#okay back to writing i'm finishing this essay before dinner
a-lilypad · 4 months
i can't wait until i've submitted all of my assignments and can be a real human again
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bellysoupset · 1 month
I should be sleeping but I can't, so let's do this. You asked for my comments; it's only fair I deliver.
I decided to go in the order you posted the fics - focusing on the Max + Vin + Wen trio for now -, and the first one I'm going to comment on is the Vince's low blood sugar, 2-part masterpiece.
His reason for oversleeping? This man LOVES his girlfriend. He must have been exhausted but stayed up until Wendy herself was yawning 🥺
Then Soph came with the sharing clothes question. It was hilarious. I love her character. She is so mean sometimes and tries her best to act like she doesn't want to be associated with Vince, but if anyone was to hurt her family, I know she would come after them like there was no tomorrow. Poor girl was so worried when Vin fainted. She didn't want to leave him alone and even touched his cheek despite not being a touchy person. Baby 💔
I loved the build up until the collapse, but all those little details after the collapse had me melting. Like Max being soft with Soph to get her out of the room asap before he focused on Vince. And I live for Vince calling Soph and Liv bambi. That is so sweet. No wonder she melted. I love nicknames and petnames so much. I use a bunch with my own siblings all the time too.
Also Max pulling Vince's hair into a pony tail with his very own hair tie. Then telling Vin he didn't see him in the cafeteria. Max wanted to have lunch with Vince, didn't he?
Don't even get me started on the 'you remind me of my friend' 'a handsome one?' conversation between these two. Like okay, I know Vin and Wen are in a happy relationship already, but I'm rooting for Max. They might be happier as a trio, just sayin' 👀😂
I don't think I ever mentioned this, but I love Vin as a teacher. History is not my absolute favourite, but I kinda love it. I'm sure his classes would be cool to attend. I have seen Jojo Rabbit, will he accept my essay too? Joking aside, he is also great at it because he understands the kids' needs and actually listens when they ask for extended deadline or something.
Btw, I need to ask. Was Max knocking on the door and coming into the classroom because this time it was Vince who (accidentally) held the students back and made them late from Max' class? Because that would be so funny.
Oh Gosh, I've just realised how long this already is and I haven't even commented on the second part yet. I told you I won't be able to shut up.
Anyways, I love Max' humour and his absolute(ly adorable) cluelessness when it comes to caretaking. I'm not worried though, he is going to learn it pretty soon with the rest of the dumbasses coming into the picture.
But like, he brought Vin to the infirmary, drove him home, and tried his very best despite being distracted a little, so he is already on the right path.
Btw, I am sooo in for the idea of Mama Monacelli inviting Max to dinner and going all out not to make his sensitive tummy hurt, and just basically adopting him like she did with Leo. 🥰🥰
Alright, I'm shutting up now. Gonna come back in further asks to comment on the other fics later though. You are going to get so tired of me by the time I finish flooding your inbox 🙈
Have a nice day / evening Soup 💞
- 💜
I'm SO not sorry I deterred your night, I wanna be but I'm really not 😂
Vince is so in love with this girl, I sometimes think I don't make it clear enough because they're not as dramatic about it as Luke & Bell are.
Also yes, Sophia would tear anyone who hurt her family to shreds!! I love writing mean girls sooo much, its the best of fun.
Vince would absolutely let you hand in your essay on Jojo and maybe even add a sticker or some funny notes on the edge. In my head Vince is not meant to teach teens/adults though, not at all. He's made to teach the little ones!
Max WAS outside because Vince held up the teens! In my first draft of the story I actually switched POV halfway through, because I really wanted to have Max annoyed that Vin had held them up and going there to rescue them, only to see Vince collapsing and freaking out.
I solved that by keeping the "flashback" in part 2, but I guess it makes part 1 a bit confusing 😂 I also had a whole line that I forgot to add, that was Max staring at Vince and just being 🤨🤨 "why is your shirt so tight? Whore" since Vin/Luke do not wear the same size!
I imagine Mama Monacelli is going to be very very mindful of Max's sensitive tummy and then he'll get sick either way, because he winds up eating too much 😭
Oh btw, I downloaded the movie, gonna watch tonight! I'll let you know tomorrow what I thought, but I looked at letterbox and it was SO WILD compared to what you described lol
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His Princess
Cassie checked the time as she saw it was nearing six, she rubbed her eyes and resumed reading.
Shugi should be back from work soon right? Hopefully, cause I have a lot to tell him.
Cassie typed away putting remarks where she needed to remember things and before she knew it, it was turning seven and the door was opening.
"Honey, I'm home." We're not married. "Oh, wait we're not married... yet." Or at all.
Cassie turned to see Shugi scratching his hair. It fell down how she normally saw it instead of his uniform look.
"Do you think you can sit through a little break down?" Cassie said.
He shrugged. "Why the hell not. I just got off work and maybe your sweet voice will get everyone else's out of my head."
Cassie nodded and turned back to the laptop. Shugi removed his uniform top before tossing it aimlessly onto the couch where he then sat across from Cassie.
"While you were gone, I tried to make sense of what most of this was trying to say. It seems like it's not as cryptic as you thought."
"So you mean even peasants like me can understand this?"
Cassie pushed out a small smile. "You're not a peasant," You've just never written anything past a highschool- no middle school essay. "But yeah essentially. Most of it just seems like these guys were writing lemons to each other."
"Lemons?" He asked.
Cassie felt the heat climb to her face. "Uh... yeah they're basically... written porn. Kids think it's erotica or something."
Shugi chuckled. "So you've dabbled in these lemons before?" Cassie said nothing. "I can't believe you're such a freak."
Please don't say that. Cassie sighed. "But, I still haven't gotten to the last link you sent me, so maybe there's something I can help with in there."
"Well don't push yourself too hard. I only asked you to help me with this 'cause no one at the job knew about fanfiction and such and I didn't wanna waste the time getting a paid expert in here."
Cassie looked up. "It's a little weird to think a crime is being committed by people who write this kind of stuff. So, you guys really think something's going on?"
Shugi nodded. "If not, then we've been hot on this one for nothing."
Cassie began to look back at the computer screen. She let out a small yawn which caused Shugi to smile a bit.
"Are you sure you don't need a break? You have been working since this morning," Shugi said.
"Yeah, but if I hurry and get this finished I won't have to worry about pushing it off."
"Could you at least humor me and help me eat some dinner?" She looked up. "I may have some leftovers that's a little too much for one person."
Cassie didn't know if he had some kind of angle he was working, but she was hungry and sighed as she got up while removing her headphones fully and leaving them on the table. She followed Shugi into the kitchen and she had to remark on a few things.
"This place is pretty huge... are you sure you live alone?"
"If you're thinking I'm hiding some kind of relationship, don't be quick to judge." He looked back to her. "Besides, unless it's you who's here, I wouldn't even think about anyone else." I honestly think you should. "But let's just eat. I'm starving!"
Cassie and Shugi ate together and once it turned nine, Cassie explained she'd work for the rest of the night and try to get it done before daybreak. No matter Shugi's protests, Cassie did what she wanted and now Shugi sat in his living room with Cassie on his couch. She was making notes on what she was reading and her eyes never left her screen.
Every so often she would stop to yawn, but that was it. Shugi made sure she at least drank some water and once it hit midnight, Shugi knew he couldn't stay up anymore. He got to his feet and addressed Cassie.
"I have work in the morning, I'm gonna take a shower and call it a night, but be sure you get some sleep tonight, okay Cassie?"
She nodded without looking up. "I will." She said after a bit.
Shugi stared at her for a while longer and while Cassie could see that out of her peripheral vision, she remained working just the same. Can you not stare at me? After her thought, Shugi eventually left.
Cassie did as she said and worked all the up until about one in the morning. Having been working all day, she felt more than exhausted and figured a little bit of relaxing wouldn't do any harm.
Shugi SHOULD be asleep... I think I'll just watch something and then get back to work.
She told herself this and began to search up something she had been interested in. When she found it, she laid on the couch, got comfortable, and focused her attention on the video...
Shugi found himself unable to sleep. Instead of sleeping alone, he could be holding Cassie in his arms, he thought. Frustrated, he got up and decided to get something to drink. He hoped not to see Cassie up, but his hopes were squashed when he saw the light from her laptop on.
"Come on Cassie, it's one in the morning." He got closer to the couch. "Don't you think-"
He stopped and saw Cassie sleeping while holding the blanket she brought tightly up to her face. She was curled up slightly and he could hear the soft sound of her breathing.
Shugi smiled and went to close the laptop, he then carefully removed her headphones to which she soundly remained asleep. He couldn't help but stare at her and wound up touching her waist, he rested his hand there and felt her calm breathing. He chuckled and touched the top of her head feeling her hair warm his hand.
"Sleep well princess."
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eclairfromleclerc · 3 years
Hello guys, it’s been sooo long since I last updated. You can see it’s a very long chapter(10K words to be exact) and it has taken me so long to write because I felt really uninspired. I made a lot of progress in the last few weeks so the chapter is finally ready. It might be a little detailed about the scenes on the paddock but I want you to get the feeling that I have in my mind. So this chapter is about setting a scene but also a way to connect the last chapter with everything that is about to come. Thank you for being here and waiting for the next chapters and thank you for all of your comments. You are welcome to do more if you want to. Please note that English is not my native language and pardon any grammatical mistakes. I hope you will enjoy this extra long chapter and that you will stay tuned for the rest of the story. Enjoy xx.
All’s Fair
(Toto Wolff x Reader) Chapter 6
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5
You wake up the next morning and get ready for the day. You put on a nice dress for your first day back to the factory and you get downstairs where you usually eat breakfast. Geri sees you and smiles
"Good Morning, welcome back home" she says
"Good Morning to you too." you tell her and you take a seat on the dining table. At the same time Christian comes down the stairs and gets to the kitchen. “Good morning” he says and gives a kiss to Geri. "Good Morning Dad" you say and he comes to your side and gives you a kiss on your head
"I'm sorry about yesterday, I hope you are not mad"
"It's okay dad, you were angry and did what you did, I am not mad. I just want to know about the appeal.” you tell him
“You will. We have scheduled a meeting with Adrian and the rest of the senior engineers as well as our lawyer to build our case for the appeal. At 11.30 in the factory.”
“Thank you.”
“We need you in this case so it is important for us that you are there.”
“I will.” you say and you eat the scrambled eggs that you have on your plate. After a while you finish your breakfast and stand up.
“I will see you in the factory dad. Have a nice day Geri, see you at dinner.” you say and leave the kitchen. You go upstairs back to your room where you get ready and take your bag which you have prepared. You go to your garage and get in the car where you connect your phone and blast on the playlist you had yesterday on Toto’s car. Before you close your phone you see that your playlist had one new like so you navigate through your spotify profile to see if someone followed your account. You see you indeed have one new follower and you tap to find the list. The new follower has a username that reads ‘T7W2” which makes you realize that maybe it was him who followed you. TW his initials. 72 his birth year. Before your mind falls off to a spiral of overthinking you start your Aston Martin and leave the house. You drive mindlessly with the music in the background and after 40 minutes or so you arrive at the factory. You park the car on your spot and get inside the team’s HQ greeting the people there. You enter your office and start looking at the testing data as well as the new essay on the performance that Adrian composed and sent you last night. After some time you take a glance at your watch and see that it is time for your meeting. You go to the meeting room which is currently empty, take a seat there and wait for everyone involved to get there. The door opens and Christian comes in
“Hello, you are early.” he says happily
“Yes I am. I can’t wait to see what you have found.” you reply
After two minutes or so Adrian and the rest of the senior engineers enter the meeting room taking a seat.
“Shall we begin?” you ask and you see Adrian nodding in agreement. “Adrian you may start.”
“Thank you. Hello everyone. As all of us are informed this meeting is about Mercedes and their car, the W13. The new regulations had many loopholes, much bigger than those of the last era. What we are looking at is a new ‘sidepodless’ design that they have on the car. It is not illegal. It is in the gray zone of the loopholes that the FIA have called “Up to interpretation from the teams.”. I believe that this should be protested if it offers a significant advantage. It is essentially a DAS situation all over again. But what they are doing there is much more important. My calculations say that they have gained a lot of time, a significant advantage. This can be our main argument can’t it Jamie?”
“Yes, if you have a case that proves so you can do this.”
“We do have the case, our simulator has shown that and I have here a full report. It is mostly technical and engineering terms, I am sure engineers will understand, Christian you will have an issue getting all of those numbers but I guess the engineer lover here can help you.” he says pointing at you. “You can ask us too.”
“Let me get this straight. We have found out what is sketchy with that car and our main interest right now is to build a case that can go as an appeal to the FIA right?” you ask
“Pretty much yeah.” Christian replies
“When are we planning on Appealing? Before Melbourne or after?”
“You want to protest their car while we are on the first race week of the season?”
“Yes, we do.”
“Friday between FP1 and FP2” your legal counselor replies
“Peak villain move.”
“That’s what we do.”
“Okay, if no one has to add something we can study those findings and we can build our case. If we have anything to ask we will. Everyone okay with that?”
“Yes” you reply.
“Let’s get back to building that beast for the new season.” your dad says and you storm off to your office to read whatever Adrian handed to you in the meeting. You start reading extremely focused on each and every thing you were doing.
The next days pass by exactly like this. You go to the factory and back home. Studying the case that you've built against Mercedes and meeting your friends, chilling out and going to parties.
Before you can even understand the time to leave for Australia is here. You come back from the factory to pack your suitcase, mostly with team gear but also cute sundresses and other sets as well as your favorite pairs of high heels and you fall asleep since you have to catch a commercial flight with the team to Melbourne. The next morning you wake up early, dress up in your coziest clothes possible and go to the garage where your father is waiting with Geri.
“Good Morning. Are you ready?” Christian asks
“Hello. Yes, I am ready. Shall we go?” you tell him
“Um before you two leave, Me and Christian decided to get you a little something for your first season as a Red Bull Executive and your first official race weekend.” Geri says
“Oh you shouldn’t have, really.”
Geri hands you a blue velvet box and you open it to reveal a necklace with a single diamond in the center and a charm next to it.
“Thank you so much.” you say and you hug them.
Christian puts your bags in the car and gets in the car. You do the same and you leave the garage heading to the Airport where the whole team is gathered. You park your car, meet everyone, pass security and board the plane. Thank god Red Bull booked first class tickets for you Christian and Helmut so you will be as comfortable as possible for the longest flight you will have this year. You take your seat making sure all of your stuff is placed in the right positions to offer you the best flight. The plane takes off and you watch a movie as you wait for your breakfast to be served. You check your schedule that Beth sent you according to which you are supposed to take a melatonin pill to help you with the jet lag some time after the takeoff. You eat your breakfast, finish the movie and take the pill which makes you sleepy for the rest of the flight. You wake up 6 hours before you arrive, watch a second movie and then fall asleep again. You only wake up when a flight attendant asks you to, for the landing. After you pick your baggage you leave for the hotel. Melbourne is so nice in the March sun that reminds of the end of summer in europe. It is in fact autumn in Australia now. You get to the car that Beth arranged for you and you drive to your hotel.
“Hello. How may I help you?” the receptionist asks
“Hello, I have a reservation. I would like to do the check in please.”
“Oh yes, will you please tell me your last name and hand me your passport and visa?”
“Of course. The last name is Horner, you will probably have two reservations under the name Horner. Christian is my father, the other one is mine.” you say and you hand her your papers
“Yes, you have a suite right? Room 374. Level 13.”
“Yes, that should be me.” you say
“Great” she says and hands you your key card. You reach for the card and get it
“Thank you so much, have a nice day.” you say and leave the lobby. You navigate through the hallways of the hotel until you find your room. You open the door and quite literally throw everything you were holding on the floor. You lay on your queen size bed that the suite includes and fall asleep once again trying to minimize the jet lag impact. You wake up the next day with your only duty being the online meeting between you, Christian, Helmut, Adrian and Jamie to finalize the details for the protest. Members of the team go to the paddock to set up the garages and the motorhome for tomorrow. You get the breakfast you ordered and you set up your computer on the desk in your suite. You get dressed and join the meeting where Christian is already waiting.
“G’day” you say mimicking the australian accent
“Hello. How was your sleep?”
“Good. I had the pills and I slept really well. I already have probably like half the jet lag you have.”
“I should try this the next time we fly, it might help I guess.”
“It will.” you say and you reach for the croissant in front of you as Helmut and Adrian join the meeting.
“Hello everyone” Adrian says
“Hello, how are you?”
“Jetlagged” says Helmut a little moody while Adrian nods in agreement
Jamie enters the call and you begin to discuss what is going to happen on Friday.
“So basically what we are going to do is catch them off guard. Since Media day is gone this year we should do our PR game on Friday. After FP1 we will get some interviews so this should be the right time.”
“And what are we supposed to do ?” you ask
“You will do this interview. We need you because they won’t think that you are capable of playing mind games just yet.”
“Okay, you guys know I am happy to help”
“This is your job now.” Helmut says. You keep looking and discussing details that are necessary for the protest until your meeting has covered everything you needed to know.
“Is everything clear for everyone?” Christian asks
“Yes. Thank you” you say
“Have a nice day everyone.” Adrian says
“See you around.” Helmut says and you log out of the meeting.
The rest of the day you are free to do whatever you want to so you stay in your suite a little bit longer and watch an episode of Drive to survive since you will start your interviews with them soon. Later on you decide to go for a walk in the fresh breeze of Melbourne to boost your mood and see the city which you won’t be able to see during the race weekend. You walk around for hours taking pictures which you send to your friends, and stopping for a quick coffee during the afternoon. You also buy some food on your way back to the hotel. Once you get back to your suite you put your pajamas on and check your programme for tomorrow. There’s indeed an interview with F1 shortly after the first free practice of the season, just before lunch time, which you have to do as Christian advised. You text your best friends and then fall asleep so that you will be able to get ready for your first official race weekend.
9 hours of sleep later you hear the usual sound of your alarm ringing. You wake up, turn it off and go to the bathroom to take a shower before starting your day. You dress up and get ready for your first day back to the paddock. You feel excited since there’s that feeling that the new season always brings to the F1 circus and this year the cars are completely different so you can’t wait to see how everything plays out. Also this is the first race in Australia since the pandemic began and the Australian fans are probably buzzing for it. You check your make up and make sure that you have everything you need for the day. You leave your suite and go to the hotel parking where you find your car and leave for the paddock.
Once you arrive there, fans are in the parking lot and at the paddock entrance so naturally they ask you for pictures as soon as they spot you.Thankfully not many people know you yet but those who came are enough to make you realize that you are actually living your dream. You keep walking, check your badge and enter the paddock which you have been visiting at season openers since you were a kid. You find the Red Bull hospitality and you spot Beth just outside so you hand her some of your stuff and get inside. You and your assistant enter your office and you sit on your chair.
"Lots of fans out there huh?" You say
"Wait until later this season when they will actually get to know you and more of them will ask you for pictures and autographs." She laughs "I have your schedule ready if you want to go through it."
"I know Beth, you literally emailed it to me yesterday. I looked at it."
"It is FP1 in half an hour and 20 minutes after the checkered flag you have the interview."
"Where do I go? For the interview?"
"Media Pen, not press conference room" she says
"Okay got it. Thank you Beth" you say and you look around for the stuff that you need to have with you on the pitwall
"Phone, iPad, Water flask and your headphones" Beth tells you
"You are a lifesaver."
You turn and grab everything she told you from your bag "Is Max here?"
"Yes he is. He's getting ready since he's driving in less than 30 minutes. Christian is already in the garage and Sergio is getting ready as well. Max told me to ask you to see him before FP1 but I reckon he wanted it to be privately so you should find him in his room."
"Okay, I have to get going. If there's anything I should know just text me." You say and you leave your office walking to Max's room. You knock maniacally on his door as the two of you usually do.
"Come in, idiot." You hear him yelling from inside the room
"Aren't you supposed to be in the garage?"
"I was waiting for you and if Christian dares to say anything to me I will just tell him that it’s your fault that I am late.”
“You could have waited to say what you wanted to say.”
“No I couldn’t.” Max says “I had to give you this before we officially start the season.” he turns and grabs a little bag which contains a green box. You open it and you see a pandora bracelet with a diamond charm on it.
“Max, you didn’t ha-”
“I had to.” he interrupts “This is an official welcome gift to you. I will get you one charm each season. I promise.”
“You are the best friend ever.” you say
“You are the best executive on this team. Welcome girl. I hope we will have great moments in the future and I am glad you will be here to enjoy them.”
“Thanks Max.” you say wiping a tear that threatened to fall from your freshly painted eyes “Now, you have to go down to the garage Sir.”
“Let’s go kick some ass.”
“It’s only free practice Max.”
“It is about the mentality, not the session.” he says and you push him out of the door, heading to the team garage.
When you get to the garage everyone is in their positions and ready to start the session. You say goodbye to Max and take your seat in the pitwall. The clock shows the starting time and every car rolls out of the garage to go out on track. You turn and watch the cars passing down the pitlane and then you turn to the screens in front of you watching and writing every single detail that pops up while seeing how the other teams perform. Mercedes are hiding a lot of pace and it is obvious since the car seems to be moving a lot slower than usual so you try to calibrate your lap times so that you don’t give away many details. For the next hour or so you do many runs and the final classification finds you in 4th and 6th position, Max under Lewis in 3rd and Sergio under George.
“Are you ready?” Christian shows up out of the blue and asks you
“You scared me dad. Yes, I am ready. The interview is in 10 minutes in the media pen.”
“Just play it cool and don’t give anything away.”
“I won’t. You will see for yourself.”
You stand up and go spot the place where the F1 interviews are done and you wait for Mattia to finish. Once he’s done he stands up, waves at you and shows you the chair he was sitting on.
“Sorry for keeping you. We are done, you can sit.” He tells you
“Thank you very much” you say and he turns to leave
Will grabs a bottle of water in front of him and takes a sip
“Are you ready, shall we start?”
“Of course”
Will does his intro and starts asking his questions which include the usual, the new regulation set, the performance of the car and race pace.
“Now, what do you think about the new cars, do you like how they look?”
“Now that they have their final shape, painting and are generally the cars that we will race on for the rest of the year, I have to say I like them. The majority of them look really great and fast. We are just waiting to see if they are just as fast as they look.”
“This is the time that all the teams start looking at the other cars, trying to see if there’s anything not compliant to the rules and start launching appeals. Is there any case that we will see something like this from Red Bull in the future?” he asks
“Look, it is indeed the time when we are monitoring our rivals’ cars trying to spot anything that seems sketchy”
“We are just looking, nothing more nothing less. Those cases and appeals can be built in 2 hours if you have a good team. If someone decides to appeal on something it will probably won’t be public until it is done officially.”
“Understood. Thank you for your time, I hope you will have a great FP2”
“You’re welcome Will, see you around.”
You stand up and leave the Media pen going back to the hospitality and your office once again. You sit on your chair and you hear a soft knock at your door.
“Come in” you say and your dad peeks his head in the room.
“I came to tell you that you did a great job with the interview.”
“Thank you.”
“No, I want you to know that I am here to make you better. And if I always judge you, you won't be able to do it, so you should learn that I am very proud of what you have achieved.”
“I know and I appreciate it a lot. Now about the appeal, what are we going to do?”
“It will be public by the time FP2 begins. You won’t do any press for the rest of the day. Let me and Helmut handle this. Tomorrow you will say that you were not informed until half an hour before the appeal launch.” he says
“Okay, got it. I hope people aren’t going to slander me” you laugh
“No they won’t, we will help you. And even if they do, you are able to go through it.”
“Thank you.”
Christian stands up and walks towards the door. “I am going to the garage to see if everything is okay. Wanna join?”
“No thanks, I think I am just going to relax here until FP2”
“Okay, see you then” Christian says and he leaves the room
You take your time and sit on the small couch you managed to fit in the office, scrolling in your socials and seeing the team principals’ statements and fan opinions on the first day of the race weekend, managing to kill your boredom without getting tired running around in the paddock. 10 minutes before Free Practice 2 starts you hear a “Max style” knock on your door and you stand up to open it, seeing Max already leaving.
“You are leaving me?” you say pretending to be hurt
“No, I just thought you weren’t inside and I left for the garage. I can’t be late like you are”
“Let’s go idiot”
“The big hour is coming” Max says as you walk down the hospitality stairs.
“In a few minutes. That’s why I have to be in the garage earlier than usual.”
“What do you think will happen?”
“I hope we will get something good out of it.” you say and you push the hospitality door open and you start walking in the paddock, changing the topic of your conversation so that no one will understand what you were talking about.
“Dinner afterwards?” he asks
“Yes please, but I would prefer it to be in the hotel restaurant if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah absolutely.”
You arrive at the garage and leave Max behind with his mechanics to prepare for the practice which starts in about 5 minutes. You take your seat to the pit wall and Christian comes beside you
“In 2 minutes we will make it public. I’m just going to sit here with you until the time starts.”
Those 2 minutes pass in a blink of an eye and you suddenly hear your phone pinging with notifications.
New Tweet from Red Bull Racing ‘Red Bull Racing team is publicly announcing the appeal against Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team car W13 on the grounds of having non compliant car components. More details on the team statement below.’
All of a sudden you turn around to see everyone looking at your side
“Everyone is looking at us” you say to Christian.
“Well let them stare, they wish they had built this case earlier.”
You turn to your left and see him. Toto is looking calm but you can feel how tense he is. And he looks at you. You look straight into his eyes even though he is far from you and you swear he does the same until Christian calls your name and you turn to him.
“Huh?” you ask
“I’m saying that you should go back to the hotel as soon as you finish and that you won’t do any press tomorrow.”
“Yeah I know, you told me earlier” you reply “Should we see their reaction?”
“No, not yet, they probably won’t say anything until later today. This session should be done, then they will react to the appeal.” he says
“Max is doing good.”
“Sergio is doing good as well.”
“Well pardon me but Max is my friend so I might exaggerate a bit about him and overlook Sergio. It doesn’t mean that I don’t value him.”
“I know, I know.”
For the rest of the session you sit in your spot in the pitwall seeing the live timings, the stints and the runs everyone does, trying to decode the moves of the people in the Mercedes garage. Toto does not appear during the session. You know he is probably in his spot, on the head of the “fantasy island”, as they call it at your neighboring garage. When the checkered flag appears you gather all of your belongings and head to the Motorhome to get your bag and leave from the paddock. Beth is there waiting.
“I will be leaving now so that I won’t get involved in the appeal spiral. Dad doesn’t want me to do any interview until tomorrow and when he told me to go back to the hotel he probably meant that I should not go outside for the rest of the day to avoid any questions.”
“Well, he must know something. I mean he has been here for quite some time.”
“Yeah, I trust him.” you sigh “Well to be honest I told Max we would grab dinner later but only at the hotel restaurant because I am so tired. I hope dad doesn't mind.”
“Technically, you will still be in the hotel so I am betting that he won’t be”
“If you see Max will you tell him to text me for today?”
“Yes boss.” she laughs and you head to the door waving at her.
After what feels like ages-but is only 30 minutes- you arrive at the hotel. People were coming to you asking you about the appeal but you replied that you had no comment and left the track. A while after you get in your room and relax your phone rings with a new notification
Max Emilian Verstappen
Yes. At the hotel as I told you. I can’t go out, everyone is asking about the appeal
Max Emilian Verstappen
But they won’t ask at the hotel restaurant?
I am hoping not.
Do two hours from now sound good to you?
Max Emilian Verstappen
Yes. You can make a reservation.
You make a reservation for the restaurant and spend the rest of your time taking a bath and watching some Netflix. You get ready and Max comes to get you from your room as he always does. When you arrive at the hotel restaurant you sit at your reserved table, some people come to talk to you and a small number of them ask you about the appeal but you avoid the questions. You and Max enjoy your dinner and once you finish you leave for your room again
“There aren’t any parties today? Not Lando, not even Daniel, who does the season opener party every year?” you ask
“No, you should know parties are thrown on Saturday nights.”
“The night before the race?”
“The night before the race” he confirms
“Thank you so much for your company Max. Let’s get some rest now, it’s a big day tomorrow.”
“My pleasure” he says and he hugs you and you turn back to your hotel room where you spend some time awake reading Mercedes’ statements about the appeal, as well as pundits’ analysis on how your team decided to protest. Then you drift off to sleep.
Your alarm goes off in the Morning of the next day. Saturday, the day of FP3 and qualifying. The stewards are supposed to make a decision by the time qualifying ends so you are waiting patiently for it. You get ready for the day dressing up and packing your usual bag. It almost feels natural this time. Maybe you are getting used to it. You leave for the track and get there just on time for the third period of practice. During the session you perform your usual duties and wait for the checkered flag to be dismissed from the pit wall. When the session ends Christian comes to your side as usual
“Do I have any press duties to do?” you ask
He nods negatively “I mean there are press duties that you would have to do after FP3 but we will just leave it this time. Maybe after quali you will have to do some, since everyone will forget about the appeal.”
“Until the results are published.”
“Indeed.” he says “Let’s stick to this plan. Do SkyF1 and the other big outlets after qualifying.”
“Got it, thanks.” you say and leave for your office again.
You chill out in between the sessions and do some of the work you are meant to do. Reading team principal statements, trying to read into their game and reviewing lap times. Sometime later you text your assistant
Hello girl, may I have some lunch in my office?
Beth The Lifesaver
Yeah of course. Need anything else?
A Max Verstappen if it is available at the moment
Beth The Lifesaver
On it
You lock your phone and close your eyes but as soon as you do your phone rings with a new notification and before you can even unlock it to see what it is about, the screen shows your dad's name and it rings. You pick up
“Hello” you say
“We got fucking nothing out of it.” he tells you angrily
“What happened?”
“The appeal results are out. Apparently, whatever they are doing is legal, a gray zone but legal. They asked for the FIA’s approval before using it on the car. This is DAS all over again. For fucks shake.”
“Are you absolutely sure about it?”
“There’s an official FIA document, F1 posted about it. Don’t you have a notification on your goddamn phone?”
“I probably do, but you called before I could read it. Please calm down. Also, wasn't it supposed to be announced after qualifying?”
“It was yeah but that bunch of clowns decided to publish it earlier.”
There’s a knock on your door but you feel just as angry as your father. “Not now please.”
“It’s Beth, I got your lunch.”
“Can you come back in 5?”
“Yeah” she says and you can hear her footsteps fading away
“And now what? What should we do?”
“We do nothing, we took a risk, it did not pay off, now we give it all. I will get back to you later.” he says and before you can say a second word he hangs up. You go through your socials and your mentions are full of sarcastic comments from Mercedes and other teams fans. 5 minutes later the door knocks again.
The door opens and Max carries your food.
“Omg thank you so much for coming.”
“What happened?”
“The appeal result is out and apparently we lost. I was so sure about this Max. Adrian was sure. And instead, we got this.”
“That’s alright, we will give it our absolute best in two hours from now. We will show them that we don’t need the appeals to be good. Sometimes taking a risk does not pay off.”
“You are strangely calm about this”
“No, I just know that we can be the best without whining all the time. We should have the mentality.”
“You are right, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“I am the greatest friend you will ever have.” he says bragging
“Gimme my food idiot friend.” you say and you grab the tray from his hands
For the next hour you eat and Max discusses with you about things that concern you trying to forget racing and everything around it and both of you have a great time relaxing and having fun before the stressful session ahead. An hour before qualifying Max leaves for his driver room to warm up and prepare and you on the other side, videochat with your closest friends that are waiting to see you for the first official time in the f1 paddock. About 15 minutes before quali starts you go back to the garage and your pit wall seat to prepare for one of the most important procedures of the weekend. The stands are full with fans and everyone is hyped about the first qualifying of the season. Cameras are all around the pitlane filming cars, drivers, mechanics and team members. As soon as Q1 starts the cars go out to the track to do their hot laps for a position in Q2. You have seen it a million times on TV and a lot of times live but nothing beats seeing it as an official executive of the team. The backmakers get knocked out of Q1 and you proceed to Q2, 15 cars trying their absolute best to claim a place at the top 10 on the grid. Thankfully both Max and Sergio qualify to Q3 alongside the 2 Ferrari and the 2 Mercedes drivers as well as the McLarens and Seb and Pierre. The 10 cars remaining now go back on track to give their absolute best and fastest laps for the pole position. It looks like the fight for the pole is going to be great. Firstly George sets the fastest time and then Lewis takes his position but Max completes his fastest lap and ends up a tenth faster than Lewis. Still the other drivers try to do their laps as the top team drivers aka Ferrari, Mercedes and Red Bull come back to the garages to prepare for the last lap. Mercedes lets George out first to give Lewis the slipstream he needs and you follow the exact same tactics, letting Sergio out first and then Max following to get the tow. George starts his lap moving fast around the track showing the real teeth of the beast that is the W13 taking provisional pole but then Lewis takes it back by 1 tenth. Sergio completes his run 5 hundredths slower than George’s time but once Max completes his lap he ends up in 2nd place taking a front row starting position for the first race of the season. The celebrations from the garage on your left get to your ears, even though you are wearing your headphones that usually block out all the noise. By the time you take your headphones out you hear GP’s and Christian’s phones ringing with new notifications and you grab yours.
New tweet from Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team ‘We are announcing our protest against Oracle Red Bull Racing’s car RB18 on the use of their rear wing which we believe is not compliant to the official rules issued by the FIA. Read More.’
You turn to see Christian who is looking at his phone frozen
“What the hell is this about?” you ask him
“That goddamn rear wing. They won’t shut up until they find it illegal, that motherfucker Toto has been trying for a year now”
“Well everything is alright with it isn’t it?”
“I don’t know”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I am not a fucking Mechanic and I don’t fully understand all the technical parts of designing a race car.”
“What does Adrian have to say about it?”
“That it was a solution to a pretty significant problem that we had. I don’t know if it is in the rules spec. It might be in the gray zone.”
“You gave your consent on an illegal car part?”
“It is not illegal.”
“It’s not until it is proven illegal dad.” you tell him and he falls silent
“We also run it on today's car” he says
“Which means that if they manage to prove that it’s illegal we will be disqualified. They are doing exactly what we had planned.”
“They have nothing to lose. It’s only a couple of euros for them.”
“Are we in trouble here?”
“Well I hate to be a pessimist but maybe.” he replies and before you can say anything else he leaves the pit wall calling someone on his phone. At this very time you look over at the Mercedes garage where Toto is standing looking at you with his well known smug face. You two make eye contact and you feel your skin burning until JV comes to his side to talk to him and Toto turns all of his attention to him leaving you standing several meters afar just looking at them. You stand up and head to the paddock and the Sky Media pen where you are supposed to do your interview.
Natalie starts talking doing her usual into to the interview and she asks you the first question
“Starting with the most recent news, can you tell us your opinion on the newest Mercedes appeal on your rear wing?”
“We are not really surprised by it, we did the same yesterday and we were waiting for an answer to our strategy. The results of our appeal happened to be published earlier than we had expected and Mercedes’ appeal is more strategically placed in the race weekend because should this rear wing be deemed illegal, we are obliged to run the right spec wing and we are probably going to be disqualified from qualifying.”
“Is there any scenario where this happens?” she asks
“I can’t really answer that. I understand car designing to a certain level but I am not an engineer. I trust Adrian and his experience but if the FIA believes that the gray zone that our wing falls into is too gray for their tastes we will have to adapt.”
“Now another question, you mentioned the appeal of Mercedes’ W13 that was published yesterday but a while before it was made known you were saying that you did not have any plan to appeal to any team. Can I get your view on that?”
“Well Natalie to be honest, even if I knew what was planned I wouldn’t have said it publically but as Christian explained to his interviews, I was not personally updated on this issue until 30 minutes before it was launched.”
“And now moving from all of the appeal issues, how did the team view the qualifying results today?”
“We are both happy and frustrated. We are really happy that the car is up there challenging for pole position but at the same time frustrated because we should have been able to get this one. We understand that the gap is not big and that some small updates can bring us and Mercedes on equal terms so we have to work through it.”
“Your plans and anticipations for tomorrow's race?”
“Max leads turn 1 and claims the win with the fastest lap.”
“Bold one” she laughs
“No, to be honest I am just joking, we should wait and see what will happen with the appeal and then we can start discussing our options for tomorrow.”
“I could not have said it better than you. Ladies and gentlemen this was Miss Horner for Red Bull Racing. I will see you tomorrow on the grid, love.”
“Of course Nat, I am not missing this.” you say smiling and stand up to go back to your office
Christian ‘Dad’ Horner
Executive and Engineers meeting on Red Bull’s hospitality STAT
You enter the motorhome and go directly to the debrief room where you see all the executives and engineers. Adrian has a face of disappointment and the others look confused and angry.
“I came as fast as I could, what do we have?”
“It is about the appeal” an junior engineer says
“I know dude, I am asking what we think about this.”
“Look, I have seen the rules, it is not mentioned anywhere. Up to interpretation, open to interpretation by engineers and designers.” Adrian says
“So gray zone?” you ask
“Yes, gray zone. They let Mercedes use DAS, this should be minor compared to this”
“Yes but if it is illegal this means we are fucked.”
“What does it mean?” you ask and Christian turns to you holding his hand out
“For starters, we remove the wing. Then we replace it”
“And that’s it!” you say smiling
“You wish this was all. Then we have the disqualification. We used the illegal part, we should disqualify from the sessions it was used. So no quali front row.”
“I understand. I told Natalie about all those.”
“There’s more” Adrian says
“What more?”
“We are not able to change anything. The car was set up around that rear wing. If it leaves, the balance goes away. They are probably going to pass us like sitting ducks.”
“That’s it? We are probably only fucked for a race though so we are not giving up.” you say
“That race is important.”
“Maybe it is dad, maybe it’s not but what I know for sure is that we are not giving this up. First image always matters but if you make a good impression later noone is going to remember your first image. Let’s get out there and face this decision with nothing but pride and will to win those points back.” you say
“I want to hear you say this tomorrow.” GP says to you
“I will, and I will say it in my interviews if I have to.”
“I guess that’s all about it, the decision will be published before the race starts so we will have to deal with whatever comes our way before the lights go out. Thank you for being here, I will be keeping you posted in our group chat.” Christian says and they leave the room, you are still sitting on your chair at the top of the table.
“I will do press tomorrow. Both pre and post race.”
“Are you sure about it? Post race interviews can be a living hell, especially when you have to justify this performance and the illegal rear wing.”
“Can we please stop saying it is illegal when we have no decision at hand? And yes, I am sure. I am done hiding, I will be there to represent my team.”
“I am not optimistic about this and my gut feeling never lies so be prepared for a big one.”
“I am ready for everything.”
“Will you be staying for a little longer or will you go back to the hotel?”
“As much as I want to stay to make sure everything goes according to plan, I also have to get a good night's sleep. It is my first official race, dad, I have to get ready.”
“You are so confusing sometimes you know” he laughs
“No, I am just being a woman. Your little princess has to glow tomorrow. So I am leaving.”
“Good Night” he says feeling a bit emotional thinking how far you’ve come
“Bye Dad, love you” you tell him
Later you arrive at your suite, drop everything on the chair and do your night routine before falling asleep on your queen sized bed. The next day you wake up, switching off your alarm and starting to get ready. Skincare routine, face masks, eye patches, hair, makeup. You also put on a really nice outfit, blue Red Bull shirt, white pants and high heels, matching them with Max’s charm and Christian and Gerri’s diamond necklace. You pack your new Louis Vuitton bag and leave for the paddock. The track’s parking lot is already full with cars of fans as well as fans themselves who try to catch a glimpse of their favorites as they enter the paddock. You get out of the car and walk as quickly as you can in the paddock and then in the Red Bull hospitality. You leave your bag in your office and sit on the chair behind it. Ding, phone notification. You go ahead and open the phone.
BREAKING: Red Bull Racing rear wing has been found illegal after Mercedes’ appeal on RB18
BREAKING: Both Red Bulls have been disqualified from qualifying as an immediate effect of using illegal car components.
“FUCK” you say and at the same time your door opens revealing your dad
“What the fuck happened?” you ask feeling angry
“I told you we would go through this.”
“We have been disqualified so why not change the whole setup of the car already?”
“We can’t”
“The engineers only studied the possible setups with the illegal wings, they can’t change it. Plus, if fans find out we are deep in the mud.”
“Shit. So we will race on the default setup?”
“Yeah, prepare for a hard one.”
After your chat with Christian you left immediately for the media pen where you did your pre race interviews and then walked to the grid to see everyone getting ready for the race. You were pretty angry for the whole time. Once the lights went out and the race started you switched into race mode seeing everything from the pitwall, counting laps, seeing times, discussing strategies. Both Max and Sergio managed to pass some cars in front of them but they only managed to secure 15th and 16th. The race was a catastrophe for the team, one you definitely want to forget.
“What do you want to do now?” Christian asks as soon as Lewis passes the checkered flag finishing 1st and George 2nd and celebrations are heard from the garage next to you. You turn to take a glance and see Toto fist bumping and hugging Mercedes engineers
“I want to drink.” you answer bluntly
“I was talking about the press but it was a nice idea I guess.”
“I will do it”
You go to the media pen and start your interviews. “What went wrong?”, “Is this your real pace?”, “How could you not know that your car was illegal?”, “What’s next for Red Bull?” were the questions you heard the most. Your answers were the same paraphrase of “To be clear, the wing was in the gray zone of the regulations meaning that we could do whatever we thought was okay based on our interpretations. That’s not our real pace, the whole race went so badly because the setup was about the package that included the rear wing. Rear wing gone, means balance is gone. We regroup and we start again.” but you were trying to hide your anger the whole time. Not to mention that you wanted to drink just to forget the whole day.
Half an hour after you are in your office drinking your first glass of your favorite scotch deciding you won’t drink more than 2 glasses to avoid being in the same situation you were in during testing. During your time at your office Christian, Sergio and of course Max come in to check on you and you offer a glass of whiskey to each of them. After two and a half glasses you take a glance at the clock on your desk and decide it’s time to head back to the hotel. As you walk down the paddock you hear some voices from Mercedes’ garage and you realize you did not congratulate them earlier. Feeling a tad more confident due to the scotch you drank before, you decide to go and say congratulations. Your father had always been negative about recognizing the opponent’s success, only congratulating them for the press' eyes but you always thought that a good result should be recognized regardless of who achieved it. You enter Red Bull's garage and walk down the pitlane to Mercedes’ side. You see several mechanics and congratulate them, discussing a bit and in the background you spot him standing up coming your way.
“You guys are done with everything?” Toto asks
“We should get back to work, sorry boss.” one of them says
“No Jim, that’s okay, I was just asking to make sure that you won’t be working till late this afternoon. You can continue your conversation.”
“Thank you Toto but we should really get back” he says and the rest of the mechanics leave with him
“Trying to poach our mechanics now?” Toto laughs
“We need someone to teach us how to build legal cars.” you laugh “I was just talking with them about the race, I hope that’s okay.”
“No worries, I am not going to tell them that they can’t talk to any competitor. How come you are still here?” he asks. Generally his voice and tone is much more comfortable and friendly than it had been in pre-season testing in Barcelona. Definitely the flight and the ride you shared to get back from Bahrain kinda changed the relationship between you two. You think of how you can phrase what you wanted to say.
“I came here to congratulate you. As I was leaving I realized that I did not congratulate you for your win. Great achievement.”
“Thank you very much. I am pretty surprised that you decided to do it.”
“Well my dad does not like to recognize other people’s success, but I believe that your work was remarkable. I plan on doing it for the rest of the time that I am an executive in F1”
“Spreading a bit of positivity can’t be too bad. I am glad you are doing it. You know your team isn’t exactly famous for its respect to others doings but I am happy that you are the one changing it”
“Thank you so much Toto” you say and you make eye contact for a couple of seconds. Him towering over you since he is obviously much taller than you while he looks down at you. You look up at him. Both of you feel the tension between each other but you chose to break it. As much as you find him hot you remind yourself that you are in the middle of the paddock, people, photographers, fans and journalists are still around.
“I should get back to the hotel. It was a huge day for me, my first day so I need some rest”
“Yes, of course” he says and takes a step or two backwards. You turn to leave and you didn’t even manage to walk 5 steps when you hear him calling your name. You turn to look at him
“Regardless of what happened during the race, I just hope your day was just as good as you planned it to be” he says
“Thanks” you say and you turn to leave for real this time.
You get back to the hotel and you decide to go shopping before packing your bags to fly back to Europe. You visit your favorite brand stores and you try on different outfits and you buy some of them, making sure that all of your new purchases do not exceed the free space on your bags. After the great shopping therapy you decide to head back and relax once again. You walk back to the hotel and get inside where you greet the receptionist that you saw on a daily basis and head to the elevator bay where you wait for your ride to your suite’s floor. You get in the elevator and press the floor number you were staying in and as usual the doors start closing just in front of you. Just before the door closes a hand shows in the small gap and it opens again because of the motion detectors.
You are definitely not prepared to see Toto getting in the elevator slightly out of breath looking like he was running. Your surprised pikachu face says it all. The door closes and the elevator starts going up.
“Hello?” you say
“Oh hey, hi” he replies out of breath
“What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you”
“And you needed to jump running into an elevator with a closing door to find me?”
“Well, I did find you, that is the point.”
“You did.” you say as the elevator comes to a stop to your floor and you move to get out. He stays in the same place trying to catch his breath
“Do you plan to stay here or are you coming with me?” you ask him and he turns and looks at you
“Ah yes thank you.” he replies and he gets out of the elevator following you all the way to your suite. You open the door and get inside, him right behind you closing it as soon as he gets in.
You drop the bags inside your closet with the rest of your still unpacked clothes and go back to find Toto pacing up and down.
“First of all, stop pacing, you are making me nervous” you say and he stops “Secondly, do you actually have something to say or did you just follow me like a random creep to see my room?”
“No, I do have to say something. As I told you earlier, I am really impressed that you decided to come and congratulate us.”
“And?” you ask immediately
“Will you let me finish first?”
“Yes, sorry, go ahead.”
“I thought it was my obligation to tell you how sorry I am about what happened with the appeals. We weren’t planning to do that much damage to you. We just thought why not take the chance and do it.”
“Really, I am not mad about it, it’s just a part of the war Toto, nothing you should apologize for.”
“I just felt that I had to do this.” he says
“Are you sure that you are alright?” you ask surprised by how kind and how different he was to the wide known Toto
“You know, casual post win partying. It involved drinking as well.”
“So you drink during the day?”
“Please don’t get that “You drink during the day” story out to make fun at me”
“I am not doing so. I am not my dad.” you say sitting on the couch and he does the same sitting next to you. He is clearly not drunk, just feeling a bit more confident as you did earlier in the garage
“That difference is really surprising. I hope you won’t get this the wrong way but really your father is messing around with things that don’t even concern him and he believes that he should do anything to crush the opposition.”
“I know.”
“You are nowhere near that behavior. You recognized your opponent's achievement today, said nothing bad in the press and you also spread a lot of positivity.”
“Thank you so much.” you say “I think that this is the reason why our relationship is different than you and my father. There’s a thing called respect.”
“That doesn’t mean you don’t have that Horner attitude sometimes.”
“Well, I have to.”
“Well, you become a brat.” he says
“And people like it.” you reply
“No, they don’t”
“You like it.”
“I don’t”
“Yes you do”
“Do you ever shut up or are you just like your father?”
“Well I do shut up if someone makes me.” you reply and you put on your smug face. As soon as the words get out of your mouth Toto looks at you intensely.
“Please.” he says
“Simply not good enough.” you tell him “So you know being a bitch sometimes makes you likea-” and before you can even finish the sentence he tilts towards you and smashes his lips to yours. You feel the electricity running through your body but before you can even react he breaks the contact still being close to you
“Was this good enough?”
“I didn’t pay attention” you tell him and he does the same thing. This time you are prepared and you immediately react by kissing him back. You put your hand on his shoulder and push him closer as he grabs you by the back of your head doing the same. You keep kissing continuously until both of you are out of breath. You try to catch it back and you regain your voice
“Well that was definitely good.” you say out loud
“I’m never bad at this, just saying.”
Some minutes pass by as both of you are sitting on the couch looking at the ceiling without actually being awkward. Toto breaks the silence
“I should probably get going.”
Why does he have to go now? Is this how it’s going to go? Just going to each other's rooms and hooking up after one of you gets drunk? You need answers to all of the questions on your mind.
“Toto, is this how it’s going now?” you ask him before he can stand up
“How it’s going what?” he asks slightly confused
“Are we just going to visit each other’s hotel rooms while we are drunk, hook up and then pretend that it didn’t even happen?”
“I am not drunk.”
“I know you are not drunk but that’s not the point. The point is this.” you say and you signal between him and you.
“This, is something that our brains tell us to do.”
“And do you want to do it or is it just an impulse?” you ask and you look at him thinking “I am just trying to figure it out Toto.”
“Look, I am the one who’s sober here. Well not exactly sober but at least I have my consciousness and I know what I am doing. If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t have done it.”
“I think I made myself clear. It is yourself that you should be asking those questions. Not me.”
“Are you saying that I kissed you in Bahrain only because I was drunk?”
“That’s what you said the next morning.”
“Well, whatever the fuck I said wasn’t fucking true.” you reply
“Would you have done it if you were not drunk?”
“I don’t know, maybe. It is our brain as you said. I would have done it another time if not then.”
“Are you sure you are thinking this correctly?”
“Why shouldn’t I be sure? You are the one that should be wondering.”
“I am the one that should be fucking wondering? Are you for real? I am the one who invited you to get on my jet and then drove you back home because from the day you set foot in that paddock as an official I haven’t stopped fucking thinking about how much I fucking want to get to know you. I am the one that let you sleep in my hotel room because you were drunk and I am the one who came to your team’s hotel to apologize for any inconvenience I caused to you. I risked being seen just to be here. So yeah I should be probably wondering.”
“I am sorry.” you say as a tear threatens to fall from your eyes
“Don’t you do that now, please.”
“Listen, we are on the same page in this. I want whatever you want. How it’s going to go, I don’t even know myself. Let’s just decide that we are doing this. If you are in, I am in, if not we will continue being rivals.”
“I am all in Toto.”
“Okay then.”
“Just some rules to get this clear. For starters, no one can know that. Secondly, once we set foot at the paddock we are nothing more than rivals. Third, we will be hiding and we’ll be as careful as possible.”
“Agreed.” he says and he comes towards you planting a kiss on your forehead.
“So you have to go now?” you ask
“Yes, my flight leaves in 2 hours. What about you?”
“I am taking the night flight back. Where are you going?”
“Monaco, you?”
“Oxford” you say with a tone of sadness in your voice
“Next week is a race week, we will be back in Bahrain before you can ever think of it.”
“I hope so.” you say and he stands up and walks to the door.
“I will text you.” he says
“Please do, and be careful now that you are leaving, someone might see you.”
“Of course.”
“Have a nice flight back Toto.”
“Thank you, you too.” he replies as he hugs you and leaves you behind at the suite that now feels more empty than ever.
You pack your bags thinking about the turn that your life has just taken. Later in the evening you go to the airport, board your flight and get back to England. Next thing you know, you are in your dad’s car, him driving you back to Oxfordshire. You get back to your house, laying in your bed that feels so familiar and contemplate about what happened.
And now what?
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Hi! If requests are open could i request the brothers with a teen MC who's stressed about school?
When they come home they immediately throw themselves to bed, they often have headaches, they become more cold and distant, they often have a hard time submitting homework on time and they're not as lively as they originally were. How would the brothers comfort them?
I'm so fucking tired rn, i know it's the last month (even tho It's more like 15 days) but my teachers are starting a new important project where we have to host an EVENT along with our exam that is coming up in a week. And we're in fucking highschool-
Aw I think I accidentally opened my asks again but I read this and I relate so much to this; I needed this as much as you. Being a student is too hard sometimes. *hugs* Sorry sweetie you must be so exhausted too?
I'll definitely write this. I apologize if it's a bit short but thank you so much for this ask. I'll try and do my best okay?
Tumblr media
Exam season has just rolled out in Devildom and Diavolo had recently announced that the Exchange students will not have a reduced syllabus and have to study like the rest of the demons, to get a better understanding of their culture and history. This sudden increase in work hasn't been easy on you.
He notices something off with you when you stop telling him leave his paperwork and get some rest. These days it seems he has to pull you away from your work.
He can see how dull and lifeless your eyes look as you try to politely sit through meals with everyone.
"MC do you have some time to talk?" He asks you one day in the middle of homework. "I'm a little busy Lucifer maybe later. I still have finish three more these essays." Wow how the tables turn.
He was planning to have tea with you, but as you usually leave the tea near him when he's working, he did the same. "Don't worry MC I'll take care of this." He whispers to himself.
You're only a child, why are you being so overworked? This is ridiculous. Immediately takes it up with Diavolo and the authorities at school to make sure you're not given more than you can handle.
What do you mean you're not up for movie night? Again? This is the fifth time you've denied him. Mammon starts getting worried about you.
At first he's afraid that maybe you're only mad at him so he asks his brothers who you are spending time with. You are nowhere to be found in any of their rooms.
He reaches your room and finds you curled up in bed, groaning in pain, holding your head. "MC what's wrong?" You manage to squeak out, "Head hurts." It looks really bad from the way you're wincing.
He goes into panic overdrive, going up to Satan and Lucifer, even ringing up Solomon for headache cures. After you get a little better, he found out that it's school stress that's doing this to you.
Godamnit Diavolo! Why would you think it's okay to send a little human to Demon school? They work differently don't they. He will volunteer to do most of your work at school- even though he forgets his own.
Levi was excitedly waiting for you to show up to play his new game. It was the usual routine for you to come back from school, freshen up and then join him gaming four days a week. But you haven't showed up. For the third time this week.
He keeps texting and calling you but don't reply. At first he thinks it's because he's a yucky otaku but then he notices you aren't even getting his messages. So he ventures out of his room and finds you in yours.
You were fast asleep in your uniform, your phone switched off due to low battery, your bed unmade and your bag in a slump on the floor. You look like a game character who got defeated in a fight.
When he hears it is the school stress that is doing this to you, he adamantly hatches a plan. "Levi we have school why anime now?" You ask as he drags you to his room.
"Because you need a energy recharge! So I told Lucifer you'll be staying with me all day and watch your favourite anime." Levi said, handing you a bunch of snacks.
This is the ninth day in a row you had fallen asleep in the library. Yes Satan was counting. Everytime he finds you, you're curled up in a chair with a heavy bookon your lap and your notebook and pens strewn across a nearby table. Overdue assignments.
"Oh MC again?" He mutters as he puts his jacket on you so you don't get cold. When was the last time you read a book with him? You seem so busy and distant these days. He noticed the way you kept denying all his brothers hence he didn't approach you himself. Now he understood why.
Diavolo must be barking mad in his head if he thinks an adolescent human can work the same way as age old demons. He feels annoyed at how you're being overwhelmed.
You wake up to him sitting next to you, writing down your assignments. "Satan why..." Satan smiles and palms your head, "You need to rest, you've been working too hard. I'll handle the assignments, you sleep some more, I'm taking you to a cat cafe later. Playing with cats will help you feel relaxed."
Asmo notices the redness in your sunken eyes on the very next day after you pull an all-nighter. He offers you to come to his room but you decline saying you have to prepare for upcoming exams.
He finds it increasingly hard to keep his mouth shut and leave you alone when you look like this. Your skin is breaking out, your cheeks are sinking. You're starting to look like Lucifer.
Look at how school is ruining you! You are only a baby and yet you're starting look a workaholic corporate worker.
One day he's had enough with your lack of self-care and he drags you to his room. You try telling him off "Asmo I have exams-" He snaps back at you angrily, "Today is your day off whether you like it or not. I will not have you mistreating yourself like this. Now come on we're doing a home spa."
Everything seems wrong. You aren't eating well. And today you look like you're about to pass out while eating dinner. He can't eat when you're like this - he doesn't want your leftovers anymore.
You try to smile at him, "I'm okay Beel. I'm just not very hungry." He isn't buying it but you leave so suddenly he couldn't say anything. You seemed to brush people off and be on your own these days.
He noticed you skip the lunchline at school to scurry off to a lonely table to finish up some work. He gets an extra plateful of food and sets it down next to you.
"Beel I said I'm not hungry." You try to say but Beel is having none of it. He snatches your stuff away. "School can wait, you need nourishments to work. I won't let you work before you eat all of this, MC."
This is heavily annoying to him. He sees you running out of your room, sneaking into the library to study at 3 AM in the night. Did you just wake up and decide not to sleep ever again?
When he tries to approach you about this, you act snappy and cold towards him. He doesn't mind - he understands why you're like this. He's grumpy half the time when he doesn't get to sleep either.
As if he needed more reason to resent Diavolo. Not only did he drag you down from Earth and now's he overworking you in school. Is this supposed to help somehow? Cause the only thing this has done is reduce the smiley chirpy MC to Lucifer version 2.0
One day he sees fall head first onto the floor as you try to flee your room. You stumble and shake as you try to get up again. "Okay that's it. Enough of this." Belphie appears and takes you back to your room, throwing you on the bed. "Belphie I'm fine I just need to finish-"
"You need to finish your sleep. I thought humans had better self-preservation than this. You will not get out of bed until you've caught up on your sleep" He tucks you in bed and stays there until you fall fast asleep.
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penissirius · 3 years
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Bang Chan x male reader
SUMMARY: Chan has trouble sleeping and M/n offers to stay up with him again tonight but he has work tomorrow and Chan is worried M/n won't get enough sleep. Prompt from @littlewhispersofsolitude , prompt: Imagine your OTP #338.
~A/N~ I don't use the exact words used in the prompt but I use the general idea and wanted to give credit to who I got it from- I hope that's okay ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
WARNINGS: Nothing serious, hints towards insomnia, sweet words being said lmao, Hispanic/American M/n I'm sorry if you don't like that but it's only mentioned once or twice by him calling Chan a nickname- (っ- ‸ – ς) soft dom M/n and cuddly Chan
M/n finished cleaning up the kitchen from dinner and walked into the office downstairs where Chan was currently working. He sat the mug of hot tea he made for him on the desk, he gently takes Chan’s headphones off. “Chris baby are you going to try to get some sleep tonight? It's already midnight.”, M/n asked sitting in the chair next to him.
Chan turned to him, “I was going to but I have so much work to do for the next comeback and I wanna get it all done, and make the Stays proud-”. M/n smiled opening his arms for him, to which he gladly gets in them. “Mi Amor the Stays are going to be proud of you regardless”, he pulls Chan into his lap, “but if you're not gonna sleep I guess I'm staying here with you to at least make sure you take care of yourself.”
Chan looked up at him, “Don't you have work in the morning though?” M/n gently rakes his hand through Chan’s hair humming. “Yeah I do but it's not until later in the evening so don't worry” “I don't want you to not get up for work cause you were up all night with me”, Chan looked up at him worriedly. “No worries mi sol, I’m sure ill be able to wake up properly tomorrow.”
M/n puts Chan in his chair before walking to the door, “Drink your tea love, I’m gonna go make you a small snack and get you a blanket cause it’s cold in here.” Chan smiled at him, “I love you babyyyy~” “yeah yeah I love you too.”, M/n shakes his head walking out the room and into the kitchen.
M/n made him and Chan snacks, got them both blankets, and cleaned up a little more around their shared apartment before heading back into the office. He walked into the office to see Chan huddled up to his screen working again. M/n calmly walked into the room and set the snacks down on the desk, Chan noticed him and took off his headphones.
“Hi baby”, Chan turned to him and smiled while M/n wrapped him in a blanket. “Hola mi sol, hows the song coming along?” M/n asked sitting in the chair next to him with the other blanket around him. “It's pretty good, wanna hear?” Chris unplugged his headphones turning back to the moniter. “Hell yeah, I do.” Chris played it for him and the rest of the night was spent laughing and fixing tracks.
Chan managed to get alot of work done before he started to get tired from the constant cuddles and affection from his taller boyfriend. It was about 5 in the morning when M/n managed to drag his sleepy and clingy australian to their shared room. He changed him and Chris into more comfortable clothes.
He laid them both in bed getting under the cover with Chan clinging onto him. “I woves ou M/n”, Chan mumbled with his face in M/ns chest. M/n chuckled wrapping his arms around him, “I love you too Chrissie~”. The next morning Chan woke up to breakfast made and a half awake M/n getting ready for work.
A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic in the longest time so im really sorry if it isn’t that good ( ꒦ິ﹏ ꒦ິ ) please do not be afraid to comment and give feedback and definitely requests things, please i have no writing ideas and id much rather write oneshots and fanfics than my english essay. Also, hiiiii I'm the author of all these semi-decent fics and my name is Asher, and I'm non-binary masc presenting and I go by he/they pronouns!
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peteswormtail · 4 years
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The little things || OOTP
Ron, after five years, finally learned to do his homework in the evening and not late in the night, as he used to do before.
But still, he was sitting on a table in the Gryffindor common room, his Potion essay was done, his eyes were tired but he didn’t want to go to sleep. Not yet.
Something was holding him back, a thought. He hadn’t seen Hermione, his best friend, all day and he started to worry. He only met her at lunchtime but only for like 10 minutes - more or less - because ‘I really need to go, Ron!’ her words were still fresh in his mind.
He couldn’t go to sleep, not without knowing if she was okay. He knew that being a Prefect lead to a lot more work, and it was pretty stressful, but never to the point of not going to dinner or being out of the common room at 11:30 pm, like Hermione.
His eyes were slowly closing, but a big noise made him stood up quickly and look over some footsteps he was hearing.
“Oh, hi. Still up?” Hermione grinned as she stepped into the room and saw Ron, her best friend.
Ron sat down again and smiled back at her, “Yeah. I-I just... Er, finished my essay.” He looked down at the paper that stopped writing hours ago, but he just didn’t want to tell her he was waiting for her and worrying about her.
“You never learn to get your work done before dinner, do you?” He let out a small laugh, she sat down next to him and she started to pick up her books from her bag, placing them all over the table.
“What are you doing?” He asked, a bit shocked.
“Homework.” She responded as if it was obvious.
“Homework? Hermione, it’s almost midnight!”
Was she out of her mind? What was she doing all day instead of studying?
“Please, Ronald, I had a rough day. The last thing I want is to argue with you. Just go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow.”
Ron shook his head and pulled his chair closer to hers, his eyes fixed on her as she was focused on her work. “No way. You need to rest, Mione-” She let out a little smile when she heard the nickname he had called her with. “You can copy my homework! See, here, copy this.” He put his essays on her books but she gave them back to him.
“Ron, thank you. But you know I want to do it by myself. Go to sleep, seriously.”
“Would you mind telling me where have you been all day?” She sighed and put her hands over her hair, with a stressful look on her face. “Are you okay?” He asked again.
“Just headache, I guess. I’ve been helping first-years with their homework, and then I stayed with most of them until now.”
“Hermione, you are a Prefect, not their mother! You need to take care of yourself!” He sighed and slowly caressed her back, she gasped at his touch.
“I know, I just couldn’t say no to them. Doesn’t matter anyway, now I'm here and I need to get my work done.”
“Let’s do it then.” Ron picked up the book under the strange look Hermione was giving to him.
“What are you doing?”
“Your homework.” He saw the disappointed look on her face. “Come on, Hermione, it would take less time if I help you.”
“I don’t want you to help me with homework!” She hissed and he sighed.
“Fine. But I'm staying here until you finish everything. I’ll keep you company.” Hermione shook her head, with a smile she was trying to hide.
Ron was always so caring, and she didn’t know what she could do without him. He always reminded her to eat, to take care of herself, things that she always put last in her to-do list. But he taught her that taking care of herself was more important than school, books, and homework.
“You look tired, why don’t you go to sleep? I’ll be fine.” He shook his head.
“I’m going to pick up some snacks from my dorm, alright? I suppose you’re hungry, you’ve missed dinner. I’ll be back in a minute.”
She smiled as she watched him go upstairs, up to his dorm. She was so happy to be able to call him her friend, even If some times she thought about him in another way, in a way that always made her heart beat faster and faster she was scared it could explode.
She shook her head and got back to her essay, which was almost done. She felt her headache getting worse and her eyes slowly closing...
“Hey, I brought your favorites-” Ron came downstairs and stopped talking when he saw Hermione sleeping with her head on the table.
He smiled. She had her mouth half-opened, her hand was still holding the quill, and her head was resting on her essay.
Ron thought she was simply beautiful. There were no other words to describe her. He quickly picked up a blanket and put it over her body.
He left the snacks on the table, next to her books, and wrote a note with them.
‘Please, eat as soon as you wake up!’
He took some minutes to look at her, thinking she looked like an angel. At that moment, he wondered what it would have been like to go to sleep or to wake up, with her next to him. But that was just stupid; she didn’t think about him in that way, she didn’t fancy him. He was her friend, he was like a brother to her. He was sure she thought that.
“Sleep well, Mione.” He whispered and let a kiss between her hair.
Hermione woke up, feeling relaxed, but as soon as she realized where she was her eyes widened open. She looked over at her watch and let out a sigh when it said 7:00 am. She wasn’t late, at least.
She looked at her homework and focused on a note left next to some snacks. Her thought suddenly went to Ron and the little moment they had last night. The way he cared about her just made her fall even more for him.
After eating the snacks with a smile that didn’t want to go away, she noticed the blanket over her, and she recognized it, it was Ron’s. He used to lend it to her when she was at the Burrow those past years.
“Look who’s up.” His voice, coming from the stairs, made her smile, and stood up quickly.
She jumped on him and hugged him tighly, not knowing why. She was just thankful for him, to have him in her life. He looked surprised but hugged her back, putting his arms around her waist.
“What the bloody hell was this about?” Ron asked when she pulled away and they both smiled at each other.
“Thank you, for taking care of me.” He shrugged his shoulders and looked down, Hermione could see his ears slowly turning bright red.
“It was nothing really. Just little things.”
“It’s exactly that. The little things.”
Please let me know who made the art!!
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mrows-fan-works · 3 years
A Team Bonding Exercise
Um, okay. Hi. Hello. So I did it. I made my very first fanfiction ever. The idea that I had was that Legend gets put in charge as Time, Twi, and Wars go into town. He kinda/sorta tricks everyone into an awesome mud fight in a nearby clearing instead of sparring with their swords. I plan to do some art for this as well but the idea just made me so happy that I wanted to try and write it as well. I'm more used to writing scholarly essays for school so I'm sorry if its subpar in any way. Oh, and I'm sorry for any OOC-ness in the characters. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like it!
“So you know what’s expected?” Time asked for the third time, eyebrows raised in a worried expression. Legend tried not to roll his eyes. He knew Time was just worried about leaving them for a day to get supplies in a shadier part of town with the two oldest, Warriors and Twilight. Time didn't want to expose the younger heroes to that sort of environment, not yet. Even if Wind swore he’d been in worse places.
“Yes, I understand. I’ve got to babysit the wee babes until you and the others get back.”
“And…” He prompted.
Legend sighed, “And make sure they do their chores and training regimen.”
Time nodded his assent before he quickly spoke, “ Also, make sure Wild actually cooks dinner and not desserts like last time. We couldn’t get Four to sleep for three days after he ate so much sugar. I’m sure you wouldn’t want a repeat of that.”
Ah, Legend remembered that incident fondly. Back then, Sky had been in charge and had let Wild cook whatever he wanted. Sky was cool like that. As long as they got everything that needed to be done, Sky didn’t mind what they did. And Wild’s crepes were amazing. However, it was thanks to that fiasco that he was now in charge.
“Legend....did you hear me?”
Legend jumped, “Oh, uh yeah sorry. Make sure the kiddos eat actual food. Got it.”
Time let out a relieved sigh. “Thank you.”
Twilight walked up from behind, “Time, can we head out? I don’t think I can handle any more of War’s bad jokes.”
Time nodded, “Alright. I wouldn’t want you to suffer needlessly.”
Wars gave a scandalized gasp near the edge of camp. “Hey! My jokes are funny!”
Time looked back at Legend, “ Be careful, don’t forget about…” Twi rolled his eyes, grabbing Time’s shoulder and pulling him along. “C’mon Old Man if we don’t leave now we won’t make it to town before the market closes. They’ll be fine. Legend’s got a good head on his shoulders.” Time let Twilight lead him away where they met Warriors. He kept looking back as they were walking away. Legend waved and tried to put on a reassuring smile. The Old Man really did worry too much sometimes.
Once the trio had disappeared in the trees Legend turned to see everyone doing their normal chores. Wild was cooking a quick lunch with Wind. Hyrule and Sky were washing any clothes that needed attention and Four was doing minor maintenance on the weapons. The afternoon had just started to roll in. It was the perfect time to place his plan into motion.
“Hey Four!” Four jumped, focus broken. He frowned and looked up, “What?”
“I’m going to look around for a place to practice today. I should be back before lunch.”
Four’s frown deepened. “But it rained just yesterday. Do you think it's a good idea to train on wet grass?”
“No. That’s why I’m going to look for a suitable place for a good team bonding exercise.” Now Four looked confused. “Team bonding exercise...?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Legend said as he approached the trees, “You’ll find out later.”
“Later” turned out to be just after lunch. Everyone had finished their chores just before and were eager to let out some energy after a slow morning doing menial tasks. Wind in particular was raring to go.
“Who’s ready to get their asses handed to them by yours truly!”
Hyrule scoffed, “Confident are we? We’ll see about that.”
Wild laughed as he put the used dishes into his slate. Four rose to hand him his plate saying, “Well, Legend was talking about a “team bonding exercise” earlier so…”
Wind spun to face Legend, “What team bonding exercise? Will it be fun?”
Legend smiled. “Well that depends.”
Sky groaned, immediately assuming the worst. “Should I leave my sailcloth here? That’s all I want to know.” Legend stood thinking, “Yeah, that’d probably be a good idea. I picked a pretty good spot out nearby. It should be perfect for what I have in mind.”
Hyrule let out an excited gasp. Wild looked equally curious as everyone went to grab for their weapons.
“Ah sorry, you won’t be needing your weapons.” Now everyone looked confused.
“But...” Wild started, “doesn’t training involve our weapons?”
“Not this training! Just follow me, it’ll all make sense in a minute.” Legend began walking towards the trees without waiting for an answer. He could hear the others scramble to catch up with him as he sauntered off.
“Wait! Does it count as training if we don’t use our weapons?” Sky questioned as he struggled to catch up. Everyone had to jog in order to keep up with Legend’s strangely fast power walk into the woods.
“Depends on what you count as training.”
Before anyone could voice their confusion, Legend abruptly stopped. They had reached the edge of a slightly larger clearing. Main difference being that instead of solid ground the soil was soft and overwatered, leaving it looking more like a mudpit than an idyllic forest meadow. Wind scrunched up his nose as he cautiously glanced down the hill they were standing on. “What are we supposed to do here? It’s just a bunch of mud.”
“Exactly, it’s perfect.”
Wind took a step back, “Perfect for-” Before Wind could finish his thought, someone roughly pushed him from behind. Landing on his stomach, Wind slid through the mud at alarming speeds down the hill towards the middle of the clearing screaming profanities the entire way.
Legend turned to the others, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Race you to the bottom!” He jumped, sliding feet first down the hill where Wind was trying to stand back up and failing miserably. The others laughed and launched themselves down without hesitation. Wind had finally managed to stand without slipping and was exacting his revenge against Legend by chucking globs of mud at him. He was successful mostly because Legend couldn’t completely stand without his feet flying out beneath him. His pegasus boots weren’t made for playing in the mud after all. Soon, he had given up the premise of fully standing upright and began throwing mud back at Wind from where he sat but quickly changed targets to his defenseless brothers that were currently sliding down the hill. Four yelled as a particularly large handful of mud hit him in the face just as he reached the bottom. Wild wasted no time grabbing ammo for himself and throwing it at Hyrule, covering his ear with a generous layer of earth.
“Oh that was a cheap shot Wild!” Hyrule cried as he slid to a stop. Wild gave him a cheeky grin just to turn and nail Sky in the chest. Sky, who had just managed to stand, promptly fell back with an impressive splash.
It didn’t take long for everything to descend into chaos. Mud soared through the air at alarming speeds in multiple directions. No one was safe and soon everyone was covered head to toe in mud. Most couldn’t keep their footing on the slick grass because they were too busy laughing or dodging mud bombs. Four somehow managed to slide around with relative ease. Managing to do small spins to dodge incoming assaults as he chucked as much dirt as he possibly could at his brothers. Sky had taken advantage of one of the few rocks in the clearing as he ducked behind it to avoid incoming fire. He wasn’t able to put up much of an offense only because he couldn’t stop laughing at his brothers’ antics. Legend was still on the ground, lunging at people’s feet if they got too close and rolling them in the mud. Hyrule had managed to exact his revenge on Wild by sliding into him, knocking them both down where they were easy prey for Wind and Four to strike.
This went on until the sun started to set. By then, everyone had exhausted their energy. They all sat together still half heartedly trying to land hits on one another.
Wind leaned back, finally relaxing, “That was awesome.”
Legend laughed, “I’m glad you like my idea.” Carefully, Legend tried to stand, only managing to do so because Four was quick to help him. “We should get cleaned up and head back to camp. It’s almost dinner time and Wild hasn’t started anything.”
Everyone seemed to pout for a moment. No one was quite ready to leave such a fun afternoon behind.
Sky was the first to move, “This mud is gonna take forever to wash out. Might as well get started I guess.” That got everyone moving. Helping each other stand, everyone went towards the river near their campsite. The atmosphere was light as the river came into view.
Legend sighed. This really had been a good idea. Maybe one of his best yet. As he watched everyone crack jokes and banter, Legend couldn’t help but smile. He wouldn’t trade this for the world. Nothing was better than this. He would cherish these memories for the rest of his life. Looking at everyone’s delighted faces, he knew that they would too.
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seacottons · 4 years
— uni with atz pt. two
notes: swearing, fluff, mildly suggestive dialogue. tags: @latte-fairytaekwoon
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seonghwa — [ early edu. + developmental psych. ]
extremely organized in all aspects of his life
your bookshelf at home consists of books on developmental studies in children.
if he isn't in class or volunteering, he's either cuddling with you or reading.
stressed 24/7.
takes very pretty and neat notes.
randomly spits out facts throughout the day.
sometimes, you join him during his volunteer hours at various daycares and schools.
is all the children's favorite teacher.
extremely patient and soft-spoken when it comes to working with even the most difficult child.
also loves being called 'teacher hwa'.
"i don't know, if i were you, i would make the students call me king san."
"they'll probably end up bullying you," seonghwa replies back.
you don't know how he has the patience for the amount of children he has to take care of.
takes you picture-book shopping with him for his students.
finds himself singing nursery rhymes while cooking or cleaning.
has polaroids of you two stuck on the fridge.
brings lint rollers to work.
gets worked up in public if a parent seems too neglectful in any way.
"y/n!" he tugs at your elbow and points with his jaw to the right, "look! his kid is just spilled all that paint on the floor, and he didn't even bat an eyelash!?"
"don't intervene again, please."
"okay, but-"
the whining of metal and steel cut him off, and the two of you jump in fright at the sound of a shelf falling apart.
"some people really shouldn't have kids."
whines when he comes back home that the paint stain and glitter just won't come off his clothes no matter how many times he rubs the spots with warm water.
or how he has mulch stuck in his socks and shoes from taking the kids outdoors to play.
you somehow always end up finding a googly eye or specks of glitter under the couch.
sometimes brings home finger-paintings with numerous colorful hearts and two stick figures in the middle.
"today's assignment was to paint what makes you happy."
you also help him stitch up little felt and cotton dolls for the kids to keep.
often gets sick from working with children.
and passes it onto you by accident.
you know he's had a bad day when you ask him how it went, and his face scrunches up in pain.
stormed into your shared apartment one day and made a beeline to the bathroom.
forty minutes later, he comes out, towel wrapped around his hips, face and chest flushed, and explains that a child accidentally peed on him.
gets flustered when you laugh at his demise.
sometimes uses his teacher voice when scolding you or your mutual friends.
and you all end up teasing him more anyway.
"do you use that tone in bed too, hwa?" yeosang asks one day. mingi and yunho splutter out in disbelief, followed by loud laughter.
you choked on your bite of cake at the sudden remark.
"what did i ever do to deserve this slander," seonghwa grumbles whilst patting your back.
he often stays up late making lesson plans for both his classes and ones to implement at work as well.
takes full advantage of his teacher's discount at shops and restaurants.
sometimes brags about it to his friends to get under their skin.
"you have it easy. just watching kids and getting free food," san says one day in the middle of their game of jenga.
"it's not easy at all," you hear seonghwa reprimand the younger, and laughter rings out from the other four guests.
"you're learning about children! what's so hard-"
you had a hunch that seonghwa purposely tilted the wooden tower to tumble over an unsuspecting san.
"y/n! your boyfriend is trying to murder me!"
seonghwa paces in circles around your apartment whilst studying for an upcoming exam.
asks you to quiz him on certain materials.
"correct! okay, can you define the preoperational stag-"
"how many kids do you want to have in the future?"
"kids. how many do you want to have with me?" he presses further, eyes trained on your face rather intently.
"can't this conversation wait until you finish studying?"
"no. i'm too curious," he licks at his chapped lips and leans in to poke your forehead, "i need to know. this is important information. please."
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yeosang — [ biology pre-med ]
met you through your mutual friend, wooyoung, who invited him to live in your shared dorm.
"you didn't tell me you have a dog?" yeosang turns to wooyoung, brow quirked up whilst pointing to the 'beware of dog' sign on one of the bedroom doors.
"oh, i don't. i just put that up to mess with y/n," wooyoung dismissively explained while making a sandwich.
is the reason why you and wooyoung haven't killed each other yet.
asked you out after five months of moving with you and wooyoung.
designated one of the kitchen's shelves as a medical supply closet.
"because wooyoung always ends up hurting himself without doing anything."
"i do not."
stress is his middle name.
constantly contemplates his life decisions.
"wooyoung! shut up! i can't finish my essay with you blabbering every damn second!"
you had to get used to the sight of a full sized anatomical skeleton in his room.
"okay, but i'm not letting you fuck me with that thing in here."
later that night, wooyoung's heart nearly burst in his chest from fright.
"yeosang! why the fuck is your skeleton in my room!?"
some nights, during dinner, yeosang slams his obnoxiously large textbooks onto the table, and insists for the two of you to quiet down while he skims over the pages a few times.
"can't you just enjoy your meal for five-"
"no. now hush."
not only does he have labs, presentations, and essays to worry about, but he also got accepted for a pre-med internship at a local hospital.
hardly goes out anymore during his free time.
most dates include cuddling on the couch or baking something in the kitchen.
stays up late at night to complete assignments.
towers of thick books decorate his nightstand.
"no, yeosang. i really don't want to see you dissecting a cat," you grimace, turning quickly and shielding your eyes from his phone.
"why not?" yeosang whines softly, hand tugging the hem of your shirt with a frown, "it's not that bad, i promise-"
he's cut off when wooyoung snatches the phone from him with a loud cry, "gross! y/n, you're letting him touch you after he touched that?! and fuck- what is that smell?"
"that's formaldehyde. now give me back my phone before i dissect you next."
you join him at the lab when he has extra work piled up.
"you look so cute with a white coat and goggles."
you prod and poke him repeatedly, asking him numerous questions about the specimens in the lab.
"y/n! don't touch that!"
one day, wooyoung comes home sick.
you insist on taking him to see a doctor, only for him to emit a haughty laugh at you.
"why would i waste my time and money when i have yeosang here?"
"but woo, he didn't even get into med-school yet-"
wooyoung insists he doesn't need to see a professional, "yeosang is practically our live-in doctor! why do you think i begged him to move in?"
you roll your eyes, calling for yeosang to persuade the younger male.
"alright, tell me your symptoms," your boyfriend sighs, plopping down onto the couch beside you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
after wooyoung explains everything and takes his own temperature, he peers at yeosang for an answer, "well?"
"you're dying," yeosang nods simply.
wooyoung's visage pales, and he scrambles to sit up on the couch with a disturbed expression.
yeosang is always studying.
you insist for him to take a break sometimes.
"i can't. i have lab tomorrow. oh, and a paper."
"but you always say that!"
you attempt to tug him out of his seat.
"come on! just for an hour, and we'll be back. promise."
he's always reluctant at first, but finds himself agreeing later anyway.
enjoys the small dates at the nearby lake probably more than you do.
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mingi — [ accounting ]
a gifted genius when it comes to numbers.
is your very own math tutor.
jokingly asks you to pay him back.
he accepts kisses and hugs. baked pastries are also a bonus.
"y/n? are you okay?" a hand waves in front of your face.
you blink at him wordlessly, mind fogged from the bombardment of information you just received, "sorry- you lost me. can you repeat the process again?"
he playfully smacks your shoulder with the ruler and stomps his bare feet onto the tiled floor, "this is the third time!"
"i'm sorry! you know how i am with math!"
he begs you to take classes with him as electives.
"sorry, baby. i love you, but there's no way i'll ever take statistics."
"okay, what about economics?"
"management? business administration!?"
"no and no."
"but y/n! it'll be fun! you'll be with me!"
always whines about how much he hates having to take 'stupid management classes' and the group projects that come along with them.
"they never take the assignments seriously!"
said group visits your apartment to work on projects with mingi.
"aren't you supposed to be working on that project?"
you watch as mingi and his friends suddenly erupt in an explosive argument about the game they were currently playing.
"yeosang! what the fuck!?"
"it's y/n's fault mingi was distracted!"
you let out an indignant squawk and glare at yeosang.
"that round didn't count."
"stop being a sore loser, san!"
"so.. i take it you didn't even start?" you grimace, peering over to the untouched books and papers on the coffee table.
"it's just management class. no big deal," san explains quickly with a dismissive wave of his hand before nudging your boyfriend with a glare, "you better not make us lose this time, or i'll kidnap y/n."
stays up late to finish other work that's due.
loves to wear big spectacles when studying.
it 'helps him focus'.
writes notes on his calculator and slides it towards you while you're both home studying.
"mingi, what is that?"
"read it upside down, you bum."
has a coffee mug with 'i love π' in big, bold, red letters.
refuses to throw it away even though the rim is chipped.
always bugs you about how you should have a budget plan.
insists on teaching you how to make spreadsheets on excel.
"i can't do this, mingi. too much numbers give me a headache."
"do you want my lucky glasses?"
rambles on about things related to his field, and you can only nod in confusion every time.
"how does your brain keep up with all of this?"
"easy. just be one with the numbers."
"that was a bad pun.."
"you're supposed to laugh!"
mingi was that typical student who complained about studying, but is always the one acing everything with the highest score.
"i should just quit university and become a stripper."
"you say that every exam week, and yet, you always pass with the highest grades," you mumble from the other side of the couch, absentmindedly highlighting a few sentences in your book.
"yeah, but studying is a pain in the ass," he exhaled with a loud groan, head thrown back against the back of the couch, "why me, y/n?"
you roll your eyes while reaching over to pat the side of his face in comfort.
"everything will work out just fine."
later that week, he joyfully bounces into your apartment with a large grin plastered on his face, "guess what?"
you snort in amusement.
"let me take a wild guess. you aced your exam."
"and guess who has the highest score?" he tugged you forward by your cheeks with a bright grin.
"yeosang?" the cheery expression on his features suddenly vanished, causing you to laugh, "i'm kidding."
likes to study while attached to your side, wearing comfortable pajamas and warm socks.
sulks whenever his stock investments drop further than he expects.
and is always in a good mood whenever the prices spike back up.
always has a horrible math pun up his sleeve.
sends you accounting memes and becomes a gloomy mess when you don't laugh or understand the joke.
"what if i propose to you with a math problem? and we have pie instead of cake?"
"please don't bring math into our love life."
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yunho — [ broadcasting journalism ]
roommates with you, hongjoong, and jongho.
is called 'newspaper boy' by hongjoong.
is well-known around campus for being one of the student journalists for the university's newspaper.
you have the very first published paper, with his full name printed on the front, framed in the hallway of your dorm.
has the prettiest hands.
and longest fingers you've ever seen.
can put them to good use.
especially when typing out essays. they're practically blurred from how swift he is.
likes to ramble about current international events to jongho early in the morning. the latter pretends to understand, giving the other false hope.
jongho always sends you a pleading look to save you from your lover.
always carries a notebook.
article deadlines = stressed yunho.
complains that his friends are 'uncultured'.
helps you with your essays.
if he has enough time, he'll actually re-write it for you.
"was it really that bad?"
"it's okay, baby. you're good at other things."
"how come you don't re-write my papers?" jongho huffs from across the living room.
"you're not y/n."
interviews you and your other roommates for his projects.
you smile from behind him as he zooms in obnoxiously close to hongjoong's disgruntled expression.
"he zoomed in on my nose again, didn't he?" the blue haired male asks you.
"sorry, but that tomato sauce stain is really distracting me."
hongjoong nearly drops his fork.
"what stain!?" he furiously rubs his face with the back of his hand, "see! i told you that you always interview us at the most inconvenient time!"
is constantly writing.
can be very unorganized.
"who took my ap stylebook!?"
"can you stop shouting? it's 6 a.m., yunho!" hongjoong growls from his bedroom.
mingi and seonghwa often visit your dorm because they're usually partnered with yunho for an assignment.
it somehow always winds up with mingi and yunho fooling around, whilst seonghwa struggles to persuade them to help him with the work.
sometimes, you tag along to help film his public social experiment projects.
is a social-bug, so people are instantly drawn to him.
likes to cuddle with you while watching the films for his assignments.
you think most of them are pretty boring, but being in his lap and tucked against his chest makes up for it.
you like to add glittery stickers onto his video camera and tripod.
is very much infatuated with you, so he doesn't mind one bit.
applied for a paid broadcasting radio station/tv internship over the summer and was quickly accepted.
asks you to help him style his hair for his first day at work.
"but it's just a radio station. no one's going to see you?" jongho questions with a perplexed expression.
"i still need to look presentable!"
and later that day you quickly hush the two males beside you once the clock strikes 2 p.m.
"quiet! yunho should be on any second now!"
"i was just breathing?" hongjoong whispers weakly.
over dinner, jongho often mimics yunho's reporting voice.
"y/n, do i really sound like that?" yunho pouts as you and hongjoong burst into fits of laughter.
"aw, don't be sad. i love your reporter voice, baby."
will wake everyone up early the next morning by yelling at the top of his lungs with his reporter voice just to get back at you three for laughing at him.
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rosegoldannie · 4 years
"Here, at least drink some-" "I'm fine" "No you're not. You're too busy to drink water you're not fine" Or something along those lines for like college au Feysand? Please!
AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Thank you so much!! I literally started happy dancing in my room when I got this, thank you! 
And seriously guys, please, I love answering asks like these. They let me know what you all want to read in the fandom, and I’m more than happy to write it!
Rhys’s heart clenched as he entered the living area of their small, studio apartment. Countless sketches littered the floor, accompanied by an ungodly amount of pencils, charcoals, and pens. He knew something bad had happened when his eyes snagged on the tub of caramel ice cream in the garbage bin. And instantly knew what had happened: critique day.
Stepping around the coat rack which obscured his view of the rest of the room, he found Feyre half-crouched on a tarp, sketching on a canvas, that hoodie she had stolen from him after their first date, which was so covered in paint that you couldn’t see the logo, draping over her thin frame.
He cleared his throat loudly, raising an eyebrow at the mess surrounding her. “Busy, aren’t we?” Teasing, always teasing.
Feyre flushed a bright red, having jumped slightly when he cleared his throat. “I’m so sorry, I have a big project coming up, but I’ll clean everything, I swear.” her hair was up in a messy, messy bun, held in place by a paintbrush, which was dripping blue paint into her hair.
He grinned softly, carefully making his way to their bed, and dropping his backpack. “No, don’t worry about it. You don’t freak out when I make a mess with all my papers. This is nothing.”
She gave him a grateful smile, and went back to glaring at her artwork.
He knew better than to interrupt her by trying to make conversation; she would be nice, would humor him, but would likely be counting the seconds until she could shrug, and return to her canvas.
Rhys propped himself up, content to ignore his work in favor of watching her work. She was magnificent, truly. He would never understand how she managed to take a pencil and paper, and turn it into such an incredible thing. 
Hell, he didn’t understand why she loved art so much, only knowing that it made her happy, and he really didn’t care about the why. Knowing that those small, wooden brushes brought her so much joy was more than enough to banish any lack of understanding on his part.
Sighing, he relegated himself to working on his essay, which was due in a few weeks, and dragged his attention from the girl who had captured his heart.
They were nearly in the home stretch, graduation only a few short months away. And he couldn’t believe it. That cold, rainy night he had spotted her across the room at Rita’s had been nearly four years ago, and yet it all passed by in a flash. So much had changed, that he didn’t believe it some days. They had gone from semi-strangers, to two people who would one day get married.
Marriage. It was a topic they discussed often, and shared the same opinions on. They both wanted to marry, though they knew they were way too broke. But one day. One day, when they had enough money, and weren’t living practically paycheck to paycheck, he was going to get down on one knee, and ask her to be his wife.
Hours later, the sun had set and he at last looked up from his laptop to find that Feyre had barely moved, still in that strange crouch. His heart gave a warm tug, and he had to fight the urge to go over and wrap his arm around her. 
Again, he cleared his throat, artfully dodging countless paintings and sketches on the floor, as Feyre had a system he didn’t want to disturb. “Darling, what would you like for dinner?” He called, rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.
“No thanks!” She replied after a few moments. “I have to work on this.”
Rhys frowned, sticking his head out into the main room.
She glanced up, giving him an apologetic smile.
And again, his heart tugged at the sight. She had ink smudged across her cheekbone. And Rhys couldn’t stop himself from making his way to her, kneeling down, and pressing a kiss to her lips. “Alright,” He murmured, thumb wiping away that ink, “just don’t work yourself too hard, alright?”
Feyre nodded, giving him a chaste kiss, and humming to herself.
Sighing to himself, he made his way back to the kitchen, and made a dinner of champions: scrambled eggs. He made sure to make more than necessary, before heaping them all onto a plate, and plopping down near his girlfriend, content to watch her work. 
She glanced up, eyes lingering on his plate. She licked her lips, and glared half-heartedly at him. “I know what you’re doing,” She hissed, slowly migrating towards him, “and it’s not going to work.”
Hiding his smirk behind a mouthful of eggs, he replied, “Am noff doon amyfin. Promith.”
Feyre scoffed, taking the second fork he had hidden under the plate, and began helping herself to his food.
She wound up finishing most of it, but he didn’t care, only kissed her forehead, and began preparing to take a shower, then go to bed. As he scrubbed himself clean, he took far less time than normal, eager to hold her as he fell asleep.
When Rhys returned, hair damp and clad in only boxers and an old t-shirt, he was disappointed to find Feyre exactly as he had left her, crouched over that canvas.
But he simply slid under the covers of their bed, and watched her sketch and paint until his eyelids grew heavy, and he succumbed to the warm grip of sleep.
He awoke to bright sunlight streaming in through the blinds, letting out an undignified groan. Rolling onto his side, he threw out an arm to seek out his love. It hit nothing but cool sheets.
Eyes remaining closed, he groped around the bed, trying to find her.
Then his hand smacked into something cold, and wet.
He groaned, still half-asleep, assuming that something had been spilled on the bed, and raked his fingers through his hair, and rubbed at his face to wake himself up.
When he opened his eyes, it took every ounce of strength to resist swearing ferociously. His hands were covered in blue and yellow paint, courtesy of the pallet resting on the edge of the bed.
Rhys shook his head, fighting to keep the annoyance out of his voice. “Hey, Archeron, can you come here?” he called. The bathroom door creaked open, and she tiptoed out. Clad in leggings and a tattered blue shirt, he nearly forgot what he was going to say. At last, coherent thoughts return, as Feyre lets out a horrified gasp.
“Oh gods, I am so sorry!” She said, hands coming up to cover her mouth. “I-I didn’t think you were going to wake up, and I didn’t have room to put it w-”
Sighing, he held up a hand. “Don’t worry, alright? Just, please, can we agree that there’s no more paint in bed?”
She nodded, turning towards where she had left her backpack the day before. “Alright. I’ll clean up after class, I promise. But I’ve got to go, okay? Love you.” With that she was slipping out of their apartment.
Rhys groaned, but slipped out of bed. He was fully aware that she would most likely forget to clean once her classes ended. After a long shower, spent mainly trying to scrub the paint from himself, he slipped off to his first class.
Already, he was planning what he could bring Feyre for dinner. He knew she was busy, and likely would be for at least the next week. But that didn’t mean that he couldn’t bring her some foods that he knew she liked.
He returned to their apartment long after dark, to find her in that strange crouching position. Carrying a bag of takeout chinese food, he held it up victoriously. “I have returned!” He cheered.
Feyre didn’t even glance up, only giving a small wave.
His smile vanished. “Aren’t you going to eat?”
Again, she didn’t look up. “I’m busy, Rhys.” She almost snapped.
Something within him crunched, but he forced his feelings down. This was Feyre, and she loved him. Rhys knew she wasn’t trying to hurt him, she was just busy. He sighed, but made his way to the kitchen, to dish himself up some food.
He muddled around slowly, making a large mug of peppermint tea, which he knew to be his girlfriend’s favorite. When he brought it out to her, she simply waved it off, muttering something about being busy, and having to work on her painting.
And again, he made his way back into the kitchen, sitting at the table and slowly eating the plate full of delicious food. Rhys didn’t taste anything other than dirt. His eyes lingered on her, watching as she moved back and forth over that damn canvas.
He loved her, so much that it hurt.
And he wanted her to be happy. More than anything.
Painting made her happy, and so he supported her endeavor to become an artist. He knew that came with many big projects that were very, very important. He also knew that she was a perfectionist, and sometimes became too involved in her work; to the point where she would forget to eat or sleep for days on end.
He was worried that she was falling into that pit, becoming too absorbed in her art. That was why he decided to test her.
So he stood from the table, and prepared a large glass of ice water, before carrying it out to her. “Feyre,” he said, holding out the glass to her, “I brought you some water.”
“No thanks.” She replied, not looking up at him. “I’m busy, Rhys. I really, really have to work on this.”
He slowly knelt down beside her, careful to not disturb the canvas. “I know you do, and I understand that. All I’m asking is that you take a break to drink some water.”
She huffed, glaring at him. “I said I’m busy. Please, just let me work on this!”
He held her gaze unflinchingly. “I have known you for almost four years, Feyre Archeron.” He said, daring her to huff again. “And I have hardly ever asked you for anything, now have I?” When she opened her mouth to object, Rhys gave her a stern glare. “I have never seriously asked you for anything. Have I?” 
Feyre shook her head slowly.
“All I’m asking you to do is to please just take a drink of water. Please, darling. I’m worried about you.”
“I’m fine!” She insisted, rolling her eyes. “I’m just busy, Rhysand.”
“Too busy to stop for water?”
“YES!” She snapped, making to return to her work.
He stopped her with a hand on her chin, turning her head back towards him. “Then you’re not fine.” He said, daring her to disagree. “I understand that you’re busy, love. I do, I know. But this isn’t healthy.”
Eyelids drooping in defeat, she reached for the glass, and took a long sip. “Alright.” She murmured, moving towards him. “Maybe I’ve been a bit hard on myself…”
Arms moving to scoop her up, Rhys chuckled as he carried her over to their bed. “Maybe just a little.” He tucked her in gently, and quickly pulled up Netflix on his laptop, setting it in the middle of the bed. “Now, I’m going to get the takeout, and we’re going to spend tonight in bed, relaxing.”
She looked up, alarmed. “Rhys, my project-”
He smiled warmly down at her. “I went to talk to Mrs. Ressina today. She said that this is an extra credit project, and that it isn’t due for almost a month.” Again, Feyre looked like she wanted to protest. “Darling, I’m no artist, but I know that you can take one evening off.”
Feyre huffed, but didn’t disagree.
He took that as a good sign, and went to fetch their dinner, which was mercifully still warm, along with her tea.
When he returned, she was sound asleep, The Princess Bride playing quietly from his laptop. Rhys smiled softly, setting her tea on the bedside table, then putting the food back in the fridge. He gently changed her out of her paint-stained clothes, into a pair of his sweats and t-shirts, and cleaned her face, before crawling in next to her, and drawing her to rest against his chest.
Immediately, she moved to snuggle closer, and he smiled softly.
With one hand, he typed out a few emails on his phone to their professors, explaining that they both had wicked colds, and would not be able to attend class the next day.
Professor Ressina replied within minutes, her email pulling a dry chuckle from his lips. You seemed very ill today, almost bedridden. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, and let Feyre know she is excused from the rest of the week. Have fun, kids.
He placed his phone on the headboard, and pulled Feyre closer, drifting slowly off to sleep.
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Having a crush on Gryffindor!Johnny
Quick Disclaimer: I've never written anything like this before and English is my second language so I hope it turned out alright :)
so like it all started very innocent
you just had a crush on a Gryffindor boy
nothing big right, everyone has a crush from time to time
or at least that was your opinion
But your two best friends had a different way of seeing these kind of things
Mark and Yeri couldn't stop gushing about it
They made sure to not tell anyone, yeah, they'd never do that intentionally
but everytime they'd see your crush they would whip out an entire notebook, writing down every lottle detail about the things he did
your crush being Johnny by the way
but your friends would write down E V E R Y T H I N G he did in order to evaluate whether he'd be a good match or nah
They really just wanted to do their best to make you happy
and you appreciated it. You really did
but when Mark almost ran full force into a wall, after an intense session of stalking Johnny, you had enough of it
you loved your friends but it annoyed you to no end how they couldn't stay out of your business
so when the three of you were standing in an empty hallway you scolded them about it
telling them how your crush wouldn't be a big deal and how they should start focusing on their own love interests
you obviously knew they had a thing for each other but they....just.... didn't
so you just finished scolding your friends, being obviously pissed about their behavior
when Johnny and one of his friends come walking around the corner, chatting the day away
and you hoped to God that they hadn't heard anything
and they didn't seem to, they just greeted Y'all with a nice wave and then left you there to finish your conversation
you didn't want them to hear anything about your conversation so you just took a turn and went back to your dorm, leaving Yerim and Mark behind
fast forward to the weekend
it was hogsmeade weekend
and you'd love to go
you really wanted to
but you're so forgetful you missed to ask your parents to sign the permission slip for you
so you had to stay back at the castle trying not to die of boredom
Johnny caught wind of that
and he kinda just decided to stay at hogwarts
for you
The only problem was... he didn't tell you.... so.... he spent his entire day searching do you. without success
Around evening he gives up and goes to sit down on one of the stairs, sulking
It was about dinner time so you made your way towards the great hall, eager to get some of that nice hogwarts food after spending the entire day doing your homework
On your way there you passed Johnny, silently wondering what had his energetic ass go this sulky and quiet
He spotted you out of the corner of his eyes and,,,, his face brightened up big time
Which honestly confused you but you weren't sure whether you should go talk to him or rather keep walking to go get the food you were longing for.
You took the option more important to you... and so you kept walking, shooting him just a small confused smile before redirecting your attention to the way ahead
Johnny couldn't leave it at that and nearly jumped onto his feet, hurriedly catching up to you all the while trying to keep his cool
He couldn't
Even your dense ass noticed that he was trying hard to keep up something.... That honestly wasn't even there
Anyway so he comes up to you and asks you what you've been up to all day
So you tell him that you've been studying in your room
And two realizations hit him
One: He totally forgot that 500 page essay he had to write for potions
Two: He was pretty dumb for being a flat A student
His hand found its way onto the back of his head, scratching his scalp in his attempt of trying to cover up his embarrassement
You weren't sure whether you should be embarrassed, amused or just confused
So you just went for the most logic option and went,,, awkward,,,
So now you two were walking alongside each other with an awkward aura following you into the great hall
You were about to kind of just try to slide to your table when he suddenly stops you
He really didn't want to let you go just like that
Also he didn't really feel like spending another day of hopeless searching
So his emotions kind of overreacted and he grabs your wrist, seeming a bit panicked blurting out an
'do you want to go out with me?'
And like you were kind of.... Confused...Shocked... And embarrassed.... And oh my God was that the feeling of your cheeks getting hot?
You kind of just stared at him in shock
Because truth be told he almost screamed that into your face
As he realized that as well he let go off your wrist, his hand finding the back of his head again
'I- I'm sorry'
You just shook your head in an attempt of telling him that it wasn't a big deal
It confused him honestly, he was sure he heard you talking about him the other day
Jaehyun confirmed that he had heard it too
But he didn't want to press any further and make you uncomfortable or even scared
So he kind of just nodded, whispering a small 'sorry'
And finally you snapped out of your shock, now it being your turn to almost scream at him
'Oh no no, that's not what I meant. I- I mean- of course! I just- blanked?'
Your voice became quite towards the end but Johnny understood every word
And he was happy again
But also embarrassed
And so were you
Then your senses kicked in and you couldn't hold back a little snort
Which FINALLY broke that awkward, embarrassing tension that was going on as both of you just kind of chuckle-laughed
He nodded relieved and amused
'okay, I'll think of something creative'
You grinned and let out a hum in agreement
'You better!'
After deciding on a day and time you parted ways to go and sit at your house tables
You also took note of the fact that there were only a handful of students that caught up to your conversation, which made you sigh relieved
you sat down on your usual spot, hieving enormous amounts of food onto your plate
You were so deep into your task that you didn't notice the two pairs of eyes, staring at your head like you were Fluffys sister
Until you actually lifted your head and stared right back
The innocent sounding question seemed to send your friends off to the moon
Yeri repeated your question as if it was the most ridiculous thing someone had ever asked
Mark was just sitting there, still kind of baffled by your previous interaction with the Gryffindor guy
'Your long term crush just asked you out and you're just sitting there..... Eating'
Yeri accusingly pointed her fork at you, waving it up and down as she continued talking
'you should be squealing. You should be gushing about it. Why are you just EATING?'
She wasn't wrong, your were indeed.... Eating
Cheeks filled with food, you weren't entirely able to answer her questions, though you weren't even sure if you could actually find any answers to them
You were just hungry
Anyway the point why I'm still writing about this is
You noticed how she was behaving a bit off
More off then usual
So you let your gaze slide to Mark, looking for answers
When he just kind of starts blushing
You go back to Yeri and she just starts,, blushing
And at first you're confused
But then you get it
You were being way cooler after being asked out by your crush then Yeri would probably ever be
And she just wanted to cover that embarassment up
So you grinned, all the while trying not to loose the food that was stuffed in your mouth
You weren't really able to talk so you just aggressively started to wiggle your eyebrows
Your friend almost screamed as she started to throw broccoli at you
'SHUT up!!'
You started laughing
All the food you tried to keep in started to plop down onto your plate and you almost choked on a carrot before your friends lost it and laughed along
So the three of you were sitting at your house table, laughing the whole situation away
And in the far there was Johnny, watching the situation unfold in silence, an amused smile on his face
He chose the right one and he couldn't wait for that date
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hhawks · 2 years
i love my whiny kitty. and i did asjajsh. im a simp for you, pretty girl. not ashamed to say it.
i slept well!!! was thinking about cuddling you all night. and being close to you.
how was your day, baby? finished the essay?
- mommy
mmmmmm thinking about that rn :( it's freezing here. dhskfjhkds
it was okay! busy. had some lunch and then picked up a package and it was my winter clothes !!! they all fit really nice which was great and then i headed to da library. finished my essay! but it's still really shitty hehe so i'm going back tomorrow to edit n review everything before i submit thennnnn i went to dinner with some friends and we had some realllyyyy good ramen ><
now i'm just chilling thinking about u wanna do some writing but i'm not in a great headspace rn i am too horny 4 dis.
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