#sex edu season 1
lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Bye-bye one of our fav series!
(Netflix's Sex Education)
Ini gif nya diambil dari ending season 3 soalnya relate ini ttg perpisahan hiks
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Berhasil menamatkan 8 eps sex edu s4 dalam 4 hari wkwk lama ya? Uyuhan atuh nonton diatas jam 10 malem kdg dalam keadaan ngantuk bgt kami tuh saking pgn nobarnya berdua. Padahal bodor bgt ttp weh ai udah cape mah ketiduran juga haha.
Jadi gmn last seasonnya satisfying? Imho sih engga yah, walapun aku tetep amaze sama karakter2 development nya, juara sih beberapa org better bgt. Ya emang kan dari season awal jg sex edu mah selalu nyeritain banyak cerita, karakternya banyaaaak kek Game of Thrones. Belom lg tiap season ada karakter tambahan, sampe s4 pun begitu. Nah yg sangat disayangkan emg kalo di akhir tuh kaya pgn lebih deep ngga sih sama karakter2 lama, tp habis wkt kudu nyeritain karakter2 baru beserta problemnya. Ngga fokus di tokoh utama yg harusnya bisa lebih di gali. Scene2 yg selalu aku tunggu2 otis x eric aja jadinya sedikit bgt hiks. Mereka malah asik sama problemnya masing2 dan "dunia" nya masing2. Kenapa diantara keduanya itu dalam problem masing2 ngga saling terlibat sih?
Kalo percintaan otis x maeve mah udah pesimis dari awal dan udah ketebak dari awal sih. Otis si ngeselin nan problematik ternyata msh bergelut dgn traumanya, sex disorder sama trauma liat mamanya depresi wkt ayahnya ningalin. Jadi bisa ketebak hubungan percintaannya ngga lancar. Hiks!
Yang paling menghangatkan keluarga Adam, haaaa terharu inimah! Bapaknya yg kaku dan otoriter terlalu dingin sama istri dan anak, malah adam ngerasa dirinya gapernah "cukup" di mata bapaknya, sampe trauma jg. Akhirnya berpisah, tp dgn berpisah bapaknya jadi merasa tertampar, ternyata perilaku dia selama ini malah kehilangan anak dan istri. Selama hidup sendiri bapaknya merubah dirinya, belajar menjadi lebih baik sampe ikut kelas daring. Luar biasa bapaknya adam! Salute! Endingnya mereka bersatu. Seneng bgt liatnyaaaaa :')
Scene ibunya maeve meninggal jg bikin aku menitikkan air mata sih (pastinya inimah). Walaupun ibunya sering merugikan hidup maeve tp dia sangat sayang ibunya. Edan ngga sih, speech maeve wkt prosesi pemakaman ibunya sedih bgt!
Cerita viv x jackson bagus jg, hubungan platonik yg gausah sampe jadi romance deh, udah gitu aja ya gais. Viv nya jg pny pacar wlpn si gapenting pacarnya posesif, jd kaya hemm mending gosah diceritain lah.
OMG, Aimee! Akhirnya sembuh dari trauma pelecehan seksualnya, dia ini nih salah 1 karakter yg makin kesini makin lovely. Dia mengatasinya dgn journaling. Sungguh struggle dia melewatinya huhu. Tp yg ngga nyangka knp jadi saling suka sama Issac hahaha.
Jean, mamanya otis ngalamin postpartum depression. Ini kerasa bgt sih kacaunya dan ngerasain apalagi tanpa suami! Dan akupun ngerasain bgt yg dialami Jean, rumah berantakan, otak ngga sinkron, banyak lupa, mikirin A-Z. Jean butuh bantuan tp dia denial.. Belom diapun kudu kerja, gakebayang sih jadi single mom di umur yg udah mateng bgt. Nah karakter baru yaitu Jo adiknya Jean dateng deh.. Penolong diatuh tp ttp ada aja problematika sibling nya.
ERIC MY MAN! yaampun sampe kutambahin ini di edit lg wkwk. Tetep karakternya ekspresif bgt yg bikin kita berdua ngakak. Dia nemuin geng baru yg sefrekuensi sama dia sesama "pelangi" gitulah yaa dan geng itu berpengaruh di kampus. Inipun yg bikin hubungan eric x otis agak renggang, eric ngerasa otis ngga paham ttg dirinya yg lain. Yg mengharukan sih, eric tumbuh di kelg kristen tulen, dia mau di baptis tp saat pembaptisan dia speak up ttg dirinya yg pendosa dan jadi kaum pelangi. Didepan jemaat, ya kaget dong yaa.. Tp disitu eric lega bgt skaligus sedih. Singkat cerita di ending, eric memutuskan untuk jadi pendeta.. Pasti ini udah melalui pemikiran yg panjang bgt ya huhu.
Banyak bgt belajar pendalaman karakter yg aku pribadi pelajari di series itu, lebih berempati sama semua problem masing2 karakter, mencoba diliat dr berbagai sisi. Memandang secara objektif. Suka aja gitu~ makanya judul boleh agak keliatan mesum yah tp series ini lebih dari sekedar itu! Malah kayanya sex scenenya bisa di singkirin sih. Terlalu luvvv sama karakter2nya haaaa. Sampe tiap problem dan karakter developmentnya kita berdua suka bahas, terutama akusih yg selalu tertarik atau ya aku si chatter, tukang komen dan wewet tiap liat ke amazing-an karakter2nya yg memang ada aja di kehidupan sehari2.. Kecuali masalah perperlangian yaa itu msh tabu bagiku, ngerasain kebingungannya sama gendernya tapi liatnya malah makin bingung. Spesifikasinya terlalu banyaaak..
Suamiku @sagarmatha13 ngga terima udah tamat, dia mastiin lg ada tulisan "final season sex education" di netflixnya wkwk. Blio blg harusnya ada 1 season lg buat nyeritain si Cavendish nya, college nya itu. Karena transisi dari Moordale ke Cavendish kaya kagok bgt. Tapi kalo makin kacauain alur ceritanya mending dahlah stop disitu aja.. Walaupun ngga puas tp ya karena udah terlalu sayang sama karakter2nya jadi yasudahlah..
Once again, bye bye Sex Education.. Otis, Eric, Maeve, Ruby, Aimee, Adam and the gank. Thank you for entertaining us for the past 3 years!
(karena baru ngikutin series ini dari thn 2020 akhir)
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thegeminisage · 8 months
tng update time and oooooh am i ever mad about it. tonight we watched "hero worship" and "violations."
hero worship: i wanted to like this episode. but, firstly, it's just yet more evidence why children should not be on starships. this has been bothering me the entire time i've watched this fucking show. i hope there aren't any kids on voyager or whatever because this is literally fucking killing me
secondly, i felt really weird about everyone just...going along with this kid's idea that he was an android. i feel like there's a way to be lenient of his trauma without reinforcing the delusion or whatever sorry ik that's not how you're supposed to say it. it just didn't seem like solid therapeutical practice is all. i will admit there was also some secondhand embarrassment watching this kid's impersonation of data but i think it COULD have been cute (which seems to be what they were going for) with a better execution
i DEFINITELY think data's interactions with him should have been supervised too, not because i don't love and trust data wholly but because he has this way of missing certain emotional cues. and while that isn't a problem in day-to-day life, like, that's just the way he is and i resent anyone who would make him feel like it's a bad way to be/there's something wrong with him because he is PERFECT the way he is!!! for someone who is so vulnerable i think that data could accidentally do harm where it isn't intended (almost did a couple of times!), and data wouldn't be happy about that either because of course it would never be his intention. like i LOVE episodes where we just throw data into the deep end and let him figure it out, i love watching him go, but this is a child whose entire family/ship just DIED HORRIBLY who thinks he is responsible for the event. im not saying dont let data be his buddy data deserves so many buddies im just saying give data some INSTRUCTIONS at least. for both their sakes
anyway it was mid at best. it had a few good moments but ultimately not enough to salvage it for me
okay wait hold on i feel like i need to start a brand new text block for violations. you're only allowed 4000 characters per paragraph and i have stuff to say. i have Things To Get Off My Chest. please picture steam pouring from my fucking ears right now
actually forget the bullet list i don't need a bullet list this is not a normal liveblog Post. do you know every day i see threads on r*ddit and sometimes even tags here on tunglr dot edu about how people don't like tos because it's sexist. thats all well and fine and good. tos IS sexist. ARE WE SAYING TNG IS BETTER?????
tasha yar and the rape gangs. the naked time: 2! where both women got turned into insatiable sex object. deanna's impromptu and nonconsensual pregnancy. tasha's impregnantion by rape and her death at the hands of her rapist. that time they filmed deanna's feet. beverly crusher for all of season 1 having absolutely no personality outside of being a mother. lwaxana troi getting gang raped by ferengi for laughs. genuinely uhura on tos in the fucking 1960s got treated better than deanna troi on tng in the 1990s. yes tos has extremely bad moments sexism wise. JUSTICE for janice fucking rand. but truly how can you be as sexist against women when they aen't there. meanwhile, tng has women in every goddamn episode and all it takes is for one bad writer to
actually you know what is so funny. gene roddenberry and two women are credited with writing this episode. ALL of them are going to hell, gene roddenberry especially. i hate hate hate HATE his rape fetish. justice for janice rand AND tasha yar AND DEANNA TROI!
the thing about this episode is, it could have been good. there were good parts about it. for example: worf's joke about being probed. they knew what they were doing and it was hilarious. deanna getting to talk about her overbearing mother. riker's little speech to deanna when she was in the coma with literal tears in his eyes and this is a WHOLE separate rant but
my problem with tng is that you don't see them care about each other. we're TOLD that they care about each other. they SAY, "oh, x is worried about [character who's in danger this week]." but we almost never SEE them act it out. every once in awhile riker gets weirdly protective of picard, and worf seems kind of protective of everyone which i like, and picard also does a good righteous rage on behalf of others, but i don't usually get to SEE it. like when wesley goes missing or whatever he and his mom don't always immediately rush into each others arms on their reunion. when deanna passes out you don't always see riker abandon what he's doing and rush to her side. nobody asks "are you okay?" with genuine concern. and even when we DO get for example geordi driving himself crazy wondering what went wrong over data's fake death we don't get any follow-through - there's no reunion between geordi and data at the end the way there would be for kirk and spock.
BUT RIKER AT THE HOSPITAL BED. ohhh i was eating. it was so good. he wasn't even saying anything of merit but just the SIGHT of her passed out like that had him almost in tears. riker, who is the epitome of good humor and dealing with space horrors with laughter. IN TEARS. it was so good. a true show instead of tell moment. and in THIS fucking episode
my issue is: they had three on screen rape scenes. the first rape scene was extremely long. like they couldn't show anything explicit because this is 90s tv but it was VERY VERY LONG so it hardly seems to matter. and THAT was bad enough. but then they made us watch it AGAIN when he planted his dad's face in the memory and A THIRD TIME when he was like "ugh she's being so sweet to me even though i raped her i can't NOT rape her again." like at least that time she was able to hit him and get away but it feels like a hollow victory when he's already gotten away with it TWICE, AND!!! when worf had to come in and save her anyway at the end.
it was doubly horrible that he got away with the crime SO WELL that nobody suspected him - like, picard is out here asking deanna to let him into her mind a second time and she GOT RAPED. A SECOND TIME. deanna is like oh yeah you can come in! and it could have been a compelling mystery and plot twist to be like OH IT'S THE DAD but really it's the son except we SAW HIM DO IT the first time. there wasn't even any mystery to solve or anyone to suspect, he wasn't misdirecting US, we just got to watch him successfully misdirect this poor stupid naive trusting WOMAN
also, the thing about deanna's attack being a rape scene while riker's was someone dying under his command and beverly's was IDing her husband's dead body is that for riker and bev these are REAL THINGS THAT HAPPENED TO THEM. deanna never got raped by riker. like, he wouldn't do that and they wouldn't still be as close and comfortable with one another if he had. (i am mad on his behalf TWICE now that they left it open whether or not he committed that particular crime when every other piece of evidence says he wouldn't. the guy is not a closet serial rapist and leaving the endings open to be edgy is extremely poor form.) like, they literally JUST made deanna's attack a rape scene to sexualize her and feed roddenberry's fetish and HE'S DEAD. HE WAS DEAD WHEN THIS AIRED. HE CAN'T JERK OFF TO IT ANYMORE
they didn't even explain why that guy kept leaving people in comas. deanna i get because he was stalking her and wanted to fuck her but why riker? why beverly? that made it MORE suspicious. why all those other people on the other planets? was he raping every single one of them? how did he plan to keep going after he'd framed his dad for his crimes?
and it COULD HAVE BEEN GOOD. beverly's thing with IDing her husband's body was fun and terrifying. deanna could have gotten a memory that spoke to character development instead of being sexualized like this. in fact i think it was lowkey a pussy move not to deal with any of riker's close encounters because of the two of them riker is the one who has actually been raped! "someone died under my command" is generic and lame. but the way the telepathy worked was cool, the plot twist could have been cool, you could have felt real betrayal from liking this dude if he hadn't been all evil smiles from the beginning. and they dropped the ball SO HARD. and i could forgive them for doing that! i have given tng so many benefits of the doubt! BUT THREE RAPE SCENES IN 45 MINUTES?
the worst part is, there was no emotional resolution. they had that guy say the word rape out loud and then the credits rolled. deanna and riker didn't speak one word to each other. she was never like, i know you didn't actually rape me like that's not what happened. no one was like, beverly go have a hot drink and call your son. there's NO EMOTIONAL FOLLOWTHROUGH ON THIS SHOW. tos was guilty of that sometimes too but this level of it is fucking unreal
tng enjoyers im sorry for my meanie posts earlier. love who you love etc etc. i'm just. baffled. HOW IS THIS BETTER THAN TOS. at least what happened to janice rand (and uhura one time) was over quickly and didn't replay three FUCKING times!!! "tos is too/more sexist" I AM TURNING MY BRAIN INSIDE OUT TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND THIS FUCKING STATEMENT
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ficnation · 4 years
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♡ - fluff
● - angst
❧ - platonic
✿ - female reader
➼ - male reader
🍓 Imagines 🍓
600 WORDS>
coming soon!
🍓 Headcanons 🍓
coming soon!
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diviinedevilry · 2 years
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𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄    𝐈'𝐃    𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄    𝐓𝐎    𝐆𝐄𝐓    𝐓𝐎    𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖  𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑    .
1.        𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒    /    𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄:  jessica  /  bluebell  (  tho  only  used  when  i  wanna  keep  super  sneaky  bc  lets  be  real,  there's  so  many  jess'  out  there  it's  safe  ) 2.        𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘:    august  13th 3.        𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂    𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍:  leo 4.        𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓:    5'4".  i  think...   5.        𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒:    sewing,  embroidery,  cross-stitch,  dnd,  writing.  picture  the  hobbies  of  a  grandma  and  here  i  am. 6.        𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄    𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑:    sage  green 7.        𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄    𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊:    death/less  by  catherynne  m  val/ente  and  the  familiars  by  stacey  hall  (  actually  all  of  both  authors  tbh  ) 8.        𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓    𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆:  burned  by  grace  vander/waal 9.        𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓    𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄    /    𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖:  just  finished  watching  the  newest  season  of  sex  edu/cation 10.        𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓    𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃:  i'm  currently  reading  the  leviathan  by  rosie  andrews 11.        𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  the  fairyland  series  by  catherynne  m  val/ente  -  particularly  the  girl  who  circumnavigated  fairyland  in  a  ship  of  her  own  making.  it  was  already  an  inspiration  and  then  i  went  back  and  did  a  reread  and  the  first  page  is  the  protag  being  taken  from  her  boring  life  to  fairyland  by  a  mysterious  figure  in  a  green  cloak  and  y'all. 12.        𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘    𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃    𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑    𝐔𝐑𝐋:  i  knew  i  wanted  contradictary  elements  bc  that's  jes  in  a  nutshell  tbh  and  i  couldn't  go  past  devilry  meaning  both  reckless  mischief  and  a  nod  to  being  a  tiefling,  so  what  better  to  pair  with  devilry  iconography  than  divinity  for  the  chaos  cleric? 13.      𝐅𝐔𝐍    𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓:  all  my  cats  ever  are  named  after  women  with  questionable  morals  or  just  downright  evil.  it  started  with  my  first  kitty  bellatrix,  and  now  i  have  cersei  and  morgana.  i  wanted  to  name  morgana  lady  macbeth,  but  my  husband  wasn't  having  any  of  it.  
stolen  from  ::   @moondrrops​
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redrosecrown · 7 years
Thank you,@thedarkestcrow, for tagging me. You are awesome. And, before I start I want to say that all of you are tagged. xx
1. How has your opinion of yourself changed over the years?
-Drastically! I used to hate my face, and I thought I had a disgusting face. Now, I’m a lot more confident in myself and in my body.
2. If you had to pick one book to read for the rest of your life, which book would you pick?
-As a passionate bookworm I am, this would be quite a punishment for me. It’s hard to pick just one. Maybe, smth with complicated puzzles and logical games with fantastical stories, if that book exists. :)
3. What’s your favorite season? Do you have a particular reason for liking it?
-I was born in spring, that’s why it’s my favorite. Also, I really love flowers.That’s another reason.
4. What’s your favorite thing to do when you want to relax?
-Writing. I’m a writer, but I wish I spent more time writing my second book than other things. It’ll be quite a complicated story.
5. Do you consider yourself lazy?
-Laziness is probably one of my worst traits. But, I think the reason for it has to do a lot more with my lack of bravery and self-confidence than anything else.
6. What’s your view on morality?
-Kindness should be a lot more present in nowadays society. It’s time we abandon wars and lame ambitions about what we think power is. It’s a complicated topic.
7. When are you most productive?

-In the morning when I’m alone, and when I don’t have anything else to do.
8. Do you have any strong opinions about things most people don’t think much about?
-I’m against the sexualisation of the media and advertisements. 
9. How do you handle stress?
-Poorly. I do so many things at the same time that it kills me.
10. What would your ideal world be like?
-A honest and kind world.
Extra Questions:
1.) What’s one story that you want to write/create but won’t (or haven’t yet)?
-My second book. I’ve started so many times that I’m losing my mind.
2.) What’s an interesting moment of self-discovery in your life?
-When I realized how hopeless I really was, and tried to have more hope in life. That was one of the things that got me out of depression.
3.) Dream job? 

-Writer and java programmer and youtuber.
4.) What’s a book/movie/show that has had a large influence on you?
-Kuroshitsuji, definitely. 
5.) Has music ever changed your life, or at least your outlook on life?
-Evanescence changed my life. I became more authentic and in tune with my true feelings. I was in complete denial of who I was and what I felt. But, because of that I also had to confront my inner demons.
6.) Imagine you’ve become an established author/artist/creator. What would you want the fandom for your works to be like?
-I’d like the fans to know the story well, and to not make false assumptions. I like them to form their own opinions about the story. I write not to tell them what to think, but to help them find out their inner truth.
7.) Same scenario as #6. What would the fandom actually be like?
-Polite and kind and tolerant and funny
8.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught in schools but typically isn’t taught at all?
-Here is the list:
2.Sex edu
3.All religions of the world
4.Health problems 
5.How to raise a child
6.How to manage your emotions
9.) What’s a subject that you think should be taught differently in schools from how it usually is?
-I live in Kosovo, so I’ll be talking about education in Kosovo. Lessons are just bunch of information put together with no intention of helping the student learn those things, or drawing the student into that topic. Books should be more interesting.
10.) Are there any patterns in your interests/works that wouldn’t be immediately obvious to an outside observer?
-I have a deep need for attention, and I can feel quite hurt when ignored. 
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floatingbouyx · 7 years
All of them! These are so intriguing
I thought so myself! Okay here we go.. 1. What is your favorite author and favorite character that the author created? I have too many.2. What country do you live in?United States 3. Are you afraid of snakes?I do not like snakes, I scream like a little girl when I see them. 4. Michelangelo or Salvador Dali?Dali! 5. Have you ever eaten New York cheesecake?I don’t like cheesecake 6. Under what circumstances would you not admit to somebody that you miss them?If they weren’t showing me that they respected me, or loved me. 7. Zombies or vampires?Zombies. Resident Evil is my favorite 8. Have you ever played truth or dare?As a kid, yes. 9. Favorite season of the year?Summer…. or Fall 10. Would you prefer a sleepover at a friends house or camping out in the wild?Camping ⛺️ 11. Would you prefer a flyby of Jupiter or actually landing on the moon?Land on the moon. What an incredible experience! (I would be terrified to be in a rocket, haha)12. If you become rich how philanthropic will you be?Very, I would help organizations as much as I was able. 13. Worst meal you ever ate?I tried seafood once, no Bueno! 14. If you were not born the race and color that you are now, given the opportunity in the womb, what race would you choose? Race does not matter to me. I would not wish to be something specific, I am who I am regardless of my outer looks. 15. Last website you visited that was not Tumblr?My Pinterest 16. Pizza Hut, Domino’s, or Papa John’s?Dominos if I had to pick one of those three 17. Bach, Beethoven, or Brahms?Beethoven 18. Have you ever eaten Baked Alaska?Nope! 19. Metropolis or Gotham?Gotham 20. What’s your favorite sport and athlete from that sport?Football-Eli manning. I also love volleyball and basketball. 21. Under what circumstances would you be willing to go commando?I go commando as much as possible! 22. Least favorite thing about the opposite sex?Bad sense of time. 23. Worst meal you ever cooked?I cannot recall making a bad meal. I’m not a top chef or anything but I’m sure I’ll make something awful in the future. 24. On a scale from 1 to 100 what level of self-esteem have you reached?Probably about a 60. Depending on the day. We all have our demons. 25. Have you ever eaten a Philly cheese steak?Yes! For my birthday Christopher took me to Philly. 26. Would you rather is at the Museum of Modern Art or the Louvre?Lourve, France! 27. Favorite superhero, sidekick and super villain? Batman! The Joker. No favorite side kick 28. Have you ever eaten Buffalo Wings?One of my favorite foods. I need more girlfriends who like to go on chicken wing dates! 29. Robin Thicke’s, Blurred Lines or Marvin Gaye’s, Got To Give It Up?Indifferent 30. Which do you prefer, Christmas dinner or Thanksgiving dinner?Christmas dinner, I generally cook for my whole family single handedly. 31. What age did you learn how to drive?15, My brother learned at a much earlier age but by the time it was my time, my father had passed away. 32. Have you ever eaten a Boston cream pie?Nope, I’m not a huge dessert fan. 33. Happy every French toast, French onion soup and French fries all in the same day?I’m fat and love all of those foods and would love them all in one day, haha. This question confused me because of the grammar. 34. Who is your favorite singer and favorite song from him/her? I have too many. 35. Would you prefer to die before your spouse or after?Before, don’t ever go before me. I’ve had enough loss. 36. Are you sexually active or celibate? Active AF37. Fictional destination you would visit? Swallow falls, cloudy with a chance of meatballs. 38. Your ideal pet?A husky, a piggy and a baby goat. And a lab. 39. Do you have a birthmark? Where? Between my toes on my right foot and on the back of my left leg. 40. Do you like getting your photo taken?Sometimes! 41. Have you ever eaten Texas toast?Yes! 42. What do you do most often when you are bored?Tumblr, watch a movie, go for a walk to my park. 43. What is your favorite TV show and character from that show? Arrow- felicity smoak 44. Everyone believes that honesty and a sense of humor are important in a mate. What else is a make or break quality in a husband or wife? Kindness and support 45. Favorite font? I don’t have one, I’m a grad student. I guess I use Times and Calibra a lot. 46. What is your favorite color to wear?Black always 47. What color do family and friends say goes great with your complexion? Blue or green because it brings out my eyes. 48. Do you know any victims of sexual molestation or rape? Yes, one of my closest friends. 49. Preference to taking a shower or taking a bath? Baths for days 50. You are tied to a chair and force to watch TV and only have the choice of these networks. PBS, AMC or BBC? AMC probably 51. Do you prefer New England or Manhattan clam chowder? I do not like seafood. 52. Evolution or Creation?Evolution53. What is an event you would have liked to have witnessed in the last 3000 years?I can’t pick just one. History is interesting 54. What is your idea of the perfect pizza?All the pepperoni, cheese, oil and garlic. 55. Would you rather sleep naked on a cold winter night under a lot of blankets or naked on a hot summer night uncovered with just a light breeze? Naked under lots of blankets 56. What is your favorite foreign word and what does it mean? I don’t have one57. Who is the person you like least in this world? Donald trump. 58. Blues Clues: Steve or Joe?Neither lol 59. Favorite Chinese food?Sweet and sour. Also fried rice with egg is life 60. You must attend dinner with the person you mentioned in question 57. You must be cordial and on your best behavior. What will the conversation consist of? Women’s rights 62. First word you think of when you read… Magician? Bunny 63. Have you ever eaten Key Lime pie?I don’t like key lime pie. Yes I have 64. What did you suffer from the last time you were sick? Sinus infection 65. Do you believe Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley are still alive? No I do not. 66. Are you willing to admit that you pick your nose? Heck yeah. I have 67. Do you hug your pillow while falling asleep? I hug my boyfriend. I have this spot on his back that I love to curl up into. 68. Have you ever seen someone for the first time and thought about kissing them? No, I haven’t. 69. Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer (Edge) or Firefox? No preference! 70. Favorite cartoon character? Sponge bob 71. Are you willing to admit that you pee while taking a shower? I don’t usually do that lol 72. Do you dream in color or black and white. Color I think 73. Spaghetti or lasagna? Spaghetti, I don’t like lasagna. 74. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up? Sometimes 75. Do you believe in interracial marriage? Yes of course. 76. Which is more acceptable to you? Younger man and an older woman or a older man and younger woman? I do not judge. 77. Have you ever eaten Peking Duck? No, that sounds gross 78. What size mattress do you sleep on? Double 79. What is the last movie you saw in the theater? Guardians of the Galaxy 80. Do you have any bookmarks in your browser that you would be embarrassed by if your friends or family saw them? No I do not81. Does popcorn get stuck in your teeth? Yes it does. 82. Is your best friend also your oldest friend? Depends 83. Where do I you get your news from? Newspaper, television or online? Tv 84. Have you ever Googled yourself? If so, what did you find? Certain websites of mine. 85. What is your dream job? Marine biologist. 86. Which of Grimm’s Fairy Tales is most like your life? I don’t know what that is to be honest. 87. Have you ever eaten chicken Marsala? Yes I work in an Italian restaurant and my boyfriends family is very Italian. 88. Are you prejudice against Golden Oreos? No 89. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Rudolph 90. Can you talk openly and honestly with both your parents? I only have one living parent. Yes I can be, she knows every aspect of my life. Nothing to hide 91. What is your favorite movie genre and your least favorite? Action, I don’t really have a least favorite. 92. Have you pictured your dream house? If so, describe it. Big front porch with a rocking bench. Big back yard with an In ground pool. A beautiful kitchen with an island. A loft bedroom. Beautiful trees in the backyard. 93. What email service do you use? School edu ones 94. When you wipe yourself do you believe toilet paper really cleans a person well enough? Yes. I mean, for the time being until a shower lol95. List the last five blogs that visited your blog. I don’t know? 96. What is hot favorite fruit? I like hot apple sauce? But if you’re just talking about my favorite fruit I would say watermelon. 97. What is an awesome skill or talent you have that most people don’t know about? Kick ass at beer pong. 98. Do you have any allergies? Seasonal/ and I’m allergic to scented laundry detergent. 99. What is the oldest movie you have ever seen? Old history documentaries. 100. What is your favorite non food, non perfume smell? Gasoline. 101. If you could learn martial arts, which would you learn? All of them! 102. Favorite Shakespeare play? Don’t have one 103. If you could write a fantasy book about a brother and sister, what would your plot be? I don’t think I’d be a very good book writer. 104. What are your favorite toppings on the perfect hamburger? Onions, bacon, ketchup 105. What is the family board game that you like the most? Monopoly 106. Would you prefer to captain an airplane or a ship? Ship, you know me :) 107. You are an astronaut and crash land on a before unknown planetary body. Is it inhabited solely by females, males or animals? Animals. 108. What is the scariest movie you have seen? VHS 109. What movie’s trailer was so scary that you knew you would never want to see it? None I love scary movies 110. Do you prefer the Marvel universe, the DC universe or both equally? Love marvel 111. Give an oral report in the nude or give one and the audience is nude? Audience is nude. That would make me laugh and not be nervous 112. You are a scientist. Would you prefer to study the depths of the oceans or outer space? Oceans, they fascinate me 113. Name five celebrities you would like to have visit your blog daily? Jana Kramer, Emily Rickards, Brandon Urie, Ellie goulding, and Meryl Streep 114. Apple pie or sweet potato pie? Apple pie is my favorite. My mom makes a very good one and she taught me her recipe 115. Would you prefer a penthouse apartment in the city or a house with the white picket fence in the suburbs? House please! 116. Would you prefer a lobster dinner or filet mignon? Filet! 117. If you could do something special for your family what would it be? Take away financial burdens. 118. What is the easiest way for a person of the opposite sex to be attractive in your eyes? Show your true colors and let me see how much you care. Also humor is amazing 119. Do you consider yourself fluent in sarcasm? Yes 120. What is your favorite summertime drink? Sangria or summer brews 121. Do you consider yourself addicted to blogging? Yeah. I love my blog. I created it years ago to blog about nautical stuff haha 122. If you were someone else for an entire day, would you be your own friend or would you to try to distance yourself? Someone I know. Interesting to see others views. 123. Are you named after anyone? My father. 124. Are you a morning person or do you consider yourself a night owl? Night owl. But I’m always tired these days so it’s a struggle lol 125. Are you a collector of anything? All things nautical and coffee mugs126. What is your favorite TV theme song? Don’t have one 127. If you knew you were going to die tonight what would you choose as your final meal? Corn on the cob, filet and salt potatoes. A midnight snack of pizza rolls. 128. What is the one song that always makes you smile and sing when you hear it? You should be here by Cole Swindell129. Do you think taking a bath in Jell-O would be fun? No thank you 130. When is the last time you sent a correspondence to someone using snail mail (Post Office)? I returned a book to Chegg the other day. 131. If you were an anime character, what color hair would you have? Purple hair 132. What is the first thing you notice about someone you just met? Hmmm, eyes 133. What is something funny you heard recently? Christopher had a really funny joke the other day. 134. Do you prefer Doctor Who or Doctor Zhivago? Neither! 135. Do you have a middle name? Yes it’s Nicole. 136. What condiments do you use to eat a hotdog? Ketchup and mustard. 137. Was this too long? Yes. It barely fit in the Tumblr post.
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Lupin Season 3 out now!
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Udah di reminder tgl 5 (kemarin) Lupin tayang, yayyy! Bukan di hp ku, di akun suamiku hahaha ada yg gasabar. Setelah nunggu s3 setahun lamanya, tayang jg.
Seperti biasa nobar biar kondusif ya malem hari setelah anak tidur, solat isya berjamaah dan makan malem sambil play Lupin. Ngga lupa cemilan2nya jg dong yaa biar ngga ngantuk. Tapi nyatanya tetep bertahan cuma 2 ep aja itu jg belom kelar hahaha. Memang dah jompo gampang ngantukan plus kita berdua udah lelah berkegiatan sehari2. Yg nundutan ya tetep aku dan yg ngetawain istrinya selalu suamiku @sagarmatha13 hemm.. Yaudah gpp kan bisa esok lagi kaya sex edu s4 diimit2 biar tiap malem bisa nobar.
Yah udah pasutri gini mah gmn aja caranya quality time, mencari keseruan yg sama, frekuensi yg sama biar dijalani bersama2. Wlpn kdg suka ngga seselera tp diusahain ada part yg kita 1 frekuensi dong. Knp? Biar spark selalu ada atuh, biar kupu2 selalu hadir di perut katanya mah.. Seneng dong kalo kita bisa barengan sama pasangan kita apalagi kita dua2nya suka sama hal itu.
Ngomong2 Qtime jadi inget jaman pacaran, yg ktemunya seminggu sekali karena harus bekerja. Memang ada waktunya weekend. Kami usahain tiap weekend bisa ktemu biasanya sabtu atau minggunya. Menyesuaikan aja. Itu jg seminggu ngga ktemu udah kangen luar biasa dong haha. Pdhl tiap hari chat atau tlp an kdg vcall jg. Tapi kalo ktemu tuh lebih berkualitas gt, mata ketemu mata, berhaha hihi, ngobrol jg enakan langsung drpd di chat huhu. Oiya temenku pernah blg katanya, pacaran mah kalo ktemu ukuran 1 kota min. Seminggu sekali lah, kalo lebih dari itu misal 2 minggu asa udah aneh. Mungkin mksdnya masa ngga ada effort buat ktemu? Harus nunggu sampe 2 minggu mah asa kelamaan. Jadi sebulan hanya 2x ktemu? Itumah mungkin pacaran dunia maya wkwk. Ya gpp anda boleh ngga setuju itu mah opini temanku. Katanya ya idealnya begitu. Malah kalo ada wkt mah sekedar plg kantor jajan bareng trus anter plg kan bisaa. 1 kota mah ngga sesulit itu, lain halnya kalo diluar kota ldr-an. Wajar ktemu 2 minggu sekali. Atau bahkan 1 bukan sekali?. Buat aku pribadi sih ngobrol lsg lebih berkualitas drpd di chat, di chat mah bnyk salah paham trus lelah gt ngetik2 huhu. Karena aku dan suamiku dulu wkt pacaran ngga jrg berantem gara2 chat krn salah paham sampe selalu blg dan berdoa. "cape bgt berantem di chat terus, enak kayanya kalo udah nikah gaperlu chat2, kita tiap hari ngobrol aja lsg" begitu kata blio. Berakhir berdoa supaya kami segera halal haha.
Looohhh dari bahas lupin malah jd cerita ttg pacaran dulu..
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