#ohhh but im so close to being done w this next set. i hope to be by next week at least
liquidstar · 1 year
woe the agony of having a funny idea for an oc comic with characters i haven't even designed at all yet let alone shared publicly
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ultsracha · 6 years
Friends to Lovers w/ Eric (tbz)
Request: Anon -  Ok uuuh I’ve never requested before so idk how to word all this but could you maybe write some Eric (the boyz) catching feelings for his best friend and him trying to ask her out ?? And maybe like the other 00 liners making fun of him for being all soft :( I’m sorry I’m trash at explaining stuff <3 Have a wonderful day A/N: Thank you for requesting! im sorry that this isnt the best but i tried !  Warnings: mild angst & swearing
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*He looks so teeny tiny in this gif ouchies my heart*
you and Eric had been friends for literally your whole lives 
all of your childhood memories had him in them 
running around the back yard? Eric was right behind you 
Learning how to ride a bike? This dude was the reason you had the courage to do it
So it was no surprise to everyone that all throughout school you stayed friends 
Joined at the hip every second you could be
In class you would sit together and help each other with the work
Of course you had your other friends, 11 of them who were all part of Eric’s band they called ‘The Boyz’ 
They accepted you into their group with open arms
Most nights after school were spent in the practice room with them 
Watching them dance and run around 
Eric always tried to get you involved but that’s a big, fat, nope 
But you literally had the best, best friend 
So, like every other day you’re sat at the lunch table waiting for Eric to get out of his class while you sat with Sunwoo and Hyunjoon 
“You coming stargazing with us tonight?” Sunwoo asks as he shoves a few grapes into his mouth
“Of course, I’ll bring some food if you guys want as well?” you replied
This wasn’t uncommon for you all, to go sit on Kevin’s roof with blankets and snacks and just look at the stars 
“Is Eric coming too?” You ask because let’s face it everything's more fun with him around 
“OoOOoooOOOOoooOOh ‘Is Eric coming too?’ oOOooOo” Hyunjoon teases, nudging your arm 
“Ah fuck off you know it’s not like that, we’ve been friends forever! I can’t go anywhere without him now” 
They both continued to tease and nudge you around until you saw Eric walking over 
As per the routine, you got up and met him halfway across the hall for a massive hug 
“Hey! What’s up? You’re bright red?” He asks after hugging you
“Ohhh nothing, just dumb and dumber trying to steal my last brain cell” you giggle as you both settle into your seats 
Eric draping his arm round your shoulders like he always does 
Sunwoo giving you a sly smirk like he a l w a y s does when you and Eric even look at each other
It wasn’t hard to understand why everyone gave you these looks
Most people assumed you were together
Even some of your family had suspicions because of how close you two were 
but you could only dream... 
This little crush you had started mid teens and had persisted ever since 
Now it was nearing the end of school and here you were, hopelessly in love 
Honestly it had just become a normal part of your life by now and that was okay, as long as you had him with you being your best friend. It was okay
“You’re coming to Kevins tonight yeah?” Eric mumbles into your ear 
Resisting the urge shiver you simply nod and turn away and continue to listen to the bickering of the boys 
After that the day goes on peacefully, Eric walks you to class and kisses your forehead before jogging to his own class 
The bus journey home you guys sit together and share earphones, taking it in turns to choose a song 
“I’ll see you later yeah?” You ask as you both get off the bus at your stop 
“Yeah I might be a bit late though, I’ve got some things to get done beforehand” he replies, throwing his bag over his shoulders 
“Alright, I’ll see you later then!” you start to wave goodbye and of course, as per usual he brings you in for a hug and to kiss your forehead 
and yet again your heart swells and you inwardly scream because why not your lips hm? 
Later that evening Sangyeon picks you up, with Sunwoo and Haknyeon already in the car
Sunwoo on the aux playing some random country music to annoy everyone 
It’s an amazing night to stargaze, you get to Kevins just at the end of sunset where the sky is mostly dark but a lilac hue still coats the edges of the sky
The stars already sparkling 
Kevins roof was your favourite place to be as he lived at the top of a hill, meaning the view of the city below could be seen 
As well as the roof itself having a large flat bit for everyone to cosy up together 
Most of the group are already there setting up blankets and pillows and the speaker
As expected Eric wasn’t there yet so you just dumped out all the snacks you gathered next to the speaker and went to speak to the host
“Did Eric tell you what he had to do tonight?” you ask, watching Kevin struggle to smooth out a massive blanket
“Yes but I’m not telling you, it’s a secret” he replies
“Why? What is it?” your heart starting to race
Did he have a girlfriend? Was he keeping her a secret? Was he bringing her tonight? 
Yes, that’s where your mind goes because, well every girl in the school would be lucky to have him 
“Y/N calm down he’s gone to get something for tonight, don’t worry he’s still your mans but not really your mans” he smirks, patting the top of your head and walking away
You just stand there blinking before realising what he even said, leading you to pursue him to where everyone was sat already 
“He’s not my ‘mans’ Kevin we all know he’s got every girl in the school whipped for him” you sigh, plopping yourself next to Jacob
who was munching on some chips 
“Y/N you’re kidding right?” Sunwoo smirks while Hyunjoon giggles lightly and nods 
“No I’m not, I’m honestly surprised he hasn't got a girlfriend already...” you mumble 
The sad truth being explained to your friends hurt but it wasn’t hard to see, he wasn’t in love with you 
“He has THE biggest crush on you Y/N how do you not see it?” 
You look up from your lap to see everyone nodding in agreement 
Who knew your friends would play such a prank on you
“This isn’t funny guys, you’re just teasing and it’s painful so please can we just change the subject?” 
lets be real it would always hurt knowing how everyone could see how in love you were but how obviously he wasn't 
“Seriously, everyday we see him he talks about how cute you look or how smart you are and how he can’t wait to show you this dance because he wants to impress you” Hyunjoon giggles while Changmin over dramatically nods 
“and how you smell nice all the time” Sunwoo adds rolling his eyes
“they boy’s whipped for you” Hyunjoon continues 
“It’s almost annoying how literally no one exists when you’re around because he’s so focused on you” 
Your heart has literally stopped 
Because ??? Eric???? liking you???? 
“Right let’s quit the teasing because we weren’t even meant to tell her so now you’re gonna have to explain to him about this” Sangyeon scolds the younger ones 
You just lay back into the pillows still not computing 
They have to be lying? He’s never shown any interest in you? 
You hear them still laughing about how your face looks when you’re shocked 
Jacob leans over to whisper “just ignore them, they’re rooting for you” 
You’re just lying on the roof, looking up to the sky with butterflies bursting your stomach and your heart beating like crazy in your chest when you hear Kevins bedroom window open 
“Hey guys, sorry I was late” Eric bursts through the window “I was just getting a few things” 
Everyone greets him but you stay silent, looking up at the sky because you were just TOO nervous to say anything
“You okay?” He asks you, laying down next to you and propping his head on his arm
“Yeah! Just looking at the stars” your voice betraying your panic
He just nods and rolls over to lie on his back next to you 
The night goes on as normal, everyone chatting, listening to music and enjoying the view 
You hop in the conversation every once in a while but the others seem to understand why you’re being more quiet 
Eric hardly speaks to you but never leaves your side, just lying next to you also in his in thoughts 
“What’s up?” You whisper to him after a while
“Just thinking about stuff” He whispers back shifting to lay on his side to look at you 
You look into his eyes and he looks,,, nervous?
“What you thinking about?” you ask, shifting to mirror his position 
“It’s nothing don’t worry Y/N” He replies shaking his head
“You know you can tell me anything Eric we’re best friends...” 
At this he sighs even more and stands up 
“What? What did I do?” You also stand 
He’s already climbing back through Kevins window 
Naturally you follow, heart beating out of your chest at the thought of Eric being upset with you
“Seriously whats wrong? Why can’t you tell me?” You follow him into the room
“Because if I tell you we can’t be friends and it’ll all go wrong so it’s better if I don’t say anything” 
“Why? We’re best friends we’ve always told each other everything whats changed?” 
“Will you please stop saying that?” He almost shouts and spins around to face you
You’ve never seen him this upset before 
Sunwoo and Hyunjoon were wrong, he doesn't love you he doesn't even want to be friends anymore
“Y-y-y-you don’t want to be friends with me anymore?” You splutter out,  tears already brimming in your eyes 
They were so wrong and they couldn't have said what they did at a worse time, giving you that small bubble of hope in your chest for it to be crushed an hour later 
“It’s not that I just....” he trails off, wringing his hands nervously 
“Then what Eric?” You burst into tears, heart almost breaking in that moment 
“Y/N I love you. Fuck. I’m sick of hiding it and being teased all the time for not having the courage to tell you. I fucking love you” 
The tears didn't stop when you rushed over and wrapped your arms around his neck 
Standing on your tiptoes to hug him you felt his arms wrap around your waist 
You both just stood there holding each other
His erratic breathing indicating he’s crying too
“I love you too Eric, so much, for so long” 
You just stayed put in his arms, him stroking the back of your head
“I didn’t believe them when they told me...” you giggle while pulling away to look at him
His eyes just go so wide 
“They did what?” He yelped
“Oh they told me all about how you talk about me all the time and how whipped you are” you giggle even more
The look on his face just makes you laugh harder 
“I’m going to kill them” he growls and charges back through the window
You just smile and follow him onto the roof where everyone was just laughing and nudging Eric around
“So he’s finally confessed!” Jacobs asks you grinning from ear to ear
“It’s about time, now we don’t have to spend every dance practice brainstorming ways to get him to do it” Sunwoo laughs, earning a slap from Eric
Once the teasing died down Eric joined your side leaning against the wall by Kevins window
“So does this mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” He asks 
And despite the dark you can tell his cheeks are dusted pink
“Of course I will, but what did you need to go get earlier than meant you were late?” 
“Oh,” he wriggled to grab a small packet from his pocket “I was going to confess to you tonight and I bought you this” 
Handing you the packet you open it to find a dainty necklace 
Silver with a small heart pendant on it 
“Eric this is so cute but you didn’t have to buy me something to confess to me” you blush, heart feeling so full it could burst 
“I know but I thought it would help” his smile is so bright and warm
He helps you put on the necklace and the night ends with you falling asleep cuddled into his arms admiring the view 
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kyunsies · 3 years
hello hello after 3 days + your manifesting we finally got the long awaited short hair selfie!! and the new hair looks so cute (+ the entire fit)!! i definitely get what you mean abt long miserable winters,, i have those where i live too,, i just don't like the extremes,, and we get Both super hot + super cold. yes the lab was my last assignment!! i stayed up late to finish it so i'm gonna nap later
and i feel like the atmosphere at team competitions is definitely more hyped up!! assuming your team is tight knit it would def be really high energy when someone scores really well or you make it to the next round,, must be fun!! you said you'd dealt w being embarrassed after saying you bowl,, but that doesn't diminish the amount of time and effort you put into the sport!!!
abt swimming i'd classify myself as better than avg but below competitive swimmers. i'd like to think my endurance is ok. swimming while carrying someone can de difficult esp when you have to lift them so the shoulders were above the water,, T-T typically i'd carry victims by the arms but each way of approaching the shoulder one is hard bc you grab them at the torso and not arms, more stuff to carry. didn't help that i was one of the lightest ppl so everyone used me as a victim and i had limited options LOL. anyways!! hope you're doing well!! - 🌱 anon
hello bubbie !! sorry again for the late response ;____; did u have a good day today? LSKDFJKS i don't think i can blame it on my manifesting hhh it didn't feel like i did anything since it was inevitable we would get some short hair changkyun from the gapojabo episode today ;___; but im SO GLAD WE FINALLY GOT TO SEE IT !!!! he looks so good i think :( also were u able to take a nap hun?
and oh YEAH the team atmosphere is amazing i'm not gonna lie,,,,it's so different from other sports bc ur not screaming at each other across the field rather talking and communicating all in close proximity and we all cheer for each other and pick each other up when we need it, its really something special !! and yeah ;___; i always feel embarrassed about sharing what sport i've done my whole life, they just don't get it :/ i mean not other athletes bc they understand but just normal ppl, they'll just be like "ohhh okay!" , i know they don't care :(
and oh gosh i'm sure it's so difficult at first to find the correct positioning to carry the person :/ it makes sense to grab them at the torso tho!! and thank goodness water gives the effect of weightlessness (tho i'm sure that means little if someone is struggling too lksdf) but i admire u <3
but i had a good day angel !!! got some hilarious mx content to day, got to squeeze in a changkyun gif set <3 all in all it was okay and i hope u are relaxing bubbie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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