#ok i think that's good for now byeeeeee!!
fire-but-ashes-too · 4 months
sooo its been a while since ive been actually active on here and this on and off thing is stressing me out a bit, i always feel like im neglecting something
so, ive decided (and finally remembered to post it) to go on a mini hiatus until probably july? mid july? idk, this week is hell and next one is gonna be fun but ill barely have time to think properly, and then i have my exams until, as i said, july :)
ofc ill pop up sometimes cause why not but dont expect anything much from me for this month!
oh and if u want to talk to me or anything im always on pinterest!
oki thats all, just wanted to let u guys know and if u could do me the teeny tiny favor of not tagging me in tag games pls? i love them but i really dont have the mental energy to do them rn <3
this is actually all, thanks for sticking around until now, ill see u next time!
@the-gay-skeleton-in-ur-closet @the-teen-writer @justremuslupininamask @roisinivy @reallyregulus @briannaswords @ashes-to-ashesxx @ashwithapen @firesmokeandashes @none-of-it-was-accidental @miseryoforpheus @catinasink-writes @koala2all @jaxypaxyhaxy @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @anne-is-okay @int3r3st1ng @artemisiamezzanotte @svnflowermoon @finleyforevermore @jegulus4444 @guessillcallitart @moonysversion @moonysfavoritetoast @moonypdfootprongsimp @aloeverawrites @rookofthekingom @gay-for-zoya @urbanflorals @regsswimminglessons @the-stray-storyteller
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Ash IG Story
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ominosus · 6 months
all cards on the table — sebastian sallow x fem!reader x ominis gaunt part 2
Ah, yes... this is a long one... I might write a third part... continuing where this part leaves us... let me know what you think ok byeeeeee ❤︎♥︎❤︎♥︎❤︎
plot summary: older sebastian sallow x fem!reader x ominis gaunt — During one of your regular game nights with the boys at Gaunt manor you find yourself in an unexpected predicament when all cards are put on the table when a bet is lost. Confessions of well-kept-secrets from several years unshackles lust and longing you thought you'd take with you to your grave.
warnings: 18+, talking about masturbation, consumption of alcohol, kissing, rough play, choking (but nicely, hehe)
Read the pilot here ♥︎
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”Mercy, mercy!” Sebastian cried out underneath his pale-blond friend who hovered above him. You couldn’t help yourself but observe the strained muscles underneath their shirts while they manhandled each other. It made your cheeks blush, but it wasn’t something that couldn't be blamed on the firewhiskey or the fire itself. Breaths of laughter left them both as they parted with matching grins on their faces. All it took was a good tumble and they were tiptop, shipshape, good as new. Boys, you thought rolling your eyes at them. 
It wasn’t a normal occurrence for Ominis to behave this way. Him getting so defensive about something wildly peaked your interest. ”It’s no fair not telling me.” you spoke, looking at them both panting on the floor. Ominis turned to where you sat. ”Since when did we start to keep secrets from each other?” you added, innocently, knowing very well you had an array of secrets tucked away far from their nimble reach. By the looks on their faces, both Sebastian and Ominis had their own secrets tucked away from you. ”Perhaps-” Sebastian started before being cut off by you.”I know.” you spoke. ”Since neither of you have the guts to tell me, you little wimps…” you teased. ”Hey, I do have the guts to…” Sebastian’s low voice fought back, but you didn’t care to listen. Knowing very well both of them had a hard time declining a bet, especially when their pride was at stake, you pushed on. ”-how about we raise the stakes for our next game? If you dare, that is.” you finished, with a sly smile, looking down at your lap.
Ominis sighed out a laugh and grunted lightly. Sebastian looked at you with a rather unreadable look on his face before he pulled up one corner of his lip. ”Raise them.” he countered, shrugging his shoulders unbothered, before turning his head towards his friend who now laid flat on the floor with his hands in his face. ”Two against one, I’m afraid…” he spoke, feigning empathy. Ominis pulled himself off the ground before sighing, his hair in a disarray after their tussle. ”Go on then - but I’ll have you know, we’re raising the stakes for you too.” he spoke, earning a rather sinister smile from Sebastian who hummed in agreement. ”Oh, that we are.” Sebastian added. ”Sure.” you shrugged, cooly. Now Sebastian laughed at you. ”We’re not going to make it easy for you, as we otherwise always do…” he spoke gazing at you with his dark eyes, tugging at your chest. You rolled your eyes at him. ”Right, right…” you spoke. ”All along I thought you’ve been nice because you’ve been clever enough to know your own limits, but since it’s only been out of the pureness of your heart…by all means, give me your best, Sallow. About time then, isn’t it.” you mocked him. Ominis laughed as he shook his head, inhaling sharply. ”Merlin.” he spoke, before turning his head towards Sebastian at his side who looked positively wicked. ”Well, if you’re so sure of winning, place your bet… don’t be shy.” he spoke never breaking eye contact. ”Well…” you spoke, now you were the one dragging out your l’s. ”When I win…” you spoke, smiling arrogantly towards your friends. ”- Ominis and you will come clean about whatever happened yesterday…” you added, leisurely. ”-and, you’ll also loan me your secrecy sensor.” you finished, happy with your own bet. You needed it for an upcoming hunt for ancient magic, knowing you’d have to interrogate a wizard or two, and wanting to make it quick work you threw in the relic that belonged to Sebastian in the bet.  ”Why?” Sebastian asked, furrowing his eyebrows. ”Because I need it.” you answered, as if the answer was obvious. ”You know what, I don’t want to loan it. I want it. You’ll give it to me. Fair and square.” you added with a proud smile on your face. Sebastian raised his eyebrows, shaking his head.
”And when you lose?” Ominis suddenly spoke, looking towards you with his blue and foggy eyes. You huffed at his sly peak. ”If I lose…” you spoke before being cut off by Sebastian. ”No, no, no you won’t… You don’t get to choose. You chose for us, we’ll choose for you. Fair and square.” he mimicked you. His eyes had grown even darker. ”When you lose, you’ll do whatever we want you to do during the remainder of the evening. You’ll be our very own entertainment. If we say dance, you’ll dance and if we say sing…” he continued grinning before being cut off by you. “I’ll sing. Yeah, I get it.”You laughed at him, raising an eyebrow. ”Sure, whatever…” you agreed quickly, not knowing what you were agreeing to. ”Make me drink an entire bottle of firewhiskey, dance on the table, give you intel on the next poor witch who’s robes you’ll try to rip off… How awful! Merlin, save me!” you mocked-cried, thinking they would retort or add something to the bet, but to your surprise they remained quiet, just gazing at you. You felt a nervous little pit take shape in your stomach as you sensed that you might have overplayed your hand already. ”Alright, let’s get on with it.” you finished.
The game seemed to go on forever and everyone wanted to come out with the upper hand. The room was quiet except for the crackling fire, the sound of glasses clinking against the table every now and then, and rain whipping against the large windows. The mind games were out of this world as you all tried to psych each other out, using every foul tactic you could remember, all but trying to back out of the bet, of course. Ominis remained collected, it was mostly Sebastian and you who bit at each other’s necks. As time went on your self-assurance faltered as you were dealt weak card, after weak card, but you tried to not let it show.
”Struggling?” Ominis asked you, tongue in cheek. ”You’d like that, wouldn’t you.” you scoffed, making Ominis tug at his lips. ”Oh, he definitely would…” Sebastian whispered where he sat making Ominis cut his foot into Sebastian’s leg, making him winch. ”Whoops…” Ominis spoke, insincerely. You were beginning to realise that the odds were against you and you felt like a mouse caught in a room full of hungry snakes. ”Prepare to lose, y/l/n.” Sebastian spoke, grinning at his cards. ”What should we make her do first, Ominis?” he added as he looked up at his friend. ”The dungeon beneath the left wing hasn’t been properly cleaned in a while…” Ominis spoke, languidly. ”Perhaps she could start there.” he added. You narrowed your eyes at him. ”That’s too mundane, Ominis.” Sebastian added. ”We can do whatever we want... remember that.” he spoke musingly. Ominis’ cheeks changed into a crimson colour as he clenched his jaw at his friend’s words. ”There’s no limits.” Sebastian added, looking at you. ”Oh, ha-ha…” you mumbled, but you sensed an urgency forming in the back of your head. ”There’s definitely limits.” you added, while focusing on your cards. ”Oh, no there isn’t.” Sebastian answered quickly. ”You should have made that clear before the game started. Too late now.” he finished before he pulled a new card from the pile in the middle of the table. You tensed slightly at his words. He’s serious, you thought to yourself. Too serious. You couldn’t help but enjoy the tension growing in the air but it also scared you since it was new and unfamiliar territory. Sebastian had always teased you, but not like this.  
Merlin forgive me, you thought to yourself as you planned an illegal escape. With your fingers you rubbed the cards in your hand – slowly, so that they wouldn’t notice – and the numbers, shapes and colours steadily began to shift, turning your hand of nothing into a straight flush. Second best hand, not too obvious of a cheat, hopefully… you thought to yourself. ”Ready?” you spoke, feigning confidence. ”Ready as can be.” Ominis answered. ”Always.” Sebastian grinned before he placed his hand on the table. ”Flush.” he spoke, sure of his hand. Your heart was beating fast knowing that you would’ve lost if you would have played fairly. Too close for comfort, you breathed. Ominis sighed as he placed his cards on the table, a grin growing on his face. ”Four of a kind.” he spoke, proudly. You almost panted as you glanced at his card, thanking the gods none of them had the same cards as you have conjured up in your hand. Sebastian rolled his eyes. ”Lucky bastard.” They both turned their attention to you. You felt dirty having cheated, as if the room knew and hexed you for it. You huffed out a nervous laugh, making Sebastian believe Ominis had won, but you promptly placed your cards on the table. ”Straight flush.” you spoke, thinly, eyebrows slightly raised. Sebastians eyebrows furrowed. ”No way…” he spoke, moving closer to your cards. Ominis merely sighed before he massaged his eyebrows with one hand. You laughed nervously again as Sebastian nosed your cards. ”You better believe it.” you spoke quickly. ”Really, very, sad… for you… of course.” you added, fumbling on your words a little. ”So, how about that bet, huh.” you finished with a cheap grin making both Ominis and Sebastian frown at you. ”I can’t believe you’re stealing my secrecy sensor, you little minx.” Sebastian spoke sourly. You shrugged at him, raising your eyebrows. He turned his head towards Ominis. ”Go on now.” he said to him. ”Time to confess. Those were the rules…” he added before leaning back into his armchair, smiling coyly.
Ominis sighed. ”Yes, alright, alright… last night…” he started, pulling each word out like thorns, reluctantly, before pausing completely. Sebastian rolled his eyes at him. ”Oh, spit it out. Appease yourself.” he spoke. Ominis clenched his jaw, shook his head and sighed. ”Fine.” he spoke, looking towards Sebastian. ”Yesterday, Sebastian lurked - or should I perhaps say spied - on me while I…” he faltered, a heavy sigh leaving his shoulders. ”-pleasured… myself.” he finished, cringing at his own words. Clearly hating himself for how he phrased it. A giggle left your lips. ”Is that it?” you snickered. ”That’s nothing.” you added quickly. ”I mean I did that yesterday too. There, now you won’t have to feel so embarrassed about it.” you laughed unknowingly as you looked at them, both now turning their attention to you. ”Oh, did you now?” Sebastian started, loosing focus of the former matter before quickly returning to it. ”-no, wait a minute-” he interrupted himself. Ominis was still looking at you. ”We’ll get back to you.” Sebastian spoke quickly, pointing a finger at you before turning to Ominis. ”We’re not quite done with your confession, are we?” he finished. Ominis was still facing you. A heavy sigh left his lips as he relaxed his shoulders. ”I suppose we aren’t…” he added, playing nice. ”Go on then…or I will.” Sebastian warned him. Ominis remained quiet. He couldn’t make himself say it. ”Alright, then I will.” Sebastian spoke. ”Yesterday, as I - alright, I spied a little - so what? Hard not to when you could hear the things I heard - you’ll understand in a moment…” he spoke looking at you nodding his head. Where are we going with this, you thought to yourself. Ominis had turned to face the fire again, trying to hide the redness of his pale cheeks and neck. ”So I realise what is happening – and I’m not a creep…” Sebastian spoke, earning a huff from both Ominis and you as you disagreed. ”You definitely are a creep, Sebastian.” you spoke, earning an annoyed look from him. ”Funny…” he retorted, eyes dark and starring straight at you. ”Do you want to hear it or not?” he asked, rather seriously. You looked towards Ominis who looked strained. ”I’m not…” you began. Sebastian sighed, fed up with how long it took. ”He masturbated to you.” he spoke bluntly. You turned to him just in time to see him raise his eyebrows. The air in the room shifted, it felt thick all of a sudden. You weren’t sure if it was the firewhiskey or if some universal force had put a spell on you all. Sebastian kept talking, but you zoned out completely. ”Didn’t you, Ominis? Giving her sultry orders and singing her sweet nothings…”
”I see…” you whispered, fumbling for what to say. ”That’s also… rather… normal, isn’t it, though…” you added somewhat unconvincingly, knowing very well that he occupied your thoughts last night, as well as several other nights. Not only did Ominis cloud your mind when you needed to get yourself off, but so did Sebastian… and it did mean something, even if you’ve tried to tell yourself that it absolutely didn’t. Having been so close to each other for all these years, and them being unfairly attractive, made it hard for you to form a stronger bond with anyone else. Merlin knows you’ve tried. You pined for them in secret. They had their own little space in your mind, safely tucked away from the real world. You kept it strictly friendly, not wanting to put your relationship on the line for something potentially short-lived, reckless… albeit… probably… incredibly… fucking… amazing…. Your cheeks burned hot as you caught yourself daydreaming and breathed out a thin laugh. I’m in a hazy fever dream, you thought. 
Sebastian wasn’t quite done with his confession. ”And what is most crucial to this story is that he has been whispering your name into oblivion since Hogwarts… ever so devoted.” he added. Ominis turned towards Sebastian now, looking rather angry. ”She didn’t need to know that.” he spoke, but Sebastian was quick. ”Oh, but she did.” he answered. You felt your stomach curl at the thought of Ominis whispering your name. Your cheeks burned violently at the image that appeared in your head making you sigh heavily, before you snapped back to the room in which you found yourself in. You weren’t quite sure if you were dreaming or not. ”You’ve been drooling after her for years, Ominis! It’s exhausting, really, even for me… I’m just trying to help.” Sebastian finished. Ominis shook his head, laughing somewhat sinisterly, quietly. You thought he would curse him there and then but instead a sly smile creeped up on his lips. ”Well, aren’t you kind, Sebastian.” he spoke. You couldn’t help but sway a little at his current demeanor, after what you had just heard, it made your toes curl into the rug beneath your feet. ”Perhaps I should return the favor?” he added, raising his eyebrows. Sebastian narrowed his eyes at his friend. You only had time to think what the hell is going on when Ominis turned to you and opened his mouth. ”Sebastian is also irrevocably and completely besotted with you.” he spoke. This made you cough out a quite aggressive, ha. Sebastian turned to Ominis, face redder than before. ”What are you on about, mate?” he asked through gritted teeth, not as self-assured as before. ”Well, dear Sebastian, Ophelia told me.” Ominis answered quickly, smiling at his friend. You gulped. ”Oh, did she now…” Sebastian uttered quietly, not looking away from Ominis. ”She did, after you abruptly ended it with her, and she desperately tried to find answers to why - wondering who this y/n was, if it was serious or not, if she had any chance of winning you back with time, et cetera…” Ominis spoke languidly. ”You can’t blame the girl, really.” he added, before breathing out a hefty sigh. ”She was heartbroken.” he finished, cooly. ”Well, at least I try to get her out of my system. ” Sebastian punched back at his friend. ”You only whine and pine in the darkness of your big manor…” he added, more quietly. Your hands flew to your face covering the expression that grew on it. Merlin… what is going on, you cried in your head. ”Perhaps I don’t want to get her out of my system.” Ominis countered quickly, calmly. Your hands dropped slightly as you looked at him. ”…and neither do you.” Ominis added, earning an irritated laugh from Sebastian. ”You think you know me so well.” Sebastian mumbled, cheeks flushed. Ominis didn’t answer, he merely raised his eyebrows and shrugged, because you all knew he did. 
Your mind was about to explode. I’m dying, Im sure of it, you thought to yourself as the entire room spun. Suddenly Sebastian turned to you. ”Anything you’d like to share?” he spoke rather mockingly. ”No?” he pushed before you could even begin to say anything. You felt unfairly outed by him. He rolled his eyes at you. ”If I recall correctly I heard you mumble that you think it’s normal to masturbate to the thought of a friend… So, I gather you’ve done it yourself?” he asked, raising the pitch of his voice. You huffed and before you had a chance to reply he cut you off. ”Tell me, how many friends do you have now again?” he added, almost cruelly, making your frown deepen. ”Hm?” he pushed, again. ”Well, I don’t know about you… but I only think about things I desire when I enjoy myself… Counterproductive otherwise, don’t you think.” he added quietly. You just looked at him as he held your gaze, making that feeling in your stomach twist tighter. ”Don’t you, Ominis?” he asked. You turned your attention to your firewhiskey, trying to find some sort of refuge. You felt both of them facing you. You heard Ominis sigh. ”Why yes… I do.” Ominis agreed. ”Say, what did you think about yesterday?” Sebastian asked you. ”A friend, perhaps? Since it’s such a normal thing to do.” he mused, dancing across his words, knowing he had caught you in another one of his traps. Ominis turned to you now as well. ”It’s only fair that we all share.” Sebastian added. ”That wasn’t the bet.” you countered. ”Perhaps not, but it’s good sportsmanship.” he spoke quickly, still looking at you. ”I dare say it is.” Ominis joined in, which caught you slightly by surprise but, then again, you understood that they wanted to even out the playing field, because you were miles above them at the moment, which they didn’t like.
The thought of both of them longing for you, wanting you, made your chest tighten by the lack of air. Coughing slightly you tried to find whatever composure you could muster. ”Come on now.” you spoke, afraid to meet their gaze. It felt as if they had finally realised you were a mouse amongst snakes. ”Just a second ago you were at each other’s throats and now you're ganging up on me?” you added. You tried quite desperately to wrap your head around all that had just floated to the surface while holding on to your own secrets for the life of merlin. ”That’s- that’s not fair at all.” you huffed. ”Come on now, love…” Sebastian countered. ”Don’t act all coy and innocent all of a sudden. You wanted this. We’re well past fair.” he added. ”That we certainly are.” Ominis chipped in. You huffed out a short laugh.
”No- no, we’re not… and I also didn’t know what this was.” you spoke, refusing what had just happened. This will change everything, you thought to yourself. ”Don’t involve me in this.” you spoke, shaking your head, knowing that if you dove deeper, you could never return. Ominis sighed and pushed back the chair he sat in. ”Darling, you’re already deeply involved in this.” he spoke. Him calling you darling made you feel positively delicate. For the love of Lilith, I’ve opened pandoras box, you thought to yourself as you tried to figure out your next move. ”Well, I know for a fact that y/n drools over you too, Ominis…” Sebastian suddenly declared, turning to you and grinning sinisterly. Your jaw dropped to the regions of hades and back. I will kill him, you thought to yourself as you tensed up immensely where you sat. Sebastian reveled in your reaction. All flustered and at a loss for words. Ominis’ frown lifted into a question mark instead. He tilted his head slightly. ”That’s not funny.” he spoke, unamused by his friend's antics. ”No, it’s not.” both you and Sebastian spoke at the same time, making Sebastian grin even more wickedly. ”Jinx.” he spoke quickly, pointing at you, catching you off-guard before he quickly continued.
There was a certain haste to this matter, as if he was loosing patience. You could feel it linger in the entire room. ”No, it isn’t funny…” he repeated himself. ”-but it is true.” he added. ”She takes advantage of you being blind, you know.” he added. You froze at his wording and you had no idea how to react. ”The way she stares at you sometimes, merlin…” he added. ”No wonder no other girl dares to get too close to you. She has her name written all over you.” he finished. You huffed, shaking your head. ”You’re a foul git, you know that.” you spoke through your teeth. ”Oh, I know, love.” he answered. ”Do you deny it?” he asked you, rather seriously. ”That you’re a git?” you clapped back. ”No, I don’t.” you bit at him, making him smile at you. He was unbothered at this point, seeing you loose your cool in front of him. You caught your breath. You couldn’t deny it, because it wasn’t a lie. Ominis just listened, his misty eyes resting somewhere on the table. You pondered lying as you looked at him but felt unable to. ”No.” you answered, quietly. ”Happy?” you asked Sebastian who shrugged at you, and just as he was about to open his mouth, Ominis turned to you. ”I always thought you liked Sebastian…?” he asked, sincerely. You sighed heavily. There it was, you thought to yourself. You wanted to sink beneath the sofa. You wanted to apparate out of there. All of your senses were running high and you thought you’d either faint, melt or seize to be completely. This is exactly what you wanted to avoid, choosing, picking a side, because how could you, and when was it ever on the table? You felt dizzy. Even Sebastian had grown quiet, both now looking at you. You shrunk where you sat. ”Well, it isn’t that simple…” you whispered. Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned closer. ”Wait a second…” he spoke, quietly, collecting all the pieces, before he breathed out a short laugh. He looked positively delighted. ”You’re in love with both of us, aren’t you.” he almost whispered, leaning even closer. ”In love…” you huffed, meekly. ”Don’t be ridiculous.” you added, but you couldn’t look at them, which was a huge giveaway. The room had become quiet, uncomfortably so.”You tiny-little-rascal…” Sebastian suddenly growled. You looked up at him. Your eyes traveled to where he was looking. Your cards lying on the table were turning back into their original state. You gulped nervously. ”Fuck.” you spoke underneath your breath. ”What?” Ominis spoke, unaware of what had happened. ”She cheated.” Sebastian answered his friend. The look on Ominis’ face scared you a little as his expression changed before tilting his head, a small strand of his blonde hair falling across his eyes. ”Oh, did she now…” he spoke quietly. 
Sebastian crowed quietly as his lips curled. ”Oh, you’re in trouble now.” he warned you. His dark brown eyes glimmering in the low-fire-lit room but he couldn't help but melt a little at your rose-kissed-cheeks and somewhat frightened expression. He’d seen you fight inferi, goblins and trolls, but he’d never seen you this nervous before. He enjoyed it a little too much. Your heart was about to leap out of your chest onto the table for their picking if you didn’t do anything soon. You felt exposed. You hated it, but you also wanted it. You felt conflicted. There was two thoughts in your head: give in to temptation or run from it. Your heart was speeding up within your chest as you and Sebastian locked eyes. You thought you’d melt at the way they had turned their full attention to you. It felt as if they were peeling you right open and you wanted to flee before they got to the core. Sebastian pierced his eyes at you, as if he could read your mind, steadying himself for what was about to happen. Ominis’ fingers were tapping the table on your other side, as a clock ticking down. ”y/n, you better not-…” Ominis spoke quietly before being cut off.
Without thinking about it you bolted backwards across the back of the sofa, locking your eyes on one of the doorframes in the room. You could hear Sebastian’s chair being pushed back as quickly as your feet met the ground, which made adrenaline pump madly through your veins. You couldn’t help but release an ocean of giggles as you sprinted forward, releasing some of the evenings built up tension. You felt utterly drunk on adrenaline, firewhiskey and lust coursing through your entire body. You could hear Sebastians quick footsteps closing in, making your heart leap within your chest. Just as you were about to reach the door you heard it lock itself as you felt a strong hand grasp onto the fabric of your top. You yelped loudly as you heard it rip at the seams by the mere force before Sebastians entire body crashed against yours – pushing you against the door, forcing one of your arms behind your back while gripping your waist with his free one. You whimpered at the impact, shocked at his strength that you’d been completely unaware of until now, knees weakening at the sensation of his warm body enclosing yours from behind. You stood heaving closely pushed against each other for a little while. You became brutally aware of how incredibly inviting he smelled – awakening something in you. You wanted to turn around and bathe in him – it made you feel faint – but Sebastian didn’t budge even a little.
”Who did you call foul now again…” he whispered into your ear, panting slightly. He pressed you even harder against the door, making you gasp for air as he buried himself deeper. He enjoyed this far too much. Leaning down towards your neck he breathed you in, his groans vibrating quietly against you. ”Fuck, you smell good.” he spoke slowly. You felt the tip of his nose grace the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Sebastian pushed himself even closer, wanting to melt into you, rip all your clothes off, and fuck you into oblivion then and there, but he composed himself and instead bit down hard on your now exposed shoulder from having ripped your shirt. You whimpered out an uncontrolled high-pitched-sigh at the feeling of his teeth digging into you and him pressing you even harder against the door. It was as if he wanted to consume you. ”Be gentle.” Ominis suddenly spoke from behind you both, sternly. ”And why would I be that?” Sebastian answered him by speaking it into your ear. ”Hmm?” he hummed against you as he pressed his hips against you lower back. You gasped as you felt the outlines of his tensed-up-body against you. ”Do you want me to be gentle?” he whispered to you, knowing very well that you enjoyed it. You merely whimpered softly at his words tickling your ear, making him hum again. You heard footsteps close in on you. Ominis’ figure now appeared in your gaze as he leaned against the door next to you where you were pinned. ”Perhaps cheaters don't deserve to be handled gently.” Ominis spoke, quietly, reaching up to your face and allowing his hand to travel across your burning cheeks before he grabbed ahold of your jaw, pausing at your lips before tracing them with his thumb. He felt himself twitch at the wetness of your lower lip. ”No… she needs a firm hand.” Sebastian added. It felt as if your entire stomach flipped inside of you.”Perhaps I do.” you mustered, out of breath and deliriously drunk on them both. You just managed to see Ominis sly smile before Sebastian swung you around, backing you up against the door and crashing his lips against yours.
Your legs caved completely as the high of his lips moving against you rushed through your body. Sebastian took an even firmer grip around your wrists, holding you up, pinning your arms above your head with one hand and pushing your hips against the door with his other. He didn’t ask for permission but forced your mouth open as he pushed his tongue against yours. You could only manage to whimper at his commands. Ominis bathed in the sounds that came out of your mouth as he listened to how Sebastian’s hand traveled from your hips to your thighs, clawing at your skin – dragging out soft vowels from you against his lips. It all sounded even better than he had ever imagined. ”I want to eat you up.” Sebastian whispered against your lips. ”Go on then.” you answered, completely ensnared by him. He hummed against you. ”Don’t tempt me.” he growled before pulling away, making you gasp at the sudden loss of his touch. You looked at him backing away from you slightly. His dark eyes clawed at you. You looked over at Ominis who stood massaging his head, shaking his head slightly. You were incredibly high on endorphins and absolutely bewildered to the situation you all found yourself in. You couldn’t help but smile at Ominis, who tried to control his own thoughts. He had always been the more reasonable one.
”Get on your knees.” Sebastian spoke quietly, making both you and Ominis turn towards him. You understood that you had all crossed a line already and that you couldn’t return. So, what point in trying… You merely did as you were told, slowly sinking to the floor while looking at Sebastian. Sebastian took a few steps closer before grabbing ahold of your neck and forcing your head upwards. ”You’re going to do exactly as you��re told, little grifter…” he spoke with a low voice. You grinned at the new nickname, making him tighten his grip. ”Do you understand?” he added. You wanted to pull him down to your lips again, but knew you couldn’t and that he wouldn’t let you. You nodded. ”Uh-uh… Use your words. You’re not allowed to go quiet on us now.” he spoke, looking at you like prey. You gulped against his firm hand. ”I’m going to do exactly as I’m told.” you spoke, word-by-word, quietly, slowly, not breaking eye contact. You saw how your words bounced in his head as he heaved heavily, having the exact effect you wanted it to. Sebastian leaned down, erasing the space in between you, still looking into your eyes. His warm lips brushed against yours. You looked at his eyes, his freckles, all of him. Heavens, you thought. He smirked at you before his expression turned rather gentle. His sudden change of demeanor made your heart flutter madly. He bent down further, pressing a rather tender kiss against your lips before pulling away, making you sway, eyes still closed as he still looked at you. A devious smirk now growing wider on his lips as he looked at someone behind you. You felt Sebastian’s hand around your neck release its hold while a gentler hand took its place from behind you. Ominis’ hand slowly traced your shoulder, collarbone and neck before his body pressed against your back as he completely grabbed onto your jaw again, pulling your head straight upwards so that you could see him standing behind you.
”Good little grifter.” he spoke quietly.
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addie4ddie2005 · 5 months
HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI IN PIXEL HAZE CH4 I'M GOING TO EXPLODE I STAYED TILL 4 READING IT AND IT WAS SOSOSOSOSO GOOD- I can't really make anything good ATM BUT I HAD TO MAKE SMT I COULD JUST DO NPTHING SO I SCRIBBLED SOME IDEAS- THE COMPOSITION SUCKS BUTT BUT I SWEAR I WILL COME BACK TO IT LATER IT WAS SO GOOD- I'm not that good at analysing character dynamics in profound detail but if I could I would make a 20 page paragraph dedicated to the sillies ok now I'm done blabbering i swear that I will make SMT better next time OK BYEEEEEE💥💥💥💥💥💥
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(ps: reading it w/ the playlist was an experience I'll tell ya thAT. The FEEEEEELSSSSS)
Dawggg I’m so glad,,, 100% honest and cringe rn I think of you when I post errytime like I wonder what scenes Ur going to love…
“I can’t really make anything good ATM” proceeds to make the hardest images I’ve ever seen 🤦/POS
Seriously these make me 🤯 you rlly have a knack for making things so epic… Ur brain is ginormous. Like. Looking DOWN at your obituary? Having it being the ground beneath your feat? Adds a whole nother level of unbearable.
Reader going @ Kinito like that is crazyyy 😭 You pictured it so vividly and MEANLY!! (All the /POS)
20 Page Essay yo??? I’m so flattered you think so dude TYSM… I don’t feel that profound abt the characters I write but it’s so awesome that they’re true to you… All the hearts all the hearts <3
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knwatchesninjago · 8 months
S1E10 The Green Ninja
THIS EP WAASS SOOO CCRINGE!?!?!?? (and here i thought ep7 wass cringe)
OK!!! Imma leave #CringeyKai to the end, so bear with me...
first of, we finallyyy got some scenes where Lloyd
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My poor baby!!
Also we got some scenes where::
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Honestly... this warlord is such a hilarious character!! I mean look at his face!!
Also!! SOme really adorable...
#Father-Son Bonding
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Honestly... the way their expressions fell at the same time was soo sadddd 😭
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Kai... baby. Zane is cringey... why are you as well?
Y'all... I dunno if it's actually cringe or if it's second-hand embarrassment-- BUT I COULDN'T watch this ep in one sitting.
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Y'all know this part? When Kai fights Garm to prove that he's the Green Ninja? I COULDN'T WATCH IT!!! I felt so embarrassed for Kai that I had to take a break from this ep.
What did I do in that break?
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I watched Barbie edits to help me prepare for the cringe... |
It's not my fault. Anyways, that edit soon became me just wasting hrs watching more edits and animatics.
But FINALLYYYYY after like 2 hours, I decided to resume the vid.
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In all honesty... I think I mayyy have overreacted. This scene wasn't that cringey.
Anyways!! I'm coming close to the 30-pic-limit so I'll just frantically show y'all some more snapshots.
#Pythor's weird face
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In all honesty... I was like HUH!?!?!?! When Jay was all like "WIND!!!"
Did a quick Google search and found this pretty intersting vid
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So I really recommend y'all to check it out, lol!!
So I leave y'all with some
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Y'all.... it is now officially confirmed!! The Green Ninja is our little gremlin. :')
Poor Lloyd... his life is gonna get so hard in the near future...
Anyways, Byeeeeee y'alll!!! See y'all in ep11!!! Imma go to bed now!! Good night!!
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torrentialstardust · 5 months
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Readthrough with da NezumiVA crew is going strong, we're just nearing the end of episode 3 now, and I think at some point in the last stream I realised that in Umineko, all of the members of the Ushiromiya family are part of the nightmarish soul destroying inner family politics, and most of the servants have been so badly abused they don't even see themselves as human and don't realise something wrong has been done to them. Kumasawa is in a weird grey area because we don't really know her full deal other than in the magical version of events she's a gosh dang witch.
These two on the other hand?
Nanjo is just a doctor. He wants to do his job, and he has a friendship with Kinzo (even though Kinzo also sucks)
Gohda cooka da meatball.
They're simple. They're wonderful. They're just normal people! I made this kind of shitposty art to commemorate that. That in all of this magic fuckery and all this patriarchal bullshittery we have two rocks of normalcy.
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(yes I know they might be the culprits/accomplices in one or more of the murders but they're still simple on paper don't ruin this!)
I'm excited to see the conclusion of episode 3 tonight/tomorrow morning/whatever! The plot's in a spot where I'm really not sure what's going to happen next, so it's very engaging. If you happen to see this before the stream goes live or ends, I'd highly reccomend checking it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99l5xhO0Wos . It's a fun time! Just no spoilies in chat.
Oh also, I figured I'd also add my good friend Daisy's (daisyhrlock on Insta!) and Dante's (dantelorde here and Insta!) treasured input when I posted a WIP of this on our Discord server:
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Truly visionaries.
(Oh also I'm gonna post 4/13 art tomorrow and comms are still open OK byeeeeee!!)
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shadowx16 · 28 days
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The Hollow: Bad Ice Cream AU
They are here, they are ice creams! Oh no! THEY’VE BEEN ICECREAMIFIED!!!!! Dx
This was really fun to make since I had the idea for a while now since mid June, I hope you like them too as much as I do :3
Fun Facts:
Adam, Kai, Reeve, Vanessa and skeet were different flavors before I decided to change them to be color coded (somewhat color coded)
Adam was originally chocolate ice cream
Kai was originally vanilla ice cream
Reeve was going to be dark chocolate ice cream (yes, it’s a real flavor, I wonder what it tastes like :|c)
Skeet was gonna be mint chocolate chip but I decided sorbet ice cream fits him well
And Vanessa was the original strawberry ice cream before I gave that role to Kai
The reason why I switched Kai to be strawberry ice cream was thanks to this image:
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After that I figured strawberry fit him best cause he would probably eat strawberry ice cream when he gets the chance to buy some
Kai has strawberry seeds as freckles in his face and shoulders (because I like the headcanon that Kai has freckles)
His hair is made of strawberry syrup with the black dots being seeds, like that one strawberry syrup that is pretty transparent that looks very pretty when you put it on ice cream
Adam also has the seeds treatment, just with chocolate chips :v
they are on his hair and shoulders just like Kai’s strawberry seeds, except there are less of them
The hollow logo in adam’s chest is made of chocolate syrup (it was too iconic to remove)
Mira’s hair was going to be blue like her body but it wouldn’t be that noticeable so I made it pink, bubblegum ice cream is usually depicted with blue and pink colors so that’s where I got it from :>
Mira is taller than Kai by one or two inches, because Mira being slightly taller than Kai is funny to me xd
Kai is the smallest out of everyone (lmao he short XD)
The reason why I switched skeet to be sorbet ice cream was because I headcanon he would rather eat sorbet ice cream than regular ice cream
he thinks sorbet ice cream is underrated
sorbet ice cream can be any flavor and this skeet would be passion fruit flavored, his hair is also made of sorbet and is mango flavored
Skeet is the tallest out of everyone (he a tall boi)
Reeve was gonna be dark chocolate flavored but then I changed my mind cause his locs wouldn’t be as noticeable (trust me, I tried)
Reeve’s hair is made out of bacon, the bacon is fried (might as well put a fried egg on top of his head)
He was also gonna have little bacon pieces on his shoulders like Kai and Adam but I thought of that after I finished coloring him (I’ll probably add those later if I draw them again)
I headcanon reeve would be disgusted at the idea of bacon ice cream, but at the same time would be like “but what if it taste good tho? >:/c”
bacon ice cream is a real ice cream flavor, I’m not joking you can search it up
Adam, Kai, and Reeve have orange lips, while skeet, mira, and vanessa have pink lips
Vanessa’s hair and eyebrows are made of licorice
I know her hair doesn’t look like licorice but I got lazy so I’ll give it more detail if I draw her again my apolocheese
If you were to eat any part of their bodies they would simply regenerate to their original state
The vanilla and chocolate ice creams are Tyler and Iris
Nisha doesn’t get to be an ice cream flavor cause 1. There are only 8 ice cream flavors, and 2. I don’t like her that much xd
maybe I will turn her into an ice cream one day, we’ll see how nice I am :V
Sorry for writing a bible verse for you to read I got a little too silly :3c ok I’ll get out of your hair now byeeeeee
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bfiaflbox · 9 months
This is how it starts - Chapter 3
Pairing: Matty x Original Female Character Warnings: swearing
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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The next day I have a client who's not very talkative so I have time to weigh my options during work. I could text Matty and just tell him the date is off. Or I could go on the date and feel weird the whole time. Or I could just ignore it? Or I could fake my death and leave the country and tell Carly to give him my best and to enjoy life with his girlfriend. Great, I love overthinking. After a few hours of trying to figure out where and how I got the wrong Idea about Matty and about the flirting and about the date that's definitely a date because he called it that multiple times, I decide to text Matty.
Me: Hey Matty, I had a lovely time getting to know you but I don‘t think it‘s a good idea to go forward with this date on Friday. I wish you all the best.
There. That's good. Simple, unmistakably clear. I feel sad though. I liked Matty. He was refreshingly not boring and great to hang out with and nice to look at.
I go to the chat with Carly
Me: Did you know he had a girlfriend?
Carly: who? Matty? He‘s single as far as I know.
Me: No, apparently he isn't.
Carly: That‘s weird. Adam didn’t say anything. How did you find out?
Me: He was at my place and she called him, he ended the call telling her he loved her and then quickly left. Almost like he had a bad conscience.
Carly: That‘s weird.
I put my phone in my pocket and clean up the shop. I check the appointments for the next day, see that I still have to finish the drawing for my client tomorrow and get out my iPad to see the state of the rough sketch I made when they first made the appointment. I draw for a few hours, totally focussed on the task at hand. It's already dark outside when I'm happy with the design.
I get out my phone to check the time and see that Matty texted back.
Matty: honestly, that bums me out. What happened to change your mind?
Is he playing dumb? But fine, if he wants me to spell it out to him...
Me: I don’t want to be the girl you cheat on your girlfriend with.
He answers in a matter of seconds.
Matty: What girlfriend? Matty: Did you read something in the tabloids? It‘s all made up, you know?
Me: No?! I mean the girl that called you the other night? Danielle? Denise? Whatever! You told her you loved her??
Matty: Hannah
Matty: Darling
Fuck him, calling me darling right now!
Matty: That was literally my mother.
Oh. Oh.
Well now I'm completely mortified. The idea of faking my death and leaving the country seems more and more appealing.
Matty: But just to be completely clear I don't have a girlfriend. The last one broke up with me a few months ago, thanks for the reminder.
Me: Sorry to hear that.
Matty: No you're not :D
Me: The date on Friday is still off though, the floor just opened and will swallow me now. byeeeeee
Matty: I'll be at your place at seven
Friday rolls around and I'm nervous. I'm always nervous before a date because the whole spiel of do they like me and do I like them and are they a serial killer or a trustworthy person is terrifying and nerve wracking. But the Idea of a date with Matty is taking nerve wracking to a whole new level, especially after what went down the other day. I'm obsessing over my outfit and if it was the right choice and am just considering if I have time to change again when my doorbell rings. Ok, no 5th outfit change then. I grab my coat, check for my keys and leave my apartment. Matty is waiting in front of my building, big smile on his face.
"Hi! You look lovely" he greets me. "And other generic things to say when picking up your date" I jokingly snark and raise an eyebrow. Fucking hell where did that come from, he was just being nice! "Will you take the fucking compliment? Jesus" he laughs. "Fine, yeah, sorry, that was harsh. Thanks. You look lovely as well!" "I know" he retorts. "Talk about being able to take a compliment" I snort. "By the way, where are we going?" "Well I thought... ok tell me if you think this is lame but there's this small museum that shows an exhibition on 80s industrial punk zines and also some graphic design and photos from that era and I thought it'd be cool but like I said if you think this is lame we can totally do something else but I kinda wanna se it, I'm really interested in that kind of shit but haven't had the time to go there, no hard feelings if you don't wanna see it, I was just..." "Matty!" I interrupt his ramblings. He looks at me with raised eyebrows, I continue "that sounds quite very interesting, let's go there".
After about 15 minutes of walking we enter the courtyard of what looks like a former industrial building. We cross the courtyard to the entrance of the small museum. The exhibition is really just one room. The walls are filled with black and white photographs, pages from said zines and posters advertising gigs from 35 years ago of bands called Einstürzende Neubauten, Killing Joke and Skinny Puppy. Except for the former, none of the bands ring a bell but to be fair, 80s industrial rock isn't what I hear when I want to sing in the shower. I enjoy the aesthetic of it all, though. I also enjoy watching Matty who looks like a child seeing a Christmas tree for the first time. "Wow, you see, this is totally interesting, the scene back then was so DIY, really down to earth. They literally created all that stuff themselves." he muses. "There’s not many generative alternative scenes left, nowadays." He goes on to talk about bands like Slowdive and what he calls garage pop stuff. I just observe him. I'm not gonna lie, I haven't heard many of the bands he's mentioning but he's in his element and I love how passionate he is. After a while he looks at me and kind of stops himself. "Sorry, I... I'm really enjoying this, I'm probably rambling, it's just all so cool!" but it's so endearing. He's not afraid to like things. Unironically. "We should get going though, I reserved a table for us".
Half an hour later we sit down in a rather fancy looking restaurant and a waiter hands us a menu. "So...", Matty starts "how many kids do you want to have?" "Oh sod off, you!", we both laugh. "Haha, sorry, couldn't help it." I look around and start to feel kind of out of place. The people here are posh, there's no other word for it. I can't help but notice that I stick out like a sore thump with the tattoos all over my body and the kind of minimalist casual attire I had chosen for tonight. It's not a good feeling. I try to distract myself with the menu but metaphorically gulp when I see the prices, way out of my league. I get nervous, look over to Matty who's looking relaxed as ever. Right, right, I almost forgot he's a rockstar. Also out of my league. I refuse to let the uneasy feeling that's starting take over. Be who you are, face it head on, talk about it. I put the menu down and fold my fingers over it.
"Ok, I'm just gonna say it like it is: All I can afford here is a glass of water and a side salat without going hungry for the rest of the month. Yep, that's embarrassing but it is what it is, I'm a barely not-starving artist, not a rockstar, I already got my sister in law that awfully fancy pan and there's still the cozzie livs. Soooo, we might have to stop by a chip shop later. Or, I don't know, you have to pay" I say the last part before thinking better of it. Great. Talk about money, that's always such a good topic, not at all laced with all kinds of prejudice and negativity.
"Hm. That's a bummer, I thought you were paying", Matty hasn't even looked up from the menu.
I look at him with a raised eyebrow. He puts the menus down and places one hand over mine. "Darling, this is a date date, you're not paying for shit. Relax, it's ok. I'm not one of the guys who thinks a woman owes them sex when they pay for dinner. Also, I think, Carly would slap me if she found out I made you pay"
I laugh at that and relax a little. "I don't even know what half the words on here mean" I admit in a sort of whiny tone. "Is it rude if I google? Like, what's vadouvan spice? or Acquerello risotto?" at that, Matty just laughs. "I've got no fucking clue, to be honest. Ok I'll order us something and the next time we go to a restaurant that's less..." he waves around "...this?" "The next time, huh? Someone's feeling confident" "Yeah, I have to downplay how embarrassed I am about the fact that my choice of restaurant makes you uncomfortable by appearing overly confident, don't mind me." "God, you're such a self-aware millennial" We both laugh before I continue "Speaking of embarrassed: who the fuck has their mother saved under her first name?" "It's her name, what else would you like me to call her?" he sounds mockingly defensive. "I don't know? Mum lesser three?" "Lesser three?" "Yeah the little..." I wave my fingers, trying to convey the < 3 symbols "...heart thingy" "That's so gay" he laughs.
The waiter comes back and we order some fancy sounding dishes. "So, Matty, I have a question" "Ask away" "Would you rather kill a chicken with your bare hands or live with the chicken for a year" "Does the chicken have to come on tour with me?" "It sure does" "Yeah, then I'm gonna kill the chicken, I'm not dealing with a chicken on a tourbus" he laughs. "Ok fair, I don't blame you" He suddenly stills and his face sours, his gaze is fixed on a point behind me. I study his expression for a second and try to figure it out but come up with nothing. I want to see what seems to have turned his mood but as soon as I try to turn my head, Matty grabs my hand and clears his throat and wants to focus my attention back on him.
„What is it?“
„You’re a shit liar“ I laugh.
„I don’t lie“ he says seriously.
„Like… ever?“
„Yeah. Ever since I got clean I try to not lie. Lying was the worst part about being an addict“
„Ok, wait, we just brushed three subjects in five seconds, I‘m getting whiplash.“ how did this conversation take this turn all of a sudden?
„Sorry, I‘m a lot“ he sounds sad now.
„No, Matty. It‘s fine“, I try to lighten the mood with my tone. „just… what’s going on?“
„Wait here, ok?“ he gets up and vanishes in the direction of the bar.
Well that leaves me baffled. I’m not annoyed or sad, just surprised. I play the conversation back in my head and try to figure out what nerve I hit that made his mood change that abruptly. I start to feel small and weird. Like I definitely don't belong here.
A few minutes later, Matty comes back, stops at the table and just says "Let's leave, please?"
I look at him and see that his expression conveys a sense of urgency. I get up, grab my coat and let him guide me out of the place. On my way out I meet the eyes of a giggling woman who looks at me knowingly. I frown at her and try to make sense of it all.
Once we're out on the street, Matty starts walking without saying a word. I follow him, although I don't really know why. The vibe is off, to say the very least. We round a corner and I really don't feel comfortable anymore. I stop.
"Matty, what's going on?"
He turns around to face me, clears his throat and sighs. "There was a woman at the restaurant that took photos of us." I suspect it's the one that looked at me like she just hit a jackpot when we left. "She's probably gonna sell it to the tabloids and you're gonna be on the news tomorrow. At least it's going to be all over the internet."
I stay silent because I really don't know what to say now. Is this what it's like for him when he goes out in public?
"I'm sorry, Hannah, I can't do this to you"
"You're not doing anything"
"I am though. Like, when you're around me you're gonna end up in the crossfire of hateful comments because, you see, I'm a really bad person according to the internet. I fucked up, said the wrong thing, laughed at the wrong time and they hold everything against me, call me a Nazi or worse things. And everybody who's around me is guilty by association. I don't care anymore but I can't do this to you." he looks sad, almost like he's close to tears. I don't know what to say that might make things better. He must feel lonely. I want to tell him that I don't care, that I like him for who he is and that I will deal with it if that's what it takes but before I can open my mouth to say anything he just says "I'm sorry", turns around and walks away.
I just stand there and try to process what just happened. It doesn't take long for me to get angry at Matty. Fuck him for leaving me here, standing in the street like an idiot. He didn't even give me a chance to process this. What does he mean it's going to be all over the internet? A feeling of helplessness creeps up at me. I hate feeling this way. My heart hurts and I start feeling very sad. I can't process all of this right now and decide to just turn around and head home.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Thinking about older!Eddie and his beard scruff 🫠🫣 just the way it feels when he eats you out. The friction is just 🤌🏼
Also, older!Eddie pinning you down to the bed while he fucks you so hard you feel like you’re splitting in half. Telling you that you feel so goddamn good, best pussy he’s ever had, how he’s gonna ruin you.
Ok byeeeeee - @munson-blurbs 💚
Just gonna turn me on like that and duck out? I see how it is. But really, when you’re walking funny because the insides of your thighs are chafed from how much time he spends down there with his scruff, he’ll just smirk and calmly ask, “What’s the matter, baby? You’re walking a little funny.” But having him down there as much as he was is completely worth the burn.
Older!eddie can ruin me anytime. Day or night. Literally now if he wanted. He just keeps talking about your pussy; how wet and tight and warm you are. All for him. And to tease him you’d say, “been a long time since you had a young pussy, huh baby?” I need this man to bend me like a pretzel and use me to his pleasure
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woodsfae · 1 year
B5 s02e21 • Comes the Inquisitor Jack the Fucking Ripper table of contents • previous episode
Oh, man. G'Kar is totally right, but of course no one's taking him seriously.
"Are you willing to sacrifice all that you are to keep all that you have?"
Yeah, war destroys you. Everything G'Kar says lately I'm like "That's absolutely horrible! But you're right!"
Oooo, Vir Cotto is up to something! I hope he keeps exceeding my expectations.
Another Delenn and Kosh secret meeting. I am so amused by their relationship. And interested! Lennier said Kosh was calling for Delenn. Was it on the local landline, or something more metaphysical? Is Lennier a telepath? I'm guessing that Delenn isn't actually a telepath, just has incredibly well honed insight, but we've seen so little of other species' telepathy that I'm just itching to learn more. It would be sensible to assign a telepath to be high-ranking, but isolated dignitaries' aides.
O.o The Vorlon have something called inquisitors! And one is going to interrogate Delenn!! Whoa. I wonder if they're a Vorlon, or just a contact of the Vorlons.
I love how there's always more and more and more worldbuilding and plot for me to sink my teeth into. The silliest episodes and exchanges are still so rich and dense with information.
omfg. MORE AWKWARD FLIRTING. And Delenn and John haven't even mutually held hands yet.
Lennier: "If you do the right thing for the wrong reasons, the work becomes corrupted, and ultimately self-destructive. Ambassador Kosh wishes confirmation that the right people are in the right place at the right time."
That's a bit of an american xtian idea of rightness of actions. US Pres Nixon was a bad dude, but he still passed the civil rights act, which has immeasurably improved lives. It doesn't diminish all the lives saved or the good done that he was also a slime-sucking toerag.
The guy G'Kar is meeting has a really strong prescription on his glasses. And of course people are war profiteering off the desperate Narn.
The Narn are more dangerous now than they've ever been. They're backed into a tiny corner, with nowhere to go but out and through anyone trapping them there.
This person arrived on a Vorlon ship…. I'm so curious if Vorlons are humanoid or can disguise themselves believably as different, lower-order species. He's implying he's human, but I have my doubts.
oh-hohohoho!! Protective Sheridan! cute.
WHOA. This guy, Sebastian (?) first met the Vorlons in 1888! incredible. A genuine Victorian in the 23rd century, who's going to psychically interrogate an alien from a society which has been spacefaring for tens of thousands of years. That's so cool.
Garibaldi: "Don't endanger B5. Got it? OK. Here's my illegal contacts who can help out, maybe. ;) byeeeeee <3"
Garbaldi, a real quote this time: "Like you said. I never start a conversation unless I know where it's going, but I always leave a little room for someone to disappoint me. Thanks for not doing it."
Made me laugh. And then also uncomfortably squirm. I'm a little like that, too. (damn you JMS, making me identify with characters I dislike! *shakes fist*)
This meeting with Sebastian and Delenn is so fairytale-like.
Someone should tell Sebastian and the Vorlons that you get better results with positive reinforcement than with punishment methods. It gets harder and harder to think the more you are in suspense of when the next pain will come. How very Victorian of this guy, though.
"Do you know how many have stood before me as you stand now? Proud, defiant, full of their own boated self-importance. Confident that they are chosen, special, chosen of God? All of them have broken. And better for everyone that they did. Better to spare others the illusion of false hope. You have the audacity to presume that you are on a mission form god, embarked on a noble cause. I don't believe it. And by the time you leave here, neither will you."
I dunno, dude. You might have gotten better results if you'd taught people to cultivate the type of qualities you think you need to succeed.
This whole thing makes a little more sense if I assume he's telepathically reading her and using her being pushed off balance to see more truth in her mind…I guess. This feels like very dated ideas of psychology. People are not more themselves when they're in pain, being arbitrarily punished, and given no useful instructions. They're just confused and hurting.
I think, that like a fairytale, he's already given her the answer disguised as a lie - he said if she removed the manacles, she would be failing the Vorlons. I think if she stands up for herself and refuses to be electrocuted anymore, she will show true strength of will and clarity of purpose.
Hah, Vir didn't even know he was getting into an elevator with G'Kar. very awkward. But actually, they could be good friends! Vir hates genocide, G'Kar hates being genocided.
Vir: "I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do, but… I tried telling them, but they wouldn't listen. They never listen! I'm sorry." G'Kar: cuts his hand with his knife "Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. How do you apologize to them?" Vir: "I can't." G'Kar: "Then I cannot forgive." Me: 🥺
How very decent of Vir to say something, though. I bet he's the only Centauri who has said, to a Narn, that they are sorry and tried to prevent the atrocities from taking place.
Back to Sebastian the Victorian who rivals Freud in his weird-ass theories about finding the truth about people!!
This dude is a sadist. Perhaps the Vorlons' true test is seeing if someone will ever decide the universe is better off without him.
Hmmm. He will reward her for admitting that she questions herself, her clarity of purpose, and her beliefs. He's still full of shit, though.
"Your only destiny is to be the nail that get hammered down. Bang, bang, bang."
Sebastian: "You're being a fool!" Delenn: "Then I am a fool. But it's better to be what I am than what you are." Sebastian: "And what am I? Please - tell me." Delenn: "You are a creature which has received pain and given pain, and taken too much joy in its application. You have aspired to dreams and been disappointment because you are not strong enough , or worthy enough, or right enough. So you lash out at anyone who believes they can make a difference because it reminds you of your own failure. You have to prove they're just as bad, just as flawed as you are. Am I close, Mr Sebastian?" Sebastian: "Bang." *electrocutes Delenn*
Yeah, he needs to die. There's no fucking way that standing there and taking being degraded, verbally abused, and physically tortured is what the Vorlons are looking for.
There's a lot in this episode I disagree and agree with, and all of it so completely believable and understandable in a complex situation. The writing on this show is so smart and impresses the hell out of me over and over again. Not this part with Sebastian, though. That's just wacked out of the Vorlons.
Yes, Lennier to the rescue!! More heads are better. Cooperation and collective action is key. Being tortured alone doesn't make you strong, it just makes you injured.
And he's not done yet! Getting reinforcements, gathering allies! Siccing Sheridan on Kosh!
Sebastian was expecting, or pretending he was expecting, someone to interfere.
Oh. Well a line of flame and concussive force wasn't a power I expected from Sebastian! What a fun practical effect! My guess is that they put a line of gasoline or kerosene on the floor, then Sebastian struck his cane, with something to strike a spark, on the end of the line of flammable liquid. Then, Sheridan did a fantastic pretend-to-be-blown-away jump back and they added the air punch with CGI in post production.
Sheridan's all tied up, and the mind games continue! I judge the Vorlons less for this extreme action because they're so higher-dimensional I'm impressed they are even able to interact with the cast in any meaningful way. Like how we can make a puppet bee dance the dance of "Food five miles to the south-west across a river," but we don't have the fine manipulations to stroke the bees with our puppet antenna and say "welcome home, sister. Give me your burden so I can carry it into the hives while you rest."
And I judge Sebastian less because, since 1888, he has been a little bee trying to learn from the puppet-bees, and that would warp anyone.
But seriously, the torture is unhelpful.
Delenn, you badass.
Sebastian: "One single move, gesture, and his life is snuffed out. Or yours. You would trade your life for his? I thought you had a destiny. Is that destiny not worth one life?" Delenn: "If I fall, another would take my place, and another. And another!" Sebastian: "But your great cause?" Delenn: "This is my cause! Life! One life, or a million, it's all the same!" Sebastian: "Then you make the sacrifice willingly?" Delenn: "Yes!" Sebastian: "No fame, no armies or banners or cities to celebrate your name. You will die alone and unremarked. And forgotten." Delenn: "This body is only a shell. You cannot touch me. You cannot harm me. I am not afraid."
Delenn is fine as hell for that, for her emotional fortitude, and for her grace and sincerity. But really, there was no need for the 4d torture chess. Particularly the christian ethics lesson aspect. Sebastian is deranged. He's been 'round the twist since the 1880s.
Background check on Sebastian! He and his address are either going to be accurate, or have never existed in any capacity.
Sinclair's Rangers arranged for the communication between that one Narn and his family on Narn! They are super useful! Good job Sinclair!
It'd be a real nut-kicker if, after G'Kar has earned, once again, the faith of his people in exile, the weapons-dealer rips them off.
Records confirm that Sebastian lived on earth in London in 1888. And that he vanished without a trace. Right after Jack the Ripper's last murder. He was a fanatic, and a murderer, by his own admission. And now he tortures and murders at the direction of the Vorlons. They tore him down and then set him loose with the same directives as his self-appointed former mission of violence.
Jack the Ripper: "Perhaps, they will finally let me die." Sheridan: "I think that might be wise."
STONE COLD. a;dskgfjas;dkjgas I agree. Dude is incredibly twisted and doesn't even enjoy it. Do the Vorlons know they took a madman and drove him even more mad? Do they know their little bee they took from its hive has been longing for death?
I don't want to come to the notice of higher beings. Particularly not B5's version of them.
on to the season finale!
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viccharine · 1 year
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who the HELL is panicking at this disco!!!!
(reblogs greatly appreciated!)
(available on my ko-fi shop!)
process + commentary under the cut!
about the piece: i found myself in a bit of a slump after pushing out so much art in about 2 weeks so this piece took wayyyyy longer than any of my other ones. i knew I wanted the concept of a thermometer as a “cigarette” (do you guys get it. because like. a fever you can’t sweat out. a high fever. right you guys get it right??????) but it took me a LOT of tries to eventually land on a composition i actually liked—do not even get me STARTED on how I incorporated the title. I couldn’t decide on using a font or hand lettering or even where to place the text, it took me a solid two days to get to where it is now and I’m not even 100% happy with it. i tried to mimic a playing card design with the text placement but I’m not sure how well I pulled it off
here are some of the process pics:
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the concept itself comes from a lot of the references to addiction in the album as well as the heavy burlesque, early 1900s, circus influence on the album aesthetic (whoever thought of this album theme deserves an award, AFYSCO has genuinely some of the coolest concepts from a design perspective to me)
about the album: AFYCSO is probably one of the best debut albums imo (although that title probably goes to Olivia Rodrigo’s “SOUR” for me)—it’s genuinely in my top three favorite albums of all time, no skips whatsoever on there. regardless of my opinion on Panic! at the Disco (which was pretty much neutral, I never really got into bandom and I didn’t really listen to panic’s music outside of AFYSCO) AFYSCO will always have a special place in my heart, both musically and lyrically it’s SO GOOD
although, I will say that there are some misogynistic undertones (and in some cases just outright misogyny) in these lyrics—I did touch on this topic in my DANCE DANCE commentary so I won’t repeat myself, check that post for more of my thoughts. all in all, the album bangs, but the misogynistic undertones were basically unavoidable if you look at the album in terms of being written by a teenage boy in the early 2000s who got cheated on. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned but the devil himself doesn’t write lyrics like a teen boy cheated on—go figure. im not saying all the songs have misogynistic undertones but I will say there are a couple that are WAY in ur face (looking at you, I write sins)
anyway, that’s basically it, ok byeeeeee!!!
p.s: i was debating mentioning this because I feel like im beating a dead horse, but in light of Brendon Urie’s recent actions (as well as past controversial actions), I don’t support him and feel extremely bad about the people who his actions have hurt—but I don’t think that means much from a person who never really liked him in the first place. again, while I was a BIG fan of AFYCSO, I never really got into Panic! at the Disco (I only listened to Pretty. Odd. recently this month and before that I only really knew the big radio hits). im not gonna pretend like I know everything about what happened with Panic! at the Disco in recent years and truly? I don’t Care to find out—panic! has been disbanded, and while I look at AFYSCO fondly with nostalgia, I don’t feel much about the band itself
p.p.s: AFYCSO almost killed me once because when I had a kidney infection (although I didn’t know it at the time) I had an INSANELY HIGH fever. I thought to myself “haha this is a fever I can’t sweat out!! like the album!!” and then promptly passed out—I wasted my last coherent thought on some stupid P!TAD joke instead of. asking for medical attention. anyway I ended up in the emergency room so I didn’t die but it was a near thing
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
At least there is tea to comfort me.
LK 113: La Tortuga
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y'all bitches should'a known you can't get shit past Agent Phillips.
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...Damn James, it really doesn't take much for you to squeal.
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James honey don't be such a bitch, this was your harebrained idea.
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Let's do a count, shall we?
She swore to:
An Lord
An Admiral of the Royal Navy
An Crown
Her not wanting to be part of the action aside, by lying to her and having her come along in the mistaken hope she'll be good cover, you've made her accomplice to not only treason, but now she's lied in a way that would absolutely risk her life.
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...Ok but like, y'all didn't need to give her an implausible character trait to get across the gravity of the situation. Even 11-year-old-me was like "...nah, she's lied before. She's lying about not lying," and, not for the last time, substituted my own headcanon.
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H-O-N-E-Y. Honey. She could be executed.
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Fuckin. Go. Off. On. His. Dumb. Ass
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Girl if you start swinging, nobody is gonna think less of you.
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Interrupt his ass. Man, Sarah's finally going off!
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lol she fucken shoves a burly soldier aside. Girl's got pex.
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Damn that shoulder's just Absolute Zero rn.
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Why is he happy omfg.
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This scene feels like every time I came across a blockade in Ass Creed: Black Flag. I wouldn't care how far away I was, I'd jump into the water and sneak-ice the entire fleet, then take the ships. 100/100 would do again.
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Its a bit disheartening to have to be encouraged by a 14-year-old 16-year-old.
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Gosh why is it so dern cute
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I'm getting claustrophobic just watching this.
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My reaction.
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Okay first off, never tell a Phillips not to roll or die, they are Leaders of Men.
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This is why you're Captain and he's Admiral.
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why did you wait all this time
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Never. Doubt. A Phillips'. Loyalty. To. Their. Men. And. They. Fam. She is a True Leader Of Men.
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"Can we be more than friends tho"
Ok Byeeeeee
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Y'all I think I've dug myself into a little hole here. Because y'all see I'm trying to work on this idea for a Alfie fic that I've had for a while now. And it would be that Tommy's new secretary is tasked with keeping Alfie from snooping/leaving while Tom's gone and she just kinda panics and her efforts do not go as anyone would have planned. So I'm here like half way in trying to lead up to what part I first planned the idea for and I've gotten very off track. We've gone from:
"You had been so nervous about someone trying to break in you'd almost concussed poor Arthur with his own stapler when he'd come in the back door."
"Wouldn't that be a story to hold over the shorter gangster though. The time he had bent Tommy's new secretary over the man's own desk in under an hour."
And I just don't know how to bring it back to where I wanna go y'all. Even though it's not much it's just been pulled to far from the tone I wanted it to go without being a bit choppy if that makes sense.
I think the circle of life for this story has broken off the rails of the crazy train and it's now on a roller coaster I'm not tall enough to ride. Or I may be tall enough to ride the straps on the chair are broken and we're headed to a big drop. At least for what I wanna do with this idea. Maybe another one but not this one.
I still do want it to end up where it originally was headed, because I really like the prompt that I stared with. But I think if I do that I'm gonna have to get rid of like half of what I've already written and I also don't wanna do that😂😅 I think I may just cut it in half where it starts to veer off and finish it from there but save the rest and take little tidbits for other things maybe?
And yeah that's about it for my vague ramble for tonight.😅 Has anyone else ever ended up doing that? Y'all get half way through a fic only to realise it's not going where you want and if you wanna go back you're gonna have to cut like half of it out? What did y'all do then? Theoretically could I possibly make two stories with the same exact beginning only different endings? I kinda wanna do that but then I have to not only finish the one I planned on but also finish the one I didn't plan on and I have no clue where I want that one to go because that bits a bit of a mess itself already. Plus I already got other stuff I wanna finish soon too and the story's it's for isn't the one I wanna do most right now, even if I have been trying get it done. But I still don't wanna get rid of the veered off part completely no either. Because even though I don't write smut I actually like the line that I made it too unexpectedly 😂 It just kinda makes me 🤭😏🤭 if that makes sense and I don't wanna delete it, even if I don't know where to put it. And yeah, has that happened to anyone else?. Ok now I promise that's the end of my ramble. Hope y'all are having a good night!!!!!! Byeeeeee!!!!
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
OHMYGOD OKOKOK SO UM OK IM HERE AGAIN SO I JUST SAW THE NEW YEARLING TEASER AND…it slayed my house down. I was gagged to hell (in the best way possible) and OMG BAMBI LISTENS TO WEEZERRRR???
Girl my friends have been telling me to listen to weezer and modern baseball and shit like that THIS IS A SIGGNNN
(Idk why I’m writing this but I usually listen to Taylor or Summer walker or Lana or sza or Riri my absolute queens ❤️)
also idk if I said this in my last ask but I checked out the playlist and it’s def not my style but it’s good and I really enjoy it. Also I’m really really really loving the story even though me and Bambi are like polar opposites. Like I wish my mom put me in pageants and cotillion and shit and also I wanna date Bambi???? She just gives girlboss vibessss and what can I say I stan. also I know this is long and I’m sorry I’m sorry but also I think this fanfic just unlocked my southern side?? I’m listening to Dolly Parton now and I’m wearing pink sundresses with poofy sleeves like something happened to me
Anyways, ilysm im SOOOO FUCKING HYPED for the update now you SLAYYYY IN ALL WAYS POSSIBLE tysm for writing make sure to take care of urself slay I’ll be there when yearling comes out (also I’m trying to get into ur other fics the premises seem interesting you always manage to come up w a great hook)
Ok I’m sorry this is so long I’ll get out of your hair now byeeeeee
Bambi listens to like… EVERYTHING lol she is a musician at heart and will find something to appreciate and learn from in everything. Also in this chapter, some love for The Smiths and Johnny Marr 😍 (I saw Johnny Marr live about a year ago and it was a revelation, he played This Charming Man and I died, fully died.)
Related, Bambi in a no outbreak AU? Would fucking love Taylor Swift. A woman making a name for herself in the industry, writing her own shit, crossing genres like crazy? Bambi would have been at the Eras tour (maybe as Folklore/Evermore?) Related, I picture Sarah as a Swiftie too and she and Sarah would 110% have gone to the Eras tour together and covered Joel in friendship bracelets and he’d wear a themed shirt and just smile along with it all.
I’m so glad you like Bambi! She’s very different from me too lol being in her head to write her and watching her do her thing is so interesting for me because she’s so different. But she is DEFINITELY a girl boss lol I think she would have had her own ranch in a no-outbreak world and she’d be so damn good at it, always standing up to men in the industry at every opportunity.
Never apologize for a long ask lol I LOVE THEM and I love that this fic is making you explore a new side of yourself!
If you read my other fics, I hope you love them! Please let me know either way lol I think you’d like Doc from lavender. She’s a girl boss but in different ways! And Doll from Beskar Doll is just fully a badass. Din is hesitant to compare kill counts, he knows there’s a good chance he’d lose lol
Thank you so much for being here and for reading and for sharing your thoughts! It means a lot to know that you’re enjoying my work, so thank you 😍 love you bestie!
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skztuary · 1 year
˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .:・˚₊ *˚
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 23일 9월 2023년
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ now playing: 승전가 (victory song) performance video by stray kids
i don't know where to start. earlier, i was thinking about what i wanted to say but now i feel i don't know,, empty? like, there's nothing to say. god, the world just pisses me off. its not in a "god i'm so depressed" way anymore its just, disappointment? all of you just make me tired, annoyed. sometimes i wish i still had that childlike thought of "why cant everyone just get along?" i don't even know why i had that thought as a kid because my life back then wasn't even that good.
last week, i went out with my younger cousins and my grandparents. i wanted to scream, cry, break down, etc. i hate what they've become. i remember when i would see them more often, when they were 8 and 4. i was young too, but i was older than them both and i looked after them. i stopped seeing them so much. the thing about them is that they're white. my dad's side of the family (which is the side they're on) is korean. fully. my grandparents were both born in korea but moved to london (my nan) and australia (my grandpa) at a young age. then, they moved back to korea when they had my dad in ulsan but moved back to the uk before having my aunt.
my aunt is really young, so are my parents & grandparents, but to put it in perspective she was 17 when she had her first kid and 21(?) when she had her second. their baby daddy wasn't the best (or so i've heard from multiple people, i've gotten to the age where i can start to hear family drama lol) but she no longer has the kids even though she was a much better parent. i'm not too sure what happened to those kids, the dad didn't take them, i think they live in korea with another family member now?
but she adopted two kids, my nan said she "always liked kids a bit too much" when i was looking at baby photos and there was one of me and her. there was one of me and her under a cherry blossom tree, she was holding me while in her school uniform. but the point of this ramble is both of the adopted kids are white. she has two other biological kids. they're mixed. third korean, third english and third bengali. i wouldn't bring this up unless it was important.
uh yeah but i hated every second of seeing them again. they pulled their eyes back, called me slurs, said shit i don't even wanna repeat not only about asians but africans too. all i'm saying is they made some comments about their brothers being more tan than them.
my grandparents didn't even say anything. my grandfather even encouraged them by making asian jokes. i'm fine with asian people making asian jokes, hell i've probably said some when i was younger. but it's not ever okay to teach white kids that it's okay to do that. my mum said it's because he's from a more white exclusive area of australia and not from an area with more diversity like us. but he's asian? he's a grown man he needs to deal with own internalised racism.
my nan tried to subtly excuse it (whether she realised it more not) by saying he's autistic so he doesn't understand, i am autistic and i understand why i shouldn't do that‽ he just started high school so teach him‽‽‽
i'm fucking sick of it lol but whatever. i don't even remember what i was talking about originally but i guess this is why my blog is here, to let it all out.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ╱|、 ok lolol byeeeeee ♡ (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
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henriiiii-1001old · 3 years
sb art + lore dump!
decided i'm gonna talk abt sb in my au!!!!
this doesn't rly contain major spoilers for th canon game, but i will still put it under a "keep reading" section just in case.
i hope you all enjoy it!!
first up, i made a poster for the sb arc of my au!!! i've made a few posters in the past but i don't think i posted any of them (and if anything i'll just be remaking them bc designs for characters have changed a bit. for example, since i changed william's design, chris, michael, mk, and vannie are all gonna be changed), so here's what my style of posters looks like!!!!
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i personally just rly like making posters when i feel the urge to bc they're so much fun (even though this one was a bitch to do bc of so many designs and characters and colors. and i improvised the glamrocks bc i hadnt thought of official au designs for them at that point), and while there are mistakes here and there, imo it doesn't rly change the poster much at all, and i still love the overall result!!!
next up, here's a sketch of my finalized glamrock designs along w some hcs for them!!!
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- the glamrocks are basically the funtimes 2.0. originally, the funtimes actually weren't murderbots and william added that stuff in after he discovered remnant, but things didnt work out to well bc of baby and the fact that he had to do everything manually. with newer technology of the glamrocks, everything could be programmed into them with no manual controls needed!!! - expanding on the murderglams; - roxy will usually be the one who picks a target and choose a good time to have them be killed. - chica will then recognize voice patterns and use them to lure the person (hopefully a child - in their case bc i ofc dont advocate for actual fucking child murder /srs) to an isolated area. - monty will then use his claws and teeth to quickly kill them and prepare the remnant for collection (it's a whole other process i'm not gonna get into). - freddy then takes the final step by collecting the remnant, and the body if needed, and delivering it to william + the cult. - the glamrocks are actually sentient and were built off of mk's blueprints to assure that. they all have prebuilt personalities though and are not built to be actual people like mk was. they only have the look and sentience of humans to "relate more to people" in a way. the do still have animal characteristics to keep the theme of animal mascots.
and one final thing before i get into general hcs: vanny the bunny is now glitchtrap the bunny!!!
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with henry's forced assistance, he and william created an illusion that would allow william to wander free and do what he wants without being suspected. they created an illusion disk to help make the illusion in the first place because none of them wanted to spend months on making a fabric costume (also please note that illusion disks until this point did not exist in my au, so they are not a component in sl).
pros: allows william an adequate disguise and the disk itself can emmit high frequency soundwaves to help stun and shock victims near a 20 ft radius. cons: the disk will run out of power after a few hours, and it will need to be recharged. the soundwaves will become weaker and weaker as the power runs out and the illusion will begin to glitch out, hence the name glitchtrap (as well as vannie calling him that the first few weeks they shared a body)
now for some general hcs!
- gregory is not the main character (he does appear in this au though. just not in act 3). instead, our familiar yet unknown protagonist, sammy, will be the main character along with charley, hope, and her bf gavin (hehe i finally got something for him xddd) - each of the glamrocks are semi controlled by a different cult member, with william overseeing all of them; vannie takes freddy, john takes chica, alex takes monty, and ryan takes roxy - the arc begins with the modern misfits (which is what i decided to call the group of sammy, char, hope, & gavin) visiting the new fazbear location (the pizzaplex) just for shits and giggles. they actually end up liking the place and fall asleep in a plushie storage room. they then wake up and realize that "oh shit we're stuck in the building now. how tf do we get out". they eventually find themselves all being hunted by the glamrocks as basically free remnant (except for sammy because ooo he's importaaant) - unfortunately, the arc ends with sammy being taken by the cult and char gets shot in the arm. annabeth (security girl) takes the remaining members of the misfits and takes them home (she can't really do anything about it because she kinda works for the cult by force now)
i do have a few more hcs, but i feel like i need to flesh them out more before i talk abt them. plus this post is already p long, so that's all for now!!! i hope you guys like these, and stay tuned for more hcs and art hopefully soon!
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