#okay i know zach and jacob dont last
orangesand-lemons-234 · 4 months
Race introducing Albert to his family:
Race: Yeah, we work pretty well as a team! We actually won 3rd in Trivia Night last week, y'know the one held down by the youth centre? Anyways, we were eliminated cause we got question 24 wrong, but that was definitely a trick question cause wh-
Albert: Racer, where's this story going, bud, and is it important to what we're talking about?
Race: Ah, alright, sorry, I'm doing it again. That was just gonna end with me rambling about the Ted films-
Jack, absolutely flabbergasted: ...did he just stop Race from rambling???
Crutchie: He did. He just did what we've been trying to do for 19 years with ease.
Buttons: Put this guy in glass and break it in case of emergencies.
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Abbott Elementary S03E05 thoughts
That cold open was funny as hell - “Brother, sister, and maam” I burst out laughing in the first minute
What did Jacob and Gregory experience at Melissa’s bar??
“But that was last week” melissa are u okay? Are u refusing to admit your breakup hurt?
The bros <3 i lovee jacob and gregory’s friendship and the way it has developed SO MUCH
“Now im just one musketeer and theyre two assholes who dont invite me to things” IS SO FUNNY 😭😭😭
“Step practice is more important than homework, if any of ur teachers disagree i can and will fire them” Ava 😭😭 she’s been 10/10 this season but especially this episode, one liner after one liner, getting janelle that emmy I see you
Don’t mind me just a workwives shipper noting the difference in reaction barb has between ava touching her and melissa touching her
SISTER SLOSS I AM IN YOUR WALLS I HATE YOU HOW DARE U INSULT BARB - and the way Barb then covers her lips no it makes me so sad (AND the way she wears neutral colours the rest of the ep)
This whole barb scene is just great jacob moment after great jacob moment, but the darts skills are particularly relatable
It makes me so sad that jacob and zach have been fighting, I know a break up is the best thing but :( I thought they’d get married and janine would be a bridesmaid (if not maid of honour)
Honeymoon, hell, stuck here 😭💔
“It just so happens its never me” 😣 barb honey 🥺🫂
“WHAT IS A CHOIR IF NOT A SORORITY FOR THE LORD” see one liner after one liner!!!!
Okay this whole melissa story imma just summarise here - I don’t get it. Melissa introducing herself to someone is straight out of character (is it meant to be development? idk i dont get it), the fact they actually were qualified and janine and mel were wrong feels flat - it would’ve felt like a better end of the story if they were right, it didn’t even feel like there was a beginning middle and end just they suspected the teacher and were wrong. Something was missing, maybe it’s because Janine’s at the district idk, but this whole arc felt rushed and shoe horned in to the ep.
As soon as janine said she was making a tough decision I couldn’t wait to see what actually dumb unimportant thing it was so v happy to be right
Jacob just end it instead of dragging out the pain 💔
Jacob watching the eras tour! I’m desperate to know his favourite era
“Sorry I had to take that” “we saw you dial” lmao
“No sister sloss its the same one” “Same several” OOH THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING
I’ve actually wondered about Barb’s piercings for ages bc it seems ooc so seeing it addressed was for me actually
The gasps and the sponge squeeze LARRY OWENS U WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS
Love love love the casual non binary rep and that it was just normal
Barb opening up to ava 🥺🩷 I loved this moment so much, Barb’s faith is such a big part of who she is and to know that it hasn’t always been simple and straightforward and what singing in the choir means to her it’s just so 🥺
Not to make everything gay but the pause and look to camera for “I’m … friends with some of abbott’s more colourful teachers” barb did u almost come out? (And does colourful mean 🏳️‍🌈 [and does that include melissa] or shady (definitely includes melissa)
Ava setting up barb’s concert 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I’ll cry
Melissa was so so proud oh my goodness 😭 proudest wife ever
Give me Barbara’s full album
Let me hear her whistle tone
I’ll miss u larry owens please come back
Janelle and chris are coming for their emmys / nominations
Barb 🥺🩷
Idk what that melissa janine story was
Still need more mr johnson
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popcrone818 · 4 years
The Other Swan Pat 10
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thats Zach, and yes he is a werewolf like Theo. dont ask why it just happened, and i thought that there could have potentially been more tribes of shapeshifters other than the Quileutes.
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Seth’s P.O.V
I walked over to the library in my free period, Skye had said that she had book she needed to return so I thought I would find her there. I was on high alert while I walked and then I tripped over some books on the ground just outside the library. I bent down to pick them up and noticed it was the big stack of books Skye had sitting on my desk this morning. I picked them up and held them tightly against my chest. Where was she? My heightened senses where on even more of alert when I realised, she wasn’t in the library. I went in search of her everywhere she might be in our free period. When I still couldn’t find any trace of her I ran into the forest phasing as soon as my feet hit the dirt.
What are you doing Seth? Get back to school! - Jacob growled in my mind.
Skylah’s missing Jake! – he flew towards the school running as fast as he could. He had alerted Sam and his pack on his way over here. He still had a connection with Sam. Embry, Quil, Jared and Paul all showed up after Sam. We all phased back and found our clothes before we started to discuss it all.
“When was that last time you saw her Seth?” Sam was quick to jump in interrogation mode, I shrunk back from him slightly. He may not be my alpha any more but there will always be something there.
“Chemistry last period. She ran off to grab her books from her locker before free period and go to the library, but she isn’t there I checked. I found her book son the ground out the front. I followed her scent into the parking lot but then it just stopped.” I took a deep breath and Jake came and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“Well find her, okay?” Embry said coming over and doing the same. I knew he and Skylah had been close when they were younger, I just wasn’t sure how close they had been. I nodded at the pack and we all phased back. Jake would be communicating with Sam and relaying what they knew back to me. I took them all back to where Skye had dropped her books and let them follow her scent.
It finishes here – Jake stepped up to where it stops and looked around in every direction before looking back at me. An image flashed through my mind from Jake’s.
It was her first day back here she and Jake were walking along the sand on first beach catching up with each other, he had known I was there that day, but he didn’t seem to mind.
‘About 6 months ago I started dating this guy, his name was Zach and he was older and popular. He used to beat me when I would stay over at his place even once when he stayed at mine. Then he suggested we have sex, when I wouldn’t give him what he wanted, he decided to take it anyway and dump me publicly the next day.’
My blood boiled as I watched it play out from Jake’s point of view, she looked so broken, no wonder she would always flinch when I went to touch her. I howled at this new found information.
You don’t think he would come here do you Jake?
It’s the only possible explanation, if a blood sucker took her, we would have smelt it from a mile away, but this scent with her is something else I can’t describe. – Jake relayed everything to Sam ad he let the others know as well.
What’s going on? Why is Seth not at school? – Leah phased and got inside our heads. The last couple of conversations we’d all had flashed through mine and Jake’s minds. She howled after she got caught up. Sam and his pack took off with Embry and Quil sticking around.
Lets spilt up and try to find her scent again, yeah? – Jake suggested, Leah and I agreed and took off. Suddenly Embry and Quil could be heard in our minds. They’ve joined Jake’s pack.
Sam isn’t putting anyone else in danger and isn’t putting anyone else on patrol to find her. We need to find her, if this Zach character is here and is behind it, we need to find her. – Embry was getting angrier by the second. Yes Seth, Skye and I have always been close. Suck it up princess. – fucking telepathy.
Embry and Quil took off in search of other places that the three of us wouldn’t be able to cover on our own.
Guys? I found her scent, but no one is going to be happy about it. ­– Quil gave everyone the location and we all sped off in that direction.
He's right I could smell her blood. Suddenly I heard a blood curdling scream come from the east and I took off. I knew it was her. I busted into the abandoned house where I heard the screaming get louder. He stood over her his pants around his ankles. I stood tall and growled. Quickly he pulled up his pants and went to grab something to use against me. Everyone else busted through the doors and stood behind me as I sized him up. Then suddenly his face started to grow more hair and his teeth elongated. He was a shapeshifter too. A different one than us though. He came and kicked me in the face then the chest which pushed me backwards into Leah. I got back u and growled at him once again. This time I went for his throat, but when I got close enough his clawed hands wrapped around my throat. I gasped for breath before Embry was able to push him off me.
You don’t want this to be your first kill, Seth. – Embry warned as he stalked closer to Zach. Embry was going to kill him for me, so I didn’t have to take on that burden of killing someone. I leapt up and sunk my teeth in Zach’s neck. I pulled my teeth away and ripped out his jugular. He fell limply to the floor and I turned towards Skye, she was shaken up and Jake phased back. He picked her up and thinking she wouldn’t want to see me after what I just did, I slowly started to walk out.
“Seth?” I heard her frail voice call out to me and my ears perked up. I turned my head towards her, and she held out her hand. Jake brought her over to me and she ran her fingers through my fur. She was thankful for what I just did. She nodded her head and snuggled closer to Jake before closing her eyes.
We’ll meet them back at your place Seth. – I nodded my head and followed Embry out of the abandoned house, and we took off running. I needed to shower before I saw her. I ran faster than I ever thought I could go and before long we were at mom’s house. I phased back and quickly threw on some shorts before I raced inside and into the bathroom to wash all the blood off me.
Jake arrived shortly after and laid Skylah on my bed. Leah was on the phone to Carlisle when I knelt on the side of the bed beside her.
“he said he would be here soon, they’re not too far away from here.” Leah informed me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “She’s going to be alright Seth, she’s a fighter you know that.” I nodded but stayed in the same position. An hour passed before the door flew open, Carlisle marched in and I got up and let him do what he needed. I headed downstairs to find Bella seated in the couch looking nervous and alone. I went over and sat beside her, times like these is when you need all the family you can get.
“Thanks for coming, I know she’ll appreciate this.” I placed my hand over Bella’s and she smiled in appreciation. She may be a blood sucker, but they aren’t all bad, Carlisle and his family were the good ones. I knew that.
“I’ve hooked her up to a drip, and she is receiving a blood transfusion now. She lost a lot of blood and she will need lots of rest. Keep an eye on her. We will be at our place if you need anything.” Carlisle nodded to Jake and Bella stood up to follow him out. She looked back at me and smiled sadly. Skye was still her sister; I'm surprised she didn’t hate me for not keeping her safe.
A week felt like years before she opened her eyes again. She was alive but barely. She lost so much blood that I thought I would never get to see her beautiful green eyes ever again. The moment she opened her eyes and looked around my room my whole world came back to me. I had been out of sorts for the time she was out but in that moment my world started to spin again. I was by her side in seconds, she didn’t push me away when she saw me, in fact she pulled me in by the back of my neck into a short soft kiss.
“I'm so glad you’re alright Skylah.” I breathed a sigh of relief and rested my head against hers. She licked her dry lips before she pointed to a glass of water resting on the bedside table. I quickly reached over to grab in and handed it her, I helped her sit up slowly and then helped her take a small sip of water. She looked like she welcomed the feeling of the water running down her throat, I held her hand and took the glass off her again.
“I never thought I would see you again Seth. Thank you for not giving up on me.” She tangled her fingers in my shoulder length hair and rested our foreheads together again.
“I’ll never let anyone touch you like that again, I promise. But why did you not tell me about what happened sooner?”
“I didn’t want you to worry, or to have more n your plate by having a broken imprint.” She pulled away from me and turned her head to look out into the forest.
“Hey, look at me,” I placed a gentle hand on her cheek and turned her head, so her eyes met mine again. “You’re not broken, a little cracked maybe. But in the last couple of months you’ve changed so much, the first day I met you remember when I went to touch you and froze up moved away then ran upstairs?” she laughed as we remembered the day. “Or when you first found out about me, you took off. Is that because of what he was? When I told you I was a werewolf, you thought I was like him didn’t you?” she nodded her head timidly. The gut wrenching feeling I felt that night at the bonfire came back full force. This time I looked away from her. I’d hate to think about everything he did to her, back in Arizona and here when he got her. I had never even seen another werewolf like him before. I didn’t even know about them.
“I love you Seth, I always will. You have my heart.” She told me placing another soft kiss on my lips.
“I love you so much Skylah. I never want to feel that pain in my life again when I couldn’t find you at the library. You had me so scared.” Leah came into my room to check on her.
“Oh your awake, I’ll go get Carlisle.” She turned to walk out before turning back to us once again. “It’s good to see you awake Skye, I've missed you.” She walked out fully, and Skye and I looked at each other before we burst out laughing.
“Ow, okay laughing hurts. How much blood did I lose?”
“A lot, I'm not sure how much exactly though. A question for Carlisle.” She nodded at me and Carlisle came rushing through the door,
“How do you feel Skylah?” he asked as I got up off the bed and stood off to the side.
“South of the boarder hurts and feels like its on fire, and my head in spinning, but that could just be Seth’s effect on me, other than that I'm feeling pretty alright.” she told him truthfully. He nodded and checked all her vitals before he pulled out the IV and packed everything away.
“you’ve got some visitors downstairs if you feel up to making the trip.” He informed her before walking out again. She attempted to get up and I was by her side instantly ready to help her if she needed it. She placed her arm over my shoulders and used me as a crutch of sorts.
Once downstairs I helped her sit on the couch before taking my seat beside her and holding her hand gently. Sitting in the living room was Bella, Renesme, Embry, Quil and Jake. Everyone was so happy that she was awake now and we couldn’t stop talking and laughing, keeping her mind off the attack. I was happy to see her so happy with our family and friends around us. Our future couldn’t come quick enough in my opinion, but I wanted us to hold onto our innocence a little longer. Killing Zach had crushed some of mine but she would stay as innocent as possible if I had it my way.
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survivorgalaxysedge · 4 years
Episode 3 | Funky But I Don’t Care - Zach
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If the past 5 years of ORGs have taught me one thing, it's how to do a slide puzzle.
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I HATE MY FOOKING TRIBE! Pippa didn't deserve that. Nathan Silver and Jessie are stinky freaks of nature and they WILL be dealt with accordingly. I'm gonna play nice with Nathan in PMs but I'm really just gonna throw him under the bus to Jessie and Silver and try to get him voted out if we lose immunity. If he's being 100 with me then oh well what do I look like going back and trusting him after he lied to me for NO REASON?!?!?!? I'd rather leave this game trying to get him out than work with him
also jessie and nathan and silver are like just flat out not good players??? like the shit they say to me is not....good player behavior? this is the RETIREMENT HOME ORG not a beginner's course in How To Make a Move and Do Damage Control.....AMATEURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE feeling outplayed when in reality those three just kinda had the past two tribals served up to them for free... it's very very annoying to me.
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I am screaming. Ive never does this brantsteele challenge before but i feel like its gunna be sooo frustrating and annoying. Fhdhhd send help. 
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Queen Zoe singlehandedly winning this BrantSteele challenge for us. Love that! On a game related note, Jay approached me last night about working together. We haven’t gone to tribal yet and I don’t think we will this round but it’s good to finally talk a little bit of game with someone. Jay says he hasn’t heard any game talk yet either so I’m feeling alright about that. I’ll absolutely go to the end with Jay at this point. I know it’s still super early on, but we vibe well and I think strategically we’re a match.  
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so. i am nervous abt this challenge. i really cant say how its gonna go but idk i feel like im due for tribal council. and i feel like none of these folks like talking to me so i am Just Sitting here. im getting left on read a lot and have to start most conversations so im just.... idk. and also i dont understand the advantage codes<3 am fucked lads
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I love to vibe with my tribe. A third straight immunity win. Not even just a win but an absolute fucking destruction of the other tribes. Queen Zoe coming in clutch this challenge. This game is such a weird and different experience for me. I’m used to attending at LEAST 2 of the 3 first tribal councils. And to not go to any of them? Man it’s wild. And on top of that, I still have my hidden immunity idol so if anything wonky happens soon I have that as back up. Part of me wants to be “swap fucked” so that I can play my idol and get someone out. But also I don’t want that because then my idol is gone before merge. Maybe I can Michele this game and just be immune at every tribal before merge. That would be great. 
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ok so we sure did blow this challenge. i feel safe at first tribal since the only name going around right now is maynor's. there's a new problem tho. jules wants to work with me and i want to work with jules, but i was talking to zach about what we should do in case maynor has a rocket ship and yeets out of this tribal, and he mentioned a possible alliance of me, him, ali and jacob. who does that leave? jules. first off, alliances in which its me and all men.... disgusting bye, secondly i will NOT vote jules bc i like her and we have good conversations whereas i can barely hold a conversation w jacob like.... no 
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The name right now is Jacob. Like I hope nothing is played or whatever and that Jacob goes. Im just at work all dy and hoping that like I’m able to stay in this game. I dont want to leave yet. 🥺
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I'm nervous but I have an alliance 
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Cycle 3: so we won immunity..... finally but last tribal we successfully took out Pippa  :) erm I dont know much else to say lol 
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great round!! we are starting to bond more as a tribe and we keep winning those challenges! i’m v proud of myself for brantsteele i def won that challenge for us. ari and i are getting closer as well and the tribe talks about nothing in particular every day. not much strategizing yet but that’s okay. signing off, xoxo space bitch
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I'M SO NERVOUS. Tribal today. I've talked to everyone on the tribe and we say it's Maynor, I just hope it's not all a big ruse on me. I really like Zach Ali and Asya and really wanna work with them so I just hope that I can trust them. AAAAAAHHHHH
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Hi my name is Jessie we won immunity Go us actually winning something ! Okay that’s it that’s my thoughts for this round Maybe we can win again 
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