#seth clearwater imprint
jogetsobsessed · 4 months
The Prophecy - Paul Lahote
I've never written angst before so this was me giving a shot at it, please be nice lol 
Please…change the prophecy 
You felt your heart shatter as you stood outside of Emily's cabin.
The joy that was radiating off the man that you were so in love with was causing you physical pain. How could he be so happy? 
Until a few hours ago you had been in a three-year relationship. You had never felt more loved than when you were with your boy. He promised you so much, marriage, a big house with a white picket fence, and children. Since your third date, you have been planning your future together.
Everyone told you that you were moving too fast. But you didn't listen because you didn't care. Paul was the one for you and you were the one for him. 
When he phased for the first time two years into your relationship he had been terrified to tell you. Wanting to keep it a secret until Sam told him what could happen if he didn't. So one night Paul reluctantly brought himself to your house, snuck into your bedroom so your parents wouldn't wake, and told you. He laid all his cards out on the table. 
And while you had initially laughed in his face he begged for you to believe him. Which you only did once he snuck you out of your house and took you to where Emily's cabin sat tucked away in the thick of the reservation. She and Sam had watched as Paul urged you to stand back. Working himself up to phase. 
You had fallen flat on your ass, tears springing almost instantly as you looked around unable to pick your jaw up. Paul had huffed for a few seconds, making himself look as big as possible to emphasize his point before he lowered himself down, lying flat and lowering his ears. 
From that day on you felt a small sense of pride. You were someone that Paul trusted enough and loved enough to tell his deepest darkest secret. The fact that your relationship had reached the point where the two of you were open books with each other warmed your heart and made you fall in love with him all over again. 
That was until Jacob opened his big fat mouth. 
You had been sitting at the counter in Emily’s kitchen rolling the chocolate chip cookie dough into little balls and placing them on the cookie sheet. She was bouncing around the kitchen focusing not just on getting the cookies baked but also finishing up on the sandwiches she was making for lunch and starting the roast that was to be eaten for dinner. 
This had become a routine for the two of you since you had graduated high school. You didn't have a post-grad plan but you knew for sure it certainly didn't involve going away to school. The idea of even leaving Forks drove you mad. Why would you want to leave a place of perfection? 
So while the two of you made light small talk and listened to the wind chimes that were knocking around with the soft breeze you worked on your respective tasks. When the various sets of stomping bare feet came up the porch and the screen door was thrown open neither of you even looked up, completely unphased by the rambunctious pack of teenage boys. 
Paul had rushed over to where you sat and placed a quick peck to your temple as he swiped a ball of cookie dough, turning around and eating before you could swat his hand away. 
“Paul Lahote”, you screeched rolling your eyes as he just smirked, reaching out to grab another. This time you hand stopped him and were able to fight it off. Once he realized that you were not budging he gave in and pulled you into his arms. 
He had turned the two of you so you were facing the kitchen table where Emily had just placed the first platter of sandwiches down. It had been a few months since Paul had let you in on the pack secret and since then it had grown from the awkward two-man pack that was him and Sam to them and several other members of the tribe. You knew them all having grown up in the small community and you were happy to see Paul secretly get excited each time one of his new brothers phased for the first time. 
The boys had turned into feral animals like they always did around mealtime. Food was flying around the table as they all stuffed their faces as if Emily had not fed them breakfast just hours before. Your laugh was quiet and you leaned into Paul attempting to absorb his warmth thanking your lucky stars that you had chosen to eat before the boys got back so you didn't have to fight the wild beasts off to get a chance at eating lunch. 
To be honest you weren't even really paying attention. As soon as Paul's body heat started to warm your bones you tuned out the chaos of the kitchen, that was until you heard Jacobs's unnaturally loud voice cut through the air. 
“Sam thank god you imprinted on Em, I don't know what we’d do without her '', his comment was meant to be light and funny. And for everyone else it was, the rest of the boys at the table laughed, shelling out their agreement towards the statement. But you felt Paul stiffen at Jacob's words. 
You lifted your head and were met with his now hardened expression. A small part of you didn't want to know why, what Jacob meant by Sam imprinting on Emily, and why that caused Paul's mood to shift. But a bigger part of you wanted to know. 
“Paul what does that mean, imprinting?”. 
Your words caused everyone to shut up. You had tried to be quiet but it was no match for their enhanced hearing. Instantly an awkward air settled over the normally happy kitchen. None of the boys moved a muscle, except to turn slightly in their chairs to throw dirty glances at Jacob, who looked incredibly guilty. 
“Paul I'm not gonna ask again, what the hell did Jacob mean?”, you had pushed yourself out of his embrace, putting some distance between your two bodies. His face was unreadable but his body language displayed how upset he was. But it wasn't anger, which was what you expected to see, no he seemed genuinely upset. 
Slowly he crossed the room reaching where you now stood by the front door and walked slightly past you holding the front door open while gesturing for you to follow. You allowed him to lead you to the set of beautiful handmade rocking chairs that sat on the creaky front porch. 
It was then after he spent several minutes with his head in his hands that he explained to you what it meant for a quileute to imprint. The whole spiel on how this person becomes their whole world, no matter what the imprint wants the imprinter will dedicate their life to their imprint. 
And when you asked the hard question, the one that you in the back of your mind knew the answer to but were too scared to ask because you knew it was about to change everything, you watched as life drained from his eyes. 
He hadn't imprinted on you. 
That meant that no matter how much he loved you there was someone out there that he was going to love more when the time came. No matter how much he assured you that he would fight the connection because you were the love of his life and how the bond could still snap because it wasn't an exact science, you still felt a heavy presence settle in your chest. 
You were dreading the day that your boy was taken from you. 
The day that it became a reality that you were going to get your perfect house or perfect family weighed heavily on your mind. 
Paul had assured you that he wanted to stay in a relationship with you. Downright got on his knees and begged when you suggested that you should leave then, make it a no-hard-feelings split. 
“Paul, it's not meant to be '', you cried as you watched him hold back his sobs. 
“No baby please stay, I am begging you. I can not lose you, please”. 
You made it work after that day. 
Tried to ignore that nagging feeling of impending doom whenever your relationship got brought up. 
But you watched as some of the other boys found their imprints and how their lives changed, becoming exactly what Paul had described. 
So you knew that as much as Paul believed he would be able to fight back his instinctual need to put his imprint first when he did find her you knew that that wasn't going to be the case. 
But no matter how much you tried to prepare yourself when the day came and you received the text you shattered. 
I don't know how to do this. It doesn't feel fair to you to call or come over to tell you this but I’m sorry. Last night…the bond snapped with Rachel Black. She’s back in town from being with her aunts and I ran into her at the store. I’m so sorry, thank you for the past three years. I will never regret loving you. 
The scream that had left you was guttural as you collapsed onto the floor. Tears were pouring out of your eyes as you clutched your heart. 
You felt so stupid, wasting these past few months begging an invisible higher power for you to be Paul's person. Begging to please change what prophecy was written in the stars, so that Paul would continue loving you forever. 
Your wails could no doubt be heard from outside of the house but it didn't matter. Not at this moment. 
Hours were spent laying on your bedroom floor, trying to collect yourself. Eventually, you did enough to pull yourself up. You had no clue what you were doing. You knew that you shouldn't be getting in the truck and driving the familiar drive to a place that felt like a second home but you had to see him. 
In your time wallowing on the floor of your bedroom you had decided that you weren't going to let him get away with this, flush three years down the drain in a text message. He owed you a face-to-face conversation. 
Panic didn't start coursing through your veins until you had a moment of clarity and realized what you were doing. You didn't want to look crazy but you needed this. You needed to look him in the eyes and have him tell you that he wasn't in love with you anymore. 
But as you opened your car door and made your way off the creaking steps of the front porch you stopped as your blood ran cold. 
The curtains were pulled back from the front windows which gave you a perfect view of the kitchen. And you saw how happy everyone looked. There were various different bowls and plates of snacks lying on the table and the kitchen counter. Chairs had been found throughout the house to fit everyone at the table as they were playing what looked like an intense game of spoons. Their laughter was so loud you could hear it from outside and your heart swelled as you longed to be in there, having fun and laughing with your friends. 
But the longing stopped when you saw him. How his arm was thrown around the back of her chair holding her close, his head thrown back as he howled with laughter. 
He looked like for the first time in a long time, maybe even ever he was happy. Had you ever made him this happy? 
You had been proud of yourself for keeping your composure but once you saw him bring her close and press a chaste kiss to the top of her head your knees buckled and you dropped to the ground. 
Air was rushing out of your lungs and not returning as it became obvious coming over here was a mistake, you had been right there was no way Paul was going to be able to fight the bond he had with Rachel. But that didn't stop you from looking up at the sky blinking rapidly to keep the tears at bay as you whispered, 
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theaskywalker · 5 months
hi, it's me again! I wanted to ask something that's a bit less fluff if that's okay:)
(idk if you do smut, couldn't find anything about that, so sorry if you don't)
I was thinking Seth clearwater and fem!reader
(again soz)
having a honeymoon! like Bellas but, little longer and softer
(Because has a soft boy and I love him for that. would love for him to break the bed if you put that in there:)
thank you for reading and drink water and go cute a tasty snack!
(You could do Jacob black with this to if you would like I've read all the good Fics of both and can't get enough of them:( .)
Seth Clearwater x Fem!Reader
A/N: This is my first time writing smut so I hope it turned out decent. A big thank you to ghosty-boo-shh for the request 😊
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Warnings: Mentions of oral sex (fem!receiving), Unprotected sex
❥ Seth Clearwater had always been a romantic at heart.
❥ When he first imprinted on you, he spent hours fantasizing about important relationship milestones such as moving in together, getting married and starting your own family.
❥ He desperately wanted all of these.
❥ If it was up to Seth, the two of you would get married right after your relationship became official.
❥ But you wanted to take the relationship one step at a time and he respected that.
❥ Fast forward to your two-year anniversary, when Seth decided that it was finally time to make you Mrs Clearwater.
❥ Seth suggested celebrating your anniversary at your favourite restaurant in Port Angeles.
❥ After a delicious meal Seth remarked that it was time for a dessert.
❥ The waiter came minutes later with a chocolate cake and placed it right in the middle of the table.
❥ To your surprise the cake had a large ''Will you marry me?'' sign in white frosting.
❥ When you looked over at Seth, he was already kneeling down holding a small box with a beautiful diamond ring.
"Yes" you replied instantly and hugged him with tears in your eyes.
❥ Everyone was ecstatic when you announced it.
❥ Especially the pack.
❥ Preparations for the wedding started right after the announcement.
❥ You and Seth had agreed on a small ceremony at the beach and a barbeque afterwards for your family and close friends.
❥ The pack (minus Leah) set up the whole event and made sure that every little detail was perfect for the big day.
❥ They had help by the vampires of course as most of the Cullens had taken a liking to Seth.
❥ With the boys working on the wedding venue, you and the girls set out to send the invitations and select the dress.
❥ Selecting the right dress was easier said than done.
❥ Leah and Alice had completely different opinions on the matter.
❥ Alice advised you to go for something fancy.
❥ And Leah thought that a boho design would be more appropriate.
❥ But the final word on the matter was yours to make.
❥ So, after many dress fittings you finally found the one.
❥ The weeks passed and the big day finally came.
❥ Seth couldn't take his eyes off you as you walked down the aisle.
❥ Looking breathtaking in your white dress.
❥ Vows were exchanged and with a tender kiss you and Seth became husband and wife.
❥ At the after-wedding barbeque you had the time of your life dancing with your husband and close friends.
❥ When it was time to leave for the honeymoon, Carlisle and Esme surprised both you and Seth by giving you plane tickets for Rio de Janeiro and full access to Isle Esme.
❥ Seth and you were beyond grateful for the gift.
❥ The flight to Rio de Janeiro and boat ride to Isle Esme filled you with excitement about what was to come.
❥ Upon arriving on the house that would be your home for the next month, Seth gently picked you up and carried you inside.
❥ You giggled at the gesture and thanked him with a kiss when he placed you down.
"Shall we take a bath, Mrs Clearwater?" he asked.
"Of course" you replied with a wink.
❥ The two of you headed to the bathroom .
❥ While Seth filled the bathtub, you slowly removed your dress and lingerie.
❥ Without breaking eye contact with him.
❥ Seth felt a lump in his throat as he stared at your curves.
❥ Feeling hornier as each minute passed.
❥ You approached Seth and helped him remove his clothing.
❥ Once the bathtub was ready, you and Seth proceeded to enter.
❥ Seth rubbed your back, helping your muscles relax.
❥ You returned the favour by lovingly massaging his scalp.
❥ What started as a relaxing and intimate moment between a newlywed couple quickly grew into a passionate make out session.
❥ Seth couldn't stop kissing your lips as his hands travelled on your body, before settling on your thighs.
❥ You straddled his hips and deepened the kiss.
❥ His wolf side took over and he picked you up, heading out of the bathtub in a hurry and laying you onto the canopied bed.
❥ Not caring for the mess your wet and shampooed bodies left on the sheets.
❥ Seth left steamy kisses on your neck and breasts.
❥ He then moved to your inner thighs and eventually found the delicate spot between your legs.
❥ Soft moans escaped your lips as his kisses set your body on fire.
"I'm close" you whispered while tightly clutching his black hair.
❥ Seth knew exactly what you wanted and soon the pleasurable feeling spread through your whole body.
❥ He then kissed you hard on the lips and awaited for your consent to take things further.
❥ You nodded impatiently.
❥ Seth entered you gently at first and then picked up his speed.
❥ Pounding relentlessly into you.
❥ Stretching your tight walls with each thrust.
❥ Seth couldn't get enough of this.
❥ He felt divine when inside you.
❥ It was a mutual feeling...
❥ Things got so heated that he ended up using his wolfish strength a little too much.
❥ Resulting in the both of you landing on the floor.
❥ Bye bye bed...
❥ You and Seth laughed it off and continued your erotic dance without interruption.
❥ Having your climaxes simultaneously on the floor. covered with feathers from the mattress.
❥ After getting a proper bath and tidying up the mess in the bedroom, you layed in Seth's arms and enjoyed how blishful it was.
The honeymoon had just started and it was going to be a memorable one...
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
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Embry Call x Fem Reader
"Oh, baby! I made your favorite cookies." You step beside him as he sits on the couch. You put the cookie in front of his face. He tries to take a bite but you move away.
He grins at you. "What was that for?" He asks. "You don't get a cookie until you earn one." You wink at him. He gets the hint. Grabs your hand and pulls you onto his lap. You set the cookie on the table next to you. He stares into your eyes with a look full of love. You bend your head down to meet his lips. He instantly plops you down on the couch and hovers over you.
He interlocks his fingers with yours and pushes your hands above your head. He remains kissing you and he slowly enters his tongue into your mouth. You groan and buck your hips against his. His lips move to your jawline. He nibbles and kisses in spots, eventually just running his tongue from your collarbone, up to your Jaw. A moan escapes your lips.
He let's go of your hands to take his shirt off. You admire his body. Your hands touch the steaming man on you. He watches your hand and smirks. "Pretty girl." He leans back down to kiss you but reaches for the cookie and then shoves it in his mouth.
"UGH! Are you serious?!" You cross your arms. He's laughing and cookie crumbs are getting everywhere. "I wanted to keep going." You whine and sit up.
"I know, baby. Just needed a cookie break." He jokes and lifts you off the couch and brings you into the bedroom.
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elissanatok · 1 year
﹒•˒⟿⭒「﹒•𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙚 ❞」ʿʿ ⟿☼
↳🪶💌⭒˞˔˙ː❛ -„𝖧𝗂𝗌 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖨 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾. 𝖫𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝖽𝗂𝖿𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗍 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾."✹⋮
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summary: In which the middle child of the clearwater family suddenly gets pulled out of her peacefull and secure lifestyle, just to enter a world of shifters, vampires and love triangles.
◌༄۵ ! 𝔧𝔞𝔠𝔬𝔟 𝔟𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔨 !
! 𝖳𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗂���𝗁𝗍 !
I hope you enjoy reading my story! Show me you're here, write a comment, vote, make a girl happy ;)<3
englisch is not my first language, please feel free to kindly point out the mistakes that are possibly made
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
﹒•˒⟿⭒「﹒• 𝗋 𝖺 𝗂 𝗇  ❞」ʿʿ ⟿☼
there was not much one could wear at the reservation. half of the people ran around like it was august all year long, but not Olivia. she put on a pair of socks, a pair of fluffy socks and her boots. her thick coat almost hid her completely as she stepped down her porch. mutt was making a squeaking sound under her shoes, the brown liquid spraying against her jeans, as she walked to her jeep. the tiny yellow car being her only way into town.
she wanted to get a book, nothing else.
she did not expect to be thrown to the ground by the most fragile force that could have ever run into her. she looked up into brown eyes. the girl's hand being stuffed in thick gloves reached out to her. "g-god I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to." Olivia nodded. her bum was wet and her hands were red and itchy from the ground, but she forced a light smile. "It's alright. don't worry. could have happened to me too." she tried stepping around the brunette and into the store, stuffing her hands back into her coat. the girl stepped aside, smiling uncomfortably and left a second later.
"bella!", she had heard a familiar voice call, but didn't bother turning around and taking a look. she wasn't bella and she had hurt herself enough already.
the rain fell harshly against the windows of the bookstore, then the window of her car, and the windows of her bedroom. it had been raining for a few days now, which annoyed her just a little bit. spending hours in her bed reading and watching movies was something she loved. but she hated going to school during the rain, because when she went in and when she stepped out, she would get wet, and being wet was something entirely different than watching the rain through her window.
a knock on her door made her look up from her novel. she smiled when she saw the brown hair of her brother, but rolled her eyes when she saw the second one. paul grinned. he was content in her room. it smelled of lavender and honey and her. "what do you want?", she asked and sat up slightly. seth let himself fall on her bed, while the older boy sat down in her chair. he inhaled the air carefully. honey, lavender and something he really, really did not like. he threw a nasty look at her coat, which was hanging around the wooden chair.
"we wanted to know if you would like to eat at sams today. emily asked about you, you know", paul told her, while watching her intently. she had not been at sams for a few years now. not since he had broken up with her sister. she liked emily, she loved her, she was her cousin, but that did not change the sour taste in her mouth whenever they talked about her. "Not today. tell her thanks tho please.", she smiled slightly, looking down at her book again.
paul exhaled a loud breath. he had already expected her answer. "you know, she and leah talked. they're on good terms now.", he told her, while seth threw her and annoyed look. she shook her head. she had to talk to leah first, after that she could decide if she would allow herself back there.
"okay. bye olli.", he called, as he jumped from her chair and jogged out of her room with her brother hot on his heels. she shook her head. she had just as much energy as they had in their little toes.
the day went by slow, even slower than usual. the tv had the nerve to stop working and olivia's mother was starting to get annoyed with everything around her. her job, her house, the dishes, the tv and her children. Olli didn't really blame herself, she had spent the whole day in her room, and was sure that she could not have possibly annoyed anyone.
Oh how wrong she was. her sister could get annoyed by anything. anything. and she truly loved her younger sister, but the fact that Sam and her whole pack had confronted her about her sister's absence, and asked her to talk to her, definitely ruined her mood. she felt like it was her fault that they had to miss her, pulling Olivia on her side after the breakup and away from emily. not like she was that close to anybody in the pack except her cousin. when Olli thought about them, she could only remember a few faces, a few names here and there, but she didn't miss anybody.
so when Leah stormed straight towards her the second she came home, she didn't really see the problem. yes, Leah was probably right. she should come to see Emily the next time she had the chance, but when she heard that everybody had been missing her, she got confused. "everybody? Sam?", Leah nodded her head. "Yeah, Sam. Paul's also a pain in my ass." Olivia rolled her eyes at that. "yeah I will come. Alright?"
she didn't feel excited about visiting them. not at all.
she didn't even know who them really were. she knew that her siblings and a few other teens hung around them a lot, she didn't understand why. she knew that seth never brought anybody home except Paul, and her sister was always careful with throwing names around, but she ignored it, trying to be happy for her siblings after all they had been through. she just wished she could be a little bit more like them.
let me know what you think!! reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback are highly appreciated <33
Taglist @lowkeysaurus
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hynasg0w1ld4ari · 2 months
ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪꜱꜱ - ᴊᴀᴄᴏʙ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ
Requested by: @mwizzle42
Warnings: none I believe.
(This scene will be a bit different)
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Y/N was running around the woods since she has been seeing Edward's presence, She never knew why or how if she wasn't even close with him.! It confused her a lot when he left and she started seeing his figure follow her around. She saw that it only followed her when she was going to do something reckless.. so here she was going to cliff dive, the pack had always told her it's fun yet dangerous if not done right but she couldn't care less.
There she found herself at the cliff but there was someone else there..? Y/N took a few steps forward and saw that it was Bella, "strange" she thought to herself, Y/N then saw Bella jump and her eyes widened
"is this hoe crazy.?!" Y/N'S mind was going 100 miles per hour and without no thought she jumped in after her and before she did she saw Edward's figure telling her "Don't do this", Y/N then looked at the figure "Nuh uh I'm doing it.! You don't control what I do." Yes Y/N probably looked crazy talking to a figure who she saw but probably wasn't there.
Right then and there Y/N jumped off...
Y/N then fell into the aggressive body of water and she resurfaced and saw Bella struggling to keep her head up because she got knocked down a big wave, Y/N then swam to her and yelled out "Yo I got you.!" Y/N then grabbed onto her arm trying to swim them out, Then a huge wave came and pushed the two of them underwater and because Bella was panicking she accidentally pushed herself and Y/N against a rock hitting their heads.
Everything went dark and only bubbles left her body..
Y/N started to regain consciousness as she felt oxygen in her body, she then turned her body to the side and coughed up water, she then heard someone's voice
"shit.! You had me worried N/N I thought you died on me.!!" Jacob then cupped her cheeks while speaking to her he was relieved she was still alive. Y/N then croaked out “Sorry..” Jacob then looked at her with empathy “It’s ok no need to be sorry” Jacob then took her in his arms carrying her in bridal style as Bella who was much better than Y/N’S physical state just followed behind the two to Jacob’s truck.
Jacob drove Y/N and Bella to Emily’s and Jacob helped Y/N walk inside Emily’s house and helped her sit down at the table, the three of them then greeted Emily, “what happened to you two?” There was a hint of worry in Emily’s voice, Y/N was about to speak when she got cut-off by Bella “I jumped off a cliff and then I saw Y/N follow behind me” Emily then sighed “you girls are drenched let me get you some spare clothes.
As Emily left to get clothes there was howls of laughter the pack came back from patrol, when they boys entered the house Sam obviously went to go look for his imprint and then Embry saw Y/N “yooo what happened to you and vampire girl?” Y/N then smiled at Embry “This girl thought it was a bright idea to jump off a cliff and my dumbass thought it was a great idea to go after her” Y/N said laughing a little.
The boys then went to the living room and kept talking and playing around, Emily then came with two spare jeans and a two long sleeve shirts and then the two girls went to go change.
Jacob, Y/N and Bella stayed at Emily’s for a while and ate at Emily’s place because come on? Who doesn’t love Emily’s cooking, After a little it was dark outside and then Jacob and the two girls said there farewells and walked to Jacob’s truck to head home, Jacob was in the drivers seat and Y/N was in the middle and Bella was beside Y/N having the window seat, Y/N spaced out the whole car ride to Bella’s house Y/N would shiver here and there and placed her hands under her shirt for warmth, Jacob took notice and wrapped his arm around her shoulder since his abnormal warm body warmed Y/N up quickly.
During the car ride Y/N fell asleep on Jacob’s shoulder and she abruptly got woken up by Jacob and Bella arguing, Y/N then felt Jacob’s warm body leave her side and she sighed seeing he was chasing her like always, Y/N then saw Carlisle’s car and she was surprised since supposedly to Bella the Cullen’s had left and she grew depressed over that, Y/N then saw and heard how Jacob told Bella about him not being able to protect her.
Shivering Y/N got out the car and pulled on his shoulder “Jake.. let her go it’s obvious she’s not going to listen to you.” Jacob then looked at Y/N “No.! I have to get her away from those leeches as fast as I can.!” Y/N then sighed getting a bit annoyed “Jacob you can’t help it.! She’s in love with them.! Have you not noticed? Just let her go Jacob and if she’s the one for you then you would’ve imprinted by now.!” Jacob then looked at Y/N dumbfounded and sort of saddened.
Y/N just huffed in annoyance as she started walking to her house since it was probably only a 20 minute walk, Jacob was torn between going after Y/N or Bella and after a few seconds of wondering he ran after Y/N, Jacob then got in his truck and drove to were Y/N was walking he then put his window down “Wait Y/N I’m sorry please let me take you home…” Y/N then stopped to think about it and then she got in his truck.
Y/N was mad at herself for giving in so easily but there she was in the passenger seat of his truck, Jacob then cleared his throat “I’m sorry” Y/N then furrowed her eyebrows “for what?” Jacob then put his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him “for being blind” Y/N then turned her head to look at his face not realizing he had stopped since they got to her house, “Jake what do you mean I’m like hella confused” Jake then sighed.
Jacob then faced her the two of them really close to each other “I was blind Y/N I was to focused on Bella and I didn’t worry about you that much so I’m sorry for not paying attention to you much” Y/N then blinked multiple times while staring into his eyes, she then looked down to her hand when he grabbed it “Y/N I’ll always be here for you I’ll never leave your side ever again..” Y/N then gave him a soft smile and unconsciously they both leaned in closing the gap between them and their lips met each other.
Jacob then cupped her cheek and Y/N had her hand on the back of his head as they kissed softly and passionately the kiss was full of love until they got interrupted by a knock on his car window and it was Y/N’S mom, Y/N then pulled away sheepishly and kissed his cheek and said her farewells and as her mom dragged her away she smiled at him and waved as he sat in his truck and drove away…
Jacob was whipped and so was she….</3
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I hope this story was good.!!
And don’t forget to request here.!
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fanfictionroxs · 1 year
It will eternally be so funny to me that Meyers accidentally created ACTUAL pack dynamics in nature with the renegade pack. Like the alpha/beta bullshit has been debunked long time back. Real wolfpacks aren't like that. Packs are just synonyms for family. There's a wolf dad and a wolf mum and their babies. There can even be gay wolf couples and their adopted babies (I mean what was the whole Sam-Jacob fight thing in breaking dawn if not a giant wolf divorce lol)! And what does the renegade pack have?
A wolf dad - Jacob. A wolf mom - Leah. A wolf baby - Seth.
Yes, yes I know technically Jacob is the alpha and Leah is the beta, but the true dynamics of their wolf nature shine through and it will eternally be funny to me that ALL the packs, at the end of the day, are a family just like wolves are in reality, despite how she tries to portray them.
PS I'm not ignoring the existence of the imprints. I headcanon all the imprints as female wolves who are unable to phase and so the wolves near them 'imprint' on them to help them join the pack. The connection can be familial or romantic, but the main purpose is 'no wolf gets left behind'. But here I'm just focusing on the renegade pack's dynamics.
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sophasauras · 2 years
When lives combine
Chapter 1- The beginning
After, three hours of waiting around in a packed humid airport plus five and a half hours in the air, my flight from sunny Florida finally landed in very rainy Forks. As much as it sucks, I'm happy to have left my mom and her new fiancé behind for a while, to go and live with my older brother Jared in Lapush. I've really missed him, we text and FaceTime each other daily, but it's not the same than being physically with him. My father passed away which devastated my whole family. A few years later my Mom met her fiancé, which is great, I mean she deserves to be happy and she's now extremely happy with him. A few years after my Fathers passing, and once Jared was of legal age my Mom and her Fiancé made the decision to start fresh and move away to Florida, Jared decided to stay in Lapush but as I wasn't old enough to decide for myself, I had to go with my Mom and her Fiancé. My Mom and her fiancé have decided to move again after he was offered a new job somewhere in Texas so this time instead of moving away with them again i've decided to move back home . I'm honestly feeling really optimistic, looking forward to the new start, new memories and new adventures. There's definitely slight nerves mixed in there too though, being away from Mom, and plus I haven't physically been around my brother in forever.
Anyway, what was I meant to be doing again? Oh right, Jared, flight landed.
To J- Yoo J, I've just to get my case but yeah, i've landed! Where abouts are you??? x
From J- Yoooo baby sis, ok cool, just pulling up outside now, i'll be in, in a sec, grab your case then meet me by the door!
I grabbed my case and wheeled it carefully (to avoid running over a small child or knocking in to anyone around me) down the tiled floor of the airport towards the exit. Whilst I waited for Jared I couldn't help but look around me, it always amazes me, all the different families, friends or lovers who are reunited at airports from potentially different parts of the world. Some in tears, others hugging or holding hands. Maybe it's been weeks, months or even years since they've seen eachother, and yet today is the day they can finally be reunited again. Today was my day to, after years of being away from Lapush and Jared today was the day I was finally going to be reunited with my brother again.
Just as my eyes had spotted a very tempting vending machine I turned around to the sound of "CASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" being shouted by a voice I could never forget even if I wanted to. "Oh my god, is that actually you?" He ran over to me, picked me up and I was spun around before set back down carefully to the floor. He grabbed my case for me and we headed towards his truck.
After finally getting out of airport car park we were finally on our way to Jared's. "So sis, i'm not gonna lie, i'm really happy you're here, i've really missed you being around." I stopped looking out at the rain "Yeah, honestly same here J, i've missed your annoying ass too, it's good to be here, it's strange, even though i've been with Mom, and we left a while ago, Florida has just never felt like home." He grinned, "Celebratory McDonalds?" I pretended to think about it, "I don't think i'll ever say no to a milkshake and nuggets." He laughed, and I did to before I went back to looking out my window.
Honestly came to the life conclusion that you can never go wrong with a strawberry shake and chicken nuggets. After we'd devoured our McDonalds we eventually made it back to Jared's where I was in my bedroom unpacking some of my things. Whilst doing so I realised how cold I was. Even though it was still the Summer, Lapush Summers were definitely alot colder than Florida Summers and I was already freezing, despite my waterproof coat and long sleeved top and leggings combo. I was glad to be out of the rain and in Jared's/my new home where it was warm, and a warm bath later sounded perfect. Something I'd noticed is that I had about four layers on, due to the fact that I was freezing, Jared however, had a literal tee-shirt on and was still roasting, when we hugged in the airport I swear I felt his body heat. There's no way that was normal. Was he sick and not telling me? Was I that used to hot Florida weather that slight rain made me freeing, and Jared being used to Lapush weather had adapted and that's why he was so warm? Was he on drugs? Was he a secret polar bear in disguise, and his body temperature helped adapt to survive in colder weather?
Honestly who knows with brothers, i'll question him later. I was so busy with all the thoughts going on I didn't hear the knock on my bedroom door. The door was open anyway, but it was nice that he still decided to knock in order to prevent me having a heart attack. He looked sheepish. "So Cass, I know you've literally just go here, and i'm sorry to be a shitty brother to do this on your first night here, but I sort of have a...a thing tonight, so i'll be away all night, will you be good here on your own?" Away all night, what? "Omg Jared, I can't believe you are doing this! ITS MY FIRST NIGHT BACK HERE AND YOU'RE DITCHING ME. ME. YOUR BABY SISTER." I pretended to be annoyed, which lasted for three seconds. "Chill J, i'm messing, ofcourse it's fine." I laughed at his facial expression. Once he realised I was laughing at him he laughed to. "Am I allowed to know where you're going? Work? You getting laid? Better not be ditching your baby sis for some chick." He looked at me dead in the eye "It's just work Cass, don't worry."
So, chapter 1 is done. This was like an intro chapter to his sister actually arriving in Lapush and a bit of backround on some things, more will be revealed in the story if you want me to continue with it. I'm so nervous about posting this. So yes, Jared's little sister is called Cassidy. She grew up in Lapush until her Dad passed and then moved away with her Mom and fiancé to Florida years ago, Jared was of legal age and decided to stay in Lapush instead. Cassidy is nearly finished high school, i'm saying nothing. Where was Jared off to hmmm? Why was he so hot? You and I know, Cass just dosen't know yet. Thanks for reading. Let me know if I should continue, as explained this was just like an intro chapter.
Word Count: 1028
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braveclementine · 3 months
A Night of Imprinting
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
Over the next few days, I fell into an uncomfortable rhythm. I made the food for Seth, Leah, and Jacob- not because Esme was incapable of making food- but because Leah would only eat food made by me.
I didn't mind making the food either, as since now that I could continue eating it, I had a fun time making sure it tasted right.
The three wolves still stayed with us, not going home. At least, not until the babies were born.
It was weird though. Bella was only three weeks pregnant and the acceleration seemed much quicker than mine. Her baby bump was far larger than mine ever was- and I had been carrying three babies.
Of course, perhaps things would have been different if I hadn't been in the bomb accident and had to undergo so much surgery. Maybe the bump would've been bigger then.
For another, when it broke her rib, it didn't snap back in place. But maybe her baby just didn't like playing with them? I had no idea and I didn't voice anything aloud. In fact, when I was with Edward, I focused mostly on random things. Of course, half the time, my mind wandered to Sam which was a painful thing for me to think about.
Alice, Jasper, and Carlisle were often researching about immortal children in the library. Sometimes I helped, sometimes I stayed at the cottage with our kids.
Carlisle and I still wanted to keep our own kids a secret. Should this end badly with Bella, we wanted to be able to take our kids and leave. It was all about keeping our own kids safe.
Carlisle was trying to use our kids as a measurement to Bella's, but it was hard because he hadn't watched me go through the affects.
Right now, Carlisle, Edward, Bella, and I were in the front room that Carlisle had turned into a hospital room. I didn't really want to be here, but I refused to leave Carlisle's side unless I was checking in on Samuel, Niklaus, or Caroline.
"Your rib is cracked." Carlisle said softly, staring at the X-rays that he had just taken of Bella. "But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything." He turned to face her, wrapping an arm around me in the process.
"Yet." Edward said in an angry voice. He and Rose were the only ones who hadn't gone hunting in weeks. Both of them had incredibly black eyes.
"Edward." Carlisle whispered.
"It's breaking her bones now." Edward said coldly. "It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle tell her what you told me. Tell her."
Bella looked upset, her hands resting on the baby bump. I felt bad for her. My pregnancy had been nowhere near as bad as this. It seemed almost as though her baby was growing even faster than mine.
Carlisle turned from looking at Edward to Bella. Now that he was rarely going anywhere, he had dressed less fashionably, wearing a purple hoodie. I smiled grimly as he looked down at me, squeezing his hand.
"Carlisle, tell me. It's all right." Bella said.
Carlisle let go of me to walk closer to Bella. In a very quiet voice he said, "The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver."
Bella was shaking her head, tears pooling in her eyes, as she tried to figure out what she wanted. I paused, getting up from where I was in the doorway.
"Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then. . ."
"Bella." Carlisle interrupted her softly. "There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I'm sorry."
Carlisle pulled away slowly, walking back to my side. "Come on."
"Wait." I said. The three of them looked at me. "You haven't tried giving her blood?"
Carlisle paused.
"Blood?" Bella asked.
"It's half-vampire, is it not?" I asked. "So give her blood."
Carlisle and Edward both stared at me. "What?" I asked defensively. I moved away from the room, scoffing. I had drunk blood. Wouldn't it work for Bella too?
There was a game on, on the TV. Emmett was sitting forward excitedly. Jasper stood next to him, trying to feed off the excitement. Edward carried Bella upstairs, laying her down on the couch. Alice turned to stare at her while Rosalie and Esme sat on chairs, watching her. Jacob was lounging in a chair. Bree was upstairs somewhere and Marcel stood behind Esme, hands wrapped around her waist, resting his chin on the top of her head lightly.
"Whose winning?" I asked Emmett for lack of better thing to say.
"Just started." Emmett said, grinning. "Wanna place a bet Mama bear?"
I laughed lightly, "Sure. $10 on USC."
Emmett scoffed, "You're going down."
I settled myself down on the couch between Emmett and Jasper. Jasper wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Hi baby." I whispered, reaching up and stroking his hair.
"Hi mama." He whispered quietly.
"You okay?"
He glanced towards Alice and I nodded. "I know."
Esme was watching Bella in anguish. I knew she considered Bella her child just as much as I did. Perhaps even more.
"Are you cold?" Edward asked quietly.
"I got it." Jacob got up to go sit by her and that was when Carlisle came up with a blood bag and a cup.
"Jasper, let's go on a walk." I whispered, taking him by the arm. "You too Emmett. Marcel."
They all glanced towards Carlisle and we slowly filtered out of the room.
"What are they doing?" Jasper asked quietly.
"Seeing if the baby wants blood." I whispered.
"And we're leaving because?" Emmett asked.
"Because it's human blood." I whispered again, "And I think we should just go hunt some animals, yeah?"
Jasper was clinging to mine and Alice's hands. We were out of the house soon. Seth and Leah looked up, still in wolf form. I smiled weakly. "Seth? Is the forest clear to go hunting in that direction?"
I pointed away from the cottage.
Seth whined, nodding his head.
"Good. Let's go hunt." I whispered to the others and we were gone.
I was back at the cottage. Carlisle was sure that Bella could give birth tomorrow or a few days after. He, Esme, Marcel, Bree, and Emmett had left to get more blood for both herself, and also so that Carlisle- who hadn't hunted in a while- would be at his strongest.
I hummed my babies to sleep. They were bigger now, and they could talk. They looked to be around a year old. Caroline could even walk some. Niklaus and Samuel fell asleep almost instantly, but Caroline stayed awake.
I headed back to the house, putting Caroline to bed.
Edward, Jacob, Rosalie, Alice, and Bella were standing in the room. Alice and Rosalie were holding Bella up.
". . . hates them." Bella was saying.
"Well then I'm on your side, no matter what you picked." Jacob said with a smile.
"They're not that bad." Bella scoffed, looking at Rose. "If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob."
I smiled at the smiles that were on Edward and Jacob's faces.
"Okay, fine, that one's not awful." Rosalie complained. "Why don't you tell him the girls name?"
"I was playing around with our mom's names. Renee and Davina." I felt a spark of lightning shoot through me in shock, "And I came up with Revina."
I wasn't good with that. Unfortunately, Edward heard my thoughts.
"I don't know about that one." Edward said, throwing me a look which made Bella sheepish.
"You don't like?"
"I don't like anything being named after me." I explained. "Use Esme instead."
Bella was silent for a moment and then suggested, "Renesmee."
Jacob was silent for a moment and then said, "Re-renesmee?"
I mean, it wasn't like my kids names, but I suppose we all had our own ways of naming kids.
"What?" Edward asked sharply and if there had been any colour in my face it would've disappeared.
Everyone looked from Edward to me at his sudden change in tone and posture. He was almost angry. "What was that?"
I flinched a little, staring at the ground.
"Edward?" Alice asked.
I realized Edward had never even heard that I had been pregnant- he had been with Bella at the wedding and then the honeymoon and then when he'd gotten back he almost never saw me. He still barely saw me and I realized he probably didn't even register that I was a vampire at all.
"You and Carlisle have kids?" Edward asked angrily.
I closed my eyes, "Edward-"
"That's how you became a vampire?" Edward asked.
"Yes. She had a failed pregnancy." Rosalie said quietly.
Edward looked at me. "But they're alive."
I had a headache now. Vampires could get headaches?
"Where are they?" Edward asked.
I sighed, "Look, we wanted to keep them away from everyone until we figured out if they were dangerous to anyone or not."
"Back up." Jacob said sharply. "What the hell are you two talking about?"
"Carlisle and Davina had kids." Edward said. "Triplets, it sounds like. Half-vampire, half-human ones and they've been keeping them away from all of us."
Jacob, Rosalie, Bella, and Alice turned to stare at me as well. And now, suddenly, Jasper was here too, standing on the staircase behind me, listening.
"Why did you keep them a secret?" Rosalie asked, almost mad as well.
I hesitated, shifting my eyes automatically to Jacob and he softened, "Sam. You knew he might react like this."
I nodded. "We still aren't sure. . ."
"Bring them here." Bella said softly. "I want to meet them."
I hesitated, and then nodded. "Alice?"
Alice and I darted across the field, back to the cottage, stepping inside the room. I showed her to the room. "Samuel Carlisle Cullen. Niklaus Kol Cullen. Caroline Elizabeth Cullen." I whispered, pointing to each of the.
Caroline stirred, opening up her blue eyes, staring up at me. Alice inhaled quietly. "Mama!"
I smiled down at her, "Hey Care bear."
"They look like they're older than a year." Alice whispered.
I nodded, "Yes. They're only a month and a half old. . . almost two months. They seem to age much faster than humans. Caroline can already walk and well, obviously, she can talk. I don't know why. I would think being part vampire would slow the aging process but. . ."
"I wish I could see them." Alice complained slightly. "I wish I could see their futures."
I put a hand on her shoulder, "I know. I did the math. Depending on how much faster the acceleration lasts, Carlisle and I have anywhere between five and thirty-six years before they. . . aren't around."
Alice's eyes were full of pity. "I'm sorry."
I licked my lips. "I don't know. I mean, maybe eventually. . . I don't know. Do you want to help me dress them?"
"Yes." Alice's eyes lit up.
I grinned. We looked in the drawers, undressing them from their pajamas. I put the boys in Carlisle's favorite tuxedos because I figured if he was going to come home and find that I spilled the secret, they might as well be wearing his favorite thing.
For Caroline- Alice dressed her- she was wearing a red skirt and white top with red hearts on it. Alice curled her hair between her fingers before putting her in black dress shoes. "She looks adorable!"
I smiled gently. "We should feed them before we-"
Suddenly, a wolves howl broke out through the air. Fear shot through me as I stared into Caroline's eyes. I looked at Alice, "Stay here. Keep them safe."
Without waiting for her to listen or reply, I darted back out the door, zooming across the forest to the front of the house, darting up the stairs to find the others.
"What happened?" I asked, smelling blood. Jasper was in the other room, clenching his hands down on a chair.
Rosalie and Jacob were nowhere to be found.
"Bella gave birth." Jasper said through gritted teeth. "Bella's dead. Jacob's outside."
I darted over to him, wrapping my arms around him, "Jasper, breathe. Inhale my scent. Everything is okay. Where's Carlisle?"
"Still out with the others."
"Jasper! Alice! Davina!" Edward shouted. His voice didn't sound good.
Jasper and I met Edward in the front of the house. "The wolves are coming to kill the baby." Edward said. "Renesmee."
I swallowed hard and Edward's eyes darted to me, "If you can't fight-"
"Let me meet them." I pleaded. "Let me try and change their minds. Please Edward."
"Let her." Jasper said. "She might be able to. Where's Alice?"
"I told her to stay at the cottage." I told him. "I wouldn't go there right now. I don't want them to follow you."
He nodded.
I took in a shaky breath and walked out the doors to stand in front of the house. Jacob was inside now, upstairs somewhere. I could hear the wolves coming and on instinct, I slipped my finger into the birdbath near the front of the stairs.
The purpose was solely to take the water and make the sign of Christ on my forehead, chest, and bare shoulders. Instead, I felt a power sweep through me, the water dancing through my fingertips, and dancing along my arms.
I didn't let the energy go, instead, letting it rise, calling for more water, and creating a barrier between the forest and the house. I had no idea what I was doing, but it felt natural. It was exhausting, but not to hard that I couldn't keep it up.
I swallowed as the wolves came to a stop in front of me, Sam leading. We stared at each other for a long time while the other wolves' eyes looked up at the water shield. One of them lunged before anything else could happen.
The water shifted, becoming a wave that lifted the wolf off his feet before setting him down, almost gently back in the line.
Sam snarled at me and I shook my head sadly. "Don't Sam. Don't make me do this."
None of the wolves seemed very enthusiastic about this except the two on the right- Brady and Collin.
I licked my lips which were suddenly dry. Well no wonder so much water had appeared. I was literally draining my own water source. The headache in my head seemed to get worse and my legs seemed to get weaker, buckling. But I stayed standing, keeping the water shield up. If they couldn't get past it- good.
Sam whined, sounding worried.
It made sense now- the blood. I must always be picking water out of the blood. I was always picking water out of everything. When I had woken up, the most prominent smell had been seawater. I had always loved water. My first memory of my life was being baptized. Water.
I tried calling water from the stream, hoping that it would relieve me of something. Maybe some of my natural waters would flow back into my body.
My vision was going blurry, my stomach churning. I was going to be sick- if I could be.
My eyes darted to where Carlisle, Esme, Marcel, Bree, and Emmett had pulled up to a stop, gauging between the wolves and me. Bree immediately hid behind Emmett, hiding her from view of the werewolves.
"Davina stop." Carlisle warned me, realizing what was happening once he looked at my face. "Davina stop you're burning yourself up!"
But I couldn't, the shield was becoming bigger now, swelling to start covering the entire house. The stream was here.
Carlisle P.O.V.
I had no idea how she was doing it. But I could tell that the water she was using was from her own resources.
"Davina please." I pleaded as the water grew larger, surrounding the house. Sam stepped forward and a wave of water pushed him back gently. Davina collapsed to her knees, but she continued on the shield.
"Carlisle she's going to die." Esme said.
I couldn't let that happen.
I rushed forward, grabbing her around the neck, slamming her head down on the deck stairs. Her skin broke a little and her concentration was lost. Water slammed down on the deck, coating us and the wolves in water.
The wolves whined as I scooped Davina up, bringing her into my arms. The cracks formed again and she opened her eyes dazedly, "Did we win? Sam's alright, right?"
I glanced up at Sam who didn't seem very eager to respond. Davina's eyes fluttered shut. I realized that she had zero nutrients in her. No blood. No water. Nothing.
"Emmett, I need blood." I whispered. "She needs blood. She needs it now."
Emmett nodded but before he could move, the wolves snarled at him.
Jasper and Edward were on the porch now.
And then suddenly, there was a small pop and a voice that electrified my nerves rang out, "Daddy!"
I looked up sharply as the wolves growled. "Caroline, what-"
"Carlisle I'm sorry." Alice said, dashing from the way the cottage was, holding Samuel and Niklaus in her arms. "She teleported. I didn't know where she was going and-" Alice stopped, her eyes landing on Davina's frame. Her breathing was shallower.
Caroline looked at the wolves with her blue eyes. "Puppies."
One of the wolves let out a snort. Suddenly, Seth and Leah were there too, eyeing the wolves warily.
Seth inched his way over to me before turning his back on the wolves, "Carlisle, what's wrong with her?"
"She needs blood." I murmured frantically, thinking back to that TV show she loved. How I wished I could just bite my wrist and give it to her. But our life didn't work that way.
And then the smell of wolf blood filled the air and I looked around frantically and saw that Seth had cut his own arm, putting his blood into Davina's mouth.
One of the wolves snarled in rage, lunging forward. Leah met it, tossing it off the side, snarling at the wolves. Emmett and the others took up defensive positions.
And then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the wolves changing, stumbling forward before falling to his knees. Seth and I both looked over as Davina started to move.
"Embry." Seth whispered.
The boy that Seth had called 'Embry' was staring straight at Bree.
The wolves started to back away, except for Sam, who phased and rushed to Davina's side, knocking Seth's arm out of the way.
"What just happened?" I asked.
"Embry imprinted on one of your coven members." Sam muttered darkly, but his eyes were caring as he stared frantically at Davina, holding her face in his hands. "Your coven is off limits now."
Alice rushed the children inside. Jasper followed her quickly.
Jacob came running out at that moment. "It's over!"
Everyone looked up at him except Sam and I.
"What did you do?" Edward snarled.
"I imprinted on Renesmee. She's off limits now." Jacob said.
"I guess tonight's the night for imprinting." Seth said, sounding sad about it. Sam turned, "Go back. We're done here."
The wolves turned tail except for a chocolate one who nudged Embry who still wasn't moving.
Davina gasped, waking up. Her eyes flew from mine, to Sam's, to Seth's. "C-Carlisle."
"You're alright. I'm so sorry." I whispered, taking her into my arms. "You were killing yourself."
"I had to protect you." She whispered and I saw Sam flinch.
"Davina. . ." Sam whispered. "I'm so sorry. Jared said. . . Jared told us that Renesmee had killed Bella. It was our duty as a tribe."
"Stop." Davina whimpered. "You sound like him."
Sam flinched again.
"Your duty as a tribe. Your duty to Allah, just stop." Davina said.
Oh. She was comparing Sam to Azim. No wonder Sam was flinching.
"We were only coming for. . . what did Jacob say her name was?" Sam asked quietly.
"R-Renesmee." Davina whispered, clinging to me.
"We only wanted her. Everyone else was safe. I swear it on my life."
The oath meant something to Davina because she pulled back, staring at him, eyes wavering. "Are you being truthful?"
"Yes." Sam whispered, reaching his hand out, but not touching her. Davina leaned forward and he rested his hand on her head, "I'm sorry." He whispered. "We're never going to fight you. Ever again. That, I swear on my life."
"Umm, Davina." Marcel's voice cut through anything and we turned to see that Embry was still on his knees and Bree was gazing back with equal intensity.
"Ah." Davina whispered. "Bree."
Bree snapped her head towards Davina. Davina struggled to her feet- which worried me as she was a vampire. . .supposed to be anyways- and then walked towards Bree. "Embry come here."
Embry got to his feet, walking towards the two of them. "Embry, this is Bree. Bree, this is Embry. Embry, as a werewolf, imprints on the person who is his soulmate. You, Bree, are his soulmate."
In undertone, I asked Sam, "How is that relationship going to work?"
"I have no idea." Sam replied.
The tension in the air was still thick.
"So. . . Davina has kids?" Sam asked heavily.
"Yes. They're like Bella's child. She wanted to tell everyone they were dead. Thought it would make it easier. And she was scared of how you would react." I glanced over at him serenely. I wasn't even mad with him. Half of my own coven wanted to kill the baby and if I had known while Davina was pregnant, I probably would've been liked Edward.
Sam hung his head, "I. . . I am sorry. I know that means nothing at this point but-"
"It's alright." I said quietly.
Leah and Seth had gotten back into clothes.
"Hey mom!" Seth called and Davina broke away from where Bree and Embry were tentatively talking.
"Can we meet your kids?"
"Oh." Davina said in surprise, "Sure. Alice!"
Alice appeared at the door with Jasper. They put the kids down next to Davina's feet.
At the same time, Caroline, Seth, Samuel, and Leah all fell to their knees, just staring at each other.
"What in the world?" Davina breathed.
I looked at Sam.
"They've. . . all imprinted." Sam questioned.
"OH!" Davina breathed out.
Everyone that was able to looked at her. "I understand now."
"What?" Alice asked.
"They're half werewolf, half vampire." Davina breathed. "And I'm half werewolf. . .that's why the blood doesn't taste good to me. And it's why I prefer the herbivores like deer and rabbits over meat eaters. . . because of the wolf instinct. Wolves will take down deer and rabbits, but not cougars or bears. And if the werewolf gene went to them, then they would imprint too."
"That's why your self control is amazing." Jasper noted, "Because of the werewolf side protecting humans."
"And the smell." I said. "Because your half werewolf, half vampire and won't bother either side now."
Davina was beaming. "I'm so happy they found their imprintees!"
"What are their names?" Leah asked.
"I'm Samuel." Our son said and Sam's head jerked to Davina.
Davina blushed, "His name is Samuel Carlisle."
"You named him. . . after me?" Sam sounded confused.
Davina threw her arms around him, "I love you Sammy. You know that."
Sam nodded, tears falling down his face, "Davina, I'm so sorry. So so sorry."
"I know. It's okay."
"I'm Caroline." Caroline said sweetly to Seth.
"Well this is fun." Jacob muttered, turning human again, finding clothes. "We all imprinted on the children of vampires."
Lord raged around inside of me and I was having a hard time fighting it.
"What's your name?" Caroline continued asking sweetly and I fought Lord down. If I hurt Seth, it would hurt Caroline and vice versa.
"I'm Seth." Seth said with a grin.
Sam wrapped his arms around Davina, pulling her close. "I need to get back to the pack, inform them. I'll see you later."
Davina nodded, "Sam, I still love you."
"I love you too. So much." Sam kissed the top of her head before turning to Jacob, "We need to talk soon."
"Agreed." Jacob said.
"Embry, come on." Sam called out. Embry kissed the back of Bree's hand, grinning. I think if Bree could, she would be blushing. Embry ran after Sam and they were gone.
Davina and I looked at each other, exhaustion riddled on both of our faces.
"What's the third kids name?" Alice asked. I had honestly forgotten her and Jasper were still standing there.
"Niklaus Kol." Davina said with a grin. "Powerful hybrid baby."
Jasper rolled his eyes. Somewhere upstairs Emmett laughed loudly.
"Let's go back to the cottage?" I suggested.
Davina looked over and said, "Agreed. But I think the kids should stay here."
I looked at Leah's face, finally happy for once as she held Samuel in her arms. It seemed a cruel twist of fate that her soulmates name was Sam too. But she didn't seem to care.
"Come on." Davina said softly, taking my hand, "We need a night of our own."
"Agreed." I whispered, leaning in to kiss her. And then I took her into my arms and we were gone.
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THE DRIVE BACK WAS TENSE AS WE MADE our way through the winding roads, the silence between us as heavy as the storm clouds gathering above. Each mile brought a sense of foreboding, amplifying the unease that already simmered within our group. The mansion loomed in the distance, its gothic architecture casting an even darker shadow as we pulled into the driveway. The sight of its towering spires and intricate stonework only added to the feeling of dread that had settled over us.
Rushing inside, we were met with an atmosphere that crackled with tension. Joseph greeted us at the entrance, his expression etched with concern.
"Are they inside?" Rhona inquired, her voice tight with anxiety.
"Gabriel and Simon are with Saoirse," Joseph responded, his tone grim. "And Adeline is giving Ethan her usual death stare."
A low growl escaped Alana's throat, her eyes narrowing. "If she harms him—"
"Don't worry," Joseph cut in, raising a placating hand. "She hasn't harmed him. Yet. But they need to have a conversation with her. Now."
Confusion clouded my thoughts as I tried to make sense of the situation. What had transpired in my absence? What had caused this tension?
"Oh, wait," I began to piece the puzzle together, realization dawning upon me.
"I know what you're thinking, Violet," Joseph interrupted my thoughts, his voice calm yet filled with understanding. "You were in their territory, and you too saw a shadowy figure lurking. Was that shadowy figure my brother?"
His words hung in the air, the weight of the truth settling upon us all.
"It's not what you think," I began.
Joseph raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.
Helena, who had been listening intently, couldn't help but interject. "Why would you even be there?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.
"I didn't think I had gone too far," I confessed, feeling a pang of guilt. "But Simon did mention something about the Ursa Clan, and... well..."
I trailed off, unsure of how to explain the events that had unfolded. The truth was, I never expected to encounter them. My only goal was to see Ingram, but the bear shifters got caught in the middle. Thankfully, he intervened. Who knows what the bears would have done to me.
Joseph's concern deepened, his brows furrowing as he listened intently.
"Violet, you need to understand the gravity of this situation," Joseph said, his voice laced with urgency. "The Ursa Clan is not to be trifled with."
I nodded, fully aware of the danger I had unknowingly stumbled into.
"But why were they after you?" Alana asked, her voice filled with concern. "What did you do to provoke them?”
"I didn't do anything," I replied, my voice tinged with frustration. "I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had no idea their territory extended that far."
Just then, the door swung open and Simon emerged, his golden eyes locking onto my presence.
"Violet," he began, his voice low and filled with a mixture of relief and concern. "We were told what happened. Are you alright?"
I nodded.
"I'm fine, thanks to you," I replied, a sense of gratitude washing over me.
Simon's gaze softened, his expression one of understanding. "I did warn you about the Ursa Clan but I haven't told you about their land," he admitted, a hint of regret in his voice. "They are fiercely protective of their territory and do not take kindly to outsiders."
I let out a sigh, realizing the gravity of the situation.
"They're waiting for you," he added, his words hanging in the air like a foreboding cloud.
As we approached the mansion, my eyes caught sight of Gabriel engrossed in conversation with one of the girls, while the other girl directed her intense gaze solely at Ethan. Joseph's warning had been accurate; she truly possessed a deathly glare.
The girl, fixated on Gabriel, possessed an exquisite beauty, appearing a few years older than myself. Her slender, athletic figure matched my own height of 5 foot 7 inches. With deep brown eyes and hair of the same hue, her triangular face was perfectly complemented. A radiant tan adorned her flawless skin. She donned a black T-shirt beneath a stylish double denim jacket, paired with jeans and black knee-length boots, complete with delicate heels.
In stark contrast, the second girl, probably around the same age as me, who still stared at Ethan with a murderous intent, stood a few inches shorter than her companion. Her features were the antithesis of the first girl's. With deep chestnuty brown hair, an oval face, and piercing blue eyes, her porcelain skin exuded an ethereal quality. She wore a brown leather jacket over a vibrant red shirt, accompanied by black leggings and sturdy black Dr. Marten boots.
Gabriel, sensing my presence, turned his gaze away from the girl.
"I'm guessing that's her," she murmured softly to him.
He simply nodded before distancing himself from her. Gabriel's golden eyes were now fixed on me, almost as if silently conveying, 'the floor is yours'.
"Hello, I'm Saoirse Osborne," the tan girl greeted.
Her voice was smooth and melodic, carrying a hint of confidence that matched her striking appearance. As she extended her hand towards me, I couldn't help but notice the delicate silver bracelet adorning her wrist, glinting in the lamplight.
I took her hand, feeling a warmth and energy radiating from her touch. "Nice to meet you, Saoirse," I replied, trying to match her poise. "I'm Violet."
Saoirse's smile widened, revealing a row of perfectly aligned teeth. "Violet, what a lovely name. It's a pleasure to meet you too."
As our hands parted, I turned my attention to the second girl, still fixated on Ethan with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Her name, I realized, was yet to be revealed.
Noticing my curiosity, Saoirse stepped forward, breaking the tension in the air. "Violet, this is Adeline Darcy," he introduced, gesturing towards the captivating girl.
Adeline's gaze briefly flickered towards me, her eyes piercing through my soul before returning to Ethan. Her lips curled into a slight smirk, revealing a mischievousness that contrasted with her ethereal beauty.
"Nice to meet you too, Adeline," I said, trying to maintain a calm composure despite the unease that lingered in the air.
Adeline's response was a mere nod, her focus unwavering. It was as if she had already made up her mind about me, and I couldn't help but wonder what had transpired between her and Ethan to evoke such a chilling glare.
"We want to talk to you about last night," Saoirse said. "Adeline spotted you in our territory in our nightly routine in our bear forms."
Her words hit me like a sledgehammer. It was one thing to know I had been in danger, but to hear it confirmed by someone who had witnessed it firsthand made my skin crawl. Adeline's eyes, still fixed on Ethan, glowed with an icy fury that suggested she was far from forgiving.
Saoirse continued, her tone gentle but firm. "Our clan is very protective of its borders, as you've probably gathered. Adeline is particularly vigilant." She glanced at her friend, a note of understanding in her voice. "It's how we've survived for so long."
I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of their scrutiny. "I understand. I didn't mean to trespass. It was a mistake. I was just... trying to find my way back."
Adeline's eyes finally shifted from Ethan to me. "A mistake that could have cost you your life," she said, her voice as cold as her gaze. "We don't take kindly to intrusions, no matter the intent."
Simon, who had been particularly quiet, stepped forward. "Adeline, she didn't know. She's new to all of this. It's my fault. I should have made sure she knew the boundaries."
Adeline's eyes narrowed. "And you think that excuses it? Ignorance is no shield in our world."
"Enough, Adeline," Saoirse said softly, yet with an authority that silenced further argument. She turned to me. "We're not here to punish you, Violet. We just need to ensure it doesn't happen again. For your safety as much as ours."
I nodded fervently, eager to show my understanding and remorse. "I promise it won't happen again. I'll be more careful."
Adeline took a step forward, her expression unyielding. "See that you do. Next time, we might not be so forgiving."
With that, she turned on her heel and stalked out of the room, leaving a palpable tension in her wake.
Saoirse gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about her. She's just very protective. But we do need to establish some boundaries. For everyone's sake."
I nodded again, feeling the gravity of the situation settle in. This was a world of rigid rules and fierce loyalties, and I had to learn quickly if I was to navigate it safely.
Saoirse and Adeline left the mansion and Gabriel shut the door. The heavy door thudded closed, sealing the mansion in an uneasy silence. Gabriel turned to face us, his expression thoughtful.
"We need to be more vigilant," he said, breaking the quiet. "Violet, this was a close call. Next time, it might not end so well."
"I understand," I replied, my voice steady despite the residual fear. "I'll be more careful."
Joseph stepped forward, his concern evident. "We should take this opportunity to regroup and reassess our plans. The Ursa Clan's reaction shows how precarious our situation is."
Alana, still tense from earlier, added, "We can't afford any more mistakes. Everyone needs to know the boundaries and the risks involved."
Simon nodded in agreement. "I'll make sure Violet is up to speed on everything. She won't be caught off guard again."
As the group dispersed to their tasks, I felt a mix of relief and determination. I was grateful for their support, but I also knew I had a lot to learn. The weight of my mistake hung heavy, but it was also a catalyst for growth.
Ethan approached me, his expression serious yet understanding. "Violet, don't be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes, especially when we're new to this world. Just remember, we're all here to help each other."
I smiled, appreciating his words. "Thanks, Ethan."
As the night deepened, I retreated to the window sill, the events of the day playing over in my mind. The mansion, with its gothic architecture and ancient aura, felt like a fitting backdrop to the complex, shadowy world I had entered. The storm clouds that had loomed earlier had finally broken, rain pattering softly against the windows, a soothing counterpoint to the tension that had filled the evening.
The memory of Adeline's piercing gaze towards Ethan lingered in my mind, impossible to shake off. It had already been six long hours since Saoirse and Adeline departed from the grand mansion, leaving me with a stern reminder about their domain and the consequences of crossing its boundaries.
Ethan stood by the window, his silhouette stark against the moonlit backdrop. The night was quiet, but the tension in the air was palpable. His golden eyes, usually light hearted and humorous, now held a flicker of something I couldn't quite place.
"Hey, Ethan," I spoke softly, trying to break through the silence. "Are you okay?"
Ethan's gaze slowly shifted from the moonlit scene to meet my concerned eyes. His lips curled into a faint smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"I'm fine," he replied, his voice tinged with a touch of weariness. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
I took a seat beside him, the weight of his unease palpable in the air. Adeline's intense stare and their cryptic warning replayed in my mind, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that danger lurked just beyond the edges of our peaceful existence.
"Ethan," I began cautiously, "what happened between you and Adeline that makes her hate you so much?"
He didn't turn to face me, but I saw his shoulders tense. After a long pause, he finally spoke, his voice low and measured. "Adeline and I... we were once close. A long time ago, before she became a member of the Ursa Clan, our paths crossed under less hostile circumstances."
I waited for him to continue, sensing there was more to the story.
"We met during a... difficult time. Our clans had established the truce a hundred years ago, but old grudges lingered. Trust was fragile. Adeline and I, we found common ground, saw the potential for genuine peace."
"And then?" I prompted, curious about the bond that must have formed from such an encounter.
Ethan sighed, finally turning to look at me. His eyes were clouded with memories. "We became... friends, of a sort. We realized that our clans didn't need to be enemies. We shared ideas, dreams of a future where our kinds could coexist without fear. But it wasn't meant to last. One night, Adeline's sister, Callie, came to warn me about an impending danger. She was loyal to the cause of peace, as we were."
He paused, the weight of his words heavy in the air.
"What happened?" I asked gently.
"There was an incident," Ethan continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "Callie was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. She died trying to protect me from the Children of the Moon. It was a tragic accident, but it felt like a betrayal to Adeline. She blamed me for her sister's death. Our friendship ended that night."
The pain in his voice was raw, unguarded. This was a side of Ethan I had never seen before. His stoic facade had cracked, revealing the deep scars beneath.
"And now?" I asked, trying to understand the undercurrent of emotions I had seen in Adeline's gaze earlier.
"Now," Ethan said, his expression hardening, "there's a delicate balance we must maintain. Adeline's warning tonight wasn't just about the boundaries of our truce. It was a reminder of the consequences we've faced before. The peace between our clans is fragile, and there are those who would see it broken."
I nodded, understanding the gravity of his words. The night felt heavier, the silence more oppressive. We had to navigate this delicate balance, or risk reigniting old tensions that could devastate both our worlds.
I took a deep breath, breaking the silence that had settled like a thick fog. "Well, that does explain a lot about Adeline."
Ethan nodded, his eyes distant as if still lost in the painful memories. "It's not just about her sister, though. It's about trust, betrayal, and the fear of history repeating itself."
I pondered his words, the weight of them sinking in. "So, what do we do now? How do we navigate this fragile peace without causing more harm?"
He turned to face me fully, his expression resolute. "We have to be cautious, always aware of the boundaries we've set. We can't give them any reason to believe we're a threat. And most importantly, we have to find a way to rebuild that trust, little by little."
"Is that even possible?" I asked, doubt creeping into my voice.
Ethan's smile returned, though still faint and tinged with sadness. "It's not going to be easy, but it's the only way. We can't change the past, but we can try to shape a better future."
His words hung in the air, a mixture of hope and determination. I realized then that this was more than just a truce between the clan and the coven; it was a deeply personal mission for Ethan. He was willing to bear the burden of his past mistakes if it meant forging a path to lasting peace.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine," I told him.
Ethan's eyes softened at my words, though I could still see the shadows of his past lurking in their depths. He gave a small nod, as if trying to convince himself as much as he was me.
"Thanks," he said quietly. "I appreciate it."
The room fell silent again, but this time it felt more contemplative than oppressive. I watched as Ethan turned back towards the window, his gaze lost in the expanse of the moonlit night. The weight of history and the delicate thread of peace were now clearer than ever.
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jogetsobsessed · 1 year
Friendship Bracelets - Paul Lahote x Reader
Hearing the engine of the rusty orange truck cut caused you to stir from your place on the couch. Your homework was sprawled all across the living room, the static of the TV crackling as it was in between channels. 
You were slightly annoyed that your sister was home cause that meant that her beau was in tow and you'd have to witness the awkward love the two of them shared. 
“Bella why don't you just listen to me”, your sister's boyfriend argued. Great, they were having their hourly argument. These happened so often because your sister was one of the most stubborn people you've ever met. 
“Edward drop it. I'm doing it and you can't tell me otherwise”, your sister shot back. 
“Bella I said no”, he downright yelled. 
They crashed into the kitchen and you could see how they were both physically angry and neither wanted to back down from their standpoint of whatever the hell they were talking about. 
“You don't get to make my decisions for me”, Bella screamed. 
“It's not safe for you to go alone Bella, and I obviously can't go”, Edward yelled., 
By now you were leaning against the doorframe observing the lovers quarrel, holding back laughter. You had to watch them go through this every day, except this time Edward seemed to be holding his ground even more, so it had to be serious. Normally he just gave in to your quarrelsome sister but not this time. 
Bella looked around completely baffled that somebody wasn't just giving her the green light to do whatever she wanted to do. As she looked around exasperated she spotted you listening in on the conversation and her eyes sparkled. 
“I won't go alone”, she proudly declared. 
“Hmm”, Edward hummed in question. 
“Y/N’s going with me”, Bella stated. 
“Absolutely not, I’m not letting you drag me into this”, you yelled suddenly less amused. 
“Bella just dropped it”, Edward stated clearly not enthused by Bella’s response. 
“Y/N just do this for me please”, Bella pleaded. 
She looked up at you with pleading eyes. Clearly, this was important to her. And no matter how much she pissed you off, you enjoy pissing Edward off even more. 
“Yeah Eddy boy I guess I’m going with good ole Bells to…where the hell are we going Bella?”, you asked. 
“La Push” 
The truck rattled down the gravel driveway as your sister drove you to the undisclosed location that apparently meant so much to her. 
Pulling to a stop in front of a wooden cabin in the middle of the woods you couldn't help but admire its beauty. Though the house itself was worn down in front of it barrels full of flowers and homemade raised flower beds were littered around. 
“Stay in the car”, your sister nonchalantly said. 
“Umm no”, you argued back. 
“I shouldn't be long, half an hour tops' ', was all she had to say. 
“Bella, I'm not letting you leave me here for thirty minutes. I’m helping you out by coming with you. I agreed to go with you with whatever you were doing, not to stay in the car”, you retorted. 
“Fine, just be careful and try to be quiet”, she sighed. 
“Whatever weirdo”, you answered. 
As the doors of the truck slammed shut and both of you hopped out the front door to the cabin two tanned-skinned boys came barreling out, both wanting to be the first to talk to Bella. 
“Bella is that you”, one of the boys called out. 
“Dude you know it's her don't be weird”, the other replied, shoving his friend nearly to the ground. 
Bella just laughed and nodded for you to follow her, the both of you stopping right in front of the two shirtless boys. 
“Who's the girl Bella?”, boy number one asked as he eyed you up and down, clearly suspicious. 
“This is my younger sister, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned her a few times, or at least Jacob has”, Bella answered. 
“Umm I’m Y/N”, you said shyly, granting them a small wave. As much as you didn't want to be you were intimidated by the two boys, something about their presence, maybe it was the way they were standing was almost animalistic. 
“Jared," the boy said. 
“Quil”, the other spoke. 
“Great, now that introductions are done, can we go in? I came to talk to Jacob and he said to meet him here”, Bella asked. 
“Yeah, everyone’s inside we were just heading out to go run the perimeter…hey!”, Jared was cut off by a smack from Quil who looked at him as if he had three heads. 
The strange cadence to their voices through you off and how quick Quill was to cut Jared off downright made you nervous, but you weren't going to say anything. You didn't want to be rude. 
Bella mumbled for you to follow her, which you did. Trudging up the old wooden steps you glanced around your sister's body to glance through the small glass window next to the front door. 
Inside around a large circular wooden table sat more tanned skin boys, all with their shirts off. They were laughing and shoving each other while eating what looked like pumpkin bread. You were able to recognize Jacob, even though he looked different from the last time you saw him. You could also see a girl, she had a large scar that covered a portion of her face and she was standing in the kitchen mixing a bowl of batter. 
Without hesitation, Bella rapped her knuckles against the wooden door, clearly impatient that it didn't open within the first five seconds. 
Still looking through the window you could see all the faces turn to look towards your direction. As quickly as you could you moved to hide behind your sister, embarrassed that you had been spotted. 
“Bella it's good to see you”, the girl with the bowl of batter said as she opened the door, one of the shirtless boys protective watching from over her shoulder. 
“You too Emily, Sam”, Bella added nodding to the guy standing behind the girl, who you now knew as Emily. 
“And this must be your little sister, Y/N right”, Emily asked, her eyes shining bright. 
“Yeah”, you breathed out still on edge. 
“Well, it's nice to finally meet you Y/N. You, ladies, need to come inside, it's freezing out there”, Emily ushered, opening the door wider and pushing Sam out of the way. He gave you a half smile and a nod as if he could sense that you were nervous. 
Bella barged in like she owned the place and went straight towards the table of boys, all of them amused at her presence not bothering to really give you a good look. 
“Jacob”, she barked. 
Jacob looked up from where he was sitting to roll his eyes at Bella's neediness. After they had a mini staring contest he looked beyond so he could see you. Sending you a cheesy grin he shot up and out of his seat. Rushing over to you and scooping you into his arms, spinning you around, 
“Little Y/N. You’re all grown up”, he said laughing. After holding onto you for a few more seconds he let your feet return to the earth again before keeping you an arm's length away so he could get a good look at you. 
Your back faced the dining room table and Jacob smiled as he saw truly how much you had grown up. 
“It's been six or seven years. How long have you been back?”, he asked. 
“Like three weeks. Been trying to get acclimated back to Forks after all these years”, you told him. 
“Well, I’m glad you're back now, even though I am a little annoyed that Bella and Charlie have been keeping you all to themselves for these past few weeks. And before I go off to see whatever the hell it is your sister wants to drag me into, I'll introduce you to these idiots right here”, Jacob told you. 
You turned around so you were facing the table. You could see a couple of the boys were now looking at you and the rest were semi-focused on the pumpkin bread they were eating.
“This here is Embry, Seth, Brady, and Collin. And you’ve already met Sam and Emily. And I assume Jared and Quil introduced themselves on their way out. All you are missing is Leah who is not here right now and Paul who should be here in a little bit” 
You said hi to everyone and accepted the seat that Jacob offered you and a slice of pumpkin bread from Emily. After being assured by your sister and Jacob that they would be right back, you agreed to wait and hang out with your new friends, or people you hoped were going to be your new friends. 
You had no idea how much time had passed since your sister and Jacob had been gone but you didn't really care. 
This was the most amount of fun you had experienced in months. The boys had convinced you to play a card game with them once a girl, whom you were introduced to as Leah, came over. They had even got Sam to play with you guys and it was a total blast. Cards were flying everywhere every time one of the boys lost a hand. Emily had been watching from the kitchen giggling every time an insult was thrown at her fiance. 
“God dammit. This game is so freaking stupid”, Embry exclaimed after he was the very apparent loser of the last round. As he slammed his cards against the table and everyone laughed at his tantrum the front door was pushed open and three more people entered laughing at their own conversation. 
Looking to see what was going on you smiled at your sister and Jacob noticing that they had the third with them. You were pleased to see that Bella looked less agitated than she had before they left and Jacob looked intact. 
“Oh hey Y/n that's Paul”, Seth said, nodding to the third person with your sister and Jacob after they started to make their way toward the dining room table. Turning your head to face the illusive Paul you were startled. 
He stood there next to Jacob and when the two of you locked eyes you saw every ounce of oxygen leave his body all at once. He looked shocked and extremely pleased and scared all at once. 
It was overwhelming and you had no idea what was happening. But you were smart enough to know that it was something. 
Nobody said anything in the passing moments and there was so much tension in the room it began to get too hard to breathe. You looked between Paul, Jacob, and your sister, too afraid to speak. Your eyes begging them for an explanation. Jared opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but a hand clamped down on his shoulder shut him up before anything happened. 
“Everyone out…NOW”, Sam growled. As lightning came and went, almost everyone was out of the house. All that was left was yourself, Sam, Paul, your sister, and Jacob. Emily didn't leave the house but she did excuse herself upstairs to go busy with something other than baking. “Paul”, Sam was the one to speak again. 
You were still perched on the dining room chair, your hands holding your knees that were curled against you.
You watch as Sam gives the three left still standing a look causing Jacob to pull Bella towards the barstools that rested under the kitchen counter, and surprisingly she didn't put up a fight like she normally does. 
That left Paul, having not moved an inch since whatever it was that happened between the two of you. 
Sam moved towards Paul and he moved his hand onto Paul's shoulder giving him a nod and a slight push in your direction. Jacob then whispered something to Bella, which caused her to stand up from her barstool and throw her hands up, her mouth opening to have a freakout. But Jacob harshly shrugged her down and clamped a hand over her mouth so nothing could come out. You almost lost it over her defeated look, but you refrained since the situation seemed grave. 
“Paul, would you rather do this alone?”Sam broke the silence. 
“Umm yeah, why don't we head out back. I’m gonna send everyone in. But we’re gonna stay close just in case, um you know”, Paul stammered. 
Paul moved towards the back door but backtracked so he was standing to the side of you. He held out his hand towards you. Every ounce of you was screaming internally telling you to not take it and run. But there was a small part of you, a point zero, zero one percent of you told you to trust him. And even though that percentage was so small the idea was echoed throughout. 
So slowly you reached out, accepting his invitation and letting him softly pull you out of the chair. You could tell that once your hand was in his he relaxed. He found enough confidence to even twirl a bracelet you wore on your wrist so that he could get a better look at it. 
Weaving through Emily’s house you looked over your shoulder and saw Jacob's mouth that you were going to be okay, and Bella was fuming but that was usual for her so you didn't think twice. 
Paul opened up the back door for you letting you out first, but not letting go of your hand. The group that had once occupied the kitchen table was now kicking a soccer ball around and chatting. But the conversation stopped once Paul's steps squeaked the wooden floorboards of the porch.
Smirks were placed on their faces but were immediately wiped off once Paul literally growled at them, which sent shivers down your spine. 
The soccer ball was quickly abandoned and they all rushed by and back into Emily’s house, but not before they could send a few teasing remarks toward Paul, which caused him to huff and puff a bit. But he quickly got over it once he looked towards you. 
He pulled you towards a set of lawn furniture that looked like it had seen better days that rested on the wrap-around porch. 
Once you sat down on the couch you once again pulled your legs against your chest. It was a mental way of creating a boundary between you and Paul that you weren't even doing consciously. 
Once he was next to you his hands found yours yet again. You were somewhat calmed by the sudden warmth that he gave off. 
“Y/I need to tell you something”, Paul finally said. 
“Yeah I figured as such”, you said slightly laughing trying to bring humor in to break up the tension. Paul met your laughter as he twisted your bracelet around some more. 
“So obviously something happened”, he drawled. 
“Do you want me to be blunt or sugarcoat it”, he asked. 
“Be blunt”, you answered. 
“OK well umm. There's no easy way to put this but you see well. My tribe, the Quileutes, we’re special. Some of us have a special gene that makes us different”
“You’re sugarcoating it”, you interrupted. 
“I'm sorry, fine. The gene makes us shifters. We shift into wolves. I’m a werewolf”
“Be so for real right now”, you answered, absolutely breaking out into laughter. With your comment, you could hear a collection of howling laughter coming from in the house. Paul looked absolutely bewildered but regained his composure, a smirk of disbelief formed on his face as he shook his head. 
“That's why I wanted to tell you the full story. I think it would have been a little more believable, then hey I’m a werewolf. But you’re the impatient one”, Paul said, raising his eyebrows. 
“Ok, so wolf boy. How do I come into this mix?”, you questioned. 
“That's the even more complicated part”
“Shifters have something called imprints. You’re mine”, he gulped at the last part as he looked at you for approval. 
You wouldn't believe what you were hearing. This was insane. Not believing him at all and believing him fully at the same time. 
You couldn't deny the connection that you felt with him, but werewolves don't exist. Or at least you didn't think that they did. 
“Imprints are like soulmates. But they don't have to be romantic. It could just be me being your protector or a friend. Or something more. It's your ultimate choice in the matter”. Paul had a firm grip on your hand now like he needed to be touching some part of you at the moment. '`Do you have anything to say?”, he asked. 
Inhaling as much air as your lungs could take in and letting it all out slowly you shifted yet again this time so you were fully in front of him. You wanted more time to think over everything that had just been thrown at you but part of you was terrified. If you asked for more time to think you would get in your head or worse let Bella get in your head. Since you were pretty positive that she knew everything that was going on based on her reactions earlier. 
“Would a human imprint, would they feel the connection too?”
“Yeah. Umm not completely like a wolf but they do. You’ll feel drawn to me. Any emotions surrounding me will feel heightened. You can feel the connection”, Paul answered. 
“Cool”, was all that you could manage to get out. This reaction made Paul heartily laugh and it made your heart warm to see him light up. 
“So what's the deal with you and Bella? We met her about a year ago and she just mentioned that she had a sister and that was it. Why did you just now come out of the woodwork?”Paul asked. You were now leaning against his chest, snuggled into it appreciating the warmth he provided against the freezing winds that whipped through the forest Emily's house sat in. 
“Well, I lived with my mom and stepdad for pretty much most of my life. My dad and mom got together pretty soon after Renee and he got divorced. That's why I'm only two years younger than Bella. A few months ago my stepdad found out he was sick and my mom wanted to move across the country so he could be treated at Boston Medical Center since they have a trial program he’s eligible for. Which I was all for because I love my step-dad and want him to get treated but it would have been too hard for me to go with him. So my mom called Charlie and asked if I could move back here”
“Damn I'm so sorry Y/N”, Paul softy said as he pulled you closer to him. 
“It's fine. My mom sends me daily updates on him and I’m glad to be back here with Charlie. And really it's probably a good thing that Bella and I are around each other more. Really our entire lives the only time we’ve gotten to know each other is over the phone”, you assured him. 
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Paul hummed no melody in particular and continued to wrap your bracelet in circles slowly around your wrist. You watched as it turned left and right and Paul's eyes concentrated on it. 
“I can make you one”, you said looking up to meet his eyes and giving him a sweet smile. He looked shocked for a second, almost embarrassed that you had caught him playing with it. 
“I don't wanna have to make you do anything for me”, Paul stuttered, but he still did not drop your left wrist. 
“Paul it would be no big deal. It's easy. I even have the colors left over. We could match”, You wiggled your eyebrows at the last point attempting to calm him down. Which worked. He laughed at your weirdness and pulled you tight to him again. 
“The packs gonna give me such crap for wearing a pink and orange bracelet”, he whined pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Such it up Lahote, You're getting a matching friendship bracelet”
1st post on tumblr, kinda nervous to see how this is going to do lol.
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theaskywalker · 6 months
hi! I had a small idea with Seth, reader (if you could do fem that would be amazing!) was in Russia for 4 years for her studies, for her coming back. she wanted to Suprise Seth by coming over in his jacket he gave her before she left:) I was thinking in that moment he looked at her (her eyes to be exact) he imprinted on her. (I would love for reader to have really sharp canines, not a vampire but almost like it! that's how my teeth have been and wanted to see someone include it in a fic:)
Seth Clearwater x Fem! Reader
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Thank you for the request ghosty-boo-shh! It was an interesting idea and very fun to write. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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❥ You had always been close with Seth Clearwater.
❥ Having grown up in the same neighborhood and with your mothers being best friends it was no surprise that the two of you became practically inseparable.
❥ Sitting together during classes.
❥ Passing notes to each other when the teachers seperated you.
❥ Having lunch at the cafeteria.
❥ Studying together after school.
❥ Spending the weekends chilling at the beach or indoors watching movies and playing video games.
❥ Leah always joked that you acted like a married couple.
❥ Which turned the both of you into blushing fools.
❥ Seth liked to call you his little Dracula due to your extremely sharp canines.
❥ He loved that characteristic about you.
❥ And constantly reminded you of how cool it was.
❥ You in turn called him all sorts of silly nicknames referencing his favourite pop culture elements.
❥ By the time high school rolled up, you had fallen hopelessly in love with your best friend.
❥ You wanted to confess your feelings but the fear of him not returning them kept you silent.
❥ That's when everything changed.
❥ Your impressive academic record had won you a scholarship to attend one of the most prestigious colleges in Russia.
❥ It was your dream to study there and you were ecstatic.
❥ The day before you left, Seth came at your house to say goodbye.
❥ He surprised you by giving you his leather jacket that you had been admiring since the day he bought it.
"Something to remember me while you're at Moscow" he said.
❥ Without thinking you kissed him hard on the lips.
❥ A kiss that he reciprocated after a moment's hesitation.
❥ You confessed your feelings afterwards and Seth did the same.
❥ A long distance relationship wouldn't be easy.
❥ You promised to call him everyday and send emails in-between.
❥ And he promised to wait for you as long as it was needed.
❥ At first the communication between the two of you was daily.
❥ But after several months Seth's responses became less and less frequent.
❥ You didn't understand what caused this change in behaviour.
❥ Phone calls became non existent.
❥ And emails would be replied once a week at most.
❥ You patiently went along with it hoping that everything would go back as normal when you returned to Forks.
❥ After 4 years of studying abroad you finally graduated and made the long journey back home.
❥ The first thing you did after arriving in Forks was to go at Seth's house to surprise him.
❥ You had planned this little surprise beforehand by telling your parents to keep your return a secret.
❥ You even wore the jacket Seth gave you before leaving, thinking it would be nice to show him how much his present meant to you.
❥ Sue Clearwater greeted you warmly and explained that Seth and Leah were at the beach with friends.
❥ You went straight to La Push and saw the Clearwater siblings sitting across a fire roasting marshmallows together with Jacob Black, Quil Ateara and another boy.
❥ Leah was the first of the group to spot you and happily called you over.
❥ You gave Leah a hug and greeted Jacob and Quil, who introduced you to the third boy, Embry Call.
❥ Shyly, you turned to Seth and greeted him with a nervous "hello".
❥ The moment Seth locked eyes with you time freezed and gravity no longer held him in place.
❥ You were equally awestruck and unable to utter a word.
❥ Seth had loved you for years but nothing had prepared him for this extraordinary feeling that took over him.
❥ It was like your soul had touched his in an intimate way and nothing would ever be the same.
❥ Jacob Black broke the silence by asking you and Seth to collect more firewood.
❥ The two of you agreed.
❥ As you silently collected twigs along the beach, Seth noticed the jacket that you wore and grinned.
"You still have it after all those years"
❥ You smiled at Seth and told him that the jacket was a reminder of all the beautiful memories you had together.
"And I hope that it will be the start of many more to come" you added.
❥ Seth looked at you with adoration and claimed your lips in a gentle kiss that gradually grew more passionate.
❥ By the time the two of you made it back to the group with the firewood you were tasked to collect, one thing was certain.
"This is the beginning of something good"
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
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Jacob Black x Fem Reader
Aye yo, resume don't exist. This is after they graduate so he's 18 or 19 or sum. Bella finna get married and Jacob is NOT having it. He runs into you.
I'm over this, Bella
Outside is foggy and cold. The waves are gentle, but you can barely see the water. You tighten your jacket around you and shiver. You reach into your pocket to pull out your car keys, heading towards your car. You're tired and ready to leave La Push. A loud howl makes you jump and your keys fall out of your fingers.
"What the hell?" You whisper. Your eyes wander around you.
Suddenly, you see a figure appear a few yards away. It's a man and he seems to be upset.
Your gentle heart had to check on them. You felt your pockets to make sure you had that pepper spray and whistle. You make your way towards him.
You are able to make out what he looks like. Oh god, he's hot.
"Hi, sir. I'm sorry to disturb you but you seem upset and I'm just making sure you are going to be okay." You gently say. He looks up at you, his eyes red and face wet with tears. He pauses.
You pause, and your heart pounds. The overwhelming feeling of love, purity, happiness, and that hole in your heart felt full. You gasp which makes him shake out of his thoughts.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." He smiles. "O-okay, just making sure." You spoke and turn to walk away.
"Hey, actually, I think I need someone to talk to." You stop in your tracks and turn back around to him. You smile at him and nod. "C'mon. I'll listen."
He stands beside you, and you guys walk together. He tells you all about this, Bella. You've never heard of her before, but you do know Charlie, her father!
"Well, Mr. Black, I must say you need to find yourself. You've wasted your time and energy on something that was not meant for you nor fulfilling. You find yourself and start somewhere else."
--- 3 weeks later---
You and Jacob have become great friends. He seems to be completely over Bella. He makes you happy and this week has been intense with flirting.
"Sitting here while you work on bikes is quite fun." You twirl a wrench in your hand. He stops what he's doing and looks at you with a blush. "Well, having you near me is a reason," he twists a something tightly pursing his lips, "I wake up." He looks back up at you.
His confession made you explode with fireworks. He notices and feels your emotions, which makes him drop his tool and step over to you. His strong hand grabs a hold of your side. His face is inches from yours. You can feel his breath on your lips. He smells of foresty cologne and spearmint. You hold your breath and hold eye contact.
"Y/n, I have to tell you something." He starts but his phone rings. He sighs and answer it. "Yup?"
His face sinks. "I don't care. I'm done. This shit has lasted for too long. I'm not a toy."
"No, go cry to your-" He looks at you, "husband. I have no feelings for you at all. Lose my number."
"I'm over this, Bella." He ends the call and looks at you. You giggle a little bit noticing he has no trace of hurt on his face. He chuckles, "what?"
"Her loss is my gain." You wrap your arms around his neck and crash your lips on his.
He kisses back and wraps his arms around you, keeping a good grip on your mid back. You nibble on his bottom lip and he grunts put gently pulls away.
"Before you decide to take things further, I have to tell you something."
Hahaha aye yo I take requests, chat.
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AS THE DAWN BROKE, IT WAS AS IF THE heavens themselves had opened up to greet us. The sun's rays beamed down upon us, casting a warm glow across the land. The sky was painted in a vibrant shade of orange, as if the gods themselves had taken up their brushes and painted the sky with their divine hands. The colors were so vivid that it felt like stepping into a painting, where every stroke was deliberate and filled with life. The horizon, tinged with hues of pink and gold, stretched endlessly, inviting us to lose ourselves in its splendor.
I stood there, awestruck by the sheer beauty of it all. It was as if the night had been shattered into a million pieces, and the dawn had emerged victorious. The darkness, once so pervasive, had given way to a new beginning, a fresh start bathed in the light of the morning sun. Birds began to stir, their songs harmonizing with the gentle rustling of leaves, creating a symphony of nature that celebrated the birth of a new day.
Ingram was still holding on to me as we watched the sunrise. I looked up at him and saw the most remarkable thing. His whole pale bearded face was sparkling, like thousands and thousands of diamonds were embedded in his skin. The sunlight danced upon his features, illuminating every crease and line, transforming him into a living testament to the wonder of the morning.
"Woah," I whispered in sweet tenderness. "You're... sparkling..."
"So are you," Ingram said with a smile. "It's beautiful."
I glanced down at my hands, noticing how they too shimmered in the early light. It was a surreal moment, one that seemed to blur the lines between reality and dream. I remembered Victoria telling me, and the rest of the newborns, to stay away from the sunlight and hating the idea of being a walking disco ball after the revelation that we didn't burn under the sun. My hands were glowing, shining, as if it were covered in tiny crystals. It was like I had just come home from a wild night out, covered in body glitter. But this was different. Ingram was right, this was beautiful.
A soft laugh escaped my lips. "I never thought I'd hear you say that," I replied, my eyes meeting his sparkling gaze. The dawn's light seemed to imbue his words with a sincerity that touched me deeply.
The world around us was waking up, but for a moment, it felt like we were the only two beings in existence. I leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the comfort of his presence.
Then, I heard footsteps and Alana emerged from the window. "Oi, you guys seen Ethan?" She shouted to us and soon realised she saw our embrace. "What the—?"
"Hey, Alana," I said, reluctantly freeing myself from Ingram.
"Just to say, be lucky it's me and not Joseph finding out."
Her words were laced with a mixture of amusement and warning, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studied us. Ingram and I exchanged a quick glance, understanding the unspoken tension. We knew the implications of our closeness and the potential consequences that might follow. Still, there was a defiance in Ingram's eyes, a silent rebellion against the constraints placed upon us.
"Have you checked the forest?" Ingram asked, changing the subject swiftly. "Ethan mentioned something about finding a new hunting spot since the wolves have theirs territory."
"Well, he hasn't come back," Alana replied worriedly. "My son hasn't come back."
"What?" I said, my eyes widened. Then, I thought about he said to me and Ingram.
"I've heard that the Quileutes own parts of the land, so I'm looking for a new spot."
Oh crap. The wolves must had got him, possibly reprimanded him for stepping into their territory.
The realization hit me like a tidal wave, washing away the tranquility of the morning. "We have to find him," I said, urgency creeping into my voice. "The Quileutes must have got him. That could be why he's not back."
Ingram's expression turned grave. "You could be right. If Ethan crossed into their territory, we need to take precautions."
Alana's worry deepened, but she managed to keep her composure. "You two go through the forest and stay close."
Ingram and I exchanged a determined look. We nodded in unison, silently agreeing to put our search for Ethan into immediate action. Alana's concern was palpable, and it spurred us into motion.
"We'll find him, Alana," Ingram assured her, his voice steady and confident.
Alana nodded, her eyes reflecting a blend of hope and anxiety. "Be careful," she warned, her gaze lingering on us as we jumped off the Cullens' rooftop and began running towards the forest.
As we stepped into the forest, the atmosphere shifted. The lively symphony of the morning was replaced by the muted rustling of leaves and the occasional call of distant birds. The light that had bathed us in warmth was now filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.
We moved swiftly but cautiously, our senses heightened by the urgency of our mission. The forest was thick with underbrush, making our progress slow, but we pressed on, driven by the need to find Ethan.
I couldn't help but now realised that Ethan was absent more often than usual since returning to Forks. When I asked my family and fellow vampires about his whereabouts, they simply shrugged and said they didn't know. But I knew better. Ethan was out there, somewhere, doing something. Something stupid, I reckoned.
"Violet, do you think the wolves would harm him?" Ingram asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
I shook my head. "The Quileutes are territorial, but they're not senselessly violent. And beside, they have a peace treaty with the Cullens. And they are on our side because of Renesmee."
As we sought refuge under the sprawling branches of the tree, the sun's rays slowly began to wane, as if bowing to the approaching clouds. Once the celestial orb had vanished, we sauntered away from the tree and onto the soft bed of leaves and dirt. The forest was alive with the sweet symphony of birds chirping and animals rustling about.
Suddenly, a wave of laughter broke through the tranquil ambiance. I recognised the sound immediately. Scanning the woods, I spotted Seth and Ayla making their way up the path. Without a second thought, I dashed towards them, eager to join in on the merriment.
"Hey, guys," I exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.
"Hi, Violet," Ayla greeted me warmly.
"You know them?" Ingram asked.
"That's my half-sister and her boyfriend. Or is imprinter the right word?"
Seth's laughter, light and carefree, momentarily eased the tension that had gripped me. He glanced at Ayla, who smiled knowingly, before turning his attention back to us. "I'm Seth Clearwater, by the way," he introduced himself to Ingram.
Ingram nodded, acknowledging Seth. "Ingram," he replied, his tone neutral but polite. He looked at Ayla. "Your sister told me so much about you. And your family drama."
"Yep, I'm a Child of the Moon, a true werewolf as one might put it," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "My name's Ayla Wyatt-Baxter."
"Nice to meet you both," Ingram said, shaking their hands. "We're in a bit of a hurry, though. Ethan's missing."
Seth's demeanor shifted, the lightness in his eyes replaced by concern. "Ethan? The vampire from your coven?"
"Yeah," I confirmed. "We think he might have crossed into Quileute territory. Have you seen him?"
Seth glanced at Ayla before responding. "No, and if that's the case, Sam would have told the pack about it. Or at least inform the Cullens about it."
I was surprised by how chill out they were about the situation.
"And another thing, they're not going to hurt him any time soon," Seth added, which only made this even more bizarre. "At least they wouldn't anyway."
I furrowed my brows, trying to piece together the puzzle. What were they trying to say or imply?
Ayla's expression softened. "And aside, Ethan's probably just enjoying himself around the forest. I'm sure he'll be fine and be back soon."
"But he hasn't come back," I repeated, my voice growing more insistent. "And if the Quileutes know about him, why hasn't anyone told us?"
"Because there haven't been any vampires in our territory since their arrival," Seth explained, his eyes earnest. "And there's no way Sam would keep something like this a secret. The pack is pretty strict about communication, especially when it comes to potential conflicts."
Ingram sighed, running a hand through his hair. "So, what now? Do we keep searching the forest, or...?"
"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Ayla quickly assured him and looked over at me. "It's odd that we were just coming over to see you."
I was taken aback. "Really?" I slipped my hands into my pockets. "So, what's on your mind?"
Seth swivelled his head towards Ayla, his eyes brimming with curiosity. She began to speak, her voice laced with excitement.
"Well," she said, "I asked Charlie and Sue about it and they said it's a fantastic idea."
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What idea?"
Ayla's lips curved into a mischievous grin. "As you know, Christmas is approaching—"
"Wait, what?" I said, causing both of them to look at me with wide eyes.
"You guys don't celebrate Christmas?" Seth asked, his voice laced with disbelief.
"Well, for me it's just a passing day," Ingram replied. "But I think covens do."
I stumbled over my words, trying to regain my composure. "I-I'm sure they do," I stuttered. "I just didn't realise how quickly time was passing."
Ayla's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Anyway, I was thinking that maybe you could come to Charlie's house for Christmas?"
My eyes widened in surprise at her request. "Wow," I managed to say.
"And your new family can come too, if they're not too busy," Ayla added. "Maybe Ingram can come too."
"I'm not sure if that's wise, considering I drink human blood," Ingram's voice sounded more shameful than of pride.
Seth smiled reassuringly. "Charlie and Sue have been through a lot, and they know more than you'd think. Trust me, they won't mind. Besides, it's Christmas—time to put differences aside and celebrate together."
I could see the conflict in Ingram's eyes. He was struggling with the idea of being close to humans, especially during such an intimate occasion. But there was also a hint of longing, a desire to be a part of something more than just the shadows of his existence.
"Think about it," Ayla said softly. "Christmas is about family, and maybe it's time to start thinking of the Cullens—and us—as your family too."
Ingram looked at me, his gaze filled with uncertainty. I reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure it out," I said, my voice steady. "I'll ask them."
Ayla beamed at me. "And don't worry, Bella, Edward, Jacob, and Renesmee will be there."
I smiled back at her, not at all surprised by the news.
"Also," Seth chimed in, "Leah is bringing her imprintee with her."
I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Excuse me, what?"
"Leah has imprinted on a guy," he said, his head bobbing up and down like a buoy in a stormy sea. My golden eyes widened. Leah, the fierce and independent wolf, had finally found her match. Her soulmate.
"Who's Leah?" Ingram asked curiously.
"My older sister and it's the best thing that's ever happened to her," Seth continued, his voice filled with a sense of relief. "She was shattered when Sam imprinted on Emily, but now she can finally move on."
I struggled to find the right words to express my happiness for her. "That's great!" I finally managed to say. But then, a thought crossed my mind, and my face contorted in disgust. "Wait, he's not...?"
"No, no," he reassured me. "Definitely not a child, unlike Quil's imprintee."
Ingram fixed his gaze on him. "What do you mean?"
"Let's just say," Ayla interjected with a sigh, "Quil's situation is... complicated. He imprinted on a girl named Claire, who's much younger. But it's not like it sounds," she hurried to add, seeing Ingram's perplexed expression. "Imprinting isn't romantic. It's more about protection and being whatever the other person needs."
Ingram still seemed dubious, but he nodded slowly. "I'll take your word for it."
I furrowed my brow, my tone betraying my confusion. "Alright, and how much younger are we talking about?"
Seth let out a deep sigh, as if he were about to reveal some great secret. "She's three years old," he said, as if that explained everything.
The shock was evident on Ingram's face. "Three years old? And that's... acceptable?"
Seth quickly intervened, trying to clarify. "It's not what you think. Imprinting is about a deep bond. Right now, Quil is like a big brother to Claire. As she grows, he'll be whatever she needs—guardian, friend, confidant. It's not romantic until she's old enough to make her own decisions."
Ingram seemed to struggle with the concept but eventually nodded. "If you say so."
My body went rigid, as if I had been plunged into a deep freeze. Quil's imprintee was a little child, a fragile and innocent being. This was not like Renesmee, who had the ability to mature at an accelerated pace. No, this was a human child, vulnerable and defenceless. The realisation hit me like a ton of bricks, and I struggled to keep my composure. The thought of Quil being bound to such a young and fragile creature was almost too much to bear.
"We never thought it could happen," Seth said, his voice heavy with regret.
"It shouldn't!" I exclaimed, my voice rising in anger. "She's a kid, for Pete's sake! What would happen when she grows up? Would Quil still be there for her, or would he be an old man by then?"
Seth must have sensed my unease because he spoke up. "Don't worry, we're quasi-immortal," he said, air quoting the term. "The more we phase, the less we age."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Oh great, that's just what we need," I muttered sarcastically. I turned to Ayla, trying to keep my cool. "So, Leah has imprinted on a guy?"
Ayla nodded. "Yes, and he's very mature. Perhaps even more so than Sam," she whispered, giggling.
Seth chimed in. "And older too."
I raised an eyebrow. "How old are we talking here?"
"Well, he's sixty—," Seth began.
I cut him off with a scream. "Hell no! No, no! First the children, now the elderly? This is getting ridiculous!"
Ayla laughed. "Relax, he looks like he's in his twenties."
I furrowed my brow, trying to make sense of the information they had just dropped on me. A man in his sixties who looked like he was in his twenties? It sounded like something out of a science fiction novel. I couldn't help but put my hands on my hips in disbelief.
"How is that even possible?" I demanded, still trying to wrap my head around the bizarre age dynamics of imprinting. "You're talking as if he's a vampire."
"That's because he is," Seth replied matter-of-factly.
I blinked, trying to process the information. "Wait, what? Leah imprinted on a vampire? I thought she hates vampires. She called me a leech, remember?"
I heard a low growl escaping from Ingram. The revelation was almost too much to comprehend. Leah Clearwater, the fierce and outspoken werewolf who harbored a deep-seated hatred for vampires, had imprinted on one. The irony was staggering.
Seth's expression softened, sensing my inner turmoil. "Leah's been through a lot, Violet. Losing Sam to imprinting was devastating for her. But this... this is different. She's found someone who understands her, someone who doesn't age, and who can be with her forever."
Ayla chimed in, her tone gentle. "He's not just any vampire, Violet. He's a vegetarian, like you."
"Yeah, and it's not just that," Seth continued. "She's the first female shapeshifter to do that! No one has ever done that. Maybe since Renesmee's birth and Jacob's imprinting on her, it somehow breaks this... invisible wall between the two sides."
"Invisible wall?" I repeated incredulously. "Are you serious?”
"It's just a theory," Seth replied.
"But it sounds plausible," Ingram chimed in. "With gifted vampires and werewolves and shapeshifters, what other supernatural things could be around us?"
The forest fell silent as the weight of Seth's words sank in. The implications of Leah's imprinting on a vampire were profound, and it felt as if the very foundation of our understanding of the supernatural world was shifting beneath our feet.
Ayla glanced around the room, her gaze lingering on each of us in turn. "We need to approach this with open minds," she said softly. "If Leah and her vampire can make it work, it could mean a new era of peace between our kinds."
Seth nodded in agreement. "We've always been enemies, but maybe this is a sign that things can change. That we can change."
"So, who is he?" I asked, feeling like I was missing a crucial piece of information.
"Actually, you do know," Ayla said, a little smirk growing on her face. "We all know him."
"Really? Who?" I pressed.
"Who?" Ingram mirrored.
Seth leaned his head to the side and smiled. He raised his hand and waved it. "Hey, Leah. Hey, Ethan. We were just talking about you guys."
My jaw dropped as Seth sauntered past me and my face contorted into a shocked expression, frozen in disbelief. Slowly, I turned my head to Ayla, my eyes wide with confusion. She flashed me a wide smile, as if she knew something I didn't.
"Ethan?!" I whispered, my voice trembling with bewilderment. Ayla nodded, confirming my suspicions. I took a deep breath and shouted, "ETHAN?!"
Suddenly, I heard his voice behind me. I spun around to face him. There he was, standing with Leah, their hands intertwined. Ethan's grin was infectious, spreading from ear to ear. But something was different about Leah. Her usual stern and bitter expression had melted away, replaced by a warmth that radiated from her face. Her brown eyes were no longer icy, but instead, they glowed with a newfound kindness. I blinked, thinking it was just my imagination, but the warmth remained. The juxtaposition of the vampire and the werewolf was almost surreal, yet there was an undeniable connection between them.
"Ethan?" I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper. The realization slowly dawned on me, and I struggled to comprehend the implications of what I was witnessing.
"Hey, it's nice seeing all of you here," Leah said, her voice filled with genuine happiness.
I turned to Ayla, my eyes still wide with shock. "Mature and older?" I whispered, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.
"Yeah," Ayla replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
I looked briefly at them and back to her. "One of those things is correct."
All she could do was giggle.
I looked back at Ethan and Leah, trying to wrap my head around the idea of a shapeshifter and a vampire together. It was like mixing oil and water, two things that were never meant to be combined. But here they were, holding hands and smiling like they didn't have a care in the world. I folded my arms, still trying to process what I was seeing.
Ethan and Leah? Leah and Ethan? The idea seemed so foreign to me, yet there they were, sitting in front of me, intertwined in a way that made my stomach churn.
"So, when you said you were 'hunting', you were actually with her?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
Ethan nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. Leah's arm rested on his shoulder, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.
"Does our family know?" I asked, my eyes darting between the two of them.
"Not exactly," Ethan replied, his voice hesitant. "Only Uncle Jo and Aunt Ro."
My jaw dropped. "They knew?!"
"Wait, Joseph knows and he didn't tell me?" Ingram said, clearly annoyed that his older brother found out first.
Ethan nodded again, his eyes downcast. "Uncle Jo read my mind after I told him I was hunting, and then Aunt Ro saw my memories of me with Leah."
I shook my head in disbelief. "And you told them to keep it a secret?"
Ethan nodded once more, his expression pained. "You remember my mum telling me about how we shouldn't interact with wolves?"
I did remember.
My body recoiled in discomfort. "Ugh," I groaned, my response dripping with disdain. "Just before Dad lost it and flipped the whole damn table."
"Mmm," Ethan hummed in agreement.
"That's something I would have loved to see," Ingram added.
My gaze shifted to Leah. "So, when did you realize you were imprinted on him?"
"It was instantaneous," Leah confessed. "The moment my eyes met his, while you were busy pummeling Jacob."
A sudden recollection flooded my mind.
I turned to Seth, who gave me a reassuring nod. And then, I looked over at Leah, who was staring intently at my family... I followed her gaze, mainly focusing on Ethan, and saw the disdain etched on her face. She probably hated that more vampires were coming to stay. After all, she had called me a leech at the reception.
"You weren't just looking at my family," I said softly. "You were looking at Ethan. But I don't..." I trailed off, my head shaking and my spine curving. "Y-You hate vampires."
"I did," she confessed, nodding her head. "We were warned about them. How wicked they could be. How they held no regard for human life. And I'll admit, I did wish for Renesmee to be—."
"Don't—!" I interrupted, my voice rising, and I could feel Ingram's grip on my arm.
Destroyed. That was the word she was going to say. Leah chewed on her lip.
"But then everything changed when I laid eyes on Ethan," she continued. "It was as if time stood still. As if it didn't exist at all. And then, he appeared.
Leah gazed at Ethan, her russet complexion glowing. "I never thought it could happen to."
"And then, he appeared," Leah continued, her voice softening as she squeezed Ethan's hand. "It was like everything I'd ever known about hate and love flipped on its head. I fought against it, trust me, but the bond was undeniable."
Ethan nodded, his eyes never leaving Leah's. "I felt it too. An instant connection, something I couldn't ignore. I didn't want to hide it, but... well, you know how complicated things are."
Seth grinned. "Complicated is an understatement. But look at you two now. You've found each other despite everything."
I couldn't help but smile, albeit still processing the shock. "I guess love really does conquer all, huh?"
Ingram, who had been silent, finally spoke up. "It seems that way. And if you two can make it work, then maybe there's hope for all of us to find some common ground."
Leah nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "That's what we want. Peace. Understanding. And maybe, just maybe, a new way forward."
The forest seemed to hold its breath as we stood there, united by an unexpected turn of events. The morning light filtered through the trees, casting a hopeful glow on us all. The dawn of a new day had brought not just light, but a promise of change, of a future where old prejudices could be set aside.
"We have a lot to talk about," I said, looking around at everyone. "But right now, we need to get back and let the others know."
Ethan squeezed Leah's hand, a silent promise passing between them. "Let's get back," he agreed.
As we made our way back through the forest, I couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism. The path ahead might be challenging, but with love and understanding, maybe we could create a world where vampires, shapeshifters, and humans could coexist in harmony.
The dawn had truly brought a new beginning, one that none of us had expected but were all willing to embrace.
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crazyk-imagine · 6 months
Hi, I was thinking Jacob Black x Reader. Where Jacob was waiting for Reader to come out of school till he heard commotion in front of the school and saw Reader fighting a bully who is a guy. She has a bruised lip and bleeding nose. Jacob hurriedly pick up Reader and take her to Emily’s so she can chill out and so Emily can patch her up. The pack saw her and they started asking questions till Emily started lecturing her.
Jealousy and Pack Scolding's
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Uley!reader
Characters: Jacob Black, Uley!reader, Paul Lahote, Jared Cameron, Embry Call, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Quil Ateara V, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Paul being an idiot, Sam not liking the imprinting, this was actually kind of cute, I think I made Jake a likable character (for me), Emily is an angel, Sam and Emily are my fav, reader has avoided making eye contact with Jake bc she has a crush, Sam knows whats up, Embry just wants his imprint, Paul is such a big brother here, love writing for the wolfpack, it's so much fun, reader knows about imprints
Word Count: 2,431
A/N: Ask and you shall receive... this was fun and totally not inspired by Jake fics where he's a little jealous shit
I've aged probably everyone sooo, Sam is 26, Emily is 25. Leah is 23. Jared and Paul are 19 (in a nearby community college) and just one semester from graduating. Jake, Reader and Embry are 18. Quil, Seth, Brody are 17. Cam and Seth are 16
He kicks his bike stand up, so it stays upright while he waits for you to exit the school. He crosses his arms, not wanting anyone to talk to him, hoping he looks “menacing” enough for his classmates to get the hint and steer clear of him.
He knows Quil and Embry made their way back to Emily's since Sam wants them to do their patrol shift as soon as they can once they finished with their last class.
He couldn't complain much considering he was able to go home and change before heading back to pick you up so he could successfully switch shifts with Embry, which annoys him since Sam basically ordered him to pick you up.
He’d be more okay with it if you two were friends- or even talking; he doesn’t know why he was put to the job since you two aren’t close- or at least, compared to Jared and Paul.
Jake did recently find out (after complaining to the guys when their alpha wasn’t around) you’re Sam's niece and Emily has taken a light to you, thinking of you as her own daughter.
And the only reason he thinks that is because of how she treats you; it always reminds him of the way his mom took care of him and his sisters when they were younger.
Don't get him wrong, he has no problem with that or the way she treats you, he's more curious than anything since you haven't been talking to him.
It kind of bugs him that you talk to Paul and Jared more than him and isn't sure why. He gets the two shifted before everyone, but you've started talking to Embry and Quil so why not him too? Hell, you’ve even started making small talk with the newest shifters Brady and Collin.
He thinks this is why Sam sent him here, so he'll stop moping around about you and not just because the pack is tired of hearing how sad he is with you not talking to him.
The chanting, "fight, fight, fight," overtakes his sense in waiting for you and he steps closer.
He stops behind the wall of people, checking on who's fighting, curious as to who's stupid enough to fight on school property.
The fist flies to your face and he starts fighting his way to get past the people blocking him from getting to you.
You spit, not wanting the copper taste to remain in your mouth. You turn your head back to David, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of feeling like he won.
You kick his upper thigh, right above his knee and knock him down before pulling your arm back and drive your fist as hard as you can into his cheek.
He falls and cups his cheek, whining about the pain and the fact that he's bleeding.
"Talk about my family again and you'll be bleeding more."
Jacob finally breaks through the crowd and pushes David's friend away before the guy could grab you. "Back off," he growls.
The friend raises his hands in defense and backs away, noticing how buff he'd gotten and knows better to not fight Jacob.
He turns to you, smelling blood on you and cups your face, searching to find the damage, ignoring your eyes as the blood from your lip drips further down your chin. "Come on."
He puts you on the back of his bike and starts it before kicking the kickstand.
You unwrap your arms and get off the bike, trying to put distance between you, Jacob, and your home.
He grabs your wrist, "where do you think you're going?"
"Just because you want to hide your face from Emily and Sam, doesn't mean you can run away."
"I can still try." You tug on his arm. "Let me go."
"No, you need to go in there and face them."
You stop fighting and he lets go of you, trusting that you won't leave. "I don't want Sam to be disappointed."
"Did you pick a fight with David on purpose?"
You shake your head, "of course not."
"Then he won't be disappointed... as long as you talk to him."
"Says the guy who fights him every chance he gets."
That earns a chuckle from Jake. "Says the mousy niece."
You scoff, shoving his arm. "Hey, I'm not mousy."
"This is the longest conversation we've ever had."
"That's your fault, you're always mopey."
"I am not."
"Are so."
"Am"- You walk through the door.
Emily's voice interrupts yours and everyone else's conversations. "I'm happy to see the two of you are talking." She smiles with a twinkle shining in her eye that quickly dies as soon as she catches sight of your face.
"Oh my- what the hell happened to you?" She grabs your chin, tilting so she can look at your face. "Who did this?"
Paul tenses, Jared tries to see over her shoulder.
Embry and Quil walk through the back door and glance at one another with concern evident on their faces once they realize what’s happened.
"Don't tell, Sam," you reply, staring into her eyes, practically begging her not to tell him.
"Don't tell me what?"
You grimace and then wince because your adrenaline has worn off and the pain has surfaced. "How much I love you?" You say without turning.
"I don't buy it." He wraps an arm around Emily, pecking her cheek. "Did you cut your finger again?" He asks with the scent of blood wafting through the room.
"Uh-" She catches your eye as she glances down at her hands. "Maybe, I don't know."
You attempt to sneak away while he's distracted and fail.
"Turn around."
You pout, keeping your head low as you turn.
"Lift your head."
"I like staring at my shoes while they're clean."
He grumbles your name under his breath.
You lift your head and sigh. "I may have gotten into an altercation at school."
"What the hell happened?"
"That's what I was asking before you got here?" Emily chimes in. "And I was avoiding it then."
"What did you do?"
You scoff, "I didn't do anything, you dick."
"That is no way to talk to your uncle," she tells you.
You stare at her, "I'm going to give him the same respect he gives me," and turn to him. "Which is none."
You exit the room when you realize none of you are going to be able to have a proper conversation and make your way to your room, slamming the door behind you.
"What happened while you were waiting for her?" Sam towers over Jacob, attempting to search through his mind to figure out what could have happened.
"I don't- I don't know. I was waiting and then I heard the other kids chanting, fight and then I saw her get hit and then take down David-"
"Wait- she was fighting David?" Jared chimes in with a smile.
"He deserves it," Paul adds.
"Guys a grade A asshole," Embry says before snacking on a muffin.
"So, this fight was valid?" Sam asks, wanting to understand everything he's learned within the last five minutes.
"No, it wasn't valid because fighting isn't the solution, is it boys?" Emily turns to the boys at the table.
"No," everyone answers.
"Good," she smiles.
"But this hasn't happened before? What's happened? This David- or whoever clearly said something for her to act out."
"He was talking about my family," you tell them, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed.
"That doesn't give you enough reason to fight," she tells you.
"It does when they start making fun of your dead parents and uncle who's running a cult."
They purse their lips.
"How do you feel?"
You shrug, "my fist and face are aching, so I'd say I did something right."
She sighs. "Fighting isn't the answer."
"I know that!"
"Then why did you do it?"
Your emotions cause you to snap. "I was tired of him thinking he could still bully me!"
She takes a few steps closer to you. "This has been going on for a while now. Why didn't you tell us?"
"I didn't want either of you to walk into the principal's office thinking you could stop it when it'd only make things worse," you grumble.
"We could have found another way to stop him from making comments."
"I took care of it the only way I could."
"There's always more than one way-"
"I know," you run your fingers through your hair in a frustrated manner. "I wasn't thinking but he wouldn't shut up. He waited a few months, giving me a grievance period but then he started talking shit again and today he wouldn't leave me alone."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jared asks.
"Yeah," you scoff, "because I wanted you guys to help when the hothead is one fight away from being expelled. Everyone still thinks those two," you point to Embry and Quil. "Are weird because they suddenly got buff and had a haircut. Don't even mention the fact that Jake along with Brody and Cam are the new talk of the pack."
Sam sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "Just, go clean the blood off as best you can, and Emily will wrap your wounds."
"I already did."
"Then go get the first aid kit and bring it in here."
You walk back into the bathroom throwing everything you’d laid out on the counter back into the bag and aim for the kitchen. "Heal me with your magical powers, Em."
She smiles and wraps an arm around your shoulders as she guides you to the island so she can use the natural light to check over you. "Does this hurt?"
"Not yet."
"Okay, let me know when it-"
You suck in a deep breath through your teeth.
"Hurts. You okay?"
"Peachy, Em."
"I know you had to defend yourself today, but fighting isn't always the answer."
"Yeah, I know," you reply with an attitude.
"I'm just reminding you, so you don't continue hurting yourself. You're not like the others, and I don't like seeing you get hurt."
"Thanks, Emily," you wrap your arms around her and pull her in for a long hug.
She smiles, returning the hug. "Don't go getting into fights again or else I'm going to bubble wrap you."
You chuckle. "As long as you save me from a Sam lecture."
"Deal." She slides the plate with muffins, closer to you. "Eat something first."
The guys shake their heads at your behavior.
"Does this mean I can hang out with you guys?"
"You hang out with us already," Jacob points out.
"Cliff diving." You unwrap your muffin.
"Absolutely not," your uncle tells you.
"Come on."
"No,” Sam shakes his head.
"Guys," you beg, turning around to look at the others.
"We're not getting involved in that," Paul raises his hands, heading towards the couch.
- Extra -
"I'm with Paul," Embry tells you, pulling Quil with him as they sit beside Jared.
You turn to face your knight in shining armor. “Jake-”
He turns away from the others and glances back at you, the humor falling from his face.
“Oh, shit,” Jared mutters.
“Are you serious?” Embry whines.
You owlishly blink trying to figure out what’s happened when he falls to his knees. You set your muffin down and push yourself off the stool to stand in front of him. You poke his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“It’s you,” he mutters.
You raise your head and face the others with a scared and confused expression. “Guys, what the hell just happened?”
Paul smirks and looks away.
Jared buries his face with a muffin.
Embry and Quil face the tv, not wanting to see how things plays out.
Brady and Collin walk through the door.
“Holy shit,” the former says.
“Congrats, Jake. You finally got your imprint,” the latter adds.
“What?” You spin around to face Emily. “Imprint? That’s what just happened?”
Sam rubs a hand over his face. This was the last thing they needed.
“Did we- did you not know?” Brady asks you.
“Does this look like the face of someone who’s in the know? Does it. Brady?”
Collin pulls his buddy away before you can rip their heads off.
“I think we need to talk,” Sam says, pulling Jacob off the ground. “Outside.”
You three stand on the porch, trying to wrap your heads around the whole situation.
“I don’t know what this means,” you tell them.
“This means, no being alone in your room. No sneaking out after curfew. No-”
“Sam, we’re not dating. This doesn’t apply to us.”
“It could,” he says, finally snapping out of his mind.
“It- the imprint bond doesn’t happen by accident, it’s the joining of when two soulmates find each other.”
“So, we’re soulmates?”
He nods.
“I thought you were in love with Bella?”
“I was.”
“And now you’re not? You couldn’t have moved on that fast just because of this bond.”
He sighs, “I know this is going to be a lot of work, but I want to get to know you whether we go out or not… even though dating you-”
The clearing of someone’s throat cuts him off.
He sheepishly smiles, rubbing the back of his head. “We’ll talk more later.”
You can’t help but giggle and wince soon after.
He’s kneeling in front of you in seconds, searching for any sign of pain. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. My lip is going to be the kill joy of my existence for a few days but I’m fine.” You place a hand on his shoulder, “thanks for pulling me out of there when you did.”
He shakes his head, “it was nothing.”
“It was more than you know, and I know you were only there because Uncle Sam made you, but I still wanted to thank you.”
He can’t help the wide smile that stretches across his lips. “I’ll always be there for you.”
Sam throws you over his shoulder. “Babe, where’s the extra wood I keep for the winter?”
“Back room, why?” She asks, watching as you beat on his back.
“I’m locking some doors.”
“Sam, no!” You screech. “Boys, help me.”
“He’s the alpha, what he says go,” Paul tells you.
“You suck, Lahote.”
“You’re gonna be swallowing, princess.”
Paul has never shifted and ran out of his alpha’s place as quickly as he did today.
The others lose their minds as he runs all around, nearly bumping into the clearwater siblings as they head towards the place.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
“then shut up and kiss me already.”
- Paul Lahote
“then shut up and kiss me already.” changed this line a bit
pronouns: they/them, gender neutral
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It'd been a devastating and hectic month for the Clearwater household. From the unexpected passing of your father to your siblings suddenly shifting, it seemed as if you couldn't catch a break. You had to pause your life in California to return to Washington out of grief and concern for your family, having to put in a notice at your job and assure friends and colleagues you were alright.
But you most certainly weren't.
Even with Leah being a year older than you, responsibility always seemed to fall on your shoulders and thus you were left to pick up the pieces. From ensuring Sam was willing to keep an eye on your siblings to planning the funeral with your mother, your time back in La Push felt more like work than anything else.
Which was why, you found yourself at the beach, feet covered by cool sand and wind gently caressing your skin. The beach had been the best part of living in La Push. The sound of the waves always helped back in high school, back when life felt equally as chaotic. You'd been there to witness Leah's breakdown when Sam abruptly left her for your cousin and watched Seth's older friends slowly distance themselves to join Sam's pack.
"You doin' okay?" A voice called out and you looked over your shoulder, peering up at Paul Lahote. You'd seen him around once or twice, though only properly met him at Sam's place a week prior. Since then, most of Sam's pack seemed to keep an eye on you. You chalked it up to Sam expressing concern over your tired state.
"As well as can be given everything." You responded and his face dropped, a grim frown appearing on his face. It was surprising to see him so... hurt and concerned. Leah had complained plenty of times about him over the phone, mentioning his overconfident and short-tempered behavior often.
"If you..." He trailed off, voice full of uncertainty. "If you need anything, I'm here. I'll get you whatever you want, whatever you need."
"That's really sweet of you, Paul." His eyes shot up to meet yours, smile tugging at his lips at your words. Your brows furrowed and you reached out to pat the sand beside you. Without a second of hesitation, Paul took the offer and sat down. His keen eyes remained on you and your face, constantly studying and analyzing. You pressed your lips together and his gaze jumped down to them, his expression suddenly becoming shy.
Oh, Christ...
"Did you imprint on me?" You asked softly, watching his features contort into guilt. He dipped his head and sighed heavily, silently nodding and confirming your suspicions. You turned your attention back out to the waves and hummed quietly. The way your skin warmed and your stomach fluttered annoyed you, but you couldn't deny the relief of knowing the universe had given you a soulmate, someone who you'd spend the rest of your life with.
"I know it's not a good time but we can't control it. I was- I wanted to wait until after the funeral 'cause I knew you've been busy these past few weeks but just looking at you makes my chest hurt. I know we just met and you're Emily's cousin but I can't stand seeing you like this. I-I can keep my distance, if you want. I'll wait days, weeks, months until you want to talk-"
“Shut up and kiss me already, Paul."
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fanfictionroxs · 11 months
Leah's periods come back after 3 or 4 years. The cullens have long since left by then and the pack's territory is safe and calm. Jacob has returned as well because he has to look after his father and he fucking misses Leah like air, but will never admit it. Leah is at peace, her and Emily are best friends again, even Rebecca has returned for a while bringing Leah unknown levels of joy. She has happy dreams about her father who sometimes speaks to her and soothes her. Harry's ghost caresses her wolf's fur lovingly and at times Leah is a spectator in those dream, other times she feels her father's comforting pats. And so her body is slowly calming down, her mind is serene, she feels safe. Only then does her wolf allow herself to descend into a truly horrible week of pain and cramps where her body becomes so weak and she sleeps and sleeps and bleeds and bleeds because it's been years since her last period. But she is safe because Jacob and Seth are there constantly, her little brother turning into her protector for the first time perhaps and they take shifts to watch over the sleeping wolf and bring whatever she needs, and Emily is there helping her mom change her and keep her clean and she doesn't leave her sister once during the entire time.. and so the wolf slumbers and heals in contentment.
Ironically, by the time her periods come back, Leah has had just about enough of kids (as have Sam, Jared, Paul, Jacob, Embry, Quil, Emily and Rachel) because in between raising Brady, Colin and the other 6 pups/baby wolves, the pack was fucking exhausted lol
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