#ok this is so weird because i'm shun
echooefrost · 8 months
More Designs!
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Jasper - Ok, I know he looks weird - he's just a happy boi! pls don't look too closely at the hands. So, I gave him big (and really badly drawn) calves becasue he's basically always doing some sort of exercise/work and Sage once said that he's the strongest, and we never really see his legs so I felt like showcasing those details here. Now his shoes, yet another thing that might look random, however I assure you, that these are what medieval workers use to wear. I kept his design relatively similar to his canon one, although I did have to give him a different hat.
Rachel - out of all the designs, Rachel's is the most historically accurate. it's a common misconception that women were shunned for showing their forearms/ankles but it was actually quite normal! married medieval women would wear veils and other elaborate headwear, however women who were not would either wear their hair loose or in a braid. Rachel isn't married so she wears it loose, I added a little braid that she puts flowers and decorative items in, to make her design a little bit more interesting. (and becasue its pretty)
Frankenstein - Frankenstein is really fun to draw! I don't exactly know why but she just is! She has this big fluffy pelt thing going on, it's made of a lot of fur and owl feathers, why owl feathers? because she reminds me of an owl, that's why. she also has big ol' snowboots because it snows in the swiss mountains and because I think it looks cute. you can't see her gloves but they are dark brown (fyi). she has these vials attached to her belt but they can also serve as an emergencey crystal ball - you know, just in case you have to conjure up some evil spirits, as one does.
Papa Lanyon - I think Papa Lanyon sounds way funnier than Lanyon sr. and it contrasts his serious face. I anticipated that he was going to be really hard to draw, but It was surprisingly easy. I liked his design until I had to colour him, I really don't know what happened there, I'm slightly annoyed because I wanted him to appear very cool and dapper, yet he really looks like a generic king. So this doesn't have to be his official design, he just wears fancy king clothes (it's not that important anyway because we don't see him all that much) he is wearing metal soldier-like boots, solely because I searched up outfit references and they all had soldier boot things.
Now that I've done this, I have no more excuses to procrastinate doing work for the other things in the au. Anyway I hope everyone likes these. have a nice day/moring/afternoon/night!
*just realised I forgot to colour their eyes, I'll add later!
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facetsofthecloset · 10 months
i'm sure it's been said but i feel like both Raxtus and Ronodin can be argued as "the only gay kid in the family and consequently shunned/rejected" and it's like. so weird bc Mull is so Mormon he'd probably rather eat his shorts than even acknowledge the possible existence of gays but
i mean. Raxtus literally has a fairy form. he's a fairy dragon.
Ronodin was just emo lol
and they both get so thoroughly rejected and sidelined by their families their whole lives and it turns Raxtus into an awkward but basically decent guy who runs back to the approval of his family once he's performed masculinity/violence enough to be accepted, only to then realize that he's basically just being used and still not fully trusted/accepted and having to betray them to save his real friends
(who sadly are probably actually homophobic but that's ok bc they're not dragon-phobic so that works out for him)
while Ronodin's like "fuck it. chaos and murder then!" and can you really blame him? he spent his entire life trying to conform to the "right" (in this case, Light) way of life, started spending time with the outgroup and learned to question things, then was told he was "too corrupt" to remain in his home
like. the symbolism is right there.
it's so funny, because sure Raxtus isn't a bad guy, but Ronodin definitely is and he pretty much gets sent to a type of hell at the end of Dragonwatch
and while Raxtus gets kind of a happy ending, like, him becoming an effective killer in a war and being accepted by his dad for being Good At Murder in the first Fablehaven series is presented as a happy ending. if Celebrant didn't wind up being the main villain for Dragonwatch, that probably would've been the end of it! gay kid learns how to soldier and is finally accepted by his homophobic family bc he's finally aggressive enough for them to love him
(i mean i have MANY issues with Celebrant being the main villain later and the reasons he's framed as bad but like. that's a separate rant lol)
the queer reading is right there. but also it's very bad and you can tell completely unintentional. or at the very least highly repressed. idk man i don't look into Mull as a personal individual bc i doubt i'll like what i see and i don't care that much but Dragonwatch was SO MUCH MORE MORMON than Fablehaven already was and it's so weird, seeing the fingerprints of it all over.
i feel like he either has a new editor or he's been doing this for long enough and sold enough books that he has the clout to veto changes made by editors or SOMETHING, bc i feel like? he's gotten worse?? and more unfiltered?? that or something happened and he's like. even more religious than before or something idk
like fablehaven was just kinda generic/bland fantasy with some fun ideas for magic items/powers/one sentence character premises, with just a hint of sus Mormon ideology, and then Dragonwatch just went. Full Mormon.
but then there's somehow even more weirdly queer shit. like. he's repressing so hard he's approaching queer from the other side??
idk man i wish this deeply mediocre man's writing wasn't a formative piece of middle school reading, leading to me still giving more of a shit than i really should over questionable children's literature now
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aslitheryprinx · 30 days
hc in space au -- stress & iskall's first meeting
I didn't mean for this au to get quite this dark but... Well. There's a reason the rebels are rebels, and this is where it started for Stress and Iskall.
TW: child abuse, oppression.
There was a boy in the courtyard. Stress never saw any sprouts her age, so of course she was immediately curious. She waited until her minders were distracted, talking about boring stuff like ‘new batches’ and ‘ack-wuh-sit-shuns’ whatever those were. Then, as sneakily as she could, she darted over to the boy, who was smearing some sort of paste onto the half-built wall.
“What are you doing?” She asked, and the boy jumped. He gave her the same little bow as all the servants usually did.
“I'm, um, building the wall, my lady,” he said quietly.
“‘m not a lady, I'm Stress!” she said. She didn't like when all of the adults called her their lady instead of her name; and it was doubly weird when another kid did it!
Immediately the boy perked up. Just a little shyly, he said, “Ok, Stress. I'm Iskall …85.”
Stress vaguely knew about the Number People. The minders never let her talk to them, even if they were always doing cool stuff! And they were always so rude to them too, and only said their numbers.
“Nice to meet you, Iskall,” she said, dropping off the number because he tagged it on the end like he didn't like it. She bet it was kind of like her ‘lady.’ Even when the grownups used her name, they always stuck a Lady in front of it- it was quite annoying.
Iskall beamed when she said his name, and she had never seen a smile so happy before.
Stress peeked to see if her minders were still busy, and then hurriedly asked Iskall to explain how making the walls worked. He in turn, asked what she did inside all day, and soon they were exchanging knowledge in the way that only young kids can.
Iskall was just telling her about the time he got to fix one of the fountain pipes all by himself, when a shadow fell over them. While Stress looked up, a guilty smile on her face, Iskall shrunk back, his smile falling away.
“My Lady, you should not be sullying yourself talking to one of… these,” the adult said sharply. They tugged her away from Iskall.
Stress wasn't really sure what ‘sullying’ meant… oh, they must have meant sillying! The minders didn't like it when she did silly things- she was supposed to be “a lady” after all and they were serious and elegant. Still, she was always so lonely! It wasn't fair that she didn't get to be silly for even just a minute.
“But he's my friend!” She protested, whining a little even though that was for babies.
For the first time since the adult had arrived, Iskall looked up. He looked up at her with shining eyes and the slightest smile. She beamed back-
Years later, Stress would look back on that moment as her last true moment of innocence. The last moment she was a child with no worries in the world.
The sharp sound of a branch hitting skin rang through the courtyard. Stress’s hands flew to her mouth, and she stared blankly at the bright red mark on Iskall’s cheek. He'd lowered his head again and his eyes were empty and dull, nothing like they'd been while she had talked to him about lessons and dancing and everything in between.
Her minder was scolding Iskall, harsher than she'd ever heard any adult talk. They were speaking of stations and disrespect and betters and punishment, but Stress couldn't pay attention to the speech. Not when she'd just seen her minder hit someone.
She barely noticed as she was guided away, her eyes still fixed on the red mark on Iskall's face.
For the next several weeks, Stress was very careful around her minders. It didn't occur to her, until she saw one of the older Number People being screamed at for nicking from the kitchen, something she'd done many times and only got a disappointed frown, that she wasn't in danger of being punished.
It was another day later when she realized that if she was one of the “betters” and got nice things, then the Number People were the “lessers” and bad things happened to them. She would never be punished like that, but others would be. It was somehow worse than the fear.
That night was the first time she cried over how unfair it was. It was far from the last.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Hallo! First of all, thank you about headcanons, even though I found this blog just a few days ago, I already read mostly everything and they are wonderful!
And secondly: what do you think about the characters' love language? I get some ideas, but it's very interesting what you can write about it.
Thank you in advance, and have a nice day!
This is so sweet and YES love languages are very good. I'm just gonna be operating off the big 5 basic love languages: words of affirmation, gift giving, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. I know there are probably other specific offshoots of these but I'm keeping it simple. Thanks for your patience and have a good one!
ALSO I am done with Yakuza 6 and am on Yakuza 7 so 6 related asks are officially ok. Ichiban coming soon, promise.
Kazuma Kiryu: Words of Affirmation
Kiryu isn't always the best conversationalist but he's a really good emotional support person. Great at hearing people out and even better at comforting or motivating them. In his most romantic of moments, he can be quite expressive, even if a little blunt.
Majima Goro: Quality Time
You'd think by the amount of weird and cutesy nicknames he gives everyone, especially his significant other and Kiryu, that he'd be a word of affirmation kind of guy but Majima actually just wants to spend the most amount of time possible with his boo. Spends the night as often as possible. Plus, spending quality time means he's got time to do all the other love languages and more.
Akiyama Shun: Gift Giving
Bless his silly stupid head but Akiyama is sorta no thoughts head empty. Less of a smooth talker and more just really lucky at saying the right thing. Great at planning gifts though, especially experiences like vacations, concerts, or festivals.
Saejima Taiga: Acts of Service
Out of all the boys, Saejima is the most traditionally manly man. Holding the door open, walking on the part of the sidewalk closest to the street, paying for the bill when on a nice date, etc. It's a total contrast to the brutish vibe people tend to get off of him but in reality Saejima is just REALLY nice and he figures there's no better way to say it than just showing it.
Tanimura Masayoshi: Gift Giving
In an ideal world, Tanimura would actually be a quality time type of guy but work gets in the way too much for that to be realistic. He compensates by getting you lots of gifts. Nothing too lavish but lots of small things, like your favorite snack while he was at the store because he thought of you or surprising you with a new CD by your favorite singer. For fancier gifts, they usually have lots of cultural significance than monetary value.
Ryuji Goda: Physical Touch
Even though Ryuji can afford to spoil you rotten with gifts, which he will do anyways, his love language is actually physical touch. The gifts are a nice gesture but its the physical intimacy that carries way more meaning to him personally. He won't go full PDA on you but he'll still hold your hand in public or have his arm around your shoulder. He always finds some way to gain physical closeness to you, even if it's not the most upfront or obnoxiously romantic way.
Nishikiyama Akira: Quality Time
He pretends his love language is gift giving because he wants to impress you but in reality he just wants some one-on-one time, just you and no one else. That becomes rather apparent once he realizes he doesn't have to try hard to seem cool in front of you. Secretly just a cozy little guy.
Mine Yoshitaka: Gift Giving
Total gift giver and not ashamed of it. Has a gift for everything. He's also pretty gentlemanly to acts of service sometimes end up going hand in hand with his gifts. In the bedroom though he's a words of affirmation type of guy. Probably the only one of the guys who distinctly changes his love language when having sex versus just spending time with his romantic partner.
Dojima Daigo: Words of Affirmation
Don't be mistaken, Daigo values quality time a lot but is often not available consistently to actually be with you due to how hectic his work is. Behind his somewhat quiet and hesitant demeanor is actually a man who just wants to sing you the praises you deserve and he will do his best to say so whenever he can.
Shinada Tatsuo: Physical Touch
Cuddle buddy supreme. Would smother you with hugs and kisses if he could. Loves laying his head on your shoulder or just snuggling up to you. In colder weather, he'll totally find excuses to be even closer to you, like holding your hand and putting both of your hands in his coat pocket before saying something dumb like "Now we can hold hands AND be warm!"
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doodle-pops · 1 year
hi mina!
so weird question that’s been on my mind; you know back in like the 50’s an such people would get upset at people for marrying people that were like black/irish/etc or on the occasion for a different religion that wasn’t christian/catholic/etc & so on??
do you think the elves have the same kinda prejudice but instead for different races like an elf marrying a dwarf ( or a hobbit/etc ) do you think they’d be met with the same kind of disgust/hatred as the outdated views of the 50’s an so on?
( also i hope you know what i mean by this & that i don’t mean it in a bad way, it’s the only comparison i could think of dhhdbd. also i hope you’re doing ok 💖 )
Firstly, I'm doing very good!! My brain is doing woozy and trying to make me create a bunch of unnecessary WIPs at a time when I don't want to 😅. I hope I answered this to your liking, I felt like my brain wasn't cooperating.
I can see prejudice occurring with the dwarves (not sure about the hobbits, they're too cute to be disliked). It primarily stemmed from the elves' superciliousness towards the dwarves' appearance, not regarding it as fair while dwarves found elves too sparkly for their beauty standards. Most of the elves mingled with their own kin while harbouring friendships with other races was acceptable. Falling in love was rare (like once every age).
I don't see hate or anyone being shunned, but disapproval would arise from immediate family members and anyone closely related. First-age elves would be disturbed/baffled by the union since they were writing the first batch of history and discovering what they considered acceptable. Frankly, they probably didn't want a union with races who weren't fair enough and could ruin the beauty of their bloodline lol. Being friends with dwarves/hobbits was the limit the relationship could go. Humans were surprisingly the only suitable race to wed apart from their own; we actually made the cut and not by much 🙂. (the ainur excluded since elves wouldn't have an issue being with a deity)
A major reason why elves didn't look for companionship outside their own race was to avoid the long-term suffering. They didn't want that loneliness after their mortal lover had passed on. To mingle with agony until the end of Arda (this was discussed in Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth).
However, if this union were to successfully occur, it would be a never-ending talk. I'm convinced that elves adored gossiping, so that couple would be the talk of the age(s). Their curiosity would spike; mostly wanting to understand how their marriage worked, the dynamics, and how they fell in love and overcome the boundaries. I can't say if it would encourage other pairings to arise though. I've never heard of elves being disowned for their choice of lover, so I'd like to assume the same for dwarves/hobbits. The family might still be reluctant, finding it difficult to comprehend their family member's choice while respectful to the spouse.
This all boils down to the personality of the elves because some would be conforming while others aren't.
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jaguarys · 9 months
Do you have thoughts about the end of les légendaires? I was very disappointed with Shun-Day's arc
OK so in my reread I'm currently on volume 17, but I just finished up Shun-Day's arc so I figured I'd answer this now because YES many thoughts!
In general... I feel like Shun-Day's writing fails her a LOT. She's got so much going for her, and yet... uegh.
I'm not a big fan of Shun-Day and Gryf's relationship at all. Not in the least just because of the discrepancy in age (I'll ignore that for this post because I can't really get into that here without an entire The Poor Women in Les Légendaires section lmao), but I also just don't think it's very compelling. It really only stands to create a love triangle, make Gryf look like a dick, and use Shun-Day as a narrative prop.
I'm somewhat lukewarm on Gryf and Shimy's relationship as well, but in any case it's stupid how quickly she forgives him for all that bullshit. I think in a lot of ways the writing of their relationship just ends up severely weakening her character, which is disappointing. It's not impossible to have a character whose weak to their love interest and still have it be done well, but it doesn't hit that way for me.
Gryf's character also suffers due to all of it to me. I understand the 'pushing people away because of imminent death' trope, and I even like it sometimes, but using another character for it stops it from being false sanctimony and just makes it a douchey move.
However, that doesn't inherently make it a negative! You could still include that dynamic and write it well, with the characters growing because of it and becoming better, but I don't think that's really how it's done. Instead it just ends up being "Oh no, Shun-Day died! Oh well! It's ok because Gryf and Shimy ended up together!" with no real regard to the fact that That Really Fucking Sucks past comedic relief in "lol Gryf and Shimy are bickering again!"
Sidenote but I also think making Shun-Day Amy's daughter is just... a weird choice? It doesn't end up doing anything for the story or for their characters (or even like. Skroa's), and seems to just exist to provide a last minute plot twist.
Honestly as I'm writing this I'm starting to realize that I think maybe the Amour Mortel–– L'Éternité ne Dure Qu'un Temps arc might be my least favorite... I think its writing is reaaally weak in a lot of ways (girl hello Éternity doesn't end up doing shit?).
It's all worth it for Sheibah though.
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sttoru · 1 year
Girly idk how I wasn't following you still, tumblr isn't stupid, I'm sorry that you are feeling on the outskirts of the fandom as well. You are a wonderful person and writer, and I'm glad you’ve been growing as you have been. You deserve so much more love!! 💕
It does make me feel like there is something wrong with me or like in off putting when i see several big blogs talking to each other, boosting each other. But then I drop in, just say hi to be friendly, only to be ignored. When they are literally responding to various anons or other people.
It seems like they want to talk to everyone else but me. Which has me feeling like I'm in the wrong, I'm bothersome and unwanted in the fandom space. They don't have to talk to me, but my feelings are still gonna be hurt at being shunned by 90% of the blogs I try to interact with.
It does kill my motivation since I don't want to be seen as someone who just posts. I want to be seen as a friend and someone to talk to.
I understand that some people get along better than others. But damn so many people are having this problem it seems like. It's boiling down to popular blogs like other popular blogs, boost other popular blogs and they stay the main people in the fandom eyes whole everyone sits quietly in the side just wanting to be partly including
Feel free to rant right back if need be. Cause I get needing to get this shit off your chest, cause I sure as hell needed to
hiii feyyy !!! dwww, it’s all good :> thank u sm for ur nice words aaaaaaa u r as well, one of the writers on here that i respect 4 their hard work !
gonna vent a bit haha need to get some things off my chest too like u said;
i get ur first point!! it sucks rlly. especially when you are the first one reaching out (which takes a lot of courage, especially for someone socially awkward like me lol) and then it hurts DOUBLE because you get ignored. i get ittttt rlly. for me, i always try to reply ppl even if im a bit late because im either thinking of a proper response or am distracted or busy , but i never intentionally ignore anyone interacting with me. i know some ppl on here do bcs they don’t feel entitled to respond to comments or anons or whatev, which is like ? ok. but if it’s someone just being friendly and complimenting you / your work … it’s not hard to reply w a form of gratitude . some rlly think they’re celebrities on here and it needs to stop
and it’s understandable and totally valid to feel like you’re being shunned and unwanted by people you just want to befriend , only for them to ignore you / not interact with you but with everyone else :/ it sucks and ppl don’t seem to realise that it could hurt other’s feelings. i hope you know that you’re not unwanted tho! those people are just… idk, a bit weird (ofc im only talking abt people who INTENTIONALLY ignore others)
findjng a friend on tumblr with the same interest is like a chore. you either click instantly or you think you do, only for it to be fore 2 interactions max and then you go back to ignoring each other basically on dash
AND YOUR LAST POINTS!! so true. its that the more popular blogs just stick together and help each other out when ??? there are smaller blogs of writers / artists just sittng in the sidelines like ‘ok so what do i have to do to gain traction if the people with a bit of bigger platforms are totally ignoring me & my works’
it’s actually tiring. ofc, me having 3k followers — i am suuuuper grateful, not complaining much, but i also know how it feels. my notifications are super dry except for mainly likes, my dms are like a desert, inbox is 98% only of anons who drop requests and then leave without leaving anything else. no one to talk to, except for people who leave a comment every once in a while :/
like u may think bcs i have decent following i actually gain more interactions? not rlly. only likes & sometimes reblogs w tags. that’s all really, i don’t really have anyone on here who i consider a close online friend (as much as this sounds sad & cringy LMAOO) but its tiring to see everyone be so close to each other on dash while im on the side like ‘how nice it must be to get that much interaction’
& im sure there are people who r gonna say ‘just interact with them’ I DO and i either get left on read or they respond dryly / or i don’t get the same energy back. bcs sometimes im reluctant to reach out first because it always ends up w me taking the initiative & i end up looking desperate to get an interaction with a mutual LOL
anyways thinking abt this tumblr writing community makes my head ache bcs of all the things ive seen and experienced on here (also on my prev account which i had for 2 years)
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
Eren as the headless horseman? Sleepy Hollow? Modern au? I’m beyond invested, I have so many questions
First of all, you casually mentioned he rides a motorcycle and this feels illegal, because the idea of Eren doing that is very very hot. Imagine that’s how he drives to school, he takes Mikasa back home everyday with her arms around his torso.
And then ok, Eren is the type of evil maniac to hatch a plan to scare off his romantic rival as the headless horseman. But what’s the context? A Halloween costume party? He’s so smug and proud of himself as the guy flees away, screaming, never to be close to Mikasa again.
But just imagine Mikasa catching him. It all makes sense. The motorcycle, and she even saw Eren carving out the pumpkin, careful to make the most frightening face possible and kinda failing. She unmasks her headless horseman, maybe? A bit exasperated at his antics?
I’m just making things up as I go, a totally defer to your judgment, I just need some more sleepy hollow content! :) Btw I think the character that most resembles Ichabod is pre timeskip Armin, nerdy and all, but I think we can agree it would be weird, and it’s even funnier to imagine a guy like Jean running away screaming from Eren wearing a pumpkin in his head, chasing him on a bike in the middle of the night
I agree about Armin but for two things: Ichabod is verrrrrry superstitious and he's a glutton. These are two of his defining personality traits and I just don't think Armin fits the bill in that respect. But I'm on board shoving those qualities on Jean, so let's go!
I'm thinking Eren and Mikasa have a situationship and she cannot get him to pick up the hint that she wants to make it official. Yes, she could ask him but he's so hard to read (comes up to greet her, touches her lower back, then says, "Hey, pal") that she doesn't want to make a fool of herself in case she is misreading his feelings for her.
Enter Jean.
Ichabod is a school teacher, so let's have Jean in a role like that. I don't want to make him a professor because if that was the case I'm sure Eren would just get him fired, so let's say he's a teaching assistant because there's more of a gray area. Now, in the story Ichabod is really more in love with Katrina's wealth then with her. Although she is very beautiful and he appreciates that. With this in mind, let's say that Mikasa is also very wealthy. She is the air to the a z u m a b i t o Fortune and she's really just in school studying French literature or whatever for kicks. So, j e a n starts sniffing around and m i k a s a sees the opportunity to make e r e n jealous and maybe get him to finally admit whether or not he loves her or feels romantically towards her at all.
She starts shunning e r e n in favor of flirting with Jean and he is in hell. He hates that stupid ass hole and he wants him out of the picture so he can get his girl back!
And that's how we get to the Halloween party. I'm not sure if teaching assistants can go to student Halloween parties but that's probably also gray area so Jean is there, e r e n is there, and m i k a s a is there. This whole time, m i k a s a didn't really think that Jean was doing more than flirting with her and if he was, she didn't think it would really come to anything since, again, he's a teaching assistant and she doesn't think he would ask her out until he was no longer the teaching assistant in her class and by that point she's hoping she'll be going out with Eren.
Thus, she is quite nonplussed when Jean approaches her at the Halloween party and confesses his love for her. She is not sure what to do but in the end she tells him that she is simply not interested because she has feelings for someone else. E r e n doesn't know any of this because he is too busy scheming on how to get j e a n out of his hair. Since it's a Halloween party, everyone has been telling ghost stories and things of that nature and e r e n has ascertained that Jean is actually pretty f****** scared of ghosts. He is excited to hear this information and begins to improvise a plan. For his costume you I'm going to say he dressed up as a scarecrow with a pumpkinhead. He decides that his best course of action is to use the super normal to terrify John and scare him away from campus. He wants him to drop out of school because he's so terrified. E r e n goes ahead and tells his own ghost story all about the headless dean that roams their University at night and terrorizes students. He's not actually Super creative so this is already a campus folktale, if you will there was in fact a Dean who was decapitated under what are considered to be mysterious circumstances and so the students do like to talk about how he rides around and terrorizes people as he searched for the man who cut off his head. J e a n was not familiar with this legend because he got his undergraduate at a different school and is doing his graduate work here and it's his first year and so he had no idea that there was this school legend he is very freaked out and is already nervous when he has to walk through the campus after dark so he is not looking forward to having to leave this party, which is at a frat on campus or something. I don't know. He's going to have to walk through campus to get back to his apartment basically.
He figures, though, that if his confession to Mikasa works out he might be able to just go home with her and avoid having to go through campus at all. Unfortunately, she does turn him down and so he finds that not only is he going to have to walk through campus to get home he is leaving the party a lot earlier than any of the guests and so there's going to be no one else out when he is.
While he's walking.. actually, no. He borrows a scooter from someone so he can get through campus faster. So while he's scooting through campus he hears the roar of a motorcycle. He does not know if the headless Dean rides a motorcycle but when the rider appears in front of him headless and wearing a suit with his head on the handlebars in front of him he can only assume that it is the headless Dean and he's come for him. He is terrified. He's scootering as fast as he can, desperate to make it home but a scooter is no match for a motorcycle and mysterious figure. Eventually Jean gets cornered and the biker throws his head at Jean. J e a n screams he falls off of his scooter, he is weeping. Blessedly, the biker then Rides away and Jean is safe. No one sees him again. They find his school bag which he dropped in his escape and they find the shattered remains of a Jack O'Lantern nearby and it is just this huge mystery. Why no one thinks to look him up on social media and see what he's up to I don't know. I guess no one really cares that much. Or maybe it's just so much fun to pretend that he was killed under mysterious circumstances that no one wants to be proven wrong. What we do know is that Eren, who went missing from the party for a little while, reappears again and goes up to Mikasa and gives her that kind of Kiss where it almost knocks her over and he's got to hold her up with his arm. Basically he dips her. Then he says, you're my girlfriend now, and they live happily ever after.
Eventually, people do start to wonder what happened to Dean and someone runs into him out and about and discovers that he did indeed finish his degree at a different college and if he's now doing whatever he's doing with it and he got married and he has a nice family and everything is great but they still prefer the idea that he disappeared because of a ghost on Halloween and so that's what they choose to believe.
I'm writing this with voice to text while I get ready for work so please forgive any misspellings or gross errors or anything like that. I am at the mercy of my smart phone's limited intelligence and do not have the time for a quality edit.
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paperandhis-paper · 1 year
Arc-V Month Day 11: Legacy for the Future
(Is that a motherfucking Jojo reference?)
Ok, so, I've spent most days of @arcvmonth so far gushing about the show, so warning: negativity ahead.
I'm overall mixed on the Legacy characters. I don't think they ruin the show as some people claim, but I happen to have problems with... all of them? There are also positives, ofc, so ANALYSIS TIME!
Crow: he's... fine. His screentime is fine. His role in the plot is fine. Everything about him is just fine. My only real complaint is that I wished Shun had won and gotten another duel with Yuya, but it's whatever. He's really only part of the Lancers because he's a legacy character, as I don't think he's the most interesting Synchro character.
Jack: by far the best Legacy character, Jack somewhat takes the role of rival from Reiji, down to having 3 duels with the protagonist and a 3000 ATK ace. Giving him the role of a mentor is an interesting take on the character, although it was weird going back to 5D's I don't know how people feel about him beating Sergey (I know some people hated that when the episode was first announced), but somehow it works fine? It's an interesting subversion, because you'd think Yuya would be the one to do so, but instead Yuya's role is to be the one to unite the people together. My only problem is that it's... kinda weird that Jack just lets the City remain a shithole. Like, do something my man! I also wonder if Yusei wouldn't have been more fitting for his role, but I understand they didn't want to have the protagonists so Yuya wouldn't be overshadowed.
Kaito: I never cared for Kaito in Zexal (granted, it's been a long while since I've seen it), and Arc-V Kaito has similar issues. Namely, being a bit too powerful. He never has a solo loss, and here's where being a legacy character begins to hurt. He had a reputation for being unbeatable (Tron cheating aside), so the writers know they can't have him lose easily. He even almost beats Yuya! The best thing about him is that he provides a mirror for Shun; he's basically edgy-bird Shun from the beginning, but in some ways worse. He steals spotlight a fair bit, but his most egregious case of this is to another Legacy Character, so whatever.
Speaking of...
Asuka: done dirty, and so unnecessarily. Seriously, let her duel Dennis! Him vs Kaito isn't a TERRIBLE set-up, but she needed a big win so her presence doesn't just feel like fanservice. Her getting carded also sucks, but I get the writers kinda had to (can't have a Ritual duelist face Zarc, after all), plus it gave Yuri some much-needed depth.
But at least she got a win, even if it was against mooks. Unlike...
Edo: oh boy. See, I don't actually have much issues with his arc. It works, so long as you ignore that it has basically nothing to do with Edo's character in GX. No, what I wanna talk about this is his duel with Yuya.
I'm gonna be blunt: he should've won that duel. For one, he didn't get a single win in the series (tbf, his opponents were strong, but still), but most importantly, earlier on we saw with Kaito vs Shun that even if you lose you can still reach your opponent. And Edo got development himself by accepting Entertainment Dueling and grabbing an Action Card. The fact that Yuya wins by grabbing an Action Card of his own just rubs salt on the wound. Plus, I just like the idea of Yuya never beating an arc villain (other than Zarc, sorta), his role instead being another (then again, I guess then people would use that to claim Yuya is a weak protagonist and whatnot, so maybe it was for the best).
Also, both him and Kaito interrupting Yugo and Yuri's duel is dumb. Saving that rant for later.
So yeah. Legacy Characters were a mixed bag. I think the writers struggled with giving them the prominence they deserved without outshining Arc-V's massive cast. That's a very fine line. But hey— we got Legacy Support! That's always a good thing, right?
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gortash · 1 year
spare Zarali facts please? 👀 anything about her or/and her past maybe?
ok so a lot of this isn't 100% set in stone because i Do Not Know Shit about forgotten realms lore but whatever she's my baby i do what i want
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she’s from the caldwell family of baldur’s gate; not from the main patriar branch but i imagine her dad is the brother or cousin of the lord
she was born from a pact between her father and a devil in service of mephistopheles as her mother couldn’t conceive a child of her own. her father made up a story about how he found a poor little abandoned baby on the streets of the lower city that he took in out of the goodness of his heart (i’m still trying to figure out what exactly the pact entailed but i imagine her dad is pretty fucked... probably spending an eternity in cania when he dies)
her dad held out hope for a long time that she’d grow into a normal human girl but…. nope. the horns and tail started growing pretty quick. her mother tried to file the horns down but they kept coming back
her mom never found out about the pact but she didn’t fully trust her husbands story; she probably figured he had slept with a tiefling girl or something. either way, she shunned zarali wholly, letting her know she wasn’t the daughter she wanted and that she would never be good enough for her. zarali got to stay with them because her dad felt bad but she was never treated as one of them
as she grew up and realized how different she was from the others, she began to seek out other tieflings, most of whom lived in the lower city. she tried to find a place with them, but even there she didn't belong - they found out she came from the upper city and they pushed her out. she's been forced to be on her own from an incredibly young age and now it's how she guarantees her own continued survival. being alone is the only way she knows how to be
her dad... tries to be good to her, hiring the best tutors he can in order to give her an upbringing and education worthy of a noble because she's still his daughter, but even so he's also kinda like
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(dunno what he expected when having a kid with a devil but ya know)
as she grows older zarali just starts shutting herself off from the world bc the world doesn't want her anyway; she spends her teenage years in her father's library, reading everything she can get her hands on, eager to learn anything about everything. it's how she meets her patron - she finds a weird old book, summons an eldritch being and is like Yo what's up can you teach me cool stuff? (and of course her dad kept a bunch of secret old books, it's how he figured out his own pact)
her patron doesn't give two shits about her and zarali probably doesn't care much about it either tbh. i doubt it even knows she exists, but hey. she gets eldritch blast out of it. pew pew
she's smart as fuck and incredibly persuasive. she's great at lying (laughs in 20+ deception bonus in-game) and at blackmailing people. i mean, really, when your family just kinda ignores you and lets you do whatever, what else are you gonna do but sneak around the upper city and listen in on what the other nobles are doing?
before the events of the game, she mainly works with eldritch research and does some enchanting on the side. i'm thinking she either worked for sorcerous sundries or for helsik at the devil's fee but i'm not 100% sure yet
she is, more or less, held together by her plethora of trust issues. she likes to think she's alive because she refuses to trust anyone. let's just ignore the fact that this makes her incredibly lonely and emotionally stunted
she has fairly loose morals and mainly just does whatever she has to in order to survive. it's hard for her to care about others because she's been forced to only think of herself as the only important one. she doesn't kill randomly or for fun, though, or at least so she tells herself. she knows she doesn't always need to kill in order to solve problems, and she would often rather solve situations peacefully, but if she has to kill someone, she doesn't necessarily feel bad about it. it's just... part of life
she has a soft spot for kids and animals. she helps the tiefling kids in the grove without a second thought, and without wanting any reward. she downplays her intentions and acts like the whole thing is one big annoyance to her, a few snide remarks here and there because she's a bitch, but she still helps them because she knows what it's like to have no one at your side (it's like... she prefers being on her own, it's all she knows, but she also knows it's a shitty fate that's easily preventable and she doesn't want these kids turning out like her, you know?)
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master-of-fluff · 2 years
Ok iv been needing to make a new pinned post so here it is :D
Hi! I'm Kari but i also go by Fluff.
I'm a minor running a multi fandom blog that posts mostly Ninjago, Tmnt, Batman, AVM and AVA, Transformers, and basically anything about heroes or ninja. Very rarely I'll reblog voltron, rwby and bnha tho I don't really interact with those fandoms cuz they kind of scare me lol.
I also like astronomy, the colors purple and blue, cats, cooking and lots of other cool stuff.
Other blogs that I'll associate with me are my writeblr that i'm trying to revive and also needs a new intro, my witchblr and my crafts blog.
a list of my aus;
-ripples au
Basically what if Lloyd and Kai unlock their elements early and Kai gets kidnapped in the pilots instead of Nya because of it, you can read the unfinished fanfic on my ao3 @/hikari_hikari though im planning a rewrite rn
-hybrid smith siblings au
Au where Ray is a demon and Maya is an angel who fell in love and went to ninjago in disguise to be together after bwing shunned by their society 
this results in their kids gaining demon/angel traits as they grow older with no knowledge of what's going on
-polyninja fam au
The ninja decide they're done with saving the world and run away, they then adopt Lloyd, turn him back into a kid with yesterday's tea  and go live in the light house for a bit, finding echo and also adopting him.
They all eventually start dating while co-parenting Echo and Lloyd
They all get different jobs that they enjoy and Nya, Pixal and Skylar also end up in a relationship and are motorcycle aunts
Brad and Gene also make up with Lloyd and now the poor ninja have 2 extra kids that aren't theirs constantly over and eating all their food XD
Ronin and Dareth are also there as everyones favorite uncles who teach them to fun games and (whenever ronin can get away with it) how to steal.
-poly ninja high school au (with @/lloyd-garma-gun and @/strangermask)
Basically Zane is pastel goth, Jay is a jock, Kai is a nerd, and Cole is grunge and they're all in highschool
I think this all started with the idea of cottage core Morro and goth Echo but I can't remember if they're in this au
Polyponytail are all apart of a chess club 
And Lloyd Genenand Brad are all cheerleaders.
-nindroid jay au
Jay is Dr.Julian's first nindroid prototype who's power source doesn't work so he's sent to the junkyard, ed and edna find the weird looking robot cute and decide to put him by the junkyard entrance instead of scrapping him, one day he gets struck by lightning -which is actually the element of lightning because this is the same day Libber died- and comes to life
Ed and Edna raise him like their own and also since his parents are inventors he adds a bunch of cool stuff to himself like jets/gliders so he can fly and a welding torch and stuff
Paranormal youtuber's au (with @/wojira, tho I think they deactivated or something idk)
Its not really my au i just agreed to write it (though when I'll get to it idk) Here's the au info though
-evil ed and edna
Ed and Edna are assassins/inventors who turn their son Jay into a living weapon (think cyborg) they trained him to follow orders exactly and replaced how limbs with mechanical ones with different functions.
One day that find the skeleton army's weapon maker (dr.julain) ad get the blueprints for a nindroid they could improve and make better then Jay they decide he's no longer needed.
They leave him in a forest to rot telling him that they'll be back (they won't) 
Eventually Nya and Kai find Jay and Nya fixes him up a bit with her then rudimentary but lastly growing knowledge of mechanics.
 Jay then decides to stick around these kids/adopt himself into the smith family lol
Eventual technoshipping
-bnha crossover
Turns out some people in the cloud kingdom fucked up some peoples life's accidentally.
the cloud council or whatever decide to compensate said people by reincarnating them.
So harumi, morro and garmadon all get reincarnated into bnha with all their former memories
Harumi as hatsume mei's quirkless twin sister
Morro as izuku's adopted older brother
And Garmadon as a martial arts instructor
-manipulative morro au (with @thebluelittlewitch2-thesequal)
Lloyd never gets turned older and since morro isn't about to possess a scrawny useless little kid so instead he manipulates lloyd into stealing the realm crystal for him.
- wings au
Once an elemental master gets to a certain stage they grow wings that have the same traits as their elements.
They're also very bird and catlike
- seven deadly sins au
Idk I haven't really developed this one beyond;
Lloyd is envy
Jay is lust
Kai is wrath
Zane is sloth
Cole is gluttony
Nya is pride
And Morro is greed
Evil mer au
Ninjago but mer-people and also the ninja are all evil with abandonment issues and either Wu is also evil and keets them later or Wu and morro are the good guys I haven't decided yet
Overwhelmed au (made with tex @ninjaslegosmains)
What if being an elemental master came with horrible consequences? Well that's the au every basically. element has horrible drawbacks
Gamer kai au
Kai hears that you can make bank as a streamer and even tho he hates newer technology and he sucks at video games he starts streaming so that the ninja can eat.
occasionally the other ninja make appearances but not often because they kick Kai's ass and the people of ninjago take much joy in Kai learning how to play the games they suggest for the first time
S.H.I.E.L.D's babysitter au
Morro is apart of shield and is tasked with training ultimate spiderman and his team and keep them from running off but ofc Morro was also a rebellious teen once so he low-key enables them.
YJL au's;
800 purrs
Crack Au where aquaman and aqualad have an army of cats because they smell like fish, and conner has already named them all things like 'stray' and 'lil kitty' and given them little leather boots so now they have to keep them.
I'd love asks about any of them!!!
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ghostbrawl · 8 months
sent the 🐯 - nono the thing is i do know you!! youre not a stranger im just... sometimes i get spooked off, from interacting so much. because sometimes i think people just hate me and only keep me around as to not make me upset :( and thats got nothin to do with you, you didnt do anything wrong. its me with my stupid thoughts and shit. i think youre really cool and i love your art and style and you seem so confident and dont give a shit about a lot of things. im intimidated by that
tried to answer this one privately and realized i couldn't because its an anon ask haha .. welp! i still want you to hear my input on this one so it's just going to be no reblog.
i'm going to put my response under the cut though for the sake of people's dashboards and because it's somewhat mushy. continue if you dare, followers - i'll be talking in depth about, like, emotions an shit.
so i sat on this ask for a while and really rolled it around my enclosure a little bit. full disclosure i need to just say for a long time i also felt this way - by that i mean feeling as though [people just hate me and only keep me around as to not make me upset] - for various reasons.
one reason was that i had experienced real world examples of this sort of coddling many times - people online and in real life would often entertain me to my face and talk about me behind my back, mostly until i got too annoying to bear and was openly lashed out at or shunned. most of these incidents occurred when i was 16 or younger, to be fair, but they did make a mark on me.
another reason was just anxiety - if i didn't know exactly what the people around me thought, it would be safe to say those thoughts were bad. it would've verified what i thought about myself- and assuming those people already hated me allowed me to empathize with the versions of my loved ones that i created in my head. i often mourned the fact that they had to deal with me before i even knew whether they were annoyed or not.
these were the two main reasons why i often felt like people hated me, but i'm sure there were more.
i don't have an EXACT read on who you are anon, though i feel like i have an idea (you don't have to tell me, but if you'd like, reach out and send me a dm) - but personally, if we know each other, and i've not yelled at you or blocked you or told you not to talk to me, there's an incredibly decent chance (99%) that i neither hate you nor think you're annoying.
if you're my next door neighbor from two years ago, i take that back. but if you aren't, keep reading!
other than in my deepest darkest worst moments, i've pretty much trained myself out of the kneejerk assumption that my friends and loved ones hate me. i'll try not to sound preachy when i talk about why, but trust me when i say i have a point here in talking about it.
anyway - here's how i stopped doing that.
#1 - i started to model my own understandings of people's attitudes toward others based on my own attitudes.
ok i know that sounds weird or isn't very easy to understand so let me just give an example.
a technique i used a lot was just thinking through how, when, and why i liked or loved my friends. i loved my friends because they have similar interests to me, because of the history we had together, because it was easy to communicate with them, because i loved their minds and ideas, because they enriched my life (even when i didn't talk to them as much), because i was excited to hear from them + learn about their life, because i cared about them and didn't want to see them sick or hurt, because they were fun to hang out with, etc. etc etc.
then, i'd think about how i felt when one of my friends messed up, was irritating, annoying, or made me angry in some way. depending on how egregious the ill was, i reacted anywhere from pretty much none at all (for most irritations or annoyances) - to 'angry in the moment, it fades later' (for high stress situations in which i had no excuses for that friend) - to 'we seriously need to work this out' (for ongoing situations in which i was building up the strength to address).
most of the time, the irritations i encountered fell into the first category. many times i couldn't even be annoyed - i loved those friends so much that it didn't even matter, either in the very second the irritation happened or in the grand scheme of things.
in the few moments that i encountered more grave irritations such as those in the last category, what usually would happen is either that me and the other person sorted out our grievances and both agreed to change our behavior, or we parted ways.... and many of the friends i parted ways with i found wanting their company again and reconnected with them.
in evaluating myself in the context of my friends, though i can never know how, when, or why my friends love me, i know for relative certainty that when i am irritating or annoying to them, it is incidental and fades just as quickly for them as it fades for me. my friends will never be as concerned with my small flaws and ills as i am - it simply doesn't affect them nearly as much as it affects me.
^ this idea is doubly true for acquaintances and people you don't know as well as to say "friends" -- at the acquaintance level people can choose whether to get closer or to drift, factoring in time, interest, hyperfixation, location, their jobs, etc.
but this first technique only worked when i had the self-esteem to internalize the fact that other people's inner worlds were both just as complex as mine (holding complex feelings about oneself and each other) and just as simple as mine (annoyed or not? and for how long? etc)!
so another thing that really helped me was
#2 - faking confidence until i could build it properly.
i know everyone says this shit and it seems so ineffectual when it feels much more grounded and real to be cynical, to be anxious and upset with oneself.
and in many senses, it IS ineffectual - immediately. faking confidence is something that only works over years of doing it, and in faking your confidence you must also identify very real parts of yourself to be Actual Confident(tm) about and work toward feeling that way for real.
faking confidence is the sandbox where i, personally, found actual things to be proud of myself for within. when i faked confidence in my voice, way of thinking, my art, and my personality, i eventually found actual things to like in each of those aspects of myself based on how people reacted to that "front" of confidence i put up about those aspects of myself.
for a while i faced an awkward phase where my faked confidence was so intense that it manifested as arrogance and aggression toward others -- avoid this if you can . facepalm emoji.
but in presenting myself as somebody who was equal (or even greater) than other people in social situations i was in, other people pointed out things to be praised about me.
at first i'd be skeptical, but i'd keep it in the back of my mind. but over time, i'd see over and over the success of those parts of myself in social situations, artistic circles, athletic contexts, etc, and start to think "maybe i am good at [x]" or "maybe [personality trait] about me is helpful and cool", and on and on and on.
confidence and self-like is a process that builds on itself and gets easier over time. the second i began to question whether traits i had were really harmful or bad, the more i started to see reinforcing evidence of the contrary; of them being productive, healthy, interesting, worth having rather than destroying.
and the further you progress in this avenue, the easier it is to #not give a shit about things - or to respond less to attacks on the psyche or personality.
and when i reinforced + gained a respect for the parts of myself i once hated, it became easier to believe that others could admire me as much i admired them - that others could brush off my shortcomings as easily as i brushed off theirs.
recently, i hate to admit, i've had to start this process of loving myself all over again as i've started to experience a major personality shift brought on by gaining different + new responsibilities in my life. i respond differently to new circumstances so many times that i'm becoming somebody different - somebody i'm not yet prepared to love. somebody that i'm much more inclined to loathe, because i've seen the effects of my new personality traits on myself and others; not in observing my own actions, but in observing the actions of people in my life with the same personality traits such as my family.
so for now my confidence in a lot of situations is much shakier than it used to be - but the foundations i created back when are still there. when i don't believe in myself or punch down on myself i can keep it relatively contained internally and not project it onto others - or if i can't avoid projecting it, i at least understand on some level that i'm being unreasonable... and i can still keep that outward confident look pretty seamlessly while working out new insecurities from within.
trust me - i give a lot of shits, and so does every other confident person you know. we just keep it to ourselves - not to say that keeping it to oneself is inherently better, but it just helps to keep oneself from spiraling into deeper and deeper self hatred. keeping that hate on the down-low keeps it from gaining significant power.
in terms of being intimidated by other confident people....
i have nothing really to say about that. i think it's something that both affirms and worries the confident person in question - to be intimidating is to be slick and cool and impenetrable. but to be intimidating is also to be impenetrable (/neg) - impossible to see the inner life of through that glare of coolness or confidence. i guess its a double edged sword, i dunno.
but i think it gets easier to see even the intimidatingly cool as dorky, regular people when you recognize that pretty much everyone has or had crappy self image at one point. people are less intimidating when you allow the idea that they too, are people who fuck up, who go through things, who break down, who hate themselves, and who are just trying their best to seem like somebody lovable and worthwhile. and do that in order to CHASE interactions with others - and that wanting those interactions doesn't reflect badly on you or them.
but idk. i get it if u don't wanna read all that.
TLDR: ur thoughts aren't stupid and we've all been there. and i'm just some tumblr user on the internet it's really not so serious or scary. i post incessantly about robot sex and wizards instead of getting groceries. and everyone is just as stupid and dorky as the worst person you know and that's totally fine.
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MY-GOD! WHERE-DOES-ONE-START! Ok so I watched a few scenes from the last 2 Tokyo Revengers live action movies (couldn't watch the whole thing cause there were no subs but I wanted to see Nijiro play this type of role soooo bad to wait) and...just get me fucking there pleaaase! When this live action came out, people were like ok it's coming for Crows Zero-WHAT CROWS ZERO, CROWS ZERO COULD-NEVER! Back when I started watching Japanese series, I was watching lots of those with deliquents and all and, because I was crazy about Oguri Shun, I had watched Crows Zero too. Even back then, I was disappointed after watching, cause I had heard soooo much about it, but after all that I had watched, that movie wasn't that of a big deal for me. I felt the pacing was weird, the characters didn't have enough depth, but I enjoyed the fights. It's also one of my least favorite movies of Oguri Shun. But back to Crows Zero, cause the comparison isn't why I'm losing it.
First of all, I think they did a decent job with the plot, which isn't always easy to see in live actions. Second of all, the choreography is probably one of the best fighting choreos I have ever seen in a Japanese movie of this type. The strong launches were brutal too, so much in fact that I hoped they were yanking dolls around and not real people, like you know, stunt men. If those were real people *slow clap, standing ovation* omg and I hope you're ok.
Now for the acting part....I have seen most of these actors in other roles and I can't stress enough how important it is to have a good director, cause some of these guys...I have no words. I won't speak for everyone just for those who stood out to me the most. I can't tell a lot about Ryo Yoshizawa, cause, even though I fell in love with his acting from the first movie, I haven't watched his work anywhere else, but, this man's eyes...he acts with the fucking eyes alone sometimes like...I dunno, it's like, the way he depicts Mikey, the pain, that look like "I've seen shit in my life", etc. And that immense difference of his stare as Mikey in the past versus the one in the present from the previous movie. It's amazing to me how a person can have a straight face, like 1 expression on and still be able to depict different emotions the way he did. All my life I thought that if you wanna act, especially when it comes to feelings, you got to use your expressions a lot (not exaggerate them though cause then we move to overacting which I am personally not a fan of) but this guy proved me wrong. Moving on to Yuki Yamada. I have a love and hate relationship with this dude, cause in some stuff I hated him and others I liked him, but as Draken? Take my money. I think his character is a little more huggable when he plays him though. I didn't get that feeling from the anime from Draken. Like, I like him and all, he's fun, an amazing friend etc but somehow, maybe because Yamada's face is cutesie and not as "blank" or "chill" like the anime, he looks like this big bear you wanna hug. Like, it's a little cuter for me for some reason. As far as this movie is concerned, I liked the consistency. Everyone who played in the previous movie showed amazing consistency and sure that is also because the movies weren't made that far away from each other, imo. I reaaally really liked seeing him in this role again. Next up, Mahiro Takasugi. Honey dove, petit man I never expected I'd see in such a movie...I liked him. But, like I said earlier overacting isn't my thing so, there were moments I think he could have played it at a lower tone, but at this point I think it's his style. I used to think he did that only with comedy but, based on what I've watched so far from him, this is how he shows strong emotions so I get it. I loved his casting first and foremost. I think the guy he played really matched his uhhhhhh how do you say that, presence, his demeanor? It just felt like it really suit him, you know? And I just couldn't get passed that hairstyle at first and how it actually worked when he acted all deliquent like when he went to pick a fight with Baji. Now I want to see him in such role again. So surprised, so happy to see him like that and nailing the role. But I have to admit this isn't the first time he's surprised me. I think nth beats the pierced bad boy role he once played. I don't even remember the name of the movie cause I hated it but his role-my goodness xD. Full on visual kei out of nowhere. xD I like it when actors try many different things. Next up I'd like to give it to Kento Nagayama who, even though I didn't watch the full thing and had no subs to understand everything, he managed to make me like him, laugh with him, get insanely angry at him and then sympathize and cry with him from scene to scene. I think it takes real skill to do that without your audience knowing what you're saying or following the plot step by step. I'd also like to mention that I have watched only the first season of Tokyo Revengers in anime so I knew very few and vague stuff about the season on which these 2 movies were based off, which made me even more impressed about what he was doing. I want to see this man in other movies too, now, cause, like Yoshizawa I have yet to watch sth from him and I am really interested to see his acting in other things. (1/2)
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Ok speaking of Demigods what do you Mohg's relationships with his siblings/half-siblings are like? I only ask because he seems especially divorced from them in game
Okay so first off, I think that there's a 50-50 split between those who know Mohg and are kind of weirded out/uncomfortable with his existance, and those who just straight-up don't know Mohg exists at all. Of the Omen Twins, Mohg seems to be the one that was less socialized and who spent the most time lurking in the shadows, so I think it might be very possible that Radahn, Rykard, and Ranni didn't even know he was one of Marika's sons (though Ranni likely figured it out). Malenia and Miquella might have been kept in the dark at first before their similar curses revealed Marika's elder batch of dissapointments, but of the two, only Miquella might have held any pity/fascination with Mohg- though something tells me it was a selfishly scientific fascination with only a sprinkling of pity. We don't know anything about Godwyn bc lets be real, him becoming the Prince of Death was probably the most interesting part of his character, but I think it likely that Marika told him his younger brothers died, if he even knew what became of them at all. Either way, Mohg's feral nature and utter lack of social skills don't really point to Godwyn lending Godfrey a hand with them (if Mohg and Morgott were even his younger brothers; cant remember if the birth order was stated). Because let's be real here, Mohg isn't so much insane as he is a half-baked feral child who got scooped up by an outer god to be the leader of her blood cult, and has his whole worldview focused around her philosophies and what he learned from growing up in the literal sewers. That's not really conductive to starting up a family reunion, and since Mohg spends so much time lurking in the shadows with his cultists anyways, he might not even be aware of what the whole 'family beyond the Formless Mother and maybe Morgott' even means. He just knows that he was abandoned, what was denied from him, and that he's hellbent on taking it back by any means possible- the others (besides Miquella, whose Empyrean status = free ticket to lordhood) are just enemies in the way to building his new dynasty. So Mohg wouldn't want them to know he exists either.
As for his relationship with Morgott, I'm torn between the angst of them being chained seperatly from each other to prevent them escaping (ouch), or them being extremely close in the sewers and then having some sort of fight later on that drove them apart (my personal fav). Morgott doesn't speak about Mohg at all, despite Mohg being one of the traitors he so resents, which I personally interpret as him simply not wanting to lump Mohg in with the rest bc he actually views him as his brother, while the rest of his 'family' are just scheming outsiders who want nothing more than to put a knife in his back. Certainly neither brother seems to view the rest of the demigods as family- and who can blame them? Their 'family' cast them aside to be shunned and forgotten, so they didn't learn the social mores around that bullshit, and when they did escape, the others probably immidiatly became enemies. It was just Mohg and Morgott against the Shunning-Grounds, and then the shattering split them apart. Mohg probably managed to cope with the reassurance of the Formless Mother, but for Morgott...it's a lot more complicated
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princesandromeda · 11 months
I love this comic so much! It took me a whole hour to read it orz but it was worth it because it was so funny.
Summary/translation under the cut, disclaimer that I'm not a professional translator so some things might be wrong!
First two pages are them playing with spins while yelling their attacks (Aurora Thunder/Nebula Chain) and Shun hits Hyoga in the face by accident (RIP Hyoga)
Third page Hyoga was telling Shun that Natasha was scared bc people were performing the Lion Dance (the one that like 5 people get under a huge lion suit) outside their condominium, which makes Shun go "oh, that reminds me I also had something mildy scary happen to me the other day", and it was Shaka (with his eyes open!!!) outside his door.
[Fourth page] Shaka brought a gift for New Years: Shaka Shaka Curry! (Very delicious!). Shaka peer-pressured Shun into eating it bc smth or the other rite of passage for virgo saint.
[Fifth page] Hyoga inspects the Shaka Shaka curry and then starts shaking Shun "Did you eat it?!" "Eh? Yeah" "And you don't feel any different?!" "Well, now that you mention it I have the weird urge to say that I am the best thing from heaven to hell; or float while meditating in lotus position; or to strip people from their five senses..." "Hold on, Shun!" (Natasha's so confused her parents are so weird)
Sixth page is Seiya and Shun. Shun wonders what he should give Hyoga for his birthday, Seiya says flowers, Shun says "nah, I already gave him flowers" (and something about the bar patrons taking the flowers?) so he says he will instead give him a big cake with Camus coming out of it (??????)
[Seventh page] Seiya: Why don't you just give up (on that idea)? Shun: Don't worry, this wouldn't be the first time Camus (does something like this?) Seiya: what do you mean?????
Eight page starts with Shun: "Ah, I'm so busy tomorrow, I'll have to [list of chores that I'm too lazy to translate]. I should write it down so I don't forget." Hyoga: Are you busy rn? Shun: no. Hyoga: I wanted you to taste-test a recipe I was trying for White Day.
[Ninth page] Shun: Valentine's is all about receiving but people are rarely serious about it. Hyoga: Yakimeshi? Shun: It's too late to eat that (but the thing you just made is delicious). Hyoga: And what would you do if I got serious? Shun: Hmm, I see. Then it could become scary. Hyoga: Scary? Shun: It would be no fun if I explained it to you. Hyoga? What's wrong? Hyoga--? [Hyoga discovered Shun's To-Do list which includes a reservation of sorts for Hyoga?]
In the tenth page Natasha comes crying because his papa yelled at her (!). She was just waking up when she heard her papa saying "10..."
[Eleventh page] Natasha: Ten? Ten what papa? Hyoga [asleep]: TEN TAKOYAKI! [falls back to sleep] Natasha: And I don't get why he yelled at me! ;A; Shun: Ah, I see, I'll try asking him later, ok?
[twelfth page] Shun's had plenty experience with Hyoga talking in his sleep. Natasha: I want to sleep with mama tonight!
In the tirtheenth page Shun woke up earlier. Shun: Eh? I was sure I was alone when I went to sleep. Then why...?
[Fourteenth page] Shun: He always has that bad habit of sleeping in the wrong room... Hyoga [waking up]: Hm? No, I didn't sleep in the wrong room. Shun: What do you mean. Hyoga: This is my room.
[Fifteenth page] When Hyoga went to sleep at 3am... Hyoga: Hey, Shun [shake] [forehead kiss]. He's not waking up, if I wake him up, then he might get annoyed at me...
Pages 16 to 19 don't need translation🫣
[Page 20] Shun: Eh? Why? This is so weird... Hyoga: What's wrong? Shun: I've been trying to enter some numbers for quite a while, but the computer's keyboard's not entering anything. Hyoga: Shun, I think it's best if you took a little break... you're really tired. Shun: eh? Hyoga: because that thing you were tapping so desperately earlier... was the calculator.
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ceaselessbasher · 1 year
My thoughts of how the universe of the Star Wars sequels would make sense go from mild to spicy to extra spicy and I'm very often thinking about the last one.
Mild: The main three should've continued being the main three, not Rey and the other two guys. Finn should've gotten a satisfying arc, maybe with some Jedi stuff, and Poe should've been a whole new character like he started out being, not Han Solo 2.0. Rey should've been a child of nobodies from nowhere. Fine, I'll let you keep your bitchass Luke that barely makes sense.
Spicy: Finn should've absolutely gotten a Jedi arc, in his own way. Absolutely no weird, poorly written Re*y*lo allowed. What the fuck was that. I wish I had more to say about Poe but his Han-Solo-fication sucked away so much character that I can't say what I want developed, but something sure should've been developed. If you even try, try, to look at my specialest boy, who looked at his father in his worst moments and said he believed there was still good at him, if you go anywhere near him with your "one thing went wrong and he panicked and ran", I will destroy you.
Extra spicy: ok so the "real" sequels want a world where the generational trauma is never broken and I say fuuuuck you to that. We're taking this by pieces and then putting them all together. Starting with this one thing I read once in a fic and is now canon in my heart, Boba adopts Finn from a young age. How?, you ask. By intercepting an early-stages First Order child-kidnap-inator, please save your questions for the end. Give me a Finn that trades stormtrooper armor for first-rate inherited Mandalorian armor. Give me Finn Fett with both a lightsaber and several other types of weapons on his belt.
Okay okay next step. Rey? No, I'll fucking get there when I get there. Kylo. But he's not Kylo, obviously. This is a Ben Solo that went to Jedi school with a Luke that makes sense. So is he an amazing and kind Jedi? Of course not. The fact that this boy has problems doesn't have to change. But again, this is not a boy that was taught by the old ways, Luke is not Yoda or (sorry king) Obi Wan who ignore red flags left and right (WE ARE BREAKING THE GODDAMN GENERATIONAL TRAUMA). Being a Luke that makes sense means that he is also a Luke that doesn't shun Grogu for loving his dad. So this is also a Ben who gets to interact with Mandalorian culture, not just Jedi culture, who has a chance to compare and contrast both and realize that he is not made for the one his family tradition dictates. He has a different sort of temper and passion that never mix well with the Force and that Jedi's have been historically shit at training. But not Mandalorians. That shit flies wonders with them. Yes, you've guessed it, Mando Ben, for me fixing the sequels is also the mandorification of the sequels. But I have to clarify that he is not a Jedi-Mando like Finn, he breaks away from that fully, and he can keep the black palette and maybe a similar helmet because that would be funny in a fourth-wall, sequel redo way.
And now, Rey. I don't have a lot to say about Rey because, again, she's a nobody, and I say this with a lot of affection and with a kiss on the forehead. And also, because taking away the layers of bullshit, it become what it appeared to be at first. She was born in the middle of nowhere, the cruelty of the First Order left her orphaned, and she had to fend off for herself for a while until her Force-sensitiveness got her involved in Plot. That's it. Also if they want Din and Luke can adopt her.
And for your final question, uhhhh what's the conflict now? That's super fucking easy, it's what it always is, it's imperialism. You think those bastards are not there just cause Kylo, Lord Emo Boy Puppet, isn't there?
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