#okay peace out ✌🏾 maybe
beartrap11 · 2 months
Kenny x reader
Okay here we go with chapter two
Do I know what I’m gonna do for this chapter absolutely not. But you guys won’t know that because it’ll be done when you see it. 😝
But anyways hope you enjoy this chapter nuggets peace ✌🏾
Warning: probably some violence/ eventual smut/ fluff/ angst/ bad writing lol
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The World Around Us
Strangers to Friends to Lovers to Memories
Chapter 2
We had some good news and bad news, the good news was you had made it to Macon and stopped near a liquor store.
There’s definitely gotta be some food in there.
The bad news was we were out of gas. So it didn’t look like we were going anywhere anytime soon.
Well this is as far as we’re going.
Then it’s far enough.
We all step out the car. I pick up Clem and hold her in my arms. Just to be safe.
We all turn to see what Ducks looking at, it looks like a guy, but something’s seems kinda off.
Hey there! You friendly ? Trucks run out of gas
Uh Kenny?
Before I could say anything else, the guy turns around showing his face.
He was 100 percent dead. And Kenny not only got that guys attention but the whole fucking herd of them we hadn’t seen until now.
We all turn to see who screamed. It was Duck and a walker was right on top of him, trying to bite him.
Before anyone of us could react, someone had shot the walker right through the skull killing it instantly.
Two new people appeared a women and a guy.
They were covering us. Now was our chance to run.
I held onto Clem as tightly as possible, Lee grabbed my hand. Kenny grabs his family and we all book it, heading straight for the liquor store. The new guy locking the store so no one could get in or out.
I sigh, squeezing Clem.
Are you okay sweetie?
I..I think so.
Once I catch my breath I look around. We got into the store safely, but with a whole new group of people as well.
We can’t taking risks like this!
And we can’t keep letting people die either.
When I say that door stays shut no matter what. I fucking mean it ! We don’t know who these people are they could be dangerous!
Worse they could’ve lead them right to us!
Where the hell is your humanity ! They would have died out there!
Then we let um!
We have kids with us.
Lee now speaks up.
I see one little girl.
I hold Clem closer to me. Not liking this guy one little bit. Clem pokes me.
Yes Clem.
I..I have to pee.
I put her down. And scan the room finding a restroom.
There’s a restroom there. Hurry up.
Clem nods and walks over. I turn back to the conversation
They’ve got kids lily.
Those things outside don’t care!
Maybe you should go join um then ! You’ll have something in common!
Kenny starts to get agitated
Goddamit Lily! You have to control these people!
Carly and glen just ran out there!
I don’t give a flying fuck, we’re in a war zone.
She’s not wrong, they took a risk. And we appreciate it. Now let’s settle down.
The big guy turns to Duck
Holy shit ! One of them is bitten!
Deciding I had enough of this guy I speak up
He wasn’t bitten.
Hell he wasn’t, we have to end this now!
Kenny walks up stands in front of Duck blocks the asshole from getting to him.
I’m very my dead body.
Will dig one hole.
No Im cleaning him up, there’s no bite, he’s fine!
Don’t you fucking people get it! We’ve already seen this happen, we let someone with a bite stay and we all end up bitten!
Shut up !
We’ve gotta throw him out, or smash his head in !
Lee, Peaches, what do we do about this guy!
Dad, it’s just a boy, it’s…
Lily I’ll handle this.
But your heart dad you, need to calm down. Well get these kids out of here.
A rush of anger goes hits me.
Kick his fucking ass, if he ever try’s to touch our kids.
That’s what I’m thinking!
Everyone chill the fuck out!!
Nobody is doing anything.
Shut up Lily!
He turns to the other girl.
And you shut the fuck up. They will find us and they will get in here and none of this will fucking matter. But right now where about to be trapped in here with one of those things!
What the hell are you talking about !
He’s bitten! That’s how you turn!
He’s not bitten. Lee stop this. It’s upsetting him.
Oh I’m upsetting him, what’s upsetting is getting eaten alive!
Dad we get it, it’s a big deal.
Do you? You’re not fucking acting like it!
Lee starts to get aggressive as well
Sit down! Or that’s it.
Ha, your gonna whoop me? You and what homo parade.
I step in again, also more aggressive.
This one !
HA that’s good.
Kenny glances at you, showing a hint of a smile.
The dude turns back to Kenny talking to Duck.
Little boy! Before you eat your mommy, you can watch your daddy, and his little friend get their noses broken.
This little shit
I’m gonna kill him Kat! Just worry about Duck.
Me and Kenny keep digging into this guy. I didn’t notice that Clem and Lee were talking across the store.
There’s someone in there.
It’s just locked, keys behind the counter.
I caught that tho. I don’t have time to think too much on it because the guy with the peanut brain is still yapping.
Hey! I’m not the bad guy here, I’m just looking out for my daughter!
No you’re just the guy arguing for killing a kid!
He’s covered in muck! She’ll find the bite. WATCH!
She won’t.
And if she does? The first thing he’ll do is sink his teeth into his mom’s face. Then he’ll probably pounce on your little girl. She’ll turn fast, and then?
Please, let me punch this guy please, I’m so ready.
You motherfucker!
I go to punch him but Lee stands in front of me. (Damn)
Then we’ll deal with it then! But right now you’re just feeling everyone out!
Then get ready to deal with it, because that boy is bitten.
Kenny still standing beside me speaks up again
It’s not gonna happen!
Something in Lee snaps
STOP, you don’t touch that boy, you don’t touch anybody!
I step in, like we were tag teaming
We’ve got my little sister, we’re trying to protect in here too! You want to get violent you old fuck, well come on!
Lee steps back in
You better have a plan to kill us tho. BECAUSE ITS US BEFORE ANYONE ELSE IN HERE!
(Yay girl power.)
Before the old man could say anything else we hear Clem scream. I drop everything I turn to see what happened to my sister.
We turn to see a walker was in the restroom and trying to grab her. He and Lee react fast trying to get to her.
Lee was a bit faster then me tho, he grabs the walker and start wrestling with it. While I grab Clem and set her down next to Kenny.
I turn and see Lee needs help. Frantically I look around and see a bat on the floor, so quickly I grab it and run towards Lee and the walker.
Luckily he pushed the walker far enough away from him that I could swing the bat at the walker and not both of them.
I swing and hit the walker as hard as I can on the head. Probably a bit too hard. Its brains went all over that side of the store.
The woman looks at us
You okay?
Just great thanks.
Uh… guys?
We all freeze, us shouting from earlier was so loud it alerted the walkers outside, now they are trying to get in.
We all began to whisper
Everybody down. Stay quiet.
Clem scared clings to my back while I cling to Lee. He puts his arms around both of us.
There gonna get in.
Shut up.
All of a sudden we hear him shots outside.
Is that the military?
I don’t know?
Thank god for whatever it is.
The asshole speaks up
We almost died because of this bitch and her yelling! That’s was stupid! That’s was.. ahh ah.
He doubles over in pain
He falls to the floor ( hehe karmas a bitch huh)
Was he the one bitten
I say with a hint of sass
No don’t be crazy! It’s his heart.
My pills.
He says very weakly, clutching his fucking pearls.
Uh-um Nitroglycerin pills?
Yes. We’re out. We’ve been trying to get into the pharmacy since we got here. Please try to get in there, behind the counter where the pills are.
She’s practically begging.
I sigh, I don’t like her father. But I’m not heartless. Me and Lee share a look making a silent agreement.
There’s probably another entrance. Maybe through the office?
How do you know that’s an office?
(Good question)
Uh educated guess.
It doesn’t matter, we need nitroglycerin pills. Please get in there. I’ll keep an eye on my dad.
Kenny finally speaks up again
Everyone else should get comfy and look for anything useful. We could be in here for a while.
I’m starting to think this drug store isn’t a permanent solution.
You’re right, this ain’t exactly Ft. Knox.
What do you suggest?
We need as much gas as possible so we can all get of downtown Macon. Fast.
Then I’ll head out and get gas. There’s a motel not too far from here, out towards the end of (Peachtree). I’ll work my way towards it and then loop, back siphoning what I can.
I hear Kenny chuckle softly, then look at me.
He thinks he’s so funny
This motherfucker, I cover Clems eyes real fast, just so I can flip him the bird.
He puts his arms up slightly as a surrender.
I shake my head smiling going back to the original conversation.
Alright well silence is consent. That’s the plan.
Damn Kenny distracted me, I didn’t even notice they were talking to me.
Well if you’re gonna go out there, here’s a walkie talkie if you get into a tight spot. Hopefully you won’t need it.
Hey that one was mine 🥲
My sister has the other one. Check in with me and her and get back as soon as you can.
Kenny turns to wingus and dingus
And you. What’s your name.
It’s Lily, my dad’s Larry.
Keep a good eye on him. These guys will work on getting you your medicine.
Better than me Kenny. He turns to the other guy in the room.
And you, you keep an eye on that front door. You’re our look-out.
It’s Doug, you got it.
And I’m Carley.
Okay Carley, you’ll shift in with Doug or peachy when he needs it. For now, get some rest- peach you got a mean swing that could come in handy and Carley you’ve got a good shot and I’d like to keep it that way.
You got it boss.
I mutter under my breath.
Now get him those pills.
Well I’m glad that’s all over, I look down at Clem, I walk her over to a chair next to Carley. And sit her down. Popping a squat to her eye level so we could talk.
Do you need anything?
I’m okay, maybe I’m a little hungry?
I know Clem, I’ll see if I can find something for you.
I get up and start to look around the store anything to eat.
Near the counter I see Lee and Kenny talking, Kenny taking a quick glance at me then going back to Lee.
Huh what are those too idiots talking about. I wonder but I let it go once I found a energy bar on the floor
Well better then nothing I suppose.
I go back to clementine and give her the energy bar.
I nod and just decide to sit there next to her in the floor.
I don’t stay there very long tho, because Kenny comes up to me.
Hey, can I talk to you.
Sure, stay here Clem I’ll be right back
I get up and walk with Kenny to a corner so no one could hear us.
So what’s up.
I wanted to thank you for standing up for my son. You and Lee really gave that old man hell.
No problem, plus ain’t no one hurting my little sister or duck, they’re just kids.
You don’t have to tell me, I was ready to tear the man’s head off myself. Anyways me and Kat appreciate y’all’s support. So thank you.
Don’t mention it.
But um, How’s duck doing?
He’s okay I think. We’re lucky as hell nobody got nabbed on the way in here.
Yeah, no kidding.
How is Clem doing?
Okay I hope.
Right, and how are you doing, you okay?
Well before we met Lee our parents left us messages that we missed so I listened to them. And um…
I try to hold myself together.
It’s okay you don’t have to say anything I get it. I’m sorry darlin.
I’m just not sure how to tell her.
You’ll figure it out, I’m sure you will. Plus she’s a tough girl.
Yeah she is.
But, that’s not really what I came over here to talk about. I wanted to talk about Hershel.
We didn’t even try to save him that blood is on our hands. You know?
It all happened so fast.
I guess, but I can’t stop seeing him in my head.
Me too , but we can’t kill ourselves over it .
We killed that boy. We could’ve saved him together.
We did what we could and bad things happened. We didn’t kill Shawn. You think you did, when you think back on it. But in a moment? When things are really out of control. You don’t have a choice.
I guess.
I put my hand on his shoulder.
Just… try to let it go. And focus on the now.
I let go of his arm and go back to clementine to let him soak in what I said.
Kenny goes back to his wife and son.
(Kenny will remember what you said)
Authors note: and that’s the end of the second chapter yay, and so much more to go. I was gonna write a lot more in this chapter buuutt I’ll leave the intense stuff for the next chapter. Hope you guess liked this one. Next chapter will come out soon later taters. 😝✌🏾
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Also remember that guy that was asking for legal advice on Reddit and he was like his girlfriend got pregnant but she didn’t wanna keep it but he begged her to keep it and she was like OK but I don’t want anything to do with it and he agreed to it but he thought okay well if I can keep doing this maybe she’ll want it but then she was like no fuck it and she peaced the fuck out of there and she signed over all the rights to him so there’s like nothing he can do to make her stay but she pays a shit ton more in child-support then she even has to and she got a tummy tuck and started working at a gym and living her best life and he’s all like oh my God I can’t believe you wouldn’t let me trap you with a baby I didn’t realize parenting was going to be that hard and everyone was like well you should have let her get an abortion she told you she didn’t wanna be a parent and in this essay I wanna laugh
1,189 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Bedroom Eyes
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Summary: maybe working on New Year’s Eve wasn’t always a bad thing
Pairings: Chris Evans x interviewer!Black!Reader
Warnings: minors dni, fake dating, smut, daddy kink, rough sex, over stimulation, orgasm denial, unprotected sex
(A/N: this is for my chick flick challenge!!! Yay finally putting something out ☺️☺️ not edited 👍🏾 like, follow, reblog with a comment and thanks for reading 💜 ✌🏾)
Six months ago you and your boyfriend decided to ‘go on a break.’ Whatever that was supposed to mean. It’s just things hadn’t been clicking and you thought maybe some time apart would bring you back together.
So you moved out of your shared apartment and in with your best friend who promised to make you get butt naked ass wild. Whatever that meant. It all sounded like fun and games and it technically was but you’d kissed one fucking guy and David lost is goddamn mind.
And then the truth came out.
For all the yelling and the bitching about you, it wasn’t you. David had made the decisions for you without you even knowing. It was over. That was that. His new girl was moving in. Taking up your spot in the bed. She got to be the one to steal from his plate. It was her hand he was holding.
And you’d just gotten the honors of seeing it up close and personal for the very first time.
By now you’d kind of adapted to being single. Started getting used to waking up alone. It was kind of nice because you got to spread out. There were definitely pros and cons to the whole situation.
Didn’t have to worry about feeding him anymore. That was nice. Only had to worry about you. Even if you kind of liked cooking for him. But he was so picky it got so annoying.
God you missed the consistent sex. Probably most of all. That rose clit stimulator was fun but you were dying for even a little bit of penetration.
You’d been together for so long you’d forgotten what it was like to just be. Alone. Just you. Like what did you really like. Did you even like The Walking Dead or was it just because he liked The Walking Dead. What kind of food did you even like. Music? Did you even like music. Or art. There was just so much to rediscover.
And you’d been on your way. Even got a sweet new gig . Hell you were doing great. So why the hell did it still feel like you’d gotten punched in the stomach when you saw them together.
“H-hey,” you stuttered out. You couldn’t help it as you picked her apart. From her hair to her clothes. At some point you just got petty in your head and god you didn’t want to be one of those girls.
“Hey, Y/N,” he greeted you all smiley and shit. Like we get it. God you sounded like such a hater. But who could blame you. You were pretty fucking salty. “Wha- what’re you doing here?” He asked all enthusiastic this smile spreading across his face.
She put her hand on his bicep and all you could think was, ‘girl, calm down. Nobody want him.’ Like a liar.
“Just hanging out,” you replied. “You must be Melissa.”
She nodded. “Uh huh. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Oh wow wish I could say the same for you,” you said through your forced smile. You didn’t mean to sound so bitchy it was just you were fucking hurt. He’d moved on so quickly. Like had dropped an entire bomb on you that he’d met someone.
Honestly you’d only been here because you’d gotten invited last minute which made it even more fun that you’d run into them. And by fun you mean you wanted to pull out your eyelashes.
At least, Your sweet new gig came with some perks you admit. Had gotten to take home some pretty cool freebies. Like the new iPhone you’d gotten in a gift basket. Or all the meals on company dime. Yeah interviewing celebrities definitely came with it’s perks. Even when it meant working on New Year’s Eve, which ended up being worth it.
Well okay it would come with more perks but this had been your first big story. The actor you were interviewing was only free today since he was flying out soon and no one else had wanted to work on the holiday but it was kind of paying off for you.
You met up at this cafe which you were supposed to use to pay with the card your manager had given you except that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He’d been way sweeter than you’d expected and you don’t know how the two of you ended up sharing your life stories but you had.
Questions had been abandoned for conversation instead. Didn’t even look at your notepad at some point. Besides you were pretty sure all of this would stick in your mind. And that’s why he invited you to come out tonight. Neither of you wanted to stop talking.
It wasn’t like a date or anything. Just the two of you had been having fun. He was easy to talk to. First covering your childhoods because for some reason while you were supposed to be asking questions he kept going ‘hmmm what about you?’ like he wanted to hear all about it.
And he was really, really hot so it made you wanna talk longer.
Since the break had officially turned into a breakup your best friend had been trying to press you about getting yourself out there. Had tried tinder which was like a wasteland if you were being honest. And you ended up being uninterested in all the guys your friends tried to play matchmaker with.
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2,125 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
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2,469 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Dangerous Woman
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Summary: you’ve been a thorn in Lloyd’s side for too long. Turned out you were wearing him down.
Warnings: smut, minors dni, daddy kink, dub/non con towards the end, creampie, rough sex, name calling, if there’s any tags I missed please tell me lol
(A/N: there’s no way I’m alone in my new obsession with Lloyd Hensen so I wrote this fic hoping others would see my vision. Unedited. Like, follow, and reblog with a comment 💜 ✌🏾)
It was an understatement to say that Lloyd saw you as a thorn in his side.
The way you seemed to pop up wherever he may be. Trying to get your hands on the same shit as him. Who the hell did you even think you were, trying to step to him. Must have been out of your goddamn mind.
You’d fancied yourself as a “good guy.” He took it more so to mean you were just boring. Couldn’t keep up in a world like his so you had to become a whatever the fuck you were trying to do to feel like you were doing something special.
But what were you really doing aside from annoying the fuck out of him? Not much. Well except…
It wasn’t often that a man like Lloyd found someone that could keep up with him in the slightest. He liked being one step ahead in any given situation. Was a man with a plan even if those plans didn’t account for any casualties. He didn’t give a shit if people died as long as he was still living the world was blessed with his presence and that was all anyone needed.
So when you started popping up like a gnat to the finest fruit, he knew he had to squash you somehow. Not like he was against playing dirty to get to where he needed to be. Just because you wanted to be a goody two shoes doesn’t mean he cared. If anything it only made him want to get you to cut this shit out sooner.
Such a shame though. In another life he could have marveled at your beauty. Found you cute enough that he’d even be willing to make an honest woman out of you if you didn’t annoy him so fucking much. Maybe that’s what made it worse. Crushing on the enemy? What the fuck was this? Middle school?
But first he needed to find out who the hell you were working for. So far the CIA had been ruled out. You didn’t appear to be a cop. Unaffiliated with that other shmuck and his team. That was the strange part.
Yet you managed to keep up somehow. Funny how that worked.
First it started out with you intercepting a “package” he was supposed to pick up. Then you somehow ended up getting your hands on a very expensive painting that he was pretty sure was meant to be hung up in his humble abode of a mansion in Croatia. And he was pretty sure you were responsible for that building blowing up when he had his eyes on a target.
The paranoia had started eating at him. Making him feel like he always had to watch over his back. Grown men hadn’t bothered him as much as you had. Each encounter seeming to be a bigger version of the one before and that’s why he was making it his mission to destroy you.
“I would have had her if you stupid fucks would stay the fuck out of my way!” He yelled as he stomped up their stairs. Not wanting everyone to know how things had really went down.
This was supposed to be easy as hell. Should have been an in and out if anything. Just take you out and boom he could finally move on from this game of cat and mouse.
He had you! The two of you finally getting into it one on one when he found you alone on top of the building. Was just about to pin you down when the team came up. Making you do a quick disappearing act.
Before anyone could respond because it’s not like he gave any fucks about what excuses they came up with, he stomped up the stairs. One more move away from throwing a full blown tantrum. This shit should not be this fucking hard.
Lloyd huffed as he retreated to his bedroom. For once didn’t even want to say anything anymore. Probably because this was total and complete bullshit.
For once he wasn’t getting his way and he really didn’t fucking like it. It wasn’t like they didn’t know who the fuck you were. It was like you weren’t even trying to hide it. Of course he had the technology to crack your nothing ass passwords. It was the same for everything.
Sure there were things they had nothing on like your family and where you came from, but they knew your name. Your fucking phone number. What you looked like.
Almost like you wanted him to find all that shit. God it- it pissed him the fuck off. How he couldn’t stop staring at those photos of you. Like he was waiting for you to pop out from the shadows. Then he could finally show you just how fucking much you annoyed him.
His chest tightened as he inhaled deeply. Feeling a fire in the pit of his stomach. He can’t remember the last time something had gotten him this worked up.
How he found even more ready to finally get rid of you was that each time he looked, he found himself going over every feature. From those eyes to that curl in your lips to the cleavage you were definitely not trying to hide.
It wasn’t like Lloyd couldn’t get any woman he wanted. Of course he could. For all the things they say about him all of them wanted to know what it was like to get a piece of him. They’d be willing to put up with it for a millisecond.
Hell he hadn’t even been able to hit up his usual roaster of broads as he’d been too pre-occupied by you. Fucking, ugh!
He doesn’t know what it was. Call it a crush as disgusting as that sounds, but he found himself fucking obsessed with the idea of getting his hands on you and at this point you’d toyed with him so much he wasn’t even sure how he meant it anymore.
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2,614 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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12,801 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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myinkpenhasnoicloud · 10 months
Deal With It And Move On
I have noticed I'm getting random follows from bots. I've learned from a web developer friend it's some people's way out there in the Internet/social media world to keep tabs of people's pages so they can post your content on their page for whatever reason. Maybe, It seems plausible. I'm not this young Generation that is aching for views, likes, followers, or the like. And I'm not saying that I'm going to block everyone either. Given that said...
I/we have the power to sift through those who choose to follow and remove them as I see fit if the energy's don't match. I don't need aimless souls dwelling in my follow list. If you disagree with my point of view cool, you're entitled to that. But I encourage you to ask questions to gain understanding because I will of you. Not just with me but anyone you encounter and converse with. I'm not going to please everyone. As a writer I understand I'm going to ruffle some feathers and that's okay. If you're disrespectful, ignorant, choose to stay in a box yet impose your ideology on others, etc, etc - you're getting blizzocked asap. Other than that, rock out. I'll delve deeper into why I've mentioned this and why it's important to protect who you let into your cypher, be it on or off social media on a later date. Removing someone immediately does NOT indicate you have soft skin. It means you're wise at this point in life that you will not tolerate anything or anyone who doesn't mesh with your spirit. It's okay to say "no", it's okay to hit block, delete that number, ignore phone calls, call off and take mental days off....okay I'm rambling, you get my drift. If not - drift your ass on to those pages over there. Peace ✌🏾
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belovedcherie · 2 years
OKAY AND THATS THE END WHOOO final thoughts um
i think the ep was more hyped up in my mind but i dont blame past me bc..... BLUSHING LI IN LOVE (in like?) EHEHEHEHE
this is the beginning of the greatest fictional crush EVER (for li i mean)
also that card was probably one of the most dangerous ones so far idk what clow was thinking yo
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Okay, gotta get back to school and work.... Peace out y'all ✌🏾😃
Maybe I'll be back later on to answer some more asks... Just depends on how much I can get done today, coz I'm SWAMPED 😭
We'll see
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