#oh well!! One day at a time 💪✨
pastelpaperplanes ¡ 2 years
How did Breakdown and Knock Out meet in the au if they lived such different lives before?
As mentioned in his bio, Knockout once belonged to a noble house with familial ties with the Seekers, having had a privileged, but undoubtably suffocating upbringing.
Knockout always was an odd one compared to his more elegant peers, always being a bit too fascinated in wielding with far too big weapons rather than training in the finer arts— and even more ‘disturbing’ , aspiring to one day practice the morbid but delicate skill of piece back together gorey flesh and bone.
See, for the course his life was SUPPOSED to take in the sense of a more normal high caste socialite—his fixation to partake in violence and stitch participants back together left him a bit estranged from any possibly marriage prospects, oh but if only he were to just apply himself and use that surplus of energy to impress an acceptable suitor….haha his family didn’t get such wishes granted at least in the way they had HOPED.
His most rebellious methods of unwinding were venturing out of his House’s estate and into rowdy taverns, as well as even rowdier betting games on Brawlers!
Breakdown fell first, but Knockout fell harder upon seeing the Brawler go at it in the matches—but nothing compared to the entertainment that came with finding out that this beast of a mech’s sole weaknesses seemed to be sweet polish, and pretty smiles laced with pure snark. Breakdown always was and will continue to be a great big blushing FOOL for his beloved archer.
With no nobility in his bloodline or patrons to his name, Breakdown’s methods of survival had been reliant on sticking with his old merc band, The Stunticons. While he has never been one to shy away from a challenge, Breakdown originally chose to gamble his luck still inside Autobot Lands through depending on his knack for violence through brawl winnings rather than joining his band to venture out into the Neutral Land, all hopes of joining up with the Deceptions.
Breakdown originally had nothing to wager nor no one he cared to protect but himself before the chance to leave was too late.
If only Breakdown had known that soon enough in his future he’d find that sense of urgency to risk the unknown in a devastatingly gorgeous and defiant noble—then he would have without a doubt taken the offer of safety in numbers crossing the border with his Stunticons.
Knockout and Breakdown were forced to make the break for the border alone, eloping, and making the unpredictable journey out of familiar Autobot Lands! The two left everything behind and looked only forward to the life they were determined to build with each other.
Knockout and Breakdown eventually found refuge within the rest of the Decepticons for quite a long time before a happy accident blessed their lives. They would have most definitely would have preferred to hold off on growing their family until Lord Megatron, who promised to retrieve the Allspark and save their people and, returned victorious—but lol Wildbreak waits for NO ONE. NOT A CHANCE 😤💪✨
Knockout and Breakdown are now on the move, again, to secure a better future—this time with more on the line than just seeing each other safe. Wybie is just old enough to travel safely now—so the couple are off to meet old allies of Knockout’s, some childhood Seeker friends who have merged with the Dinobots in the Isles!
Despite the lives the could have chosen—With Knockout appeasing his House marrying into some other uppity arraignment, or with Breakdown, fighting with nothing but the motive to enjoy the fast and hard lifestyle until the day his muscles gave out—they wouldn’t change a single second of the struggles they’ve overcome for the wild life they led together!
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sapphire-heart-tippy ¡ 2 months
hellooo, i'm a huge fan! for tippy; how did your relationship with vanilla and bel start?
Hi!! 😎✨
Oh dang it's a long story 😭🩵💙💜 BUT I will proceed!
However if you or others are interested in the long versions:
Sapphire Heartverse fanfic (how Vanilla and Tippy met and became a couple)
BelTipVans one shot (how the 3 became a throuple!) (This is one of the epilogues for the sequel: Sugar Crash Void Bash, which is in the works right now, and the first chapter will come out once I'm finished drawing the cover art for it 💪✨)
BUT, I'll try to make it short and sweet!:
Vanilla and Tippy
Vanilla and I met while working for Dio. He picked me up at the airport and things were pretty okay. I showed Mr Dio my stand powers and impressed him pretty well!
Then things kind of started to go south. I'm a bit of an impish troublemaker, I can't help it! I pulled some pranks and did some silly things that really irritated Vanilla heheh.
He and I would argue and butt heads a lot, secretly I liked getting on his nerves and pushing his buttons. Vanilla was training me in stand-to-stand combat, but I got cocky because my stand is more defensive while his is more offensive.
One day we learned that... Cream and Sapphire Heart are almost exact opposites of each other. His stand is an unstoppable force while mine is an immovable object.
Now this is where I guess we started falling in love with each other heheh! One day Vanilla and I were sparring with our stands. He got a little too close to Sapphire's diamond spear and... I accidentally cut off his right bang. Before he could say anything, that's when Dio called us into his room.
Mr Dio had wanted us to get rid of somebody for him, that person was hiding in the boiler room of the basement. Vanilla and I were trying to fight the person's stand, but it wasn't easy!
Just when I was about to get attacked, that's when I felt a hand grab me and pull me into a pitch black void!! I was tumbling and twirling in an inky canvas of space! Until suddenly I was stopped by Vanilla. He had used his phone flashlight so we could see each other in the eternal darkness.
I was holding onto him tightly and... I just really liked the feeling!! *Sigh* Long story short, Vanilla got slashed up pretty bad on his left shoulder, and we had defeated the stand. I took him to get stitches and made sure he was okay. We talked a lot that night, about some pretty heavy stuff...
Then a few days later, we started being more bold with our flirting. Vanilla even tugged me by my choker. It was pretty fun... That night we confessed our feelings to one another and got so eager that we had our first kiss.
The rest is history heheh!
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Beleza, Tippy, and Vanilla
As for how we met Bel... *Impish giggle* Well, for the most part, you all will have to wait until Sugar Crash Void Bash comes out! It's quite the uh... ordeal
BUT, I will tell you that after everything was said and done, Bel actually came back home with us. Us 3 would hang out and enjoy each other's company very much. He lit up our lives quite a lot!
Vanilla and I, before we got together with Bel, we were talking one night... Vanilla felt very guilty that he started to have feelings for Bel and find xem to be very attractive. I admitted that too. Vanilla and I have been very committed to one another and monogamous until we met our third... We felt that our lives were fully complete after Bel had joined our relationship.
So we decided to ask him out on a date. It was a cool fall day, leaves were falling, there was a crisp autumn scent in the air, and everything was very sweet. We had taken Bel to a cafe, just let xem talk and talk xis heart out. Vanilla and I were absolutely endeared by him.
Then when it was time to go back home, they looked very sad. But Vanilla and I told them that we'd go back to their hotel and hang out for a bit longer.
We all snuggled and had our first kisses with Bel. That day is a day I don't think any of us 3 would forget 🩵💙💜
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sabraeal ¡ 1 year
If the Mind Is Willing, Chapter 3
[Read on AO3]
Part three of 500 Follower prizes @bubblesthemonsterartist​ earned herself years ago! Only two more and I will have fulfilled all those fics...probably just in time to have a 1K follower raffle
Blue light washes her pink sheets pale, until it’s impossible to tell when cotton ends and her skin begins. The shadows pull longer in its glow, turning her own nearly skeletal as she reaches out a finger, hovering over the link.
“U-J-Kyo?” Chizuru’s mouth wraps around each letter, the sound of them tumbling softly into the muted glow. “But that’s just...?”
The university’s homepage. And her laptop’s, technically, now that Yamazaki helped her set it. Not something she’d normally associate with Souji’s interests, not unless he’s started some new hostilities with the provost’s office again. Their last open letter hung on the fridge until just before Thanksgiving, the second paragraph asking for “certain individuals in the student body“ to “show more conduct becoming of an undergraduate of a prestigious institution” highlighted proudly in lime green.
Dean Kondo dropped by the house only a few days later-- for a friendly visit, he’d said, smile as warm as she remembered. He’d stayed for dinner, complimenting the soup she’d made from their leftovers, and then talked with Souji out on the porch until the swing’s chains started to creak. The letter disappeared the next morning, unremarked, though Souji kept glowering at the bare metal every time he passed through the kitchen.
Chizuru swipes tentatively at the screen, messaging app blooming beneath her finger. The link’s innocuous, known, but Souji has a gift for slipping a sting into any handshake. And if he’s calling it a gift, well--
[ToudouDomination] omg holy shit dude nice knowing u hijikatas gonna kill u 4 sure 💀💀
Professor Hijikata’s taught her enough about Trojans to take that kind of present at face value.
[✨💯GAINS💪💪✨] *skullfuck u mean skullfuck ull b the most beautiful corpse at ur funeral bro
Her lips press tight, clinging to each other as close as the rubber case to her phone. If everyone’s acting like this about it, it’s better that she doesn’t look.
[ToudouDomination] MY funeral???!! what’s this got to do with me??!!
[✨💯GAINS💪💪✨] nah man im not talking ab YOU im talking ab dead man walking over here
She’d regret it if she did, probably.
[Dr 💖💋🤭] jfc I’ll say somethign nice at you’re disciplinery hearing
[ToudouDomination] Me??
[Dr 💖💋🤭] No one’s talking about you Heisuke
It’s an accident, really. Her thumb skims up the side of the screen-- scrolling past the sudden influx of skull and fire emojis the boys heave into the chat-- and the pad of it just barely brushes the link. It flashes under the pressure, blue then purple, selected, and well...
There’s no harm in just letting it happen, is there? It’s only the university homepage, nothing--
Ah. That’s what it should be at least. But instead of the azure and white, there’s text curling across the screen, a half dozen different hand-written poems in blue bic and college rule, tiled across every inch of the background. There’s coffee stains on them too, some in the corner, and some in rings, like they were more used to being coasters than literature. And in the center of it all--
“Oh.” She blinks, tilting her screen to get a better view. “A video?”
Hogyoku Open Mic, it reads at one corner, reflection on water. A strange choice for Souji; he’s never mentioned an interest in poetry, let alone live readings. Frowning, Chizuru tilts her phone, letting the video fill the screen.
It plays, and oh, several things become clear, all at once.
“My heart is pure,” the man on screen promises, words raking over the gravel of his voice-- how little of it there is marks his age more than the lack of lines on his face-- but Chizuru’s isn’t, not when she can’t do much more than stare, fingers numb around the rubber case. “I use my palm as an inkstone.”
The camera pans closer, and yes, above that black dress shirt-- open to its third button, oh goodness gracious-- is Hijikata. Not the one she knows now, the grizzled professor who kicks his feet up on the desk and uses profanity as punctuation, but--
But a much younger man, not much older than her, considering the last little bastions of baby fat clinging to his cheekbones.
[Dr 💖💋🤭] This muts be a hundred pakcs of cigs ago
[✨💯GAINS💪💪✨] 💯
[ToudouDomination] do moths feel desire or is that like a poetic thing he talks about rain a lot too whats that all ab
[✨💯GAINS💪💪✨] its a sex thing
[Dr 💖💋🤭] Shin don’t tell the baby taht
[✨💯GAINS💪💪✨] hes a growing boy he has to learn sometime better he hears it from us hijikata fucks 🍑🍆🍑
[Saito.Hajime] Can I please be removed from this group? Also, congratulations, Souji, on finding a new, creative way to die
[✨💯GAINS💪💪✨] no way if we all have to think think about hijikata fucking u have to suffer too
[Saito.Hajime] I am not certain I care for that logic
[Dr 💖💋🤭] Too bad, bud. Your stukc with us
[✨💯GAINS💪💪✨] yeah bro u signed the housing contract ur here til death comes for u or like u move out or smthn
Chizuru means to stop the video, really she does. It’s not something Hijikata would want them to see-- at least, she assumes so, considering the way he flushes every time Souji brings up his graduate school slam jams, threatening to expel him if he doesn’t ‘shut his damn mouth.’
But the one on the screen smiles as he finishes his set, smouldering out past the stage lights, and she-- she expects snapping, some cool cats with shades and berets nodding their heads to his truth or whatever mood this is supposed to give. A respectful silence, one that gives space to the idea he’s introduced to the space, but instead--
Instead there’s screams. A full audience of women-- and a few particularly enthusiastic men-- loudly voicing their appreciation for what she’s hoping is the poetry.
Ah, maybe Shinpachi is right. It is a sex thing. And she’s watched a full ten minutes of it.
Hijikata can never know. Or worse--
[Susumu Yamazaki] Take this down. Now.
[( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)] eat my ass
Her heart ricochets around her rib cage, panicked, before it lodges itself in her throat. It flutters there, queasily, and-- and there’s no way he could possibly know, but still, guilt seizes her. She shouldn’t have looked, not once she knew. She should have been the first to say it was wrong. Helpers can only help when they know there is a problem, that’s what Father would have said. If you cannot perceive it then you are part of it.
She could say something now. Her hand squeezes tight around the case. No, she should say something now. She has to, because father will ask. She’ll tell him about this frantic midnight showdown, and he’ll say, and what did you say?
And if it is nothing...
[Susumu Yamazaki] Take it down now. Or I will get university IT involved.
[( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)] you don’t have the fucking balls
[Susumu Yamazaki] Try me.
Even with her eyes closed, her failure is inescapable. The words flash behind her eyelids, no longer composed of ones and zeros but scrawled in neon lights instead, reminding her that if she were better she could have fixed this. That if she were good enough, she could have found the magic phrase to get them all to get along. But instead...
Silence, that’s what he’ll give her. A long pause where all his expectations weigh on her, piling on her chest like boulders on a criminal. A cluck of his tongue, and a soft, I thought I raised you better. Any moment now, her phone will ring, and Father will know what a disappointment she is because--
It’s Christmas. Just about everywhere but Hawaii. A couple other islands in the Pacific too, if she’s being fair. It’s Christmas, and he’s supposed to call because that’s the way it’s always been: her staying up late not to catch Santa and his Reindeer but Father emerging from his office. It’s her that would tromp down the hall with all the grace of an elephant, to fling her arms around him and yelp, Merry Christmas!
And it was him who had to be stern, who must put her back down on the carpet and scold her for being out of bed. Who has to wait until she’s nearly shut her door to stop her, to call out, Merry Christmas, Chizuru.
It’s supposed to be her first. The one given moments after midnight, the most real, and-- and--
And she’s spent the whole day waiting for an empty office.
There’s a part of her, one that’s still too short to reach the microwave and can’t bear the kindness next door, that thinks she missed it. That there’s some dead zone in the house that she unwittingly lingered in, or a notification that her phone somehow swallowed whole. That it’s her fault she never presented herself to be loved.
But there’s another part, one that’s growing every day, and that one--
That one’s just tired. 
It’s tired that wins out, in the end.
There’s a weight that drags at her, urging her to stay within the cocoon of her covers, to let the night unfurl across her screen, each blow reported in black and white right before her eyes. A passive observer, an active disappointment, but most importantly: unmoving.
Even still, she gets up, throwing the cloud of her comforter back so that she can slide out from underneath it. Her heels hit the floor with a force that chatters her teeth; or maybe that’s just the chill of the air now that her body heat is no longer trapped up against her skin.
Her phone settles on the nightstand, cozening up to the lamp, and for a long moment, she thinks about turning it on. Every muscle complains as she peels her day clothes off and exchanges them for pajamas, her eyes straining to make out what’s a hole and what’s just dead air, and yet--
Yet it’s easier than facing herself.
The same weight drops her back onto the mattress, an anchor sinking into the endless depths of open water. She isn’t sure when she’ll hit bottom, but staring at the blank screen beside her feels entirely too close to it.
It’s with a trembling finger that she guides the volume from full to vibrate. Even that makes her heart race, makes her wonder if she’s just punishing Father for having priorities besides a fully adult daughter, the same one who had so happily told him she would support his sabbatical wherever it took him. What if he needs to get a hold of her? If there’s an emergency on Borneo or San Cistobal or whatever island his research took him? Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just keep it on a little, just in case--
Her fingers flex. She deserves to sleep tonight, what little of it there is left. And if this is on...
Vibrate changes to mute. The phone flips over, screen pressed against the wood.
“Good night, Daddy.” She gives the case one last, small tap. “Merry Christmas.”
“Hey, jailbait.” Something warm nudges her shoulder, not gently. Chizuru has the space of exactly one breath to wonder what, before the same something grips both and shakes. “Get up!”
“Haah?” Her hands flail out, but whatever’s gotten hold of her slithers out of her grip, retreating past her arm’s reach. “What...?”
It’s bright when her eyes peel open, the sun already seeping through the curtain even though it can’t be more than--
“Class!” Her limbs fly out, wild as she tries to turn over, tangled up in the tight embrace of her covers. “I’m late for--”
“Hold up a slice, shortcake.” Souji looms over her, tall enough that his knees barely brush the bed to do it. “No classes today.”
“No...?” It’s not as if she has anything to say, brain moving at a snail’s pace that it is, but her mouth keeps moving anyway, as if just working her jaw might help get the gears moving. Which it does, oddly enough, reminding her it’s not a weekend but a holiday, and not just any holiday but Christmas, and--
And Father never called. Unless it came in the night, after she’d put herself to bed. After she’d not only turned off the ringtone but vibrate too, leaving him no chance to hear her voice, forcing any attempts for him to contact her straight to voicemail, like she didn’t even care--
“Hey.” Souji knees the mattress, jolting her outstretched elbow right into the corner of the nightstand. “Get up already.”
Painful tingles race up her arm, bouncing from elbow to shoulder and back and, oh, why is it called the funny bone when it’s not funny at all? “Souji, why are you--?”
A bleary blink turns the blurred numbers on her clock to something like sense.
“Oh!” She bolts upright on the mattress, sending Souji skittering back a step. No wonder he’s deigned to scratch at her door; Harada might be the oldest, but of the three of them, Chizuru’s the only one that can be trusted with the stove. “It’s late! Are you hungry?”
“No.” This close, it’s easy to see that furrow flash between his brows, the quick reassessment of his opinion. “Well, yeah. But that’s not what I want right now.”
This early, her brain’s as bleary as her vision, but it won’t clear no matter how much she blinks. “Then what...?”
He heaves a sigh; her only warning before long fingers clamp around her wrist, cold as iron. “Just come with me already.”
It’s a feat to get untangled from her blankets; there’s a knit one sandwiched between the top sheet and the comforter, plus another for more weight-- and heat, since she shares her thermostat with Shinpachi and Harada, whose bodies both run at a temperature verging on medically alarming if they think sixty-five degrees is comfortable. It’s harder still with Souji yanking at her the whole time; she’s not certain whether he does it because he’s impatient or because her struggling amuses him. Possibly both, knowing Souji.
Impatience, however, wins out. One foot wins free, planting itself on the bedside braided rug, and he snaps, “Hurry up. We don’t have all day.”
She’d love to, if only the comforter hadn’t swallowed her up to the ankle, cinching tight when she tries to pry it apart. “Ah, I know! Just give me one--”
Unless she’d meant to say second-- which she hadn’t, not at all-- Souji doesn’t give it to her. Instead he tugs, and she stumbles off the mattress, dragging half the blankets with her. “Good,” he huffs, barely glancing back. “Let’s go.”
“Wait!” Souji has a terrible habit of making things worse the longer he’s made to wait, but she digs in her heels anyway. Or, well, the one that isn’t still trapped in Poly-Fil. “Can I at least put on my robe?”
“Why? It’s not like there’s anyone to see your cute little Christmas--” he squints “--raccoons?”
“Tanuki.” She smooths her hand over the fabric, one of their round faces peeking playfully out from between her fingers. “They’re just so fluffy.”
Souji stares at her, stone-faced and silent, and-- and it’s longer than that his teasing typically takes. “Right,” he says, stilted. “Whatever. Just hurry it up, Sleeping Beauty.”
Chizuru is keenly conscious of every second Souji suffers her, all-too aware of how impossible it is to win a race against the limits of his patience, but she’s determined to make the most of what she’s given. It’s hopeless to aspire to Hajime’s cool efficiency, but she tries, keeping her movements sharp and purposeful, as if putting on her robe required the same sweeping grace as his kata, and yet--
Yet she barely cinches the knot tight before he’s grabbed her again. “C’mon, princess. We’ve got things to do.”
It’s a struggle just to keep her feet beneath her, but she manages a very eloquent. “Huh?”
His mouth quirks, too pleased, as he tugs and she stumbles, bare feet barely braced against the jamb. “People to piss off.”
Ah, well that’s hardly promising.
When all is said and done, he doesn’t drag her far. A cold comfort, considering.
“This is Hajime’s room,” she informs him. His grin assures her he already knows. “And, Ya-- ah, I mean, Su-- uh, um. S-susu...?”
The name’s foreign in her mouth, tongue stumbling and stuttering around it, and it’s-- it’s just odd not to use it, when she’s so used to Souji and Hajime and Heisuke and Shinpachi and even Sano, if it feels safe to say, instead of intimate. As if she’s letting all the rest of them close while keeping him at arm’s length.
Which isn’t true. But still, she can’t bring herself to say Yamazaki’s first name so casually, not when even Heisuke, who barely lasted three hours before asking if she was cool with nicknames, hasn’t managed it. With the syllables rolling around in her mouth, it’s almost...
Illicit. That’s it. “Is there a reason you need me here?”
Souji’s mouth curls, so satisfied she’s surprised she can’t see feathers between his teeth. “Yes, definitely.”
“But they went home for the holidays.” She frowns. “Did you need something in there? I’m pretty sure it’s--”
His leg kicks back, and with one smooth swing, he completely bypasses the need for a doorknob, the open door shivering from the force.
“-- locked,” she finishes faintly. “Oh my.”
One hand catches the door, long fingers splayed across the grain. “After you, jailbait.”
She nearly balks-- it’s not as if it’s his room; he hardly has the right to invite her-- but the door swings open, and she--
She’s never seen this before. Yamazaki’s room. Or Hajime’s, of course. A tour down the hallway would be enough to get a glimpse into any of the other rooms; Heisuke hadn’t even waited a day to drag her into his, pointing out all his favorite posters. Harada and Shinpachi took a few weeks longer, though she’d spent most of that visit with her hands clapped over her eyes. Even Souji tolerated her shuffling a step over the threshold, even if it was only to ask for him to help her reach one of the taller cabinets. But Yamazaki and Hajime...
Their door has always been carefully shut, not even the slightest gap for a peek. An easy habit to explain away; the both of them value privacy over accessibility, choosing to socialize in the common areas of the house rather than in their room, but still--
It’s almost surprising how normal it is. Not that Chizuru expected it to be wallpapered floor to ceiling with centerfolds, like Harada and Shinpachi’s room, or crowded with collectibles like Heisuke’s, but maybe white walls and stark sheets, monochrome and neat as a pin. The sort of room that would seem unoccupied, if it wasn’t for the monitors on the desks. Sterile.
Instead there’s posters. Not crowding the walls, so close that the corners overlap, but there’s personality, if not chaos. Enough to know that the boy who sleeps under the navy comforter likes movies with kimonos and swords or computers from the 80s, and that charcoal comforter likes wuxia and vintage medical diagrams. And books too, if the stack teetering on his bedside table is any indication.
Chizuru shuffles a step further into the room. It would be rude to rummage, but surely-- surely it wouldn’t hurt if she just read the titles. If she just stooped down the tiniest bit and--
And tripped over Souji, shoulder-deep beneath Yamazaki’s mattress. “W-what are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he grunts, annoyed. “A guy that uptight’s got to be hiding something. And not just the normal stuff. The kind of something that’s gotta be top shelf fucked up.”
She blinks. “Huh?”
“Oh come on, you know what I mean. Whips and chains.” He drags his arm out with a huff. “Autoerotic asphyxiation. Snuff tapes.” Souji reaches up, flipping over his pillows. “Yiffing. Who could say what a small-dicked little turd like him is into?”
Half those words are unrecognizable, and so it’s not until he’s on his feet, poking through desk drawers that Chizuru realizes, “You mean you’re looking for...for...” Her mouth works, cheeks painfully hot as she manages, “Girlie magazines?”
His fingers still, pressed into a sheaf of glossy page edges. “I’m trying to find porn, Chizuru. That’s what we call it this century.”
The book shuts with a snap, joining its friends on the shelf, and when he reaches for another, she blurts out, “Don’t people just watch that online now?”
Souji laughs, not kind, but abandons the bookshelf. “And everyone thinks you’re so innocent, huh, princess?”
Her hands clap to her cheeks. Ah, she hadn’t realized it could be painful to blush. “I, um...only, ah--” Souji flings open the closet “--I don’t think you should really be--!”
“Jackpot.” The hangers rattle as he slips something off the rack; with only the sunlight eking in around the blinds to light the room, it’s hard to see just what. “What do you think? Would it look good on me?”
The fabric’s black, limp and shapeless on its hanger, utterly unrecognizable. “I don’t...?”
“Nah, no way I could fit into that shrimp’s costumes.” The light might be dim, but Souji’s teeth practically glow when he says, “But you could, half pint. C’mon, get over here.”
She doesn’t have much of a choice, not when he grabs her wrist and yanks. “I don’t understand,” she murmurs, watching him separate a smaller piece from the whole, more uncomfortable by the second. “Why did you need me when you were only going to..um...?”
Steal seems a little strong for the moment. Scrounge falls a little short.
“Ahhh, see, kid, last night I left a little gift for the whole student body. Right on the main page, where everyone could appreciate it.” He steps entirely too close, the warmth of his body filling the space between them. “And our favorite little ass-kisser didn’t appreciate it.”
The scrap slips over her head, cool and smooth where it settles around her neck. “So he took it down. Or got some of his nerd friends to do it. Either way...” Souji shrugs. “It’s rude to give back a gift, isn’t it?”
His wrist twists, the cloth pulling tight against her skin. Tight enough that only a twitch guides her into a nod. “See? That’s what I thought too. Kid needs to learn a thing or two about manners. So that’s what I’m doing.” Souji grins, the fabric loosening as he lets it slip from his fingers. “Teaching him a lesson.”
“B-but...” Her focus stumbles as he steps closer, threading his hand beneath the few inches of her hair that don’t clear the fabric and pulling them free. “I don’t see what that has to do with me.”
“It’s cute that you don’t know.” His smile could cut when he slips the cloth right up over her nose. “This is a hostage situation, jailbait, and you’re going to read from the script. Now look over here.”
She does, blinking right up into the blinding light of flash photography as his arm squeezes her close. “What...?”
“Perfect.” Souji’s lips slant to a smirk, phone pinched delicately between his fingers. “Now I just need to post this in--”
The lights flick on. Neither of them are near the switch.
But Hajime is.
“Just what,” he says, brows drawn down like a storm, “do you think you’re doing in here?”
There have only been three house meetings since Chizuru showed up on their doorstep, hair shorn and all her earthly possessions split between a backpack and a trash bag: the first, called by the professor, to announce that that there would be a new roommate; the second, to decide how exactly to handle the fact that Chizuru wasn’t a boy’s name, nor was she; and the third, well...
I’m not complaining that you invite girls back, Sano, Shinpachi had said, with all the gravitas of a judge, but you can’t let them wander around. She went through our trash, dude!
But this-- it’s different. Not just because of the Christmas lights, festively twinkling through their cycle, or Shinpachi’s sweater blinking through its own.
It’s that they’re all here, Christmas afternoon-- evening really, with how early the sun sets these days-- holidays cut short. Chizuru might not have anyone to spent Christmas with, but Shinpachi did, and Heisuke, and Yamazaki--
And instead they’re all here. Because of her. Not a single one of them is smiling.
It’s too much.
“I’m so sorry!” The words burst out of her, rushed, but it’s important to get them out before anyone else can speak, before they think she’s only sorry because she got caught. “I really didn’t mean to go in! I just...Souji said...”
“Narc.” It’s muffled in his shoulder, just loud enough for her to hear. And maybe others, the way Yamazaki’s brow twitches across the table.
“Chizu, Chizu. Come on.” Shinpachi holds up his hands, as if a half-hearted sweep like that could clear the slate of her worries.. “No one here thinks this is your fault.”
It’s kind of him to say, but that’s...impossible. Not when she’s so clearly transgressed. “I went into Y-Yamazaki and Hajime’s room without permission. That’s against the--”
“No, Yukimura, that’s not--” Yamazaki’s teeth clack down, hard.  “I don’t mind if it’s you. Ah, I mean--” his ears flush the same angry pink that licks up the column of his neck “--it’s, er, different.”
“You are respectful of other people’s personal belongings,” Hajime clarifies. “There is no issue with you in our private space. Souji, however...”
“Oh, come on.” Souji kicks his feet up on the coffee table, baring every hole in the bottom of them. “It’s not like I broke anything.”
Yamazaki’s eyes hone onto him-- or rather, the parts of him only inches from Harada’s iced mocha, so close a flex of a toe could touch the coaster. “Right, you only stole something. Not like that’s a big deal.”
“Stole? Like I want--” with a sweep of his palm, Yamazaki clears the surface of appendages, so precise it doesn’t even disrupt the condensation on the cup “--hey!”
He doesn’t smile, but when Yamazaki glances up at the couch, his satisfaction shines just as bright as one.
Hajime is not like Shinpachi, using his outdoor voice in every room no matter how small, or Heisuke, unable to control his volume once a conversation gets interesting. He’s soft spoken, serious; the sort of person other people lean in to hear, rather than ask him to speak up.
But today, he pitches his voice to be heard. “You cannot enter someone’s assigned private room without express permission.” With even graver inflection, he adds “It is against the rules put forth in the Signed Housing Agreement.”
Souji snorts, sinking further into the couch cushions. “No one pays attention to that crap.”
Air hisses between Yamazaki’s teeth. “That’s--”
“If I am not allowed to leave the group chat unless a member of the house boots me for a pre-agreed upon duration,” Hajime says, mouth pulling thin, “then you are also not allowed in my room.”
His glare is hardly aimed at her, but it comes close enough that she flinches. Souji doesn’t, refusing to acknowledge it that same way a cat declined to be caught on a curtain, as if reality was simply an opinion he did or did not hold. “I didn’t even touch your stuff. I don’t know why you’re trying to--”
“You did touch Yamazaki’s stuff, though.” Harada shifts in his chair, the vee of his sweater dipping deep enough to bare cleavage. It might be distracting, if it wasn’t already a relief that he was wearing all his clothes. “Which is against the rules.”
“Yeah, that’s fucked up, right?” Shinpachi cracks open a tall boy, cold enough that the beer fizzes out, threatening to drip right across the festive moose on his chest; HORNY AND WELL HUNG according to the words knit into his sweater. “There’s no locks on the doors, man. We’ve all got to trust each other.”
Chizuru blinks. “But I have a lock.”
He pauses, mid-sip. “Well, I guess that makes sense. You’re a girl, after all. Can’t have a girl be alone with a bunch of guys if there no--”
“My room also has a lock.” Hajime frowns, considering the socks Souji’s just returned to the table. “Hardly a good one, if Souji was able to bypass it with just his foot, but...”
“Me too,” Heisuke chimes in. “I just don’t really use it.”
“Wait, what?” Shinpachi swivels between them, lost. “Are me and Sano the only ones who don’t--?”
“I think the best course of action is to inform Professor Hijikata about the infraction.” Kneeling on the carpet next to Shinpachi’s luggage, Yamazaki’s hardly an authority figure, but when he raises his voice the room fritters to silence. “I’m sure he can take it from there.”
Harada hums, unconvinced. “I don’t know about that. Souji’s already got two strikes against him. If we report another one, I’m pretty sure Hijikata’s going to toss him out.”
They might be more suggestions than eyebrows, but still, it makes an impression when Yamazaki furrows them.  “I don’t see why that’s any of my concern.”
“Aw, c’mon, Yamazaki.” They all might tease her about her pleading eyes, but it’s Heisuke that uses them now, as compelling as any puppy in a pet store window. “You know Souji doesn’t have anywhere else to go. You wouldn’t throw him out in the cold just like that, would you?”
His mouth pinches, bracing the way the rest of him is, squared off and utterly implacable. “Souji is a grown man who can make his own decisions. If those decisions lead to him getting tossed out, that hardly has anything to do with me.”
Souji snorts. “None of the people who complained are even here anymore.”
Yamazaki whips around, eyes so cold they could turn any other man to ice. Souji just smirks. “Yes, because of you.”
“Well, I don’t know...” Heisuke hums, thoughtful. “Ryu left because of that art program. You know, the one that had the scholarship.”
“Only after Okita shoved him off--!”
“Oh, c’mon.” Souji’s shoulder twitch, barely summoning up the energy for a full shrug. “That’s all water under the bridge.”
Yamazaki surges to his feet; only Harada’s hand, keeping him from jumping the table too. “You broke his wrist in three places! The only reason he didn’t press charges was because his foster father is somehow an even bigger asshole than you!”
Souji picks his grins the same way a chef picks his knives from the block: with the intention to cut. “No hard feelings.”
“Hard feelings?” Yamazaki chokes out. “You think this is about hard feelings? When Itou left, he--”
“Itou was a prick.”
Hajime doesn’t so much sigh as hum, raspy and dubious. “That doesn’t mean that what you did was right, Souji.”
His eyes narrow, annoyed. “Don’t pretend you miss him running around the place, acting better than everyone.”
“No, no. He’s got a point.” The easy chair grunts as Shinpachi shifts his weight back, crossing his legs ankle to knee. “They both do. You know I don’t want to kick you out, man, but you’ve got a bad habit of taking stuff way past funny right into, well...”
“An actionable offense?” Harada offers, wry.
A blunt nail taps at his can, uncomfortable. “Yeah, that. It’s not good, bro.”
Something happens with Souji’s mouth. A lot of somethings, actually; subtle ones, hidden in the corners and tucked into the cheeks, the sort that happen between one blink and the next. Missable, save for the fact that Chizuru never looks away.
There’s a jut of his lip first, not a pout but its more serious cousin, the kind that’s like a levee to a deluge: one tremble away from a flood. A scowl next, never quite reaching his eyes; good practice for the smile that follows, curving into a smirk the way steel takes an edge: like it’s meant for it.
“All right, all right.” His hands raise up, too lax for a peace offering. It might stand in for a concession, if she tilted her head and squinted, but only a little. “So you’re all mad at me or whatever.”
“For good reason.” It’s a strong stance for Harada; he’s usually the one who’s quick to compromise, so long as it keeps everyone civil.
“Sure, right.” Souji shrugs, unconcerned. “I get it. But consider--” fabric whips out from behind a pillow, matte and black-- “this.”
Chizuru blinks. “Wasn’t that in...?”
Yamazaki’s closet, she doesn’t say. Not when he shakes it out, turning it from cloth to clothing, a whole jumpsuit with fussy embroidery picked out in an even darker black.
“What’s that?” Shinpachi scoots to the edge of his chair, squinting. He must not have his contacts in. “Some sort of ninja costume?”
She knows better than to turn, to draw attention to the statue suddenly sitting across the table, but Chizuru can’t help it, not when Souji is so quick to say, “It is.” There’s enough relish in his tone that she can taste it. “And it’s Yamazaki’s.”
There’s a pause-- for effect, she’s sure, considering the way Souji grins. Like he’s pulled off some magic trick, making his troubles disappear in one hand and then plucking them out from behind Yamazaki’s ear.
“So?” Harada snorts, unimpressed. “Are you surprised? He’s been a ninja for Halloween like, what? Three years running? Since I’ve been here at least. What next? Gonna pull a sexy firefighter out of Shin’s closet?”
“Hey!” A hand presses right over WELL, leaving HORNY and HUNG peeking out from underneath it. “I’ve branched out! This year I was a sexy soldier.”
“How can you tell?” Heisuke mutters, hunched shoulders making his chest even narrower, more concave. “You’re only wearing like half a costume.”
“We’re not talking about Nagakura.” With all the subtlety of a bomb, Souji drops, “We’re talking about Mr Kiss-Ass and how he has like, five of these tucked away for a rainy day.”
It’s been three months since Chizuru managed to insinuate herself into the house, but not once has it been quiet. Even in the night there’s something: Shinpachi snoring, Harada’s flings trying to find the front door, Heisuke up entirely too late typing up papers or-- more likely-- playing video games. Something. But now--
Now it’s a ringing silence that’s left in Souji’s wake, an awkward air that has every shoulder stiff, every eye finding somewhere else to look besides the place where Yamazaki sits, still as a stone.
Or at least, until Hajime slides forward, dexterous fingers smoothing over the raised stitches of the sleeve. “Oh,” he hums, impressed. “Your skills have really improved since your last attempt. I take it this is for next weekend?”
“Ah...” He swallows, loud enough that even Chizuru can hear. “Y-yeah. The new kunai were too heavy for the belt, so I thought if I remade that, I might as well add a few more quality of life adjustments, and, er...”
“Oh my god,” Heisuke breathes, quivering like a corgi at the end of his leash. “Are you a real ninja?”
A broad hand cuffs him on the back of his head. “C’mon,” Harada mutters. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”
If Yamazaki’s ears were painted pink before, they’re crimson now, hot enough to burn from touch alone. The square of his shoulders deflates, rounding with the slow leak of his confidence, but--
But Hajime simply nods, stroking his chin. “Perhaps I should look at my own as well. It hardly feels adequate next to all the work you’ve done.”
“Is this like...a sex thing?” Shinpachi’s eyes dart between the two of them. “It’s a sex thing, right?”
“No,” Yamazaki says, stern, immediately undermined by Hajime’s, “A little.”
It’s with a hefty heaping of betrayal that Yamazaki turns to him, glaring as he grounds out, “Absolutely not.”
Hajime’s mouth gives a dubious twist, and he opens it, perhaps to gainsay him, but--
But there’s no time, not when Heisuke practically explodes. “Are you a ninja too, Hajime?”
He blinks. “No.”
“Oh.” Heisuke deflates. “Okay, I guess...”
“I’m a samurai.”
“What--” Harada’s voice strains beneath the words “--is going on?”
“So let me get this straight.” Harada’s fingers pinch at the bridge of his nose, but by the wrinkle above them, Chizuru doubts it helps. “You two...dress up as samurai...?”
“I’m the samurai,” Hajime explains, so helpful. “Yamazaki is currently playing as a ninja. As he typically does.”
“You don’t have to tell them that,” he mutters. “That’s not really the point--”
“Right, of course, but...” Harada grimaces. “This is what you do on the weekends? For fun?”
A narrow shoulder lifts under Hajime’s tee, the closest he comes to a shrug. “An afternoon a month, to be more specific.”
“Once a month?” Heisuke asks, wide-eyed. “That doesn’t seem like a lot.”
“It takes a large amount of effort and dedication to keep up a long-form Live Action Roleplaying campaign,” he explains gravely. “That the organizers are able to run so often is a testament to their skill. And to run a weekend event--”
“So you mean you go there the whole weekend?” Heisuke blinks. “Like just forty-eight hours of samurai stuff?”
Hajime’s correction comes the same way as all his interactions: swiftly and without any judgment. “Seventy-two hours.”
Shinpachi goggles. “That’s a lot of fucking hours.”
“It is to aid with immersion.” Hajime isn’t a man of many words, but now he does not so much pause as he does breathe. “Unlike other games of its kind, Legend of the Five Rings does not focus so much on combat as it does internal conflict, and the robust worldbuilding--”
“This isn’t what they’re asking.” Yamazaki’s gaze darts wide-eyed around the table, never daring to stay longer than a blink. “You don’t have to--”
“--Is based on Sengoku Era Japan,” he continues, heedless. “As gratifying as it is to play on a regular basis, it really isn’t until a few hours into any session that people truly come to embody their roles. The court politics alone--”
“Saito.” Yamazaki may be seated at the opposite end of the living room, but his stare is enough to make even Hajime hesitate. “I think they get the idea.”
Harada looks between them, pained. “So are there...scripts or something?”
“No. Yes.” Hajime frowns. “It’s complicated. Each scene is improvised in character, but the organizers are present to facilitate the flow of the story. It is a collaborative effort.”
“But that’s it?” Heisuke asks. “You’re just like...samurai for a day? Or, er, three of them?”
“And you do this--” Harada’s eyebrows furrow, pained “--for fun?”
Hajime doesn’t answer so much as cock his head, hands outspread as if to say, what else?
“That’s so...so cool!” Heisuke leaps to his feet, practically tripping over the table in his excitement. “Can I go? You guys gotta bring me!”
“What?” Harada blinks at him. “You want to go to this?”
“Uh, yeah?” His hands clench, too excited. “You get to be a samurai, Sano! Who wouldn’t want to?”
“Hey, so.” Shinpachi leans in, face pinched in curiosity. “Is this like...D&D or whatever?”
“In spirit,” Yamazaki creaks out, looking like death warmed over.
He nods. “Right, right. So like...a total sausage fest, or...?”
“The numbers on many tabletop games typically skews toward male,” Hajime explains, “but Live Action Roleplaying draws a higher percentage of female participants. Possibly due to the cosplay aspect.”
Shinpachi grins. “Oh, then count me in too, sensei.”
Harada stares at him. “Who are you?”
“What?” Shinpachi shrugs. “It’s math with babes. What’s not to love?”
“Ah...” Yamazaki waving hands don’t do much to hide his grimace. “I don’t really think this will be as interesting to you as you think...”
“He’s right,” Harada presses. “You may think it’s a good place to pick up women who aren’t afraid of, er, theoretical numbers--”
“They’re not theoretical,” Shinpachi huffs. “They’re real, it’s just the equations used to describe them are--“
“See? Already my eyes have glazed over.”
“I don’t know,” Chizuru hums, pitched just loud enough to be heard. “I think it sounds...fun?”
Yamazaki’s stare fixes on her. “Really?”
Even as a girl, Chizuru had never been one to play dress up, never been one to play pretend-- father didn’t approve, for one. Not when there were more direct benefits to be had from drilling flashcards or reading books. A second, her daydreams were vivid enough she hardly needed to act them out, not when Father was so apt to remind her, princesses don’t have to pass their medical exams.
But Yamazaki is as serious as they come, a TA for the dean of the pre-med department even before graduating. His acceptance to the medical school almost assured, and he finds this worth his time. Enough to have made a costume-- with his own hands!-- and sign up for a whole weekend away from his studies...
“Y-yeah.” She ducks her head, hoping to hide the heat that pricks at her cheeks. “I mean, as long as it wouldn’t be a bother for me to, um...”
“Ah, no! I mean, yes. Never.” Yamazaki shakes himself, pink staining the high arch of his cheekbones. “It’s not a problem.”
“Yeah, Chizu!” An arm clamps around her shoulders, dragging her against Shinpachi’s personal light display. “That’s right! Let’s all go. House field trip!”
Yamazaki’s jaw drops. “I don’t, er, know about that--!”
“Fine.” Harada sighs, getting to his feet. “If Chizuru wants to go. Count me in.”
“That’s the spirit!” Shinpachi claps him on the back, hard enough that even Harada has to cough. “Now, that just leaves...?”
“Uh-uh.” Souji’s arms fold over his chest, forbidding. “No way I’m going to your nerd party.”
“Aw, c’mon.” Shinpachi drops between them on the couch, arm pulling tight. “Think of it as a group bonding experience.”
Souji scowls. “What makes you think I care about bonding with any of you--”
“Well, if you’re going to be that way about it.” He squeezes tight enough to eke a squeak out of him. “Think about it as, ‘if you go we won’t tell Hijikata about you stealing shit.”
Souji glowers. “Fine,” he grumbles, shoving him off. “But I won’t like it!”
Shinpachi’s smile is all knives when he replies, “Wouldn’t expect you to.”
It’s dark when Chizuru stumbles out into the hall; there’d been daylight still when they’d piled into the parlor, but now night clings to the the edges of dusk, only enough light to gild the snow in golden shadow. It might bother her more if it wasn’t such a relief, a respite from having to scrape at the last reserve of her smiles. And so she takes it; one big breath and the muscles around her mouth slump, aching from use.
Any other night, she might worry about one of the boys following out behind her, but she can hear the ruckus shift from the parlor toward the kitchen, wheeled baggage and Shinpachi’s booming voice all tromping toward the back stair. Her day may have happened in fits and starts, but everyone else has been on the move, going from Christmas to short notice travel to fraught house meeting all within the space of hours. There’s no one who’s going to be worried about her.
Which suits her just fine. A few minutes lying face down on her comforter and she’ll be right as rain. Just a breath or two to herself, and--
Someone huffs behind her. Right behind her.
She whips around so fast, she nearly tumbles Yamazaki into the wall with her. Or at least his arm, half outstretched, now just hanging there in the air between them.
“Oh!” There’s no reason for her to shy back, but she does, guiltier with every inch. “Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to--”
“No, no. It’s my fault.” His hands aren’t large, not like Harada or Shinpachi, but the fingers are long and tapered, digging runnels through the shaggy bristle of his hair. “I should have-- ah, I mean, I just saw you, and er, wanted to make sure that you were all right. After, ah...all that.”
Her first instinct urges her to laugh, to let her nerves giggle out, there’s no need to worry about me--
But Yamazaki stares at her with the same careful intensity as he had in the kitchen-- you’re worth a good meal-- and Chizuru tries deflection instead. “I’m the one who should be asking you that! I went into your room without any permission and all, and Souji--” Yamazaki grimaces at the name “---I just...you have every right to be mad at me!”
“You?” he echoes, incredulous. “It’s not your fault, Yukimura. Okita’s the one who dragged you in there.”
She shakes her head. “I could have chosen to leave any time. I just was too curious to think to question him.”
“Curious?” There’s no inflection to the word, and with the shadows making a muddle of his expressions, there’s only the tilt of his head to tell here there’s a question. “Why would you be curious?”
“Ah, I’d just...never been inside before?” Her palms clap to her cheeks, and oh, she must glow from how hot her cheeks burn. “It’s silly.”
“It’s not! It’s just, ah...unexpected. I...” His mouth opens, as if he might say more, but with a lick of his lips, it closes instead. Or rather, his chin dips down and it follows, gaze dropping from her eyes to somewhere at her neck. As if...
“Oh, did I spill...?” She can’t actually remember what she’s eaten today, whether it could be something that she could walk around wearing, but Yamazaki’s already shaking his head.
“Ah, no, it’s just...you still have...” His fingers curl hesitantly in the air between them. “If you would let me...?”
Every twitching nerve of her stills as he steps close, fingers skimming past her shoulders. Only days ago she’d knotted his scarf, but it feels different now that he’s the one reaching, so close his hand meet behind her neck. He’s not bundled up now, no three layers of wool and thermal and parka to keep her from realizing that he smells nice, like...like something clean with a hint of eucalyptus, and it’s...
It’s a lot.
His fingers knit into the fabric at her nape, too slippery for him to find the end of it by touch. At least, the first time; he gathers it up, hiking it higher and higher until he can slide under it, the flat of his nails smooth and warm against her neck. Her pulse pounds so hard he must feel it, but Yamazaki doesn’t flinch, instead lifting it with surgical precision. The stretchy fabric threads right off her ponytail with no more than that initial brush of fingers, and she--
She stare. It’s the mask. The one Souji put on her. All this time, and she’s-- she’s just been wearing it, like some sort of...scarf. Right over her tanuki pajamas. In front of everyone.
In front of Yamazaki.
If she could melt into the woodwork, it would be a miracle. But as always, reality refuses to oblige her. “Oh, I hadn’t even...ah...”
“Please, don’t worry about it.” His fingers smooth over the fabric, mouth curving into a rueful smile. “It looked better on you than it does on me.”
“Ah!” Her gasp catches in her throat. “That’s not...um...” She hakes her head, hoping that might clear enough room for a sentence or two to compose itself. “I don’t think that’s true.”
Yamazaki glances up at her, amused, and oh-- she hadn’t meant to say that. Not like that.
“You know, I meant to...” He stops himself. Not abruptly, like she does, but a slow, thoughtful halt. Like a train pulling into a station rather than a car braking for a yellow light. “I mean, I don’t think I ever got around to saying it last night, and today, with everything...well”
He hesitates again, a breath hissing between his teeth. But this time his shoulders square, and even though his gaze is lost in the shadow of his brows, she knows he’s looking at her. “Merry Christmas, Yukimura.”
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aria-ashryver ¡ 1 year
🌟...aaaaand it's over, no more chemo!🌟
(at least I very much hope so 🤞)
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And Caesar, well...
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How are you feeling, Aria? When are you getting new scans? Should the side effects go away soon? If they schedule a surgery, when will it happen?
(Also, this is how I picture you getting ready to hear the results of said scans)
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HELLO sweet lovely!!
Thoughts under the cut bc I'm getting a little bleak and edgy for a sec here lmao, but out here, lemme just say:
I meet with my oncologist next week, so I won't know much more until then (he'll hopefully be telling me I can make an appointment with the surgery team to talk surgery plans!!), but whatever the news is, bring it on. I've got this.
y'know, these last 3 months have really felt like...
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but you know what? I'm still here. Still standing. Still got my foot on Caesar's throat.
These past couple days I've been... ugh. I want to keep matching the celebratory energy, I really do. But I am standing on a bloodied battlefield, gasping for air, my darling.
Shortly before noon, May 30th, 2023, I was told my cancer was metastatic.
Stage 4.
I've been carrying that knowledge for a few months now. About 114,000 minutes, actually. And I've been cutting down the intrusive thoughts that whole time. The terror. The doubt. The sheer, stark loneliness that is existing in a body with something insidious that's trying to kill you. I cannot tell you how truly claustrophobic cancer is.
I've won this battle, yes. I made it through my chemotherapy. But I'm going to be sword in hand for the rest of my life. I don't get to rest. And you know what? That's okay. In a lot of ways, I've been fighting for years.
The irony isn't lost on me that I fought tooth and nail to claw my way through depression and suicidal ideation, and now that I finally, wholeheartedly want to live, I get handed a death sentence. One I can beat back, yes (see: bloodied battlefield, foot on Caesar's throat, et cetera), but one that I'll have to continue fighting forever.
I'll be honest, I have more flavours of trauma than a goddamn ice cream parlour, I was wholeheartedly fucked up even before the cancer diagnosis lmao. But NOTHING has broken me yet.
The world has been trying to kill me for decades and I haven't let it.
Caesar is just one more enemy to laugh at.
This battlefield may be bloodied and barren, but it is mine.
I may be standing on a field of broken bones and corpses, but I am standing.
So, here's to the next fight. I'm ready 🖤
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also, just as a random parting thought, I was having a massive cry yesterday (again 114,000 minutes!! of being forced to confront my own mortality, and this was only Breakdown #5 (yes, I'm counting), so like... I think I'm doing real good haha). Anyway, I stumbled on a YT short that was so bleakly hilarious to me in the context of having cancer that I laughed so hard it snapped me right the fuck out of it and i stopped being sad and resumed being awesome
the tl;dr is hell yeah chemo is over (hopefully), and I am literally unkillable and feeling very cool and rad about it 💅
also now I want a sword.
oh my god i totally need to buy myself a sword when they declare my body cancer free don't i?
...oh my god im gonna do it
kitty you genius
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rillils ¡ 1 year
merthur walked so the whole trope could run istg, everyone else could argue with the wall
all these sassy brunettes walking their blonde boys like a dog (affectionately)
Aaaahhh best of luck, honey! Going back to school after the holidays always feels so very very UGH, I know, but please be strong 💪💞💞 You can do this! *HUGS YOU EXTRA TIGHTLY*
OMG YOU WATCHED RWRB!!!! I'm so glad you loved it, hon!! 💖💖💖 I haven't had the chance (or rather, the necessary peace of mind lol) to sit down and watch it, but I did read the book a while back and it's one of my all-time favourites to this day 💕💕💕 It's such a beautiful and heartwarming love story, and judging everybody's reaction, I'd say that they did a really good job with the movie as well 🥰🥰🥰 I'm looking forward to it ngl 💞💞💞
Oh god yeah, in times like this I find myself thinking of the Merthur boys as well and I feel both so nostalgic and fhjgsjsk I don't know how to describe it, all I know is this big twist-y emotion in my heart. Can you imagine if Arthur and Merlin could have had something like this?? If they could have kissed????? On screen?? And had the whole of Camelot witness their love and fucking cheer for them, like Henry and Alex did?? I would have expired on the spot!!! 💖🥰💖💖🥰💖🥰🤣🥰😭😭✨🌈💫
Sorry, I got a little bit carried away there xD But you know, even though we couldn't have that back in the day, I'm just so fucking HAPPY that we get to have it now, with these wonderful characters 💕💕💕 We can watch them fall in love time and again, and see their love validated and supported, and watch them have the happy endings they deserve, and that's just real fucking beautiful 🥰🥰🥰
My sweetheart, I hope you have the loveliest day 💕💕💕 Love you so much!!!
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lunathebee ¡ 2 years
HEHEHEHEHEHEHE I'm feeling a bit devious 😈
Can I ask for a Peter Parker x Gender neutral Reader ANGSTY fanfic please? Like no fluff, PURE ANGST. Taking place in Far From Home!
~ Okay so imma rambling a bit about the flashbacks before talking about the present ~
Peter and Reader are besties since kids, and they had a huge crush on him (Why the word Had instead of Have? Let me tell ya...)
In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Reader knew about him being Spider-Man and his crush towards Liz Allan and decided to support Peter like that's what besties do.
"Oh, you have a crush on Liz? Pftttt, okay okay, i get it. You should start a conversation with her first."
"She will share the same feelings for you, don't worry."
"You will be a great hero, I'm sure of it!"... blah blah blah, basically his number two emotional support (Aunt May is forever number one 💪😎)
But it was tiring, to deal with emotions of sadness and jealousy over the fact Peter will never reciprocate feelings as Reader. Like man don't you hate it when your crush bestie always left you behind for another girl? And how you two didn't spend times together anymore like both used to... Atleast Ned and MJ were there with Reader to comfort them, especially during the Homecoming party cuz I swear Reader's about to cry back there 😭
~ Skips Infinity War since Reader alsot got snapped by Thanos, now we're getting into the main part!
Now in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Reader finally got rid of their crush for Peter, BUT BUT BUT, at the same time Peter finally develops feelings for them (HOLY SH1T 😱) and he wants to confess to Reader. With the help of MJ and Ned, Peter's plan is: "I'm gonna show them how much I love them and give this present for them for confession during the school trip to Europe!"
But man, the trip didn't went well, yknow why... At the end, Peter confesses to Reader along with giving the present, inside is their favorite item. Reader responds:
"I'm sorry Peter, I can't return your feelings... I've already moved on."
No matter how much Peter tries to convince Reader, he still got rejected by them... that's when their friendship fell apart :(((
Peter, you're too slow! (In Sonic's voice)
Sorry if for making you reading this long a$$ request! I just want to get this out of my system. And ofc, if you dont feel like doing this, it's okay! No forces and no rushes. I hope you've an epic day/night!
Im sorry but how LONG did this sat in my inbox???? I don't- wait I should really check it more often 😭😭😭😭 I'm really sorry bestie (and if its okay with you I will make this a drabble ✨✨)
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gettatranslations ¡ 11 months
Is Anyone Coming Yumigeta Ako (23.10.29)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday
I really like individual events…
And I really enjoyed reading your comments about it too‼️‼️‼️
And for today's individual event…
Was our Halloween Event sponsored by Ikuta Erina-san…!
Yes、us members wore costumes‼️‼️‼️
I became Little Red Riding Hood❤️‍🔥
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Today's skit。
In anime you often see
The 「Is anyone coming〜」 scene🤣
At first I was just messing around but looking at the photos they were actually pretty cute and I was like 「Oh?」 so I'll post one ♡
At Yumigeta's booth today、it felt like a snack bar in the second part of the event(˶ᐢᗜᐢ˶)
I got to ask the people who visited me lots of questions like
「Which one is your favourite」✌️
Everyone seemed to enjoy answering which made me happy‼️
By the way the most popular was the Otokoume Sheets
Did you choose that one because of me〜 Fufufu 笑lol
And the mikan🍊🍊🍊
I made it into a chandelier before eating it😋
Lots of people seemed happy to see us in costume which makes me happy‼️
The reason I went for Little Red Riding Hood、
Isn't because of my member colour or just because it's cute、it's actually because I didn't know what to dress up as for ages so I asked lots of people and they all said 「Little Red Riding Hood」 so that's what I did!
I also tried to look more mature with my lipstick💪💪💪
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Full body shot。
It's cute right〜
And lots of people said 「Trick or Treat」 to me…
Hehehe unfortunateミly
I'm not giving you any sweets because Little Red Riding Hood wants to keep them all for herself (^^)
I kept joking like this but I also had fun with our more serious talks so it was an amazing day‼️‼️‼️
There were lots of people I saw for the first time in a while too〜✨️
Ahミ I want to do individual events every day
I'm so grateful‼️
Thank you very much‼️‼️
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today I took lots of photos of Oda-san〜💜
Oda-san was super duper cute‼️
Oda-san is so beautiful that I got all flustered🤣😂
By the way、did you see Oda-san's costume today????
If you haven't seen it yet please go and look right now。
It's insーane、it's really cute…
Her costume had a tail、which bounced around every time Oda-san moved!
It was so cute、
I took a photo of Oda-san while Oda-san was taking a photo for Ishida-san、and Oda-san was so cute…
Ishida-san's costume was amazing too😂😂😂
It was really funny、but also cute、and it was my first time seeing Ishida-san with her fringe up so I was really impressed〜…!
Then later at my individual event you all said 「Seeing Ako-chan always energises me」、which felt kinda strange!
The fact that there are people who say that about me makes me super happy and it makes me realise that I really am an idol
I Getted 「Motivation for tomorrow」✨
I want to do this again next yearミ I'm already so excitedミ
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Wellー Today I talked a lot and laughed a lot so I think I'll sleep well tonight…
Some of you must have work tomorrow
Thank you very much for coming to see me this evening
Go to bed early、and wake up feeling energised tomorrowー‼️
Well then I'll see you tomorrowThis has been YumiGettaa Ako
Good evening🐰🐰🐰
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minato-health-tips ¡ 1 year
about goodness of keto diet
🌿🥑 Fueling My Body with Keto Goodness! 🌿🥑
Hey, beautiful souls! 💫✨ It's time to talk about the incredible journey I've embarked upon with the keto diet. 🍽️✨ Let me tell you, this lifestyle has completely transformed the way I view food and nourish my body. 🌱💪
First things first, let's debunk some myths! 🚫💭 Keto isn't just some trendy fad diet—it's a scientifically backed way of eating that focuses on high-fat, moderate protein, and low-carb goodness. 🥓🍳🥑 And trust me, it's about way more than just shedding a few pounds.
Since diving into the keto world, my energy levels have skyrocketed. 🚀✨ No more afternoon crashes or feeling like I need a nap to survive the day! This clean and sustainable energy comes from my body utilizing fat as its primary fuel source. 🙌💥
Oh, and let's not forget about mental clarity! 🧠✨ My brain feels sharper, more focused, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes my way. The keto diet has been shown to have incredible neurological benefits, supporting cognitive function and even helping with certain brain conditions. 🌈🌟
But it's not just about what I've gained—it's also about what I've let go of. By minimizing processed sugars and refined carbs, my sugar cravings have diminished, allowing me to enjoy a more balanced relationship with food. 🍭🚫 And let me tell you, that sense of liberation is priceless!
Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: "Doesn't keto mean sacrificing all the delicious foods?" 🤔🍕 Absolutely not! The keto community is filled with genius recipe creators who have mastered the art of creating scrumptious, low-carb alternatives. From cauliflower crust pizza to zucchini noodle pasta, the possibilities are endless! 🍕🥦🍝
But the best part? Keto is a journey, not a destination. It's about finding what works best for your body, listening to its cues, and constantly adapting. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, and that's the beauty of it! 🌸💪
Remember, my loves, health is so much more than just the number on the scale. It's about nourishing our bodies from the inside out, embracing the power of food as medicine, and finding what truly works for us as individuals. 💚✨
So, if you're curious about the keto lifestyle, I encourage you to do your own research, consult with a healthcare professional, and embark on this beautiful adventure with an open mind. Trust me, you might just discover a whole new level of vitality and well-being! 🌿🌟
Sending you all love and keto vibes! Stay radiant, stay healthy! ✨🥑💚
KetoLife #FuelYourBody #FoodAsMedicine #HealthyJourney
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mark-matos ¡ 1 year
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🔥🚀✨ Voicebox AI: Turn Your 🎙️Words into Multilingual Magic! 🌍🗣️
Hold onto your hats, folks, because Meta is about to blow your mind with its mind-boggling new creation! 🤯 Say hello to Voicebox, the 🆕 generative AI that can make anyone speak a foreign language! 🌐🎉
You know those AI wizards like ChatGPT and Google's Bard that churn out text like nobody's business? Well, Meta's Voicebox takes a swerve from the beaten path and dives into the auditory realm! 🎵🔊 It takes just a teensy-weensy 2-second audio clip, and voila! It starts synthesizing speech like a maestro of linguistics! 🎩💬
🗣️ "But wait, there's more!" shouts the infomercial voice in my head. Voicebox doesn't stop there, my dear friends. Oh no, it goes above and beyond to make sure your auditory experience is out of this world! 🌌🌠
Let's say you recorded a snippet of your favorite podcaster, and oopsie-daisy, there was some pesky background noise interrupting their silky smooth voice. No worries! Voicebox is here to save the day! 🦸‍♀️🔇 It can recreate that interrupted portion of the speech as if it never happened! Smooth as silk, baby! 🕶️✨
But that's not all, my fellow space travelers! Voicebox can sprinkle its magic dust on your English text and transform it into a dazzling array of languages! 🌈📚 Want your virtual assistant to speak fluent French, German, Spanish, Polish, or Portuguese? Done and done! 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸🇵🇱🇵🇹
Meta envisions a world where the metaverse comes alive with voices that sound as natural as the babbling brooks and chirping birds. 🌳🐦 Picture this: you're chilling in a digital realm, working, playing, and hanging out with your virtual buddies, when suddenly you hear an NPC with a voice so lifelike, you'd swear it was your real-life BFF! 🤖🎙️👯
And hey, let's not forget the superheroes of the hearing-impaired community! Voicebox extends its welcoming arms to our visually impaired friends, giving them the gift of hearing messages in the familiar voices of their loved ones. Aww, now that's what I call heartwarming innovation! ❤️👥🌈
Before you start doing your happy dance, my fellow Earthlings, remember that Voicebox is still a work in progress. It's not quite ready for prime time just yet. Meta, in its quest to be the benevolent AI overlord, is actively developing ways to ensure this powerful tool doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Authenticity matters, people! 👑🛡️
So, keep your ears perked and your vocal cords limber, my friends. The day isn't far when Voicebox will be at your service, making you the multilingual master of the metaverse! 🌍🎙️💪
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flower-of-zaun ¡ 3 years
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(If you’d like to see more with male or GN please ask! If you want to use this for a fic, just credit me)
It’s been awhile since I’ve given y’all some poly Silco and Sevika content. I wanna feed y’all this morning ✨
Silco and Sevika are both bi. Once one of them start dating someone, if that persons interested, the other will join. It’s not required tho. They respect each other’s relationships.
You started out dating Silco but got close to Sevika. Silco noticed and set something up.
It was a day in the office. Sevika got a little playful with you and it turned hot and heavy really quick.
You were sort of shocked, looking over at Silco, you saw him watching intently. He nodded in approval, you and Sevika started going at it.
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Sevika is a great kisser. The goddess of hot, sloppy make outs. She has you wet and ready to go without even reaching between your legs.
She stripped you down and ate you out on the couch, making you cum so many times, you were a blubbering mess.
“Don’t be selfish now, return the favor.” He tells you.
You get down on your knees and give her head. She grunts and groans for you. Calling you all types of nasty names. Silco is watching, adoring the fact you are so willing to please Sevika. He doesn’t touch himself though.
When you finally make her cum, the both of you return sit there for a minute, trying to catch your breath. Silco calls you over to his desk.
“Do you want more, my pet?”
Fuck yeah you do. He bends you over his desk, making you lock eyes with Sevika. “Show her how well you please me.” And just rams his cock in you.
Sevika is watching you get pounded, she’s touching herself. The sight of her, and hearing her moans makes you wild, Silco hasn’t even been inside you long and your already about to cum.
Silco feels you tightening up and picks up the pace. “Oh you like when people watch? You want people to see how filthy you are.”
That send you over the edge, you’re cumming so hard on Silco’s cock but he doesn’t let up. Sevika looks like she’s ready to cum next, she’s panting and flushed, she looks delicious. You moan her name, then Silco’s.
Between all the lewd noises in the room and your moans, Silco and Sevika are ready to burst. She’s arching her back, so close, until she finally hits her peak, fluids dripping from her. Silco is next. He slams into you, coating you walls with a thick layer of cum.
After the lustful haze is gone and y’all are cleaned up, you get hit, “Both of you back to work, now.” From Silco.
You don’t even work for him lol.
You ask about the situation later on. He explains his relationship with Sevika. You want in. You love them both to death.
Sevika is down too.
That first hook up was NOTHING compared to the next few times.
Sevika brought a strap and a bunch of other toys.
That woman loves bending you like a pretzel and pounding you. She loves restraining you with her strength, it makes her feel powerful.
Silco holds your ankles above your head when you wanna give up.
The safe word for the 3 of y’all is Shimmer
You wonder why she’s in shape, her stroke game is strong 💪
The both of them degrade the fuck out of you. Sevika will call you a cock sleeve and Silco will spit in your mouth.
Silco loves to torment you. Sevika supports it. They will tease you and make you beg for hours before even slipping a finger in you.
They both love receiving head from you, your jaw will be tired.
You’ve caught them making out a few times while you were topping them off. They low key horny for each other.
Silco likes to see you tied up and in pain. Spanks, hot wax, pinching. He needs to see you helpless and overworked.
You have 3 holes. They will be stuffed one way or another.
They gang up on you, overstimulation is their game. They wanna make you shake and scream.
Sevika is larger than you but WILL sit on your face.
If you’re going limp, she’s gonna lift you up and bounce you on his dick. You’re not getting out of that so easily.
They both dig you being submissive. They love breaking you and having you be a mindless fuck toy.
“Yes Sir. Yes Mistress.”
The after care is AMAZING. So much attention.
Silco usually holds you while Sevika grabs warms towels to clean you up with.
So many pet names and kisses.
Silco is good at bringing you back down to earth and grounding you. Sevika is good at soothing your pain.
Sevika likes to carry you to the shower after, she’ll wash you up.
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classyfruit ¡ 3 years
⚜️ ClassyfruitbASKet - Part 3 ⚜️
...And thus I return from my winter break/hibernation! 🎉 It's good to be back and start up the classybusiness again. I hope all of you fruits and friends have been doing well and had a good start to the new year! (Happy new year, you all got this, I believe in you!💛)
2022 will be filled with so many interesting projects, fanart for RE 8 (of course), more OCs, comics, maybe some other fandoms as well... it's going to be awesome - and I'm grateful for every one of you tagging along on this journey! 🤗
Let's start out with some spring cleaning in my Asks, something I've been neglecting terribly last year. But I shall make an effort to catch up! 💪😤 Let's go!
Request corner
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First of all: Thank you so much for your sweet words, @naibselesbian - I'm grateful to have you around! You are VERY appreciated! Second of all: Oooooh, Donnalcina? 👀 You have me ✨ considering ✨. _______
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Oh she most definitely is! And we don't want Alcina to get too comfortable, right? 😏 She will definitely make a return in time, I have a certain idea for a short comic lying around in the back of my mind... thanks for showing my OCs some love, anon! 💕 _______
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Hi there anon, thank you so much for voicing your love for my art! 💕 I also appreciate you asking my permission first! As long as you don't crop out my watermark and give proper, easy to see credit, you can use my art for icons and headers. I will (for a certain special occasion later in the year) offer an icon and header pack on my KoFi, too!✨
Alcina and daughters
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Good day to you, very relatable anon! Thank you so much for your kind words about my art, I appreciate it to no end! 💕 And I definitely agree that the improvement is pretty noticeable, especially with Alcina of course as she's the character I drew most!
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Aww, I am very glad that you love my art so much, dear anon! You don't even have to beg me, especially not for more Lady D and her girls. You will get your wish fulfilled, rest assured! I could never resist drawing our beloved Dimitrescu family for long.
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(The honey-sweet anon is referring to THIS artwork.) I am absolutely certain they would adore her! Bela would try to get her to help her out with her duties „Because bees are hardworking after all.“, Cassandra would go out of her way to protect her newest little sister „You can't EVER sting someone with your bees, you understand? They might die!“... and Dani would make SO many bee-puns. „You know, when I hug you, you're even prettier – because beeauty is in the eye of the bee-holder... and when I hug you, I am the bee-holder! Get it?“
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Oh you darling anon, did you refer to me as „great one“ just now?! I'll have you know I'm a mere 5'6, I am a rather smol bean... 😳 But all jokes aside: You definitely will see her again! I for one enjoyed drawing Karla and I need more scruffy and badass ladies in my gallery, that's for sure. 💪
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Hi there, in-need-of-some-iron anon! Lady Heisenberg will make her return for sure, don't you worry a second about that! I will have a lot more comic-based content in this new year, so you'll see her AND you'll see her interact with the other Lords. Stay tuned, I have a LONG list of ideas! 🤭
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Well, good day to you, Squintus-fan anon (you and your reasons are very valid!)... of course, you will be shown more Squintus in the future, he will definitely make an appearance in more wholesome, domestic Donna art. He's just part of the fam now. Also, the plushie would be a neat idea, I'd like to have about one-hundred.
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Hi there @aprilmulligan25 , thanks for reaching out and going out of your way to be SO polite and considerate! I would definitely love to draw our favourite dollmaker with her hair down, we all deserve and need to see that. Maybe in some soft, wholesome and vulnerable art of her and a maid? We shall see, time will tell! 😊 _______ And there we go, this concludes the newest installment of my ClassyfruitsbASKet. If you read through all of that until now: Thank you very much, I appreciate it! If I did not yet answer your ask, I will get to it during one of the next Mondays. Take care, everyone, and much love! Classy 💕
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the-void-writes ¡ 2 years
For those pipping hot OC asks-
I have fallen for Dante - I'm so sorry 🙈
I'm sorry there's so many things I want to know about him - SO: 🥵💪👀🧠😍💐 for Dante xD
Thank you 😏❤️
@bloodlessheirbyjacques ✨(:
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 🤣🤣🤣 Don’t be sorry, I’m so glad you love him!
So I got carried away by the end of this 😅 Sorry for the length.
🥵 : Is your OC perceived as physically attractive to others? Is it at first glance or is it something that takes more time to reach fruition?
It’s funny because it depends on what time the people in Paradise came from. If they lived more recently, they absolutely think Dante’s hot. Everyone from the more historical side just ignores him and runs straight into King Gazali’s arms (it’s the Sweet Himbo King energy 😂) They start to change their minds after Dante opens up more and shows his kinder nature.
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute?
That million-dollar-smile. He flashes that once and everyone just forgets what they’re doing. Those golden eyes are also pretty deadly, when they catch the light just right, and he kind of hates it, because it’s part of how the Infection is mutating him. (Vesely’s disease is color-coded, how fun 🤣)
🧠 : What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
His creativity and mechanical intelligence. Dante’s stepfather was an ass, but at least his money got him a good education in robotics and engineering. Dude went from making voice-activated toys for the poor kids in his old neighborhood to building six lifelike android dancers because he didn’t want to hire any real people and make them uncomfortable. He doesn’t let anyone touch his bots in a demeaning way.
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
Oh, he knows he’s hot stuff, and he’s proud of it. He doesn’t really use it, though, except maybe on Will the first time they meet because they both kind of got sidelined while the others fought Vesely’s army, and Dante’s sitting there like “well the only thing I can think of is making out until the war’s over.” But Will is fed up with people deciding he’s too useless to fight and asks Dante to help him sneak into the new facility because they were both Infected and deserve their justice against Vesely. That’s when Dante knows that there’s something interesting about this new guy, something worth sticking around for.
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
Mystery. His powers let him see people’s emotions and sometimes change them, so he can usually read people like a book, but Will shows up with all his repressed memories, and Dante is excited to get to know him without immediately sensing everything about him. Dante also can’t resist someone he can be playful around. He knows he’s hot, but he wants his relationship to be about more than that. He wants someone he can sit with at the back of the palace so they can roast people together, someone who’s up for sliding down the hill in a shopping cart like the good old days.
And as mentioned above, Dante loves when someone takes charge and fights for what’s right. He fell in love with Vani after seeing how hard he worked to make their city a better place to live, but Vani wasn’t always the nicest person. Will, on the other hand, risks life and limb to save people that weren’t even that nice to him because he won’t let anyone suffer the way he and his family did. Dante almost proposed to him right then and there 😂
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Back in the day, he would have just done the old “movie theater date” routine, but after he sees what Will’s been through, he takes things real slow. Nothing explicitly romantic at first, like a walk around the market or hanging out at one of Gazali’s parties. Then, when he’s sure Will is open to it, it’s stargazing in the observatory or out in the forest. And then, he’ll actually ask him to a royal dance. It’s the patience that does it for Will, but he has to admit that he loves the attention, as well.
Thank you for letting me ramble about them, I love them so much ☺️
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astrxealis ¡ 2 years
TRY PROJECT SEKAI ITS FUN!!! I haven't played it in a few days because of school 💔 BUT it's really fun to play 💪ALSO final fantasy⁉️⁉️ I used to watch my dad play the games all the time with my siblings but I ended up forgetting what happened 🙁 i remember a few characters tho like cloud, tifa, noctis, and aerith NOT THAT MUCH BECAUSE ITS BEEN SO LONG 😭 and I'm pretty sure noctis is from a different game and not in the same one as cloud and the others 🧍‍♀️
And ensemble stars‼️‼️I haven't tried it BUT my old friend was a huge fan of it but I haven't found the right time to try it because of school again 👎
ARGHFHJSJD I DONT THINK ITS AVAILABLE IN MY REGION but when it is ill 💪🤞💖 DEFINITELY also i might jus try to find a way to play it alrdy ??? anyways OH MAN GL W SCHOOL !! and i do hope u get to play again soon sometime 😭😭🤞
and yes AAAHSHSHGS FINAL FNATASY !! im a hge ff fan oh gosh but AYO 👁👁 ic ic heuheueheue BUT YEAH noct is in a diff game from those others, hes from 15 while most u mentioned r from 7 !!!!! if u ever have the time i rlly suggest getting more into the series ?? esp 14 (free trial !!! HELP SRRY I ADVERTISE FOR THIS GAME SO MUCH BUT YEAH) HEHEHE but 👀💖
AND ENSTARS !! i see as well 👁✨ school sux for real yo HELP 😭😭 i do hope u can try it it soon ... !! i plan on doing so as wrll hehe !! it does seem rlly cool so if ever ^^ i hope you enjoy 😌🤞✨ IN ANY CASE gd evening ain i hope ur day was good ?? ;D
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herclandestine ¡ 3 years
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14th of january — i have lots of things to do and too many deadlines to catch, but i am not complaining because i always love busy times like this. it's just that, i really struggle with managing my time and i have the tendency to procrastinate. ahh, it's something i badly need to work on.
right now, i am taking a quick break in between work. it's 12:45PM as of writing and i have not taken my lunch yet. i don't feel hungry as of the moment since it was already a little late when i had my breakfast, past 10am to be a little specific. i'm alone in the office, i mean at least in the room where my desk is situated.
recently, i have gotten a little annoyed with myself because my new 6am is now 8am. gracious goodness! my normal waking up time is now at 8am or even past than that. i'm still trying to figure out how i should correct that. every day is like a constant battle between myself and the monkey in my head. i tend to stay up late, thus, waking up late as well. i don't use alarms and i'm too dependent on my body's natural way of waking up. it's used to getting 8hours of sleep, so it's really hard for me to wake up at 6am when i usually sleep at 12 huhu sucha a struggle. so right now, i really have to work on trying to sleep early. it would be hard, thinking about it now, but i really have to. maybe i should try tracking my sleeping hours and share it here for some accountability. oh, please, @self, just please. i will start tracking tonight. i sure will!
another thing that i have been working on is my social media usage. i want to reduce my social media consumption, and in this context, i only mean facebook, instagram and twitter. i'd like to start small as knowing myself, i don't want to be overwhelmed then fail completely. thus, i'm starting with only ditching twitter for 7 days. then, after that, i won't be using twitter plus instagram for another 7 days, then will add facebook next. facebook is the hardest to drop these days especially when we're using it for the business, but i still would like to try.
on another note, i have a lot of engagements lately. i have three financial statements to prepare outside my full-time job, plus i have works to do for the sangguniang kabataan office in our brgy, and a friend hit me up to help him on a possible side hustle that he has in mind.
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we had a really great conversation last night and we scheduled a zoom meeting for tonight so we can talk more about it. we need to do it in a video call since he's currently in manila and i am in the province. i am honored that of all people, he remembered me and even the first one to know of his ideas. i greatly support him as it is one of my interests as well. i've always admired this guy when it comes to grit and it's such a privilege to have friends like him. i want to be surrounded by people like this because their spirit always encourages me to aim more and do more.
i'm thankful for everything ✨✨✨ lezz do this 💪
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technicallysideacc ¡ 3 years
(1) Hi there love! How are you today? I hope you had a super lovely and relaxing weekend! I rested as much as I could and really just...lazed around to be honest haha So now I'm feeling a bit more ready to start a new week!
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Hello there, darling!💕 Aahhh it was so lovely to receive your messages, I couldn't wait to be able to sit down and calmly answer to them🥰 (Today I was able to get back home from work fairly early, so it was the perfect time!). How have you been? Hope that the beginning of the week has been good to you!🌺 And omg, yeah, I totally get what you mean about lazying around during the weekend - I also love doing that! After all, when weeks at work are so intense, it feels great to be able to recover some much needed energy💕✨💪
About 'Paint Me in a Million Dreams' - I finished my re-reading a couple of days ago (I got hooked, so I couldn't put it down hahaha)! And omg yessss, I loved it so much, as much as the first time! I loved getting back into that universe because I managed to catch more details and notice different things than the first time. It's an amazing fic, and the progression of the enemies-to-lovers trope is SO WELL-DONE! I'm always at awe at how much sense it makes and how gradual the changes are💕 Really impressive, how the author did that! And I totally agree, my favourites from them are 'Nameless Night' and 'For as Long as I can Remember (It's Been December)', and also 'Empty Skies', but this one has a very special place in my heart❤️❤️❤️ (Oh God, now I want to re-read them all kashfkashfkas)
Oh yay I'm glad to hear that you've been catching up with all the requests, and that you now have very few left! Did you end up starting 'A Yuzu Grows in Booklyn'? I read it a bit ago and I definitely enjoyed it, it was a lovely read🥰💕 (and omgggg I'm definitely noting down 'To the ends of the earth' - everything that you were saying about it sounds fantastic and like the type of thing that would be right up my alley!😍🌺💕 (I generally love 'exes to lovers' fics if they're well done!)
And I think that's all for today! I hope that your week started on a positive note and that you're doing well. Sending you all my positive vibes! Big huuuuug, love!🥰💗🍂🍁💕✨
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gettatranslations ¡ 11 months
I Went to the Aquarium with InoueYumigeta Ako (23.10.24)
Good evening🌛
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday
Oh yeah、speaking of presents Morning Musume。do a Christmas present exchange right!
Eh〜 What should I buy😁
I guess something plum related…?
Maybe my favourite plum candy…?
EhミWhat should I do
Also today…
I went to the aquarium with Inoueー‼️‼️
We finished work early so we went to the aquarium
Plus this aquarium、was near our dorms for our audition training camp
So when we walked past it I said to Inoue
「If we pass let's go someday」
And now…‼️
And we didn't have any plans to go today、so we decided spontaneously to go when we were on our way home!
I'm reallyreallyreally
Glad we went
It was amazzzzzing‼️‼️
First we went to see the fish、and we found a tunnel!
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Yumigeta Ako pointing and laughing at a sting ray
There were so many animals that I'd never seen in the aquariums in my hometown❗️
There were penguins and earless seals and fur seals and otters and octopus and sharks!🦈🐙
They were all so cute and I loved watching them all〜
Oh and、the aquariums in my hometown aren't that big so there were lots of fish that I'd never seen before
But Inoue often goes to quite a large aquarium so Inoue surprisingly knew a lot about fish😲
We saw a shark
And I said
「I wonder if it's a hammerhead shark〜」
She immediately answered
「No、I've seen a hammerhead shark before and this one looks different」
She was so cool。
Plus we got lucky and we were able to sit and watch the dolphin show
We got there in perfect time so we were able to buy some food to eat while we watched it
By the way Inoue had salted popcorn🧂
When I asked her why she said
「I guess I want salt because I'm at an aquarium」
Which I understood but I ordered a hotdog🌭
The dolphin show was just amazing…
It was my first time watching a dolphin show but it made me so emotional I teared up…
I've decided I definitely want to go and watch it again、it was really good。
We also visited the souvenir shop and took photos and had our photo taken and printed by the aquarium staff…
I feel fully refreshed
It was so much funミ
We've achieved a small goal of ours☁️🫧
I'll work hard again tomorrow💪
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today I've already written lots so I'll keep it short here
I Getted this hair clip yesterday‼️
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Isn't it amazing?!?!?!
Doesn't it seriously look like an emoji
I saw someone on SNS with one and I've wanted it ever since but I didn't know where to buy it、but then I happened to find a shop selling them the other day♡
It's so amazing… It looks so real…
And I also bought the angry one too
I sent a photo of me wearing them to my family and they were deceived( ⋆ˊᵕˋ )
I'm very happy😋💮
I Getted 「Realistic Hair Clips」✨️
Everyone do you have any super realistic goods like this?????
Like super realistic meat pencil cases😂
I'm curious
Please let me know
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Tomorrow we have a release event
For the release day of my first singleミ
I'm ready to celebrate🎉🎊
I'm so glad that we've been able to do so many events to commemorate the release
I'll do my best tomorrow too‼️
Well then I'll see you tomorrow
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐷🐷🐷
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