#oh who gives a shit about gary oldman who even watched that movie
livvyofthelake · 2 months
oh they should’ve given my man the oscar who the hell did he lose to and can we kill that guy jesus christ
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studiok2sims · 4 years
7 Comfort Movies thingy...
I was tagged by @drawing-way-outside-the-lines​ to do this...  
Lets be honest a minute, shall we.  I don’t watch movies very often.  I can’t remember the last one.  Like literally.  Because I fell asleep 10 minutes in.  That’s how it is for me.  It doesn’t matter how good, loud, scary, interesting.  I call it “movie-narcolepsy” and I can’t help it.  The only way I can get through a movie is if I am doing something. But that means I’m not watching the movie fully.
So... These are movies I remember liking for various reasons.  Some are mental candy and some more thought-y. Some are not really comforting (welcome to my disquietude)  I’m pretty shallow though... reasons... don’t get your hopes up...
Oh and before we get to it.... I tag ALL Y’ALL.  Yes, you over there. DO. IT. All of your friends are.  Blame me.
The Fifth Element
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Do you really need me to describe it? Seriously? You know the movie in all it’s campy splendor.  Gary Oldman, Bruce Willis, Chris Tucker and some other people... But Gary Oldman.  Did I mention Gary Oldman???  Cuz, Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg.  Come on. Seriously.  The Man.
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Probably need to give a blurb on this one... Probably not gonna know it.
"Post-apocalyptic surrealist black comedy about the landlord of an apartment building who occasionally prepares a delicacy for his odd tenants."  
It was directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet... you would probably recognize his other film, Amélie, which is good too... but... THIS ONE.  
(SPOILER: It’s a comedy about cannibalism..)
A Clockwork Orange
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Maybe, maybe not need a description here... It’s an oldie.  But it’s Kubrick. And Iconic.  So yeah.
"A Clockwork Orange is a 1971 dystopian crime film adapted, produced, and directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on Anthony Burgess's novel A Clockwork Orange. It employs disturbing, violent images to comment on psychiatry, juvenile delinquency, youth gangs, and other social, political, and economic subjects in a dystopian near-future Britain."
Okay... not really “comforting” in the classic definition.  No spirit uplifting, but if that is what you are looking for... you shouldn’t have tagged me, I’d imagine.  But I will watch it again and again.
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Another maybe ya heard of it, maybe not. Jude Law, who I like but can never remember his name and I have to do a 6 degrees of who the f*** starting with Ewen McGregor in Eye of the Beholder, working sideways through The Talented Mr. Ripley and  landing here.  Don’t as me why.. but that’s how I get to this one. I can’t remember shit.
"In the not-too-distant future, a less-than-perfect man wants to travel to the stars. Society has categorized Vincent Freeman as less than suitable given his genetic make-up and he has become one of the underclass of humans that are only useful for menial jobs. To move ahead, he assumes the identity of Jerome Morrow, a perfect genetic specimen who is a paraplegic as a result of a car accident."
The antithesis of “comforting”.  Its fucking soul shatteringly depressing to me.  I am destroyed every time I watch it. Oh, sure, he goes to space... but THE FURNACE SCENE. OMFG. I die. GUTTED.
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Oh, you probably aren’t gonna know this one... but ya should. My favorite Shakespeare play...  Anthony Hopkins, Jessica Lange and Alan Cumming. Mmmm hmmm.  (And Arya Stark's scene in GoT where she cooks the Freys into pies... Guess where they lifted that from...)
"Adaptation of Shakespeare's `Titus Andronicus', an epic revenge tragedy of brutal savagery based in Roman times. Titus the general returns to Rome victorious and decides to sacrifice the son of his enemy, the Goths, to appease the Roman dead. After the Queen of Goths pleads for her son's life to no avail, she sets out on a mission of retaliation that leaves few of the participants unscathed."
And now back to campy goodness... My favorite flavor of mental candy.  I’m not even going to describe them.. cuz you have to know these ?!?!?!?!? I mean RIGHT?
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(Firefly not that other thing that came out later with the same name...) Arguably I like the TV series better.  And Jayne! THE HAT!  So many good quotes...
Hellboy (2004) and Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (2008)
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Yes, both of them.  And not that new re-make of it.  Ron Perlman. FIGHT ME.  And Guillermo del Toro.  I didn’t care for Pan’s Labyrinth (reasons) but Hellboy 2.. the creatures.  Loved the creatures.
BONUS ROUND: Tom Hiddleston
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Okay, so not a movie.  But HIDDLES!   And, sorry, babydoll.  Your movies don’t make the cut because I didn’t like any of them I actually saw (but Loki!!! LOKI OMG. I feel asleep 5 minutes into that one... Avenger something or other where he was in it?  And I startled awake right when he first shows up and i was obsessed from then on but when he wasn’t on screen... Zzzzz), But then I haven’t seen all of his movies.  And I’m afraid that the good ones are going to crush me.  So I don’t watch... 
CUZ SOMEBODY TELL ME - DOES THE HORSE DIE IN WAR HORSE?!  I can’t even. NO. I don’t want to know.  Don’t tell me.
And see. What did I tell you. Shallow end of the pool.... :shrug: Heartbreaking.
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everymovie2020 · 5 years
Oscars Predictions 2019
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Suffice to say I'm not thrilled about the Oscars this year, and have only seen like three of the Best Picture nominees – I am meaning to watch Vice, I just haven't gotten around to it yet due to an unforeseen natural disaster circumstances impeding my ability to watch movies – but here we go, with some predictions about what will most likely be the most boring outcome in Oscars history ever.
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Best Picture
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Favourite
Green Book
A Star is Born
 What I want to win: A Star is Born, but I will take The Favourite
What I think will win:  Look, I honestly don't know.  Maybe Roma?  But I still feel like it's wide open.
What I don't want to win:  Fucking Bohemian Rhapsody or Green Book due to the problematic issues, or if I'm honest, basically anything but ASIB or The Favourite
I think the problem is that in terms of movies that are nominated here, I'm extremely biased towards A Star is Born, and I am preparing myself for the disappointment that comes with it not winning.  It's like last year with Call Me by Your Name – yeah, sure, The Shape of Water is a worthy winner, but it still hurts when the movie you love the most doesn't win.
And the other thing about this year's nominees is that I just find them so underwhelming, like… there's nothing on this list that particularly stands out to me other than ASIB or The Favourite.  YMMV, obviously, but I'm like… is this a particularly ordinary year for movies or do I just have shit taste?
Last year I was excited to watch most of the movies nominated, it felt like a really good field, there were a lot of ways it could've gone and a lot of things could've won, and I would've been happy with it, but this year it's pretty much the complete opposite.
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Best Actor
Christian Bale
Bradley Cooper
Willem Dafoe
Rami Malek
Viggo Mortensen
 Who I want to win:  B-Coops
Who I think will actually win:  Probably Rami Malek
Who I definitely don't want to win:  Christian Bale just because meh. Maybe I'll watch Vice and feel differently, who knows?
 At this stage I know it's unlikely that B-Coops is going to win but I thought he was damn good in ASIB, remembering of course my heavy bias.  And it's not that I don't like Rami Malek (I haven't watched Bohemian Rhapsody yet due to the problematic issues of it not being factually correct, and also due to the fact that the director is a well known piece of shit), and from everything I've heard he did a great job as Freddie Mercury… but I don't know, I just like B-Coops and I want him to win. Besides that, I feel like I was a B-Coops fan long before anyone else, so like… that means something?  I mean, he was that hot guy in a lot of movies for me before I knew his name so we have history, yo.
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Best Actress
Yalitza Aparicio
Glenn Close
Olivia Colman
Lady Gaga
Melissa McCarthy
 Who I want to win:  Lady Gaga or Olivia Colman
Who I think will win:  Probably Glenn Close
Who I don't want to win:  Meh, honestly, there's no one in this category that I'd be super upset if they won over someone else
This is the issue I have with the Oscars right here, though – fair enough Glenn Close is meant to be amazing in The Wife (I'm not going to watch it to verify because look honestly I just downloaded a movie from 1989 called Twister and that's higher on my list of priorities than a movie starring Glenn Close called The Wife, like, I need to see what this movie is all about, there's a tornado on the poster but it looks like a family comedy?!)… okay I went off on a tangent there but my point is that I have an issue with awards/nominations being given to people just because they're "owed it".
Case in point – Gary Oldman last year, like… I'm sorry.  I’m not a TimotheeChalamet superfan but I very much feel that he was robbed so they could give Gary Oldman his honorary Oscar, and part of me feels that way about Glenn Close this year.  Awards should be given to the people who actually deserve them, not to someone because they've been in the industry for 40 years and haven't won one. That's crap.
Like what, TimotheeChalamet is too young to win one even though his performance was the best (in my opinion) from last year?  That's fucking crap.  Give the people who rightfully deserve the award the fucking award.
And in saying that, if the award this year was to go the rightful person, it would be Olivia Colman, in my opinion.
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Best Supporting Actor
Mahershala Ali
Adam Driver
Sam Elliott
Richard E. Grant
Sam Rockwell
Who I want to win:  Honestly, I have no real preference in this category, so I'm going to say Richard E. Grant simply because I've always liked him
Who I think will win: Mahershala Ali
Who I don't want to win:  Adam Driver because I have this irrational hatred of Adam Driver that is all-consuming
 It's not like Adam Driver is a bad dude or I think he's a shit actor, it's just that I just hate him so much, and I blame Girls for that.  Solely. I think I hated his character so much in that show that it's hard for me to separate that from IRL Adam Driver, and thus the hate carries over, and he makes my skin crawl.
So maybe, in a weird way, this is all Lena Dunham's fault?
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Best Supporting Actress
Amy Adams
Marina De Tavira
Regina King
Emma Stone
Rachel Weisz
Who I want to win:  Rachel Weisz
Who I think will actually win:  Probably Regina King, and I'm cool with that
Wouldn't-it-be-great-if:  It was Amy Adams?!
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 Best Animated Feature Film
The Incredibles 2
Isle of Dogs
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Spider-Man into the Spiderverse
Who I want to win: Meh.  I want Moana to win retroactively from two years ago.
Who I think will actually win:  Hopefully Spider-Man but probably something else, let's face it
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And if Shallow doesn't win best song, I'm going to lose my mind.  Oh my god, like seriously, I can face ASIB losing all the major awards BUT NOT THAT ONE GOD DAMN IT
It's very rare that I care this much about a movie doing well but I just feel very strongly about ASIB and I want it to win.
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olivieraa · 6 years
Do you have any female celebrities you admire?
Uhhhh… Here’s the thing. I’m used to disappointment in my own personal life, the last thing I need is to be disappointed by celebrities.
I barely listen to any kind of modern music or watch tv/movies anyway.
Male celebs fuck up so much, with shit they’ve been getting away with for years because they’re male and famous, and are only now finally being outed as the predatory creeps they are - all the while having people obsessing over them before AND after they’re outed. Johnny Depp has barely lost a fanbase. Gary Oldman just won a fucking oscar. Chris Brown sells out shows.
Female celebs could never be as bad as male celebs (tho tumblr treats them like they’re worse *coughlibfemscough*. The thing tho is that these female celebs who do the mildest things wrong ARE usually feminists themselves.
But liberal feminists. Meaning, there’s no power behind what they “stand” for. They’re just feminists cause “let’s fight for women” with barely any fighting in their heart FOR women.
Female celebs tend to disappoint me in ways looked over by many. From Beyonce and Taylor Swift doing a song for 50 Shades - showing me they not only think BDSM is not misogynistic, but neither is the movie making BDSM look worse than it is (tho to me honestly, actual BDSM is worse than the movie), to Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande working with Chris Brown despite beating a defenseless woman. 
Heck, Margot Robbie seems like the biggest sweetheart? Yet the movies she’s most famous for is where she gets abused by men, and on the set of TWOWS, she said she thought it was hilarious when Leo punched her. Yeah, real fucking funny.
Gal Gadot may be playing Wonder Woman but who is she working with/is now friends with? Jason Mamoa who made a rape comment and got applauded for it. And Ben Affleck who has had recent accusations against him (also another actor playing a role who punches Margot Robbie in the face, ya know, in Margot’s oh so empowering roles)
Heck, even hearing lesbian icon Ellen’s fave show is Game of Thrones its like… dude. The show hates women, and sexualises any lesbian scene that appears. Tho granted, most scenes sexualise women. Whether they’re just chilling out, having a convo, lying down, being beaten, being raped, breathing, etc.
Including Ellen, the most powerful women out there have fucked up. Oprah laughing along with Mike Tyson while he tried to make his abuse over his wife seem mild, to JK Rowling basically writing an offscreen rape scene but not just that, having their iconic female character that little girls have always looked up to, WATCH as a woman is dragged away to be raped.
Black women, white women - as long as they’re libfems, female abuse goes over their heads.
Like… I just… if you’re not a feminist, sure. Don’t give a damn about any of those things. My non-feminist female friends being obsessed with Game of Thrones is whatever to me cause they already prove their dislike for women by not being feminists.
But to claim to be a feminist - someone who actually fights for women, including the rape and abuse they face - to BEFRIENDING abusers or watching it on TV without a critical eye (esp for a show that does it so often people think the show is ‘mostly porn’), I just… it baffles me. You can’t be a feminist and not be uncomfortable by this shit??
But with a huge misogynist as a president of the most powerful country in the world, with the biggest show in the world centering around female rape, with one of the biggest movies in the world centering around BDSM which is automatically abuse, to the most anticipated movie being about a male anti-hero character who is clearly a Redditor type males icon - honestly it just goes on and on and on.
Really, Rose McGowan is the only one to have done something awesome lately but I’ll prob see her be besties with someone who has had claims against them all the while being so anti-Weinstein. Probably. I’ve gotten to the point where I 100% expect it.
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themyskira · 7 years
Some disordered (spoilery) thoughts on the movie
Some things that I liked
Kid Diana racing through the streets, lighting up with excitement as she watches the warriors train. The not-at-all-innocent “hello, Mother” when Hippolyta catches her out (literally).
An active, bustling Amazon society. Amazons going about their days. Amazons sparring together, Amazons taking pleasure in one another’s company.
Diana’s compassion. Her instant willingness to risk her own life in the face of others’ suffering. 
“I am willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Like you once did.” “You know that if you choose to leave us, you can never return.” “Who will I be if I stay?”
Hippolyta’s love and grief and pride. The parting gift of Antiope’s headband -- the iconic tiara.
Diana’s palpable delight in the little things -- The sight of a baby. Snow. Dancing. Celebrating townsfolk. The taste of ice cream.
(The ice cream moment, by the way -- so, so, so much better than the comic book scene it’s derived from, which was actually awful.)
Her refusal to walk past injustices or to sacrifice individuals for the greater good. Steve, the military intelligence man, forces himself to ignore the suffering civilians and focus on the mission, which will ultimately prevent greater suffering. Diana can’t accept that, won’t accept that. No other relief is coming for these people. She steps out into No Man’s Land.
Facing Ares at the last with that simple, powerful conviction: for all the darkness in human hearts, there is also the capacity for great love, and she’ll fight for that every day if she has to.
The use of the BvS quote in the trailer is thoroughly misleading: this isn’t the story of why Diana walked away from mankind. It’s the story of why she continues to fight for humanity, believing in people’s ability to rise above their darker impulses.
Some things that I did not like
And yes, this is a young Diana, an untested Diana on her first journey into Man’s World. I realise that. I expect her to screw up, to misjudge things and have her preconceptions challenge. I expect there to be a learning curve.
Even allowing for that, the Diana in this movie is a complete dickhead.
She’s an adult who still believes in fairy tales. She thinks that humans are completely good and pure, and only the corruption of outside forces causes them to do bad things.
Over the course of the movie, she is continually confronted with situations that challenge this view. She meets good people who have done bad things -- people who don’t always have the luxury of standing up for principles, and people who’ve made terrible choices for right reasons. She witnesses and learns of corruption, discrimination and dispossession. Again and again and again.
And she learns nothing from any of this.
Because when she thinks she’s killed Ares (and oh, I’ll get to that bit of stupid), she is shocked -- shocked -- that people don’t immediately lay down their weapons.
And when Steve floats the possibility that maybe, maybe war is just a little more complicated that “the devil made them do it”, she can't fucking deal with it and decides “FUCK Y’ALL, YOU DON’T DESERVE MY HELP. NEVER MIND THE INNOCENT BYSTANDERS I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT BEFORE, THEY CAN ALL FUCKING BURN. IF HUMANS AREN’T PERFECT CREATURES OF VIRTUE THEN THEY DON’T DESERVE TO LIVE.”
but no I don’t think I’ve adequately explained what an absolute boneheaded twit this woman is.
Her naivety goes beyond the usual fish-out-of-water hijinks. She has no awareness of the people around her. She cannot make intuitive leaps. She doesn’t take on board what she’s told. She has no interest in planning or considering the consequences of her actions, which means that Steve’s constantly trailing one step behind her lecturing her about how she can’t do whatever it is she's about to do.
She comes to the conclusion that General Ludendusseldorfendorf is Ares in disguise based solely on the fact that he is he one spearheading the German murdergas project, and obviously humans are not capable of doing evil things on their own, and it’s not like there are hundreds of other people involved in the production of these weapons or at least there are but she doesn’t know any of their names so she can probably pre-emptively rule them out and just go murder Ludenhoodendooden.
Sure, it helps that Ludenhorfledorf is an absurd cartoon villain of the sort who is prone to cackling maniacally and shooting his own men at random. Who, when Diana finally comes face-to-face with him, spends most of the conversation talking about the massive hard-on he has for war and slaughter and Ares specifically. But you kinda want to be sure before you jump to the dramatic speechifying and righteous murdering.
Gary Oldman Ares is awful. Everything about the gods is awful. Ares murdering all the gods. Zeus as a loving, self-sacrificing, pseudo-Christian god. Zeus replacing the role of the goddesses in the Amazons’ story. Ares describing himself as the god of truth URGH. The utter bullshit of Ares’ “boooooo humans are assholes, I want them all to die so much so that the world can be decent again” urgh fuck off mate you are such a disappointing villain.
And could anybody else figure out the logic in his ranting? because fuck knows it’s still eluding me. “oooooohhh I have so much faith in humans’ ability to fuck themselves and everybody else over that I’m actually helping to negotiate Armistice! I’m literally doing everything I can to stop the war because I know that in the end it will have no effect and humans will bomb each other into oblivion! and I won’t have had anything to do with their destruction! Sure, I very deliberately put the tools for mass slaughter in the hands of the select few people in this war who had both the desire and the power to use them, thus giving them the ability to overpower the majority who had turned their efforts to peace, and to escalate the conflict against the wishes of their leaders! But really it’s humanity as a whole that is the asshole here!”
Dr Poison is more plot device than character. She has no backstory, no arc and no personality. She’s a generic evil minion whose only pleasure in life comes from devising new ways to murder people with chemicals. She is wasted.
If Etta Candy were a rose by any other name, I might have liked her. I like Lucy Davis as an actress, and though I found the character a bit... overly quirky-loveable-British-comic-relief-girl... it was nice for Diana to have a potential female friend in what was (outside of Themyscira) a very male-dominated cast, and it would have been nice for them to interact more.
My sticking point with the character is that she was supposed to be Etta Candy. Who will always be, in my head, a fierce, fabulous, fearless, ass-kicking Texan lady. Quirky British “we use our principles, although I am not averse to engaging in fisticuffs should the occasion arise” haha jolly good... ain’t gonna cut it for me. Though I acknowledge that this is getting into nitpicking.
Steve annoyed the shit out of me. He is both the brains and the heart of the movie. He is the one who ultimately teaches Diana to love humanity, to fight for them, to be a hero. Diana wants to help end the war, but Steve’s words are what spur her to defy her mother’s forbiddance. She throws herself into the fight against Ares, but Steve’s sacrifice and the love and dedication behind it are what empower her to defeat him. She wants to help from the start, but it’s Steve who teaches her not to fight for people because they “deserve” it, but because it’s the right thing to do. It’s Steve who teaches Diana true compassion.
Throughout the film, Steve is the one trailing after Diana trying in vain to make her see reason. He’s the one making the plans to actually stop Ludendude from committing chemical genocide while Diana is crashing from scene to scene all “OKAY I WILL GO END THE WAR NOW. WHICH WAY IS THE WAR AGAIN?”
Steve is smarter, more understanding, more competent and more compassionate than Diana.
Also, after Diana sees Steve naked he spends the next two or three scenes anxiously assuring her that his dick is, in fact, larger than average.
(Diana knows about sex because she’s read all the books, urgh)
The sword is a misdirect: the weapon Zeus left the Amazons to counter Ares is Diana herself. Kind of cool as a general concept, except that this effectively replaces Diana’s “brought into being by a mother’s love” origin with one in which she is a weapon bequeathed by the Supreme Patriarch. Also, the foreshadowing of this was the exact opposite of subtle, taking some of the power out of the eventual revelation.
This origin also means that Diana is the only child on Themyscira, which adds to this whole... woman-child thing about her that I really don’t like. Because the movie requires her to go from “why are those people holding hands? because they’re together? well, you and I are together, why shouldn’t we hold hands? what do you mean it’s not the same? of course I know about sex I have read lots of books about human biology” to fucking (and, the implication is, losing her virginity to) Steve and... euuugh.
also 140 minutes is a fucking slog, man.
idk there is probably more to say but I feel like I’ve stopped being coherent.
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lumierebros · 7 years
Movie Buff Questions
1. Favorite action film?
Imogen: Die Hard, Terminator 2
Shakya: The Dark Knight, Terminator, Alien, Ip Man +any Tarantino
2. What movie(s) could you watch over and over and not get tired of?
I: Grease, Inception, Gone Girl, Superbad, Hot Fuzz
S: There Will Be Blood, Deathproof, Grease, Django Unchained, Birdman, Whiplash, plus again, any tarantino let’s put it at that)
3. Any old school favorites (pre-70s)?
I: Rear Window, North By Northwest, Breakfast at Tiffany’s
S: On the Waterfront, Citizen Kane, Rebel Without A Cause, Psycho, A Streetcar Named Desire, Casablanca, Singin In The Rain, Dr Strangelove, 2001, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Apartment, The Graduate, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 12 Angry Men, Ben Hur are allllllllll amazing
4. Top 5 directors?
I: David Fincher, Sofia Coppola, Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson, Denis Villeneuve
S: Paul Thomas Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, Coen Brothers, Damien Chazelle/Alejandro G. Iñárritu
5. Favorite dead actor/actress?
I: Grace Kelly,  Heath Ledger, Audrey Hepburn, Anton Yelchin
S: Heath Ledger had a lotttt of potential and Brando was great too
6. Favorite movie from the 90’s?
I: Clueless, Fight Club, Seven, Saving Private Ryan, American Beauty
S: Goodfellas, American Beauty, The Big Lebowski, Boogie Nights, The Usual Suspects, Good Will Hunting, Reservoir Dogs, Fargo, Dances With Wolves, Scream, Sister Act, Trainspotting. American History X, Forrest Gump, Casino, Leon, Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park I could go on and on
7. Ever been/are you such a hardcore fan of an actor actress you watched/will watch any movie they were/will be in?
I: James McAvoy
S: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Leonardo DiCaprio
8. What movie are you looking forward to coming out the most?
I: Star Wars the Last Jedi, Blade Runner 2049
S: Alien: Covenant, Dunkirk
9. Pixar or Dreamworks?
I: Pixar
S: Pixar, but Dreamworks for Sinbad, Prince of Egypt and Spirit
10. Favorite animated movie?
I: Fantastic Mr Fox
S: Spirit, Fantasia, Ferngully
11. Favorite musical?
I: La La Land, Grease, The Lion King
S: Singin’ In The Rain, Grease, Moulin Rouge, La La Land, Oliver!, The Sound of Music, (does High School Musical count )
12. Are you against book-to-movie adaptations?
I: Nope
S: Noooo
13. Your guilty pleasure movie(s)?
I: The Narnia movies, X-Men Apocalypse, The Proposal
S: Burn After Reading, Snatch, In Bruges + Independence Day, Ace Ventura hahahaha
14. Robin Williams or Eddie Murphy?
I: Robin Williams
S: Robin Williams easily
15. Favorite chick flick?
I: Clueless, Ever After
S: When Harry Met Sally (is that a chick flick or)
16. Ever watched a movie just because you heard the effects were awesome?
I: Star Trek (ending up loving it), Avatar
S: Avatar, Gravity, District 9
17. Favorite indie film?
I: Memento, Lost in Translation, Drive
S: Reservoir Dogs, Drive, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, American History X
18. Favorite movie heroin?
I: Sarah Connor, Princess Leia, Liz Bennet, Lisbeth Salander
S: Ellen Ripley
19. Favorite movie action hero?
I: John McClane, Indiana Jones
S: Jason Bourne, The Terminator (arnie)
20. Ever read a book so you could understand the movie?
I: Gone Girl, The Life of Pi
S: A Clockwork Orange: Watched the movie to understand the book, but never got past the first 20 pages or past the rape scene in the film
21. Favorite kids movie?
I: How To Train Your Dragon, The Parent Trap
S: Space Jammmmmmmmmm
22. Favorite Disney movie?
I: The Beauty and the Beast
S: Snow White (childhood fav)
23. Favorite movie soundtrack?
I: Anything by Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore (LOTR)
S: Anything by Hans Zimmer, Justin Hurwitz and Howard Shore. PLUS Proven Lands - Jonny Greenwood, Dirty Walk and Doors and Distance - Antonio Sanchez, Revenant theme- Ryuichi Sakamoto, Nightcall- Kavinsky, The Child Pt. 1 & 2- Jed Kurzel, any classical pieces in Kubrick films.
24. Movie that makes you cry every time?
I: Atonement, Schindler’s List
S: Schindler’s List, Titanic hehe
25. VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray?
I: I watch my stuff online srry
S: VHS was amazing, we had a massive collection when I was younger. Nowadays I would say Blu-ray purely because of quality. Quality of sound is more important to me though (BOSE!!!).
26. Best experience going to the movies
I: Seeing Star Wars The Force Awakens in Gold Class
S: When my boyfriend randomly picked me up at 10pm to go see Arrival as a surprise because I’d mentioned I wanted to see it once.
27. Top 5 actors?
I: Matthew McConaughey, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Ethan Hawke, Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel Day Lewis, Ewan McGregor plus all the ones Shakya mentions that I don’t mention-- I LOVE EVERYONE
S: Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kevin Spacey, Robert DeNiro, Jack Nicholson, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Ed Norton, Benicio Del Toro, Christoph Waltz, Javier Bardem
28. Top 5 actresses?
I: Amy Adams, Lupita Nyong’o, Viola Davis, Naomie Harris, Felicity Jones, Natalie Portman, Kate Winslet, Brie Larson
S: Natalie Portman, Frances McDormand, Emma Stone, Ellen Page, Julianne Moore, Amy Adams, Michelle Williams, Kirsten Dunst
29. Movie you completely regret seeing?
I: X- Men The Last Stand
S: 2012, The Accountant, Pacific Rim, Nymphomaniac P1 & 2
30. Movie you wish was never made?
I: X-Men The Last Stand HAHAHA
S: Eragon
31. Movie your parent showed you?
I: The Wizard of Oz, Grease
S: Legit everything, we still have Movie Night every Friday (and we’re not allowed rewatches)
32. Last movie you watched?
I: The English Patient
S: The Apartment
33. An overrated movie?
I: Batman (1989), also agree about The Notebook
S: The Notebook, Super 8, 500 Days of Summer, Brokeback Mountain, Zoolander, Rain Man
34. An underrated movie?
I: Before Sunrise, In Bruges, The Nice Guys
S: Nocturnal Animals, Drive, Snatch, Blood Diamond, Dogma, Biutiful, Tree of Life
35. Favorite comedy movie?
I: Hot Fuzz, Superbad, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles
S: Burn After Reading, Tropic Thunder, Annie Hall, The Big Lebowski, Wayne’s World, Snatch, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, Borat
36. Movie quote you live by?
I: “I’m so much happier now that I’m dead. Technically, missing.” You know, bc fuck Nick Dunne.
S: There’s not any quote I LIVE by but I do love this scene:
‘Michelangelo? You know a lot about him. Life's work, political aspirations. Him and the pope. Sexual orientation. The whole works, right? I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling. Seeing that. If I ask you about women, you'll probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly happy. You're a tough kid. I ask you about war, you'd probably throw Shakespeare at me, right? "Once more into the breach, dear friends." But you've never been near one. You've never held your best friend's head in your lap and watch him gasp his last breath lookin' to you for help. If I asked you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes. Feelin' like God put an angel on Earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell.’
37. Movie quote that will always make you laugh?
I: “Where the white women at?”
S: ‘I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!’ ‘You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?’ -long pause- ‘No!’
‘Shut the fuck up fat man this ain’t none of your goddamn business’
‘I have uh..uh.. lactose reflux’ ‘You’re lactose intolerant or you have acid reflux? They’re different things’
‘A shootout is a fucking shootout!!....Like a Western’
‘You think that’s a Schwiiiiiin’
‘I eat the Canadian? I don’t know what you’re talking about’
‘I don’t read the script, the script reads me’ ‘What the hell does that even mean??’
‘oh nothing Tommy, it’s….tip-top, it’s just i’m not sure about the colour’
All the other quotes I find funny are completely random movie quotes that my family has just turned into a joke and that we can easily incorporate into conversation e.g. ‘whadaya gonna do ranger rick, shoot me?’ ‘I could do that’, ‘you sir, too sir’, ‘I don’t want Nenat’, ‘I drive’, ‘you want uhhh money or something’, ‘yeah i like dags’, ‘there is no spoon’ ETC you get the point
38. Film(s) you’ve watched on a date?
I: Any action/superhero movie that has come out recently.
S: The Conjuring 2, La La Land, Arrival, Sausage Party, The Accountant (bf loves accounting but it was shit), Fantastic Beasts, Captain America: Civil War, Shine (anniversary reshow with Geoffrey Rush doing a q&a after teehee), Nocturnal Animals, Suicide Squad, Moonlight, Sully, War Dogs, Jason Bourne, heaps more that I can’t remember
39. Favorite cult film?
I: Pulp Fiction, Fight Club
S: The Big Lebowski, Taxi Driver,  Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction
40. Directors you’d like to see work together?
I: David Fincher and Denis Villeneuve could be interesting
S: Coen brothers and Guy Ritchie would be fkn awesome OR Coens and Tarantino would be screenplay heaven
41. Actors you’d like to see work together?
I: Felicity Jones and Oscar Isaac (can you imagine the chemistry)
S: Miles Teller and Emma Watson ;---)
42. Films you wanted to watch, but never got around to watching?
I: American History X, 28 Days Later
S: Amadeus, The Deer Hunter
43. Favorite teen movie?
I: Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, Fast Times at Ridgemont High
S: Juno, Grease, The Breakfast Club, Rebel Without A Cause
44. Top 5 favorite films?
I: American Psycho, Her, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Seven, Inception, There Will Be Blood, Inglourious Basterds, LOTR, No Country For Old Men ARGH SO MANY
S: There Will Be Blood (no. 1 fav), Good Will Hunting, No Country For Old Men, Raging Bull, Fargo, The Dark Knight, Goodfellas, LOTR, American Psycho, Deathproof, Tree of Life, The Usual Suspects, So many so many.
45. Favorite superhero film?
I: Logan, X-Men Days of Future Past, The Dark Knight
S: The Dark Knight, The Incredibles
46. Favorite cop film?
I: 21 Jump Street, Hot Fuzz, The Departed
S: Reservoir Dogs, Fargo, Seven, Mystic River, The Departed, Silence Of The Lambs
47. Favorite road trip film?
I: Fear and Loathing Las Vegas
48. A disappointing film from your favorite actor?
I: Pick any rom-com of Matthew McConaughey’s
S: Jack Nicholson in The Bucket List and Anger Management. So fucking bad. Good actor, shit movies.
49. A disappointing film from your favorite director?
I: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
S: The Lovely Bones, Only God Forgives
50. The first movie you ever remember watching in theaters?
I: I don’t remember any, but the first film I saw was A Bug’s Life
S: I genuinely have no idea
51. A movie that was better than the book?
I: The Shining (lmao bc Stephen King hates the movie)
S: Yeah The Shining and There Will Be Blood (based on Oil! which was beautifully written but nothing beats PTA’s adaption)
52. Vin Diesel or Bruce Willis?
I: Vin Diesel is so cute but I like Bruce better
S: it’s not a motorcycle baby it’s a chopper
53. A movie that not many have heard of that you’ve seen?
I: Hunt For the Wilderpeople
S: Vampire’s Kiss, Children of Men, Ip Man (VERY good foreign film), Dr Strangelove, Inherent Vice, Shame, Biutiful, Macbeth, Cool Hand Luke, Room In Rome, To Sir With Love
54. A movie that changed the way you view the world?
I: To Kill a Mockingbird
S: American History X
55. Favorite sci-fi movie?
I: Star Wars, Star Trek, Interstellar, Arrival, Gattaca
S: Alien, Predator, The Thing, Interstellar, Arrival, Terminator, 2001, Matrix, The Fifth Element, E.T
56. Movie you completely nerd-out over every time it’s mentioned?
I: X-Men, Star Wars, LOTR
S: LOTR obviously
57. Movie that you’ve seen all the behind-the-scenes action for?
I: Inception
S: LOTR again, hours on end of it omf
58. Movie where your favorite actor was the only good part?
I: Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor in the Star Wars prequels
S: Leonardo DiCaprio in The Basketball Diaries
59. Movie from an actor you hate that was better than you expected?
I: Kristen Stewart (Adventureland), but I don’t hate her at all, I was just surprised at her performance.
S: Mo’Nique in Precious, never hated her, she’s brilliant, it was the first performance I’ve seen of hers and it made me despise her character so much. SO GOOD but so awful.
60. Most visually stunning movie you’ve seen?
I: The Revenant
S: Tree of Life, 2001, The Revenant, Apocalypse Now, The Master, Interstellar, LOTR, Jurassic Park
61. A movie your parents introduced you to?
I: The Wizard of Oz, Life is Beautiful, Grease
S: Hahahaha basically every movie no joke, but my dad showed me lots of Chaplin
62. Favorite genre?
I: Thriller/crime/mystery/suspense
S: Drama, gangster movies, thrillers/horror/psychological thriller/horror you get the jist
63. Least favorite genre?
I: Romantic comedies
S: Romcoms or superhero movies (not including tdk)
64. Comedy movie that you didn’t find funny?
I: Sausage Party
S: How to be single, Anchorman, Sausage Party
65. Horror movie that didn’t scare you?
I: The Conjuring, Paranormal Activity
S: Insidious just so bad, The Exorcist, The Shining, Rosemary’s Baby, Let The Right One In (Swedish version NOT American Let Me In). None are terrifying, just extremely unsettling and disturbing
66. Favorite remake of an old movie?
I: The Departed, True Grit
S: True Grit, The Thing, Scarface, The Departed
67. A movie that started a passion for you?
I: Her. The first “good” movie I watched that got me into film culture.
S: Well I was brought up with hundreds of great movies from my childhood which made me love film as a child, but standout ones from my childhood I can remember especially well are LOTR, Spirit, Fantasia, all very music based films too
68. A movie that sparked an interesting conversation?
I: Interstellar (about time, paradoxes, and space)
S: Donnie Darko, No Country For Old Men, Psycho, The Usual Suspects, 2001, Whiplash -- all have brilliant final scenes, Split: my bro and I spent an hour talking about what makes a good movie and why it was so bad
69. The main movie you remember from your childhood?
I: Grease… slightly inappropriate for a kid but most of the adult stuff went over my head anyway
S: Lord Of The Rings of course, first full length film I was shown and Neverending Story is another one I remember well.
70. The first movie you saw on it’s opening night?
I: Star Wars The Force Awakens
S: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows P1 and P2, La La Land
71. A move that made you ache for love.
I: Before Sunrise
S: Blue Valentine
72. Favourite foreign film/s?
S: Let The Right One In, Life Is Beautiful, Cinema Paradiso, Ip Man, City of God, Pan’s Labyrinth, REC, Biutiful
73. Favourite horror film/s?
S: The Shining, The Exorcist, Rosemary’s Baby, Carrie, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw, Psycho, REC.
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geek-gem · 7 years
The Hitman's Bodyguard
Well I'm gonna talk about this now finally. Including I'm surprised by just...so the Tumblr text submit thing has a new set up. Think I remember someone I follow said she well said as a joke I come back and you change and shit.
Just saying I've been at home for a while took a shower, and watched some OK KO because I wanted this phone to charge a bit.
Including this isn't gonna be much of a review mainly a reaction along with wanna talk about another thing when I'm ready.
But I wanna say and sorry if I'm taking some time. Yet before I saw this film. I had thought okay no it's not stupid but the idea is basically inspired or based upon the concept of this movie.
Basically just imagine two females. It's Gal Gadot and Noel Wells. Basically Wonder Woman protecting Lord Dominator it's a funny little concept for a movie and after seeing the movie a bit more crazy.
I just seem to like thinking of some awesome stuff featuring some of my favorite female actors in some female empowerment and stuff. But that's another talk for some other time it's weird yet just kind of positive yet R rated.
Now to discuss about The Hitman's Bodyguard. I've seen it with my Nana and the only review I've seen was from Jeremy Jahns I respect his opinion. Including I didn't see the trailer until I saw some promos and saw the first red band trailer which made me laugh I guess after the movie came out. Honestly that trailer was funny.
Honestly I remember the score a bit from Rotten Tomatos I'm making my own opinion.
I honestly liked the film quite a bit. Also their is gonna be no spoilers.
But I seriously liked it. Including I'm gonna talk about what I really liked.
Seriously the chemistry and banter between Ryan Reynolds character and Samuel L Jackson's character is I feel the main highlight of the film. Including I feel what the film is promoting quite a bit.
Their interactions with each other and in fact my Nana and their were mainly well not a lot of people but also older folks. I mentioned that like no offense twice and she said it's an old movie. Including I didn't wanna be very loud to respect them but they even laughed as well as I did. Even my Nana.
Anyway back to the movie. Really just Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson as the main leads I really liked them. Yet I will say the film is a bit slow at the start but it's building up to them meeting. But when they meet it gets so much better even when the first time they appear on screen it's funny. Just even the little stuff is quite nice.
I'm also gonna say the film is entertaining as all fuck. Including the action and how it's portrayed. I'm gonna say quite brutal at times yet I seem to like that. Including how some of the characters mainly Ryan's character and Samuel's character respond.
Also the soundtrack love it and it seems to fit.
I'm also gonna talk about some of the other characters. I will say I didn't hate much of the side characters. Some got their moments to shine. Yet compared to the main leads who's relationship is the most developed as we focus on them.
Including the main villain played by Gary Oldman. Really at times you don't see him a lot. Yet the way his character is just the film at times is quite dark. Considering what the story is about. Seriously your gonna hate his character and I mean that like you want his character to die.
Including in the end it's just so satisfying of how it ends. It feels nice. But I will say along with that R rating. Despite a lot of comedy. Quite dark with some stuff. So be warned if you wanna see it.
But again just quite violent and seem to like it. Mainly the way again how it's portrayed but damn.
So the problems I've heard is that the films quite cliche even the Rotten Tomatos thing said that. I can see that I suppose. Yet it really depends on how you see it. But honestly the whole cliche thing no offense might sound like a bullshit thing. Maybe the tone some times is quite different. Yet still liked it quite a bit.
Mainly because I felt just quite complete and seeing as how the film goes. It has some heart in it and to me you understand both Ryan's and Samuel's character. Sorry if I'm not saying the names just wanna get this done.
But again I really enjoyed it. A damn good time. I recommend it but it depends if your okay with it. In a way their isn't anything that extreme but the R rating with certain scenes. It helps with the comedy but be warned a bit.
I don't know I think I'm sounding stupid. I'm acting like I recommend seeing it but if your not used to R rated comedies that are brutal I'm warning you. Including even my nana just isn't a fan of the whole thing of people saying fuck and she would of liked it better if they said crap at times. I said it kind of works for the comedy I think.
Really this isn't a review just a quick reaction it was a film I was interested in it. Wanted to give my thoughts. It was entertaining and one of the films out there I think is worth seeing. Including Logan Lucky seems awesome and my Nana told me my step grandpa is gonna see it in the morning tomorrow and maybe him or her and me and see it. Seen it's got some good reviews.
Was at the paragraph talking about the tone. Changed some stuff just some ticks. Anyway not gonna tag this I guess. But wanted to speak about that oh yeah just...I'm gonna sound stupid.
At the ending I feel like...I want a sequel just that's a thing these days. It's their choice if they want to if they wanna green lit it. I just had a lot of fun but yeah enjoyed it. But just feel a bit weird with this new setup
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chrismaverickdotcom · 6 years
Mav’s Big Fucking Oscar Predictions List – 2018 (Why can't my favorite movie win?)
Who wants to do an Oscar pool? I love the Oscars. Everyone knows that. Oh, you didn’t know that? Well, then you haven’t been paying attention… how the hell are you even reading this? To me the Oscars are almost as exciting as the Super Bowl (come on, last year’s last minute buzzer beater by Moonlight was amazing).. I watch them every year and I make Stephanie watch with me so we can fill out ballots and baton the winners. In 2015 and 2016, I posted my “Big Fucking Oscars Prediciton List” for the awards so that people could try to beat me. For some reason I seem to have forgotten to have done a predictions list online last year; I was probably too busy working on a conference paper or something. I’m busy working on papers right now, but you know what… fuck it.
I love the Oscars!
So I’ve written at various points about what it means to be an Oscar movie and why something like Wonder Woman, as much as I loved it, doesn’t deserve to be there. It just isn’t “good” enough in an objective sense… at least not in the any of the ways that the Oscars are meant to measure. The Oscars often take criticism for being “out of touch with the fans”and just being “the Hollywood industry just taking a chance to blow itself.” And well, YES! It is! It is totally Hollywood taking the chance to blow itself. That’s why I use the silly sex metaphor in my predictions. It is what it is, and that’s ok. The Oscars are the movie industry looking at the their peers and celebrating their technical and artistic merit. They’re about the artistic statement that the Academy wants to present. The Oscars aren’t about what people like. They’re not about connecting with the fans. That’s the People’s Choice awards and the Billboards. Wonder Woman was hugely inspiring to a great many people who needed that inspiration and will carry it with them for the rest of their lives. Black Panther is doing much the same this year. But you don’t get an Oscar for that. You get a different award. It’s called a billion dollars. And when you compare that billion dollars to a little golden statue that something like Moonlight takes home, well… it’s not that bad a trade.
Movies are a funny art form. Pop culture entertainment is in general, but especially movies. Pop culture fandom often develops such a sense of ownership over the media that it consumes that it feels entitled to demand that others see it the same way as they do. No one ever writes think pieces complaining that Pulitzer Prize should have considered Twilight or The Hunger Games or even Harry Potter series. And when’s the last time you read a hot take on someone being snubbed by the Dentistry Awards?  To argue that the popular choice film should get the award because the Academy is out of touch for wanting to celebrate their values rather than the public’s is much the same thing.
That said, I don’t always think the Academy gets it right. Sometimes I disagree with their choices, even within their own metric. Lots of critics do. Famously Shakespeare in Love beating out Saving Private Ryan back in 1999 and the Artist arguably should have lost to literally ANY of the other nominees back in 2012. So this year I figured maybe I’d offer two sets of picks when applicable: The pick I think will win and the pick I want to win when I disagree. It will be interesting to see if any of my wishes for will actually pull an upset.
Steph and I will be watching the show Sunday night and probably drinking a bunch (yay, I don’t have to work on Monday!!!!) so if anyone is up for Oscarsing and Chilling as the kids say (well, the cool kids say… ok… well they should say… whatever… fuck you!) let me know. And one way or the other, I’d love to see your Oscar Picks as well. Post them here, it’ll be fun to see if anyone can beat me. You can get a ballot here: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/02/printable-2018-oscar-ballot. For extra super awesome points, feel free to comment with your guesses before you read mine. That makes it more fun to compare.
And now my picks… Mav’s Big Fucking Oscar Predictions 2018:
Best Picture:
The biggest award of the night is probably the most obvious place where I’ll disagree, and it’s the place where the common viewer probably has the most problem with the Oscars. It’s where people think Wonder Woman got snubbed. But when you look at the other films there… films, which granted only 5-10% of the Wonder Woman audience saw, and you objectively judge them it doesn’t fit. If anything, the snub here for me was The Big Sick, which really probably should have snuck in here. It is worth noting that the Oscars allow up to ten nominations for Best Picture (instead of the five for most categories). This year they only chose nine, and so there was an open spot which has actually been pretty debated. In some respect, I guess everyone can just assume their favorite film should have been inserted there and was snubbed for political reasons. Or maybe it’s like saving a seat for Elijah? I dunno. Anyway Conventional wisdom is that this is a two dog race between The Shape of Water and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. I personally actually liked the latter film more, but for Best Picture, I think the visual artistry of former film is going outweigh the storytelling mastery of the latter. Especially since Three Billboards isn’t really “enjoyable” so much as it is “good.” The social issues being so unresolved and so present in Three Billboards is going to leave some voters uncomfortable for this category. Of course, if it were up to me, I’d go with Lady Bird. I do think it was the best film of the year in terms of storytelling and theatrical craft, plus it fit the social message of the time period and it was hella enjoyable. Lady Bird was like the first time you have sex. It was true love or what felt like it. Maybe you don’t totally know what you’re doing yet, but it was sweet innocent and beautiful. You’ll never forget it. But that just won’t compare to the mastery of what is Shape of Water, this year. After all, who doesn’t love the beautiful touching story of a woman fucking a fish. Everyone wants to see that, right? You know you do!
Mav’s wishful thinking: Lady Bird
Mav’s prediction: The Shape of Water
Best Directing:
Much of what I said under Best Picture applies here as well. This is the place where a lot of people thought Patty Jenkins should have been nominated for directing Wonder Woman (she shouldn’t have been). And it’s a place where I personally would love to see Greta Gerwig win for Lady Bird. She won’t. A lot of people are probably also probably pulling for Jordan Peele to get the Oscar for Get Out. He won’t. Hopefully Gerwig and Peele will have future opportunities. But as far as how this year is going to shake down, this is all about Guillermo del Toro. And this is for the same reasons that I think his film is going to take Best Picture. This is a movie that honestly isn’t all that innovative from a storytelling point of view. It was a cute little fairytale, that I’ve seen before (specifically it’s Splash… but if you want to take out specific plot details, it’s just a lot of star-crossed lovers romances), but what made it special was the exceptional craft of presentation and that was all del Toro. Who else could make such a beautiful visual statement out of woman fucking a fish? Exactly!
Mav’s wishful thinking: Greta Gerwig for Lady Bird
Mav’s prediction: Guillermo del Toro for The Shape of Water
Best Actor in a Leading Role:
I try to see most of the movies that I think have Oscar potential. Partly because I want to make informed guesses here. Partly because I’m like the pop culture weenie guy so understanding the current zeitgeist is sort of my job. And partly because I just really like movies. I’m going to admit that I never got around to seeing Darkest Hour. I wanted to, it was just never the right time. So I’m kind of judging it based on trailers and clips. But I think I have the basic plot down. The story goes like this: Let’s dress up Gary Oldman in a fat suit and win him an Oscar. And something about Churchill too, maybe, but really what can we do to get Oldman and Oscar? That’s the story, and I think it’s going to work. The only thing could possibly fuck it up is that we know Daniel Day-Lewis is giving up acting after his latest movie (Phantom Thread), presumedly to continue to pursue his lifelong dream of being a cobbler (no, really!). And it’s possible that the Academy just wants a chance to blow Day-Lewis last time… you know how it is… sometimes the love of your life is leaving you… you know there’s nothing you can do to make them stay, but if this is going to the last night together, then you’re going to make it memorable and you’re going to fuck the shit out of them! Really work it this time. Suck harder than ever. No orifice is off limts. Maybe call in a friend as well. The Academy wants Daniel to know what he’s giving up. They want him to remember their name. But let it go, Academy. He’s already moved on. I mean, it’s not that he doesn’t care about you. He does. And if you beg hard enough… then sure… he’ll finish on your face one last time. But honestly, he’s doing that for you, not for himself. The magic is gone for Daniel. It’s over. If you love him let him go. But Gary… look at Gary over there in his fat suit. He’s doing that for YOU! Gary loves you. He just wants a little recognition. He just wants to know you love him. You don’t need to do too much. Maybe just a little hand stuff. He deserves it. Don’t make him beg. He will. And you know what that’s like. Besides, Oldman is totally ok with you having a side piece.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Gary Oldman for The Darkest Hour
Best Actor in a Supporting Role:
And speaking of being a side piece. Sam Rockwell wants this bad and will do ANYTHING for you and I mean ANYTHING. All the stuff you’re willing to do for DDL plus stuff you’ve never even heard of and wouldn’t know to google. Filthy stuff. Sam’s going reach down your — Ok, I just want to break away from the sexual metaphor gimmick for a second. Same Rockwell, fucking owned his role in Three Billboards. No one else matters here. Not even a little bit. And yeah, there’s a little bit of controversy about “should we be celebrating someone in this day cultural moment for playing such a racist?” And the answer is yes. Rockwell embodied that character perfectly. That was the definition of acting and he did it in a way that made a character that was completely over the top seem very real and tangible. So much so that he caused the controversy. That’s craft and there’s just no question that he deserves this. Ok back to the sexual metaphor gimmick already in progress. — and you’ll both be walking funny for weeks afterwards.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Sam Rockwell for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Best Actress in a Leading Role:
So there’s this problem in Hollywood. They favor the young, particularly among women. And really… I get it. Because given the chance I totally would totally fuck both Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan. And if you don’t want to… well, something is wrong with you. But they’re both in their 20s. They’re skinny, white, blonde and pretty. Frankly, even if they weren’t talented (and they both are) Hollywood find something for them to do. Sally Hawkins is 41 and brunette, so she had to do a little something extra and fuck a fish on camera to get noticed (and again, I don’t want downplay the cinematic achievement there… it was beautiful… like, I mean, I’m questioning stuff about myself). But you know who’s willing to really work for it? A sixty year old France McDormand, who like her co-star Sam Rockwell (see above) was good enough that my whole stupid Hollywood orgy metaphor just kind of falls apart. She was just that good. It doesn’t matter who else was nominated. What? There are five spots and we only nominate four women? I don’t know, someone throw Meryl Streep in there for whatever she’s done most recently… because it doesn’t fucking matter. This is McDormund’s year.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Frances McDormand for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Best Actress in a Supporting Role:
So this is a weird one. Here’s the one place that I feel like there was a serious snub this year. Holly Hunter really deserved a nomination here for The Big Sick. It didn’t happen. Probably just because the movie came out too long ago and no one really expected much to come of it. I’d argue it’s probably the biggest omission in this year’s nominations. She was amazing in it. The only things that come close are Allison Williams not getting nominated for lead actress in her role in Get Out (and she’s young, white and pretty… even without being blonde she’ll get another shot… especially given how talented she is) and Patrick Stewart not getting a nomination for supporting actor in Logan (but that’s a comic book movie… so probably a lot of Academy voters didn’t take it seriously even though he was very good). However, in each of these cases, including Hunter, it wouldn’t have mattered. Rockwell is taking the category that Stewart would have been nominated for. McDrormund is taking the category that Williams would been in. And supporting actress is coming down to one of two people. Laurie Metcalf for Lady Bird and Allison Janney for I, Tonya. This one is kind of a steal. Janney is going to take it. And Janney totally deserves an Oscar. But even at 58, she’s going to get another shot. This is a body of work award. She’s paid her dues and she was good in this and she’s going to take it. I personally think Metcalf was better. And she’s 62 and doesn’t do as many movies (she’s a TV actress) so this is probably her last shot. But it’s not going to happen. This is Janney’s year. Everyone else should just be happy to be there. But this is the one place where I would have replaced a nominee. I like Octavia Spencer a lot and she has an Oscar win and another nomination for a reason. Shape of Water was not her best work. Hunter was better. So since they’re all going to lose to Janney anyway, I would have liked to have seen Hunter get a nod here.
Mav’s wishful thinking: Laurie Metcalf for Lady Bird 
Mav’s prediction: Allison Janney for I, Tonya
Best Animated Feature:
Animated Feature is probably the one category in all the Oscars where being the super popular movie is actually the best way to guarantee a win. Sometimes this is deserved. Sometimes it’s not. This time it is. The answer here is Coco. Arguably, Coco deserves that 10th spot in the Best Picture race. There shouldn’t even be a contest here really. To continue the Hollywood orgy metaphor that I’ve been doing one last time (it doesn’t really matter for the awards after this) and be quite inappropriate for a film that is aimed very much at children, Coco is like deep sensual lovemaking while everyone else is still waiting for their first kiss. I mean, really… we’re comparing this to fucking Boss Baby. Are you fucking kidding me?
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Coco
Best Animated Short Film:
And now we’re getting down to the films and awards that most people don’t understand even a little bit. That’s why the orgy metaphor is hard to continue If you’ve got an Oscar pool going, this is where you win it. Animated short films are actually really hard to judge. Partly because it’s sort of like Best Picture in that there are a lot of different ways to win it. Sometimes it’s technical achievement. But it’s just as often to be awarded on grounds of making a really touching story or a beautiful piece of artwork. And sometimes you just give it to whatever random thing Disney or Pixar tossed out there just to win the award (this year, that thing is Lou). This was tricky this year, because I actually would kind of like to see Revolting Rhymes win in any given year. But not this one. Usually, this isn’t the kind of award that anyone that you’ve ever heard of matters at all. Best Animated Short Film is not about star fucking. But not this year. This year, I think it goes to Kobe Bryant’s Dear Basketball. Oh yeah, did you know Kobe Bryant was a film maker now? Well he is. And his short is a gorgeous and touching love letter to… well, himself… but it’s really good.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Dear Basketball
Best Cinematography:
If there is a fucking god, then this belongs to Blade Runner 2049. I loved that movie, and while I acknowledge it isn’t for everyone (and predicted that no one would see it when I reviewed it), if Blade Runner is about nothing else, it is about the beauty of the film medium. This category basically exists for Blade Runner 2049. I would argue that ninety years of fucking Oscars were all leading up to this moment when Blade Runner 2049 wins an Oscar for cinematography. But there is no god… so there’s a good chance that Dunkirk takes this instead. But I’m going against my gut… this is the one place where I’m going to put my wishes in instead and make my official prediction what I want it to be instead of what I expect the Academy to do. It’s the one award I’ll be least surprised to lose.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Blade Runner 2049
Best Costume Design:
Remember how I said that The Darkest Hour only exists to give Gary Oldman an award for best actor? Well, Phantom Thread only exists in order to win the award for Costume Design. No joking… it’s literally a movie about designing costumes. That’s it. I actually haven’t watched it yet (I should) but I mean, this is the most Oscar pandering concept ever. And by all accounts, they did a great job.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Phantom Thread
Best Documentary Feature:
This one is always hard. Generally I never get to see any of these until after the Oscars (if ever) and that’s true this year. A lot of the industry buzz is that this is going to go to either Icarus or Faces Places. But, I’m going with Last Men in Aleppo. The Documentary category is one where traditionally the Academy likes to show just how socially conscious they are. This is not not just culturally and socially relevant in this exact historic moment as a film, but it is notable because it is not only the first film ever nominated out of Syria, and the subject matter of the film itself, but because if it were to win, no one will be there to accept the award because Trump’s travel ban is keeping the filmmakers out of our country. And yeah, maybe you didn’t know that… but the people who vote for documentaries probably do.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Last Men in Aleppo
Best Documentary Short Subject:
Same issue with Documentary Short Subject. Here socially conscious and relevant matters. The two short subject categories (this and animated) are the only ones where all of the voters are required to see all of the films (since it doesn’t take long) and with documentary, this is a place where making a statement matters. I’m going with Heroin(e) purely because people are going to want to address opioid crisis.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Heroin(e)
Best Film Editing:
Remember what I said about there not being a god? If there were a god, then Baby Driver might have a shot here. Baby Driver is a movie that is all about craft. The magic of that movie is the way in which sound and visuals are expertly crafted together. The challenge was not only editing it together in a brilliant way that made for an engaging visual experience, but the technical expertise to make it work with the music and sound mixing. The film is a master class in craft. It is a singular achievement in film editing that absolutely deserves this almost as much as Blade Runner 2049 deserves the cinematography award. But I said I was only going to play that card and go against my gut once and I am sticking to it. So I think Baby Driver gets beat here just because it’s too genre and high concept and voters might never have given it a chance. So this award is going to go to the second best edited film this year, Dunkirk.
Mav’s wishful thinking: Baby Driver
Mav’s prediction: Dunkirk
Best Foreign Language Film:
Like I said, these categories are really hard. I’m going to go with A Fantastic Woman, because it’s the one I am most interested in seeing (I haven’t seen any of the nominees this year). There are a couple others that sound interesting (The Insult is getting some good buzz) but I feel like this one. And much like the documentary categories being a socially relevant can really help in this category. Not as much, but some. And this is a story focusing very heavily on transgender rights. This is something that can also tank it because… well, the Academy is a lot of very very old white men. So it might just be “icky.” But, I expect Foreign Language Film is one of the categories where a lot of the people who would be squicked out by it just don’t bother to vote, so I’m going with it.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: A Fantastic Woman
Best Live Action Short Film:
This is another one of my hard sections because I haven’t seen them. So on this one I’m judging purely on industry buzz and social relevance. I’m going with Dekalb Elementary. Honestly, a big part of this is because it will create a moment for the filmmaker to stand up and give an inspiring speech about gun control and how we have to do something to end the crisis of school shootings. And everyone will applaud and feel great… well, until he gets played off for giving a speech longer than ten seconds, because we have to make sure we have enough time left for the big names to give speeches at the end of the show. We care about school shootings… but only so much.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: DeKalb Elementary
Best Makeup and Hairstyling:
This is usually a hard one. It’s not this time. Remember how I said that Darkest Hour was a movie about getting Gary Oldman his Oscar? Well, in order to that they had to transform him. And that took a massive technical achievement in makeup and hairstyling.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Darkest Hour
Best Original Score:
Original Score is a weird category this year. For obvious reasons, the industry sort of privileges the “Original” part of Original Score. And, so in a lot of ways it sort of makes sense to exclude Baby Driver from the category because the music is from preexisting sources. BUT, in the same way that Phantom Thread is a movie about costuming. Baby Driver is a movie about scoring a movie. That’s the whole gimmick of the film. And to exclude it is sort of the same thing as arguing a DJ isn’t a musician and well… that’s an argument. But in this specific case, I feel like Baby Driver at least needed to be on the conversation. Certainly more than Star Wars: The Last Jedi which I think is just sort of there because legally, Star Wars has to be nominated in this category. But Baby Driver is not there. And so I am forced to pick something else, and while I personally liked the Dunkirk score a lot, I think for what the Academy is going for, we go to Shape of Water again here. If nothing else, because it has momentum.
Mav’s wishful thinking: Dunkirk 
Mav’s prediction: Shape of Water
Best Original Song:
The music categories are hard at the Oscars. You have to sort of forget that you’re at movie awards and then apply the logic that you would use for making a Grammy pick. But then you have to remember that you’re picking an award for a movie and you are at the Oscars and it’s just a whole big thing. And also, it’s music so it kinda needs to sound nice. Anyway, for some reason, 21st century Hollywood loves a musical and The Greatest Showman was one.
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: “This is Me” from The Greatest Showman
Best Production Design:
Like I said, there is no god, but there is momentum.
Mav’s wishful thinking: Blade Runner 2049 
Mav’s prediction: Shape of Water
Best Sound Mixing:
As I say every year, no one in the world really understands the difference between Sound Editing and Sound Mixing. Not even the people who do it for a living. I think I understand… and if I do, then this is the one place where Baby Driver has a very real shot at winning an Oscar. And it deserves it. But again, remember, there is no god… and you’re not required to watch all of the movies to vote in this category. I can totally see old Oscar voters looking at the cover for their Baby Driver screener DVD and saying “oh fuck no” and moving on without knowing how much that movie needs this. It is a celebration of the art of film sound. But no… they’ll probably just pick Dunkirk.
Mav’s wishful thinking: Baby Driver 
Mav’s prediction: Dunkirk
Best Sound Editing:
Baby Driver was more about the sound mixing than the sound editing… you know… unless I got those backwards… because again, no one really remembers which is which. If I’m right, then Blade Runner 2049 had better sound editing. But it doesn’t matter, because the same deal as with Sound Mixing and the Academy will just pick Dunkirk and move on with their lives.
Mav’s wishful thinking: Blade Runner 2049 
Mav’s prediction: Dunkirk
Best Visual Effects:
Do you know why this category exists? This category exists to give trophies to Star Wars. Any year that there is no Star War is just a year that we’re standing around and waiting for a Star War to happen. And I am including the fifty years that the ward existed before the first Star War. And now that we have a Star War every year, you should be able to sort of pencil in the Star War to win this award. Only it hasn’t happened. See, the last time we brought back the Star Wars we were busy giving this award to Matrixes and Lords of Rings. And this time, now that we have a yearly Star War, we keep saying “oh, well, there will be another chance for the Star Wars, so let’s recognize an Ex Machina or a Jungle Book because we’ll totally get to the recognizing the Star War next year.” Well, this is not that year. Because this is the year of Blade Runner 2049. And frankly, there’s probably not going to be another one. In 1982, the original Blade Runner got bumped for this award by E.T. which for all intents and purposes (in this category at least) might as well have been a Star War. Well, this franchise didn’t wait thirty-five years for that to happen again. So you know… lets see how Solo: A Star Wars Story does next year (BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!)
Mav’s wishful thinking and prediction: Blade Runner 2049
Best Adapted Screenplay:
Sometimes it’s an honor to be nominated. Two of my own personal favorite films are in this category this year. Logan and The Disaster Artist. A movie about the X-man Wolverine and a movie about arguably one of the worst movies of all time. Neither of these things have any business being anywhere near the Academy Awards… and yet, in these two specific cases… they totally do belong. They’re just not going to win. In the past we’ve had a lot of Oscar controversy about things being too white. Too male. Too heteronormative. The Academy is trying to fix that… Moonlight last year was a big part of that. But they’re not going to burn the Best Picture spot on diversity every year. And a good place to do that is the screenwriting awards. So this is going to be the Academy saying “you want diversity? Fine, we’re so woke we’re going to give an award to a gay film that you’ve never even fucking heard of. That’s right, we’re going with Call Me By Your Name. You don’t know it! Not so woke after all, are you! Fuck you!”
Mav’s wishful thinking: Logan (though to be fair, this is partly me being a comic book weenie and I haven’t seen the film that is going to win yet either… though I want to) 
Mav’s prediction: Call Me By Your Name
Best Original Screenplay:
And they can consider demonstrating their wokeness with the other screenwriting award. And this is kind of a problem. Because as I said on my very first pick, Lady Bird was probably the best pure film of the year. And it really deserves and Oscar. But it’s not going to get one. It’s going to get shut out, and that sucks. Because it wasn’t the best written film. The Big Sick was actually better, and this is the only places it’s even nominated. And I really would have liked to see that get more recognition. And really, again, if there was a god, it would probably be a shoe-in here. But there is no god… and in the mind of the Academy voter, diversifying means tossing a vote towards a woman, a gay, or a black. But then when the voter looks at Kumail Nanjiani they say “what the fuck is that dude?!?!?  Pakistani? Uhhh…. no…  no no no… that’s just not going to happen here.” Wokeness only goes so far. But on a good note, it goes far enough that I think you can pencil in Jordan Peele to get recognized for Get Out. Oddly enough, of the three things I’ve mentioned here, Get Out is probably the LEAST well written. But it’s the one that I feel like can really get traction and win here. Of course, this is a tough category… and I wouldn’t be shocked if Three Billboards gets another nod here (and that would be reasonable) or Shape of Water because of its momentum (and this would NOT be reasonable. It’s not as well WRITTEN as the others). But I think this is one where the more diverse pick really can pull it out. Not just because he’s black, but because it’s such a different film than anything else that Academy has ever seen. And yet they liked it enough to nominate it anyway.
Mav’s wishful thinking: The Big Sick 
Mav’s prediction: Get Out
So those are my picks… What are yours? And if you’re interested in watching with me an Steph, let me know (we may even say yes 😀).
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Mav’s Big Fucking Oscar Predictions List – 2018 (Why can’t my favorite movie win?) was originally published on ChrisMaverick dotcom
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