fabuloustrash05 · 1 month
The Da Vinci Duo was amazing! Mona and Leo friendship was never something I knew I needed!!
I know what's most likely is that Mona Lisa was watching out of order (explaining why she was finishing season 5), but I like thinking that Raph took so long she managed to watch all 5 seasons within the time she was waiting lol
Thank you thank you!! Leo and Mona’s friendship is a concept I’ve always wanted to explore cause there’s so much potential behind it. I did HC that Spaceheroes is biggest/first thing they bonded over, with Leo being the one who got her into the show, it just feels so right.
I imagine each Spaceheroes episode is 10-15 minutes long, and given Mona arrived at the lair at midnight and Raph showed up at 4am, Mona has binged watched around 16-24 episodes of Spaceheroes with Leo in one sitting (so I’d say she watched about 2 and a half seasons worth of Spaceheroes)
Now does that mean she watch them out of order? Yes. But that’s alright. It means she has more to enjoy for the future! :D
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Just read your Raphael post you reblogged recently. First off, it was really good, brought up some good points, some of which I never even thought about (like the striking parallels between Raph and Splinter).
In it, you mentioned how Raphael is the artist of the family and is seen throughout the show. You gave one example of it (his painting in the party wagon), but do you happen to know any other specific moments where his artistic abilities shine, or where it's even mentioned that he likes to draw/paint/etc.?
I ask because I only have access to the first 2 seasons (Netflix is cruel to me) and whatever I can find on YouTube. Also, because within the first two seasons, Donnie always came off as the artistic one. He seemed to mostly sketch for concepts of his projects (e.g. the mech), but he had drawings for other things that weren't necessary (like his plan to get April to hang out with him).
I don't want to make you scourer the show for other moments showing Raph as the artistic one, because I'll take your word for it. I'm just curious if you can name any others off the top of your head. Please have a good day!
The examples I gave in the post are the only ones present in the show (to my knowledge). Him painting the Venus girl on the Party Wagon in season 3, having spray paint cans and other supplies in his bedroom, along with in season 4 nicknaming his girlfriend after the Da Vinci painting “Mona Lisa”, and Chompy Picasso being named after the artist Pablo Picasso.
It’s not stated in the show directly but the hints are still obviously there, along with confirmation from the show’s creator/producer/writer, Ciro Nieli, himself on his instagram during the 10 year anniversary of TMNT 2012.
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I will add that the other Turtles and their friends all do have their own respective art styles too. They can draw, as we’ve seen all of them do in the show:
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(Except Leo, we never get to see him draw in the show so I HC that he’s a terrible artist lol)
Like you said, yes Donnie has done some pretty impressive sketches for his blueprints and such, but overall out of the four brothers Raphael is the most passionate in drawing and painting much like Splinter. He’s the artist of his family.
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fabuloustrash05 · 27 days
13 for Donnie and Mikey (since neither of them have kids in your Future TMNT AU, so I'm curious what you think they'd be like as parents)
Send me a character and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
13) What kind of parent they would be. 
Mikey: Fun Fact! I actually did have Mikey being a dad in my original version of TMNT 2012's future! In this alternate version, him and Renet have twins! A boy named Christopher and a girl named Michelangelo Jr (or MJ for short). As a dad, Mikey is the fun parent who is constantly joking and always putting a smile on his kids faces. He always knows how to cheer up his kids when they are sad. He's also the parent who makes the best breakfast every morning. He cooks the best meal and packs the kids a delicious lunch for school (along with a loving encouraging note inside to brighten their day). He also gives the best hugs!
Donnie: For him, he'd be the very loving but nerdy dad. Perhaps the parent who overthinks too much when it comes to his kids, baby proofing EVERYTHING in the house and never letting his kid out of his sight in fear they'll get hurt. If he had a daughter, he'd freak out when she starts to date. She's his sweet baby girl, he doesn't want her to grow up so soon. He'd also make sure his kids receive the best education. Donnie's kids would definitely be more ahead in their academics compared to their cousins. He's also spoil his kids rotten lol
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
Now, how did Mona Lisa react to discovering her daughter was caught up in a love triangle?
Mona is not surprised her daughter Irrilia has multiple suitors. She is a beautiful young lady, and takes after her mother who also had many suitors when she was her age before she met her true love, Raphael.
Mona knows her daughter is a smart girl, and as long as she follows her heart she knows Irrilia will get through this difficult point in her romantic life and find her love.
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Congrats on writing the final chapter for Courting a Salamandarian! Now all we have left for it is the epilogue (which believe me, I am excited for), what plans do you have for future fics? I imagine Turtles in the Roaring 20's is going to get more attention, but do you have plans of writing any other fanfics as of right now? Again, great job on your writing, and congrats!!!
Thank you! It's pretty exciting knowing I completed my very first fanfic! I basically wrote a book! lol It's so incredible yet also sad to see this story I've worked on for 4 1/2 years coming to an end. This fanfic is my baby and now it's all grow up <3
As for what is next, yes, Turtles In The Roaring 20's will be getting more attention now. More chapters will be coming out sooner than before, and this fanfic will most likely be my primary focus from now on.
I'd also like to write more short oneshots of RaMona and other TMNT 2012 characters if possible. I have a few rough drafts already that I wanna finish up and publish hopefully soon.
I'm also planning on starting two new fanfics! Either start both of them at the same time and work on them back to back, or start one now and do another one later. I'll just have to see how I feel. They are my When Worlds Collide Rewrite and also my Mistress Millennium (Evil Renet AU).
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Donnie would be happy as well, but also curious to know HOW was it possible for them to conceive despite being different species (I have answer for that but that's a HC for another asks)
Alright, I'll bite. What's your headcanon? :0
Okay, I've probably already shared this headcanons before but I'm gonna share it again because I love it sm! :D
So, we all know that in canon the Kraang have been experimenting and mutating beings, specifically those on Earth for thousands of years. From its people to its animals. What if the Salamandrians were once one of those Kraang experiments long forgotten?
Basically many many MANY years ago when the Earth was still new, the Kraang mutated and experimented on a batch of salamanders, newts and lizards. They grew in size and their intelligence increased. After years of being in their captivity and apart of their torturous experiments, this group of mutant lizards escaped the Kraang prison, stealing a ship and leaving the Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy, finally free from their captures. The Kraang never truly bothered to go after them to retrieve them because of their incompetence (at the time, they were new to this whole "mutating thing"), so these rogue lizard mutants successfully escaped, seeking refuge on a far off planet on the other side of the universe. There they turned the planet into their new home, building houses, advanced technology, repopulating and creating their own culture, calling themselves "The Salamandrians". Years went by and quickly the memory of being Kraang mutant experiments was long forgotten by the Salamandrians.
So in short, Mona Lisa, Sal Commander, Newtralizer and all the other Salamandrians are long descendants of salamander mutants from Earth created by the Kraang many years ago. So technically they are mutants, therefore have mutant DNA.
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Ramona 38, I must know
38. If/when they have kids, what is their parenting style (or pets-who does what)?
You cannot tell me that Raph and Mona Lisa from 2012 wouldn't have a shit tone of children lol. I headcanon they'd have five kids, two girls and three boys:
Irrilia (who belongs to @myrling-art), Thalos and Sal/G'throkka (both belonging to @bludinkdragonz) then Frida and Vincent (both belong to me). Six if you count Chompy as their first baby lol.
As for Raph and Mona's parenting style, they are very loving and support towards their kids. Their kids are their whole world! Raph is the stay at home dad, so he's always with the kids while Mona brings home the dough. Mona is the more strict parent and the ones the kids go to if there's a spider in the room that needs to be killed (they known mommy is the strongest), and Raph is the over protective one, wanting his kids to be his babies forever, but he also looks forward to seeing the great fighters they will eventually become. Raph also tries really hard to never play favorites or come off as such cause he knows how much it effected him growing up. Raph and Mona would train their kids to become fighters, but only when they're older and ready. Both of them spent their childhoods/youths training and fighting deadly battles, so they want their children to have an actual childhood.
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
I have really struggled to find fanfiction for media that I hyperfixate on that also resonates with me, and I end up finding most of what I read to feel very OOC or straight up cringey with fanfiction involving ships. However, I really love Courting a Salamandrian, and I'm starting to read your other fics, which are also splendid. You're a talented writer and I feel you have done an excellent job portraying these characters accurately, but with your own style. Great job all around!
I- I don't know what to say! I'm so happy to know you love my work! I really try my best to keep these character, well, in character so I often worry when I write them doing things they haven't said/done before would stick out to much. I always love adding my own twist and personal headcanons onto the TMNT characters that we love, so it means so much to know that you like them and are reading more of my works! I hope you enjoy what else I have in store!
Thank you so much for your kind words! <333
Me rn:
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fabuloustrash05 · 16 days
Have you listened to Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother? I just listened to it the other day, and I think it encapsulates Raph's character (especially 2012 Raph) very well.
No pressure to listen to it tho, just a suggestion if you're interested.
*looks it up and listens to it*
Oh yeah, I can definitely see this being a 2012 Raphael song 👍
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
It seems that Yoshi (your OC, not Splinter) takes a lot of pride in being the only blood related descendent of the OG Hamato Yoshi, but has he considered that his turtle uncles may be biologically related to Master Splinter as well? Seeing how the mutagen works, it is a possibility. In turn, this would make Raph's children the biological grandchildren of Splinter. Has this ever crossed his mind? If not, I'm curious how he would react to the prospect.
That whole concept with Yoshi was heavily inspired by those leor*i shippers who kept on denying that Leo and Karai are ever related, so it’s a fun little jab at them and show how ridiculous it is cause in the end, blood relation of not, THEY ARE FAMILY.
For how it works is that when the Turtles were mutated, they turned into the last thing they touch and for them it was Splinter when he was human, so that’s how they came out humanoid (that’s just my belief). In the end, yes, Raph has Hamato blood and therefore making his kids also have Hamato blood.
Yoshi truly does love his cousins and sees them as his true family he just has a hard time showing it (I don’t want people to assume he thinks that way that they aren’t his family). He just has a massive ego, spoiled, and can be a huge dick, and since Karai is the first born Hamato he thinks he has more rights than his cousins, despite being the third Hamato of the next generation to be born. He says that other stuff about being a full blood related descendent to add salt to the wound that he’s the only human descendant of Hamato Yoshi, making him think he’s more “valid”, if that makes sense.
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