casualhedonists · 8 months
My girlfriend (ohstardew) started gushing about this story one day and I asked for the link because I was curious, and I can’t tell the amount of times we’ve chatted about it since as I’ve read through it to catch up. I wanted to share my thoughts in a comment so:
— Your writing is stellar. I can’t say this enough, it’s full of tension and drive, well-paced and with dialogue that feels like it is covering two layers at once. You embody need and lust with such a deft hand. — The power play in part 3 leading into their heated exchange, my god, the tension between them, the back and forth. You get the emotional beats down so well in this, this slow build heightening towards what we inevitably want to happen (even though I was biting my hand expecting it) — The start of part 4 with Snow was excellent hook to get me jumping into the story with bated breath and excitement. The way the reader raises the stakes, never easing up on the barbs and jabs and little daggers thrown his way, riling him up, oh it’s so good. — “Because I think you like chasing me.” This hits so hard and it’s such a good thematic statement of their dynamic. — The scene where she’s in his room showering and using his cologne… It’s such a small thing but it definitely is up there in my favorite parts of this whole story. — ok wait sorry for the full quote but “You faltered, if only for a few moments. Your pride wavering as you heard the want drip from his voice, still getting used to his eyes skating across your skin” (and its entire paragraph) is such good prose. I re-read it several times to savour it fully. The toxic jealousy that begins running at full steam ahead from this scene too, how it draws them closer into this messy spiral! Delicious. — It’d be remiss to not talk about the sex but the rising tension and climax it’s so good my brain kind of short-circuits. Getting Snow to snap and do it was such a deliciously long tease, the excitement paying off in the long run. (Sidebar but the warnings are good, thank you.) — The world-building and details you infuse into this makes it come alive so well. I cannot overstate how much it adds to the story, and how vividly it jumps off the screen because of that. It makes the reader-character feel more fleshed out and realized as an actual character anchored in the world, and had me hooked from the first chapter. There’s something to her that makes me root for her to get the one-up on Snow at times, even though I KNOW. That’s the power of your writing! — When she finds the drawer.. It felt like everything fell out from underneath her, in the most tantalizing and thrilling way possible. The heel turn in his treatment, the fury and rage and power oozing from him as he becomes so mean and nasty, it’s amazing. The sheer humiliation of how he treats her and yet she reacts the way she does!!!! (I think you did great navigating that dubcon scene fwiw. Really well balanced.) — You navigate smut and all its physical intricacies, the shame and want, the lust and filth, with pinpoint precision. I was re-reading trying to pick out a specific moment I liked the most, and really, all of it is so good it’s hard to choose. But the way you write Snow paying so much attention to the clit is top-tier. I keep lingering on that detail each time I read a scene, because it’s so perfect. It hits in all the right ways.
Finally, I appreciate all you do with this story. I could wait months if necessary, as long as you get the time you need to comfortably write. Thank you so much for sharing this.
best. ask. EVER.
oh my god. i absolutely was squealing reading this, i was so excited for your comment (your gf told me you were reading the fic despite it not being your usual go to pairing and so i was equally nervous and excited!! i know you’re a fellow writer too so i was anticipating your thoughts all the more) what an utter delight to wake up to.
i’m so beyond happy you enjoyed the fic so much, honestly can’t begin to describe how happy it made me reading through your thoughts!! and pls don’t apologise for quoting me back bc that’s my absolute favorite thing to see, best feedback imo is seeing which parts stuck out to people!! esp when the coincide with the parts i myself really loved writing.
chapter three is probably my favorite i can’t lie. she’s my little baby, i’m so proud of the dialogue there bc it’s something i used to struggle a lot with in the past so it was a benchmark of sorts! i’m so happy you enjoyed the prose as well as the little details. i love world building and sometimes wonder if it’s too much so i’m extra glad i stuck to my guns here.
hearing encouragement on the smut aspect too is like. THE best compliment, bc this is my first time posting smut, let alone a whole series full. so i love hearing what you enjoyed and i’ll absolutely be taking that into account going forward as i navigate the final chapter!! also so happy you liked the dubcon scene, your gf might have mentioned i was anxious as all hell working my way around that but ultimately im v happy with how it turned out.
again, thank you so so much for such a fleshed out comment, it means more than you could possibly know. as i’m sure you know being a fellow writer the process can really tire you out leaving you sort of numb to the content you’ve written, at a certain point while editing i start to question if any of it is even Good, but comments like yours really cement in why i do this and why i stick it out 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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POV: she smol
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POV: your colleagues are all just down the hall and you're considering whether you can get away with murder
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dagsong · 11 months
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Happy birthday @ohmeadows! hope I did your little guy justice <3
Get something nice for yourself, you deserve it.
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soooooooo some of my more nsfw calligraphy I'm gonna be posting on ao3 @fandomcalligrapher
I'll write calligraphy of fanfics I've read
some of them. I'm not posting the full thing on here
the latest one, calligraphy from a kafhime fic called you and me are a twisted fantasy by @ohmeadows
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edeldoro · 7 months
@ohmeadows That Ruanliu fic finale... Mega kudos ♾️
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soverane · 7 months
Last Line Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag some friends
Tagged by @ohmeadows
What makes this so terrifying is that there is no audience, no spotlight, no stage. No letters, no seals, no postscripts.
this is so no-context (unless you've read this!) i checked the version history of my furiyun doc... aw
Tagging: @opalescent-cheetah @chuchupurin @elusetta @sukizula <3
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bleedinginkxiii · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Tagged by @yuniemaki ☺️
1. are you named after anyone?
nope! My name was chosen entirely based on whether my grandparents could pronounce it (and they can. sort of)
2. when was the last time you cried?
I don't cry much, but watching Graduation Trip after finishing Chapter 38 of Honkai Impact 3rd really got me in the feels 😭
3. do you have kids?
I have one bratty dog and I love her evil sassy little butt
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4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
sarcasm is practically my default tone of voice irl tbh
5,  what sports do you play/have played
got into an argument recently about whether it counts as a "sport" but I rock climb/boulder indoors frequently (and it TOTALLY counts as a sport imo) Otherwise I had a pingpong phase back in highschool
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
physically, their hair/outfit. psychologically(?), their mood/vibe
7. what's your eye color
Dark brown
8. scary movies or happy endings
both?? I love horror, but I hate jump scares (cheap tactic) I need the kind of horror that keeps me awake at night and changes my fundamental views on reality. And happy endings (even after a scary movie) are cathartic and maybe this is cheesy but I'm at the point in life where I appreciate the simple, happy things
10. where were you born?
New York, the place mentioned in that one song by Alicia Keys
9. any special talents
my ability to hyperfixate and listen to the same song on loop for days/weeks/months on end is honestly a superpower
11. what are your hobbies?
ah, I have so many and I cycle between them by the week: drawing, writing, gaming, game dev, rock climbing, playing TTRPGs (as both a player and recently, a GM), 3D printing, and the newest one - learning bass! If anyone shares an interest or wants to know more about any of them, reply to this post or shoot me a DM :)
12. do you have pets?
*points at question 3* I live with 2 dogs and am auntie to 4 more!
13.  how tall are you?
5'6" or 166-167cm
14. favorite subject in school?
Art, lit and biology, I slept through just about everything else haha
15,  dream job?
Need a rich woman to sponsor my shenanigans. Like a...creatively inclined sugar baby? Is that a thing? I wanna make whatever cool shit I please and just get paid/funded to do it. This month? A 3D printed sword prop from [insert game/anime]. Next month? 100k fic of sapphic angst, pining, and adventure. After that? Who knows! I just want to live comfortably and create. (Instead I am getting my soul sucked out by the tech industry in this capitalist hellhole 😔)
tossing this at some moots @atonemeint @ohmeadows @frozenabattoir @kokoro--attack @cariykon @rachasakawa @theblackwolfalpha @psykzz @canadianwheatpirates @trixdraws
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pasdechat · 7 months
Last Line Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag some friends
Tagged by @ohmeadows
Miko smiles, curving her lips just enough to flash a hint of fang, and delighting in the way it makes Sara stiffen.
Working on a little something for a friend who gave me a fun prompt with Miko.
Tagging @vaeyticc @singlier @bardigrade @pkshs if you want to
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ohstardew · 1 year
゚ ☾ ⊹ ⋆ . ˚ ˚ ✩ . ˚ june. 29. mean high femme lesbian. they/she. ˚ ✩ . ˚ cancer sun, cap moon, cancer rising ˚ ✩ . ˚ ao3 — whenever i exorcise my demons in order to write. ˚ ✩ . ˚ @ohmeadows — the best girlfriend a girl could ask for ;-; ˚ ✩ . ˚ please read my girlfriends fics ˚ ✩ . ˚ adhd autistic ˚ ✩ . ˚ what is the best punctuation and why is it the emdash? ˚ ✩ . ˚ god i just really love mean and evil women, yknow?
junie yapping / older tag
playlist !!!! (the most important one)
what i'm watching (aka make a fuckin letterboxd, nerd)
game talk
gf tag
posts abt me (when i remember to tag lol)
things for june tag!
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yuriwerewolfs · 9 months
ohmeadows fic making look back at my liubai draft…. ough imma finish it
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2blessed2worry · 7 years
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It's all fun and games until you realize you have to walk back #SheWasDone #8MileHike #OhMeadow #WCW (at Bell Trail, Sedona)
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Nine lines, nine people
Tagged by: @ossidae-passeridae
Tagging: @cadriona @commonfate @emanation-aura @ei-banana @gold-rhine @ohmeadows @queenlua @uncommonfate @yuniemaki
I'm counting the "paragraphs" as lines, because they're like sentences. to me
> check bed You do not see a bed. > east bedroom check bed look bed You enter the bedroom to the east. There is a bed and a side table. There is a wardrobe. There is a door to the west. You look at the bed. It is nearly made. Nobody has slept in it yet. > she went out today You remember now. She went out this morning. She shut the windows and lit the fire and made sure you had lots of food. > i love her Yes.
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Last Line Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
Tagged by @ossidae-passeridae and for once I had the spoons to actually respond immediately :3
[The Tianji] nods. "More or less. She's worshipped as a goddess of thresholds, crossings... and death."
From an extremely silly might-not-finish WIP about a former allogene turned trickster deity named Hekate (née Tao, alt. Wuchang). It's set in Liyue 300 years post-canon and features lies.
Tagging: @chrysoula @cadriona @eu1a1awrence @ohmeadows @dandelion-wings @queenlua
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