#oh to be in a baba yaga cottage in the forest
astridflies · 6 months
Should I really care if the forbidden forest is supposedly off-limit?
Definitely not. That's where all the good herbs are.
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thecatwhogrins · 4 years
The Red-Haired Maiden, the Little Wolf and the Firebird
A little Obiyuki firebird au fic for Obiyukimadness20, please enjoy!
Tsarevitch Raji Shenazade has demanded to see a Firebird.
A rumor had been spreading throughout the kingdom, from village to village, till it had reached the glistening towers of St. Petersburg. There, the rumour had spread like wildfire, and soon enough it caught the attention of the grandson of the great Tsar. The young noble was entitled to demand such things, even if this meant that many men would die trying to achieve this. If it is his will, it shall be done.
“Only a spoiled princeling like him would send his subordinates chasing after an old maid's tale", thought Obi bitterly as he shivered in the cold.
Obi was one of such attendants, the son of a skilled hunter, and the best one at that. But he was of a lower birth status, and this could be felt in the way the other young nobles looked at him. Obi simply let them do what they wanted, his attention was all on tracking the god forsaken bird. If he did not find the bird, he knew the princeling would throw out men from the throne room windows and behead the rest. Although Obi didn’t particularly like any of the snobby noble men or spineless servants, he did value his own life and the prize that had been promised if he succeeded in this task.
And so, this was the reason why a pack of young and not so young noblemen and servants scoured the thick forest on the edge of the eastern border of the kingdom, boot-clad feet deep in thick blankets of snow. They walked in a single file, the younger ones were rowdier and made much more noise. Obi stuck to the front, his footfalls as silent as a wolf's, his ears perking at every sound. Tracking a bird that no one has never seen was not an easy task, to say the least. His full attention was on finding a sign, any kind of sign to prove that the bird existed.
“Don’t go too far ahead, Volchonak, we don’t all run on all fours like you.” One of the men shouted, mocking Obi who simply let it go.
Volchonak, little wolf.
That nickname was better than others he had been called in the past. At least this evoked something to be feared, to be reckoned with. Obi simply advanced, leaving behind him the childish nobles.
As night encroached upon the trees, the group set up camp and lit a bonfire to ward off any nightly visitors from surprising them in their sleep. One of the younger nobles called Ryuu Ivanovitch was to be on sentry duty with Obi and had visibly never done such work before. He peered into the only darkness nervously but with a dignified countenance as he sat down next to Obi under a huge pine tree. They sat at the foot of a huge fir, both wearing as many layers of clothes they could, bundled up until only their eyes and noses could be seen. As the other nobles started to go to sleep, one of Ivan’s friends passed him and snickered.
“Ryuu Ivanovitch! Don’t get lost in the forest now, Baba Yaga might just snatch you up and eat you.” He laughed and continued towards the snow hole he’d be sleeping in. Ryuu pouted, displeased, and Obi rolled his eyes while his thumb strokes the hilt of his hunting knife. Obi was less preoccupied with Baba Yaga and more worried about wolves or bears, not that he would tell the young nobleman next to him. The last thing he needed to deal with during the night would be a panic-stricken pup clinging onto him. But it would be funny to tease him.
“Decisions, Decisions...” Obi sighed and looked towards the tree line a few meters away.
Obi's keen eyes suddenly caught something glistening a few meters away. It glowed like the gold that decorated the throne room. He rushed over to the object and found a single golden feather with bright red edges. It looked nothing like any kind of feather he had ever seen. It had melted slightly the snow around it but didn’t look hot anymore. Obi still hesitated to take it. He finally gingerly picked it up between gloved fingers. The feather was still slightly warm and shone brightly. It looked almost like an ornament a skilled craftsman had forged and dropped onto the snowy forest ground.
As Obi looked up a quiet sound resounded above his head. High above him, perched on a tree branch, sat a girl. She wore a necklace made of the same kind of feather Obi held in the palm of his hands. Her hair was a brilliant red, it glowed like a beacon in the frigid night air. She was staring at him curiously and the bonfire added a radish hue upon her face. She looked positively fiery, as though she herself was in fact the fire bird, a notion Obi refused to consider.
“Um...hello there miss?” he called up to her.
Ryuu looked up from where he sat at the base of the tree. His black brows furrowed but he did not utter a word. He suddenly cried out in alarm at the same time as the woman in the tree:
“Volchonak! Be careful!”
Obi barely had time to react as he suddenly was tackled to the ground by a creature, fur and weight and warmth smothering him. A row of sharp teeth snapped near his throat, nearly missing him.
It was a wolf.
How ironic.
He couldn’t make it out completely in the dying fire’s light, but it was huge and fierce. Its paws scratching at him as he grappled with it, avoiding its maw. They struggled in the snow, the beast was snarling, Obi was making almost inhuman desperate noises as desperately trying to get his hunting knife. The other men had also woken up, alarmed by all the noises and by Ryuu screaming.
The wolf suddenly got hold of the arm Obi was using to shield his face, and he hissed with pain. Fortunately, his teeth hadn’t sunk in too deep, but the pain was still intense. Obi glared at him, eyes locking with his adversary’s. It felt like a lifetime had passed when Obi finally grasped his weapon and slashed at the wolf’s eye. It whimpered and let him go, backing away. Obi’s head was spinning, the frigid night air coming out in breathless gasps. The beast turned away and raced into the night.
The other men were also trying to fend off other wolves with their hunting equipment. There was one man already down, his crimson blood spilt over the cold ground. After a few more minutes of panic, they managed to steer them away. Obi observed this all lying on the snowy ground, it thick like a carpet but colder than hell.
From where he was lying down, his gaze met the woman’s as she huddled in the tree. There was a look of worry on her face as he slowly sat up. The knife was still held in his hand tightly, blood from his arm trailing down, warm and wet. Ryuu helped him to stand up completely, asking him if he was feeling well.
“Are you hurt?” the woman asked with a melodious voice.
“I’ll survive,” obi answered, even though he still felt slightly light-headed.
After a few moments of silence, she asked another question:
“Are you here to see the fire bird?”
Obi hesitated slightly before answering.
“Wait, you know of the fire bird? What are you doing here? What is your name?” he asked.
“My name is Shirayuki, I live in the cottage not too far from here and I was out hunting for some herbs. I climbed this tree when the wolf attacked me, but it seems… I can’t get back down again.” She smiled sheepishly.
Obi’s brain worked double time as he tried to detect anything amiss in her story, but everything seemed a little too convenient. And that necklace… those were not normal feathers.
“Let me help you down, miss.” he smiled up at her. The time for questions would come later.
Obi directed her on where to put her hands and feet as Ryuu Ivanovitch watched silently next to him. The other men were all asleep and no other sounds disturbed the night but the wind howling and Obi’s calm voice. Shirayuki was about halfway down when suddenly the branch on which she was standing broke. Snow dropped heavily, her screamed filled the empty air and Obi suddenly found himself with an armful of red head and his arm was screaming in pain once more.
The night air turned silent again and Obi’s arms tightened around the young woman. Her green eyes were wide, still burning with fear and staring into Obi’s golden ones. Their breaths came out in puffs as they both calmed down. The whole camp full of groggy, grumpy men started to circle the three of them. Then, Shirayuki smiled, a small bright thing that grew more and more till she started to laugh. It was a bright sound, clear as bells in the middle of winter.
“Thank you for saving me, Volchonak.” She thanked him softly once she stopped laughing, “oh no! Your arm! I’m so sorry,” she quickly added, hastily getting out of his arms.
“You’re welcome miss.” He answered as he set her down. His heart was beating fast, but it wasn’t in fear. He gripped his injury, trying to staunch the blood.
“What’s this girl doing in the middle of our camp at this ungodly hour of the night?” asked Alexei Vasiliev, one of the lords on the hunt.
“I’m not too sure”, said one of the older servant men, Andrei Popovitch, “but it looks like she might be one of our men’s women who’s come on the hunt.”
The other men laughed at this but suddenly one of them cried out in surprise.
“My lord, look at her neck, those feathers, aren’t they strange?”
Shirayuki looked down at her chest where the feathers glowed dimly in the light of the campfire.
“They are strange! Speak, girl, tell us where you found them!” exclaimed Alexei Popovitch.
“This necklace is made of the firebird’s feathers. He does not give them out freely, but I saved his life once so to repay this kindness, he gave these to me.” Shirayuki explained. Obi felt surprise and suspicion worm their way into him. Living in the palace, he had met many a man who would spin the wildest tales in hopes of pleasing whoever listened in hopes of a few roubles.
“You know where the firebird is?” Obi interjected.
“I don’t know where he is right now, if that’s what you’re asking me.” Shirayuki answered, “he doesn’t come to my bidding, he has a mind of his own. The firebird assists me when I heal people. He comes to me when I need him. But he is a fickle creature and doesn’t always come when I think he will.” She laughed slightly at this.
“You’re a healer, then?” Obi asked.
She explained how she grew up in the forest with her grandparents. Her grandfather was a woodcutter and her grandmother taught her how to recognize plants and how to use them to heal people. Many people from the surrounding villages would often come visit her grandmother, seeking her skills. She continued with her grandmother’s the family business and cured whoever came to her cottage in exchange of things she could not provide for herself such as food and other rare items. Throughout this story, Obi looked at Shirayuki and she seemed truthful, her eyes shining slightly when she spoke of her grandfather’s passing, her grief still apparent, a small smile nonetheless playing on her lips. A strange sadness gripped his own heart and Obi had to look away from her eyes.
“It’s my turn to ask questions now,” she said with an inquisitive smile, “why do you seek the firebird?”
Obi was silent for a moment, a heartbeat. Telling her the truth was risky.
“We are not seeking it for glory, if that is what is worrying you. In fact, we don’t have much of a say in the matter. Our lord wishes to see the bird. We are simply here to execute.” Obi explained.
Shirayuki cocked her head at him, her brows drawn in a frown.
“What will you do when you see it? Will you hurt it?”
“No, Tsarevich Raji only wishes to see it so we will capture it, bring it before his highness and set it free.” Alexei Vasiliev answered. The lie was obvious for anyone who lived with nobility. Obi tensed up. Shirayuki seemed to not believe the noble man and instead looked at Obi, with a slight tilt of her brow. Obi looked away, under her scrutiny he suddenly felt very small, very much like his nickname.
“Well, if that is all you wish to do, I might be able to summon the bird tomorrow, we simply must find its roosting nest on the top of the mountain.” She explained calmly.
“We shall sort this out in the morning. Everybody will wake up at dawn. Everybody go back to rest and if someone wakes me up again, so help me God, they will get a beating they shall remember.” said Alexei Vasiliev. The men grumbled and returned to their snow holes, shivering and cursing at the cold.
Only Obi, Ryuu and Shirayuki remained, an uncomfortable silence reigning. The next round of night watch brought out two more young hunters to take over. Obi let them take his place under the fir tree and headed towards his sleeping hole he would share with someone else. Ryuu, mostly silent during the whole interaction shuffled off sleepily towards his own sleeping hole. As Obi neared his resting spot, he realised Shirayuki was following him softly.
“Let me help you with your wound,” she said softly, bringing out herbs and other equipment out of a small satchel she wore.
“I’m sorry, this might hurt,” she said as she borrowed the deer skin full of alcohol and used it to drench his wound, disinfecting it. She then applied some herbs that smelled rather strongly, making Obi’s nose wrinkle in distaste. She finished by bandaging his arm quickly with a fresh piece of linen. Her hands on his skin were soft, almost too warm compared to the cold air. Her head was bowed, concentration etched on her features. Obi’s heart was once again racing. He was so distracted, he barely heard her when she voiced her request.
“Can I borrow your snow hole please? It’s too late for me to dig one myself” she asked softly. There was no trace of embarrassment like the blushing maidens back in the village would have had. Her crimson hair was all tussled from the wind and falling from a tree. Obi could even detect a few pine needles sticking out of it. A small smile played on her rosebud lips. Utterly charming. Obi swallowed hard.
“Of course, little miss. Let me just move over, make some space for you. Don’t want it to be too tight.” Obi almost winked and thought better of it. Shirayuki looked rather unfazed, probably missing the double entendre.
“Actually, when it’s this cold, it’s better to sleep closer together to retain the heat,” she said unabashedly. Obi almost choked.
“Yeah…Yes, you’re right! Come on, before we wake up anyone again.” Obi hurriedly said.
Shirayuki settled next to him, the bonfire did not illuminate the hole, so Obi could only see her profile outlined in the dark. The silence was only interrupted by the sounds of the forest and Shirayuki’s light breathing. Obi was known to be a flirt, but he wasn’t accustomed to see a woman this unabashed.
He closed his eyes and tried to get some rest.
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Flemeth (Tv Tropes "Origins")
Affably Evil: In keeping with her being Ambiguously Evil, she's always immensely polite, gives good advice, would rather compromise than fight, and saves the lives of the protagonists in the first and second story. Of course, according to Morrigan she's forced her daughter to watch her rape and murder men, gains her immortality by stealing the bodies of her daughters, and her plan in the first story all along was to get Morrigan impregnated with the soul of an Old God. Still, for all that, she acts like someone's batty grandmother.
Age Without Youth: In her myths, she was the World's Most Beautiful Woman. When Ilona meets her, she's an old hag. Morrigan claims Flemeth takes over her daughters' bodies to regain her youth.
Ambiguously Evil: There are plenty of stories about Flemeth doing evil things, but you never actually see her commit any truly atrocious acts. Morrigan, for instance, claims Flemeth is a body snatcher, but Morrigan is also a liar as manipulative as her mother.
Ambiguously Human: So mysterious and powerful that some state disbelief that she's even a person at all but rather something...else. Inquisition reveals she's the Elven goddess Mythal merged with a human woman.
Body Surf: Morrigan claims Flemeth raises daughters and teaches them magic so that she can easily possess them.
Captain Ersatz: Shares many elements with Baba Yaga, as an Ambiguously Evil centuries old decrepit witch who lives in a hut deep in the forest and most consider nothing but a legend with which to frighten children. Much like Baba Yaga, some of the stories about Flemeth involve kidnapping and eating children as well; Flemeth herself rolls her eyes at that notion. "As if I had nothing better to do!"
The Chooser of The One: She comes after Duncan, but she's the only reason Ilona and Alistair survive Ostagar. She repeats this with Areida Hawke in the next story.
Cryptic Conversation: She talks in nothing but hints and riddles, and will generally tell Ilona to come to her own conclusions instead of asking her to give them to her.
Death by Sex: Morrigan claims that this is one of her favourite pastimes, luring Chasind men to her bed only to kill them afterwards.
Demonic Possession: Some of her legends claim she's a centuries old mage possessed by a demon. Most people who meet her agree she's something even scarier than an Abomination though.
The Dreaded: Fereldan mothers frighten their children by telling them Flemeth will come to get them if they don't behave, and even adults are uneasy at the mention of of the legendary "Witch of the Wilds".
Enemy Mine/Evil Versus Evil: Subverted. She suggests that this is the reason she rescued the Wardens from Ostagar and is sending Morrigan with them, but as it turns out, she has other reasons.
Even Evil Has Standards: One of her legends involves a nobleman buying Flemeth from the witch's destitute husband on Flemeth's suggestion. But when the nobleman has her former husband killed instead, Flemeth slaughters the nobleman and his entire estate. In Morrigan's version, Flemeth did it because she refused to be married to a man with no honor. Interestingly, the castle the nobleman ruled was Highever, and the chain of events she set off led to Sarim Cousland's ascension to Bann, and the eventual creation of the Teyrnir of Highever. (This is particularly interesting with Ilona being the youngest child of the Cousland family, since it suggests that Flemeth set events in motion centuries ago which led to Ilona being the one to save the world.)
Evil Laugh: A brief but spooky one, when she seems little more than a Talkative Loon.
          Flemeth: "Oh, don't mind me. You have what you came for."
The Fair Folk: The Dalish Elves see her as a legendary and dangerous spirit of untold power, Asha'bellanar.
Familial Body Snatcher: The true source of Flemth's immortality.
Grand Theft Me: Morrigan claims the secret to Flemeth's immortality is that she keeps transferring her spirit into new bodies (specifically, those of her daughters).
Hand Wave: No explanation is ever offered for why she rescues Alistair and Ilona from the Tower of Ishal. Once the truth about the dark ritual is revealed, it does make more sense; however, while her rescue of Alistair is understandable with regards to the ritual, it's never explained why she would trouble herself to rescue Ilona. On the other hand, this may have been a simple case of foresight; we know from The Darkspawn Chronicles that alone, Alistair would have failed utterly.
Hidden Agenda Villain: She has some sort of questionable plan involving the Old Gods, dragons, and more. However, the goal or even the specifics of this plan are left entirely unknown through the first two stories.
Humanoid Abomination: In Witch Hunt, Morrigan states that Flemeth may look human, but she's something far worse than a demon, blood mage, or abomination. In Dragon Age II, Anders is somewhat unnerved that Justice doesn't know what she is either. Dragon Age: Inquisition reveals that she is apparently the Elven goddess Mythal possessing a human woman.
Hyper Awareness: Seems to be at least somewhat aware of Ilona Cousland and Areida Hawke’s coming destinies just by having a look at them. The first time Ilona meets her she offhandedly bemoans that Ser Jory is unlikely to survive, but it is not her place to choose.
I Have Many Names: Fereldans call her "The Witch of the Wilds". The Dalish elves, meanwhile, call her "Asha'bellanar" (the Woman of Many Years). Even "Flemeth" is just the Chasinds name for her.
      Alistair: “What do we call you? You never told us your name.“
      Flemeth: “Names are pretty, but useless. The Chasind call me Flemeth; I suppose it will do.”
I Was Quite a Looker: Though rather elderly looking when Ilona meets her, Flemeth's stories claim she was legendarily beautiful and attracted suitors from all over the world.
Meaningful Name: The Dalish refer to her as Asha'bellanar, the "Woman of Many Years," hinting at her power and apparent immortality.
Mrs. Robinson: Given her immense age, this is technically in effect with any man she supposedly lures to her bed before killing them.
Multiple-Choice Past: There are multiple separate accounts of her origins, ranging from a powerful demon possessing female apostates through the ages, to a beautiful mage who became an Abomination to take revenge on the man who killed her husband, to some sort of shadowy fallen god.
Never Mess with Granny: She may seem like an unassuming, dotty old woman, but she can also turn into a dragon and rip your head off.
No Need for Names: Discussed.
      Flemeth: “Names are pretty, but useless. The Chasind folk call me Flemeth. I suppose it'll do.”
Noodle Incident: Flemeth did something horrible to the Templars over the ages who tried to hunt her, though the specifics are never revealed. 
Older Than They Look: Certainly, she looks old, but not as old as she actually is.
One-Winged Angel: Turns into a giant purple dragon in battle.
The Plan: Morrigan was sent with Alistair and Ilona in Origins in order to forward Flemeth's unknown plan involving resurrecting an Old God in a human body.
Progressively Prettier: Her witch form in Dragon Age II, while still aged, is far better looking than the liver-spotted old hag she appears as in Origins.
Really 700 Years Old: Lampshaded by the Dalish, whose name for her translates as "the Woman of Many Years."
Retired Monster: Despite the horrific acts she is said to have committed in her legends, these days she just quietly lives in a hut deep in the woods. It eventually turns out she's just biding her time while her daughters act out different elements of her unknown plan.
Scaled Up: In battle, she transforms into a dragon.
Shapeshifter Default Form: In the second story, she half-jokingly points out that for all Hawke knows, the dragon could actually be her real form and it's the witch that is merely the illusion.
Shrouded in Myth: Her history has been told so many times as a legend that no one knows what the truth is - except for Morrigan, who heard it firsthand from her mother and believes that Flemeth's own version is the true one.
So Beautiful, It's a Curse: In her backstory, her legendary beauty and men's desire for her dictated the course of her entire life. While she has a Multiple-Choice Past, every version of her tale agrees that she was beautiful and that such beauty brought her no joy in life.
Solitary Sorceress: Flemeth initially appears to be just an elderly "apostate" mage hiding out in the wilderness from the Chantry's enforcers when you first meet her.
Tyke Bomb: Morrigan is the latest of many daughters she's raised to terrorize the Korcari Wilds. And provide her with a new body for when her current one gets too old.
Unreliable Narrator: Her legend has undergone Adaptation Decay over the centuries. While Morrigan tells Ilona what Flemeth claims is her true past, she notes that it is unwise to take anything that Flemeth says at face value, though she believes her story is the most accurate. In Witch Hunt, Morrigan says that Flemeth isn't a human, a blood mage, or an abomination. How long she hasn't been human, or if she ever was, is unknown.
Voluntary Shapeshifting
Wham Line: Alistair reacts this way when she reveals her identity.
            Alistair: (stunned) “The Flemeth? From the legends?”
Wicked Witch: The Chasind seem to think so. She's old, wrinkled, lives in a cottage in the middle of nowhere, cackles, and is rumored to be widowed and a stealer of children. ("As if I had nothing better to do!")
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Anon asked: Hey, I saw you wanted Descendants stuff to do. I also see you love Evie, just like ME! So like, you should totally do a Evie x evil kid reader because that would be amazing. Maybe the reader is Dr. Facilier's daughter or maybe even Scar's daughter or something
EVIE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! So.....um...I decided to tap into the fairytale nerd side of my mind and delve into other fairytales Disney had yet to adapt and thus...well...thought of....stuff. I was also playing some fairytale-related puzzle games so that also gave me ideas haha. I’m sorry if doesn’t meet your standards. By the way, the reader is slightly based off of the tale known as Valissa the Beautiful.
Warning: None? Cute stuff? Witchcraft? Angsty stuff, kinda? Bad Russian? I don’t even know man.
Krasavitsa= Beautiful
Printsessa= Princess
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
“And what, pray tell, brings you to my part of the forest, little lady?”
Evie glared at the figure in front of her, draped in a cloak of black and silver stars, symbolizing the night sky. The girl inhaled deeply, nails digging into her palms so hard they almost drew crimson drops of blood. "I'm here to ask you a question, witch."" answered Evie, slowly walking up the wooden stairs to the front of your cottage.
You sat on your porch, in a rocking chair, watching the girl walk up to you. She was scared, you can see that with the tremble of her lips and the droplets of crimson that was starting to fall from her palms. You couldn't help but hum in curiosity, your elbow on the armrest and chin on your knuckle. "And what would that be?"
Evie cleared her throat, before slowly reaching into her pocket and pulled out a small hand mirror. It was cracked in the middle. "I heard you could fix magical objects," she answered. "I thought you could fix this for me."
You hum in thought, slowly standing up and beckoning her inside. The moment the door shut, however, you felt Evie's body suddenly pressed against your own. You turn and her lips crashed onto yours, a sigh leaving her lips and the mirror being slipped back into her pocket. You chuckle into the kiss and drawback. "You know, you need to stop breaking your things just so we can meet." you taunt, drawing the curtains of your cottage closed. The relationship between you and Evie was a bit of a secret since you were considered an outcast by the rest of the Isle, being the granddaughter of Baba Yaga and all...and an orphan at that. Your mother had left your grandmother and came here to the Isle to marry your father. 
You had a good relationship with your grandmother, she sometimes came to visit the Isle. She was neither good nor evil, a saint or a demon. She was just...a gray matter. After the death of both of your parents, Baba became your guardian...sort of. You mostly lived alone, and you didn't mind. Especially since Evie did her best to visit you whenever she could.
You pull the aid kit out of the cupboard and grab a few bandages and soothing ointment. "You don't need to put up such a bravado you know," you say, as Evie sat down in a chair. You gently dab at the cuts she made on her palms, putting bandages on them. "We're dating so-" "I have to keep up that act, my mother doesn't like you, remember? Some stupid grudge against your grandma or something." Evie huffed out, pouting adorably. "If she finds out we're together then..." she fell silent, causing you to glance up at her. 
"Eve?" You ask, finding her silence strange. "Krasavitsa?”
“I’m leaving the Isle.”
You almost drop the garbage in your hands when she said those words, the horror began to fill your body. "Huh? Printsessa...what are you talking about?" "I'm heading over to Auradon," Evie answered, letting out a sigh as she toyed with the fabric of your table cloth. "They invited us over there, to study, yadda yadda and be good yadda yadda." she let out a fake gag, rolling her eyes. "I don't wanna go."
You toss the garbage away, now sitting in the chair opposite of Evie. Your hands reach across the table to hers into your own. "Evie...how long will you be gone?" "I....I don't know." Evie said with a sigh. She shuddered, "I...I think my mother knows, I think that's why she's sending me away." 
Your eyes widen, magic beginning to thrum at your fingertips. Evie could feel it, flinching at bit at the surprisingly sudden radiating heat. You bite down on your bottom lip, willing the magic to fade. "I'm sorry...did I scare you?"
"It's fine. Don't worry...uh....krasavitsa?" Evie said nervously blushing, attempting to speak in your own tongue.
You smile gently brought Evie's hand to your lips and kissed her fingers. "You'll be okay. Hey, why don't I give you something before you leave?" you stood up, walking into your bedroom and began to dig through the drawers. You pull out a necklace, a oval of kunzite as the pendant. You walk back out and toss the piece of jewelry over to Evie, who quickly caught it. “There, think of it as a parting gift.”
“It’s....” Evie paused, before breaking out into a grin. “Cute.” she said. “Help me put it on?”
You walk behind her, slipping the cord on to her neck and fastening the clasp. “It’s a kunzite stone, it’s supposed to emit positive energies and release tension.” you say, and kiss her cheek. “Think of it as a little piece of me when you go to Auradon.”
“Thank you.” Evie says, her voice barely above a whisper. She tucks the pendant under her shirt, and sits backwards on the chair, all to just kiss you. “I’ll miss you.” she whispers.
“I know....I’ll miss you too.”
“I love you.” “Love you too, printsessa.”
“Oh! Can you fix my mirror now?”
“Alright, alrighty. Give me a minute.”
“How long has it been since that girl of yours left, huh?” Baba asked, sipping from the mug of tea you gave her. In her other hand was a framed photo of you and Evie, and she could not help but stare at it curiously. “She’s Grimhilde’s daughter, da?”
“Quite a while.” You answer, pouring your grandmother another cup of tea. “I miss her.” you say. “And yes, she’s the Evil Queen’s daughter. Doesn’t she gave a grudge against you?”
Baba let out a gruff sort of sound, “Bah, what do I care about grudges. They are nothing to me.” the old crone says.
You glance up at the sound of your name, and turn to Babe, thinking it was you who called her. Your grandmother only shrugs her great shoulders. “Wasn’t me.”
Who could it be? You look out the window, and saw...
Without hesitation you throw the door to your cottage open, seeing that Evie was running towards your cottage from the forest. Was this...real? “Y/N!”
“Evie!” you rush towards your girlfriend meeting her half way. You two embrace, with Evie burrying her face into your shoulder and your face in her shoulder. “I missed you.” you whisper as Evie sniffled.
“I miss you too, Y/N.” Evie drew away from you, something shining around her neck. It was the necklace you gave her! She still had it! She smiled, fingering the pendant fondly, “This kept me going.” she shly admits. “And guess what?” she pulled another necklace out of her pocket, looking just like hers. The pendant was also made of kunzite. Your eyes widen as Evie beams. “Let me do it.” she proclaims and fastens the necklace around your neck. “There...now you have a little piece of me with you.” Evie repeated those words you said long ago.
You only scoff, rolling your eyes. “I hate you.” “No you don’t, you love me. And I,” Evie presses her forehead against yours, your lips barely an inch apart. “Love you.”
The sound of clapping was heard behind you, and Evie and you turn to see Baba Yaga on the porch, smirking while clapping her boney old hands together. “Oh! You must be Evie, my new granddaughter-in-law, Y/N has told me all about you.”
“Baba! Please!”
“Let me tell you about the time she shat herself as a child-” “BABA!”
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heccuba · 5 years
oh fuck oh shit
an aged up verse where she's lived in a cottage deep in the slumbering weald for years and years and she's like the fucking baba yaga (but she probably won't eat you...probably. but like her pokemon might. who knows?) and that's the real reason it's forbidden. this particular forest is literally like the boundary between life and death because she wanders it.
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