pixoplanet · 3 years
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It's October 18th, World Okapi Day. Deep in the heart of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, hidden in the dense rainforest, lives the mysterious and enigmatic okapi. In the wild, this shy, elusive creature is rarely seen by humans. When people do see an okapi for the first time (usually at a zoo), most imagine it must be related to the zebra because of its stripes, but the okapi is not related to the zebra - it's related to the giraffe, and is in fact the giraffe's only living relative.
World Okapi Day was created to celebrate this special, endangered animal and protect the Okapi Wildlife Reserve in which it lives. Despite the protected status of the reserve and its wild animals, the okapi's continued existence is threatened by habitat destruction, slash-and-burn agriculture, illegal gold mining, and bushmeat poaching. Today gives the Mbuti People who live in the reserve a chance to celebrate the hard work they've accomplished to conserve the natural environment they share with their national animal, which is so important to their culture and traditions.
Today is also a call to action for all of us all around the world. The okapi’s rainforest home is a habitat for thousands of species. It's also one of the largest land-based carbon sinks in the world, helping to mitigate climate change. What we all do can help protect this Congo Basin Rainforest. If we choose to live sustainably, we help the okapi. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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fedorasaurus · 4 years
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October 18th is World Okapi Day!
Today we celebrate and learn about these unique, endangered animals. My favorite animal, in fact! It's a good time to share some art of an okapi.
You can donate to the Okapi Conservation Project and find out more about okapis at OkapiConservation(dot)Org
(I’ve heard that tumblr hides posts containing links, so I’m not gonna post the whole URL, but their site is easy to find!)
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wbtylerbooks · 4 years
Children’s Book Author Stories – Darryl Silver – Poppi the Okapi
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About the Author:
Darryl Silver is a TV Producer/Writer/ Creator. Darryl is the owner of The Idea Factory (www.tiftv.com), a production company. I also own a Brand of Tequila called Calavera Tequila. www.calaveratequila.com
Creative Process:
I have always been a creative person and have had some great success in the past and still do today.
This is actually my first entrance into writing children's books and it has been an adventure to say the least.
In my early career I was blessed to have great mentors. One in particular told me, "write what you know about better than life itself." What this means is write about what you know and it will come out honest and real. I truly believe this.
When my kids were little I used to take them to the zoo almost every weekend. I did this to give my wife a break as she took care of the kids during the weekdays. It was at this time that I became fascinated by the okapi. I was actually more obsessed with the word and I created a rhyming game that my children and I used to play when we would go there. This game continues even today as they are all grown up. I always knew that this would make a great children's book and one day I just had to get it out of my head and down on paper.  
About two years ago I finally decided to sit down and write it. The writing process took me about three months and I got a great response from friends, family and educators that I had shown the work too. Since I am a TV producer/writer, I am represented by an agent. It was at this time that she submitted the manuscript to several children's book publishers. We instantly got a great response. However, during the phone calls that I had with the publishers I found experience to be creatively stifling.
My book is long. It's 48 pages long, and, when publishers looked at the manuscript their notes were, "the book is too long", "the book needs to be half the length", "there are too many words on the page" and "some of the words are too big". Being someone who is in control of my creative work in my other business I did not respond very well to these notes. The nail in the coffin for me was actually when I asked them what they thought about an illustrator and they informed me that that would not be my choice – publishers would assign an illustrator to the project.
I decided that If was going to write I book I wanted it to be how I wanted it and not someone else's vision. This is not to say I did not listen to others when they gave me notes, this just means that if your creative vision is going to be decimated then what is the point in writing the book.
It was at this time but I decided that I would go at it by myself and that I would self-publish via Kickstarter.
But, first things first. I had to find an illustrator. I met with a bunch of illustrators domestically and I wasn't overwhelmed with any of their art. The one person that I did think was just okay wanted $170 a page. To spend $8,000 on art, for a first time book writer, was too big of a risk for me to take.  I had had great experiences with my other businesses working with fiverr.com and thought that maybe I could find somebody somewhere else in the world who might be more reasonably priced.
I put out an audition and found about a dozen artists and sent them one page of the book and all I asked them to do was illustrate the page with their style of artwork. I was blown away by the level of quality that was sent to me and the person I finally settled upon was a woman named Mary who lived in Pakistan. I can tell you that her art was far more superior than anyone I had seen stateside. It was then that I hired her to do the artwork for the book at a fraction of the price.
The way I approached her was we started with a few pages at a time and then as we went along I would pay her for between 5 to 10 pages at a time to ensure that she would actually finish the project as sometimes people on this platform either don't finish the work or disappear. I made sure that she sent me the masters with each group of pages so that I always had all the work in my possession.
Because of my inexperience I had no idea that it would take another year-and-a-half to finish the art, but in retrospect 48 fully Illustrated pages done in a year-and-a-half isn't too bad. I was very lucky that Mary was so great because as we went along there were a lot of changes to the book not only the illustrations but with the words. It is amazing how you realize what works and what doesn't as the process moves along.  Mary was amazing and even though there was a slight language barrier we got the job done.
Once the book was finished (or what I thought was finished), it was time to print a sample of the book. It was at this time that I realized that the formatting that Mary had done was completely wrong. This was not her fault nor my fault but just both of our lack of experience. It was during this time that I started speaking with printers in China. I used www.Alibaba.com and had conversations with over 20 different book printers. I settled upon a couple different printers who gave me amazing help in understanding how to format a book. They were extremely patient with me and we just kept going back and forth via Alibaba and Skype until the actual formatting was done correctly.
I'm very lucky that I have a great friend of mine and somebody has worked for me for years Andrew who knows how use Adobe in such a professional way that he was able to sit with me and we were able to go frame by frame word by word and make changes to the small artwork and formatting issues until the book was actually properly formatted. This was NOT an easy process.
I believe it's important for independent book writers and publishers to figure out the most financially responsible ways to get the job done. We are taking on all the risk to achieve our goals.
I also think it is super important for the writers to understand the process from beginning to end. Each time you hire someone to figure out something for you is one less thing that you understand in this very complex process.
A great resource that I believe every independent writer should join is https://www.ibpa-online.org/. This organization was a godsend in helping me in getting the project done and done correctly.
There are no shortcuts to learning how all this is done it is HARD work.
During this process I wasn't afraid to ask for help. I asked family. I asked friends. I went online and asked strangers for help. You would be shocked at how many people are willing to share their experience and their skills with you.
I am now at the point that I am launching the book. I chose to do it on Kickstarter because I have a great social media network due to my television background. I am relying on lots of friends and associates to help me drive sales of the book. I spent a lot of time looking at how other people were launching their books on Kickstarter and found the most successful ones. I am trying to emulate what they did. But there is no easy shortcut. I know that going forward this is going to take a lot of work and the only person who can do that work is me since I am the best advocate for my own work.
The first thing I did when the formatting was done was print one book via www.bookbaby.com. The reason I did this was that in theory you think you know how the books going to look when it's printed but only once you get a copy in your hand are you able to truly understand the nature of what you've done. I would say at this point my book is about 90% done and when it goes to the final printing we are going to be making the final changes.
I've actually partnered with a charity https://www.okapiconservation.org/ and I have found that they have been super helpful and promoting my book as well as connecting me with lots of people in the Okapi community.  They have even connected me with our local zoo who are also going to help me promote the book. I even had the opportunity to meet an Okapi and many other animals in a VIP behind the scenes tour. During all these events I filmed myself to use in my social media for the launch of the book. The Okapi zookeeper even gave me a stellar book review. The more people on camera and in print who give your book a great review, the better it will be for your launch.
I have also spent a lot of time on social media pre-promoting my book. When you settle on a title it is imperative that you get all your usernames locked down for your social media. Well before you launch the book you should be promoting the book and creating a social media community that you think would be interested in the book. As of today I have not sold one book and my Instagram is over 700 people.  It is crucial to create a buzz for your book well before you launch your Kickstarter pre-launch and your final launch page.
I've also been using my television contacts and there's an opportunity for my book to be featured on a children’s show this summer.
I always tell my kids if you are going to do something you should do it right.
You only have one shot to launch a book the first time and you should put all your effort energy and resources into launching that book.
I also believe that it's very important to have great focus groups. Within days of getting my first copy printed I met with teachers, friends and children of my friends to read them the book. I've had the great opportunity to read it to several kindergartens to see what reaction they had. It is never too late to figure out what you did wrong so you can change things before the final printing. I will always consider this book a work in progress and anytime I can make it better I will.
I'm cautiously optimistic for the launch of my book but you never know what's going to happen. I could sell 100 books or 100,000 books. You never know until you try.
I believe that it is important to pay it forward so if anyone reading this needs help...
Find me:
Here is the Kickstarter page for my book: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/darrylsilver/poppi-the-okapi
E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.poppitheokapi.com Instagram: @poppitheokapi Twitter: @poppitheokapi Facebook: www.facebook.com/poppitheokapi
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tularue11 · 3 years
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One of my many favorite creatures! Don't forget #GivingTuesday is December 1st! Reposted from @okapiconservation We've had a blast celebrating World Okapi Day - even if we couldn't do it in person. Helping okapi doesn't just mean protecting one species. It means maintaining a unique and incredibly biodiverse ecosystem housing many threatened species and empowering communities all around the Reserve. Okapi Conservation Project wouldn't be able to do this without you. Happy World Okapi Day!⠀ ⠀ https://www.okapiconservation.org/support/⠀ ⠀ #WorldOkapiDay #OkapiConservation #okapi #conservation #rainforest #africa #nonprofit #biodiverse #wildlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJBdkRB4sI/?igshid=lgirs27q7vka
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gargis007-blog · 5 years
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Okapi Wildlife Reserve The Okapi Wildlife Reserve occupies about one-fifth of the Ituri forest in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo #okapimagazine #wildlifereservepark #wildlifereservessg #wildlifereserve #democraticrepublicofcongo🇨🇩❤️ #okapi #okapiaalstar #wildlifereserves #okapibags #worldokapiday #okapiconservation #okapisound #okapitati #wildlifereservecsingapore #democraticrepublicofthecongoquartz #okapis #wildlifereservesg #okapifunday #democraticrepublicof #travel#tourism #democraticrepublicofcongo #democraticrepublicofcongo🇨🇩 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2p1rJtn2pV/?igshid=170get8hg4vsd
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poppitheokapi · 4 years
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I’m so happy to have partnered with the okapi conservation project on my book Poppi the Okapi. 25% of all profits go to saving the Okapi’s! Please click my Instagram link to buy the book on Kickstarter #okapi #poppitheokapi #zoo @lazoo #kidsbooks #animals #zoo #books #selfpublishing #booklaunch @kickstarter #crowdfunding #instagram #childrensbooks #illustrations @tvdarryl @okapiconservation @wildnetorg #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #kindergarten #teacher (at Sherman Oaks, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ykXxKHf1G/?igshid=1hx69g1588o35
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okapikid · 7 years
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Stopped by @cincinnatizoo over lunch for a quick Okapi selfie :D Happy #worldokapiday! Adopt one today! #okapiconservation
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yevp · 5 years
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Happy #WorldOkapiDay! I was volunteering with the @wildnetorg last week with the @okapiconservation network, raising awareness for these adorable giraffe relatives! They've got the cutest butts in the Congo! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3w0BKfgytG/?igshid=k07i6yurllgt
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wildnetorg-blog · 7 years
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Repost from @okapiconservation. We couldn't resist sharing this photo of Mosi at the @sandiegozoo. A curious little calf with those characteristic giant ears. #okapi #okapis #wildlife #wildlifewednesday #conservation #wildlifeconservation #endangeredspecies #wildlifephotography
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thewoodsofwonder · 5 years
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I just had to make an other okapi 🌿 They’re so unique and cute at the same time ✨ . . . . . . . #polymerclay #woodsofwonder #forest #nature #okapi #africa #african #africanart #africananimals #handmade #handmadejewelry #necklace #animalart #animallove #petlove #flowerdecoration #bookworm #booklovers #whimsical #whimsy #magic #summerjewelry #etsy #bedifferent #okapis #okapiconservation https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqu-ADCAhiE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fc2k69z2oeqf
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zookeeperrick · 6 years
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Celebrating #WorldOkapiDay not just because they are super adorable - because the world NEEDS to know about this #endangered species. I often hear people say they look like a hybrid between a zebra and a giant deer, but this is no prius of the animal kingdom. The #Okapi is its very own species that share ancestry with the giraffes. Okapis are under serious threat from man-made problems. But that means than can be saved via man-made solutions. Because okapis live only in the forest in N.W. Democratic Republic of the Congo, deforestation, poaching and mining, have all contributed to the population decline of the okapi. So what can you do? One very easy thing you can do that will make a difference: #Recycle your old cell phones – they contain coltan a mineral mined in the forests of DRC. Recycling your phones means less mining in the forest. IT WORKS & YOU CAN DO IT! . . . . . #OkapiConservation #SanDiegoZoo #SafariPark #SavingSpecies #education #wildlifeeducation #Africa #conservation #endextinction #wildlifeprotection #wildlifeconservation (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpF4yr9llj0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e96rq817m54h
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poppitheokapi · 4 years
Fred was amazing! My book Poppi the Okapi launches THURSDAY! Please click on my Instagram link to sign up for my Kickstarter pre-launch page. #okapi #poppitheokapi #zoo @lazoo #kidsbooks #seals #seal #animals #zoo #books #selfpublishing #giraffe @kickstarter #crowdfunding #bucketlist #instagram #childrensbooks #illustrations @tvdarryl @okapiconservation @wildnetorg @chu_baca @lucastmeers (at Los Angeles Zoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jkrLPn26O/?igshid=x1p7avijlmwu
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poppitheokapi · 4 years
This is the first time I read the book to a group of kindergartners. It was amazing! Please check out my Kickstarter Link on my Instagram bio and support me by buying a book. Thanks! @okapiconservation @wildnetorg #okapi #kindergarten #kidsbooks #zoo #bookstagram #books @kickstarter #animals #childrensbooks (at Chatsworth, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B709e9En0ie/?igshid=1s26jzn2athqh
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poppitheokapi · 4 years
On my quest to meet an Okapi I got to meet lots of amazing animals. Please click my Instagram link to buy my book Poppi The Okapi on Kickstarter #okapi #poppitheokapi #zoo @lazoo #kidsbooks #animals #zoo #books #selfpublishing #booklaunch @kickstarter #crowdfunding #instagram #childrensbooks #illustrations @tvdarryl @okapiconservation @wildnetorg #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #kindergarten #teacher #seals (at Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B702n7PnSBY/?igshid=1g9jut26n0ern
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poppitheokapi · 4 years
Okapi’s are the best! Poppi the Okapi launches THURSDAY! Please click on my Instagram link to sign up for my Kickstarter pre-launch page. #okapi #poppitheokapi #zoo @lazoo #kidsbooks #animals #zoo #books #selfpublishing @kickstarter #crowdfunding #bucketlist #instagram #childrensbooks #illustrations @tvdarryl @okapiconservation @wildnetorg @chu_baca @lucastmeers (at Los Angeles Zoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7lqCcLHE9K/?igshid=1kp7mlfc1rxa7
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tularue11 · 3 years
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❤ Reposted from @okapiconservation Make an okapi smile today. Become an Okapi Guardian. Link in bio. ⠀ ⠀ #okapi #conservation #okapiconservationproject #endangered #endangeredspecies #wildlife #africa #cuteanimals #animalsofinstagram #okapiguardian https://www.instagram.com/p/CV-9FKMPaUE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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