#old man middleburg
the-zapped-part-timer · 4 months
Penn Zerothon Day 11
It's a Colorful Life🌈
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My Ramblings: So it's not a big deal that Penn is chatting on the MUHU in front of passersby? Hm, ok. I guess we haven't been told that this is a no-no, I just that it was. I mean, such technology would be crazy to see. Anyways, BROCK AND VONNIE! KISS CAM! Hey Old Man Middleburg, what are you- oh, you wanna watch them make out? Ok...
Poor Penn, he just wanted to make the world a litter better and ends up almost killing Phyllis, who would've known it would be flowers, her weakness (and allergy). Wish someone informed Penn that, but did he really never question the "in case of flowers" button (which is just bombs)? Maybe he could've forgotten? Sashi and Boone know what's up. Three months to recover from that? Damn, Phyllis, you poor thing. I'm surprised she didn't lash out.
So colorism? Right? Is that what's happening in the Yellow Submarine world? Also getting flashbacks to the PSI King's Sensorium, which was also inspired by Yellow Submarine. Both wreck my eyes but I'd rather attend the "Feast of the Senses" than be here. But literally that's what's happening here, colorism or shadism. Throw some "The Sneetches" in there too.
I'm surprised there's no really wacky critters in this world. Just foxes, like Belvedere. Rabbits too, but we don't see them.
Rippen stating his distaste for rhymes is reasonable but, I'm sorry my guy, that's their way of life. He tried to voice them and I love his animation for when he did, his little hand movements.
Veet much like the touch of the Hue's slowly losing their colors each time a rock is taken. Especially when Penn blushes and you see the color fade from his cheeks, very good.
This really is one of Rippen's better days, huh? Heroes are failing miserably, Larry's off with his fox, and he's been able to keep out of the bickering and obstacles of the two groups. I would have died of laughter or sheer second-hand embarrassment for the Trio as the Hues footballed the last rock into my wacky rocky knocker thing. Or I would go on a hot date with a volcano, good pun. Like he said, he can adapt to well worlds, especially wackier ones. He does have more experience, which helps too.
Rippen is so right to ditch the Drabs, he's tired of your color war. Even Sashi agrees with the idea of ditching, nothing states that they needed help from Hues, just save the rocks. But Penn has a lesson to make here! Penn solves colorism! While Boone still thinks the Hues are better.
How long has Rippen had those full-time villain business cards for? Must be sad just to see those wasting away in your apartment. Also, what does being a full-time villain entail? I don't know if they ever properly explained that. I keep thinking if he wins he gets to rule the world he won in, which maybe also that? But it is more than that, just don't know what.
That is the most Maurice LaMarche that Maurice LaMarche can get in his out of nowhere narration. Like I know he voices a lot of characters in the show, but it hits me everytime when he speaks here and his role in the next episode. Why are the rock eggs now just hatching? Do they do that everytime the need to spread color or something?
Now the ending, at first I thought Rippen was smiling because Larry is crying, we learn later on that he finds crying funny. But no! He's very caring and soft towards Larry! Yes, he did seem uncomfortable with the hug, he still assured him that everything will be alright. Such a randomly wholesome moment!
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: He wanted to make the world a little better, but that might be hard back at home, but hey! He did it here, and everyone is better for it.
Boone Wiseman: Boone, you colorist!
Sashi Kobayashi: Hated every second of being there but behaved very well. I would've committed arson.
Rippen: Almost a win, so close! But the power of newly found friendship beat him. Ok, but seriously, I can't stop thinking about the ending! It would have been so easy for him to blow up at Larry, especially after that failure, but he doesn't! He can be such a soft fellow!
Larry: He's gone for most of the mission to go and ride Belvedere, the bestest boy around! Until he bites Larry. Hopefully he learned his lesson that foxes aren't easy to care for. Foxes arr very different from elephants after all!
Dimension(s): It's bright, colorful and wacky... I would hate it there so much. My eyes would burn and I would murder a hue. Me and Sashi will go on a spree if we're here any longer!
Forms: No thanks to any of these. Rippen is the only one I sort of like, he a giant compared to everyone else and a has funny name, Grayson Drabswatch. Actually, Boone's is good to. He pulls of beards well, just like his dad.
Larry Manor🐘
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My Ramblings: RACE TIME! Me and Penn are part of the scooter squad, who needs bikes? Also why did Sashi need a back-up wrench to sabotage Penn's back-up scoot? I get the joke, it's funny, but still. Either way she could have just used that grappling hook of hers and swing through the town, Spider-Man style.
But Penn has got a trick up his sleeve, big brain time! Why not just stealthy sneak into Rippen's car and hitch a ride? I bet he's done this numerous times before, he's way to confident in that. Larry does have a ride, but it's just so much easier to hitch a ride with Rippen on the way to their other jobs. Don't forget what the Pilot took from us! Poor Rippen must feel insane randomly hearing Penn's voice, don't do that to the poor old man!
Oh, Sashi tries to swing spider style but the mere idea of a flying shark catches her attention and she hits a pole. Same. My dad used to just say: "Look a distraction!" That always git me as a kid.
Boone's right, it's not about winning, it's about stealing form your opponent's backpack! I would do that. Pickled chubfish? I get why he would eat that, fish makes you smarter according to him... but would that even taste good? Doesn't matter, Phyllis ate the cupcake with the wrapper on, go queen.
MY GOD RIPPEN! The Trio wasn't the only ones racing but wow. They're in the same car and Rippen just hits another (empty) car from the sheer adrenaline like he's racing someone far behind him, slides over his hood, and he freaking tries to slam the Larry's door while he's opening it! Poor Larry has to put up with his ass.
I adore the concept for the episode. No power, no mission! So what will they do for the day? Go to Larry's place of course! Well, everyone doesn't want to at first, I mean, it's kind of weird to be invited by your principal to his place. But we get the sad realization that no one has come to his place, not even for any if his probably awesome parties. Rippen, Boone and Sashi don't give a fuck. I'm surprised that Boone doesn't wanna go. But Penn has a heart and why not? What are your going to do? Literally anything else? Nah.
Now we get to learn that Larry is loaded as hell by winning 32 lotteries. How? By buying the winning tickets, silly. It's that simple.
Larry T-Shirts
Larry Snowglobes
Larry Mugs
Larry Decorative Plates
Larry Ballons
Larry Lights
Larry Boxing Jester Toy
Larry Toys or Dummys
Copys of A Principal to Live By (his book)
And possibly Larry Keychains? I don't know what those are
And later on we also see a:
Larry Oversized Novelty Hand
Larry Oversized Hat
Larry Back Scratcher (or I guess in this case a butt scratcher)
There's a sale, everything was $10 but now is $6... that's kind of sad.
TONY! THE CUTEST OF BOYS! MY TEACUP ELEPHANT BABY! Also this implies that either Rippen hasn't been here before or that Tony is new addition to Larry's family. Which is just those two.
"I'd rather drown in a pool of balsamic vinegar." That's such a good line, Rippen, and a great eyebrow cock.
Oh, to have a butler who also has a butler. Actually I just want a house. Also, hello Maurice LaMarche- I mean, Fredricks and hello Maria Bamford- I mean, Madame President- I mean Matthews.
Does Larry take the rollercoaster every morning? No wonder he's so wide awake. Also it's called the 32 Express... because he won 32 times.
Phil and Phyllis? Give me that chessboard! I want it so bad! Ah yes, the three means of communication, Penn's MUHU, Sashi's Specs, and Boone's phone... which he left at home. That's funny. Also hey look! He's got a Lazlo Matavaqua poster in his room! So, zapping is on, but no heroes or villains, what to do? Phil and Phyllis will just do it themselves.
The dining room is big and empty, just like the table that has 15 chairs but only 5 are filled. So sad.
We get to hear a bona fide Rippen joke! He got a good one so don't die laughing!
Rippen: What do you call a chef with bananas in his ears? Anything you want. He can't hear you!
Crickets. The joke isn't that funny but his delivery and roaring laughter from his own joke is priceless. Still, Larry didn't even laugh. I liked you joke, buddy. I wish I had that self-confidence when I told a joke.
Anyways, MASTER TONY IS MISSING! Rippen reaction, yes, the elephant. It's so unnecessary to have them say that, but it's funny!
"Why would I want $25 worth of Larry merch?" Why not, Rippen?
Thes dorks, I love them:
Penn: Is little Rippy afraid of a little competishi?
Rippen: Au contraire. Rippy welcomes competishi.
Wow Penn, don't even jump on the idea of helping Larry find Tony? Only when it's a competition and bragging rights? I like Boone and Sashi don't even try, they don't want to be here. Until they see the gaming room.
Why does he have a snake and bat room? So does Old Man Middleburg basically live here? Why is he here? Hmm, quite the mystery.
Remember when Rippen kind of comforted Larry in the last episode? Yeah, he's run dry of softness and niceties by this point.
How did Fredericks figure out that Matthews was behind it? I don't know, but all fingers point to her. A cliche as the butler did it. Rippen looks like such a creeper in those bushes.
Rippen found Tony, he won! That gift certificate that he doesn't want is as good as his! Why would Matthews do such a thing? Again, how did Fredericks know where Tony is? And why does he have Tony's adorable little beanie!? Ah ha! The other butler did it! But why? Because of the pain of being constantly be outdone by someone.
Deus Ex Pickled Chubfish. Was Penn just keeping that in his pocket the whole time? Fredericks probably thought he smelled like pickled death.
Sashi! Why are you tieing up Matthews!? Tony is safe- where did he go!?  Not the snake room that also has bats! Rippen killed a snake with the sheer force of his ass.
It's really depressing to see Rippen almost on the brink of tears about almost losing a competition to a child that doesn't really get him anything, just bragging rights (and a $25 he doesn't want). He's so desperate to have any one-up over Penn and to be proud of finally winning anything. How is he still doing his job? I know what that's like, to do a thankless job. I just recently quit. He wasn't crying, he sounded like he was going to, probably was gonna save that for home.
But oh no! Penn somehow alerted to bats he threw a rock at and attacked him, Tony is in Rippen's grasp now! Rippen is such a big kid sometimes.
So how did Phil and Phyllis' mission go? Phyllis rocketed Phill to a sun, no biggie.
Imagine if you will, seeing your nemesis/art teacher gleefully parading around his novelty items, boasting his win (that you gave him) like a spoiled kid and then he scratches his ass with a back scratcher right in front of you. How would you feel?
It enjoyed how they tied the butlers, and Penn and Rippen all together. Symmetry, my dear. Symmetry. I wanna see more of these two butlers relationship and to see Matthews carry Fredericks more, while singing to him.
Looks like Larry gonna have to change the name of the 32 Express to 33 Express! I like to think that after this stressful time of losing your teacup elephant temporarily, he decides to buy a ticket to blow off steam.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: Just been listening his heart over and over recently, huh. That's sweet to see. He can be easily jerkass (he can be sometimes), but he's just a cool and kind kid, even to his enemies.
Boone Wiseman: Gamer time.
Sashi Kobayashi: Gamer time.
Rippen: The most pathetic and desperate man know to the multiverse.
Larry: He's got a giant manor, a zoo, a gift shop with his face on everything, a rollcoaster, two butlers, a gaming room, a snake and bat room, a greenhouse and the cutest elephant in the world! What doesn't he have!? More friends...
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A burglary suspect opened fire on Jacksonville police late Sunday hitting one in the back, but the officer was wearing a bulletproof, according to the Sheriff's Office.
The man believed to have shot the officer fled as he fired more shots, then died after jumping off the Dames Point bridge into the St. Johns River, the Sheriff's Office said.
It started about 10:45 p.m. with two officers responding to the burglary call near the 4100 block of Old Middleburg Road, Chief Brian Kee said.
"They were ambushed by the suspect," Kee said. "The suspect fired multiple rounds and struck one of the officers in the back. Fortunately, the body armor that JSO issues stopped that round. ... That officer was.
Kee said investigators do not know if the suspect was hit in the shootout. But he stole a car from the home and fled, firing at the officers as he drove off.
"We have multiple [shell] casings at the scene," Kee said. "... As he was fleeing, he actually hit a parked car."
The chief said the suspect is known to the people in the home where the burglary was reported, and multiple descriptions were provided. The vehicle was spotted and pursued about 30 miles away on the Dames Point bridge by officers.
"They witnessed this suspect exit the car and jump over the side of the bridge into the river," Kee said. "They were able to see him swim for a little bit, then he disappeared. JFRD and our marine and dive team have been in the area searching, and at about 3 a.m. they located a body."
A gun was found at the bottom of the river near the body, he said.
It was unknown if the suspect had been shot by officers, although blood was found in the stolen car, Kee said.
The injured officer had "severe bruising" from the shot that hit the bulletproof vest but is recovering, he said.
No names have been released.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
 Four had been arrested for a gang-rape. 
 Darren Stewart/Gallo Images through Getty Six males gang dragged a 43-year-old girl right into a room earlier than allegedly raping her over the weekend.The subsequent morning, a person believed to be renting the room returned house and allegedly joined the queue to rape the lady.Four suspects have been arrested to date.Four suspects have been arrested after a 43-year-old girl was gang-raped over the weekend, reportedly by seven males.The girl's ordeal occurred in Mhluzi, Middleburg, between 23:00 on Saturday and 05:00 on Sunday.By Monday, police had arrested 4 males between the ages of 17 and 24.Mpumalanga police spokesperson Colonel Donald Mdhluli stated the lady had accompanied a relative on a household go to and got here throughout a gaggle of males in a bakkie as she made her means house. "The men allegedly alighted from the vehicle then dragged her to a nearby room where they took turns in raping her," he stated.READ | Cape Town girl Tazné van Wyk was taken to drug deal shortly before she was murdered, court hearsMdhluli added: "At about 05:00 the next day, 2 October 2022, another man, believed to be residing in the said room arrived probably from work. Instead of the man rescuing the victim, he too allegedly joined the queue and raped her after chasing the suspects away. Thereafter, he fled the scene."A rape case was opened, and the docket was assigned to the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit.When the 4 suspects appeared in court docket, their case was postponed to 11 October for a bail software. The 4 stay in custody whereas the seek for the remaining suspects continues.   We stay in a world the place details and fiction get blurred In instances of uncertainty you want journalism you may belief. For 14 free days, you may have entry to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, high opinions and a variety of options. Journalism strengthens democracy. Invest sooner or later in the present day. Thereafter you can be billed R75 per thirty days. You can cancel anytime and in the event you cancel inside 14 days you will not be billed.  [ad_2] Source link
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boomboxwithlegs · 7 years
penn zero, asdf hero: Larry’s intervention animatic
Figured I should post it cause I had it.
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jorgemoctezuma · 7 years
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Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Episode 21 Save the Worlds/Penn Zero: Casi Héroe Capítulos 21 Salvando a los Mundos
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Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Season 2
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picturelockshow · 4 years
Middleburg Film Festival 2020: "Concrete Cowboy" Review
Concrete Cowboy is not an original story. Estranged son and father come together to try and correct the son’s behavior has been done before. While much of its premise is familiar territory, this film takes a look at traditions of old and what reconnecting or staying in touch with them can do for a person, a family, and a community.
After Cole (Caleb McLaughlin) gets into trouble at school, his mother (Liz Priestley) has had enough. She decides to drop him off with his father, Harp (Idris Elba), to try and have some discipline instilled in him. It’s evident that the neighborhood recognizes Cole, but it’s been long enough for him to be groggy on most of the who’s who. He does know his cousin Smush, (Moonlight’s Jharrel Jerome) who pulls up in a nice ride with some dope kicks. Smush wants Caleb to ditch the stables and hit the streets to make real money.
As most films like this go, after some time of friction, Cole begins to understand his father’s urban cowboy way of life. He appreciates the hard work, respect of tradition, and taking care of horses. Smush’s way of life doesn’t fly in Harp’s home, so Cole is forced to make a tough decision on the way he wants to go.
The film boasts of an all star line up. Caleb McLaughlin sheds his Stranger Things persona for a coming of age turn as “Cole from Detroit”. Method Man reminds us that he has some acting chops as Leroy, the former urban cowboy turned lawman. Perhaps the surprise casting comes from the real riders of Fletcher Street in Philadelphia. Sprinkled throughout the group of urban cowboys, these real life cowboys give the film its culture and authenticity.
Cinematographer, Minka Farthing Kohl uses natural lighting to draw the viewer in. Small moments like the flickering of firelight used to light subjects, brings a certain amount of intimacy to this story. Director, Ricky Staub, has a way of using the camera and editing to capture moments and lock them in time. Using more mids and close-ups than wide establishing shots, Staub is able to keep the focus on the characters and bring us into their world.
The story of Concrete Cowboy is one of a return to an old fashioned way of life and connection. It lassos the connection of man amongst one another and with horses. It highlights the importance of storytelling amongst generations, with one character even emphasizing the significance of cadence in oral storytelling. This story is a bumpy ride at times in getting to its destination, but there are beautiful visuals and heartfelt moments along the way.
Rating: C+
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samakaphyllis · 7 years
Odd question but does Phil's bowling buddies miss him? It didn't seem like he got to say goodbye.
Yeah I think so. Though 2 of them now live together - Old Man Middleburg & Uncle Chuck. In Middleburg Manor. And I guess Pooja will keep bowling with them. They gotta find a new successor to Phil, probably.... maybe Rose?
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
25 Top Hotel Holiday Events
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/25-top-hotel-holiday-events/
25 Top Hotel Holiday Events
Toast the season from the Krug Carnotzet.
While the holidays will be different this year, they can still be jolly. Hotels have come up with a bevy of imaginative and festive activities, including video chats with Santa, private sleigh rides, jingle bell jogs and to-go kits with everything from gingerbread to s’mores.
Whether you plan to stay in or venture out on a staycation, these Forbes Travel Guide-approved hotel activities will fill your holiday with good cheer:
Pair Cheese and Champagne
Cozy up in The Dolder Grand’s Krug Carnotzet, a barrel-shaped pop-up private dining space on the terrace of the Zurich hotel’s Saltz restaurant. Then sip exquisite champagne and warm up with rich, gooey fondue while gazing out at the city.
Zoom with Santa Claus. Credit:
Virtually Visit with Santa
Since social distancing prevents kids from sitting on old St. Nick’s lap, The Houstonian Hotel, Club and Spa set up a video chat with Santa in its Houston ballroom (Dec. 12). The exchange is captured as a video keepsake for parents.
Decorate these oversized houses.
Go Big with Gingerbread
Build a gingerbread village at The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons Corner. Decorate four massive gingerbread houses with icing and sweets while sipping hot chocolate and watching a private screening of your favorite holiday flick in the D.C. hotel’s new Ambassador Movie Theatre Room.
Get ski tips from an Olympian.
Ski with an Olympian
Madeline Hotel and Residences, Auberge Resorts Collection will put you on the slopes with Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy for an hour (Dec. 23-24). Afterward, stop by the Telluride hotel’s new Ski Recovery Lounge, which features Kenworthy’s favorite recovery rituals (like Hyperice and Normatec therapies) and his own cool-down playlist.
Savor more dining options in Deer Valley.
Dine in a Luxe Yurt
On Dec. 21, The St. Regis Deer Valley will debut Yurt Village, three yurts with mahogany latticework, plexiglass stargazing domes, windows overlooking the Wasatch Range and radiant heat. The luxe yurts, which seat eight, will serve lunch, après-ski and dinner.
Sip Fine Wine
The pandemic isn’t stopping the nation’s longest-running food and wine fest. Boston Harbor Hotel’s Boston Wine Festival (January-March) will offer virtual wine dinners Thursdays, and socially distant wine dinners Fridays and Saturdays spotlighting top wine and winemakers from around the world.
Get festive at Chatham Bars Inn.
Shake Up Holiday Libations
Step up your holiday entertaining with the help of Adam Couto, Chatham Bars Inn’s master mixologist. You’ll learn how to make eggnog and holiday grog during hands-on classes in the Cape Cod hotel’s new STARS Mixology Lounge throughout December.
Take a Jingle Jog
Although a canine isn’t required for Montage Palmetto Bluff’s Dec. 24 Jingle Bell Dog Jog 5K, it’s certainly more fun to have one (the South Carolina hotel will provide the bells). After the run, you’ll feel less guilty about indulging in Montage’s Cookie Pop Up Shop.
Send mail to Santa.
Write Letters to Santa
Children checking into Lotte New York Palace or The Towers will receive a postcard to write to Santa and drop into a special onsite mailbox. Later, a personalized response from Santa Claus will magically appear in their rooms.
Ride to Santa’s Workshop
Climb aboard a wagon to visit Santa’s workshop at Salamander Resort & Spa in Middleburg, Virginia, for a socially distanced photo op. After kids share their wishes, they’ll do a festive craft and then enjoy s’mores and hot cocoa at the fire pits.
Explore the terrain by snowshoe.
Embark on a Snowshoe Adventure
Starting in January, trek through the tranquil mountainside during a sunset snowshoe outing courtesy of The Lodge at Blue Sky, Auberge Resorts Collection in Park City. The final destination is a yurt, where mulled wine and fondue will warm you up.
Feed on Festive Flapjacks
Pendry San Diego adapted its annual Pancakes and Pajamas Brunch as a to-go kit, with cooked classic and red velvet pancakes, colorful toppings and a pair of children’s holiday pajamas from P.J. Salvage. Pre-order a kit here and pick it up Dec. 19 at Provisional Kitchen.
Do some yoga in the snow.
Do Some Snowga
Embrace Edgewood Tahoe’s wintry landscape with snowga in the Sierras. Take in the fresh mountain air and relax your mind as instructors take you through poses in an outdoor yoga experience on a patch of beachfront overlooking Lake Tahoe’s icy waters.
Partake in Après-Beach
Snowy destinations don’t have the corner on après experiences. The Ritz-Carlton, South Beach puts a Miami spin on it with Après Beach, a post-beach ritual with Veuve Clicquot and gourmet bites on the Starr Bar overlooking the Atlantic.
Dine in your own bubble.
Stay at a Hotel on Ice
Four Seasons Hotel Washington, D.C. transformed to a “Hotel on Ice,” with heated pop-up ice bubble domes on the patio of Bourbon Steak featuring spirits and champagnes by Moët Hennessy. Meanwhile, kids camp out in ice castles set up in their rooms.
Have a Fun DIY Holiday
Celebrate the season with Terranea Resort’s to-go activity kits. The Kids Club Family Gratitude Boxes is packed with arts and crafts, games, gratitude conversation cards and more. Or opt for the L.A. hotel’s other DIY kits with gingerbread houses, mandala painting, stargazing and s’mores to enjoy around one of the 228 onsite fireplaces.
Meet the man in red in the Santa Suite.
See Santa on the Beach
St. Nick is stopping in at Fairmont Mayakoba, Riviera Maya to visit with little ones in his own Santa Suite, a merry beachside dome. It’s complimentary to chat and take photos with the jolly old elf, but the hotel is collecting donations to aid the local community.
Throw a private Hanukkah celebration
Commemorate the Festival of Lights from the comfort of your accommodations at Ojai Valley Inn. The hotel will deliver a Hanukkah kit with an electric menorah, dreidels and chocolate gelt coins to kickstart your in-room holiday festivities.
Santa ditched the reindeer for a helicopter this year.
Celebrate Christmas Beachside
Forget white Christmases. Beachfront Grand Velas Los Cabos will mark Dec. 25 with Santa swooping in via helicopter, along with sandcastle competitions, cooking classes, sand bikes, an aromatherapy Spa Atelier workshop and private stargazing.
Enjoy a Private Concert
Commodore Perry Estate, Auberge Resorts Collection will grant concertgoers’ Christmas wish with a one-of-a-kind private experience in Austin’s iconic Paramount Theatre. Have a three-course dinner, cocktail experience and theater tour, followed by a screening of a vintage holiday movie or a musical performance.
Get into the holiday spirit in Houston.
Spend Time with Santa
At The Post Oak Hotel at Uptown Houston’s Holiday Workshop (Dec. 12-13), kids can decorate gingerbread houses, listen to carolers, have story time with Santa and nosh on light holiday bites while mom and dad hit the mimosa bar.
The hotel will send you out on a sleigh.
Go Sleigh Riding
Gallivant around Aspen in a horse-drawn carriage with a historian to explore the mining town and learn about its past. Hotel Jerome, Auberge Resorts Collection partnered with the Aspen Historical Society for the private sleigh rides.
Follow up skiing with a seafood spread.
Après-Ski in Tahoe
After day on the slopes and refueling at The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe’s sumptuous après-ski spread with Moët & Chandon, shrimp cocktail, crab and caviar, revive yourself at the spa with a Ponderosa Pine Winter Body Scrub. Pine bark treats sore muscles, and a creamy exfoliation with local pine salve soothes dry skin.
Create Art
Children are invited to create their own masterpieces at Four Seasons Hotel One Dalton Street, Boston. The hotel will send craft kits to the room, and the Trifecta Trolley will stop by to mix up a holiday-themed mocktail at your door. Parents can order adult libations from the trolley, too.
Rosewood Miramar Beach will feel like home for the holidays.
Admire Bright Holiday Lights
Have a winter getaway at Rosewood Miramar Beach with the Home Sweet Miramar Package, and you’ll get a signature suite with a full-sized tree and decorating kit, an in-suite dinner, customized stockings and family pajamas, and use of the house car for a tour through the area’s best holiday light displays.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
In a Field Dominated by Men, She’s in Charge
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This article is part of our Women and Leadership special section, which focuses on women challenging traditional ways of thinking.Growing up in Meridian, Miss., Tonya Hicks adored working on cars and rebuilding motors with her Uncle Melvin, an industrial mechanic.“I learned all about my tools from ratchets to socket wrenches by handing them to him, and sometimes sliding under the cars to have a look,” she said. “Even as a 5-year-old, the back of my sundress would have oil stains and under my nails would be black — which didn’t go over well with Mama.”Her mother’s displeasure was just the first of a string of obstacles in the route Ms. Hicks followed to becoming an electrician and running a growing business. Discrimination, sexual harassment and that she is a woman of color were all hurdles as she made her way into the male-dominated industry. In the United States, 2.4 percent of electricians are women, and 9.5 percent of electrical contracting businesses are owned by women.Ms. Hicks, now 47, faced career pushback before entering the skilled-trades arena. Her math acumen earned her a scholarship to Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, where she was a math major with a minor in computer science. “I wanted to be a mathematician working on coding and computer software for the Defense Department,” she said.But during her sophomore year, her professional path hit a roadblock.“One of my instructors told me that those kinds of jobs were not readily available for a black woman,” Ms. Hicks said. “All of my dreams just came down. He said the best thing I could do is focus on becoming a teacher. I thought, ‘That is just not me.’”Her fortune changed during her summer break, when she landed work as a laborer at a paper mill. “It was exciting,” she said. “I saw how the industrial electricians were using math all the time.”She forfeited her scholarship and did not return to college in the fall. “My family thought I was a complete failure and letting everyone down,” she said.Her challenges continued. When Ms. Hicks applied for the apprenticeship program at her hometown electrical union, she found herself being interviewed by five white men.“They told me, ‘You know three white women tried before you and failed,’” she recalled. “‘Don’t you think it’s going to be hard you being a black female?’ And I said, ‘Nope.’”She was right. Ms. Hicks was the first woman to complete the five-year program becoming the first female journeyman electrician in Local 917 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W.) and among the first few African-American women in Mississippi to do so. (Only 6.8 percent of electricians are black or African-American, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.)Ms. Hicks was tenacious. She traveled long distances to find work at car plants and steel mills and in the construction of airports from Mississippi to Michigan. She did not blink at being on the job 12 hours a day, seven days a week as she learned her trade.The workplace could be frustrating. “There were many times when I would show up at a job and no man talked to me, or acknowledged my presence,” she said. “Many times, the foremen on the jobs didn’t know what to do with me because I was the only woman. They would send me to the material trailer to clean it up, instead of working a job on the floor. That’s how I learned about the construction business and how to estimate. I would read everything I found there.”When a co-worker urged her to start her own business, she never looked back.“I had worked for nine different employers that year and was ready to take control of my career,” she said.So in 2000, Ms. Hicks started Power Solutions, an electrical contracting firm based in Atlanta that focused on commercial and industrial buildings and now specializes in renewable energy and smart-city technology. She was 28. “I bought a computer and had my business cards made with clip art of a woman electrician with a lightning bolt,” Ms. Hicks said. “That’s me.”To fund her start-up, she tapped into roughly $10,000 of personal savings. And she began networking with the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and women’s business groups. “These women helped me,” she said. “That was a culture shock. People accepted me.”The business will start operations in Singapore and the Netherlands this year.But she is not done. Ms. Hicks is assembling the next group of women to work in skilled-trade industries. With support of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Initiative, a city-funded incubator for women-owned businesses in Atlanta, her latest venture is a career development agency and training center to help women get jobs in male-dominated industries. It will start this summer in Atlanta, with plans for nine more centers to open in cities across the country, including Detroit and Englewood, Calif.“I am tired of being the only, the first,” she said. “I’m working to try to change that. I look at construction as the last frontier for women. I don’t think it’s any better than when I started. It takes a long time to change culture. And it’s not where it needs to be for women to feel there is a real opportunity.”Apprenticeships like the one Ms. Hicks held provide on-the-job training and are vital to the success of women in the skilled-trade sector. In 2017, however, only 7.3 percent of those completing registered apprenticeships were women.“Growing the number of women in construction or the trades is no small feat,” said C. Nicole Mason, president and chief executive of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. “It takes a tremendous amount of coordination between work-force development programs, labor unions, contractors and the government. These are higher-paying jobs with benefits, and potential for increased earnings over time — all things that are particularly meaningful for working women with families.”But change has been incremental.“Although huge strides have been made over the last several decades, there does remain a significant lack of diversity of women and women of color in the skilled trades and construction industry,” said Vicki Anderson, the chief executive of Stevens Engineers and Constructors, based in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.The obstacles that Ms. Hicks encountered more than 20 years ago are still rampant. Sexual harassment is still an issue, according to Carolyn Williams, a retired director of the I.B.E.W. Civic and Community Engagement Department. “The biggest challenge for women entering the field is the sexism,” she said. “You think about that environment it has this macho connotation behind it.”While the numbers compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics are not indicative of a huge increase in women’s participation in the skilled trades, there are many groups now offering support, Ms. Williams said, and more tradeswomen are recruiting women and educating their unions on the obstacles and solutions to removing the barriers that women face in the skilled trades.Programs, like Chicago Women in Trades and Nontraditional Employment for Women in New York City, have built a channel for women entering construction and other traditionally male-dominated fields.“Women often get clogged in the pipeline due to the lack of support by male supervisors or co-workers, sexual harassment, or they do not receive the proper training or support to do all aspects of the job,” Ms. Mason said. “These jobs are also less flexible and do not provide support services for child care or take into account women’s disproportionate caretaking responsibilities compared to men. As a result, retention of women in nontraditional jobs and skilled trades can be difficult.”In fact, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research was recently awarded a three-year, $750,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to improve retention and advancement for women in construction and manufacturing fields.That mission resonates with Ms. Hicks. While she admittedly has been through some tough years as her business has gained traction, her biggest return has been “empowering women economically,” she said.“Being a boss is giving other people an opportunity to make money and to help them grow,” she said. “Not until you are building up another person are you a true leader.” Read the full article
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the-zapped-part-timer · 4 months
Penn Zerothon Day 1
North Pole Down🎄
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My Ramblings: Hey, this all looks familiar! Anyways, I like sword gag. Obviously guys it was in a couch, open your minds. It's also interesting to see Sashi not having wings like in the Pilot, I guess now we can infer what happened because we know she has them the next time they're in the Knight World.
I like to smash bits of the Pilot in this episode in my head, with the Boone being exception of course... and also the other stuff going in Zap One.
Ok, the zapping. They still do come out of a static background, but the Pilot's just looks so different.
Get the banging intro we all love and the iconic title cards!
Zooming on the family picture doesn't hurt at all. Nope, not all. It's interesting to show no snow on Christmas Eve, but that can happen in a lot of places, I really like that decision. Sashi beating the fake reindeer making look like snow? Gold.
But I've got to say, starting with a holiday episode is... unusual. I personally wouldn't have, but I'm not saying it had to be Zap One. It's just that not everyone likes holiday or Christmas episodes. I'm also upset we never got a Halloween episode.
I wonder why we didn't see the MUHU used in the Pilot, perhaps it wasn't a thing? I doubt it. I enjoy Brock and Vonnie every time they're on screen, funny and such great parents, even from afar! Like that they left a record video. Poor Penn, just wants see his parents so bad on Christmas, they're first Christmas apart. Also for a quick second we see that the MUHU charging deck thingy is broken. I wonder why? Genuinely, why? Was it The Chinchilla?
Our first introduction to Aunt Rise and Uncle Chuck (and of course The Chinchilla). I don't mind them, not my favorites. But don't mind. They're quirky.
I love the Trio so much! Boone and Sashi trying to cheer up Penn is so sweet.
First time we see Old Man Middleburg.
Not even having to exchange words to show how much Rippen hates Penn and Larry's over the topness.
Phyllis is queen. She's slaying in that candy cane costume. And she's already being supportive with Penn. You need a prom date? Phyllis has got you. MUHU broken beyond repair? She tried.
I would have a mental breakdown if I tried avoiding Christmas like the plague only to be zapped into Santa of all people! Like what are the odds? It's like the universe knows or something.
I just realized we never got a "check the specs" in the Pilot! Dang. Also, you can hear bells when her specs are displaying the mission.
Penn helping Boone calm down is sweet. Also, the "Okay, I'm gonna pet you now, but not in a weird way." Line will never not be funny, so many quotable lines in this show. I'm like a parrot.
Also, was the head in a box a reference to the movie Seven? If so, it's a very interesting pick for a reference for a kids' show.
Did they get Adam Levine for his screaming? I think that's a possibility.
Mr. Snowman...
I do like the rogue gingerbread men, but I wonder if Rippen being Krampus was at least considered. It always bugged me when I first watched this. Goat Rippen would have been too much for anyone to handle, I suppose.
The candy and Christmas weaponry is fun and creative. Larry cannibalizing himself is very Larry. I, too, would have a nibble on at least one of my fingers.
I like that Mr. Snowman just assumed the MUHU was broken. He doesn't know a damn thing about it and yet already being manipulative. I like that Penn is allowed to be a bit selfish. It makes sense, most of the time, it's because of his parents. He desperately wants them back or at least able to see and talk to them. Love me some good character flaws!
Surprise! The snowman with an ominous voice was bad! Although, it is surprising that Rippen decided to team up with anyone. I guess he probably sees Mr. Snowman as easy to take out, it's not that hard as we see later on. (Snow) Man literally took his whole heart out and almost died for a bit.
The face Penn makes when he says the whole ruining Christmas for eternity is gonna bother him for awhile is great. So many great faces on this show.
The first song of the show! Also forgot the Pilot didn't have a song... good. I don't wanna hear that Boone sing. He's not an angel like ours. I used don't not like his singing, but it grew on me. Pretty good song. Everyone is good at singing. I like that the breakout fails, like you really thought a candy cane would work as a key? Jokes land so much better than the Pilot (sorry I keep bringing that up).
So there's just one gingerbread woman? Like a smurfette? Also, Rippen, my goodness! One (gingerbread) woman and already be acting up. It's just a tiny bit but still funny, I like the idea that he can't keep it in his pants sometimes. He's gotta come off as suave to anyone watching.
Also weird that gingerbread people just eat steak and mashed potatoes... not very Christmas-like, guys, and woman.
"You've looked cooler." Sashi delivers that in such a way that it can be such a low blow to whoever she's saying it to (Penn).
Would've loved to see a drama class. That would've been a Boone episode, a Boone-isode!
Creative way to escape, using Santa lore. I wonder what it felt like to be tube-shaped for a few seconds. I'm sure that would feel good on my back until I cry from pain.
First instance of Arnold Schwarzenegger voice Boone.
"Man, that guy can talk." Sashi, that man is your principal. Your lucky he ain't evil.
Yep, he's a snowman... what was he gonna do? Snowball them? Man them- nevermind.
AAHHH! Rippen jumpscare! Oh no- is his bowtie made of anything? Like licorice or something? Or is it just a bowtie?
I'll never find it funny that in some Santa media set in modern times, they're still making older toys like made out of wood and stuff. Anyways, love the fight between Penn and Rippen using the toys as weapons. Very fun and creative.
I love it when Rippen tries to use Penn's interest against him, the MUHU in this case. But no, Penn is better than that.
Did Rippen feel anything when he broke or does it not hurt? Either way, falling down at that velocity must have been terrifying. First instance of Larry eating Rippen... yep, not the first!
Also, the first use of the Wilhelm Scream! They love that scream.
He made a hard choice, but thankfully, it paid off in two ways. Completing the mission and getting your MUHU fixed by Santa because of it. What was that one quote? "A true act of goodwill always sparks another." (Whoever gets that, have a cookie)
Also like that it implies Santa doesn't like gingerbread, perhaps because gingerbread people work for him?
An all around good Christmas episode, usually my least favorite kind.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: This Penn and Pilot Penn while similar, feel very different in delivery.
Like I said already, I like Penn feeding into his self-interest. We always understand why he does and acts like he does, he's a good person with flaws. Flaws that are so human.
Boone Wiseman: Oh Boone, I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I can't believe we almost didn't have this you! So much more funnier and nicer. Our lovable buffoon. Even going out to make skateboard sleds for his friends! And a failed roller-skate skis that he actually never made, but it's the thought that counts.
He's funny but still takes some seriousness with his job. Especially at the end.
Sashi Kobayashi: Violent as ever! But cares deeply about Penn's troubles. I also enjoyed when she just conked Larry and that elf in the head.
Rippen: Not a whole lot to say for him in this episode. He was funny and growly as usual. It's still interesting that he teamed up with someone as we'll see in Number One Number Two. Yes, I know, I'm Still Super. But that's different as we'll also see
Larry: He really doesn't have much to do besides eating himself. Which, good for him, he makes a good point, they'll never be that delicious again.
Dimension(s): I like the look of the mountaintop north pole base, which is a very cool take on Santa's workshop. It's more like a military base than anything.
Forms: Reindeer Boone is the best, sorry. He's adorable, I like his physicality. Everyone else did good, but they'll never be Reindeer Boone.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
 Mpumalanga police arrested an alleged bogus pharmacist in Middleburg.
 Mpumalanga police arrested an alleged bogus pharmacist on Thursday. Police arrested the 27-year-old man who bought treatment unlawfully in Middelburg. Brigadier Selvy Mohlala mentioned police launched a search operation of his enterprise after receiving tipoffs. Police seized treatment price R7 000 throughout his arrest, mentioned Mohlala, including the person was linked to a "nutrition shop" within the space.The man was charged with unlawful possession of Schedule 6 treatment and will face extra prices.ALSO READ | 'Bogus' doctor, charged with practising without a licence, released on R5K bailMpumalanga police commissioner, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, welcomed the arrest. She urged residents to be vigilant and report "the underground market" of unlawful treatment. Manamela mentioned: We wish to warn individuals to cease playing with their lives with regards to problems with well being. The public must be further cautious when being medically handled or receiving any treatment from suspicious people."Being ignorant can place someone's life in danger, and members of the public should rather use the public health facilities or legitimate private health facilities than take an 'easier route', which can be detrimental to their health." We stay in a world the place details and fiction get blurred In instances of uncertainty you want journalism you may belief. For 14 free days, you may have entry to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, prime opinions and a variety of options. Journalism strengthens democracy. Invest sooner or later right now. Thereafter you may be billed R75 monthly. You can cancel anytime and for those who cancel inside 14 days you will not be billed.  [ad_2] Source link
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ocalaplumberfl-blog · 7 years
Ocala Plumber Best Service To Choose
Plumbing offers industry-best standards in quality, design, and service. With more than 50,000 products online, always make Ferguson your first choice! For the best Ocala plumber in Florida take a look at the guide below.
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Whether you're coping with plumbing emergency or you've just realized that the water is draining slowly from your tub or sink, obtaining a drain clearing expert is a thing you will want to do carefully. While there are many of plumbers around, not every one of them should be able to fit the bill and provide the comprehensive service that you need. As such, you will have to do a little work to obtain the absolute best plumber that may help you maintain drains and pipes clear.
Water pressure affects the degree of your consumption. The higher the pressure, the higher the volume of water usage. The recommended water pressure level is about only 60 pounds per square in . so anything above that is not good. You can contact the community's water authority to discover the actual water pressure level in your town. If it's more than 60, let professional plumbers put in a pressure valve in your home to solve the situation.
Ocala Plumber:
But when you rush to get out your plunger and drain opener liquid, or immediately grab the telephone to call a plumber? It depends about the situation-and in your knowledge of plumbing ins and outs. Weigh the seriousness of the situation, your experience level in resolving similar issues, plus your financial situation to make a decision.
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BIG CHANGES IN WATER HEATERS began April 2015. Is your water heater 8 years old or older? Changes in how water heaters are now made may effect you. The Department of Energy made new laws for water heaters starting April 2015. While the more energy efficient units will be better for the environment they could be very challenging for home owners, especially condo owners and where the water heater is in a small space or closet. New units will be larger, more complicated to install and costlier. Call MGR Plumbing Services to see what options are best for you - changing your water heater NOW with a current, cheaper unit, if available, that will fit into your existing space, or considering a tankless water heater, or using the new energy efficient units that are just out. Don't wait for a problem, the new changes will make a quick fix unlikely.
A plumber is really a skilled, licensed educated professional. The plumber opens a small business hires several general labors and does well. Training and schooling several team players. They all work tirelessly, make a fare wage and so are content. But, one of these simple team players had a concept... The Idea was, how I might make money using what I find utilizing this professional plumber. So, this employee began to consider what it really would take to accomplish one of several services the professional plumber agreed to the city. As he looked into exactly what it takes to start a business he found out that some of the plumber's skills could possibly be done legally without each of the years of schooling and special license. You need a small business name & license, insurance, a bond, had to buy a little equipment, set some money aside for advertising, each of the while working for the professional plumber. After almost a year of conserving money, buying equipment and preparing to accept the entire world. He gives his notice for the professional plumber. I am going out on my very own; this is it, the danger, the task, the adventure a person can have.
For potable drinking water, plumbers in North Port used copper pipe. The copper pipe water lines were used for routing potable drinking water to the various fixtures throughout a new home. Those copper water lines were joined together using a lead solder. Copper water lines are still used today, however; the solder used to join the pipes no longer contains lead.
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If everyone in the United States could manage to use just one less gallon of water per shower every day, we could save some 85 billion gallons per year. How do you do it? By keeping the shower pressure lower or by making your showers a few seconds shorter.
Joe the Plumber service the following areas of northeast Florida: Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Ponte Vedra Beach, Fernandina, Amelia Island, Callahan, Yulee, Hillard, Macclenny, St George, St Marys, Kingsland, Orange Park, Middleburg, Green Cove Springs, Penny Farms, St Augustine, Hastings, Palatka, Keystone Heights, Starke, Lake City, Waldo, Baldwin, St Augustine Beach, Crescent Beach, Palm Coast, Daytona, Holly Hill, Titusville, Daytona Shores, Ormond Beach, Bunnell, Deland, Orange City, Port Orange, Orlando, New Smyrna Beach, Sanford, Palm Valley, Fruitcove, Mandarin, Lawtey, St. Augustine Beach, Switzerland, Vilano Beach, Marineland, Flagler Beach, Beverly Beach, Sanderson, and Glen St. Mary.
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If a plumber needs to do major repairs to your house, the work could call for a permit. You'll want this since a permit provides added assurance that the work is done correctly. Having this added measure in place means an inspector will check the work your contractor or plumber does to ensure he or she did the job correctly. If you ever plan on putting your house or commercial building on the market, a real estate agent and prospective buyers will also want to check any large work you did to make sure it was done properly.
So, I decided to use the old approach of participant observer for a Ocala plumber and try and write what I am gathering from many people I really do not know.  It saves energy too. Most systems have a very timer that you can program the machine to change don and doff at certain points of the day, like when you find yourself sleeping or at the job, that can turn off capacity to the unit. It will just use power if it's programmed to run. Some units run continuously and will utilize a large amount of one's, but installing a unit that features a timer will save you on your own electricity bill also, making the house much more efficient and greener.
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The goal of a lot of capitalistic minded individuals is usually to go ahead and take knowledge learned because you age, and transform it into a life's dream. You can work with the Man, as people say, but that's the Man? My notion of the man is someone plus some say Government, but anyone who has taken danger, and has been an established Entrepreneur, the owner of a large company, sometimes termed as a money machine. These are many of the saviors in our country. Yes, sometimes greed and power assume control and manipulate folks depressed by the device. From a young age we are programed to benefit someone, paying high taxes and held back from your unlimited opportunities this Nation will give to us.
Finding a plumber must not be a problem, since there are so many around prepared to handle your assignment. The problem however is getting the right person to do the job. In most cases, people begin their search by asking around off their family and friends. Recommended plumbers are usually the best especially in emergencies.
In order to become a plumber, anyone should apply for a plumbing license. This license is disseminated from the county or city the person resides in. Therefore, each city inside state might have its plumbing license requirements. However, all counties and cities from the state of Pennsylvania agree that the plumber must have work experience just as one apprentice. Before you can become licensed, work experience might need to be completed within plumber that is already licensed by the state.
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A plumber is really a skilled, licensed educated professional. The plumber opens an enterprise hires several general labors and does well. Training and schooling a group of team players. They all give your very best, make a fare wage and therefore are content. But, one of these team players had a concept... The Idea was, how I may make cash with what I discovered working with this professional plumber. So, this employee started to explore what it really would decide to try accomplish one of several services the professional plumber provided to the community. As he searched into exactly what it takes to begin a company he discovered that a number of the plumber's skills could possibly be done legally without all the many years of schooling and special license. You need a small business name & license, insurance, a bond, were required to get a little bit of equipment, set some funds aside for advertising, every one of the while being employed by the professional plumber. After many months of conserving money, buying equipment and preparing to accept the planet. He gives his notice towards the professional plumber. I am going from my own; this is it, the chance, the process, the adventure of your life.
Under-slab plumbing issues occur in old homes where galvanized pipes were used for plumbing. As well, lead piping is another issue as it is a health hazard. Plumbing companies can remove old pipes and replace them with modern piping. Proper drainage is another concern with old plumbing. After a while, the old pipes can become damaged or clogged. Plumbing companies are able to clean the drain and sewer lines and make any repairs or replacements.
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Typical factors of slab leaks for example the shifting of the groundwork (because of bad design or ground situations), inferior water supply lines, water supply pressure that's excessively high, and the water chemistry(when the pH scale of the water supply is excessively high, then the incoming copper pipeworks may begin to rust and you'll have pinhole leakages). You may also figure out if you get a slab leak by examining the water supply meter in the home. If the small arrow moves within a few minutes, that implies that there is a slab leak.
Plumbing Nightmare on the First Day of School
How to Find a Competent Local Plumber
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Let's face it, if you aren't a professional plumber you are going to without doubt have reason to call one eventually in your life
You do not always know when a plumbing emergency will probably strike, for example the tub getting blocked up, or perhaps a pipe that has burst and is threatening to flood you out of house and home
These plumbing disasters use a way of happening unexpectedly and also at inconvenient hours through the day and night
When a plumbing emergency strikes there's a chance you're wanting a round the clock plumber
If you have never dealt with one before, there are several stuff you should bear in mind
The Pros And Cons For a Career As a Plumber
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Understanding how to fix a leaking toilet you will save large sums of money in calls towards the plumber, and slash hundreds more away from your annual water bill
The first thing is to see whether there is a leak or not
To do this, you need to use sometimes a dye tablet purchased at any shop, or you may use the usual food coloring
Six Tips on How to Maintain Your Plumbing System
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If following the designated time, the drain is still clogged, utilize a toilet plunger to make use of pressure on the clogged area
You will need to securely plug the other sinks in addition to the one you utilize to plunge
Place the plunger within the drain opening and push the rubber plunger down and up in the hole
The pressure made up of this method will usually work well
Sweating copper pipe - In the world of recent plumbing, this really is probably the most important skill you need to learn. Knowing how to sweat copper pipe is a vital skill essential for small fixes and adding valves. To begin with, all you have to do is make a solder, flux, a small torch, and a few items of copper pipe. In the process, you first need to completely clean the copper, add the flux, heat the joint, and apply the solder.
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A professional plumber is able to appraise the situation immediately and be able to handle any plumbing problem. Finding your plumber online has numerous advantages most famously of which is that you may view their profile. Depending upon the standard of your website, the plumber's profile will even provide important info to assist you make your mind up. Hiring one associated with a business is usually the better option for a Ocala plumber.
Joe The Ocala Plumber - Residential and Commercial Ocala Plumbing
Plumbing Drains Waste and Vents - how to articles from wikiHow
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abailsk-blog · 4 years
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During the practice the DL looked solid and made some nice plays. At different times Micanor Regis, Luther Robinson and Jeremy Lewis all took turns crashing into the interior of the OL and each made some serious penetration into the UM backfield. If they can learn to keep those pesky OL off of the UM linebackers so they can make plays then we may have a return to the UM defense of old.
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weedcitynewz · 4 years
Police: Man gave marijuana to 15-year-old girl, had sex with her
Police: Man gave marijuana to 15-year-old girl, had sex with her
MIDDLEBURG — A 19-year-old Selinsgrove man is accused of providing marijuana to a 15-year-old girl and having sex with her.
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samakaphyllis · 7 years
Something that didn't sit well with me during season 2 was Pigeons, was there ment to be something more with her or was she just ment as a "oh Larry's so rich he has a butler for his butler" kind of thing? I don't know why but I was so excited to see more of her or at least her what she sounded like.
Thanks for noticing her. I’m not a fan of revealing much beyond what was presented in the episode... (because what is in the series is the story we were able to tell)... but just for you, yes indeed we planned to show more of her. When becoming co-butlers, Matthews and Fredericks needed someone to assist them. Haley Pigeons is Canadian 🇨🇦 and her personality is very no-nonsense and a hard worker—otherwise she wouldn’t be hired. Beyond that she is a mystery. (Remember in season 1’s QPC? They were holding interviews and Chuck and Rose pretended to be candidates? Well Haley Pigeons was hired shortly after that, after a long international interview process.) Also, Matthews and Fredericks remembered Rose’s unique “butler quality” and by the end of the series, they hired Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose as their Co-butlers’ butler’s co-butlers. And of course, the Chinchilla is hired as the co-butlers’ butler’s co-butlers’ Butler (check its onscreen name tag) - though the Chinchilla would never consent to actually working for anyone. The Chinchilla just likes the sweet suit. And with his triumphant return to Middleburg Manor, Old Man Middleburg is glad to have so much help.
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dmvalerts · 6 years
Loudoun: LCSO Seeks Whereabouts of Missing Middleburg Man, Last Seen in Fauquier County **CORRECTED**
Loudoun: LCSO Seeks Whereabouts of Missing Middleburg Man, Last Seen in Fauquier County **CORRECTED** Please click here to acknowledge receipt of this message FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  December 1, 2018 Contact:  Kraig Troxell, Media Relations and Communications Manager, 703-771-5278 [email protected] Alex Kowalski, Public Information Officer, 703-777-0625  [email protected] Loudoun County, VA – The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s assistance to help locate a missing 88-year-old from Middleburg.  Louis E. Haley is described as a black male, approximately 5’9” tall, 165 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. He was last seen in Markham, Virginia in Fauquier County during the afternoon of November 30. He was wearing a black jacket, black pants, and black boots. He was also wearing a black hat. Mr. Haley drives a 1995 white Ford pickup bearing Virginia tags TV10709. The pickup has a Washington Redskins flag and a United States flag on each side of the cab of the truck.  Anyone with any information regarding the possible whereabouts of Mr. Haley is asked to immediately contact Detective M. Grimsley of the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office at 703-777-1021.  If you would like to edit the way you receive these messages, please LOGIN to your account to manage your information
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