jackinalex · 1 year
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xomoosexo · 10 months
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hrnrnnrrbgrgrvrrnrnmg. well. sapnap highest viewership this time ? 😭
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opioidowykoneser · 1 year
Ja pierdolę no kurwa kurwa zaraz się rozpłacze 120 mg oksykodonu poszło się jebać pękł jebany kieliszek i za żadnego chuja nic mi się nie udało uratować kurwa mać no JA PIERDOLĘ...
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bandomgay · 1 year
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jgrills · 11 months
Changing my theme tmrw
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witchblade · 1 year
wakes up from nap i didn't know i was taking and immediately drinks expired beverage
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petscopping · 4 months
oky goodnightgh
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reemerarius · 1 year
So, I saw all the hubbub about that one actress starring in the live-action Snow White. And, long story short ages ago I wrote this. It's not the best, and I'd like to revisit it someday, but here's The Snow White Dethphonticth
I'll leave you with an excerpt, please note I started touching it up so this version and what's in the ebook might be different:
It is in due time the two wed and Snow White is nowhere to be seen. She refused to come to the wedding. It was expected, but the king apologizes to his new queen nonetheless. It would not be for a few days until Sylvia cross paths with Snow White. It would be an uneasy moment.
Snow White is taller and skinnier than Sylvia. The contrast between Snow White's pale, sickly-looking skin and void black hair was unnatural. She stands up straight at the end of the hall in a beautiful gown and no shoes, her toes poking out from under the hem of her dress. As slim as she is, her presence saturates the space. Sylvia can not get herself to move, she is not even sure if the girl was looking at her, Snow White's bangs cover her eyes. She turns from Sylvia and goes on her way. Sylvia has not realized the door she is at has opened. When she turns, there stands the king inviting her in.
“What has caused such an ill look about you, My Queen?” the king brings her to sit.
“I saw her. At the end of the hallway. Snow White, was it? I don't know how, but I'm certain it was her. She... Is she always...”
“Calm down. I apologize. She's grown fond of her games. She's just been acting out ever since her mother's death,” the king takes her hands in his.
“Yes, of course. Any child would grieve such a loss. I'll do what I can to help ease the pain.”
“Thank you. That's part of the reason I brought you in here. I want you to help Snow White to heal, to grow, to learn. No teacher wants to work with her because of her outburst. The staff will barely go near her. She doesn't want anything to do with me. She runs and hides when I go looking for her, so I've never seen this behavior myself. But everyone is complaining, so there must be something wrong. I know it's a lot to put on you all at once. But I need this, she needs this.”
“It's fine, My King. It's the queen's duty to watch over a child's schooling as is. You aren't asking too much of me at all. But, if I may ask you a question, My King?”
“Yes, by all means.”
“Who came up with her name?”
“There was an... incident in her youth,” the king tells Sylvia the story.
“No wonder she's acting out, whatever happened in those woods must have scarred her and then to lose her mother on top of that. Poor babe,” Sylvia squeezes the king's hand, hoping to leave some reassurance imprinted into them.
The next week bumbles in as clouds of dust and torn down cobwebs. The old queen's quarters are finally being cleaned out after all these years. Amidst the moving of furniture, the old queen's journal is found and brought to the king.
He pulls it out that dusk and reads into the night. Unsure of what to make of his late queen's notes, he places the notebook away. The king is not sure if the last few entries were just the ramblings of a madwoman or a warning something awful, he decides to go with the option he can wrap his logic around. He knows he needs to start being a father to Snow White again. Everything should have been fine.
The sun breaks on the horizon and he roams the castle for his daughter. He follows sightings of her, somehow she must know he is looking for her and is actively avoiding him like usual. The king hunts for her through lunch. He refuses to quit and he believes his effort rewarded. He has followed her to the last room of a slightly empty hallway. She can no longer avoid him. The king walks in on her crouching in a food pantry. The king can feel their eyes connect through Snow White's bangs.
“We really should get those cut soon. It's unbecoming of a princess to hide her face,” the king pauses as Snow White stands up, she has his height. “Listen, you know you can't keep going on like this. Everything you've been up to will be coming to an end. You will not be bringing any more chaos into my castle. Your behavior will be punished from here on out. Am I understood?”
Snow White tilts her head in thought.
It is a few days until the castle is silent. The king's hysterics had echoed through the stone walls, shaking Sylvia to the bone. There was nothing the doctors could do before he was too far gone. The king was buried in the family cemetery far back behind the castle.
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creakysocks · 5 months
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Nick and Ellie hanging out
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kairennart · 8 months
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Lieutenant McGraw...
For the Black Sails 10th anniversary week: Favorite season.
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*tentively pushes my poc ivy towards you*
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opioidowykoneser · 1 year
W końcu po 22 dniach męczarni psychicznej i fizycznej przez brak oksykodonu nareszcie udało mi się załatwić receptę na oksykodon przez ten czas głównie leczyłem się kodeiną psychicznie to była masakra z myślami, aby wziąć oksy te pierwsze 3-4 dni jeszcze jakoś szło wytrzymać, ale potem to już szkoda gadać fizycznie tak samo, bo koda nie eliminowała wszystkich objawów i parę odczuwałem na przykład cały czas z nosa mi się lało, bezsenność pierwsze 3-4 dni po prostu było mi trudno zasnąć potem już kompletnie nie spałem całą noc i tak przez parę dni, bóle mięśniowe i pleców, skurcze żołądka w którymś dniu to już w ogóle tak wymiotowałem, że masakra, no i jeszcze cały czas miałem biegunkę mniej więcej podałem objawy, które mimo zażycia kodeiny średnio w dawkach 870 mg – 1110 mg nie wszystkie zniknęły najgorzej trochę u mnie było też z tą bezsennością łykałem też parę razy jakieś benzo albo z 100 mg – 200 mg hydroksyzyny i też mocno poleciałem z braniem metkatu po kablach po prostu mnie to bardzo wciągnęło tak samo jak oksykodon i.v. i, szczerze mówiąc, wyrobiłem sobie większą tolerancję na metkat, niż oxy, a najlepsze, że nikty aż tak mocno nie lubiłem stymulantów, ale odkąd poznałem metkat podany dożylnie to wszystko się zmieniło, ale w końcu udało mi się załatwić receptę na 2 opak. OxyContin 5 mg i też pierwszy raz mam OxyDolor Fast 10 mg czyli tabletki o szybkim uwalnianiu pierwszego strzała właśnie zrobiłem sobie z tych tabletek i wjazd i działanie wydaję mi się o wiele mocniejszy niż po tabletkach o przedłużonym uwalnianiu ale nie mogłem w necie znaleźć o tym informacji jedynie że podanie p.o. jest rzeczywiście mocniejszy jeśli chodzi o działanie i na hyperrealu wypowiedzi że rzadko kto w ogóle miał okazję mieć i że rzadko jest przepisywany OxyDolor Fast.
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collageofnudes · 7 months
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Alya & Oksi by Petter Hegre (Hegreart)
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mossytrashcan · 5 days
the shadow represents the inner strap god she’s been repressing btw
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stqrgirl3 · 15 days
"you cant love someone into loving you"
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