cap in your uniform's pocket so you can hold her on your hip better, but when you do...
...hah. Calm down, brain. He's only blushing. You would too if you were hugged out of nowhere like that.
Is dating a former student off the table for him, or-
Part two to the series (now called Nerds of a Feather unless I come up with a better name) coming soon-ish! And don't worry, the trauma plot wasn't dropped, it's just... brewing.)
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isopodonanescalator · 2 months
OKAY SO. who wants to talk about rent? because I DO!!! this afternoon i saw a production at this random little theatre downtown. (i’ll add pictures at the end btw) it was a bunch of college kids in the show, and let me just say: they were cast SO perfectly it’s not even funny. i want to go character by character because it was really awesome and i loved it and i forgot how much i loved this show (even if it has some flaws), but before i do a character analysis and such, let me give some background info! i had front row seats, and since there wasn’t really an actual stage, the actors were directly in front of us and that was super cool!! there was a couple bits of audience interaction which i liked and i also made eye contact with a couple people and i almost died. onto the characters!!!
starting off strong with Roger because he’s my favorite! the vocals were so strong and full and i was blown away by how amazing he was (im in love with him no joke like holy crap) he made me cry MULTIPLE times in the second act because he showed his emotion so strongly and it like radiated off of him. ALSO HE MADE EYE CONTACT WITH ME NOT ONCE, BUT T H R E E TIMES!!!!!! I DIEEEED I SWOONED I CRIED OMG 😭😭😭 um but yeah his vocals stunned me and he showcased his emotions very very well! (he was also really attractive but that’s irrelevant)
next up is Mark because it just seems wrong to not put him after Roger 😭 he played his role so wonderfully and it was really insane how much resemblance he had to the character!!! like he looks exactly like how Mark should look and it was perfect. i really liked his mannerisms and the way he articulated certain lines scratched my brain very good!! his voice was ALSO phenomenal and his mother (who was sitting next to us) told us that he hadn’t sung in TWO YEARS so for him to sound that good after not performing in a musical for so long was literally amazing!!! he also made eye contact with me after Angels death while i was crying on my friends shoulder, and he like gave me a little nod which was very lovely. i really enjoyed how he played Mark, 10/10 fr!
Tom Collins next: his voice had such a nice bass tone to it and it was really pretty and eep! i absolutely LOVED how he looked at Angel almost any chance he had throughout the show, and i don’t know if it was staged or it was a character choice but i liked it. i don’t have much else to say about him because i payed a lot more attention to Roger (😭) but he also did a really great job!!!
ANGELLLLLL!!!! OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS I REALLY LIKED HOW SHE WAS PORTRAYED IN THIS PRODUCTION! i was very scared at first because of the fact that it was a small performance and i wasn’t sure how good it would be, but the actor was amazing. also: the costuming department absolutely AAAATTEEE with all of Angels outfits because they were on point! my friend and i freaked out every time there was a costume change because they were all so cool! the actor had such a lovely vocal range and i think it was sooo perfect for the character!!!
Mimi was ICONIC. first off, she was about my height which i was super excited about because you don’t always see a lot of super short girls playing the leads. she was like a foot shorter than Roger and she was so cuteeee!! her voice was SO strong and she had really nice breath control, but she had a lot of vibrato, which kind of threw me off at first. overall, i loved the way she played her, she made her very sad and she seemed super torn throughout a lot of the show.
i’m going to put Maureen and Joanne into one paragraph because i don’t have a lot to say about them. Joanne had a REALLY nice belt like her voice was supported and loud and take me for what i am was BEAUTIFUL!!! between her and Maureen that song was super good and you could almost feel the tension. also i have No Day But Today written on my converse, and Maureen saw them when she was on the ground near us during one of the scenes, and she pointed and smiled!
that’s really all i have to say, but feel free to ask about anything if you’re curious (that’s mostly for @loganschwarzy because i know you were wondering about Angel)
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this was their set, and there was a bunch of parts of the walls that spun and worked like doors which i thought was THE COOLEST!!!
before the show started they were playing city noises over the speakers which was also cool!
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these are my converse that Maureen pointed at!
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 28 - Trouble in Paradise
The musicians have a wardrobe fitting for the wedding. Penny had specific color requests.
Moses: We look like a gay bar threw up on us.
Ophelia: Yeah but we pull it off.
Tiff hasn't really said much. Maybe she's trying to behave. Maybe she's just too busy admiring herself.
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Alice: This wasn't the wardrobe I imagined we'd get to know our new teammate in. Ophelia: Ha! I'm excited to start working with you both. Alice: Girl, I'm excited to stop working with Tiff! Anaya: She's right behind you, Al.
Tiff is too consumed by her own beauty to be bothered.
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Things aren't quite as cheery-looking outside the employee changing room.
Miko: You can't be serious!
Penny: What's the problem? We're inviting some of your coworkers. Why can't I invite some?
Miko: Simstagram models aren't your coworkers! We barely have enough room as is.
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Penny: I feel like this is about more than last minute additions to the guest list.
Miko: Well… I don't know. Maybe I'm just projecting but it feels like you're using our wedding day to network. I just want to celebrate our love, not worry about how lame I make you look.
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Penny: Lame?
Miko: You hang out with these gorgeous women all the time, who live fun, glamorous lives. I look pathetic in comparison. I already know I'm not going to look as fabulous as you will, I don't want to spend my wedding day feeling like even the guests outshine me.
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Miko: Oh, forget I said that. I'm sorry, that was so selfish.
Penny: Baby, no it's not. You're allowed to feel how you feel, but nobody's going to outshine you, not even me.
Penny: Come on. Look at your outfit. You're not even going to a party or anything, you just wore that.
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Penny: Look at me, Mimi. This is our day. We're both the stars of this show. I don't want to invite them to network, or to make you look bad. I wanted to show those basic hoes that I have the hottest girl in this save file, and you didn't even need CAS-tic surgery to look so good
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Miko: Baby…
Penny: Showing off isn't as important as your feelings. I'll tell them we're keeping it small.
Miko: Penny, it's okay. You can invite them.
Penny: Nah, it's fine. They promote that tummy tea so they'd probably diarrhea themselves during our vows anyways.
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The stone walls are thick but the door they're outside of isn't.
Alice: Aw, that was barely a fight! At the Pancakes wedding, Eliza threw a drink at Bob!
Tiff: Pfft, I give it a month before Pizzazz woohoos one of those models.
Ophelia: Yeesh.
Anaya: Tiff, ever the optimist.
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After Ophelia changes and goes to walk home, she spots Miko by herself on a bench nestled off to the side of the venue, one that nobody usually walks by.
Ophelia: You good?
Miko: Yeah. I just need a minute to myself sometimes. Penny's talking to the catering team.
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Miko: You guys heard me and Penny talking, huh? I could hear Alice wishing we had fought more. Ophelia: Sorry. We couldn't really leave without interrupting you two. Miko: It's okay. I'm just a little embarrassed. Ophelia: You don't need to be, you both handled it really well.
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Miko: No, I mean… I support Penny's career, of course. Her job means a lot to her. I feel bad that she's not inviting her Simstagram friends now.
Ophelia: Not that I was trying to eavesdrop, but it doesn't seem like she likes them that much, anyways.
Miko: I guess not…
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Ophelia: Is there any chance you heard what anyone said, or just Alice? Miko: Just Alice. Her voice really carries. Why? Ophelia: Just curious.
Just curious whether they heard Tiff imply that Penny was inevitably going to cheat on Miko.
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The two chat for a little longer before Miko decides to join her fiancée again. Ophelia wants a relationship like theirs. It sounds like hard work, though. She's done a lot of hard work lately. Maybe she'll be ready for a love like that someday... But not today.
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shiningwonderland · 1 year
Tokiya Ichinose (Repeat) Memorial
Meant that as a compliment
Translator: Koto (Twitter: kotowari16) Proofreader: Mimi (Twitter: _mimisaurora) Editor: Pam (Twitter: skywyld), Sasteria (Tumblr: forestofsecret), Terry (Twitter: turtlemudge)
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The first time I heard her song was on the day after the entrance ceremony.
"Did you make this?"
Although we exchanged some words yesterday and today, Nanami-san had little self-assertion. She was modest and the shyness that stemmed from her meekness was severe.
But, this song….
Generally speaking, it was dynamic and flashy, and yet I noticed the delicate parts here and there as well.
I couldn't help but look at her from head to toe.
"Did you really make this song?"
I asked in order to emphasize my question.
"…Yes. Ah… how… was it?"
"It’s not quite complete, is it? If you want me to sing this, you’ll have to work harder."
"Ah… You’re… right. I’ll do my best."
"In addition, unlike you, I’m quite busy so we won’t be able to practice together often. Please try to work as hard as you can on your own. All right?"
She really seemed to be practicing hard on her own after that.
"Oh…. Here’s her name again…."
Whenever I went through the booking process to reserve a recording room, I caught sight of her name on the request form quite a number of times.
It looked like she pretty much shut herself in the recording room yesterday and the day before for 3 to 5 hours.
On top of that….
She was also actively taking the supportive curriculum for composition alongside her regular classes.
It’s good to be ambitious.
No, this was the least she could do as my partner.
"Sensei, I made a song! Could you listen to it?"
"Hm? What is it, Nanami? You’ve made one already? That’s quick. All right, sounds good.  Let me take a look."
I heard voices from within the staff room and when I turned to look, I saw Nanami-san and Hyuga-san talking.
Evidently, it seemed Nanami-san wanted Hyuga-san’s opinion as well.
Hyuga-san is a caring person and, as he likes motivated students, he’ll listen to their songs and offer his opinion as long as he has the time.
His ears are trustworthy.
And his advice is spot-on.
I concluded that she should be able to develop further without me for the time being.
As Hyuga-san started listening to her song, Nanami-san suddenly raised her head and looked around….
Her eyes immediately met mine.
"Ah! Ichinose-san!"
When she saw me, Nanami-san ran up to me, looking happy.
Like a faithful dog.
It reminded me of a dog which has been staying at home and runs up to their owner with all they have the moment they spot them.
I just happened to be here.
That aside, what had made her so happy?
I struggled with understanding.
"Are you feeling alright? You’ve been absent for a week and I was worried…."
That’s right, it’s been a week since I came to school.
Of course, I hadn’t contacted her at all during that time.
Did she mean to say she was worried for me because I’m her partner?
"Yes, I’ve completely recovered. It’s the reason why I came to school today. However, I'll only attend class in the morning because I have something to do in the afternoon…."
To catch up, I had come here to book a recording room and do some practice on my own after I come back.
"I’m glad you’re feeling better! Ah… I’m currently working hard on making the song, could you listen to it once it’s done?"
"Yes, that’s fine, but I don’t want to listen to it in an incomplete state. Please be sure to finish it all the way through first, okay?"
"All right! I’ll do my best!"
"If the quality is good enough, I’ll even sing it."
She was in such high spirits that I couldn’t resist saying something like that.
"Really? Ah, that makes me happy! Then, I’ll work very, veeery hard to make a great song!"
Nanami-san laughed.
Again, why was she so happy? It should only be natural for me to sing her song considering we’re partners.
"Nanami, I finished listening. You want to hear what I think?"
Hyuga-san beckoned.
"Yes! I’ll be right there. Well, I’ll be going now."
She quickly bowed her head and ran back to him.
She seemed like a restless person
Although, it was also a good thing to be committed and optimistic.
She still had much more to learn as my partner, but I don't have time to deliberately be hands-on. If she’s self-motivated, all the better.
I’m unaware of her true abilities as of yet, but for now, she doesn’t seem to have any major flaws which would cause a dissolution to our partnership.
That is, however, only the case for her as a composer.
Her usual self is a bit absentminded and I have always thought that is something she needs to work on.
Then, there was that unbelievable situation.
All I’d done was leave my book with her. Despite that, how did she get herself locked inside of a storage room?
To put it frankly, Nanami-san is a klutz. She is too kind.
I was the one who brought a book to a sports festival. I’m the one at fault, so she should have just let it go….
I won’t say I was surprised that she, honest to a fault, came to get it back and got locked up in the process.
I had no intention of defending those who locked Nanami-san up, but in this industry, that sort of thing is a daily occurrence.
Could she really survive in the entertainment industry?
I grew a bit anxious.
Plus, the thing about her being HAYATO’s fan….
No matter how much we look alike, it bothers me when I’m asked to do the same things HAYATO does.
Turned out she was just another mindless groupie.
She was working so hard because she figured if she were to be accepted by me, she could get the opportunity to meet HAYATO. That had to be it.
While I was relieved that I had figured out her scheme, I was a bit confused as to why I myself also felt disappointed.
Everybody works hard for their own sake, for their own desires and dreams.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if HAYATO fans were seeing HAYATO through me.
And yet, why am I disappointed…?
"If it was taken from you, it would have been all right to just give up since it was something you couldn’t help."
Maybe it was because I was disheartened, or because I wanted to rebuke Nanami-san’s hasty action, but I realized that my tone had become cold.
"I couldn’t do that."
Oddly enough, Nanami-san strongly objected to it.
I thought she was just a timid person, but even she could make a face like that.
I was a little surprised.
It shouldn’t have been that hard to simply give up on the book and explain the situation to me.
"Because Ichinose-san is my partner…. You trusted me and gave me the book. That’s not something I can betray."
She spoke while looking straight at me.
"I see. Partner… is it…? Now that you mention it, have you finished the song?"
"…Not completely… but… a small part… Um…"
The song she started to play was something truly wonderful.
I was surprised when I first heard her play it and I was amazed at how good her sense was... but it was even better than I imagined.
And this song…
It was designed with me in mind. It was made to be sung by me.
I didn’t understand what she planned to do to get my attention, but….
It seemed that at least as a composer, she was putting in effort to carry out her role as my partner.
"It’s still lacking, however…"
I spoke sternly, despite recognizing her talent and ability. She probably hadn’t reached her full potential.
You have grown so much in the last month.
You can’t stop that development here. You should push it even further.
"...In any case, more like this…"
If you see mistakes, correct them.
If you know your strengths, develop them.
It’s simple.
And, I can help with that.
"It’d be better if we do it like this over here as well."
"Ah, then, let’s change it here too… How does this feel?"
For a moment, I was at a loss for words surprised by the level of completion in the melody she had played.
Even though I had given just a little bit of advice, to think that she managed this much….
"Yes, I think this is better."
I wondered if this is what catching on quickly is like.
That was the first time she’s been able to meet me as an equal.
I decided I had to change the impression I’ve held of her up until now.
"Quality", "Willpower", "Optimism". It seemed like she had what’s needed to be my partner.
I was delighted.
Just how far will she be able to grow from here, I wondered.
I began looking forward to the next few months.
"It’s unrefined, but… Apparently, it seems I have no choice but to recognize your sense of composition."
I wasn't planning on complimenting her but that was my honest opinion.
Though that was probably due to her efforts.
Apparently, it seems okay to expect a little more of her.
I ask you, please don’t betray those expectations, okay?
If possible, I would like to attend the graduation audition with your song.
The fact that I’m thinking this far ahead is because you have the talent.
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
DIgimon Adventure 01x17 - The Illusionary Ship's Captain, Cockatrimon! / The Crest of Sincerity
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Letting his arrogance as a striker get the better of him, Taichi made mistakes on the soccer field that nearly cost his team the game. But no one who matters got hurt (RIP other Greymon) so I guess 'boys will be boys' or whatever you say.
With that lesson behind us, we have two Crests in hand now. Onward to the next phase of our Scavenger Hunt of Doom.
I don't typically bring up the recaps that open each episode. Right before the title page, the narrator explains to us what happened in the previous episode, which the dub generally cuts and replaces with one of the kids narrating.
But. Wow. Dub Tai's interpretation of the previous episode is wild today.
Tai: Okay, so I may have made a slight mistake and who hasn't? But that techno-doofus Etemon nailed us big time with that other Greymon. Our Greymon used up so much energy fighting him, he Digivolved back into Koromon!
Oh, he is definitely going to do it again. Tai has zero regrets. My favorite part is that last line, which he delivers with accusatory outrage. Yep, the other Greymon is definitely the only reason Koromon's in this state now. There were no other causes.
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We join our kids lost in the desert still, opening on a small scene of the Partners and kids checking in with each other while they march together.
Piyomon: Sora, are you okay? Sora: I'll manage. Tentomon: Koushiro-han, d-don't get discouraged. Koushiro: Y-Yeah. Gabumon: Yamato-- Yamato: You should worry about yourself. You must be sweltering under all that fur. Gabumon: I'll be okay. Gomamon: Jou, want to take a break? Jou: No, let's work hard and keep going. Tokomon: (singing weakly from atop Takeru's head) ~Takeru fight-o! Takeru: (weakly) ~Fight-o....
Everyone's exhausted in this miserable death march, but they're trying to keep spirits up and keep going. My favorite part is Big Brother Yamato throwing down the Uno Reverse before Gabumon can even get a word out. He just knew.
The dub tries to lighten things up by making the Digimon kind of insufferable right now? I have never wanted to punt a Digimon so hard, oh my god.
Matt: Man, this desert is so hot even a lizard would need sunscreen! Biyomon: Sora, can you carry me? Sora: Not even. Tentomon: The crew cut would look nice on you and it's cooler! Izzy: (sigh) Gabumon: Do I look fat? Matt: No, you look hot. Especially with the fur coat. That thing really needs a zipper. Gabumon: Or maybe just removable shirt sleeves. Gomamon: Hey, how about resting our feet? Joe: There's no place to sit except on a cactus. Tokomon: (atop T.K.'s head) Great view up here! T.K.: Next time I ride.
The thing the dub Digimon need to understand right now is that we are in a desert. No one will find their bodies.
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Taichi, walking next to Mimi, is dwelling on his mistakes while carrying Koromon with him.
Taichi: Koromon. I'm sorry. It's my fault you turned back into Koromon. Mimi: Taichi-san, no matter how remorseful you feel, there's nothing you can do about it now. Taichi: Mimi-chan? Mimi: You've got to keep your spirits up for Koromon's sake too. Taichi: (small smile and nod) Mm.
We begin with Mimi offering consolation and guidance to Taichi. This is a good moment for her. However you want to describe it - purity, sincerity, honesty, innocence - Mimi wears her heart on her sleeve, expresses herself and connects with others openly, and lives a life unfettered by regrets and self-doubt. Which is what Taichi needs right now.
Her guidance pulls him out of the spiral of "What did I do?" and gets him back on the path of "What do I do next?"
In the dub, Tai shows way more regret than he did in that opening blurb, but Mimi's insightful advice is... altered....
Tai: You look terrible, Koromon! If only I hadn't acted like such a bonehead, you never would have Digivolved. Mimi: Don't be so hard on yourself. Although, come to think of it, you really have made a super icky mess of things. Ahaha! Tai: ...thanks, Mimi. Mimi: Oh, don't mention it, Tai! I'm glad to help with the pep talk now and then! Tai: (small smile and nod; awkward) Mmhmm....
Do we really have to do this to her in Mimi's own episode? Okay.
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While they're talking, Palmon fantasizes about a way to solve the heat problem for everyone.
Mimi: Still, it's really hot. Taichi: I'm worried about how long Koromon can take this.... Palmon: I want to become a giant Togemon and give everyone shade!
She launches into a brief imagination sequence, thinking about everyone taking shelter from the sun under her.
In the dub:
Mimi: I haven't sweated this much since cheerleader tryouts! Tai: Koromon doesn't look so good. I'm worried. Palmon: You know what we need right now is a whole bunch of shade! A big umbrella or a really big tree! Or maybe I could grow into a giant cactus and smile down onto all of you as I provide cool, refreshing comfort. Matt: It's official. The sun has just turned Palmon's brain into a french fry. Earth to Palmon! Come in!
Palmon's line gets extended significantly and Matt's given asshole banter. This is for the sake of carrying us through Palmon's imagination sequence, which lasts about 13 seconds without any dialogue or significant action taking place. You know how the dub feels about that.
Before Palmon can go any farther with this fantasy, Mimi snaps her out of it.
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The group's just noticed a colossal cactus nearby.
Palmon: A giant cactus! Taichi: Awesome, everyone! Let's go relax in the shade!
Excited, they sprint around the cactus to take shelter in its shade! Palmon exclaims:
Palmon: I want to become a cactus as big as that one!
It's good to have life goals, Palmon.
In the dub, Palmon mistakenly takes credit for the colossal cactus.
Palmon: Wowee, I did that?
We cut to commercial and when we return, Tai agrees with her interpretation.
Palmon: Gee, I'm pretty amazing. Tai: Yeah, you better believe it, Palmon! Come on, everybody; Let's head for some shade!
I like how we're all in agreement that Palmon can summon external cacti. That's one of her powers now, Tai's decided. XD No reason to scrutinize this any further.
Tragically, as they reach the far side of the cactus, they find that it doesn't have any shade. It casts no shadow at all. In fact, it flickers out of existence shortly after, as if it had never been there.
Mirage? Not quite.
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The cactus was a hologram concealing one of Gennai's projectors. He appears to greet the kids, but Taichi isn't in a chatty mood. His Crest is defective and he wants to speak to a manager.
Gennai: Chosen Children! Group: Gennai! Taichi: Hey, geezer! I got the Tag and Crest like you said, put them together, and fought a bad guy, but he didn't evolve at all! Worse, poor Agumon regressed into Koromon! Mimi: I don't want a Crest! Gennai: Calm yourselves, Chosen Children. You're going to have Crests whether you like it or not. The Tag and Crest naturally light each other up. Group: (widespread noises of disapproval) Mimi: That can't be.... Gennai: Let me explain why Agumon regressed into Koromon. Even with both the Tag and Crest, unless you raise your Digimon correctly-- Taichi: Raise them correctly? Gennai: Yes. Unless you give them a good upbringing, they won't evolve the right way. Taichi: How do we raise them correctly, then? Gennai: Chosen Children, to give appropriate care-- (Connection disrupts and then disconnects) Taichi: That geezer! Everything he says is confusing!
Ever unreliable, the connection cuts out just as Gennai was about to upload the walkthrough for min/maxing your V-Pet's affection ratings. Guess we'll have to wing it.
(Game plan, everyone. When you're unsure, just ask, "What would Taichi do?" and then do the opposite. Especially you, Taichi!)
In contrast to the scenes leading up to this conversation, everyone's made nicer in the dub.
Gennai: Well, well. It's about time you got here. I was just about ready to give up on you. Matt: It's Gennai! Tai: Gennai, we found the Tags and a couple of Crests like you wanted, but when we got into trouble, our Digimon couldn't Digivolve. They ended up worse off than when they started! Take a look at poor Agumon; He is just not himself! And I'm supposed to be helping him! Mimi: I think those thingies are more trouble than they're worth! Gennai: Calm down, kids. Let me explain. The Tags and Crests are extremely important. Please make sure no one else gets a hold of them. In the end, you shall see that they will work together to help you create total harmony. Group: (all gasp in surprise together) Mimi: In English? Gennai: Just trust me. After all, I'm the floating glowing guy. As for Koromon, he wouldn't be so helpless if you had known how to care for him in the proper way. Tai: But I did the best I could! Gennai: Patience is what you need to learn, my friends. And you will learn it in time. Tai: But I want to have Agumon back now! Gennai: I'm starting to lose my connection. That's something you're going to have to figure out for yourself. Good luck. (Connection disrupts.) Tai: Wait a minute! Gennai: Sorry, I'm on a tight schedule! (Connection disconnects) Tai: It never fails! Every time I need to know about something, he hangs me out to dry!
This is your second conversation with him, Tai. XD
Here, Tai doesn't sling ageist barbs at Gennai out of frustration and Gennai doesn't come in with that "You're doing this whether you want to or not" bit. Also, he's the floating glowing guy.
Dub Gennai suggests that we need to keep the Tags and Crests away from the villains, which is contextually awkward. The only thing the villains would want with them is to keep them away from us. They don't do anything except evolve a Chosen Child's Partner Digimon.
This is probably here to create tension for events later in the episode, when the villain collects Taichi and Jou's Crest-filled Tags and carries them around like trophies, but it makes little sense in context.
The most glaring change is the back half of the conversation. He briefly brings up that proper care for one's Digimon will influence how they evolve, but then gives them a vague platitude about patience and peaces out.
This is a much worse scene. It lacks the high-strung emotional intensity of the original, where the kids seem practically traumatized by the SkullGreymon incident and want to abandon course. They also use a lot more words to say less.
Dub Gennai might as well have been written by AI; He doesn't sound like he's conversing with the kids or engaging with the context of their concerns. Instead, he offers vague Good Guy Mentor sentiments that might as well have been written in a vacuum.
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With Gennai gone, the DIgimon and kids begin to mull over what he told them at the end there.
Piyomon: He mentioned good upbringing? Gabumon: Are we being brought up the right way, though? Yamato: Gabumon, wait a moment! Koushiro: I'm not sure I can.... Tentomon: No no no, Koushiro-han. What are you saying!? Gomamon: What about me? Jou: I have absolutely no confidence I can do it. Zero percent confidence. Gomamon: Hey!
With the introduction of this "BTW You basically need to parent your Digimon" element, spirits around the group are at an all-time low. It was all fun and games until suddenly consequences were patched in.
(I jest. It was never fun and games. These children are being hunted for sport.)
In the dub:
Biyomon: Are we being cared for properly? Gabumon: If we were, Agumon wouldn't have Digivolved backwards. Matt: Come on! Don't freak me out! Izzy: I'm... better with computers! Tentomon: That's ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned, you're the best! Gomamon: You look bummed. Joe: How am I supposed to take care of you? Is there a handbook somewhere? I feel very inadequate. Gomamon: Me too.
The dub goes strong in this one. They flip Gabumon's question over to Biyomon so Gabumon can scorch the kids for what happened to Agumon.
Izzy and Joe's lines are well-characterized and specific to their personalities. Izzy cops to his discomfort in social situations, which has been a point of contention with him before, while Joe neurotically asks for a text he can study.
Also, Gomamon replying to "I feel very inadequate" with "Me too" is just. I don't know why I loved that so much, I just did. You're the salt of the earth, Gomamon.
Before this discussion can continue, however, something comes cutting through the sands straight for them.
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Because this is still Digimon/Digital World, where appropriate context for real-world things is a sucker's gambit.
Taichi: A battleship! Sora: No, that's a luxury cruise ship! Jou: Why is a cruise ship sailing through the desert!? Mimi: Waugh! Takeru: Is it a mirage too? Yamato: No, it's not!
The kids quickly scatter out of the way of the passing ship.
The dub is mostly the same, except for Jou's line.
Tai: Is that a battleship!? Sora: Could be... But it looks more like a fancy cruise ship. Joe: The passengers are gonna want their money back when they see this place! Mimi: Yeah.... T.K.: It could be just a mirage! Matt: Yeah? Looks pretty real to me!
Very considerate of Joe to be worried about strangers' recreational finances at a time like this! Jou's question gets made into a quip, while Mimi's distressed throat noises become verbal support for Joe's goofiness.
Dub Sora is also slightly more willing to entertain the possibility that this is a battleship than her Japanese counterpart, but in that diplomatic tone you use when you don't want to hurt someone's feelings even though that thing they just said is very stupid.
As the kids scramble out of the ship's path, it slows to a stop. After a moment, a sailor peeks out to see what's going on, revealing the ship's occupants to the kids.
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Numemon: Nume...? Group: (collective groans of disappointment) Awww! Mimi: Numemon!
I was trying to think of a funny thing I could say like "Well fuck me" following that image but honestly nothing tops the entire group of Chosen Children wordlessly booing as soon as he appeared.
Sadly, the anguished cries don't make it into the dub, which is going for more of a confused reaction.
Numemon: Ahoy ha hahaha! Group: (gasping in surprise) HUH!?!?!? Mimi: Numemon!
Nonetheless, Taichi looks down at Koromon quivering in the scorched sun and makes a judgment call.
Taichi: Numemon! Please let us rest on your ship! Numemon: (squints suspiciously and pulls away) Nume.... Mimi: (steps forward) Let me handle the Numemon. NUMEMON!!! We're all tired! Could you let us rest on your luxury ship? O-ne-ga-i (Please)?
Putting to work the acquired knowledge that she's apparently very harassable, Mimi offers a different flirty pose with each syllable of onegai.
It works like a charm. The Numemon sailor lowers the boarding ramp, allowing the kids to climb up.
In the dub:
Tai: Hey fella! Could all of us come aboard and freshen up? Numemon: (squints suspiciously and pulls away) Eugh-ew.... Mimi: If you don't mind, this needs a woman's touch. Well, hey there, big boy! Your ship looks so, so inviting! How about letting us onboard so that we can check it out? Oh-please-mm-hmm?
She calls him "big boy" and tells him his ship "looks inviting", rather than asking to rest because they're tired.
Maybe it's just me but I feel weird about shifting "Let me handle the Numemon" to "This needs a woman's touch". The former sets up what follows as a direct follow-up on Mimi's experiences with Numemon while the latter makes it strictly about her gender. Women be flirtin' I guess.
As they board the ship, Mimi exclaims:
Mimi: It looks like a first-class hotel!
Which the dub makes into:
Mimi: Ugh! What!? No linen tablecloths? Well, I guess we can rough it!
XD That one got me. I don't remember what her living situation is like when we finally get to see the kids go home next arc, but the dub's set her up as this ultra-wealthy heiress so it'll be interesting to see how that goes.
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Once the kids are onboard, they break off and go enjoy themselves. The girls hit the showers in one of the cabins to take advantage of a rare opportunity to get clean. Meanwhile Koushiro joins Yamato and Takeru in inspecting the dining hall.
Yamato: This food looks incredible. Gabumon: It does.... Takeru: I want to eat it.... Koushiro: We should ask someone before we start eating. Yamato: But it looks so good! Tentomon: (stomach gurgle) I'm so hungry, I think I might die. Gabumon: (stomach gurgle) Well.... Tokomon: (stomach gurgle) Me too.... Koushiro: (huge stomach gurgle, looks embarrassed) It would be rude to the cooks if we let the food they made get cold, right? Group: Right! Koushiro: Itadakimasu! (Customary Japanese expression used to kick off the start of a meal.)
Koushiro's initially reluctant to go along with eating what may or may not be someone else's meal, but hunger makes him relent. The kids ravenously devour the food in front of them.
(Just remember the Egg Fridge. We're still starving kids in a crisis situation! It's still okay!)
In the dub:
Matt: Check out the incredible spread! Izzy: It appears to be highly edible. Tentomon: Might i propose we eat a bit and take the leftovers with us. Matt: Let's eat it all now! T.K.: Ohh, I can't believe it! Izzy: Remember when the food was just an illusion? Matt: Another alien plot!? Tentomon: (sniff sniff) It doesn't smell like an alien plot. Gabumon: (burp) Excuse me. Tokomon: Huh? Ahhh.... Izzy: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh After extensive deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that it would be rude to allow this cuisine to become cold! Group: Yeah! Izzy: LET'S GO FOR IT, GUYS!!!
XD Matt and Tentomon riffing on Izzy's dub-exclusive "BET IT'S ALIENS" thing in the early episodes. Never live it down, Izzy.
But also, they cut the starving stomach grumbles but had nothing to replace that gag with. Gabumon, Tokomon, and even Izzy briefly have to settle for just making sounds where their stomach gurgles are supposed to go. For about four seconds, Izzy opens his mouth and farts out verbal CPU Processing noises.
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Taichi and Jou use this time to relax at the pool, where Jou proves he's a braver man than I am by taking his glasses out onto the water with him.
Taichi: What do you think Gennai meant when he told us to raise our Digimon correctly? Jou: Dunno. At least we're trying to take care of them properly.
The dub dialogue is basically the same, but the kids are more defensive.
Tai: I'm confused, Joe; What do you think Gennai meant when he said we weren't taking proper care of our Digimon? Joe: Ugh, I don't know. We've done everything but give them an allowance!
They'd blow it on candy and soda pop anyway. And the soda machines are Numemon dispensers so let's not open that can of worms!
Unbeknownst to the boys, there's a man up top watching them through binoculars like the biggest creep on the ship.
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Captain: Chosen Children... your fates--
Before there can be any mistake about whether this is a real human man, his body suddenly tears open like a paper bag to reveal his true form.
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Cockatrimon: --are in the hands of Cockatrimon!
I have absolutely no idea why he was in a human disguise. It never comes up again. I honestly wonder if there was supposed to be a scene where he, as the Captain, introduces himself to the kids and welcomes them to the ship. Something that ended up cut for time.
That's the only thing that makes sense to me. This is clearly meant to be a big reveal, but we've never seen this guy before.
From here, the narrator gives the rundown. Cockatrimon is an Adult-stage Data-type Giant Bird Digimon. His name, of course, derives from "cockatrice", a draconic chicken monster from English mythology born from eggs laid by roosters. Its gaze is believed to cause instant death, which pop culture often portrays through petrification.
Narrator: Cockatrimon. A ferocious bird Digimon. His feathers have degraded, annoying him with his inability to fly. His special attack is Petrifier.
He also speaks in a regional Nagoya accent. The subs I'm watching translate the regional "gaya" and "nyaa" words he adds to his dialogue as "BAWK" and "BACAWK". I am not going to do that because, unless I know for sure that was the actual intent of using this dialect, it feels disrespectful to turn a real-world accent into animal noises. Just know that he has the equivalent of a Californian dialect.
He does sometimes utter "koka koka koka!" in bird squawk, however. So that's fair game.
Over in the dub, Digimon names are rewritten in English during the rundown. There, his name is presented as Kokatorimon. This is a literal translation of the katakana used to spell his name: "Ko-ka-to-ri-mo-n", taken at face value with zero effort to parse it. That's okay, 90's kids probably think cockatrice is a cool enemy creature that Final Fantasy made up. It's pretty obscure as mythical beasts go.
(Jou-senpai, be sure to buy lots of Softs from the cruise ship's Item Shop while you're here! Casting Esuna sometimes doesn't cut it!)
However, when his name is said out loud, the actors pronounce it "Cockatrimon" anyway. Voice crew seems to have put more work into understanding this than the editing crew, resulting in an awkward disconnect.
The dub uses his second line, as he reveals himself, to segue straight into his diegetic rundown.
Captain: Aha! I see a couple have taken the bait. Time for me to get started! They'll never forget this cruise. Kokatorimon: (explodes out of the Captain's body) RARGH, I'm Cockatrimon! My cock-a-doodle-doo will blow out your eardrums! Mess with me and you'll be pecked into surrender!
I mean you can also turn people to stone but deafening doodling is cool too. XD
Once he's finished explaining himself to the audience, Cockatrimon moves to his command center to report in to Etemon.
Cockatrimon: Just in case, I should report this to Etemon-sama and ask what I should do with them.
While the original's seeking guidance, Kokatorimon wants to report in Mission Accomplished.
Kokatorimon: Etemon will reward me greatly when he learns I've trapped the DigiDestined on my ship!
However, after the SkullGreymon incident, Etemon's having some technical difficulties.
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Not that. That's just Etemon entertaining himself. The Dark Network is still in total disarray after SkullGreymon tore up the Coliseum. Three Gazimon technicians are desperately trying to get it back up and running, but it's slow going.
Etemon: Morons! Hurry up and fix my network! Who do you think I am!? I'm King of Digimon, Etemon-sama!!! Got a problem with that? Gazimon: None at all! (spotlights activate; Etemon begins performance) Etemon: YEAH!!! / Who is the strongest in the world? / That's me WAHOO!!!
The Gazimon join him as backup dancers, but he breaks off his song to clobber all three of them.
Etemon: Who told you to dance!? Don't just sit there holding your heads!
The Gazimon go straight back to work while Etemon resumes his song, and we cut away from there.
The dub shockingly lets 20 seconds go by without dialogue as we follow the black cable to Etemon's trailer. This scene lets Etemon have a musical number. You know they milked that for all it's worth.
Etemon: Step it up, fools! I'm gettin' very impatient here, y'know what I mean? If my network's offline then everybody crashes! Lemme tell ya why. BECAUSE I'M ETHEMON(sic)!!! You wanna make somethin' of it!? Gazimon: No way! (spotlights activate; Ethemon begins performance) Etemon: YEAH yeah! / I'm the coolest cat there is and if you don't watch out / I'm gonna getcha 'til you scream and shout! / 'Cause I'm the hippest Digimon in town! / Oh yeeeeeah-- (Etemon bashes the Gazimon) Etemon: So who gave you permission to dance!? Now y'all get back to work before I get myself upset again!
I think by this point it's clear they only did one take of any given line read when dubbing the show. We've seen a few of these obvious flubs at this point. Mistakes happen to the best of us but you can re-record stuff, y'know.
But, glaring line flub excepted, the dub of this scene is so good. Elvismon knocks it out of the park with his musical number.
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Since the Dark Network is down, Cockatrimon's transmission fails to go through. He has to make a judgment call for himself.
Cockatrimon: Hmm, weird. I can't reach Etemon-sama. (Cockatrimon walks to the voicepipe, letting out a "Koka!" with every step.) Cockatrimon: No other choice. I'll just get rid of them.
He opens the pipe with his beak and calls down to the Numemon below decks, who've been refreshingly absent despite Mimi flirting our way onto the ship.
Cockatrimon: To all Numemon part-timers: I'll give a substantial pay raise to anyone who captures the Chosen Children!
...the Numemon are working here part-time? I desperately want more details on that. What does that mean, Cockatrimon? XD I wanna be a part-time cruise ship sailor. Maybe not in the desert though. Cockatrimon is running a weird ship.
In the dub:
Kokatorimon: Something's wrong! Etemon's network appears to be down. Ahh, who needs him! I'll have the pleasure of plastering their feathers all by myself! (Kokatorimon walks to the voicepipe, letting out a "Koka!" with every step.) Kokatorimon: It's amazing how my brains surpass my good looks! (Kokatorimon opens the voicepipe and calls down) Kokatorimon: Now hear this! I have an important message for ya! Listen up, this is the deal: I'll give you Numemon an extra serving of dried bread and even throw in some jelly if you capture those kids!
So I guess they're slaves in the dub.
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The Numemon go to work and earn that pay raise. They capture Taichi and Jou immediately. They also try and throw a net around Gomamon, but he conjures Marching Fishes from the swimming pool to tear the net open. Don't mess with Gomamon in a body of water.
More Numemon go to the side table, where Koromon is hanging out with Taichi and Jou's Crests. Fortunately, all this relaxation provided just the recovery time he needed to get back in the game and defend those Tags. Koromon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
Leaping from the table, Agumon lets off a Baby Flame and... watches helplessly as Cockatrimon, appearing out of nowhere, effortlessly slaps away his attempt. It's okay, man. You tried.
Cockatrimon replies with a blast of Petrifier from his eyes.
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I don't think we're going to be able to shinkaaaaaa our way out of that.
Of note, when using Petrifier, Cockatrimon calls the attack as "Petri... FIIIIIIIIRE!!!" which goes hard. Not only does the dub not change the name of the attack for once, but they do their best to copy the Japanese delivery too. It's just that good.
With Gomamon and Agumon turned to stone, there's nothing to stop Cockatrimon from taking Taichi and Jou's Tags and Crests. He holds them up in front of the pool and laughs at the kids in loud, obnoxious chicken squawks.
In the dub, Kokatorimon throws in some extra jeers rather than just laughing.
Kokatorimon: You're sunk without these! But I wouldn't be too upset; Now you've got yourself a couple of nice Digimon garden ornaments!
He made them into lawn gnomes. Is there any fate more terrible?
While the Numemon hold the line against the kids Digimon, Cockatrimon makes his way through the ship to sink them. He hits the dining hall next, petrifying Tentomon, Tokomon, and Gabumon the way he did Agumon and Gomamon.
Five down. Two to go.
Cockatrimon follows the Numemon to the cabin that the girls were in. They've turned the cabin upside-down, but the girls aren't there. The sound of the running shower gives away their presence, however, and he breaks down the bathroom door.
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They aren't there either. They left the water running as a distraction and slipped out the window, wrapped in towels.
As an aside, as he fits his head through the window, Cockatrimon lets out the most pathetic and confused, "...koka?" It's hilarious and adorable.
For some reason, the dub has Mimi call out from the bathroom:
Mimi: I'd give anything for a good moisturizing shampoo!
Which seems to be what calls Kokatorimon's attention to the bathroom, rather than the sound of the shower running. This is a little janky; Placing them in the room right at that moment gives them about four seconds to realize they're in danger, grab towels, and then fit four people (Palmon and Biyomon are with them) through that tiny window. They must have hustled!
Also, once he notices the window, Kokatorimon declares:
Kokatorimon: You little chikadees think you're so smart! (Kokatorimon sticks his head through the window) Kokatorimon: ARGH!!! They won't get away that easily!
It's not as funny as the tiny, pitiful koka.
It doesn't take him long to cut them off in the hall, however.
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Cockatrimon: There you are! Palmon & Piyomon: COCKATRIMON!!! Sora: Is he with Etemon!? Piyomon: Looks like! Cockatrimon: (cackles maliciously, holding up the Tags and Crests) Mimi: Those are Taichi-san and Jou-senpai's Crests!
In the dub, Sora and Mimi add in some scathing insults while they're at it.
Kokatorimon: (unintelligible squawk roar) Palmon & Biyomon: IT'S COCKATRIMON!!! Sora: It's not the Easter Chicken? Biyomon: He's bad news! Kokatorimon: (cackles maliciously, holding up the Tags and Crests) Mimi: That omelet-head has Tai and Joe's Tags!
Small nitpick: Biyomon's never been to this continent and although she knows what a Cockatrimon is, she probably shouldn't speak from authority as to the moral character of this one.
Opting to engage the girls in conversation, the Easter Chicken reveals what he's done to the boys.
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Cockatrimon: I've captured the other five Chosen Children and put them out to dry in the sun. Pretty soon, I'll have dried and crunchy Chosen Children to eat! Mimi: That's horrible! Piyomon: And their Digimon? Cockatrimon: I've turned them to stone with my power. I'll use them to boil some nice soup. Palmon: Unbelievable! Cockatrimon: Don't worry. You're about to join them. Piyomon: UNFORGIVABLE!!!
Hahaha wow that took a turn for the horrifying, didn't it? Cockatrimon intends to cook and eat the kids.
Shockingly, Cockatrimon's intentions for these children makes it into the dub unaltered.
Kokatorimon: I ran into several of your friends over by the pool. But don't get your heads in a spin; They're just drying off! Nothing like little sun-baked faces... fried to a crisp with curly corn spuds and lots of coleslaw! Group: Eugh! Biyomon: Where are the Digimon!? Kokatorimon: Don't worry about those guys! Confidentially, I find them to be a little bit on the stiff side, but that just happens to be my personal opinion! Palmon: Your opinion stinks! Kokatorimon: Now you're going to meet the same fate! AHAHAHAHA!!! Piyomon: YOU'VE CACKLED ONCE TOO OFTEN!!!
Holy shit, are Kokatorimon's quips good or what? Really adds to the menace of the guy in this, his moment of strength. Sometimes the dub quipping takes away from the emotion of a scene but here it magnifies it. These are solid villain quips.
We lose Cockatrimon confessing that he's going to make soup from the Digimon statues, but that's okay; We still got him admitting that he's going to eat the baked children so the horror is there nonetheless.
Piyomon and Palmon cut loose with Magical Fire and Poison Ivy, but Cockatrimon fends them off easily. He fires back with Petrifier; However, they're able to scramble away from his shot before it lands.
As we briefly escape the horrifying fate awaiting us in the stomach of this awful beast, he's forced to remind us how silly he is by waddling after the girls uttering "Koka koka koka!" with each step. However, there's only so far to run.
During the kids' flight from the cabin hall, the dub adds some extra dialogue.
Kokatorimon: COME BACK, YOU CHICKENS!!! Sora: Who's he calling a chicken!?
I'd call this one borderline when it comes to tension-killing humor. If Cockatrimon were a more serious villain then this might be a problem, but he's built on a juxtaposition between horrifying menace and ridiculous silliness. So this joke fits the tone well.
Backing them into a corner at the very edge of the ship, Cockatrimon advances on his prey. He doesn't realize that all of this open space evens the playing field.
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As Birdramon takes flight, Cockatrimon is momentarily stunned.
Cockatrimon: SH-SHE'S FLYING!!!
He's too fixated on Birdramon in the air to even realize he's in danger at first. It's only as she lets off her Meteor Wing that it suddenly hits him, and he frantically hops away from her shots at the last second.
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This is the payoff to what the narrator said in the rundown: That being flightless is a background aggravation for Cockatrimon. Sora picks up on it too.
Sora: It looks like Cockatrimon can't fly. Mimi: Palmon, it's your chance!
Incidentally, a background detail that makes Cockatrimon's jealousy of Birdramon so effective is that he's a separate evolution branch of Piyomon. He could have become a Birdramon, but instead he's stuck flightless. This is never brought up in the anime but I'm sure it made a few people with the V-Pet laugh.
Unfortunately, since the dub scrubbed this particular quirk of Cockatrimon's, we don't get to see it paid off here.
Kokatorimon: Hey, that's not fair!
He's probably still talking about Birdramon flying in the air but it's not well-explained why this stuns him into inaction. Then, after she opens fire and he barely manages to dodge, we get:
Sora: What's the matter, you big cluck!? Can't you fly? Mimi: Palmon, it's your turn!
I would love this taunt from Sora if we'd taken the time to set up Kokatorimon's sore spot. It still works; Sora is bragging about how cool Birdramon is. But it'd go hard if she was intentionally rubbing salt into his emotional wound.
Mimi seizes this opportunity to bring out Togemon as well, doubling up on Cockatrimon.
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Once this turns 2v1 and he's not beating up Digi-Children, Cockatrimon's got nothing. Birdramon lays down another Meteor Wing from the air, distracting Cockatrimon and forcing him to drop Taichi and Jou's Crests. Then Togemon lets off a modified Chiku-Chiku Bang Bang.
Her needles, spraying into him and disorienting him with intense pain, are the Chiku-Chiku. He doesn't even notice her closing distance until she's in his face. Her punches are the Bang Bang, closing with an uppercut that sends him sailing up into the ship's smokestack.
An explosion from the smokestack finishes him off, and the petrified Digimon abruptly revert back to normal.
As he dies, Mimi exclaims:
Mimi: Hooray!
Which the dub turns into:
XD You know what? Turnabout is fair play. He brought this on himself.
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The kids regroup, but then notice the part-timers throwing down the boarding ramp and fleeing for their lives, shedding their sailor outfits in the process.
Taichi: The Numemon are fleeing in a panic. Koushiro: That must mean it's dangerous to stay on this ship. Sora: Let's hurry up and get out of here. Taichi: Yeah!
The dub kids seem a little slower on the uptake. Except Tai.
Tai: I say we do the same as they are and abandon ship! Izzy: I guess it's a little late for a mutiny. Sora: Don't worry, the Captain's already been fricasseed.
Guys, our lives are in danger. Please stop quipping and leave the ship now.
As the kids vacate, something crawls from the smokestack.
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Cockatrimon: Damn it... Those Chosen Children and their Digimon... Cockatrimon has used his willpower to revive himself and is now going to get his revenge on you! KOKA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA--
Given that his death un-petrified all of the Digimon, this might not be hyperbole. There's a real possibility that Cockatrimon resurrected himself in the fires of the ship's furnace like a phoenix. But it's ambiguous.
Ironically, Hououmon or Phoenixmon is on Birdramon's evolution path but not Cockatrimon's. Still, this feels like a phoenix allusion.
Either way, he's trying to do an Epic Boss Fight Phase 2 speech while clambering over a barrier in unrelenting agony and it's hilarious.
As he speaks, he climbs slowly over the lip of the smokestack. He slips over the side mid-cackle, falling painfully back onto the ship's deck.
In the dub:
Kokatorimon: Ugggh, my head... You may have ruffled my tail feathers but I can still- AWK AWK AWK!!! Awk... uggghh... Okay, so maybe I've lost a little bit of my noodle, but I'm not finished yet! AWK AWK AWK--Oh!
You should go back in and find that noodle, just a suggestion.
The kids return to the desert, once more marching through scorching hell. Mimi utters:
Mimi: I'm roasting....
Which the dub makes into:
Joe: Well, the weather certainly hasn't gotten any cooler.... Mimi: Do you guys hear something?
Nice quippy complaint from Joe. Well-timed and tonally appropriate.
Suddenly, they hear a sound headed their way.
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The kids flee for their lives through the desert, while Cockatrimon gives chase. Though the kids are able to sprint fast enough to stay ahead, the ship steadily gains ground.
(Hey, look at that! Taichi's vindicated; It's a battleship now! Also, shame on every one of these children for neither splitting up nor going perpendicular to its approach; cruiser ships are not famous for turning on a dime.)
They come upon a massive cactus like the one before, but with one key difference.
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Palmon: A giant cactus!? Mimi: Is it another mirage!? Taichi: No! It has a shadow!
This is another detail that gets confused in the dub, as they don't bring up the proof of the cactus's realness.
Mimi: (wailing) OHHHHHH-- LOOK!!! Palmon: The giant cactus is back! Mimi: Oh no, not another mirage! Tai: What were you expecting, an outlet mall!? Matt: Hurry! Get over on the other side!
Tai seems to agree with Mimi that the cactus is a mirage before Matt yells at everyone to take cover anyway? Weird choice, kids. Though a couple scenes later, we find out Mimi still didn't realize it was real, so it works.
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Ship meets cactus. Cactus wins hard, destroying everything above deck on impact and flinging the rest into the sky with with a comical springy sound.
As the ship ascends, Cockatrimon finally achieves the greatest ambition of his life.
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Cockatrimon: I'm at high altitude! I'm flying! I'M FLYING!!!
His vocal delivery makes clear that this is a moment of panic for him. "I'm flying!" is delivered as wishful thinking.
Over in the dub, he similarly freaks out.
Kokatorimon: WAUGH!!! I can fly, I can fly-- Oh, I can't fly! WHOA-OH-OH-OH-OH!!!
Then the black cable attached to the ship. The cable breaking causes a chain explosion, destroying the ship utterly. The explosion consumes Cockatrimon as well, blasting him to dust.
Down on the ground, the kids marvel at the giant cactus that saved their lives.
Mimi: It wasn't a mirage! Palmon: It's a real giant cactus!
Someone wasn't paying attention when Taichi pointed out the shadow.
Dub Mimi's weirdly invested in its size more than anything else.
Mimi: Wow! It's even bigger than a skyscraper! Palmon: You're right! What's a skyscraper, Mimi?
Sadly, the necessary timing to match lip flaps ruins Palmon's joke, as she needed to pause for a beat between her sentences. Good effort, though. B+
As if in response to their presence, a flower blooms on the very top of the cactus. It opens to reveal a colossal stone plate.
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As with the others, the stone resonates with Mimi's Tag, forming into a Crest and sliding into its proper slot. Words cannot do justice to the overwhelming terror and dread on Mimi's face as her Crest manifests.
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Sora: This is what Gennai meant when he said the Tag and Crest naturally light each other up. Mimi: (distraught) I didn't want this... Will I be able to raise Palmon properly? Palmon: Ah... Mi... Mimi....
Her question goes unanswered, and we end the episode with that uncertain and terrifying burden hanging in the air over everyone's shoulders.
The dub did not like this ending. They take an axe to the whole scene.
Sora: He was right! It's just like Gennai said! The Tags and Crests somehow work together, Mimi! Mimi: Huh? It's the Crest of Sincerity! I don't deserve it but if it'll help me take care of Palmon, I'll keep it! Palmon: Awww, thanks, Mimi!
What a happy ending with no nervousness or ambiguity whatsoever! Also, I like how "I didn't want this" became "I don't deserve this"; She would not fucking say that. You've characterized her as a self-important judgmental rich girl. Dub Mimi would absolutely think she deserves anything you can give her.
Also, before I forget: Spoilers, Mimi! We don't know about that yet!
Assessment: Cockatrimon is a delightful antagonist. Amazing punch-clock energy. He's a pitiful loser with an unbelievably game-breaking power. His job is strictly recreational but he just happened upon the kids by chance; With Etemon out-of-contact, now the local Denny's Manager is forced to try and step up and be the Warlord of Doom. And yet he's no less heinous for being pathetic.
Also, that makes two of Etemon's allies that the kids have stone-cold killed. Devimon gave them a taste for blood and now they're taking no prisoners. :P I jest, but this is the start of a recurring background plot detail regarding the 01 kids that will continue through this series and into 02.
I was really nervous because of that Mimi and Numemon scene at the start but thankfully the uncomfortable stuff ended there. Mimi managed to spend half the episode wearing a towel and didn't get harassed once!
This one's dub is complicated. They've gotten really good at figuring out the right jokes to slot in so that they add to a scene's tone rather than detracting. Etemon's musical number slays in the dub, too.
But also, there's a lot going on here and the dub doesn't convey much of it well. Both in terms of the larger plot and the smaller character beats, the dub of this episode feels much more confused, unfocused, and shallow than the original.
Also, the anti-Mimi bias is starting to show its face again; And they've been behaving themselves so much with her lately!
Episode 16 was a phenomenal dub, but while 17 is a mixed bag. It's really good when it's cracking jokes and riffing on the material, and really bad when it's trying to examine the plot and characters.
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
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Mae's POV
The second Braeden parked, my heart stopped beating. I was beyond nervous, how was I gonna survive this trip?
He stepped out of the car smiling, and looked around for a few seconds until his eyes met mine. I thought I was gonna pass out.
“Hey, bubs!” He walked towards me.
“Bubs?” Each and every one of my friends asked confused.
“Y-yeah, that's how he used to call me when we were younger.” I answered, all of them nodded and some, like Minnie, smirked.
“That's so adorable.” I heard Evan whisper, which made both Braeden and I blush. Sooo discreet, Lina.
“Hi, Brae.” I giggled and hugged him, smiling shyly. He laughed as well and felt this strong arms around me. God, I was gonna melt.
He released me from his embrace after a few seconds. I turned around to look at my friends, who still looked confused, maybe cause they didn't know who the tall guy beside me was.
“So, guys. This is Braeden Lemasters, he used to be my childhood best friend until he moved to LA three years ago.” The brunette waved, as well as the others. “B, this is Minnie's boyfriend, Eric, our friends Dorothy, Jeno, HueningKai, Josephine, Blake, Summer, Jaeden, Evan, Louis, and you already know my sisters.”
“Nice to meet you, guys.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” A chorus of voices was heard.
“Okay, now that we're all here we can finally go!” Mimi announced, making all of us cheer. “We're 14, so 7 will go with me and 7 with Mom Mae.”
“Let's go, people!” Maddie clapped her hands and made us move towards the two cars.
“Mom Mae?” Braeden asked amused, trying to hold his laugh.
“Yeah, it's just a nickname my sisters gave me cause I'm like the mom of the group, and a little older than some of our friends.” I made a face. “I'm not a big fan, to be honest.”
“I think it's cute.” I blushed a little. Damn it. “Does that make me Dad Brae?”
“Okay, 1. That's kinda cringy and 2. Hmm, you'll have to earn the nickname.” I said playfully, making him push me gently, causing me to laugh.
“Okay lovebirds, stop flirting and let's gooo.” Kai spoke, which made us blush even harder. “They're gonna leave us if we don't hurry“ Madelaine said next.
I turned to look at the inside of my Jeep and Kai, Maddie, Summer, Jeno and Louis were in the back.
“Where are your girlfriends and boyfriends?” I asked them as soon as I got in my car.
“They abandoned us.” Summer answered. “Well, 1. I abandoned Jae and 2. The only one here that's in a relationship is Jeno. The rest of us are single.” She continued with a 'duh' tone.
“Oh, yeah. I always thought you were with Jaeden.” I spoke while I started the engine and began driving.
“Nop. We're just best friends.“ She said in a sad and lower tone. Despite not liking Minnie, I always had a good relationship with the blonde. Why? To be honest I didn't know. But I was fine with it, she's cool and on very rare occasions she could be sweet.
“Oh. Okay, I'm feeling generous today, so I'll let one of you have the entire control of the aux.” I changed the subject and glanced at the people in the back through the rear-view mirror. They looked at each other, raised their hand and started pushing one another. Savages. “But only if you can tell me... My favorite candy, my favorite song aaand my favorite quote from Friends.”
The car was silent for a moment until I heard Braeden speaking softly.
“I know the first one, it's sour gummy worms.” I felt his eyes on me.
“Y-yeah, you remembered.” I was surprised that he didn't forget it.
“How could I not know? You used to buy like five packages from the cafeteria when we were little and I recall that I gave you a box full of them on your 13th birthday.”
To this day, that is the most thoughtful present anyone's given me.
I didn't respond and just smiled widely, I missed being around him. He was always so nice and caring, two of the things that made me had a crush on him.
While the group in the back thought of their answers, Common Sense by Joshua Bassett was playing in the background. Such a cute song.
Almost as the song was coming to an end, I heard Jeno’s voice.
“I think I know, Mae.” He said but was interrupted by Louis.
“Don't listen to him, pick meee.”
I laughed. “If he doesn't get it right you're next.” The brown haired nodded.
I gestured to Jeno that he could continue. “1. Sour gummy worms, 2. Nobody Gets Me (Like You) by Wallows and 3. "I just gave birth to three children and I will not see them grow up in a world where Joey is right." which was said by Phoebe.”
I loved that quote and Phoebe was one of my favorite characters but that was not the quote I was thinking of.
“You were almost right. The first and second are correct but the third one wasn't.” He made a face. “I'm sorryyyy.” I touched his hair affectionately (when we stopped at a red light, obviously. I'm a responsible driver.)
The next one that tried to guess was Louis, and he had the quote wrong as well.
After him, my sister spoke very confidently, may I add.
“1. Sour gummy worms, 2. Nobody Gets Me (Like You) aaaand 3. "I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"
“Ding, ding, ding! Maddie's the winneeer.” I announced in a presenter's voice. I heard several groans.
“How did you know?” Hyuka asked.
“I know my sister. Chandler is one of her favorite characters and that quote is her motto.”
“It's true. Well done, sis!” I high fived her and passed her the aux.
Seconds later Brooklyn Baby by Lana del Rey started playing, making me smile. Such a bop!
“It just hit me, your favorite song is Nobody Gets Me (Like You)?” The singer asked curiously.
“Yep, ever since I heard it for the first time. I instantly fell in love with it.”
“Aw, you're so sweet.” He put his right hand above his heart.
“Sometimes.” I smiled.
The rest of the journey we talked, laughed and sang, just like the old times.
I was gonna miss moments like these the most.
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Synopsis: In which a group of friends decide to go on a trip together and end up being stuck in a terrifying adventure.
Note: Not my fav chapter but I didn’t know what to change jsjs.
03 ≈⌲ 05
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
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I can just imagine the annoyed look on his face as he saw the ring...
And! This is my comeback work! I've been listening to some K-Asmr, to learn Korean and for my lonely ass.
Pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi (timeskip) x fem reader! (she/her)
Genre: fluff
Warning(s): none!
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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You woke up in a rush, Sakusa forgot to wake you up, and you were running late for work.
Today was his rest day, and he usually sleeps in, a habit that he learned from you.
One that would cost your reputation of being early.
So, after you prepared the breakfast for him, you rushed out of the house, forgetting your ring by the sink.
You're a pretty forgetful and clumsy person, but somehow, you open up your own art therapy clinic.
Sakusa woke up shortly after he heard the door slam after you left.
He realised that he forgot to wake you up too.
When he went to get some breakfast that you left for him, he noticed that you left your ring by the sink.
At first, he was shocked and expected a text that you remind him to keep the ring.
However, hours passed, and after he cleaned the house, no messages or even a call from you.
Now, he's annoyed.
"Omi, I'm home!"
The living room was quiet, and he was not in the kitchen too. You head to the bathroom briefly to wash your hands before heading to the master bedroom to check if he was there.
Of course, he was there, lying in bed and with a severe expression.
"Mimi, I'm home! Why is your expression so dark? Did something happen?" Then he turns and stares at you, up and down.
"Aren't your fingers feeling a little light today?"
Light? You wriggled your fingers around and looked at your own hand.
The ring! It's gone. Did you drop it on the way to your work? It must be!
"Omi...I'm sorry! I didn't mean to lose! Oh my gosh! I'm such a klutz, and that ring was so expensive! This is why I wanted a cheaper ring!" You started crying, and it made Sakusa feel worse.
He only meant to scare you a little, but he didn't realise that you were terrified of losing the ring.
"Baby, come here." You shook your head.
Sakusa sighs and pulls you into his lap, and leans you into his chest.
"You idiot. I was only asking why did you jump to that conclusion? Even if you lose the ring, we can just replace it; I won't even get mad. And besides, you left this by thing sink." He slips the 'missing' ring back to your finger.
You immediately let out a sigh of relief.
"So, stop feeling bad about it, okay? I don't get mad at you that easily."
Oh, no.
"Mimi, don't get mad at me, okay? I did crash something today."
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Hi! Thank you all for waiting, and I'm back! I hope you guys will enjoy the upcoming content I will be releasing and this short and fluffy piece about Omi! I love y'all!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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