#oh sehun crack
eomayas · 1 year
exo getting caught simping for you
a/n: it’s ok to be a simp! some are suggestive (jongdae, baekhyun, sehun) this is a bit long btw!
minseok: “i miss you,” he says into the phone, cradling it to his ear. he can practically hear your smile when you respond with i miss you too. “what are you doing right now?” he asks, pulling the blanket closer to his chin and snuggling deeper in the bed. minseok wishes it was you that he was lying with, and not these hotel pillows.
“talking to you,” you reply cheekily. minseok giggles at this the way only a person in love would. “baby, you should probably get some sleep. you have a show tomorrow.” you say and he sighs, his bottom lip jutting out slightly.
“but i want to talk to you!” he whines, somewhat like a child would. you only scoff and tell him that he can call you in the morning after he’s had some rest. “fine. i love you, honey!” he says, just as the hotel door opens and jongin and baekhyun walk in, jongin making a face at him and baekhyun laughing.
“i love you, honey!” jongin mocks, bursting into a fit of giggles. “is that jongin?” you ask, amusement in your voice.
minseoks cheeks turn red. “yes, goodnight, y/n,” he says, rushing to get off of the phone.
“don’t hang up on me!” you say, letting out a light laugh at his embarrassment.
“y/n,” he groans, burying his face into the pillow. jongin and baekhyun are quietly waiting for him to say something so cheesy and incriminating, so that they can use it against him later.
you giggle and sigh. “alright. goodnight minseokie, i love you. tell jongin i love him too,” you say, blowing him a kiss into the phone before hanging up. minseok would have blown one back, but he is already getting mocked by his younger members and can’t handle the teasing he’s going to get for the next few days.
“minseokie!” baekhyun yells, making smooching sounds at him. jongin giggles and joins in, the two men jumping onto his bed and shouting the nickname and pretending to be you on the phone.
minseok wishes he was dead.
junmyeon: “please don’t leave,” your boyfriend groans, burying his face into your neck, holding you close to him. you rub your hands up and down his back soothingly. “come with?” he asks, pulling back to look up at you with wide eyes.
“no,” you say, punctuating it with a kiss. suho let’s out a groan and a fake cry, and you laugh. “you’re such a baby.” you say, running your hands through his hair.
“yours,” he says quietly, and you smile, squeezing him tightly before patting his back and telling him that he needs to get ready to leave. junmyeon stands up straight and looks down at you, a dejected look i’m his face.
“oh my god, you’re so dramatic!” you say, and he cracks a small smile. you gently whack him on the chest and clutches your hand in his, settling it over his heart. “it’s only a few days.” you say, rubbing his forearm with your free hand.
junmyeon juts out his bottom lip slightly. “i dont know what i’ll do without you,” he says, and a brief snort makes you both perk up and look around for culprit, finding sehun wheeling his suitcase behind him.
“you’re so dramatic,” sehun says to junmyeon, laughing at his leader and older friend. junmyeons face sobers, turning bright red at his youngest member making fun of him and seeing him in such a vulnerable state.
“go away,” junmyeon all but whines and stomps his foot as he says it, making you giggle at him. he rolls his eyes at you and you wave goodbye to sehun who (for once) listens to what junmyeon tells him to do. “this isn’t funny.”
“it kind of is,” you say, grabbing his hands and pulling him closer to you. he continues to pout, even after you cradle his face in your hands and smush his cheeks together. “i love you, junmy.” you say. he only hums in response and you gasp, letting go of him. “say it back, asshole!”
he smiles and pulls you back towards him. “i love you, y/n,” he says, his voice sincere. junmyeon puts his hands on your hips and leans down to your level, brushing his nose with yours. he gets close to your lips and you pull back slightly.
“i’m gonna miss you,” you whisper, looking into his eyes. he gives you a soft smile, and this time you let him kiss you, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. it’s probably too intimate of a kiss for public, but neither of you show any signs of caring.
“we’re leaving without you!” minseok and jongin shout, breaking up your kiss with your man. junmyeon sighs and goes back to pouting almost immediately, and you gently push him away from you and towards his group members who are starting to board the jet. “hurry up, lover boy!” minseok shouts before disappearing into the jet.
“go,” you say, pulling away from him at last. junmy sighs again, finally starting to head towards the jet, looking over his shoulder at you dramatically like they do in the movies. you giggle at that and wave once he gets up to the door of the plane. “i love you!” you shout, and rather than getting a response from him, the rest of the exos shout. “i love you too!”
baekhyun: you smile at your boyfriend on facetime as he hums absentmindedly. he’s looking away from the camera, and you get a nice view of his side profile. “baek,” you say, resting the side of your head in your palm.
“hmm?” he says and turns to the camera, a soft smile on his face. you smile back at him, hearts probably taking the shape of your eyes.
“i love you,” you say, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. he smiles wide, showing his teeth and making his eyes crinkle.
“i love you too,” he says. you hear a door open on his side, and he turns around to greet whoever it is. “hey, junmyeon. say hi to y/n.” he says, moving the camera to show his leader. junmyeon crosses him arms over his his bare chest, trying to shield himself from you.
“hi, y/n. sorry i’m not dressed, i just showered,” he says apologetically.
“it’s alright,” you reply.
“what do you mean it’s alright?” baekhyun shouts, turning the camera back to his face, sporting an incredulous expression.
you roll your eyes. “you know what i meant,” you say.
“you should only be alright with seeing me naked,” baekhyun says.
“i’m more than okay with that,” you say, and he smiles. he pretends to lift his shirt up, and junmyeon yells at him to stop, not while he’s still digging for his pajamas. you only giggle and add, “you can get naked whenever.”
“can you wait a second!?” junmyeon yells, frantically digging around his bag for his clothing so he can lock himself in the bathroom and get away from you and baekhyun.
jongdae: “you know i miss you,” you say into the phone, a hand on your chest, right over your heart where jongdae lives.
“yeah? how much?” he asks teasingly, a big smile on his face. he leans his shoulder into the wall and crosses one leg behind the other.
“a lot,” you reply, unable to contain your smile. so far, every conversation you’ve had with him since he’s been gone on tour. "she misses you too." you add coolly, biting the inside of your cheek.
jongdae's cheeks tinge pink and he looks down at the floor. "yeah?" he manages, putting a hand on the back of his neck, his face only getting redder at the thought of you. its been too long since hes had you.
"mhm. we miss you a lot."
he only smiles to himself and says "both of you can show me how much when i get back," just as the door to the practice room opens and kyungsoo enters, his eyes narrowed in jongdae's direction. when jongdae blushes bright red at getting caught, kyungsoo raises his eyebrows, a knowing smirk on his face. "baby, i gotta go." he says, clearing his throat and straightening his posture.
on the other line, you frown. "fine. but you are upsetting us." jongdae glances over at kyungsoo who has taken a seat on the floor, preoccupied with his phone.
"i'll make it up to you," he says, turning his back to kyungsoo's direction. "swear i will. just be good." he says lowly, already embarrassed from kyungsoo walking in on the both of you having borderline phone sex.
"don't know if i can do that, dae. we really miss you. she's getting lonely; nothing feels as good as you do," you sigh, resting your head on the couch pillow.
jongdae forces himself to think about anything other than your words in order to stop a tent from forming in his pants. "kyungsoo is here," he mutters, many minutes too late.
you gasp. "oh my god, jongdae! can he hear me?" you panic, irritated that he let it get that far with an audience.
"i dont think so?" your fiancee replies, his voice unsure.
"oh my god, bye, jongdae," you say, and hang up before he can get another word in. jongdae lets out a breath and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to rid his brain of images of you on top and underneath him.
turning around and sliding his phone back into his pocket, jongdae starts walking over to kyungsoo. kyungsoo lifts his eyes from his phone at the sound of jongdaes footsteps and says, "you should really turn your phone volume down," making jongdae stop in his tracks get insanely red in the face, embarrassment flooding his body.
chanyeol: "wait, listen to this real quick," chanyeol says, scrolling through his laptop to find the track he had showed you a few weeks ago. he's changed a few things and added more drums and a flute--he really values your opinion on his music and wants you to hear what hes made.
you wait patiently for him to click play. the opening notes make you smile as you remember the way you told him he should let them play before he stacks them and blends the sounds together. "replay that part," you say when you hear something new.
chanyeol rewinds a few seconds and presses play before asking, "this part?"
you listen and gasp when you hear it again. "yes! pause it!" you shout over the phone. "did you add a violin?" you ask, a smile on your face.
chanyeol smiles at the phone, impressed with the way you've enhanced your musical knowledge and have noticed little things, like the violin strings that are stacked behind drums. "i did," he says, proudly.
you sigh in awe of him. "yeolie you're so... you're so cool," you gush, like a little schoolgirl talking to her crush. everything about chanyeol amazes you and makes you smile, and yes, maybe it’s because you’re in love with him, but you also would like to think that it would be this way even if you weren’t, if you were just friends or some fan.
chanyeol can’t help but blush at your words, the tips of his ears turning red in the way that you love. “aw, he’s blushing!” jongin says, taking the phone away from chanyeol to tell you. you smile, your heart swelling at the image your brain conjures up.
“are his ears turning red?” you ask and chanyeol yells in protest, only making his blush deepen.
“of course,” jongin replies, ducking out of reach when chanyeol swings to hit him. you only giggle and sigh, feeling mildly upset that you are not there to witness one of you favorite things ever.
“give me back my phone!” chanyeol says, reaching around jongin for it, but the younger man is too quick and gets out of the desk chair and crosses the studio in record time.
“you know, he’s made, like, four songs for you. i don’t know why he didn’t show you one of those,” he says, a devilish grin on his face, though he’s telling the truth. at this admission, chanyeol launches himself from his seat. “i’m sorry! please! here, take it back!” he pleads, holding out his phone for chanyeol to take back and shielding his body from the blows that don’t come.
“shut the fuck up,�� chanyeol groans at jongin, taking the phone off speaker and it putting it to his ear. “ignore him.” he says to you, running a hand through his hair.
“…so you didn’t write four songs for me?” you question. chanyeol bites the inside of his cheek, not ready to admit that yes, he did write four songs for you, most of which have lyrics that he hasn’t let anybody hear. “yeol.”
“hmm?” he says, settling back into his chair at the engineering table, his face burning. you smile, because you’ve got your answer.
kyungsoo: you run your hands over kyungsoo's newly shaved head, grimacing a bit when you run your hands the opposite direction of the cut and the follicles prick your fingers. "you don't like it?" he asks after seeing your face.
"i love it, actually. just feels weird," you say, dragging your hands down to the sides of his face and smiling down at him. kyungsoo gives you a small smile. he turns his head to the side and kisses the inside of your palm, your heart melting in your chest. "hi." you say shyly, kyungsoo leaning into your touch.
he smiles up at you, his eyes crinkling around the edges. "hi, pretty," he says, and you could just die. you remove your hands from the sides of his face and put them on his shoulders and adjust yourself in his lap so you are fully facing him and your legs are on either side of him, knees resting on the couch. kyungsoo laces his hands together behind your back, loosely holding you against him. “you look really pretty today.”
“just today?”
kyungsoos cheek turn a light shade of pink. “always,” he says, you smile at him and lean down to place a gentle kiss on his lips. the door to the lounge opens, and all 7 of the exos walk in loudly.
“y/n!” they shout when they see you on kyungsoos lap, making kyungsoo and you pull apart resignedly. irritation is etched on your boyfriends face at the interruption, and you gently pinch his cheek before moving to turn around.
“hi, you gu- kyungsoo, let me get up,” you say when he holds you tightly on his lap, making you turn around uncomfortably to greet the other members. at your request, kyungsoo let’s you get up with a sigh, holding onto the back of your skirt so you don’t accidentally flash the men behind you. “you guys did great tonight!” you compliment when you’re finally standing up and facing them.
a conversation breaks out, and you don’t notice when you lean against the couch and drape your arm over kyungsoos shoulder, gently stroking the side of his face. you both hold hands with your free one, and he rubs the inside of your palm with his thumb.
it’s only when you notice chanyeol cut his eyes at you and kyungsoo being so clingy that you smile. “kyungsoo, i’ve never seen you act like this!” he says, his eyes wide.
“like what?” kyungsoo asks absentmindedly, looking up at you with eyes that make your knees weak and your heart beat faster.
“so cheesy, and-“ kyungsoo snaps his head to look at chanyeol, daring him to finish his sentence. chanyeol closes his mouth, a nervous smile on his face just from a look from kyungsoo alone. the other members wait in silence, as do you, with amusement on their face, waiting for chanyeol to continue and claim his fate or to surrender. “never mind.” he says, waving kyungsoo off.
a collective giggle is let out in the room, and kyungsoo looks up at you with wide eyes, unaware of the effect he has on people.
jongin: “here,” jongin says softly, holding out his fork in front of your face. you try to take it out of his hands and he pulls it back, shaking his head. “let me do it.” he says, a shy smile on his face.
you comply and open your mouth, letting him feed you. “is it good?” he asks, watching you with so much love in his eyes it’s slightly overwhelming. you nod and give him a thumbs up, swallowing the food. jongin smiles and gives you a soft kiss on your lips.
this goes for the rest of the night; he’ll present food in front of your face and wait for you to open up to feed you, ask you if it’s good, and then kiss you. it’s sweet, really, and you don’t think anything of it, even after the rest of the exos join you for your meal.
sometimes you feed jongin, but most of the time he steals it off your plate or you put it on his. it becomes second nature for you both. “ooh, let me try that,” you say, pointing to the dessert that kyungsoo places down in front of jongin. your boyfriend cuts off a piece, giving you the first bite.
you accept the food and your eyes widen as you taste it. “kyungsoo, this is really good!” you say after you chew and swallow. he gives you a kind smile and thanks you.
jongin already has another bite of food waiting for you when you turn back to ask him, and you accept it with a smile on your face. he can only smile back, resisting the urge to grab your face and just kiss you until the sun rises, his group members be damned.
the man made sound of a whip cracking makes you and jongin snap your head in the direction, eyes falling on jongdae, minseok, baekhyun, and junmyeon all giggling, or holding back laughs. you smirk and look over at jongin, who wears an annoyed expression. “whatever,” he mumbles. you rub his back and he leans into you, making the situation worse because even kyungsoo joins in on the teasing, pantomiming cracking a whip and making the noise as well.
sehun: you cage your arms around him and put your chin on the center of his chest, looking up at him. sehun looks down at you with a small smile. “you’re cute,” he says, and if his arms weren’t pressed so tightly against his sides he’d boop your nose.
“so are you,” you say to him, loosening your hold around him and instead wrapping your arms around his waist.
“i know,” he says, and you roll your eyes. sehun moves hair out of your face and leans down to place a kiss on your lips. “cmon, let’s finish.” he says, sliding out of your grip. the two of you had choreographed a dance to a song you both liked, and had been using the exo practice room for a few hours now.
you nod and he jogs over to the speaker to play the song again, and then comes back to get into the starting position. you watch yourself in the mirror as you hit all of the moves, your feet feeling like they barely touch the floor. sehun watches you too, getting lost in the way that you move so freely, like you’re weightless and gravity isn’t any concern of yours.
he misses a few steps and you notice, smirking at him through the mirror. “keep up, lover boy,” you say, doing the last few moves as the song comes to a close. you wipe your sweaty forehead with the hem of your shirt, and sehun comes over to you, just as the door to the practice room opens. you turn and wave at jongdae, and he greets you and sehun with a wave, his phone pressed to his ear.
sehun takes this moment to pull you closer to him by your shirt. you let out a light laugh at him, and awkwardly keep your hands off of him because youre both sweaty. “i’m all gross,” you say.
“me too,” and he leans down and kisses you, his hands sticking to your skin through your shirt. you hold onto his arms, cringing at the feeling of sticky skin on sticky skin, and pull away.
“it’s too gross,” you say, making a face. sehun frowns at you, and you have to hold back a smile.
“you think i’m gross?”
“when we’re both sweaty? yes,” you say say, putting your hands on your hips.
“i like you when you’re sweaty,” sehun replies. “i like you when you’re all dirty.” he adds, making you exclaim in protest and draw the attention of jongdae, who just gives you both a disgusted look.
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yerimacoustic · 11 days
𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙞 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ♡ 𝙨𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙬𝙖𝙣 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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❝ 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙚'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞’𝙢 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙞 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙄 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
summary : after impulsively quitting your job and moving back to your hometown, you reconnect with a childhood friend of yours and rekindle your relationship. you even take the opportunity to get closer to your former crush upon realizing he actually does know you exist. however, you realize that you might be in over your own head when faced with complications involving family, responsibilities, and love.
content warnings : librarian!boo seungkwan x gender neutral reader, college professor!oh sehun x gender neutral reader, EXTREMELY slow burn, implied love triangle, childhood friends to (eventual) lovers, swearing, stress and angst, banter, very very brief mention of implied death, not proofread. 11.6k wc. mostly inspired by kdrama : love next door, it’s the ‘it’s always been you’ trope you guyssss
soundtrack : those eyes by new west, scott street by phoebe bridgers, ceilings by lizzy mcalpine, i hear a symphony by cody fry, the loneliest time by carlie rae jepsen, always been you by chris grey (will add more)
additional notes : this is going to be a multiple part series! i’m talking about EXTREMELY slow burn. don’t mind me adding sehun into the mix, i am a big fan of his lately.
it felt like nothing had changed. the pavement on the sidewalks was still loose, the grass near the empty fields was still much too tall.. everything was still so close. that was, of course, the main reason why you instructed your uber driver to drop you off at the coffee shop near your house. heaven knew you needed the extra ten minutes to clear your mind with the help of some fresh air, anyways.
you didn’t see yourself coming back home, not for a while at least. the plan had always been simple: graduate college, get a well-paying job, get married, start a family.. well, at least, your parents had always found it to be simple. you made it to step two, which you were able to give yourself at least some credit for.. unfortunately that was short lived, considering that one day at lunch with your boss, you made an impulsive decision to quit your job. 
you stopped in place at a familiar crack in the pavement, one that you remembered tripping over and promptly falling off your bike several times in your youth. how in the world were you supposed to face your mother and father? how were you supposed to summon the courage to tell them that you were currently unemployed and had no current plans for the future? that you were too burned out and exhausted to even begin looking for a new job?
maybe a nice cup of coffee would provide all the answers… except they were closed. shit.
the only thing left to do, obviously, was to procrastinate going home as much as possible. which, of course, meant exploring the street you knew like the back of your hand. the benches near the coffee shop looked exactly the same, the tiny post office, the library.. wait.
the library!
luckily, they stuck to the same schedule implemented from the time you were working there, which meant you had less than thirty minutes to step inside. as you swung the door open, the loud bell announced your arrival- not that it startled you. you’d grown numb to the loud clanging sound, almost as if you had been conditioned. once inside, you were greeted by the nostalgic smell of parchment and cinnamon, comfortable silence and dimmed lighting. there were two other patrons in there that you knew of, who were quietly huddled in the corner reading separate books. 
stepping up to the front desk, you looked around the calming, tranquil space with a content grin. much like everything else in town, the library had stayed exactly the same. there were still paintings of landscapes and skylines scattered along the walls, a fireplace in the back area, comfortable bean bags and rugs… and..
“seungkwan?” you whispered, your eyes going wide.
the young man in question was pushing a cart of books with his back towards you and had already begun to carefully set them down on the nearest shelf before he heard someone speaking behind him. the last person he expected to see standing behind his counter was you. as far as seungkwan knew, you had no plans of returning home. 
his eyes went wide as he turned back, lips forming a perfect ‘o’ shape. he did his best to keep his voice down as he saw you and stood frozen in place for a moment, dumbfounded. “y/n??”
you smiled sheepishly upon taking note of your childhood friend's reaction. it was truly one for the books, but you still couldn’t hold back from teasing him, whispering, “well are you just gonna stand there or…?”
“ugh, fine. get over here.” seungkwan let out a mocking huff of annoyance before carefully setting the last book down on the cart and rushing to you. he flung his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a tight hug, one that seemed to convey all the sentiments that had been lost to you for four years now. all of the tight hugs, the words of affirmation, the quality time spent after school and work.. 
he finally spoke up again, making no effort to keep his voice lowered down. “what are you doing here? how long are you in town?”
you chuckled awkwardly, waiting for just a moment longer to break out of his embrace. “um..indefinitely?”
seungkwan’s eyes narrowed. “whoa.. i didn’t think those big shots in the city would let you take an indefinite hiatus...”
“oh.. yeah, what can i say? they love me over there.” you mocked a hair flip for dramatic effect, earning a scoff from seungkwan. 
“well hopefully your work ethic’s better now than when you were working here with me.” he rolled his eyes while reminiscing several shifts gone wrong in your time together at the library. they still blew his mind several years later; how difficult could it be to work in a building full of books?
you furrowed your eyebrows. “what are you talking about? i was your favorite coworker.”
“nuh uh, you were my only coworker. big difference.” seungkwan waved a finger to you with a growing smirk, his eyes still narrowed. 
you swatted his shoulder. you would never admit out loud that you definitely were not the best employee, that you would rather spend the day reading or distracting seungkwan as much as you could than get any actual work done. still, you hoped that at the very least, seungkwan enjoyed his time with you. “come on. you know i made things more entertaining around here.” 
your best friend let out a prolonged sigh as he made a dramatic show of pulling off his striped apron and folding it over the front desk. “i guess.” he paused, rolling up the sleeves of his large sweater to his elbows before folding his arms. “have you been home yet?”
your heart skipped a beat at the sudden confrontation. “well.. not exactly. my plane just landed.”
“really? i’m surprised that your folks didn’t come pick you up from the airport..” he shook his head, a grin of amusement slowly starting to surface. seungkwan seemed to have been gifted with intuition after years of being your closest friend; judging by your body language, alone, he could tell that something wasn’t quite right.
“about that,” your tone suddenly grew hushed as you rubbed the back of your neck. “i didn’t exactly tell them i’m coming home.”
“hmm?” seungkwan furrowed his eyebrows. “why wouldn’t you tell them something like that?”
you parted your lips before the proper excuse could come to mind. but.. neither of their birthdays were coming up. it wasn’t a holiday. and you definitely had nothing exciting to share with them in person. you barely made a sound before the loud bell across the room announced someone else’s arrival. your heads snapped towards the doorway, your own eyes going wide at the revelation..
“hey sehun,” seungkwan greeted halfheartedly, as if it was customary for the other man to show up fifteen minutes before closing. he moved to stand behind the counter while you stayed frozen in place, watching the taller man make his way to the two of you. 
sehun was exactly how you remembered him too. tall, stoic, smartly dressed.. classically handsome. in the four years you’d been gone, you hadn’t forgotten about the infatuation you had developed with him in college. not completely, at least. he carried a large pile of books in his arms, which he set down carefully on the counter in front of him. “hey, thanks for helping me out. you’re a lifesaver.” 
“no problem.” seungkwan went to work immediately, starting to log the books sehun had borrowed into the ancient computer resting on the counter. he glanced to you before explaining, “sehun got that teaching degree. he comes in here every so often to borrow some extra books they don’t have on campus.”
just as you nodded in understanding, sehun looked over his shoulder to see you already staring at him. his eyes went wide as he wore a deeply apologetic expression, “oh! hey..y/n. it’s y/n, right?”
“yeah, yeah, that’s right,” you chuckled.
“it's good to see you,” he grinned modestly, turning his back on seungkwan in favor of facing you fully. “i haven’t seen you in a while, where have you been?”
“i relocated for work after graduating but..i’m back here now.” you punctuated your statement by shrugging halfheartedly, chuckling under your breath. to tell the truth, you were surprised sehun had even noticed you were missing; he never paid much attention to you in school. it wasn’t like you were nonexistent, but more like he always had something else on his mind. 
“indefinitely,” seungkwan chimed in, much to your annoyance. 
sehun raised an eyebrow. “indefinitely?”
you felt as if the two of them had backed you in a corner. it was difficult to ignore seungkwan as he leaned over the counter with his chin resting in the palm of his hand, an amused grin bringing you to clench your jaw. “well..”
“and she didn’t even tell her parents,” seungkwan whispered, as if the three of you were in a gossip session. he smirked to you, knowing fully well that you would have lunged for him if sehun wasn’t in the room. 
“i’m sure they’ll be excited to see you visiting them. indefinitely.” sehun, of course, was oblivious to seungkwan’s antics. he kept his back turned on him as he focused on you, waiting almost too patiently for you to explain your motives. 
just before you could mutter a ‘thank you’ to him, seungkwan cut you off once again, “by the way, when you say indefinitely, what exactly do you mean?”
in that moment, you crafted a plot in your mind to jump over the counter the minute sehun would close the door behind him. seungkwan had always known of your interest in sehun, so.. you could give him the benefit of the doubt and excuse his actions by saying he had good intentions. but there was something deep inside you nagging and arguing that he was only trying to embarrass you.
“well..” you muttered, prompting seungkwan to lean in comically close over the counter. unfortunately, whether you liked it or not, you came to the realization that your close friends and family would eventually find out the truth.. so it was better to bite the bullet. “forever?”
“forever??” seungkwan asked incredulously. 
in that moment you had completely abandoned all intentions of giving your best friend the benefit of the doubt and instead wondered if seungkwan truly would stop at nothing to humiliate you. the look of intrigue donned by sehun almost caused your heart to stop beating in your chest completely. “forever,” you repeated quietly.
and although sehun showed no signs of disgust or disapproval, you wondered what he truly thought of you. he must have thought so lowly of you, unemployed and forced to move back in with your parents with no prospects or plans of any sort... as much as you would have liked to tell yourself you were most likely overthinking the tension rising between the three of you, it was part of your nature to assume the worst.
sehun’s expression of intrigue was quickly replaced by one of reserved shock; he wasn’t sure how to respond. he wanted to handle the situation (if one could even call it a ‘situation’) with delicacy without seeming like he was tiptoeing around it. it was quite the contrast from seungkwan’s reaction; your best friend looked like he would soon pass out due to the color draining from his face. seungkwan, who was visible just behind sehun’s shoulder, slapped a hand over his mouth to muffle his gasp. 
of course. he always had a flair for the dramatics.
sehun cleared his throat, as if to defuse the tension in the space between the three of you. the air had felt much more constricting until he snapped you out of your shame induced gaze. “thanks again, seungkwan. same time tomorrow?”
“maybe a few more minutes before closing.” seungkwan was quick to smile enthusiastically, with authenticity rather than cruel irony, towards the other man. he even went so far as to punctuate his statement with an amused chuckle. 
“right, sorry,” sehun nodded apologetically. he knew he had a bad habit of bothering seungkwan, who was generous enough to help him even in the most inconvenient times, but there was no use trying to adjust his schedule to his own liking. he looked to you just as he turned towards the exit, a smile barely reaching his eyes. “see you around.” 
somehow, you weren’t hyperfocused on the fact that he seemed to disappear before you could gift him a proper goodbye. once the loud bell signaled his absence, you reached across the front counter to swat at seungkwan’s shoulder. a high pitched shriek flew from his lips, but it didn’t startle you enough to back away from him. “what was that for?” he demanded with a pout.
“you know damn well! he probably thinks i’m some deadbeat now.” 
“why, because you got fired?” seungkwan regretted his teasing remark the second he saw you wind back your hand to swat his untouched shoulder, his hands flying to shield his face. “wait! wait, stop! truce! truce!” the sigh of relief he let out once you finally relented was almost comedic. “you didn’t get fired, did you?”
you folded your arms across the countertop with a huff, avoiding his eyes. although sehun’s opinion meant a lot to you, it was nothing compared to how seungkwan perceived you. you grew up with him, after all. “no. i quit.”
“does it matter?” those three words came out in a much harsher, more defensive tone than you had anticipated. it was too late to apologize by the time you had processed the gravity of your words, or the effect they had on your best friend.
seungkwan matched your energy, his eyebrows raised as his tone grew just a tad harsher, as well. “well… yeah? you’re throwing a lot away. you know it’s really hard to get a job these days. you were really lucky.”
you huffed. “please, seungkwan, spare me. i’ve already been preparing for that lecture from my parents.” 
“well, what do you want me to say instead?” he snapped, folding his arms across his chest. those words stung in your chest, as if the blade had been laced with venom. out of all of the people you expected to be this harsh with you, the last person on your list was boo seungkwan.
you furrowed your eyebrows, sitting up and letting your arms fall from the counter in favor of relaxing at your sides. “nothing.” you paused before mustering up the courage to speak again, swallowing. “it was great to see you.”
you took long strides towards the door, ignoring seungkwan’s protests even as his voice grew nearer. only when you felt his hand grip onto your forearm did you finally turn back to face him, a deadpan expression dulling your features. quite the contrast from his look of pleading, sorrow filling his eyes. always the flair for the dramatics. “don’t go. please?” he paused, searching for an answer within your irises. “if i know anything about your parents, they’re gonna be pissed. we need a game plan.”
“‘we?’” you asked him quietly.
“yeah. we’re in this together.” he hooked his arm around yours, his words and the tight grip on your upper arm prompting a rush of nostalgia to numb your mind for the time being. 
“but first, we need to grab some dinner.” your eyes lit up, accentuating your smirk as you heard seungkwan groan next to you in annoyance. 
“i hardly see how grabbing sandwiches is going to help the situation.” even so, seungkwan dipped his grilled cheese in the flavorful tomato soup in front of him, letting out a content sigh once the taste of basil and sourdough lingered in his mouth. 
“comfort food always helps keep one level headed in stressful situations. i thought you knew that,” you took a large bite from your own sandwich, as if the exaggerated actions would punctuate your words. 
of course, seungkwan knew you brought up a great point; he didn’t raise that argument when the two of you grabbed brunch before taking finals or when he ordered takeout while both of you spent the entire night applying for jobs. after all, the two of you shared a similar love of food for as long as you could remember. 
“yeah, but doesn’t it just feel like we’re prolonging the inevitable?” seungkwan’s words were slightly muffled as he chewed politely on his sandwich.
unfortunately, he brought up a great point, as well. that was the whole reason you found yourself in his family’s library in the first place: to prolong the inevitable. you swallowed nervously as an image of the disappointment on your mother’s face flashed in your mind, dabbing at the corners of your lips with a napkin. “no. i’m starving. i haven’t eaten since noon.”
seungkwan let out an audible sigh, which inevitably earned him an eye roll. “sure, we’ll go with that excuse.”
furrowing your eyebrows, you straightened out your shoulders. “excuse me, have you seen how my mom is when she gets angry?”
“of course i have. i was there when you cut the bangs off of all of her porcelain dolls because ‘you wanted to see their eyes.’” he dropped his spoon to add air quotes to the last part of his statement, much to his own amusement.  
your eyes grew nearly twice their size as you watched the man in front of you take a sip of his iced water with such infuriating casualness. “not only were you there, but you helped me cut their hair!”
“what? you don’t expect her to raise her voice at her best friend’s child, do you?” he feigned an expression of innocence, his eyes going wide as he pursed his pouty lips.
you huffed, “no. only because she’s always held you up on a pedestal. i swear, it’s like she’s always wanted to switch children with your mother.”
seungkwan laughed, a little too loudly for your liking. not that his laughs weren’t always adorable and endearing, of course. it was his next statement, however, that caught you off guard: “don’t say that.”
of course, the shock didn’t stop you from taking another jab at him. “no, really. you’ve heard her talk about how badly she wanted a son multiple times.”
seungkwan began to laugh again as more and more memories started coming back to him. your mother had always greatly esteemed him, held him to the highest regards.. to say that he didn’t appreciate those sentiments would be a lie. especially since there were plenty of occasions he could think of where he desperately needed the praise. his only wish was that she extended them towards her own child. “i’m sure that she would change her mind if her wish was ever granted,” he rationalized, still not quite eliminating the laughs escaping his lips.
you snickered. “yeah. i’m sure she would.” both of you sat in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, savoring the last few remnants of your respective meals. you, however, couldn’t stand listening to the daunting sound of your own heart racing in your chest and spoke up, “how are things going with the library?”
seungkwan wasn’t expecting you to bring up such a delicate subject of his own at a time like this. he knew that you were already under a great deal of stress and didn’t want to add another burden onto your shoulders. that was why he spoke so dismissively, “things are…fine. pretty busy.”
“just busy?” after you had successfully folded your napkin into something that vaguely resembled a swan, you lifted your head up with every intention to meet his gaze. only to look directly past his shoulder and draw in a shaky breath. “shit..”
“what??” seungkwan instantly demanded an answer and furrowed his eyebrows, watching you pull the hood of your jacket over your head and hunch your shoulders over. 
“look behind you. don’t make it obvious.” seungkwan muttered to himself before turning around in his seat to get a better look at your mother and another close friend of hers sitting across the restaurant, making no effort to be discreet. you immediately hissed in annoyance, “goddammit, i said don’t make it obvious!”
“geez, sorry.” seungkwan snapped his head back towards you, tilting his head to the side as he saw you duck under the table. suddenly, his eyes lit up as he leaned down to get a better look at you crouched down on the floor. “hey.. now seems as good a time as any to go and talk to her!”
you gasped, “are you kidding me? she’ll cause a huge scene! we better just make a run for it. i was never one to dine and dash but i guess there’s a first time for everything.”
seungkwan rolled his eyes and got to his feet, reaching for your hand. “come on, i’ll be right there beside you. who knows, she might actually take it well? she wouldn’t want to risk embarrassing herself in public, would she?”
“no, but she wouldn’t care about embarrassing me in public.” you refused to take his hand in favor of wrapping both arms around the leg of the table. “now lemme know when it’s a good time to crawl out of here.”
seungkwan laughed, thoroughly amused by your antics. “no. come on, its time to face your fears.” he crouched down again, hooking both hands around your arm. 
“seungkwan, no-” you tried to keep your voice down while keeping a firm grip on the table’s wobbly leg. 
seungkwan clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, a scolding expression overtaking his features as he shook his head. “i can’t believe you would risk getting arrested to avoid having an adult conversation with your mom. absolutely shameful. come on.”
you shuddered out of his touch, pouting. “but i’m not ready! please, can we just wait an hour or so until they’re done..”
suddenly, seungkwan threw his head back with a loud groan of annoyance and prompted you to put a finger to your lips. “no. there’s no time like the present, come on!” despite your relentless hold on the table, your persistent arguing and whines of annoyance, seungkwan fell to his knees in an effort to successfully pull you out from under the table. he felt like he was wrangling a stubborn toddler. “jesus, you were worried about your mom making a scene?”
just then, a voice behind seungkwan’s figure called to you, “y/n?”
seungkwan looked back before scooting away from you to give you a clear view of your mother standing with her arms folded. when he got to his feet, you moved out of the way just enough for you to see her close friend in question standing next to her. the two older women stood like a pair of identical twins with their arms folded and their heads cocked to the right. you waved to the two of them, suddenly feeling much more vulnerable under the table. “heyyy mom..”
just as you looked up, you got the opportunity to witness seungkwan realize the gravity of the situation in real time. his lips pressed to a thin line as he looked off to the side, making no attempts to alleviate any suspicious appearances or keep up any innocent appearances. much to your surprise, your mother paid no attention to the man she considered her perfect son in another life. she scoffed incredulously, “come here! what are you doing here?”
you brushed off your dress pants as you slowly began to emerge from your hiding place. “i wanted to catch up with seungkwan before heading home..”
your mother wasted no time shaking her head and cutting you off, “you know what i mean.”
you looked to seungkwan with desperation in your eyes, as if asking him speechlessly to do the talking for you. he’d always had a much better way with words than you did, especially whenever your mother was concerned. she always seemed to hear him out. however.. he stayed silent. his eyes went wide once they met yours, as if trying to communicate back to you without words.
you knew right then and there that you were on your own. 
“it’s kind of a long story..”
needless to say, your mother did not take the news very well, seeing that you were now lying in the fetal position on seungkwan’s bed, tugging his small blankets closer towards your shivering figure. none of it felt.. real. your mother yelling at you and chastising you in public, seungkwan trying desperately to intervene until his efforts proved to be fruitless, the four of you getting removed from the restaurant.. but what seemed to remain frozen in your mind was the look on your mother’s face.
there was so much to be said from the look in her eyes alone, irises filled with.. hatred. the mere thought of it made you shudder. 
the image of seungkwan stepping out of his tiny bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and shorts was enough to pull you out of your miserable thoughts. for the most part. “glad to see you made yourself at home,” he teased you and made his way to the bed, grabbing a spare blanket and pillow. 
you furrowed your eyebrows as you watched him tuck the bedding under your arm. “hey. you’re not sleeping on the floor.” 
“you’re right. i’m sleeping on the couch,” seungkwan replied without skipping a beat. he ran a hand through his chestnut hair, which was already tousled from the headband he’d worn just minutes before he joined you. “goodnight.”
“wait-” you called to him just as he turned on his heel in favor of walking towards the door. then you watched in amusement as he let out a huff of mock annoyance and turn to face you with raised eyebrows. “please.. please stay with me. i don’t want to be alone right now.”
sleepovers weren’t a foreign concept to you and seungkwan. there were countless nights where study sessions, late night chats, and carpooling after parties led to impromptu sleepovers. it reached the point where both of you had extra toothbrushes and other toiletries waiting for the other. you never seemed to stay far from each other, even in slumber; usually the two of you ended up on the couch together. 
it was nothing. neither of you thought anything of it, because you didn’t have to. yet.. there was a sense of timidity within his demeanor as he stepped closer to the bed. you were quick to shrug it off and sit up once he climbed under the covers with you, relaxing back against the mattress when you felt his arm drape around your shoulders. the two of you were so close that you felt the gentle impact of the rising and falling of his chest with every steady breath he took. “what are you gonna do?”
you were close to telling seungkwan that you hadn’t thought this far ahead. you always thought you could depend on your family to help you out during tough times.. but you’d had your heart broken that day. fear settled comfortably within your heart as you laid a hand on his chest and scooted closer to him. “i don’t know.”
you were expecting a fiery rebuttal from him. or some more scolding, even reprimanding.. but none of it came. instead he spoke gently, his voice barely above a whisper, “we’ll figure it out in the morning. get some sleep.”
you nodded and let your head fall more comfortably against the pillow before shutting your eyes, his arm curled around your figure and his hand cupping your shoulder bringing that much needed sense of comfort. seungkwan, however, stared at the ceiling as you felt yourself drifting off into a peaceful slumber next to him. he connected the dots in the plaster while trying not to pay any mind to the water stain near the corner of the room, the patterns providing him temporary relief. 
he felt like he was dreaming; when you left, he wasn’t sure if the two of you were ever going to be in a situation like this again. laying together, laughing, forgetting about the rest of the world.. sure, in this particular moment the circumstances were less than ideal, but he was just grateful to feel your warmth. now more than ever.
a half an hour must have passed before he gently pulled his arm out from underneath your figure and allowed you to fall more cozily against the mattress. he sat quietly at his desk, which was less than two steps away from his bed, and opened the drawer slowly in hopes that you wouldn’t hear the gentle creak. there was a letter tucked securely into an envelope, one that he had read so many times that it was a miracle the seal of tape was still effective. 
no matter how many times he had already read the letter, the beautiful words still brought a single tear to his eye and a gentle smile to his lips. it was the last thing his mother had ever given him besides the library, both of which he held close to his heart. he read it almost every night before he went to bed, swearing that he heard her voice in his head every single time. 
on a separate sheet, she’d left him instructions and tips for running the library. he still couldn’t fully believe that the family business was completely in his hands now. he put his own career on hold to see it through, devoting his entire time to ensuring the success of the library. he had no other employees. he was forced to move into a much cheaper apartment across the street, saving money on transportation.
yes, some days were better than others. but he wouldn’t trade the business for anything else in the world.
now that you were here with him, seungkwan felt so many different emotions hitting him all at once. while he was grateful to finally see you again, there was a nagging feeling akin to resentment in the back of his mind. he only hoped that he wouldn’t let the troubling emotion take over him completely.
you were already a shoo-in for the internship agency near your school. judging by the end of your interview, you basically already had a guaranteed position. it was near school, it paid fairly well, you could still go to school part time.. you had nothing to worry about, having all of your prospects lined into a neat row.
seungkwan, however, was not quite so fortunate. school was challenging for him; when one crisis was ending, another was just beginning. one particular event was the breaking point for him. his finger had been hovering over his laptop’s mouse for a good five minutes as he gazed at the highlighted button on the screen: ‘submit request to withdraw.’ maybe school wasn’t for everyone. maybe school wasn’t for him.
his fingertip had inched closer towards the mouse when you finally reached his side, slumping down on the chair next to him. before you could complain about a strenuous day in your psychology class, you took note of the image displayed on his laptop screen and immediately slammed it shut. “what do you think you’re doing??” you demanded. 
“i can’t take this anymore,” he groaned, tilting his head back. the hood of his jacket fell back upon his shoulders in the process, revealing his tousled hair. “i’m done. i’m dropping out.”
“no you’re not,” you argued without skipping a beat.
“yes i am.”
“no you’re not.”
seungkwan groaned again, covering his now strained eyes. he’d lost count of the hours he’d spent staring at the screen in front of him. “yes i am! it’s my only option. plus, if worse comes to worse, i’ll always have the library.”
your hand fell to rest on his back, silently communicating to him that you sympathized with him. you had had plenty of trials and tribulations during your time in school, seungkwan knew that fully well. “is this about your trig. test? seungkwan, no one passes that class. it’s not your fault you got stuck with the worst teacher.”
“it’s not just that.” he scooted his chair to the side so he could face you more fully. the look in his eyes was painfully unfamiliar; the closest resemblance being one that he’d worn a few times as a child. over some stupid, simple things that didn’t matter one bit anymore. this.. this was different. your best friend was scared to death about what lay ahead of him.
you took seungkwan’s hand in yours and squeezed it the moment you noticed his gentle tremble. “you’re one of the smartest people i know. if anyone can get through this, its you,” you told him quietly, with such gentle sincerity that warmed his heart. “i’m not going to let anything happen to you, okay? i’ll always be here for you.”  
i’ll always be here for you. 
what seungkwan didn’t know was that you replayed that moment in your mind every night before you went to bed. he didn’t know you were currently reminiscing in your sleep. guilt and regret overtook you every single time you thought about the relief flooding his features upon hearing such a beautiful sentiment from you: i’ll always be here for you. 
what a phony he must think you are.
the aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the air of his small apartment, strong enough to pull you out of your deep sleep. the promise of the refreshing beverage prompted you to sit up and stretch your arms out before joining your brand new roommate in the kitchen. seungkwan was already seated near the bar, halfway through his toast when he smiled at the sight of you, “morning, sleeping beauty.”
you let out a chuckle that resembled more of a scoff before taking the initiative and pouring yourself a cup of coffee. “i would have slept a lot better if someone didn’t hog all the blankets.”
“tsk tsk,” seungkwan shook his head while dabbing at the corners of his lips with a napkin. less than five seconds passed before he was on his feet, carrying his own mug in one hand and reaching for his briefcase with the other. “well, i’m off. do me a favor and clean the kitchen, will you?”
you furrowed your eyebrows while watching him search the tiny sitting room (which was more like a nook) for his dress shoes. “hey, wait! where are you going?”
he snickered, “where do you think? i’m going to work.” 
“can i come with you?”
seungkwan stared at you incredulously. “why would you want to do that?”
you cocked your head to the side, confused. wasn’t the answer perfectly obvious? “because if i spend nine hours cooped up in here by myself, i’ll go crazy. no offense.”
he brushed off your statement, grabbing his keys off the tiny hook near the front door. “what makes you think you won’t go crazy cooped up in the library for nine hours?”
you paused and shrugged your shoulders as a pleading look filled your eyes. “i’ll.. be with you? and books?” 
once again, seungkwan had to wrestle with all of the emotions hitting him at once- he’d enjoyed this time with you, yes, but.. a small part of him wanted space. he wanted time alone to sort through his conflicted feelings. no words could describe the guilt that sentiment, alone, had brought upon him. still, he let out an exaggerated huff and tilted his head back, “ughh fine. hurry and get ready.”
the squeal that escaped your lips nearly caused seungkwan to jump enough to spill his coffee. much to his own relief, the hot liquid never escaped from his cup and fled towards his sweater. it was a close call, however, when you threw your arms around his neck and pressed a firm kiss against his cheek. that time a few drops did spill on the floor, prompting the two of you to giggle in almost frightening unison before seungkwan made a dramatic show of pretending to rub the kiss off of his cheek. “ew-ew-ew-ew-”
“shut up,” you called out to him before shutting his bedroom door behind you. it didn’t take too long for you to find a sensible outfit, seeing that such boring outfits had taken over your entire wardrobe since you graduated. 
before too long, the two of you were greeted by the crisp autumn air as seungkwan locked his door. you both held onto your mugs, chasing the warmth of the coffee as you took prolonged sips in unison. in that moment, you couldn’t help but wonder if seungkwan shared the same sentiment as you, if he thought about how taking the familiar road to work felt so strangely different this time around.
“why don’t you hire some other employees?” you asked seungkwan once the two of you sat comfortably in the warmth of the quiet library.
“what, are you tired of your new job already?” seungkwan teased, tilting his head with that all too familiar lopsided grin. 
“job? who said anything about a job?” you fired back, all in good fun, of course. you had no issues helping seungkwan out with the business, if he would have you. you could only imagine how much of a nightmare it was to run a business completely alone. besides.. you hated the thought of sleeping at his apartment all day while he worked his ass off.
he nodded his head once, his grin only growing wider. “ohh, i see what’s going on here. shame, i expected more from you.”
“you’ll have to get in line,” you chuckled before averting your gaze back to the sticky note on the front desk in front of you. you’d been drawing tiny flowers on the little slip of paper for about an hour now, hoping to pass the time quickly. soon, you spoke up again without looking up from the lime green pad of paper, “you didn’t answer my question, though.”
you noticed seungkwan shrug in your peripheral vision. “can’t really afford it.”
he watched as you nodded in understanding, eyes still not leaving the sticky note in front of you. “well.. you could always ask for volunteers. there’s a lot of different ways to get the word out.”
seungkwan chuckled dismissively, “i doubt anyone’s gonna want to volunteer at the local library.” he spun in his chair slowly to gaze at one side of the open space in front of him and then the other. the first day he had ever worked there by himself he realized that he had to come to terms with the harsh reality that no one would value this place quite like he did. 
you caught onto it, however, and it broke your heart to put yourself in his shoes. he’d barely jump started his own career before this was thrown onto his lap; to say it was a lot of pressure was the understatement of the year. “you never know,” you countered in a hushed tone. 
several minutes passed before the loud bell startled you out of your boredom. just before you could lecture seungkwan about investing in a battery operated one, sehun stood on the other side of the desk. your focus shifted completely to the man standing in front of you, both of you separated only by the smooth oak desk. 
“hey sehun,” a short greeting you were barely able to muster as you rose to your feet.  
sehun, of course, stayed cordial, his grin just notably wider than the last he’d greeted you with. “hey. i didn’t realize you’d be working here too.” 
“oh.. yeah. seungkwan and i go way back, i thought i could help him out a bit.” you tilted your head towards the other man in question, who was still seated comfortably in the chestnut leather chair. strange.. he was usually so quick to attend to his customers’ needs.
“why don’t you help sehun grab his books? get some practice in?” you didn’t have to look over at seungkwan to know that insufferable smirk had taken over his lips. 
“uh.. yeah, sure. i can do my best.” the promise of getting some alone time with your former ‘campus crush’ was almost enough to make you giggle like you were in college all over again. you were quick to abandon seungkwan in favor of joining the taller man as he strode towards the aisle directly across from where your friend was sitting. “so..classic literature, huh?”
sehun chuckled fondly at your attempt to make conversation, prompting that warming sensation in your chest to return. “yeah. i don’t know if seungkwan told you, but i’m teaching ‘reading comprehension’ on campus. the library over there seems to have lost most of its funding since we graduated. he’s helped out a lot.”
you nodded and began to pull the books off the shelves that he pointed to with his free hand. “‘reading comprehension?’ i loved that class.”
“oh you did? it was one of my favorites. with mrs-”
“sylvester,” you finished politely.
“sylvester, yeah,” sehun chuckled again, and it was the most that you’d ever seen him smile. although it was somewhat short lived, it didn’t disappear completely from view. “she transferred a few years back. that was when i got the promotion.”
“oh.” an expression of disappointment clouded your features as he led you into the next aisle. you tried not to think about how you wished you’d brought one of those carts, considering it was completely off topic.. “that’s too bad. i don’t think i’ve ever had a teacher like her.”
sehun sighed, tucking a small pile of books under his other arm. “i don’t think anyone has. she left some pretty big boots to fill.”
“i’m sure you’re more than capable,” you assured him with a tilt of your head. “you were the one with the best assignments in ‘creative writing.’”
sehun donned an expression mixed with shock and confusion. for a moment you wondered if it was because he had no memory of sharing a creative writing class with you. had you really managed to stay so invisible? his gaze left you on the edge of your seat until he finally spoke, his words throwing you through another loop, “i.. didn’t think anyone remembered those. in fact, i hoped no one did.”
you furrowed your eyebrows, showcasing your genuine confusion. “why? your writing was so beautiful.”
he let out a short chuckle in favor of accepting your compliment. “i prefer to leave it to the professionals.” so he was handsome and he was humble.. good to know. his next statement pulled you out of your temporary daze, “speaking of which-” his gaze briefly shifted to the stack of books in both hands. “i better get back to it.”
“oh, yeah. yeah. sure.” however, you couldn’t bring yourself to face seungkwan without taking a step in a much bolder direction. “maybe we could talk about them sometime.” your heart skipped a beat as you watched him turn back to get a proper look at you once more. “i mean..the professionals. we could grab coffee sometime, talk about our favorites.”
he stayed quiet for a moment, as if he was thinking carefully over your question. once again, he seemed intent on keeping you on the edge of your seat, on stopping your heart from beating in your chest. relief warmed your heart as a gentle, barely visible smile was sent in your direction. “yeah. i’d like that a lot.”
even though the words were on the tip of your tongue, you couldn’t bring yourself to mutter a confirmation or any other proper response. planning the logistics or even a proper meeting time and place would have been a good start. even so, bashful silence filled the air and sehun was graced with an equally awkward grin before the two of you met with seungkwan again to carry out the rest of the checking process.
the crisp autumn air did nothing to soothe your shaking hands and arms as you and sehun carried the borrowed books to his car. he kept a respectful distance the entirety of the short walk to the end of the parking lot, not enough to keep you wondering if he found your presence to be a nuisance, of course. you earned yourself a smile of gratitude once the entirety of his collection was placed carefully in his backseat, his words doing nothing to soothe the aching in your heart: “so, about that coffee…”
“i should be done around five,” you cut him off, regretting it immediately. suddenly, one of your mother’s habitual lectures had once again proved fruitless and you realized just how pathetically eager you must have sounded. 
much to your relief, sehun nodded to signal his confirmation. “five sounds great. i’ll just meet you over there, yeah?” your gaze followed his hand as he pointed to the coffee shop that was no more than a ten minute walk from your current location.
luckily, you were able to hold back a sigh of relief. “yeah.” you paused, taking the opportunity to mirror his smile as your hands linked together behind your back. “well..see you then.”
after you were sent on your way with a quiet ‘goodbye,’ you were lucky not to trip over your own feet as you turned on your heel. to tell the truth, you only felt like you had come back down to earth once you were face to face with seungkwan in the warmth of the library again. his smirk was infuriating, as per usual, as he confirmed that he’d listened to your entire exchange, “big date tonight, huh?”
scolding him was a redundant move. instead, you followed his remark with a smirk of your own, arms folding across your chest while you eagerly awaited for the storm to come. “yeah.. about that, i’m gonna need to head out early.”
there was nothing quite like the cafe you knew like the back of your head in the evening. just as the sun began to set, the limited light peeked through the windows, crafting with the low fi hip hop in the speakers to create the perfect ambience. there was a sense of comfort in the familiarity, which counted for everything in this moment, especially. 
although the shaking in your hands had come to a timid stop, there was still an uncomfortable persistent thumping in your heart. if y/n from years ago could only see you now.. as inexperienced as you had become over the last four years, it didn’t stop a fair pang of excitement from mixing with your overall anxiety. you were on a date.. well, if that was the right word to describe this meeting with sehun. 
the man in question pulled you out of your daze once he sat across from you, taking in the sight of you with a relaxed grin. “sorry, i know i’m a bit late.”
“no, it’s fine. i barely even noticed,” you replied truthfully. “i’m in my own little word over here, i was barely keeping track of time.”
“well, that makes me feel a little bit better,” a deep chuckle punctuated his gentle words before he turned his attention towards the small menu in front of him. you did the same, even if it was a bit of a formality; you had known fully well what you were going to order before setting foot in the cafe. it simply kept you busy while trying to formulate a good response. 
once the orders had been placed, your arms were folded over the small table as you paid full attention to the man in front of you. “so..should we start with poetry?”
“actually,” sehun responded without a sense of urgency to interrupt you in his tone. it was quite the contrast from what you had grown accustomed to. “i thought i might get to know you first, if that’s alright.”
you raised an eyebrow, his statement catching you off guard. “oh?”
“is that so surprising?” sehun noticed the surprise that had filled your demeanor and honestly, it made him feel guilty. maybe he had unintentionally sent you messages signaling his disinterest during your time together in college.
“yeah- i mean-” you stuttered, pondering your own response carefully in the meantime. “well, i think we both just had a lot on our mind back then.” 
he nodded in understanding. “you’re probably right. but i don’t want you to think i was ever uninterested.” he paused just as a barista briefly interrupted the two of you to place two mugs on the table, being quick to send a quiet ‘thank you’ in his direction. 
you thought about telling him the truth, that the fear of his disinterest in you kept you up at night. that your social anxiety prevented you from getting to know anyone or spending time outside of your social circle. but what good would complaining do? instead, you nodded shortly. “then in that case.. i’d like to get to know you, too.”
you watched as sehun took the brief moment before his lips reached the mug in front of him to send you a smile. seconds later, he was delicately wiping a light stripe of foam that had landed above his upper lip. “can i start by asking you something a little personal?”
“go right ahead. i’m an open book.”
he set his porcelain mug down carefully on the table, the impact making no sound. “what brings you back in town?”
once again, his question had brought you into a deep sense of pondering. although you hardly expected him to take the same direction as your mother and tell you how much of a lazy couch potato you were, there was still a possibility he would find your actions distasteful. “things.. weren’t working out there,” was all you could lead with. “i wasn’t happy.”
sehun wasn’t sure if asking you to delve into specifics was the best idea. “i’m sorry to hear that,” he said, the sympathy in his tone practically tangible. 
“that’s okay.” as always, you were quick to dismiss your own attitude; you were never the self-pitying type. 
“i’m glad that you were able to reconnect with seungkwan after so long,” he noticed. “you two have been thick as thieves for as long as i can remember.”
to tell the truth, you were surprised that sehun had even noticed. on the other hand, the two of you never seemed to let each other out of your sight for long. “i owe seungkwan a lot,” you sighed. “he’ll try to deny it but i don’t know if i would have been able to get through school without him.”
sehun beamed, his understanding of the sentimentality in your statement alone bringing a warm feeling to his chest. “you two are lucky to have each other.”
suddenly, you felt guilty discussing another man in such a manner while on a date (if it even was a date). you chimed in with a bashful grin, eager to change the subject, “tell me more about your job.”
sehun chuckled, “what do you want to know?”
“was mrs. sylvester the only reason you started teaching?” while eagerly awaiting a response, you savored the wonderfully bitter taste of your now slightly chilled latte.
sehun shook his head, gaze temporarily flicking to the modest silverware resting on his napkin. “no. everyone around me got tired of hearing me talking incessantly about my favorite scribes and poets, so i thought it would be better to lecture people who would actually listen to me. for the most part.” 
an amused beam lit up your features as you chuckled affectionately. “do you teach anything else besides ‘reading comprehension?’”
he gently shook his head, “as of right now, no. but i’m aiming to take over the literature and mythology position once it’s cleared up.”
“then i’ll keep my fingers crossed,” you told him, your beam ever persistent. 
“i appreciate it,” he looked up to see you already staring at him with reservation in your features. suddenly, he came to the realization that he had never realized how vibrant your eyes were up close. maybe he should have paid more attention in the past. he spoke up again before he could allow any awkward silence to loom over your table, “i’m keeping my fingers crossed for you as well. i hope you find what you’re looking for.”
just as you nodded in gratitude, you came to the realization that you had no idea what you were looking for. you came back home with desperation to get time for yourself, hope that you would find comfort in the nostalgia your hometown provided.. but you never thought about how slowly the answers to your questions would reveal themselves. “i hope so too,” was all you could think of to say.
much to your surprise, sehun was easy to make conversation with. he was respectful and quiet, not to mention attentive as he listened to you drone on and on about your favorite writings. you thoroughly enjoyed the banter you shared with him, as if the two of you were playing tennis with witty remark after witty remark. 
you had to take note of how incredibly smart he was. he was well read in every sense of the word, judging by the countless subjects of literature he’d studied in his youth. it was impressive. not to mention attractive. 
both of you reached the bottom of your mugs at the same time, and before too long, sehun had already paid the bill. he ignored your protests, your arguments that you should have been the one to pay since the outing was your idea. and of course, he politely insisted on driving you back to seungkwan’s apartment even if it was within walking distance. 
the moment you sat in his passenger seat, your gaze shifted to his hands circled gently around the steering wheel. the sleeves of his sweater had been rolled up to his elbows, exposing his lean forearms. however it was nothing compared to his side profile, the dimmed sunset lighting accentuating the sharpness of his jawline. “i’m glad we did this,” you were able to tell him. 
he nodded once, “me too. hope i didn’t take you away from seungkwan for too long.”
“he’ll be fine. he’s managed without me long enough,” you chuckled once he parked the car in the complex’s lot. before you could bring yourself to exit his car, to rid yourself of the man’s warm presence, you gifted him with a smile of gratitude. “i’m glad we did this.”
“me too,” sehun agreed, returning the grin with sincerity. “will you be at the library again tomorrow?”
“most likely,” you chuckled.
“perfect.” he watched as you stepped out of his car, ignoring the cold air hitting his skin once more. he called to you one last time before you could gently slam the door shut, “see you tomorrow.”  
you called out to him in farewell just as the impact of the car door closing sounded. the butterflies took flight in your stomach just as you watched him drive off, permitting yourself one last look at him through the slightly tinted window. none of it felt real. you knew that for the foreseeable future, you were about to ask yourself over and over again if these memories were just a figment of your imagination. the way he looked much more handsome up close, the way you were able to study his freckles and the gentle curls in his hair..
a wind rushing past your figure snapped you out of your daydreams; soon you were walking up the rickety staircase and back into seungkwan’s apartment. he was waiting in the sitting room, peering down at the coffee table which was covered in heavy files and scattered sheets of paper. he looked up to you through thin-framed glasses, raising his eyebrows, “took you long enough to get back home.”
your brows pulled together instinctively as you tossed your jacket onto the nearest coat hook. “what are you talking about? i wasn’t even gone for that long.”
“you were gone long enough to force me to close the library all by myself,” he argued without a hint of malice in his tone. “what did the two of you get up to, anyways?”
“coffee,” you sighed, slumping down next to him on the loveseat. suddenly, seungkwan paid absolutely no mind to the endless paperwork he had been tasked with and turned towards you. you went on, “we talked for a few hours.”
he tilted his head towards you with wide, questioning eyes, “aaand?”
“aand-” you mocked, snickering. “he’s.. excellent. really excellent.”
seungkwan stared at you in bewilderment as a snicker of his own escaped his lips. “‘really excellent?’ that’s the best you can do?”
you rolled your eyes, giving his shoulder a gentle shove. “i mean- i don’t know! he’s really smart. most of the time we were talking about the books and authors we both liked.” you paused, pondering your next response. “there’s something about him that is so..magnetizing. he’s so reserved..i always thought he was indifferent. but he’s not.”
“he sounds like a pretty great person,” seungkwan bowed his head in favor of taking another proper look at the piling documents in front of him. even if he knew there was absolutely no way he would focus properly on them with you seated next to him. his gaze didn’t leave a particular folder as he asked, “so it’s off to bed for you, then?”
you pressed a hand to your heart, feigning offense. “you would dismiss me so quickly?” after seungkwan merely hummed in response, you sighed, “no, actually. i probably shouldn’t have drank coffee this late.”
“if only someone had cautioned you against it,” seungkwan mused half-heartedly, flipping through a stack of papers after going through a few paragraphs with a highlighter. it was amazing just how quickly boredom set in after watching him flip through them for less than a minute.
“you could have,” you snickered and leaned your head against the back of the couch, staring at the patterns in the ceiling for the brief time in the uncomfortable position. “we should go on a walk. i think you could use some fresh air.”
an amused smirk tugged at your lips as you watched seungkwan let the papers fall on his lap in favor of staring at you incredulously. “what? no, it’s freezing out there.”
“it’s not that bad, we’ll only be out there for a second.” after grabbing the papers from his lap and slamming the pile back on the coffee table, you rose to your feet. “come on! i know what it’s like working indoors all the time. you need to go outside; it’s good for your health. and your psyche.”
seungkwan huffed, swatting your hand away when you tried to link arms with him. “you know what’s also good for my psyche? paying rent for two different buildings on time.”
ever persistent, you reached for his hand again. “these papers will all still be here when we get back. come on. take some time for yourself.”
he was finding it more difficult to resist your pleadings by the second, especially considering you brought up excellent points. he rarely got the chance to take time for himself.. he rarely got to enjoy his surroundings and reconnect with the town he grew up in. he sighed, rather heavily at that, bringing his palm to his forehead. “ughhhh fine. if i get frostbite, i’m killing you.”
“it’s definitely not cold enough for that.” you grabbed both of his hands to pull him off of the couch, beaming once the two of you were face to face. then you gently reached out to grab his glasses off, folding them before setting them down carefully on the table. your fingertips never came in contact with the lenses; you knew completely well how much seungkwan hated scuffs and marks on his glasses. “when did you become such a hermit?”
seungkwan’s gaze followed your hands as they fell to the coffee table just before he met your eyes again. he chuckled lowly, “a lot has changed since you left.”
you shook your head. “it doesn’t seem like it. you’re still just as annoying as you were the day i left.”
“takes one to know one.” much to your annoyance, seungkwan promptly moved his hand up to ruffle your hair, his nose scrunching up in an infuriatingly endearing way. he took note of your scowl, snickering loudly in amusement as he quickly turned on his heel before you could swat his shoulder, “come along then! you were the one who was begging to go on a walk.”  
you followed after him with a huff, both of you slipping into your large coats and boots in alarming unison. before too long, you were asking yourself how it was possible for the weather to drop so significantly and so quickly. regardless, the two of you walked down the street shoulder to shoulder, each heavy breath you took visible in a cloud of smoke.
seungkwan glanced at you in his peripheral vision once you’d linked arms with him, snickering, “is this what you wanted?”
“yes,” you replied curtly. you tried to ignore the soreness in your back caused by the hunching of your shoulders. in your defense, cold weather ruined your posture. with your free hand, you tugged your jacket closer to your chest in desperation. it wasn’t even winter yet, why was it so freezing?
“okay,” seungkwan mused, unconvinced. he let out a quiet huff of his own before scooting closer to you and keeping both hands in his pockets. “where are you taking me, anyways?”
“don’t sound too enthusiastic,” you replied. unfortunately, you hadn’t thought this far ahead. while you scoped out the area in hopes of finding a place to relax and forget about the rest of the world, you completely forgot about the loose crack in the pavement and tripped over your own feet. your hold on seungkwan’s arms loosened as you fell forward a few steps, causing your best friend to burst into a fit of laughter.
“phew! that never gets old,” he cackled, throwing his head back as he moved a hand to clutch at his chest.
you were less than amused, stepping forward to grab his forearms in hopes of grounding yourself. “you’re the worst, seungkwan.”
“you know you love me.” it was a miracle that seunkgwan was able to get the words out, considering the laughs that persistently fell from his lips. it was a deep fit of laughter too, one that rumbled from his chest and had his shoulders hunched over as he tried in desperation to catch his breath.
“oh my god. was it really that funny?” you asked incredulously. your lips twitched in order to hold back an amused smile; it wasn’t the situation in and of itself that you found humorous, only seungkwan’s reaction. his endearing laugh and beam, the redness in his cheeks, the light in his eyes..
once he had composed himself enough to stand up straight, he let a few more faint chuckles escape from his lips as he wiped his eyes. “uh, man. i guess it's because i haven’t seen you do it in a long time. i forgot how stupid you looked.”
your eyes went wide as you linked arms with him again, scoffing. “how could you laugh at such a delicate subject for me?” you teased. “i still have the scars to prove it.
“besides, you have no room to talk. you’re the one who couldn’t make it halfway through the monkey bars.”
seungkwan stopped dead in his tracks, prompting you to do the same. you couldn’t hold back a loud snicker once you took in the deadpanned expression he wore, signaling that he took offense. “come on. that’s a completely different issue.”
your hold on his arm loosened once again as you burst into a loud fit of laughter, shaking your head. “no it isn’t! you looked like an idiot hanging there lifeless on the rails.”
as your laughter only grew louder, seungkwan did everything he could to keep a level head. He kept his chin up, taking a step forward with his eyes narrowed. “whatever. i’ve come a long way since then.”
“oh yeah?” you challenged him. “prove it.”
seungkwan stopped in his track once again in favor of turning towards you with furrowed eyebrows. “what are you talking about?”
you paused, scoping out your surroundings as you cupped your chin with your thumb and index finger. pretending to be deep in thought, of course. you spun in a slow circle until your eyes landed on the desired target: the nearest playground. it was completely empty, perfect for seungkwan to showcase his so called newfound talents. 
without answering, you grabbed onto seungkwan’s forearm and forced his hand out of his jacket pocket. once your fingers were laced with his, you booked it towards the playground in question. seungkwan stumbled a little bit but followed your lead, laughing in disbelief, “hey, would you slow down for a second? god-”
once the familiar, run down monkey bar stand came into view, you came to a sudden and full stop. seungkwan nearly tripped over his own feet again, much to your amusement, but you were quick to brush it off and fall to the ground in a cross-legged position. “go on,” you encouraged him, gesturing dramatically towards the stand with a malicious grin.
he cocked his head to the side as he studied you with an amused smirk. you only responded with a raised eyebrow, the two of you silently communicating, waiting for the other to crack. much to your relief, it was seungkwan who finally broke the silence with a loud groan of annoyance, “fine. whatever makes you feel better.”
you clapped your hands in excitement and watched him walk pitifully towards the monkey bars. he ignored your cheers of encouragement as he climbed up the small ladder and reached both hands out to grip on the first rail, falling forward instantly. but much to your surprise, he kept his grip firm. “seung-kwan, seung-kwan, seung-kwan,” you chanted rhythmically, clapping your hands between each loud cheer. 
it felt like he made it to the middle of the stand in the blink of an eye. he took a moment to glance over at you with a prideful smirk once he’d reached his former stopping point. “ha! see?” he called out to you.
“you haven’t finished anything yet, go on!” you ignored the crisp, chilling winds that grew more intense by the second, focusing all of your intention on seungkwan instead. you could still see the faint cloud of vapor escaping his lips with every breath he took and you had to hand it to him- the fact that he was able to do this with such determination and focus was impressive. “go on, you’re so so close!”
suddenly, you began to wonder if he’d started working out more consistently since the two of you parted ways. he only paused for a second or two between movements, save the long-ish break in the middle to gloat. he kept his knees bent the entire time too, so his feet wouldn’t touch the ground and assist him in his endeavors. towards the end he began to huff louder, unwilling to showcase his growing tiredness. 
you, however, never got tired of encouraging him. “you got this! just a little further…there you go…” just then, your loud cheer nearly startled seungkwan enough to let go of the bars to fall to the ground rather than swing his feet towards the other ladder. 
after making sure you were able to clearly witness him roll his eyes, he climbed down and plopped down on the ground next to you with a loud sigh. “satisfied?” he asked, letting his back fall against the long brown grass.
“more than satisfied.” you smirked in his direction before mirroring his lying position with a sigh of content. your hands laid comfortably on your stomach as the two of you stared up at the stars in comfortable silence. “i’ve missed this,” you muttered without thinking. 
seungkwan paused, contemplating the gravity of those three words. he didn’t know how to tell you that he never knew true loneliness until you left town. that there was a pang of resentment towards you because of it, one that couldn’t be so easily disposed of. even once the relief that came with the knowledge that you were there to stay set over him. “me too,” he whispered. “me too.”  
you smiled upon hearing his agreement, and the two of you lay in comfortable silence once again. you studied the sky for any familiar constellations, the stars shining like diamonds that night in particular. maybe it was something within the sentimentality of the night with seungkwan and sehun that brought so much more beauty to the sky above. or maybe.. it was because it had been forever since you took a moment to simply look up.
stay tuned for part two, coming soon >:)
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Now you know | Chanyeol
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Idol!Chanyeol x Idol!Reader Word count: 2035 Genre: fluff, kinda crack Author: maari  Warnings: none Note: I loved writing this so much oh my god 😫 thank you ateez for giving me the perfect scenario lol Request: may i request a fluffy chanyeol fic where his s/o is also an idol (94L) and theyre “secretly” dating but theyre bad at acting subtle so the fans know whats up + ships them lol ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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"So, what do you think?" Y/N asked her boyfriend curiously, she was lying on his chest, the two of them in bed spending the weekend doing what they so deserved, resting.
After all, both would have long weeks ahead of them and they would hardly have the chance to see each other or be together.
She was holding her cell phone, after showing him one of the intro tracks from her upcoming album.
"I loved it, it has a very cinematic fantasy vibe." he replied, with a proud smile as he stroked her hair.
"I told you the concept of this comeback is going to be like this, right?" the boyfriend nodded in agreement. "And we're going to have a collaboration with that American producer."
"You seem quite excited." he concluded, he didn't look at her face because his position wouldn't allow it, as she huddled in his embrace like a koala, but he could imagine the glint in her eyes. “I’m!” she said, raising her head to look at him better, as he predicted there was the sparkle in her eyes of pure pride and happiness. "It will be the first time I get to show my more mature side to fans."
Chanyeol laughed and the hand that was stroking her hair went to his girlfriend's arm. "Should I be jealous?" he raised an eyebrow and she laughed softly.
Y/N held the phone with one hand and the other brought it to Chanyeol's cheek, stroking his skin slowly.
"No, you're the only one who knows all of my sides."
He lifted his chin, a rather proud look knowing he was the only one and Y/N smiled before she leaned closer to kiss him, she had been doing this all day but it wasn't enough, when the lips were a centimeter away from touching, Chaneyol even had his eyes closed Y/N's phone vibrated not just once or twice but five times. She complained and threw her head on her boyfriend's chest who still had his pout to kiss her. Y/N took her head off Chanyeol's chest and brought her phone closer, seeing what was going on through the notification bar.
"Is my leader." she said "Why does it seem like she always does it on purpose?"
Chanyeol laughed heartily and his girlfriend wanted to bite his cheek but she held back and unlocked the phone. "You shouldn't talk about your leader like that." Chanyeol joked.
"I'm older than she is, have you forgotten?" Y/N glanced at her boyfriend, Chanyeol now resting his arm behind his head, his biceps got bigger in the black t-shirt he was wearing.
She opened the twitter link that was sent in the message, along with the phrase 'you have to see this. ASAP'.
Y/N felt her jaw drop when she saw the tweet and tensed up all of a sudden, this didn't go unnoticed by her boyfriend who now wiped the smile off his face and frowned.
"What?" he asked, analyzing his girlfriend's expression.
"Look at this." she turned the phone screen towards Chanyeol who focused his attention on the tweet, he gulped when he saw the picture of him and his girlfriend.
There was nothing much but from what they wrote, the suspicions were there.
Chanyeol and Y/N had gone to NCT 127's concert the night before, to support the boys from the same company and because she was a huge fan of the boys, they hadn't gone alone of course. Two members of Y/N's group were on her right side while Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun were on her right side, exactly in that order.
In one photo they were just looking at the stage while in the other Chanyeol had his arm around Y/N's neck and the other was up. They were just enjoying the show, nothing else.
But fan comments came to the same conclusion: they were dating.
"Oh come on, it's not even that compromising!" he said and Y/N turned the phone's screen towards her, while bringing her other hand to her mouth to bite the nail. "We were just singing Dreams Come True."
"But it's not what the fans think, there's even a video of you hugging me." Y/N said, watching on her phone.
It really wasn't compromising, mainly because afterwards, Chanyeol hugged Sehun in the same way.
"Oh give me that." he took his arm behind his head to grab his girlfriend's phone.
"Hey!" she complained but he started swiping the screen. "Look, there are a lot of people thinking I was just being me." he glanced at Y/N who eyed him suspiciously. "I'll read it to you: 'lol he literally leans on Sehun afterwards, so they're dating', ew no!" Chanyeol stuck his tongue out in disgust and Y/N chuckled lightly.
"Good thing they were at an NCT show because if it was a comedy Y/N would probably be without an arm"
"Yeah, you do that with people when you laugh."
"But hey, there are a lot of people who shipp us."
"Really?" Y/N asked curiously and tried to snoop through the phone.
"They even made a thread about the two of us." he replied calmly and Y/N widened her eyes.
"What? You're kidding!" she said and slipped between her boyfriend's arm to see the phone too, he hugged her while opening the tweet.
The compilation had photos, videos, gifs of interactions between the two in events of all kinds. 
Y/N was never subtle in hiding what she felt for Chanyeol, it was no wonder he discovered the not-so-secret crush she had for him.
So the pictures of them looking at each other meant more than it should, she always smiled broadly when she saw him, it wasn't common to do that with anyone. 
And a photo in particular that she never actually explained, taken by a fan with low resolution, Y/N holding her phone and her backpack at the airport, accidentally her phone had been unlocked by fingerprint and it was possible to see that her boyfriend was the wallpaper, although couldn't quite see his face the fans had found similarities.
Chanyeol was always looking for her at SM concerts, whether to bow when greeting her - even though he had seen her backstage before - or to hold her hand at the end.
At award shows, they always seemed to talk with their eyes when they were at nearby tables. And they always danced and sang louder when one was performing.
She repeatedly praised the group's songs on her social media just as he did, and although it was vague, fans took it as a sign.
The interviews where she described her ideal type, someone like him.
The similar clothing and accessories. Which in their case wasn't similar, the hoodies Y/N took were actually Chanyeol's but no one could prove it. Anyone on the internet could buy the same model and size.
"Nothing that hasn't happened to other idols." Y/N spoke after a while.
If they didn't deny it and didn't confirm it, it would just be internet theory. Right?
"Ah, but this is interesting." Chanyeol stopped at one of the tweets with a wide smile.
"Oh no."
"Oh yes!" he chuckled before reading it aloud. "Y/N bubble update: 'I'm watching Descendants of the Sun again. Oh what? How many times have I watched it? Probably like 5 lol I really like this genre. And Dr. Kang is right, girls really fantasizes about the army uniform.' You said that the day I sent you my uniform picture." Chanyeol accused and she felt her cheeks burn.
That comment had been days before official photos of Chanyeol serving it were released on the internet, another clue for fans.
"I told you that on that video call." she tapped him lightly on the chest and he laughed.
Chanyeol dropped her phone on the bed and rolled over her, resting his elbows on either side of her body and glaring at her mischievously as she brought her hands to his shoulder.
"Actually you said something a lot worse, do you want me to repeat it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and she laughed shyly.
"It's not necessary!" he nodded and leaned down to kiss her forehead, making her sigh at the contact.
Chanyeol then kissed Y/N's nose, cheek and chin, she just laughed lightly as she caressed his shoulder.
With her eyes already closed from the previous caresses, Y/N felt her boyfriend gently place his lips on hers, it was enough to melt her completely, no matter how many times they kissed even after so much time together, she felt the same things from the beginning, as if she were that dreamy little girl.
One of Chanyeol's hands went to her face, the big warm palm caressing her skin as they kept the same slow rhythm. Y/N took the opportunity to bring a hand to the back of his neck and caress the short strands of hair.
She felt him smile between the kiss and pulled away, causing her to complain.
"Hey, baby." he spoke softly and she opened her eyes, staring at him. "Don't worry, we'll be able to hide our relationship long enough."
Chanyeol was live in his study on Instagram just over 15 minutes ago. He talked to the fans, answered questions, sang, showed some demos of songs he was working on.
All because he was bored that afternoon, his girlfriend was too busy with her own schedule and would probably be late, it was enough time to interact with the fans for a while.
A week had passed since the leaked photos of the concert they went to together and some fans were still asking about Y/N in the chat, he smiled sideways but pretended not to see.
They had agreed to hold back the relationship news for a longer time, for the sake of Y/N's group promotions, anyway the company had already released both of them to announce it whenever they wanted but Chanyeol wanted it to be special, they had been together for a long time it was true, but he wanted to take a new step with her.
He was so busy with his guitar, playing as he always did in his spare time, that he didn't hear the studio door open.
Y/N walked on tiptoe so as not to make any noise, smiling mischievously without noticing that the camera was on.
"Hi, love. I'm home." she hummed and the boyfriend turned around completely shocked, his eyes looked like they were going to pop out.
She didn't understand why he stood there with the guitar in his lap, usually he always dropped everything and ran to hug her and kiss her all over her face.
However all he did was point his head back to where the camera was and Y/N followed with her eyes, feeling her heart race when she saw her boyfriend's screen.
"Is it live?" she asked quietly and shyly as she saw the chat going crazy.
"Yes." he replied, laughing nervously.
"Huh… I'll leave then, I'll let you do what you're doing." She stuttered and a nervous laugh came out. Chanyeol chuckled, scratching his head and looked at the screen. He could even keep track of the comments because they came in so quickly. "I'm so sorry! Oh my God."
"It's okay, babe." he chuckled again and looked back to see Y/N shake her head in disbelief and she clumsily closed the door.
He took a deep breath before looking back at the camera, his eyes lowered to the comments and he chuckled at the comments. Most were freaking out over Y/N's surprise appearance, but the other half were all the same 'Are they dating??'.
"Yeah guys, I guess now you know." he shrugged, and propped his elbow on the table and put his face in his hand, moving closer to the screen to read better, and to hide his huge smile.
Chanyeol laughed when he read a comment and had to agree.
They suck at hiding lol that's what makes them perfect for each other.
Note: I just wanted to say this is the face I pictured him making when Y/N walked in the room 👇🏻 BYE
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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the-hellhounds · 9 months
Christmas was nearing, and the pack of hounds didn't lose hope over finding their friends. As time passed and they all started to notice some odd manners from two of their friends, they all decided to go to Jaemin's place to discuss while the other two were in the city doing some shopping.
"So...," Jaehyun started as he looked around the living room that was filled with the last of their pack.
"Taeyong and Haechan have nogistunes in them," Johnny continued for Jaehyun. "I've already talked with Sehun and Lola back in Beacon Hills, and they said that they would tell San to come help us." He sighed, stressed to know that their leader and one of their friends were infected with evil spirits of foxes from thousands of years old.
"How are we supposed to find the others if Taeyong and Haechan kidnapped them?" Jake asks as he held Minjun in his lap. The baby babbling away with his booties he had on.
Shaking his head as he stared to the floor, Jeno spoke up from next to Jaemin. "Taeyong hasn't been kidnapping them. Hyuck has."
Getting up to retrieve the remote to the television, Jeno links his phone to it and presses play to a security footage he had found from the backyard of Haechan's house. "I found this while he was fast asleep with NingNing one night. He was carrying Mark's unconscious body and hid him in the trunk of his car." He says as he plays another video he found of the front gates. "He took him early in the morning when he knew no one was awake and came back home as if he didn't do anything."
"Then he probably cleaned up Mark's place when I wasn't there..." Hanbin mumbles as he began to now understand why the house where Mark lived was so quiet and eerie.
"We need San to arrive quick with the sword, but we need to find the others quicker before they do something worse." Johnny stands up from his seat, thanking Anastasia for the cookies she offered for everyone. "Don't let them get close to the girls that are coming over and to everyone's mates and babies. Who knows what the nogistunes want."
"They know," Taeyong says with a deep octave to his voice as he stood by the cage that held the hounds they had kidnapped.
Haechan was busy with getting the fireflies into Kai, who was the last one to turn into a berserker. "Once the Oni arrive, we'll get them on our side as well," he says turning to look at his leader. "With them as berserkers and the Oni, we'll run this city and not even San will be able to save anyone this time."
As Haechan was walking back to the territory of the hounds, he stops when he hears a branch on the floor snap. Tilting his head to the right side of his shoulder, his eyelids lower into a dark gaze as he stared at the light blanket of snow that covered the ground of the woods.
"Choi... San." He sneers the first name out. "Still portraying the role of a true alpha undercover?" He asks, still not turning around as San approaches slowly. "I'm sure your father must be proud- oh wait. That's right," he smirks as it was the nogistune in him speaking now. "He died before he could see your true form."
Pouncing towards Haechan, San appears with his own pack to capture the infected hound. His blood boiled as he punched Haechan straight in the nose, a bone cracking. "And I'm sure your son would be disappointed in what you let in." San growls, tying up the hell hound as he knocks him out with a harsh headbutt before Haechan could incinerate himself to burn San off.
"Okay, okay. Calm down." Sehun said as he grabs Haechan's belongings. "Let's go stab this one before the other one comes back." The pack runs back to one of the houses before Taeyong could appear.
As they tie up Haechan in a chair, they piece together an ancient sword that was once used to kill evil nogistunes that would take possession of supernatural beings.
"Are we ready?" San asks as he held the sword out to Jeno who was the closest to Haechan.
With shaking hands, Jeno took the sword that suddenly began to glow in his hands. "Ready..." swallowing down nervously, he held the sword and made sure to push it into Haechan's chest. His eyes widen when he sees him wake up and look up at him in shock.
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IS HE DED?! 🫣 : @badbf-cb ( lisa ♥︎ ) - @fantasyaespa ( ningning ♥︎ ) - @fallenangel-oc ( staci & alya ♥︎ × ♥︎ ) - @multihyuck ( ♥︎ ) - @witch-renjunnie ( ♥︎ ) - @raiden-oc ( 🌺 ♥︎ ) @monsterhigh-cb ( jaemin ♥︎ ) - @livealittleoc-cb ( jay & ace ★ × ♠︎ ) - @k-dislyte ( moonbyul ♥︎ ) - @beaconhillsxbot - @redroom-cb - @universe-of-superm - @ateezmystery - @frathouse-cb - @kimheebby - @league-of-assassins - @angelsxdemons-cb - @dreampodcast - @kavengers-assemble - @dc-heroes-cb [dm for + or -]
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Junmyeon’s sat through seven chemistry interviews—each with a neutral party present (their lead manager) to ensure that reactions remained subdued. An idol group will always have growing pains, but the company takes extra care when it begins to mix secondary-presentations into all the other considerations. EXO will not be too extraordinary; only four of the members have a secondary presentation. But, they are the first in the company to mix between all three presentations: alpha, beta, and omega.
He twists the ring encircling his thumb. It’s a chunky metal, and he likes it because it has a faint weight to it. Junmyeon would not say it aloud, but the ring helps to ground him. It helps him feel centered in his body, in himself. And he needs centering right now. 
He’s met the beta of the group—Zhang Yixing. 
He’s met the omega of the group—Oh Sehun.
He had not known there would be another alpha besides himself.
The door opens. 
Noh Yongmin slips through the crack in the door, and though he has never had a scent other than the very human smell of clean laundry, or the amalgamation of scents acquired from riding the train system, as he takes a seat he brings with him a new scent. 
Tangerine: a bright, citrus-sour, teasing scent. 
“Baekhyun’s waiting outside. Are you ready to meet him?” Yongmin asks. He’s prodding Junmyeon to give him the reality: are his hackles rising at the scent of another alpha (a strong scent at that)? Or, is he capable of remaining pleasant? Junmyeon’s never been the sort of alpha to get into it with others. He’s mild-mannered, keeps to himself just enough to avoid any misunderstandings. The scent of the stranger—of this Baekhyun—behind the door arouses nothing more than curiosity (bright and simple). 
“Is he ready to meet me?” Junmyeon quips, smiling with the corner of his mouth. He folds his hands over his lap and hides his fidgeting fingers. Without any further preamble, Yongmin calls to the closed door and a beat later, it is being opened.
The scent is far stronger when Baekhyun steps into the room. It might be his gait (slightly awkward in manner, but oh so confident); it might be his expression (cocky, self-assured), but Junmyeon’s hit with the startling, and undeniable realization that Baekhyun is the best thing that could have happened for a group like theirs. He’s what Junmyeon’s been missing in all the previous groups they tried composing around him. Junmyeon sees someone who is going to will himself success one way or another, and he’ll drag everyone attached to his name up into the echelons of fame with him. That’s good to have in an idol group. Loyalty. 
“Kim Junmyeon~” He introduces himself with a slight bow of his head. “EXO’s leader.” 
“If EXO makes it to debut,” Baekhyun quips. He takes a seat—doesn’t sit in the chair straight on; instead he sits crooked, with his legs straddling the corner of the seat and stretching out under the desk comfortably, possessively. “Byun Baekhyun. EXO’s something,” he continues, mirroring Junmyeon’s own introduction. 
His eyes are dark—they don’t have that characteristic alpha glint to them, but they most certainly have a glint of mischief, of calculation. Baekhyun doesn’t feel dangerous, but he feels enigmatic, chimerical. Junmyeon has the distinct sense that this man does not show his real face, his real expression, to a stranger. Again, Junmyeon thinks that this is a man made for fame.
Baekhyun clears his throat: “No raised hackles?”
Junmyeon shakes his head. “You?” 
“I’m scent-blind; they’re never raised.” 
Oh. That explains it all. Why Baekhyun’s pumping out pheromones strong enough for a beta to scent them easily. Why he seems so relaxed in the face of Junmyeon’s own scent. Why the company even bothered to give a group with two alphas a shot. Junmyeon’s surprise shows on his face, because Baekhyun grins (bashful-not quite) and huffs out something of a laugh: “Solves a lot of problems, doesn’t it?”
“I’m sure it creates others.” Junmyeon’s practical enough to think ahead.
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feverishly-kpop · 2 years
Chanyeol & EXO - Concussion
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“He’s not waking up, hyung… should we get somebody?”
Chanyeol heard a voice faintly from what felt like a mile away, but he was unable to put a finger on who it was. Kai? No, maybe Baekhyun. Regardless of who it was, he didn’t understand why they were trying to wake him up. He was tired, and his head was pounding.
“Just a few more minutes” he muttered, willing his members to let him sleep just a little longer.
“No, Yeol, open your eyes for me.” He knew that voice, cracking an eye to see Xiumin leaning over him.
Chanyeol winced at the lights overhead. He didn’t remember his apartment being this abrasively bright before. And now that he thought of it, he didn’t remember Xiumin coming over. Or going to bed.
As Chanyeol opened his eyes he realized why things didn’t seem to be adding up. He wasn’t at home in his bed. He was in an SM practice room, lying on the floor. This realization generated more questions than answers for Chanyeol, who attempted to sit up quickly, only to be met with a gentle push from Xiumin, who was saying something about not getting up to fast. The sudden movement sent a sudden wave of pain through his head. Come to think of it he didn’t remember having a headache before either…
“Hey, just relax. Hyung’s here.” That was Suho. What is going on? Chanyeol felt his anxiety rising and his breathing quickening. Nothing was making sense.
Sensing his panic, Sehun knelt down next him, rubbing his shoulder. “Should we get him off the floor or…?” He asked, sounding unsure. “He hit his head pretty hard.”
“Well, that explains it” Chanyeol thought to himself. He began piecing the events together that lead to that moment. The members had been rehearsing some new choreography all day. They were all tired, frankly bordering on miserable. But Kai had insisted on one more run through to make sure that everybody had made adequate progress before calling it a day. Suho agreed to one (and only one) run through after a water break.
The group sat in silence, hydrating enough to get through the final run through of the night, fantasizing about returning to their homes, their showers, and their beds. After a few minutes, Suho announced that it was time to get started, eliciting a chorus of groans as the members tossed their water bottles to the side.
The music started and the group executed the choreography pretty flawlessly under the Kai’s watchful eye, glancing at everybody through the mirror to assess. That is, the routine was pretty flawless until Chanyeol felt his foot slip on something on the floor. For a split second he found himself angrily wondering who had been so careless as to spill water on the floor, only for that thought to be interrupted by his other foot slipping. He tried to take a step back to catch himself but it was too late and he felt himself falling backwards.
“Oh shit” was the last thing he heard before hitting the floor and sinking into darkness.
Chen saw Chanyeol’s first slip, but didn’t have enough time to process the situation before he saw him slip again. “Oh shit” he exclaimed as he lunged forward in an attempt to catch Chanyeol before he hit the floor but wasn’t able to reach him in time. Kai raced to the speaker to turn the music off as Xiumin quickly knelt next to Chanyeol, realizing that he was out cold.
“What the hell just happened?” Suho asked nobody in particular.
“He…fell,” Chen replied frantically, struggling to find any more words to describe what he had just witnessed.
“The floor is wet,” Xiumin interjected from the floor, pointing toward the wet spots on the knees of his grey sweatpants. “He must have slipped in it.”
Baekhyun was the next member at his side, lightly patting his cheeks and shaking his shoulder, trying to rouse him. “He’s not waking up, hyung… should we get somebody?” Baekhyun asked.
Just as Suho reached the door, Chanyeol stirred. Breathing a sigh of relief, he joined Xiumin on the floor, trying to get Chanyeol to wake back up without startling him too much.
“Take it easy” Chanyeol heard another voice, behind him this time. He had given up trying to figure out who was talking and what they were saying. Time seemed to pass in a blur. He wasn’t even sure if he was staying awake or if he was in and out of consciousness. At some point somebody had placed a pillow under his head although he didn’t remember that happening. The next time he opened his eyes he saw a company nurse staring down at him. Chanyeol remembered that nurse from when Baekhyun had come down with the flu a few months ago. “He was nice,” he recalled, before closing his eyes again.
Chanyeol opened his, fully expecting to see the nurse above him again, but this time he saw only his bedroom ceiling fan. He had no recollection of coming back to his apartment or being put to bed, but he slowly took in his surroundings, first seeing Toben lounging at the foot of the bed, then noticing Xiumin sitting at his desk, flipping absentmindedly through one of Chanyeol’s books.
“Hyung, what happened?” Chanyeol was able to croak out, grabbing Xiumin’s attention, who quickly placed the book aside and joined Chanyeol at the edge of his bed.
“You had a bit of a fall at practice, and you hit your head. Do you remember that?” Xiumin responded, pushing Chanyeol’s hair out of his eyes. Chanyeol responded with a small nod, too tired to muster any further response.
Xiumin continued. “The nurse came in because you knocked yourself unconscious and we’re having some trouble staying awake. He said that you have a concussion and would need some rest but you’ll be ok. Suho helped me get you back to your apartment. He might come back later but I’ve been here for a couple hours to keep an eye on you.”
Chanyeol was suddenly overcome with embarrassment and guilt. “Hyung, you don’t have to stay with me. I’ll be ok…” he started before being cut off.
“Don’t be ridiculous” Xiumin interjected. “It’s my job as your hyung to take care of you.” Chanyeol thought about how he’d make it up to Xiumin once he had recovered as he dozed off again.
The next time Chanyeol woke up, he found himself alone is his room but could hear Xiumin and Suho conversing quietly in his living room. He was suddenly hit with a massive wave of nausea on top of the persistent headache.
“Hyungs,” he attempted to call, barely louder than a whisper. He tried to call out again, his panic increasing. This time he caught the attention of Xiumin and Suho, who bolted into Chanyeol’s room to find him sitting up in bed, teary eyed.
“I think I’m going to be sick…” he blurted out suddenly.
Suho had been a leader long enough to know how to respond in this type of situation. With hardly any thought he reached for the waste basket under Chanyeol’s desk, quickly dumping out the few crumpled up papers and candy wrappers that were inside of it and thrusting it under Chanyeol’s chin. Just a moment later, Chanyeol was hunched over the bin, his body rejecting everything he had to eat an drink that day before his fall.
“I’m so sorry,” Chanyeol managed to choke out between waves of sick and tears.
“There’s nothing to apologize for Yeol,” Suho replied, trying not to show how sad he was to see Chanyeol in this condition. “I’ve seen you sick before. Hell, I’ve seen all of you sick before.”
After a few more minutes, Chanyeol had calmed down enough to confirm that the nausea had passed for the time being. Suho excused himself to clean up the waste basket and was replaced by Xiumin, who handed him a glass of cool water and some pain relievers.
“My poor baby” Xiumin cooed as Chanyeol took the medication.
“I’m not a baby” Chanyeol replied with a pout that made Xiumin chuckle.
“I know you aren’t a baby, Yeol, but you still are my baby” he replied, grabbing the glass from Chanyeol and helping him lie back down. “Now close your eyes and get some sleep.”
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wuahae · 2 years
PLSSS NOT THE DREAM HIGH 😭😭😭 ok lemme not laugh too much cause exo had exo next door 🤕. i always watch tender love and the one lives !!! it’s annoying how nice it is to see them have fun during those stages 😤 but omg kpop vids on yt were smth else 😭 the grip “____ on crack” vids had on me…embarrassing. i’m not into tbz that much but i am familiar with some members so i’ll read !!! and tbh the lifeguard agenda mingyu suits so well for some reason 🤭
EXO NEXT DOOR HELP 😭😭😭 honestly the best storyline from that show was sehun and the brother with the coat hanger LMAO. dream high was so good though idk NWJFKEK it had literally everyone in it like looking back that’s so crazy??? 😭 and yes omg those lives are so 🫶🫶 HDBSJD the editing of those on crack videos were so …… 😭😭😭😭😭 you can really tell they did it in 2014 LOL they were funny at the time though…. oh how they were entertaining
and gah thank you so much … 😭 the fic i’m writing now is with sunwoo! it actually used to be a txt yeonjun fic and then turned into a hoshi fic which turned into a kim sunwoo fic lmao but tbh i think he’s the one im sticking with for now 🥲 i think the concept suits him the best out of all 3! and you didn’t ask but . here is a little snippet jehdkwkf for your troubles 🥲 a sneak peak to see if you’ll be interested NDBSND
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0 notes
tastyykpop · 4 years
ᴇxᴏ ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
Smut: (M) Fluff: (F) Angst: (A) Suggestive: (S) Crack: (C)
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Who Would Be Into Overstimulation: (S)
Thigh Riding: (S)
MTL Pet Play: (S)
MTL Daddy Kink: (S)
Kink Headcannons: (S)
MTL Pussy Eating: (S)
MTL To Be Very Dominant W/ NCT 127: (S)
MTL Face Sitting: (M)
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kim junmyeon-
Coming soon!
kim minseok-
Untitled: (M)
zhɑng yixing-
Coming soon!
byun bɑekhyun: Crazy In Love-
Crazy In Love [teaser]
Crazy In Love [part 1]: (S), (A)
Crazy In Love [part 2]: (A)
Crazy In Love [part 3]: (S), (A), (C)
kim jongdɑe-
Coming soon!
pɑrk chɑnyeol-
Cookies: (M)
Go Shawty, It's Your Birthday: (M)
do kyungsoo-
Coming soon!
kim jongin-
Coming soon!
oh sehun-
Coming soon!
99 notes · View notes
ohsehuns · 5 years
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Sehun doing high kick action scene
762 notes · View notes
Welcome To The Jungle
EXO Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun Characters: Park Chanyeol, Oh Sehun, Kim Minseok (Xiumin), Byun Baekhyun, Kim Jongdae (Chen) Summary: Chanyeol decides to go to the Amazon on his vacation week. Once there, be meets an exasperated safari tour guide called Sehun... amongst others... Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: BISH ITS CRACK TURN AWAY NOW IF YOU CANT & DONT
A/N: If you wanna know why, then you should know while my exams, I HAD MINSEOK DANCING TO TEMPO LIKE A BISH IN MY HEAD THE WHOLE TIME LET ME LIVE GDAM
This was such a long time coming UGHHHHHH
i cant believe
“Annyeong!” Chanyeol grinned brightly, bowing 90 degrees to the equally tall man wearing the khaki uniform he was expecting him to wear. Chanyeol was so giddy, he looked like an over-overgrown child; his hands were on either strap of his backpack, and was rolling back and forth on his feet. “I was so excited when I heard my tour guide was from Korea! How long have you been working here?”
The man with lopsided lips blinked, “Long enough to want out.”
Chanyeol burst into bright laughter, making the other pull his face in equally as much disgust as annoyance. The man on the job clenched his fist tightly and did everything in his power not to roll his eyes. He forced a smile and spoke with no conviction whatsoever, “Welcome, sir, to the most spectacular safari you will ever have the privilege to be on.”
Chanyeol broke into the largest grin at his words nonetheless.
“My name is tour guide Oh Sehun and I’ll be showing you the wonders of the amazon today.”
Chanyeol nearly squealed and Sehun finally backed away. “C’mon,” the tour guide said, proceeding to walk towards his ranger jeep, “the sooner we leave, the sooner we get back.”
Chanyeol wasted not a second and ran towards the vehicle, sitting in the front seat, buckling himself in before Sehun even gave instruction. Sehun rubbed his nape and breathed out hot air, “That brat. He was probably spoiled as a child. He has no manners at all.”
Once Sehun was eye’s view of what Chanyeol was doing, he couldn’t even tell his client off because he put the complicated seat belt on without any help. Sehun knit his brows deeply and stuffed himself to the driver’s seat beside him, securing himself in quickly. “Is this your first safari?”
“It’s my third, actually.”
Sehun couldn’t help but scoff out a chuckle, to which Chanyeol thought innocently as an impressed laugh, so he continued, “Yeah, the first time I went on one was on my birthday two years ago.”
Sehun was uninterested, and yet he found himself asking one last question, out of sheer formality. He started the car and grunt when it didn’t open. He turned to Chanyeol, “How old were you?”
Sehun, who had been fussing with the engine, whipped his head to Chanyeol’s direction just as the jeep hummed, confirming its ignition. This bastard’s was my age two years ago,  Sehun thought gripping the steering wheel tightly. How sad. “Hold on tight, hyungnim. The road is bumpy.”
The jeep whooshed forward, heading deep into the thick jungle before them, stirring Chanyeol’s insides in excitement. The man with messy hair had his adrenaline pumping. He held a big grin. He couldn’t let Sehun’s statement go unnoticed however, “I’m older than you?”
Unfortunately for you, “Yes.” Sehun answered simply, shifting the stick.
“Waaaah, I have a cool dongsaeng. Cool.”
Sehun upper lip rose out of instictive disgust, which involuntarily prompted him to drive faster. Chanyeol took full advantage of this and raised his hands up in the air, cheering, as if he was on a roller coaster ride. Sehun growled at his actions, proceeding to shout at the man, “Babo-ya! Do you want to get your arms cut off?!”
“MWO? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” Chanyeol shouted back, louder, not even bothering to put his arms down or stop his obnoxious howling. 
If he fucking wakes the tribe, I swear to--
At this point, they were met with a rocky road that was near a very shallow river. It made Sehun drive a little bit more cautiously, and Chanyeol finally keep his hands to himself and hold on to the handle bars.
The jeep came to a stop as they got to furthest the jeep could take them.
Sehun swiftly removed his seat belt in one motion and jumped out, turning to a struggling Chanyeol. He smirked at him and cleared his throat, “This way... hyung.” he placed his hand behind his back and started walking off,  “You have to move quickly if you want to see the animals.”
Once Chanyeol was free from his restrictions, he wasted no time and jumped out of the vehicle. He jogged up behind Sehun who was already walking off. He didn’t notice that Sehun had pulled out a longish knife with him, you know, the ones to chop off leaves and branches and stuff.
Chanyeol pulled out his camera and took pictures with a smile. Sehun finally turned back at him and sighed, “Right. You’re gonna wanna not do that when there are animals around. They have very acute senses of hearing and event he sound of a camera shutter can scare them away, some birds especially.”
The man behind the tour guide lowers his device and nodded slowly. “Oh, gwenchana. Real life experiences are better than pictures anyway.”
Sehun rolled his eyes.
The two continued walking and Chanyeol eventually strided next to Sehun.
“Watch your step, hyung. Some objects on the ground seem--” before Sehun could finish his sentence, Chanyeol stepped on quite a big rock and went wobbling forward, “--invisible.”
Lucky for Chanyeol, he was quick enough to suppost himself, and Sehun had enough heart in him to grab his arm and prevent him from falling. The later of the two did bother hiding the roll of his eyes, the former smiled and spoke a thank you.
“There,” Sehun pointed, “do you see? It’s a toucan.”
“Waaaah,” shutter proceeded by flapping of wings.
Sehun pursed his lips and threw Chanyeol a nasty look. Chanyeol showed his teeth, “Mianhe.”
Sehun released a breath, “Whatever... your loss anyway.”
The two moved not much forward and came across another bird. Unfortunately before Sehun could identify what it was exactly, Chanyeol scared it away by his giggling this time.
The trip continued on, exasperating at Sehun’s end, and excitingly frustrating on Chanyeol’s end, because he kept unintentionally scaring a bunch of animals away. On the bright side, a stick insect thought his shoulder cool. Chanyeol felt bad however that he panicked when it started moving to his neck and swatted it, swiftly ending its life.
At this point, Sehun thinks Chanyeol could even scare away a tiger if they ever come across one, or maybe even a band of gorillas.
Chanyeol started talking about his life in Seoul somewhere between Sehun’s how-much-nicer-it’d-be-not-to-know and thanks-for-boring-me-half-to-death.
Apparently he was a photographer.
How charming.
“-- but then I decided I would much rather do something I wanted, thus I went to another company and ditched the millions of won I--” “Shut up.” Sehun spat out.
Chanyeol pulled his head back in suprise and utter offence. “Mwo-”
“Shhhhh.” Sehun raised a hand and stopped in his tracks, “something’s here.”
For a moment the two stayed perfectly still, and nothing but the jungle spoke. Sehun clenched his jaw, dreading the gut feeling in him. He licked his lips and heard a rustle from his left. Not late after, Chaneyol saw the leaves move. He went reeling towards Sehun, clutching his arm. Sehun hissed, “You woke the tribe. Great.”
The man was small, but he looked furious.
“T-the tribe? Wh--”
“Maehokjeogin neon lovely”
Chanyeol started waking backwards, hiding behing Sehun’s shadow, grapsing onto his biceps. Sehun hissed and shook him off, “They’re doing their tribe chant, it means they won’t attack us yet.”
”Yet?” the other repeated, nervous.
Teum eopsi jopyeojin geori Bulgyuchikaejineun heartbeat Jamsi nuneul gama trust me.”
Chanyeol tilted his head at what he heard, “Is… is that… Korean?”
Sehun rolled his eyes and shoved him back,  “If you want to live to—“ but the tour guide couldn’t finish his argument for there was suddenly a loud screech from the bushes, making Chanyeol yelp and jump into Sehun’s personal space.
Sehun shoved him off, but Chanyeol only recoiled back into his place.
There was a spear by the bushes, both of them could easily tell. Whoever it was was heading for them at an eerily slow pace.
“Are they barbarians? CANNIB—“ “Shut up, and do not raise your voice. It only excites them to know you’re scared.” Sehun cut Chanyeol off. The latter gulped.
Then suddenly, there was a battle-cry like scream and the hair Chanyeol’s skin stood up.
From in front of them emerged at small, mud painted man, wearing a skirt made of leaves and a rock necklace. He looked enraged, his chest was heaving and his already narrow were narrowed. His mangled hair and rock pointed spear made him look intimidating… but not to them, not to anyone sane. In fact, Chanyeol was now just… confused.
Sehun huffed and rolled his eyes.
The tourist leaned to his guide and whispered, “Is he—“ “Yes. Just…” Sehun sighed, “let me handle this.”
Sehun walked over to the man in his normal pace, making the man point his speak at him. “You have upset the jungle.” the shorter one spoke.
“Upset the jungle? Or you and Baekhyun hyung?”
Chanyeol pulled his head back and Sehun rolled his eyes, “Minseok hyung, you should head back—“
“MY NAME IS POZI, CITY BOY!” Pozi, or to Sehun and the rest of the world, Minseok shouted at the man, slamming the end of his spear on the ground repeatedly.
Chanyeol decided to speak up at this point. “Jjangkkaman, you’re not a native?”
Sehun cursed Chanyeol’s stupidity and Minseok turned to him, “Native by heart.”
“Hmp, you know what, this is above my pay grade, we should just—“ but yet again, Sehun was cut short.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” someone screamed in and jumped on Chanyeol’s back. Chanyeol was quick to jolt him off however, and he shuddered the way he did when a bug crawled on him.
The man, who looked similar to Minseok, fumed in anger as well.
Chanyeol looked at him like spoiled pizza.
Sehun turned to Chanyeol. “They’re on drugs.”
The newly arrived mud covered man growled, “We are not!”
Sehun nodded his head in full disagreement.
“Baekhyun hyung, you’re wearing mud and leaves. Also, you pretend to be primitive but I caught you making a campfire and roasting marshmallows. Where’d you even get that?”
Minesok spoke, “The jungle provides.”
“Actually, I gave them that.” A separate voice chimed in, and soon a man in attire similar to Sehun’s appeared.
“I’m so sorry these two interrupted your tour,” the man spoke to an utterly confused Chanyeol, stretching his hand out to him. “Kim Jongdae. Biologist and meteorologist,” he introduced, shaking Chanyeol’s hand.
“Uh, Park Chanyeol… photographer?”
The two broke away and Sehun crossed his arms.
“These two, believe it or not, are actually my associates. They believe doing this makes them better scientists.” Jongdae explained, making Chanyeol nod his head as if it was now suddenly perfectly normal, perfectly understandable.
“That seems cool.” Chanyeol spoke.
Sehun pulled a face.
Baekhyun quipped, “Do you want to join our tribe?”
“Ya! I will not have you pull a Jongin here!” Jongdae scolded.
“Kai joined voluntarily.” Minseok spoke.
“Jong-in, his name is J o n g i  n!”
Sehun huffed, “Ye, it’s been fun. Let’s go back now Chanyeol.” Chanyeol suddenly frowned, “Mwo? But they just got here.”
Sehun shot him a look, “So you’re staying.”
Chanyeol was silent. Minseok and Baekhyun cheered and started doing their chant again. Chanyeol turned to Jongdae, who was shaking his head in disagreement.
He pursed his lips, “Alright. I’ll go with you Sehun-ie.”
Jongdae let out a breath of relief.
Sehun scoffed and started walking off, “Don’t call me that.”
Don’t mess up my tempo Deureobwa igeon chungbunhi I said don’t mess up my tempo Geunyeoui mameul humchil beat Eodiedo eopseul rideume matchwo 1, 2, 3 Don’t mess up my tempo Meomchul su eomneun ikkeullim
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leahuzumakisblog · 4 years
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It's about time I bring this back.........
48 notes · View notes
memesols · 4 years
The entirety of EXO is Sehun biased
52 notes · View notes
2 notes · View notes
tonitart · 5 years
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22 notes · View notes
exofiction09 · 5 years
Random trainee: Sehun-hyung, being the maknae they all must tease you right?
Sehun: Not really. I've got all my hyungs wrapped around my finger.
Random trainee: pfft yeah.
Sehun: *pouts* alright. Watch this.
Sehun: *clutches his stomach, falls onto the couch and groans loudly* ah hyung, my stomach hurts a lot.
Junmyeon: *Mom mode activated* I told you not to drink so much bubble tea but you never listen! *Pushes the trainee and kneels before Sehun*
Chanyeol: *sits next to him and rubs his back* Sehun-ah where does it hurt the most?
Jongin: *gets him a glass of warm water* Soo-hyung told me to give this to you
Baekhyun: aw my baby. *Cuddles next to him and gently bites his shoulder*
Jongdae: *fetches an extra pillow and feels his forehead*
Minseok: *worriedly looks on from a distance, ready to fetch the manager*
Yixing: *calls from China* Sehun-ah, don't worry I'll send some grandma's special medicine. You'll be fine!
Kyungsoo: *shakes his head* for the love of God, it's just a stomach ache. Drink that water, you'll be fine...
Random trainee: ......
Sehun: *smug*
Sehun: *ultimate baby pout*
Kyungsoo: *sighs* If you still feel worse, maybe I could make some soup.....
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