#oh yea im alive btw
deizuwu · 2 years
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they do be sleebin
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irisinluv · 1 month
Mirror Yandere Brainrot
I’ve been thinking about a Yandere who can watch you through mirrors. And I don’t mean Erik from Phantom of the Opera. I mean paranormal level watching you through any surface that can hold a reflection. The shop window you catch a glimpse of your hair in, the sunglasses you use as a mirror to reapply your lipstick, the shower head that makes you giggle cuz it gives your face a fisheye effect. Whatever.
I picture the obvious- how they watch you frown and turn to look at your cellulite, practice how to stand to make your stomach appear the way you want, do a fake laugh to see if that chip in your tooth is noticeable…. All those stupid little things that we hyper focus on, that makes us upset, makes us hate our reflection, they of course, love. They wish they could take away all those insecurities. And they know exactly how they’d do it too.
But it’s not just the obvious self love arc for this mirror Yan. Oh no. Cuz, we don’t just have mirrors to reflect on how much we hate our bodies. You bet your ass your Yandere sees you recreating doctor pimple popper on your own face. Sees your shower karaoke, watches you burn your toast, stub your toe, roll down your windows and get into character as you scream sing Jesus take the wheel (bonus points if you’re not Christian btws- we’re allowed to jam to that too). They just love getting to watch all these mundane moments!
They do of course get frustrated that they can only watch you through the mirrors. But- haven’t you heard that you’re not supposed to sleep facing a mirror? That things from the other side can come out to get you? Mmmm….. yea so those 1980’s mirrored closet doors you have might be a biiiiiiit of a problem.
I think they’d just be able to access you in your dreams, at least as a start, but if they ever found a way to you for real….. whew. Whewwwww. Hello sailor! I mean mirror Yan surely can mirror your exact type. That’s. That’s kinda their whole thing isn’t it? Magic mirror shit.
Slight NSFW below cut
Once they’re out…. They would not fuck you against mirrors.
I know that’s where your brain may go at first. The typical “look at how I see you- you’re perfect!” Shit. But I’m sorry. If someone fucked me and I had to look at myself covered in sweat, hair sticking to my face, triple chins for days, stomach rolls rolling, cellulite dimpling….. IM NOT IN THE MOOD ANYMORE!
So nah. Mirror Yan won’t fuck you against a mirror. They WILL however, use their voice. They had gone unheard so long…. You had gone YEARS being unable to hear them, see them, feel them. So now that they have you in their arms, they’re going to make sure you hear, see, and feel them until there’s nothing else for you to focus on.
If we want to stick with the self love trope, an alternative to the mirror fucking thing, is them narrating what they see. Their voice is pure sin as they drive into you, sink down on you, or look up from between your thighs to describe the way your pupils look right now, all blown out. How you look like you’re praying when you cum, even though they’re the ones on their knees. They describe those things you hate about yourself too. But when they describe it, they sound reverential. They also sound horny as all hell. But most of all, they sound like the only thing keeping them alive is so they can keep seeing and feeling these parts of you.
And they make you watch them as they give you the most intense pleasure of your life. They may not make you stare into a mirror as they rail you…. But you WILL keep your eyes open so you can see exactly what you do to them. They CRAVE being seen by you. They have you play with yourself the way they’ve watched you do so many times…. Except now, your eyes are locked onto theirs as your eyebrows screw up, and it’s THEIR name you gasp out as your fingers fly. And they don’t have to just watch anymore either.
They also almost always want you facing them. They want you to look them in the eyes and know EXACTLY who is claiming you, body mind and soul. The only exception to the mirror fucking thing is if you/they want to hit it from the back. If you’re not looking in each others faces, you’re looking at each others reflection. If your eyes glass over, they’re smacking your ass to bring your attention back to them. You’re not missing a second of the absolute pleasure dripping from their face. They’re not shy about it either. Their eyebrows screwing up in ecstasy, mouth hanging loose in a perpetual moan, it’s lewd. It’s sloppy. And it’s all for you.
You see, they’re insecure over being glossed over- it was fantastic getting to watch you basically every minute of the day, but you have no idea how frustrating it is to scream out to your lover, cry and kick and wail, as you watch them breeze past a flat puddle on a sidewalk, none the wiser. So, they make sure you’re VERY present with them.
I also think they’d be a huge fan of cockwarming. Just being connected to each other as much as possible. Really needy behavior after being denied physical contact for so long. For my lovelies who cock warming doesn’t work for- you’re not off the hook. Mirror Yan will be wrapped around you just as much. Their fingers absentmindedly trailing your body, their fingers dipping into your mouth, inside you, over your hips….
OH and they love marking you. Hickeys, some sort of collar or necklace, hell, even a collarbone tattoo. They want you to look at your reflection, and see THEM. They may not be stuck on the other side of that reflection anymore, but they still get a thrill from knowing every time you look in a mirror…. It’s them you think of.
So uh. Yea. Even the mirrors are horny for y’all! Stay tuned, maybe I’ll come up with a Yandere spork or dildo next.
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ok its 1 am so obviously perfect time for thinking about muriel, so picture this ok check this out. you are 6 years old, you are an orphan living on the streets since maybe age 5 in the slums of a mediterranean city in the 16thish century. school does not exist. you do not have anybody that cares about you or loves you youre terrified of people and making contact with them. you have been alive on this bitch of an earth for 6 years and so far its not looking all that great
and THEN one day your teeth start falling out at regular intervals. what the fuck do you even think at that. do other street kids let you know that yea this is a thing its fine or do they take the opportunity to have what little fun they can score as fellow street urchins and make fun of you and tell you its a curse or youre dying or something. do you just go in a safe corner by yourself somewhere and cry or are you desensitized enough at this point to your life of perpetual fucking misery to just space it out and see where it takes you. i started this off as a funny lil thought but now im just trying to figure out how quickly would a kid in circumstances like that figure out whats goin on like that is not shit you just have inscribed in ur brain i reckon somebody would probly need to tell you whats up like ok theres a lot of things you probably learn by the time you hit puberty if you live out on the streets in a big city youve seen ur fair share of peeps suckin n fuckin out and about in the dark of night if you happened to be awake in the wrong place wrong time but 1. sir That is a Baby and 2 unless theres a load of other kids your age around who is gonna just go up to you n tell you oh btw your teeth are just gonna fucking all fall out one day but they should come back dont worry like in WHAT CONtext fhdhhfsfhkgd idk man im a pansy, i have like. parents n shit i have no frame of reference
and then some years later you make friends with another sixyearold and then one day his teeth start falling out. you tell him its fine theyll probably come back
EDIT ok its 2 am and i have now googled how teeth work and i may have forgotten that they do not in fact quote "fucking all fall out one day" BUT a lurk on pubmed has informed me that malnutrition can delay them falling out and new ones growing in BUT ALSO he was in good conditions tho until 3 yo at least so uh. theres. theres that factor. idk its 2 am and im not very smart my gray matter is fully occupied by love for blorbo from dating sim and it has been 5 years and i am RUNNING out of things to make up about him fhgshkfjfdgjtaf
@tetsuooooooooooo you're all good, friend!!
And oh gosh you're so right xD
It's possible one of the other kids on the docks told him what was going on, but with how isolated he was it's also very possible he had no idea what was happening.
Thankfully if a tooth falls out on its own you can often see the adult one already coming in, so he probably didn't have to worry about it for too long ...
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Time-Master Sword anon
Im almost done with the prologue abt halfway there but I can’t work on it today bc im having a sleepover at my friends house
Anyways if like to share a silly thought
In the oot of time manga when the whole Gohma thing happens it literally says “oh yea this spider is eating him alive” like literally shows Gohma eating the great Deku tree. Time now has the worst arachnophobia known to man now like he will not go to sleep if there’s a spider near him 😭
(poor little silly guy)
also idk if I am going to kill Wars off maybe as a like a spin off idk bc I don’t want to kill him off on the continuity of my au bc Time and Wars relationship is very important to me
oooh I’m excited!! Have fun at ur friends dude!
Poor Time, he definitely doesn’t mess with spiders 😔
(you’re so real for this btw, I can’t kill him either I’ve only successfully done it in an alternative ending)
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sybeez · 7 months
theres magic in splatoon?
oh HELL YES i get to rant about splatoon on here instead of on discord :]
@anemonequeen hey u can add on too 👀
So what i call magic in splatoon is less 'high fantasy bullshit' and more 'its all around and you don't notice it' like the post said (my example was electricity irl and how we use it rn for mundane stuff). It's all headcanon also btw but very supported by stuff from the games themself
List of stuff thats magic in splatoon in no particular order (ill go over these after): music, technology (human made especially), DNA, ink maybe?, salmonids migration, probably more but thats all i got (infodump under the cut)
SO music has been canon magic since splatoon 1 and actually its linked to the DNA part!! ,,,I probably need to explain human technology part first to understand that but it's basically all the Alterna logs basically.
Quick recap tho: the earth is fucked > some humans go live underground in giant domes all over the globe(unsure) > in one of them they devellop crystals out of molluscs like squids n octopus ability to change color based on emotions and use those to make giant LCD screens to line the dome > fast forward 2 generations of underground humans > the next gen scientists who want to go out even if thats a fucked up idea > rocket go poof n destroys the screen > the squid LCD crystals seep into the ocean n evolution happens for every creature to turn into anthros
also most impportantly the crystals retained the hopes of dreams of all of humanity down there* (important)
now fast forward 10 000 years and we find this scroll in splatoon 1
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and that melody famously created a revolution by every single octarian realising they actually have free will at once (it did NOT break any kind of mind control they just lived all their live in an authoritarian society) so already we can tell theres something up with.
another time we find that melody thats important is the end credit for splatoon 3 (wave goodbye) at around the 3:00 mark
,,,now im realizing this isnt exactly what i had in mind but the first time i heard it i thought the voice had no gargling like inkfish voices n instead it was the voices of all humanitys ghosts coming together to sing that part. But if we still go with that then (my headcannon) that means that melody thats been etched into sea life DNA was actually a human anthem that was kept in the memories of the LCD crystal
Now in splatoon 3 theres a lot of magic anyway lol but idk how to even explain that (the 3 lights, lil buddy becoming a kaiju, big man making ink) so use ur imagination for that lol but its there.
other human technology that's also magic: the machine to keep judd alive that somehow made him immortal AND clone him
There's more magic hidden in the game (like however the ink from the ink tanks fuels our weapon via bluetooth and how some non-inkfish characters can somehow use ink for turf wars) but thats why i tagged sasha lol
oh yea for the salmon migration bit i'm specifically talking about the 7 rings when a big run happens. idk how to explain that so therefore its magic
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tojisun · 1 year
anon from the simon ask here,, sorry if the enclosure thing was to much i didn't know how else to express how insane i am for that man (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) and never EVER apologize for ranting i love it n i get it ! i don't think i ever saw my feeling so well explained in words. also, i completely understand the competence kink thing there's something so hot about a man that knows what he's doing and simon IS that man like he just looks so capable n ready for everything AND THE WAY HE CARES UGH i could cry thinking of the way he silently shows it. when i first started getting involved in cod i thought he would be this cold cold man but after watching a 5 hours walkthrough (i told you im crazy) i discovered this truly intricate character who seems like he feels so much even if he says so little HHH i just love him. for me his size was a principal attractive because duh but also i feel that it screams safety, like nothing can hurt you as long as he holds you but that could be my own conglomerate of issues speaking ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌ over all, n as dumb as it can sound, he's a big source of comfort for me cuz i feel that if there's someone who could understand me it definitely him.
anyway im looking forward for the new works, i already know they r going to be amazing, and sorry for the long ass ask you can ignore it if you want <3
DONT APOLOGIZE FOR THIS ASK, IM DEVOURING IT!!! thank you for interacting back btw like oh my god i dunno how else to express how ?-$,&2$:$!: i am for this man and so seeing my ramblings be mirrored back makes me so happy 😭🫶🏼 also dont worry about the enclosure thing hahshshd made me laugh so hard, swearr
AND YOURE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING!!! theres something so fucking attractive about a man whos exceptional at what he does. the authority that underlies his competence because well you cant help but trust him; you cant help but want to trust him. AND THE WAY HE CARES??? THE WAY ITS THAT SILENT TYPE??? i (still) dunno much abt him but just like u, i thought hes those cold guys whos a lil bit of a lone wolf yk? then i found out that those dad jokes he kept cracking for soap was to ensure soap doesnt pass out because hes been shot?? i didnt expect it from him tbh but i think thats why i started spiralling harder – seeing how hes just a caring man!!!
N HHHHH THE SIZE AND HOW HES YOUR SAFETY?? ITS LIKE YOURE PEERING THROUGH MY MIND RN??? im sorry in advance bc ive been overusing this phrase but his size, on top of his personality and skills, makes me feel small but in a safe and tender way. does that make sense?? like, when he holds you, it just feels like he’s folding you within himself before tucking you in the pockets in his chest. and hhhh i cant stop envisioning the way that when he loves, it feels like safety and comfort; security and steadiness. LIKE you fit perfectly in his arms, under his chin, your face pressed on his chest where you can hear his heart beating. because he’s alive and he’s safe and he’s back home with you because he’s found a home in you. yk???
I JUST. I THINK THAT DYNAMIC SUITS HIM N YOU SM – HES YOUR SAFETY BUT YOURE HIS HOME RAAAAAHHHHHH hope that makes sm sense bc im typing this w my heart lodged into my throat and ik im rambling all over the place. im just so into him, its so 😭
“i feel like if theres someone who could understand me its definitely him” YEA. JUST, YEA
thank you so so much for ur support omg 🥹🫶🏼 im like a puddle rn its hdhjwjdjd thank you again for this ask darling <333 im sorry that my response turned out long (again) and hhhh sorry for the sporadic capslock usage 😭 take care sweetheart 💘💘💘
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sillyrandomwriter · 7 months
Adam questioning Lute on how she died. Laying together one night, asking because he can't tell. In Hell they're marked with it, changed to show their death often, but heaven rids the imperfections so there's not even a scar to show.
Quietly questioning her mortal life while tracing her skin with his fingertips.
oh yea, he definitely would ask her about it while his fingers are on her skin, possibly looking for any scars that might indicate how she could have died. i personally really like this and i feel like Adam would be quite interested to hear about her life. anyway if Lute was a winner exorcist, i feel like her hatred for demons might come from her moral life then. maybe someone close to her got murdered or possessed by a demon? btw i feel like she was definitely in the military or something when she was alive, and might have died on the battlefield by something, but remember im just imagining this.
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r4b1d-r4bb1t5 · 6 months
more cotl info hurrah
Ik I still have 3 bosses to go but idc I'm happy for now.
Chicken (first follower in easy mode) died.
Camelia sent me on a quest to make 3 vegetable feasts which I barely finished, but i did it because a random follower took a rainbow dump and i had the right seeds i needed.
She then asked me to marry her crush.
I declined, because. no. I did not do several quests for that. go date him camelia
also I have a spouse in game already so yeah im good
and then camelia got old lol. once i get the mating tent ill probably ressurect her and the other dude because i doubt they'll live that long.
arljumer (my spouse) is still alive and well :)
soon enough I'll fight kallamar and lose horribly about 2 times
I unlocked the grand shelter.
Webber is still alive, somehow. Can they even get old??
have i mentioned i like leshy
i do btw
oh and if you didn't see it last time, i ascended five pebbles.
which was like the best opportunity to make a reference ive ever gotten in that game
i actually have a few rain world themed characters
the ones who are still alive are a blue idk what she is named looks to the moon, and a green cat with yellow markings named saint.
anyway yea thats about it
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batmanshole · 1 year
i love following you and having like absolutely no clue about batman. like im familiar with DC because i love teen titans but i never read batman comics and its funny because the longer i follow you the more i know how wild this guys circus family is. no clue who jason todd is other than hes violent and people dont get him and is probably also a little gay
THIS IS SO TRUE. thank you i love being the batman source for people who know nothing.
tldr jason was robin for awhile then he DIED!!!! because of JOKER and then the universe got punched and he came back to life crawled out of his own grave and then immediately got hit by a car and fell into a coma. then his dad (who is batman) ‘s ex finds him like a year later and is like oh yippie revenge on my ex! and dunks him into a pit of like magic goo and stuff and then he’s like HOOOLY FUCK IM ALIVE AGAIN and also he was 4’6 and now he’s like over 6 foot btw. anyways then he finds out batman didn’t kill the joker and also REPLACED HIM after he died and ummm he’s not happy about that so he goes and kills people in kind of a slay way tbh. yea
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truthdawn · 1 year
thoughts/ideas that ive had with the rise turtles under the cut (btw its kinda long and its just me rambling. youve been warned)
ive had 2 ideas for aus. One of them is like a splatoon au and the other one ive just titled “bad ending”. I’ll elaborate a bit more on that lower but first the splatoon stuff:
ok so the turtles might be octolings just because I want to stay more lore accurate so ig living in a sewer would be the splatoon equivalent of being an octoling before splatoon 2 (and octo dlc) events (but I really wanna just make designs for both species for all brothers anywayssss)
also new idea I literally had while typing this but what if eye masks were color of masks. so like raph having a red eye mask, mikey have a orange one, etc
ANYWAYS ive already decided (for now) what weapons each brother uses:
-raph uses a splatling, probably a hydra. or maybe tenta brella
-donnie uses a charger or a blaster (but most likely the charger.
-leo uses any splatana. I dont think he’d care which one in particular
-mikey will either use a slosher deco (since it has zipcaster) or an inkbrush. uhhhh yea their ink would probably be different colors. maybe the ends of the hair would be tinted green though. or maybe during specials itd be the same colors for all of them. btw specials would be the same as using their ninpo
splinter would be like cuttlefish to the agents in regards to the turtles. so he’s not their biological father nor the same species but hes still a father figure. april would be an inkling
OH OH NEW THOUGHT. since in the show mikey would hide in his shell sometimes I think the splatoon equivalent of that would be going squid form (or in their case octopus form)
uhhh I havent watched the movie yet but I know a lot about it SO I guess that the equivalent of the krang in this universe would be like. mr grizz. I dont think itd be like a tartar type of infection because you can physically remove the krang from your body and once youre sanitized you cant remove it (unless its like an agent 3 thing) but personally I think an infection more like the fuzzy ooze would fit better because unlike getting sanitized it makes the victim feral WHICH has more similair behaviors to the krang than getting sanitized
OK NEXT IS THE “bad ending” au idea
again, havent watched the movie yet (trying to finish the tv show first, im on episode 14) but basically its an au where everything is bad and nothing is happy (<- could not for the LIFE of me figure out how to phrase it and ended up with this. sorry lol)
but uh ig to make it a bit more clear (man my grammar sure is something rn huh?) I wanted to make an au where the ending was already “set” but I could add things like backstories and lore sooo imma have fun with that once it happens >:D
ill have to watch the movie to flesh out the events a bit more but what I have right now is that casey was never able to find/warn the turtles in time of krang invasion and that ended up with each of the turtle brothers getting corrupted. AGAIN. I WILL WATCH THE MOVIE. AND READ LORE. sorry if this seems inaccurate to movie stuff (even though this au really only needs the lore from the very beginning of the movie)
a little spoiler for the au (because I kinda wanna make little comics or stories for them..) but raph got corrupted first, then mikey (but hes not technically “fully” corrupted), then donnie, and then leo. april and casey are both still alive but splinter is missing. not dead or anything but just missing
ANYWAYS. *claps hands together* HEADCANON TIME (also ideas that ive had to draw. you can use them too if you want just credit me mk)
once raph got flipped over on his shell and instead of helping leo used him like a beyblade. he was NOT happy
mikey has (on several occasions) drawn on his brothers shells when theyre asleep or not paying attention (for donnie he draws on the battle shell lol)
if mikey really wants their attention he'll scream really loudly
sometimes leo will put stuff in donnies coffee to make him sleep especially if donnie hasn't sleep in a while (cause donnies a stubborn bitch who thinks sleep isnt real)
raph once got so mad he broke an entire arcade game and then had to go get a new one (haha L)
all of them dont think they need therapy (they do)
sometimes when donnie talks for too long leo will just go "BREATHE."
final headcanons below because I wanted to separate them from the rest (what happens in arguments depending on the brothers arguing)
mikey barely argues with anyone but when he does argue (and is serious about it) he does NOT hold back
raph and donnie arguments are usually what its like to have arguments online (donnie tries to explain why hes right and raph just goes "nuh uh ur wrong and im right")
raph and leo arguments are much more common and heated than stated above. raph will usually raise his voice towards leo and then leo will just not care and try to make a joke out of it (that always turns out badly). sometimes they even cry lol
donnie and leo arguments are VERY physical. leo would say something and then when donnie says something back hed push or shove him and then that turns into a full blown fight
they always make up though :3
heres the end. you made it through this. congrats and thank u for reading my rambles about stuff. this will not be the last time btw. feel free to ask questions about any of this or use my headcanons for stuff (credit me though if ya do). thats it buh bye (this is all queued ill still probably be asleep by the time this posts lol)
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leafbatraccoon · 1 year
sims tag game!!
i was tagged by @d4isy-nukes via reading her post oh well lets go
1. What’s your favourite sims death? in ts4: METEOR muahahhah
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? if i have to pick, maxis match, but im partial to maxis mix choices
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? not usually, no, but i have done it by tweaking a bit in cas, rarely but i it happened
4. Do you use move objects? fuck yea, love that shit
5. Favorite mod? i loved gem's answers btw absolute same but hum... i really dont know.. the classics, wwhims for attraction system, zerbu's, don't wash dishes where you angry poop, lumpinou's rpo, i really cant pick, i use so many, it's giving me whats ur favourite kid energy
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? GTW yall & i stand by it
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? the wrong way
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? AGAIN WITH THE CHILD PICKING !!! no but really i can't pick favourites no matter what
9. Have you made a simself? not one that looks like me bc i don't even know what i look like tbh but i made a kind of avatar
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? self-absorbed gloomy geek 🤢
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? depends on the sim
12. Favorite EA hair? all the sdx ones were pretty dope so far
13. Favorite life stage? the ones that are yet to come eheh
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? prolly gameplay which in ts4 i rely on mods for a lot, but ts4 made me more confident in building or at least decorating, it's very fun now and in ts2 i used to spend a lot of time in cas and the body shop
15. Are you a CC creator? no, but maybe one day
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? i dont think so ?!
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) ts2&3 for different reasons, i never played the first one tho, i mean i did but not really
18. Do you have any sims merch? a phone charm that came with a promotional magazine for ts3 launch, i cant fine the magazine tho ;(
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? i wouldn't know what to do with it
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? i made a lot of long haired blondes with ballroom dresses in my ts2 era for some reason, i dont even know where i was getting cc from, really long hair and ballroom dresses on the toddlers too if you can imagine oh and i had mermaid tails from downloading oher sims so naturally i made a bunch of sirens all the time
21. What’s your Origin ID? i think it's gumbreath now
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? oh gosh why did i decide to do this ??! humm cant pick one so shout out to @tudtuds merecido
23. How long have you had a simblr? circa 5 months so far
24. How do you edit your pictures? i use gimp the open-source queen, for my spellcaster legacy i was trying to do a scrappy photoset vibe, mystical motherhood im literaly just cropping and since ive reinstalled shaders i just use a preset for stardew moon bc i am nothing if not lazy ig
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? none, id like them to fix the game we already have 😘 but if i had to ig faeries for gamepack, travel for expansion (with 3 decent worlds & hotels plz) and literally any stuff pack so they can say they didnt lie to us about it 🤡
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? im a sucker for sulani so island living for EP? although the mermaids deserved better, big cottage stan but wish goats and horses were on it so not on the podium & get together still has the best world; paranormal stuff pack by faaaaar, it was the least cash grabby SP ever i thought i was dreaming when they didnt call it a gamepack
ok so that is it, if you read this so far ... why ? /hj im doing the same and tagging whoever sees it IF THEY FEEL LIKE PARTAKING 🤍🤍🤍 OK BYEE
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penguin--person · 1 year
i want to ask abt milgram but i dont have any knowledge so
what are three to five things youd change abt it if you could
hee thank ou dude!!! love u dude thank you dude
well, first is the obvious !! prisoner number nine, mikoto .. his whole character just. sucks. for reasons that have already been said many times, and i dont think i could bring anything new or meaningful to that table. but. his character is just harmful n sucks !! n, ofc, i dont have did but its clear it sucks . begone, prisoner number nine
other than that,, all the other icky things about it could be like . explained that theyre that way to keep the audience on their toes or something like that. like, they could all be explained with symbolism - like prisoner number two, yuno's murder(s) being abortions. which, theyre heavily considered murders by lots of people, so its like. could just be the. the. man my heads empty rn. but, milgram has a lot of 'your comments affect the characters a lot your words can affect them' stuff, yea? so, it could just be that because its considered murders . like, sure, its a bit icky, but it cn be explained with symbolism. i do think yuno is cool tho i like her:3 has bg vibes sorry to say. and, also, mahiru and kazui consider their 'murders' murders, even tho i'd dare to argue neither of them actually killed anyone. mahiru was in a codependent relationship and just couldnt save her bf. thats nothing to blame her for.
this isnt about milgram itself but id change the fandom to think about what it says sometimes!!! "oh if mahiru was a guy shed be voted guilty" my guy she literally was. thats a pretty significant thing that happened. she got voted guilty. and, no, if she was a guy, people would defend him for being hot and stuff!!! like they do with kazui!!! 'ohh she made her bf end his own life' yea well what did kazui do. mhm? care to tell me what His murder is? huh??? same as mahiru, but he wasnt mentally ill or anything about it, . his murder is pretty vague, but, from what i can tell, he just. i dont know he spent time with other women that werent his wife without actually cheating on her but also wasnt close with his wife at all. i dont know. and im not saying hes a murderer either, theres not enough info for me to even think about that, but luckily once his t2 song comes out it'll clear up some stuff. but, like. man. 'ohh if she was a guy people would be voting her guilty' shut up you know thats not correct. anyway i'd give the fandom the ability to think before they speak. this goes for me too btw i wanna get some better thinking skills
now let me be a hater for a second. i dont like shidou i think they should haev made him weirder!!! the guy harvested organs from many many people while they were still alive and killed so many people!! has the highest killcount out of the whole milgram group i think, or , is in the top 3 at least !! like. .like. hes just like, sad about it, and even then, hes not even THAT sad!!! hes jstli like. its just like. he killed so many people and its just FINE because hes SAD about it??? since when does that .fucking. mahiru is sad about her love dying!!! and she was voted guilty, and she didnt even intend to kill him - shidou knew very well what he was doing and still did it! he knew so well that those people would die, and i think that he even knew that his family wouldn't make it! that they'd still die even if he did it! hes a fucking surgeon for fucks sake, he had to have known, and he STILL did it!!! and hes not even weird about it!!!! hes not even fucking weird about it!!! hes just calm and proper and silent ad fukcigngg i think he should be sobbing wailing and screaming the whole time wailing at es begging so loud for the death penalty that mu and mahiru heard him from their cells!!! he should have been, fucking, weird about it!!!!
i think milgram should get weirder overall, actually. i think the characters should get weirder. like, i think many of them should be inconsolable, at least in the first trial,. i think they should get weirder... or Something... i think es should get weirder, too..
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thepandalion · 1 year
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While everyone is looking at homestuck stuff today might as well get a shoutout for my currently unnamed music au featuring pitch vriskezi
(under the cut this time is only au stuff! Noone is gonna ask so might as well get the rant out now)
It’s basically a meteorstuck kinda au? Except I decided to say fuck it all the trolls are alive (mostly because I have a few songs in my playlist that are very much feferi<>sollox vibe and I kinda need them alive to be able to sing yknow)
So uh. Trolls are kinda bug-like. And they communicate with words, yes, but also with dancing, like bees? A lot of body language, especially when it comes to your quadrants; leaning on your moirail’s shoulder, grabbing your kismesis’ wrist to stop them from turning away from you... and also just actual dancing and stuff. So, trolls dance. But then Dave and Rose get on the meteor and teach them about how humans communicate. With music.
Cuz like, in the au, humans can get on the same wavelength as other humans via song. Singing is a way a human shows how they feel or think about anything at any given moment. You gotta learn the lyrics (unlike my other music au, which is also a magic au where the lyrics are chosen for you by fate gods aka me specifically and you dont gotta know the lyrics before singing) but like its sorta a bonding thing? and humans are social creatures so they gotta sing every once in a while or they get sadge
so the kids teach the trolls how to sing and thats all really fun and cool and whatever. meanwhile I’ve fallen prey to karkezi flushed propaganda via fanfiction so now Im sitting in the “what if dave and terezi moirails” because they’re my favorite beta kid&troll and the dynamic they have in canon makes my insides fluffy in the way a good moirallegiance gotta get outta you yknow.
Anyways timeskip to after they win Im very much ignoring how by that point both sessions were lost and I decided both of the groups win and like the humans make a new earth ig and like they still have their godtier stuff (at this point Im just picking and choosing what I want based on random music from my 600 songs playlist being put on shuffle). and uh. Well dave becomes a film person (I wanted to say director but also he writes the movies so also scriptwriter and just. he makes movies). And decides to make actual homestuck’s plot into a 12 movies and ongoing film franchise that is basically as well known as like. star wars or whatever. but bigger bc I never actually watched star wars so I only know about it the basic stuff a person who once dated someone who watched all the star wars movies enough times to quote them offhandedly would.
anyways dave is stuck with the part where the trolls get actually introduced to the audience in non-text form and is like “can I convince a bunch of actors to dye themselves grey and put candycorn looking horns on their heads without anyone thinking Ive lost it” when actual trolls (all 12 beta trolls+a bunch of friendsim trolls I thought would be fun to put in+unnamed background trolls for the confusion of wtf is sgrub) land a ship in the middle of area 51 and immediately get cornered by human guards patrolling the area in case aliens ever crashed there.
Anyways is now a good time to mention rose grew up to become the person who runs area 51 because she is and apparently at some point during the 3 years on the meteor she pulled like feferi and karkat aside to go “yo so when we win the games if yall wanna stop by earth 2.0 Imma go run our alien communication center so just ask the people there for rose lalonde yea” and uhh. they do. the other trolls in the background are Confusion over who tf this rose lalonde person is. the human guards are confused abt how tf the aliens know the full name of their leader bc usually the aliens just go “we want to speak to ur manager” or whatever so one of them takes their walkie talkie and talks to her and rose is like “oh hey they made it btw is one of them wearing green and looks like a vampire tell her I love her” to which kanaya fckn melts ig. soft gfs.
and uhh. well at this point except rose all the other beta kids can kinda teleport? Jade is still part-dog, john is wimdy, dave stops time and powerwalks over then unpauses time... rose just calls her limo like “dude I gotta get to this specific part of the desert plz” and by then dave is having a passionate debate with the guards about how trolls are actually awesome and the guard is like “they havent sang anything to make me think theyre intelligent species” or whatever and then the 12 main trolls do like. choreographed dancing with rainbow colors and stuff to various feel-good songs in my playlist. And then dave starts live streaming with scifi tech he alchemized during the game that he kept around like “yo ik theres rumors abt the trolls showing up for the next movie can we all give it up to my moirail and the rest of these lovely folk” to which the internet immediately implodes bc imagine fckn. idk. big time movie producer just starting a livestream in which he casually talks to a bunch of aliens while his half-dog bestie is floating the in background.
yeah and then the protagonist of friendsim sees that happening and goes to talk to the friendsim trolls who are there and thats fun and idk
dave is really good at assigning trolls random songs they should like. my playlist is almost entirely clown cult music its all violence and bright colors and yelling into the void and starting a revolution over the fact you suck at video games.
also the alpha kids are there. because dirk strider is my favorite homestuck character I want to dunk him in my tea like he’s a sad animal biscuit. he also gets a song where he and hal are being passive aggressive and sad about prince of heart stuff ig
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blizzardpeaks · 4 months
oh yea im still alive btw. just havent been frontin very often 👍
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delcakoo · 2 years
my sister ended up surprising me today for my birthday :( because i ACCIDENTALLY ended up sending her an email titled 'birthday blues' about how said i was and that my birthday being around the corner was leading me towards a depressive episode and the first thing sh told me when she saw me today was YO I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA JUMP OFF THE ROOF OR SMTHG and i was like ???? and she was like THE EMAIL and i was like CRAP THAT WASNT MEANT FOR YOU but yea that happened
but it was nice and all, she decorated me room and got me a whole bunch of stuff and im really happy
its forty minutes to midnight here so im just wasting time until its midngiht and i can *officially* blow the candles of my cake :'D OH AN IM WATCHING THE LAST EPISODE OF BUSINESS PROPOSAL BCS I STILL HADNT FINISHED IT AND OMG THE F L U F F I LOVE SOBS
also also my chem test went really well :DD !! but now i have a math one to do D:
but yessssss how was ur weekend babes ?? i hope it's going well ~
ok bye now hehehe
~<3 aka vallllll mwah mwah i love youuuuuuuu
i’ve heard a lot ab business proposal but.. idk why i ahvent enjoyed any romance kdramas much but maybe i havent watched the right ones T-T GL ON UR MATH TEST BTW AHH UR GONNA DI GREAT
my weekend has been pretty good :D working on cue cards for history so 🧌🧌☹️☹️ IM ALIVE THO SIGH. AND I LOVE U TOO MWAHHH HAPPY BDAY AGAIN AISHSJNS <3333
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zhuhongs · 4 years
Novel shen wei, you're just so... 😬😬😬
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