#when worlds collide rewritten
fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Congrats on writing the final chapter for Courting a Salamandarian! Now all we have left for it is the epilogue (which believe me, I am excited for), what plans do you have for future fics? I imagine Turtles in the Roaring 20's is going to get more attention, but do you have plans of writing any other fanfics as of right now? Again, great job on your writing, and congrats!!!
Thank you! It's pretty exciting knowing I completed my very first fanfic! I basically wrote a book! lol It's so incredible yet also sad to see this story I've worked on for 4 1/2 years coming to an end. This fanfic is my baby and now it's all grow up <3
As for what is next, yes, Turtles In The Roaring 20's will be getting more attention now. More chapters will be coming out sooner than before, and this fanfic will most likely be my primary focus from now on.
I'd also like to write more short oneshots of RaMona and other TMNT 2012 characters if possible. I have a few rough drafts already that I wanna finish up and publish hopefully soon.
I'm also planning on starting two new fanfics! Either start both of them at the same time and work on them back to back, or start one now and do another one later. I'll just have to see how I feel. They are my When Worlds Collide Rewrite and also my Mistress Millennium (Evil Renet AU).
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tourmalinaer · 10 days
rereading tcg
honestly if kylie myles wasn’t such a bitch, she could’ve been a cool rachel elizabeth dare, aware of magic but living in the normal world, kind of character iykwim.
I get how when Call went to the magisterium he just left his old life behind, but it would also make a cool storyline if he still had some connection to his life back in nc somehow
Don’t get me wrong, Kylie Myles’ character was a chicken and kind of a female dog as well. She could always be rewritten in our fantasies, though. From all that we’ve seen of kylie, we can tell that she and Call don’t give a crap about each other, but what if they (or some other character in her position) had a percy-Grover/tyson type of relationship? again, fun storyline in theory. Call would’ve probably told them about the alleged dangers of magic, and they could’ve tried to flunk the trial together. Or maybe Call tries to fail and Kylie tries really to get in like she did originally. idk I didn’t think this through
another idea: when she and Call interact in TCG, it could somehow be introduced that she stjll remembers magic. They become good friends or something since she’s the only one he can talk to that summer about typical magical teenager stuff. She somehow becomes an important character because she’s the only relevant person who knows about magic but doesn’t go to the magisterium. (rachel storyline)
again, im not really sure how the story would work since her magic was binded and her memories were erased and reworked. maybe Call just blurts everything out about magic and it unlocks the memories? and/or one of Joseph’s minions tampered with the magic binding or something? idrk.
she could also become a Mindy/Lindy/Cindy/Wendy type of character if you’ve read TLOS. if that happened, i would just die like I did when reading Worlds Collide.
oh I just remembered: in TSM, wasn’t there some guy that said master joseph scooped him up after he didn’t do well enough in the trial or something? it could’ve been fun if we had a closer character that was recruited to the enemy’s side. or at the very least, an ethan nakamura kind of character. drew and alex don’t really count since they were just the descendants of the original enemies. GIVE US MORE ANGST!!!
if I have enough time/motivation/creativity I might write a fanfic about all the crap I’ve yapped about
im sorry this post has been incredibly scattered I’m kind of just using this as my notes app
“thank you for listening to my ted talk 🫡”
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llitchilitchi · 5 months
Any thoughts on sharing the oblivion au fic? 👉👈
ohhh sure! I have a lengthy document detailing the plotpoints and several scenes written out fully (some of which I won't share because I don't like how they turned out and would have rewritten them if I was still into it). I have no idea how much of it will make sense without context of the lore of the game, but here's a snippet I wrote about Dream's first Oblivion gate.
Heat curls around his fingers as he reaches for the Sigil Stone. It’s scalding, the heat blowing in his face as he closes his hands around the orb, and something shifts.
The pedestal seems to erupt with white light as the Sigil Stone falls into his hands, taken out of the magic field and the heat grows unbearable. The tower shakes and the whole realm seems to groan as the link between Mundus and Oblivion tears.
And with the tearing comes a collapse.
The chains suspending the pedestal tear like thread, the heavy metal links falling into the blinding heat as the floor chars and falls apart like burnt paper. Dream hears the angry cry of a dremora lord as it tries to reach the Sigil Keep but he never sees him enter. For a moment he wonders if there even is an entrance through which he may enter, and his throat closes at the thought. There is no time to leave the tower. No time to reach the gate and return, if the gate still even stands after he ripped the Sigil Stone that tethers it. He’s going to die here.
He closes his eyes, his knees growing weak as the world around him shakes apart. At least the gate is closed, he thinks, and Alexander can free the city now, and maybe tell George that he is needed elsewhere.
The heat swallows him whole.
Dream blinks his eyes open as he feels cold raindrops land on his lids. The Sigil Stone is still clutched in his hands, pulsating and warm in his palms as the chill of the rain sets into his bones. He’s back in Cyrodiil. The air reeks of sulphur and blood and the land he stands on his hard and charred but it is soil, real and solid and stable. He nearly collapses with relief, but the shouts of the guard bring him back and he turns away from the remnants of the gate.
“You closed the gate!” Alexander - the Blade - nearly collides with him as he grabs him by the shoulders, giving him something to lean on. Dream gives a nod in confirmation. “I knew you could do it – this is our chance to launch a counterattack.”
“I think I need a moment,” Dream mutters. The world is still coming back to him and he shivers in the cold rain.
“Right, right,” Alexander says. “Sit down, have a drink. I’ll send my troops ahead. Will you join us? You clearly have more fightin’ experience than most of these men.”
“I doubt that.” Parlour tricks. That’s what he would call his fighting skills. But they seem efficient enough, against scamps and clannfears.
“Dream.” The name snaps him back to the present. “Most of these people are volunteers. Farmers and tavern bouncers. Any able hand that can wield a weapon will be of use when there are civilians stuck inside. Will you help us?”
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colderdrafts · 2 years
1: Pilot
They say the matter of the collision between worlds, known as 'The Great Assembly', was the start of a new beginning.
New beginnings are a language familiar to you, though you've found yourself somewhat at a stale period of your life. So when you're offered an opportunity to break out of the routine for a bit you happily accept. After all, new beginnings are also new opportunities.
For you this means some new friends, an unreasonably hostile naga that seemingly despises you and the uncertainties of loss.
Gender neutral reader x monster (male naga). sfw. Next
The beginning of a new world order, known as 'The great assembly', has caused not only a lot of issues, but also a lot of opportunities. The human condition and what it means to be a sentient person had changed forever, since two worlds collided and were combined into one. There had never prior to the great assembly been consequent proof of parallel universes, however when yours and the monster one collided on a twist of universal fate, all prior scientific hypothesis on the matter were even proven right, wrong, or rewritten.
For the assembly had happened, and the two worlds that collided proved to be similar enough that it allowed for minimal changes in physical place and geography - however the spaces used by people inhabiting those places were changed for good. Creatures of all shapes and sizes, of myth, of old folk tales, of regular fantasy suddenly became a reality. The media was at an outrage, telling of homes being suddenly 'invaded by monsters'.
That counted for both sides.
Humans have always had numerous perspectives, stories, legends, myths going on monsterfolk in all shapes and sizes - and the world, or well, your world, soon learned that the same was true for monsterfolk on humans. It seemed no matter the content, category, popularity of a human-written story, there was a monster-written counterpart, down to every last bit of literature. The great assembly was cause for an enormous influx in art of all kinds, and a gigantic population boom. The calamity that followed of rearranging the entire infrastructure of society was no less than an impossible challenge, and multiple fights, protests and political scandals ensued, while every single sentient being adjusted to their new reality.
The world, as a result, got a whole lot bigger.
Many years had passed since then. In present time, things are more or less back to a regular state. There's still crime, fights and war, there's still love, education and work. Inter-species relationships can be as strained as they can be friendly, and there's still a shared general consensus of what constitutes a 'good' vs a 'bad' person. Some prefer to live in the urban, some prefer to live in the rural. Some work desk jobs, some are retailers, some are in school, and some are on the streets. The assembly didn’t care what race you are or where you live - everyone gets the same standing point in existence.
But most of all, the people of the world, monster or human, strive for a regular, fulfilling life.
So here you are, a desk jockey in a financial company with a non-fulfilling life, but not knowing how earn a wage to survive if you quit, and not knowing how to apply for something different. You job is secure, and you're not worried financially. Your office mates consists of a large mix of both humans and monsterfolk, and for all intends and purposes, it's a normal work environment. Sure, your minotaur manager sometimes bumps his horn on the door frames, the gnoll assistant always leaves papers they hand you with small accidental scratchmarks from their claws, and the interior design is shifting to accommodate people much larger and smaller than the regular human. But the working day, hours and hierarchy structure remains the same.
You're at your desk typing away when Irwin, a human coworker and, forced upon you, your closest friend, peeks up over your computer screen.
"Psst," he whispers in mock subtlety. "Pssst, hey. I got you an offering."
Irwin is a lean guy of average height, sporting an undercut and a nose ring. He's only a year older than you, though he often uses this fact to utilize a 'small vulnerable young coworker'-approach when addressing you. All in good fun, of course.
His desk is the one in a cubicle right in front of yours, and this isn’t the first time he’s used your close proximity to his advantage.
You cog an eyebrow at him. "That usually means you have some paperwork you want me to look at."
He dramatically puts a hand over his chest and gasps. "Why I'd never - can a guy not offer his precious office buddy a gift?" he feigns hurt, looking dejectedly at the floor.
"You can't. There's always a catch with you," you roll your eyes at him, but don't hide the smile on your face.
Irwin's always been one to get behind on work, but he's genuinely a nice person, albeit goofy and unstructured. How he's thriving in a desk job is beyond you.
"I want - to give you this!" he proudly presents a USB key. "The whole season of the mon version of that weird show you like so much. IF," he makes a show of holding the key just out of your reach, despite you not even reaching for it, "you look over the numbers on this sheet to make sure I got it right."
You groan. "Again? Really Irwin, have some faith in your abilities, I know you can do math!"
"Last time you saved me from returning 5000 bucks to the wrong customer! I'm paranoid, okay?" he leans over your desk. "And you're so good at it! You catch everything!"
You notice the calamity has earned a few stray looks from your office mates, who all seem to glance your way in amusement. This isn't the first time Irwin has been at your feet like this, effectively branding himself as the office clown. You wouldn't mind, if it didn't mean he consistently insisted on pulling you into his shenanigans. Out the corner of your eye you spot your manager Barney coming down the hallway. You'll need to get rid of Irwin fast to avoid an earful.
"Irwin -" you warn.
He catches the direction of your look and smiles dastardly.
"Pretty please? It's HD~" he tries to sell it, nonchalantly waving the key in front of you, staring with puppy eyes.
You sigh. It's not that you're actually particularly interested in the show he's downloaded for you. You've only told him a few weeks ago you were watching the hum version, and in passing mentioned you wondered what the mon version would look like. You do however find it quite endearing he noticed and remembered.
Even if it's for his own nefarious gain of getting out of paperwork.
"Hand me the USB," you relent finally.
Irwin beams at you. "You're the absolute best-test in the world!"
"I know. And you're a terrible co-worker."
"Oh, the WORST, absolutely horrendous, rude and disrespectful. I don't know why you put up with me, but I am eternally grateful."
"You're taking advantage of them being too nice, Irwin," comes a rumbling voice.
You look back to see Barney, in all his imposing glory, standing at the cubicle next to yours, and you try not to jump in surprise.
How did he get here so fast and silently on those hooves?
Barney stands about two meters, with horns and face of a jersey bull, and crosses his arms over his massive chest. You thank the stars he's currently not scowling at you, but Irwin shrinks a bit back into his own cubicle.
"Taking advantage – Sir, I would never! It's an equal trade, and effective usage of resources. I do my part, they look it over, and the company thrives on our shared effort!" Irwin argues.
Barney huffs. "And does you precious coworker here ever ask you to look things over?"
"Well, no, but-"
"Because they actually do their job properly and on time. If you'd planned this better you would have more time to look it over, and you wouldn't have to waste their time with YOUR workload. Do better next time."
Barney’s reprimanding is as always deadly and precise.
Irwin's shoulders slump as he looks to the floor. "Yes, Sir."
"Honestly, it's not an issue, it doesn't take long to-" you start, but Barney cuts you off.
"That's not the point. Irwin still needs to learn how to plan his things. Don't let him off that easy," he stands up straight. "But that's not the thing I wanted to discuss with you two, actually. If you'd come with me for a moment."
Barney turns on his hooves and walks away without waiting for acknowledgment.
You share a look with Irwin, who shrugs, whispers 'uh-oh!', and cheerily steps after your manager. You follow suit.
Barney’s office is fairly simple, consisting only of a desk, his working computer, and a pair of chairs stacked in the corner. He motions for you and Irwin to pick one out and sit.
He sits opposite to you behind his desk.
"In light of current events, the head of our department has called for what they adequately call a “consensus strive”,” Barney does quotation marks in the air as he says it with a sour expression. “Something about developing the company team to function better as a group. Apparently, there's been something stuck in the gears between each department in the company. Blame thrown around, deliveries on projects not met, deadlines not kept, the general bad blood.
"So the heads have gotten together, and they propose a solution: Each department sends some representatives to speak of the going-ons at a shared company wide conference-trip," Barney eyes both of you. "And I want you two to go as representatives for us."
Silence hangs in the air for a bit, before Irwin lights up. "For real? That sounds – well, awesome! Fun, even."
Irwin looks to you for your reaction, but you can tell by the excited grip on the arm of his chair that he's already dead-set on going.
"What exactly does a conference-trip mean?" you ask.
"It means you will be going on a trip with other representatives of different departments of the company for 5 days," Barney explains. "There will be team-working activities, cross-department meetings, friendly competition and the works. It takes place in the mountain range just outside of town.”
Irwin deflates just a little bit. "5 days? Isn't that – I mean, a lot of work can be done in 5 days," he notes, gesturing toward the rest of the department. “You sure it’s fine without us for that long?”
Barney eyes him. "Appreciate the concern Irwin, but it would be a good look for the department," he smirks. "Don't worry about your workload – it'll be here when you return."
"I bet," Irwin sighs, and Barney chuckles.
You offer Irwin a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before turning to Barney. "Well thank you for the opportunity Sir, but I have to ask – why us?"
"Irwin’s current level of focus suggests he would better thrive elsewhere for a bit, and you seem the only one capable of keeping him somewhat in line," Barney replies with a nonchalant shrug. “’sides, it’ll be good for you to get out and get some fresh air.”
Considering you and Irwin are nowhere near the top of the food chain here, you get the feeling he deliberately avoids the word 'expendable'.
“So, you in?” Barney asks.
Irwin looks at you with a pleading expression. Well, you’re not one to turn down an offer like that.
“You got it, boss.”
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Leo should have been the one to defeat Kavaxas, not Mikey.
Raph should have been the main focus in When Worlds Collide, not Mikey.
Mikey should have been focused on in the Halloowen arc with his relationship with Renet. Maybe even make him snap in that arc. I remember I saw an idea that Mikey could have tried to make Renet go back in time so he could save his father.
Halloowen arc should have been the hour long special and When Worlds Collide should have been the 4 episodes or something.
Season 5 should have used characters who had a lot of potential but ended up wasting it.
The writers favored Mikey WAY TOO MUCH in season 5 and had him take away all of the spotlight from the other turtles. And also the things he did are literally never questioned and are eventually forgotten.
I like season 5 and all and it's pretty cool but uhhhh- it's also mid at times- and there are so many things that should have been rewritten and changed.
There are some other stuff that could be mentioned so if anyone wants ya'll can add on or maybe say something different then what I did.
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theink-stainedfolk · 4 months
New WIP Paradox Paragon
In the sprawling metropolis of Neo Arcadia, controlled by the shadowy organization known as ChronoCorps, time is not merely a measure of moments but a weapon wielded by those in power. In this dystopian future, where history is rewritten at will, Auriel Keirs, a brilliant hacker haunted by the disappearance of their family, uncovers a chilling truth buried within the depths of ChronoCorps' labyrinthine schemes.
When Auriel's investigation leads them to a chance encounter with Ilmaris Halcyon, a steadfast detective with an unwavering commitment to justice, their worlds collide in a whirlwind of conspiracy and danger. Initially at odds with each other, Auriel and Ilmaris must navigate a precarious alliance as they delve deeper into the dark underbelly of Neo Arcadia.
As they unearth the secrets hidden within ChronoCorps' grasp, Auriel and Ilmaris find themselves entangled in a web of deceit, where nothing is as it seems and trust is a fragile commodity. Together, they must confront their own demons and face impossible choices as they race against time to unravel the truth before it's too late.
With each revelation, Auriel and Ilmaris discover that the lines between ally and enemy blur, and the fate of Neo Arcadia hangs in the balance. In a city where the past holds the key to the future, they must confront their deepest fears and confront the echoes of eternity itself.
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headlineawards · 2 years
2023 Headline Award Winners Additional Fiction
Additional Fiction Winners
Little British Award  [Best Short]
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​Winner - little wooly baa lambs by timeladyleo
“Such a perfect English love. Even with a joke gone too far, Herc's love shows through. He would hold her hand and follow Carolyn anywhere.   Thank you for showing us the quiet side of the love of Herc and Carolyn.”
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​Runner-up - Wrecked Again by Ynyseira
“In only 100 words you raise Giles up to the clouds only to dash him to the earth.  Only a second of bliss for the poor watcher.  Thank you for giving it to him. And to us.”
​Epic Award  [Best Series/Long-fic]
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​Winner - Nocturne by RoselynnThornwood and The_Eclectic_Bookworm
“Nocturne meaning is and they weren’t kidding when naming this fic. This is an incredible fic that covers not only the Buffy verse but the original Vampire story - Dracula.  Both writers did an amazing job writing across both worlds, convincingly weaving them together without losing the key facets of what makes each one recognizable. Some really amazing key snippets are dropped into the story which make it a fascinating read.  The sensory, mouth-watering writing of Stoker was captured really well.  Though, don’t be put off if you haven’t yet read Dracula.
Setting the story to “The Wish” verse was a great choice, allowing for the cross-over and this plot to play out convincingly. The structure followed Stoker’s novel, so it is in journal/correspondence format throughout. It may have been better for the story to shift out of that once the story is brought back to the Buffy Verse but it is still an amazing read.  Lead and supporting characters are incredibly well written. Oz was great for instance.
It is a nerve-wracking fic throughout and you honestly find it unnerving the more you read. It is dark, sad and morbid - which is true to both Verse’.  This series just gets better and better. The layering of the Buffy plot and storylines come to the fore as the story progresses, each element being cleverly interlaced and rewritten.  There is a comparison between “traditional”/Buffyverse vampires and Dracula-spawned vampires which demonstrates the really simple but clever way the two worlds collide and meld.
The writers also add more depth behind their concept with knowledge of the wider Buffyverse (comics, novels & games), giving us an entirely different take on the idea of a Vampiric Giles. This is certainly hands down a far better & exciting version than the official Buffy stories that were published.
This fic is the epitome of “good squirm”.”
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​Runner-up - I Got You Babe by Skyson
“This year’s runner up was such a close second it was a hard choice to make.  I Got You Babe is reminiscent of the classic Love film we all know and love. Not strictly a song-fic, this fic has its own soundtrack that “plays” thought out and sets the tone.
Set post series, the writer allows us to venture down a familiar path that we all enjoy losing ourselves in. It’s an affectionate fic. Not just for the buffy/Giles relationship, but also between the other characters.  It’s a slow burn fic which feels natural. You believe the characters are truly in love and are under no rush. It’s frustrating but in such a good way.
The fic places the characters in different circumstances post-show, therefore they are similar but different to the characters from canon, but still with their quirks. The writer confidently does this and demonstrates their knowledge of the show’s characters. The more you read the fic, the more you begin to realize that the fic is centered around Buffy’s development and her reaching maturity and it follows the change she makes into the woman she becomes.
What makes this fic a breath of fresh air is instead of dramatic or extenuating circumstances acting as a catalyst, the characters come together naturally and without pressure. That doesn’t make this fic any less sexy; the desire they feel for each other makes for an intense compilation of love scenes, but the writer doesn’t rush.
The story works through at its own pace and takes the time to cleverly place us back in the Sunnydale we all remember. There’s even a little callback to Giles’ original wardrobe. So, though it is an alternate future storyline, it is reassuringly reminiscent.
It gives us everything we want, including a final chapter that gives us a happy ever after.”
​Behind Green Eyes Award [Best Characterization]
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Winner - proffer to displace by knapp_shappeys  (Herc Shipwright)
“Meeting up with Herc as Air Caledonian is in talks of a merger with Swiss Airways. We follow Herc's history with Air Caledonian and watch Herc battle with the idea of uncertainty as the layoffs and reassignments begin, and we get to ride the rollercoaster as Herc realizes he's made the cut and then is immediately brought crashing down when he gets the call from Linda that she hasn't.”
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​Runner-up - A Perilous Path by archaeologist_d  (Uther Pendragon)
“In this we see a younger more confident Uther with a raw desire to conquer all. He has proven himself the strongest fighter and he will leave a lasting legacy no matter the cost. Truly capturing his arrogance as he believes the sacrifice to have a son will be of no consequence to him as he pictures his perfect life as King. All the more tragic that we as the audience know what fate awaits him.”
Thanks to thenewbuzzwuzz for creating out prize banners!
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Review: The Witcher: blood origin
Don’t mind me, I’m rambling about a show I watched to practice English; wrote it during insomnias so it might be strange lmao Also, /!\ MAJOR SPOILERS of the books, the games, and both of Netflix shows
Why ‘The Witcher: Blood origin’ is (in my opinion) a missed opportunity 
As a major fan of The Witcher franchise – having nerding myself to the point I’ve read the books 3 times, played the third game for countless hours and the show’s score being my most listened album of the past year – I was rather enthusiastic at the prospect of a spin-off series. Even more when I learned that this would actually be a prequel, for it could be very interesting. 
However, as some of you may know, the show didn’t have as much success as expected – some could even call it a failure. Without calling it a failure, for I am a rather optimistic and easy watcher, I can’t say that this show was a good one. I personally think that the show is more interesting to analyze, and I’d like to list the elements that worked and failed to understand why ‘The Witcher: Blood origin’ had missed its chance. 
Before I start, here’s my opinion on the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher: 
The first season was a rather successful adaptation, in my opinion. The chaotic rhythm and timeline that had confused a lot of viewers matches the first book style (which is a collection of short stories, for those who hadn’t read the books). Henry Cavill’s interpretation of Geralt is amazing, so is Joey Batey as Jaskier. On that note, the liberties taken by the show writers about some of the characters – namely Yennefer’s past – had surprised me, but it wasn’t half bad. As long as it stays consistent through the show, I’m fine with it. The way the first season also gave more space to explore some very interesting side characters such as Calanthe, Tissaia and even the untold story about King Foltest’s daughter in the book material, was truly appreciated. Also, the score was absolutely wonderful and a fine adaptation of the game’s music, somehow. So, I was rather satisfied by the first season and willing to let a few characters misread slip – like Cahir’s really awkward behavior. The second season however, lost me the very moment they decided to rip Eskel’s character apart and throw the original plot to the bin. I have nothing against a little improvisation or slightly changing a character, but season two straight up rewritten entire characters and that went wrong. So, in conclusion I think Netflix’s adaptation has started great, but should definitely stick more to the original content, no matter how much all of the actors are doing a good job and the score’s good, which saves it a little.  
Back to ‘Blood origin’, the main advantage is that the story takes place in a period of time still untouched by all the content – books, games, various tv adaptations: the time before the Conjunction of the Spheres (CS for short in this essay). For the novices, or only show-viewers, the CS is the most important historical and scientific event in the world of ‘The Witcher’; it’s the moment when different spheres, worlds, collided together and mixed planes of existence into the Continent (the world/time plane where ‘The Witcher’ takes place), including different species such as humans and monsters. Before the CS, only elves lived on the Continent, and chaos (equivalent of magic) didn’t exist, as it was a direct consequence of the conjunction; that’s what we know from the source material. So, the decision to explore this specific time before the Continent became what makes The Witcher universe was both bold and promising. 
That being said, let’s list the good sides of ‘The Witcher: blood origin’. 
First, the clan war among elves is a pretty good idea. We always see elves as haughty, bitchy and posh beings, always acting so superior to other races (and not only in The Witcher, but also Lord of the rings for example). So having them depicted as a dominating race isn’t a surprise, however seeing them in a power play among themselves, as clans among the same race, is a refreshing idea. Plus, the show showed that dwarves, Continent’s inhabitants, are also victims of eleves, to increase the injustice, even cruelty of elves, which was a good idea. Plus, the clans hierarchy is a smart – yet tricky – way to refer to the elven organization in the books. In the source material, there’s different kinds of elves, like castes: the Aen Seidhe, inhabitants of the Continent since generations, the wise and scholars Aen Saevherne, magic users, and the Aen Elle who had left the Continent ages ago to move to another world. I get that making it about clan war was so much easier to put in the plot than explaining the different elven castes, I recognize that. Although it also led to the biggest mistake of the show, we’ll look into it later. 
The second brilliant idea was to include the character of Jaskier in the plot. At first when I learned we’d get to see the lovable bard again I was perplexed – how could we see him, if the story took place more than 300 years ago? But then, the choice of making him the listener, then the future writer of the story is downright brilliant. Because in the Witcher 3, Jaskier is indeed the narrator of Geralt’s adventures, and he’s writing his memoirs in the books, snippets of it are even dropped between chapters. Jaskier is a bard, it’s his job to tell stories; mixed up with his newfound mission of smuggling elves to safety in season 2, it was a brilliant decision to put him as the mysterious elf’s listener and receiver of the epic tale. Joey Batey is in my opinion one of the best cast for the Netflix show, his interpretation of Jaskier is flawless, both loyal and original compared to the book version, it’s an absolute gold character; him coming back for this prequel, even for a few minutes, had been an excellent decision. Plus, it gave us another awesome song from him, it’s obviously a good point for me. 
Something that may be controversial, but I really liked the costume designs of this show. They may have been slightly unconventional for some parts, but I globally appreciated what they did especially for female’s costumes. The mix of fantasy and more modern elements such as the empress’ makeup was a rather bold move, and it was quite refreshing. 
A thing I found interesting but quite clumsily put is the plot progression. The whole plot is mostly following a fantasy quest construction; which is logical for this universe. Two characters team up, find other companions through their quest and rally them to the cause before defeating the villain. Classic, practical. But that also makes some episodes way too long. Many side characters are great, like Michelle Yeoh’s character who is an absolute badass. But we spent too much time on side quest-ish episodes, even if there aren't many. 
This is a nice transition to the less fun part of this critic: what didn’t work in ‘The witcher: blood origin’. Admittedly, there are a lot of things, small and bigger details that don't work in this show, but I’ll focus only on two of them – the most importants in my opinion. 
First of all, the (plot-forced) relationship between Eile and Fjall. At the beginning of the show, when the two protagonists make a clan-like pact I thought “nice, their relationship seems more prone to evolve to a strong friendship rather than boring romance, it’s a nice change!”. Needless to say, when the show started to throw them at each other in a romantic way, I wasn’t too happy. Because…there was legit no need? It seemed totally uncalled for, none of them needed each other like that, and frankly, who cares? Fjall had his own kind-of romantic interest (albeit fucked up, toxic and above all that, over) with Merwyn, Eile had her own shit to deal with, and the plot didn’t need any more romantic plot to progress. And more than that, it had felt like a kind of treason to the original material. The Witcher universe is great, among other things, at writing characters in a less conventional, patriarchal way. Many characters are greatly written because I’m deeply convinced that The Witcher has in many aspects a feminist position. For instance, the character of Milva: she spends half of the books alongside Geralt, and none once as she has never been written and/or considered as a potential romantic interest or fuckable side character like she could have been. Her sexuality, although briefly mentioned, is free and assumed, never shamed or criticized. When the subject of abortion is brought to the table, even if she seeks her male companions for their insights, all of them answer that in the end, it’s her body and thus her own decision to make. The Milva example is a good one, but we could also mention many other cases of female characters being written in a very feminist way (Philippa Eilhart being also free in her choices, never shamed for who she loves, Tissaia living for her beliefs, the dryads, even Yennefer and Ciri who doesn’t like being mansplained or being a pawn in someone else’s game), in an early 00’ fantasy novel written by a cishet white man (and for that Mr Sapkowski, your books are truly an amazing piece of fiction). All that to say that a kinda forced romantic relationship appearing out of nowhere between two characters who were more interesting and already complete as friends is disappointing. The deus ex machina ‘it was the power of love that helped them defeat the villain’ was useless in that plot. It could have worked perfectly without, for a strong friendship between Eile and Fjall was more interesting and as legit as romantic feelings. Plus, some side characters offered minor, yet very touching romance material: the buff and bloody warrior Brother Death and the kind magician for instance; his scene where he explains why he’s so in love with her held much more emotion than any romantic moment between the protagonists. Even the story and vengeful devotion of Meldof, the lady dwarf who wants to avenge her dead love was more touching. And both of those examples are enough, the show isn’t centered on romance; side romantic elements like those would have been enough, more subtle, and much more in the spirit of the original material.
Let’s roll on the major problem in my opinion: Eredin and Avallac'h. 
Why Netflix, oh why. Everything could have been fine, the show could have been an acceptable, although a little clumsy adaptation. But you just had to bring up fanservice – which you clearly don’t know how to deal with. 
A little context for those unfamiliar with the books and/or games (and yes Netflix, that includes you too): Avallac’h is an Aen Saevherne (elven scholar and mage, if you remember correctly), which appears in the later books and has a fascination for Ciri. He wants to use the blood of her lineage to produce a new pure blood elf (and basically push her into the king of elves’ bed, but that’s another story). He’s kinda shady, but also an ally to her, probably because of his fascination (maybe crush?) toward her ancestor Lara Dorren. Eredin on the other hand, is an Aen Elle, one of the elves that lives at Tir ná Lia, another world. He’s also the commander of the Wild Hunt, or Dearg Ruadhri (and if you know a little bit of the games, you know he’s up to no good). Basically, his goal is to capture Ciri to use her incredible power that allows her among other things to travel through time and space. He’s an elven elitist, willing to do anything (including killing his king) to keep his power over the Aen Elle world. So by NO MEANS Eredin could be depicted as a submitted soldier; and he doesn't care about the Continent or anything, he despises this world. And Avallac’h being a shy, unambitious mage apprentice makes no sense either. In other words: what the fuck, Netflix? 
They are the two only (three with Jaskier) canon characters in this show, why couldn’t you at least understand the characters? Everything else I said above about any other characters could be ignored because well, they’re new and I’m willing to let that pass. But those two are major characters in The Witcher universe, the show could have a) been without them, the plot wouldn’t have been impacted, and b) pictured correctly. They were clearly used as fanservice, to please hardcore gamers or books fans, but if it isn’t made correctly, it can’t work! Although I understand it might be a way to introduce them for season 3 or 4 (that too Netflix, you’ll have a lot to explain because season 2 finale left me perplexed), but it was just done so badly. Even if the last scene with Eredin, clearly a hint of him becoming the leader of the Wild Hunt is pretty cool, it doesn’t fix it. 
It’s the most important mistake that has been made in this show, in my opinion. Because doing a show on the genesis of this universe, with brand new characters and intrigue, opened a lot of possibilities and most of all, allowed people unfamiliar with the source material to enjoy this universe a little more. A lot of viewers had complained about the show being incomprehensible to novices when the first season launched; ‘blood origin’ could have been a good compromise, but instead it had been a deception for everyone. And I’m not even mentioning incoherences such as chaos (magic) existing before the CS, or first witchers being elves. 
In conclusion, there were a lot of good ideas, but much more big incoherences to the original material or within the show’s plot. It could have been a great, original show but it ended up being a messy mix of new ideas and badly written fanservice. And thanks fuck we got to see Jaskier again or else I would have riot.
The boi saved the day. 
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spectober · 2 years
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Here is the Spectober 2022 writing prompt list! Don’t feel pressured to do every prompt, but you’re welcome to plan ahead for the month.
The prompts are also rewritten beneath the cut:
Spectrals know the veil between worlds is thin, but it’s still difficult to comprehend the alternate universe colliding with theirs right now. 
Spender notices that largely exaggerated stories of the West Hill Horror are hurting his students’ morale. How will he fix this dilemma? 
Every year the Jang has a “friendly” competition to collect the most candy.
Isaac will never admit it, but horror movies always leave him with nightmares.
Mayview isn’t big enough for two Agent Days, so which one’s the fake?
Max hasn’t been afraid of the dark for years, but being a spectral gives new meaning to the shadows in his vision.
Lisa invests in some uncomfortably squirmy decorations for the School Store that also serve to keep out unwanted patrons.
Isabel thought she knew Mayview like the back of her hand, but her path seems to melt into the fog every time she looks away.
Cody refuses to let his dad’s authority ruin the one night a year he can run around with his friends.
Violet has been saving her Starchman Stars for the ultimate Halloween prize until Mr. Starchman makes a dreaded announcement.
There are a surprising amount of sleepwalkers in Mayview. PJ and Lefty have made it their mission to make sure all of them get back home safely.
For Halloween, Max’s dad decides to sell loads of fake blood. The results are what one would expect.
Forge has seen the death of countless humans, yet this death is somehow different.
Agent Walker heard “pentacle” instead of “tentacle” and shows up woefully unprepared to deal with the spirit in question.
When a wisp is given the opportunity to hide away in something, the Activity Club has to get the coveted object out of the hands of non-spectrals.
The lake in the center of Mayview was never the cleanest, but now Dr. Zarei needs to find out why it’s currently pitch black.
Boss Leader has been speechless out of shock or anger many times. This is the first time it happens out of happiness.
DJ Mothman and Professor Bigfoot’s podcast always talks about Mayview’s secret cryptid on Halloween night.
Dimitri has always known that being medium to Peekaboo changed his bones but this is just absurd.
Jean Garcia has seen many types of footprints as a Cousinhood member, though none quite like these.
Just as citizens of Mayview are preparing for the spookiest day of the year, the entire town’s supply of candy disappears!
Stephen can hear something under his front yard, and tonight he’s going to find out what it is.
Death cultists are a very superstitious sort, but in some cases, definitely justified in their caution.
Even though the sense of wrong permeating the building sends shivers down Suzy’s spine, she’s determined to get to the bottom of this Halloween mystery.
Jeff has no impulse control, which is why he sticks his hand in the glowing ooze.
Zoey’s dad accidentally leaves her on the wrong hill and now she has to walk home alone.
Due to Francisco Guerra’s strict “No Guests Allowed in the Dojo” policy, Isabel and Ed have to be very sneaky about planning their spooky sleepover.
Paige’s favorite part of being a vampire is the excuse to sleep in a coffin.
When all the lights in Mayview are snuffed out, only the moonlight can protect the Activity Club from the now emboldened night lamps.
Hijack has always wanted to go trick-or-treating, and this year, he will, even if he has to possess the whole town to do it.
Mayview doesn’t do small festivals, it’s go big or go home.
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
A Love Rewritten: Draco's Journey of Redemption
A Love Rewritten: Draco's Journey of Redemption https://ift.tt/NFhqvU3 by Dramione123 In a world where love and magic intertwine, Draco Malfoy, a single father, embarks on a journey that defies expectations. When he hires Hermione Granger as a nanny for his young son, Scorpius, their shared past collides with an unexpected present. As Draco navigates the complexities of parenthood, their relationship evolves, leading them on a path of healing, redemption, and ultimately, a love that transcends time and circumstance. Join them on a captivating journey where they discover that even in the most unlikely of circumstances, love has the power to rewrite their story and create a future filled with hope and tenderness. Words: 1986, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Scorpius Malfoy, Lyra Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Single Parent Draco Malfoy, Alternate Universe - Nanny, Child Scorpius Malfoy, Parent Draco Malfoy, Parent Hermione Granger via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/unPXbxG May 19, 2023 at 01:17AM
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melanielocke · 2 years
Alastember - day 25 - began
This is an adaption of a scene from the sequel to Lost in the Shadows that I haven't worked on in a long time. This sequel is set in the rewrite world with the rewritten characters, so I had to change some things back to make it fit the original fanfic world. (And as such the sequel will not be posted online since it is not fanfiction) If you don't remember or haven't read Lost in the Shadows, the premise of that fanfic was that it was set in the modern world but with magic. Generally, lots of mythical monsters exist in the place they originate from. Some people, including Sophie, Thomas, Barbara and Risa have the sight which is the ability to see all supernatural beings as they are, whereas most people don't see them at all or have to train their sight with the help of someone with natural sight. Unlike in the Shadowhunter world, there is no organized force who fight creatures that intend harm, but the Carstairs family fights monsters with Cortana (which can kill anything). Alastair had the magic memory ability I also gave him the Stars Collide. In Lost in the Shadows it was never explained why Alastair had his powers, but this scene shows it. The unknown character who shows up was supposed to be Kamala's adoptive father but he doesn't really fit with the Bridgestocks so I kept him the same as the rewrite character. @alastair-appreciation-month
‘So when do you expect your useless husband to show up?’
‘You’re being too harsh, Risa,’ Sona said. ‘You know how demanding his line of work can be.’
‘So demanding he couldn’t be bothered to be there when his son was born?’
Risa handed Sona back her baby. It was true Elias hadn’t been there the past week, likely he did not yet know the baby had been born. Sona had gone into labor a week early after all, how could he have known? Surely he would be there soon.
‘He’ll be there when he can,’ Sona said. ‘You know how excited he was that he was going to have a son. And he promised he wouldn’t be gone as often anymore once the baby starts growing up.’
‘Babies are a lot of work,’ Risa said. ‘A decent father doesn’t leave all of that to his wife and her relatives.’
Most of Sona’s and Risa’s family still lived in Iran, so Sona only had Risa to help her take care of her baby for now. In Iran, all of her female relatives would be around to help and Sona would have found that easier. But apparently for British women it was normal to only have one or two of their closest relatives around to help and if they could manage, she would too.
Sona heard the door open. The baby startled awake and started crying, and she gently rocked him in her arms. He was sensitive to noises around him, easily startled, but then he was her first child and she didn’t know yet what was normal.
‘Elias, you’re back!’
It wasn’t just Elias walking through the door, there was someone with him, someone Sona did not recognize. Was he another hunter? Elias had never mentioned any, he usually worked alone.
‘Our son is born,’ he said. ‘How is he?’
‘You knew?’ Risa asked sharply.
‘I just heard from Jem,’ Elias said.
Jem was Elias’ nephew and he’d visited her the day before to congratulate her on the birth of her son, and had given her baby clothes and toys for when he was a little older. Jem and Elias weren’t close anymore, and Sona suspected Elias resented Jem for turning away from the Carstairs family tradition of monster fighting to become a psychiatrist.
‘He is three days old already,’ Risa said. ‘I think it’s about time you decide on a name, no?’
Sona had waited with naming her baby until Elias was back. She had a list, but he hadn’t made a decision yet. She knew she wanted the baby to have a Persian middle name, and since she didn’t think Elias would care much about that she’d settled on Esfandiyar, but she didn’t know what his first name would be yet.
‘I have,’ Elias said. ‘His name will be Alastair. Defender of men. Fitting for my heir, isn’t it?’
‘Who is your friend?’ Sona asked.
‘Oh, he came with me from my travels. He has brought a gift for little Alastair.’   
The man stepped forward. He was tall, taller than Elias even, with long blonde hair.
‘What’s with his ears?’ Risa whispered.
Now that Risa mentioned it, Sona saw it too. His ears weren’t exactly human, but rather pointy. An elf, then? Sona didn’t have the sight herself, but Risa did and whenever she pointed out anything unusual, Sona would see it too.
‘My name is Cioran,’ the man said. ‘I am the king of the wood elves. Your husband has done me a great favor and in return I have promised to bestow a blessing on your son. May I?’
Sona handed Alastair to the elf, who spoke some words in a language she didn’t understand. A light appeared above Alastair, and then disappeared inside his head. The elf handed Alastair back to her.
Risa crossed her arms. ‘And what did you do to him exactly?’
‘Unlike most humans, all elves are born with magic,’ Cioran explained. ‘And one gift we have is to bestow a blessing on a human under twenty five years. We can do it once in a lifetime and the younger the human, the better the effect. It won’t show until he’s a little older, but in time he will develop magic of his own.’
‘What kind of magic?’ Sona asked.
‘I cannot say. Blessed humans develop magic that suits their personality is our hypothesis, it is not something we can control. A hotheaded warrior may gain some control over fire, while a caring and compassionate person may gain a healing ability. But your son is too young to know how his personality or his power will develop.’
‘But whatever his power ends up being, I am certain it will aid him,’ Elias said. ‘Alastair will be a great Carstairs warrior someday, fighting evil with magic as well as Cortana.’
Sona could tell from her face that Risa disapproved, but she didn’t say anything else. It was a lot of expectation to put on a baby for sure, but Sona had faith in little Alastair.
Taglist: @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-off @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @broodyhawthorne
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fabuloustrash05 · 7 months
I saw your post about how you would like to rewrite "when worlds collide" I would really like to see it and most likely others would too, so why don't you write it in year3? Like I said before, I'm sure we would all like to see slash there instead of karai, more about the story of commander g'throkka with the neutralizer and even rapha with the powers, I think it would be more interesting to see rapha with the powers than mikey (it's not hate Mikey, but I feel like I would have liked Rapha and Mona to have more prominence in those chapters) and seeing Mona's temperament up close would be a dream (I feel like she may have a stronger but controlled temperament) I also want to see friendship between her and April
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Who said I haven’t started working on it? Lol
I’ve been holding off writing the When Worlds Collide Rewrite mainly because I was putting all my time and focus on finishing my RaMona fanfic Courting a Salamandrian (plus also personal things have been going on in my life).
I didn’t want to add another fanfic I started but have no time to write to the list. I’m already balancing two and I didn’t want to overwhelm myself. And I’d hate to do that to my readers, having them to wait so long for updates on their favorite fanfic because I’m more focused on the others, you know?
But now that Courting a Salamandrian is almost complete, I’m planning on starting to work on a new fanfic and When Worlds Collide Rewritten is one of the many candidates.
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tripstitan · 1 year
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Another chapter from my long running webnovel series, AAoMM transcribed over to Wattpad for those that prefer it!
An Age of Mysterious Memories - B 1 C 12: Further Yet (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1380626656-an-age-of-mysterious-memories-b-1-c-12-further-yet 
Step into a realm where memories collide with new realities, and the boundaries of existence are rewritten. Join Reggie, Lil, Luni, and Teuila on an adventure that defies the rules of the world they once knew. It's a journey where survival becomes paramount, as they grapple not only with the untamed wilderness but also with the shadows of their past. In this extraordinary series, you'll experience a narrative unlike any other-an exploration of adventure through the eyes of someone wrestling with inner demons, PTSD, anxiety, and a profound sense of identity. Our narrator, though at times unreliable, unveils a tale that will captivate and challenge your perception of reality. But it's not just the internal battles that define this epic. Drama and personal growth flourish in the crucible of relationships, where dialogues pulse with emotion.
And if you're a fan of RPG elements, there's a rich tapestry of systems to delve into, intricately woven throughout the narrative. Dive into the prologue for an immersive experience that will leave you craving more. Here, you'll discover a world that seems plucked from a video game-a place where mastering its mechanics is the key to survival.
Our heroes, champions of a realm teetering on the brink of chaos, will inspire you as they learn to embrace their limitations and keep pushing forward. Love, loyalty, and courage bind their tight-knit circle, offering a glimmer of hope against overwhelming odds.
While you may find echoes of beloved anime, manga, and video games like Tensura, Digimon, and Dragon Quest, rest assured that this journey is uniquely its own. Any subtle nods are purely coincidental, but when the series pays homage, it does so with a playful nod and a wink. Join us in this spellbinding adventure that defies reality and challenges the very essence of existence. Your quest awaits.
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ireadyabooks · 2 years
Celebrate Galentine’s Day with our fave strong, female protagonists! 💞
In the words of Miley Cyrus: “I can buy myself flowers!” 🌹 Celebrate self-love & female friendship this Galentine’s Day with our fave leading ladies in YA! 💘
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When seventeen-year-old Eliza Lin’s essay about meeting the love of her life unexpectedly goes viral, her entire life changes overnight. Now she has the approval of her classmates at her new international school in Beijing, a career-launching internship opportunity at her favorite magazine…and a massive secret to keep. Eliza made her essay up. She’s never been in a relationship before, let alone in love. All good writing is lying, right?
Desperate to hide the truth, Eliza strikes a deal with the famous actor in her class, the charming but aloof Caz Song. She’ll help him write his college applications if he poses as her boyfriend. Caz is a dream boyfriend -- he passes handwritten notes to her in class, makes her little sister laugh, and takes her out on motorcycle rides to the best snack stalls around the city.
But when her relationship with Caz starts feeling a little too convincing, all of Eliza’s carefully laid plans are threatened. Can she still follow her dreams if it means breaking her own heart? 
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Daisy and Noah have the same plan: use the holiday concert to land a Julliard audition. But when they're chosen to play a duet for the concert, they worry that their differences will sink their chances.
Noah, a cello prodigy from a long line of musicians, wants to stick to tradition. Daisy, a fiercely independent disabled violinist, is used to fighting for what she wants and likes to take risks. But the two surprise each other when they play. They fall perfectly in tune.
After their performance goes viral, the rest of the country falls for them just as surely as they're falling for each other. But viral fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. No one seems to care about their talent or their music at all. People have rewritten their love story into one where Daisy is an inspiration for overcoming her cerebral palsy and Noah is a saint for seeing past it.
Daisy is tired of her disability being the only thing people see about her, and all of the attention sends Noah’s anxiety disorder into high speed. They can see their dream coming closer than it’s ever been before. But is the cost suddenly too high?
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This Pride & Prejudice retelling brings New York Times bestselling Sayantani DasGupta’s trademark wit and insight to her bright and funny YA debut!
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Leela Bose plays to win.
A life-long speech competitor, Leela loves nothing more than crushing the competition, all while wearing a smile. But when she meets the incorrigible Firoze Darcy, a debater from an elitist private school, Leela can’t stand him. Unfortunately, he’ll be competing in the state league, so their paths are set to collide.
But why attempt to tolerate Firoze when Leela can one-up him? The situation is more complicated than Leela anticipated, though, and her participation in the tournament reveals that she might have tragically misjudged the debaters -- including Firoze Darcy -- and more than just her own winning streak is at stake…her heart is, too.
Debating Darcy is bestselling author Sayantani DasGupta’s reinterpretation of beloved classic Pride and Prejudice -- imaginative, hilarious, thought-provoking, and truly reflective of the complex, diverse world of American high school culture.
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Perfect for fans of The Sun Is Also a Star and Blackout, this YA novel from Debbie Rigaud is a celebration of Haitian and Caribbean culture, and a story of first love, vodou, and finding yourself, all set against the backdrop of the West Indian Day Parade in Brooklyn.
Cicely Destin lives for the West Indian Day Parade, the joyous celebration of Caribbean culture that takes over the streets of her neighborhood. She loves waving the Haitian flag, sampling delicious foods, and cheering for the floats. And this year? She’ll get to hang with her stylish aunt, an influencer known for dabbling in Haitian Vodou.
And maybe spot her dreamy crush, Kwame, in the crowd.
But fate has other ideas. Before the parade, a rogue, mischievous spirit seems to take possession of Cicely's aunt during a spiritual reading. Cicely hardly knows anything about Vodou, or how to get someone un-possessed. But it’s up to her to set things right--and the clock is ticking. She'll have to enlist the help of her quick-thinking best friend, Renee, and, as luck would have it...Kwame.
Cicely, her friends, and the reckless spirit who is now their charge set off on a thrilling scavenger hunt to gather the ceremonial items they need. And along the way, will Cicely discover surprising powers of her on?
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courtbourt31 · 2 years
Movie Review of The Wall
directed by: Allen Parker, Written by: Roger Waters
This piece takes place post-World War II in England and touches on a lot of political issues for its time. Such as the education system, which forces children to become working machines in the capitalistic society, to give up on being children and creative. It portrays a fascist government that treats its citizens like chess pieces. The effects of war through his dictatorial persona that antagonized the world during WWII. And a huge representation of mental illness by revealing the emotional impact of his father dying in the war and living with an abusive mother. These experiences and societal systems lead Pink to build this metaphorical wall between himself and the rest of the world to be free from emotional troubles, which leads to a crumbling human being into insanity.
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All in all, I believed the film was incredibly artistic, this imaginative album's psychological drama film was an insane exploration of isolation, loss, and life. The writing is incredible and evokes such powerful feelings through each word and metaphor. Every pivotal moment of Pink’s (the main character’s) life had such an emotional volume and rich cinematic artistry. It's such a powerful way to share these traumatic life experiences through such an exploration of poetry, and creativity.
The animation was one of my favorite parts of the film and how it collided with the non-animated pieces. Especially the use of shadows to bring in these animated creatures as a transition to fully animated scenes. One part with crazy colorful artwork that I particularly enjoy is The Trial song. It was an all-animated portion of the film and a very theatrical depiction of a courtroom and a judge discussing the accusations of the main character showing feelings “of an almost human nature”. During this song, everyone that created a brick in the wall came to his trial to defend him. The teacher tells the judge he could have put him in his place and the mother says that she wants to take her baby home. But the judge sentences him to be fully exposed before his peers and to “tear down the wall”. This piece of the film is a wonderful way to conclude the movie and reveal the impact of his alienated state by isolating himself from the world. He wanted to stop feeling and this song shares that he did and how he beats himself up for it. As well as how the world denies the act of having emotions and going through traumatic experiences and life with the expectation that you will compose yourself. How society judges a man for crying or for a person to act overly joyful. I especially enjoyed the fact that this scene was all animated with elaborate monstrous creations that represent the court and the people in his life. The theatrical dramatic depiction makes it all seem ridiculous when it is, in fact, reality in the way that we ignore feelings to appear normal.
I also particularly like the song Mother, which is beautifully written and is a visual collage of images that go back and forth from his upbringing with his mother to his estranged marriage with his cheating wife. This shows how important his relationship with his mother has become based on how overbearing she was, to the point of him not trusting himself with any decision or other women. I also loved how the song was simultaneously a lullaby, but all the comforting phrases are rewritten into these condescending messages reflecting his relationship with his mother. “Mama’s gonna put all her fears into you…she won’t let you fly but she might let you sing.” All well also reflects on his unstable relationship with his wife leading to this misogynistic tone created throughout the film. That was one piece I didn’t thoroughly enjoy but then realized was a conscious decision. Pink’s upbringing with his controlling mother and his cheating wife led to a misogynistic viewpoint on all women. Because throughout the film even the brick in the wall that was his male schoolteacher was defended by the teacher's angry wife. As well as many of the animated villains were strange, feminized creatures with boobs. Which actualized the reality that this is his brain and his visualization of the world and how he views it.
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cunningmosswords · 1 year
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#0.5 - The Start of Cunning Moss
Blinking Words to Overflowing Verses
"watching lines of words cut and grow across the ceiling until all I could see was nothing"
This is the introductory letter to Cunning Moss Words Blog which can be read below or on the substack site here. This piece is focused on the random bursts of night writing and abandoning words that don't leave your thoughts through the passing days, it is the origin and note on the birth of Cunning Moss Words space.
The author sleeps at 3 am settings
Abandoning story pages in different stages
Eyelids finally drifting, sitting, closing
While the horns of night trucks
Bleep and bleak in the navy dark
With cooing foxes who shout alarm
In their soul call for the spring heart
The author lets out a held breath
And curls into the layered blankets
That hold back the light cold breeze
In coloured stripes and curved petals
And the words she wrote are left unaccompanied
On both low-lit screens that slowly sleep
And ageing wilted pages that stain and crease
They seem to be growing in her absence
For the words have started spinning and splitting
Morphing outside the lines and forming new vines
They are reforming a story for our sleeping beauty
Thinking up cunning things as the foxes continue screaming
All to return to their original shape with a hint of something
That it would be hard to notice that it has shifted slightly
When this author decides to wake, up in a dazed state
She will find the words all seem messily the same
But there is an air of difference in what has been written
Like a map to add and subtract from the numerous verses
Clues typed and underlined in sequences of short quick motions
But never fully completed, for the words are always growing
And the author is always writing and rewriting with it…
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My phone lay blinking with a long unfinished sentence (and many spelling mistakes with it) on a dimming doc, with words that most likely would not make much sense in the coming morning. As the screen dies, the only source of light can be found by the tiny nightlight, omitting an amber glow each dipping day for my late sleeping. The words behind the blacked-out screen didn’t do much for my thoughts and dreaming while the nightingales started their singing. 
My head was scrambled, watching lines of words cut and grow across the ceiling until all I could see was nothing. The words were there in the morning, they were there in the middle day, there in the afternoon and the evening, and the night the same. Sometimes they were added too, crossed out in fleeting minutes, but the words kept waiting while the day was passing. 
Each night it repeated in the same cycle, sleeping, eyes dropping, then a sudden urge to be writing- pulling thoughts and all the overwhelming emotions out onto any writable surface that could be found. Dotted on spare note sets and tapped into keyboards speedily, I felt I could not sleep until it was written, even if the sentences were all unfinished broken curses. 
I imagine they’d grow and move across the pages, like my dipping vision- blur and merge- different emotions scattered and drawn back together with it. I wanted- I needed words to last longer than my sleep, the ones that grow and wait for me to find the final letters and full stops to end their sentences, no matter how they’d be rewritten and in return, torn to pieces. 
All typing blazing whilst foxes slinked by my window, watching me watching them- stopping my typing for a moment- as if our poses were frozen in similar thoughts broken- before the world moved on again, words were written, foxes continued night lurking and sleep was welcomed. 
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Cunning Moss Words were sprung and found in a burst of emotions, growing lost and forgotten in broken verses, whether they collide and find rhythm in underground platforms, sunbeam chances, supermarket aisles, shelter in downfall walks, messy endings and most of the day’s last-second consciousness- when dream dust starts its working. Like gifted titles for those ghosts, whose words would always outlive their living, Cunning Moss Words is a space for disconnection and reconnection- with words abandoned, ageing, until somebody reads them and resumes to leave them. 
Subscribe to Cunning Moss Words for monthly themed poetic passages, drawn from personal spontaneous writings to forgotten pieces that are brushed off and remembered.
© 2023 Cunning Moss Words - Written by Anayis N. Der Hakopian
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