#oh right I forgot I wanted to tag spoilers because I do that even tho it’s so unnecessary
cowardlykrow · 1 month
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"That is where you are wrong, my boy!"
@ratb4stard3 and I deliver another Cowardlyghostbro's(™) collab ✨💛
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listener-symphony · 7 months
..what..what going on with marytn?! and martyn what does that mean?! whats he got himself up to here?!
LimL!Pearl: well… um… after winning he became a little… I dunno… power crazy? But it’s all under control now!
LimL!BigB: I’m still worried about Scott.
LimL!Pearl: nothing bad has happened to him yet!
LimL!BigB: YET. It’s only a matter of time before Martyn snaps and, I dunno, eats him or something!
LimL!Pearl: mmm, tasty fish…
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wikiangela · 2 years
911 lone star 4x05
it seems that the season is finally picking up, and this is my fave episode so far 😂
more thoughts and spoilers ahead!
jfc Rob Lowe is so good in comedic roles fr, I think that's why I enjoy Owen now, because he gets funny stuff 😂 that scene was so funny 😂
the boy calling about the math problem was so adorable, and Grace's reaction was even more adorable, she's so fucking cute I can't 😩😍😍 that smile with a nose scrunch??? 😍😍😍😍
"not a math whiz, just a math fan" SAME I love math, I miss it, why did I go study English at uni lmao
we should see more of the 911 dispatchers, like we do in the og - like, I'd love to at least learn like 3 names of something 🙄😂
ngl, I have no memory of this paramedic they're talking about 😂 (also, the music in this scene is kinda loud isn't it? like the drums or whatever? idk, it makes my head hurt lol)
waaait, I knew it was a more Marjan focused episode from the promo, but... someone complained about her to HR???? what the fuck about, she's a delight 😂
oh my god the lady from the mobile home?? over the word "crazy" when Marjan saved her life?? seriously?
we're focusing a lot on Linus, huh - I bet something bad is about to happen (clearly something's wrong with the mom, and I'm anxious waiting to see what haha)
jfc it was one stupid word, that people used to throw around at anything and anyone, jfc I don't wanna be one of those "why are people these days so sensitive" bitches but... she saved you life lady, leave her alone
I love seeing more Marjan but I feel so bad for her
I almost forgot about this dude since the beginning tbh, I'm enjoying this episode a lot haha - no idea what his deal is but it's stressing me out
I am loving getting more of the dispatch - if this is how this season continues, I might change my opinion about it (which is that this season is kinda whatever so far, but maybe just the first four episodes were bc this is good)
I kinda like Marjan and Owen's dynamic, this is fun (pls give me more Owen and TK tho, I miss them, and I'm always a sucker for a father son relationship 😂)
this couple is so ridiculous, jfc, Owen's right, how is that guy not in jail 😂 and they want her to post an apology for calling her "crazy"? and tag their gofundme? lady, you are fucking crazy 😂😂
they're blaming the fire department, aka people who rescued her life, for destroying their home??? that dude fucking took it - oh my god they're insane and it's infuriating but also kinda funny 😂
I love Grace and Judd and I missed them, we barely saw them the last couple of episodes haha (and Charlie is the most adorable baby 😍😍)
thank God for Grace and her instincts about what's happening, and that Judd nudged her to go over there right away
also, Tommy is amazing and I love her and her friendship with Grace
Paul "notices things" - I completely forgot about that because it hasn't been referenced since like s1 - pls give him an actual storyline that includes all aspects of him, including this superpower of his 😂
Paul and Marjan are one of my fave friendships, they're really ride or die's, I just love them (also, I just love the way Paul speaks if that makes sense? I'm weird about voices and cadence and pronunciation idk 😂)
sooo, Asha's sticking around, right? 😂 they wouldn't have her know Paul from way back when if they weren't starting something here right? 😂 I'm not complaining, pls give Paul a storyline, and if it's finally a good love interest, even better haha
I'm sorry, but making such a big deal over the word "crazy" is literally so ridiculous I can't help but laugh
nooo, don't tell me she's really leaving
I'm crying
not Nancy and Mateo being the parent friends 😭😂
like, she's not gone forever is she? I'm sure she'll be back eventually... right?
okay, promo: I am so excited for this bomber storyline, it seems more interesting than the first 4 episodes of the season (like, I loved the Carlos episode - 4x04 but like... eh)
so, I loved this episode, please tell me this is when the season picks up finally, I was finally engaged from the beginning until the end, and enjoyed all of it
I did miss Carlos, and he's my fave character, but also, like I mentioned a lot already, the tarlos storyline so far with Iris etc was so fucking boring and it took a lot of time in those first episodes (and it's crazy I'm even saying that because I always say to give Carlos all the screen time 😂) so it was nice to kinda have a break from them haha and I'm so glad we're over the whole FBI thing
now, I adore Grace and I loved her storyline this eps, it was great and interesting
I feel like Asha's gonna stick around and I'm excited if they're gonna do anything with her and Paul (or just fucking give Paul some more screen time ffs)
I loved that we got more of other dispatchers aside from Grace and please keep it up, I wanna know them like we know Josh and Sue and Linda, for them to be around you know? 😂
and Marjan.... I don't believe she left for good, and I don't wanna believe that, and I get her reasoning, because fuck those people, but also.... this was just so ridiculous, do people really get that offended over the word crazy? I know it's offensive or whatever but since when it's a slur? 😂
anyway, it was a great episode for Marjan, loved seeing her more and her struggle with this whole situation, and her and Owen actually have a great dynamic, wish we'd seen more of that (if they didn't give 90% of screen time to Owen alone 🙄 I like him but sometimes it's like.... there are people who are more interesting that I wanna find out about lol)
genuinely can't wait for the next one, and it's the first time this season I'm actually looking forward to the next episode, I hope it's gonna only get better now haha
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kulemii · 9 months
Lover Pretend Ep. 1 Thoughts & Recap*
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*(not professional by any means. some dialogue may be heavily paraphrased because i think i'm funny and i make my mama laugh*.)
Potential Spoilers Ahead
well, i've met all of the potential love interests and just as i thought from my intial card reading, my interest lies in: eiichirou, riku and yukito. no beef with the other two they just aren't my type! though, i will say, so far i do think that kazuma is a sweetheart. if you haven't read my thoughts on each character from the prologue you can check them out in the kulemiiplaysloverpretend tag.
with that out of the way, i can start rambling about episode 1! so, i wanted to write as i went along but i started super late at night and wound up falling asleep. i probably forgot some shit but i'm gonna try to hit on what stood out to me most, okay? then the rest i'll do as i go along as planned!
this chapter we followed mc and eiichirou asagi to her first day at the studio as an official staff member of "team makino". she introduces herself to two new characters (supporting cast, and actually quite literally supporting cast-- i'll get to that):
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takaya hanai (40)- he's popular for being a supporting actor and never really main cast- crazy but go off king. i'm not shaming. i just thought that was funny thing to specify lmao. so, takaya is HUGE. like, his sprite is larger than everyone else's and if you know anything about me, that's right up my alley. he's super light hearted and playful. he seems like the type to try to keep spirits high and keep a cheery attitude. he's cool. he made a comment about having of money tho. and i'm like, you fine ass hell. don't make me run your pockets old man. as it stands rn, i would be his sugar baby and not care nothing bout it- MOVING ON
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yuzo makino (52)- he's the director everyone's been dickriding since we started playing this game. he's got ALL the accolades apparently. i like his voice. he seems very no nonsense. he's super blunt and to the point with all of his lines. i'll be honest, he sooo.. he seems to be the type to not speak if it's not necessary to do so? because like, there have been times where i deadass forgot he was even IN THE SCENE he was that quiet. he seems to be very professional. he told mc he values her opinion and i thought that was dope because she's literally just a nobody staffer and he doesn't seem to want to treat her like that. perhaps because she's got asagi backing her? go off, sis!
so, now that i've mentioned them, i can tell you about how after meeting these two harumi tiptoes his ass in the room not wanting to speak to anybody and takaya puts him in a headlock for it LMAO. no joke.
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then forces him to introduce himself to mc whilst in said headlock. oh! by the way, i completely forgot to mention, i wasn't sure before if mc was one of eiichirou's students or not- well, mc introduces herself as such. so, if it wasn't confirmed before, it certainly is now 😬
annnnnyway, after the headlock, takaya decides to shove the two kids (harumi and mc) out of the door on their first team makino staff mission: secure snacks.
and girl, tell me why 😭 tell me why mc ass was like "u-um.. snacks?? is that some kinda industry lingo?🤡" and harumi was like, "bruh nah, it's snacks. like snacks. tf ?"
oh but before i get to what happened outside, there was something about harumi i peeped that i wanted to mention! when speaking about his father, he refers to him as "Director Makino". both me and mc was like ???
idk, so, harumi seems kinda weird about his dad. riku also seems to have something going on with his dad? mc doesn't know her father! i'm getting ahead of myself but yukito's father and mother divorced when he was in junior high and his dad left him behind with his mother. idk nothing about eiichirou's or kazuma's dads yet but shit they prolly gone too and hell, my dad's dead! so, i pulled out my whiteboard, ran the numbers (by hand, mind you) and found out that THIS, this is the daddy issues game! COME ONE, COME ALL! lmaooo
where was i? ...oh! right, so, we go to the convienence store or whatever to secure the snacks and harumi and mc have The Most Loser ass interaction. they're so funny. honestly, i think making fun of them is gonna be the highlight of this game for me- if my posts are ever found by someone that likes harumi, sorry babe lmao. so basically it went like this:
H: hey, can i have the drinks?
Mc: what? no. if you're thirsty you should've gotten your own when we were in the store 🙄
H: K.
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MC: *internally* omg, he wanted to CARRY THE BAGS!!!!
MC: *to harumi* earlier, you wanted to carry the bags, didn't you?
H: it doesn't matter anymore! (now carrying the bags)
MC *internally* he's nice and all but he should really work on his communication skills 🤓
GIRL! you should work on your critical thinking skills! lmao why didn't you just ask him what he meant??? why you had to grill his ass about being thirsty??? like damn 😭 wild interaction
right, so, she goes into another store or whatever and i forgot to mention that while they were walking, something apparently caught harumi's eye? so while she was in there, he dips without shooting her a message or anything to let her know where he went. when she comes out she's like ??? and LMAO she had, i think, two assumptions on what might've happened; either 1) he got tired of waiting and went back to the studio without her or 2) saw an elderly person walking (i think with heavy stuff) and went to help them. idk that was funny, like you're IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY why is that your only two options? she just assumed ol' dude is a good samaritan. haha. good for her, though. that's that pure hearted heroine shit, front and center.
well, she was WRONG. poor harumi and is being SWARMED by snakes! lmao, jk, it's worse than that, it's some thirsty bitches from this unofficial fanclub that's like obsessed with him and can't take a hint. they're all in his shit and won't leave him alone. so, mc swoops in to save the day! PRETEND TIME, BABY! if you read my prologue posts, you know, idk how routing works yet, and you also know that i do not have interest in harumi- needless to say, i did not want this to go well. i was just concerned with not giving these girls the impression that harumi and mc were dating.
like, one of them implied that if they were she'd have been STABBED by his fanclub or something???? WHUUUUUT? knifed???😭over HARUMI 👎🏾👎🏾HNNHG!
luckily i managed to pull through and mc got out with the exact amount of holes she came in with. so, she should thank me for that. then, she and harumi walked back in silence-- couldn't have been me though because i would've had QUESTIONS! because um SIR what these bitches mean, i would've been stabbed????
after they return with the snacks, they get down to business- business being looking over the resumes and then we see a couple familiar (beautiful) faces.
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turns ooout, riku actually was an actor on Pretend to Love himself when he was a child alongside his father.
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despite being a model whose only acting experience is limited to comic relief and cameos, yukito has name recognition by way of his father. though, it would seem that his name isn't associated with the cleanest of reputations. they call his dad a philanderer LMAO. guess that apple don't fall too far from the tree. director makino says that they even look alike, which scares me because yukito is hot. so an older version of that must be TO DIE for 🤤. i get stabbed by a fanclub over that. i will say though, although they called his daddy a hoe, they did give him his flowers and say that he was good at what he does and it was a shame he left the industry..
side note: why all the slutty boys gotta be february babies? at least they didn't make it so on the nose that they made his bday valentine's day lmaoo (i'm look at you, jinguuji)
because of the appearance of these two, mc started thinking about her MIA father again. she's not good at hiding it i guess because it got the attention of both asagi and the director. it was at this point that they asked if she was interested in anyone. i was given the choice of riku, yukito, harumi OR "no one in particular". curiosity got the best of me, so i made a save file and then chose that option to see what would happen and then, she wound up thinking of kazuma.
sooo, if i have to guess, this is where it branches off into routes? and where i choose? with that likely assumption being at the forefront, i backtracked and chose riku!
after doing so, hanai mentioned that riku had been trending lately and asagi followed up by saying that of the candidates, riku might've been the most fit option given that the director even knows of him. the meeting is adjourned. everyone goes home. eiichirou and mc have a bit of a moment, i suppose? we get a time skip!
basically, it's the day of the big audition and we get a scene between harumi and mc and i won't go into specifics about what was said because nothing really interesting happened except it does establish that harumi's has opened up more to her which is cool. also, we get this moment:
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when i say, took me out-- it's not funny but like, at the same time, i was not expecting that kinda language here lmao
at some point after this, the camera man starts barking orders for someone to go and grab a tripod for him. harumi offers to do it but he's not very firm (is he ever?) and mc decides to do it herself. while she's out in the hall looking for the tripod she hears a familiar voice. this guy:
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kazuma! and he and mc have a really cute moment~ ya know after he tells her, "damn b, you look like a ghost. you sick or something???" he pulls her to the side and he does her makeup for her. we get some background info- apparently this isn't his first time doing her make up. mc tends to struggle with her finances so, he would practice doing her hair and makeup at "huge" discounts and stuff. mc was being all bashful but listen, if it were me?? i wasn't even into kazuma but with the tone of voice he was using?? i would've folded HAHA i would have 😭i'm sorry bout it. it was too sweet.
nah, i say that but when given the opportunity to respond to the moment, i chose the harsher option because again- routing. annnnnd that somehow turned into mc beating on him?? lmao! she even thought he looked cool but she got embarassed and responded with abuse. sooo, that's a great look. 👍🏾👍🏾 ok, girlie, tsundere much?
ah, a little note, kazuma referred to her as "ueda-senpai" now that they're technically colleagues which i thought was super cute!
then we meet kazuma's actual senpai- she's a baddie. when girls have beauty marks on their face>>>>>>>>>:
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yu kayama (27)- she was kazuma's senior in cosmetology school. she's one of the bosses at their agency and i guess kind of a hotshot? she's super hard on kazuma. she be beating his ass too. he's not getting it easy with the women in his life, i'll tell you that. she's mean af to him but she was really nice to mc. could be because she's a makino staffer but could also be because she's just a kazuma hater? i'll be watching on the sidelines with the shades on to get to the root of this. yu and mc seemed to hit it off really quick though. wanna see more of that. girlfriends when?
after this interaction, mc's break is over and she's sent out on another errand where she runs into none other than~
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mr. yukita seeeeena with his hot girl shades on! mc mistakes him for a salesman of some kind and tries to blow him off but just as she walks away, she realizes that she recognizes him. so she asks for confirmation and he's actually shocked that she knows who he is... this is like the second time he's seemingly shocked about being acknowleged. idk why but that piques my interest, so i'm sticking a pin in that 📌.
anyway, turns out homeboy just wanted directions- not sell her a vase or carpet or whatever she said lmao. her assumptions about people are so funny. yeah, so, conveniently yukito is lost and looking for directions to the studio that mc just so happens to work at! he's on his way to the auditions that are being set up.
okay, so, sidebar-- this part kinda irritated me. so, mc says:
"If I recall correctly, he was on the list of candidates who passed the screening."
and let me tell you why that bothered me: she's been OBSESSING over his father for god knows how long. her heart damn near stopped when she saw his resume that first day and like, sure, i am aware she's been busy- but i find it hard to believe that she wouldn't be keeping a close eye on one of the characters who is so very close to the mystery that been plaguing her since childhood. sorry, not to nitpick and i'm not trying to rag on our girl but that was just a gripe i have to get off my chest. i dont like that. 👎🏾👎🏾hnng.
back to this, so, yukito asks for directions with the promise of some unspoken reward and mc's like, sure, uhhh, don't need whatever that is but i can take you bestie. while they're walking yukito is whining about his manager flaking on him because he got sick and mc is being kinda dry with him- which, girl, ??? you didn't like that when harumi was being cold to you. why are you suddenly incapable of small talk?? didn't like that either.👎🏾👎🏾hnng.. she deduces that yukito is "flippant" all the while gets it going with her staring problem again- this time with him AND THIS TIME, I GET IT! when yukito asks what's up she tells him he has a nice profile and he's like, "uh ya babe lol i know 💅🏻 this is me all day no filter" like...
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he took off his shades and then THIS HAPPENED
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and i'm just telling you right now.. IF IT WERE ME???? I WOULD HAVE FOLDED LIKE A LAWN CHAIR. but that's just me though. i don't got time to be befuddled like this, okay? he looks like he smells like sauvage by dior- i've never smelled that shit but it sounds like it smells like panties around the ankles and manicured hands on the wall, alright??? i want him, right now. LESSGO!
uhhhhh? oh! so she's like, "my guy?? what is you doing??" and he's like, "lol, what's it look like? thanking you, you silly billy 💞 so what'll it be? autograph, handshake and hug sound good for your troubles?"
mc is freaking out internally because he's all up on her and she's not really good with dealing with men. she wanted to slap him but she remembered her job, so she didn't and i was prompted to respond. now, remember: i want this man. so i chose what i thought was the best option for once lmao which was "decline politely"
this confuses yukito and he's like, "waaah? so you don't want none of that? and you know i'm famous? but... you went out of your way to help me? and you kept staring at my face?" (that last part is not me paraphrasing to be funny lmao he actually said that) he thought that because she did all those things she MUST have been a fan.
mc was like, "nah bruh. i was literally JUST doing my job. not personal interest. stop being weird." there was a silence between then yukito burst out laughing and was basically like "damn b, there's a such thing as being too honest but you funny tho. i'll give you that."
after that, it's time for the auditions! oh man, this chapter is long- idk if it's because i keep stopping to update this recap or if this chapter is vastly longer than the prologue was but damn, does it just keep going. i mean, i'm not really complaining. just an observation.
director makino is out btw and from what i took from the conversation, this is going to be a regular occurence. he's just too busy of a man to be on set of his own movie, i suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. so, asagi is heading up the operation with resident supporting cast sexy man takaya hanai assisting by acting or reading along with the auditionees. we get to see little snippets of some randos' auditions all the way up until candidate number 21 which isssss:
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you guessed it and his appearance caused a bit of a stir amongst the panel. can you sayyyy dick riding?
apparently because he's an experienced actor unlike the last 20 candidates so far, director makino has different rules for him and others like him. those rules being that he isn't able to perform his audition with hanai, he must perform with an amateur. with this being the stipulation, hanai looks around the room and who does he choose? none other than:
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that lead us to a riku Pretend Time and the objective was to 'bring out riku's acting prowess' or something like that. listen, i REAAAALLY wanted this to work out. so this was the first pretend time i actually took seriously and what do you know? ya gworl got a 100% complete! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT WAS POSSIBLE! they've only ever said 'success' before lmao. so i guess i was just barely skirting by. his pretend time was soooo good! it had me on the edge of my seat getting to see him in actor mode! he did really well- all thanks to me 💅🏾ofc
after that was number 22, mr. yukito sena sans sunglasses. and chile, when i tell youuuu. the judges started gossiping like bitches omg. they were running their mouths amongst themselves about his father's scandal. saying stuff about how he's only there to generate buzz basically but they're sure the director wouldn't choose him. stuff like that. and i will bust up in that building with a bat. so they better take it easy on that one and treat my pretty baby with some respect before i force feed them metal.
oh, so, you know how i keep mentioning how yukito is a model with limited acting experience? well, it comes up at the audition. remember what i said about experienced actors, right? they perform with an amatuer while inexperienced ones got to have takaya hanai as an audition partner? well, when hanai was setting up to give him the run down, yukito interrupted and suggested his own rules.
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he wanted to audition with mc as well. and everyone's like "uhhh???? you sure you wanna follow riku's performance by doing THAT?" and yukito's like,"lol, well. i know my performance is not gonna match up to his but i'm sure i get more pussy than he does. so it should be fine i guess.😘" and everyone just accepts his logic because picking up girls= acting in Lover Pretend apparently!
don't believe me?
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so then, we get our very own yukito sena Pretend Time! i was super excited for this one and just like riku, i took it very seriously! I EVEN GOT ANOTHER 100% COMPLETE!!! it was so fun- he was a fucking psycho in his audition. he basically began by casually but vaguely talking about meeting mc out in town and then used that as a jumping off point to create a dramatic love confession scene out of it. he stressed her tf OUT! to the rest of the room they were acting, internally, she felt sexually harassed which made me feel bad lowkey because i was eating it up lmaooo. by the end of the scene asagi and hanai were happy with it and the other judges reluctantly gave him his flowers.
after the scene ends, mc is discombulated because she really thought he was trying to humilate her in front of everyone but he really was just acting. i guess he just knew he'd get authentic reactions out of her? yukito delivered some more lines to break my joints and then he returns to his seats and mc is left more confused than ever.
there's yet another scene between mc and harumi where not much happens. i mean, this isn't just my bias speaking. nothing interesting happened. like, asagi sent him out to check on mc and he did then they sat there in mostly silence and he didn't leave when she said he could. aww. great. moving on. oh, i won't be mean. there was a mention of feeling as if he doesn't belong by harumi which i'm sure we'll explore at some point later. so. i guess i lied? something did happen.
in the next scene, mc trips on something in a stairwell- it's a boy! a pretty one at that.
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i was given the choice to or not to wake him. (he talks in his sleep btw) i woke him. they had a little chit chat in which she scolded him for sleeping on the stairs because he could catch a cold. it's a short interaction and honestly the only reason i'm really mentioning it aside from the cg is because mc says that she swears that he glared at her as he walked away despite him being perfectly pleasant while they interacted just before. i thought that was hilarious bc why would he glare? was he mad bc she woke him up or is hiding a secret personality? i'm intrigued! >:D
after all was said and done at work, she and kazuma walk home together and during this time, mc finally confirms what i'd been theorizing was the angle being hinted at here. amongst the LIs might also potentially be her brother.... bro :/ when she was riku's audition partner and she suggestion he play her long lost brother i joked to myself that it was "a little on the nose" but i was really hoping that this was a case where i'd be wrong- nope.
i've really been enjoying this game so far! i really have but now with this, it's kinda making me wanna put it down. granted, it's too soon to tell which direction this is going to go. there's a possibilty that amongst the three candidates, none of the men she's thinking of is her father and it's actually some rando she'll never find and lowkey, that's what i'm hoping for. or, if that's not the case, that whichever of the guys IS her brother, if he is amongst them, the route is entirely platonic turned familial but... i know what kinda game i'm playing. idk man. i'm kinda bummed. i don't like this lol fingers crossed this ends well.
ALL IN ALL: since nothing is for sure and all i can really do is theorize on how things will go and how the writing will handle it, i'm going to try and have hope that things turn around for the better since this was only chapter 1! i mean, up until the wrap up, i was reaaaaaally enjoying myself. i'd been seeing a ton of potential here. so, it bums me out to think that it's something i won't be able to enjoy because it's going in that direction. i wanna give it a chance to prove me wrong.
opinions of certain characters have changed since the prologue. i'm a little more into kazuma than i thought i'd be. idk, that make up scene was precious. i feel bad i got him beat up though. i still find riku attractive but his personality feels very.... fake, to me. it's like he's got this wall up as if he's ON all the time, constantly attempting to keep up a facade of perfection. if that's true, i reaaaally need to see what's behind that. if that's really what he's like, then.. idk. maybe i'll give him more time before i say much. yukito was the star of his chapter for me tho! everything he did had me 🥰 i am ENAMOURED. eiichirou is still attractive to me but i just wish he wasn't mc's professor. who knows maybe i'll make her drop his class or something idk. as far as side characters go, hands down, takaya!!! uogh baby he is just my type! big, burly AND HE'S GOT LONG HAIR? love his personality too. that's one hunka man. my truth? if he were an LI, i might've picked him over eiichirou. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops.
anyway, soooo yeah! those were my thoughts for episode one of lover pretend! this was super fun and hopefully i can keep playing and keep doing these. it's super time consuming but it keeps my mind busy which is just what i need right now. if this manages to find anyone- feel free to share your thoughts on this chapter of the game or the characters or whatever! but please don't spoil the chapters ahead. i don't wanna lose interest.
*she does not make her mother laugh
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
The Lana Shipping Meme!
This is a meme made by @swtor-legacy-sitcom​ who very kindly tagged me to fill it in, thank you! :D This was super fun, I’ve been in a bit of a writing rutt lately so this was a nice way to sort-of dip my toe back into it :P I TOTALLY forgot this was in my drafts and forgot to schedule it to post, I’m soooo sorry it took so long lmao 😳😬
I’m not sure if we’re supposed to tag other people with this one so I’ll just leave a general, open tag here: if you have a Lana ship and want to fill this one out, feel free to yoink the meme and say I tagged you! Yes, I promise I mean you <3
Spoilers for KOTFE/KOTET, and slight spoilers for the Subterfugeverse “version” of said events, will be discussed below, so be aware of that before proceeding! There’s also some midlly nsfw questions so you might wanna skip those if they’re not your thing! :D Under a cut because it’s long, but no trigger warnings need apply.
Is Lana Beniko absolutely done with their shit?
Oh yes, absolutely. Nearly always. At any given time, BUT Lana wouldn’t have it any other way. Saarai may be a reckless, overly-heroic idiot with seemingly no self-preservation, but she’s Lana’s reckless, overly-heroic idiot, ya know :’D
Do they make jokes together?
Fairly often, yes! Theirs is very much a flirty/fond banter type of relationship. Lana tells her she’s insufferable, Saarai rolls her eyes and snarks back, so on. See:
Saarai: Well this was a stupid idea Lana: Considering it was one of yours, I’m not surprised Saarai: Why didn’t you say something? Lana: I did and you did it anyway. And what have we learnt from this? Saarai, quietly: I’m a dumbass and I should listen to you more.... Lana: Good. I still love you, though. Saarai: :’D
Lana, two minutes later: You’re going to do it again, aren’t you? Saarai: Yeah, probably.
as well as that little cutscene “You’d better come back blah blah blah” “Well I have you to rescue me, that’s all I need~” is their default pre-dangerous battle banter :P
Who’s hornier? (who initiates)
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Saarai is definitely hornier, and while she’s not always the one to initiate, she’s definitely the one to ask more often. (if I had to give it a number, prolly something like 65/45 lol) One of these days, Lana’s going to buy a spray bottle /jk
Kinkiest they’ve been?
Not awfully. Saarai’s a biter (Lana likes it, don’t worry 😏) and she loves it when Lana pulls her hair, but other than that, and making use of connections within the Force to heighten the sensations during such activities ;) they’re pretty vanilla
There was a post going around a while back about an alternative to a praise kink that was like, a “reassurance” kink, instead. I can’t find the actual post to link to it and I haven’t pinned down any specifics for them yet but I definitely think that’s a Saarai thing to look into later 😏
Has Lana ever covered up something your OC did as Minister of Intelligence?
In a roundabout way, yes. Technically, Saarai’s entire existence on Rishii. Since, teeechhnically, as far as the Empire’s concerned at that point, Rai’s supposed to be dead. Lana doesn’t know the technicalities of why that is (and Saarai isn’t comfortable telling her, even now), but she knows it’s important, so she does it for her even if she doesn’t know why.
Favorite non sexual downtime activity?
Cuddles! Saarai is a cuddlebug, and while Lana enjoys them she’s definitely not the “if I don’t get cuddled x times a day I can’t go on” type (in my headcanon, ofc, I’m not saying she can never be that way!) but, Saarai’s also very warm and cuddling her is cozy, so it’s something they both enjoy, whether Rai’s the big spoon, or - and this is Rai’s favourite thing ever - Saarai putting her head in Lana’s lap so Lana can play with her hair, it’s something they always do at the end of the day when they’re both done with work.
Mushiest thing Your OC has ever done for Lana?
So, I’m too impatient & lazy to do the actual HK missions in-game, but I know you can technically get another HK unit, so because ✨it’s my fanfic and I get to make the rules✨ Saarai sent Aria (my DS! Jedi Shadow, very good at stealth) back to Zakuul and though it was a bit battered up, she managed to retrieve HK’s processor. They had to get him a new chassis, but Koth and Ty managed to salvage the rest of his “important” bits and they rebuilt HK for her after they settled on Odessen :’3
Most Embarrassed Lana has ever been because of your OC?
In the middle of an important meeting, in front of everyone on the Alliance High Council, including Theron, Senya, Ni’kasi, Vano, etc.
Lana, sarcastically, after they’ve been disagreeing on how to handle a particular matter for ~1 hr: hahaha bite me.
Saarai, dead serious: Okay, where? 😏
Lana was mortified, to say the least XD
That thing that happened that they vow to NEVER speak of?
Saarai’s reaction when they went to Nathema. Rai’s psychometric, and in hindsight she realises putting her hand on that wall as she ducked into the building was a mistake. She was bombarded with flashback after flashback of what had happened on Nathema when it was still Medriaas, the planet where she was born and where most of her family died, it was not a pleasant experience for her and Rai actually collapsed at one stage because it was all too much for her ;w;
Lana had to bring her back around and herd her back on the ship, where Rai had to wait because she just couldn’t go any further, and Lana and Vano had to go on alone. Lana agreed not to tell anyone else about what had happened, because Saarai didn’t want any of them to worry about her, or think she was “weak” because of it.
The Angriest they’ve ever been at each other?
There’s actually two instances that come to mind for this one
1) Koth’s betrayal/stealing of the Gravestone, Lana was pissed at Koth and wanted to take it out on him, Saarai was pissed at the situation and got between them and chewed Lana out for taking it out on him. (Subterfugeverse is kinda complicated, there’s two Commanders calling the shots for different parts of the Alliance, Koth took issue with something Vano did and made the reckless, kinda stupid decision to still steal the Gravestone even tho Saarai didn’t do anything. (also for anyone new to the blog, all three of them are dating, they’re polyam ;)) Lana took it personally, Saarai was more upset that he was upset and didn’t say anything before he did something stupid. Rai and Lana butted heads about how to deal with it, Lana got salty cause she got yelled at, but they ofc fix it later :3)
2) Torian’s death. Saarai had tried to warn Lana what would happen if they split Vette & Torian up during that fight, Lana brushed it off and told Rai to “stop overreacting, it will be fine”. Obviously, it was not fine. Rai was very angry at the result because, I quote, “I WARNED YOU! And you wouldn’t listen to me!” Saarai refused to speak to Lana for a few days after that, it was kinda a rough time for Lana, she’s only seen Rai get that angry a few times, and only once at her so it shook her a bit. 😢
How does both Lana, and your OC initiate the ‘fade to black’ ;)
For Saarai, the “indicator” is usually when her kisses start to become 50/50 between kissing and biting/nibbling. That’s the universal “ok I want to” signal for Rai. Usually very quickly followed by a soft “yes?” or “are you sure?”, either against her skin or into her ear, depending on where she’s kissing at the time; because she’ll always check first, and if Lana says “no”, it’s off, because Lana’s consent is more important than any of her feelings.
For Lana, it’s when she’ll let Rai pick her up and/or usually to pin her to a wall. There’s a decent height difference, Saarai’s 6 ft 3, and I headcanon that while Lana’s not necessarily “short” at around 5 ft 8, she’s considerably smaller than Rai, as well as being more “reserved” with PDA, she’ll hold hands, or kiss her on the cheek etc. in front of other people, but otherwise Lana tries to keep somewhat “professional” while they’re at work. So when she starts climbing her like a tree, Rai knows she’s about to get some. XD
Do they have kids?
Kiiiinddd of? It’s complicated. Saarai has a son, Ty, from a previous relationship. Lana & Koth both sort of step up to help co-parent, but since Sith Purebloods age differently (i.e. they’re adults at ~20ish the same as humans, but after that they’re more like elves and their physical aging slows down, so they’re more long-lived), even though Ty’s very young by Pureblood standards, he’s still 60 years old, so he’s technically older than Lana and it’s kind of awkward for him to actually call her mom even if she kind of acts like one. He accidentally called her “mom” once, it was very awkward for both of them XD
What has been the most protective Lana has ever had of said kid?
I sat and scratched my head for ages trying to think of something to answer this question with, but I’m very sad to say that right now at the time of answering this meme, I don’t have any specific scenes planned out to tell you about! :( But rest assured that Lana absolutely would rush to help Ty if it was ever necessary :D
House pets? Is your Lana a dog person, or Cat person?
Funnily enough, they don’t actually have any pets! I’d like to think of Lana as more of a cat person than a dog person, in my personal opinion. But they have yet to get any pets of their own, maybeee later on, I dunno. Haven’t hit on any solid ideas for them yet, but I feel like if they happened upon a cute kitty they definitely could adopt one at some stage :’3
Do they get freaky on the Alliance Base or in the Shuttles?
They’ve done both, to be honest lol. Thankfully, Saarai’s sneaky enough that they haven’t gotten caught doing it, yet. Thank the Force.
Are their Sparring Matches Flirtatious? Hardcore?
They could go either way, it depends on what kind of mood they’re both in. If Lana’s particularly annoyed (usually not at Rai, but sometimes) then it’s more likely to be a hardcore spar, Rai’s a pretty tough cookie so she’ll often offer to be Lana’s punching bag in order to spare them some repair bills so she doesn’t rip apart the training dummies irrepairably, it’s okay, Rai can take it ;)
But if they’re both in an otherwise good mood and are just sparring for practise sakes, then yes, they often very quickly devolve into flirtacious banter and some of the classics, you know, “okay you win, you can let me go now” “mmm, nah” “I thought we were sparring” “do you want me to stop” “...don’t you dare.” etc. :’D
Class Specific things that play into their relationship?
Saarai’s a Juggernaut, and I headcanon Lana’s probably some sort of Sorcerer, so they tend to fight as such. They cover each other in more ways than one, if you want to get to Lana you have to go through Saarai first (and good luck to you, that woman can take and give a fucking beating lmao). Lana picks off whatever Saarai’s saber misses, usually with Force attacks but sometimes with her saber, too. Saarai takes bullets for Lana so Lana doesn’t have to get hurt. Lana yells at Rai for doing that and then fixes her up with Force healing afterwards, rinse and repeat. :’D
When they do argue, Lana tends to spontaneously manifest Force lightning, Saarai’s used to it and doesn’t bat an eyelid, she knows Lana’s not actually going to throw it at her and she’s more than prepared to dodge any stray bolts that do come her way.
Lana’s the tactician and the ground support, Saarai’s the battering ram/the bigass hammer used to clear space when Lana needs a bit of extra “oomph” (and trust me, they’re usually never far apart. The other one will be there and then you’ll be in trouble lmao)
Describe a time your OC went ‘Full beast mode’ to protect Lana, instead of the other way around?
"Kriff. Koth, what happened?” Three words was all it took, and everything made sense: “They hurt Lana.”
That scene in the Endless Swamps on Zakuul, just before they pull the Gravestone out of it and Lana and the Commander get ambushed. Saarai went with Lana & Koth to break Vano out of carbonite (since Saarai was still on Rishii at the time, she doesn’t get frozen, only Vano) so when they split up, Saarai goes with Koth to look for ship parts while Vano goes with Lana to look for water.
Lana and Vano get ambushed by the Knights/Skytroopers, and Lana’s hand gets busted. It takes Saarai and Koth a little while to rush over there to help them, but when they do
Saarai. Goes. Fucking. Feral. It’s the scariest she’s ever been in front of Lana and Lana will never forget it, they almost didn’t really need Senya’s help for that part, Saarai basically had it covered. I imagine Lana later described it as “kind of hot, but also kind of terrifying, actually”
Saarai’s considered Chaotic Good, so generally speaking if there’s a peaceful, non-violent solution to a problem, she’ll opt for that, but she has a few buttons that you just do not want to push, ever. And hurting her partners is one of those buttons. She will go apeshit and that’s exactly what happened in the swamp lmao
Little things couples do to annoy each other. What does Lana do? What does your OC do?
Saarai likes to wake up early and hide Lana’s kaf mug in increasingly ridiculous places. Once, she even got Koth to help her stick it to the top of the Gravestone’s hull. It took Lana half the morning to find it, Lana was not amused. XD
Saarai and Koth also have an ongoing “terrible puns” contest where they basically see who can annoy Lana with the most ridiculous puns possible, see this post for an example :P Lana wonders where/how they keep coming up with these puns, she really does.
Does Lana get jealous in your headcanon?
Not really! In Subterfugeverse, both Rai and Lana are polyam, so generally speaking, jealousy isn’t a problem for them, and when it is it’s more of a case of “hey. Hey. Hey, I’m not getting enough attention, pay attention to me.” and then it’s usually dealt with and all is well ;)
When Lana meets Anri, the only thing Saarai does is tease her about “when she’s going to make the move”. 😜
Story that is prominent in their relationship?
I was gonna draw a little doodle for this but the poses kept not coming out right so I gave up, sorryyy qAq
I haven’t gotten very far into planning the SoR onwards+ segments of Subterfugeverse, just bits and bobs like this, but I’d say for now the most prominent is probably their first meeting on Rishii. Basically, meet-cute but with a lightsaber involved too hahaha. There was a lot of posturing and flirty subtext right from the get-go with these two, even if Saarai was particularly suspicious at first (see the earlier question about her being technically dead to the Empire). At first, when she noticed Lana tailing Ty (because Lana was extremely confused about why a Pureblood was so far from Sith space ;)), Saarai assumed that something had happened to her twin and the Empire had A) found out she and Ty were still alive and B) Sent Lana to track them down and kill them for good. Several tension-loaded hours later and Lana managed to convince Rai that actually, Ni’kasi was fine and speaking of, she was trying to avoid being killed too so maybe, actually, they could help each other. And that was all she wrote <3
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
You got me into sebaciel FUCK. I started bingeing black butler last night and now I can’t stop. I am curious tho — what partially drew me to start watching it is because I love ships with possessive behavior, which is one of the popular tags of sebaciel. Are there any key parts that you recall in the series where obsession/possessiveness is very apparent? (I’m too early in but I’m assuming it’s directed from Sebastian towards Ciel.) thank youuu ❤️
Oh wow, I'm so happy to hear this! :D I love these two so much, and it always thrills me to have more people join in. Obsession and possessiveness are my two weaknesses, I always seek fiction with them. Your questions are very interesting, but I'm afraid I won't be able to reply without huge spoilers! If you don't mind, keep reading, if you do, better save it for later))
Possessiveness. It's demonstrated both subtly and strongly, and it applies to all areas at once. I will describe just some moments that immediately come to my mind because it's been a while since my complete re-watch.
In E9, Ciel is in danger. Finnie is one second from saving him - he's running toward him and is almost there. Instead of letting him save Ciel, Sebastian carelessly and violently pushes him away and covers Ciel himself (before pulling him closer and staring at him as if he's about to kiss him). He wants to be the one to save him, he sees this as his unique right. A part of it comes from the contract, but in this situation, it's not about it - the "why" will be seen later.
In E10, Abberline rushes after Ciel and reaches out to touch his shoulder because he has a question. Sebastian slaps his hand away and asks him not to touch Ciel. There is really no need for it, Abberline is harmless, so it's about possessiveness.
In Book of Circus, when Ciel is having a panic attack (the moment is also known as asthma scene), Sebastian leans closer to him with a blissed out look on his face and asks him to call him by his name. He loves hearing it from Ciel’s lips (and he loves his agony but that’s another discussion).
The next thing that stands out in my memory is Book of Murder, and the way Sebastian was all weird about Ciel liking Doyle's stories. Granted, several interpretations are possible here. However, Sebastian then makes Ciel undress (case reasons) and wear his coat, and he looks very smug about it. Ciel even asks why he insisted on it and Sebastian just says something like, "Isn't it fortunate how it can cover you whole?" He clearly enjoys Ciel wearing his clothes.
Then there are the last episodes of S1. Sebastian's dislike for Abberline has grown since Abberline bonded with  Ciel a bit. So when Ciel is in danger and Abberline dives to protect him, Sebastian doesn't push him away, like he did with Finnie, and he ignores the contract. Instead, he lets Abberline sustain a mortal blow on Ciel's behalf and die, and then he even gets an ugly grimace and spits that Abberline was a fool. Again, there are several reasons for it, but possessiveness is a big part of it, in my eyes.
The whole S2, Sebastian's possessiveness becomes very textual. For instance, he tells Claude, the other demon, that the mere thought of him touching Ciel makes him (Sebastian)  sick. He repeats how he won't let him touch him. Alois, Claude's master, notes that Sebastian is infatuated with Ciel. Then we have absolutely beautiful moments in E10 of S2, where Claude dresses Ciel and compliments him and  Sebastian is so violently livid that he destroys the entire forest around the house, breaking trees with every touch Claude administers.  When he sees Hannah touching Ciel, he also becomes livid and even gains his demonic form before going and straight-punching  Claude in the face :D
I'm sure there are more tinier things, but I don't recall them right now)
Obsessiveness. Obsession is basically there every episode. It's in how fervently Sebastian treats his duties, the care he takes in dressing Ciel (which is a huge contrast with Claude, who's a more typical demon not interested in his master beyond his soul). How he's genuinely terrified when Ciel is in danger and it doesn't look like his soul is the only thing he worries about. The way he stares at Ciel sometimes - so intense, so admiring, so fond.
From more textual examples: I liked how Sebastian tore into Prince Soma for basically not being Ciel. How he ridiculed his every trait that goes against the traits Ciel possesses.
In E18, when Ciel falls into Sebastian's arms after choosing revenge over freedom, Sebastian is so, so reverent about him, his voice is so tender:
Sebastian: How reckless you are... You always exceed my expectations. As expected from my soul... No, as expected from my Young Master.
When Angela was torturing Sebastian, she was visibly disturbed at the level of his devotion to Ciel. This is a bit of the conversation they have:
Sebastian: Even so, my Young Master is still going. Even if all the game pieces are taken away, the King is left. He'll never admit defeat. My master is that type of a person.
Angela: One day, the real Doomsday will come. On that morning, you'll have as many souls as you want. Just give up that boy.
Sebastian: I refuse. I'm tired of my previous life, only knowing to eat. I only want my Young Master. I don't want anything else besides him.
When Ciel comes close to breaking the contract, Sebastian doesn't attack him like he tried to do in the Book of Atlantic flashback. Instead, he leaves, but he also keeps following him, going as far as secretly leading him to where Ciel wants to go. He then watches Ciel obsessively from the roof. Angela is talking to him, making offers, trying to engage him, but Sebastian just throws a distasteful glance at her and immediately gets back to staring at Ciel.
There are way more moments like this in S1, but this is getting so long that I'll get to S2 now. The entire season is about obsession. Sebastian doesn't kill Ciel just because he doesn't want to. He comes up with stupid excuses that fall under even superficial scrutiny. He plans to help Ciel achieve his revenge for the second time because Ciel lost his memories. Claude calls him out on being utterly obsessed, and Sebastian states how special Ciel is and how he's worth it. Also, Alois' entire wish revolved around hurting Sebastian, and to achieve this, Claude decided to steal Ciel from him.
Sebastian is so upset that Ciel remembers few things that even the entire E2 is called "The Lonely Demon". He's so angry about Claude touching and keeping him that he tries to use Grell as Ciel-substitute a bit, serving and making them tea. At the very end, Sebastian once again finds himself unable to kill Ciel even though he loses every reason to serve him. Technically, the contract still binds them, but we saw that demons can easily kill their masters if they want. Instead, Sebastian is so lost about his own feelings (along with Ciel) that he tries to follow the same rituals, such as pretending he's making tea for Ciel when in fact the cup is empty. He ends up carrying him to Hell with him, even though again, he has every reason to kill him.
There are lots of other nuances and great details. Their relationship is so complex and beautiful, and so much is left in the subtext that I just can't get enough of it. I hope you keep enjoying watching it!
Added: I completely forgot about a few points! When Ciel’s soul is gone and his unconscious body remains, Sebastian keeps putting him in bed, making tea for him, talking to him about his plans, and even reading him books. This is just... amazing, considering who he is))
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
thoughts under cut to keep tag from being cluttered :)
- Oh yeah I forgot that Chad was blackmailing Veronica about the dirty dealings in her company even though it’s not her at all (unless it’s just been so long and I’ve forgotten but she’s my baby and I feel like I would’ve remembered but-
- Hiram and this dumb prison is one of the worst things for this show it’s a constant plot of people escaping and it’s so annoying like sure Hiram owns it and he was in the jail but no one has, like, taken him back to jail…??? Hiram is a fucking disease smh
- “back to remote learning” why didn’t you just stay that way though… like even right now in covid schools are opening back up and kids are complaining because it’s still not safe so like… just… go back to it??? I’m so not built for this world fasdhfkahf
- Veronica and Smithers 🥺🥺💞💞
- the way Veronica hugs Archie is so cute bc she’s so tiny but like she always gives her all and Archie is just 😐 never giving anything ahjfsdfsh it’s quite sad you can tell how done KJ is with Varchie lol
- “I really hate that I’m dragging you through this.” … what about constantly pulling him into your mob boss father mess that the writers refuse to allow you to escape from?
- “until you and Chad are officially done, I think we should keep our distance.” Varchie bones!!! you just KNOW that Archie has been looking forward to this because that man is whole heartedly in love with Betty and has been since forever and that while Chad prolongs the divorce papers, Archie will not be waiting for Veronica considering he doesn’t want her. Varchie = bones we love to see it!
- now who tf would join Penelope Blossom’s ministry… no one, realistically.
- can Cheryl stop being given the craziest and usually most boring plots ever please...
- Not someone holding a gun to Tabitha literally don’t hurt Riverdale’s best girl weirdo
- these bitches really haven’t aged huh…. poor Veronica though being robbed but like they stole some watches or something and the opal like that’s all you take..?? okay-
- Fangs 💞💞💞💞💞 also rip to him having to work with his ex tho
- You know considering the whole reason why Hiram is still here as the villain and ruining Veronica’s life/growth to keep her in his plots al because Mark is a big soap opera celeb and apparently brings in money, you’d assume they would give him GOOD shit instead of everything he’s gotten. If they hadn’t of hired Mark can you imagine how much better off the show would be if they didn’t have to keep him around bc of his status????? God why-
- Reggie’s always there for Veronica muah…. oh fuck me I guess fjasjkdf
- “I work for one Lodge and it’s not you.” lmao okay??? you acting like that’s a flex, and that you’re working for the better Lodge who literally left you to die after the Serpents thought you shot Fangs so-
- MARTY BEING WHY REGGIE IS WORKING FOR HIRAM…….. YOUR DAD IS ABUSIVE LET HIM HANDLE HIS OWN DEBT??? God both Veronica and Reggie are always fucked over when it comes to their parents huh
- don’t you just love when they make characters act ooc for a plot ahhhhhh it’s totally fun to watch and totally not frustratingly annoying
- “FOR OLD TIMES SAKE.” 💞💞💞 we love Veggie even though they made Veronica act ooc and hurt him back then and they weren’t given an actual chance.
- “don’t be such a Betty” now why is Betty so surprised she only ever had fun when she was with Archie, when she’s with Jughead all she did was do what she wanted and order him around so likeefjhakdfh
- “he shouldn’t really be my problem anymore.” BUGHEAD BONES YASSSSS
- I know it was just a sound they used but like that squish sound when Darla kicked Tom’s face… did she like smash his face in damn what is this The Walking Dead?
- see the problem with them randomly bringing characters/parents in when they need them is that they’re never around so like no one really cares… like they could have utilized the parents so much (and Skeet and Marisol never would have left) and it would have been so much better than random appearances that make them look incompetent and awful parents because they’re never there during all the other times their kids need them. but we have to see the two toxic parents that won’t go away constantly??? literally what the fuck
- Betty calling Jughead’s writing cringey wbk she’s never liked his writing she was just stroking his ego bc she was his gf and had to be supportive lmaoo
- why are these 60+ year old men beating up Jughead like for why???
- so they just forgot that Tom was checking in on the convict huh gotta love dumbing down characters for plot!
- Fangs with his switchblade muah
- jealous Tabitha muahhh over a password
- “wait THE BETTY?"
- Cheryl looks so good
- Find meaning in his death… girl didn’t you not care that your husband killed your son over the illegal maple stuff I forgot the plot but it was something illegal and dumb
- “drain the vein” …...
- Reggie helping muah
- Why is Archie acting like an ass? like sure he doesn’t know that Chad is abusive and toxic but c’mon fucker you cheated on her and never apologized and you don’t even wanna be with her in the first place so why are you acting like you’re personally hurt sit down
- God Archie really hates Veronica huh… I don’t even blame him considering the shit she’s brought him into time and time again.
- Jughead was kicked like maybe five times yet he was fine falling out of a two story window and the serpent imitation but now he needs antibiotics..? plot convenience!
- literally don’t remember anything about Doc tbh or him talking to Donna and Bret like—
- ever since Negan people are obsessed with bats with barbed wire.
- also! yes please kill Hiram <3 I know they end up saving him bc of the opal but c'mon
- they searched basically nothing for five seconds wow such great detective work you guys!
- we know you just want his manuscript Jessica
- Cheryl with her rainbow skirt how cute!
- “daddykins” girl you’re like 25
- Veronica acting like she cares about Hiram fjsadhkfhas these guys thinking that they’d kill Hiram even though they need him lol
- bad bitch Ronnie we love her even though she’s gonna have to save her father to save others and get her opal </3
- not Veronica calling Archie first and not Kevin considering Kevin’s dad is there…. this is the pandering va fan service bs we have bc it makes no sense and it’s so forced
- Fangs knowing Archie rides with tools in his truck mmhm that’s a little sus idk how but archiefangs agenda coming through!
- no one would actually believe that Jessica ashkjdfsj and they take this bait…??? you gotta be joking lmao
- Jug got to help doc this time 🥺😭
- …. tell me why when he said boyfriend I immediately thought of Reggie I hate myself for wishing fahsdjkfsafj
- okay as cheesy and corny and awful the fight scene is since they posted a clip of it, them working together is so refreshing and nice we love leader!Veronica bc she’s so good at it. but the show only cares for Betty which is funny since she’s an awful detective fbahsdjfj
- my god enough with Jason’s body!!!!!!!!! you burned his body please let him stay dead let his body rest
- okay but the back and forth from Betty and Jessica is so good like I wish we could get that kind of rivalry drama type stuff all the time. too bad they refuse to let Veronica act like a normal person and get angry at being cheated on and such :/ when will Veronica slap the fuck out of Betty
- he’s not a blameless victim but Betty take responsibility for how awful a person you are PLEASE
- THE VOICEMAILLLLLLL Jughead only speaks the truth! it’s weird that he only realized what we all knew about Betty after but whatever, finally he gets upset like damn. also jeronica crumb he’s the only one to ever include Veronica smh ALSO Cole acted the fuck outta this voice mail muah
- the way Betty just sits there uncaring… she really is a freak huh god when will someone punch her in the face and take her ego down a million notches she’s so annoying
- “that’s darkness.” …?? what?
- the way bh’s relationship parallels jughead’s with Jessica though. the unhealthy habits, the bad energy, etc. except Jessica left it and Betty didn’t and it turned Betty into whatever the fuck this is. I miss s1 Betty :/
- so when will they sue Jessica for drugging them? mmhm probably never
- poor Tabitha being the only one who cares about jughead tho
- oh no I forgot there was a random musical number…
- you’re gonna have Betty and Tabitha act like THAT and not put them together so rude
- when will Cheryl be free from her mom. is was like turned on by abuse or something sigh why do the toxic (and most boring!) parents get plots and screen time and everyone else doesn’t...
- Veronica would be able to do Moree than pepper spray but whatever only Betty is allowed be “badass"
- fangs being fangs ugh so sexy my babyyyyy
- Trevor Stines is so attractive it’s a shame they only bring him back for five seconds to traumatize Cheryl over and over again though </3
- wow varchie in a pop’s booth what season is this again??
- god it’s so upsetting how amazing varchie would have been as just friends…
- the way he smiled at Veronica was so contradicting to the blank, “please don’t” expression when she was telling him she was gonna get divorced as fast as possible. why can’t he just admit he doesn’t want to be with her!!!!!! my god they’ve put off barchie long enough just let them be together so their characters can finally act in character and stop being so awful and annoying
- “this cause” what cause you fucking weirdo
- not Hiram threatening the mayor he could literally be your downfall if we had good writers fjasdkjfasf
- jughead how would you have killed him with a small wooden basket
- I like doc so much but I know we’ll never see him again until we randomly need him seasons from noow
- Betty wasn’t hit by the drugs until after the message though… how would she not remember? it didn’t seem to be doing anything to Betty until the bunker
- hopefully since they’re friends now Tabitha can make Betty act like a decent human being <3
- the way Tabitha looked at Betty please stop doing this to me...
- maybe we can finish that dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jabitha rising bughead dying we love to see it!
wow that episode felt like it was two hours long but thankfully I finally finished it… don’t have many actual thoughts but anyways hope you enjoyed my live blog of my thoughts!
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Okay. My issues & fave things for Frozen 2 - Masterpost.
Spoilers and negativity beyond the cut. But also positivity! Cause I did like some things.
- The Negatives - 
1. I have serious qualms about the notion that Elsa doesn’t feel like she “belongs” in Arendelle. With her sister. And the family they built. The reason for this is simple. Every single piece of canon that has ever been produced by this franchise has said otherwise. They were separated 10 years (ish). They never wanted to be apart again. As recently as TWO YEARS ago (probably not that long in the movie timeline) Disney produced a short emphasizing their built family, and how home is wherever Anna is. Olaf gets lost in the woods, the wilderness, and they have to go find him because they all belong together. Elsa shows literally no interest in the woods nor being in the wilderness. She then proceeds to sing “When We’re Together” with Anna, and sings this TO Anna:
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It frankly feels to me like they forgot what this franchise was all about and the foundations that they have been building it on. Elsa and Anna. Together. The way they have written these characters, to me, is not convincing that they would EVER wish to separate. 
You can argue to me that “Elsa isn’t that far away”. Yes, that is true. She could ice luge down the hill and see Anna and the fam. But you know what else wasn’t that far away? Elsa’s room. Separate is separate. Living with someone with no shut doors and not living with someone but visiting sometimes is not the same. And the characters have stated several times across four releases of visual media and COUNTLESS Disney produced merch that they do not wish to separate. Ever. It’s not just how it has been written.
Now,  I can understand the idea that they were trying to communicate that Elsa was feeling unfulfilled, but it is 100% contradictory with every other piece of literature about this story they have put out, so to me, it made no sense character arc wise. It  was too sudden for it to come up right now, rushed in an opening song for the final movie. Olaf’s Frozen Adventure didn’t come out that long ago, so to me this feels like a complete 180. 
Perhaps what they were trying to say in this movie is that if Elsa didn’t leave, Anna would never allow herself to have a fucking life. You can see this possibly in the scene where Anna leaves with Kristoff without saying anything, and trying to insist on coming with Elsa even if it’s pretty clear she would be in serious danger. You can also see this a bit in the lyrics to “The Next Right Thing”:
“I follow you around I always have But you've gone to a place I cannot find”
“I don't know anymore what is true I can't find my direction, I'm all alone The only star that guided me was you How to rise from the floor When it's not you I'm rising for?” 
Anna does put Elsa before anyone and anything else, even herself. But if THAT is what they are trying to say, they are basically saying Anna and Elsa’s relationship is and has been toxic, or having toxic qualities, and that’s really saying fucked up shit about the whole franchise. Especially because there are so many fans out there who really connected with that aspect of Frozen.
2. I am, quite frankly, really TIRED of the trope that powerful magical women *can’t* be queens. Because they don’t “belong”, because they are “out of touch”, because they need to leave, they need to die (*cough* Daenerys Targaryen), or that they were “mad” or not good for society. That their strength is too much for them to be in society or be a queen. I think it’s quite empowering that Elsa feels free, but I do not like the concept that she couldn’t feel free and be a good queen. That she abdicated and basically rolled out, extremely rushed and in a moment where a lot was already happening. It’s like her being queen in the first place wasn’t even important. And no, she is NOT queen of the Northumbra (I will go into this assertion in my next bulletpoint).  You aren't just automatically queen of something when you aren't coronated or acknowledged by who you are ruling as such in any fashion.  I highly doubt the Native population would make some white girl they just met their queen. Elsa stepped down, and she is now a liaison between the enchanted forest and Arendelle. She’s an ambassador, and Anna is now Queen. Which, if we took the implications out of it, would be fine. I don’t dislike Anna. She’s grown so much, she’d be a wonderful queen. I just think Elsa should still be queen. Elsa can still be a liaison between the realms. Who better to be queen than a woman who is a liaison and has the interests of Arendelle, the Enchanted Forest, and the elements? You can tell me “She didn’t want to be Queen!” as much as you want, but lets get really into the facts here. She suddenly “didn’t want to be queen” because she was written that way. It could have been written differently and would have been in character.
It bothered me so much that Disney Parks thought it was a good idea for the face characters in the parks to come out in the final outfits literally ONE DAY before the movie came out. I had this plot aspect spoiled to me (and I’m not in the spoiler culture but that was a really big plot point to spoil so lets get real here, I’m allowed to be upset) because people posted pictures of Anna in her crown with the tags # Queen Anna, before the movie was even released. I immediately didn’t like it, but I wanted to try and stay positive that it would be convincing, but it honestly just continued to rub me wrong. It feels like they were trying to get cheap “YAS KWEEN” moments for both the Elsa fandom and the Anna fandom, and I felt like it was empty and unnecessary. Anna is a badass regardless. She didn’t need that for a “YAS KWEEN” moment. She has quite a few incredible, powerful, and strong AF moments. I  love her without that.
3. I mentioned in point 2 that “Elsa is not queen of the Northumbra.” The reason I mentioned that is because a friend of mine thought that and was confused. Which brings me to my 3rd point. The mythology and plot that they constructed for this movie was extremely confusing, didn’t explain enough, and had too many plot-holes. That friend and a few of the people she saw the movie with thought Queen Iduna was Queen of the Northumbra. She wasn’t. Another thought she had wind powers. She doesn’t. She was just playing in the wind elemental when Agnarr saw her.
Some more questions:
Did literally none of the Northumbra know their chief was murdered?! Why wasn’t that ever brought up if they did now, and if they didn’t, why didn’t they remember? 
How did the kingdom of Arendelle not realize what sea Queen Iduna and King Agnarr were sailing to? Why would this have never come up before? Oh, Anna and Elsa, your parents were on the way to Rapunzel’s wedding or Tarzan world, but then turned around and set sail on this completely separate, very dangerous sea and we never told you. This, to me, is why the movie was poorly written, no one has any fucking idea what actually happened in some scenes.
4. Speaking of Queen Iduna, if she is Northumbra, and she is used to being around elemental magic ALL THE TIME, why did she react to Elsa’s powers at first the way she did? Why did she interpret the troll’s advice the way she did? WHy did she support and enable Elsa’s father shutting her up and away when she know’s first hand the elementals were good and what those powers could do? 
And like the whole movie was supposed to be why Elsa had magic and I still have no idea. That was not explained well. She's the 5th element? Ice isn't an element. Ice is water. If she’s an element, is she going to die? Or when Anna dies is she going to live forever as an elemental-human hybrid wandering the woods sobbing like Arwen Undomiel was cautioned of? Is it was because her mom saved her dad, linking the two nations? Her good deed gave her power? Like Harry Potter? Okay, but why ice specifically. Anna said that Elsa was “the last piece”. But of what? Of the elements? Again, ice isn’t an element. Ice is water. Water was covered. Was it because she had to right the wrong of the grandfather building the dam and killing the chief of Northumbra? But Anna destroyed the dam with the elementals. Was it so she could find out the truth about what happened? She could have done that without ice powers. Why was it ice? What was the significance of the cave Alhalla (Alhambra?)? Why could she only find out the answers there? Why are we supposed to believe Elsa wants to routinely hang out in a secluded ice cave that is a huge downgrade from her awesome ice castle instead of being with her sister? Is it cause her mother is there? Who is family? So why can’t she lie with Anna, her other family, and visit the cave when she wishes?
The concept of elements and Elsa having some sort of relationship to it, the IDEA is so good, I just was seriously disappointed in how it was executed. I think the only explanation we have here is: “the spirits gave her her powers to unite everyone." And that wasn’t enough for me. WHY ICE THO. 5. I did not, at all, in any way, like when Elsa saw that memory of her singing “Let It Go” and was like, embarrassed of it? Like, “Oh my godddd I did that, how EMBARRASSING....”......That moment means so much to a lot of people, and I felt like that was really OOC and kinda disrespectful. That song is an anthem for people with mental issues and people in the LGBTQ community and it just felt wrong to me. Did NOT like that.
6. I really really wish that Anna x Kristoff AND Anna x Elsa had a longer duet than what was in “Some Things Never Change” and the lullaby reprise. Their voices together are BEAUTIFUL. I think it a missed opportunity, especially when reunited with Elsa and Kristoff. Anna could have had a brief duet with Elsa, and then with Kristoff when he proposes, and then they all sing together for a finale into Anna’s coronation. I am aware there is a duet with Anna and Kristoff in the Delue edition but the version is pretty rough and, it didn’t make it into the film so I’m not counting it.
- The Positives - 
1. The character development. I must confess that I was not a Frozen fan when it first came out. I think I saw it, wasn’t too impressed, then went to Walt Disney World in December 2014, became so over-saturated with Frozen fever literally taking over EVERYTHING, that I became annoyed and resistant. I did re-watch it several times months later to try and get back on board, but I always felt like the plot in the middle was weak, meandered with no purpose, and the whole “Anna wasn’t saved by a man” (which she was. She wouldn’t have gotten to Elsa at all without Kristoff. She would have died in the snow) was less powerful because everyone was acting like Brave didn’t happen. Like it was the first movie to have someone saved by true love through someone other than a love interest. But I’m not re-visiting that shit, I just wanna enjoy Frozen for what it is and gave me positively, which is what I’m gonna do with Frozen 2 when I cathartically post this. The reason I’m going into this is because, I wasn’t expecting strong writing with the plot of Frozen 2, because of the precedent set. But I was SO excited, so HYPE, I literally went day after opening. One thing  I WAS expecting the themes to remain true to the franchise, but we won’t discuss that again. I grew to love Elsa deeply through my own struggle with mental illness (anxiety, depression, adhd). Apparently I have a lot in common with her too. Consuming her in other forms (Frozen on Broadway, Once Upon a Time, meeting her in the Parks) deepened her character and made her more understandable. And Anna. OOF. Was not a fan at all. But I LOVE her now too.  And in this movie. WOW. They were so amazing and rich, and brave, badass, strong, flawed, relatable, and the GROWTH. The way they reacted to things, even if I didn’t like most plot points, was done so well. It really felt like them even though a huge growth jump happened. I could see how they got from A to B. The character writing (other than the things mentioned earlier) was very strong and I’m proud to say I love them so much more after this movie.
2. The music. I have never particularly liked Idina’s voice but she sounds SO amazing, unique, memorable, emotional, vulnerable, and open in both of her songs. 
“Show Me” is personally my favorite, and that whole sequence was just fucking breath-taking, the message so special. Seeing her break down all her walls during that song journey was one of the best parts of the movie. I’ve been dealing with A LOT lately, and this song really just made me feel like things might work out if I continue to be strong and believe in myself, if only for a few minutes.
“Into the Unknown” was such a great tease as being the best Elsa song, and I love that they added that wacky Norwegian singer Aurora in there. I just didn’t particularly like some of the lyrics about Elsa feeling like she didn’t belong. Explained above. 
Olaf’s “This is Fine” song had me smiling so big and is quite literally an eternal mood. *insert Brooklyn 99 “I’m such a Samantha”.gif* “Some Things Never Change” was a great intro song, I love when the 4 get to duet together, though some of Elsa’s lyrics, again, not a fan. 
Anna’s song, despite the things mentioned above, was honestly the most powerful song to me. It’s not something that makes me feel good, or something I will be able to listen to often. But, as someone who struggles with depression and finding the motivation to do anything when something scary or terrible happens, this song was so sososososoosososoososo fucking important to hear. I was crying. I started crying when Olaf poofed and I kept crying through this song.
But by far, the greatest part of this movie, was Kristoff’s 90′s Poison-inspired power ballad. I was fucking CRYING with laughter. SO so good. I have been waiting for a song for Jonathan Groff and this was NOT a disappointment. The backup singers. The imagery! THE BACKUP SINGERS.
3. The beauty. It was just beautiful. Like I don’t know what else to say. The animation was gorgeous. Stunning. I’m in awe.
Other things:
- Olaf giving the recap to the Northumbra
- THAT scene with Anna and Olaf
- Elsa’s hair journey
-  When Kristoff finally proposes
- The fact that Elsa’s sexuality was left open ended, with the possibility for Elsamaren to be a thing. If they couldn’t outright make her gay, I think this was a good way to keep everyone happy. You could really continue her story anywhere.
Like I said earlier, I’m gonna get over this super fast. It’s Disney, and I’m not trying to get all riled up for months like I did over some TRULY terrible writing. I just wanted to get my annoyances out. I’ve already listened to this soundtrack 6 times in a row, have learned the lyrics to show yourself, and am almost in the mood to see it again. Maybe in a little bit.
Anyways, THAT IS ALL OF IT FOR NOW. I may add more BS later. If  you disagree, that’s fine, but I’m not really going to fight with people about this. I just wanted to get my thoughts out and reach out to other people who were maybe a little disappointed.
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elriell · 4 years
Do you ship SQ now?
I am so sorry I have no clue when this was sent as my ask box is awful at notifying me but I think I checked about… idk a week ago? So hopefully you haven’t been waiting too long. 
There is a long and a short answer, short is yes. and i have been a multi shipper for a few years now (even tho i haven’t been on tumblr in ages prior) I even made a post about it WAY back when which you may have missed, So I will copy and paste it below (bare in mind this was written years ago when I first sort of began multi-shipping) but it still relates to this day for those who might be confused as I was a 100% CS shipper back in the day, they are still my OTP for the record! 
I just started enjoying other areas of the fandom too. If you dont care for the long answer no worries I’ll leave it under the (read more) bar and just ignore it, but if you do want to know a little about my experience and feeling with all the toxicity within the f OUAT fandom back then, then go ahead and give it whirl and come back and we can chat
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Hellooooo. *blows out breath* Where to begin…
I made a post months ago about fandom negativity and how over time it got to me, I’m going to copy parts of it over here and add some more, newer thoughts since that post…And hopefully if you have the patience to sit through it you’ll understand a little better by the end.
I am a Captain Swan shipper (along with many other ships), I have been a member of the CS family for years and have loved it, I have made so many lifelong friends that I talk to outside of tumblr daily, however, there is something I have been…struggling, for lack of a better word, with for a little while.
Negativity. Fandom negativity to be specific.
(I also want to preface this by saying I am not calling anyone out at all, people who are discussing and standing up for their characters and/or actors. People who are having debates, wording discussions in way I never could articulate so beautifully, are awesome. I enjoy these posts and reblog them often. This is not directed anyone in the slightest.)
But there has been a lot of negativity surrounding certain areas of the fandom, there is no reason to beat around the bush, I am talking about anti-sq/anti-regina stuff. I see it on my dash from a few shippers, I see it in the “OUAT Spoilers” tag and on twitter and everywhere. There is literally this dark energy everywhere. This hostile feeling, and maybe I am the only who feels it but I am just going to honest and straight up say, it got to me.
It crept up in a way I can’t even explain…
I am the biggest believer in ship and let ship, shipping is supposed to be fun! It shouldn’t matter what is canon and what’s not, it’s about enjoying characters that you think have potential. It’s about discussing it with your friends and making fanart, and just enjoying. And yet at some point during my time in the fandom something in me changed.
I let the bad apples get to me, I let the hateful people get to me and twist my views on an entire fandom. When I thought of the Swan Queen fandom all I saw was the bad, and became so bad that I’d see a gifset or anything in relation to them and feel physically ill. Like a pit in my stomach, like a uncomfortable twist every time they came up.
I realise this sounds melodramatic, I mean how can seeing a gifset actually cause such a strong reaction? Such strong negative emotions… I suppose it was the accumulation of so much anger and bitterness towards the bad apples  (and also seeing my dash constantly with negativity, it is like being in a bubble) that I forgot that they aren’t a entire fandom, that I became hyper sensitive to everything surrounding SQ. It was confusing, I absolutely love ships between women, if anything 8/10 i prefer them, being a bisexual women i’ve learned take/appreciate representation where we can get it or possibly get it. [sidenote: it f* sucks that there isn’t more out there and i could rant about that for daaays] but anyways in this one show something just didn’t click originally.
I get so upset when I see posts about how the CS fandom is the most hateful fandom because there are so many amazing people who have become my family and who literally are like literal sunshine and I think to myself “How can you (sq’rs) judge a entire fandom by a handful of bad?”
But then I know what you’re now thinking… Isn’t that what you’ve been doing, Morgan? Yes, yes it is.
I don’t want to argue about which fandom has done the most wrong, or which is more guilty of hate, I just want to move forward. I want to watch the show again and have fun doing so. I want to watch OUAT and not feel annoyed every time Regina is on screen with Emma (because there is no reason for it). I want to watch OUAT with a lighter heart, like I use too back in season 3.
“I don’t know how, but I’ve simply decided to let go of all my hostile emotions, lets call it my new years resolution. At the very least I am trying to and you know what, I think I am getting somewhere good, I felt a lot better lately, my mood is up. You might have noticed a slight increase of Regina on my blog, I saw a gif of Regina looking at Emma (from 4x12) and thought “oh, you know I can see what you mean about the way she looks at her sometimes…” (tbh she looks at a lot of folks that way), it’s simply Lana’s acting.  But my point is, that physical negative reaction is gone.
And I am so fucking happy about that.”
-A quote from my months old post
That feeling has only gotten better and stronger in the months ahead, I have followed a few multi shippers and begun to interact outside of my usual circles, and its going good. There are always days were anti’s irritate me but I think that is normal, overall I am happier.
I am so sorry if this feels fake to some of my friends on tumblr, who I have openly talked negatively about characters/ships with, I don’t take back my beliefs on  some of their actions or our discussions, I’ve simply chosen to try and move past it. And look at it from a wider lens…
I don’t know if I have properly articulated myself during this post but I really just wanted to get this out in the open because I love and adore the CS fandom but I also want to open up a little more, I know that although I few of my friends on here wont agree with my opinions on trying to be more regina/sq friendly I am sure you’ll support me because you always have, and thats what friendship is.
HOWEVER, back to the main purpose of this swan-queeen side-blog I understand and acknowledge that this is my change, and my choice. A lot of people don’t have to follow me in it and don’t want it on their dash, I have a little under 5k on my main and I know that they followed for a specific set of content. With that in mind I am putting this kind of content on a separate platform, if you want to join me I’d love that, if not I understand everyone has a right to their feelings/opinions.
Anyways I have so much more to say but I’ll stop here or you will be falling asleep, I am always here to chat and discuss things so feel free to hit up my ask/messenger/etc…
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anahera-sdm · 5 years
Hotel Del Luna (2019) Thoughts
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Warning: will contain spoilers. I suggest you watch the drama first to relate with what I’m talking about because it will be messy.
Disclaimer: Everything written only reflects my own thoughts. There’s a possibility of incoherence. Forgive me, sometimes my brain is all over the place.
Ever since IU was announced as a main lead for this drama, I have been looking forward to it. I have enjoyed IU’s other dramas especially her most recent one in Netflix - Persona. Yeo Jin goo is an actor I like but the last drama of his that I was able to finish (and barely at that) was Orange Marmalade (2015). I couldn’t get into his next dramas after that and ended up dropping them. 
After seeing the plot and the fantasy tag (I always have a soft spot for fantasy dramas), as much as I enjoyed and looked forward to new episodes of its predecessor, Arthdal Chronicles, I also could not wait for it to start. 
Additional warning: Everything is all over the place and this is going to be a lengthy post. I wrote everything that I wanted to talk about right after watching the subbed version of the last episode but there is no proper structure. I apologise in advance if you decide to read everything.
I don’t even know where I should start. The Hong Sisters really did well with this drama - the years spent on it was worth it. That ending was, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I was so satisfied even though they didn’t spend much time together in this life. I was expecting a bittersweet ending when the drama started anyway. I loved the ending and that reincarnation scene (although it is not definite but just an ‘eventually, it will end up that way’ scene) was everything to me. I don’t know why but I loved how they didn’t try to extend Man Wol’s time with Chan Seong (example, releasing her from the hotel and making her human again). It was enough for me because Man Wol also spent enough time suffering. Her time with Chan Seong, although brief, was good enough because she experienced the love she needed and she gets sent off full of it.  
That twist at the end though, how Chan Seong was chosen by Mago - I’m crying. Chan Seong was definitely a reincarnation of someone from her past. They were actually acquainted during Man Wol’s childhood - and he was the one who introduced her to the guesthouse of the moon. 
So now, let’s go to the other parts I really wanna talk about.
One of the reasons why I got hooked and invested with Hotel Del Luna was the fact the way they executed the comical elements despite the horror and drama tags. Additionally, the music and the CGI were really well done. The soundtrack really gets me.
The other reasons, well, IU can really pull off Jang Man Wol - a protagonist who can be ruthless, has a slightly bitchy attitude, crooked (but her actions can be justified) and holds a deep resentment. Yet, she has her cute sides too; all the Kim Joon Hyun moments were a sight to see (her obsession for the restaurants he’s been to, enjoyed it! Later we find out her obsession to find good restaurants were actually influenced by Chan Seong who went to the past! Mind blown!). And her fighting scenes were so cool. IU’s eyes are really expressive in my eyes - 
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I love how despite being crude in her ways when it comes to dealing with the grudges of the souls she’s helping, there is an underlying meaning to it - example, Hyun Joong being able to graduate because of the money donated by his friend. And, I can’t blame her for loving money and wealth. After all, that was what she didn’t have when she was living. I have to add that one of the things I look forward to every episode was IU’s outfit changes. She looks so good in everything! [I actually couldn’t stop myself from buying some of the stuff she wore. Hold your horses, I can only afford the cheap ones like the earrings and hair clips from Get Me Bling that she wore. And I wanna do a face palm because I accidentally bought 2 sets for one of her earrings so now I’m like, what do I do with this?]
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The bickering between the leads together with that comical/mischievous soundtrack, pure gold. It’s easily one of my favourite moments. It’s just really funny how sometimes Jang Man Wol is left without words because Chan Seong is right.
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The more I watch this gif tho, it starts to look weirder to look at so don't watch it more than 10 times.
I also like how they dealt with Man Wol’s back story - not giving the viewers everything in just one episode. Instead, it was spliced and distributed nicely throughout. Oh but gods, I was a wreck when everything was laid down - Chung Myung’s sacrifice... I just can’t. And how he was with her as a firefly since the beginning... My heart... I actually forgot that scene from the beginning until they showed it again. I though it was just an artistic shot. I actually wanted Man Wol to go with him to the afterlife when it was finally time for him to go. When she escorted him, I wanted her to walk with him during that moment. But at the same time, I can see that there was only a one-sided love left between them because Man Wol spent so many years resenting him that there was no love left. When she finally learned the truth, the only thing left in her was forgiveness and that was the only thing she can offer. The CGI on the bridge to the afterlife though, the aesthetic, props to the CGI team.
Can I just talk about how the actor grew on me? Like, omg, I’m now looking forward to any drama he’s going to be on. [Note: I have since seen him in a new drama, The Great Show (I was watching it because of Lee Sunbin (one of my favourite actresses)) and he’s the teen version of the male lead! I screamed when I saw him.] I should check him out on his previous dramas but when I saw the list of dramas, I don’t think I’ll get into them yet.
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Help my heart, their story is so sad.
Helping Kim Seonbi /Kim Si Ik solve his grudge was really fun to watch. And the ‘fact’ that he was the writer of those stories almost all Koreans know, what a twist. Man Wol really cared for him despite not showing it to him - how she tried to find a way to solve his grudge and how she cried after he finally left. 
Choi Seo hee’s story was an unfortunate one but it added more flavour to the already flavourful drama. Those who value family ties or still have crooked views when it comes to family lineage will resonate with her story and perhaps have a change of heart.
Hyun Joong; I love how they gave more depth to his story. That it was not only because of his sister that he was staying as a hotel staff but deep inside there was a resentment. When they wrapped his story up, all I can do was to smile wistfully. His story arc with Yuna was a great addition despite their bittersweet goodbye.
The Sanchez story arc; I... I... He was such a fun character and a good friend to Chan Seong. I sincerely thought they were going to get rid of his character when he went overseas to oversee the funeral of his girlfriend. But we got him back and see another side to him - a rather relatable side where if one loses a loved one, they would find ways to reconnect or hold on to any sliver of hope that they’ll be able to once more be able to talk to them or give them something. Probably, not making sense anymore, but if you’ve lost a loved one before, you’ll get what I'm talking about. After finally getting over it, well, he was not the same Sanchez after that but there was growth in his character.
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Mira and Young soo. A twist of fate, these two. Enemies in the past life but became lovers in their current life. Their bitter fates became sweeter this time around. I can't entirely hate on Mira’s past life because her next lives were spent repenting (although it wasn’t shown). Her currently life was finally rewarded, if you can call being with Young soo in her current life a reward. I kept on thinking Mira was just like Chan Seong (not a rich person) but I was so surprised to learn her parents were kimchi factory owners and that Young Soo ate those kimchi since young. 
Mago - easily my favourite character. Wait, characters. Because of how many personalities/sisters she has. Really have to give mad props to the actress. She is just so good. Probably my favourite sister has to be the pink sister and then the eldest. It was so funny when they were having a meeting discussing about the new hotel owner and mentioned the ‘poor’ sister still stuck in Joseon dynasty.
Ah, the cameos in this drama. I can’t not cover that.The amount of cameo is just, whoa! This drama is so rich with it. Some really memorable ones to me are: Kim Won hae (as a corrupt mayor), Lee Joon Gi (as an exorcist; Park Il Do hahah, The Guest feels (I ought to make a post on my thoughts about this drama soon); can’t forget the Scarlet Heart feels too), Lee Si Eon (as an astronaut; I couldn't help laugh at the scene), Lee Yi-kyung (as an actor who can’t really act; Waikiki feels!), Kim Joon Hyun (as himself; I screamed because the first few scenes didn't show his face), Park Jin Joo (as an imaginary spirit), Sulli (as the granddaughter of Chairman Wang), Nam Da reum(as a water deity; I really don’t like the fact he’s younger than me; kidding. He’s a talented kid.) Hwang Young Hee (as IU’s previous manager; she’s a really good actress) and Kim Soo Hyun (as the new owner of the hotel; He renamed it Hotel Blue Moon. I’m telling you, I hyperventilated when his scene came. Such a good way to end the drama - at least for me. Hotel Blue Moon as a drama please!)
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For the last episode, I wanted to watch it during the actual broadcast time but I actually calculated the time wrongly (thinking I'm 4 hours ahead but actually just 3 hours; good thing I checked the site). I missed the first 25 mins of the actual broadcast. But I eventually re-watched it with subs and came to write this post). I can only understand roughly 80-85% of the dialogue for the raw version but even then, I was bawling - all the goodbyes; it was so sad but so satisfying at the same time because they were sent off really well. From Kim Seonbi’s to Choi Seohee’s. Painful to see the goodbyes but also very heartwarming; how they finally come to resolve their resentments, came to realizations and tied up loose ends - it was so beautiful. The relationship between the Hotel crew was just so precious - Jang Man Wol crying as she realises how she’ll miss them. Feels. Feels. Feels. 
Overall, I learned so many things in this drama and came to certain realisations such as treasuring the time you have with others, don’t take it for granted. One day, when the time to say goodbye comes, you won’t regret anything. Also, even the people who did bad things in their life can have the chance to live a better one in the next once they have paid for those wrongdoings.
This drama was a perfect blend of comedy, drama, horror, fantasy, romance. In terms of food, it satisfied my cravings. Watching this drama was one of the best things that I did this year. As much as I want to talk more about this drama and cover more areas, I should stop here. All in all, I would say, I really loved this drama. I’ll definitely go back to watching this when I have nothing else to watch. P.S. I ought to make a Jang Man Wol inspired look but when I tried, I failed. 
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I’ll miss you, Jang Man Wol-ssi.
Rating: 10 / 10
Re-watch value : 10 / 10
Soundtrack : 10 / 10
7 notes · View notes
esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 1)
Me: okay but I don’t remember the back half of WoR, I should really, really finish the reread before starting... Also me: okay, buuuuuuuuuuut................what if I just..............start
[insert evilkermit.jpeg here]
There are a few relevant points of information:
Tags: Megan reads OB and Oathbringer spoilers. (I’ll also have housekeepers on there, like Brandon Sanderson, Stormlight Archive, and Oathbringer, but those first two are the important ones.)
Everything will be under a readmore.
Above the readmore will be the page numbers covered in that liveblog, so you’ll know how far I’ve gotten (and that way, if you’ve read that far you’ll be okay to read the lb).
There's…going to be a lot of swearing? I have learned that I have no control over my language when I get overly emotional and I feel like I’m going to spend a lot of this book overly emotional. I would like to apologize in advance, and while I promise to try to keep my swearing to a minimum, there might be more than a few bad words.
Shameless self-promotion for the previous two liveblogs: WoK and WoR.
I’m pretty sure that’s all the important bits. Enjoy!!
Part One encompasses pages 1-90 (subsequent parts)
*screams quietly into the ether forever*
hoooolly shiiiiiiiittt: Eshonai
Please tell me this means we’ll finally learn why the Parshendi killed Gavilar.......
SHE’S SO EXCITED I’M SO SAD I hate knowing what’s happened to her
...the Parshendi...didn’t know about the parshmen? what? the heck?
I’m....baby Esh is so excitable and curious and I.. love her. and I’m so. so sad. that she loses this.
“an indoor privy with running water, a concept she still didn’t understand.” Who does, babe. Who does.
me, every time amaram appears: “fucking asshole. fuck off fckkkk” I just.... hiss like a cat every time his name appears on a page. I hate him. ARGH.
I spelled his name as “aramaram” and had to go correct it I was so upset he was HERE that I forgot how to spell.
“Traitors who had abandoned their gods to be free.” And they FEARED the return of their gods, before stormform and the Everstorm. They feared it--because they were not free... But...stormform isn’t freedom, and their gods are back and....history repeating itself?
Also, the fact that Gavilar took the time to learn her name is very endearing and like... Gavilar was A Good, guys. He tried so hard.
“Bring back your evil, destructive, enslaving gods so that we can have our nice, honorable, fighty ones back please.” NO, THAT’S SO DISGUSTING THAT’S SO SELFISH WTH
WAIT, so he was getting the visions before Dalinar? Did we know this already? That makes sense... it’s very Boromir/Faramir, tbh, but like... what, one died, and Honor was like “welp. guess we’ll try his bro”
wait, okay, so ...the black sphere that he gives Szeth...........what. Esh knows what it is--so it’s some kind of spren. But it’s not the angerspren/hatespren that they bond with for stormform--those are red. So what’s...this one? Voidspren? Are there voidspren? Voidspren to create voidbringers...presumably more powerful than stormform.
okay, that map tho; after reading Edgedancer, I’m VERY CONCERNED that there’s an Oathgate to Aimia... I don’t need any more 200-cremlings-in-a-trenchcoat popping up out of nowhere, but thanks anyway
it makes sense that this book stats with Dalinar, but HOW! IS! MY! BOY! WHERE! IS! KALADIN!
Dalinar is so polite tho. saying ‘thank you’ to the Stormfather
“It had been a hardy, stubborn lot who had grown in this place.” This is Kholinar: it highstorms nine months of the year, and weeps the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so. The only upsides are the pets. While other places have...cats or chickens, we have...cremlings.
(Though Lisa made a good point--are there actually cremlings?? or are all cremlings just...bits of Aimians scuttling about like spy bugs?)
“The queen had gone silent.” I...genuinely don’t trust her, and I’m more inclined to believe she’s radio silence out of a need to save her own damn skin than any other reason.
......somehow I never really thought that Odium would be light...
(I have priorities)
They’re being cute. It’s been, like, half a page and I’m just over here making big, cooing noises at them being cute. help.
(tho, I mean...it took them six days to find the body, that’s....actually not really quick. but still.)
oh god
this is page frikkin 37 and I’m already dying
unrelated, but I can’t stop thinking about baby Eshonai basically damning her people to war and revenge to stop their gods from returning and Venli just like...whipping a godling out her pocket like “nvmd, we’re doing this anyway” and like. fuck Venli, tbh.
Back to current events and:
I love Palona.
“steady Adolin and impenetrable Renarin” HE LOVES HIS SONS SO MUCH I’M CRY
“certainly wouldn’t have gone so far as to kill Sadeas themselves” ABOUT THAT
I love that Urithuru has safety railings. like... throwing shade at every big space opera ever.
I still don’t know how I feel about Lopen growing his arm back...
“Our ultimate goal is the preservation of Roshar” Sorry, bud, Preservation is dead...
and also on a different planet.
“He didn’t need Shards to intimidate.” Nah, but I bet they help.
tbqh, it’s really, really weird to think of Dalinar fighting not in Shards.
excuse you, that horse did nothing to deserve that.
heheheheh, so much for your nose, bucko
Gooooddddd, Brandon writes battle so cinematically. I want to film this. Gaaaahhh
of...of course punk!Dalinar’s horse is named Fullnight. How deliciously extra of him.
“I tried to kill you!” “from a distance! Which shows remarkably good judgement!” DALINAR, PLEASE. 
Enthusiastic ultra-Gryffindor rambo Dalinar is hilarious
It’s been 50 pages, where’s Kaladin
Sadeas in YELLOW shardplate?? who is he?
Also, ngl, I’m a lil pissed that I still have to deal with Sadeas--even if it’s young, not-quite-so-vile Sadeas. Like......he’s dead! I shouldn’t have to put up with his slimy face anymore!
“What would we do without you?” “Lose.” What an asshole. What a dudebro. I hate how much I love him.
the Thrill concerns me, tbh.
I know that we know it is of Odium, but like. It Concerns me.
I’m sad Dalinar doesn’t get a little spren buddy wandering around with him at all times, because, like. Stormfather. But like. spren buddy.
Now I’m trying to picture the vast and infinite Stormfather just flitting around Dalinar’s head in meetings and making faces at Syl across the table and laughing my ass off.
oh NO not her SAFEHAND
seriously, they. are. so. cute.
“Your stubborn refusal to get seduced is making me question my feminine wiles.” HAAAAHAHA OMG, DARLINGS PLEASE
also, Dalinar, omg, give it up already, bro.
I realize there are like...ecological and climatology implications of the Weepings stopping before they are supposed to, but I can’t help but be glad that Kaladin won’t be suffering for as long as he normally would with the seasonal depression...
WHAT! WAS! THE! BOON! ...unless this is the boon. Unless Dalinar asked for the Nightwatcher to take away the pain of losing his wife and instead she took away his wife... and his punishment is something else.
in which case WHAT! WAS! THE! PUNISHMENT!
“I’d let a confused dishwasher marry us.” I realized belatedly that she meant, like...a person who washes dishes. And not a machine that washes dishes that most people on earth have in their kitchens.
Bridge Four is too important for guard duty! They’re so important! They’ve come so far!!!! I LOVE THEM!!??
she just had a wedding dress just... lying around.
...poor Elhokar. “if only we could keep up.” boy has no confidence and no chance to learn it.
“What does he remember that I cannot?” Uh...your other wife, my dude. I’m sure this has something to do with how your wife died.
AAHH. HERE HE IS!!!! THE BOY!!!!! MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nooooo. no, kaladin please. you didn’t fail. oh god, no, come on. don’t think like that.
“It felt wrong not to bear the symbol of Bridge Four.” AAAHHHHHHH
aahh, at least he was properly concerned about the Everstorm filling his spheres with...bad stuff? of some kind? I’m super glad that it didn’t, that it doesn’t, but like. At least he was concerned about it!
hello fronds, I love Syl a LOT
also: covered safehand, that’s hilarious. She’s a real grown up, now!
it can’t be all dead
they have to have
someone has to have been smart enough to get a large part of the town into shelter
Kaladin, your dad isn’t stupid, he would have. he would have tried.
(this would be way, way more distressing if I hadn’t been spoiled for the fact that Lirin and Hesina are alive...like...I’d probably be crying right now.)
“How often are you going to make me apologize for that?” Pfffft I mean.
“Are there wounded” and he just GOES because that’s where his dad would be and he just . goes. to his dad.
I’m crying?
I really hate Amaram. A lot.
his mom is a good. and she just keeps her hand on his shoulder like protectiveness and like reassurance that he’s still there and I’m. aaaAAAHH
“For now, he just wanted to be here with them.” GOOD. LET THE BOY REST. LET HIM EAT SOUP AND REST.
“The wrong-way highstorm” I mean...not wrong
“They never got to meet Captain Kaladin” aaAAHHH
this is a lot
“Perhaps it was time to stop letting the rain dictate his mood. He couldn’t banish the seed of darkness inside him, but Stormfather, he didn’t need to let it rule him either.”
I...have a lot of feelings about Kaladin.
And I have a lot of feelings about how Kaladin and his depression interact and about how he deals with it. And how he’s seen the worst in himself and promised to never let it get that bad again. And how he’s seen that even though it’s a part of himself that he has to keep fighting, keep dealing with, keep understanding, it doesn’t have to be the only thing in him, the only thing in his life, the only part of him that matters. He can have other parts, other important bits of him and his personality. He might always have bad days, but that doesn’t have to be the majority of them. Not if he chooses to be stronger, to try to get better. There’s always going to be depression, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be other things.
It took me a longass time to come to that same realization and I just...am really, really... proud of him? and of myself? and of anyone who has depression who thinks the same way we do? and though I’ve found it to be a smidge disconcerting to have your own personal thought processes spelled out on paper by someone who isn’t you, there’s a comfort in that...I’m not the only one who feels like this, who has these ideas, who makes these decisions about my depression.
Anyway, I really, really love Kaladin and I’m. emotional . and I’m. “He didn’t need to let it rule him either.” No. We don’t. We can deal.
WAIT. Did Syl.....was she aiming for someone else? “distant yet demanding”. Who else...was she gonna bond with. before Kaladin? My first instinct is Tien, but that...doesn’t fit. One of his men? in his squad? Or before that, Hesina maybe? I’m? ...surely not Lirin...... he’s not. enough.
god, his first thought is that Adolin would be disappointed in fashion heheheheh I love these boys. becoming friends. maybe. hopefully.
Kaladin’s stubborn refusal to give up on people is. A Lot. EVeRYTHING IS A LOT. THIS IS A LOT
“and for the first time in a long, long while, he was happy with that person.” THAT’S CAUSE YOU’RE A GOOD PERSON THE BEST PERSON AAAHHH
SUMMONING SYL AND “ANY QUESTIONS” AND OHHH MY GOD. that shit’s hot. I’m. hhnnnggggggg
“until he had enough stormlight to fly home.” home. I mean, we knew that “home” wasn’t Hearthstone anymore, but. Dalinar is home. The warcamps, Urithuru. Bridge Four. I...I am so proud of how far Kaladin has come.
“I don’t like the idea of swinging you around, smashing you into things.” “Firstly, I don’t smash into things. I am an elegant and graceful weapon.” HI, I LOVE SYL A LOT
“That’s a girl I was never going to marry, no matter what happened.” “I like her.” “You would.” I LIKE HER TOO SHE’S STRONG AND CAPABEL AND DON’T NEED NO MAN. GET IT, GIIIRRLL!!!!
I love that Roshar has a Hippocratic oath equivalent. I also have mixed feelings on Lirin’s incredibly strict adherence to his Hippocratic oath equivalent. like..yeah, Do No Harm is one thing. But being self-righteous about it to the point of not wanting your son to fight evil monsters from the void? Take a chill pill, my dude.
also, I really have strong feelings about Dalinar generally addressing Kaladin as “soldier” and the responding “Sir.” I know they had a long talk about chain of command, but it’s just. so satisfying that it’s still going.
“Send us a glyph each evening to know you are safe.” GOOD DAD IS WORRIED ABOUT HIS SON AND I’M EMOTIONAL
guys, I don’t know if you know this about me, but I really love Kaladin.
guys, I don’t know if you know this about me, bUT I REALLY LOVE KALADIN.
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skamfairy · 5 years
I want to hear about cleo and willow's relationship!!! You can't just mention them and not tell us how they are doing dhdjej also, I'm the anon that asked about the society and idk if you got my last ask, but i want to hear more about that too
Snsjwkwkwkwkwk OKAY OKAY OKAY So I gotta explain everyone’s personalities because they are all different! Go ahead and tag yourself after reading
Oscar is an absolute sweetheart. He sleeps, he eats, he gets super close to you because he needs the comfort and love and he will follow my dad EVERYWHERE. he also lets Cleo kick him out of his bed and he’ll sleep next to her on the floor. He’s pretty clingy but it’s just cos he needs love and attention because he’s getting older and sadder everyday. It’s not a lie that he has a sad soul, there’s something in his eyes that share so much sorrow but he keeps going and he loves people so much. He’s a good baby he’s just so tired he’s had a god damn life you know? He’s for sure a hufflepuff
Alright this gorl, bless her god damn heart I love her but she’s so fucking dumb. I’ve never met a more stupid cat. She’s an idiot but she’s a happy idiot you know? She’s got the spirit. SHE LOVES FOOD and she’s super enthusiastic and happy she even let my sister put socks on her. She’s just like sure man do whatever I’m a free spirit. She never thinks of the consequences and doesn’t understand anything but she’s living her life to the fullest and that’s all that matters. She’s a gryffindor. She’s just so happy and optimistic and carefree I love her she’s like a sunshine.
Okay sup here’s the best one. Willow is the smartest binch in the house. She knows exactly what’s up and how to dodge any activity she don’t want in on. We have to tie her travel cage up because she knows how to unlock it FROM THE INSIDE. She is extremely anxious. She’s been diagnosed with anxiety from the vet. She hates it when I leave her :(( but more than anything she is anxious of the vet hence the survival instinct with the cage. More than anything tho, willow is the most loving angel in the world. She don’t trust many people but when she does it’s like you’re her whole world. She’s so sweet and loving and would never hurt a fly. She is so good at understanding when someone is sad too like she ALWAYS KNOWS and will come and cuddle you which is amazing because cuddles are on HER TERMS. Willow has resting bitch face and looks done with life on the outside but on the inside she’s the most softest angel in the world. She’s a slytherin.
Okay so willow and Cleo’s relationship is complicated because Cleo wants to play with her all the time and willow is like no bitch I want my space leave me alone. They will play but sometimes Cleo doesn’t take willows hint that she’s not in the mood and will go too far and willow will be like bitch leave me alone and then come cry to me about it. (Willow goes all draco on us and is like “wait til my father hears about this” im the father) so yeah you think these siblings just don’t click BUT THEN when it’s sleepy time and Cleo comes to sleep with willow I’ll catch willow GROOMING HER and my heart explodes it’s so cute they basically have a normal sibling dynamic. They love each other but Cleo can be an annoying little sister and willow will be all LEAVE ME ALOOOOOONE MUUUUUUUUUUM. I love them.
My little sister thinks it’s funny because willow is my cat but she thinks she’s more like willow than I am and thinks I’m like Cleo who is her cat. So yeah I’m the happy idiot snwjwkwkwkwkwkw
OKAY THE SOCIETY I’ll put this under the cut cos spoilers
I don’t think I did get your last ask! So let me know what you wanna hear specifically but basically I found it entertaining anajakak I dislike so many characters including Allie whoops (i haven’t been in the tag so i have no idea if this is an unpopular opinion. let me know!) but yeah she just annoys the CRAP out of me it just got worse. 
 but I like a few like kelly I got super attached to kelly, i really love her idk why. sam and Gareth ofc are the goods and becca too love her and sams friendship. Oh and I like Helena A LOT I think she should be their leader she’s the most adult like I’d let her lead me sure. Maybe I’m saying this cos I’m a lesbian tho asjhasjhjahs
i wish cassandra didn’t die so soon like i was digging her for sure. like she did have this whole perfect thing happening but i wanted to explore her as a character more it would have been interesting if they touched on her flaws and shown that she was still a kid just like everyone else you know she don’t have all the answers. but nope. 
i think them making allie the fucking leader just cos her sister died was so dumb like what a stupid idea. like “oh they respect you cos you’re their leader” bitch i would be annoyed, like sure lets make the grieving 16 year old the leader of us. (i forgot her age so this might be wrong) im sorry allie is just asjhsajhasjhas so annoying to me if she’s your fave im sorry and im sure she’s great and i just missed something 
oh and yeah i like Elle, i just hate seeing her in pain all the time, save her already. 
also her boyfriend and sam’s brother i just. my issue with him is how he is written? i think it’s pretty lame for a show or a movie to just say straight up “oh he’s a psychopath so this is our bad guy” like what?? where is the depth and the story and the characterisation? like okay not to be like this but imagine if he was clearly a horrible human being in the real world and someone else is like !!!! so perfect and respected, but then they go to this crisis world and somehow the situation changes him and he has a whole character development and our BIG BAG is someone we never would have expected who seemed so good and innocent. 
idk that just would have been a better story than just creating a shit human being right of the bat in every way possible and even having to tell the audience HE IS EVIL FAM like lol what. so yeah from a nerdy storytelling view, not a fan of the character writing of that guy. 
man i love kelly tho, to be fair not sure why cos it’s not like the story focuses on her much but i’m just a fan of these kind of stories, showing how someone changes and she had a lot of change and i support her learning and helping becca and just GIRLS. 
im sorry this seems very negative but i actually enjoyed watching the show a lot there was just a lot of annoying characters which i’m sure you’ll feel it can’t just be me. i hope shjashjas 
i have no idea what the world is or whats happening pls tell me any theories if you have any!!! i really liked that scene at the end with peter pan that was great. OH ALSO I LIKE THAT GUY the smart guy who was into cassandra and bean!!! 
if kelly has to be with a guy i want it to be him defs. 
anyway omg im so sorry if my opinions were like sahashjashjahjs frustrating for you let me know what you think!! change my mind sjahjsajh my mind can be changed for sure with this. but yeah i did like it because i was super entertained and i wanna know whats up. 
oh and i didn’t mention sam and gareth much but yes love them they are so sweet help
0 notes
darkhymns-fic · 8 years
Murder with a Side of Lies (Ch. 8)
A discarded notepad sits on the table, crinkled and stained with ketchup...
It doesn't belong here.
Fandom: Undertale Characters: Sans, Flowey Rating: PG Chapters: 8/8 Mirror Links: AO3, FF.net Notes: The sequel to Kidnappings in the Early Evening by Sky. A fusion of detective noir fiction and courtroom drama! All stories, art, etc., related to this main story will be under the tag #undertale noir. (chrono)
Suggested reading music and some rain...
First Chapter Previous Chapter
[Chapter Missing]
 nice. free notepad. paps must have forgotten it. finders keepers
  hehehheh. butt butt butt. my favorite pie is buttspie with lots of butter.
 What did one wave say to the other?
Nothin’ he just waved.
What did the grape say when he got stepped on?
Nothin’ he just whined.
i should probably have someone actually say something for these jokes to be a bit more effective, huh? nah.
 What’s a mummy’s favorite music genre?
Mummy wrap.
heh. heh. that one’s really really bad aint it. that’s a keeper.
 some reason i get the urge to write more than just bad jokes here. like I wanna say more. that’d be weird tho, wouldn’t it?
heh, and i aint weird.
 What did the flower say when his house caught on fire?
Nothin’, he made like a tree and leafed.
Why did the flower need a job?
He was dirt poor.
Why was the flower feelin’ so blue?
Can’t find the root of the problem there.
 really got flowers on the mind, don’t i? wonder why that could be.
 you know, it’s strange. i keep coming back to this notepad even though my mind says why bother. what’s the point in writing down what I see or feel? not like anyone’s gonna read this, heh.
but why not. let’s give it a go. i’m interested, for whatever reason.
 i’m sittin’ here at tori’s bakery shop. it’s raining outside, like always. got a plate of that butts pie im so fond of. it’s good, but(t) could use more butts. table I’m sitting at is uhhh… looks like a table. yep, sturdy. round? It’s round. that’s how these things go. you describe all the stuff here, right?
it’s pretty late here. no one’s around at this time of night. tori’s nice enough to let me hang out after closing and feed me the leftovers she didn’t sell, and I’m cheap enough to take ‘em. she really goats me, i guess.
usually tori would be swappin’ bad jokes with me right now, but she’s been pretty busy since that trial ended. turns out, no one was willing to take over the family’s duties after ol’ gorey got sent away. Not even fish face. kinda expected her to take over. guess she’s too busy playin’ detective with my bro.
tori, bein’ the nice lady she is, decided she’d take up leadership. probably for the best. if anyone can manage building homes for the poor and being generally kind to all us monsters, it’s her. i certainly don’t know what bein’ the leader entails, and im not exactly rarin’ to find out.
although, between you and me, it does get a bit more boring in the shop without her around. oh well. guess that’s why im writing this, isn’t it?
it’s so boring, i don’t think I even have anything left to write. dang. guess i’ll just go back to writing bad jokes.
 Why didn’t the Flower eat chloroform?
He was chlorofull.
 heh. really havin’ a bad time tryin’ to think of something other than flowers.
 maybe it’s cuz I’ve been thinking about my good pal, flowey, a lot lately. can’t blame a guy, can you? tori literally has him on her person at all times.
  Well. Most of the times.
 I don’t think Tori knows it, but that little scamp escapes sometimes when she’s not lookin’. Heh, but it’s not like he’d get into any trouble, now would he? No, no, that doesn’t sound like the good natured Flowey I know. His parents would never allow him to get into any trouble.
His parents would probably protect him from anything. Even though he didn’t see ol’ Gorey much, I get the feeling Flowey’s dad really cared about him…and I mean really cared for him.
I shouldn’t be gossiping. But, it’s not like anyone is going to read this anyway, right? There’s nothing wrong with writing down some of my own little speculations. Just a hypothesis, is all.
Now, while I’m sure Gorey was quite the nice guy, he did some awful things. Maybe he did them because he thought they were right. Maybe he did those things knowing it was wrong, but believed it was for a good cause. Honestly, can’t say I blame him all that much either way.
This leads us back to the trial, though. Boy, that trial was objectively a good time. I’m so proud of my bro. He proved me wrong a number of times. If it weren’t for him and fish sticks, I probably would have sent an innocent person away.
Instead, I sent a not-quite-innocent person away.
Heh. heh. Tori had me promise I’d be a fair judge. A good judge. She told me to take it seriously, don’t mess around, don’t favor anyone. Me, like the bonehead I am, I promised her I would.
Why do I keep making promises I know I’m just going to break?
Oh. Spoilers, I guess. I broke that promise towards the end of the case. I don’t think Asgore killed that Burger fella. In fact, I’m pretty sure he didn’t. Still, I let them convict ol’ Fluffybuns.
I wasn’t sure what happened until he took the stand of course, till I heard all the facts from metal head and fish face. The ideas, the guesses, they were always in the back of my skull, gnawing away in the dark, but I suppose I’m good at ignoring things like that.
Something needed to be done with Asgore, after all. He needed to stop those little bad habits of his. I couldn’t see a more peaceful solution than this. Us monsters have never really needed to make a jail, after all. They were strangely forgiving, even knowing what he did.
The monsters in charge of the judicial system, (Mettaton, Gertrude, myself and a few others) decided we’d keep him under house arrest. At least, that’s kind of the best way to describe it. He’s not allowed to leave his home, not really allowed to do anything without The Family (aka Tori) knowing. People can still come visit him, ask him for advice, make a bit of tea, but that’s about it.
So I get what you’re thinking. Asgore (supposedly) kills an innocent kid. A monster kid no less. He only gets house arrest? He got off easy. Well, to be honest, we thought about the death penalty. It was an uncomfortable subject and it was clear there was no monster out there that would be able to carry it out.
Well, heh, guess that’s not completely true. 
The guy’s pretty sad still. But, I think he’s feeling a little better. He’s left to those plants and flowers he loves so much. Not many come to visit him, though, but I think they’ll come around. This is probably the happiest ending that could come out of the situation, isn’t it?
Still, if Asgore didn’t kill that monster, though, who did? Who did, I wonder? And why?
Once again, I want to remind anyone reading this (but no one is reading this, so it doesn’t matter) that this is all speculation. I don’t have any proof, and I never witnessed anything myself.
I get the feeling my pal, Flowey, killed Burgerpants. Strange, I know. Very strange. Flowey is such a cheerful, happy, helpful little friend, isn’t he? Why would he ever do something like that?
Well, first, we need to understand why he was with Asgore at the scene of the crime that night. I have a hunch. I think ol’ Gorey finally got enough of what he wanted out of his little bad habits. I think he wanted to give the fruits of his effort to Flowey, hoping that maybe it’d turn his son back to normal.
Problem with that, is Tori wouldn’t let Asgore near Flowey. She was very adamant, believe me, the arguments those two would get into got pretty heated. (get it, cuz fire magic) But, my good friend, Flowey, he’s a crafty little guy. He’s made some escapes; he’s gotten into contact with his father before without his mother’s knowledge.
How do I know that? Just a hunch, that’s all. What? I’m not the type to stalk people.
This brings us to that fateful night. If I had to guess what the scene would be, it’d probably be like this:
The rain musta been pouring like it always is. Asgore probably waited in that alley way for a good amount of time, without an umbrella. He was soaked to the bone, but poor Gorey felt he deserved it. He had soul and he had determination.
Once Flowey actually showed up, he probably did that sickly sweet thing he likes to do. Call him “daddy” and all that nonsense, really get into Asgore’s head. It must have been difficult seeing his son like this, but I bet Asgore was thinking it’d all be worth it. All those horrible things he did, all of it would be worth it if he could see his son again.
Although, thinking on it, human souls and determination are all well and good, right? You can do some great things with those on your side, but isn’t it missing one important ingredient?
Right, right, I forgot. A monster’s soul.
Flowey doesn’t have one of those, now does he?
Still hypothetically speaking here, of course… Asgore knew all this. He knew a monster soul would probably be needed. But, I don’t think he meant for it to be Burgerpants. I don’t think Asgore planned on giving any monster’s soul but his own.
Flowey, being the precocious scamp that he is, also knew a monster soul would be necessary. This whole thing was probably just a misunderstanding.
Poor Burgerpants, though. Wrong place, wrong time. How can a guy be so unlucky? Hey, whenever I’m feeling down, at least I can remind myself some other guy had it way worse.
Anyway, this Burgerpants fella shows up, and here’s what I think happens. Flowey misunderstands the situation. Or maybe he didn’t care. Maybe those dark habits of Asgore rubbed off on him in that moment. Maybe Flowey was just feeling particularly grumpy that day. Who knows? I certainly can’t read that flower’s mind. Don’t want to either. Hope I never do.
Flowey kills Burgerpants on the spot before Asgore can even react. A huge vine, full of thorns, slams him into the dumpster. Looks like a claw mark (or maybe a trident mark), heh. Now, remember, little flower boy is the son of two incredibly powerful fire users. Even if it wasn’t on purpose, I think he’s still got a little heated edge to his attacks. Explains why the time of death couldn’t be figured out. Dust was still hot. No one expected fire magic.
This frightens Asgore. This was meant to be his son, Asriel? How could this cruel being before him claim to be his son, yet be so full of hate? Maybe Asgore blamed himself at that moment.
Either way, he couldn’t go through with it after that. Maybe everything he did would go to waste, maybe those humans died for nothing, but he couldn’t keep making mistakes, now could he? Just because he buried a hole so deep for himself, didn’t mean he had to keep digging and take everyone with him, right?
Probably good thinking, I’d say. Best thinking he’d done in a while.
I’ll bet Flowey lost that sweet charm of his after that. I’ll bet he demanded those souls and that Determination from Asgore. “Why won’t you give it to me?! I’m your son!” he probably said. Maybe even threatened him when things didn’t go his way.
Asgore must have been feeling real bad at that time, but you gotta remember, through it all, he is still a father. A father disciplines his child. For the first time in years, maybe even ever, I think Asgore raised his voice at Flowey. I think he told Flowey “Go home to your mother, never speak of this again.”
“I’m not going anywhere until I get my --”
“I said GO!”
And just like that, Flowey was afraid. He’d never seen his father like this. Ol’ Fluffybuns actually mad? Boy, almost wish I coulda seen that.
But I didn’t.
Flowey must have dug back into the ground, running away to his mama while papa cleaned up after his mess.
Heh, it’s a good thing no one else figured it out, right? If Tori found out about this, would she be able to live with herself, I wonder? I have no idea what she might do. What would everyone think if they found out Flowey was a killer?
I think it’d be a lot of trouble for the little guy. I think he knows better now, though. I don’t think he’s ever going to hurt anyone again, or else he’ll have a pretty bad time.
Luckily, this is all guess work. No one has to know. No one needs to mess up this happy ending we got. No one’s going to read this.
 guess this is just between you and me, isn’t it, pal?
The notepad had appeared on his bedroom table that night. Flowey knew it wasn’t on accident. He read the thing, read through the crappy jokes and the even crappier handwriting. His leaves trembled slightly, his vision blurred multiple times.
With an angry toss, the notepad slammed into the lit fireplace. The flames ignored it completely, of course. Toriel’s fire was never hot enough to burn.
With the grit of his teeth and the furrow of a brow, the fireplace erupted in flames. The notepad was devoured, disintegrated.
Turned to dust.
The thought unnerved him, haunted his mind. It was best to douse those flames now, forget it ever happened.
The fire cackled at him.
And the rain poured.
That smiley trashbag…
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autisticteru · 8 years
this is completely unprompted but i just feel like sharing my first impressions of mp100 cuz why not i made this blog to infodump i can do what i want. 
and honestly i read the whole thing about a year ago with very very little spoilers directly after watching the teaser for the anime so a lot of my reactions to the series were very raw and uninfluenced by anybody else’s opinion. i didnt even liveblog it i just read it. and im very glad that was how i read it and im just. reminiscing on that because im grateful that i did that back then.
i first ever saw mob in some fanart that was tagged mob psycho 100 like. a good few years ago tbh. i figured it was some anime or manga i didnt get the time to read but mob first looked to me like he was a delinquent or something. the title and the way i thought abt the word “mob” in my head def had something to do with that, but also he was a straight faced boy who just seemed really seirous. i remember reading in an interview abt one punch man a bit over a year ago that ONE described saitama as stoic and mob as emotional. that. surprised the hell out of me and got me interested but i only read literally EXACTLY right after i saw the first teaser trailer for the anime
when i read the manga i fell in love with the boy right away. it didnt take me long at fucking all. he was great and wonderful and i loved him and i related to him big time and i wanted to see him grow more and more.
and my feelings are pretty much the same now except more complex. but im remembering the first time i got to the end of the world domination arc. i think that line “that’s why I will help you” really impacted me a lot for some reason. mob was, very special to me. he felt very much like me. i could relate to him a lot
i first saw reigen in some fanart but i thought he was some teenager at first because it was just some kinda cartoony fanart that wasnt very detailed. i guessed that he and mob were a duo or something like saitama and genos were from one punch but i did not guess that it was going to be a master-discible relationship
i hated reigen at first gonna be completely fuckin honest here i was a bit annoyed with him like yeah he was funny but he was also kind of rude??? and i didnt like that he was tricking mob because i loved mob 
by the end of the read he really did grow on me. but ive always been a bit hard on the poor guy, but thats just because hes an adult i suppose. even during the separation arc i have to admit.....i wasnt all that sympathetic toward him until the VERY VERY end. IF IM BEING ENTIRELY HONEST I WAS KIND OF GLAD BECAUSE I WAS GLAD THAT MOB REALIZED HE DIDNT NEED HIM AND THAT REIGEN REALIZED HE DID. also i felt he did deserve at least some of what he got from that arc, all things considered. dont get me wrong, i love him now but it did really take a while for me, probably longer than anyone else i know. now im love this greasman with my whole heart (but i still wish he would pay mob more. preoblematic fav for that reason only)
i knew that dimple was sort of the mascot character but i hoped he wouldnt be one of those annoying ones but i didnt think he would be since i had some faith in ONE’s writing abilities. he seemed like a ghost and i knew that mp100 had ghosts so yeah i thought it was cool to have a ghost character why not
lots of ppl were irritated by dimple at first but. ehhh i could never hate him. i only mildly disliked him before i realized he was That Guy. anyway i had been mostly neutral on dimple but by the mogami arc i actually really started loving dimple a lot because he saved mob a bunch of times and i support mob having friends i dont  care who they are i want this good boy to have friends
by the end i absolutely did love him i loved him and reigens interractions at that point but i didnt know if it was like. socially acceptable to ship him with reigen. i wouldnt have done it with sg dimple because i had no idea that was even a thing. i forgot abt that dumbass security guard he wasnt even a person in my mind honestly the first sg dimple fanart i came across i was so confused  i was like. who is this. who is this man dimples possessing. took me forever to realize it was that security guard who he possessed for probably less than an hour and that confused the hell out of me but then i realized. oh. u guys just want to make him hot. okay
ritsu was probably the character i knew the most about, but i knew very little. i only saw him in opm/mp100 fanarts where they compared mob and ritsu to tatsumaki and fubuki, and i guessed that ritsu was the fubuki with the inferiority complex. and i was right but it wasnt it quite the same way. but overall he seemed interesting in that regard since i loved fubuki at the time so he was a character i was looking forward to.
ritsu was...it was love at first sight??? yeah. i loved ritsu so much right from the start i loved how he was introduced i loved his character arc i loved the whole way it was presented if the teru arc just before that hadn’t already hooked me then his arc sure as fuck did. 
the last line i ever saw ritsu utter when i finally caught up with the manga was the famous “hnn...the loans” line. perhaps one of the best lines of all time??? i loved ritsu and since i knew fuck abt shit wrt what was going to happen in the scar arc i was literally about to cry when it was revealed he might be dead god. i was SO STRESSED IN THAT WHOLE FUCKING ARC I DONT THINK I HAD EVER BEEN MORE STRESSED IN MY LIFE.
teru (oh boy)
i first saw teru in the first teaser. i think that was actually the thing that made me want to read it, mostly because the animation and movement in that scene just was so. good. and flowing. he seemed like a villain to me, or some sort of rival. but a harmless one. one that couldn’t fucking touch mob. it sort of reminded me of the thing w/ saitama vs sonic in opm. he seemed like an asshole, but for some reason in my heart when i saw him doing that shit there, i felt like i would like him. i had no basis for this. but i cant believe i was right
when i first saw teru in the manga i was gettin all excited because “hey this looks like the esper kid in the teaser!” and i was excited to see a new character like that introduced. i at least wanted to meet another esper. and teru seemed like the type of villain who would get his ass handed to him in the worst of ways and realize that mob was much much stronger than him and maybe hed even gain some respect for it and i fucking called it i cant believe it i called it in the first page i saw him i fuckign CALLED IT. and i was screaming throughout his whole arc. every second i found myself absolutely falling in love with him and. actually. unfortunately understanding exactly where he was coming from. and once mob went on the whole “you’re just like me” speech, that was probably the defining moment. 
but it didnt stop with that arc at ALL. every gotdam second he was on screen after that i was honestly thinking in my head “stop doing that ur gonna be my fav if u keep doing that!” but he kept doing that and wound up being my fav and i loved how much he believed and supported mob and i loved how different and yet how similar he was from the first time we see him and. i couldnt help myself hes my Type. i was destined to fall for him from the start
I HAD NO PREVIOUS INTRODUCTION TO SHOU BEFORE I READ THE SERIES. HE WAS NOT ANYONE TO ME. HE WAS NOTHING. which was why so much of the claw stuff surprised me tbh. but yeah i had no idea who this kid was i had not been introduced to him
when i first saw shou i disliked him for beating up ritsu and capturing him and mob and i also disliked him for calling mob a coward and THEN i disliked him for burning down mobs house and possibly killing ritsu and his family in fact by that point i was seeing red i wanted that fuckr DEAD. but then it was revealed that everyone was safe but i was still a bit peeved that he did what he did to mob just to leave a “fuse” but i was also projecting a bit because shou almost gave me a fucking HEART ATTAKC and i was NOT GOING TO EASILY FORGIVE. i did forgive tho. eventually. after my poor heart calmed down and i saw him get beat up by his dad and his hubris 
at the end i shipped ritshou because obviously i shipped ritshou i mean how can u not i mean theyre just really good i shipped it 
so like yeah
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gguktastic · 8 years
Some Things Shouldn't Be Kept Secret.
A/N - I am exhausted. This has taken three days. My finals are coming up in a month. I have had to complete the question and answers to two chapters in our 2nd Language Studies, which is Hindi. I had to write two informal letters and a 7-page-long essay on what I did when I visited my native village, how I spent NYE, and the essay was to be written about a house on fire. Then Maths. You'd better be happy with this one, guys. This is VERY LONG, so sorry if you don't like such long imagines. Also what even is the title I am horrible at that stuff. Also, I had the inspiration for the 'diary' part of the fic (WOOP WOOP SPOILER) from somewhere else, whether it was a published book or an imagine, it just crossed my mind and I wrote it down. GENRE - Fluff. WARNINGS - None. // It had been a particularly great day for me yesterday. I had begun the day with a much-needed mug of coffee, and finally having a bagel after several weeks, managing not to burn it, for once. After an insanely amazing and relaxing shower, I had flopped onto my bed, logged onto tumblr, and stayed there for the next 3 hours in the fluffiest onesie I owned. #BestMorningEver. Then, when I finally decided to head out of the house to go pick up some groceries, I ran into an old friend. Not any old friend, mind you, my best friend from when I lived in Lancashire. Also, it doesn't hurt to mention, that the 'old friend' I bumped into was world-famous-YouTuber, Phil Lester I had been looking for microwaveable popcorn with the extra butter at Tesco, and then, when I finally found it, it was too high for me to reach. Tesco with it's bloody high shelves. I was looking around for help, when a shopping trolley rammed me from behind. I almost fell onto the dirty linoleum floor of the super market when I tried to steady myself on my cart, which was right in front of me. Of course, me being an incredible clumsy person, tripped thrice over my own legs while trying to do so, and pushed my cart away from me, which collided into a wall, the groceries spilling out. I had, however, steadied myself - successfully and without dropping anything - on a rack beside me, thankfully on my feet instead of being flat on my stomach. (A/N - That has actually happened to me, guys. It has been inspired by real, true life events). Now you're wondering- [Y/N], so you had the best morning ever with coffee, un-burnt bagels, and then three hours of scrolling through tumblr in your fluffiest onesie, but when you said 'particularly great day' - well, doesn't that mean the whole day went by smoothly and don't you think almost falling over onto your stomach in Tesco and ramming your shopping cart against a wall in the space of 7 seconds puts a sour spot on your day? Well, it was all okay because the person that rammed into me from behind was my long-lost best friend, who recognised me as soon as I turned around to look at him and graciously accept any apology he offered, and smothered me in the warmest hug ever. I tensed up and pulled myself away from them. It took me a few seconds of scrutinising their hopeful face to realise who the man was. When I did realise, my mouth dropped open. "Oh my god, are you Phil? Phil Lester?" I said, overwhelmed, as he just nodded his head enthusiastically. "Yes, yes, I am! And would you be [Y/N] from Rawtenstall, Lancashire?" He asked, hope shining in his eyes. I too nodded enthusiastically and, after a second of grinning at each other, he grasped my hands and looked me in the eyes. "Don't worry, [Y/N], I don't hold you responsible for the dead rabbit on my parents' bed incident." I burst out laughing as I recalled Phil's sad face as his mum yelled at him for putting a dead rabbit on her bed, something which had been my idea. He pulled me into a hug again and, this time, I hugged back. "It's been so long, [Y/N]," Phil said as we hugged. "No kidding, Mister Famous," I joked. He pulled away and began to say something when he looked over my shoulder to see my groceries fallen out of my trolley. He frowned and ran to it, and, in a minute, got my trolley back to me, the cracked eggs now paid for and replaced. I thanked him. "No problem, [Y/N]! It's so nice meeting you after all of these years! How about I give you my phone number and address so we can meet up at my place sometime?" He suggested. "Why not, Philly! Here you go," I said, unlocking my phone and giving it to him, allowing him to put in save his contact as, of course, Phil Striker 🦁🐗. He put in his address in notes, and handed my phone back to me. "Well, I think I should leave now-" I cut Phil off. "But could you just get me the extra butter popcorn from up there before you leave, Phil?" I asked, and he happily obliged, using his height to my advantage. I grabbed my popcorn from him as I gave him a small wave, him walking away, waving back at me. Coming back home, I lounged around, eating some Nutella from straight out of the jar, when I decided to text Phil about our plans. [Y/N]- Hi, Phil! It's [Y/N] here. So, about those palms for meeting up- don't wanna seem too eager, but are you free tomorrow? I could come over to your place if you like! Within minutes, Phil replied, Phil Striker 🦁🐗 - Hey [Y/N]! Btw what palms are you talking about? I blushed and face palmed when I saw the typo. (A/N - That was an actual typo I made while writing this. I decided to leave it in). [Y/N] - Oh Lord Jesus I hate myself. I meant plans, not palms. 😓 Phil Striker 🦁🐗 - hey that's k I was just joking around with ya! Oh and I'm completely free tomorrow, except that I need to film a video, so would you do it with me? I want to do the 'long-lost BFF challenge tag' with you. Let's see how much you and I remember 😜 and then we can go out for dinner, though do you mind if Dan (room mate fellow YouTuber and current BFFL - soz) tags along? I laughed at his message. He wanted to do a video with me? I decided to give the man-child what he wanted. [Y/N] - Whew thanks! Oh and sure no prob, I'll be glad to (tho you'll have to help me with my camera shyness k) and I am offended Phil Lester you replaced me how could you?! Jk don't worry ofc he can tag along no prob. Phil replied 10 minutes later. Phil Striker 🦁🐗 - Sorry [Y/N], Dan yelled at me for eating his cereal without his permission ): and thank you! Ps Whew for a second I was worried you were actually offended. I grinned at my screen. [Y/N] - You need to learn how to be a good room mate Phil Michael Lester you cereal-thief. And no prob, I'm sure Dan will be lovely as well (: haha don't worry I won't ever be offended by that we had lost contact for so many years after all! See you then, gtg, the monster in my stomach wants some food. Your place tomorrow, then? I'll be there by 5:00? If you're not okay with that time or want to shift to another day that's fine (: I put my phone aside to get a cookie, but was interrupted by the harsh 'ping!' Of my phone. I sat back down on the couch. Phil Striker 🦁🐗 - No no no that time and place are k! And I know I have a problem I need to be a better room mate and deserve to live in shame (A/N - Phil missed the 'to leave' after the 'to live' high five if you got my reference before reading this A/N. Back to the story now). I smiled. [Y/N] - Sure, Phil, see you tommorow! Also, you were very correct about having to live in great shame. Jk. You're AMAZING, PHIL (Bd-Dm-tss). Bye - for now! My phone 'ping!'- ed with one last text from Phil. Phil Striker 🦁🐗 - Hmm I read that pun out to Dan and he's still cringing you already have a bad impression well bye to you too and see you tomorrow, I have to go to Tesco (again) to get some more cereal for Dan because I forgot to earlier today ): the things this boy makes me do. I laughed and just responded with a 'Haha, bye!', as I tossed my phone onto my couch, it landing safely, but not before doing three triple loops in the air and almost giving me a heart attack. I softly laughed at yesterday's memories, as I waited for the lift to reach the 11th floor of the building. 9... 10... I nervously bounced on the balls of my feet, careful not to be too excited, scared that the lift would shudder and fall down. 11. I heaved a sigh of relief - the lift was incredibly slow, and I was not doing too well in such a cramped space. It felt like the nervous energy radiating from me bounced off of the four walls, ricocheting back into me. Did that make sense? I don't even know. The lift doors opened, and I was out the second they did - closed, cramped, spaces are not my friends. At least I had stopped having panic attacks now. Phil, however, had helped me out every time I had a panic attack on a lift, when we were still in contact. I had to use a lift almost everyday while I was an intern at the Rawtenstall Times after a course in Journalism at university. I remember having his contact open on my phone, and calling him as soon as I got into whichever lift was empty and functional. He would stay on the line with me for whatever length of time I needed him to be. Thankfully for me - and our phone bills - never in my life have I had to suffer through several minutes and even hours of pure terror in case of the lift braking down. After seven years, I finally had the option to call him if I had a panic attack, and I was finally getting to sit down and talk to him about the most random of things like we used to. I knocked on the white door. Just two layers of paint and a moderately thick wall separating me from my once-best-friend. I anxiously drummed my fingers on my thigh, my eyes flitting from one spot on the monotone grey carpet to another. Finally, after a painstakingly long minute, I was blessed with the visual and sound of the doorknob turning. As the door opened, I grinned wide and prepared to greet my friend who opened the door - except that instead of the raven black hair and blue-green-yellow eyes, what I saw were twinkling brown eyes, ones you could easily get lost into, and a slightly-wavy chocolate brown fringe. "Not to sound rude, but-may I know who you are?" The man asked. My grin, which had faltered just for a second, returned as a much smaller version of itself. "Hi, I'm [Y/N]. I'm here to meet Phil," I said, extending my hand to the incredibly tall man, not unlike Phil. He opened the door wider, and took my hand, shaking it. "Oh, nice meeting you, [Y/N]. Phil told me you'd be coming by today. My name is Dan, by the way, I'm Phil's room mate," he said, and I smiled at him. I opened my mouth to say that I had heard about him, when realisation dawned in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, come on in!" He said, and I thanked him before entering. Dan led me to the lounge, where we were making small talk, when Phil walked in, wearing black skinny jeans and a red-and-black button up. His eyes brightened up. "Oh, hello, [Y/N]! Dan, this is the friend I was telling you about. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, [Y/N], I was actually in the shower," he said, sounding truly apologetic. I laughed. "Don't worry, Phil, I don't mind. Also, I got that you were in the shower as soon as I walked in, hearing your soulful and romantic rendition of 'My Heart Will Go On'," I said, making Dan guffaw. Phil's cheeks were painted with an angry red blush as he mumbled something about Dan and I not recognising his artistic abilities. "Well, [Y/N], even after you have mercilessly shamed me for honing my artistic abilities, I'm still willing to do that video with you, for I am the kind prince of England," he said, taking a 'regal' pose. I laughed again, getting up and off the couch, as Dan just rolled his eyes and leant back in what he had told me was his 'Sofa Crease'. "Have fun, you guys," Dan said, as we disappeared into Phil's room. // "I completely and utterly destroyed you at the challenge tag, [Y/N]," said Phil proudly as we got out of the room, after filming the video for his channel. I shrugged. "Well, at least I remembered all of the embarrassing stories, so that's fine," I said. "But you could've stalked me on social media and found out all of those facts about me, and yet, I WON," Phil said, smug smirk placed upon his face. Dan interrupted our small little argument. "That aside- Phil, you never told me how you 'bumped into' [Y/N] yesterday," he said, eyebrows raised as his eyes remained focused on the screen of his laptop. "I met her at Tesco, I actually accidentally rammed into her with my shopping cart from behind-" Dan snorted. "Wow, Phil, you meet a friend after seven years and how? Because you rammed your shopping cart into them. Good going, mate," He said, not once looking up at us as he slowly munched on Doritos from a bag and scrolled through, from what I could see, tumblr. I sat down beside him before putting my hand into the bag and starting to eat the Doritos. Either Dan didn't notice, or he just didn't mind. "You know how clumsy I can be! Anyways, when I did, [Y/N] almost fell down but, using my super strength, I caught the damsel in distress in my muscular arms. She -" I cut Phil off. "-is so horrified by the lies you are telling your best friend that she has decided to ask you to tell the truth," I said, glaring at Phil. He sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you the truth- or is it?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows. Dan and I looked at him, annoyed. "Okay, fine. So what happened was that [Y/N] tried to steady herself by grasping onto the cart, but tripped thrice over her own feet and pushed the cart away, which then rammed into the wall and most of her groceries spilt out while [Y/N] managed to actually and successfully steady herself using the ledge of one of the shelves nearby." Dan looked throughly amused. "And then, when I turned around to look at the person who had rammed into me and then graciously accept any apology they offered, Phil hugged me," I said, and Dan's head snapped up, eyes wide. "You did WHAT?!" He said, looking at Phil, who looked just as confused as I was. "Dan, I just hugged my friend-" Dan cut him off. "You idiot! What if it had been some other random person who you didn't know instead of [Y/N]? You could've been reported to the authorities!" He said, almost yelling at Phil. I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Phil, what if I was a middle aged mum whose husband was just down the aisle, gazing lovingly at his beautiful wife?" I said. "Okay, you could've been anyone, but I recognised you from the tattoo on your wrist-It's a heart-rate thingy with the twenty one pilots logo at the end and, below it, in neat cursive, 'Stay Alive' is written. Which middle aged mum has a tattoo like that?" He said. "Okay, so you have a valid point," I said. "Now, who wants some brownies?" // I groaned as I turned around in bed, trying to shut the alarm off. It was a Sunday,and I didn't have to go to work. Yesterday had been the 10th time in a row that I had dropped by Dan and Phil's place. Dan, Phil, and I had plans to hang out this whole week as well, and I was supposed to be over at the 'Phlat' (or the 'Phalace Of Dreams', as Dan sometimes referred to it as) in an hour to help Dan film a video. I, of course, would be behind the camera, not in view of it. I lazily got up from bed, walking into the bathroom. I let the water heat as I got out of my clothes, stepping into the now pleasantly hot water. I just stood in the cubicle, letting the water run down my body, relaxing my muscles and taking away all of the exhaustion from the day before with it as it fell down the drain. 15 minutes later, I was done, as I stepped out of the shower wrapped in a fluffy towel. Seeing as I was already comfortable being in my pyjamas around Dan and Phil, I decided to wear an old MCR merch tee with my trademark light-wash skinny jeans and worn-out sneakers. Today, I felt extravagant, so I took a cab from my place to the Phlat, seeing as it was a 15 minute walk and I was not in the mood. As I sat in the cab, I put my hand in my fringed satchel to get some money out, only to be met with the sinking feeling of not having my trusty notebook there. It was a small A5 sized leather bound notepad, into which I jotted down my reminders, lists and also about the highlights of my day. It was the first thing I'd rescue if my house was on fire, that's how important it was. And it definitely wasn't at my place. It must be at Dan and Phil's place. I let out a sigh of relief at the fact that if it wasn't at my place or in my bag, it would be at Dan and Phil's, and they knew better than to peek in it. That's because Phil had once tried and then got a pillow thrown at him at full force. They wouldn't dare. They better wouldn't. // As soon as I let myself into the house after Dan opened the door for me, I had known something was wrong. Without so much as a 'hello' to me, he told me to follow him. Dan led us over to the lounge, and asked me to take a seat as he closed the door behind him. He took a deep breath as he took the seat beside me, looking down at his feet. "So, I found something..." He said, all flustered. Forget the diary, Dan's behaviour was #1 on 'The List Of Things [Y/N] Is Currently Concerned About.' "Continue," I said. "And, um- there were some things written about me which flattered me," he mumbled, me, however, being able to catch every word he said. "And...?" He pulled his hands out from behind his back, and my whole world came crashing down. My diary. "May I ask, Miss [Y/L/N], what this object is?" He asked, any trace of being flustered gone. His nervous twitching of the left hand was now replaced by a confident and smug smile on his face that he tried, and failed, to conceal. It was my turn to blush. "I- uh- I work at a- a newspaper office," I said. "And t- that's just the diary I write in. You know ideas f- for my column." I hadn't been lying about me working at a newspaper office. I was interning at the Daily Mail, where I would soon get a job under the Teen Magazine section, where I would write articles for teens. (A/N- I know nothing about the Daily Mail. Just making things up over here). However, I did lie about writing down ideas for my column in that diary. In that moment, if the world hasn't crashed badly enough around me before, the pieces burst into flames as Dan opened to a page and started to read. "18th of February, 2017, I just came back from the Phlat and had a genuinely good time with Dan. When I looked him up, I mean- he was actually so good looking- but now that I know what he is really like, I think I might really like him. 21st of February, 2017, woah, just had the best day ever with Dan! Phil was out today, so Dan called me over to help film a video of his. Later, we had Chinese take out for dinner, and I felt my gut do a 180 whenever we made physical contact. I'm actually falling for him hard, aren't I?" Dan snapped the book shut and looked up at my face, which was painted with a violent crimson. "You just go on and on about how you love my smile, my eyes, me, for a whole week, [Y/N]. And then, I stumbled across this paragraph," he said, and I knew which paragraph he was talking about. "28th of February, 2017, I'm still at their place, but they're currently not in the room, so I thought, why not? Just wanted to write about how I utterly wanted to kiss Dan Howell then and there after he opened he door, shirtless, hair not straightened. Well, they're back now, so goodbye." Dan smiled bashfully at me. Some of the blush had started to creep back into his cheeks, and I was currently biting my bottom lip, looking down at my tattoo, very embarrassed. Again, I felt my guts do a one-eighty as Dan lifted my chin up with his thumb, making me look at him. I fiddled with the aquamarine ends of my black hair, as I looked up at Dan with my green eyes. He leaned down, our foreheads touching, and smiled at me. Those dimples are going to be the death of me. "[Y/N], like how you wanted to kiss me yesterday when I opened the door for you, I have wanted to do that ever since Phil told me about the bad pun you had texted him, before I had even seen you. I've been madly and truly in love with you, [Y/N]. It seems impossible that these feelings could develop in just 10 days, but they did, didn't they?" Saying so, he put his lips upon mine. The first thing that crossed my mind was that this was the first kiss that had held any meaning to me. Sure, I had had my first kiss at a party while we played Spin The Bottle, but they didn't open up the gates to zoo in '[Y/N]-tummy-land'. I remembered that my breath could be stale by now, considering the fact that I had run out of tic-tacs to eat in the lift, but reminded myself that I had brushed not an hour ago. I felt my eyes flutter shut as Dan pulled me closer to him, hoisting me onto his lap. I tangled a hand in his curly hobbit-hair, the other on his cheek. He ran a hand through my freshly-washed, soft, and untangled hair, easing it out of his ponytail. His other hand encircled my waist, pulling me closer every time I pulled my body away from his. At this point, a kiss would've probably gotten much heated, but our's still remained sweet and innocent, yet heavily passionate. We slowly pulled away from each other, my eyes still closed as I touched my forehead to his. He bumped our noses together, making me giggle. Just then, the door opened and Phil entered. I turned to the door, eyes wide in horror, while Dan just gave Phil a crooked smile. Phil, in reply, almost dropped his laptop, and rushed out of the room, but not before Dan yelled out - "I JUST KISSED HER!" I, of course, blushed. The 'being flustered' soon changed to confusion. "Dan," I asked, "Why was he so terrified? I mean, sure, he acts like he's an innocent ray of sunshine, but we weren't even kissing that time! Why did he run away like that?" Dan turned away from the door, and looked at me. He grinned at me before replying: "Didn't you see? The camera was pointed towards us - he was doing a live stream."
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groundramon · 7 years
also im back friends hi hello!!  I’m going to write a recap of what I thought of the Steven Universe special under a read more tag, but before I do, let me just say that I’ll be tagging all spoilers AND scheduling them not to be posted until friday at the earliest!  So you have until Friday to catch up or blacklist the tag “SU spoilers” //thumbs up// least from my blog
With that out of the way, MAJOR SU spoilers for the new special under the cut!
Important points that I made while watching this:
- This list isnt going to be in order of events but just so you know, I rewatched the two episodes that led up to this event (”are you my dad” and “i am my mom”) and I had already seen the first episode of the event prior to today, but I rewatched it anyways 
- CATERPILLAR FUSION hello I’ve found what I want my gemsona to look like //shot
- I actually laughed really hard at the caterpillar fusion and she was really off-putting at first, but I did some pondering while watching the episodes and realized that if she has six gems, I guess its not that unlikely that she’d look like a caterpilar.  Maybe.  Her face probably should be more monstrous given the fusions we’ve seen in the past, but w/e
- also i think she’s an allegory for polyamory? so thats cool
- Also more-than-three-people polyamory, also cool
- But enough about the caterpillar
- Cotton candy lars
- Something that I didnt even register as a SU spoiler and completely forgot about ended up spoiling that scene for me, but cmon, they couldn’t have killed lars in that scene.  It may be SU, the Dark and Emotional show, but it’s also SU, the show intended for easily scarrable children.  There’s enough emotional baggage and traumatic content in these six episodes (including “are you my dad” and “I am my mom”) as it is, we dont need a character death on our hands
- now if it was me I would’ve killed him, but this is why I shouldn’t be allowed within ten feet of children’s television (even though I plan to write for it ehehehehehe)
- Can you imagine if he did die for real tho??  It was such a sudden death??  And after doing something heroic??  Because I can imagine that and I have worse deaths in my stories eHEHEHEHEHEHE
- Did I mention cotton candy lars
- seriously I want to eat his hair
- dont take that out of context
- Overall, if you’re going to bring a character back to life, this was how to do it.  There was a heartbreaking moment where (someone who wasnt spoiled) might actually get concerned, but then you brought him back almost immediately but with legitimate consequences.  That’s the best of both worlds, bless.
- Although I am against the idea of bringing characters back to life in general.  Which is hypocritical considering I have an entire world where everyone gets a second chance after dying, but like, if you actually read Oneiromon it’s not that blatant and furthermore you can legitimately and completely kill an Oneiromon almost as easily as you can degenerate it
- I love the plot opportunities that this opens up, though??  Like how are they gonna handle getting Lars and the gem rejects (new band name) back home?  Are they gonna show it?  Are they gonna have an episode that doesnt star Steven?  HOW ARE THEY GONNA DO ITTTT and beyond that, how are they gonna get home in general?
- Please dont tell me that the next episode just drops it without a word though.  I dont think I can handle another plot point that’s Ignored For 10 Episodes and then Miraculously Remembered when it’s clearly an urgent matter that needs immediate attending to
- I’ll probably make a separate post about this but....whats this discourse about the diamonds being “too relatable”??  I think this has been an issue since Blue Diamond was revealed (too fuckin lazy to find the episode name) but I saw a glimpse of it while I was avoiding spoilers last week.  And like “they’re intergalactic warlords, they kill innocent people, they tried to kill the earth, they’re not good people” yes you’re right but...there’s a thing called “relatable characters” that I think you should check out??  That’s a writing tactic.  It’s meant to show that the villains are real people too, and politics-wise it can be to show that the next Hitler could be any one of us (IE the [original] Lorax, which...wasnt meant to show us that we could be hitler, but was meant to warn us that any of us could destroy the environment without realizing it)  If your villain is distant and one-dimensional, that is BAD WRITING.  Unless your movie is some kind of documentary or a movie without a clear villain or historical fiction, you SHOULD NOT have a one-note completely evil villain.  Even if you have an excuse to.  If your villains do not have the same range of emotions as your protagonists, you’re doing it wrong.  Like, you dont have to make Hitler relatable, but the Diamonds aren’t Hitler.  They’re fictional characters.  Nobody’s got PTSD because of what they did to their friends, family, and people.  When you’re writing fantasy, you’re allowed to show ranges of the human life that you may not see otherwise, and that includes showing that even mass murderers are human.  Furthermore, I would agree with the criticisms if the show wanted you to sympathize with them so that “oh they’re just doing whats right uvu the gems are the bad guys” but thats...not what the show seems to be saying at all?  Avatar: the Last Airbender gave Azula a rounded character with motivations and emotions, but that doesn’t mean the writers wanted us to forgive her for being a nazi (or at least supporting nazi ideology).  That’s all I see with the Diamonds in SU; a villain that’s supposed to be understandable and potentially relatable, but not redeemable.
- Now, White Diamond not being in the episode is 100% a valid criticism to have.  What the fuck, SU, where is she.
- Overall I really liked the special.  I’m glad Lars might stop being a relatable jackass and I’m always a sucker for sappy emotions //thumbs up
- I’m sure there was other stuff but my brain is flatlining and I need to get to bed, goodnight
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