#ok gnn now
cubbihue · 1 month
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lunamothghost · 2 years
I feel silly making this post but I wanted to say that I feel bad that i haven't been making much art and posting it lately, but I will get back to it soon! Life is just so stressful rn :/
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cetaceanhandiwork · 1 year
the conversation around generative neural networks is a dumpster fire in a dozen different ways but I think the part that disproportionately frustrates me, like on an irrational pet peeve level, is that nobody in that conversation seems to understand automata theory
back before most of these deep learning techniques were a twinkle in a theorist's eye, back when computing was a lot less engineering and a lot more math, computer scientists had worked out the math of different "classes" of computer system and what kinds of problems they could and couldn't solve
these aren't arbitrary classifications like most taxonomy turns out to be. there's qualitative differences. you can draw hard lines: "it takes class X or above to run programs with Y trait", and "only class X programs or below are guaranteed to have Y trait". and all of those lines have been mathematically proven; if you ever found a counterexample, then we'd be in "math is a lot of bunk" territory and we'd have way bigger things to worry about
this has nothing to do with how fast/slow the computer system goes; it's about "what kinds of program can it run at all". so it includes emulation and such. you can emulate a lower system in a higher one, but not vice versa
at the top of this heap is turing machines, which includes most computers we'd bother to build. there's a lot of programs that it's been mathematically proven require at least a turing machine to run. and this class of programs includes a lot of things that humans can do, too
but with this power comes some inevitable restrictions. for example, if you feed a program to a turing machine, there's no way to guarantee that the program will finish; it might get stuck somewhere and loop forever. in fact there's some programs that you straight up can't predict whether they'll ever finish even if you're looking at the code yourself
these two are intrinsically linked. if your program solves a turing complete problem, it needs a turing machine; nothing less will do. and a turing machine is capable of running all such programs, given enough time.
ok. great. what does any of that jargon have to do with AI?
well... the important thing to know is that the machine learning models we're using right now can't loop forever. if they could loop forever they couldn't be trained. for any given input, they'll produce an output in finite time
which means... well, any program that requires a turing machine to run, or even requires a push-down automaton to run (a weaker type of computer system that can get into infinite loops but that you can at least check ahead of time if a program will get stuck or not), can't be emulated by these systems. they've got to be in the next category down: finite state machines at most - and thus unable to compute, or emulate computation of, programs that inhabit a higher tier
and there is a heck of a lot of stuff we conceptualize as "thinking" that doesn't fit in a finite state machine
...I suspect it will some day be possible for a computer program to be a person. I am absolutely certain that when that day comes, the computer program who's a person would require at least a turing machine to run them
what we have right now isn't that. what we have right now is eye spots on moths, bee orchids, mockingbirds. it might be "artificial intelligence", depending on your definition of "intelligence", but prompt it to do things that we've proven only a turing machine can do, and it will fall over
and the reason I consider this an "irrational pet peeve" and not something more severe? is because this information doesn't actually help solve policy questions! if this is a tool, then we still need to decide how we're going to allow such tools to be built, and used. it's not as simple as a blanket ban, and it's not as simple as letting the output of GNNs fully launder the input, because either of those "simple" solutions are rife for abuse
but I can't help but feel like the conversation is in part held back by specious "is a GNN a people" arguments on the one hand, and "can a GNN actually replace writers, or is it just fooling execs into thinking it can" arguments on the other, when the answer to both seems to me like it was solved 40 years ago
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funkbun · 1 year
🌈: What journalist fur color do you usually pick?
Black or purple! Though once I edited one of the journalist colors to fit my grumpsona, Rossay, n that was fun! I still have the files, but it went away after a game update im pretty sure.
✏️: Who is your favorite Grumpus to DRAW?
answered here :V!!
😊: Give us information about your Bugsnax OC(s).
Loominbert originally got into journalism straight out of college because they thought it'll be a good n easy job to take (cause they loved the news, interviews, and learning about what's going on). After years and years of working at GNN, they realized how draining their job has been and one day they were just like "Okay I need to find a way to prove that cryptids exist so I can quit this fuckin job and spend my time chasing after weird creatures." And like… I guess that wish came true if bugsnax could be considered cryptids??? Maybe?? Some doodles of a slightly younger Loominbert, they used to know how to smile and didn't constantly look bored out of their mind lol.
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⌚: What do you think some of the grumpuses were like before events? (I.e. as kids, as teens, etc)
As a kid Floofty did Not want to have a sibling. They didn't get along with other kids their age (like 5-6) so when their parents were like "Hey look you have a brother now," with Snorpy they were sooo fuckin mad. Obviously as they got older they learned to be more chill around Snorpy; even if they were still slightly annoyed about having to be an older sibling. Snorpy however always seemed to like Floofty. He would copy everything they did and thought that they were the smartest grump in the world. Like Floofty would start talking like a thesaurus and kid Snorpy would be all like "Wowwww my sibling is so smart and cool :0!!! I need to talk like that now wowww!!!" They only actually drifted apart after the whole deal with the government n stuff, and didn't talk to one another until Snaktooth (I like to think that in game Snorpy's 28 while Floofty's 33, so they hadn't talked to one another in about 5-6 years? Probably?).
Cause it feel appropriate to mention Chandlo here, Floofty and their parents felt completely neutral about Chandlo. He was the only non-familial grump who frequently visited their home, cause the Fizzlebean parents never really invited people like coworkers or friends over to their house, and Floofty Did Not get along with any of their peers. While they did sometimes think Chandlo acted to rowdy sometimes and was very impulsive, they were glad that Snorpy had someone he truly got along with. Floofty was the only one aware of Snorpy's obvious crush on Chandlo, their parents never caught on until way after Snaktooth when Snorpy reintroduced Chandlo as his boyfriend n they were like "??? This guy??? Really??? Ok???" lol
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baby beans
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kitsuvil · 2 years
ok now i rly need some sleep i only got 6 hrs of sleep im knocking out 😭gnn it was fun talking with you all again
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crumboat · 14 days
Ok im going to bed now gnn <3333
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lostjulys · 3 years
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@astersandalliums required pink hair ctubbo ^_^
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sooratee · 4 years
in terms of cows we have 4 cows
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inkadink17 · 2 years
Pretty Random for a first post if I must admit-BUT The lack of content for THE GREAT MERASMUS disgusts me. I must make headcanons for our beloved wizard, I MUST!
Merasmus with S/0 Headcanons fanfic (ish)
•Let's switch it up a bit 😈 Let's say You are also a witch
You too met on Halloween (or in a wizard convention if you prefer :}}} )
You hated when the mercs hurt him every Halloween but you decided not to get involved.
You surprise cuddle him any chance you get and he will short circuit like hell, he’ll calm down once you give him a hobbit movie marathon and a lot of blankets and popcorn 🥰
He will go above and beyond to impress you.
When he comes back from fighting, you would always go and comfort him as you used your magic to heal him. (Maybe watch your fav movie afterwards❤️❤️)
Do you hate soldier’s guts as much as your bf? You don’t like that he tries to kill him every Halloween but apart from that you thought his personality was a little enjoyable.
You definitely read together and come up with your own interpretations of the ending
Flower Crowns? MUST!
Star gazing? D E F I N I T E L Y !
Braiding eachother’s hair would be nice too ☺️❤️(If merasmus even has hair is up to you ofc :D)
Three words,
USE YOUR MAGIC TO BEAT UP THE YAKUZA FOR HIM PLZZZZ boi doesn’t need to lose another finger 😞😞😞
(Because it’s better for the loooorrrrreeee👹👹👹)
Merasmus grew up with a toxic mother as a child and is very attention starved (with would or would not explain how he acts now) when he tells you about this you try and comfort him as much as you can.
He can be a bit clingy at times and you would understand him
He would bottle up his emotions constantly and when you asked him about it he would brush it off and carry on with his day but if he were to be cornered by your concern he said that he was always told by his mother that crying was embarrassing and that a grown man shouldn’t cry. You immediately hugged him and told him it’s unhealthy to bottle up his emotions and just to let them out, (if he likes to vent is up to you!)
When he accidentally breaks something in the castle he starts softly crying and whimpering and immediately apologizing. You told him it was ok and that accidents happen, as you do you drag him to the living room and cuddle with him to take is mind off of it as you use your magic to clean it up.
Aight y’all it’s 11:44 where I live and Im TOIED MATEE😩😫 If u want u could leave a request for another merasmus hc and i would be happy to do it👍👍 k imma sleep gnn
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How would companions react to Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran?
 So I just heard this song for the first time yesterday so now sounds lik a good time to answer this.
Fallout 4 Companions React to 'Bad Habits' by Ed Sheeran
Is it beach day? It's beach day. Across the picnic blanket from the mutfruit sandwiches lies a small ham radio, playing Diamond City Radio and slowly leaking out it's 'old gold' tunes. However, after a short ad from CHOICE CHOPS!, a new song starts playing. The artist is unknown to all, but the song plays. 
Cait: “What the...where is this guy from? His accent makes me wanna puke. Really, who thought people from that place deserve rights or the ability to make music or a microphone? I didn’t think I liked the Ink Spots all too much but I would listen to that forever instead of hearing that ever again.”
Curie: “Zis song is very new! I do not believe that this song ‘as ever been played before on this radio station! I do so wonder how Mr. Travis obtained a new record zis long after the war, but I commend him for doing so.”
Codsworth: “Well mum, this song is certainly a ‘blast from the past’, now isn’t it? The last time I heard this song, GNN was still on the air, haha! I do so wonder if Mr. Sheeran is still alive today. Say, with ghouls and super mutants it may be possible! Ah, what a strange world we live in.”
Danse: “This song belongs to a genre of music that I certainly despise. I’ve said it before but I much prefer country and bluegrass music. It really tickles my balls makes me feel like a man. This sounds like what Proctor Taegan listens to when he breaks up with his monthly boy toy.”
Deacon: “NO WAY! I actually met this guy a couple years ago. When I traveled to England. He’s a robobrain now! Can’t sing, but he’s certainly an interesting guy. I should really talk more about England. Did you guys know that they have three-headed Brahmin over there? Yeah! They call them ‘cows’. Weird stuff.”
Hancock: “What’s this shit on the radio? If you’re gonna play something that doesn’t sound like it was recorded at the end of a tunnel, play something by my girl Magnolia. Now she can sing, without having to load the sound into a terminal and monkey with the audio. I should start my own radio station for her. It would make lots of caps.”
Gage: “I’m gonna get shit for sayin’ this, but that song was better than anything RedEye ever does. And I like RedEye! Man, it’s all stuck in my head now. Bad habits lead to this and that...”
Longfellow: “This reminds me of a song I heard once. ‘There’s no one as Irish as Barrack Obama’. I think Obama was the president before they unfroze Walt Disney’s head and elected him. Those were strange times. Anyway the song is ok, I guess.”
MacCready: “Dang, Lucy would’ve loved that song. It’s just so catchy, y’know? I’m gonna be singing that for the next ten years straight. Ooo, here’s an idea, Gage and I could record our own version! If he promised not to kill me and everything.”
Nick Valentine: “And this is why they play ‘old gold’ instead of this 21st century junk. Why couldn’t Travis have found Mambo Italiano or She Blinded Me With Science? At least that one’s relevant. This song is just so off-putting. I’m hoping he doesn’t make it a regular listen.”
Piper: “Official notice: local DJ Travis Miles plays mediocre, 4/10 song on the radio. No one’s heard this song in 200 years, yet he found it anyway. Polls show that most people don’t want to hear it again. This concludes the official notice.”
Preston: “This song is so upbeat and catchy! What an amazing song! I’m gonna make this the Minutemen’s anthem. Why can’t Travis play more of this guy? It’s so good. This song is perfect. Thank you Travis and thank you God, because only he could make something so incredible.”
Strong: “Strong could not hear the song. DJ Travis needs to make song louder. Strong thinks that Super Mutants sing better than puny humans. Strong will sing a song soon, and everyone will want to be friends with Strong.”
X6-88: “Damn it. Father’s mixtape got leaked. This is a code red, activate the silos. We gotta start humanity all over again.
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readsrealm · 2 years
happy birthday Ussop
24th July 2002
"Okay, what did you want to tell me Banchina?" asked a man with black curly hair. He didn't look particularly strong, but he had slightly defined muscles.
"Well...how should I explain it to you...okay I'll just say it...I'm pregnant..." said his wife, who had a long nose and black straight hair. She also had a pale face if you look closely.
The man who went by the name of Yassop was shocked. He would be a father?! "I'm going to be a father...it can't be! Not that I don't want the kid, it's that I know I wouldn't be a good father," he thought to himself before seeing his wife look at him nervously. Suddenly he saw how Banchina got tears in his eyes. He wanted to say something, but noticed how he started to cry himself. He started laughing and hugged his wife with as much love as he could give.
"We'll make it! I know we'll make it!" he said in a tearful voice to his wife, who laughed through tears and agreed with him by nodding several times.
They would make it
1st April 2003
"AHHHHHH GNN AHHHH", Banchina screamed as she laid on her bed trying to get her baby out with the help of midwives. And I think we all can image how painful it is, but she wasn't alone, her husband and the father of the kid, Yassop were there too holding her hand.  He looked more stressed that his wife. Finally after a hurtful time the baby came out and you could already see that he has the nose from his mother.
Both parents were holding the baby with happy tears in their eyes. After a moment Yassop asked her what name she thought of.
His name is...Ussop
Someday 8 years later
"Pirates are coming! Pirates are coming!", screamed a little boy who has dark skin with full lips big black eyes and curly black hair but most important his long nose.
He opened the door to a house where many doctors were standing on the bed of his mother, Banchina, who had gotten an unnamed disease. All of them knew that she couldn't survive that everyone accepted it...everyone except from his son.
"Mama! Pirates are here! I bet dad is came home for you!" he shouted. "Ussop, stop he isn't he doesn't come back. Your father lives his dream out there. And I couldn't love him more than I do right now. Please fulfill your dream like you father did ok..." said his mother which were her last words before dying. In this moment his series as a liar began.
It was his birthday and he was alone...he was gonna be eight but he didn't really care because why should he if he doesn't anyone to celebrate with. Of course he had his little gang and Kaya, but Kaya wasn't allowed to go out the house and the parents of the gang didn't really like him...what could you expect being loved by people even if you are the biggest liar and the son of the sniper of the red hair pirates. And the captain is close to be on of the yonkos. Well he was lucky that most people just ignored him. Sure there were people who were kind to him but it was only because of pity. He felt so alone. With the age of five he had only his mother...now three years later he had nobody...
He didn't know why he remembered this now. Probably because tomorrow would be his birthday. But he didn't really care; he was used to be alone. But know he wasn't  he didn't care about his birthday because the only thing he always wished was that he wouldn't be lonely anymore.
With the others
"So is everything ready for tomorrow?", Nami asked the crew minus Usopp. "How you it wanted Nami-Swan~ The cake is in the freezer and I bought all the ingredients for his favorite food.", said Sanji. "Sugeee! I can't wait to see his face and all the MEAT!", said Luffy while smiling his knowing smile. "Let's hope he will accept this.", said Robin in a tone as if she knew something. "Yohohoho then let's do it!"
After that everyone went to sleep for the special day tomorrow
Next day
Ussop layed on his bed sleeping peacefully. Unfortunately it didn't long last because of a Luffy jumping on him. His eyes widened as he woke up. He needed a minute before he could speak with an angry voice: "Wtf! Luffy, what was that for?" "Huh? Did you forget you own birthday?", Luffy said with a confused voice. Ussop groaned. The last thing he wanted is wanting to do something on his birthday. "Luffy, I hate my birthday so leave, please" Luffy looked at him with confused eyes. "Why not? We prepared everything." "Just leave me alone ok?" said Ussop while turning around and putting his blanket over his whole body.
After a moment of waiting, Luffy went out the cabins with a sad face.
Sanji: "Luffy? Where is Ussop?"
Luffy: "He didn't want to. We need a plan."
Zoro: "What should we do?"
Robin: "I think I know what to do..."
Robin told them her plan and the smiled at them. It was Robin what did you thought?
Again Luffy came in the cabin and looked at the hiding Ussop with serious eyes: "Ussop, stand up." Ussop groaned and he said: "Why? Do you need me for something?" "Yes, for your birthday and you don't have a choice it's an order." , Luffy said with a stern voice. "Fine.", Ussop said while getting up. "And what now." "Come with me."
Ussop went out the cabin and saw the crew standing in front of him. He was curios of they wanted to do but he knew they wouldn't leave them alone.
Ussop: "What is it."
Nami: "What is wrong with you?"
Ussop: "Excuse me?"
Nami: "Well, you being really shitty to us even if we just want to celebrate with you. We prepared everything for you and everything you do is laying there an doing nothing! That's kind of ungrateful."
Ussop: "I never ask for it. You know what, Nami? If you just ask what I wanted you wouldn't have to spend all your precious money!"
Sanji: "Hey! Stop talking like that to our precious Nami-swan."
Ussop: "Then just leave me alone! Did you call me to say that I'm ungrateful? If yes then congrats you did. Can I go now because if you really want to make me a present just leave me the fuck alone!"
The rest looked at him with shock. It's not typical for Ussop to talk like that the last time was with Merry and we all know how furious he was.
Ussop sighed: "Guys, I'm sorry. Ok, it's not because of you...it's just I hate my birthday and just want to forget about it. Can't we just chill...?
Chooper had tears in his eyes and hugged Ussop: "IF THATS WHAT MAKE YOU HAPPY, ILL DO IT!"
Ussop smiled at him and laughed: "Thank you, chooper."
Robin: "I don't mind, but you should maybe tell us why. Maybe we can help with you iusses."
Zoro: "She is right. We are nakamas. We aren't supposed to have secrets from each other."
Sanji: "Marimo is right as nakamas you should trust us. We won't judge you and I hope you know  that."
Franky: "Yeah, it would be SUPER if you told us."
Ussop: "......it's just......the times that you are lonely can hurt more than every scar...people leave each other...for their dreams...for other people...for the others sake...and even if they doesn't want to leave...someday death will get them. Death will be always the reason why someone leave you or you leave them."
With that Ussop headed in the kitchen leaving everyone even Robin.
Who would've thought that Ussop was able to say something like that...
Well, after all that they fulfilled Ussops wish and just chilled  and Ussop was very happy about it
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catcze · 3 years
ok im. tired now and I'll go sleppy BUT HERE have one of the things that managed to come out well UHU
may dragon-ferret-zhongli bring motivation and energy 🙏
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Gnn babes!! Sleep well omg <33
also aaAA thank u sm for the dragon ferret 😭 he's so squishable akjsdjkansd <333 n his lil blep aWW AKJNSDKJS <3333
My motivation and energy has been spiked, n I'll be sure to make use of it tomorrow babes 😌 <33 Tysm omgg 💞
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roimp · 3 years
it's ok *dramatic rose noises*
gnn <43
hello i'm awake now ajsgkdjas
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prenvii-moved · 3 years
ok now im sleeping for real gnn
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duchezss · 4 years
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underroleau · 5 years
chapter 8
Sans was sleeping when Endogeny rushed in the lab barking, carrying Toriel on his back. Alphys alerted by the bark ran to see Toriel on the floor, unconscious.
Sans woke up startled to see Endogeny leave, and went to Toriel and Alphys, who was shook.
- What? What is going on?? -
Alphys checked Toriel, noticing some dust on her, and paling out
- Dust…? No, nonono, no!! SANS, I NEED HELP! -
Both of them tried to lift the fainted goat lady, but with no success with her being too heavy.
- Old lady, you should really loose some weight… not that you don’t look good now, but… - Sans huffed and puffed, out of breath.
With a swoosh, the door opened and Undyne jumped in the room, shouting.
- Alphys! That weird d...o...g… is that Asgore’s ex?! -
- Undyne, we need help! She is too heavy!! - pleaded the scientist.
Undyne made a soft laugh, and joined them – don’t worry, I can lift her with one arm. -, she said, pushing Toriel, but not having any better result. - Gnn…. - She pushed again, but nothing - … - and once more, with the same result. - Wow, Asgore’s ex weighs too much!! - as a final attempt, she grabbed Toriel by an ankle and tried  to drag her. -Where do I have to bring her? -
- The elevator, please.. - said a grateful Alphys, following.
Undyne used all her strenght to drag Toriel, but with very little result. She wasn’t moving an inch.
- Well, uhm… not to be pushy or anything, but we really need to get her moving. Can you pull harder or something? You’re the trained and buff one here. - Sans spoke, hands in pokets as he stared at the scene from a meter away or so.
- UGH.. IF IT WASN’T FOR HER… I WOULD STRANGLE YOU… - Undyne panted, still at it
- Don’t worry, I have no neck so you’re not losing on any of that. -
With a lot of huffing and puffing, and group effort, they were able to bring Toriel to the elevator. Undyne was left panting, and when she raised her eyes to look at Alphys, she was trembling.
- Alphys, what’s wrong…? -
- It’s… it’s just… Toriel.. she… she was covered in dust… I don’t know what happened, and Endogeny… left her here at the lab and ran away again… I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON HERE!! -
Undyne went closer to Alphys, putting a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way. - Hey, it’s going to be ok… - she started, with a positive smile, trying to convince herself as well – And who is Endogeny? That strange dog? He hit me twice, once when I was coming here, and then… then.. -
She stopped herself, noticing once the elevator stopped was open, that the lab door was half open. Alphys walked in front of the group, walking to the first bed she could get to, having a stress attack, as Undyne dragged alone Toriel to another bed, almost breaking her back as she shoved her on the matress, that creaked under her weight. Shortly after, a scream, and Undyne ran to Alphys only to find her petrified staring at something.
- What is this room? And those cameras…? -
Undyne stared blankily at Endogeny, who was melting in front of them, and Wave collapsed on the ground, losing “blood”… the cameras flickered on, showing altogether a creepy red smile, before they all shut down like the power went missing.
The royal guard punched loudly the wall, before shouting.
- What is even happening!! Alphys??! -
But Alphys didn’t answer, as she fell on her knees, and before tumbling flat on the floor.
- Oh, no… not you too!! ALPHYS! -
Undyne rushed to her, grabbing and shaking her agitated.
- C’mon, wake up!! Wake up you nerd!!! Arrrghh, this is a mess!!! Sans, help me!! Where are you?! -
She walked briskly to the elevator door, going upstairs.
Sans preferred to go back and do some crosswords, and he jerked up looking at Undyne.
- Is the old lady fine? -
Undyne just stared at him with sorry eyes, and spoke in a soft tone.
- She is going to be ok, but I can’t say the same thing for Wave. -
Sans kept staring, quite suprised.
- What? Did the pal do something or… -
- No – Undyne stopped him short, raising a hand – He was killed, at Snowdin.. Sans, go to Asgore. Tell him to absorb his soul if I don’t come back.. -
Sans’ eyes were pitch black, like the void.
- I will, don’t worry. -
And he was gone.
At the Waterfalls, Undyne was at the bridge, waiting.. a lot of the monsters were evacuated, only a small yellow child with a torn shirt was there, looking tired. And catching his breath. Undyne shouted at him.
The little monster obeyed immediately, resuming his escape. She sighed, before punching the wall once more.
- FOR f… SAKE!! That stupid! Why did he have to go there?! This is my work! Asgore will definitely be angry this time… and Toriel too… as soon as she wakes up however… - she sat down on the rocky pavement – Yeah, my work… I was supposed to take the soul of a human and how did that go? Babysitting a strange one that now is dead. - A few moments passed, before she concluded – Seems I wasn’t ready for that. -
The wind was howling.
Undyne widened her eyes, suddenly feeling a pressure on her chest, and she raised to see that disgusting creature walking forward. But something was different… yes… her clothing was grey with dust, and an anger Undyne never felt befoe pumped inside her body. She jumped from the cliff she was standing on, attacking, and the human dodged.
- HOW?? -
The human answered the attack, and Undyne reacted, but her spear never got the target, not once.
- How do you keep dodging my attacks??? HOW!! -
She summoned more spears from the ground, to strike all at once. The minutes passed, and in the end, the human got a hit on her, striking her on the chest. The warrior collapsed, mortally wounded, but… no, she was not going to give up. She refused to die! She was too angry to give up!! Her soul was burning like never before…
The wind was howling, the water stopped falling, and a light burst into battle. Undyne took a new form, taller, as her soul became solid, centered in her chest armor and protected by it, as her eye  was shooting light.  
- Human… no… whatever you are… PREPARE TO SUFFER UNDER MY SPEAR!!! -
The fight that followed was epic. Spears slicing the air, laughter and screams, explosions…
Suddenly, silent. Undyne was kneeling, and melting.
- Damn it! So that power wasn’t enough… if only… -
The human, who had walked right in front of her, closed her mouth and spoke.
- It’s useless. Your king is already dead, and you are going to follow him. -
Undyne felt helpless once last time in her life, before the slash.   again !!!!  thanks to @nephdetermined  for this awesome !! awesome!! chapter, she is the person that clear my mess XD!! thanks !!! MASTERPOST  
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