#im in the middle of a character rn and then ill have one more left
liquidstar · 1 year
woe the agony of having a funny idea for an oc comic with characters i haven't even designed at all yet let alone shared publicly
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favouritefi · 10 months
I love your Terror catboy AU, it’s a funky combination of adorable drawings and Victorianesque pseudoscientific hierarchies. However, it made me wonder about catgirls/doggirls; if you’re happy to answer, how do you see the intersection of gender and hybridity playing out in this universe?
I LOVE THIS QUESTION THANK YOU FOR THIS QUESTION i have a lot of thots on this bc the whole "angel in the house" image of the ideal (middle class) victorian woman is such a fun concept to play with more under cut
ok so what im about to say rn really only applies to middle class and upper class women in this au as those are the main characters in the terror if we get into the lower classes its a more complicated and nuanced story.
anyway in victorian times women were expected to be chaperoned everywhere by an older woman such as a female relative or female servant lest she be corrupted by the ills of the world and by men etc. this is where cat/doggirls come in. its expected that if you have a daughter then you goooootta adopt a companion or two for her both to show off your status and to ensure that your daughter has a friend / chaperone / mentor / moral compass for life. so in cat/dogpeople households the cat/dogboys usually go off to whatever institution their bloodline is associated with and cat/doggirls usually become companions for the wives and daughters of the men employed by those institutions. its very different from human family structures because the expectation here is that your child will not stay with your household, youre making children knowing that they will likely not belong to you regardless of whether they are male or female and that you might never see them again once theyre adopted and they need to be adopted or else its a failure on you and your bloodline. (grim i know) this system is also why each generation of cat/dogpeople tends to be fairly large, little and hodgson and irving all have an overabundance of siblings and cousins many of whom theyve never met in their life.
interestingly, cat/doggirls are actually more valued amongst these families than cat/dogboys because cat/dogboys can only be sent off to the institution the bloodline is associated with whereas cat/doggirls can be sent off to any upper/middle class household regardless of association and it would still be considered respectable AND it creates new relationships between human families that the human owners might find beneficial (kind of like how marriage was historically the exchange of women to strengthen political ties between families). this means that excess cat/dogboy sons are often disappointing to the parents - edward little is one of these. all 3 of his elder brothers had already left for the navy so he grew up playing w his sisters and getting dolled up in their dresses and being told that oh he'd make such a pretty girl and pretty bride oh if only he'd been born a girl etc. totally doesnt fuck him up.
speaking of fucked up theres hickey and his whole situation w sophia. having a catboy as a companion for an upper class girl is a big no-no and only happened because [insert hickey backstory here that is too long and really should have its own post]. no body approves of this but sophia loves him so very much and they were inseparable up until they were separated when sophia went to tasmania with the franklins and hickey was abandoned to the streets against both his and sophias will. sophia refused to adopt a new more appropriate companion in tasmania and after the franklins returned to england she tried to find him but couldnt and assumed he died. then when it seems like the ships are lost and jane starts campaigning for a rescue mission suddenly hickey shows up and for a few blissful years they are together again. he is older and quieter and has scars he wont explain, but hes still hickey and sophia still loves him. and then sir john comes back and fucks all of that up again.
sorry this was meant to be about gender dynamics in my deranged catboy au but i got distracted by hickey (as per usual)
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gaysonlyocean · 1 year
Speak my child. Speak your truth. (The OCs)
so first off run down of my main oc stories, then the loose ocs i have running about
so! my main story out of everything is ashstone!! my silly lil metaphor for trauma and isolation i adore it so much, basically fucked up mountain based off the highlands and islands and everyones mentally ill on it And Good God There;s Beasts
next we have the one i havent worked on in a while cause i had to give it a major renovation and its. still unnamed sobs and goes by the working title "experiment gang" cause that was the joke name for the main characters but anyway five human experiment guys with superpowers become the worst found siblings ever and try to explode the government
and last main one rn is helmine!! fucked up selkie story cause i needed something more than ashstone to process some shit, a 23 year old selkie finds out ai is in fact a selkie and forces ais friends to come along on a murder quest to find ais sealskin, things go wrong!
one of my more iconic ones is lazarus, he DID have a story to go with him but i dont like it anymore, i still like him though
basically hes got a bunch of fucked up superpowers that genuinely hurt to use but he does it anyway even though hes been told not to
hes like 49 and hes a whore and keeps doing body horror shit unprompted for fun
been thinking about neopronounsing him but nothing quite feels like him
another fun oc i have a care about a lot is gwendolyn sloughton!! gwen for short, shes so fucked up
basically her whole thing is shes got some subconscious reality altering power, shes not even aware of it cause shes grown up with it, so like for example for her 12th birthday she Really wanted a dog but her parents couldnt afford one at the time but when she came home from school there was a dog waiting for her out of nowhere
unfortunately shes not a good person!! so it turned from innocent things to "i wonder what it would be like to watch someone get hit by a car" and shit, and low and behold it happens
she also kills people in her 20s cause she can get away with it due to this, its really fun to write especially cause other people around her can pick up on things being changed around her but she has no idea
MOVING ON FROM GWENS MURDER PALACE!!! we now have ribs my beloved
hes a werecrocodile!! and theyve kinda grown up completely feral in the middle of nowhere about it
also has a lot of scars and even missing half their left hand from doing crocodile things and fighting with others
hes another bitch who originally had a story but i dont remember anyones name in it but basically he accidentally got kidnapped and now theres a werecroc lost in the big city, surely nothing will go wrong
last one im thinking about rn is almyra!!
shes a funky lil sentient dimension that Believes shes the ghost of a woman who died in like 1904, in reality she was there before the woman [the real almyra] was even born its just when she was murdered things got worse
she thinks shes just haunting the house almyra died in, shes not, shes taken over a entire town and her reach is still growing
a lot of people go missing cause of her and she doesnt even realise it
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yozzers · 3 years
vexos hcs and random notes
ill update as i go, because yes i do update my masterlists every once in awhile, i should probably add them to my pinned... 
I sincerely hope they have a small living arrangement so I can inflict them with the pain of having to share almost everything with each other
I just want Shadow and Lync to share a bunk
Like to think that alongside Volt, Mylene and Lync were also recruited by Hydron
None of them officially joined until they were a bit older but probably trained to eventually join the Vexos; in the mean time they probably worked for Hydron or something like that
Volt recruited at 11; Lync a year later and Mylene following not long after (respectively 13, 8, 12 when they’re all gathered)
My reasoning to why Volt is patient with Lync’s antics and Mylene less so but doesn’t lash out as badly as you think she would around annoying little kids; grew up tgt moment
Spectra probably forced his way into the Vexos like “hiiii i see you dont have any Vexos members <3″ bcs obv he wasn’t using royal scientist dad privelages (i think, bcs Clay seems horrified abt Spectra being a Vexos and well, being Spectra) 
Shadow had an advantage of being a nobleman (in terms of him being accepted into the Vexos’ ranks)
the Vexos and their set of rules magent-ed on the fridge door or something and every time they go over a page they have to staple/tape a new page on
Joined in this order, Volt, Spectra, Shadow, Mylene, Lync, Gus 
Vexos being a “chance of death low but the chance is still there” type of job... they feel like idols girl help they are bakugan idol group who work for the government 
sorry the way the vestal kids talk about them... going to treat the Vexos like a kpop group now
Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermin 
[canon] son of a (royal?) scientist. definitely had it good and comfy
think it’d be REALLY funny if he already knew Shadow before he became Spectra, Shadow just doesn’t recognize him bcs of his stupid get up
throws childhood friends Shadow Spectra at you, just two weirdos 
Keith specifically keeps Shadow from ever meeting his sister which is why neither of them really recognize each other
Pre-Spectra; probably would’ve been really into bakugan biology and what not. Feels like the kind of person to talk w/ his dad about “do you think we could change their appearance if we messed w/ their mechanical ball form or would it not carry over to their released forms”
this mf looks like a biology major i feel it in my guts 
mom isn’t dead she just divorced Clay bcs he didn’t know how to balance family and work, good for her
probably lives in another city now, and it’s a bit more of a hassle to meet with her kids so they don’t see her as much but she is present in their lives (keep in contact in other ways) 
probably went a bit silent when Keith went missing
didn’t bleach his eyebrows bcs he didn’t want to harm the skin around there and he never thought he’d take the mask off around others, or about how stupid he’d look without the mask
please please please please draw him with his pink hair roots in his MS fit he should've grown out some of his bleached hair by then
daddy issues is truly the root of evil
Gus Grav
Just Some Gut background; middle class just living life
[canon?] was going on a route to being an “idol brawler”, because that’s kind of what their brawls felt like, since it was all purely for show with some competition. it felt less like a sport and more spectacle.
Gus wanting to be an idol brawler is actually such a funny string of words put together I’m making that a thing, if he didn’t join the Vexos he would’ve been an idol brawler
I like the Gus needs glasses hc (shoutout to @marmeladebois ‘s post on that) 
The hc of him being half human and Runo’s half brother is so good 
Cooks well but refuses to help cook fr the Vexos (unless Spectra specifically asks) --> that job is usually left to Volt
not related but reminds me heavily of yugioh vrain’s Spectre (or other way around... Gus was the blueprint) 
Shadow Prove
[handbook canon] a vestal nobleman 
has an older brother (oc; Lux- casual Haos brawler)
inferiority complex or whatever, the only thing he bested his brother in was Bakugan
the Prove family being typical prim proper noble family and forcing Shadow to be repressed is something, but the Proves having the same kind of wavelength as Shadow but in different variations is funnier. They’re just Like That.
Probably not a military family, does work closely with the government still; um im thinking somewhere under the Fermins but not by much
Considered running away from home several times 
Unwillingly has knowledge on Vestal classic literature/ music
hard clutching a wall whenever he wants to join in on discussions about it bcs he knows this stuff but no way is he going to make himself look like a nerd + hes not actually that interested
*debates you for fun and bcs i hate u <3* 
You know how he doesn’t take his job as a Vexos member super seriously, I wonder:
did his parents force him to be a Vexos since he wasn’t interested in the political side of his family and probably against taking up anything related to it, so they had him do something that’d still be beneficial to the family?  
joined to pursue a freedom he didn’t have as a nobleman and is now just taking it really easy?
has clowns > jesters debate with volt; obv he’s team clown, volt is team jester
incredibly irrelevant but if he was a human he’d be chinese, i’ve claimed him, prodigal son older brother and fail son dynamic is there 
Mylene Ferrow
While I like the idea of her being from a military family, I want to make her like Ling Wen (TGCF) in the sense she started from the bottom and climbed to the top... it fits her ambitious nature of grasping for more, she hasn’t reached what she considers the top just yet... 
[very Ling Wen specific but Mylene being put in jail fr crimes unknown to me and being recruited  by Hydron bcs she kicked serious ass is an entertaining thought] 
I like to think she’s closest to Shadow due to the fact he kind of forces his presence onto her so... not her choice in that matter. “annoying” to “endearingly annoying, you still aren’t getting special treatment though”
Ofc Volt and Lync are on the same level, but I think they all know when to give each other space so they’re more of a “we hold each other at a distance, but we’re aware of out closeness which is enough for us”
Then its Spectra and then Gus in the “closest to Mylene” scale; she just straight up hates Gus and it���s mutual
whoever made the “Mylene and Spectra were exes” hc I think it’s really funny so I’m adding it here 
terrible fashion, she’s the one who chose the outfits when she and Shadow went to earth; her fashionable armor look she usually has was designed with Volt’s help, she just voiced what she generally wanted 
Her red lipstick look was bcs she thought it’d make her look more serious/ intimidating (Volt and Lync approved, it rlly does work on her)
Shadow matches w/ her (via his red nails) after they get teamed up tgt several times bcs he thinks they’re basically the go-to duo matchup whenever they’re assigned work n it’d be cool
Very forthcoming about the fact she used to be considered a criminal and was from same rundown area Volt and Lync come from
She’s grateful she got out of jail but she still has no respect for Hydron and despite how much she tries to hide it she does make it pretty clear to him she doesn’t really like him
I wish I had more to say about her... but It’s all relationship esque, i think in general she’s enjoyable and good so what I want more out of her is character dynamics
Lync Volan
[eng dub] he has grandparents; whether they’re still alive or not is...? 
was part of the same area Volt is from
probably aware of each other but didn’t really know each other
you sound like you have mommy issues 
came from the same area as Volt, but lived further out and closer to those areas where there were some bits of nature left 
ill expand on why he got picked up by Hydron another day lazy rn
Volt Luster
[canon] he’s from an area that just straight up looks like yugioh 5ds’ Satellite, and Hydron was the one who pulled him out of there  
He says Hydron pulled him out of there when he was a kid? I’d assume at youngest it’d be like Hydron (8) and Volt (11)
has a neat collection of handmade jester dolls 
lot more artistic than he seems 
Had his guardian bakugan with him the longest; had Brontes even before he met Hydron
Would the others consider him weird fr having a talking Bakugan that acted friendly with him n cracked jokes? 
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gamespritearchive · 3 years
yes i like fullmetal alchemist brotherhood a normal amount (<- lying) this post is going to be long so open the readmore at ur own risk
ok this is genuinely going to be a mess because im really terrible at summarizing things and organizing my thoughts so if ur actually gonna read through this then good luck!
here are just some short thoughts before the longer paragraphs
- i absolutely LOVE the note that plays right after the alchemists clap their hands together that indicates that theyre abt to use alchemy. the sound of the clap + the note that plays is incredibly satisfying
- the strong and well-written female characters in this show was a really good touch and i loved how they brought them (izumi and olivier) together at the end :') also their beefy husbands together was super nice too
- my favorite part of the story was actually the part where ed and al go to briggs because thats wher they introduced olivier. it was super nice to see her talk about how strong-willed she is and her army and all of that
- lan fan is another example of a strong female character but a little less favorable since she serves ling yao. that doesnt make her any less cool though she was super badass and i definitely cried over her more than once
- the details in this show was really nice. alphonse's body being malnourished was something that seemed really obvious, but the fact that when ed got his right arm back it was noticeably less muscular and had longer nails than his left was such a good detail
- in the last episode there was a scene where alphonse made a dumb face that was animated just like how ed's faces looked and that made me really happy that we finally get to see al emote just like his brother :')
- im pretty sure i cried through the entirety of the last episode because being able to see the characters laugh and smile without feeling burdoned by anything after youve seen them go through repeated heartache and physical pain for 63 episodes is a super nice feeling
- "i'm a terrible father but i want to make you two proud" .
- "i'll give you half of my life and you give me half of yours" UGH
- also right after this when ed was laughing at how flustered winry got because normally hes the one who gets flustered :') that was so sweet
- i literally guessed that it was morse code whenever they showed selim banging on al's head because its like why would they put so much emphasis on that and let it go on for like 10 seconds without any music over it. this happened like multiple times too and i guessed it before they made it incredibly obvious bye im the smartest guy alive
ok heres where i talk more besties lets go
fmab was absolutely worth watching 64 episodes. i was convinced that i probably wont finish it because i have trouble finishing 12 episodes but as it may be obvious i got super invested. fmab being this long allowed there to be enough time to explain aspects of the story separately and to watch them all come together at some point. it also allowed for a ton of details that even though they're small, they're still important to the story. they rehash a lot of points because it was a simple detail that could get lost through the story but when its rementioned and you recall the time, it's such a nice feeling to have that click in ur mind.
also the character development was really good and ill get more in-depth about characters later but the length of this anime also allowed for a ton of really good character development. it ties into the whole thing where you learn about a characters backstory and you don't understand why it's important to the show until later on and then you're like ohhhh holy shit that makes sense now! also all that time for character development also lets you get attached to more than just the main characters and makes you care more about the role they play in the story.
roy mustang. at first i liked him, but when he started to speak about how he wanted to become the fuhrer president before he knew the military was corrupt, i assumed that he would just become as corrupt as bradley was ("starting wars for no reason"). i was convinced for the longest time that he would eventually just turn out to be the second bad guy and that nearly came true whenever he was trying to kill envy but riza helped him :) i loved the entirety of their relationship they're so sweet and compliment eachother so well. the scene where roy demonstrates the sheer amount of trust he has in riza's abilities by blindly (heh. he was blind during this if u didnt know.) following her directions and hitting their target ... it was just so good. also even though i didnt trust roy i thought he was super badass the sound of him snapping was always super satisfying as well
i almost want to rewatch fmab because it would be really nice to pick up on things that were later referenced in the anime. because of how long it is, its super easy to forget about things that happened early on in the anime (especially for someone with memory issues lol) so being able to watch back with the second half of the show still fresh on my mind would be almost an entirely different experience. the first thing that comes to mind is whenever we were shown kimblee in prison super early on. i know he had dialogue but i remember nothing about it because i was focused on thinking "literally who the fuck is this guy lol" but now i know. wow.
edward elric. im aware that this is going to be incredibly biased but i literally do not care. anyways. character development is always important and needed within a story but i genuinely feel like ed's character development was interesting to watch. it was never super obvious and his core values never changed. he did somewhat have a change in attitude when he nearly died to kimblee, but thats like expected you know ... being that close to death and all. i think that event was essentially the beginning of the end of his naivety. he was always consistent with the people he cared about though :) he never stopped calling them stupid and weird and he never stopped threatening to punch hohenheim whenever he was frustrated even if they were like in the middle of like a life or death situation. i just think he's neat
when ed destroyed pride('s vessel) i felt my heart well up with. pride LOL. that was his very first explicit win against someone who has been against him this entire time, and seeing him defeat pride with his own two hands was such a nice feeling. it wasnt technically his own win since he was only able to get to that point because of his friends and family around him
episode 60 was suuper good it was the part where the father was gonna swallow god because of the solar eclipse. its super hard to explain if uve never seen it but basically the scene was super cool simply because of how well the animation showed the sheer scale of what was happening. like this guy was literally reaching to the moon. theres a lot of unnatural things that are shown in fmab and although this scene didnt introduce any new concepts, it was still incredibly captivating because of how well the animation was
aand thats it i think! i regret not writing down how i feel during the earlier episodes but i think watching it with little to no distractions was a better experience. if u actually read this im giving u a kiss on the cheek rn ilu
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heyjude19-writing · 4 years
Im the list anon again and boy do I have more for you but this time I also have some questions as well if your time allows and you are willing to answer of course. First with the other things I loved:
1) the fact that Ron warmed up to Draco so quickly! I genuinely think thats so much in character. Ron is not a distrustful person and as a middle child as they come is very easygoing and would for sure make stupid jokes at Draco
2) The patronus. My god the Patronus. I seriously put the phone down and made a small slow clap during that chapter. At first I was like hmmmm *insert unsure kombucha girl face* because almost all fanfics have him with a dragon patronus and leave it at that (and lets be honest at this point my expectations of you were quite high dont blame me blame your bloody brilliant writing) but then, and I dont know if you did this on purpose or not (I have a feeling you did) but the fact that the dragon was the same (pale white) wounded but still feral dragon that Hermione FREEED (!) from a bank (£££) dungeon, malnourished and used for its nature, surrounded by darkness, wealth and misery!! And it was Hermione who broke its chains!!!!! Is just *chefs fucking kiss* slow clap*
3) the way you describe sex scenes are so natural! Ive never read a fanfic or book that doesnt make me gag a little bit (I am not a fan of smut at all but ill go with it because of a good story) until I read yours. Its so simple but yet intricate and you make the entire act so intriguing and normal and intimate. Bravo.
4) I LOVE SASHA. I love that Theo fell for her head over heels and the way you portrayd her reminded me of a friend of mine who works as a sous-chef in London so I always pictured her when reading it!
5) Dracos inner voice is ON POINT. Like I genuinely think you shoud own the rights to that character now.
6) Ill say it again. I love Ginny. You should also own the rights to her character too.
7) my interest for Quiddich (even when reading the books/wathcing the movies) was on par, if not lower than Hermiones. You managed to get me interested in that too so yes another slow clap to you
7.1) Also such a clever career for Draco!! Made si much sense!
Now to some questions
A) What was the deal with Malfoy referring to Ginny as Weasly and refusing to aknowledge her Potter surname. And why did everyone kept correcting him? It was hilarious granted but I wanted to know whether the reason you included this time and time again had to do wih something deeper? Or was this included as just a funny recurring joke?
B) Why did you choose for Draco to have a “fantasy” to produce a patronus and not for example for him to have had to do that after theyd exchanged “i love yous”. Very interesting angle and i liked that it was sort of a loophole to all the ‘death eaters cant have patronuses’ but quite curious on the thought process
C) Why did you opt for Draco to remove his mark? Do you think that stands as reward for him more or for Hermione? Very smart solution by the way
D) if you have the time- Could you please elaborate a tad more on what the soul-bonding means? Why was it so taboo? At furst hand it seems like a very romantic/amazing thing to do with your partner right?
Lastly- Do you ever itch to make a second part to this? And in the most acceptable case that you dont, I always wondered what you had in mind for them in the future- because of the soul bonding thing, you mentioned that the generational curses will be erased, which means I guess that the Malfoys can have more than one child now, and girls as well. (I cannot believe im asking for this as I am the one to avoid any pregnancy fanfics but) do you imagine them with children and if yes, how many? How do they integrate muggle devices(I know youd agree wit me that Hermione would definitively bring some muggle stuff over!) and which devices would Draco really secretly like?
Ok rant done. :D
List anon! You’re back with another amazing ask. I’ll do my best!
1.) I like to think Ron matured a lot post-war (not enough to stop making terrible jokes, though.)
2.) Regarding your beautiful analysis of my specific dragon breed for Draco’s patronus: How many points would you like for your Hogwarts house of choice? I will add that according to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the Ironbelly’s scales are normally a metallic grey. I will also add that I subscribe more to book canon than movie canon. In the book version of events of the Gringotts escape, Harry breaks the chains and Hermione (with eventual help once the boys catch on) destroys the ceiling so it can have a way out. The partially blind dragon does the rest of the work on its own.
3.) Thank you, that’s very flattering.
4.) Does your friend also get you into fancy restaurants and can they make salted caramel bread pudding???
5.) Thank you, it was one of my favorite aspects of writing this story.
6.) Thank you, she’s so fun to write and flesh out from her book portrayal.
7.) Haha, I felt so validated by that line of dialogue in Cursed Child when Draco tells Harry he wanted to play quidditch professionally, but wasn’t good enough.
Now to some answers:
A.) It’s definitely a recurring joke. It’s up to the reader to interpret Draco’s actions here: is he doing it to be a massive troll? Or is he genuinely not retaining the information of her married name because he considers this fact so unimportant that he does not bother to keep it in his brain? Troll, snob, or both, you can decide!
B.) I’ll address the second part of this first, because it was not intended as a loophole. I 1000% do not understand the “death eaters can’t have patronuses” thing. It makes absolutely no sense. Snape has a Patronus. But beyond that… Umbridge has a Patronus (a cat). If we’re letting that woman have a Patronus, then yeah, I think Draco can cast one. As for the vision that Draco used to conjure it… up to you whether that’s a fantasy or a glimpse of a certain ritual actually working. Draco’s thoughts on the matter: “An image of such striking tangibility that he might have already lived it, or perhaps experienced time in such a way that he lived it now.”
C.) I wanted Draco to have a choice, obviously a recurring theme for him in RN. For my characterization of him, that symbol on his arm causes him nothing but shame and self-loathing (see the end of chapter 36 during his heart-to-heart with Hermione). He’d already exercised almost every known avenue to rid himself of it before Hermione entered his life (he lists these in chapter 44). Hermione already loved him (and has told him so) by the time she’s figured out how to remove it: “I love the man you are today and I will love that man tomorrow, bare forearm or not. I simply wanted you, for once, to have the choice. It’s your body.”
D.) Ooh anon, you are tempting me here. I really hate to be coy, but you might see some future writing on this very topic.
I can at least answer the taboo part: I think soul magic in general (horcruxes, the use of unicorn blood) is quite taboo in the HP universe. As no one knows what happens after death (not even ghosts, Nearly Headless Nick says as much when Harry asks him point-blank in OoTP) I think most magical folk would think the intense ritual (blending magical cores) an unnecessary thing anyway. As Draco explains in chapter 48, since no one actually knows the effects or if it works, it’s considered a bit over-the-top since it’s probably futile anyway. It is also not a Vow with a death component; Narcissa is obviously alive in this story even though Lucius is already dead. I wrote the generational curse protection theory in as a dig at Cursed Child for the way they handled Astoria’s character.
The idea of it I think is romantic, but I will stress it is very dependent upon the intent of the two participants. To quote Draco in chapter 48 again: “To twine one’s soul to another showed a willingness to not only physically tether one’s self during your time here on earth, but to commit to a blending of your magical cores, putting faith in your magic to recognize its bonded counterpart in another life. Should other lives even exist.”
If you re-read Draco’s experience during the bonding ceremony in chapter 51 (starting from this bit: “The cognizance of his own powers never felt sharper, more familiar, but suddenly another power pulsed within to join with his.”) you might find it bears a resemblance to the trajectory of their relationship.
Lastly- I’ve left Draco and Hermione to their wedded bliss. I’ve got nothing planned for them beyond where they are in the final lines of chapter 51. I don’t have that itch to write more into their future because it would feel forced. Draco laid out his two envisioned futures with Hermione in chapter 48 when they discuss having or not having children. They are happy and content in the life they chose together. That’s all I ever wanted for them.
You will see more from this story though. I have an entire series of one-shots and outtakes from the published Remain Nameless timeline that I’ll start posting soon.
Thank you so much list anon! These were fun to answer!
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charmspoint · 4 years
Top 5 characters that live in your head rent free 🤔
For this ask meme
Oh god ONLY five??? GOOD QUESTION. This is gonna be hard to both decide on and rank fairly uhoh lets see, this ranking his shifty as hell depending on what I’m into atm obvs
5. Tsurugi Kamiya from Servamp
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Does he look like a knock off Izaya? Yes. Is he? Very much no.
Tsurugi is like my no 1 reason for getting back into Servamp, I left right in the middle of his arc and I ;-; IS HE OKAY??? DID HE GET AWAY FROM TOUMA??? DID HE BECOME WRATHS EVE??? NOBODY TELL ME I’LL FIND OUT ON MY OWN.
Servamp was one of those shows where I didn’t really have a fav main character for a good while until this guy showed up. This guy is an absolute crazy little monster I can’t overemphasize on this, his coat is used as a fucking straight jacket I’m not even kiddin
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You get introduced to him and he’s scary and terrifying because he’s so strong, like he’s one of those strongest in the series characters and since he and the heroes are on semi opposing sides he is a serious threat. So you get introduced to this guy who seems borderline crazy and feral and then...you get to see him goofing off with his two boyfriends and their kid and it’s just
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The domesticity!!!!Look at it!!!! It’s so fucking cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, they are so cute together OT3 of C3 ftw, MY SON. Like Tsurugi had a horribly abusive childhood and was basically raised like an attack dog and his previous partner :) well he do be trying to seriously kill him don’t he. But look! He found his own little family he can be semi normal in!! Until is torn apart by his abusive adoptive father figure :D!!! I ABANDONED HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT ARC AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
im sorry this got so long on this particular character none of the others will be so long i just miss him TSURUGI ILL CATCH UP FOR YOU!!!! Maybe he should have been no 1 hbjhbjh fucking sleeper agents am i right
4. Izaya Orihara from Durarara
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Ah yes, the og queen bitch. Has my taste for villains ever recovered from Izaya? No. If your villain isn’t at least a bit like Izaya I’m not interested. Durarara was one of my first serious fandoms and Izaya was the first character I ever wrote for and I think you can explain me as a person if you consider Izaya was my all time fav at 13. I can’t really say anything about Izaya that hasn’t been said thousands of times before, I love how goofy and overperformative he can be, I love how there’s so much in him once you crack him open, I love how good of a villain he is for a messy story such as DRRR, puppeteer villains are really a league of their own. We need more puppeteering twinks, maybe then I’d be more into villains yaknow.
3. Hawks from Boku no Hero Academia 
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To no ones surprise!Him! I’ve been drifting off from BNHA recently what from catching bad case of JJK what from just reading n watching more other stuff and honestly that’s probably good because I’ve been into BNHA for a couple of years now as my main fandom and I really could have used a break. Not to say I don’t like BNHA anymore tbh I think right now BNHA is the best it’s ever been just ya know, drifting. That being said my love for Hawks will never die, god what a good boy and we got his backstory too aaa ;-;. BNHA was just like Servamp, something I liked but didn’t really have a fav character in until this random support character strolled in and won my heart. God I love how much we got on Hawks. He’s completely different from his initial impression and his unrelenting strive to do good despite being thrown from one horrible situation to the next is just ;-; HES SUCH A GOOD BOY. He’s selfless to a fault, literally putting everyone before himself and putting himself down for not being able to achieve more than is humanly possible I’m just ;-; I WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY. He just makes my heart happy, he’s good and warm and hardworking and in a manga where trauma plays such a major role in so many characters it’s so good to see Hawks there, having been through three different types of hell and still coming out unnerving in his goodness. All I want for him is to have a good life and to one day be able to smile for real.
2. Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen
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Again no surprise since I’ve been so into jjk lately. Satoru is p high up rn cuz I’m mainly into JJK now but god knows where he will actually settle. He’s not even really my favorite character in the show, that goes to Inumaki, but this is a list of who I think about the most (tho all of these characters are either no 1 or no 2 for their shows) and boy my brother and foxy can tell you I’m constantly thinking about this bitch. I didn’t really care about him that much at the start but then I got to Hidden Inventory and OH BOY MUCH TO THINK ABOUT. Satoru is such a wonderfully complex character whos evolution you can clearly follow through the years. He’s under so much pressure as the strongest sorcerer to deal with everything and he has to operate in that system trying to change it for the better while at the same time trying to make sure his students arent sacrificed in the name of that change. He has a very goofy disposition but along side with Nanamin who’s a lot more explicit about it, it’s clear he cares about mental state of his students a whole lot. He knows this world is terrible and that the will come out of it with scars and that he can’t protect them from all of it, but he balances protecting and letting them grow as much as he can. They need to grow so jujutsu society can change after all, but they also need to be protected so they don’t fuckin die before that can happen. This is without all the many many opinions I have on Hidden Inventory and SatoSugu as a whole, how they influenced each other, how differently they reacted to their shared trauma (Funny how everyone on this list is fuckin traumatized) and what resulted from it. How their fucking love story is dramatic enough to be a Shakespeare play. Also I like it when he’s long and goofy ahahah
1. Chuuya Nakahara from Bungou Stray Dogs
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Not to objectify men on main but I couldn’t choose a picture 
If there is ever a day when I don’t go feral over Chuuya I’ll probably be dead. He not only lives in my head rent free he owns the place.
BSD has such a great setup with Chuuya, like he’s ex partners with the mentor of the main character who got betrayed and abandoned when the mentor left shared evil organization. Sounds like grounds for drama right? YOUD THINK SO. Like Chuuya and Dazai have such a great and interesting dynamic and you can feel how strained it is from the distance and betrayal and they bicker and fight as their defining relationship trait BUT there is such a strong underlying trust to all the fighting. These two trust each other with their whole lives and that hasn’t changed despite everything, despite how much time has passed and how much that trust had been tested. So you’d think he’d be an important character :) HES STUCK IN SUPPORT HONESTLY HES STUCK IN BACKGROUND UNLESS HES NEEDED TO DO SOMETHING COOL AAAAAA. Chuuya is literally one of a kind, I’ve never seen a character with such a good design and such an cool power and such an interesting relationship to one of the main characters and such a love and support from the fandom BE SO UTERLLY AND COMPLETLY WASTED. Even when we get Chuuya scraps they rarely build on relationship he has in canon but just throw in new random ones at him (tho that’s a broader problem of Kafka throwing new characters at the plot instead of developing the one he already has really). We get a hint of a cool fight with him? Completely cut out, More often then not it just feels like he is benched because he’s so damn strong there would just be no plot tension if he went in and broke some heads (which is also a problem with Satoru, guys stop writing op characters if you’ll just put em on the bus aaa). Anyway he’s completly and utterly wasted by the plot.
And it’s such a waste because he’s such a good character. Like he’s a member if the villain organization and is obviously by that very vicious and violent but also so empathetic and kind to people he considers his friends. He and Dazai have the brawn and brain thing going on and stg Chuuya is like the only brawn I can think of that is classier then their brain. Look at how this guy dressed, he’s high class gay, hat, choker, coat, gloves, he is bringing in the looks. I love how he can actually be completely calm and rational and put together but then put him with Dazai and it’s back to ‘we are 15 and we will scream out heads off at each other’, they are so childish. 
Anyway I love Chuuya he deserves to be treated better and I will never stop screaming about Chuuya ever
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kyrrahbird · 4 years
Ky’s 琅琊榜 Nirvana in Fire/Lang Ya Bang liveblog experience
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Time for episode 2!! the one you should really stick around for!! Altho ill be honest, episode 3 is when it really really gets going. this ep is still introducing more major characters LMAO
We left ep 1 finding out about a competition for Nihuangs hand. thank god ep 2 picks up with a discussion about that
The princess is a marquess general rank and has made it on to the Langya martial list
have i mentioned i LOVE HER
unfortunately the emperor is very paranoid
(summary of the whole drama)
and Nihuang is apparently too powerful. hes trying to limit her power with marriage
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I love this intro. Crunchy knuckles man
Bamf and ominous!!
little did I know!!
They also casually drop that Xie Yu controls the capitol patrol guards
i sure do hope that doesnt become relevant later
I still do not like prince yu. hes trying to control Nihuang :(
Mei Changsu has disappeared!! Right under their noses!!
He’s already delighting me
“Even though Fei Liu has mental insufficiencies, he has a good temperament” I CACKLED
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Great father-figure, just letting hes souped-up superhero kid wander wherever
But thats okay, we now get to see Commander Meng and Fei Liu battle it out
Fei Liu is HORRIFIED that there might be someone he cant beat
All the fight scenes serve multiple purposes too. Xie Yu is Judging™
Commander Meng “I wouldn’t have dared say I could have won within a hundred moves” 
Cut to Xie Yu’s double take 
you used the Su Zhe alias for like 1 day tops and its already nearly useless
It’s solely to confuse first time watchers
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Fei Liu being depressed against a pole im dying
(MCS said he couldnt have beaten Commander Meng)
Im not making a comment about that quote
youre making a comment about that quote
But Xie Bi is onto MCS secret and runs straight to prince yu, while Xie Yu runs straight to the crown prince LMOA
So predictable
“Openly yet discretely took discretely took up residence in my househole”
Yeah it wasnt that discreet 
Also love how Xie Yu goes “yeah no we’re probably gonna have to kill him”
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i love how hes just so,,, fucking blunt
and terse
absolutely no social niceties
Xia Dong just stares off into the middle distance and refuses to acknowledge him
“This wouldnt be another big conspiracy case would it?”
i didnt even know what was going on the first time and i still figured out that was a pointed dig. Xia Dong’s look of outrage is priceless
So Lin Xie (our mc’s dad) apparently killed Xia Dongs husband and that was part of this whole big Chiyan conspiracy that resulting in the army being massacred and mcs falling off a cliff and not dying
But Prince Jing and Nihuang dont believe it. dun dun dunnnn
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I remember the first time i watched this and i had the thought that this dude is just. dead inside
I was not wrong
His life sucks rn
And his father and brothers are making him stand outside for hours
thank god for gao zhan the eunuch
His dad FORGOT about him
His brothers piss me off soooo much. i can just see his desire to sink into the floor and/or throttle them both and I CONCUR
And here we have Jingyan’s mother!!!
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The real mvp of the show
shes also absolutely gorgeous
And sad that her son didnt visit :((((
Jingrui protecting mcs from his mother and the empress is precious and absolutely breaks my heart
“There’s nothing moral about needlessly placing a friend in a difficult position” AAAAAAA
The thing i loved was that foreshadowing was always evident (through the music and stress and long stares) even if u had no idea what was being foreshadowed 
They’re deliberately late to the fight show so that they dont end up in the boring procession
We (briefly) see Mu Qing who is Nihuang’s lil bro and a Whole Idiot. I love him
But then we get the gr8 scene of the Crown Prince and Prince Yu blatantly jockeying for MCS’s favour
MCS manages to deftly deflect all their gifts
its incredible
Yujin and Jingrui are just looking on like o_o’’’
ooooh no
we’re going to meet the grand dowager empress (the emperors grandmother)
“She is the most peaceful grandmother on earth” oooo my heart
I LOVE THIS bc i was not entirely clear on the family relation here the first time but i still knew EXACTLY what this meant to mcs
she doesnt remember any of them ;;n;;;
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u just know this is important. that this recognition is everything hes lost (his family, his friends, his fiance)
but his great grandmother still recognises him
She remembered his favourite sweet too TAT
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oh no
and MCS grips nihuang’s hand!!!
Jingrui had to remind him to leave
im so sad :((((( 
I feel bad for his great grandmother;;;
And then he goes back to lying
Why you always lyyyyinggggg
Nihuang asking the pertinent questions like “why tf would you come to the capital, where all the politics are, to REST?”
She may have a point
This ep ends with a slave boy being whipped when spills a bucket of water :000
Which means next ep is the MEETING
I said this one would be shorts and it....nearly is. Apparently i have a lot of thots on Every Scene /surprised pikachu face. 
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dalermessi · 4 years
girl i might just screw around and become a Kpop/Kdrama stan, plz recommend me some sappy but cute romantic kdramas to watch and where i could watch them, im tired of these white love stories
omfg TASTE yes do it!!! if u want cute romantic ones you’ve come to the wrong place bc i hate that shit 😳i prefer more action based dramas, but ill list all the ones i’ve watched before for you!
strong woman do bong soon - cute with a significant plot
weightlifting fairy kim bok joo - again, cute with a lot of action
because it’s the first time - okay this one is pretty romance centered and i’ve watched it twice so it’s one of my favorites. prepare yourself
are you human too - LOVED this one it’s a lot of drama and action and stuff and it’s so good also seo kangjoon (the lead actor) SEXY. the sole reason for me being a fantagio (his company) stan
suspicious partner - okay i watched like half of this one before i couldn’t take it anymore but if you’re looking for romance and an annoying couple this is it for you
the guardians - okay this is also one of my favorite dramas! there’s not much romance but the plot and the characters are really really interesting and it’s so engaging. i would have watched all of it in two days if i had no self control
descendants of the sun - this is one of the most popular kdramas ever i’m pretty sure……….watch it and find out why i guess!
abyss - this drama was okay, the plot was kind of messy and i was eventually only watching bc the lead actor (ahn hyoseop) is sexie. there’s some form of romance but it’s not the main thing going on so
the secret life of my secretary - you will really like this if you want cute sappy romance!!! a v cute drama with an interesting plot and the chemistry between the leads is my fave
melting me softly - i stopped watching this w like 6 episodes left bc i cannot stand the main actor (he’s the same guy from suspicious partner so it makes cents!) but that’s is a story for another time. the plot was a good idea but executed messily so it was. not the best but interesting nonetheless!
the third charm - this entire drama is all about the relationship between two individuals so it goes very very slowly, i personally got bored and continued to watch just for the lead (kangjoon) but i would read the synopsis to see if it fits ur taste!
hwarang - this drama was just. a lot. if you’re into historical shit this could be for u. otherwise. whew
moment of eighteen - omg……i got two words……..moon bin! lmao jk this drama was really interesting and i enjoyed it so much, another one that i would have watched in a few sittings if i had no self control. i hope u like this one especially. i love moon bin
rookie historian goo haeryung - i’m in the middle of this one rn and i adore it! (for plot reasons obviously) it’s v engaging with a cute romantic side and it’s funny too. the lead male character is a stupid idiot bitch and the actor portrays it so well it seems natural! :)
as for where to watch, there’s a bunch of different places. if you have netflix, they have a selection of different dramas they rotate through so i would check there first. your next stop is viki.com!!! they have the biggest selection of dramas you can watch online and that’s where i watched most of these. some other sites that i’ve used before are fastdrama and dramanice. have fun!
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strazhisveta · 4 years
hehe time for a new fucking character - except it's not new, it's literally my character in a current campaign in dnd but she's in destiny, and somehow 200% more depressed. ill make her doc eventually, im lazy rn.
so, her name is vytale imperias, a risen human with dark purple markings on her face. she doesn't have a specific class, but does appear to look like a titan. her affinity is with the void light, and uses it like a war hammer - aka imagine a void middle tree sunbreaker - it's my rules now. no one really knows how long she's been around, but she didn't just live by her biological name. as vytale, she's a softspoken person who tries to see the world equally, and be a protective figure to those wronged.
due to circumstances that will be revealed when the time is right - it has dnd spoilers so I CANNOT SAY YET - she was brought into the shadows of yor, and became known as dredgen sorrow. as sorrow, she was a silent character, but intelligent enough to know when to speak and fight. despite her strength, vytale was never happy as being known as sorrow, and over time, began confiding in hope, learning about his intentions to leave and as such, admitting her own temptations to leave. she ultimately watched hope leave, and like the group she was formerly affiliated too, slipped into the shadows and left them and her name of sorrow behind. while she did forge a thorn, that was abandoned on europa, it's current location now unknown.
retaking her name vytale imperias, she began wondering the solar system alone with her ghost, valandras - who uses he/him pronouns - wielding an unnamed shotgun. she eventually stumbled into the last city, where she reunites with hope - now the drifter - and attempts to forget the misery she caused as dredgen sorrow.
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honeyboyfelix · 5 years
every 5 questions *side eyes* so like 5, 10, 15, etc. for the 90-sth questions ask game you just reblogged
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? ~ uh i actually really like cans? 
10. game you were best at in p.e.? ~ volleyball
 15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? ~ hmmm probably kingdom keepers (which is the book that actually made my adhd ass finally get my ar score off the bottom of the ocean into an almost highschool reading lvl; i had a first grade reading lvl before that because i hated reading) 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? ~ cute notebooks and sketchpads uwu
25. first song you remember hearing? ~ oh god i dont know maybe like linkin parks in the end? or my immortal by evanescence (my moms a fucking grunge bitch)
30. places that you find sacred? ~ my tiny little corner garden and the space in front of my fridge where i like to sit (my family calls me the kitchen troll cause i just like....sitin in the kitchen :)
35. average time you fall asleep? ~...ok so first make a wheel with every hour of the day on it and then spin-
i dont sleep on an average anything, one day ill sleep at 3pm and the next itll be 4am and every time in between 
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? ~ im the weirdest thing to ever happen at my school (me and my friend ducktapeing our legs together and three leg racing down the halls on a school day proves that, and many many more incidents 
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? ~  F A N T A S Y
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? ~ the hardest ive ever laughed....was maybe the one time me and my friend (same friend as the three leg race) got high on sleep deprivation and for some reason we just fucking started laughing at /nothing/ in the middle of botany class; we laughed for 30 minutes straight without making a single noise and we both had tears streaming down our faces
55. favorite fairy tale? ~ ah i can't remember any fairytales rn
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? ~ i really like silly slice of life anime  (like nichijou!! which i have not finished but i love)
65. any permanent scars? ~ uh idk cause i cant see it but im p sure the scar from the 5below incident will be permanent (i can feel the little bump!!!!)  
70. left or right handed? ~ righty
75. when did you lose your first tooth? ~ when i was five i think?
80. earth tones or jewel tones? ~ uh....pass?
85. fairy tales or mythology? ~ mythology
90. luckiest mistake? ~  asdfgh i dont know????????
95. favorite app on your phone? ~ my tarot deck
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it’s jay. again. my browser just crashed. so i’m just gonna copy and paste my old intro. there’s no time to try and make it better. rip !
⌊ priyanka chopra, cis woman, antigone ⌉ ⏀ have you spoken to ALEXANDRA “ALEXA” MEHRA recently? the THIRTY-FOUR year old who’s been in seneca for SEVEN YEARS or so? either way, they always seem to remind me of FLOWERS PLACED ON A GRAVE, A RUSTY COMPASS, STORMS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT whenever i see them on main street. on a good day they’re pretty MORALISTIC, but they can also be RESISTANT. ⌊ jay, 19. est, she/her ⌉
the story of antigone that y’all probs already know but jic.
triggers: brief implication of incest but like wbk, brief mention of suicide, death, creon bein a bitch
brief overview of antigone (character + eponymous story):
antigone was born to oedipus and jocasta.
we all know what happened there. after that, oedipus was like “see no evil feel no evil” and jocasta yeet’d out of living.
her brothers went to war against each other. when creon ascended to the throne, he allowed burial for eteocles with honors, but was like “lmao if u bury polyneices i will kill u”
but antigone was like ‘lmao SURE JAN’ and tried to convince ismene, her sister, to help her bury polyneices. ismene was like ‘ok that’s a rly bad idea like good luck but count me out tbh.’
antigone is rly bad at digging graves tho so polyneices’s body was found and creon was like ‘oh my GOD’ and she’s like ‘fuck the government viva la morality!’
then creon was like ‘ok anyway rmr when i said u wld die if u buried polyneices so ig now u have to be buried alive in a tomb’ then antigone was like ‘actually i’ll be hanging myself before u can do fuck the government’
then he was like ‘at least u’ll be dead! oh wait -
Y’ALL GO SAVE EVERYONE’ but then it was too late
antigone and his son had both killed themselves and everyone, including himself, were just like
“get WREKT creon!!!!!”
alexa ( play despacito ).
triggers: suicide (x2), death (x3), mental illness implications, war, brief mentions of torture and murder
ok now onto alexandra ! so, like i did for valda, i looked up names that shared the same meaning as ‘antigone’ (which essentially means “against”) and one of the suggestions was alexa but i also wanted it to sound. super valiant. but at the same time. i wanted it to be something that could have a conversational nickname. so im already hc’ing that she has ‘despacito’ saved on her phone. also alexandra is my middle name so like?? stan list?? OK ANYWAY.
alright, so alexandra was born to a very upper-class family. her father was a politician and her mother was a successful lawyer. they provided well for the perfect nuclear family –– two sons, two daughters, a golden retriever, two cats in the yard life used to be so hard now everything is easy cause of-
like... her early life, say birth to age 14, was... nice. actually normal and nice. have i ever done that before? has my own edgelord ass ever done that before? i don’t think so.
which is why things obviously took a turn for the worse
but yeah. when she was 14, she was like “hey mom idk how to do pre-algebra” (a mood) but there was no response from her mom. so shrug city, you know? she just went to her older sister instead. but like... so much time passed.... and nothing....
finally, this nosy bitch decided to be like “ok i’m gonna go see what tf she’s doing” and that was just... a terrible idea. instead of finding her mom doing her nails or talking on the phone or any number of reasons she may not have come out yet, she found her mother hanging from the ceiling fan.
she tried to get her brothers’ and sister’s help, and they tried so desperately to help (you know, while also calling 911 and their father), but it was to absolutely no avail.
after this hella traumatizing experience, the children grew closer as the father grew farther.
he began getting lost in his own mind, sometimes accidentally mixing the past with the present, a la willy loman style. he would hold slight conversations with their ‘mother’ while at the table, then began holding them with various others from the past. it was pretty clear that his mind had just been looking for an excuse to snap, and the death of his wife had been the perfect scapegoat.
although it had originally just affected him in his home life, he began holding said conversations in the presence of people outside his family.
this is not good for a politician.
i mean it’s not good for anyone but...
his support immediately began dropping. his team gradually left him, finding there was no way he would ever be able to gain another victory if he kept on living in a limbo between the past and the present. given that he’d started ‘talking to his brother’ during one of his speeches... 
rest in peace to his career.
alexa (play despacito) was 18 at the time, her sister - 20, one of her brothers - 21, the other - 24.
they were all legal adults! some of them had even moved out! so their father figured his next move would not affect him in the way their mother’s death had!
so he shot himself.
the only people who showed up at his funeral were alexa and her sister. her eldest brother proclaimed that flying across the country would be too much of a hassle for that, and the other brother simply did not respond.
her eldest brother did, however, enlist in the army after setting legalities in place that would allow him to send money back to his siblings. he had joined simply because it was an easy opportunity (what with all of the propaganda), but his decision prompted the other brother to do the same –– this time because he was talented at ‘the art of fighting.’
and bc more money but like... get wrekt.
alexa’s sister dropped out of college to work a full-time job –– one that paid fairly handsomely. alexa took some odd jobs.
aka, everyone was trying to make money.
creon was right when he said “money! nothing worse”
so things kind of dipped when the eldest brother was killed. after an accusation that he’d become a traitor, their other brother had taken it upon himself to ‘anonymously’ torture and shoot him. but the other side did it!
which everyone knew was a lie.
because of the accusations, he was not only not allowed a military funeral, he was also not meant to be buried in any honorable fashion. instead, his body was returned to his hometown to be buried there following a quiet and uneventful funeral.
his grave was left unmarked.
nonetheless, the grave was visited every day, new flowers laid atop.
meanwhile, their other brother was considered a newfound military icon. he’d gotten rid of a ‘traitor’ (they continued to pretend it was someone from the other side, of course), he’d killed many an enemy, he’d done this and that and this and that and it all made him look so morally grey to alexa and her sister (who, granted, had yet to find out he’d killed their other brother), but like such a white knight to his fellow soldiers.
he truly rose in the ranks. it was what he was meant to do.
but the more he killed, the more he tortured, the lack of grief towards his brother’s death...
alexa’s sister wasn’t buying her hypothesis. it wasn’t necessarily because she saw their other brother was some pure being, but because she simply didn’t believe he was capable of that.
the next time alexa saw her brother, she got confirmation enough. what to do with the information, she wasn’t sure, but she knew she had to do something...
murder wasn’t the solution... she didn’t have any military connections that would allow for her to spout some lie about why he needed to be dishonorably discharged... but what he did couldn’t skate by...
to this day, she is still wondering what she can do to fuck him over. his success in the military keeps growing grander and grander, thus rendering any fake dishonorable discharge excuses completely moot. her sister still doesn’t believe that there really is a solution –– that, while it is greatly harmful, there’s absolutely nothing they can do and ruminating on it is worthless –– trying to find some quest to defeat their own brother is absurd.
although she has since moved to seneca, attracted to its small town appeal, she continues to visit her eldest brother’s grave every week –– it’s about a two hour drive, so it’s worth it.
she’s taken up work as a cemetery caretaker
because of COURSE she would.
and, although its pay is.... lousy, she’s been making due. for the tombstones no one visits any longer, first she’ll look them up to make sure they weren’t slave-owners or anything, she’ll bring them their own flowers. the dead deserve just as much respect as the living, hm?
i just realized i didn’t do this for valda (aka, i’m about to update her intro with it), but a total enneagram type 2.
too empathetic for her own good, too ‘this person whom i do not even know deserves flowers’ for her own good, too ‘i’ve got to protect _______ by doing _________’ for her own good
a capricorn
so driven by her own moral compass, she does not CARE about anything that says she has to go against it
her moral compass can be super faulty sometimes tho
pretty quick to make assumptions tbh, but has so far been right abt most of them.
so also driven by gut feelings ig
dramatic tbh. i mean she’s the adapted version of a character whose first lines contained “there's nothing, no pain—our lives are pain” SO.
also p independent (as in i said valda was independent), but her vendetta isn’t against men in general, rather just her brother who is still alive
so like,,, that said,,, holds grudges.
im bad at personality sections!! as has been stated before!! but i think the gist has been gotten across!!
wanted connections.
so rn i only have one specific one which is her sister and can be found on the wc page
will come up w/ unique ones later but until then open 2 hearing urs/brainstorming!
(refer to triggers listed before the bullets.) a lot of death? like mom kills herself then dad turns into willy loman then dad kills himself. brothers both join the army. one brother kills the other brother for being accused of being a ‘traitor.’ said brother doesn’t get a proper funeral and his headstone is unmarked. the other brother rises in the rankings and alexa knows what happened. convinced her sister of it, but her sister is more logical and let her know that she was very angry too, but making her entire life about it would do nothing but endanger herself and others. moved to seneca because she liked the small town feel. still visits her eldest brother’s grave every week to leave flowers. works as a cemetery caretaker bc WHY NOT. brings flowers to graves that are either unmarked or no longer visited. i hope you read all of that and just thought ‘oh my god fckin EDGELORD’ because you’re right.
alright ! fin.
like this or hmu if you’d like to plot !
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cressed · 7 years
50 bookish questions tag
thanks to @midnightinkspill for tagging mee
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time?
lol why u do this to me. i honestly love solitaire by alice oseman a lot but also harry potter and the lunar chronicles. honestly just check my goodreads its in my bio 
2. What is the longest book you have ever read? How many pages?
i think les miserables idk how many pages because i got it as an ebook. either that or lord of the rings cos i got the three in one thingo
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date)
the iliad
4. What is a book series that everyone else loves but you do not?
throne of glass lol let me die i hate that series so much dont come @ me
5. What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series?
i mean ive always said that the lunar chronciles would make a great movie so :)
6. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
solitaire and i also just finished the hate u give and that was phenomenal
7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading?
lol rest of the throne of glass series.... even though im gonna download them one day lol
8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not reading?
none because i know im gonna read them eventurally
9. What is a book you have read that is set in your country of birth?
i cant remember the full title but its something something cinnamon girl by melissa keil lol
10. What is a book that you own more than one copy of?
i have three philosopher’s stones and two Emma’s by Jane austen even though i havent read it. 
11. What horror book made you really scared?
ive never read a horror that scared me. i dodnt really read much horror tho
12. What book do you passionately hate?
13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many books are in it?
does all of rick riordans mythology series count? thers like 25 idek. if not then i will have to say harry potter and im slowly making my way through a series of unfortunate events
14. What book gives you happy memories?
harry potter and lunar chronicles
15. What book made you cry?
i cry in everything lol most recently was half blood prince cos im reading the series again
16. What book made you laugh?
Ihonestly theres always a scene in rick riordans books tha makes me giggle
17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character?
lol. i dont have an all time fave so im gonna recommend some some. radio silence by alice oseman (every character is lgbt), song of achilles (gay and bi ithink cant remember), raven cycle (gay and bi), perks of being a wallflower (gay side character), the dark wife (lesbian) by sarah diemer, solitaire (gay and bi side character), if i was your girl (trans mc), the complete works of sappho (lol)
18. Have you read a book with a male protagonist? What is it?
who hasn’t lol. rn im reading 20000 leagues under the sea 
19. Have you read a book set on another planet? What is it?
yeah lunar chronicles it was on the moon. also does high fantasy count? then lotr and daughters of the storm by kim wilkins. those are the only two high fantasy i like.
20. Have you ever been glad to not finish a series? Which?
nah i try to finish everything just in case. but im not mad if i dont
21. Have you ever read a book series because you were pressured?
oh my god.carrie by stephen king (shit) and misery by stpehen king (even shitter). (sorry caitlin). 
22. What famous author have you not read any books by?
i mean ive attempted jane austen a few times, never read mark twain either. im slowly making my way thru the classics. 
23. Who is your favourite author of all time?
i stan marissa meyer so hard because she is like so well rounded? great plots, characters, writing and themes. although if there are no lgbt characters in renegades im unstanning lol
24. How many bookshelves do you own?
two but only one is for books
25. How many books do you own?
goodreads says ive read 490 so i’d have probably about 300-430 on my shelf perhaps
26. What is your favourite non-fiction book?
I constanly think abour Eartha kitt’s autobiography ‘i’m still here’ nearly every day lol. that was amazing.
27. What is your favourite children’s/middle-grade book?
his dark matericals by phiilip pullman
28. What is your next book on your TBR?
the kite runner
29. What book are you currently reading?
20000 leagues under the sea
30. What book are you planning on buying next?
hunted by megan spooner
31. What was the cheapest book you bought?
it was this weird book called in search of ancient gods and its about how religion is invented by aliens. i got it for free from a church op shop.
32. What was the most expensive book you bought?
i think it might have been the casual vacancy by jk rowling. 
33. What is a book you read after seeing the movie/ TV series?
girl interrupted
34. What is the newest book you have bought?
the kite runner
35. What three books are you most looking forward to reading this year?
im doing the popsugar reading challenge so i usually dont even know what im gonna read until its time. im gonna try and fit renegades into it somehow, also that beauty and the beast spin-off book ‘lost in a book’, and tbh im pretty excited to read hunted.
36. What is a book you love that has a terrible trope? (Love triangle, etc)
lunar chronicles. the terrible trope was heterosexuality.
37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it?
i tried to read the history of alexander the great with a greek-english dictrionary but i couldnt do it lol
38. What is a book you’ve read that is set in a time period before you were born?
u kno there are a lot of better examples but all i cant think of right now is outlander.
39. What book offended you?
im offended by the existence of throne of glass >:)
40. What is the weirdest book you have read?
yeah. insearch of anceint gods. ill give u abit of the blurb.”before the dawn of recorded history, the Earth was host to extra-terrestrial beings ... [who] left signs unmistakable of their visit.” if you’ll remember its about how religions are created by aliens. one of the reviews is by ‘the universe’. i dont know if thats a newspaper or what. its also non-fiction.
41. What is your favourite duology?
soc is the only duology ive finished pretty sure. i did like passenger by alexandra bracken. i just havent got wayfinder yet. 
42. What is your favourite trilogy?
lord of the rings
43. What book did you buy because of its cover?
ghostgirl by tonya hurley (its honestly so pretty). stealing snow by danielle paige. also the 20th anniversary edition of harry potter.
44. What is a book that you love, but has a terrible cover?
the cover i have of anne of green gables is ugly af. also the uk covers of percy jackson are disgusting. 
45. Do you own a poetry anthology? What is your favourite poem from it?
yeah i have a few. leonard coehen, sappho, rupi kaur, amanda lovelace, and lang leav. i also have this teen poem anthology i got from netgalley.
anyway sappho is my fave poet so i will do one from her things.
i shall be ever maiden
if thou be not my lover,
and no man shall posess me
henceforth and forever
but thou alone shalt gather
this fragile flower of beauty -
to crush and keep fragrance
like a holy incense
thou only shalt remember
this love of mine, or hallow
the coming years with gladness,
calm pride and passion
46. Do you own any colouring books based off other books?
47. Do you own any historical fiction?
yeah there is a few
48. What book made you angry?
tog. also the hate u give but in a good way
49. What book has inspired you?
all books inspire me
50. What book got you into reading?
harry potter and also twilight lol. then lunar chronicles made me read heaps more than i did before because i doubted i could find a book as good as it and i wanted to challenge myself
idk how many booky people follow me back who will do this so i tag whoever wants to do it just tag me in it so i van see ur answers!
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eyy i was tagged by @lancekoganee, @lovelylangst, and @fictionismynationality for the 92 truths thing so here it issss
LAST… [1] drink: dr pepper [2] phone call: uh well the last like 5 people to call me were spam numbers but the last i actually talked on was with my sister [3] text message: bff callie [4] song you listened to: just one yesterday by fall out boy [5] time you cried: a few hours ago when i remembered my characters name in the demi episode game that i played a year and a half ago was “whipe dat azz”
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: unfortunately yes [7] been cheated on: no [8] kissed someone and regretted it: no [9] lost someone special: ?? im not sure bc there’s a lot of people who used to be special but the friendship either imploded or slowly died sooo [10] been depressed: no [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no lol i am rather pure for my age lmao
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] dark green [13] pastel pink [14] that blue that looks really good in velvet
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yeah! [16] fallen out of love: yes? im not sure if it was love to begin w sooo [17] laughed until you cried: bruh i did like 3 hours ago lol [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah apparently im “famous” at best buy bc my coworker (who also works there) was telling his coworkers about shenanigans him and i get into  [19] met someone who changed you: yee [20] found out who your true friends are: yeah. ive cut out a lot of people but its for the better [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: not currently lol (my current bf isnt my friend on facebook lmao)
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them tbh, but i need to go through and clean out my friends list [23] do you have any pets: 3 cats and a doggo [24] do you want to change your name: nah but a nickname would be cool [25] what did you do for your last birthday: i didnt work  i saw Fantastic Beasts in the morn and had lunch w my bf, then hung out w my friends and had dinner w them and the fam, went home and played sims [26] what time did you wake up: 7-730ish am [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: coming home from work/starting precal hw [28] name something you cannot wait for: obviously voltron season 3 but i also want to jsut get thru the next few weeks bc work is going to be a   n i g h t m a r e  and i want my suffering to be over asap [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 2 hours ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: honestly i would go back in time and tell little middle school me to try out for region (bc i honestly believe if i had just had a year or two more expirience auditioning, then i wouldve made the all state choir) and then go to junior yr me and say “stop being an angry ho and   c a l m   d o w n   . i wish i could go back a year from today and tell myself that the management position is not worth it. to find another job while i can. (however, i use my job as motivation to do well in school: “do well, keep up my gpa, get my degree. i dont want to be at the movie theater forever”) [31] what are you listening to right now: my klance playlist (death of a bachelor is currently playing) [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ive talked to a tommy and someone whos last name is toms [33] something that is getting on your nerves: anything customer related/ “can an available manager come to the stand for an employee purchase” [34] most visited website: college homepage, math hw website, tumblr, gmail, netflix (recently made my friend watch voltron every MWF after out speech class lol) [35] elementary: my awkward acne/glasses/pre-braces/braces phase. also i wore training bras for 3 yrs bc i was so uncomfortable w my boobs that i couldnt tell my mom i needed an actual bra [36] high school: i can look at pictures and tell by my smile where i lost my childish innocence (halfway thru junior yr)  [37] college: community rn, but i plan on transfering to tamu and getting at least a bachelors in environmental science. i have to research into carriers to see if a masters/phd is worth it, but that is something im interested in [38] hair color: blonde when clean [39] long or short hair: the question of the century. i look good w a lob, but i also love braiding hair sooo [40] do you have a crush on someone: i mean i have a crush on my bf lance [41] what do you like about yourself: i guess im funny. i can sing the whole danny phantom theme song  [42] piercings: triples in each ear, helix and double forward helix in my right ear (planning on getting a faux snug in my left ear eventually. id like a nose ring, but work wont let me. i maybe want a belly button ring, if i decide to work out for it lol as if) [43]blood type: i dunno, but looking at it makes me queasy so [44] nickname: maycakers, big titty t, mak [45] relationship status: long term relationship (idk how many months now but its over 2 yrs so) [46] zodiac sign: scorpio [47] pronouns: she/her.  [48] fav tv show: voltron, avatar the last airbender (im laughing i typed “airbeder” at firs), the office, drake and josh [49] tattoos: never (ill stick w piercings) [50] right or left hand: right 
FIRST… [51] surgery: does having a wart dug out of my toe count [52] piercing: the standard single pair when i was 6 [53] best friend: aaliyah but once we got to middle school we didnt have classes together and i didnt see her much in highschool (i heard about her bc she broke a lot of sports records. shes gonna be an olympian in 2020 y’all. i can feel it) [54] sport: does drill team count [55] vacation: we went to the state capitol w my grandparents  [56] pair of trainers: wtf are trainers
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing bc my stomach is currently revolting [58] drinking: grape powerade [59] i’m about to: take a nap gd im tired [60] listening to: euphoria by loreen [61] waiting for: sleep to take me [62] want: my period back ache to stop [63] get married: i want to get married so bad i want to be super domestic and have a bb and that kid is gonna recycle EVERYTHING and i will love them [64] career: ecologist? environmental researcher? environmental biologist? agricultural reformer? idk i just want to do something w the environment 
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] hugs or kisses: hugs  [66] lips or eyes: eyes are pretty [67] shorter or taller: taller bc then ur head is in their chest when u hug. or u have to get on tippy toes to kiss. yes. [68] older or younger: older older older [70] nice arms or nice stomach: yknow stomaches are nice and all but u cant see them bc shirts. u can see arms tho ohmy [71] sensitive or loud: idk im loud so  [72] hook up or relationship: relationship ftw. hook ups sound...really gross to me (my ace ass cant fathom hookups lol) [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? ew no [75] drank hard liquor? the only thing ive ever drank ever is a shot of cherry sake (i spit that back out it was gross) and a shot of goldschlager (which cleared sinuses i didnt know i had and made me reaaaalllly giggly) [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? lmao all the time [77] turned someone down: yeah  [78] sex on first date? no [79] broken someone’s heart? yes  [80] had your own heart broken? not really? i felt sad both times i broke up w my ex but i knew it was for the best [81] been arrested? no but ive had someone threaten me w calling the cops [82] cried when someone died? my granny, cat, hamster [83] fallen for a friend? i mean my bf was my friend before we dated so i guess
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? tbh i am super confident in my schoolwork and just... not at all at work [85] miracles? yeah but sometimes they fail me [86] love at first sight? no  [87] Santa Claus? rip [88] kiss on the first date? ehhh [89] angels? maybe
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: CALLIE [91] eye color: blue [92] favorite movie: oh fuq i love tangled and anastasia 
i dont know 20 people or whatever so imma tag @pierce-the-llama, @marcoandthebodts (you sent me one of these like 55245 years ago and i shall do it now lol), @connors-sweet-ass, and @justklance if y’all want to 
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