captaincrungus · 11 months
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watch it all come
crashing down
we'll die together
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sillygh0st · 1 year
Smoothduo is becoming one of my favorites ships helppp I love theeem <3
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Also follow me on twitter lol >:3 (SlLLYGH0ST)
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alpinelogy · 3 days
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aaaaa i hate cmyk why is it like this
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bulletproofscales · 2 years
kinktober day 12 - mermaid (sope)
Yoongi always had a thing for cryptids. When he got the chance to move away from the city towards a small town, he did it immediately. It wasn't exactly a cabin deep in the forest like he had dreamed about, rather a small house in this little fisher town near the coast. Not necessarily the spooky vibes he wanted, but the calm is already so much better, the people are lovely, everything is cheaper, there’s so much fish (he knows Seokjin, the roommate he left in the city will love it when he visits). 
The only thing he can’t quite get used to, is going to sleep with the sound of the ocean so close to his window. 
Most nights it takes a while for him to sleep, not that it matters since it's not like he has strict working hours. He felt free to walk up and get himself some tea, admire the sea from his porch. He doesn’t find it annoying or anything. It's just a little too loud than he was used to living in the city. And it was loud back there too, but this, it feels like the ocean is breaking by his door. He’ll get used to it for sure, but for now, he prefers to relax with the view of the ocean that isn’t breaking by his door. Sipping gently at his tea admiring the threatening clouds above the sky and the crashing waves, they look harsher than usual tonight. The glistening of the foam in the sand, the sight of a naked person walking out of the ocean-
There's a naked person walking out of the ocean. 
“What the FUCK!?” He doesn’t mean to yell. And he most certainly doesn’t mean to startle the naked person. They make eye contact, the lanky man, who looks more frightened about being seen in general than to cover his genitals. In fact he is more concerned about getting back on the water. The very concerning looking water. 
Look, Yoongi knows he is still a city boy to most of these people. He knows nothing of the sea. But he is pretty sure no person is supposed to be out when the sea looks like that and the sky thunders like this. 
“H-hey!” His yell doesn’t come with that much force now that he planned, setting his mug down as he rushes towards  the shore. “You really shouldn’t be in the water this late!” The stranger seems to ignore it until he sees Yoongi approaching, then he dives into the water. 
Yoongi could’ve sworn that when the first flash of lightning struck, he saw a glistening tail appear from the water only seconds after. 
He really struggled going to sleep that night. You know, with the knowledge that mermaids are real and ON THIS BEACH. 
Not bigfoot, not mothman. Mermaids. Yoongi moved here to hunt mermaids. And was set on achieving it. His night schedule went completely out the window, as Yoongi dedicated his nights to waiting by the beach. But nothing happened. Not a sign of the naked stranger. None. 
It was starting to feel like a hallucination, each night Yoongi would sit and watch. He thought it might've only showed up during storms. He stayed an entire night under the pouring rain! And still! Nothing! 
He didn’t imagine it, he knows it. He'll just have to stay longer. The first night of his long shift, Yoongi made himself dinner, picked up his current book and walked to the shore. Plopping down in what he had marked as the exact spot he remembers the mermaid walking out of. 
Yoongi is not giving up. He is going to eat his meal! Enjoy his book! And stay here until sunrise if he has to! 
Like always, the anticipation is as giddy as it was the first night he went on look out. He hasn’t eaten yet, trying to stretch his energy for as long as he can. Though his poor stomach is rumbling too much by now. His watch marks 3 am, it's late enough for a little fuel recharge. He opens up the glas container keeping his chicken alfredo pasta. The smell is already making  a smile spread on Yoongi’s face. This is what he needed to make it through the night.
He freezes when he sees a pair of glowing eyes peek from the water in interest. His body tense and unmoving. Just because he’s been working all week trying to get the mermaid to come out, Yoolngi never thought he’d ACTUALLY. Right now, he has to focus all his attention into not running away from the mermaid; who’s slowly raising his head from above the water. 
From up close, Yoongi is able to admire the sharpness of his cheekbones, his tan skin and longer hair that curls around his face. Ethereal looking in contrast with the peak of sharp teeth that shows when the mermaid bites his lip. Delicate nose, but glowing hungry eyes. He keeps getting impossibly closer to Yoongi, as much as he can without getting his bottom half out of the water. Tension ever growing his heart has made its way up to Yoongi’s throat, unable to hear the loudness of the crashing waves over the stammering of his heartbeat. 
The mermaid points at the food and says….A combination of chirps and clicking sounds Yoongi isn’t able to recognize. All he knows is that he is talking about his food. 
“I haven’t even started eating it.” Yoongi deadpans a little too stunned to make it sound intimidating in the slightest. He looks down at the pasta then at the mermaid. “You want some?”
“Some!” The mermaid repeats clumsily, nodding enthusiastically. Yeah they’re not understanding each other. But it's so adorable a smile spreads on Yoongi’s face anyways. 
“Here.” He twists a forkful of the creamy pasta and hands it to the mermaid. “I made it myself.” If his smile turns smug as he says it, the mermaid doesn’t seem to mind, shoving it in his mouth with stretched cheeks (he got a real good view of his fangs then). Though they become a lot less menacing with the brightness that takes over the entire of the mermaid’s expression; beaming and humming at the taste. 
“You like it?” Yoongi’s own voice gets higher with excitement. He only gets more clicking and chirping from the mermaid, but the enthusiasm is evident anyways. Clawed hands already reaching for the container. He’s not gonna waste his chance being selfish, Yoongi doesn’t even feel hungry anymore. 
“Here are some more.” He twirls another mouthful, he doesn’t want the mermaid to rush off with his whole plate. Besides, he doesn't think the pasta will hold up well with the sea salt. Luckily the mermaid doesn’t complain, rather inching closer to Yoongi for him to feed the pasta to the mermaid himself. His eating pace faster than the first cautious bite, nearly not taking enough time to chew before his mouth opens to wordlessly tell Yoongi more. 
And what would Yoongi do if not comply? 
The mermaid is so close to him now, his entire lanky torso on display, so near the beach only a thin layer of water covers (poorly) his glistening tail. Yoongi admits to keep stealing glances down at it, admiring the way it shines under the moonlight. The way it enlarges with the mermaid’s flat belly, growing over his lap- 
He widens when he notices what's happening, looking back at the mermaid only to find the rest of his sharp body softening as well. The edges of his cheeks plump with newfound chub along with the mouthful stretching the skin.  Bony chest beginning to fade under chubby padding, pecs softening perking outward. Hips pushing out widening along with his tail.
If anything Yoongi's feeding has gotten only quicker. Amazed by the seemingly painless uniform growth that human food is making the mermaid go through. He isn't even sure he notices, must be a common occurrence. That only incentivizes him even more , forgetting the fork and taking a handful of pasta; the fattening man lets a relieved sound as if finally happy he gets to eat without the pesky fork. That's what Yoongi can assume at least. Even if they did understand each other, he is messily stuffing the mermaid's mouth with noodles; cream coating the edge of his lips all around. 
All Yoongi knows is he wants more. And he'll give him more. All for the chance to stare in awe at his stomach beginning to spill over his lap, two thick rolls dividing his belly and deepening his belly button. When there's no more pasta left he tugs the mermaid to come closer, fingers tingling in his long hair to tug him closer. Only thing left for him to drink was the rest of the sauce collected in the container. Belly sagging down, waist thickened with rolls. The mermaid drags his tongue along the container as if starved, only making a bigger mess of himself. Yoongi is left with nothing else to do but watch mesmerized. 
He even looks hazy, confused when he realizes there's no more. As if entranced by Yoongi’s food he went in too deep to realize how he was gorging himself. He doesn’t even look bloated, although a little drowsy. Yoongi feels hypnotized in his own way too, as if the mermaid had morphed into something out of his dreams. Slowly retrieving the container from the mermaid’s hands, feeling a bit at a loss of words himself. 
“G-good right?” He smiles a little nervous, pressing his thighs together where he was kneeling on the sand. Yoongi can’t hide with words the way his body is reacting to the sight of the mermaid; words mean nothing to the way the mermaid licks his lips, smile slowly growing on his face at the sight of Yoongi. As if he was hungry for more, something else. 
“Some…” He repeats solemnly, it only makes his mistake cuter. 
“More?” Yoongi corrects softly, slowning standing up, knees cracking a bit.”You want more?” He extends his hand towards the mermaid, who’s eyes widen at the sudden proposition to get out of the water. 
“Come on, I’ve seen you get out on two legs.” Even if he probably can’t understand him, Yoongi’s tone must be convincing. Because with a bitten lip, the mermaid’s hand reaches for him. Smaller and pointier than Yoongi’s. Letting himself morph to the naked glory Yoongi ahd first seen him in. 
It only makes his weight gain more obvious, now that he has two chunky thighs and jiggly hips to show for it. Almost distracting enough to make his dick less noticeable. 
Yoongi makes an effort not to stare. The mermaid stumbles a little bit without even having taken his first step. “You never got too far did you?” He asks instead, wrapping an arm around the mermaid's shoulders to guide him to his house only a few meters in front of them. The chirps and clicks he gets in response seem agreeable enough. 
It all feels too real when he is opening his front door for the mermaid to step in. Dripping wet but Yoongi is unable to care, the sight of a mermaid entering his house. Though he still take off his shoes out of habit… It puts his guard down before he hears the sudden scream; one that surprasses any language barrier. 
The mermaid stares at himself in the mirror at the very entrance of Yoongi’s home. Mortified at his fattened reflection. 
Oh… It isn’t a common occurrence then.
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junopluto · 1 year
you gotta change your name to okatie to get 3 bingos
akatie.. eKatie they put me on the enternet
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triedpklove · 1 year
just saw art of terumi on twitter in which the artist gave him an extremely defined ass
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vesselrae · 5 months
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uhhhhhh??? more free DLC????
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stevesellshomes · 8 months
Energetic Jasper and Beaufort County South Carolina Real Estate Video!
0 notes
funnyjb · 2 months
Look at the Stars
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One of your twins is having a hard time sleeping one night. It was the night before one of joes games so some family was over. You guys were talking in the living room when Logan came down the stairs with his blankie and looks like he’s been crying.
“Mama?!”- Logan
He was crying
He ran up to you in the living room.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong.”- you
The burrow family counting both of joes siblings and their wife’s were sitting around waiting for Logan’s response
“I’m really scared. I heard a monster coming from the closet and noises in da walls.”- Logan
“Oh, baby. Those are just house noises. The air conditioning just turned on so that’s what’s causing the rumbling and I bet you something fell in the closet. There is a lot of junk in there.”- you said running your fingers through his hair
“I’m still really scared. I don’t want to go up there. It’s scary.”- Logan said putting his hand on your baby bump that has been growing these past 5 months
His head resting on your chest.
“Is mason still sleeping?”- you asked
Logan nodded his head.
You looked around the room and then at Joe.
He looked at you also trying to figure out what to do.
“Hey, I want to go show you something. I think it will make you feel much better.”- you smile
“Oktay.”- Logan
You got up slowly and then reached for Logan’s hand. He put his hand on top of yours and laced your fingers together.
“Let’s go.”- you whisper
You started walking to the glass sliding door that goes out to the backyard.
It was dark out. Some light illuminated the backyard from the house.
You both started walking further and into a big grassy area that looks out into the Cincinnati skyline from your house and a small river.
You picked Logan up and sawing him around you being careful of your bump.
“Look! You see those beautiful stars?”- you
“Yeah..”- Logan
“There are thousands of stars up in the night sky! Some of them even make funny shapes! Like, you see that one right there?”- you pointed a little bit towards the left
“That’s the Pegasus.”- you smile
Logan looked mesmerized
“These stars will protect you. They are up there so they can look out for you. Shining bright so you can see them. If you ever feel scared just look out the window or picture the stars in that wonderful brain of yours.”- you point at his head and laugh
Logan starts to laugh making your heart grow fonder.
“And know those stars will protect you. And also daddy and I are here to protect you too. We won’t let anything get you, ok? They aren’t real, they’re just made up in your mind.”- you smile trying to calm him down
“But why does ma mind do that?”- Logan
“Because your mind likes to play tricks on you, but you got to be the stronger person and say “it’s not real, it’s all made up.” And your mind will back off.”- you
“Okaty. Thank you, mommy.”- Logan
“Of course, baby. I’m always here for you, so is daddy and mason and even your sister.”- you
You give him a kiss on the cheek and decide to go back in. It was already 9:00.
You opened the door and walked in. Everyone was still sitting and talking.
“You ready to go to bed, Bubs?”- you
Logan nodded.
“Okay, let’s say goodnight.”- you
Logan started to wave his hand goodbye
“Bye Logan!”- Robin
“He is precious.”- Codi (joes sister in law)
You then walked over to Joe so he could say goodnight.
He got up and placed his hand on your arm and his other on Logan’s head and kissed him goodnight.
“Goodnight, my boy. Love you.”- Joe
He placed a soft kiss on Logan’s cheek then looked at you.
“You got him?”- joe
“Yeah, all good!”- you
“Good.”- joe
He then placed a peck on your lips.
You then walked up the stairs and into the boys room.
Mason was sleeping peacefully as you put Logan in his bed.
“Goodnight, baby. Love you to the moon and back.” - you
“Love you too, mommy”- Logan
You then placed a kiss on his forehead and got up. You moved from his bed to mason also placing a goodnight kiss on his cheek. Then exited the room slowly closing the door behind you.
You went back down stairs and into the family room.
“How is he?”- joe
“He’s ok now. He looked like he was going to fall right asleep when I put him down.”- you
You sat next to Joe on the couch. He put his arm around your shoulder and gave your head a kiss
“You are so good with them, y/n. It used to take forever to convince Joe that there was nothing there at night when he was younger.”- Robin laughed
“Hey, I just wanted to make sure everything was perfectly fine.”- joe
“He used to get scared of thunder and run into our bed too.”- Jimmy laughed
“Really guys? Ganging up on me?”- Joe
“Haha it’s ok, joe. I’ll protect you from thunder and scary monsters at night.”- you laughed
He looked down at you and started laughing and pulled you in closer.
“Thank you, baby.”- joe smiled
Joe was so grateful for you. He loved you ever since he laid eyes on you in college and now he gets to raise his kids with the love of his life. His heart was so full when he saw you take care of Logan tonight. He loved seeing you take on the mom role. He can’t imagine life without you and the boys.
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days-until-burnout · 3 months
Day 26 -
Characters - Martyn/Cleo Words - 433 Time - 17 mins Content - High School AU
Martyn sits on the swing, looking up to the sky, rocking back and forth on his heels. Cleo turns to him, waiting for some dumb words or something typical of him. But there is only silence, and she lets it be. Carefully, she lays on the nest swing again, dropping her arm on her closed eyes. 
Eventually, though, when they thought they would have a quiet afternoon, Martyn stops her rest. “Are you going home?”
They sigh as they drag their arm away, turning their head and seeing the top of Martyn’s head over the border. Everything is so bright with the sun, all of Martyn’s blondness and pale skin making her skin slightly. She looks away with an eye roll before replying, “Well, I would hope so. Can’t do jack with a broken leg.”
“And how did you break it?”
“A fight.”
There is a quiet little gasp, or hum, whatever it was, it was quiet and barely audible. Most likely surprise or awe, along those lines. 
“On the stairs, of course. Didn’t turn out all that good for me, huh?”
“No, I… I wouldn’t say it turned out good,” Martyn’s voice is a little strained, like he is genuinely worried for her, which is obviously incredulous. They wave the thought away instead. “I… Am I safe to assume the other person got it worse?”
Cleo laughed, and Martyn finally looked at her, and they back at him with an amused smirk and raised brow, questioning him. “If it makes you feel better, Joel re-broke their arm.”
He nods, looks down then up, opens and closes his mouth. And Cleo only waits, now curious. What a turn of event this is turning out to be. 
“Okaty, but… are you alright?”
“Still kicking, even with a broken leg, yes, don’t worry about it, Martyn.”
“I’m not worried,” he stutters. And Cleo can see the gentle blush so clearly. Disadvantages of pale skin. “Whatever. That doesn’t matter now. Can I take you home?”
She blinks at him, taken aback by the offer. But Martyn looks at her with a certain determination, that drive that would push him to kidnap her and take her home by force if she refused. Martyn is crazy like that, and she has absolutely no doubt he would. And of course, she will fight him. A cast, although heavy, could be a very good weapon. 
But she shrugs, turns their head away as Martyn beams, jumping to his feet to get their things and bring her crutches closer. Oh well, seems like her own pale skin betrayed her own blush. 
0 thoughts. all vibes. i go to sleep now goodbye o7
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qulizalfos · 6 months
okaty jwhhat theh fuck what thr ACTUAKK fuck
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natjennie · 1 year
have you heard the song curses by the crane wives. bbc ghosts core in general but also verse 3 will appeal to u in particular
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okay okay okayt okaty daokdjayd aokay oaky okAY OKAY OKAY OAKSY OAKYAS+ OKAY
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takeutothemoon · 4 months
devuda edho okati avvani bjp gelavakunda undipothe sari
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sillyspilly999 · 10 days
Yeah guyz I am mnot okaty
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bulborb-posting · 1 year
hello big grub. i am looking for mama grub so my friend little grub can visit, do you know where she could be?
Mama grub? Yoiu have to go deep undergtround for that. Very dangerous, so please be careful, okaty?
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treetownconfessions · 7 months
this feels mean
its not i swear its just an observation
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