#ok i think it really is time for me to go to bed
scarlethexelove · 2 days
Hi it‘s me again. I was just thinking something like your kate fic where reader is with wandanat or agatha and goes through some tough times maybe with depression, anxiety or self harm and they help reader through it? your kate fic really helped me because I‘m going through those things right now and it gives me so much comfort🖤 ty for your amazing writing truly!!
We're Here
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Image found on pinterest
Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 1482
Warnings: Depression, ⚠️Self Harm⚠️, Blood, Fluff, Anxiety, Soft Wanda, Soft Nat
A/n: I had started writing a whole different fic and didn't like it for this so I changed it up and wrote this one instead. I hope you like it. I was trying not to cry while writing it.
Your chest hurts as your mind races with swirling thoughts. You aren’t good enough for them. They deserve so much better than you. No one should have to look after you; they don’t deserve that burden. You, you are the burden in their life. You deserve to be alone, to suffer alone. Not for them to take care of you. 
You can’t take the thoughts anymore. That pain that burns deep in your chest making it hard to breathe. You somehow find the energy to get out of bed and make your way to the bathroom. You search looking for the one thing you know will help. It’s the only way to make the pain stop. You sigh when you find it. The small shiny piece of sharp metal. An escape. 
You sit on the floor holding the razor in your hand. You hesitate for a moment looking at it in your hand. They will be so disappointed in you if you do it or they will finally realize just how messed up you are and finally leave you. Your mind battles against itself as you stare at the one thing you know can help. But those dark thoughts win out. You know it will be better if you push them away. Making them hate you for just how broken and messed up you are. 
With a deep breath the cold metal drags across your skin digging in deep. The thin line turns white before crimson seeps through. Small little bubbles of blood form on the line before they become so big it starts to drip down your arm. The pain from your chest slowly starts to dissipate as you feel the pain from the blade. So you do it again. Another line draws across your skin. You watch the blood dripping down your arm. 
The more you cut the more you feel free. It becomes easier to breathe and the pain in your chest is gone. You focus on the pain that makes it all feel better, the blood dripping down calming those thoughts in your mind as it distracts everything. 
You’re so distracted by the blood and the shift in your pain that you didn’t hear the door to your bedroom open, but a loud gasp pulls you from your thoughts. Your eyes shift up seeing Wanda her hand slapped over her mouth as she looks down upon you. Tears filling her eyes which only make tears fill yours. Natasha steps in view behind Wanda as she hears her gasp. She holds her breath when her eyes land on you. The tears that shine in your eyes are now escaping, cascading down your cheeks. 
“Oh my god detka!” Nat pulls from her shock and jumps into action. She moves past a still very shocked Wanda grabbing a hand towel and crouching down in front of you. She presses the towel to your arm and presses down hard. You can’t help the hiss you let out as the towel makes contact with your torn skin. “I’m sorry.” You sob. 
Wanda finally comes back to reality as she quickly moves to sit down beside you. She pulls the rest of your body into hers as Nat keeps holding the towel to your arm trying to get the bleeding to stop. You sob into Wanda’s chest as you continue to repeat I’m sorry over and over again. Wanda just shushed you and kissed your head as she held you close. “You’re ok sweetheart. We got you.” She continues to hold and whisper reassuring words in your ear. 
It takes a few minutes before you calm down, but as you do it starts to sink in on what you have done. “You don’t deserve this. I’m not worth it.” You whisper as you slightly pull back from Wanda. She shakes her head. “Moya lyubov' we love you more than anything and we just want to be here for you.” You just look down not wanting to meet her gaze feeling embarrassed. “Detka, do you want to tell us why?” Nat speaks up. You sigh. “It hurt. I just wanted it to stop.” Your voice is low. “What hurt sweetheart?” Wanda asks, wanting you to clarify. “Ev-Everything. My chest hurt and it was so hard to breathe. I just wanted it to stop.” You anxiously chew on your lip waiting for the women to respond. 
The room is silent as the women mull over your words. “Why didn’t you call us?” Wanda asks you. You look down not knowing how to answer her. She gently lifts your chin with her finger so that you are looking at her. She has a sad smile on her face and tears shining in her eyes. You pull your thoughts together because they deserve to know. “I didn’t want to bother you. You two deserve to be happy. To not have to worry about me. I’m broken.” 
“You’re not broken malyshka. You are so strong and we love you so much. All we want to do is help you.” Nat’s words are soft. You turn to look at her. She wears a soft expression as she looks at you. “We want to spend the rest of our lives with you Y/n. You mean the world to us. I will spend every day for the rest of my life telling you that you are loved and you are worthy of love if that is what it takes.” She continues her hand coming to cup your cheek. Wanda shifts in front of you so that you can look at both of them. “When you are down and feel like the world is caving in on you I will be there to protect you to keep those walls from caving in on you.” Wanda smiles at you. Their words bring a small smile to your face. 
Your mind was wrong. They do love you and maybe you do deserve their love. They have been here to catch you every time you fall. You know it won’t always be easy but they will always be there to reassure you. Your mind will play tricks on you but they will show you what's real. 
Nat pulls the towel from your arm and sees that the bleeding has mostly stopped. “Let’s get you cleaned up then we can have a movie day in our pajamas.” You nod and smile. Nat lifts you up onto the counter as Wanda goes into the bedroom. Nat grabs the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink and starts to clean up your arm. You grit your teeth as she does. “I’m sorry detka.” She apologizes for causing you any pain. “It’s not your fault Natty.” You tell her knowing that this is all of your own accord. 
Wanda wanders back in with a stack of pajamas for all of you to wear as Nat finishes up. She wraps a bandage around your arm then leans in pecking your lips making you giggle. Your giggle is music to their ears glad to see you feeling a bit better. Wanda proceeds to give you a peck too. They then help you get changed before changing themselves. You give Wanda grabby hands as you're still sitting on the counter. She chuckles, moving to pick you up. You wrap your legs tightly around her waist and bury your head in her neck. She carries you into the bedroom with Nat following behind. 
Wanda places you on the bed and crawls in next to you. Nat crawls in on the other side of you. They make sure to sandwich you in between them letting you know that they are there for you and they aren’t going anywhere. You cuddle in close to both of them as Nat puts on one of your favorite movies to watch. “Thank you both for everything.” They both smile at you. “We love you Y/n no need to thank us.” Nat tells you. “But I wanted to.” You nuzzle into her a little. “We will always be here for you.” Wanda adds. 
You all settle in the bed as the movie plays on the screen in front of you. Your eyes drooping in exhaustion. “It’s ok to sleep detka.” Wanda tells you her fingers gliding through your hair. “Mmm I love you.” You whisper as you finally let your eyes fully close. “We love you too.” Nat kisses your head as she holds onto you tightly. “Sweet dreams sweetheart.” Wanda murmurs against your head.
You know that you will have to have more conversations about what happened today but that will be for later. But right now all you need is their love and comfort. With that you know that you can make it through this. So you finally let yourself drift off to sleep. Feeling all the love that you never thought that you deserved. 
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https-kreideprinz · 3 days
Sleepy Confessions Part 2 !
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ׂׂૢ Jason Grace
"you finally picked up." Jason's voice leaks through the receiver, slow and tired. his voice makes you smile as you shuffle through the sheets, laying down and closing your eyes. "i did pick up yea..." you whisper, eyes growing heavy with every passing moment. "what did ya wanna talk about." you yawn, stretching as you rub your eyes.
it was so late. what did he need at this god forbidden hour?
"i wanted to talk" he whispered. you merely paused. "we are talking Jason." you say plainly and you can hear him groan softly. "no- well yea- but that... 's not what i meant. i want to talk. about us. about this... thing that we’re doing." he whispered, and you frowned. "what thing?" you said softly.
yea you two were bickering... flirting... throwing longing gazes across the room when the other wasn’t looking… but it was all platonic right? you thought it was. that Jason was messing with you. that your dreams of holding him, kissing him.
loving him.
devoting your soul to loving him.
was nothing that just that. a dream. and now really wasn’t the best time to ask. you were so tired you could barely keep your eyes open. Jason mumbles something inaudible on the other end. "what?" you call out, fighting the soft wave of sleep that threatens to take over your mind. straining to hear what he wants you to know. something so important it could only happen mere minutes before Apollo drove through the sky with his chariot, bathing you – and the rest of camp in a soft warmth of the morning sun.
"I think I like you." 
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ׂׂૢ Leo Valdez
an obnoxious tapping pulled you way from your peaceful slumber. there's only one person who you are one hundred percent sure would pull a stunt so annoying at four in the morning.
grumbling you slide the window open. "what do you want Valdez!" you shout. Leo merely grins, shrugging as he slides into your bedroom. "i can't see my favourite person?" he grins and you let out a groan of pure annoyance. "not at four in the fucking morning Valdez! what is so important that you have to ruin my sleep for it?!" you seethe, crossing your arms.
Leo hums, plopping himself on-top of your bed, tossing pillows aside to make room for him. "can't sleep. thinking about something." he said plainly. as if that made it all better. "want do you want me to do about it Leo."
the boy in question runs a hand through his hair and shrugs. "cuddle?" he looks up at you with gleaming eyes, the kind of look he knows will get you do to whatever he asked you to. with a defeated sigh you slip under the covers letting Leo curl right up against your side, letting him rub his face against the sheets of you bed and sigh contently. "i'm sorry if i bother you." he whispers. "i really can't sleep unless you're near." his voice sounds slightly defeated. like he's ashamed of it.
you shrug. "it's ok. no harm done." you mumble and he smiles. "thanks... hey can i... tell t you something?" he whispers, meeting your eyes. "go for it." you nod and Leo takes in shaky breath.
"I think I'm in love with you."
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Taglist: @thementallyunwellapollochild
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cheeeeseburger · 18 hours
Text me first and I'll definitely text you back
Lando Norris x Reader
A/N: English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes! Enjoy!
It was 1 am, and you could not sleep. LIke at all. Your room was too hot, too stuffy, but also too cold at the same time. Your bed felt empty. To pass time, you were scrolling on your phone, when suddenly a perfect distraction popped up. It was a notification from your ex, Lando Norris. You two hadn’t talked in a hot minute.
I thought I had blocked you
Guess not
Too bad
I heard you broke up with that other guy
Yeah lol
He seemed nice tho.
Why do you care??? You didn’t even know him
Relax, I just wanted to check up on you
Well, reminding me of how great my ex was is a great way too do it, dumbass
Why are you so fucking rude to me? You’re nice to everyone
Don’t worry, all my exes get the same treatment, you’re not special xoxo
Wow ok.
Glad to see we’re on the same page!
I don’t think we are tho
What do you mean?
Idk why you’re treating me like shit
Huh? Probably cause we’re not together anymore?
You used to be so nice to me before
Are you drunk or something? Maybe high?
Then why are you not getting that I’m not going to be as loving, because we BROKE UP!
You’re so mean, I don’t recognize you
Cry about it with Jay
Who tf is Jay?
The guy I just broke up with
Oh ok. Did you change your hair colour because of it?
Yeah, it’s my post break-up look.
It looks bad.
Omg, you’re calling me rude? You’re so fck rude.
Sorry, but you should go back to the colour you had when we were dating
Did you just text me at 1 am to hate on my hair? Bitch
If you think I’m desperate for rebound sex and I’ll fall right into your bed, you’re dreaming buddy.
I just wanted to talk to you, but I don’t even know why I bother
Idk why either tbh
Do you not want to talk to me ever again?
I mean, that was the plan lol
The two years we shared together mean nothing?
They used to, yeah. That’s called moving on.
Just like you’re going to do to that guy?
Yes. If it makes you feel better, I still sleep with your hoodie sometimes, while I threw all his stuff out.
You do? That’s cute
Don’t get any ideas. I also still have the hoodie of my boyfriend before you
Wow, you sure know how to make a guy feel special
Hey, you texted me first. Idk what you expected
I expected you to be nice to me. You used to be so sweet
Don’t worry, the other guys still find me sweet xoxo
I’m so sick of your attitude. Are you trying to make me jealous or something? Or do you just like to be a bitch to me?
You’re the mean one, actually.
I think I will block you.
Do it, pussy
I don’t ever want to talk to you again
Ok wait, no. I’m sorry, Lando. For real
Thank you, finally.
I can’t believe I’m suggesting this, but would you like to grab lunch sometime? Or coffee?
Damn, ok. I did not expect that
It’s fine if you don’t want to
No, no. I want to. What about that dinner that we used to go to? Next Thursday?
Good location, can it be Thursday in two weeks tho? I want to have time to change my hair colour lmao
Okay. I’ll see you there at 12?
See you there, Lando.
Goodnight, sweet dreams
What the hell was that?
Two weeks later, your nerves were about to be the death of you. You were pacing your bedroom, frantically picking the perfect outfit. How do you dress to impress your ex you’re sure you’re going to fall right back for? You finally ended up chosing a cute dress that gave you a great silhouette.
Little did you know, Lando was doing the same, trying to find a shirt that would make him look good for you. He really wanted to make a good impression. This was kind of an interview, and he was applying for the role of the ex-boyfriend that you want to get back with.
When you entered the dinner, the déjà vu was overwhelming. Lando was already sitting at the booth that used to be your booth, the one where you first kissed, the one where he used to let his hand slide underneath your dress. You had worn a dress with that very same memory in mind.
“Hi.” You gave him a warm smile. Gosh, he looked good. He got up to give you a small hug. He smelled even better than you remembered. He seemed to think you looked nice to, judging from his eyes that looked you up and down and his slight blush.
“Hey. You look gorgeous.” He immediately noticed your hair that you had dyed back to the colour he preferred.
“You look good too, Lando. Great, even.” He seemed pleased at your comment.
“No trouble finding the place, I hope?” You laughed at his joke and you both sat down on opposite sides of the booth.
“Don’t worry, even though you did not pick me up, we’ve been here enough that I remember the directions by heart.” You stuck your tongue at him.
“I can pick you up, next time.” His eyes were full of hope.
“Next time?” This time, it was your voice that was full of hope.
The waitress interrupted you to give you the menus. You shared a knowing smile with Lando.
“Is it still a Caesar salad for you? With a side of fries?”
“And a burger for you?” You two laughed.
“It seems like things are still the same, huh?” You rested your head on your hand to give him a dreamy look.
“They haven’t changed at all, no.” He grabbed your other hand to put it in his on the table. You felt sparks at the tip of your fingers, but they quickly moved all over your body. This was going way more smoothly than you had expected. The waitress went over to note your order, and you couldn’t help but to feel thrilled at the familiarity of it all.
“So, how have you been?” Lando asked.
“Good, good, you?” Small talk was usually difficult, but it was horrible when it was with your ex.
“Good too.” Oh no, you were not about to spend the entirety of your lunch date with basic questions.
“Listen, Lando. I wanted to apologize for the other night. I was rude for no reason, and I’m sorry.” He rubbed little circles on your hand with his thumb.
“It’s fine, really. I wasn’t so nice either.” He laughed in embarrassment, but you just smiled at him.
“So, we’re good then?” You really hoped you were.
“We are good.” You shook his hand to seal the deal. The handshake hid a thousand more meanings than just “we’re good”. It was filled with “I’m glad we’re seeing each other again” and “why did we ever stop?”. The waitress brought your food, and you ate in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the moment.
“We should get ice cream after that,” You suggested shyly. Getting ice cream was code for “I don’t want this date to stop yet”.
“That was always the plan. I’m not a cheap date.” You laughed at him.
“It would be a crime to eat here without getting ice cream after. It was our tradition when we dated, remember?” He smiled at you.
“Of course, I remember. I also remember what came after.” You instantly blushed. A typical date for you and Lando always ended in his bed.
You finished eating. Lando picked up the bill, as usual.
“Thank you for paying, Lando. You know that it can be my turn to pay sometimes?”
“Nonsense. I’m trying to impress you. Is it working?” He smirked.
“Yeah, it’s working, baby. A little too well.” You flushed, because the word baby had slipped off your tongue so easily that you didn’t notice until you saw his face. He was clearly happy to see you using it again. When he put his hand in the small of your back to guide you towards the exit, you didn’t say anything. And when you walked towards the ice cream shop and your hands brushed, you put yours in his.
“I’m going to have a small chocolate sundae please, and he’ll have a large caramel sundae. Thank you!” You ordered the ice cream, once again remembering what you two always get.
“I’m happy that we’re out here together again,” said Lando, in a moment of vulnerability. You could not resist any longer. You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. The kiss was sweeter than the ice cream you were about to eat. “Me too, baby. So damn happy,” you replied as you pulled away, blushing. The smile he gave you made you want to kiss him again a thousand times.
You sat near a window to enjoy your sundaes. Lando looked positively jealous of your spoon. When it was time to leave, he put your hand in his.
“I had a great time today,” he said, outside of the shop.
“Me too. Do you think we could do it again?” You asked shyly.
“Anytime.” You got on your tiptoes to lock your arms behind his neck and to kiss him. You two must have looked adorable to anyone passing by. This kiss felt exactly like the first one you and Lando shared, when you first started seeing each other. When you got back to your feet, he tucked away a few loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“I like your hair.”
“Thanks. I changed it because of you,” you replied, laughing.
“You shouldn’t have. I was just mad, the other night. You looked beautiful then too.” You looked away, embarrassed at his compliment.
“I guess I better go, then.” He immediately protested. “No don’t go yet. We can go back to my place if you’d like. Or we can just grab coffee if you prefer!” It was cute to see him rambling.
You kissed him on the cheek. “Your place is more than fine, baby.” Lando gave you a huge smile and took your hand to guide you towards his car.
“I’m glad you’re coming home with me. It’s what I was hoping for,” he said as he was opening your car door for you.
“Me too, baby. We can pick up my car tomorrow morning.” He winked at you.
“Or the next day. Or the day after.” What a flirt.
You were probably not going to stay single for very long.
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mars-ipan · 11 hours
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some postgame doodles for pride month
#martzipan#komahina#hajime hinata#nagito komaeda#domestic kmhn likers pspspsps cmere#i never draw just fluff/domestic things bc i get too in my feelings lmao. this one was no exception#i had to take a break midway through bc i got sappy. IT'S OK THO we got it done :3#neways these tie into some headcanons of mine so i'm gonna share 'em here#mainly i hc them having little ways where they just look out for each other#komaeda is usually the only one who can convince hinata to take a goddamn break without having to forcefully drag him away from his work#bc hinata does NOT take enough breaks. and he does not listen to reason#until there is a komaeda who is tired and can't go to sleep without his human teddy bear :((( can't let him go to bed aloneeee#n i think hinata just. casually feeds komaeda ALL the time#bc he won't eat enough on his own. and if you offer him food he'll be inclined to see it as a nicety and try to reject it#but if you just. Put Food In Front Of His Mouth. he'll eat it#it's kind of a reflex like komaeda doesn't realize he's being fed most of the time#they take care of each other bc they won't take care of themselves otherwise lmao. it's a little dysfunctional but they're trying#i think once they've recovered enough to be able to just enjoy each other's company they get REALLY really giggly#they have a lot of teenage/young adult love stuff to catch up on and since they didn't really have a puppy love phase. they laugh a lot#they'll try to do something tender or sweet but then one of them will start to laugh. and then it's not long before the other breaks#komaeda usually breaks first. bc he's always in awe of just how happy he is. bc he never thought he COULD be this happy#not without hell looming just over the horizon anyways#when hinata breaks first it's bc he's thinking of how much they've both been through and put each other through#and he's just sort of like 'how the fuck did we end up here'#(btw komaeda snorts when he's trying not to laugh. this is just fact trust me)#OH AND I HAVE MANY HEADCANONS ABT THEIR SLEEP STUFFS#as stated hinata runs hot and komaeda runs cold. but ALSO#hinata's a sprawler. komaeda gets Clingy. it works out for them tho#if komaeda doesn't have hinata to hold like a body pillow he'll curl into the tightest little ball. it gives him back pain lmao#oh and yes. they absolutely wake up with their legs incredibly tangled together
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jmdbjk · 2 days
Privates First Class Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook: Our first real look.
Jimin and Jungkook. I know, I'm being insufferable but I can't NOT dwell on them a little more. Festa activities will make us move past this so fast as things always do in BTS Army life.
But you don't realize how much is bottled up or how starving you've been until you finally get to feast on that one thing you've been missing. That didn't sound very appealing and I'm not really that pathetic (its mostly the busy-ness inside my head) but you know what I mean, right? I've missed them soooo much!
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Military life seems to have been going well for them. Since January we've had very little news about them. Just military blips here and there... training with U.S. Marines... kitchen police... cooking rice... cleaning from top to bottom... learning to aim big-ass missiles and hitting targets and living on rations for a week. Even receiving recognition for outstanding service.
Almost every day I imagine them doing their daily duties and all... but there was little to go by. And that's fine. Some of those things I don't want to think about. But that's what they are doing every day.
Seeing them in real time in the flesh is very reassuring.
One thing that was noticeable to me is that Jimin and Jungkook did not look like their usual sleepy-head selves they are at that time of the morning. But they both looked strong and composed. Going to bed every night like a normal person and getting a good night's sleep is a healthy habit they will probably break the moment they are discharged.
Jimin... just wow. His hair grew out. No more buzz cut. But also, the duality continues:
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Someone posted a comparison pic of Jimin's painted nails and a close up of his hands which now have what look like healed spots on his hands and knuckles and scuffed nails... I don't have the pic but it shows how he's fully immersed in his military duties. Hands do get beat up somewhat when you work with them a lot.
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Jungkook looked amazing.
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Jungkook's little burn scars... that damn edge of the oven or hot pan will get you when you least expect it! Got him twice too! Ouchie! I hope it didn't bother him for too long. To the infirmary!
He'll get Polyc to cover that up with a new tattoo. Or maybe design one around it to highlight Jungkook's battle scars he received while an enlisted man.
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One thing they are most likely gaining now is self-confidence in the ability to do something NOT in their wheelhouse. Leading people or working with people who are not the ones they used to see day in and day out for ten years. Learning new skills, being part of a different team, doing different things can be enriching and will enhance other parts of their lives.
Not being with the people who are paid to be there to make sure they look good and every whim is taken care of....the isolation had to be culture shock for them. Knowing they are together, that center of familiarity when they are faced with something new, is a great source of comfort.
Jimin and Jungkook showed up to Jin's discharge in full uniform. I will assume they arrived together straight from their base, where they must remain in their uniforms at all times.
Hugs all around. Jimin's are the best, most heartfelt hugs.
Jimin and Tae's hug... I felt that shit. The squeeze, the "no, don't let go yet," the fullness of it. They mean a lot to each other. I know they've always been close, they've told us so, they've reminded us they speak to each other often even when they weren't working as a group.
And I'm sorry but the awkward side hug between Tae and JK was not "tHeY jUsT sPeNt TiMe ToGeThEr." Be for real. Are you fucking blind? That was Tae saying "bro, didn't realize you walked up behind me, are you not gonna hug me too?" And JK going "oh, well, ok if you insist, bro (since you won't let go of my wrist)."
No, Jimin and Jungkook did not hug each other... they just got out of the car that they rode in from their base where they live together. Where they showered and got dressed and ate breakfast together before getting in the car. It is perplexing how that is even a question I see people put out there.
There was curiosity as to whether Jimin and Jungkook were on day leave or what and initially seeing them in uniform the first assumption is that they might be only on temporary day leave and would have to return to base that evening. But then we got the group pic at the Hybe building and Jimin and Jungkook had changed clothes. From what I understand, when a soldier is on day leave, they must remain in uniform AT ALL TIMES during that day. No quick change into some other clothes for a while. REMAIN IN UNIFORM AT ALL TIMES NO MATTER WHAT. So them being in civvies tells us they are on vacation/days off. We don't know how much time they took off but perhaps they won't go back to the base until Monday.
During their days off they will probably separate and go do their own thing. Maybe they will take time to go to Busan and visit fam. Most likely, Jungkook will go check on the progress of the Itaewon house construction (the exterior of JK's new house is black and it will have a tiny balcony that faces the street and appears to have some livable rooftop space). Jungkook may visit Bam. They may visit their other friends. Since the entire group was there, they most likely shared how they were doing and most likely talked about next year.
The delulu mode has activated...
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sashi-ya · 2 days
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𝑺𝑰𝑫𝑬 𝑩: 𝑹𝑬𝑳𝑨𝑿 「cuts of freedom: part 4」 soshiro hoshina x f! officer! reader
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a/n: ok, ok! since you've been asking for a continuation, here it is! thank you for your support + were you expecting some kind of drama? if so, wait for yet another part then 🙊 tw: mdni! sex explicit scenes. Soshi is a little hurt so he is not going to be as active as usual. more of a romantic chapter. they are on the early stages of a rs so doubts are all over. oral (given). riding. nipple play kinda. wc: 3k // part1: cuts of freedom // part 2: かんぱい!// part 3: stuffed // masterlist
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He got hurt. that fight wasn’t easy, and yet he still wanted to keep fighting. “You should go to rest!” Ashiro Taichou scolded him, and he finally complied.
That same day, nobody wanted breakfast. All of you wanted to sleep, rest, pass out on your beds. And maybe too late for lunch everybody started waking up…
Like zombies, you all drag towards the dining room. Those with pain on their limbs, and those who have no visible injuries are all equally hungry.
You sit down next to Kikoru, and while she seems a lot more energetic than you, she is still sleepy. You grab something to eat, scanning the place to find him anywhere.
Despite him having a couple of bad injuries, he only spent a couple of hours at the medical centre. And so, you waited for his happy smile to appear and salute you all.
However, the food is almost completely gone, and he hasn’t appeared yet. The one who does, actually, is your captain, Mina.
“I came to salute and thank you for your hard work, guys. We’ve decided to let you all have a relax day. Keep in mind that if necessary we might need to call you back for duty”
Everybody. Absolutely. Went. Crazily happy.
You could or not ask for your vice-captain, but it would be… suspicious. You don’t want people getting in the way, not because it was forbidden. But because people will talk… and the risk, the secret you both have is exhilarating enough to keep it in between you and him.
Though the mystery of where he was, was discovered some minutes after with a “ping” on your phone…
16:02>VC Hoshina: are you o.o.d already? 16:03>you: yes, how do you know? 16:05>VC Hoshina: who do you think requested Ashiro Taichou for you all to have a day off? let’s have a night in at my place tonight. I’ll make dinner. Be ready at 5, I’ll be outside. 16:05>you:  outside? Together? Are you sure? aren’t you supposed to be resting? 16:06>you: yep, you coming home with me so you can take care of me… 😏
A date? A night in? His place? are we really dating? Are we a… couple?
It is taking you all you got not to show your happy smile -you do anyway-. It feels too good to be real. You wonder how his place might look like? What is he going to cook? Which clothes should you bring?
Ultimately, and exactly 10 minutes prior your set meting point, you are ready. You pick the sexiest underwear you could probably have while living at the base. -sports bra and panties- and little toiletries. Your backpack isn’t heavy, but your stomach is. Despite everything you two have experienced together, the first time you are actually on a date with nobody around will be this.
“Ready?” he asks,  peeking from the windows of his car. Black, exquisite, modern, expensive. What else would you expect?
“Yes ~” you whisper, smiling sexily.
Once you are inside and you have fastened the seat belt on, Soshiro comes closer to your lips. His fingers land on your chin, pulling you ever so softly towards his.
“Don’t give me that look, or I’ll fuck you right here” he whispers, planting a peck soon after.
You gasp silently; strong, funny, handsome, charismatic, and such a player… your heart skips quite some beats, and only the roaring of the car engine is able to break the enchantment you have fallen in.
Of course, the ride ended up pretty fast. Despite Soshiro having his house, the Hoshina family manor, he prefers to rent a very modest -not really, his is disgustingly rich- apartment closer to the base for obvious reasons.
“You’ve been quiet since we left the base. Wanna come back?” he asks, this time as serious as he can be.
“No, I was only intrigued about your lifestyle. Everything around here looks beautiful, Hoshina fuku Taicho” you murmur, following him inside the elevator.
He giggles; and instants later, when the lift doors close, he smirks. Eyes now open, sloppy but sexy, looking at you like a kaiju to subjugate, making you take little steps back against you encounter the mirrored wall behind.
You know how men turn when inside elevators…
“So-shi-ro” he corrects you; even him feels the need to forget for some hours about your jobs.
“so…shi…ro ~” you purr.
His hands end up on the railing behind you, on each side of your hips. His chest, chiselled to perfection, closer to yours. His lips, even closer than before.
“I would very much like to fuck you right here, too. There are cameras. I wouldn’t mind if you want to videotape us, but you are mine… and I don’t want anybody else to see you”
You swallow, once again your legs turned weak. And your brain? Stopped “braining”.
The doors open, and inside the apartment you both go. With wet panties, you try to act as if the last interaction never happened.
“Welcome ~” he sings, taking his boots off.
Inside, of course, everything seems more expensive than a whole year worth of salary, so you try not to touch anything. There aren’t many decorative pieces, but definitely the ones that garnish the walls are various blades shining their metallic glitter with white led lights.
Ahead, a big glass wall let’s your eyes infuse in a dying sun over the city of Tachikawa’s golden hour.
“What a beautiful view” you murmur, taking off your shoes.
“A panoramic view that will sooner or later be destroyed by those bitches…” he sighs, surrounding your waist with his arms from behind.
Soshiro’s chin rests on your shoulder; his aura feels a lot more romantic and calmed. It seems as if he really wanted a chill night with you and not just a lustful chain of sexual desires unleashed.
“Are you feeling ok? Does anything hurt?” you ask, worried. He didn’t seem very hurt while driving but he is strong to ignore any pain.
“Mhh? I think so. Though, that thing… was scary” he is as honest as he can be while turning you around to face him.
His eyes are beautifully tinted in orange, as the light of sunset reflects on them. His hair, purple and black, frame a sweet face. The sound of a feng shui little fountain takes over with infinite drops falling on dancing pieces of bamboo branches.
“Thank you for inviting me over…” you whisper, getting drunk on the handsome features you fell for.
Soshiro smiles softly, placing his forehead on yours. Both close your eyes, enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of a private refugee. For once, maybe for some hours, there is peace in your minds.
“You don’t need to be invited to come here” he whispers back, placing a kiss on your forehead, leaving you speechless… Is this the confirmation he is going for real with you?
Soon, and after a very deep kiss, tinted in love and lust, he tells you to wait for him.
You use such time to enjoy for a little longer those outstanding views of the city, but what you will watch at next will be a lot more worth it to look at…
Dressed in yukata, Soshiro looks a lot more relaxed than before. And you, well… you try not to die to such show off of autochthone beauty scattered in front of you.
“You- wow…” you simply express. “Sorry, the bandages feel more comfortable if I am wearing lose clothes…”
He enjoys your needy eyes scanning him up and down, and soon asks you to follow him to the kitchenette where he prepares a series of very sharp objects to cook with.
“You know why squad 3 was happy at first when I joined?” he asks, taking fresh -very fresh and expensive- salmon out of the fridge.
“Mmm… ‘cause you were funny?” you joke. You know it is probably because of his skills.
He looks at you a little annoyed, but soon brush it off with a silly laugh.
“No! it is because Mina can’t handle knives. So, I, naturally being the great swordsman I am -and also great cook-, I was the one in charge of cutting the ingredients for them”
You giggle; you knew Mina didn’t have such skill… but at that point?
“Then mr. cook swordsman, please delight me with your skills” you purr, bending over the counter isle. Your collar allows the very beginning of your breasts to show, but Soshiro knows very well that he should focus on not cutting himself instead of it.
He scoffs, and precisely begins cutting thin slices of salmon. The way his sharp blade sections that pinkish flesh makes an act that to some might be barbaric, a ravishing image to look at.
Soshiro’s profile shows a tensing mandible, with muscles moving along with concentration and technique. It reminds you to the times you’ve seen him train minus the sweat -not that you were complaining about it, actually-
The way his yukata opens just enough for you to admire his pale flesh, obliges you to bite the insides of your mouth; to cross your legs enough as a natural reflex to satisfy the demands of your femininity.
Once those fine pieces of fish have been cut, they are put to rest to the side. Soshiro proceeds to grab a bowl with freshly cooked rice from the fridge, followed by the ingredients to assemble the nigiri.
He takes a swift look at you from the side; his smirk, makes you shiver. He knows he looks hot while doing this, and he will continue to do so for as long as he wants it to.
The way he cups a little ball of rice into his palm, and how he spreads the spicy wasabi on it, reminds you of how good his hands are when he touches you… so sensual, delicate, precise.
You can’t help but get lost into what he is doing, with a silly in love face, you allow him to continue in complete silence.
And once he is finished with the nigiri, he begins to prepare a sweet sauce that you assume must contain mango.
“Try the sauce”  he offers, with a silver spoon.
You walk around the counter and allow him to feed you the preparation right into your mouth. As sexy as possible, and as delicious as it can be, you enjoy the taste that’s also followed by his lips being pressed on yours. A kiss so sweet with little hints of citric, a kiss that threatens diner to be forgotten.
Soshiro lifts you up on top of the table; leaving the preparations on the side. His yukata opens a little bit more, showing off protruding -so delicious- collar bones, his bare chest and the very beginning of bandages tied around his waist.
You open your legs for him to come closer, but now that you’ve seen the bandages you make sure you are absolutely delicate with your movements.
 He kisses you again and again; he is soft and sweet, and absolutely sensual as well.
“Here” he murmurs, once he is over with your swollen lips and brings one of the pieces of sushi he just created to your mouth. Bare fingers, as traditionally as can be, he feeds you.
Delighted, you enjoy the savoury mix with the sweet sauce.
“So good, Soshiro… you were right, you are a wonderful cook” you murmur, still enjoying the piece in your mouth.
“Told you ~” he giggles, bragging about an undeniable truth.
You giggle too, this time grabbing a piece with your hands and giving it to him right into his mouth.
It might be a different experience for the both of you; a relaxing, mature, romantic and sensual night it…
And when the nigiri are definitely over, and your hunger -for food- satisfied, Soshiro invites you to yet another part of his department; the balcony. Such place is anything but small, but it is definitely cozy. It also communicates right with his room.
“I already told you this, but this view is breath-taking” you purr. “I think so, yes” he whispers, grazing your nape and neck with loving hand and looking right into your eyes.
Your cheeks burn; your stomach gets full of dancing, kaiju sized butterflies.
“I love this side of you…” you mumble, hugging him, placing your head on his chest with utmost care. “You made me feel like doing this” he answers, kissing the crown of your head.
Both enjoy the night views; laughing at an Izumo tecs drone falling down because it encountered a tree in its way. Of course, Soshiro laughs the loudest, and you can’t help but hug him harder as his fangs protrude like if he were a little kitten.
“auch-“ he grimaces. “oh, oh god. I’m so sorry!!” you panic, remembering his waist is covered in bandages. “take me… to… my bed!” he acts as if he was about to die, and you try to supress the laughter.
Soshiro -still acting up- opens the sliding glass doors of his room, and inside you both go.
He pounces into bed, dragging you with him. And despite him definitely knowing that he shouldn’t have done that, he brushes the pain on his belly away.
“You good?” “NO. CURE ME”
Soshiro holds you closer, snuggling with you on a king-sized bed. Finally, comfortable, you two lay together. And still, there isn’t room for anything in between you both.
For quite some time you stay in silence nuzzled into his chest. His perfume, so delicious, gets you drunk in love. His skin, pale and soft, like always, lures you to bite and kiss. His hand, heavy and warm, plays with your hair, slowly.
“I want to make love to you” Soshiro suddenly says, breaking the silence and stopping your heart.
“You…” you whisper, feeling a heat wave taking over your cheeks, nose and ears.
“With no hurries, nor worries” he continues, bringing his hand down your spine and into the small of your back. Soshiro pulls you even closer to him, with your core pressed against the side of his leg.
Your lips meet again, you don’t have to say “yes” to his proposal. You just want it to happen now. And soon, you become undressed in one bit.
However, you don’t want him -yet- to do all the work tonight. And perhaps, as a way of thanking him for this night, you want to pleasure him first.
Standing up without saying much, you crawl in between his legs. Your hands reach for the sash that holds his yukata together, and slowly as he wanted, you untie it.
Soshiro smirks, biting his own lip with sharp fangs.
“Put yourself comfortable; you cooked, now dessert is on me”
He gets, indeed, comfortable as he puts both pillows underneath his nape and his hands are ready to fall upon your head once your mouth begins to work on his sex.
Hard, of course, he waits. Hard, dripping with wet boxers, a damp stain on grey underwear you make bigger licking over it.
Soshiro squirms; your oral is delicious, as his taste is to you. Yet, the fabric isn’t as good as his bare skin. So, you pull from the hem of his boxer briefs, urging him to help you with the wiggling of his hips.
You place a kiss right on the tip, and your hand surrounds his rock-hard shaft. You can tell he is more than sensitive to your lips, as he begins contorting little by little.
But it is not enough pleasure. And deep inside your mouth, you let his sex slide in. Hitting faster your throat, his moans and grunts are a delightful symphony of lust.
“Honey…ugh…” he whines, pulling your head back from your hair, as pleasure seems to be high enough to make him burst.
“What? ~ already cumming?” you ask, kinda giggling and still pumping his dick up and down.
“In fact, yes! Come here, let me fuck you- I- ugh-“ Soshiro says, trying to stand up, soon noticing the wound in his stomach hurts more than what he thought. Perhaps the pain killers have already lost its effect, or it was the fact his muscles tensed and spasmed.
“Calm down, vice-captain… you are convalescent, let me do all the work for you” “It was me who wanted to make love to you” “maybe tomorrow morning…”
You, knowing that even if he is not on top he will make love to you either way, climb on his lap. As you promised, you will be the one doing the work for now.
One of your hands drive his shaft right into your entrance, and for some seconds you remain there, with it barely penetrating you. With both of you already moaning to the feeling. With your inner thighs shaking, ready to crumble and let Soshiro’s sex to go deep inside of you.
Eager. Desperate.
You let your hips flop onto his, allowing his dick to be finally deep, so very deep inside of you. Your hands fall on the backrest, for a better grip before you start riding.
As for Soshiro, he squeezes your butt cheeks, pressing you harder against him. No matter how painful his wound may turn, his body acts on his own. He follows your movements, sync to the rhythm of your ups downs and arounds.
He enjoys the view of your bouncy chest right above his face, making it impossible not to want to bite them. And so, he does. As you ride, he sucks, bites, nibbles on your nipples.
With one hand on the small of your back, and the other grabbing one of your breasts, Soshiro and you sail to ecstasy surely and despite wanting to go slow… none of you could stop your bodies from going at least feral.
So feral your hearts, about to pounce from your chests. So feral, with moaning loudly, with nobody from the squad to hear you whine.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤFeral, feral, feral. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe sound of his phone stops it all. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ [Okonogi-chan calling…]
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ "Why is she calling, Soshiro?"
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petew21-blog · 2 days
Just a party, part 3
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"Number 14 and 16"
"Guess it's you and me again." Ben took my hand and we went to the room we were assigned"
We left Ezra and Jason back there. Poor Jason, he was really fed up with Ezra. Hope he'll survive the night in that pip squeak body.
We opened the door of the room. I went on the bed. Ben right down next to me
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It was awfully quiet. We wanted to have a party, we were overworked, stressed and probably needed a drink to loosen up a bit. We knew immediately that we both felt the same way. And we headed to the bar of the building.
The emplyees were serving us, asking about our needs and desires. Creepy but somehow nice. I bet the studio must have pay a massive ammount to get us to this event. But they all say that this one even is worth working for Hollywood. It fullfills you.
"You know, we didn't have much time to explore our bodies by ourselves before. With the Comic Con and so on, giving out all the autographs. I'm pretty sure that all the fans that will try to sell stuff with 'your' signature are gonna be pretty sad. I tried to perfect your signature Henry, but it still looks like someone else did it."
"Even better then. Those who really appreciate it get to keep it anyway and the ones trying to sell won't be as succesfull'
"Henry? You know I'm now the one wearing SUPERMAN's body? You don't have to act like him all the time."
"I don't honestly. I am just being polite most of the time. A decent human being."
"How about you show me how my BATMAN body looks like? You know what? Let's call each other by the name of our bodies, ok? To make the experience worth it. I wanna know what it feels like to be you"
"Ok then HENRY, now I wanna show you now what it truly feels like to FEEL that SUPERMAN body"
Henry in Ben's body lowered down to give Ben a head. He unzipped his pants and took out the beautiful hard cock he was already familiar with:"I think it looks even better from this angle" And the he took it in his mouth
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It might have been the fact that I knew my cock so well. The way it responded to my tongue circling around the top, sucking his balls made me sure I was making Ben feel good. But I can't let him cum yet.
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Suddenly my phone rang. I just looked up at him. He only winked at me and picked up.
"Hey, this is... HENRY Cavill. Sure, I got time. New TV series? The Witcher? I am not sure about that"
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I looked at him aggresively. Playing Witcher is my dream, he can't deny them.
"Jeez. Ok, I really want it. When do we start? Ok, thanks. No, I can't talk that long, there is something I need to take care of. Bye."
My blow job was coming to an end. Then I stopped. Can't let him finish that easily.
"Please, go on!"
"Can't do that HENRY! You got an ass to breed. And I wanna have fun too"
I took his hand and dragged him to the entrance hall.
"The room is too far, let's go to one of the closests, I wanna fuck you there."
We took the first door on the right. Passionately making out on the way. Ben pushed me against one of the lockers. Wait, that wasn't a closet. We must have entered the lockers of the employees. We kept on going.
Suddenly we noticed voices from a room around the corner. We stopped and I showed Ben a finger on my lips to shush him. We went closer to get to hear them
"All right. As I have said before, we are now on the full capacity of our guests. They are very busy right now. Each and every one of you has an envelope with a name of the actor or other famous person they get to swap with today. For those of you who haven't read it, the reason of the swap is the Writers and actors strike. You will get a brand new life of a popular person, their money in exchange for absolute loyalty and diacretion about the swap. I am deeply sorry to everyone who wanted to go back to their bodies sometimes in the future, but we have to get rid of them. The actors in your bodies can't let anyone know about this. Is anyone against this?" nobody responded which led us to believe that they agreed"
"Ok. We now have 48 minutes until the door of the rooms get locked completely, sealing our guests inside making it easier for us. We will be going over some details with each and everyone of you. Starting with Miguel who will be receiving Henry Cavil's body..."
I looked in shock at Ben in my body. He was also horrified about what we just heard.
"We have to warn everyone!" Ben said to me
Suddenly a manly voice above us said very calmly:"Haha. But we won't let you, gentlemen" the man above us was Chris Hemsworth, holding a taser. Something was telling me, that Chris wasn't the one controlling his body anymore, or the one of his friends who swapped with him
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To be continued...
Story request from inbox by Anonymous: That Hugh and Ryan story was Great! Maybe you can do a swap involving Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill?
And also continuation for part 2.
Inbox request: Your stories are soo good, love the Chris E. and RDJ swap. Maybe a second part involving some actors from dc, like Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa swapping to try new roles & running into Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck in the rooms?
Part 2:
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deansapplepie · 16 hours
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What’s it, sunshine?
Alexandria Era
Summary: You have a secret and your boyfriend is just about to discover it.
Warning: None? Just one small mention of sex toys. Minors do not interact, 18+
A/N: It’s just fluff, I needed to indulge myself on some validating supportive Daryl. Maybe that’s what you need too.
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It wasn’t a long time since you started dating Daryl Dixon, but there was a long time you knew each other already and still he didn’t know your biggest secret. How were you capable of keeping it hidden? Not even you yourself knew. Since the moment you two started dating, you both never spent time together on your room. It was always on his room, but one day you surprised him with a question. “Do you wanna come to my room tonight?”
He was very surprised, but he didn’t say anything about it, just confirmed that yes he wanted to go to your bedroom. So after dinner that was what you did. You both went up the stairs hand in hand, and when you got upstairs you visualized the door of your room, and in that moment you remembered how you had left your room earlier.
You were despaired.
You got your hand free from his and ran like your life depended on that to your bedroom. You practically jumped to your bed and took the item you had on it. While you decided about throwing it under the bed or out the window Daryl arrived at your room and you only had time to hide it on your back holding it with both hands.
“What’s it, sunshine?” He asked leaning on the door and observing you.
“Nothing.” You lied.
“Ya’re a terrible liar, ya know?” He asked you while he walked in your direction and sat on your bed to face you. “Is it a sex toy, or something? ‘Cause I dun care if ya have one.”
“It’s not that. Did you really think I’d need to hide something like this from you?” You said holding the object firmly behind your back.
“So what’s that that made ya run to arrive here and a cute blush mess?” He asked tilting his head while looking at you.
You hesitated. What if he thought it was pathetic and didn’t want to date you anymore? It took you so long to make his heart open to you and you didn’t want to lose it. “Ok, I’m going to show you. But you have to promise it’s not going to change the way you see me.”
“I promise sweetheart, pinky fingers and all that shit.” He said offering you his pinky finger, which you gladly took and sealed your deal. You didn’t know when he became used to the idea of making pinky promises, but you adored it.
You breathed deeply before bringing the piece to your front and his view. He let out a snort when his eyes saw what was that that you were hiding. A cute Black Sheep with bright blue eyes stuffed animal.
“Sunshine, ya did all that effort just to hide it?” He asked you, a smile on his face, a smile only you could get.
“Yeah, I thought you’d think this was childish and immature.” You answered holding the plushie in front of you.
“Com’ere.” He told you.
You got closer to him and when you were close enough he made you sit on his lap. “Ya dun look like a child to me, ya also don’t act like one. It’s ok to have things you like.” He caressed your cheek and put a strand of hair behind your ear. “How long have you been hiding it?”
“Since the road, after terminus. I found it in one of the houses we scavenged.” You confessed. “It was so cute and I have lost mine after the prison, so… I couldn’t resist.”
“Hmm… so you’re hiding it for a long time already. What was it you had back at the prison?” He started playing with your hands while he listened to you.
“A unicorn. That one was really difficult to hide.” You stated, it was bigger than your Black Sheep and you had to sacrifice some things from your backpack along the way from the Quarry to the Prison so you could keep your loved stuffed animal.
“That’s why yer backpack was bigger than ya?” He joked, it was a really big backpack but definitely not bigger than you.
“Yeah, I couldn’t give you a chance to see it.”
“Why’s that?” He asked now passing his hand on your plushie feeling the soft fur of it.
“Don’t act all innocent, you know you would judge and tease me about it.” You said while observing his hands. “I had a crush on you since… forever? I couldn’t let you see it.”
“Ya’re right. I was an asshole.”
“You’re still an asshole, a better one nowadays.” You joked, you knew he had changed, you knew the true him and still you kept this secret embarrassed of yourself.
“Does it have a name?” He took the tou completely on his hands and shook it in front of you while analyzing it.
“D. D.”
“DeeDee? What a funny name! Why that name?” He asked, in true he thought the nane was silly and you could be more creative.
“Daryl Dixon.”
“Why would you name it with my initials? D’ya think I’m a black sheep?” It kind of made some sense for him.
“It’s not bad being one. Also, it had bright blue eyes. Just like yours.” You pointed.
“I used ta have a brown Teddy Bear when I was small.” He confessed. “I liked it a lot. Momma gave me. It burned with the house and her.”
Your heart always ached when you heard him talking about what happened to his mom. He never told you if she was like his dad or if she was sweet and lovely, but loosing your mom is always something sad, no matter what. “And didn’t you get another one?”
“Nah… old man said it was fer gurls and he didn’t have daughters.” The memory pained him a little, the lost childhood, being the kid that was abused, hunted to feed the family and wasn’t even missed. Sometimes he wished his life had been different, but he knew that probably he wouldn’t have come this far if things hadn’t happened like they had.
“Maybe we should get you one.” You suggested, it was nice to see him with your delicate plushie on his hands, you could imagine him and a Teddy Bear.
“Nah, no need to. Now I know you have one, can ya share it with me?” It always surprised you that this big rough man could be so soft and caring.
“Of course, you can cuddle it whenever you want. But personally I’d rather have you cuddling me.” When you finished saying it, he engulfed you on his arms on a tight hug and covered your face in kisses.
Needless to say he made sure to bring you plushies and cute things whenever he find one.
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Final note: I was going to add another little part, but I guess it’s good the way it is now.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series)
Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998 @shadowcitrine
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billwidoll · 2 days
Beautiful boy || Rafe Cameron x Toxic)
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Rafe has always been a man of having dark and narcissistic thoughts. He knew he had a problem, but he always tried to fight it, he knew he was sick, but he tried to fight it. But he couldn't, But that changed when he met the great and greatest love of his life, which was you. Rafe knew that you were the one who brought him calm, peace and hope. So he never wanted you to leave him He loved you, and he wanted to protect the people he loved, even when he did horrible things.
It was a sunny Sunday afternoon on the Outer Banks and you were on the boat with Rafe, lying in bed because the mansion's air conditioners had broken and the boat was the only one with air conditioning. Working at that time, so you and Rafe went there
"It's so much better here, Rafe" you say, hugging Rafe in bed
"Yes dear, I think I'm a little sleepy" Rafe says a little sleepily. He always slept when he was hugging you
"why don't you get some sleep?" You tell your boyfriend, you knew Rafe worked a lot, so it was obvious he was tired
"yes, you're right, but don't let me sleep too much, okay?" Rafe says, kissing your cheek and slowly closing his eyes. You nod your head
Rafe ends up sleeping and you end up looking at your cell phone and hearing a noise coming from outside the boat room.
You wanted to wake Rafe up to tell him about the noise you had just heard, but he was sleeping like an angel and you didn't want to ruin his peace. So you decided Get out of bed and see what was going on (even though I'm very scared)
"Who is there?" you say looking around the boat already out of bed
You look and see John B, taking Rafe's swimming gear
"What the fuck are you doing here, John B?!" You say shouting in anger, but relieved that it wasn't anyone else
“It’s none of your business Y/n!” Jonh B speaks in the same tone and it makes you angrier
"You're on my boyfriend's boat, stealing his things, that is, my business" You say, approaching John B and increasing the tension between you.
"ok! Your shitty boyfriend is trash! And he hit my friend Pope" jonh B speaks angrily
"that's not possible! Rafe has a strong temper, but he would never do something like that" You say, not wanting to believe it
"whatever! Now let me go!" Jonh B Speaks, taking the equipment and putting it on his back
"What are you going to do with this equipment?" You speak before John B leaves
"I really need them, I promise I'll bring them back" John B says and leaves you there on the boat
You didn't hate pogues like Rafe, and having that conversation with John B just showed how kind and harmless they were
But Rafe always kept you as far away from them as possible.
You return to the boat room and see Rafe moving slowly on the bed and muttering something
"who was here?" Rafe speaks in a voice that is seriously weak from sleep.
"hun It was John B" you say simply, sitting on the bed and taking out your cell phone to scroll through
"WHAT?!" Rafe says, jumping out of bed and opening his eyes frantically.
"Hey, my love, stay calm, okay?" You say taking Rafe's arms trying to calm him down
"what was he doing here?! Did he touch you?! Did he look at your body!?" Rafe wouldn't stop talking madly
"No, no Rafe..." You were about to speak but Rafe interrupted you, taking a gun from under the bed and scaring you.
"Rafe! What are you going to do?!" you speak with a shaky voice
"These Pogues just annoy me, but...touching you...it's too much." Rafe speaks hoarsely and putting bullets in the gun
"Rafe! He didn't do anything, please drop that gun!" You speak with tears in your eyes
But he didn't listen to you, he just got off the boat nervously , You didn't know what to do, you only knew how to cry and pray that nothing bad would happen. But it was already too late
Two hours later:
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It was already night and you were sitting on the bed hugging your body and crying. Rafe was taking a while and that only made you worry more, but then he arrived, opening the door to the boat room.
"Oh my God! Rafe, where were you?!" You say getting up and touching him
Rafe was cold and dirty...with blood
"what blood is this Rafe?" You speak in a low voice and are afraid of your boyfriend
"It's over, my love, this guy will never bother you again" Rafe says, running his hands over your face
"Rafe..." He interrupts you once again, placing his lips on your mouth and then hugging you tightly
"Close your eyes Have no fear The monster's gone" Rafe speaks softly into your ear and your heart speeds up. You were definitely his
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berryz-writes · 2 days
Perfectly serious
Summary: Matheo's jealousy and want for you increases after seeing you with Theo to the point where he finally/kind of confesses
Matheo Riddle x reader
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His arm wrapped around my waist, bringing me even closer to him. "Come on, let's get you to bed" Theo murmured. I looked up at him confused "I'm not drunk". My head might feel light and I might feel extremely happy and sad at the same time but I was most definitely not drunk.
"Yes you are" He took my hand and led me away from the groups of people dancing together, taking his time to weave us in and around the drinks being passed around. Everyone gave me a smile as I left, Pansy giving me a wink as we passed "I bet he fucks good. Have fun babe!" She said, her words slurring slightly, her voice loud enough for Theo to hear. Maybe if he heard it he would act on it. I wouldn't mind getting in bed with him.
We soon reached my room, the music faded to a low sound coming from below us and the lights softer than the harsh party lights of before.
"Well...night y/n" Theo said.
"You know" I started, my voice low and sultry. "I wouldn't mind if you joined me, made things more interesting. Hm?" I tilted my head waiting for his answer, his eyes searching my face. For what I didn't know.
He gave me a soft smile "Your drunk. And when drunk, your ideas aren't really your own. So as much as I'd like to follow through with your idea, it's best you get some sleep"
I rolled my eyes at him being who he always was. I wished for once he would push the boundaries. "Fine. Night Theo"
"Sweet dreams" He dropped my hand and waited for me to close the door. I could hear his receding footsteps, probably to go up to his own dorm. I was relieved in a way. Maybe I wasn't actually ready to fuck him and it was just the alcohol making me want something more. We were good friends. I didn't want to ruin that for something that I didn't really want. Chocolate brown eyes crossed my mind. Curly hair that would feel so nice running my hands through-. Something that would never happen.
*Potions the next day*
"I didn't see you yesterday" I said to Matheo referring to the party yesterday. Stirring in the crushed up leaves into the steaming potion, I turned to look at him, his eyes were icy and cold as if I had done some personal wrong against him.
"Of course you didn't. You were too busy trying to estimate your chances with Theo. Heads up, princess. He has higher standards"
I ignored the nickname that would usually make me swoon and instead my mouth opened in shock. How fucking rude of him. Was he ok?
"Are you being serious right now?" I stopped stirring the potion and crossed my arms. I could take a joke but come on. He had taken it too far.
"Perfectly serious. Why? Did you think I was nice?" He stood up to tower over me, his minty scent washing over me. His chocolate brown eyes were like daggers into my soul. It hurt knowing someone I was good friends with could switch up so fast.
"No actually, I didn't. Your just like everyone says you are. You get with a girl for your own pleasure, lead her on and then leave her with a broken heart. Your a rude fucking asshole and nothing more"
His jaw clenched at what I said, waiting for me to say anything else. I didn't actually mean it but I would never let anyone disrespect me and not expect anything back.
I realised soon how close we were. If only he were to move slightly closer, I could have tipped my head upwards and kissed him. The fact that I was thinking about that even though he had insulted me was annoying for me. I shouldn't still like him. Not anymore.
"You really mean that?" His voice came out soft, his jaw no longer clenched. As if he understood what I had said. I hesitated. Of course I didn't. How could I? I liked him for fucks sake.
I sighed "I don't know"
He sat back down as if he were tired of our argument. As if he didn't want to argue with me.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said-"
"Let's just forget about it. Ok?" I didn't want to argue either. Maybe he was angry and took it out on me. Fine. I would give him a pass just this once seen as though we were such good friends. (If only we were more than that)
He nodded his head and we worked in silence for the next few minutes. Until he cleared his throat and looked toward me again "Listen y/n. I don't want us to ruin our...friendship for something I've said so let me treat you. Will you be free to come to the diner at eight?"
I paused and raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly "Are you asking me on a date or just as friends?" Confident of me to ask but I wanted to know where we stood.
After a pause he replied with "I'd be happy with either, as long as it's with you"
I thought about my next question "And if I want it to be a date?" I asked quietly.
He smiled "I was hoping you'd say that, princess"
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thai-with-booty · 3 days
What was your favourite sex encounter while you were on the job and working? (At a normal job, not a sex place)
To be honest, mostly with work like in a hotel I have been professional, and there isnt really the chance to do anything or act upon anything if on reception. and places like the massage, i mean sex or sex acts were not really unsurprising.
I think it was when i worked a bit as a maid. It was just after Covid, in fact international tourism hadnt really kicked off but some could arrive and had to quarentine for a few days and so I got a job cleaning villas. They were big villas that often a family or could of families would rent, and had muliple bedrooms and a pool. Though you would get all different kinds of people staying there.
I wrote a long time ago, probably when it happened that I was actually working with another girl, cos there was a group of guys who had had a party the night before and we were in cleaning, I think they probably got charged extra but that wasnt really my concern. Usually i would come in to clean alone but now there was another woman, bit older. So we were cleaning for hours, they were around but mostly ignored us and were laid out by the pool hungover. It was only when I was cleaning one of the bedrooms when one of the guys came in, I asked politely if he needed to use the room, it was more a curtasy, like if he needed to change etc. He said no, and then sort of stood there, I turned again and noticed he was looking at me, not like horny or anything, but more like he wanted to say something. So i asked is everything ok. He said like ok im just going to come out with it, you see my friends over by the pool, I glanced over and could see them looking in the direction of the room through the big glass doors, though they probably couldnt see much from the sunlight outside. He said they had a bet if he could have sex with me, I was genuinely surprised and was like what. He said they had all chipped in and he would get $1000 if he managed it, and he would give me half. I started the whole im not a prostitute thing, and he was like its not that its just a tip for helping me out. It more money than the maid job pays in a month and I had earned very little during covid and with a sick relative was in debt, something that has lingered until even today. So I agreed, it wasnt a quick or straightforward as that but I was like right here right now? and he was like yes. I said one moment and went to see the other girl asking if she would take a break, she seemed to know something was going on, not sure if she had seen the guy enter the room. It was a bit awkward and I dont know how she felt about it but she left, I could hear a noise from out by the pool when she did. I went back into the room and he had pulled the curtain closed so it was dim, but had his swim shorts off and was standing naked hard already. I pulled my shorts and underwear down and went to bed over the bed, he rolled on a condom and started rubbing his cock against my pussy lips until they came alive and moistened so his cock slid in. He fucked me in that position for about 10-15 minutes before he came. He thanked me and took his full condom and my underwear with him as a trophy. I could hear cheers and no way etc. I had enjoyed it, it was spontaneous and just good sex, and I made $500 from it. Though when I was fired, that fuck was used against me so I dont think the other maid had been that impressed with it all
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s1llynjury · 2 days
Make-up time! ★ Hobie x gn! reader ★
word count: 3.2k
this is just a silly idea that I had in my mind for quite a while, just Hobie and the reader doing eachothers make-up, that's it😔 (it get a little suggestive at one point, but really nothing much, as always thanks everyone for reading this and have a good day🫶
"Hey now, stay still, will you?" Hobie grumbles, feigning annoyance despite the little grin to his lips. "Well, I'm getting bored here, and if you're not able to also entertain me then you're just a bad make-up artist" you quip back as your legs keep slightly dangling from your seat. "Oi! That's just straight up nonsense there!" He responds and also eliciting a little giggle from you for the playful banter that you two were keeping up for quite a while now.
People had always complimented you for your make-up skills, in your opinion it had never been anything too grand, you just really like a good colourful eye look with a big bat wing eyeliner: you were pretty used to it, but nonetheless always appreciated the praises, especially Hobie's ones. With him always telling you how he envied your steady hand and the precision in your eye make-up: so when all of the sudden he asked for you to do his make-up you were quite delighted, taking the opportunity to offer him to do each others make-up. So now you were waiting, for what felt an exhausting amount of time, him to finish doing your make-up.
"How long will it take? I'm getting impatient to see the result..." you whined. You don't really know why, but the thought of doing this with him was kinda exciting, it was a lovely way to spend some quality time together, and having his pretty face all to yourself to experiment was exhilarating. "Aye aye, I'll be finished soon... this brush must be broken or something, it's so hard to blend with it..." Hobie keeps grumbling as his eyebrows furrow a little, his overly focused and slightly annoyed expression is rather adorable.
"Huh? No it's not broken, I use that brush everyday and mind you, it works just fine with me." You respond while still keeping the same playful tone. "Yeah whatever you say...here, I'm all finished with my art!" he suddendly announces as he pulls back from you to admire your face before handing you a mirror while also looking pretty proud of himself.
"Oh...! It's, well...it's pretty..." oh indeed, it was bad. Beyond bad. "Yeah no, you could not sound less convincing, it's not even that bad...is it?" he asks, trying to look unfazed, but you can tell from his posture that he wasn't expecting for that reaction, "Now don't get me wrong... when you said you were struggling with blending it I didn't think you were struggling this bad..." you say, always keeping the light and joking tone. "But I gladly appreciate the effort, I can tell you really put...um, something in this..." he simply bursts into an heartfelt laugh. "Well now... I promised you the truly punk style, I never said I was actually good at it."
Your eyes were completely covered of messy applied and not that too much blended black eyeshadow: there was an actual attempt of doing... something, with the eye contour darker in comparison to the rest of the eyelid, but still it wasn't a look you'd usually go for. "I'm just surprise you can actually pull off this look pretty good whenever you do your own make-up..." you respond to him as you lay the mirror on the bed next to you, "Well, I guess it's your turn now to get dolled up!" you announce as a little grin of excitment forming to your lips. "Oh yeah, finally the good part!" Hobie suddenly looks unexpectedly giddy, as if he waited for a very long time for the possibility of having you putting make-up on him.
He sits in front of you, his back straightened up while you look in the bag where you keep all your make-up things, with him patiently waiting. "Now... I'm no make-up expert, ok? So don't get your hopes too high... Close your eyes for me..." you keep talking as you start to apply a light shade of concealer to his eyelids. You wanted to do something really colourful, something that really had to pop off, so a proper base was necessary, especially with such a dark skin as his. "Don't care, I know you're good at it, and that you'll do an exceptional job." he closes his eyes as he reassures you, a genuinely smile tugging to his lips. "Hm, so you're supposed to have quite the light hand when doing this? Makes sense..." he observes, seeming a bit surprised by how delicate you are with your actions. "Well, the eyes and eyelids are quite delicate... actually tell me if I'm being too heavy handed or if I'm hurting you, I've never put make-up on anyone else but me..." you murmured before leaning back to look at one of your colourful palettes.
"Don't worry, so far you're doing just fine. Now, why don't you tell me what's the idea for your big masterpiece, hm?" Hobie asks jokingly as he slightly opens his eyes to look at you. "To be honest I don't know, I don't have any particular plans usually, I just do what feels right." you respond, trying to decide what colours you could use on him, "Hmm... tell me a colour," you tell him as you look up at him again, "Nah, you choose, I'm sure whatever you pick it'll be great." such a response just made you snort a little in feigned frustration. "Fine, then you'll get my killer combo: pink and green!" you announce as you stand up to get another palette that has an extensive amount of shimmering eyeshadows, you always used them for your eye lights. "Pink and green? That... sounds interesting." Hobie responded as his eyes follow your movements. "It'll be great...you know that's my favourite colour combo!" you say excitingly while you sit back in front of him as the brush in your hand was already picking up the hot pink pigment. "You got me in a good mood, so I'll put my very best into this!" you continue as you start gently applying the powder on his left eyelid.
A few moments of silence pass before you start to softly hum a melody, after a moment Hobie follows you by reaching to gently tap his fingers on your thighs, following the rhythm of yous hums.
"Hey..." you start to talk again after some time as you're already doing his right eye to match the other. "What?" Hobie responded promptly, with a little smirk to his lips as his eyes remained closed. "You know, I always think about this, but I think I've never actually told you... but your eyes are really pretty," you hear an immediate snort from him while he slightly opened his eyes as you leaned back to switch palettes. "Aye, what now?" his tone hold a genuine hint of surprise. "Why are you looking at me like that? It's true... your eyes are pretty, and I like them..." You mumble quietly as you look down to the palette in your hands, you had already switched the brush for a smaller one, the soft round tip already picking up the shimmery powder. Hobie let out a little chuckle before one of his hands moves to you chin, tilting it up, forcing you to look at him. "Sorry, I didn't expect it, but I quite appreciate the compliment, thank you, my love...really."
The intimacy of his gesture was enough to make your heart flutter, so having him leaning closer, the teasing yet sincerity in his words, and how he was looking at you, it definitely was all having quite an impact on you, more than the faint heat reaching your cheeks could show. Still, you were there on a mission... maybe not, but you were serious on doing a proper job, so no distractions, at least not for now.
You clear your throat a little before straightening your back again. "Well, you're welcome... now returning to more important things... I need to finish your eyes' corners," your tone was quiet, while you lean again to keep working on his eyes. "After this I just need to do your eyeliner and then we're finished." The hand under your chin slipped once again to lay on your thigh as he hummed at your statement. "And you're doing the double thing?" He asked, the excitement back into his voice. "Yeah, I'm doing the double batwing," you respond, your fluster almost gone as you just couldn't help but find endearing how he was still eager in having you doing his make-up.
"Okay okay... we're ready for the good part," you announce with a big smile as you were already looking at the few eyeliners you own to decide which one to use. "Now...you have to keep your eyes open, I need you to look directly at me so that I can be precise, ok?" you inform him as you unscrew the cap of your eyeliner, ready to use it: but then you raise your head and notice something. Usually whenever you did your eyeliner you would get as near as possible to the mirror, placing her hand on her face for stability, but now you two were sitting in front of eachother; there was way too much space in between for you to actually work. "Wait a minute..." You mumble before closing the eyeliner again and standing up, you walk in front of him, thinking about doing his eyeliner while standing up, but soon abandon the idea, it'd be way too uncomfortable.
"What's the problem, love?" Hobie asks softly. You look at him again, admiring how good he looks with all that shimmery eyeshadow. "No... I was just thinking about how can I get real close to you... so that I can have a proper look and do the best eyeliner I can..." you say as if it was the worst thing in the world, which it wasn't, but you really wanted to do a good job, so it was affecting you more than how it should have. "Oh, is just that? I have an idea to resolve it." Hobie responds with a little lopsided grin forming to his lips.
"Well, I can definitely have a better look like this... I guess..." your initial confusion disappeared really quickly when you saw him just getting more comfortable on the bed and tapping on himself to signal you to get on top of him. So now you were there, shifting a little to get in a comfortable position to lean closer to his face. "Okay then, guess we'll set for this..." you say, the hesitation from the bashfulness clear as day, "Aye, I should definitely ask for you to do my make-up more often from now on!" Hobie retorts teasingly, with his usual shit eating grin that sometimes made you just want to punch him. You open the eyeliner again, ready to finally do the first streak, when you suddenly feel his hands sneaking on your hips. "What's the matter, love?" he asks, knowing full well the reason of the faint blush getting to your cheeks. "Nothing, of course... you look at me while I do the eyeliner, so I don't risk doing it wonky." you respond, not wanting to give him the satisfaction,at least not vocally, of his teasing, which was clearly working anyway.
You start to do your magic, shifting from one eye to the other for each singular stroke: it was the best way to get both of the wings right the first go in your opinion. You are now starting to fill the first wing, already thinking about asking him to close his eyes so you can pass the eyeliner on his eyelid, when you finally notice how intensely he's actually looking at you. "Everything alright? You look surprised." Hobie asks quietly as you stopped for a short moment. "Huh? No, I mean... 's all good." You mumble, feeling his hands creeping upwards to your waist. "You sure? You look a bit flushed." He keeps going, with the same tantalising tone, which gave away that he is doing it on purpose, actively searching for a reaction out of you. "Yeah... I'm good." you keep up your bravado up, even knowing that it wasn't fooling him one bit. "You know, dove... I really like how you look when you're all concentrated, especially if it's me getting all your attention." His grin is just growing wider at this point, with him knowing full well the effect he's having on you, his slender fingers squeezing your waist ever so slightly: it was a sweet and teasing reminder of how close you two actually are.
"Hmm, I'm just focusing...to do a good eyeliner, 's nothing special, really..." your tone was awfully quiet now. "Maybe nothing special, but I definitely find it quite sexy." that sentence must had quite an effect on your face expression, since Hobie couldn't help himself but to burst into an heartful chuckle. Your instinct, before you completely forget about it, tells you to close your eyeliner bottle. Hobie notices this little action before getting a firmer grip on your waist and pulling you closer to him, just that bit enough to persuade you in leaning in to eventually let your lips gently collide. It's a sweet and tender kiss, a little reminder of the love and care you two had for eachother.
You weren't against physical touch as a love language, quite on the contrary, sometimes you could even get very touchy-feely, on the point of definetely becoming annoying, but there was just something about Hobie's attitude when he actively engaged in physical touch, it made you always look for something more; and he was more than happy to accommodate. Even now, as he gently pushes in a deeper kiss, you just oblige, letting your tongues interlock in one another, in a slow and sensual dance. His hands return back to your hips, with a more purposeful touch now, you can't contain the low humming back in you throat as you keep kissing eachother.
Wait, no. It's not the time. That's what you think as you abruptly pull back from him, and lightly slap his chest. "I-it's not time for that, not now at least!" you grumble before taking a deep breath to ground yourself a bit. "Time for what? I don't know what you're talking about," is all that Hobie responds you with, wearing always the same smile that you hated so much. "Yeah, of course! You poor and mindless guy! Of course you don't know what I'm talking about...now close your eyes so that I can finish the lids." you grumble, swiftly changing the subject back to what you two were doing originally. "Aye aye, captain!" your lover responds jokingly while closing his eyes, but his grin still never leaving him, knowing how flustered you are from his doing.
"Ok! All done!" you announce, promptly getting off of him and immediately searching for the mirror as to not being too close to him and let your fluster wear off a little. "Good, can't wait to see the result!" Hobie says, with a more relaxed smile on his face now. You take the mirror in hand but don't move towards him right away as a thought crosses your mind. "Wait, I didn't even think about lipstick, would you also like to wear that?" you weren't much of lipstick person so you tou didn't even worry about it, but the idea of how good he could look wearing it was too alluring to not take the opportunity. "Now now, can't say no to that, can I?" his response couldn't have made you happier. In a frenzy you start to get all the necessary to do something quick; you return to sit beside him, on the edge of the bed and swiftly work with the lip liner, finishing with the lipstick, nothing too bold, since the eyes were already doing that job. "There there, now we're actually done!" you chirp while passing him the mirror, curious to see his reaction.
Hobie takes the mirror, carefully looking at his reflection, "Hell... I look quite ravishing like this..." he mumbles, looking genuinely impressed as he keeps inspecting himself. "So... you like it?" you ask quietly, the little fear that he might have not liking it swiftly disappeared. "Like it? No no, I absolutely love it! I'll admit, it's quite different from my usual style, but you definitely did a good job, dove." you instinctively let out a little sigh of relief as you sit back on the bed and lean a little on the mattress. "Well I'm really glad you like it, because you look so good with make-up on!" you giggle lightly as you turn to look at him again, admiring his face. "Yeah, you're gorgeous..." you say under your breath. Hobie chuckles as he moves to sit beside you again.
"Hey now, no need to waste too many compliments on me... that's my job with you anyway," he says while leaning closer to you. "We can then admit that I did a far better job than you, yeah?" you say jokingly, with a little smirk forming to you lips. "Yeah definitely, there's no actual doubt in that," he pauses for a moment as he wraps one arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. "You know, I was thinking, you really did such a good job, I certainly must do something... as a way to say thanks, don't you agree?" your eyebrows spike upwards, making you look really surprised. "No no, no way... I had so much fun and I'm just happy we did something different from the usual!" you dismiss him with a little chuckle following you.
Hobie slightly shakes his head while taking again grasp of your chin, gently forcing you to look up at him. "Nah, you don't get it, I really need to do something, I just have to." he responds, his voice noticeably getting lower, hinting you to what he was actually alluding to. You finally get what he meant and you can't stop a little flustered giggle from escaping your lips, a giggle he already knew very well. "See, we didn't get to finish before, yeah? You're always so diligent," he says with a low chuckle, "But now, we're finished with this make-up thing... and it's not like we have much else to do, aye?" he asks, tilting your head a little more while he leans closer to you. "Yeah... you're not wrong..." you respond lowly, your arms wrapping around his waist. Your action was his sign to keep going, so he finally leans to kiss you, letting your lips tenderly brushing against eachother. "Guess it wouldn't be so bad to bask a little in this generous way of thanking me, yeah?" your voice is equally low as his, "Yeah...and I think I really like the look of you with my kisses printed all over yourself." Hobie responds teasingly before leaving a gentle peck on your cheek. You blink a few times, then you remember that he's wearing lipstick now. The thought of it makes you smile as you take a better grasp of him by wrapping both of your arms around his neck, ready for a new kind of quality time awaiting for the both of you.
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delulu-sushi · 3 days
Can I request Draken inviting his people pleasure gf to meet the girls at his home and she's really scared because her mother figure wasn't the best so she's really anxious about meeting them but turn out to be kind of like surrogate mothers to her?
TW: Mentions of nudity, $ex
A/N: it’s a big long, not my best, but I hope u enjoy it!!!! Requests are open 🫶
You had been dating Draken for three months now, and he had brought up a question lingering in the back of your mind.
"Wanna meet my folks?"
Draken was an orphan and raised in a brothel, which surprisingly shaped him to be a respectful and loving boyfriend. You had no problem with him. The ladies, however, brought to mind your unloving mother who was never really in your life.
All you wanted to be loved, life with your mother was hell. Once you started crushing on Draken, you understood the feelings of love. The warmness in your heart, the tingles in your chest, butterflies in your stomach: Those feelings never went away
As Draken moved his strong hand over your shoulder, his fingers crawled down your arm to entwine his fingers with yours. "It's gonna be ok baby" he whispers in your ear.  You give in to his commander voice, his soothing tone, his hand leading you mindlessly in love to his place.
The smell hits you back to reality. It was after hours so there were no customers, meaning no lewd sounds, a relief to you.
Draken leads you to his room, which despite being a small area, is pretty organized and comfy. He lays on the bed and motions you to him, and you happily join him in his arms, untying his braid. Your head on his shoulder and his hands on your waist, placing tiny kisses on your jawline and neck. His hands move to your jaw, locking eyes with you...
"DRAKENNN~ That you, dear?" A sultry woman's voice erupts out the door, swinging open to reveal a sexy woman wearing nothing but a robe.
Annoyed, Draken glares at the woman who’s giggling with her girlfriends besides her, “Aw, is this the sweetheart you wanted us to meet?” She asks, staring you up and down.
Your face blushes as you feel your hands sweating up and you start fidgeting your fingers. “Ah, um hello” you awkwardly say hi, causing the girls to giggle even more. Draken grunts and tightens his arm around you, “Yea, this is my girlfriend, y/n,” Draken states, standing tall and feeling proud of claiming you as his. The girls glance at each  other and your body tenses up. Were they going to humiliate you? You awkwardly brush imaginary hair out of your face and lean in the Draken’s touch. 
The girls look back at you, and one reaches their hand out, “Nice to me you y/n. I’m Remi”. You look up at Remi, a cute woman with pigtails, and reach your hand out politely. The other girls immediately join in and pull you out of the room, surprising and catching Draken off guard, “Hey what are you guys doing?” He says.
The girls take you in their room and make you sit on one of their soft leather chairs. A tall and beautiful woman stands in front of you, as if she was the leader of the ‘pack’. She strokes your soft hair, and smiles at your features, “Ya sure are beautiful,” she murmurs. Sighing she puts her hands on her waist and smiles again, “No wonder Draken fell in love with you.” You sit back in the chair trying to be comfortable. One part of you wants to get to know these woman, and the other part is scared of rejection, of facing what you have faced.
Lost in your thoughts you had failed to notice the woman exchanging murmurs together, and finally they took a seat in front of you. “So has Draken been treating you well?” The leader, whose name is Mimi, asks. Her voice is soft, yet sexy, yet at the same time a bit threatening. Remi joins in, “Come on y/n! If Draken ain’t treating you right, you just tell your sisters and we’ll teach him a lesson,” Remi says smirking. *sisters* you think to yourself softly smiling. You could feel yourself getting more comfortable with the girls as you chatted about your day, quickly bonding with them.
Suddenly Draken, wearing a new set of clothes and freshly bathed, stormed into the room. To his surprise you and the girls were laughing with each other like sisters. He leaned back against the wall and smiled to himself, glad that you found a family you felt safe in. He quietly left the room, knowing you’d be safe and happy.
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wangmiao · 1 day
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Lol it took me an hour to get enough courage and motivation to be back on tumblr and shout into the fandonless void. Anyways, we are getting wax statues for young Ye Wenjie, Shi Qiang, and their creator Liu Cixin in Madame Tussauds Shanghai. The statues will be revealed on June 24th.
I know what you are wondering. There will not be a Wang Miao statue. Last year, during the Scifi con in Chengdu. Some fans asked about this, and the answer was Zhang Luyi was very serious about portrait rights, so he didn't give permission for Miaomiao's statue to be made. My very personal guess is that he either thought the idea of a wax copy of himself creepy, was too shy and awkward about the whole thing, or just didn't feel he deserved to be there. There doesn't seem to be a senior Ye Wenjie statue either.
OK. Stop now if you are not a Shiwang shipper, because I'm going to talk about the Shiwang agenda in Shi Qiang's poster. Here are the three photos they picked for Shi Qiang's poster:
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The first one is Shi Qiang looking for Miaomiao as soon as he enters the very crowded room. The second one is the iconic hug scene. The third one is when they are setting the timer in Shi Qiang's car. I CAN'T BELIEVE MIAOMIAO IS IN ALL OF THE PHOTOS. They even just downright hid Shi Qiang's face in the last one LOL. I can tell whoever made the poster was crying for Miaomiao.
I do like the comment from one fan. They suggested that if Miaomiao is not there, then there should be a "我淼淼呢?/Where's my Miaomiao?" sign right beside Shi Qiang's statue. I mean can you imagine the amount of people visiting while cosplaying Wang Miao?
Now let me bring your attention to the countdown timer on Shi Qiang's poster which is 1184:45:51. We all know Shiwang's timers are in sync at 1018:44:00, and the time on the poster is earlier than that. So it seems to be just a random time. BUT, some fans actually found this time in the show.
In episode 3, Wang Miao is in bed ready to sleep. He is staring at the ceiling, and asks his wife where they will be in 49 days. Then after his wife says that they'll just be here, Wang Miao closes his eyes, and the time is exactly 1184:45:51.
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So now the fans are applauding the one who made the poster, because they paid so much attention to the show. And for Shiwang shippers, this just implies that at this time, Wang Miao is thinking about Shi Qiang LOL...Shiwang is really so epic that the shippers are everywhere! I can't believe tumblr is still sleeping on them lol.
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mayaishiipeters · 11 months
colin speedrunning thru careers this season by waitressing AND running for office in like two episodes. ok barbie colin robinson
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ok no im so tired but ive had this Thing a Laughingstock Concept Thing in my Brain for Days Now and its.... basically what if Barnaby adopted a lil caterpillar. like it's not sapient or anything its literally A Wriggly Puppet Prop. but he finds it in his home and it reminds him of Howdy and he keeps it. he carries it everywhere. he treats it so tenderly and names it and everything. his delusional smitten subconscious is like "omg... mine & howdy's <3" he and Howdy are not even together at this point
so Barnaby cares for this lil caterpillar and Howdy ends up getting attached as well, because he's on the same shit as Barnaby. and eventually the lil caterpillar pupates, and they watch over the chrysalis So Excited to see what lil wormie will look like as a butterfly. and it emerges and they're so proud and weirdly emotional. the butterfly takes off on its first flight and lands on a flower patch
just in time for Eddie to trip and fall on the patch, instantly crushing it And the butterfly
#in my mind eddie is all 'oh man :( thank goodness frank wasnt around to see that' and then goes about his business#completely missing howdy & barnaby watching on In Horror off to the side#not lil wormie... no....#also in my mind lil wormie looks like the fuckn. Adorable worm from sesame street#oscars little friend i think? the cutest little thing in the world? the little red wormie? yeah....#but im feeling very Tender about bigass dog barnaby toting around this teensie weensie lil worm thing#treating it with utmost care and affection#big characters caring for absolutely tiny thing kills me every fucking time#bury me shallow... ill be back to die again....#absolutely unprompted#laughingstock#ohhhh my god im not even gonna say how i almost butchered the laughingstock tag#sometimes i type letters in the wrong order or add an extra one. that would have been so unfortunate but Deeply Hilarious#ANYWAY LIL WORMIE IS AN ESTABLISHED THING IN MY MIND AND I DONT KNOW WHY#maybe... maybe tomorrow i will scribble it...#also to be clear the events of this post all happen within a week or two.#it is a brief shining Worm Time#ok going to bed now officially. im going#wait no i have to complain about something ive done to myself hold on#so i really like reeses puffs cereal yeah? but the problem is it cuts up my mouth to hell and back and makes eating anything a Pain#tried to eat sauerkraut tonight... it burned... the roof of my mouth is so scraped up...#i Will be eating another bowl when i wake up tho. its too tasty. i can take the annoyance that is minor pain. i have a high tolerance <3#can i easily Not eat it? yeah. but i dont want to stop. nothing will stop me. its a jumbo box. i Will Finish It.#anyway wormie <3 gonna go think about her <3
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