#ok i looked it up Christmas trees are usual in japan
babygirlificationn · 1 year
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Sometimes I remember that I can literally draw whatever I want and then I get drunk with power.
Extremely silly comic under the read more. You have been warned.
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The Christmas spirit possessed me to draw this.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Christmas Surprise
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Includes- Christmas Fluff
Prompt Series Masterlist
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Yoongi POV
She comes into the living room excitedly holding a bag
I just raise my eyebrow, suspicious of what's in the bag
Maybe another gag gift
We do that a lot
Like most of our Christmas presents to each other are funny things and inside jokes that the guys get so confused about
Sitting next to me she gives me the bag, "Open naekkeo"
"Now jagi?"
It's Christmas eve and we finally have a break from all BTS related stuff
I'm spending the whole break with her
We decided to spend Christmas home and next week we're going to Daegu to spend some time with my family
And she doesn't know it yet but after that we're going to Japan where her family had to move for her dad's business job
It's one of the gifts I got her
We usually open some gifts later tonight
Her family really celebrates Christmas eve
They used to have family parties when they lived in New York, where she's originally from
Once they started moving around to different countries because of her dad's job, they just had small family Christmas eves at home
It worked out for us because I spent Christmas eve with her family and on Christmas day, if I had off, we'd take the train or drive to Daegu and spend the day with my family
This is the first Christmas I had off in years
I'd spend sometime with her on Christmas Eve after work and sometime Christmas day after work too
It's nice to be home
I was able to help her decorate the tree this week when she usually does it alone because I have to work and then we'd go to all the Korean award shows
It was fun and I loved teasing her
She has her own set way of decorating the tree since she does it alone but I messed up her system
She was good about it, yelling at me only a little bit
There was a lot of pouting but I fixed it with kisses
And I made it up to her that night
All night
"Yes naekkeo, right now", she insists
"Uh ok"
I pull out the tissue paper and take out a shirt
It's a grey t-shirt that has "Jingle Bells" written twice on it in green and red
I'm getting the feeling that I know what this is and I hold in an sigh
When I pull out the pants my suspicion is correct
Matching Christmas PJs
The pants are black, the material soft with Santa, gingerbread men, snowmen, Christmas trees and Christmas stockings all over it
"Really jagi?", I ask looking over at her
Her smile faulters a little bit making me feel bad
"You don't like it?"
"It's ok jagi. But you know I'm not into this sort of thing"
"I know Yoongi but I thought we could just this once especially since you're home this Christmas. We didn't really have a Christmas as a married couple last year because you had to work so I thought maybe we could this year. I mean we are our own family now even if this just two of us"
I felt so bad about that last year
We got married in January of last year and our first Christmas was spent mostly apart
While I'm not into this sort of thing, it's cute that she thought of it
And she really wants me to wear these PJs so I'll do it for her
"I tried to find the least festive ones I could find while still being christmasy"
God she's adorable
"Yeah ok jagi.", I agree, kissing her cheek, "I'll wear them"
"Now?", she smiles
I smile back at her, "Yeah I'll put them on now"
"Yay! Go!", she shoos me
"Aren't you going to put yours on?"
She shakes her head, "You first. I want to see how cute you look"
I roll my eyes, "Ok jagi. Whatever you say"
I stand up going to our room
I undress and put the PJs on
She got them bigger than my normal size so they're loose and baggy like I like it
And the PJs are really soft and comfortable
I look in the mirror and I actually like them
It's not so bad like I thought it'd be
She put a lot of thought into it, getting ones she'd think I'd like, that aren't too in your face Christmas
I just smile, happy I have her and she loves me
Going back to the living room, she squeals in happiness, "Yoongi! You look so adorable naekkeo!"
I plop next to her and she throws herself in my arms, hugging me tightly
I chuckle while hugging her back
"I'm cute jagi?"
She nods, running her fingers in my orange hair, brushing it off my face
"You're always cute baby but now you're extra Christmas cute"
I laugh at how silly she's being
She smiles soft touching my cheek, looking at me so lovingly
"I love when you smile naekkeo. When you laugh. I'm happy your happy"
Keeping one arms around her, I move some of her hair off her face
"You make me happy Jo. Always baby. You always have and you always will"
I've been so happy with her since the second she held my hand in our math class at fifteen and told me she likes me a lot
I was chicken shit and couldn't tell her how I felt
I didn't have to, she did it first
Of course I told her I liked her too and asked her out and we've been together every since
Thirteen happy years with her and I can't wait for more
"You make me happy too Yoongi"
Well I'm glad for that
I'm not the easiest to be around at times, especially when I was younger and thought I was such a bad ass
Or when I'm overworked and exhausted and take it out on her
But she's never left me, never stopped believing in me, never stopped loving me
I'm so lucky she loves me
"I'm glad baby", I tell her, kissing her softly
When the kiss ends, I smile at her
"Go put your matching PJs baby. It's not fair that I'm only wearing them"
A huge smile lights up her face, "Ok naekkeo"
She gets up and disappears down the hall
I look back to the tv, flipping through the channels
A few minutes later, she calls, "Ready?"
"Yeah", I answer, exciteded to see her in the PJs
She comes in the room and I immediately smile at how cute she looks
Her shirt says something different than mine and I take a second to read it
My mouth drops to the floor, my gaze snapping up to hers
"Really?", I whisper
She smiles nodding
"You're not joking?"
She shakes her head, "It's real naekkeo"
"Oh my god!", I yell happily, standing up and pulling her to me in a kiss
Her arms wrap around me as she kisses me back, holding me tightly
After I lean my forehead against hers
"Happy naekkeo?", she asks
"You have no idea jagi"
She gives me a quick kiss on my lips, then I sit back down, keeping her in front of me for a second
I reread the shirt, disbelief and pure joy hitting me again
"Baby on the way. Min baby July 2022"
"It goes with your shirt baby. Like the song"
Oh shit, I didn't even get that
Jingle bells, jingles bells, baby on the way
I touch her belly softly, laying my head against it
She puts one arm around me, the fingers of her other hand playing with my hair
"Hi baby", I say softly, "I waited so long for you. I'm your dad. I can't wait for you to come"
She's pregnant
We've been trying since we got married
We already knew we wanted a baby right away
We had eleven years just me and her and we wanted to add to our family as soon as possible
It wasn't working even though we were having sex every day
She would get so upset all the time when the tests she took came back not pregnant
I'd hold her while she cried, feeling upset myself but I know it's worse for a woman
She thought there was something wrong with her even though I assured her there wasn't
She wanted to go to a doctor to check everything and we were going to go after the holidays
Now we don't have to
"You're going to be the best dad Yoongi", she says
"Yeah? You think?", I ask
I'm doubtful because of the amount of work I have to do for BTS
It takes me away from her a lot and it'll take me away my baby
I don't want that
I don't want to be an absentee dad, putting all the work on her
I want to raise the baby with her
"Of course Yoongi. There's no doubt in my mind"
I heistate, "But with BTS I'm so busy all the time"
She moves, sitting next to me, lifting my face to hers
"You'll figure it out. We'll figure it out ok? Together. Whatever you have to do you know I'll always support you. I'll always be on your side"
I know she will be
And she knows I'll always support her too
"Whatever you want to do Yoongi, I'll do it. If you want to take a break from BTS, you can. If you want me to bring the baby to events, practices, shoots, whatever I will. If you want us on tour with you, we'll come. Don't worry naekkeo. We will figure everything out together like we always do. You will be the best dad in the world. Nothing can change my mind about that"
She's amazing, always willing to do anything for me, help me anyway she can
She's the best and I fucking know it
I know how lucky I am
I've always known
"Ok baby", I nod, "We can do it together"
She smiles, kissing my lips gently
"Now, wanna watch a movie before dinner?"
I nod, "Yeah baby"
"Ok. Then we can eat and presents?"
"Sounds good jagi"
She plops a big kiss on my cheek, "Good"
She lays down on the couch, motioning me to lay with her
I do, laying my head on her stomach
She giggles, "See? You're already a good dad. You're stuck to the baby already"
I am
I hope she'll be ok with me constantly touching her stomach because I will be knowing our baby is in there
I just smile, kiss her stomach and turn Netflix on to find a movie
"Here baby. Last one for tonight", I say handing her an envelope
We opened a few gifts each, just the ones we got for each other
The guys gave each of us gifts too and we're opening them tomorrow morning
She knows me so well
She bought me a whole bunch of new recording equipment
When I asked her how she knew what to get she smirked saying that she listens when I complain about the equipment crapping out and my need to get a new one
Then she said she asks me questions about which ones I would get and writes it down in her phone
And I remember her doing that
I thought she wasn't listening to me because she was typing on her phone
I thought she was texting her sister or something
But she was making a list of stuff I wanted
She's so sneaky
She also got me some sunglasses I wanted and clothes she knows I like
I got her a new tablet since hers was crapping out
I got her some new makeup that was just released since she loves makeup
She's a reader so I got her lots of books I found on her Amazon list
She's not the only one who's sneaky
And the gift she's going to open now
She takes the envelope and opens it
She pulls out the tickets reading them
"Seoul to Toyko?", she murmurs, then takes out the hotel reservations, "This is by my parents house"
Her head snaps up, "We're going to Japan?"
I nod
"To see my family?"
I nod again, smiling
She launches herself in my arms, hugging me tightly, "Thank you naekkeo! Thank you!"
"Of course jagi. I know how hard it is to be away from your family", I tell her, holding her tightly, "And now we have good news to tell them"
She nods, "Yeah Yoongi. Our baby news"
"Yup baby. I think we should tell them by wearing these pajamas"
She pulls back, looking at me smiling, "Yeah?"
I nod, "Yeah"
She crashes her lips to mine in a huge sweet kiss
And I fall into her kiss like I always do
Her kisses are heaven
"I love you Yoongi"
"I love you Joanne"
I pull her back for more kisses, this Christmas being the best one I've had so far in my life
1 year later
"Yoongi? You home?", she calls as she comes through the front door
"Yeah jagi! We're coming", I call
"Mommy's home", I coo to my daughter Nari
She smiles, waving her arms at me, making cute sounds
Picking her up, I carry her out to the living room
Holly runs past me, running to Joanne who's looking at the mail
"Hi Holly- uh what are you wearing?", she asks surprised
"Hi jagi"
She looks up, her mouth dropping
"What are you wearing Yoongi?"
"Reindeer pajamas. Like Nari and Holly. Yours are on the bed"
She starts laughing, "You really got us all matching PJs? Even the dog?"
I nod
Last Christmas I ended up loving the matching Christmas PJs so much more than I thought I would
We wore them at my parents house and when we went to Japan
And now that we have Nari, I wanted to get new ones so she can match with us
And when I found out that there are matching dog PJs I went crazy, making sure I brought Holly this year
The PJs I picked out are navy blue onesies with Rudolph all over them and a Rudolph hood
They're cute and Nari looks adorable in them
Joanne shakes her head, giggling as she comes to me
"Daddy is so silly huh Nari?", she asks taking her from me
She kisses Nari's cheek, holding her and looking at her lovingly
Joanne is the best mom in the world
She does everything for Nari
We decided, with a lot of convincing on my part, that she'll stop working to take care of Nari at least while she's little
So she's home with Nari every day and Nari is very attached to her
As for me, I've taken a backseat in BTS
I still go to practice, I still write lyrics, compose music, produce but on a lesser scale than I used to
When Nari was born, holding her for the first time right after she was born, I knew that she was my priority from that moment on
Her and Joanne
My family is more important than anything
So I announced that I was married and that my wife and I had a baby
I told the managers and ARMY that I was still going to be part of BTS but my family comes first
That means if I have to miss events or performances, I will
If I can't do a shoot or video, then too bad
If I can't go on tour then I won't
We had one a month after Nari was born and I didn't go
The fans were upset but understanding
I think they know how seriously I take being a dad and husband
I'm not going to be overworked and too exhausted to raise my child or be with my wife
I took on less responsibility and it's been easier
I'm home every night by five when we have to practice or are writing music and take over on baby duty for awhile to give Joanne a break
Not that she takes one
When I take Nari, she's cooking, cleaning and doing laundry
She never stops and honestly it's amazing to watch
I've started working from home a lot more to write music and produce
Joanne understands when I can't be home early when we have performances or night shoots
She can't come to a lot of performances anymore unless they're in the day time because of Nari
Nari is on a feeding and sleep schedule and she basically runs our lives, Joanne's more than mine
She doesn't want to mess up Nari's schedule so she stays home at night with her
It was hard to get used to everything in the beginning but we did together
We have a good system going now
I took off this Christmas because it's Nari's first
Joanne went out last minute shopping to get something for Tae
"Did she sleep through her nap?", she asks
I shake my head, "No, she woke up in the middle of it. I just held her while I worked on some music. I left the sound on and she was calm. Maybe she liked the melodies"
She smiles, "Yeah maybe. Maybe she'll turn in to another Min genius"
I smile at that
Kissing the top of her head, I tell her, "Why don't you go put on your PJs? So we can all be matching?"
She laughs, "I think I will"
To Nari she says, "Go with daddy for a little ok baby girl? Mommy's gonna change into the silly PJs daddy bought"
I take Nari while Joanne disappears down the hall
"Mommy's gonna look so cute in her PJs. She's gonna match with us", I say to Nari in a baby voice
It's like my voice has gotten higher since she was born
I automatically go into a baby voice anytime I talk to her
Joanne teases me all the time about it but it's good naturedly
Sitting on the couch, I stand Nari up on my legs, hold her hands and bounce her
She looks at me, giggling
My baby is so beautiful
She looks mostly like her mother with some of me in her
"We're having a party Nari girl. Your crazy uncles are coming soon and you're going to be passed around like a hot potato"
"Ha, more like Tae is gonna take her and run", Joanne laughs coming into the room
"Jagi, you look so cute!", I gush
She has the hood on and she looks adorable and cozy
She picks up Holly and comes sit with us
"These are so comfy naekkeo. And soft"
I nod, "I tried to find soft ones for Nari and these came up. Do you like them?"
"Love them naekkeo. I like how they're all one piece"
"Good jagi. I was hoping you were gonna like them"
I hand her Nari and stand up
I watch her kiss Nari all over her face, making Nari laugh loudly
Love bursts in my heart
I love watching them together
Pulling out my phone, I take a few pictures of her playing with Nari and Holly sitting next to them
My entire camera roll is filled with pictures of them
"Jagi, wanna take a picture?", I ask
"Sure", she says, holding out Nari to me
"No jagi, a family picture"
She smiles so brightly, "Yeah naekkeo. That sounds like a great idea"
I set up my phone, putting a timer on it the proping it up high
I quickly move to the couch, sitting next to her
I put Holly on my lap while she turns Nari to face the phone
Putting my arm around her, the phone starts beeping indicating five seconds left
I smile, feeling her lean close to me
The shutter clicks, then I get up to set it again
We take a few pictures
One where I'm holding Nari and she's holding Holly
Another one where she's sitting in my lap with Nari and Holly and I'm holding all three of them
One where Nari is sitting in between us
One where Nari is sitting in between us and me and her kiss softly
After those, I take like a million pictures of Nari by the tree, with Holly, with Joanne
Then Joanne takes pictures of me and Nari
"Send them to me?", she asks when we're done
"Of course jagi"
She doesn't really worry about pictures because I'm always taking them
I was always into photography
I used to take pictures of her all the time, mostly when she didn't know I was taking them
But since Nari was born, I upped the photo taking
And I get them developed and make physical photo albums
That's one of the gifts I made for Joanne this year
A photo album of her and Nari
Along with a song that I already played for her last week
It's about how happy I am with her, how much I love her, how lucky I am to have her and then I add in a verse for Nari
How Nari is my reason for living, how everything I do is for her, how much it means to me that she's finally here, how I'll always be there for her no matter what
She can't understand it now but she will when she gets older
Joanne broke down crying so much and I just held her, kissing her and telling her how much I love her
Thank god Nari was being good and sitting in her playpen
Joanne loves the song and I put it on her phone at her insistence
Sometimes when I get home from work, I hear her playing it, softly singing to Nari
It means everything that she loves the song
I send her the pictures, then I upload one of the family ones to Twitter and write, "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Min family"
I post the tweet knowing that it'll blow up
I haven't posted many pictures of Nari or Joanne
Maybe one or two
I don't want them on Twitter or in the spotlight
They're not part of BTS or Suga, they're part of my private home life
One or two is ok
Twenty a day isn't
Joanne agrees
She doesn't want fans recognizing her, especially when she's with Nari
I know there are crazy sasaengs that will try to find them
If anything happens to them because of me constable posting pictures of them, I'll never forgive myself
I know the photo is going to blow up with positive and negative comments
The negative ones will be deleted
Just as I post the picture, the doorbell rings
"They're here", she coos to Nari
I answer the door, letting the guys in , led by Hobi
"Merry Christmas!", he shouts
"You are very loud", I state as he hugs me
"You're the Grinch", he quips, passing me
"NARI!", he yells, setting down the bag of gifts he brought
"Are you wearing matching PJs too?", Joanne exclaims, staring at Hobi
He nods, "Yup. We all have them"
Joanne looks at me and I smile
The guys got the same PJs as us, just in a different color- red
So we're all matching
I wanted my own little family to match but wanted my extended family- the guys- to match too
So I decided on same PJs, different colors
"You're all crazy", she laughs
"C'mon Jo, you knew this by now", Hobi says, "Now gimme Nari"
Joanne hands Nari to Hobi laughing
"Hi Nari!", he coos, kissing her cheek and cuddling her while Nari laughs
The rest of the guys come in, saying hi to me and Joanne but immediately going to Nari
"Gimme the baby!", Tae squeals
"No you're last!", Jimin declares, taking Nari from Hobi and cooing at her
"What why?"
"Because you're never gonna let her go", Namjoon says, rolling his eyes, "And we just want to say hi to her"
Tae pouts but waits
Namjoon takes Nari, holding her
She wraps her little hand around his finger and he shakes her hand, smiling at her
I was so nervous the first time Namjoon held Nari, a few days after she was born
I didn't know how to hold a baby but it just came naturally
But Namjoon, he breaks everything and I was scared he'd drop her
Joanne wasn't, showing him how to hold her and calming me down at the same time
He held her for awhile without incident and everytime he saw her, he held her
Eventually I started trusting him and now it doesn't worry me in the slightest when he picks her up
Once Nari makes the rounds, Tae takes her and settled down on the couch
He will hold her for hours and not get tired
He loves kids and we just let him keep her until she has to eat or be changed
The rest of the guys pack the gifts they brought under the tree
"Where's the food?", Jungkook asks
"You literally just stepped through the door", I say
"It's five man. I'm hungry"
"Since when does the time matter?", Jin mutters
"It doesn't but Yoongi is giving me shit", Jungkook replies
Joanne giggles, "I have snacks Kookie. I'll bring them out. Dinner isn't ready yet"
"I'll help you get the snacks", Jungkook says
"Sure. You can bring them to the other guys. If you don't eat them all that is", she teases and he laughs, following her
"I'll help you finish cooking", Jin tells her, tagging along
"Thanks Jinnie", she says as the three of them go towards the kitchen
"Put on a movie", Jimin suggests, grabbing the remote
"Ooo Home Alone. I love that one", Hobi says sitting at the end of the couch with Tae and Nari
"Yea ok", Jimin answers
Him and Namjoon sit in the recliners, the tv blaring
Everyone is doing something and I'm left standing there
I decide to go see if Joanne needs help and head to the kitchen
---------------------------------------------------Wrapping paper is flying everywhere, landing all over the floor as every opens their gifts
I can't see our floor with how much is all over the place
The guys went all out with the gifts for Nari
The amount of toys this baby now has is ridiculous
The amount of clothes is more than she can wear in a year
They even got her clothes for the future in bigger sizes
They're insane
Most of the gifts were for Nari
Joanne or I held her, put the gift in front of her and let her try to figure out how to try to rip it open
Of course she can't but it made for great picture
Eventually we'd pull a strip down and she grabbed it, tearing it
It was cute and all the guys had their phones out
Everyone just watched Nari open gifts for about an hour until she started fussing
After her feeding, we put her in her baby swing and opened the gifts for her showing her what they were
She just fell asleep a few minutes ago, still in her swing
"Here jagi", I tell her, handing her a box
"Thanks naekkeo", she smiles, taking it
She starts unwrapping the box, tearing the paper
Opening the box, she pulls out the album
Immediately she opens the album, her eyes widening
The first picture is one I managed to take right after Nari was born, when the nurse put Nari on her chest
She's looking at Nari with so much love and it's beautiful
"Yoongi", she whispers, staring at the picture
She reaches for my hand and I hold it while she looks through the album
Some are colored, some are black and white but they're all of her and Nari
When she gets to the back of the album, tears are falling down her face
I wrote something for her in the back too
"Jo, you are the best mother in the world jagi. I'm so happy and so very grateful you are the mother of my child. You're the best Jo and I love you so much. Love always, Yoongi"
She sets the album down carefully, the immediately comes into my arms
"Thank you Yoongi. I love it so much"
"You're welcome jagi. I mean every word"
"I know naekkeo. Thanks"
I hold her tightly, kissing her head
After a few minutes, we let go and she says , "This one is for you naekkeo"
She gets up and gets me a huge rectangular gift
"Wow jagi", I smile
"Open it Yoongi", she smiles back
I rip the paper off, revealing a huge picture frame cut into sections
It says, "World's Best Dad" and there's pictures of me and Nari throughout the year from the hospital when she was born to yesterday
My emotions rise, the love for her and Nari filling me
"I thought that maybe you'd want to put it in your studio. That's why I got a frame instead of an album", she says softly, putting her arms around my neck from behind
I nod, tears welling in my eyes, "Yeah jagi. That's perfect", I agree, "This...this is so beautiful. Best thing I've ever gotten"
"I'm glad you like it", she says softly, kissing my cheek
I carefully place the frame against the wall
I'll put it up in my studio tomorrow, definitely
She's sitting next to Nari and the swing
I go to her, sit behind her and pull her in my lap, cuddling her
The guys are taking out some of their gifts and playing with them
I swear they're like kids
I kiss her cheek, "Merry Christmas jagi"
"Merry Christmas naekkeo"
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longestnight64448 · 4 years
A - Z *Domestic Aizawa Shouta X Reader *
Back from the dead and with a long fic to make up for the time I was gone
A Christmas special!!!
D.- DECORATE (part 1)
Christmas and New year were just around the corner
It was all so new and bright for little Eri. She had never seen so many lights all over the city, happy people walking down the streets greeting each other and singing along music, it was all like magic. Burning questions invaded her mind and, as it was expected of her age, questions were pouring down on (Y/N) “Mommy why are they buying a tree?, mommy I heard auntie midnight talk about magic eggnog, can I have some too?, mommy who is Santa, is his quirk flying?”
(Y/N) was more than happy to answer all of them. So many firsts in such a little amount of time was a thing she couldn’t believe, their first Halloween, day of school and now Christmas...
People all over Japan were smiling around and buying presents and certainly, it was no different at the UA.
Students were preparing gifts for their beloved ones, making Christmas cards and preparing their bags to go home for the holidays.
Eri and (Y/N) were helping class 1-A packing their bags and cleaning their rooms. (Y/N)’s sweet personality couldn’t say no when adorable teenagers begged for help to finish early so they could go home soon, how could she say no to her adopted teenagers.
Ever since Shouta’s students found out (to their surprise ) that their homeroom teacher (“DAD” as they liked to call him in secret) was married to a cheerful, kind and gorgeous woman, (Y/N) took the title of “MOM” (much to shouta’s distaste).
Little Eri was walking down the common area when she spotted him, Bakugou, sitting down, watching the TV. She already knew he wouldn’t harm her, still his face always so angry didn’t exactly help when trying to talk to him.
“Uh.... aren’t you.... mmm.... are you....”
“Don’t stumble around your words girl!!” Bakugou yelled in that loud voice of his, for Eri, it felt like the end of the world, she knew she shouldn’t be afraid... still, bad memories plagued her mind.
Bakugou was really tiring to change, he was truly trying to be more gentle. he knew that he would never be a true hero with such an explosive attitude, he never meant bad... “only losers and extras do that, you have to be sure of what you are gonna say ok? If you want to be a hero you have to be brave. Do it again, go on”
“Aren’t you going home for Christmas?”
“Tch... no, I’m staying. I don’t want to fight with the old lady... besides, I don’t really miss her.... I don’t care about this stupid holiday anyway”
Eri knew better, she had no idea why but she knew he was lying, his face didn’t had his usual cocky smirk ... he looked sad and down. His face.. was the same face she had before her new family came along.
Eri only looked at him, turned around and said nothing... still, the small conversation plagued her mind, could she help him somehow?
Hours passed, most of the 1-A class had finished and when dinner time came around,Eri still had the conversation inside her head, deep down she knew she had to say something and maybe at dinner time, her parents would help her; they were heroes right? They had to help, it was their job. ... maybe interrupt them and speak out her mind could help somehow to ease her worries.
“You shouldn’t be helping them, you are too kind for your own good” said Shouta, not really angry at his wife, he couldn’t be angry at her even if he tried.
“You are not better, Shouta you are becoming soft”
“That’s not true, I don’t have a soft spot for any of them”
“Whatever you say Mr. but I know you and I know...” (Y/N) fell into a silence as soon as Eri, in a soft voice, spoke up.
“Mo...mommy... mmm”
“Yes, sweetheart”
“Bakugou is sad... he said he is not going home...”
“I noticed he is not packing his stuff, Shinsou and Todoroki aren’t either..but I don’t think Bakugou is sad, maybe his parents are busy or..”
“I know he is sad mommy.. we have to help him please... I... I would like to help him”
“Hmm.. what do you think Shouta? Should we do something about it?”(y/n) said with a soft smile, a smile shouta couldn’t really resist.
-There they go again,this girls will be the death of me- Shouta thought, how could he resist the looks both girls were giving him? He just couldn’t say no to Eri’s dream of helping people and to his wife who had such an enormous heart... it would destroy Eri and crush (Y/N)s heart. “We could try something...” was all he gave back to the ladies.
“Thank you daddy!! I’ll look for candy and maybe we can hide some eggs around the garden”
“Eri, hiding eggs is an easter tradition sweetheart, how about we decorate a tree?”
“Yes!! I’ll go and get a jacket so we can go for one mommy, we have to hurry!”Eri answered and ran to her room as fast as she could.
“I told you, you are becoming soft” (Y/N) whispered to Shouta; to say that she adored him was not enough to express her emotions.
“Is that a bad thing kitten?”
“I like this new side of you... being a father really suits you”
“Motherhood also suits you kitten... I always said it and I’ll always say it. You are the only woman I can see myself having a family with”
When the next day came, Shouta had already prepared his speech, now, it was only a matter of calling for the 3 students and hope for a positive answer. After a few minutes of waiting, the three students were outside the professors room, nervous and hoping not to get a detention note
“Shinsou, Bakugou, Todoroki.. I won’t be going in circles, so I’ll just say it as it is, Eri and my wife noticed you are not going home this year for winter vacations... but we would really appreciate if you joined us for the celebrations, I know that this doesn’t sound rational at all, but the girls and I are hoping that you can come” the three students looked surprised, none of them were expecting such invitation “I know is not the same as to spend it with your family, and probably it’s out of place but I’d break my wife’s and Eri’s heart to know that you are spending this time of the year alone; please, consider the offer and I hope you join us”
“Yes Sr.” Answer d the students in unison, the tremble in their legs showed how nervous this situation was for them, but there was no way they were turning down not only their teacher, but sweet Eri and (y/n) also.
Part 2 will be updated soon (later today or early tomorrow)
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sloanerisette · 4 years
Jyoumi Challenge Day #25: Holiday
Mimi is back in Japan for university, and honestly? She had to help Joe live with a little more Christmas spirit for their first holiday together. Cute Christmas decorating fic, I hope y’all enjoy!
“It sure was nice of your parents to send a bunch of Christmas decorations for our apartment, but don’t you think this might be a bit much?”
Joe’s voice was muffled behind the two boxes he was carrying— or struggling to carry was more accurate— while being led in by Mimi, who was holding a smaller one under her arm.
“Of course! Honey, those pictures you sent last year had barely any Christmas cheer! Plus they still have at least five more boxes at home so they’ll be fine,” she said, letting out a soft yelp and grabbing Joe’s hand to make sure he made it through the doorway, “Ok, there we go.”
“I mean, I probably would’ve added more Christmas cheer if I had the time last year…” he said sheepishly, bending down to set the boxes down.
“Which is why its even more perfect that I’m now here! We have the decorations, we have two people, we’ll be done in no time at all!” she said, plopping the last box on top of them.
Joe blushed softly, adjusting his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, smiling at her, “Its our first Christmas together,” he said.
“As adults living in our own place,” she added.
“That’s… that’s pretty incredible, isn’t it?”
Mimi nodded, “Oh, it is! Just as incredible as you finally putting up Christmas decorations!” she teased, sticking her tongue out at him playfully. Joe laughed, finally opening up the first box, moving it carefully to the floor.
“We’ll have to send pictures to our parents! Maybe make some Christmas cards? And a Christmas party with all our friends!”
Seeing her excitement was contagious, and he could feel himself getting more and more excited for the holidays and all of the festivities.
“How long have you been cooking up all these ideas, Meems?” he asked, moving the next box onto the floor and opening it, then moving onto the last one.
“Oh, only since last month,” she said with a sweet, innocent voice, unable to suppress the big grin that had now settled on her face.
He stood up to hug her quick, a hug that didn’t last nearly long enough in Mimi’s opinion, before they surveyed the contents.
Christmas lights, tinsel, garlands, a whole mess of ornaments for the small tree they had bought, a wreath for the door, and Mimi’s old stocking from her childhood.
“I think there might be more than we actually have room in here,” he mused, his girlfriend shaking her head.
“Well we’ll just have to be creative!” she told him, already dragging one of the bigger boxes along the floor, pulling out heaps of paper wrapped ornaments and lights. “By tonight this’ll be covered with beautiful twinkling lights and the wonders of Christmas joy!” she said, throwing her arms into the air.
“We should probably get to work then,” Joe laughed.
Mimi, was of course, the visionary, set to figure out the perfect places for everything. From where the lights were hung across the top of the doorways and on the tree, to planning out just the right spot for the wreath.  
“At least we don’t need a ladder because of how tall you are!” she had teased him as he attached little hooks across the walls of their apartment, Mimi throwing him lights to put them on. And Joe really was just glad that he didn’t drop anything. Somehow he managed to be far less clumsy than usual, which was a real relief.
Especially when it came to all those glass ornaments.
Mimi’s style seemed to shine through even more on the tree, putting on ornament after ornament with what to the outside person would’ve seemed like there being no rhyme or reason to the process. The lights had been strung on so carefully and intricately, with fingers moving so swiftly and deftly that Joe had been utterly amazed, though as she once again took the lead for the ornaments, Joe had been questioning her methods. Even when he offered to help, she shook her head.
“No, Joe, I need to do this very carefully,” she said, by now only having a few more ornaments on to place, at this point taking her time in order to gently rest them onto branches and to not be too close to the other various glass bulbs, snowflakes, and other assorted Christmas themed ornaments.
Finally she finished, stepping away from the tree, clapping her hands together and smiling at her handiwork.
“Would you like to put the star on for the finishing touch?” she asked, and Joe nodded, gingerly taking the silver, glass star in his hands and putting it on the top of the tree. Without a word, Mimi headed to plug in and turn on the lights, the various reds, blues, and greens shining and bouncing off the ornaments into a display of colors scattering all around.
Joe stood there, awestruck, and surprised that his apartment was the one that had such an elaborate tree. He turned to look at his partner, pointing at the tree, “You planned this?” he asked.
“I told you I’m an expert,” she preened.
“I can definitely say, without a doubt, this place wouldn’t look nearly as good without your help,” he nodded.
“I know.”
Joe laughed, “Well, let’s finish getting the rest of the decorations up, yeah?”
“Sounds perfect to me, we’re almost done!” she said, following him to the boxes to take out the few things that were left. A few strands of tinsel and garland, as well as Mimi’s stocking were all that remained, and Mimi and Joe were quick to lay the other decorations across the counters, in the kitchen, and everywhere else. Near the coat rack and where the two placed their shoes by the entryway was where she set her stocking, knowing that they’d be placing a stocking there for Joe soon enough.
Which, as soon as they had finished those decorations Mimi’s parents sent them, Mimi had immediately gotten them to get on their coats and brave the winter weather to pick up a nice stocking for him, a nice meal, and a brief walk to look at the decorations in the neighborhood.
As soon as they made it back home, Mimi was quick to neatly set Joe’s stocking next to her own, smiling wide.
“There we go! Our own winter wonderland!” she cooed, surveying their work with wide eyes full of wonder.
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” Joe told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, Mimi leaning into him, letting out a soft, content sigh. They admired their handiwork for a few moments, before Mimi pulled away, looking up at Joe.
“We forgot something!” she told him suddenly. Joe quirked an eyebrow, tilting his head curiously.
“What? We cleared those boxes out, I thought?”
She shook her head quickly, “Nope! We’re missing one thing!” she said.
“…What did we miss?”
Suddenly, with a swift motion, Mimi reached into her jacket’s pocket, pulling out something and getting on her tip toes to get closer to eye level with her boyfriend, holding her hand above them.
Joe looked up to see a sprig of mistletoe there, starting to blush and stammer.
“There we go. We can’t forget the mistletoe!” she said with a sly grin.
“I-I guess we can’t. I’m glad you didn’t forget anything,” he said shyly, happy to see how pleased she was with her final little plan.
Joe leaned down, to place a long, soft, lingering kiss on her lips, Mimi smiling as she leaned into them, still keeping the mistletoe above the two of them until they finally broke apart to catch their breaths.
“You know, I like this place being all decked out for Christmas. I think we did pretty good,” he said, nodding as he spoke. Mimi stopped him suddenly by stretching up to give him another kiss, before breaking apart and letting her hands rest against her chest, a serene look on her face.
“I’ll say.”
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codesecretsanta · 5 years
The Warriors’ Holiday Traditions
To @furlfangs​ from @nemesisadraste​
Setting: The first holiday after they defeat X.A.N.A in season 4. Time setting: My story happens in December 2006 in order to follow the CL time line. P.s: English isn’t my first language so please be indulgent with mistakes.
1st December 2006: Jeremy called all the warriors (including William) for a meeting in his room.
William finally arrives at the meeting. It was the first time a member of the gang, other than Yumi, had contacted him since Lyoko was shut down. So it must be important. He entered the room to see Jeremy seated on his computer chair, facing the rest of the room where the others had already found their seats: Aelita was on another chair next to Einstein, and the others were on his bed. Ulrich near Jeremy, next to him was Yumi and finally, Odd was the one nearest the door, laying back with his feet on the wall and head upside down at the other side of the bed, looking at William’s funny confused expression.
Odd: Hey! Little Will! Don’t be shy, welcome to the party! Said the cat-boy while turning around to sit normally on the bed. Here, you can take my spot! He continues while getting up and sits on another chair next to Aelita.
William: Ok. He simply answers as he goes to sit next to Yumi where Odd was before. What’s this weird meeting about? Does it have something to do with X.A.N.A or Lyoko?
Jeremy: Absolutely not! I called you because, as you know, it is our first holiday together without having to worry about X.A.N.A ruining it and I realise we never actually talked about our traditions for this time of year. So I wanted to fix that.
William sat still for a moment. He was extremely happy to be invited. That means they consider him a member of the gang, but he didn’t dare say it out loud in case that reminded them that he wasn’t. He simply smiles and waits for Jeremy to continue.
Jeremy: Ok so here’s how it goes! I’ve got all our names in this Santa hat. I’ll pick one at random and this person has to tell the others about their holiday traditions. Once it is over, we’ll reuse the names to make a secret Santa. Is that good for everybody?
Ok why not? Agreed the warriors all at once.
Jeremy: Perfect let’s do this! First one to speak is…….(Drumrolls)…… Odd! So Odd? What are your holiday traditions?
Odd: Oh you know nothing big. I just go back to Italia with my family. We have some rotation process so every year a different house organizes the party and this house alone has a Christmas tree to put the gifts under. But usually it goes the same: all the people arrive around 5 o’clock then everyone talks about how the stores were a mess to go to this year and how well the house is decorated and shitty things like that until we eat dinner at 7. Then the conversations gets a little better, but I’m too busy eating to even care so… then we stay in the living room until we open the gifts around 10. The host puts on a Santa suit and delivers the gifts and once they’ve all been opened we go to the midnight mass and then everyone goes back to their homes. That’s it. For New Year we just shout out the countdown for midnight and kiss each other a happy New Year that’s all. Usually I just wait for the season to be over and I can’t wait to come back here with you!
Aelita: Why? Your family sounds fun to party with!
Odd: Oh it would be fun if I didn’t have to anticipate my sisters’ “joke” and spend the whole night recovering from it.
Ulrich: Funny I thought you’d be the joker.
Yumi: Maybe karma does exist at some point (Laughs)
Odd: (suddenly very serious) If that is karma I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Everyone stays quiet for a while… What kind of jokes would scare Odd and take him that long to recover? He who never seems to be affected by anything… William was about to ask the question out loud when Jeremy, in order to change the mood, broke the silence.
Jeremy: Ok next one is (He puts his hand in the hat, mixes the papers and gets one out of it.) Ulrich!
Ulrich: Well that would be short I don’t have any.
William: What? How come? I though Dutch people celebrated Christmas!
Ulrich: Dutch people do! But my father doesn’t. I mean I used to get the Santa thing and all but my father learned somewhere that 7 years old was the rational age and he thinks that means to be little adults so a week or so after my 7th birthday, he spoiled it all about Santa and his magic elves not being real and even forbid me from watching “stupid children’s cartoons” anymore. Since then Christmas at my place is a business one where he invites everyone from his office and smooth talks the no-lifes who come. Same for New Year.
Yumi: Wow… I knew you didn’t have the father of the year but killing all the magic at once like that is just… super cruel.
Ulrich: It was just imaginary bullshit anyway so I don’t care. Who’s next Einstein?
Einstein: Yeah sure… ok (he mixes the paper in the hat again starting to feel uncomfortable with the whole thing… He did it for them to have fun not to relive holiday traumas… he didn’t even know such things could exist! Not so close to him at least.) Next one to share their holiday traditions is Yumi!
Yumi: Ok well don’t worry it won’t be awkward. (Everyone laughs nervously.) In Japan Christmas is a friends/couples holiday not a family one. On the 24th my parents go to a romantic dinner and I stay with Hiroki. We eat take-out fried chicken and watch some Christmas movies until we fall asleep on the couch and on the 25th we exchange secret Santa gifts in the morning. New Year is for family! We all go to my aunt Akemi in Japan from December 27th to January 5th and it is a time to clean, repair/replace everything broken and make resolutions to start the New Year on fresh good bases. It is very fun and I look forward it every year!
Jeremy: That sounds very cool!
Ulrich: Yeah can I go with you?
Yumi: Not for Christmas. Hiroki and I picked mom and dad on the secret Santa for the first time so we decided to only watch one movie while eating the fried chicken and then clean the whole house and then go to Millie’s house (guess who asked for that) for the night and the next day so our parents will have some time alone.
Ulrich: Oh that’s nice! And for New Year? Can I go to Japan with you? My dad probably won’t notice I’m gone for a week.
Yumi: If you pay your ticket I’m sure my dad won’t mind.
Ulrich: (totally broke) Forget it. But I’ll save up for next year.
Yumi: Fine by me said Yumi smiling.
Jeremy: Great! Now next one is……………………………………. William!
It took a few seconds for the ex Xana-warrior to realise his name was called. He didn’t realise he was actually in the hat, part of the gang.
Odd: Will? Do you plan on talking today? Cause if not I’m gonna get some snacks.
William: What?! Oh yeah it’s my turn… Ok well my dad and I are kind of Christmas freaks so all December we decorate the entire house. We would start sooner, but my mom doesn’t allow anything Christmassy until December 1st so… Anyway on the 24th we get my dad’s family here in France and it is a big super fun party until the Christmas mass. They go but I don’t because I’m atheist and I find it disrespectful to go to places of worship when you don’t believe their meaning.
Ulrich: So they leave you alone at home?
William: I’m not a kid I can take care of myself for a couple of hours! I just watch "Christmas Vacation" while finishing the party snacks. And on the 25th we go to my mom’s family in Quebec. Thanks to the time difference (Quebec is 6 hours late from France) we can get some sleep before going and still spend the entire Christmas day with them. Or the entire week since we stay for New Year which is really fun at their place and we all watch "Le Bye-Bye", a show where some popular local actors make comic sketches about what happens during the year. It is fun and my grand-mother explains every joke cause since we live in France, she thinks we don’t know anything about what happens in the rest of the world. It is useful sometime though… especially when they refer to Quebec TV shows so we let her do it. And that’s pretty much it so…
Jeremy: Cool… I didn’t know your mom was from Quebec.
William: Yeah they met during one of my dad’s business trips. I was even born and grew up there! I was 6 when we moved to France for my dad’s job. I never told you that?
All: Nope.
William: Ok, well now I just did.
Jeremy: Very interesting! Ok now there is only two left!
Yumi: The cute chubby couple! Screamed the manga fan, making everyone look at her in shock because of how unusual this sort of enthusiasm was from her. What?! They are a cute chubby couple. She adds pointing at Jeremy and Aelita.
Jeremy: Thanks! Ok so the first Chubby to talk about holiday traditions is……. Princess!
Aelita: Did you really write princess? She check out the paper to see that yes, he did.
Jeremy: And I wrote Einstein for mine he says while taking the last piece of paper to prove it. Though it was funny… It is funny right?
Odd: I give you my approval! But you lose points for not writing "Little Will”.
William looks at Odd angrily. What would it take for him to stop calling him that?
Odd: More than you could ever do in a life-time. Answered the trouble-maker as if he had read his mind.
William gets a little scared by it and manages to avoid eye contact with him for the rest of the meeting.
Aelita: I don’t remember. I was 6 when the men in black kidnapped my mom and after that Hopper didn’t celebrate any special days. He focused on Lyoko and his work as a teacher.
The room’s energy suddenly drops real deep down into sadness and compassion. Jeremy takes his princess into his arms and Aelita hugs him back for several long seconds before she gently pushes him back and wipes her little silent tears with her hands.
Jeremy: You know what? I’m sure you’ll find a way to make your own traditions and maybe this year I could share mine with you if you want.
Aelita: I’d love that! What are they?
Jeremy: I’m Jewish so I celebrate Hanukkah!
Ulrich: The thing with the candles?
Jeremy: It is more complicated than just "the thing with the candles" but yes. And since I’m the only one who hasn’t spoken yet I’ll be glad to explain it. A long time ago, a Seleucid king of Syria took control over the kingdom of Judea. He let the Jews do their own things but when his son took his place, wanting to unify his kingdom, he made it illegal to practice Judaism and to study the Torah. He wanted everyone to worship the Greek gods. Now many went along with it. But when the king invaded Jerusalem, a group of rebels called the Maccabees fought them for 3 years and once they pushed the invaders out, they had to rededicate the temple. To do so they needed to light the Menorah. Now they only had oil to light it for a day but it miraculously lasted eight days and eight nights. We call it "the miracle of the cruse of oil". And to commemorate this miracle and the victory associated with it, each year for Hanukkah we light the eight candles of the Menorah. One more each night during the eight nights of Hanukkah.
Aelita: What a nice story! I can’t wait to see the candle-lighting myself!
Jeremy: If you like how I tell the story you should hear when Jim does it! He is a good story teller despite what his "I’d rather not talk about it" anecdote suggests.
Ulrich: You mean Jim is Jewish too?
Jeremy: Yes! And so are some of the other boarding students. You see, Hanukkah isn’t exactly on the same date every year. Most of the time it happens before the holiday break. That means some boarders like me can’t be there for the menorah lighting with their family. And as real Menorahs (meaning not electric ones) are not allowed in the rooms for safety reasons, Jim does the lighting and the blessings each night in one of the classrooms so the students who want to attend can be there. And we can stay for the time that it burns which means half an hour or an hour and half. Non-Jews are allowed too if they stay respectful.
Odd: Cool! What time is it this year? I wanna see that! Promise I’ll behave I know this is serious.
Jeremy: You better! This year in 2006 Hanukkah starts the night of December 15th and finishes on December 23rd. But now it’s secret Santa time! I’ll put the names back in the hat and everyone pick the name of the person they’re gonna buy a gift for. Once you’re done, give it to Millie and Tamiya. They will give them to me once they’ve received them all and I’ll give you your gifts before we leave for the break. We all open them on December 25th at midnight on our own and not before then all right? We’ll talk about it when the break is over.
Jeremy puts the names back in the hat and shakes it to mix them randomly. After that, he passes the hat around the gang so everyone can pick a name. Odd was the last one and after reading the name he lets out a big sigh.
Odd: Oh damn I picked mine!
Everyone sighs heavily and puts their paper back except for William who instead says:
William: No you didn’t!
Odd: (With the greatest smile he’s ever had) Oh right I picked princess… guess that means you picked me!
Odd’s smile changes into a laugh when he sees William’s face as he realises he fell into Odd’s trap to find out who picked his name. Ulrich joins him while the others just look annoyed by his joke.
Jeremy: Seriously Odd! Now we’ve got to do it over because of your stupid joke! Ok all the papers are in? Good now Odd you pick first this time!
And everyone picks their recipient and goes back to their normal lives waiting for the big day.
Bonus: Who picks who and what was their gift?
Jeremy picks Aelita and gives her a necklace so he can finally say he is the giver without lying.
Aelita picks Jeremy and gives him Lyoko stats that she made herself since the supercomputer didn’t.
Yumi picks Odd and gives him a picture of the Lyoko gang so he remembers he still has a good family despite his blood-sucking one.
Odd picks Ulrich and gives him the “Pacific Rim” DVD cause it makes him think of Ulrich and Yumi.
William picks Yumi and gives her an antique looking glass so she never forgets how awesome she is.
Ulrich picks William and gives him an elf suit and he went to his house with a Santa suit and they had a merry XXX-mas.
Hope you enjoy it! Give me your comments! On my Tumblr (@nemesisadraste​ or @aidosshadow​).
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shintorikhazumi · 6 years
Twelve Days of Christmas Project: Day 1
Twelve Days of Christmas Project: Day 1
“So I may have used poison instead of sugar.” for Akko and Sucy?
-Request by Liz! @lizanime3 I hope you like it even just a little bit ;-; Pleaseeee…
A/N: Hola Minna-san! Yes, I’m alive... and yet not. Ok, so I was supposed to start this on the 13th so I could have 12 days until the 25th… but… I’ve actually been really sick for nearly two weeks and I don’t think I’ll be getting better anytime soon. :(
But well, since I finally have enough strength to actually walk around (FINALLY, I’ve been kinda bedridden- and my head isn’t being a little jerk for once), I can work on this, YAY! I’m COMPLETELY out of practice. I‘m sorry if it will su-… be a bit bad. Maybe a bit OOC?
~Shintori Khazumi
Akko loved gingerbread.
She loved it so much, the desert being a close second only to her precious umeboshi, and that was certainly something considering how much she adored the sour treats.
She loved the refreshing, minty (?) scent of the ginger, she loved how multiple shapes and structures could be constructed by such deliciously edible cookies… bread… cookie-bread. (Akko scratched her head, still trying to unlock the secrets to that one.)
Akko could easily and quite vividly reminisce on her memories, triggered by the gingerbread: A cozy fire back in japan, a log cabin that was a Christmas vacation house for her family, sitting on her papa’s lap as her mother sang her carols and gave her hot chocolate with marshmallows floating in her cup, nearly spilling out- Yes she loved that too, by the way.
Usually, she would relive these memories each Christmas with her family, a small corner of her childhood always tucked away in her heart and opened up during the Merry holidays; quite like a Christmas tree and its décor being stored away and set up each year. It was one tradition she would never replace with anything, and it was just that special considering Akko wasn’t known for being a traditional maiden at all.
… but well…
Who’s to say tradition can’t be broken? (Obviously not Akko, being the number one tradition breaker, citing incidents is of no need.)
And here sat Akko, well, lay Akko, on her bedroom floor, beside their desks that had cookies situated on top amongst all the messy clumps of paper and books; brown and red all over her body in an abstract mix of colors, which was putting it nicely. Putting it bluntly-
“You look like someone dumped buckets of brown and red paint all over you after tripping.” Sucy snidely remarked, stifling a laugh as she simply watched her girlfriend writhe in who-knows-what kind of pain.
The pair were alone in their room as Lotte had gone out to bond with Barbara over the special Christmas edition release of Nightfall, Hannah tagging along. The rest of the gang were doing whatever and the couple decided to spend some… “quality time” together and let their affections grow.
“Gee, thanks.” Akko barked through gritted teeth, not exactly feeling those said affections at the moment. “And whose fault do you think it is that I’m like this?!” She growled, her pearly whites digging into the skin of her lip, drawing a bit of blood.
“Yours?” Sucy replied with extreme nonchalance.
“YOURS!” Akko groaned feeling another bubble in her stomach pop. “What the hell is this?!”
“I honestly don’t know.” Sucy shrugged, kneeling down beside her fallen roommate and wiping the sweat off her brow. “If I knew which potion I knocked in by accident, you wouldn’t be in that kind of pain as I would have already known how to cure you.”
“Ugh!” Akko could feel the tears coming, and despite being quite confident in her bravery and astounding pain tolerance, it wasn’t really something she could be proud of as it didn’t help to quell the pain in her abdomen.
“So I may have used poison instead of sugar.” Sucy said not guilty at all, having baked the favorite treats of her lover as a christmas gift ( Lotte’s Suggestion) . Though she wasn’t sure if Akko’s feelings towards the pastry would remain the same after this traumatic experience.
“Okay, okay, I’ll help you now.” Sucy grinned, assisting Akko in sitting up against the bed as she was instructed to breathe in and out slowly.
“You mean you weren’t?!”
“I am now.” Sucy chuckled and Akko would have hit her if it were possible. “Now, to know what substance is in you right now, I need to ask a few questions.” Sucy explained, opening her potion and poison manual.
“Oh, please do.”
“Would you rather I not?”
“You sounded pretty sarcastic-“
“Sucy.” Akko got out without shouting, a hand that was previously on her stomach, uselessly trying to assuage the pain, gripped Sucy’s pale one and it was then that the girl realized Akko was as pale as her and not at all alright.
“So even someone like you can’t take this kind of poison, huh?” Sucy’s tone had worry laced in it now, squeezing Akko’s hand back. “I’m sorry.” Her eyes turned downcast now, heart suddenly revving its engine and beating strongly as she realized just how much Akko was in danger. “I’m sor-“
“You can apologize after I’m better, jerk.” A playful Akko grinned through her hurting. “That’s not exactly important and I should be used to your horrible methods of tortu- teasing.” She grinned, shakily bringing their linked hands to her cold lips, kissing the back of Sucy’s hand. “I’ll seriously hold you to it.”
With a nod, the mushroom enthusiast went on with her inquiry. “How do you feel? What are your symptoms?” This was more than just one of her experiments on Akko to learn about potions. She usually checked any before giving them to the brunette anyway after deeming them “safe enough” for Akko’s personal intake.
“I feel like there are a ton of giant metal… bubbles, growing and popping against my stomach walls, and I kinda wanna let it out, but I can’t?” Akko tried to draw out her feelings in words as much as she could.
“Maybe you’re just constipated?” Sucy suddenly found herself able to joke again after Akko’s reassurance.
“HA.HA. Real funny.”
“Thanks, I hear mushrooms help people have dry humor.” Sucy replied, not batting an eyelash, hand now pressing down on Akko’s belly while looking through her archives.
“Because they become more delusional and wack?” Akko threw back, preferring this type of distraction from the pain, even if it meant bantering with her girlfriend.
“Say that again and you won’t be having any cuddles or affection.” Sucy threatened half-heartedly.
“Like you give them easily at all!” Akko retorted, now full-on smiling.
“Anything else?” Sucy gave in for once, and Akko was pleasantly shocked.
“Is this because I’m in bad condition?” Akko asked curiously.
“What?” Sucy looked at her incredulously, the sudden question catching her off guard and puzzling her at the suddenness of it all.
“You let me win our little thing just now?”
“Little thing?” Sucy parroted, eyes not leaving her list as she dutifully searched still.
“Our… usual… arguments..?” It felt weird calling it that as Akko felt it was anything but that. “Banter?”
“Ah.” Sucy said in realization. Quieting for a moment and that left Akko to wonder if she had done it subconsciously. “Don’t expect it to happen too often.” She whispered. Akko quirked a brow, a smirk playing across her once-in-pain features.
“Ohohoho… maybe I should be in pain more often then?”
“Scratch that,” Sucy cut off, a deadpanned glare directed at Akko. “Don’t expect it to happen again at all.”
“Why not? I could get what I want for once~” Akko sang, finding a weakness of Sucy, finally, that she could use against her.
“Well, If you’re that willing… be my guest.”
Suddenly Akko felt a chill run up her spine as Sucy gave her a once-over.
“I have no qualms with that, we can have it arranged.”
Akko’s grin dropped as she quieted down, terrified of whatever possibilities hid behind that expression of her girlfriend. “On second thought, let’s not.” She backed out rather quickly and silence resumed between the two roommates once more.
After a few minutes, Akko’s sweat accumulating on her brow once more from the pain, she heard a frustrated sigh come from her companion.
“Sucy?” She called.
“Why can’t I find it?! Nothing seems to match the description.” She scratched her head, messing up her usual smooth hairdo. “How can I help you? I don’t even know what’s wrong- and I… I thought…”
“Shh…” Akko pulled Sucy into a weak side hug. “You’re trying. I know you are. It’s not like we can’t take our time. I’m… I’m a strong girl!” Akko said in a silly voice, and as she gazed into Sucy’s eyes, the girl in a rare giggling fit, Akko was reminded of how much Sucy loved her, enough to have a few tears sitting at the corners of her eyes.
Smiling at that, feeling an overwhelming pleasant warmth, Akko leaned forward, planting a kiss on Sucy’s forehead.
“I know you can do it.”
Sucy simply nodded, once gain baffled by her girlfriend’s believing heart and amazing encouragement skills. “I’ll do it. Just you watch me.”
Despite saying that, no results were gleaned and Akko was now on the brink of passing out from the pain that wasn’t going away at all. Sucy looked like she was about to rip her hair out.
“H-hey, Sucy? Maybe we should ask a professor-?”
“Just a bit more Akko.” Sucy replied stubbornly. “Just a bit mo-“
The door swung open and in hopped a float-y and grinning Lotte, bags and bags of merchandise hanging on her arms. She noticed after a bit the state of her room, and her roommates and cocked her head in worried confusion.
“What is…?”
“Accidentally put poison instead of sugar, I think.” Sucy explained briefly and Lotte just continued to stare, unnerving Akko and Sucy.
“I can’t seem to find which poison.” Sucy rolled her eyes.
“If you said you mistook it for sugar, can’t you just… I don’t know…” Lotte spoke, placing her things away and sitting with her best friends as she stated in a matter-a-fact way. “Look for a poison that looks like sugar?”
A loud slap was heard in the room and Sucy’s forehead was as red as the random parts of Akko’s body.
“Ugh!” The couple groaned.
“Oh, you’re really starting to become more and more like a couple in unity.” Lotte clapped as Sucy finally found the poison and made the cure.
As they lay in bed, Sucy sleeping over on Akko’s, as it had become a… tradition of sorts for them to sleep together, sleeping on one’s bed on certain days and such, the Filipina couldn’t help but ask.
“Still love Gingerbread?” She asked teasingly. “If you do, you’re some masochist… or maybe immune to trauma.” Sucy jested, she knew Akko was anything but that, but what’s a little fun after a problematic day?
Akko shifted from her position, lying beside Sucy and faced her with her own grin. “Do I still love you after all that?” She shot back and Sucy couldn’t help but blush, obviously knowing the answer. Akko nodded, the red glow on Sucy’s face visible even in the dim lighting. “I guess we both know the answer then.” Akko laughed as she turned back to her original position.
There was a shift beside her and her droopy eyes opened wide as Sucy lay atop her, placing a small kiss on her lips before hiding in Akko’s chest.
“I love you too… idiot.
“I love you too Jerk.”
 Merry Christmas LIZ!
A/N: Soooo? How was it? SO SO SO SO? I hven’t written in a while so I barely… know my abilities… ;-; I hoped y’all enjoyed? So anyone else wanna send a prompt can.. do it since well... yeah. I hope to post 12 of these. Soon. I only got 2-3 tho. hahhha... Thank you for reading still from this lousy author. Thank you!
~Shintori Khazumi!
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fereality-indy · 6 years
Gravity Heroes Chapter 71
Chapter 71
Wednesday December 5th, 2012
Delphi’s Temple
Bunker, Gravity Falls
‘Delphi's Files
Things have been really sour in the Bunker and elsewhere for the last few days. I wasn't in the room but over the monitors I saw Mr. Pines, Stan, collapse after he was brought in to see James' grandmother.
He did seem to warm up rather quickly to the fact that James was his grandson, perhaps even more so than James himself. The poor guy. To find out the person pretending to be your grandmother actually was your grandmother, only to have her die on you shortly afterwards.
Mr Ford, being the sceptic he is, ran a DNA test on the three of them and confirmed it last night. He seems to be taking their rapidly expanding family in stride. He has been splitting his time between helping his brother and caring for our other injury from the fight. Nate and Lee have been coming to help him with the Manotaur, but they've been teleported back to Nate's each night since his neighbors never saw them leave.
The Pines twins and their father have taken it upon themselves to help Stan any way they are able. They've already called the hospital and the Valentino's to inform them that they had a guest pass away in her sleep. Mabel's magic was able to 'dress up' the body enough to seal the wounds. There may be a brief investigation but come on it's Blubbs and Durland. Yesterday they got Stan up and had him helping Soos around the gift shop. Preparing for the Christmas traveling season was what Soos had told him they were doing. It was all Soos and the twins could do to get him to mark up stuff for the Christmas sale. The only real bright spot has been that school has been closed since the blizzard Saturday night/Sunday Morning.
Tony, Francis, Pacifica, and Candy have been spending time in my Temple helping me continue to research not only into Pacifica's problem but also searching for everything they could find on James and his grandmother. So far all we have been able to find is that she was the only family he had left, until now at least, and even then he didn’t even know she was related to him.
Tab, Asta, and Jette are searching for everything they can find on other current 'enhanced' as we have taken to calling them. So far there have been reported instances across the country. There is a group of college age kids in Oklahoma that seem to be treating their abilities as if they were just another reason to create a fraternity. Some guy is traveling the south using some sort of color based abilities. In Indiana there is a comic book company that is creating their own team of enhanced. And in a town named Danville there is a small group gathering around an armored hero calling himself the Beak. And finally operating out of a Colorado town called Middleton is a lady and her husband that has been running a hero website since the early two-thousands, they're the ones that handled that Lil Diablo incident nearly a decade ago. And they’re doing it without powers. I've apparently have been in touch with their tech expert before, he's a follower of my blog according to Asta. They're a group we may want to reach out to for some tips as we go. There seems to be more popping up everyday, but these are the major players showing up in the US. As for international instsances I’ve heard vague rumors of a pair opperating out of Paris, but only out of some middleschooler’s fan blog, and also rumors of a state run school in Japan. But these are just rumors.’
Tambry scooted back away from her computer and stretched her arms up behind her head. As she lowered her arms she felt a pair of hands gently grab her shoulders. Looking back as the hands began to massage her shoulders she saw that it was Tony.
“I’ll give you five minutes to stop that,” she said as she leaned into the massage.
“Heh. You need to take a break. You’ve been at this computer for a couple of days.”, he said as he worked out a knot near her neck.
‘I agree with Master Anthony, mi’lady.’ Tab’s word balloon read.     
‘Yeah, toots. Let us take over for awile,’ Asta printed as her bloodhound icon came into view. ‘Jette, Tab, and I can handle this in for awhile. Go have some fun.’
“Yeah, yeah. I guess I can take some time for myself. What do you have in mind?
20 Minutes Later
Outside Of The Mystery Shack
“That’s it!”, Dipper called after being hit in the face with the third snowball in as many such minutes. He hopped up and launched several snowballs towards the small fort his sister and the others had hastely constructed on one side of the Mystery Shack after Tony had dragged Tambry out of her lair and  the snowball fight was proposed.   
“Take that,” Tony added as he, Wendy, and Tambry hopped up and joined Dipper in storming the snowfort.
Wendy stopped about halfway there with a confused look on her face. Noticing it Dipper too stopped and asked,  “Wendy, you ok? What’s wrong?”
“This is too easy, they should have started barraging us with snowballs as soon as we popped up from cover.” Wendy said as Tony & Tambry cleared the edge of the fort.
“There’s no one here,” Tambry called out as she turned back towards her friends, “Watch out!”
Suddenly a barrage of snowballs rained down from the roof of the Shack as Mabel, Pacifica, Candy, Francis, and Grenda began their attack. “Onward Aoshima! Victory is ours!”
“How did you…”, Dipper sputered as he fended off the snowy onslaught. Suddenly he came to a realization, “Hey we said no powers!”
“Whoa guys, do you hear that?”, Wendy called out trying to stop the barrage.
“No mercy,”Candy called out as she pulled a shovel off of the roof and began pushing snow off of it in the direction of the groups former snow fort.
“I hear it too,” Tambry started to say before she was grabbed and pulled out of the path of the falling snow by a smiling Tony.
“Oh, you guys are just trying to get out of the…” Mabel started before she too perked up as she heard the sound coming down the driveway. “Ok, now I hear it too.”
As they all turned towards the drive they saw a large logging truck with a giant snowplow attached to the front of it. As the ones on the roof decended it was close enough there was no mistaking the driver’s bushy red beard.
“Dad,” Wendy called out as her dad climbed down out of the cab of the truck and rushed over to embrace his daughter.
“Baby girl, are you ok?”, Dan asked after he released the hug.
“Oh com’on dad.”, Wendy said as slugged her dad in the shoulder. “Like I told you on the phone, I’m fine. I had just rushed over here as soon as I figured out how bad the weather was gonna be. Remember Dipper and Mabel are from California. They’ve never even seen fresh snow let alone having it be this bad. So I had to be here for them.”
Scruffing her hair as he did, Dan said “That’s my girl, watching out for your friends.”
Turning towards the rest of the group and in his booming voice asked, ��And how are you guys?”
“Doing good mister Corduroy sir!” Dipper replied quickly.
“Good, good. And Dipper you can drop the sir, call me Dan.” Dan said with a smile that really did not go unnoticed by the rest of the crew. “I take it you’ve been keeping my girl out of trouble.”
“I try sir, I mean Mister Corduroy, but usually we end up keeping each other out of trouble.”, Dipper said as he shuffled his feet in the snow, “And she’s already been sharing some of her survival knowledge with us today. We now know what to do if say the power went out and we had to rely on the fireplace and wood burning stove for heat. Even the basics of what to do if we got lost out in the woods in this weather.”
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I started teaching her and her brothers the basics back when she was just a lil sapling.”, As he finished up the sentance he looked over the rest of the gathered group, “Why Tambry, Miss Northwest, uhm Grendel and Candace wasn’t it? It’s good to see you three also. How did you three make it all the way out here?”
“Oh, well we were having a sleepover.” Mabel piped up quickly as she realized the need for a cover story. “When the snow started falling we decided to extend it.”
“Ah to be young again, having a sleepover was always fun while I was growing up.” Dan said as he lightly chucked Mabel in the shoulder. “Tambry, I don’t think I can remember the last time I saw you without your phone out.”
“Oh, yeah. Well I have people,”Tambry said as she squeezed Tony’s hand, “who’ve convenced me that there is more to life than the digital world.”
Dan chuckled at that before his face turned serious. He looked back at Wendy and asked, “Your boss is still Soos, right? Is he here?”
“He’s inside helping Stan take inventory,” Wendy replied nonchalantly before she got a better look at her dad’s face. “Why?”
“Well on the way here I was asked to deliver his mail and newspaper. “ Dan said as he walked back towards the truck.
“Ok, I’ll take them to him dad.”
“That’s ok, I’ll take it to him. it was entrusted to me anyways.” Dan said as he pulled the newpaper out of Wendy’s reach.  
This caught Dipper’s attention as Dan seemed to actively pull the paper away but was not really doing much to keep the mail clear.
“Really dad, it’s part of my job description to get the mail. Soos is still terrified the mailman is a werewolf,” Wendy said as she attempted to grab the paper again.
“I keep telling you to tell him that Mr. Myers just has a glandular problem. He’s not a werewolf.” Dan said as he moved the arm with the paper up away from Wendy.
Dipper walked over and snagged the mail out of Dan’s hand while he was distracted by Wendy. As he looked over the envelopes he saw they were almost all resort ads for after Soos & Melody’s wedding. “There’s nothing but ads here, so what’s in the paper you don’t want us to see Mr. Corduroy?”
“What? Oh Nothing.” Dan replied as he turned towards Dipper and realized he had lost the mail. Absentmindedly he dropped the other arm allowing Wendy to grab the paper.
She unrolled the paper as she backed away from her dad. Looking at the headline her face suddenly dropped. “We need to get this into Soos immediately.”
She broke into a run and rushed inside the Shack with Dipper and the rest of the gang in hot pursuit. Soos was in the gift shop with Stan arranging knick knacks. “Soos, you need to see this. Whoever has taken over the paper has found your dad and it’s not good.”
Soos looked over quickly at Stan and poked him before sighing in relief, “You had me worried for a moment, I thought that maybe I had been imagining Mr Pines here.”
“No Soos, your birth father.” Wendy said as she handed him the newspaper.
“Local propreitor is the son of notorious death row inmate,” Soos read the headline aloud as he scaned the paper, “According to this reporter’s research Jesús ‘Soos’ Ramirez, AKA Mister Mystery II of the Mystery Shack is the son of the Nebraska Bomber, Earl A. Wellman. Wellman is known for his string of letterbombs he delivered in the spring of 1994. He is due to be executed next January after eighteen years on deathrow.”
“Soos,” Mabel said as she placed a comforting hand on his arm.
“Heh. Well at least I know he had a good reason for never coming to visit,” Soos said as Stan and most of the gang came around and made him the center of a group hug. “Besides, he quit being family to me years ago, this is my family now.”
“Aw Soos,” Mabel cooed as she squeezed him harder, “You gonna be okay?”
“Of course Hambone,” Soos replied, “I just need to worry about now and the future. Maybe I can even spin this to help the Shack.”
“What we need to do is go talk to whoever is running the paper now,” Wendy said after the hug broke up.
“Yeah, this is the second article to come out seemingly attacking one of us.” Dipper added as he looked around at the group.
“That might be a little hard,” Dan commented from over by the door, “The paper’s office buned to the ground Monday night. They’re saying it was an electrical fire.”
“No one was hurt were they?” Francis asked as he joined the convesation.
“Not that I know, but I’ve heard that Tad isn’t planning on reopening the paper.”, Dan said with a shrug.
“Wait, Tad?”, most of the group exclaimed.
“Yeah, he took over the paper after Bodacious T joined the TV news crew. I thought everyone knew that,” Dan said as he rubbed his chin.
“Why in the world would Tad be attacking us?” Pacifica asked as she looked confusingly at the rest of the group.
“I dunno,” Grenda chimed in, “He’s always been nice to me whenever I see him in town.”
Meanwhile Somewhere In Town
“Well sir. After I recieved your news, I carried out the destruction of the newspaper. I burned it down and i the process destroyed all of the physical copies of the records you had borrowed reguarding your former collection of friends.” Tad said into his phone as he was toasting a slice of bread. “I still don’t get why we are destroyed all of their police records. Oh yeah, I forgot you were mentioned in the files. So in destoying their records, we cleared yours. What about digitial records, oh those were destroyed earlier. Good to hear sir.”
He sat down and buttered his toast as he listened to the other side of the conversation. Ater swallowing the bite he took he replied, “So you’ve made us some new allies during your trip to Portland. Good. The new heroes seem to have defeated the Witch and her subordinates, we can use all the allies we can get. No sir, I’m not implying that you are weak. Just the strength in numbers is always advantagous.”   
Chapter 71 is over. Tambry gives us a quick lil update to what has happened for last couple of days after the big fight. And then she is dragged out of her self imposed workzone in order to get some sun and have some fun. The group’s snowball fight is interupted by the arrival of Wendy’s dad and some bad news he’s brought with him. next chapter more aftermath and finally the twins first Christmas in Gravity Falls.
Well all I’m sorry this took so long to come out, my laptop has all but died and so for a long while I was writing only on my phone. This was not fun as I have said in the past I have giant fingers on a small onscreen qwerty pad. I have so many mistakes and cramped thumbs that I practically gave up. Recently on of my roommates has allowed me to borrow his tablet and keyboard and so I was able to get this chapter out. I am wtrying to get my own tablet/keyboard combo and to that effect I have opened a Ko-Fi account under my fereality name if anyone would like to donate to the cause.
The names of our heroes:
Shifter/Dipper – Shapeshifter, highly intelligent.
Will O'/Wendy – Spectral powers, naturally athletic.
Glamur/Mabel – latest in a line of mystics, intelligent but more artistically inclined.
Freerunner/Tony – Peak physical condition, muscles & skin density increased, intelligent.
Flux/Francis – Self transmutation, highly intelligent (biological studies).
Charger/Pacifica – Battle armor, rich, secret sci fi fan.
Vaccine/Nate – toxin/antitoxin production, immunity to poisons, viruses, and toxins.
Brainbuster/Grenda – Natural muscle
Yami/James – Shadow and darkness manipulation, major otaku
Delphi/Tambry – Team hacker and communications expert, Techno-Shaman.
Schematic/Candy – Gadget creator, highly intelligent, trivia queen (I know I need to include this third one some :-) ).
Desperado/Wildbill – Team combat trainer
Also remember to check out my other Gravity Falls works:
Gravity Heroes: Sidetracks - A series on one shots & drabbels that are stories that are in the Gravity Heroes-verse but aren't necessarily required to read the main story-line. It's essentially my take on the classic Marvel Comics Presents. Chapter Seven follows Wild bill after he returns to Piedmont and delves into a few of his past lives that were re-awoken by Polden' Solntse.  
Welcome To The Gravity Falls Region - My take on the Pokemon AU. Follow the adventures of the potential Pokemon Master Dipper Pines and his sister Mabel, Pokemon Coordinator extraordinaire, while they travel through the Gravity Falls Region.
Gravity Falls Valor Force Rangers - In summer of 2016 an ancient force has arrived in Gravity Falls intent on finding weakened layers of reality that are prevalent in the area and exploiting them. Realizing fear is one of the ways to find the weak points, he and his evil henchman have begun corrupting both creatures and objects in order to terrorizing the populace. Taking a cue from a friend he met while stuck on the other side of the portal, Ford recruits five 'teens with attitudes' to combat this threat.
The Curse - thanks to a misunderstanding Wendy is targeted by a fairy curse. This is a short story following what happens afterwords.
Wrasslin Wendy - After Wendy’s brothers learn that Dipper’s Godfather is a former pro wrestler and beg him to introduce them. A few years later Wendy and her brothers are now working for Global Championship Wrasslin. that’s where our story begins. (This is my Writer’sBlock Breaker story for when I need to break through my Writer’s Block)
I also would feel honored if any of my works inspire any art. If the do I would love to see them. Thanks again to all who have read this far. I have received art now from Deviou5, Siryleleen, & Polydactyly Zodiac. These will be posted soon in my Deviant Art account as fan art and credited to them. Thanks again you three. I'm happy to see different interpretations of the characters from the GH AU. Let me know by PM if you do and I'll send out a list of the full descriptions to you. The art is now up at fereality.deviantart.Com/ just remove the spaces. A new pic of Yami is now up.
Again I'd like to give a shout out to dusk4224, EZB, SuperGroverAway, ddp456, & A Pleasant Dream. It was their stories that made me want to get back into writing and to want to start with Gravity Falls. Please check out their stories if you haven't already.
Please review. I'm always open to constructive and helpful criticism, though if you're gonna troll please move on.
Sorry I’m not on the net while I’m writing this chapter so I don’t have access to my reviews in order to respond.
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agnosticanimist · 7 years
Holidays I Observe/Celebrate
Taken from my sh!tty Book of Shadows, here's a list and summary of the holidays I attempt to celebrate. 
KEEP IN MIND: These are holidays that I personally celebrate, they are described as I personally see them, and the celebrations mentioned are the ones that I personally observe. There are no “right” or “wrong” ways to celebrate a holiday, even “culturally important” ones. Everyone celebrates them differently, some people don’t observe certain traditions, and that’s okay. If you celebrate differently than I do, that’s okay!  I can already smell the hate and annoying responses I’m going to get because of this but whatever let’s get started!
Putting a keep reading because holy farts this post was SO LONG!!!
New Years Day 🆕
January 1st --- A celebration of the new year. Usually celebrated by staying up the night before until midnight, then toasting a drink to luck and prosperity before going to bed. Lunch and/or dinner are usually comprised of black-eyed peas, greens, mashed potatoes, and cornbread.
Feast of Fools 🎭
January 6th --- A day to mock authoritative power, the church, religion in general, and the government. Mock ecclesiastical rituals are performed, a mock king/pope/bishop is elected, and drinking, dancing, and singing occurs. It's a day to laugh at that which is taken so seriously the rest of the year.
Chinese New Years 🐉
New Moon between January 21st and February 20th --- (I’ll update this part later!!!)
Imbolc 🏠
February 1st --- Marks the first day of spring. Celebration of hearth and home. Activities include making St. Brigid’s crosses, making bride’s beds, making priapic wands, lighting candles or bonfires in the snow, and eating pastries and dairy products. 
Valentine’s Day 💝
February 14th --- A day to express your romantic love to those whom you love, usually by giving them a love note/card or a Valentine. Other gifts include roses, stuffed animals, chocolates, etc.
Mardi Gras ⚜
3 Days before Ash Wednesday --- Traditionally occurs 3 days before Ash Wednesday (which occurs 46 days before Easter). Activities include parades, throwing beads, eating good food, wearing masks, singing/playing music, dancing, and drinking.
White Day 💮
March 14th --- Usually celebrated in Asian countries, White Day is a response to Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s day, women are the ones expressing their love to men. On White Day, men who received love are expected to return it, oftentimes with gifts triple in value to the gift they were given. Common gifts include white chocolate, white lingerie, cookies, etc. (Slightly sexist, but hey, a second day to spoil my partner with love is a-ok in my book!) 
St. Patrick’s Day 🍀
March 17th --- A day to celebrate Irish culture and heritage. Activities include wearing green (and pinching those NOT wearing green), listening to traditional Irish music, and feasting on things such as roast, potatoes, greens, cornbread, whiskey, beer, and/or cider. A common tradition is “wetting the shamrock” where a clover is placed at the bottom of a shot glass that is then filled with alcohol. The shot is gulped down, and the clover goes with it, or alternatively is tossed over the shoulder for good luck.
Ostara - Spring Equinox 🌱
March 19th-22nd --- Ostara, the inspiration for Easter, is a celebration of new life, birth, fertility, growth, etc. Celebrated by planting seeds, starting gardens, planting flowers and trees, etc.
April Fool’s Day 😜
April 1st --- A day of pranks and jokes that I hate to death but also still celebrate for some reason..?
Easter 🐇
1st Sunday after the Full Moon --- Activities of celebration include painting and hiding boiled eggs which are collected in baskets, feasting on shepherd’s pie and carrot cake, eating candy and treats in the shapes of rabbits and chicks, etc.
Beltane 🔥
May 1st --- Originally celebrated by casting protection spells onto cattle who were headed out to summer pastures, today it is a celebration focused on protection of the self. Bouquets of primrose, rowan, hawthorn, gorse, hazel, and marigold are made and hung over the doors or windows of a home. Maypoles are danced around with colorful ribbons. Massive bonfires are lit and feasts are held.
LGBT+ Pride Month 🌈
The Entire Month of June --- A month to celebrate lgbt+ identities, such as lesbain, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. Notable days for me are June 3rd: Bi pride day, June 5th: Pan pride day, and June 23rd: Androgyne pride day.
Litha - Summer Solstice ☀
June 19th-22nd --- These mark the longest days of the year. Protective amulets are made out of rue, rowan, and basil tied together with white or gold ribbon. They’re kept until the next Litha, when they’re burned and a new amulet is created. Other activities include picnics, making flower crowns, and dancing/singing around a campfire. 
America’s Independence Day 🎆
July 4th --- Celebrations include barbecues, grilled foods, lemonade, pool parties, American patriotism, and shooting off/watching fireworks after dark.
Tanabata 🌠
July 7th --- (There’s so much lore about this holiday that I’m going to leave out because this post is already so long.) Essentially, it’s an Asian (more specifically, Japanese, or the version I celebrate hails from Japan) holiday centered around two lovers who get to meet only once a year (the 7th day of the 7th month). On the day of their meeting, you can write down wishes on tiny strips of paper and tie them to trees/bamboo, which are burned at midnight to release the wish into the universe in hopes that it will come true. Also it’s bad luck if it rains on Tanabata because the lovers can’t meet.
Lammas/Lughnasadh 🍞
August 1st --- The first harvest of the year. Feasts of breads, grains, and beers as well as bonfires are common. Activities include making corn dollies, wicker men, making crowns of wheat/corn stalks, creating/decorating staves, wands, and besoms/brooms, etc.
Cherokee National Holiday 🐦
1st Monday in September ---  An annual event celebrating Cherokee heritage and culture, held each Labor Day weekend in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The theme of the celebration changes each year, but activities include a two night inter-tribal pow wow, stickball, Cherokee marbles, horseshoes and cornstalk shoot tournaments, softball tournaments, rodeos, car and art shows, gospel singings, the annual Miss Cherokee pageant, the Cherokee National Holiday parade, and the annual "State of the Nation" address by the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.
Mabon - Autumn Equinox 🍁
September 19th-22nd --- The days and nights are equal in length. A time to wear your finest clothes and spend time with your family. This is the second harvest of the year. Activities include offering tributes to nature for the harvests, making wine, gathering dried herbs, walking in the woods, and decorating burial sites with acorns, leaves, and pine cones. 
Halloween 🎃
October 31st --- Inspired by Samhain and celebrated on the same day. Activities include carving pumpkins into jack-o-lanterns, wearing costumes, going through haunted houses, riding hayrides, and giving/receiving treats like candy, popcorn balls, and little plastic toys. 
Samhain 👻
Sunset of October 31st - Sunset of November 1st --- Marks the beginning of winter. Feasts inviting the spirits of dead loved ones to join are held. Offerings to fae and spirits are given. Masks and disguises are worn to hide from evil entities. A time to honor the dead, be they kin, friends, or pets. 
Dia de los Muertos 💀
November 1st & 2nd --- A time to celebrate the dead. Activities include tidying up or decorating graves/burial sites, creating shrines/altars to the dead or deities connected to the dead, leaving offerings like sweets and marigolds to the dead, painting your face to look like a calavera (a skull), dancing and singing to honor the dead, feasting on pan de muertos, etc. Meant to be a joyful but still respectful celebration of those who have passed on.
Thanksgiving 🍠
4th Thursday in November --- A time to gather with the family over a meal and express thankfulness for what you have. A traditional feast includes turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and more.
Yule - Winter Solstice ❄
December 19th-22nd --- The longest nights of the year. Activities include toasting to trees with spiced cider, creating/lighting a yule log, decorating with ivy and holly, kissing under mistletoe, and enjoying a feast of pork dishes, eggnog, turkey, spiced wines and ciders, cookies, and cider-soaked caraway cakes. 
Christmas 🎄
December 25th --- Inspired by Yule, celebrations include caroling, giving/getting presents and gifts, decorating a Christmas tree, making snowpeople, eating gingerbread cookies and candy canes, watching parades, watching sports, watching ballets, and feasting with friends and family. 
This list is subject to change/edit at any given time.
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