#ola nyman x reader
ficnation · 4 years
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♡ - fluff
● - angst
❧ - platonic
✿ - female reader
➼ - male reader
🍓 Imagines 🍓
600 WORDS>
coming soon!
🍓 Headcanons 🍓
coming soon!
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writing-imagines · 2 years
Hii can i have a sex ed ship?
I’m 5’2”, female she/her, and a lesbian. I’m not out to anyone other than my friends(only 2 people lol), I like editing and I like to just stay inside and keep to myself. I’m terrible at opening up to people due to my family history, kinda have a lot of trauma and I also suffer from autism, derealisation, bipolar and bpd. I struggle to understand peoples emotions and I make jokes at bad times. If you don’t want to or you can’t respond to this then I understand :)
Thanks for requesting! I hope you like it!
I ship you with: Ola Nyman
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•Ola is the quiet artsy type so you are perfect for each other!
•Ola would much rather spend a night at home painting or watching a movie with you than go to any party
•That being said, Ola’s top love language is spending quality time with you
•She’ll always go out of her way to spend time with you
•Even though Ola is into painting, she’s interested in your editing projects
•While you’re working on editing she’ll poke her head over your shoulder and watch you work
•Ola is just a very supportive girlfriend
•We love a supportive girlfriend
•But when you need time by yourself, Ola is happy to give you space
•Ola has been through a lot and she understand the need for space
•But she’ll always be there to offer a shoulder to cry on
•Overall, Ola is a really loving girlfriend and deserves the world!!
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Hi, hi! I hope that you're still taking requests for movie prompt and i'm not late 😂 I would like to request Mamma Mia 1 or 2 for Ola from SE? She is one of my favourite characters and I can't find any blog that is writing about her :c Love your imagines though! ❤️❤️
Hi!!! You’re not too late, don’t worry!! They’re open until the end of the month!! Thank you for requesting!! I hope you like it!!! I love her so much, she’s the cutest! Thank you!  ❤️❤️❤️
Quote: ‘It’s called karma. And it’s pronounced ha!’
“Ola?” Your voice is timid as you approach your friend. She’s facing away from you, her shoulders slumped and head down as her legs kick against the wall she’s sat on.
“Yeah?” She replies not bothering to turn around and you sigh before sitting beside her. When you look at her, you can tell she’s been crying and to be honest, you don’t blame her. You didn’t go to Otis’ party but you definitely heard what happened, plus someone posted a video of it and to say Otis was in your bad-books, was an understatement.
You decide not to say anything about the previous night, you’ve known Ola long enough to know when she doesn’t want to talk about something, plus you can’t imagine anybody would want to talk being publicly humiliated by their ex-boyfriend in front of a bunch of drunk teenagers, all of which they go to school with.
“Did you remember your gym kit? You know what Mis-”
“Yeah…I got it.” She says nonchalantly, still staring at the patch of grass a few students are sat on.
“Well, thats good…” You trail off and look around you, hoping that a topic of conversation will spring from somewhere. “Oh! Did you do your English homework?”
“Good. Good.”
“Y/n?” This is the first time she’s looked at you properly and when you look in her eyes there’s a whole load of emotions swirling around, the main one being sadness and you can’t help your heart from sinking just at the thought of her being even a little sad. “Am I hard to love?”
“What?” Your eyes widen. “No, not at all. You’re the easiest person to love. You’re little and cute, kind of like a puppy. You’re the most lovable person in the world and Otis is an idiot.”
“Little and cute like a puppy?” She raises an eyebrow and you feel a blush spreading over your cheeks.
“…yeah. But thats not my main point. My main point is that Otis is an idiot for not loving you.”
“What are friends for?” You nudge her lightly and she forces a smile to her face. “Now come on.” You stand up and dust your jeans off before stretching a hand out to her. “We better get to class.” He gaze flickers between your outstretched hand and warm smile before she also stands, intertwining your fingers together.
The two of you walk through the halls hand in hand and it feels like everyone’s eyes are on Ola, watching to see if she’ll break and if she does will she cry or shout or both.
You pass Otis on your way to class and Ola’s grip tightens around your hand. He looks…dead. There’s sunglasses hiding his eyes, his hair is in every direction and his raggy clothes hang off his frame. Yep, he’s definitely hungover and the way he groans at every small noise in the hallway confirms it.
“Otis?” You tap his shoulder and he turns to face you slowly.
“Y/n? What are you doing?” Ola whispers frantically and it feels like the entire corridor has gone quiet, everyone waiting with baited breath to see whats going to happen.
“Its fine.” You reassure her.
“Yeah?” He asks and leans his head against his locker. You’re pretty sure his eyes are closed so you take the opportunity to move a little closer to him.
“You hungover?” You ask sweetly and he nods a little. “Its called karma. And its pronounced…Ha!” You shout the last part and he practically screams in pain. Ola laughs behind you and you feel your heart skip a beat.
“Come on!” She laughs before taking off down the corridor and of course you follow her…you always will.
movie quote prompts
youtubers (+others) masterlist (scroll down, sex education is at the bottom!)
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starrywatermelon · 4 years
Fandoms I write about/People I write about II
This is a second part because I have more fandoms I wanna write about 🥺
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Anne with an E
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Anne Shirley Cuthbert
Gilbert Blythe
Diana Barry
Jerry Baynard
Sky High
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Warren Peace
Layla Williams
The Office
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Jim Halpert
Pam Beesly
Dwight Schrute
Sex Education
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Maeve Wiley
Aimee Gibbs
Jackson Marchetti
Adam Groff
Ola Nyman
Lily Iglehart
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Jade West
Beck Oliver
Andre Harris
Tori Vega
Cat Valentine
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Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
I will NOT write
* Yandere
* Any type of non-con
* Smut
* Character x Character
I will write
* Headcanons
* Prompts if you send them
* Small imagines based on songs
* Au (ex. Old Timey au)
My work will usually be gender neutral unless I specify (ex. ____ x Fem! Reader). Feel free to send in requests when they’re opened!
I might keep updating this list (since I’m jumping into so many fandoms)
You can find the first list here <3
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writing-imagines · 4 years
hey! can i have an st, sexed and euphoria ship pls? i’m a snarky lesbian. i’m usually really sarcastic and can come off as mean but it’s only a mask to hide my soft side. i don’t easily trust people but once we become friends, im an open book. i’m understanding and loyal, but cruelly honest. ive been told i give great advice and i would do anything for my loved ones. however, i can be a pain in the ass because of my mental illnesses. i love reading and i’m a lit girl. thank you xx
Here you go! Sorry for the wait!
From Stranger Things I ship you with: Robin Buckley
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•Robin is the queen of snarky sarcasm so you two are a perfect match
•You two could go back and forth with sarcastic comments for hours
•On top of being the sass queen, Robin is also the queen of teasing you
•If you’re reading a book, Robin will throw little pieces of paper at you to throw off your concentration
•Or start kissing you all over your face
•Or if you’re a little mad at her for something stupid, Robin will do absolutely anything to make you laugh
•Sometimes if Robin can’t get you to laugh, she’ll invite Steve over to do the job
•Robin appreciates how honest you are
•Most girls she dated in the past lied to her constantly, so it’s a relief to be with someone who is always honest with her
•Robin wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but you’re the only girl who has ever made her feel special and loved
From Sex Education I ship you with: Ola Nyman
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•Ola loves your honesty and loyalty
•After everything that happened with Otis, Ola was afraid to date anyone again
•But she’s glad she gave you a chance
•Ola is pretty affectionate so any chance she gets to hold your hand or hug you or kiss you, she’ll take it
•You two also have lots of long conversations since you’re an open book and Ola is a great listener
•When things get hard for you because of your mental illness, Ola will do anything she can to help you
•It doesn’t matter if you want her to come over and spend all day together or stay away and not talk for a while, Ola will do whatever you ask
•Of course, you would do anything to help Ola too
•That includes being her date to the boring parties people throw
•You two are a great couple even through the ups and downs
From Euphoria I ship you with: Maddy Perez
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•You and Maddy are similar in the sense that you both seem mean, but are actual sweet hearts
•Maddy will strut down the hallway like she’s the HBIC
•But the second she gets to your locker, Maddy gives you a bear hug even though she’s really short so it’s more like a baby bear hug
•You’re one of the few people Maddy feels like she can be honest with
•She can sit down for hours and tell you everything that’s on her mind
•As much as Maddy loves pouring her heart out to you, she loves partying with you just as much
•When she was with Nate, Maddy didn’t really have fun at parties
•She would have to drink to have fun with him
•But with you, Maddy is able to dance and just have fun without getting completely wasted
•Everyone ships you two
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Can I request Pitch perfect with Ola from Sex Education? I'm obsessed with that show and your blog at the moment 😂💕
Hi!! Yeah of course!!! Thank you for requesting! I hope you like it! Me too!!! Thank you!!! 
Quote: ‘I set fires to feel joy.//That's adorable.’
“Come on. There’s got to be something that connects us all.” Maeve huffs as she paces back and forth. “If we don’t think of something soon we’re going to be stuck in this bloody school forever.” 
“I set fires to feel joy.” You admit quietly and everyone stares at you. 
“Thats...psychotic.” Viv says and you shrug in response.
“Thats adorable.” Ola smiles making you blush and look at the floor. 
“I know something that we all have in common. We’re all sick of Ola being in love with Y/n.” Maeve complains and your eyes go wide. 
“I don’t love Y/n.” Ola interrupts you and Maeve raises an eyebrow as she looks between the two of you.
“We haven’t noticed anything.” Olivia says, looking around the room. The rest of the girls shake their heads while you sink further down in your seat, you want to be literally anywhere but here. 
“Oh come on. Its obvious! She’s clearly the main reason you broke up with Otis.” 
“And there it is.” Ola stands and angrily stomps over to Maeve. “The real reason you’re pissed. It’s because of Otis. Isn’t it always Otis?! You’re a snake Maeve. You try to steal people’s boyfriends just to win.” 
“Yeah? Well at least I don’t pretend to be sweet and nice all the time!” Maeve shouts back but you tune out, instead focusing on Aimee crying quietly in the corner. 
“Stop fighting over a stupid boy!” She shouts making everyone shut up and move to sit around her. 
“Bye!” You shout at the group of girls stood in the junkyard and they wave you off. 
“Y/n! Wait up. I’ll walk with you!” Ola shouts. 
“Okay.” You nod shyly and wait for her to catch up with you. “Hey, I’m sorry about what happened to you with that man.” 
“Its whatever.” She shrugs. “I’m sorry about what happened to you.” 
“Its whatever.” You repeat making her giggle. “Do you think you and Maeve are friends now?” 
“Now that we smashed the shit out of a car together?” 
“Yeah.” You nod. 
“Maybe.” She shrugs. “Probably not friends, but I think we’re closer.” 
“Well, at least thats something.” 
“Yeah.” She agrees. “Y/n?” 
“I lied earlier.” 
“What about?” You ask confused. 
“About you. You are the reason I broke up with Otis...I love you.” She whispers the last part making your breath hitch. 
“Thats adorable.” 
movie quote prompts 
youtubers (+others) masterlist (scroll down, sex education is at the bottom!) 
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