#ok no I wont but I'll be very disappointed if im wrong
seokwoosmole · 2 years
Let it be known that today November 11th I'm predicting my future atiny work friend's soon-to-be bias is either Hongjoong or Wooyoung
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starwell-tarot · 2 years
hello i have a question if its ok! how do you think mars conjuct venus synastry would translate in a professional relationship? like mentor/student kind where the mentor is the mars
ive seen that in friendship it can work just the two will prob feel the attraction and the mars might get slightly irritated if the venus person has smn else in their lifes so im wondering about what would happen in a relationship that wont allow this
Hello, yes! Astrology questions are okay but please take everything with a grain of salt since I am totally not a professional, I'll just be speaking out of personal experience and the studies I've done so far!
Yes, Mars conjunct Venus synastry can work in platonic ways too, but there will be 'something' a little off or different about the chemistry between those two nevertheless. It's somewhat of an idealism. Even if the Mars person and Venus person are both not interested in dating each other, at the back of their minds they will know they are ideal for each other in some way.
That's one part of it. There is more, so allow me to slowly build up to it by explaining the Mars - Venus dynamic generally.
Stereotypically, they say that the Mars person is more 'masculine' (in the idea that they are more bold, aggressive and chase after the Venus) and the Venus person is more 'feminine' (in the idea that they are more passive and give in to the Mars person). However, I'll present you with a slightly different perspective: Venus is what a person offers in a relationship, Mars is what a person is looking for in a relationship in order to settle down. It makes sense this way too, if you really wanna hold on to the whole Mars chase Venus thing, that what the 'woman' (Venus) offers makes the 'man' (Mars) wanna settle with her. Therefore, it's the Venus person that sets off the Mars person. The Venus person motivates Mars.
Because of this, in a student - teacher situation I've mostly seen Venus be the teacher and Mars be the student. It's actually much more natural like that, in my opinion. The calm of Venus and gentle support drives Mars to learn, to act. I've seen this be very favorable and Venus breathed life back into Mars and got them moving every time they'd need it.
However the situation you're explaining is quite the opposite, where Mars is the teacher and Venus is the student. Now, I'm not saying it's not going to work, because it's still a nice synastry. It signifies mutual respect and the possibility of coming to speak "the same language" if you get what I mean. Finding the middle ground of their beings to a point where their personalities start speaking a language the two invented and they can intuitively understand each other. That will exist no matter who the mentor is.
But with Mars as the mentor there might be problems with the aggression. Mars might be too imposing or quite the contrary, afraid of doing or saying anything too harsh because they're afraid not to hurt Venus. Must figure out the right way and moments to be strict/lenient. Mars should not be impatient with Venus and celebrate their wins. Mars should not be afraid of telling Venus when they do something wrong, but gently not with aggression. Overall, the Mars person needs to be patient, gentle, supportive and forgiving - embrace a more guiding persona rather than a domineering one.
When it comes to Venus however, I feel Venus will really strive to be a perfect student. Listen very well, silently take in all the information and process it and figure out the best way to use it. It's almost like a teacher's pet situation and Venus will do everything in their power to make Mars feel proud of them. Because of this, Venus needs to watch out in terms of respecting their own boundaries and not over-compromising. Should be careful to not do things just to please Mars or because they're afraid of Mars and their disappointment or anger. In some other cases, if Mars steps over Venus' personality and sensitivity way too long, I feel it could turn into a love-hate relationship. (Something along the lines of Venus secretly hating Mars and just people pleasing them.)
Gotta make sure both people have both respect for each other and also for themselves.
When it comes to a teaching situation like this, Mars and Venus is not really... Ideal to look at though. I'd personally look at Mercury, as it represents intelligence more thoroughly. Does the intelligence type of the Mars person match the intelligence type of the Venus person? If not, some adjustments might be needed, teaching should be approached in a way that is more easy to understand by Venus.
You can also look at Pluto, since it is a generational planet and can signify growing up with very different mentalities. Maybe that can help fill in the gaps, too.
So far, I've only experienced being the Mars in this synastry so like I said, this is mostly speculation based off of the material I read and situations I've seen.
Feel free to add to this or prove me wrong! This is just my information. Other aspects in the chart can make great differences 😁
Let me know if this was clear or helped you out. Have a great day!
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psychemoss · 3 years
hey I hope y'all are ok. I just saw Jack's new callout and it's very stupid, they're like "I'll censor the names of the minor" but literally names you Moss like 3 pictures in lol? and it falls to that age-old callout cliche of putting the least important things at the top, like the beginning points are such reaches it's unfathomable how anyone can buy it. also blatantly lies about things which is a strange decision since the accompanying pics expose those lies immediately
yeah. this entire situation grew wildly out of hand and was filled with exaggerations and blatant lies, taking things out of context and shuffling around dates and incidents, mixing and matching events that didn’t go together and claiming them as fact. im surprised anyone who read it start to finish thought it was anything comprehensive, so many of their claims conflicted with themselves and they ended up just upping the severity of the accusations any time someone asked. the entire incident was built on a foundation of a petty grudge, and that’s heartbreaking. its heartbreaking it got this far.
ive been taking a break from most social media for the time being. since this incident destroyed most of my support systems i really dont have anything to turn to and its really having a toll on me, especially with knowing someone we thought was a friend was going behind our backs and feeding the fire. i mean, really, what do you say to that? how do you respond to when your worst fears and paranoias end up to be true?
i hope everyone who took part in this is proud of themselves. i hope theyre proud in what theyve done here. i hope they go on, and i hope theyre happy, genuinely. i hope they got the outcome they were looking for so that this can be over. i hope we’re done beating this topic into the ground. i hope theyre happy to keep me blocked. i hope people are done sending anons that stoke the flames. i hope people stop trying to drag unrelated blogs into this drama. i hope this situation can end, and maybe one day theyll know where they were wrong, or maybe they wont, and thats okay.
i was distraught at first. i didnt understand how or why this was happening. i didnt get how jacks crew ever thought they were in the right with this, especially in calling out a servers community they werent part of. but im not mad anymore, truly. im just disappointed. im disappointed in the immaturity which governed this discussion. im disappointed in the constant exploitation of my existence that points made. im disappointed that they took jokes between friends and accused them of being grooming or worse. im disappointed in how people used the most underhanded fearmongering, paranoia-inducing, manipulative tactics to get their point across. but im not upset, not anymore. now im just tired.
this incident was a hard reminder that empires are made to fall. and yeah, itll hurt, itll sting like hell and itll raise questions of whats next, but at the end of the day im sure that those who have lost something here are going to find new footings eventually and find a new community where they can feel safe or at home.
eventually, things will be okay.
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