#ok im done with my rant now
I love your depiction of Hamilton and Lafayette, it’s so funny! Lafayette is so sweet and happy and Hamilton just has beef w/ the entire world. I can’t wait to see more of their brotherly relations in ur AMAZING art style
God, they're so narrative foil coded
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Seriously though, there's some fantastic contrast between them. They're just similar enough (both roughly the same age, both insecure and glory hungry, + their "shared father" or whatever Lafayette said) - and yet they manage to be exact opposites at the same time.
I could say more but I think this bit from Mike Duncan's biography about Lafayette basically gets at what I'm trying to say:
"Like Lafayette, Hamilton grew up without a father. He also lost his mother to a fatal illness at almost the same age Lafayette lost his. But where the tragedies of Lafayette’s childhood made him the heir of a fabulous fortune, the tragedies of Hamilton’s illegitimate childhood left him systematically cut out of his family’s inheritance. So where the dark clouds of Lafayette’s life were lined with silver, the dark clouds of Hamilton’s life were simply dark. Lafayette emerged from childhood buoyant and effusive, Hamilton cynical and reticent. But even though Hamilton started life a penniless bastard on the periphery of European civilization, and Lafayette started life an insanely wealthy heir in the heart of a great kingdom, they fell into an easy friendship. French was not the only language the two young men shared. The also shared a code of personal honor and a desire to prove themselves to the world." -Mike Duncan, Hero of Two Worlds, The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution
Now, I am not qualified to speak on the real figures, but I do like to write. So, there is a narrative opportunity here that drives me insane.
Like, cast Hamilton as brilliant, but overly cynical with a habit of assuming the worst in people, and give him a negative character arc where he comes close to recognizing the potential good of humanity but ultimately falls into his more authoritarian tendencies. Then contrast him with Lafayette who's more naive. He's not quite sheltered but unfamiliar with the sort of selfishness and greed he'd have encountered if he grew up in a more vulnerable financial position. In coming to America he, like Hamilton, is forced to reckon with contempt, greed, and the failings of democratic government. But, unlike Hamilton, still manages to come out of it with a generally positive opinion of humanity.
I'm just saying, if I were writing history to contain ✨themes ✨ they are a perfect opportunity.
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littlehatmouse · 2 months
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i finished this in the last 20 minutes of lesbian visibility week after not drawing at all LETS GO
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tgshydestan · 1 month
ok but can we all agree "mindless self indulgence" is a fucking banger band name. like. come on. thats so good
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wilting-fl0wer · 2 months
I'm genuinely disappointed at the lack of nsfw content in this fandom
like it has so much potential for that its unreal but the spice department is SO DRY
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99probalos · 1 year
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getting reports from our inside sources that in gorilla interrupted 2 dex will be wearing his shitty husbands band tees throughout the film
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slopdoughnut · 2 months
My bitchass cat- 80 ft up in a goddamn tree
It has been a day
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vvitchy-succubus · 2 months
When do the waves stop hitting so hard? Tomorrow he gets brought home by a big police escort. The streets will be lined with people who knew him. The service is on Friday. I still don't understand how this is happening. I keep getting messages from people who worked with him, telling me what an honor it was to serve with him, which is making me angry. He was going to work. If they hadn't called him down south because they were scared of prisoner behavior during the eclipse, I would still have my brother. If he wasn't so hell bent on being a good officer, he would still be here. I don't care how honorable he was at his job, he was MY brother, that's what he really loved. Us, his family. And as far as I'm concerned IDOC took my brother from me. I want him back. I want this hell to be over. I'm angry at everything. People keep asking me if I need anything but what I need is my Andrew back. I just want my Andrew back.
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barredandromeda · 12 days
kinda freaky that theres even a possibility that ur friends can start disliking u
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27-royal-teas · 10 months
gender update: leather jacket and doc martens acquired
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makkie-is-screaming · 7 months
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intersexfairy · 9 months
not to be dark on main but i'm remembering that my father has literally psychologically tortured me. and i still live with him. because i the only other place i have to go is the streets.
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oh-gh0st · 10 months
ummm. ok
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espectres · 3 months
5 am ...
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kwonhochi · 10 months
i am going to need. lots of luck and whatever else it takes to survive tomorrow pls hope i dont have to deal with any losers 🫶
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layalu · 4 months
Hate how i got into the habit of (objectively!) criticising/pointing out flaws with my work to compensate being overpraised as The Gifted Kid TM & how it makes me sound like i'm being self deprecating
#its such a hard habit to get rid of#tbf its true im not the best at taking compliments but mostly im just. allergic to praise i dont deserve and/or that singles me out#and it comes up every now and then w irl ppl how i am supposedly constantly talking myself down#even though among my artist friends i am doing that the least amount!#like. guys. there is a difference between not giving myself credit and acknowledging flaws#bc belive it or not i can do that without feeling shit about myself!#and half the time im not even talking abt myself im talking abt others?#cus i hate when people talk themselves down and i will often chime in to say what i think theyre good at#and bc *they* start comparing themselves to me i will then counter with what they are better at than me#or that yeah maybe xy about mine is better but ive also got a lot more practice#and idk i genuinely dont belive that is being self deprecating???#if anything you acting like im a prodigy or sth is devaluing the time and effort i put in to hone a skill#which btw being able to feel ok about my skillset including the goods and bads is also a skill i had to learn!#idk.#lay rambles#sorry for the rant this is just sth i get frustrated about way too often#this doesnt just apply to art but thats where it comes up the most#actually im not done sorry#this specifically was in the context that we got a project graded and the teacher graded us by comparing projects#(which is questionable in itself but i digress)#& then when it came to me i argued that the person he compared me to deserved a better grade and then listed a bunch of reasons#bc she visibly put in more effort and had included things i hadnt and i thought the grade was unfair#and i never once said i thought mine was bad or didnt deserve the grade! but i know i did not put much effort into it and that this showed#and yes it still turned out visually nice; i got pretty good at getting the most out of the least effort possible#and i acknowledge that this is also a skill!#but also pointing out the very visible differences in quality and effort is not? self deprecating?? or am i missing something???#and then had 4 ppl calling me out later for talking down my own project smh#like guys at this point youre just projecting#ik im grumbling abt this way more than warranted lol but a lil venting never hurts
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ittybittybumblebee · 1 year
Ive decided trying to draw foreshortening in realism is hell actually
#GRRRRRRRR#BAKR BAKR BARK BARK#BARK BARK BARK BARK#im ok now#i havent done realism in so long so its tricky. i like semi realism and cartoony best but i feel its always good to go back and try realism#to get like. your practice in on anatomy and how things look realistically and then apply it to semi realism or cartoony by exaterating#so its still looks like. anatomically correct in the style its in#which is a big deal to me for my art i like it to flow well as a whole#i like gesture drawings bc of that cuz most of them have the whole body#mostly in motion and you can see how the muscles in the arms and legs stretch with the torso bc the whole thing about gesture drawings is#theyre usually quite exatterated (idk how to spell exatturated sorry :( ) so its usually stretching a whole multitude of different muscles#throughout wherever the motion is coming from and going through: arching your back down to the ground is going to be using some muscles#in both your legs and arms#am i making sense#your bodily anatomy is like a puppet and once you put the pieces together in your head on how to draw them you need to string them together#in harmonic motion#i miht bw making no sense but whatever#my silly ass that hardly does gesture drawings with a reference which i Should. doing a whole ass rant on acurate anatomy smh#but i understand it#somewhat#keep in mind everything im saying here is just for me about my art and about what i want in my art. dont think im sounding nitpicky of how#art should be#im just rnating abt my approach to it#ANWAY ill shut up now#i think i went down several different rabbits trails here
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