#captian super captian
brainlessbaguette · 8 months
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Y'all I am so scared. This could either be great or an absolute dumpster fire of a movie. Why live-action? No seriously why live-action??? For Zelda, the games that are so wonderfully cartooney even at their most serious? Why is Avi Arad producing a Zelda movie? His mixed bag of movies aside I DON'T THINK HES DONE FANTASY??? Like correct me if I'm wrong but I believe its mostly sci-fi, superheroes and stuff.
I know I'll enjoy it regardless, trashy movies are my jam. But if we want more it can't flop like 1993 mario(love that movie) and thats the bit thats got me nervous.
I'm gonna anxiously hold out hope solely becuase the tweet opened up with "This is Miyamoto." Just DON'T do BOTW/TOTK. I know you want to pick the cash cow Nintendo, but video game movies are WAY more likely to flop if you pick the one where everyone would rather just play the game. The bigger the fanbase the worse the odds get, so I am begging you not to come out of the gates with an adaptation of the ones where everyone and their mother has played it.
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playthe-piper · 2 months
the urge to write a highschool based chatfic for Gotham
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casside-sionnach · 11 months
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Brie Larson as Carol Danvers aka Capitan Marvel
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vivianquill · 9 months
ohhhhhh no
ladies and gents we have a new au.
oh frick.
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Alright so Karkat is Adam whose a Beast class representing humanities self-hatred. In spite of this, he's not really evil, just like a kinda rude teenager. He's kinda become not a troll any more do to, memory instead being a dark skinned human with red fairy wings.
As a counterpoint, John became Eve and a member of the Moon Cancer class do to some homestuck retcon shit. Do to the collective perception of Eve as a girl, John is now female in this form. She doesn't really mind.
Lord English is considered Yalweh/Patriarch and has been equally split between the four personalities Equius (The Father), Caliborn (The Son) and Hal (The Holy Spirit). Caliborn fronts most of the time but the other two pitch in. It is theorized that a fourth personality exists but his existence is unconfirmed. He's an Avenger.
Alpha Dave and Alpha Rose also probably get to be servants. Alpha Rose is a Foreigner and Alpha Dave is a Saber.
Condy is probably here to, as like, a waifu'd version of her. The whole "your technically not responsible for any of the shit past you did" thing probz applies to her. She's probably a Pretender or Foreigner.
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nintendouniverse2023 · 11 months
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My OC Mara has a message for Capitan Sophia from @cherrycreamfairy
That was originally going to plan this out, but I ended tired. Anyway, Happy (Late) Birthday Sophia!
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hifumiitogo · 1 year
i wont ever play it but i see that ishmael limbus company and nod. moefication. same with rodya. wouldve finished crime and punishment if that was how rodya actually looked like.
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
could you do Luffy,Buggy and Mihawk their s/o taking their hat? :D
Of course! Sounds super cute! May add a touch of SPICE as well just to make it fun!
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• You lifted the hat from Luffy face gently to check on him. He opened one sleepy eye and once he saw it was you grinned widely, watching as you gently put on his famous straw-hat. His arms reaching out and like the cuddly boy he was took you into his arms.
• "(Y/N), that's my hat" He giggled, Not upset at you currently wearing it. You couldn't help but giggle as well. Careful to make sure it didn't catch the breeze or get crushes in the cuddles
• "I know, I just wanted to see how you were doing and couldnt help myself" You admit, Luffy looking at your face intensly as he broke in a brighter smile.
• "Did I ever tell you why that hat is so important to me? Or who it came from?" He asked with a wide grin. Cuddling you close.
• You lean your head on his chest "Yes, but I love to hear the story anyway" You giggle. Luffy smiling brightly as he started the tale of how he me got the Hat from Shanks and the adventure leaving up to it.
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• Buggy sat on his throne looking over his freaks, throwing out random orders and demands as he wanted his sets to be perfect.
• Walking behind the throne you carefully lift the hat from his head and place it on yourself, At first his eyes looking to see who dared to touch him. Until seeing it was you and giving a crooked smile.
• "Here to cheer me on (Y/N)?~" He purred at you. Earning a good chuckle from you as you walked around his throne. Adjusting the hat on your head
• "No, Just came to distract you a little is all" You admit, Buggy smiling at this. Quickly ordering his freaks away to enjoy his time with you.
• "You know, There is a Rule when it comes to my hat Doll~" Buggy grinned, Grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his lap. His hand holding your hip tightly with a crooked grin on his lips.
• "Oh?" You hummed, sitting pretty on his lap as he leaned back on his throne. Taking you all in with lustful eyes. "Take the hat. Ride the owner~"
• "Pretty sure you made that up Buggy~" You couldnt help but giggle, The Captian shrugging and Grinning even wider
• "Even Better!" He cackled before attacking your lips with a hard kiss.
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• You smile as you see Mihawk seated at the bar- You and him had quite an interesting relationship. One that left you two far too familiar with each other then just passing friends.
• When you steal the hat from his head and put it on yourself. Mihawk golden eyes lock onto you, setting his drink down infront of him.
• "Bold as ever (Y/N)" He said with his same stoic expression, however a mild amusement shining in his eyes at seeing you in his hat. You smile at him and wink
• "Only with you and wanted to test the water to see how large it was~" You teased, adjusting the larger large hat on you with a feathered touch.
• Mihawks hand reaching out and grasping your chin gently to look at him.
• "I do hope you realize that you'll be wearing that Hat this evening Darling?" He said casual, Releasing you and taking another sip of his drink but his eyes locked onto you. Warmth hitting your cheeks.
•"You got it Hawkeye~" You purred with a playfully wink. Earning what could only be described as a growl from him as he smirked.
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Dick Grayson (DC Comincs)
So a bunch of Robins are orphans or orphan adjacent but Dick has the strongest case in his birth parents, whom he was raised by, being very very dead. The kind of orphanhood that sticks in the characterization marrow. Plus in some versions he was carted off to the orphanage and everything, starting his "what if I fist-fought my parents' killer myself" arc early until Bruce ultimately decided to pluck him off his warpath and adopt him.
Dick Grayson is truly the orphan of all time not only is he the ward of another famous orphan (batman) but he really was able to surpass his mentor after being orphaned and used that anger towards his parents death to immediately start fighting crime under the Robin Moniker. The other orphans in dc wish they could do it like him. Plus his name is Dick which is objectively funny.
Dressing like a stoplight and kicking people in the face under a bat furry's direction was the MORE reasonable coping strategy than his original plan. Of singlehandedly taking down the entire mafia even though he was a baby.
Think Batman had issues? Well, consider what happens is he raises his mini-me. This guy is waaaayy too tactically driven and ambitious for a thirteen-year-old. And awesome. And the adult version is —- somebody append a photo.
Okay I submitted Bruce Wayne but like I can’t not submit my beloved boy as well! Anyway his parents have the nebulous honor of being so fucking dead, like literally never coming back to life ever. They died in that circus and the only time I can possibly think of them as ‘coming back’ in any way is in Darkest Night, where there were zombies everywhere. So even when they return to the story they’re still fucking dead! Anyway Dick is like super orphaned, I love him but you look at him and you know his parents are dead.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Trust me bro
Tim Drake (DC Comics)
An early reader-insert character, Tim had all the traits the average comics fan at the time wanted: money, martial arts skills, cool skateboard tricks, lots of girlfriends, secret knowledge about Batman and Robin. He volunteered to be Robin, because what comics fan wouldn't in his place? Continuing to be relatable, he's now bisexual, depressed, and living in a crappy apartment. Which is also a boat, because comics readers think it would be cool to live in a houseboat.
His biological mother, Janet Drake, was murdered in the carribean. In the same attack his biological father was hospitalized for injuries and in a coma. Janey Drake was buried on Christmas Eve. During the period that Jack Drake (his biological father) was in a coma he was temporarily under the care of Bruce Wayne. When Jack got out of the coma he was confined to a wheelchair while he went through physical therapy. He would meet his future second wife, Dana Winters through the physical therapy. The two would get married later, Tim having a good relationship with Dana. Her mediating between the father and son during some of the misunderstandings. Jack would find out that Tim was Robin, then realize Bruce Wayne was Batman, threaten Bruce with a gun, and order Tim to quit being Robin. Though later, Tim would get approval from his father to be Robin again and the two would start improving their father son relationship. During the event of identity crisis Tim's indenture would be at stake and Captian Boomerrang would break into the Drake's house and murder Jack just as Tim arrived. Tim having heard his last words over Comms. His stepmother Dana Winters would be hospitalized in Bludhaven for the mental trauma this inflicted on her, and would soon find herself a victim when Bludhaven was bombed/nuked. Tim would then be adopted by Bruce. Though in 2008 Bruce would be supposedly killed by an Omega Beam, leaving 17 year old Tim as a three times over orphan. Though Tim didn't believe Bruce to actually be dead, but lost in the timestream and would go on a Brucequest to get him back. On this trip he would lose his spleen, and nearly die multiple times.
Doomed by the narrative to become an orphan. Tim had a good thing going for a while, but after he started getting involved with the Bats, his life went downhill from there. He became Robin on the day of his mother's funeral. (I should note that the racism I mentioned in her cause of death is that the person who kills her is an awful racist caricature, NOT that she's canonically a POC.) From there, he spent a while balancing Batman (mentor) and his biological father (who was rendered comatose in the incident that killed his mother, but woke up not long after). Both the Robins that came before him were orphaned. As one Tumblr user put it: while Tim Drake managed to beat the odds and remain not an orphan, eventually, the writers succumbed to the calls of orphanhood. His father dies after he finds out Tim's identity, and it is because he knows the secret that he is ultimately targeted and dies. In the aftermath, Tim attempts to get revenge by assassinating the culprit, but ultimately is unable to betray his personal values and go through with it. He has one of the more realistic parent-child relationships among the Bats because it is down to earth in spite of the eventual doom. Really, it comes down to this: Robin isn't just Batman's sidekick, he's Batman's child. And that meant it was only a matter of. time before Tim Drake was orphaned
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Just had another thought:
So people will usually write that Phantom doesn’t have a heartbeat, because dead-not-working or core-and-no-organs, right? And the supers with super hearing can tell he doesn’t.
… Captain Marvel is basically made of magic. When he isn’t Lil Billy he doesn’t need to eat, sleep, etc…
So what is Cap doesn’t have a heartbeat either?
So many different ways to play that out. Are they members of the same species? Are they both magic? Are they both dead? Should the JL be concerned by these lacks of basic bodily functions?
And of course, then you’ve got 2 kids with great power and little impulse control everyone believes are super Old…
They would screw with the JL so hard. So many dead jokes. And Jason as a Halfa and playing along would just be… (chef’s kiss!)
oh my god YES! you also gotta think, If Captain Marvel was there first and then Phantom joined the team, they might just assume that Danny is just a similar entity like Captain Marvel: A chosen Champion. He even has a catchphrase when he transforms and everything! so it could go either way: They try to make the JL believe that Captian Marvel is a ghost or they try to make the JL believe that Danny is a Champion of the Infinite Realms.
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velvetures · 11 months
omg hey just here to shoot a request, idk if you do gaz as well but only soap is ok too. maybe something like soap x reader where the reader is a transfer from the american sector and she's just this super energetic, "AMERICA SCRAAAWWW" kind of person but is also super in learning about cultures and stuff. then the boys take her to this texas themed pub that she just criticizes the shit ton as she's from texas. i think it'll be funny to see a scot x texan lol thxx
God Bless Texas... and Scotland
A/N: I believe my goal here is to make something a little more on the joking/humorous side here... I'm not trying to get into politics or country pride on a deep level. This is just for fun. Nevertheless, thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy the direction I went with this. This is sooo damn cheesy... Summary: On shore leave, you and Soap get into a conversation about what it was like in your home countries. A couple funny stereotypes and light-hearted argument later, the 141 decide that experiencing both sides of the coin are necessary to settle the score. T/W's: stereotypes ofc, cursing, friendly banter/teasing, and as always not proofread.
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It all started when you came out of your private quarters into the shared living room with an old t-shirt on with the admittedly cliche statement 'God Bless Texas' printed boldly over the front inside of a state-boundary shape. Out of all of the members of the 141, you were undoubtedly the most... shall we say... patriotic. At least in terms of your state pride and your unwavering happiness of having family still living there who were so in support of you and your work. Having family in the first place was something different compared to the rest of the squad, and it made the whole pride of where you came from a lot more difficult to understand.
You'd spent years at this point being around the 141 and learning all kinds of very unique and traditional habits that they carried with them despite oftentimes not having a family to share them with. Most of those, they shared with each other, and after getting comfortable with you was extended as a way to bond with you outside of the missions and other job requirements that you did together. From Soap's requirement of the "First Footing" tradition on New Year's, Captian Price never missing a Soccer World Cup no matter where he is, and Gaz's refusal to have a Christmas dinner without Christmas pudding, there isn't a time when someone isn't explaining their desire to incorporate some country, cultural, or family tradition in one way or another.
So, naturally, Soap was ecstatic when he found out about some little niche place that had opened up an 'American, Texas-Themed' restaurant. He knew it would be totally overdone, as did everyone else, so they all thought it would be something of a light-hearted way to poke fun at your loyalties by taking you there as a "resident expert" that could point them in the right direction and away from everything else. Truly the idea of having at least on full hour of teaisng you with everything they could just sounded like a damn good way to spend an afternoon.
The place was a little hole-in-the-wall pub with a little bit of seating that wasn’t directly at the bar. Dim lighting made it feel pretty inviting, but the obvious country music choices including Texas natives: George Strait, Waylon Jennings, and Willie Nelson made it feel a little cheap. Especially with the taxidermy Longhorn head above the bar and the “cowboy” style of practically everything hanging on the walls. Although it wasn’t quite the most miserable place you’d even been, it certainly felt like a little more than just a healthy appreciation.
“Home away from home, right lass?” Soap’s devilish grin only made the wound sting your pride that much more.
"Ya know... actually, not one bit." You answer a bit awestruck and looking around the place with bated breath and the hope that it wouldn't get much worse than it already was.
To your irritation, it got worse. Much worse.
After getting seated by an -obviously- British woman forced to fake a deep and southern drawl, you were all handed menus that named off the most "popular" foods in the Southern United States that not only made you chuckle out loud with disbelief but actually voice the total inaccuracies of certain dishes that the men sitting around you actually thought were legitimate staple items.
"You actually eat rattlesnakes often?" Gaz thought it was a bit far off since he spent quite a bit of time in his service in South Carolina, but thought he'd clarify with you anyway.
"For Christ's sake, Garrick. No!" You roll your eyes, taking a drink of the iced sweet tea you were actually shocked to see was listed as a drink option.
That in itself was the largest contention point with Ghost who stared at you with an iron-clad will of hatred seeing you pleasantly drinking iced sweet tea like you were enjoying the abomination. To his horror, you were quick to compliment that they'd actually gotten it pretty close to how you made it yourself or people at home did.
"What is a pecan pie?" Captain Price was quick to question the dessert menu before a waitress had even come back around to take main course orders.
His question sounded somewhat confused and downright scandalized at the same time. And to be honest, you really didn't know how to explain that it was simply a pie with corn syrup and brown sugar-based sweet filling, covered with pecans that were baked in a regular pie shell. You attempted to describe the basic ingredients and how it was made to the table of interested men, only to have them all stare in guarded horror... Save for Gaz. He'd actually tried it while in the States and said he'd enjoyed it. Luckily he was on your side for that particular topic.
The men as a whole hilariously didn't order anything that you -or they- considered uniquely "Texan" or "American". Soap insisted that you pick a meal that sounded the most authentic to you and that they would try some of the food off of your plate. Of course, the idea sounded good to them, but you weren't sure you wanted to share a plate of food that could possibly be decently "American" when it would still be months before you could go back home.
You folded quickly and picked a meal that you believed would be safe enough to keep them from being outwardly horrified with you but would still be interesting to compare to the meals you grew up with at home. The most simple and safe option was what they called the 'Home Run Special', most certainly a knock-off of the American chain breakfast restaurant. It came with pancakes, fried eggs, bacon, biscuits, sausage gravy, grits, and hashbrowns.
When the platter came out, you were pleasantly surprised at the look of everything, seeing as it visually had promise and even smelled just about right as well. With one glance around the table, you saw every single man staring at the three-plate meal sitting in front of you and couldn't believe that all of that food was supposedly for one person. That comment alone did make you laugh. It was one thing that you weren't afraid to admit. You could eat a whole lot. And it was a family thing that you never could be shy to not own up to. Eating all of that breakfast to them might've seemed totally unacceptable, yet for you, it looked very accomplishable, given the food tasted good. They each wanted you to give your own personal opinions before they tried anything and watched you intently for any sign of your acceptance or lack thereof.
By the end of the meal, the men had all tried everything and had mixed opinions of what they thought was actually good or not. You believed the biscuits and gravy were totally garbage and vowed that you could make them better, and wouldn't even allow them to taste them for fear of cementing an even more concrete belief that biscuits weren't meant to be savory. They were half-and-half on the bacon, some saying it was really good while others complained it wasn't enough meat for so much grease. You... were quite pleased. Eggs were fine, they all didn't really pay them much mind, while the grits were such a contested topic that you weren't sure if they lost respect for you since you finished the entire serving.
"Although I've enjoyed the majority of the food and I was surprised with it... this isn't anything legitimate." You mutter with a full stomach, looking around the place and beginning to feel a little more homesick than you thought such a tacky pub could produce.
Soap, who was finishing off your pancakes nudged your shoulder a little and smiled. "You'll have to take me home with ya. Then I ken' really find out why ye' think Texas is so damn special."
"You have to take me home with you too Johnny," You take the fork out of his hand and eat one more bite of pancakes. "So I can see if God blessed Scotland, too."
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lqvesoph · 1 year
not until you're okay - pablo gavi
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gif by @gavidaily
pablo gavi x reader
summary: this takes place after the super copa final. you're incredibly proud of your boyfriend and love to celebrate with him but you're scared of fireworks
ive been having this in my drafts ever since the final and idk why i haven’t posted this
You couldn't believe it. Barcelona won the Super Copa de España. You obviously hoped for a win but after all it was an El Clásico final against Real Madrid. But Barca won by 3:1.
And that wasn't even the best. You boyfriend Gavi scored the opener and assisted both of the other goals, receiving the well deserved player of the match award after.
After the final whistle blew and the other players stormed on to the pitch you followed them with a bit of distance. Due to your uncle being Xavi, Barcelona's coach, security didn't stop you so you were free to join the players.
Your eyes searched for your boyfriend who currently was involved in a big group hug with Pedri, Lewa and Araujo.
You couldn't help but smile when you saw how happy he was and stopped a further away to let him give time to celebrate with his teammates. But shortly after, Gavi pulled back from the hug and searched through the crowd, stopping when he saw you with your hands in your jacket pockets standing a few meters away.
The smile on his face grew further, if that was even possible and he walked over to you, speeding up the closer he got to you and wrapping you in his arms when he finally reached you.
He slightly lifted you off the ground, which made you laugh while pulling your hands out of your pockets and wrapping them around his neck instead.
"You did so good!!", you called over the noise around you, your face still pressed against his neck. "I couldn't have done it without my lucky charm", he replied, pulling back to look at you.
His hair was sweaty and some of it was sticking to his foreheads while his cheeks were slightly red.
Gavi put you on the ground again and you moved your hands from around his neck to grab his face. "I'm so proud of you", you smiled, pulling him in for a kiss after.
"Hey lovebirds", Pedri's voice interrupted you two. He slapped the back of Gavi's head, earing your boyfriend's elbow in his rips.
"Great game, Pedro", you smiled, letting go of Gavi to hug the other Barça player. Gavi took your hand immediately after Pedri let go of you.
"Come on, celebrate with us", he mumbled and pulled you with him to his teammates before you could protest.
You congratulated the other Barça players, even some Real Madrid players you knew quite well from the Selección avoiding the one who pulled Gavi's hair earlier on.
You jumped with the team, always keeping close to Gavi to hide under his arm when the hustle got too much for you. He always happily accepted and put his arm around your shoulder.
"I think we gotta go", Gavi said, nodding towards his teammated who lined up to congratulate Real Madrid before they got to collect their medal and throphy.
"Go get it", you laughed, pulling him in for a last kiss before letting him go.
You watched as he excitedly ran over to stand next to Pedri.
Each player collected their medal and walked further to the podium.
Busquets being team captian walked over to the team as last, the trophy in his hands and as soon as he lifted it and they started celebrating, a bunch of fireworks shot up in the air, making you flinch.
You hated fireworks. In fact your were scared of them. You hugged yourself to give you some comfort while watching your boyfriend laughing and jumpiness up and down with his teammates.
When your eyes met, he quickly noticed the frightened look on your face even though you tried to hide it as best as you could. Gavi excused himself and walked over to you, wrapping you in a tight hug when he reached you.
He kissed the side of your head and pressed you closer to his body, making you relaxed into him immediately.
"Go over to the team and take the pictures", you whispered, flinching when another loud noise from a firework sounded through the air.
"Not until you're okay", Gavi smiled comforting and pulled you in again. You hid your face in his neck and tried to focus on his heartbeat to distracted yourself from the loud noise around you.
"Te quiero", Gavi mumbled against the side of your head, making you smile a little, before he placed another kiss to your forehead. "Yo también te quiero", you replied, smiling at your boyfriend.
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casside-sionnach · 11 months
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I will never not like her, mary sue my left but cheek
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dairy-farmer · 3 months
Actually? Can't stop thinking about this possibly expanded Time-Loop Of Bad Ideas AU? Because EVERYONE could get one! That Idol was made for Life Lessons and good at it's job!
Why NOT Moar Loops~☆?
And? Was GOING to suggest the whole BatFam. But this time not together. BUT THEN? My muse(adhd brain) smacked me and called me a coward! Go BIGGER they demanded! That sexy, sexy genius(me)!
That bust was probably not in Gotham! Or at least, not FULLY in Gotham. Maybe it was Superman, maybe someone else, but SOMEONE saw the Idol when Bruce found it.
We have PROTOCOLS, Batman.
That YOU made.
GDI. He sighs, but admits it's true. And Magic Bullshitry means getting scanned for Curses and Compulsions. Everyone up to the Watchtower. *various Bat Children groans of annoyance* No getting out of it. Come on, better this then getting possessed.
They Zeta up. Annoyed but here.
It's late and they'll probably miss dinner.
Come to find out? Fuckin EVERYONE but Captian Marval and Wonder Woman, who knows Magic, is off doing "Magic". Just... unspecified, vauge, could be anywhere, "Magic".
AND they get pulled into a last minute, emergency, meeting about where they should store the Idol. Because all Wonder Woman and Marvel can TELL them about it? Is "Yep, Cursed. Probably."
And so they are annoyed. Everyone is arguing. Tensions are getting higher and higher. Somebody mutters a snide comment about somebody ELSE'S sidekick, and? Punching breaks out. Shoving. The big three stand to break it up.
But it's too late.
Some IDIOT throws a CHAIR. Their target, being a trained hero, OBVIOUSLY dodges. Which means it sails right across the table and HITS THE IDOL. Crash!
Everyone is slammed back by a lightshow and huge wall of air. Wonder Woman is FURIOUS. Marvel scared. Everyone gets checked out. Everyone, Go Home and isolate for AT LEAST 24 hours. Report any symptoms or strange thoughts.
They go home. Go to bed. Midnight.
Everyone locked in their own little Loops.
Now, some of those affected? Lesbians. Married and grossly, gooey, shmoopy, "No, yooou~♡" hang-up type In Love. Or just not in to him.
But! How many people in Loops? Do you think? Get that Bad Idea impulse~
Feel their eyes get drawn towards the Highly Competent and Sexy, Red Robin? Pretty-boy Tim Drake? Their Friend, colleague, or the son of such? It's a time loop. Who would ever know? They HAVE always been... curious.
I mean, they'd treat him right. It's not like they're HURTING anybody! Doing anything against his consent. It's just a Bad Idea.
Batman would murder them. Nightwing would help. Launch them straight into the nearest black hole. Or it would CHANGE things. Their relationship altered forever. Or... well, he's their Brother. Their Son.
So many reasons Not Too.
But it's a Time Loop.
They wear you down. Mentally and emotionally. You get lonely. A little bit crazy. Start doing things you know you shouldn't.
Like eating out your Boy until he's sloppy and ruined, fingering him for hours. Just to feel that sweet heat in your hand. Lazily resting you head on a trembling stomach, not letting him escape. Not hearing him ask for it to end, only whimper that it's too much. Because he's so good for you. And always has been.
Or finally breaking down, when the loneliness gets unbearable. And clinging like an octopus, as you bend your little Tim in HALF. Rolling and snapping your hips like you want to crawl inside his skin. Soaking in the pleasured cries your punching out with every thrust. How CLOSE you finally are.
Sneaking in windows, early in the morning. Teammates, Supers and Speedsters. Crimelords, here to pound him rough and sweet on his own bed. People who should NOT, but do~
Why so early? Uncle Clark?
What brings you to Gotham, Hal Jordan?
Hi, Roy, looking for Jason?
Even crossing paths, as choices diverge things. Ah, Aquaman! Your Majesty, what did you need me for?
All while Tim is, in his OWN Loop? Discovering that Sex is actually kinda awesome. And that he should never be left unsupervised. But mostly the first one!
And THIS time? Because I am a generous and benevolent Enabling Jackass? He DEFINITELY steals Dick's "time to threaten Deathstroke" burner phone. And uses it for purposes other then intended.
One stack of info, several shiny new crates of ammo, and showing up in Dick's Robin costume later? He's in Cairo getting his guts destroyed by a supersoldier. The day resets before Slade even breaks a sweat. Tim on the other hand? Passed "fucked incoherent" about three hours back and would probably shoot him, if the dick weren't making him too uncoordinated and stupid.
Nonetheless? Bats pull miracles. And Tim finds Constantine. Who refuses to TOUCH anything of the "learn a life lesson" variety. Since too many deity have it out for him.
But he is just a man.
And finds himself suddenly MUCH more agreeable and willing to try, after being dragged into another room and slammed against a wall. Blown by Batman's kid.
Nothing like face fucking a Robin to motivate a man to greatness, he discovers.
Which? Is when everyone gets their assorted bank of Loop memories. Lot of boredom for a few. Lovey Dovey bonding for others. Life lessons etc.
Oh My God.
Kon is panicking. As it filters in. Tim, bro, he can EXPLAIN! Constantine has cut off in amusement. Because, see? This? This right here is why he avoids- blah blah blah- *white noise* *Distant sound of Kon panicking and his Phone trying to explode itself with texts*
Because HOLY SHIT. Tim stares into the middle distance and realizes? So... SO many people jumped at the chance to fuck him. Like... A LOT.
So many.
His head is FULL of getting RAILED. Kon looks like he's gonna cry. Clark is ripping the door off the hinges. He can explain! Kon no longer looks like he's gonna cry. Explain WHAT, Clark?!
Tim fucked...So Many People.
Or was it Fucked By?
Does.... does he have Boyfriends now? Bootycalls? A harem?
*arguing over Tim only gets louder as more Heros show up*
all of them taking the opportunity to fuck tim- including some people tim's horny brain hadn't even gotten to considered but now had memories of fucking!😭😭
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explodingstar · 2 months
COD men and their favorite positions.
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Warnings: Rough sex, some degrading, hair-pulling, ass slapping. (Whoops)
Pairing: COD men x f!reader
Simon ‘ghost’ riley 
He loves to take you from behind so he can watch your cunt grip onto his thick shaft. 
He would grab your hips as he is pounding into you hard enough to make them bruise.
He would grab a handful of your hair and wrap it around his hand and pull on it all while fucking you senseless. 
Hes definitely an ass guy so slapping your ass would come with the territory. 
Up against the wall
One of his favorite positions is taking you with your back against the wall, his muscular hands underneath your thighs holding you up. 
He could hold you there for hours if you let him. 
He loves to see you blush when he makes his growling noises and talks dirty to you. 
“Remember whos slut you are.” 
“Fuck someone was hungry for my cock.”
“Goddammit you’re a tight little bitch arnt ‘cha?”
Loves to watch your face when you finally reach orgasm it makes him smirk knowing how needy you are for him.
Reverse cowgirl
He loves watching you fuck yourself on his cock. 
He would grab your hips and make you bounce up and down on him harder or faster if he thinks you’re close to the edge.
He would gently caress your ass before slapping it so hard it leaves a red mark in the shape of his hand.
He loves to watch your cum drip out of you and onto him. it drives him insane.
Captian Price
 Titty fucking
Hes definitely a tits man, so whenever he can hes going to fuck them. 
He loves looking down at you when your boobs are wrappened around his length. He especially loves looking down at you if you have ropes of his cum on your face. It turns him on something fierce.
If you tried licking his tip while hes sliding between your tits that would be enough to drive him to the edge.
He would lean back and actually make you do all the work so he could watch how needy you are for him when he comes home from deployment.
He loves watching your tits bounce up and down as if mezmerized by them.
He would reassure you and tell you how good of a job you’re doing. 
“Ah, look how good you take my cock.”
“Does that feel good baby? Oh i know it feels good.”
“Youre doing….SUCH…a good job.”
if you get tired he would hold your hips right in place and fuck up into you taking full control. 
He’s the type that would love to see you gag on his cock as you’re blowing him. It just turns him on so much. 
He would let you start slow and easy at first then hed take a handful of your hair wrap it around his hand and push you all the way down on it. 
He would love when you looked up at him while sucking him off/deepthroating him. 
If he wanted to hed make you sit down on the floor and skull fuck you. 
He just loves the ‘gluck gluck’ sound that you make while sucking him off. 
Legs on his shoulders
This is his favorite position. He would grab your thighs and literally pull you onto him. 
He loves watching the way your tits bounce in circular patterns and the faces you make when you’re about to orgasm.
Hes always super gentle about it so he keeps asking for reassurance. 
“Does that feel good sweetheart?”
“Are you doing okay?”
“You look so pretty like this.”
He would be nice and gentle unless you tell him otherwise then you would get a different more dominant side out of him. 
Eating you out
Soap loves to make YOU cum. He doesnt really care when he reaches his own orgasm or if at all. 
He would love if you run your hand through his shaggy mohawk as hes eating you out almost pushing him down into you. 
He would definitely make little grunting noises as hes got his full face in your pussy. 
He wouldnt really look up at you because of how much he loves eating you out.  He would be too busy getting you off and paying attention to what he loves most. 
He would pay extra close attention to what hes doing and secretly try to make you cum faster then last time. It’s like a little game to him. 
Sweet and caring
When you are both exhausted from work his go-go to would be missionary. He would be really sweet with it though and leave kisses all along your neck and collarbone. 
Afterwards he would help you get cleaned up and lay down next to you for cuddles and he would most definitely be the first one to fall asleep. 
His muscular arms would have little nail indentations in them from where you grabbed them but he secretly loves that and wishes they broke skin so others could know hes taken. 
He loves recieving aftercare as much as he loves giving aftercare. So after missionary he would be fully content to just cuddle under the blanket and whisper sweet nothings to you while running his fingertips through your hair. 
Would absolutely love to eat you out but also loves to have his cock down your throat. 
His favorite thing is when you moan and he can feel the vibrations in his shaft. It causes him to go feral. 
He knows when he’s eating you out you cant really concentrate on the task at hand but he prefers it that way. 
He would hold your thighs so tight to his face that you would be able to see the impression of his hands in them afterwards. 
He will take what he wants when he wants and if that means dragging you to the edge of the bed and fucking you senseless then thats what it means. 
It would start hard and fast and end that way too. 
He probably wouldn’t say much but he would definitely enjoy looking down at you and seeing you with teary eyes from pleasure 
You definitely wouldn’t be able to walk afterwards and he would walk around with a smirk on his face knowing exactly what he did. 
Shower sex
He’s definitely the kind of guy that wouldn’t want to “waste water” so everytime you wanted to shower hed always ask to join and of course you would let him. 
Once in there he wouldn’t really worry too much about actually taking a shower, he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of you. 
He would definitely have you up against the wall in .2 seconds with your wet cunt already gripping around his hard shaft. 
After the steamy shower sex he would take the time to actually take a shower with you but you know he likes the water on temperature HELL.
Size kink 
He would find it cute that youre a good foot and a half shorter then him but he would also use that to his advantage. 
Having you pressed up against the wall with one of his massive hands flush against the wall right next to your head. 
He would always put 2 fingers underneath your chin and tilt it up so you can look him in the eyes. He loves to do that while youre telling him what you want because he loves to see you get all flustered by just talking to him. 
He finds it hot when he fucks you and it doesn’t go in all the way because he knows that he’s filling you up completely anyways. 
If he wanted you he could lift you up with one arm over his shoulders and have your back pinned against the wall quicker then you could ask him to.
Eating you out against the wall
As he has your back against the wall and your thighs on his shoulders he would love nothing more then eating you out. 
He would have no trouble at all lifting you up in fact he would do it with ease. 
He loves when your back arches off the wall and you put your hand on the back of his head and you pull it closer to your soaking core. 
He knows after you orgasm you’re basically rendered useless because you can’t even move afterwards.
He would gently set you back down on the edge of the bed and start undoing his pants for his turn next. 
“We dont want that pretty mouth to go to waste do we?” 
He wouldn’t make you deepthroat him like some of the others cause he knows how big it is and that it would probably be damn near impossible to pull off such a feat. 
He would tell you how good of a job you’re doing while watching you drool all over his cock teary eyed. 
“Oh darling you’re doing such a good job.” 
“Yeahh just like like that.” 
“Mm fuck you know how to use that mouth of yours.”
He would hold your head steady by wrapping a fistfull of your hair around his hand and making you look up at him with those teary eyes. 
When he cums in your mouth it is A LOT and he finds it hot when some dribbles down your chin. 
Submissive cowgirl
Sense Graves is always the one taking control out on the battlefield he likes to relinquish control to his partner in bed. 
He gets turned on by the sight of you pleasing yourself on him. He knows its not for his pleasure just yours. 
He would be totally okay with being cuffed to the bed posts while you ride him so hes completely under your control. 
It wouldn’t take him long at all for him to reach his breaking point almost to the point of him begging for release. 
He would try bucking his hips to match your rhythm but he would give up as soon as he realized it was of no use.
He absolutely loves when you do something just as simple as giving him a handjob. He truly believes you could give him a better handjob then he ever could do by himself. 
This would most definitely push him to his edge so quickly that he wouldn’t even have time to warn you. 
He also thoroughly likes being degraded but by you and only you otherwise he would lose his shit. 
He would be stuttering over his words trying to say anything other then “oh fuck” but he would ultimately fail. 
Sitting on his face
He is completely okay with being cuffed and or tied up while you suffocate him with your pussy and making him eat you out. 
He loves when you tease him by getting up just far enough out of his reach and then suffocating him with your juices once more. 
He would have such a erection that it would probably end up being painful for him.
His grunts and moans would end up driving you to orgasm though and he would feel as if he was on the top of the world. 
A/n: This is my first public post! I’m sorry if it’s not great. Ill get better I promise lol. (I also forgot to include Gaz but I will include him in a later post.)💚
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