#oh wow how many heart-wrenching scenes can you fit in one show
gatsby-system-folks · 2 years
Spoiler warning for gargoyles!
I was not prepared for the last half a dozen episodes of Gargoyles let me tell you.
Nor was I prepared for those comics.
So basically at this point the only reason my heart isn't shattered on the floor is that Bad Guys was relatively lighthearted other than that one scene oh gosh
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fromiftowhen · 4 years
The Rookie 3x06 Revelations Thoughts
THIS. EPISODE. I yelled a lot about it on Twitter already, but it was getting a bit much, so this is easier. I need to watch again for more coherent thoughts, but here we go. I'm going to try to go through the plot lines in the order that I cared about them, ranging from literally not at all (Nolan) to literally every fiber of my soul being on fire (Harper and Lucy and June.)
This got VERY long, so it’s behind a cut to save your dash. 
 First, to get the boring stuff out of the way. NOLAN. I AM SORRY. I get that this show wants me to care about its main character. And in the ways that he relates to Lucy and Jackson and Harper, I do. But I'm just entirely past the point of needing Nolan in separate plot lines. This episode, in particular, I could have done without his arc. Any time he interacts with Harper or Tim, I'm good. But that's because of Harper and Tim. This week he took time away from storylines I was MUCH more interested in, and I honestly didn't care. I know they use him to check in on current actual world events, but this show did that SO well with Jackson's story last week/etc. that this stuff with Nolan wasn't necessary this week.
 JACKSON AND HIS NEW LOVE INTEREST. As soon as they panned up to OFFICER ISAAC "A cop on a horse, yeah" YOUNG, I was like OH HELL, this is ON. I forgot about Sterling and then was like, "wait, he has a boyf.... wait, I DO NOT CARE" -- "You must've been looking in the wrong direction"/"Yeah, well, I am not now." And the scene at the end with the bikes! YES. Here for this. They IMMEDIATELY had more chemistry than Jackson and Sterling ever did, sorry. I hope he sticks around. Jackson finally getting a love interest who will (hopefully, presumably!) understand him as a cop and a person of color? NEED. IT.
 TIM BRADFORD AND BILLY RIGGINS MACK DANIELS. "YOU GET PRETTIER WITH AGE." (I am here for ALL references to this show understanding how beautiful Eric Winter is. ALL. OF. THEM.) Derek Phillips is a longstanding love of mine, and he just plays every minor role he's in so well. This storyline was heartbreaking and gave me SO many Tim (and Isabel!) feels. For some reason, even though I thought about this episode a million times over the last week, it NEVER occurred to me to think about Tim's reaction to the UC stuff as an extension of the Isabel storyline, which just... what in the world, self. That is clearly, if you've read my fic, one of my favorite of MANY aspects of Tim's character, and it just never occurred to me that it would play into this episode. So when he said Isabel's name, I had to compose myself. And how it played out, the multi-layered way it gave us a glimpse into Tim now and tied into his clear feelings about Lucy going UC, THIS is what this show does best. 
 When he administered the Narcan to Mack and did CPR, god, I HURT for him (and for Mack and his family) -- but TIM. He's been there. He's watched it tear his entire world apart, and the guilt he clearly still carries from that is just. Heart-wrenching. The scene at the end with Mack's wife and the scene with Sgt. Grey... so painfully good. The guilt. The honesty. Eric Winter is just knocking it 1000% out of the park every week this season. Honestly, I've loved many television characters with my whole heart, but maybe none more than I do Tim Bradford.
(Please know the restraint I’m showing by not writing one million words about Tim’s solo storyline and the Chenford of it all here. Trust me when I say I could have. But this episode ended up being SO MUCH MORE to me than what I thought it would be. I went in for WORRIED TIM and I got that! But in different ways than I thought, and SO MUCH BETTER.)
 TIM "GET CHANGED" BRADFORD PUT LUCY "YES, SIR" CHEN IN HANDCUFFS. WHILE ASKING IF SHE WAS OKAY. AND THEN HE TOLD HER SHE DID GOOD. "I kind of hoped that he would be proud of me... wow, that sounds stupid when I say it out loud." "I know she can. I trained her." Her little smile as he closed the shop door and the way he sort of hesitated before saying anything. It wasn't as much as I wanted it to be (but then again, will anything with these two EVER BE genuinely enough for me? Signs point to no), but it was still EVERYTHING.
 BE SCARED. BE WILD. BE UNPREDICTABLE. There are no words for how much the girl power part of this episode worked for me. From Tamara or asking Lucy for the interview to Lucy sneaking a peek in on Harper's presentation, the clear history that Harper and June have (which I want to know EVERYTHING about), to the end scene, which is one of my favorite things this show has EVER done.
 It ALL worked. I can't adequately express how much this Lucy storyline means to me. I could ramble for a thousand words about it, but to keep it somewhat coherent, I'm going to bullet point all of the moments that gave me every feeling. 
Harper’s look when she realized Lucy was listening. She wasn’t shocked at all. That was pride. 
June’s little glance at Harper as she told Lucy that if she wasn’t nervous, she wasn’t human. There are so many sides to Nyla Harper, and I think the soft,  caring side is one she hasn’t let everyone see. She shows it to Lucy (and Nolan) when needed, but I don’t know if June had seen it before that moment. And it was a lovely moment of all of them acknowledging in a safe way that what they do, what they were about to do, is dangerous, and nerves are natural, even if you’re badass and can push through them. 
“Nope. I just have a flair for the dramatic.” MY GIRL.
Harper’s WINK. I yell a LOT about how much I love Tim Bradford, but I could just as easily yell about Nyla Harper too. 
“Actually, my body does have magical powers, but.” YASSS, Harper. Queen. 
“I think fitting in is a trap.” This one sentence explains SO MUCH of who Lucy Chen is as a person, not just as a cop. “... as though empathy is somehow a liability.” 
“And there sure as hell isn’t anyone tougher.” Basically, every word of that last scene was pitch-perfect, Melissa’s delivery was flawless, and it gave me every feeling possible. 
 This show does a LOT of things right. This episode was so, so strong. I missed Lopez and Wesley because I love them, but I didn’t MISS them in terms of the storylines we got. A storyline for them would have been one too many for this week, and in a season that’s already felt overpacked, random storyline wise, it wasn’t needed. I would have loved to see Angela on the couch with everyone at the end, but it was perfect as it was. 
 I sincerely hope this show has started to realize what its strengths are --  bold, badass women (honestly, they’re ALL fantastic - Luna Grey, Isabel, Rosalind, Julie, Tamara -- and obviously all of the regulars) who CARE and who know that isn’t a weakness, Tim Bradford and his mile-long guilt complex and his relationship with all the other officers (especially Lucy and Harper, and now Jackson), Jackson’s ability to fit into whatever role they put him in (Titus is SO good), and multi-layered episodes like this. We don’t need wild, dramatic bombs or random meth lab explosions that don’t fit into an episode’s overall theme. We don’t need hours devoted to telling us that Nolan is the Good Guy. We just do not. This show has come so much further than that, and I know it can continue to be JUST as good if it focuses on everything it already does so, so well. 
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sylvain-writes · 4 years
Doors Will Open (Donatello x Reader)
Rated: G
Gender Neutral Reader, pre-relationship, movie night, tenderness, cuddling, supportive brothers
You surprise Donnie with lembas bread for your Lord of the Rings movie night.
for @blancoluna
Donatello is holed up in his laboratory of mischief and oddities when you arrive at the lair bearing treats. But Mikey is there to greet you, jumping out of the Pit to graciously unload the deep tupperware of cookies from your hands. 
His eyes twinkle as he leans in to stage whisper, “You’re my favorite, know that?”
April walks up behind him with a gasp of indignation. “I’m gone five minutes!”
“But, but...” He lifts the box in his defense, “Cookies!”
“Ooh.” April’s eyes go wide and warmth floods your cheeks at their enthusiasm. She rubs her hands together with delight. “Can I grab one for the road?” You nod, of course, encouraging her to take as many as she likes. “You’re my favorite too,” she says with a giddy bounce.
Your laughter draws Raphael and Leonardo from the tunnels, and your excitement for the evening mounts. Rising to your toes hopefully, you try to capture a glimpse of Donatello behind them. The tunnel, however, is otherwise empty. Your heart sinks just a little.
Everyone gathers in the kitchen, welcoming you and trying to convince April to stay, but with each passing minute, the absence of your best friend grows harder to ignore. 
“Wheel of Time is in my bag,” you mention to Leo half-heartedly. It’s a book series he’s been begging to borrow for ages. You’re proud of yourself for remembering to bring it, and you don’t want to get distracted and forget. 
“Thanks!” Leo unlatches your messenger bag immediately, diving into a confession that only serves to prove what a nerd he is. Apparently, he sped through the Lord of the Rings this week in his excitement for the weekend movie marathon. You nod along with an amused smile. You're usually overjoyed to have the fellow bookworm to talk to, but your attention keeps drifting to the empty tunnels. 
A lull in his rambling gives you an opportunity to ask, “Is Donnie coming?” You have trouble meeting Leo's eyes, but you try your best to keep the question sounding casual and light. You don’t want Leo, Raph, Mikey, or April to feel like you don’t value their company, but you brought down supplies for Movie Night under the impression Donatello would be joining in; you don’t want to start without him.
“Oh, I’ll get that knucklehead,” Leo says, stacking the books to carry. “He probably just lost track of time.” 
Turning from Mikey's final, futile plea for April to stay, Leo heads toward his room to drop off the books, then to the workshop to gather their missing brother.
The muted sounds of tools and machinery come through the heavy door in clanks and whirrs. But Leo knows Donnie won't mind the intrusion.  He raps a knuckle against the small frosted window and gives his brother a shout. 
Donatello raises his voice over the buzz of a circular saw to ask, “Emergency?” But the sound of the blade cutting through metal continues without pause.
“No.” Leo won’t lie. He won’t test Donnie’s nerves with trickery, not even when the reveal is something his brother has been looking forward to all week. 
“Password?” Donnie counters next.
Leo screws up his face, searching his memories for the right answer. “I don’t know, dude. There’s cookies? And, like, ten hours of movies, so-”
The saw goes silent before the 'shop door opens with a snap. Leo takes a step back to give his brother room. 
Donnie’s face pops through the gap, his eyes looking unnaturally large through the magnifying lenses perched atop his beak. “What day is it?”
“Uh, Friday.”
“Y/N is here?”
Leo's exasperated answer hisses through the tunnel. "Yes." 
Donatello lets the door swing wide as he pulls off his goggles and hangs them on their hook. “Why didn’t you start with that?” he asks as he tidies up his station. His hands fly over the tables, reorganizing the space for his return. He fumbles his wrenches into their case in his rush. "How long have they been here? Why didn't anyone get me sooner?"
Leo doesn’t hide his grin, so happy to see Donnie this close to admitting his crush. “Oh, so they’re the password, huh?”
Donatello’s blush starts at his neck and rises up to his ears. “That’s not…” He gives a little huff as he rolls his tool cart to its place against the wall. “Shut up, Leo.”
Slinging an arm around Donnie's neck, Leo drags him into the hall. He grinds his knuckles over his little brother's head with a light chuckle.  Though Donnie easily squirms free, Leo knocks him with a shoulder, a tease and a mark of support. 
At first, Leo had been reticent to encourage his brother's feelings for you, but over time it's become obvious that Donnie’s affections are far from one-sided. Being what they are, that came as somewhat of a shock to him, but it was the best kind of surprise.
Donnie's lucky to have you in his life. And Leo hopes that one day soon, the two of you will get your acts together. It's about time you two admit just how happy the other makes you.
You're picking at the edge of the countertop, stomach in knots, when you hear the echo of footsteps draw near. Leo and Donnie enter the main living space pushing and shoving, but there's not a hint of anger on their squabble. Laughter stretches their smiles wide. 
You bite your lips together, anticipating the moment when Donatello finds you. There's become a shared second of pause when you meet, though you don't know when that began. You try to prepare yourself for it each time, but it always leaves you breathless. 
When Donatello’s eyes fall on you, his laughter peters out and his smile goes soft. Your lungs ache with the breath you've forgotten to release until Donatello breaks the spell. "I was told there would be cookies?"
You gesture to the box, hoping the slight tremor in your hand isn't obvious. "Lembas, actually." It's silly, your newly developed nervousness around him. Donnie is the person with whom you feel safest, most free to be yourself. He's your best friend in the world. 
Your crush on him shouldn't change that. But it does. It could change everything.
Donatello's eyes slide to the box and his jaw drops comically. "Are you kidding me? How did you-? Why did-?" His long strides bring him to the table before he has a chance to form a full sentence.
"It's our weekend," you say. A blush colors your cheeks as you catch your choice of phrase. "I mean, Lord of the Rings weekend. Remember?" You fiddle with the ring hanging from your neck, your fingers running back and forth over the elvish script. 
"I didn't. I do now! I didn't realize it was Friday until Leo… But Lembas!" He's probably the biggest nerd of you all.
"Go ahead." The mess of crumbs on the counter is evidence Raph and Mikey have grabbed their share. Thankfully, they left some for the rest of you. 
Leo skirts around you to take a cookie for himself while Donatello inspects his square of pastry with care. Turning it over in his hands, Donnie hums. "It smells like citrus and almond."
"There's lavender too," you supply gently. It took a few tries and a few tweaks of the recipe you found to get it just right, but you're quite proud of the end result.
"Yeah," he gives a slow nod. "And lavender. I was getting to that." He looks at you in awe. "This is really… it's so cool."
"You didn't even try it." Your racing heart switches gears from nervousness to anticipation for Donnie to have a taste.
"Oh, right." Donatello takes his first bite, follows it quickly with a second, and the cookie is gone. "Wow." Crumbs fall from his lips and you chuckle at his enthusiasm.
"I can make more," you offer as he reaches for another, "if you guys like them so much."
Donnie nods and drops his gaze as he seems to consider it. "...maybe you can make them here," he says finally. "With me, y'know? Show me how it's done."
Your blush returns at the suggestion and you find yourself hesitant to agree to the plan. 
Donatello's eyes blink wide and his almost pout is irresistible as always. You can't fathom why you'd give up the chance to be the one teaching Donatello something for once. 
With a leap of your heart, you give in. "Yeah, of course. We can swing by my place later and grab the stuff. Could be fun."
"Could be," he agrees quietly.
Donnie meets your eyes again and the moment of stillness between you stretches long--
Until Raphael speaks up from the couch with an exaggerated groan. "Can ya please get over here already? There's a whole mess of movies waitin' for us and you're busy yappin'."
Donatello grabs the box of cookies and rummages through the cabinet for Pop-Tarts while you make your way over to the TV. Of course, not even lembas can fill his appetite for sweet pastry. 
In the Pit, the lighting is dim. Title screen music rises and falls, drawing you into the fantasy world of Middle Earth.
Leo has taken a seat atop the back of the couch to give Raph and Mikey room on the cushions below. At the sight of your approach, Mikey scoots toward his brothers to make you a place by the armrest.
It's a comfortable fit, even for your favorite position, sitting with your legs pulled up, criss cross. But when Donnie comes in, there's no real room for him. He doesn't seem to mind. He places the plate of lembas and box of Pop-Tarts on the coffee table. Then, without hesitation, he takes a seat on the floor in front of you.
Mikey starts up the movie and the epilogue scenes cast the room in shadows and flashes of light. Donatello settles in against your legs and everyone's eyes focus on the screen.
The film plays and the temptation to reach toward Donatello increases with his every shift. Though he hasn't complained, you think he must be uncomfortable down on the floor. If nothing else, the way he rolls his shoulders probably means he's feeling stiff. 
It's dark enough, you could lay your hands on his shoulders, work the knots out of his muscles and neck, without attracting the attention of his brothers. But you don't. As you indulge yourself in fantasy, Donatello shifts once more.  He slides into position between your knees and the tails of his bandana catch on the hem of your jeans. 
You stare for a moment, unsure if you're allowed to touch. Then, Donnie leans back and smiles up at you and you could swear your heart stops. It only lasts a second before his eyes return to the screen, but it fills you with comfort, confidence, and calm.
Careful not to tug, you take the tails of his mask in hand and lay the long strips of cloth over your lap. With steady passes, the fabric runs through your fingers. It's soft and worn. Stained and fraying on the ends. The movie plays on, but as far as you're concerned there's only this. 
You twist the tails of Donnie's mask around your fingers. You tie them into loose knots, losing yourself in the quiet intimacy of having Donatello so close. 
Donnie tips his head to the side as you play, turning his body just enough that he can rest his head on your knee. 
You bend at the waist and drop your voice as quiet as it can go to avoid being overheard by the others. "You OK?"
Donatello nods, nuzzling his cheek against your knee just enough for you to notice. "It's nice," he says, and you drag the tails of his bandana through your fingers again. 
As you sit up, you spare a glance at his brothers. Raph and Leo are sitting forward, elbows on their knees, enraptured by Arwen's race on horseback. But Mikey's watching you through the corner of his eye. He gives you a small, knowing smile before turning his attention back to the screen.
When it's time to switch DVDs, everyone agrees it's time for a stretch. 
Donnie's the first one back to the Pit. And he takes it upon himself to lie across all three cushions of the couch with a lazy grin. Mikey doesn't even bother with him, ducking out to meet up with April and leaving his older brothers to fend for spots on the broken recliner and floor.
Donatello makes grabby hands as you return from the kitchen with a pair of sodas. You think he'll sit up, make some room. But to your surprise, Donatello exaggerates his sprawl. He takes the drinks and places them on the floor, then extends his hands toward you again.
You only have a second to register his request before he takes your hand in his and gently pulls you onto the couch with him. 
Cuddled up between the couch and your back, Donatello gives a little shimmy and a wistful sigh. 
Your heart is racing and you're tingling from your hands to your toes, but fitting against the curves of Donatello's bent knees and soft embrace takes no thought at all. And once you're there, you can't imagine ever wanting to leave.
The second Fellowship DVD comes to an end, and Donatello's breath tickles your neck, "One more?"
You shrug into the feeling of his words ghosting over your skin. "I'll fall asleep," you admit regretfully. You're so comfortable in his arms, you don't want to go home. But it's precisely that warmth and safety that are making it so hard to stay awake.
"I won't make fun of you if you snore," Donnie teases. There's soft pressure on your scalp and you're sure that's the feeling of him snuggling into your hair.
"I make no promises," Raph chimes in from the recliner. You'd long since forgotten you had company. The sound of his voice should come as a shock, should have you scrambling out of Donnie's arms. But it's only Raph, and he's picking on you the same as always. And there's a kind of approval in that -- the kind you never dreamed of receiving.
You try to shoot him a scowl, but you're grinning because you can't help it. 
You were right about having difficulty staying awake. The film isn't on for five minutes before your eyes drift closed.
"Are you asleep?"
"Still listening," you mumble dreamily. Donatello's arms tighten around you and his chin tucks over your head. It's enough to send you adrift into a deep and peaceful sleep.
You wake up in the morning alone but wrapped in a purple knitted blanket you recognize from Donnie's room. You pull it snug around your shoulders as you sit up to check your phone.  There's a text from your roommate and emails that can be ignored, but one notification stands out. You touch the media message from Raphael. 
Though you roll your eyes at the blurry thumbnail, your curiosity has you pressing play. The video is only 20 seconds, anyway. 
It loads immediately and the image clears. You smile at the closeup of Donatello asleep on the couch. The audio is low but you can clearly make out the snuffling rise and fall of his snores. You allow yourself a little laugh as you watch the video play through again. And you don't miss the way Raphael panned to show you and Donnie together dozing comfortably -- your limbs entangled and your face tucked into the crook of his neck.
You're unsure where you two stand and where your relationship will go, but your stomach is full of butterflies and your heart is content.
"Did you sleep OK?" Donnie asks as he comes in from the kitchen. He's brought tea and toast -- a simple but sweet gesture. 
You take a moment to enjoy the sight of him bringing you breakfast 'in bed' and tuck your phone away with a smile. "I slept great."
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remmushound · 4 years
Could you write a crossover oneshot, about the 2018 crew (April included) showing off their crazy OP skillz? (Mikey yeeting boats around, Donnie's tech, Leo's portals, etc.)
@assanmaharielsreblogs @itscryptifssil
Rise April = April
2012 April = O’Neil
“Hey guys!”
Leo hated being so exposed, just standing in the open for all to see. Leonardo had reassured him that it was chill here, that they’d never been spotted and weird stuff happened so often that no one would question it if they were. Still, standing there on the docks, open as he was, Leo couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder every few minutes to check for any signs of life disturbing the darkness.
“Watch this!”
Michelangelo resembled the Mikey that Leo knew in so many ways, and it seemed they even shared the same mad skills that all Mikey’s seemed to have in common. The turtle had been loud in his cry, drawing the attention of all below as he leapt from the rooftops and swung out hiskusari-fundo. Like the most beautiful fire work show, the blade and chain ignited in a feiry blaze that caught all of the other box turtles below by surprise, though Michelangelo’s brothers hardly acknowledged the act past a short applause or curious, watching eye.
“Holy—“ Leo sputtered.
“It’s so beautiful!” Mikey’s eyes Reflected the flames like something out of a movie, observing their beauty and hardly breathing.
“HOLY CHALUPAS!” Ejected Donnie, “How did he...?”
“Thats... concerning.” Raph said softly, trying to hide his astonishment behind a chilled facade.
The kusari-fundo shot out over the water, the chain stretching far longer than Leo could remember it actually being. Like an ever growing snake, flying and flying over the orange-reflectinh bay until the blade and a good deal of the chain latched impossibly around the hull of a boat down in the water. Before Michelangelo could come crashing down onto the hard docks, the chain tightened and pulled him into the water at incredible speeds, like a water skier without skis.
When he was just about to hit the bough of the ship, the chain gave a sudden, upward jerk and pulled him onto the safety of the deck just in the nick of time. The fire went out, and for a heart wrenching moment none of the turtles could even see the youngest among them, until the teen’s silhouette appeared over the railing and waved to them.
“Uh... how did he—“ Leo began before his taller counterpart cut him off.
“Relax; I’ll go get him.”
Before Leo could even begin to ask how Leonardo would achieve such a feat, Leonardo had drawn his katana and traced a large, arching shape in the air. It was like the blade was slicing through the very fabric of reality, leaving a baby blue glow wherever the tip of the metal touched. When the sword reunited with where it had started, the entire middle erupted into that same mystic glow.
“Woaaaah.” Was all the box turtles could say— even Donnie finding himself speechless at the pure display of power.
Leonardo tucked his katana back in its sheath as he stretched and stepped into the portal, backward so he could click his tongue and give finger guns as he disappeared through the rippling blue. Across the bay came that same ghostly blue glow aboard the ship, and they could see Leonardo step out and wrap his arm around Michelangelo before waving back to the turtles on land.
“Did you build that?” Donnie gasped out, addressing Donatello.
Donatello scoffed. “That? That’s nothing. Raph, show em.” He waved and gave the show off to Raphael, who seemed confused for a second before catching on with a belching bellow.
“Alright, guys!” Raphael slammed his fists together and gave an excited jig, swaying his body back and forth as a determined grin found itself on his face. Eyes narrowed, teeth pulled into a smirk, body moving with untapped potential. “I call this boss mode!”
“Boss mode?” Raph said slowly, trying to hide his growing anticipation and fear. “Looks like a dance to me.”
“Just gotta get warmed up!” He sucked in and huffed out deep breaths, grabbing his Tonfa as he shook out his wrists and started to dig his feet deeper into the ground with each increasingly-violent stomp. His tail lashed. Red sparks started to twist their way around his weapons and wrists, slowly spreading up until the electric aura surrounded him completely. The sparks turned into a fire once the all of him was in their power. His eyes flushed white. The red aura around him grew— and grew, and grew until he was almost as tall as the buildings surrounding him. Despite the awe-inspiring scene, the smaller Raphael within the heart of the beast seemed to be straining under the expended power. The bigger he was, the harder Boss Raph was to control. His teeth were clenched, muscles and veins bulging as life flooded back into tear-filled eyes.
Once the final three words escaped his mouth, he seemed in full control of the situation. When his leg moved, Boss moved in sync. Raphael forced his larger form to wade into the water, his red glow disappearing under the surface as he walked effortlessly over to his brothers on the ship. He held out a hand to them, and both seemed more than happy to hop onboard. Raphael spun around, the movement of his superior self slow and lumbering like most large creatures.
He held the two safely to his chest and carried them to shore, carefully letting them down beside Donatello. Raphael made sure his brothers were on sound footing before finally letting his form pixelate away into nothing and lower him to the ground in a gentle grasp. Leonardo and Donatello were there to support their older brother as he collapsed into them, his legs feeling little more than flexible foam under his great weight. Just from the maybe-minute long quest, Raphael was soaked in sweat and his plastron heaved with begging, thankful gasps of cool air.
“Sorry.” Raphael gasped to the other team, laughing and forcing his heavy arm up to wave. “Kinda tiring, yknow.”
“INCREDIBLE!” Donnie gasped, hurrying over to investigate Raphael though all traces of mystic power was gone from his body. “How often can you do that?!”
“Uh. Never done it more than once in a day.” Raphael rubbed the back of his neck, “it’s pretty draining.”
“I bet!” Donnie squealed, “maybe it’s like that because your metabolism speeds up dramatically— or, or your body adjusts for how long it SHOULD have taken you to do that normally, or—“
“It’s his chakra.” Donatello answered simply.
“Chakra?” Donnie deflated as he asked.
“Seven power points through the body, centers of magic? Ring a bell?”
Leo hummed. “Master Splinter taught me a technique called Reiki thats supposed to heal chakras...”
“So like, what’s your super magic power thing?” Mikey was practically pressing his nose to Donatello’s as he spoke
Donatello’s nose scrunched up at the invasion of personal space, but he quickly brushed it off when Leo grabbed his brother and pulled him away.
“I, little man, have the greatest ‘magic’ of all! SCIENCE!”
“Here we go,” Raph rolled his eyes.
“BEHOLD!” Donatello pulled his bō staff free of its holster and held it to the sky in a pose not unlike the Statue of Liberty. “MY TITANIUM REINFORCED TECH BO!”
Raph gave a slow clap. “Wow. Wonderful. So cool.”
Leo shoved Raph pointedly. “Thats... wonderful, Donnie.”
“Oh. OH HO HO!” Donatello laughed, motioning to his precious staff, “you think this is everything? Au contraire, my fellow shelled companions! This is the top of the line, most up to date technology in my arsenal. Complete with a glider...”
Two wings shot out from either end of the staff, much to the surprise of the turtles gathered.
“Chainsaw! Laser gun! Tranquilizer! Buzz saw! Dual sided rocket propellers! And of course a selfie stick!”
As Donatello listed off his tech-bo’s enhancement, the once simple-looking staff shifted between each feature, ending with a selfie stick that extended far beyond the reach of a normal one and took a snap after the few seconds it took Donatello to pose with two fingers extended and his tongue sticking out.
Leo blinked to try and bring himself out of the blindness induced by the sudden flash. Donnie recovered from it quickly, though his eyes were just as bright the light of the camera had been. He ran over to Donatello practically fit to burst as the softshell gave a smug smirk.
Donatello booped his older counterparts snout. “By no legal means.”
April decided to insert herself into the conversation before it could get much farther. “Wanna see what my power can do?”
Eight sets of eyes turned on her.
“You have a power too?” Mikey beaned.
April laughed and gave the mutant a pet on the head. “Sure do! Watch this!”
She lifted her baseball bat from her back, tapping it a few times on the ground as a green glow Overcame the wood. Donatello reached into his shell armor and produced a baseball, tossing it high into the air and out of sight.
She dug her feet into the earth as her eyes ignited in the same lime as her bat. She swung the bat a few times, super sight locking onto the small ball as it came hurdling downward.
With impossibly perfect timing, she spun around once more and brought her bat slamming down on the falling target, sending the ball flying once more in a blaze of neon green glory over the city’s horizon.
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sealers100 · 5 years
A (brief) review of every Donald Sutherland movie (so far)
I’m not coping well with quarantine at all and no one else seems to be either (which makes me feel a bit better) So what started out of boredom back over christmas break has turned into a quest to find and watch every Donald Sutherland movie ever. Probably not my best idea since a lot of them are very old and hard to find and would need to be bought online (which isn't an option right now.) Don’t ask me why, this kinda just happened and I’m not gonna fight it. So stick around for an unprofessional review of a very professional actor’s long film career. 
(if anyone has any suggestions or knows where to find more hmu) 
Ah talk about a movie that didn’t age well (but neither did Holiday Inn and we still watch that) I’m not here to bash on it for being problematic because apart from the way they treated Houlihan, I genuinely loved this movie. It had be rolling the whole time just like the show and I still catch myself whistling like Hawkeye all the time. Probably still like the show better and Alan Alda’s Hawkeye (sorry Donald) but its definitely been a go to when I’m having a rough day.
Kelly’s Heroes
I think this was the first movie of his I ever saw as a little girl and I remember being very confused. (since it didn’t match my dad’s military stories at all) so this ended up being the first one I went out of my way to hunt down and watch and sorry to Clint Eastwood but Donald stole this movie from literally everyone. He’s hilarious, he’s sexy, he steals the show and it’s definitely one of his more underrated movies (the movie itself is a bit long) which is a damn shame since he (literally) died filming this one. (if you don’t know the story, look it up its wild)
Alex in Wonderland 
Wow, who knew he could be such a convincing asshole! At least he becomes aware of it by the end of the film but I just felt so lost by the end. Like ,what did I watch, what happens now? Not one of my favorites but definitely interesting and a sure product of the early 70s. Overall, he does have a lot of good scene (a scene with THE Federico Fellini) that are sometimes light-hearted, dumb, cute, irritating, and just...what? The relationship between him, his wife, and children is probably the only redeeming factor since its pretty accurate for how his actions strain his relationships. I am gonna be honest though, I only watched this one to see him as a long haired hippie 😂 (sorry). 
Leave it to Jane Fonda to remind me why I’m bisexual (I wish she wasn’t always a prostitute) Although there was a lot more of her and a lot less of him, even though he is John Klute. I am an absolute sucker for those old black and white noir movies and this is no different. It leaves some feelings to be desired at times (Donald apparently felt the same way) but you can really tell there’s a fascinating chemistry between him and Jane (because there actually was) Overall the story was entertaining but the character’s themselves seemed somewhat drab. I wish we got to know more about them and had more scenes with more emotion apart from just the sex and love scenes. Oh well, it was still a pretty damn good movie and I’d definitely watch it again if I got the chance.
Lady Ice
Basically Magnum before Magnum was even a thing. Now just because a movie is bad doesn’t mean it can’t be entertaining. I love the whole Miami Vice vibe I get from this and again, huge fan of private investigators, detectives and dirty schemes. His acting might not be exemplary but I don’t even care. The movie is fun and not every movie has to be deep and meaningful. Nothing wrong with just watching a movie for the hell of it. And that moustache, it’s my kryptonite. 😆
Don’t Look Now
If you haven’t seen this movie, stop reading my bs and go watch it right now. (its free on crackle) This is such a good movie I could make a whole post on it alone. Donald and Julie Christie (I’m still not over her either) put so much into every scene, giving us such a beautiful relationship that’s been fraught with tragedy. Every scene is beautiful and eerie and enchanting Iloveitsomuch!!! I don’t wanna spoil too much because the ending turns everything on its head. I’m not sure if this is meant to be a horror movie but it really walks that uncanny valley with the whole setting of Venice in it’s off season, the dark corridors, creepy premonitions. I will spoil this, I love how for once, the man is the psychic instead of the woman, which is a trope that waaaaaay over done. AND THE SCANDAL! Okay sex scenes in movie isn't exactly scandalous but this one was surprisingly realistic (no they didn’t actually have sex) so everyone in the 70s pitched a hissy fit over it and I can’t understand why. It’s by far the most realistic and beautiful sex scene I’ve ever watch, hats off to Donald and Julie. God Bless Nicholas Roeg for this masterpiece, aaaaahhh just go watch it its so good!
Fellini’s Casanova 
Alright but bear with me on this. I think I had a religious experience while watching this movie. I was overly exhausted and had my eye on it for a while said ‘fuck it let’s watch something weird.’ This what actually started by quarantine marathon (how appropriate) and I can safely say, I think this is the most beautiful, most grotesque, most enchantingly beautiful and yet dark and bizarre movies I’ve ever seen. Donald makes such a convincing 18t century venetian lover and they really went all out with his appearance, acting and the scenery of the whole movie. Everyone in the film seems to genuinely enjoyed everything they’re doing (which says a lot they do some crazy shit in this one) and the whole time, everything is erriley whimsical, almost like a fever dream (which is what this film might have been I dunno). And the fact it spans the entirety of Casanova’s life, from his highest point to his absolute lowest decent into squalor just proves that Fellini holds nothing back AT ALL. Again, no spoilers (I don’t really think I can spoil this film) but there’s just copious amounts of sex and its just plain strange but if you find it in your heart to give it a try, please do. If you’re not sure about it that’s fine definitely not for everyone. However I highly recommend Fellini’s other works. (go watch La Strada)  
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers 
Hahaha oh man I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this movie. My friends and I in college had a horror movie night and this one seriously freaked out my roommate (i’m so sorry). I love me some sci-fi (I run a star trek blog) and this not only gave me lots of Donald but also Leonard Nimoy, (along with a very young Jeff Goldblum) so yes, this is now one of my favorite sci-fi movies (I did a film analysis on it too). I don’t recommend watching it in quarantine unless you’re into freaking yourself about a global pandemic. I will say, this movie is an anomaly  since I think it might be the only movie that is not only better than its remake, but also better than the book (which I also read) This one gives us Donald (and his moustache) playing of all things, a health inspector (I’m dying) whos put into some creepy scenarios of apocalyptic proportions. This is one of those horror movies that’s fun without being funny. It’s got plenty of drama and awkwardness between to characters while also reaching it’s cult classic status. All the actors in this film manage to give such a convincing performance that you can’t help but feel like you’re right there with the characters, which makes for a fun and terrifying ride. 10/10 would scare my roommate again.
The Great Train Robbery
Donald Sutherland AND Sean Connery? Sounds like a great pair right? Well they are, sort of. Okay this movie looks like a typical british drama, buuuuut I’m not so sure about this one. Donald is pretty great in this one and so is Sean, but I’m just very confused if it’s trying to be serious or funny? The plot itself makes sense and its pretty good but the execution is just...what? Oh well, Donald and Sean make an entertaining pair with their odd “train heist” I felt this movie would have done much better if it went for either one side or the other instead of jumping all over the place, and it played out much more like a soap opera. It’s not bad though but its not a favorite of mine. 
Bear Island
Okay I’ve been pretty nice so far, but this...the only real redeeming part of this movie is Donald and his beard. Which is such a shame because I feel like this could have been SUCH a good movie. The story itself is really good and enthralling but somebody somewhere dropped the ball. No, they didn’t drop it. They threw it off a cliff. Nothing about this movie makes sense, most everyone’s acting is subpar, and I don’t blame them because the script was probably the main offender of this film. Even Donald’s acting is uncharacteristically bad. I know shoot me, criticized his acting.  It’s just so strange to see what could have easily been a fantastic film. Someone send this to Philip Kaufman and ask for a remake because this one needs it. 
Ordinary People
Oh God, this movie. This movie means so much to me. Again, watched it with my roommate, we sobbed like children and its now a must see in our group. The fact that Donald wasn’t even nominated for an oscar for this film is a travesty. A story like this is something that in a way I’ve lived myself. Everyone’s acting in this film is superb and as someone who would know, yes, all of this is very really and very heart wrenching to watch. I don’t mean to get sappy or anything, but I have been Calvin Jarrett, I (and I’m sure others) have been that mediator who eventually is broken by the two fighting forces. Watching his eventual collapse is so surreal and wow this movie really broke me in some spots. Uhg god this movie, I wanna cry just thinking about it. I’d totally watch it but I’ll just spend the whole time wanting to hug him. 
Eye of the Needle 
If any of you know me personally, you’ll know I’m absolutely terrified of needles, so this might not have been the best movie for me to watch, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This whole movie is actually pretty fantastic. For once, Donald plays a bad guy, but you can almost root for him (if he wasn’t a nazi) I felt so conflicted because while yes I wanted him to take her away from her horrible husband, hes a damn dirty Nazi, and we don’t stan. Of course, Donald’s character is extremely charming but I’m left wondering if his character really did have feelings for Kate Nelligan. I have a feeling that I could really run with this story. This one is a thrilling story with a thick plot that tears its characters apart. I can’t help but love it.
Fight me, I thought it was funny. Not really but this is one of those “entertaining but not really good” movies. Donald’s character is...well, he reminds me a lot of most of my exes. He’s just down on his luck, he’s not a bad guy. Yeah that sums up how I feel about his character. However, the movie overall is pretty damn funny. At least it knows it’s a comedy and it even has a sweet(ish) ending. I will say its not great, but there is a good scene with Donald falling flat on his ass which was so worth the whole rest of the movie. This one is still on my quarantine go to for when I just wanna forget about life for a while. 
Rosary Murders
So this little gem I kinda just watched on a whim thinking it would be some campy horror movie that was very pro-catholic and woooweee was I wrong. I loved this movie so much I ended up watching it twice, two nights in a row. It really was a thrilling movie with a plot thicker than pea soup, all while throwing some (slight) shade at the catholic church. This movie goes less for the horror side of things and more for the shock and drama and it does it well. Not to mention he makes one hell of a cute priest. I loved the hell out of this one and I’m glad i decided on this one the other night. I might even watch it again who knows. 
Pride and Prejudice
Everyone in this movie is neurotic as hell except for Donald Sutherland and Keira Knightly. Sorry I was never a huge Jane Austen fan but I admire her ability to write hell of a good slow burn and that exactly what this is. Hell most of you know what this movie is about so I’m not gonna talk about it too much. Its one of those movies everyone else seems to have seen and I haven’t so mom and I sat down and watched it together. She just laughed as I sat there yelling at the TV, waiting for an exasperated Donald to come on. His final scene though, so sweet. I did like how the movie showed a father daughter relationship that wasn’t toxic (not like the last one) but I was kinda over the whole song and dance after a while. I’m sure most people think its a really good movie but I just don’t get it. 
The Hunger Games (All of them) 
As I understand it, this movie actually means a lot to Donald, as it does to a lot of people, and that he really enjoyed working with Jennifer Lawrence, so that’s nice. Yes I’ve seen all three (four) movies, read all the books and I couldn’t think of anyone else to better play Katniss Everdeen’s antithesis than someone like Donald. I feel like this is one of those roles that was just made for him. He was such a scary and venomous villain that played so well off of the main protagonist. Uhg I really do love the Hunger Games Series, it was a huge part of my childhood, I just hate how the fans destroy people who love the main villain, like many fandoms do (looking at you star trek). I wish I could just enjoy these movies in peace without everyone being so polarized on them. 
Oh wow there’s definitely gonna be a part two but as of now, this is all I got. I’ve got a long way to go and (with the way things are looking here in the U.S.) I’ve got plenty of time to do so. I really do enjoy doing these kinds of things so if you want me to watch and ramble about any other movies (no, it doesn’t have to have Donald Sutherland) I’m gonna be in quarantine for a while, so let’s at least do something fun to pass the time. 😊
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tayegi · 6 years
Lu new rules is always worth the wait. I love it when the OC stood up to him. And Jungkook being whatever he’s trying to do is leaving us in suspense. But last the scene is perfect. I can picture that scene as if I was watching a drama. Especially when she say “it’ll be easy getting over you” and turn around VERY slowly. Gosh I just want to cry cause it’s beautifully written. JK probably scare that he’s not good enough for her?JEON JUNGKOOK you get on my nerves but I still love him.
jjiritjjiritgirl said:ohmygod the new chapter for new rules is so good ohmygod like i had to pause a lot when oc was calling jungkook out for being a coward. i wasnt the one going off but DAMN that felt good.
luxinfired said:OH SHIT I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THE NR UPDATE KXJABGZGQGHS Girl your writing is the best thing in the world! I love OC, she showed us her vulnerable side but then she goes and confronts Jungkook like that! That last scene was amazing, you tell them girl! Also I loved the conversation with Yoongi, I'm glad she was able to empathize with him immediately. I really want Yerin and him to find their own happiness, they deserve it~ Thank you for this wonderful piece of writing 💜
Anonymous said:jungkook a whole ass idiot
Anonymous said:Hi Lu!! U probably ddnt receive my ask from last time as well so Im writing this again! Well I just want to tell you that NR.11 WAS FUCKING AMAZING AND I'M SO SATISFIED WITH IT AND I CRIED! at first I expected OC to just yell at JK for his reaction when she confessed, thn have him tell her his story BUT SHIT SEEM SO DEEP HOLY SHIT! I feel so bad for oc and for the fact that she felt the need to say sorry? Thats kinda fucked up but I believe that's bc she was pretty shocked by his reaction[1–❄️🐰
Anonymous said:Also maybe I'm not the only one hatin' on JK, but damn boi better have a GOOD excuse to why the fuck is he being a pain in the ass, I mean.. I don't wanna judge him for his choices, but thats exactly what I wanna do BYE/ but like im pretty sure that he's been acting like a jerk to 'help OC get rid of her cancerous feelings' cuz I dnt think that he sees HER as a prob-in fact, he actually rly likes her- but he just cnt seem to accept her feelings that's so absurd.. [2—❄️🐰
Anonymous said:Like he was so happy to see her when he was with his team but once he remembered that he was supposed to ignore her he acted like he ddnt want to see her. And I really dnt know which part was he so embarrassed about when she came in calling him out in his own frat; was it bc she exposed his whipped ass in front of his we-dnt-do-feelings™ buddies? Or was it bc of sth else AMMA FUCKING SNAP! [3—❄️🐰
Anonymous said:And I really think that when OC told him that it's gonna be so easy to get over him now that he showed his true colors, like, I really think that it was a slap to his face. Cuz deep down, I dnt think he wants her to get over him and I know that shit will go down from here when the entire frat is mocking OC's speech, JM will know abt it, MJ might hear from him too AND HOPEFULLY SHE CAN KICK THE BULLSHIT OUT OF JK ONCE MORE! gosh Lu thank u so much for this amazing fic💕 u make my days😭[4/4]—❄️🐰
Anonymous said:holy mother of god wOW emphasis on the OW NR11 !!! Lu my god, idk how you've gotten me to love getting stabbed in the heart like this but !!! :,( thank you so much for updating and incorporating toxic masculinity and gaslighting into this chapter, they're such important issues and i just wish OC didn't have to deal with their effects. idk how long you're planning on making NR, all i hope for is that someone will treat OC right by the end *side-eyes JK, whispers "get it together, fool"*
Anonymous said:Thank you so much for yet another amazing chapter of NR!! I love how you write with so much detail about the thoughts of the OC when jk rejects her. For me, it heightens the emotions of the story so much and i love that I can feel what the OC feels - the initial embarrassment, the sadness, the anger. I also loved how the OC confronted JK and didn’t just dismiss her own emotions, acknowledging that they’re just as valid as JKs. Thank!!! You!!! :)
Anonymous said:hi lu! just wanted to day i love nr and that i appreciate the messages that you put in your writing. especially with the latest chapter, i relate so much to what nr yoongi is going through, and seeing that was a wonderful reminder that im not alone in this situation and that when you reach out, people will support you. again, thank you so much for writing and sharing these stories with us and i hope that you yourself have an amazing group of people who support and love you 💚💜
Anonymous said:I feel like waste it on me fits as bg music to the situation JK and OC are in after her confession in NR lol.. but anyways, just finished reading the latest chapter and wow. So many emotions. I'm so glad OC finally confronted JK, i love her fiery personality! Your writing really has me immersed in my own little bubble as I put myself in OC's shoes. Looking forward to the rest when the time comes, i'm curious to find out JK's backstory. Great work, Lu! 💕
Anonymous said:Ahh I just finished the update and its so heart wrenching. The emotions were so raw and realistic. And as hard as it was to read the pain the OC had to go through, I'm excited that either way things are moving in a new direction. She can't keep suppressing her feelings forever. Admitting feelings can be so difficult but afterwards its so freeing knowing that you're not holding anything back and being honest with yourself. I'm looking forward to the growth this will bring all of the characters.
Anonymous said:I just caught up to new rules and wow as someone who experienced a heartbreak that I never want to go through again THAT SHIT HURTED I felt the emotions of the o/c yelling at jungkook out of frustration and anger highkey wish I could’ve confronted the person that I had a relationship with in that manner yk to get it out of the system I think that way the healing is a faster process because you aren’t having an internal dialogue of what you could’ve said etc wow thank you for writing new rules! x
Anonymous said:I love the new NR chapter! It definitely hit home when you described how the OC felt after she got rejected. I love the end in this chapter. I love the OC's confrontation. I wish I could be a woman on a mission like her too. Yoongi's character got me namshooketh btw. I love how you added the lgbtq aspect into this fic. Everything about it is so realistic. And I love the gaslighting part in her confrontation so much! This is such a beautifully written fanfic. 😭❤
bekzzz said:You know what I really appreciate about New Rules. Mijoo and the Readers friendship. I love how they stuck together after everything. I also love how the reader is trying to reclaim her self esteem. I think calling Jungkook out was amazing for her. Also, maybe for him it will help him figure out his own feelings. Love is okay, being romantic is okay. It doesn't diminish masculinity or make someone weak. Thanks for this amazing update! Till next time.
Anonymous said:holy moly, new rules was eventful. i felt so much secondhand embarrassment when she was *rejected* by jk, and really hated nr jk for how he reacted... and then when oc, yerin and mijoo were together, and she felt like she needed to be the strong one. i really fucking felt that. it felt like a punch to the gut. but oc’s comments to jk really got me, and i have so much respect for her, yet pity her at the same time... as well as jk. thank you for the amazing update!! 😘 ly babe
Anonymous said:Dear god my heart was pounding all throughout that chapter lmao. How the heck you gotta get me so involved my body freaks out whenever you update New Rules? For real tho I feel for Yoongi- I know what it's like to have people be ready to ridicule and drop you for something you can't change about yourself, so that got me real good. I do hope that JK and MC are able to work themselves out they are by far one of the most interesting pairings I've read about thus far (praying for a happy ending)
Anonymous said:HOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD! I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS! Girl, you threw me for a loop. JK's reaction was pretty close to what I thought it would be, albeit more hostile which makes me so fucking curious like BABY WHO HURT YOU?!?!?! Yoongi turning Yerin down because he's gay just wow. I had zero inclination until the second he said it and the whole conversation was just gorgeous. And that final stomp into the frat house and speech were just glorious. Thank you my love
Anonymous said:first of all i want to thank you for the new chapter, it was such a surprise since you was so busy these past months so thank you for taking some time to write. now about the new chapter... my heart was beating so fucking fast the whole time, it’s amazing how well you’re able to express the feelings of the characters and make us all (well at least me) fell connected to the story. i’ve said this before, but the most amazing thing about nr (beside the plot & characters) is how relatable it is
Anonymous said:🎃(1) OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO CUTE AND AT SOME POINTS I AM not making any sense so be prepared 😥 💜💜 I hope I don't bore you /// Ok, here we go. ( /// means another scene or change of subject and --- means same scene but next line. Also I'll use the 🎃 emoji for Halloween's sake 😊) Damn that's gonna be so long 😥 oh well. /// Akakakakak first of all, great start! It lights up the heavy mood. And tbh who wouldn't get distracted from a half naked jk. 😏 ///
Anonymous said:🎃(2)Akskfhlskfajfkf I'm smiling. My heart is clenched tho. (I'm reading the kiss scene in the beginning) /// Why do I feel him saying I like you too won't be the way our oc means. My heart is confused. --- Fuck. --- Fuuuck... ///Ok, there's no way he would look at her with disgust. Come on giiirl. Don't fall for the lies our brain tells us. ---Ok, scratch that last. WHAT THE FUCK JEON JUNGKOOK. 😬 ----I wanna hug the oc and tell her that he is afraid and stupid for acting that way.
Anonymous said:🎃(3) That she is more than what she thinks. And like wtf he might be a star athlete and a stund but wtf about not being good enough?! Askfkddskkas. fuuck. //// You are not supposed to be fucking anything. Let it ouuut. They love you and it will help.--- Ok I get the point with it not being about you. (Ahahahahaha I'm on a roller coaster, sawrryyy) ---- Oh yaaaasss, I liiive for angry oc! You go guurl! ---- Well, if he is gay that would explain a lot. --
Anonymous said:🎃(4) ---"Trust me when I say that it would be entirely impossible with me" bruh. He is gay. --- Oh shit, he is gay...... 😶 ---- Now I'm sad. Ahahah and now I wanna hug him too . And I love the oc for being a good friend and I love that he reminds me of one of my closest friends being a tsundere.😢 /// Way to go yoongles, woop woop!! that sonofabiish. 🌚🌚---Wow when yoongi relaxed I realised I was holding my breath. Wtf ahahaha
Anonymous said:🎃(5) /// Aish. I'm getting angry at jk and angry at the oc for taking his bullshit and not being angry ahahah. ----- WHAT THE FUCK JEON KUNGKOOK WHY YOU BEING SO "TOUGH" AND "MANLY" YOU FUCKIN FUCKER 👿 (about him smiling at first and then being fake macho) ----- My eyes grew when you wrote she headed to jk frathouse 👀 --- I'm crossing my fingers for a buttkicking session, sth like mijoo did to the oc. Maybe a power point presentation of why he likes her too. Ahahah ---
Anonymous said:Ooo girl I am FIRED UP. You write so well that I can always fell the emotions OC feels. I was sad and hurt, shocked, and really mad. JK is such an asshole for making OC feel like her feelings weren't valid. He really does need to grow up. Good on OC for realizing that. And I don't know why he's putting up such a front when he's been such a good person thus far but BITCH IT BEST BE A GOOD REASON. So I'm assuming yerin has got the bad ending? Bc she doesn't know about yoongi being gay n shes hurt?
Anonymous said:(1/3🧟‍♂️) New Rules is probably my favorite non-published work that I’ve ever read and I really just want to thank you for being willing to share your writing with us! So, I feel like a lot went down in this chapter. I saw another anon say they thought Jk’s issues stemmed from a previous relationship. The girl probably made him feel like relationships in general are toxic, and as a result he’s completely unwilling to put himself in that kind of vulnerable position again? (1/3)
Anonymous said:(2/3🧟‍♂️) Similar to how the oc is feeling about being rejected, like she was stupid to let herself feel something for him, that’s why I think her barging in and calling him out in front of his friends got to him. (2/3)
Anonymous said:(3/3🧟‍♂️) All in all though, this chapter was really well written (like they all are lol) and I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate all the work you put into your writings bc they’ve really inspired me to educate myself on feminism and just a lot of things in general I’d never thought about before. Thanks again, Lu! I hope you have a wonderful week 💜💜 (3/3)
Anonymous said:wow lu, thank you for the newest nr update! my thoughts on my first reading: jungkook's reaction was shocking for the emotional side of me, not the logical side. I still feel for oc tho. yoongi being gay? didnt expect that & now I feel bad for assuming his sexuality, glad he talked to OC abt it bc it must have been hard to hold that secret. oc calling out jungkook? shes much braver than me, & I agree, jk's actions seem off. will reread & send reactions after, again thank you for writing/sharing!
There is literally nothing i love more than reading your thoughts and reactions!!! i have no idea how my writing will affect others, so to hear this is the most rewarding thing ever. thank you so much my lovely, passionate readers. You mean the world to me!!!
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punapurreciator · 7 years
My Favorite Ladybug Writers
So I pretty recently joined the Miraculous Ladybug fandom (about 4 months?) and I went on an absolute reading spree but Noticed a lot of the fic rec lists out there are pretty sparse or there's a lot of repetition. And I figured, ya know I just read nearly 300 fics over the last few months I might as well make some recommendations XD 
So this is the first of possibly many rec lists Im going to put together for the Ladybug fandom. enjoy!
This writer has 89(!!!) Fanfics out there for Miraculous Ladybug and they are pretty much ALL wonderful. The writing is excellent, characterization on point and there's never a boring moment. And the great thing is that most of these stories (even the serious/heavy ones) have some degree of playfulness to them. This writer never seems to let you walk away without a smile, and that's amazing.
Here are a few of my favorites:
 The Cooking Contest - An out-of-class assignment leads to the entirety of the class participating in a cooking competition. …some people do better than others.
the Anniversary - The anniversary of Adrien's mother's disappearance was always difficult. He's sure nothing can make his day any less miserable… ...until a certain spotted superhero shows up.
the Crocodile Glasses - When knock-off copies of Jagged Stone's super-awesome Eiffel Tower start popping up, Jagged is not pleased. Still, it doesn't take long to come up with a solution- he just needs to release his own official line of sunglasses! And naturally, he needs one Marinette Dupain-Cheng to design them for him. Now, if only Marinette could figure out how to execute some of Jagged's more out-there ideas... 
Hacking the Ladyblog - Chat Noir likes taking goofy pictures on patrol. That was normal. What was not normal was those photos showing up without any explanation on the Ladyblog.
Princess to the Rescue - Chat Noir gets into a bit of trouble when the akumatized magician Exodus the Spectacular overpowers him in a fight and Ladybug is nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, a baker’s daughter joins the fight. aka Marinette totally has Bo staff fight training and kicks some villain butt.
Cuddles in a Coat - In a lot of ways, Adrien Agreste isn't a normal teenage boy. He's a model, he has a bodyguard, he's secretly a superhero.... But just like any other teenager, he'll stubbornly refuse to admit when an adult was right. Even if he ends up freezing because of it.
Otoshigo Another talented writer is Otoshigo who seems to straddle the border of utterly adorable (see: For the Love of Shoujo ) and Slightly twisted (See: Benefactor ) or even dark. This writer can play the characters as the awkward blushing teens they are, and they can just as easily (and convincingly!!!) twist their perceptions ever so slightly toward something deeper (and slightly terrifying) 
Some of the stories CAN be really weird and out there, but hey, read the tags so you know what you’re getting into and you won't have any trouble. (shrugs) 
Some more of my favorites include:
27 Secrets - “Secrets,” Chat purred, waving the photo out like a little flag. “I want secrets. Twenty-seven pictures worth of secrets. And you’ll give them to me. One picture at a time.” [Shameless Marichat]
Caught and Captured - Adrien gets caught in a little lie, that somehow only spirals more and more out of control. Is there any way to pull himself out of it? Does he even want to? [Adrienette] 
(Adrien acts like cat noir around Marinette and she thinks they've body-swapped. X3 This story Is simultaneously hilarious and heart-wrenching)  
Marinette Saves the World - Through a series of unfortunate events, average and clumsy Marinette meets a boy from the future! Who says that he needs to have sex with her to save the world? Except no. Just... no. 
(OMG this one!!! Drop what you’re doing and read it NOW!!! It's so freaking sweet and seriously romantic!!!)
Guilty Pleasures - An anonymous writer is a little too good at writing fanfiction and Marinette somehow gets roped into reading it. Problem is, now she can’t put it down. [LadyNoir] 
Chat Noir: Calendar Edition - Marinette’s class has to come up with an idea to make some cash for their upcoming class trip. However, things go awry with their plan and somehow Chat Noir gets involved. All Marinette wants is to go to Nice with Adrien. Can she make it through this without losing her mind?
Clairelutra Next up is Clairelutra who seems to make it a goal to melt her readers to piles of goo with sexual tension so thick you COULDN'T cut it with a knife. (Almost all her stories are rated as at least T) but, (as much as I love sexual tension and smut in a fic) That’s far from all this writer brings to the table. Clairelutra is a master at grabbing a readers heart and "puppeteering" (puppeteer, haha) it any way she so chooses.   
Whether she deigns to make you tear up and/or cry : ( see: river flows in you) Or gets your heart racing in her action scenes ( see: welcome to the show) or makes your toes curl during a kiss ( ALSO see: welcome to the show, and Bang Bang, and... ahem. well there are a lot.) And there's that (WONDERFUL AMAZING PRECIOUS) element of tenderness and longing in just about EVERY romantic scene that just KILLS me every time. 
Anyway, some of my favorites of hers include:
gonna miss this someday - “I mean, am I just too clingy?” Chat asked her ceiling, reclining on her lounge and tossing a spare ball of yarn up and down as Marinette beaded with a vengeance. “I know it’s just one day, but I miss her.”(When Ladybug misses their nightly friend-date, Chat asks Marinette for girl advice.)
i think it’s time i told you (i’m a fan of your universe) - “...Something up, minou?” He didn’t answer her at first, staying silent as he opened his palm and stared at it. Or rather, stared at the ring in it.
Ladybug stared, almost unseeing, at the blood-red stone nestled in its bed of diamonds, and wondered why it suddenly felt like she couldn’t breathe.
(It wasn’t necessarily an engagement ring, right? She... she would’ve known if he had a lover, wouldn’t she? Chat was too much of a hopeless romantic to not gush about a significant other to anyone who would listen if he had one... right? 
It could be a memento or a gift or... something. Something that didn’t imply Chat was about to get married.)
“...Have you ever thought about getting married?” ...Or not.
you're really my dearest friend - Sometimes, the process of getting out is much more difficult than it really should be — but sometimes friends can help, if you let them.
we're the kids your mama warned you about - (A collection of PWP oneshots, mostly focusing on Ladynoir/the love square, as I try to teach myself how to sin.)
hot mess - (the sequel to Bang Bang ) ...What did one say to one's vigilante partner when said partner was in costume and he was in a bathrobe? What did one say to the lady who had pinned him to a wall and kissed him senseless, not knowing he was her partner? What did one say to the girl he had been in love with for years when he was alone with her in his room at night? "Come here often, beautiful?" Not that. Imthepunchlord Oh wow, here's a writer who knows how to balance playful with exciting really well. A lot of their fics are action/adventure driven plots and they know how to build up to that big fight at the end without making you spend half the fic dreading it. There's always too much happening for you to feel much besides excitement. Which, honestly, I LOVED about these stories.  They keep the ball rolling at a great pace and never seems to rely on exposition when they can just show you something. And that lends itself to the feeling of being right there in the story with the character. (A MUST for any good action/adventure) This writer also knows how to stretch the rules with magic and the kwami juuust right to make everything fit and still be believable (a gift if ever I saw one)
Some of my favorites from Iamthepunchlord are:
Marinette and the Seven Little Gods - Marinette been down on her luck, waiting for the day karma would give her something good, something that would make her life better! She wasn't expecting karma to give her a box, a box with seven little gods in it. 
Over the Wall - The accident, while unintentional, was costly. For her wrong doings against Chloe, Marinette is sent over the wall to die. But instead of death, she winds up in a strange, unnerving world. Good thing she'll have a cat to watch her back in this bizarre place. (inspired by a mix of movies and shows: Stardust, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, Secret of Moonacre, and Over the Garden Wall.)
Trouble in White - Finding your soulmate is supposed to be uplifting, and amazing, and just... miraculous. But for Marinette, it wasn't any of that. Her soulmate, he... he was... What does one do when your soulmate is an akuma?
The Ladybug and The Mer - When Captain Ladybug is lost at sea, she finds herself saved by one of the most dangerous sea beings in the world: a mer. (Merman Adrien AU)
Always a Hero, No Matter the Miraculous - (a LARGE series) it covers a big variety of  Miraculous/kwami swaps. Including such favorites as: 
Rise of Mariposa - Where Marinette is chosen by the butterfly to help Cat Noir in his fight against Harlequin who has taken possession of the ladybug miraculous for her own selfish gain.
& the short: Delicate Wings - Where Adrien is the butterfly helping ladybug fight the evil black cat from afar. 
Kindness from a Stray - where Adrien and Marinette have kwami swapped (There are several shorts like this, all equally funny/cute)
A Declaration of Love - Adrien is the fox and Marinette is the peacock <3 
(oh GOD I love this one. it's an all-time favorite. It’s very sweet and playful and its done so well that it just WORKS. I love the conflict of his feather allergy keeping Adrien (AKA Malin) from his beloved Belle Bleue XD)
Freedom_Shamrock If fluff is your thing PLEASE check this writer out!!! Freedom_Shamrock is a master of cuddles, snuggles, and hugs. Their stories just exude a soft comforting vibe that sinks into your bones and stays there for the rest of the day. But they are also INTERESTING. The conversations are memorable, The plots are intriguing and the characterization is lovely. If you want something sweetly romantic to read look no further.
Some of my personal favorites include:
Something Familiar - Marinette is a teenage witch, and it's time for her to find a familiar. (Witch AU, no kwamis, Adrien never got to go to school) ( HIGHLY RECOMENDED!!! Cutest cat!Adrien fic EVER )
A Little Light - (series)  its basically an adorable series where Adrien notices Marinette on his own and asks her out. It follows up with their first date, some problems with dating while being a superhero,  and then an accidental reveal. (every bit of this one is SO SO CUTE.)
Hugdrien (AKA: Adrien Needs Hugs) - (series) With this one the name pretty much says it all. It’s a series of stories where Adrien is having a tough time at home and Marinette and their friends/her family are there for him. 
Miraculous Acts of Kindness - (series) this series is basically a slowburn MariChat fic XD It’s super cute and fluffy but also leads into Mature waters so be aware of that! BullySquadess   @bullysquadess
Here's another writer who's clearly out to melt her readers with sexual tension But BullySquadess is out to do it with a goddamn VENGEANCE. (and she WILL make you laugh yourself to death getting there) Her stories are drop dead sexy and SUPER funny. It's the kind of well-built humor that has you cackling so loud people can hear you across the house and forces you to take breaks from reading just to BREATHE. I think the best part of this writers style for me is the hopeful longing she just pulls out of Chat like its the most natural thing in the world. It’s so so so so so sweet and it plays to his character perfectly. and she gets it just right every time.   word of caution: the writer multi-ships so if you don't dig it then check the tags before getting invested. XD
My favorites of hers include:
The Ladybugs and The Bees - Ladybug and Chat Noir tackle teenhood! Watch our heroes face the realities of growing up- surviving puberty and akuma alike as together they navigate the unknown pitfalls of love and first-time intimacy. Also dick jokes. There's like... alot of dick jokes.
Oh man who hasn't read this one? It's been on like every fic rec list i could find when i first joined the fandom. But oh WOW does it deserve it.  This sucker is 38 (!!!) chapters long so far (!!??) and I've read it THREE TIMES. I joined the fandom like FOUR months ago! And yet I keep coming back to this one becouse it's just SO GOOD. 
Seven Minutes - Post-Reveal, Adrien and Marinette continue to play chicken with their feeling. Alya, however, has other games in mind... 
Live by the Ladybutt - Chat likes Ladybug's Ladybutt. Ladybug likes that Chat likes her Ladybutt. Crack ensues.
Casual - Ladybug has grown exceptionally comfortable with her partner... which means Chat Noir is #suffering. 
The Pitfalls Of Being a Wingman - We all know the classic Marichat tale, but what's happening behind the scenes of our favorite duo's love-making?   (AKA Plagg regrets everything and it’s HILARIOUS) XDD
Cohabitation (And Other Disastrous Ideas) - These two best friends decide to move in together, what happens next will shock you! (Or not, considering all roommate fics end up the same anyhow.) thelastpilot
Oh man, all of this writer's stories have this element of almost poetic beauty to them that it's really hard to describe the style. There's never a word or a scene wasted with this writer. It's all about slowly building up that relationship brick by brick, SEEING the characters getting closer and closer with every new meeting and then finishing it off in a MASSIVELY fulfilling way. The humor is top notch too but it seems to take a backseat to the plot and considering how well done the plot typically is I have no problem with that.
word of caution- This writer multi-ships so If you're like me and looking for a specific pairing remember to check the tags! XD 
My personal favorites of this writer include:
Won't Tell a Soul - Nino accidentally runs head long into the biggest most stressful secret he can imagine, but now that he knows the truth about Marinette he is determined to help her in any way he can. (Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
& Its sequel: The Weight of Jade - which shockingly (for this list) centers around Nino/Alya. This writer really knows how to get their characters across in all the best ways. This is one of the few times in fanfiction I really found myself really enjoying a side character's story and that's something HUGE.
Rainy Days - A storm rolls through Paris and refuses to let up, so when a water fearing cat is rescued by the kind efforts of his designing classmate he starts to pay a little closer attention to someone he should have always known better.  
Quiet Ice, Silent Nights - Cat Noir is on a late night patrol when he catches sight of an elegant lone figure skater, and is surprised to discover it is his classmate Marinette. 
Okay, this one is simply put, a work of ART. It is beautiful. The way the writer lovingly describes the ice skating and (spoilers: the piano scenes) makes you really FEEL the beauty of the moment. It’s so lovely.~ Seriously, drop what you're doing and read this if you haven't already
Paw Problems - (An alternate version of the Animan Episode) The class has taken a field trip to the zoo, but when Kim starts being a jerk and creates a major situation, are Ladybug and Cat Noir going to be enough to get everyone out on two feet? Or are the classmates going to need to get used to paws, hooves, and talons? Sadly, this one's unfinished. But let me say I LOVED the little snippets of humor in this, especially Chloe's animal form and Nino's reaction to it. XD KryallaOrchid The style KryallaOrchid uses is pretty similar to Quicksilversquared in that the stories all have some degree of playfulness and humor to them ( I love that in fics) but they also aim for something a little deeper too. this writer likes to play on the idea of rightness between the characters and builds off it as they go. (I'm all for the 'soulmate' vibe Adrien and Marinette have going on) 
Some favorites are:
Tendencies - (series) Miraculous have side effects. From pats becoming a necessity to eating flowers, follow Adrien and Marinette as they come to terms with their new tendencies, and each other. Hawk Moth is coming.
This is a LOOOOOONG series and makes for a very entertaining read. 
Sting - When Chat Noir inexplicably disappears, leaving Ladybug bee-hind to face Papillon on her own, a new wielder is chosen to keep the akuma from swarming. Ladybug is adamant she doesn’t want another partner buzzing around and why is this new-bee flirting with her? Meanwhile, Adrien just wishes Ladybug would stop bugging out and listen to him because his bee puns are fuzz-tastic.
I seriously went into this one thinking I wasn't going to like it and I ended up falling head over heels for it. Sting is SO worth the read. Watching poor Ladybug freak out over her missing partner (sending him voicemails wondering where he is and trying to reassure him she's not 'replacing' him with this new bee hero and that she's going to get him back ) Is so SO SOO heart wrenching and sweet. 
(and thankfully Adrien DOES manage to get through to her that  Chat IS 'Bumblebee’ fairly early on so we aren't left stewing in angst FOREVER) 
Reflections - The mirror shows you how you truly are, but for a Miraculous holder, it shows what was. All Marinette can see is ghosts and she doesn’t want to become one. (A heart-wrencher for SURE but the ending was SO worth it.) ---
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Who else was jumping out of their skin when we get this cool mug shot of Bro? Tell me what your reactions were.
Literally, I never thought we were going to see Bro in the movie. I was thinking it was just going to be another fake out on like how Danny said that we were finally going to see what what under Edd’s hat. Honestly, Eddy’s Brother is more important to see. We have the possible canon deleted scene where Edd tells his friends about the scar on his head. Fans can imagine that as anything. 
We needed to see this famed, idolized person Eddy talked highly of throughout every episode.
Look at him. Already he fits the description of cool. And he’s an exact mirror image of eddy. Only older.
Okay, so let’s go into the physical description and head canons about Bro. 
1. First, why don’t we talk about voice behind Eddy’s Brother, Terry Klassen.
Terry Klassen is a Canadian voice actor and voice director. He was the voice director of Ed, Edd n Eddy. He has voiced in other shows such as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Jonny Test, Zoids along with many other TV shows. 
This is a fact I just found out, but Klassen was over fifty at the time when he voiced Bro. Wow, you can’t even tell. 
Why did Danny Antonucci want Klassen to voice Eddy’s Brother? Klassen does an amazing job performing as Bro and I applaud him. He had the perfect tone which made made audiences swoon. 
2.  Eddy's brother's character design was done by storyboard assistant and character/prop designer Cory Toomey.
Bro has the sunglasses, a sense of fashion, a little beard, and a big chin which Eddy is always trying to mimic throughout the series. No wonder Eddy is jealous of him.
Bro wears a cap. Think about it. If he didn’t wear that hat during the scene he’d look exactly like Eddy. If you never saw this movie before I bet viewers would think this is an older version of Eddy.
He wears a red, plaid jacket.
Meaning of the Color Red -  Fire and blood, associated with energy, war, danger, violence, strength, power, anger, desire, and love. A very emotionally intense and versatile color.
Since I never analyzed the color of Eddy’s shirt I will do so to compare.contrast with Bro.
Meaning of the Color Yellow -  Yellow is associated with fire, which in turn, has always been associated with the purification process. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color.
These two colors say a lot.
Similar to Lee, Bro has a filling. A gold tooth. That’s actually something I never thought about before. Did he have an accident?
Pretty soon Eddy will have a tooth missing, due to an accident...
3. Why the number 62? Why is this a symbolic number?
Through my research I found out that Sigmund Freud had an irrational fear of the number 62. Freud was the father of psychoanalysis. Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association redefined sexuality to include its infantile forms, along with analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the underlying mechanisms of repression.
Psychoanalysis plays quite an important role with each character in Ed, Edd n Eddy. Especially, Eddy. Eddy and Bro were the complete opposite. Bro didn’t want anybody to get inside his head. In the end Eddy can no longer keep the lies repressed and lets people in.
Eddy has also worn a possible hand me down 62 jersey in Cool Hand Ed and Hanky Panky Hullabaloo. Eddy wants to be his brother.
4. How old is Bro?
Clearly, he is much older then Eddy. It’s pointed out in the background that he has graduated from high school. Remember the diploma in his room at the beginning of the movie? His character description claims that he’s in his early 20′s.
I head canon that he’s 26.
That’s a pretty big age gap between Eddy and Bro. 13 years. 
What if Eddy’s parents were still in high school when they had Bro. They weren’t mature enough to take care of a child yet. They still gave Bro the love he deserved while trying to get their lives together. Through work and maybe attending community college they weren’t able to spend enough time with their son
Bro learned to be a sociopath all on his own. It wasn’t his parents fault. I have a headcanon that when Eddy’s parents decided to have another child they thought it would make things better. Eddy’s parents had better knowledge on how to take care of a child and made better decisions with Eddy then Bro. Bro has always been jealous of Eddy.Eddy never thought of it that way.
Eddy’s parents have made their mistakes but have never given up on trying to make things better.
5. Has anyone wondered what Bro’s real name is and why nobody has called him by his name?
Danny stated that his name is Matthew. It still has never been confirmed. I like that name. It fits Bro.
The Meaning of the name Matthew -  In Hebrew the meaning of the name Matthew is: Gift of the Lord. Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the twelve apostles. He was a tax collector, and supposedly the author of the first gospel in the New Testament. He is considered a saint in many Christian traditions.
Hmm, how ironic.
Does Eddy know his brother’s name? Eddy’s parents were very cautious about Eddy being around Bro. And perhaps it is so vile for anyone to say due to the nightmarish plots he has done in the past.
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Say, why does Bro wear a ring?
I love this screenshot of Bro silently judging the kids.
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“All for nothin’, huh?” And then he makes this death glare. Oh, his expressions are wonderful! Artists must have had a fun time working on his character in the little screen time he has. 
I love this line. Bro immediately acts like a protective older brother. He really sounds as if he is going to defend Eddy.
I can’t get over Bro’s husky voice. He is older then Eddy, but he still sounds young.
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Spying Eddy, Bro bends down to pick him up.
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Immediately, Eddy looks uncomfortable for a split second. He has no idea what is happening. He hasn’t been around his brother for years and he may still be abusive. Eddy has been denying that thinking it was his brothers way of loving him.
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“Still, the trouble making Eddy, I see.”
Ah, brotherly bonding. This gives insight to Eddy though. Even without Bro he was still a troublemaker as a child. I think he kept in very little touch with his parents and they’d tell him about Eddy.
I like to believe that maybe Bro missed Eddy over the years. He acts happy to see him. But, the sad truth is he missed hurting Eddy because for the rest of this scene he uses his little brother as an object.
Again, we all have our own interpretations about Bro. We only see him in these five minute. The rest is based off on facts/lies from Eddy and our own head canons.
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Bro gives Eddy a playful noogie.
How I wish this precious scene could have lasted forever.
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“Stop it, Bro.”
Eddy has never liked physical affection, especially coming from Bro. He must have gotten this dislike from Bro seeing what kind of history they’ve had. Eddy fears being touched. 
There are little moments in season 5 where Eddy immediately recoils when he thinks somebody is going to touch him. It’s sad when you think about it. Bro messed up Eddy’s mind. Will Eddy ever get used to physical affection. It will take some recover time. 
This screenshot warms my heart and yet is still so heart wrenching.
Is Bro truly happy to see Eddy? Or is he acting?
Eddy is obviously happy. Maybe Bro has changed.
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norskies · 7 years
Every single thing I noticed and felt while watching Taylor’s LWYMMD music video
By now I think it’s a fair assumption to make that you have already seen @taylorswift ‘s new video for Look What You Made Me Do (it had over 39 million views in the first 24 hours). If you’re like me you may have rewatched it about 13 million times trying to decipher all the hidden meanings. If you’re not (cool) like me, you may have just watched it once and wondered: “what on earth did I just see??”.
Lucky for you I’ve decided to document my entire emotional journey through the 4:15 video. Disclaimer 1: many of these theories are my own opinions or theories I’ve read from other fans. I do not pretend to understand the entire genius of T-Swift. Disclaimer 2: I am a 100% biased Taylor Swift fan and therefore this analysis is 100% biased with my love for Tay. 
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Ok, opening scene. Spooky. Fits the soft but slightly creepy lullaby intro. Honestly thought we might be stepping into Hogwarts.
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Here is one of the first of many “TS” we will see throughout the video.
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For anyone who has been following Taylor the past year, this is a pretty clear reference to the online hate Taylor received after being “exposed” by Kim Kardashian (note: she was in no way exposed). Trolls began to fill social media with “RIP Taylor’s career” and “Taylor Swift Is Over Party”. It is a fitting place to begin the video.
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Does that dress look familiar to anyone? It appears to be the same dress Taylor wore in the Out Of The Woods music video (the last video from the 1989 era...symbolic right?).
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What is that on the tombstone behind Taylor? Nils Sjoberg. This was the alias name Taylor used when she helped write Calvin Harris’ “This Is What You Came For” (he later appeared to be less than happy once Taylor started receiving credit for the song). 
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We now see the old Taylor that Zombie Taylor is burying. This Taylor is dressed the same as when Taylor attended the Met Gala in 2014 (marking the beginning of the 1989 era). Here we literally see post-1989 Taylor burying pre-1989 Taylor. *tears*
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Taylor transforms from the graveyard into this beautiful scene. Several things to point out here. Taylor is almost literally drowning in jewels. Perhaps alluding to the media’s perception of Taylor being money obsessed? If you look closely, we also see a single dollar bill lying in the bathtub with her. Most likely referencing the symbolic 1 dollar Taylor requested in her countersuit against a former radio DJ who sexually assaulted her (Taylor won this case). Finally, and this may be a stretch but notice on the floor to the left of the bathtub what looks like a heart shaped locket? It’s possible this is the same locket that Calvin Harris gave Taylor for their 1 year anniversary. Wow. Brilliant. 
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ENTER SNAKES. We now get all the snake references we could ever need (also clearing up the snake video clues Taylor teased just a few days before releasing LWYMMD). The snakes themselves are a reference to the hate Taylor received after the Kim/Kanye blow up. Haters filled her Instagram and Twitter with snake emojis implying that Taylor herself was a snake. Looks like the joke is on them now. Also notice the subtle, “et tu brute” on the chair? We see this several times in this scene, of course referring to the betrayal Taylor has felt from people she thought were her friends. 
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And Snakes! Check out Taylor sipping on her tea that she now gets to serve up. It’s her time to tell the story and she’s doing it with this BA Salazar Slytherin look. 
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The golden car crash. This is an interesting scene because it has many interpretations. My gut reaction was Katy Perry. The feud is well known and Katy added fuel to the fire by releasing her song “Swish Swish” that was meant to be a dig at Tay. I think she looks very much like Katy here with the sunglasses and the short blonde hair. Notice she is even holding a single Grammy (something that Katy Perry does not have). However, it’s also been pointed out that this may also be a Kim Kardashian reference (which I will discuss later).
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A further analysis of the car crash shows the paparazzi taking pictures after Taylor crashes. Perhaps symbolically saying that the media loves to see Taylor suffer and fail? 
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Two things to note here. 1) Jaguar? Your guess is as good as mine. 2) The cute little guy is wearing a golden 13. 
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Next, we find Taylor in what looks like a giant bird cage. Wearing orange to perhaps symbolize that she feels like a prisoner at times? We also see a snake tattoo on her right leg. 
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At this point in the song, Taylor says “and threw a feast”. This could be a reference to KP’s song Bon Appetit. But it is unclear. Also, notice the rat on the table? Yeup just thought I’d point him out. 
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Now, this is a fun scene. Tay is robbing a currently undisclosed location. The cat masks could be a cute play at Taylor’s love for cats. Or could be another hit at Katy. Either way, it’s a great scene. Her sweatshirt reads “blind for love” as we know Taylor frequently referred to herself as a hopeless romantic. 
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We are now introduced to biker chick Taylor. It might seem a little out of place at first. But remember when Taylor got hate for her Bad Blood video apparently ripping off of Britney Spear’s Toxic? This very well may be alluding to that. 
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Absolutely love this part. We now see what Taylor was robbing. A streaming company. Of course. After the backlash, she got from leaving Spotify and writing her letter to Apple this scene makes perfect sense. Side note: absolutely adored Taylor’s letter to Apple. You go girl. 
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What is Taylor doing dictating what looks like an army of life size barbies? This is a reference to the “squad” and the comments Taylor received that her friendship circle was more like a cult of freakishly perfect looking women as opposed to a genuine group of friends. 
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Which of course leads us to the falling out of the squad the media claimed happened but didn’t. 
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Taylor enters the mansion. As soon as she enters the room the men immediately step up to do her bidding. As if Taylor is their commander and they must obey. 
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This is our first glimpse of the mysterious airplane Taylor. We only see short glimpses of her but she seems to serve an important role. She perhaps represents the real Taylor that neither the media nor the fans truly get to see or understand fully. 
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The boys are back. 8 of them all in line (apparently something only Beyonce is allowed to do if you ask Twitter). She could be representing her past relationships and the scorn she received for each one. Fun fact: it’s Taylor’s back up dancers from the 1989 world tour! 
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The I <3 TS shirt. Tom Hiddleston wore an I <3 TS shirt while dating Taylor. He got mocked and Taylor got called manipulative for “forcing him to wear it”. Taking a wild guess here, but pretty sure Tom makes his own wardrobe choices.
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This is our first real glimpse at the “Reputation” era Taylor. She’s dark. Her hair is slicked back. And she looks like she is 100% done apologizing. She is standing on top of a mound of the “old Taylors”. 
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Shoutout to Fearless era Taylor with the iconic 13 on her hand. What a gem. 
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This is one of the best shots in the video. A look at the past decade of Taylor. How many Taylor’s can you spot? 
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More snakes. Side note: You can actually buy this snake ring on Taylor’s merch store. Taylor now reveals to us the most anticipated line of the song. “I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cuz she’s dead.” This line brings the entire song together as well as the symbolism of Taylor wiping her social media a week prior to LWYMMD release. The old Taylor is dead. The haters have killed her. 
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Taylor breaks it down with her backup dancers to some pretty great choreography. I like to think of this as shade to all the people who made fun of Taylor’s dancing abilities. Our girl can dance.
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Annnnnnnnd boom! Our Jaguar friend is back. Still unsure what he represents but he’s pretty cute. 
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Let’s pause to appreciate the adorable wink Tay gives us here. Reputation may be a darker album than we are used to but Taylor is still the light-hearted girl we’ve always known. 
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Wow, she’s like Super Woman. 
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This is one of the best views we get of the mysterious airplane Taylor. Who are you??? 
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We finally come to the last and most important scene. 15 Taylors. 14 lined out in front and one back on the airplane. There just so happens to be 15 songs on the new album reputation...coincidence?? Also, notice TS6 written on the end of the plane? Subtle genius. 
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You Belong With Me Taylor is precious. She’s so happy and genuinely surprised that she has accomplished all that she has. But everyone hates her for that and will drag her down until she no longer will show that much genuine and pure happiness at an award show again. Also, recognize that shirt from the YBWM music video? Only now it’s slightly different. This time it has real names of Taylor’s real friends you might recognize. Like Selena, Ed, and Jack. 
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As the scene continues we see Shake It Off Taylor mock YBWM Taylor for being surprised all the time. Mansion Taylor calls Zombie Taylor/SIO Taylor a b**ch and Zombie Talyor responds with “don’t call me that!” Alluding to Kanye calling Taylor this in his song “Famous”. In real life, Taylor responded by making a very strong statement against Kanye’s words during her Album of the Year acceptance speech at the Grammys later that year. 
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A particularly heart-wrenching scene. Fearless Taylor tries to calm everyone down but gets shut down by We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Tour) Taylor, calling her a fake. We see the young innocent Taylor begin to cry. The young sweet girl who got stomped on by the world for making music about love. It is sure to elicit a few tears. 
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“There she goes playing the victim again”. Taylor is literally beating the haters to the punch. 
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Met Gala Taylor Asks Katy/Kim Taylor what she’s doing and she responds with “getting receipts...gonna edit this later.” This could be interpreted in two ways. If this is meant to be Katy, it could be referencing the song “Swish Swish” where Katy claims that “karma keeps receipts”. Or if it is Kim, it would be naturally referencing the snapchat videos Kim perhaps “edited” of Kanye and Taylor’s phone conversation. Side note: it is illegal to record people without their consent in certain states, Kim. 
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Finally, we see 2009 VMA Taylor who had been interrupted by Kanye West while she was accepting her award for Best Female Music Video of the Year. She quotes 2016 Taylor by saying “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative”. Which all the other Taylor’s and symbolically the world respond with... 
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“SHUT UP”. Here Taylor is telling us that no matter what she does or doesn’t do, she will be judged. It isn’t fair but it is something she has accepted. She will no longer be providing any explanation. There will just be reputation.
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tayegi · 7 years
Cupid’s Bow (m)
Written for this request for first time with Jimin
Synopsis: when your pact with Jimin to lose your virginity by the end of Valentine’s Day fails, the two of you decide to just lose it to each other... 
Warning: Graphic smut
Word Count: 8,357
You're halfway through The Notebook— right at the iconic kiss scene in the rain, when your phone rings. You curse the person stupid enough to call you at such an important moment as you dive to press pause before you spoil the moment. Checking to make sure the screen stays frozen, you pick up your phone.
"What?" You growl, irritated by the interruption.
"Hey, ___, are you home right now?"
You identify the voice as your best friend's, "Yeah. What do you want, Jimin?"
"Can I come over?"
"What right now? Aren't you at the club with Namjoon?"
"Yeah, but it didn't go very well," his pout is nearly audible on the other end, "Please let me sleep over?"
You glance around the room, taking in the half-eaten boxes of chocolate and the enormous heart-shaped cake on the coffee table with unease, "I'm a bit busy right now, Jimin."
"Oh? Am I interrupting something? ___-ah, did you actually get laid?!"
"What?" Heat rises in your cheeks, "No! Of course not. What would make you think that?"
"Well, if you're not getting laid, then I don't see how you can be so busy."
"I-I… I just am!"
"Well, too bad, because I'm right outside!" He sings into the cell phone.
A loud banging on the door punctuates his sentence. You curse loudly to yourself as you slam down your phone and march over to the front door and wrench it open. You glare at the sight of him in a festive outfit of bright red pants and suspenders, with his loose white shirt sticking to him with sweat, "What was the point of calling if you were just going to show up uninvited anyways?"
"It's because I knew you were going to—" Jimin abruptly freezes, mid-sentence, as he takes in what you're wearing for the first time. His eyes widen comically as he scans you from head to toe, "___, is that a dress?"
"Yeah?" you angrily cock a hip in your tight leather mini-dress, "So what?"
"Nothing. I just never see you dressed up… You look nice."
You stiffen immediately, waiting for him to start laughing. But he never does. Confused, you step aside in the doorway, "Hurry and get inside," you gruffly say, "You're letting the cold air in."
Jimin scrambles to do as you instruct, shutting the door behind him and stepping out of his shoes, "Whoa," he pauses in the living room, "That's quite a collection of desserts you've got there."
You glare at him, "Shut up. Do you want cake or not?"
"Yes, please!" He happily totters after you, "Where's Minah?" He asks as he plops down on the sofa.
"She's out," you say as you cut into the heart-shaped red velvet cake the same garish color as Jimin's ridiculous pants.
He frowns at that answer, "Wait, did you leave your roommate at the club?"
"No!" you exclaim in horror, "What kind of friend do you think I am?"
"Well, if she's not at the club, then where is she?" He asks, scratching his head in confusion.
You pause to concentrate on balancing the cake on the knife and sliding it onto a plate, "With her boyfriend," you finally mumble.
"What?" His frown deepens, "Junhyung is here?"
"Yeah. Apparently he flew all night to get here on time… They have a hotel room in the city, and I bet you we won't be hearing a peep from her until Monday morning when she comes limping home."
Jimin shudders at the mental images, "Ugh, gross."
"That's not the worst part… for the next month, this is all she'll be able to talk about until I blow my brains out," you grumble, slapping the plate of cake on his lap.
"Then you should've gone out and gotten yourself laid to show her up," Jimin exclaims, "Look at how you're dressed! There must have been at least one guy interested in you. Maybe even two!"
You snort at the absurdity of his words, "Wow, you sure know how to make my heart flutter," you sarcastically say before grabbing the bottle of wine off the coffee table and taking a hearty swing without bothering to pour a glass, "We never even made it to the club."
"Wait, really? But look at you! It looks like you've even brushed your hair for once," he marvels.
"Yeah, do you know how much a blowout costs on Valentine's Day? I basically had to sell a kidney on the black market… but one step out of the apartment, and we run smack into stupid Junhyung with an absurd amount of roses in his arms… Minah was so happy, of course I had to let her go. But it would've been so embarrassing for me to go to the club by myself, so I figured that eating an entire cake in front of the TV was a more enjoyable way to spend my Valentine's Day," you retort as you shovel cake from his plate into your mouth.
"You should've just called me," Jimin complains, "I told you that Namjoon and I were going to the club! You could've met up with us instead."
"Yeah, but I didn't want to cockblock you guys."
"Cockblock? You would've been doing me a favor," he insists, "Namjoon is a terrible wingman."
"Really?" You ask in interest, "Oh yeah, how are you getting back from your night out so early?"
"Because of hyung!" He exclaims in anger, "He is truly vile."
You quirk an eyebrow, "He stole your girl, didn't he?"
"Third time this year, and it's barely February!" Jimin rages, "So I was dancing with these two girls and chatting them up for nearly the entire night, while hyung was at the bar getting plastered. And I was really hitting things off with the blonde one! She was dancing with me and getting a bit handsy."
"She was getting handsy?" you repeat in confusion.
"Yeah! I think it's these pants! Girls couldn't stop slapping my ass all night," he explains, jumping to his feet and turning around to model his tight pants for you.
"Oh my," you clap hands over your reddening cheeks to hide your blush. You can see every curve of his thighs and ass under the stretchy red fabric. You squeeze your eyes shut to will away the sexy images that flood your mind. You can definitely understand why so many girls were obsessed with his ass. You're so tempted to give him a little slap to see if his muscles are as steely as they look, but you catch yourself in time and chug another mouthful of wine to bite back temptation.
Luckily, Jimin is too absorbed in his own anger to notice your discomfort, "So anyways! I was talking to this hot blonde all night, and I really thought it could happen with her! She kept batting her eyelashes and licking her lips… That means that she wanted me to kiss her, right?"
"Yup, you should've gone for it, dumbass," you quip as you swallow down the wine, relishing the heady burn in your stomach.
"Ugh, I know!" He groans, raking his hands through his messy hair. Your eyes catch on the action before you look away. "I'm just so rusty. I waited too long. And before I could make a move, stupid Namjoon-hyung swooped in with his stupid ugly dimples and it was game over."
You choke back a laugh at that description, "Alright, so maybe he stole the hot blonde. But you really can't be too picky in a situation like this. What about her friend?"
"No chance with her… She was a lesbian," he dully mutters.
You raise an eyebrow, "Jiminnie, sweetie. Just because a girl rejects you, doesn't mean she's a lesbian," you gently inform him.
"What? No, obviously! But this girl was seriously a lesbian."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah. I thought it was an excuse to blow me off… Until half an hour later… I was chatting up a different girl… And then she comes swooping in and starts dancing with her… Which was totally cool with me, because I thought—" He abruptly stops, mid-sentence, and blushes.
"What did you think?" You ask in curiosity.
But his gaze drops to his lap, "Nothing," he mumbles.
Then it hits you-
"Oh God!" You shriek in amusement, "Park Jimin, did you actually think…?"
"No!" He yells in embarrassment, "Of course not!"
"Liar!" You yell back, "You thought they'd invite you to a threesome?!"
His face reddens so much that he turns the exact same shade as his crimson pants, "No! Of course not!"
But you've already collapsed to the ground, howling with laughter, "You pervert!" you choke out between fits of laughter.
His blush spreads down below the collar of his flimsy white shirt, "Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have come here," he groans, rising to his feet.
"No wait," you wipe the tears from your eyes and grab his sleeve before he leave, "I'm sorry for laughing at you… but you have to admit that it's kind of funny."
"Speak for yourself," Jimin huffs, plopping back down onto the couch next to you, "You're all dressed up just to sit at home and eat cake."
"How did we fail our mission so hard, Jiminnie?" You sigh deeply, "Lose our virginities by the end of Valentine's Day… Well, at least our roommates got lucky."
"Hey, at least I tried," he shoots back, "You made no effort, whatsoever! Do you enjoy being a virgin?"
"No, but I had no choice!" you defend yourself, "Minah ditched me. What was I supposed to do?"
"Have you looked in a mirror today?" Jimin yells in frustration, "Do you not see the way you look? You could've just stepped outside, and there'd be guys lining up. This is just sheer laziness, ___-ah!"
Flustered by his half-compliment, half-insult, you're unsure how to respond, "I… I'm sorry?"
He simply scoffs and shovels another bite of cake into his mouth, "You should be. What club were you and Minah planning on going to, anyways?"
"That new place on the other side of campus," you explain, "You know, the hiphop one?"
"What? Seriously? That was the club Namjoon and I were at just an hour ago! Oh, come on, ___. If you just left the house, you would've ran into us!" He groans.
You can't help but laugh at the irony of the whole situation, "I'm so sorry, Jimin. Is it too late to go back?"
"Yeah," he pouts, "It was such a sausage fest when I left. I bet it's even worse now."
"Ooh, sausage fest?" You perk up, "That sounds like my type of party."
"Well… I guess if you really want a wingman, we can go back…" he reluctantly offers.
You think about it for a millisecond before cringing, "Nah. Let's just sit here and eat away our feelings," you say, solemnly saluting him with a fork.
He laughs as he playfully mimics your gesture. You shove the forkful of cake in your mouth and hit play on the remote. The two of you are quiet for a few seconds, watching Allie and Noah yell at each other in thoughtful silence.
"Do you know what's weird to think about?" You muse, interrupting the silence.
Jimin glances from the TV over to you, "What?"
"If we didn't know each other and met at the club…" You muse, tapping your bottom lip in curiosity.
"You mean if we didn't go to high school together? And were just strangers?"
"Yeah. We both like hiphop, so we would've ran into each other at the club eventually… Isn't that weird to think about?"
His face settles into a frown, "Yeah that is…"
"Do you think we would've gotten along?" you anxiously ask, trying to stifle your nerves with a swallow of wine.
"Probably not," he admits.
"What?" You exclaim, thoroughly offended.
He laughs at your expression, "I mean, we probably wouldn't have met in the first place."
You cross your arms over your chest, "What do you mean?" you icily ask.
"Don't get mad," he chuckles, reaching over to pat your knee, "I just don't think that I would have ever approached you."
"Oh? Is that so?" you angrily shove his hand away, "I see… Well, screw you too, Park Jimin."
"What? No, that's not what I mean," he backtracks in alarm, "I would have never approached you, because you're so out of my league."
Shock chokes off your voice, and tense silence envelopes the room. "Wh-what?" you manage to sputter out.
Jimin nervously rubs the back of his neck, "Isn't it obvious? I mean look at you," he wildly gestures at your tight minidress, "I'm not stupid. I know there's no way you would look twice at me if we weren't already friends, so why bother?"
Your jaw drops, "Jimin, are you serious right now?"
He blushes, "I'm just being honest here."
"That makes no sense!" You angrily protest, "How am I out of your league when you're literally the sexiest guy I've ever laid eyes on?"
Jimin falls deathly silent at that, his eyes opened wide eyes to pop from his skull. Embarrassment floods your system and the fact that Allie and Noah are now aggressively making out in the rain in the background makes it all the worse. If you could rewind time and take it all back, you'd do it in a heartbeat. Instead, you settle for ducking your head to hide the hot flush that's overcome your features, and will the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
"Y-you think… You think I'm sexy?" Jimin chokes out, interrupting the tense silence.
You ignore him and pour as much wine into your glass as it can possibly contain.
"Wait, ___," He says, grabbing your wrist before you can drown yourself in alcohol, "Do you really mean that?"
The two of you fight for control of the wine glass for a few seconds before you relent to his superior strength with a deep sigh, "It's not my personal feelings, per say," you nervously stammer, "But it's just a fact of life! Grass is green, Park Jimin is sexy. Obviously."
You're too embarrassed to look at him after your confession, but you can feel the warmth from his beam even from where you're sitting.
"So… just hypothetically speaking… if we were complete strangers meeting for the first time at the club… Would you have…?"
"Yes," is your instant response before you have a chance to think about what you're saying.
"I-I didn't have a chance to finish my question," Jimin stutters, rubbing the back of his neck.
You swallow hard, "What were you going to say?"
"I was just wondering… Would you have…" He pauses to lick his lips, and the wet sound frazzles your nerves, "Would you have gone home with me?"
You twist your hands in the material of your dress, "My answer is still the same."
"You mean that as a joke, right?" Jimin asks, nervously awaiting the punchline, "You mean you felt this way before you got to know my personality?"
There's a beat of tense silence. It's not too late for you to laugh this off and go back to the way things were before this whole mess… But maybe it's the alcohol running through your system, or this entire absurd situation, but for some reason, you find yourself admitting the truth with a miniscule shake of your head.
"Good lord," Jimin chokes out when he processes the meaning of that seemingly insignificant action.
Then neither of you can speak.
The two of you have always been friends. For years, since the early, budding days of high school. Just friends. Jimin had been dating another girl when you first met in Freshman year of high school. By the time they'd split up, you were already in a long term relationship that would last until college. The timing just never matched up. You never stood a chance. And, as a result, you have never let your thoughts wander. Never let yourself fantasize about the what-ifs or what-could-have-beens… until now.
"___," Jimin whispers your name, breaking you from your reverie, "You know… we don't have to both fail our missions tonight… We could… we could help each other."
The breathless, smoky quality of his voice rattles you to your core. You rub your hands over your bare arms as you consider your answer. This could ruin things with one of your dearest friends… But you've shoved your feelings down and repressed yourself for long enough. You want this. You've wanted this for so long. And now that he's offering it to you… Damn right you're going to take it.
"I think… I think that's a good idea."
Another stretch of silence. You stare determinedly at your lap, but can't help but notice the way Jimin's hands clench into fists at his sides.
"This isn't because you're drunk right now, is it?"
You laugh humorlessly, "I wish I was," you admit, "Fuck, I think I need another drink right now…"
But Jimin swoops in to pull the glass from your hand before you can bring it to your lips, "Don't," he says as he pushes it across the table, far away from your reach, "I don't want you to be drunk for this. I want you to be able to—" Then, he stops and blushes, as though remembering what the two of you were about to do.
Your eyes narrow in on the way his lips quiver before he sinks his teeth into the plush skin. His front teeth leave little white marks in his bottom lip before he drags them away, leaving swollen redness in his wake. You can't look away from the delicate curve of his cupid's bow. His upper lip is just as full as his bottom one, forming a perfect heart shape when his lips purse slightly from nerves. The curve of his upper lip tightens, then, as though loosening an arrow from that perfectly shaped cupid's bow to shoot straight to your heart. Your whole body jolts forward in response, making you crush your lips to his.
There's a moment of agonizing immobility where you hover there in awkward silence, waiting for him to respond. Barely a second passes before insecurity cripples you and you move to break the kiss, determined to walk straight out the room and off the balcony to moderate the embarrassment.
Jimin weaves his fingers through your hair and deepens the kiss before you can walk off the edge of the earth in utter humiliation. You're so mesmerized by the softness of his billowy lips on your own that you don't notice how strange it is to be kissing someone who is supposed to be just a friend. But then his hand slides up your knee and the reality of the whole situation comes crashing back down on you.
You break the kiss with a little gasp and immediately train your eyes down at your lap, unable to look at him as your cheeks fill with color. You just kissed Park Jimin. Your friend, Park Jimin. There's really no going back from this…
Since you've already ruined your friendship irreparably… You glance at him from under your eyelashes. Might as well make it worth it.
This time when you kiss him, Jimin reacts straight away, cupping a hand on your cheek to guide you closer. And when he touches your leg again, you force yourself to remain immobile, even when his hand begins to creep under your dress.
"Is this okay?" he breaks the kiss to rest his forehead against yours and look into your eyes.
You nod and angle your body so he has better access to your legs. And when his hand begins to move again, you squeeze your eyes shut, paranoid that he'll see straight through you to all your deepest fears and insecurities. But you can't ask him to stop. You can't when you want this so badly you could die.
"How far have you gone before?" Jimin asks as he slowly trails kisses down the line of your jaw.
You bite your lip at the combination of the uncomfortable question and the even more nerve-wracking feeling of his tongue on your pulse point. "S-second base," you admit in a choked voice, "I've gone as far as second base… What about you?"
Jimin doesn't respond for a second, taking his time in sucking a hickey below your ear before responding, "Third base."
Your eyes widen as the meaning behind that statement dawns upon you. "You… you mean you've gone as far as—oh god… giving or receiving?"
When he glances up at you, there's a slightly sheepish look on his face, "Both," he confesses.
Your stomach plummets. So you're the only actually inexperienced one here… What have you gotten yourself into? "Oh," is your simple response.
But Jimin catches onto the look of distress on your face and quickly grabs your hand before you can shy away, "But it doesn't matter to me. I don't care that you don't have much experience. In fact I can…" he stops to blush and awkwardly card a hand through his hair, "I can teach you, if you'd like."
Your heart stutters, "Jimin… I… I would like that."
He sucks a breath between his teeth, "Ok…" And then, to your surprise, he suddenly drops to his knees, kneeling before you on the floor with his face mere inches from your stomach.
You jerk back with a squeal and protectively curl your knees to your belly, "Ah, Jimin, what are you doing?!"
He blinks up at you in confusion, "I thought… I thought you wanted me to teach you?"
You can't respond for a moment, trying to slow the rapid pitter patter of your racing heart at the very thought of him doing what he was about to do to you... Jimin is seriously the hottest guy you have ever laid eyes on and the thought of him seeing you naked… and touching you. A chill of disgust runs down your spine. No. You're definitely not ready for that… But on the other hand… There is something you definitely are ready for.
Jimin dejectedly rises to his feet and twists his hands together, "I am really sorry if I came on too strong or pressured you to do something you aren't comfortable with. This is my fault."
You shake your head at the absurdity of his words and grab his hand to quickly yank him back down on the couch next to you, "No, that's not what I meant," you hurriedly explain, anxiously safeguarding the one and only chance you'll ever get with him, "I just… I wanted to touch you first… Jimin, will you teach me?"
The subsequent look of wide-eyed awe on his face is just short of comical. He swallows so hard that you can see his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat before he finally responds, "Y-yes of course," he stammers.
You smile in relief and lean over to quickly kiss his lips, then trailing your kisses lower to the hollow of his throat. You take your time licking and nipping the tender skin before glancing up at him for approval, "Jimin… Is this okay?" you ask as your fingers ghost over the first button of his sheer white shirt.
He swallows again before nodding and unhooking his suspenders to allow you better access. Still, it's a bit awkward and you have to rise to your knees on the couch cushions in order to reach the buttons. The thought that it'd be much easier if you just swung your legs over his lap and straddled him flits across your mind, but you hastily repress it, beyond mortified by the very idea. Instead, you twist your body and uncomfortably lean over to undo the rest of the buttons. Finally, you reach the last one and pause for a second before pushing his shirt apart. Then you freeze.
"What the fuck, Jimin?!"
He jumps in surprise and instantly tries to cover his naked torso, embarrassed, "What, is something wrong?"
You groan and shove his hands out of the way so you can ogle at him more, "This is so unfair," you complain, "I seriously thought you were squishy like me. Why didn't you tell me you were so fucking buff?"
Jimin's fair cheeks redden at the unexpected praise and he buries his face in his hands, but you can tell that he's smiling, "Ah, you should've seen me last year. I've don't have abs anymore."
"Really? Then what the hell are these?!" You angrily demand, running a hand over the muscled ridges of his stomach. God, he's so fucking hot. You're practically drooling at this point, and it takes full concentration to keep from jumping him.
Jimin simply laughs into his hands, clearly pleased but too embarrassed to say anything. You take that as an opportunity to continue to explore the hard expanse of his torso. You feel like quite the pervert as you hungrily grope and pet at him, as though trying to eat him whole. After a minute of silence, guilt weighs heavy on your conscience, and you make to pull away, but then Jimin moans.
You freeze at the sound. Could such a hoarse, guttural noise have come from your pretty little friend?! It's by far the most delicious noise that has ever graced your ears—deep and musical and so genuine that it makes your toes curl. You would do anything to hear that sound again. As though possessed, you find yourself dropping to your knees in front of him and sliding your hands down his stomach to his waist, "Jimin," you breathlessly whisper his name.
He gasps when your hands dip too low and he quickly catches them with his own, "Ah, stop, ___... I think I should do this myself."
You open your mouth to protest when you notice how red Jimin's become. His cheeks are almost the same shade of crimson as his pants and he can't make eye contact anymore. You nod your agreement. Jimin gulps before carefully unbuttoning his pants and pulling down the zipper with utmost care. Your mouth waters at the sight of the silky black fabric peeking from his open fly. Oh, how you're dying for just one little taste.
Jimin pauses for a moment, then grits his teeth and sits up to pull his pants down to his knees, then kicks them off each ankle. And then he's left sitting there in only his thin black boxers. Neither of you can speak for a moment.
You're too busy admiring him from head to toe that you don't notice his uneasiness. He looks as picturesque as a bronzed statue come to life before you, every feature sculpted with the utmost care and his golden skin so hot under your touch that you feel like you're melting. All of this for your first time… How did you get so lucky?
You swallow tightly as you run your fingertips up and down his densely muscled thighs, "Jimin," you whisper as you creep a hand up a leg of his boxers, "Can you take these off?"
He still can't bear to look at you, so he nods at the ground before courageously hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and slowly dragging them down. And then you're eye to eye with the first naked man you've ever seen in the flesh… And quite possibly the most attractive one.
You have no idea what you had been expecting. He was always just a platonic friend. So you've never thought much about what his penis would look like… Consequently, you're alarmed by the sheer size and intensity of his swollen red dick.
His manhood looks nothing like what you would've imagined for the soft boy. He is so thick and hard that it looks like an iron rod is pointed straight at you. And his cock is so flushed with blood that the head has turned a violent shade of red.
The sound of your name breaks you out of your reverie, and you quickly snap your hanging jaw shut, suddenly aware of the fact that you've been gawking at him like he's sprouted a third limb. You're scared out of your wits, but there's no way you're going to let your fears mess things up. You want this too badly.
"Jimin… Can I touch you?"
"Y-yes. Please."
That last word crumbles your resistance. Before you know what you're doing, you reach out and wrap a hand around his erection. A strangled moan catches your attention. You glance up to watch Jimin throw his head back, lips parted and brow furrowed. Your mouth waters and you can't help but give him another stroke.
This makes you stop at once, alarmed by the volume of his outburst, "Jimin, are you okay?"
He hastily nods and reaches down to yank your hand back in motion, "Yes, yes, just don't stop."
His pace is quicker and rougher than yours, harshly tugging your hand up and down his hardness until he's sure you won't stop. Then he pulls his hand away from yours to grab his own hair instead.
You're bewildered by the hard pace he's set. The skin of his cock is unbelievably soft beneath your hand, and you can't imagine that your rough motions feel good. But he's moaning so loud, helplessly writhing against the couch and dragging his hands through his mussed hair as thick beads of liquid leak from his tip and smooth the motions of your hands. You lick your lips, trying to ignore the sudden tightness in your groin, and increase the speed of your pumps.
You're just getting into the rhythm of things, figuring out the perfect pace that wrings the loudest moans from his beautiful throat, when Jimin's hands suddenly shoot out to grab yours, "Ah, stop, ___. You're gonna make me come," he says with a nervous, breathless chuckle.
You allow him to peel your hands off of him in confusion, "Already?"
Jimin's jaw drops in shock, "What did you just say?"
Realization suddenly hits you about how insulting your comment might have been perceived, "Oh no, I didn't mean that!" You rush to defend yourself, "I meant… Well I just… I wanted to try other things too!"
"Oh…? Like what?"
"I just thought… I thought you were going to teach me how to suck you off."
Jimin doesn't say anything for a few seconds and simply gawks at you with eyes as wide as saucers. Then, he abruptly breaks eye contact with a groan, a hand darting down to squeeze around the base of his cock as tightly as he can.
You blink at the strange sight, "Jimin, are you okay?"
"No, I'm not," he growls and he applies more pressure to his angry red dick, "You almost made me come again. Fucking hell!"
"Huh?… oh." Pride suddenly blooms in your chest, warming you from the inside out. You can't help but giggle at the tortured look on his face, "Let me suck you off!"
He shakes his head, "No way."
"Pleaseee?" You whine, playfully sticking your tongue and leaning down to try to lick him.
Jimin is a bit sluggish with arousal and doesn't push you back in time before you've managed to flick your tongue over the leaking head of his cock. A violent shudder courses down the length of his spine. He digs his nails hard into the palm of his hand and it takes nearly ten seconds of harsh breathing before he can speak again, "Fuck it, ___-ah!" He curses, "I almost came again! Can you please calm the fuck down?!"
You burst into laughter at the look of utter distress on his face, "I thought you were supposed to be the experienced one, Jiminnie," you tease, even as you run your tongue over your lips and consider the taste of his pre-cum. It's warm and unpleasantly bitter on your taste buds, but you'd happily swallow every drop he's got to offer if he continues to make those beautiful noises.
He flushes beet-red in response, "It's… it's been a long time since I've done anything, ok?"
You pause at that, "When was the last time anyone's touched you like this?"
"Um… Two years ago? Maybe three?"
"Oh," your eyes widen, "It's been that long?"
He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah… Which is why I want to make this last."
You smile and kindly massage his tensed thighs, "It's okay, Jiminnie. Take as long as you need. Just let me know when you feel better so I can suck you off… Would you prefer to come in my mouth? Or maybe my chest?" You ask, frowning when you remember a handful of those sleazy porn videos you've sneakily studied in the past.
But Jimin adamantly shakes his head, "No."
You blink in confusion, "Oh… Do you want to come on my face then? …or my feet?"
"What? No! No to all of those, what the hell?"
You purse your lips shut before you can accidentally reveal the weird porn you've watched.
"___, the only place I'm cumming is inside of you."
Your mouth forms a perfect "O" in surprise at his unexpected burst of dominance, "O-oh-kay."
Jimin stares at you with hopeful eyes, "So is it okay?"
"Yes, of course! Please hurry and take my virginity."
His eyes darken at once. Then, he's shooting to his feet, "Condom," he whispers, "Fuck, do you have a condom?"
"Shouldn't you have one?" you shoot back in astonishment, "I thought all you horny kids carried one in your wallet!"
"I don't know, I just don't. Please tell me you have one, ___..."
The slight tremble in his voice gives away his desperation. You bite your lip in sympathy, "Maybe Minah does? Hold on… Let me check."
Jimin grabs his erection with a whimper as he watches you scurry away. You can feel the heat of his gaze on the back of your heat, no doubt staring at you with pleading puppy dog eyes as you burst into Minah's room to search through her drawers. You sigh in relief when you find a giant box of them in the top drawer. Clearly she's well prepared for Junhyung.
Trying not to dwell on the unpleasant thoughts of your roommate's sex life, you grab a fistful of condoms, then rush back into the living room. Jimin is visibly relieved at the sight of you, "Oh thank god."
"Never have I thought I'd ever be grateful for Minah's active sex life…" you murmur as you immediately begin tearing through one packet.
"I'll buy her new ones," Jimin says, impatiently watching you struggle with the wrapper, "Fuck, I'll buy her anything she fucking wants if you just get it on right now."
You eye him in amusement, "Jimin, you've waited twenty-one years for this. Can't you wait another minute?"
"I really can't," he whines, "I feel like I'm going to die. Please hurry, ___."
"This would've been quicker if you had a condom, Jimin," you lightly chastise him as you finally rip the wrapper with your teeth and throw the foil across the room, "In fact… Wait a minute—why didn't you have a condom?"
"I just didn't have one," he impatiently brushes you off as he pulls the condom from your hands to roll it on himself. His eyes roll back at the feeling of even his own hand on his achingly hard length, and the sight is almost enough to distract you. Almost, but not quite.
"Wait… Jimin… This makes no sense… If you knew you were going to lose your virginity tonight… Why didn't you bring a condom?"
"Huh? Oh that? Um… I don't know. Guess I just forgot. Come on, ___," he pressures, reaching for the zipper on the back of your dress.
You shake your head and step out of his grasp. Your mind is running a thousand miles a minute and you need a moment to think. Jimin isn't the type to just forget about such things. Especially not something as critical as potential STDs or pregnancies. The Park Jimin you know brings flashlights and first aid kits even to strolls through the park. How could he not bring protection to a one-night stand with a stranger?
And then it hits you—
"Oh my god… You weren't actually serious about losing your virginity!"
"What?" Jimin glares at you in irritation as he angrily strokes his neglected erection, "I am dead serious. Take that damned dress off and I'll show you how serious I am…"
You don't say anything as you continue to stare at him with huge eyes. You know that you're making him antsy, but you can't bring yourself to move as a hurricane of thoughts continue to churn in your mind. He hadn't been planning on following through on your virginity pact from the get go. Which means… The story of the hot blonde and Namjoon and the lesbians… It must have been exaggerated. He wasn't serious from the start.
But then why is he here with you right now? He's clearly very prepared to lose his virginity to you. There's no way he could be pretending. His hard cock, flushed a brilliant shade of crimson at this point, is testament to that. He was not willing to fuck a random girl in a club… but he is for you? That can only mean—
"Oh, Jimin," you gasp, breaking from your trance to launch yourself at him.
He groans under the force of your attack, but quickly adjusts, eagerly sitting straighter to allow you to straddle his hips and angling his face to deepen your frantic kiss. He wants you. Not some random girl in the club. Not just anyone, but you.
You pull away briefly to claw at the zipper at the middle of your back, but you can't quite reach in your position on his lap, "Jimin," you groan, "Take it off of me."
He doesn't have to be told twice. Before you even finish your sentence, his hands are clasped on your back and with a hard tug, your dress is completely unzipped, falling apart in his hands. He anxiously tugs at the hem and you relent, pulling the entire garment over your head and revealing that you've forgone a bra.
"Fuck, you’re so beautiful," he croaks, hands instantly darting forward as though to touch you before he remembers his manners, "___-ah… Can I-?"
You giggle and grab his hands to fold onto your chest, "You don't have to ask."
His hands instantly squeeze your breasts, and then it's your turn to moan. "Ah, ___, you're so fucking hot," he groans as he brushes his thumbs over your nipples, "God, I could spend all day just touching you like this… But not right now… I'm really sorry, baby. But I don't think I can wait any longer."
You blink through the haze of pleasure clouding your brain to look down at him, and you nearly choke on your own spit at what you see. Jimin is drenched in sweat, his soft brown hair pushed off his forehead as he pants for breath. His blown pupils crowd the irises, engulfing them with such dark hunger that your mouth waters.
Jimin whimpers then, breaking you from your thoughts as his trembling fingers dig into the flesh of your hips, "Please, ___. I need you."
That snaps you back into it. You scramble to position yourself so fast that you nearly fall over on the sofa. Jimin quickly positions you on your back and clambers on top of you. His chest sticks to your with sweat and he's breathing so hard that his pants rattle your frame. "Are you ready?" he asks in a hoarse voice as he shoves your underwear down your thighs.
You eagerly nod your head. You've never been so ready in your entire life. You lift your hips off the couch to kick your panties off your legs, and then you're entirely naked before him. Jimin is too desperate to properly admire you in your naked glory. Instead, he murmurs a short apology before lining himself up with your entrance and slowly pushing in.
Your heart is pounding in your chest at the uncomfortable stretching sensation. It took a good second for Jimin to pop his thick head into your narrow entrance, but after that initial pain, the discomfort seemed to dissipate. In fact, Jimin seems a hundred times more uncomfortable, quivering like a leaf above you, his entire face twisted in agony.
"Fuck," he curses when he eases himself halfway through. Then, his hips jolt forward by instinct, cramming the last few inches inside of you in one go.
Pain flashes through your system, making you clench up with a shout as your body tries to physically push this alien item out of you.
"Shit, shit, shit," Jimin curses, "I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. It just… it feels so fucking good," he says, practically whining the last part, "You are so fucking wet and tight and—ugh. This is the best thing I've ever felt, ___-ah."
You smile tightly at him, "I'm glad, Jimin."
He groans again, panting from the effort it takes to hold still inside of you, "I wish I could show you how good this feels."
He looks so hot right now that you can't bring yourself to care about your own pleasure. Just making him feel this good makes your heart fill with joy. You reach up to lovingly wipe a bead of sweat from his forehead, "I think you can move now, if you want."
Jimin's eyes widen in shock. Then he's abruptly pulling out to plunge himself back into you. You wince, but it doesn't hurt as much as the first time. Jimin sets a shaky, non-rhythmic pace, too disoriented by the foreign pleasure to hold himself back. It doesn't exactly hurt, but discomfort blossoms in your chest with every thrust forward. Instead, you try to focus solely on Jimin's face, and how beautiful he looks with his eyes squeezed shut and his forehead furrowed deeply from the pleasure.
"Oh my god," he gasps, "Holy fucking shit, ___!"
"That's it, Jimin," you encourage him, soothingly raking your nails down his sweaty back, "Just let it go."
The brunette boy catches his bottom lip between his teeth, biting down hard to bruise as his hips stutter uncontrollably. It only takes another minute, and then he's grabbing your hips with a cry of your name, spilling into the condom. He rides out his high with a deep, guttural groan, and barely has the energy to remove the spoiled condom and toss it before he collapses on top of you, utterly worn out.
You giggle at his intense reaction and stroke his sweaty hair out of his face, "That was quick," you tease.
He snaps his head up from where he's buried your face in your shoulder to flash you an expression of utmost indignation, "___!"
You laugh and playfully lean up to peck his swollen lips, "It's ok! It's to be expected for your first time."
He blushes at the reminder, "How are you, by the way? Did it hurt a lot?" he asks, eyebrows knitting together in concern.
You shake your head and smile, "No, don't worry. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would."
He smiles back at you, "I'm glad."
"…and besides, it was only like two minutes of pain anyways."
"___!" He shouts your name in embarrassment, "Ugh! It wasn't that quick, was it?!"
You kindly pat his cheek, "Maybe like three minutes, max?"
A hot crimson blush threatens to overwhelm his milky skin as he ducks his head into your neck in utter humiliation, "You don't understand how good it feels, ___-ah," he complains, "It's seriously the best thing ever! You wouldn't last three minutes either!"
You laugh in response, "I'm sure I wouldn't, Jiminie."
His eyes flash, and before you know what's happening, Jimin has your ankles clasped in both hands, then shoves your legs apart with no preamble. "Jimin!" you shriek in surprise, "What are you— oh fuck!"
Jimin chuckles at your reaction and licks you again, boldly stroking his thick tongue up your slit to circle your clit, "Ten bucks says you won't last two minutes," he teases.
You open your mouth to hotly protest, but at that second, his plush lips encircle your sensitive, untouched clit, and then he begins sucking. Your hips arch straight off the couch with a shout of his name. Oh god. What the hell is this feeling? How can anything feel so fucking amazing?
You've masturbated before, both with your hands and toys, but nothing can compare to the delicious, slick motions of his tongue on your clit. It feels like electricity is collecting through your veins to burst in the pit of your stomach. You've never felt such intense pleasure before in your entire life, and it's almost frightening.
"Jimin!" You cry out his name, over and over on repeat, "Oh god. Jimin, please!"
Your thighs tremble uncontrollably around his head as you barely fight the need to lock your legs around his head. Jimin simply laughs, causing incredible vibrations against your mound, before he suddenly pushes two fingers inside of you. You've already been stretched out by his dick, so the intrusion of his fingers feels amazing. Like the hole in your core that you didn't realize you had is finally being filled up.
And then Jimin crooks his fingers upwards, hitting that one little spot, and suddenly you can't breathe at all.
"Oh my fucking god!" you curse, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the first orgasm anyone has ever given you smashes into you with the brute force of a semi-truck. This time, you can't resist curling your legs around Jimin's head as you messily grind against the heat of his mouth, inundated with such pleasure that you can't speak.
It feels like an eternity before the waves of your orgasm finally dissipate. You sigh deeply in satisfaction and loosen the cage of your thighs from around Jimin's head. He pops up from between your legs a second later, drenched in your juices and laughing his ass off.
"That took probably less than a minute!" He exclaims in delight.
Your jaw drops in astonishment, "No way! That was at least three minutes! …right?"
Jimin giggles and leans down to kiss you, "It's okay, baby. We'll get better with practice…"
You peer at him from under your eyelashes, "You're saying that as though there will be a next time…"
Jimin jerks up in alarm, wide eyes staring down at you imploringly, "Won't there be?"
You take a second to squeeze your eyes shut and pray for strength. You have to say this now, or else you'll forever regret it, "Well, you can at least buy me dinner first before trying to get into my pants again, you horndog." You purposefully keep your tone as light and teasing as possible, but underneath your cool façade, you're wracked by nerves.
To make matters worse, Jimin doesn't respond for a minute and simply stares at you with unreadable dark eyes. As the seconds slip by, your anxiety builds and builds until you can't take it anymore. You're just about to open your mouth and tell him that you're just kidding and that you're perfectly fine keeping your relationship platonic, when Jimin suddenly bursts into loud, borderline hysterical full-bellied laughter.
You stare at him in shock as he laughs so hard that his eyes crinkle to crescent shapes and he doubles over to clutch his stomach. Anger bubbles up your throat. You rise to shove his still-naked body off of yours in humiliation, but he suddenly grabs your face in both hands, stealing away your attention.
"If I knew that this would be all it'd take to convince you to date me, I would've propositioned you years ago."
You frown at his handsome, smiling face for a few seconds, unable to process his cryptic words. And then realization finally comes settling in. "Oh."
Jimin is beaming so brightly at this point that it almost hurts your sensitive eyes to stare at him straight on. He is positively glowing. You've never seen anyone so beautiful before and you can't help but grin back.
"Sushi or pasta?" He asks, breaking your reverie.
"Sushi or pasta?" he repeats, raising an eyebrow at your confused expression, "I need to know what you prefer so I know where to take you for our first date."
"Oh!" And then you're smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt, "Sushi."
"Sushi? Great choice. Okay. I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven then."
But to his surprise, you shake your head, "No."
"No? What's a good time for you then?"
"Right now," you coyly smile, "Let's have our first date right now and order take out to recover our energy… and then maybe… round two? Let's try to make it past three minutes this time, Jiminie," you say with a playful flick of his nose.
Jimin reddens at the snide remark, but can't help laughing, "Girl, I'm setting a timer this time… It's more impressive if you can make it to a full minute."
Your jaw drops in indignation, but before you can shoot back a retort, Jimin abruptly disentangles his limbs from yours and springs to his feet, "Ok I'm calling the restaurant now!"
"You little shit!" You yell after him as you watch him dash across the room for his phone, "Take that back!"
But he simply sticks his tongue out at you as he dials in the number, "Make me!"
You stare at his still-naked figure as your filthy mind conjures all the ways you could make him... How did you go from a night of sad solo drinking on your couch in front of The Notebook, to this? Best. Valentine's Day. Ever.
Author’s Note: So I started this fic in feb 2016... Luckily seeing sexy ass brunette Jimin during the Wings Tour yesterday completely reignited my interest in this fic. I hope you enjoyed it, and please do not ask me about sequels :) 
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