#general shirley b. awesome
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pepperf · 2 years
For the fic asks: 1, 4 for your Community/Stargate crossover and/or your t100/Stargate crossover, 5 for your Lila/Rincón fic, and (even though I think I know the answer to this one) 28 in honor of your awesome post about beta readers. 😁
1: What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Oh god…well, okay: for Stargate, I would say the original storage closet fic, Out Go The Lights, in which I managed some Sam/Jack angst, a lot of romance, some bickering with Daniel for good measure. And the sequel, Actions Speak Louder, because that's Jack POV and he was always my favourite to write, and I still think it's hilarious.
For Community, I might send people to When A Resistible Force Meets A Movable Object, which is a) one of my favourite fic titles that I've come up with (at least partly bc it's all my own work and NOT a song lyric for once), and b) a pretty good summation of what I wrote for Community, namely lots and lots of scenes of Jeff and Annie kissing and being neurotic, along with some messing with the order so it's not a linear story, because Community was great for doing some more out-there stuff.
And for Umbrella Academy, I'd say the Walmart Batman series (Wicked Games / My Girl Is A Heartbreak / Aren't We A Pair?). Because that's like, your basic AU, right? Canon divergence, Diego and Lila bouncing around Dallas in 1963, being knockoff Batman and Catwoman and enjoying their exciting little rivalry…and then I did some sexy whump of Diego, and some hurt/comfort, some more mild relationship turmoil and budget superheroing, and then, as has become fairly typical of my writing of these two, vaguely kinky sexytimes. All that, and a cuddly toy. XD
4: What detail in Tentacle Creatures From Another Dimension are you really proud of?
I picked the Community/Stargate crossover, because I love that one! I was particularly please with the order that they start seeing the alien bugs – Pierce from the day before, he's just seeing bugs and has come to school anyhow because he doesn't give a flying fuck; then Britta, because she's a flake and has canonically turned up to college high on peyote at least once, so no one believes her; then Jeff, who categorically refuses to admit that he's seeing anything until he absolutely has to; then Abed, at which point it becomes a credible threat bc he's the most factual; then Shirley and Annie bc Abed decided to use them as his test subjects, without their knowledge; and lastly Troy bc he didn't want to miss out!
5: What do you wish someone would ask you about Shelter from the Storm? Answer it now!
Oh crivens…okay, I'd love to talk more about some of the details of Rincón's background, because I did SO MUCH research, you guyz. So like – that was the name they gave him in the movie, and generally it's a surname rather than a first name, so I went with that idea – and the gang he's in (the real-life Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13) is Salvadoran, so I decided his family were from there. And I read up about the history of the gang, and how it actually evolved in LA in the 80s (stellar work, Regan), initially to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other gangs before becoming a more regular criminal enterprise. Then in the 90s, when gang members were being deported to El Salvador, they took the opportunity given by the country's shaky state (just coming to the end of a 12-year civil war) to infiltrate and establish themselves.
And I thought how easy it must have been—between government death squads taking out guerrillas and anyone suspected of supporting them, and then the gangs moving in and starting up industrial-strength criminal activity—for ordinary families to just fall between the wheels of one or the other. And just…the fucking tragedy of it, and the inescapability, when it's your home—how many people must have been affected so terribly in one way or another, not because they've chosen it but simply because the fight is happening all around them. And this is how you end up with young people joining gangs, because these situations offer them no good choices, and at least that's the one with familiar faces, right?
I also found a sweet little town, in the back end of beyond, and had a virtual walk through the streets thanks to Google Earth, and came across a little gallery called El Rincón del Arte (The Art Corner), and thought, you know, if my family name was Rincón, I might use that as a pun if I was setting up a business. :)
28: Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
XD Well if you don't know this, I don't know who would! Yes, for the last, oh gosh…since whenever you started beta-reading my Community fic, which was pretty early on? I've almost always had someone read them first – you for the Community and Stargate fics, and then Lochrann as well, for the Umbrella Academy ones. And it is the BEST. Not just for the feedback and corrections – which are always appreciated, of course! – but because it's so great to have those detailed conversations about a story, I love the collaborative feel of it, it gives so much more depth to a story when it's not just coming from me, but from someone else feeding ideas into it, or pushing me to think more about some aspect or other, or just being as enthusiastic as I am about a ship, and helping me to keep that energy going to get it done. It's no coincidence that my most productive fandoms (Stargate, Community, Umbrella Academy) are all once where I've had the joy of doing that.
Thank you!!!
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themosleyreview · 2 years
The Mosley Review: Creed 3
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I believe the Rocky franchise is the longest running and suceessful film franchise that is purely about the sport of boxing. It wasn't always about the fights but rather the man wearing the gloves and his progression as a human being to greatness. An underdog story that has carried on for generations and now comes the chance for the new face of the franchise to carry that torch in their own personal journey. What I've loved about the Creed franchise is how the foundation of the legacy that came before Adonis has informed and shaped his path. We saw his origins in the first film, we saw him fight to build a career and a family in the second film and now we see him live his own life. What I loved in this film is that we get to dig deeper into the past of Adonis and how his past comes back to remind him of what he has risen above. That to me has always been the heart of the franchise and that has stayed consistent in this new entry. The emotional bond that Adonis had with his family was the best part and I loved the immediate connection and sense of failure he felt once he was reunited with his long lost friend. The story then takes off in a fairly quick and sometimes unrealistic way that might take boxing purists by surprise. There is a connective thread in the film that is severed in a death scene that seems to come out of nowhere. It is explained, but it just didn't sit well with me. It wasn't a perfect step into the first round on the titular character's own, but it still was an entertaining character drama that was fun and filled with wonderful performances.
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Michael B. Jordan returns as Adonis Creed and he still delivers the same charisma and strength the character is known for. This time around he is more of a business and family driven man that has truly grown up. Tessa Thompson returns as his loving wife Bianca and she continues to deliver her best work as the character. The chemistry between them is by far the best I've seen on screen. They are the perfect example of what a loving couple looks like and I loved every second they were together. The one actress that stole the film for me was their daughter Amara played the by the wonderful Mila Davis-Kent. From the moment she is on screen to the very end of the film, she represented the heart of the film and I loved that she was the driving force behind Adonis' decisions. Their scenes together were amazing and adorable. Phylicia Rashad returns as Mary Anne Creed and I loved that she continued to be the connective tissue to the past and how she reveals the many ways she protected Adonis as a child. Wood Harris was even more awesome and the voice of warning as Adonis' couch Tony "Little Duke" Evers. He would always be right about everything and I agreed with all of his rants. Johnathan Majors continues to shine in his meteoric rise to fame and as Damian "Diamond Dame" Anderson, he was spectacular. The emotional connective thread between him and Adonis was really something fun to explore. They both represent a different side of the same coin and it was amazing to watch play out. The emotional story between them truly comes to a head in the final fight of the film and it was brilliantly portrayed by both actors.
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The score by Joseph Shirley was excellent and drives home the emotional core of the film. I liked that he kept the hip hop infused rhythms and beats that Ludwig Göransson began in the original film and created some new sounds for the characters. Visually the film was stunning and the use of the IMAX cameras during the fights was epic and well shot. I do wish that Adonis and Dame would've taken more damage though. These films consistently showed the amount of bruising, welts and swelling from the very violent hits traded between the fighters and I just felt that they really scaled it back too far in this film. It made the fights seem unrealistic. There was a sense of polish that was missing as some of the charm of the franchise has rubbed off a bit. Overall, Michael B. Jordan has done excellent job for a first time director and I loved the personal story his team crafted for Adonis. This was another great entry in the Creed franchise and if they end it here, I will be satisfied. If they make another one, then keep this same energy. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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jorgemoctezuma · 7 years
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Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Episode 21 Save the Worlds/Penn Zero: Casi Héroe Capítulos 21 Salvando a los Mundos
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Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Season 2
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ilonacho · 7 years
there’s a post in the penn zero tag which says pz doesn’t have lesbians in it and uhm hello? amber?
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tirorah · 4 years
Road to Berlin’s ‘Road to Berlin’ Sure Was a Road to Berlin Episode
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Hiya, everyone! It’s that time of the week, but don’t worry, your assigned reading is pretty light this time. Because, honestly? I don’t have much to say about this episode in terms of character arcs or themes or the like. Instead, you’ll find my brief thoughts under the cut, as well as my favorite stuff from Episode 11.
In the end, this episode was a follow-up to the ending of Episode 10, and also the start of the final offensive, which makes Episode 11 the middle chapter of a three-parter. This is always difficult to make satisfying--look at any pre-planned trilogy and you can see the struggle with ramping up the tension while also not blowing the series’ full load, as it needs to set up the final, climactic piece.
Consequently, Road to Berlin (the episode) didn’t do a lot of exciting things; it simply moved the story along. And that’s 100% fine. It’s just not as richly packed with content as most of the season has been. There was also some blatant reuse of old footage again (they really love that shot of Trude brandishing her guns, don’t they?) but again, I felt it was within acceptable parameters. I did feel like the episode was holding back a bit with the aerial combat, though. Seems the Ratte was the biggest star of the show for this week.
Without further ado and in no particular order, here are my favorite things from this episode!
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Patton’s Redemption
Sort of. He was still a gloating idiot, but he actually valued Yoshika’s power enough to argue the 501st’s case to his fellow generals, and he showed admirable tenacity when the Neuroi’s full power gradually revealed itself. He didn’t shout nearly as often either, and was much more reasonable. Overall, he was far less cartoony and made a decent start at showing us why he attained his current rank.
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Although I’ll never forgive him for this. That, and calling Yoshika a ‘little missy.’
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This Line from Minna
It’s delivered calmly, but I like to think this is Diplomatic Minna Speak for ‘Fuck off and up yours, she saved your damn butts!’
And another thing: the doctor said it’d take Yoshika a week to be able to fly again, but Minna wants a delay of ten days, not seven. It seems she wants half a week extra so that Yoshika can recover more, which is both prudent and kind of her.
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The Generals Being Children
Both amusement and disbelief filled me as I watched the generals of different nations bicker like bloody schoolyard kids. It’s true what they say: War. War never changes. (And especially not the ego of man.) The fact a bunch of grown men devolved into chest-thumping and throwing crap at one another is hilarious. Even Lucchini’s been more mature than that this season, and that says something!
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Shizuka’s Turbulent Emotions
Again, Shizuka shows off her similarities to Trude; I feel like she’s definitely the type to hold this in until it comes spilling out in one ugly cry like it did here. She just wasn’t able to hold it in as long, likely due to her relative youth.
We also finally got to see the one character arc thing in this episode I was hoping for: Shizuka and her relationship with orders. For the entire season, we’ve constantly seen Shizuka’s rigid obedience to orders reinforced. But when Mio tells her to keep the Shinden’s presence a secret, we see the first time an order brings her true, internal conflict. Although it culminated in a good cry and not her disobeying said order, I have a feeling she’ll buck the trend and either tell Yoshika about the Shinden, or fly it herself.
Finally, it’s nice to see that she doesn’t let her injury scare her, and channels her guilt into some awesome attack runs. Much credit to her; she’s grown quite a bit, and not because she’s emulating the others, but by growing into her new responsibilities as a combatant.
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Yoshika Doing What She Can
Respect was earned by Yoshika this episode. Although she was obviously disappointed she wouldn’t be able to fly with the others into the final battle, she didn’t let it get her down and decided to do whatever she could to help. That meant we finally got to see her newly attained medical skills again! All those books she checked out in Episode 1 sure came in handy now.
If you will, think back all the way to Season 1, Episode 2 for a moment. A Neuroi attacked the ship bringing Yoshika and Mio to Europe, and a sailor was injured by shrapnel. Back then, Yoshika was severely shaken by the combat, and when she tried to help the sailor with her healing magic, she was promptly rebuked by someone else, as healing him with the shards still inside would only hurt him further.
But here, people rely on Yoshika’s medical knowledge and even Patton greatly respects her for it. Her suggestion to hole up in the Flak Tower is also a huge success, likely saving all of their lives.
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Shirley's Amusement at the Ratte
Why, Shirley, what are you insinuating here? Surely Karlsland isn’t compensating for something! They just like their prototypes huge.
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And Perrine’s Dismay
Harrumph! Size doesn’t matter, obviously! Just look at Perrine’s chest.
But honestly, someone else pointed this out too: the fact they’re relying so much on experimental and/or new things shows how desperate they are, and how fragile their gains are.
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Speaking of The Ratte
The Ratte is awesome. The way its rounds punched through the Neuroi walls... *chef’s kiss* It’s obvious where the love and attention went this episode: all the carnage! We also got to see a lot of Berlin’s ruins, which is a nice change from fighting over ocean and rural landscapes. In my opinion, this was the way to go with the budget.
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Also, Dem Walls!
They were so cool! I was amazed by the way they could reform to cover the gap where they were under attack! They even showed the little drones coming in to stack on top of one another. And later on, how the main body used the walls to shield itself from the Ratte’s full power was also very impressive! I love how powerful the walls were, but that the Neuroi’s resources weren’t infinite. That’s how you write your antagonist.
Not to Mention the Dome of Death!
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Let’s be honest: we all knew a snag was coming. But not only was this a clever trap by the Neuroi, it also showcased the Neuroi using the debris to build more of themselves!
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Miscellaneous Things
Something I didn’t mention in my Episode 10 post was Lynne’s support. She’s been really good at looking out for Shizuka! And she also scored a huge hit on the drone horde, which was great. And this time, Perrine also took the time to reassure Shizuka; as the one who was originally assigned to train Shizuka, it’s good she’s showing her gentler side now.
The 502nd made a brief cameo! I haven’t watched Brave Witches yet, which I’ll have to get on after this season finishes. It was also really cool to see how the other Joint Fighter Wings were pitching in for the war effort. The 501st are definitely the stars of the operation (as they should be), but there’s a multi-prong attack going on off-screen. Exciting stuff!
I also really like the little touches that RtB’s been so good at this entire season. For this episode, it’s the blue tulip on Yoshika’s bedstand. Seeing as the episode starts on the day after the ending of Episode 10, this means someone (maybe Perrine?) had a Queen of Nederland shipped out to Kiel really quickly, just for Yoshika. It’s sweet!
Finally, while Minna and Trude clashed during the previous episode, here they work together to support one another during combat. Trude comes to Minna’s aid the moment she’s attacked.
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The Stuff I Thought I’d Get, But Didn’t
I’d speculated on this episode and came up with things I thought I’d get to see. But nope!
First of all, what’s RtB’s deal with Mio? I can’t believe Minna’s had more subtext with Trude than with Mio this season! Even when the two of them finally spoke with one another for the first time since Episode 2, there was no blushing or anything like that! Are the days of Minna and Perrine fawning over Mio over? Is there someone on the writing team who loves Trude like I do, and has the same problems with Mio that I do? This is really...well, weird. I can’t describe it in any other way.
Anyway, she’s now bringing the B-17 to Berlin, meaning she might get involved somehow (and is also bringing the Shinden, possibly so Shizuka can fly it.) But here I was, thinking, ‘Oh, that plane they showed Mio with in the opening, she’ll fly that, and it’s going to have anti-Neuroi armor!’ and yet I’m not seeing any indication of that happening at all. Mio isn’t even in that plane right now. It’s the Ratte who got the anti-Neuroi treatment, and again, Mio’s presence felt...functional, I guess.
There’s something about her screen presence that bothers me, actually. I didn’t think about it before, because she was absent so much it just didn’t cross my mind, but...what happened to good ol’ jolly Mio? I don’t mind her being a bit more serious--RtB’s been a more serious season, after all--but we haven’t had a patented Mio Laugh since the first episode, and I miss it. Let’s hope the final episode gives her a nice sendoff.
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Secondly, for all the fuss they made about Yoshika and Shizuka’s conditions with that downright tragic ending in Episode 10, the two of them bounced back pretty fast. It’s literally been a day and Shizuka’s already running around fine? And Yoshika doesn’t seem to be experiencing any lingering negative effects of her overexertion? (Aside from the obvious.) For a season that’s so focused on consequences and a consistency in tone, I feel like the two of them got off a bit light.
I was also expecting Trude and possibly Minna and Lynne having sad moments because ‘oh no, people we care about are hurt!’ but because Yoshika and Shizuka seem mostly fine, that didn’t happen at all.
Usually, Episode 11 is the one that ends on a somber note, but here it seems they moved that to Episode 10, and instead had Episode 11 strike a more optimistic tone. No one really showed off their flaws, either; maybe Episode 10 was the bookend to that theme after all?
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Into the End
The episode ends on a very interesting note. Everyone finds out Yoshika is also trapped inside the Neuroi dome--and why, exactly, was no one informed of her presence on the Ratte?!--and they’re ordered to mount a rescue operation for their besieged comrades.
And then Trude comes with this absolutely surprising revelation:
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I imagine at least one staff member had a chuckle at the fact the cast is now embarking on another Road (in)to Berlin.
The what, now? This wasn’t built up or alluded to at all; I have questions, show! Not to mention, how does Trude even know about this? And why is she the one announcing it, and not Minna, the world’s best mom and team captain?
Anyway, the preview seems to indicate some sort of tunnel run--I briefly wondered if they’d have to venture in on foot, but it seems to be big enough for them to fly.
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This shot is ominous.
I’m highly intrigued by this decision. Obviously, the final confrontation will play out outside, but to yank the Witches from the air and into a much more claustrophobic space is a confident move. I can only imagine the surprises the final episode has up its sleeve.
Anyway, all in all, this was a decent episode, and while it did have lots of neat little character moments, it’s obviously setup for what I hope to be a spectacular ending. 
Even if it doesn’t quite deliver next week, though, RtB’s been so consistently great that it’s already cemented itself as my favorite show ever.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
120 of 2022
Which fictional character can you not stand? 
Might go with these three pigs from Shaun the Sheep.
What was the one subject in school that frustrated you because you just couldn’t process it? 
Literature. I’ve never understood “what author means”.
What do you spend too much money on? 
Hoodies and takeaway food.
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever gotten? 
That I look like a girl. This person clearly saw what they wanted to see, I still don’t get where on earth did they get that idea from. There’s nothing feminine about me at all.
What is an occupation that you would like to do just for one day if you had the chance? 
Military radio operator.
What do you think people have an unnecessary stick up their ass about? 
Basically everything. Today people get offended way too easily.
What common advice do you think never works? 
Something along the lines “It worked for me, so it will work for you". No. People are different.
What’s the best movie without a happy ending? 
I’m not interested in movies.
What is something you think is actually better about today’s generation? 
They have more possibilities to communicate.
What movies has a worse love story than Twilight? 
I don’t care about movies.
What seems obvious to you that doesn’t seem to be for other people? 
If your partner in the zombie apocalypse was the main character of the last movie you watched, would you survive? 
I don’t watch movies, these questions are boring.
What’s the worst episode of your favorite TV show? 
I don’t have particular favourites, both on the matter of shows and on the matterof episodes.
You can pick two artists to do a song together, dead or alive, but they have to be from different genres. Who do you pick and why? 
Possibly HRFTR and Baas B, somehow I think it would work :P HRFTR is a metal band, more like djent, but they’ve already recorded a song featuring a rapper and it’s so good.
What is something you would never buy again, even if you were rich?
Anything of SanDisk brand or whatever it spells, these are always faulty to me.
What do you do regularly despite it being considered very unhealthy or unsafe? 
Having an eating disorder.
What is something that most people find attractive in a person that you find unattractive? 
Sweat, lol. Some people are much into it.
Do you ever use facial masks or scrubs? 
I don’t.
What do you think of the recent trend of adult coloring books? 
To each their own, I couldn’t care less.
Which fictional character do you think you’d be great friends with?
Shirley from Shaun the Sheep. She’s awesome, plus she would eat everything I don’t want to eat :P 
What would you do if you found out your toys came to life similar to Toy Story?
If I only had any.
Do you own any cook books?
Quite a few, one is for vegan cooking, and also I have a special notebook where I write down interesting recipes from magazines or the internet.
Is there anything that you’d like to eat right now? 
No, I’m not hungry. Probably I will do at some point, though.
What book are you currently reading? 
The Legend of Ice People, I think it’s around part 30 already.
What is something that you believe in, but aren’t very outspoken about?
Do you think weird it’s for someone to have never tried soda? 
No, it’s not a necessity in life.
Is there any foreign film you recommend? 
All these movie questions are boring.
do you have the same religious beliefs as your parents? 
Nah, my parents are more religious, I am more questioning.
which floor of your house/building are you on now? 
On the ground floor? I think so, but I might be wrong.
are there any maps hanging in your room? 
No, there have never been.
are you often a third wheel? or is someone a third wheel to you? 
No and no. Sometimes I feel like an oddball, but not really like a third wheel.
what’s the last dvd you bought? 
Some TV series, I don’t even remember which ones because it was so long ago.
tell me about your favorite pair of jeans. 
I don’t wear jeans.
would you ride a motorcycle if given the chance? (or have you?) 
Sure I would.
is your hair healthy? 
Better than before.
if a hotel offered free breakfast in bed, what would you order? 
I don’t eat in bed, so nothing.
how often do you take a train? 
Every once in a while. I travel by train a lot, though.
what’s your favorite led zeppelin song? 
I’ve never been a fan of them.
does your home have a balcony/deck/porch? 
No, it doesn’t. Just a tiny backyard.
what does your closet/wardrobe say about you? 
I like black.
do you enjoy theatre? 
I don’t.
how would you feel about traveling abroad alone? 
I’ve done it several times without problems, so.
who would you call a lyrical genius? 
Probably Suicide Commando, his lyrics are simple, but to the point.
how do you treat yourself? 
I let myself rest.
do you have an interesting passport? 
I don’t have a passport at all. I’ve never left EU, and you don’t need a passport to move there.
are you going to pursue a career according to what you enjoy? 
Is this survey for kids? I’ve been working in what I enjoy for the last 9 years.
what happens to your old clothes? 
They’re in the attic.
what’s your favorite frozen treat?
Is there anything else than ice cream?
who supports you financially? 
I’m not a social parasite to be dependent on others. I’m on a sick note from work at the moment, but they pay me every two weeks, it goes from my taxes anyway.
if you wanted to go to the movie cinema, how would you get there? 
I wouldn’t want to waste my time like this.
how many pillows are on your bed? 
Four, of which three are mine, and one is for my husband.
would you pay more for organic food? 
Food shouldn’t cost much.
have you ever had a crush on a sibling’s friend or a friend’s sibling? 
No, never. My sister friends are mostly women anyway.
do you prefer being awake after everyone goes to bed or before they get up? 
Before they get up. I like getting up early.
do you know much about feng shui? (do you use it?) 
I’m not interested in that.
how would you make friends in a quiet class? 
Being with them, I guess.
are you generally a quick learner?
I am. Glory to my brain.
what’s your favorite spot to read? 
Our couch.
did you know that buddha is not considered a god to buddhists? 
Who doesn’t know that?
do you save tickets from movies, etc.? 
I save tickets from my train journeys and parking tickets as well. Someone is clearly obsessed with movies here.
without looking him up, who was jim morrison? 
Musician? Pretty sure of that. I’m old enough to be familiar with him.
when’s the last time your bedroom was painted/wallpapered? 
Last year.
teach me something in another language.
Mo godverdomme toch. U bent een beetje debiel. XD
what type of music do you like and why? 
Metal music, particularly djent, and some hip hop, particularly Dutch. But I will listen to anything that is dark, heavy and/or atmospheric. Because I like dark music the best.
if you randomly want to eat something in the house, do you eat it or wait?
I don’t randomly eat things.
who knows the most about you (besides yourself)? 
My husband. And my sister.
do you have a nervous habit? (e.g. biting nails, tapping feet, smoking) 
Yeah, I bite my nails.
how’s your favorite pro sports team doing lately? 
I don’t actively follow any sport, even in the sport I liked to play.
would you be/are you a good role model to a younger sibling?
I’ve tried to be, but something went wrong. Still, we love each other.
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cultofcupid · 7 years
Let me just say this Amber- could EASILY be a lesbian, I mean that whole ep with sashi. It kinda felt like she was showing off and flirting when she and sashi were duking it out General Bighorn- A literal butch lesbian and you can't tell me other wise Shirley B Awesome- dosnt need a man and would probably date a girl like sashi, small but ultimately deadly Lady Starblaster- probably an asexual lesbian who thinks men are beneath her. Phyllis- who the hell even knows Other LGBTQ+ Madame president- would probs LOVE Lady Starblaster I mean she's beautiful also has some weird monster thing going on (MP is totally chill with monsters) Sashi- would date amber and they would be the best girlfriends Vonnie- had a crush on a cute girl in high school once but ended up in a loving marriage with her bff Brock Boone- is bi, and I'll fight every single one of you on this topic Larry- probably liked rippen at one point (or still does)
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samakaphyllis · 7 years
I have a question I've been thinking bout too much but like. It seems at least to me that sashi and boone 's roles as wiseman and sidekick can be easily interchangeable so what are the differences to them??
Phyllis and Phil have the choice to choose what destination avatar each Part Timer inhabits on any given mission zap. They pick the best avatar for each to inhabit, based on the best chances of winning the mission. Sometimes it's a literal wise-person, or sidekick for example, sometimes it's a subtler distinction. Sometimes the villain is surprising and the opposite of what you expect (Rippen general in 3 Big Problems, and Penn Giant Monster hero) Sometimes the sidekick is obvious visually ~ like Parrot or Monkey Sashi; sometimes it's what Sashi could do in that role; her avatar in Shirley B Awesome for example, just as physically capable as Penn's-- and when she chooses to go Hero she is more than capable... So the choosing is Phyllis' best guess at what would win the mission, it's programmed by her into the MUT controls - and it's not always the best choice. Phil seems to be not so great at it so far? Or is he? Hmmm....
54 notes · View notes
stopkingobama · 8 years
No, Elizabeth Warren is not a feminist icon
Photo: Flickr/Edward Kimmel (cc by-sa 2.0)
Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was vaulted to high status among feminists.
What did she do? Did she lay down in the street to protect the voting rights of women? Did she take a stand against sex trafficking and female exploitation?
No. She knowingly and flagrantly broke a long-standing rule of the Senate. And for this, the left made her a hero.
The rule that Warren broke was Section 2 of Rule 19, a century-old prohibition on senators from attributing conduct or motives “unworthy or unbecoming” to another senator.
If applied, it requires the offending senator to “take his (or her) seat,” meaning they cannot speak for the remainder of the debate.
When Warren came to the floor to speak against the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., for attorney general, she embarked on a floor speech that painted Sessions—still her colleague in the Senate—as an unhinged racist.
Several minutes into her remarks, Warren called Sessions “a disgrace to the Justice Department” and stated that “he should withdraw his nomination and resign his position.”
It was this statement—not the reading of the letter from Coretta Scott King, as the media has repeatedly reported—which triggered the chair to warn Warren that she was dangerously close to violating the tenets of Rule 19.
Warren was either unmoved or confused about the rules of the Senate, because she continued to slander Sessions, stating that “he has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.”
While Warren was referencing a statement from King, she was not quoting from it. (And furthermore, this claim against Sessions has been repeatedly debunked.)
Warren’s wanton and blatant disregard of the Senate’s standing rules is what triggered the application of Rule 19. Warren promptly appealed, but the Senate, by a vote of 49-43, determined that the rule had been correctly applied.
Meanwhile, the left was at work making a martyr of Warren for her deliberate disregard for the rules of the institution in which she serves. The hashtag #ShePersisted popped up within minutes—a reference to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s comment that Warren had been warned, but persisted in violation of the rules.
Feminists on Twitter fomented outrage that Warren had been “silenced,” that she had been shut down by the Senate patriarchy, that this was somehow representative of the struggle of women everywhere to be heard.
For her part, Warren stood outside the Senate chamber, bravely reading the statement that ran afoul of Senate rules, and then promptly called in to MSNBC to claim she’d been “red carded” in the Senate.
The left fell over themselves in martyrdom ecstasy. Such bravery, such courage, such resistance in the face of deep institutional oppression. (Not to be left out, even Hillary Clinton got in on the drama.)
"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."
So must we all.https://t.co/JXROGHPNkH
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 8, 2017
The problem here, in case anyone hasn’t noticed yet, is that this “Elizabeth Warren, Feminist Hero, Courageous Victim” narrative is completely misplaced.
The Senate rules are gender-neutral. Explicitly so. Warren knowingly violated them, either because she just doesn’t care, or because she doesn’t know the difference between what’s allowed at a rally and what’s allowed on the Senate floor.
And for that, she’s a feminist icon? Please, spare me.
Raising Warren up as a hero of feminism because she knowingly broke a gender-neutral Senate rule not only belittles the actual achievements of feminist heroes like Alice Paul, Sojourner Truth, Shirley Chisholm, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony, it relegates women—again—to the status of victims, which they are most certainly not.
This is the problem with the left’s narrative about women. In seeking to make martyrs out of women like Warren (and Clinton, for that matter), they implicitly sell women on the idea that they are still kept down, still oppressed by the insidious forces of patriarchy in a society that’s set against them.
This isn’t an empowering philosophy. It’s a degrading one.
Women have made incredible strides in the face of tremendous odds. And because we have had true feminist heroes that have triumphed in the face of real oppression, we live in a time where women are Cabinet secretaries, CEOs of major corporations, senators, presidential contenders, leaders in their fields—even outnumbering men at universities.
Why does the left continue to tell women that they are still victims? This shamefully dismisses the accomplishments of women generations over who have sacrificed everything to create a society in which women are promoted for their accomplishments, and recognized for their achievements, rather than their gender.
Do women continue to face difficulties in modern society? Yes. Discrimination, exploitation, and harassment are very real issues faced by women across America, and ones that deserve very real attention.
But does what Warren faced in the Senate rise to that level? No. Profoundly, no.
For the left to equate the two—to make Warren a martyr to a belief that women are somehow still the most victimized class in society—is a shameful attempt to make women believe they still can’t reach the top tiers of society, that they’ll always be fighting some nebulous, unidentified patriarchal conspiracy designed to silence them, instead of pouring their energies into pursuing their dreams.
Warren consciously broke a 100-year-old Senate rule. A true feminist—one who prizes being treated equally regardless of gender—would own up to the issue and accept the consequences like every other member of the Senate, not wave the flag of victimhood in the face of American women who continue to achieve, break barriers, and reach the heights of their potential every single day.
Commentary by Rachel Bovard. Originally published at The Daily Signal.
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ahlam-rania · 7 years
Tips For Finding The Best Gym Space Rental
By Shirley Howard
As an organization, it is quite inevitable to host some events and corporate programs. That programs might have something to do with your business or social corporate obligations. Either way, you need to be more careful, particularly, in setting things up. As someone in charge for this huge obligation, you might be pretty troubled for its budget. For such kind of situation, assure that gyms would absolutely fit the bill. Check out the gym space rental San Mateo if you have time. The place is amazing. This facility would surely accommodate tons of clients and guests. Usually, this is prepared for larger events. However, as for its size, you still need to be cautious. They still matter from one another. Therefore, do not ever try to generalize all of them. As you know this well, that action is not really smart. As a client, be extremely mindful in choosing a location. It should be perfect. This is one of the most crucial issues that you need to attend and monitor, particularly, during the planning stage. Of course, that is a major necessity. You see, depending on its location, some people might not attend the party. They might not feel like it due to their hectic and busy schedule. This is quite true for those busy individuals who live far from your chosen meeting place. Hence, always reconsider the needs of your guests before you address your own concerns. Addressing these two questions are very essential. You see, they essentially play a great role in your decisions. Consider how many guests would be coming too. Knowing how in demand and special this activity can be, greatly matters. Of course, when making an estimate, you should be more realistic. Every single person that is included in your estimate would cause a penny. That would be awesome. Be open minded. Everyone who is assigned on the top of the competition needs to be strategic and resourceful. If possible, they should also know how to listen to those people who are below them. It is not good to trust the skill of other people without trusting your own skill and sense of judgment first. You can only demonstrate or show your full potential when problems and issues arise. Surely, nobody wants to face them. If you make mistakes, carrying its burdens are absolutely scary. However, that is pretty fine. If you want to grow and become stronger, you must be prepared enough to face risks and overcome challenges. Going back to the gym, though, consider the location of the place. It should be accessible to all of your guests. You know who are the people that would be going to the party. Surely, you know their taste and preference. At least, you must be aware. Choose a special place that would give them credible and comfortable ambiance. Always make sure to select a strategic place. You see, you cannot just deliberately choose something just because its owner gives you a fair price or discount. Truly, that might sound quite interesting. However, never let that matter misguide you. You better not allow that to happen. The name of your company is riding on your decisions. You have many prospects. Make use of that. Remember to evaluate and assess the ambiance of the place too. It should be safe. It must be accessible. Always look for several aspects. Never stick to one ideas or solutions. Be creative too. Make sure to organize things correctly. Never overlook any single issue or problem.
About the Author:
When you are looking for information about s gym space rental San Mateo residents can come to the web pages online today. More details are available at http://ift.tt/2urFxL7 now.
from B numbr1 http://ift.tt/2zF4d5X via B numbr1 site=tumblr">IFTTT
0 notes
tragicbooks · 7 years
21 pieces of photographic evidence that prove the March for Science was awesome.
1. Thousands of scientists and the people who support them took to the streets around the world on April 22, 2017.
March for Science demonstrators in Boston. Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images.
2. The day (not-so) coincidentally happened to be Earth Day.
Demonstrators in Boston. Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images.
3. Varied were the messages on their signs and the chants rolling off their tongues. But one truth stayed consistent everywhere: They are not happy with President Trump.
Demonstrators rally outside Trump Tower in New York City. Photo by Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images.
4. The March for Science, officially held in Washington, D.C., expanded to over 600 satellite marches around the world.
March for Science demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
5. From Berlin to London...
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
6. ...and Boston to New York City.
Demonstrators in New York City. Photo by Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images.
7. People rallied in favor of evidence and research — and against Trump's unabashed disregard for scientific facts.
Demonstrators in San Francisco. Photo by Matt Savener.
8. Consolidating all the issues into a single page would be quite a difficult task, honestly.
Demonstrators in New York City. Photo by Carly Gillis.
9. But through their signs and slogans, many marchers singled out the president's indifference to climate change...
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
10. ... his alarming proposed budget cuts to science and research funding ...
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
11. ...and his administration's general fondness for, um, "alternative facts" as the major factors inspiring them to lace up their marching shoes.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
12. Because, yes, sometimes even the president needs to be reminded that the truth isn't up for debate.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
13. Nothing short of our survival is at stake, after all.
Demonstrators in Boston. Ryan McBride/AFP/Getty Images.
14. The march brought out an eclectic group of truth-tellers too, like those with an interest in what's happening beyond our planet.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images.
15. And those who care about what's happening down below.
Demonstrators in New York City. Photo by Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images.
16. People of all ages were seen fighting for science — some of them old, some of them young, and all of them fired up.
Demonstrators in Berlin. Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images.
17. There were a few big-name scientists in the crowd as well.
Trailblazers Sally Ride, Mae Jamison, Ada Lovelace, Shirley Malcom, Jane Wright, and Rosalind Franklin also made (cardboard) appearances.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
18. And Bill Nye, never without his bow tie, helped rally supporters in the nation's capital.
Scientist Bill Nye alongside fellow demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
19. Even four-legged friends trekked out in the cold — because ignoring science affects every living thing.
Demonstrators in Boston, Massachusetts. Ryan McBride/AFP/Getty Images.
20. The massive success of the March for Science makes it clear that now really isn't the best time to remain silent.
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
21. Because, no matter your political persuasion, there is no Planet B to call home.
Demonstrators in Paris. Photo by Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images
0 notes
socialviralnews · 7 years
21 pieces of photographic evidence that prove the March for Science was awesome.
1. Thousands of scientists and the people who support them took to the streets around the world on April 22, 2017.
March for Science demonstrators in Boston. Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images.
2. The day (not-so) coincidentally happened to be Earth Day.
Demonstrators in Boston. Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images.
3. Varied were the messages on their signs and the chants rolling off their tongues. But one truth stayed consistent everywhere: They are not happy with President Trump.
Demonstrators rally outside Trump Tower in New York City. Photo by Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images.
4. The March for Science, officially held in Washington, D.C., expanded to over 600 satellite marches around the world.
March for Science demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
5. From Berlin to London...
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
6. ...and Boston to New York City.
Demonstrators in New York City. Photo by Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images.
7. People rallied in favor of evidence and research — and against Trump's unabashed disregard for scientific facts.
Demonstrators in San Francisco. Photo by Matt Savener.
8. Consolidating all the issues into a single page would be quite a difficult task, honestly.
Demonstrators in New York City. Photo by Carly Gillis.
9. But through their signs and slogans, many marchers singled out the president's indifference to climate change...
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
10. ... his alarming proposed budget cuts to science and research funding ...
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
11. ...and his administration's general fondness for, um, "alternative facts" as the major factors inspiring them to lace up their marching shoes.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
12. Because, yes, sometimes even the president needs to be reminded that the truth isn't up for debate.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
13. Nothing short of our survival is at stake, after all.
Demonstrators in Boston. Ryan McBride/AFP/Getty Images.
14. The march brought out an eclectic group of truth-tellers too, like those with an interest in what's happening beyond our planet.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images.
15. And those who care about what's happening down below.
Demonstrators in New York City. Photo by Bryan R. Smith/AFP/Getty Images.
16. People of all ages were seen fighting for science — some of them old, some of them young, and all of them fired up.
Demonstrators in Berlin. Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images.
17. There were a few big-name scientists in the crowd as well.
Trailblazers Sally Ride, Mae Jamison, Ada Lovelace, Shirley Malcom, Jane Wright, and Rosalind Franklin also made (cardboard) appearances.
Demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
18. And Bill Nye, never without his bow tie, helped rally supporters in the nation's capital.
Scientist Bill Nye alongside fellow demonstrators in Washington, D.C. Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images.
19. Even four-legged friends trekked out in the cold — because ignoring science affects every living thing.
Demonstrators in Boston, Massachusetts. Ryan McBride/AFP/Getty Images.
20. The massive success of the March for Science makes it clear that now really isn't the best time to remain silent.
Demonstrators in London. Photo by Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images.
21. Because, no matter your political persuasion, there is no Planet B to call home.
Demonstrators in Paris. Photo by Francois Guillot/AFP/Getty Images
<br> from Upworthy http://ift.tt/2p8uzHS via cheap web hosting
0 notes
jorgemoctezuma · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Episode 18 The QPC - Shirley B. Awesome/Penn Zero: Casi Héroe Capítulos 18 El CPQ - Shirley Fabulosa
18 notes · View notes
americanlibertypac · 8 years
No, Elizabeth Warren is not a feminist icon
Photo: Flickr/Edward Kimmel (cc by-sa 2.0)
Last week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was vaulted to high status among feminists.
What did she do? Did she lay down in the street to protect the voting rights of women? Did she take a stand against sex trafficking and female exploitation?
No. She knowingly and flagrantly broke a long-standing rule of the Senate. And for this, the left made her a hero.
The rule that Warren broke was Section 2 of Rule 19, a century-old prohibition on senators from attributing conduct or motives “unworthy or unbecoming” to another senator.
If applied, it requires the offending senator to “take his (or her) seat,” meaning they cannot speak for the remainder of the debate.
When Warren came to the floor to speak against the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., for attorney general, she embarked on a floor speech that painted Sessions—still her colleague in the Senate—as an unhinged racist.
Several minutes into her remarks, Warren called Sessions “a disgrace to the Justice Department” and stated that “he should withdraw his nomination and resign his position.”
It was this statement—not the reading of the letter from Coretta Scott King, as the media has repeatedly reported—which triggered the chair to warn Warren that she was dangerously close to violating the tenets of Rule 19.
Warren was either unmoved or confused about the rules of the Senate, because she continued to slander Sessions, stating that “he has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens.”
While Warren was referencing a statement from King, she was not quoting from it. (And furthermore, this claim against Sessions has been repeatedly debunked.)
Warren’s wanton and blatant disregard of the Senate’s standing rules is what triggered the application of Rule 19. Warren promptly appealed, but the Senate, by a vote of 49-43, determined that the rule had been correctly applied.
Meanwhile, the left was at work making a martyr of Warren for her deliberate disregard for the rules of the institution in which she serves. The hashtag #ShePersisted popped up within minutes—a reference to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s comment that Warren had been warned, but persisted in violation of the rules.
Feminists on Twitter fomented outrage that Warren had been “silenced,” that she had been shut down by the Senate patriarchy, that this was somehow representative of the struggle of women everywhere to be heard.
For her part, Warren stood outside the Senate chamber, bravely reading the statement that ran afoul of Senate rules, and then promptly called in to MSNBC to claim she’d been “red carded” in the Senate.
The left fell over themselves in martyrdom ecstasy. Such bravery, such courage, such resistance in the face of deep institutional oppression. (Not to be left out, even Hillary Clinton got in on the drama.)
"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."
So must we all.https://t.co/JXROGHPNkH
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 8, 2017
The problem here, in case anyone hasn’t noticed yet, is that this “Elizabeth Warren, Feminist Hero, Courageous Victim” narrative is completely misplaced.
The Senate rules are gender-neutral. Explicitly so. Warren knowingly violated them, either because she just doesn’t care, or because she doesn’t know the difference between what’s allowed at a rally and what’s allowed on the Senate floor.
And for that, she’s a feminist icon? Please, spare me.
Raising Warren up as a hero of feminism because she knowingly broke a gender-neutral Senate rule not only belittles the actual achievements of feminist heroes like Alice Paul, Sojourner Truth, Shirley Chisholm, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony, it relegates women—again—to the status of victims, which they are most certainly not.
This is the problem with the left’s narrative about women. In seeking to make martyrs out of women like Warren (and Clinton, for that matter), they implicitly sell women on the idea that they are still kept down, still oppressed by the insidious forces of patriarchy in a society that’s set against them.
This isn’t an empowering philosophy. It’s a degrading one.
Women have made incredible strides in the face of tremendous odds. And because we have had true feminist heroes that have triumphed in the face of real oppression, we live in a time where women are Cabinet secretaries, CEOs of major corporations, senators, presidential contenders, leaders in their fields—even outnumbering men at universities.
Why does the left continue to tell women that they are still victims? This shamefully dismisses the accomplishments of women generations over who have sacrificed everything to create a society in which women are promoted for their accomplishments, and recognized for their achievements, rather than their gender.
Do women continue to face difficulties in modern society? Yes. Discrimination, exploitation, and harassment are very real issues faced by women across America, and ones that deserve very real attention.
But does what Warren faced in the Senate rise to that level? No. Profoundly, no.
For the left to equate the two—to make Warren a martyr to a belief that women are somehow still the most victimized class in society—is a shameful attempt to make women believe they still can’t reach the top tiers of society, that they’ll always be fighting some nebulous, unidentified patriarchal conspiracy designed to silence them, instead of pouring their energies into pursuing their dreams.
Warren consciously broke a 100-year-old Senate rule. A true feminist—one who prizes being treated equally regardless of gender—would own up to the issue and accept the consequences like every other member of the Senate, not wave the flag of victimhood in the face of American women who continue to achieve, break barriers, and reach the heights of their potential every single day.
Commentary by Rachel Bovard. Originally published at The Daily Signal.
0 notes
ahlam-rania · 7 years
Tips For Finding The Best Gym Space Rental
By Shirley Howard
As an organization, it is quite inevitable to host some events and corporate programs. That programs might have something to do with your business or social corporate obligations. Either way, you need to be more careful, particularly, in setting things up. As someone in charge for this huge obligation, you might be pretty troubled for its budget. For such kind of situation, assure that gyms would absolutely fit the bill. Check out the gym space rental San Mateo if you have time. The place is amazing. This facility would surely accommodate tons of clients and guests. Usually, this is prepared for larger events. However, as for its size, you still need to be cautious. They still matter from one another. Therefore, do not ever try to generalize all of them. As you know this well, that action is not really smart. As a client, be extremely mindful in choosing a location. It should be perfect. This is one of the most crucial issues that you need to attend and monitor, particularly, during the planning stage. Of course, that is a major necessity. You see, depending on its location, some people might not attend the party. They might not feel like it due to their hectic and busy schedule. This is quite true for those busy individuals who live far from your chosen meeting place. Hence, always reconsider the needs of your guests before you address your own concerns. Addressing these two questions are very essential. You see, they essentially play a great role in your decisions. Consider how many guests would be coming too. Knowing how in demand and special this activity can be, greatly matters. Of course, when making an estimate, you should be more realistic. Every single person that is included in your estimate would cause a penny. That would be awesome. Be open minded. Everyone who is assigned on the top of the competition needs to be strategic and resourceful. If possible, they should also know how to listen to those people who are below them. It is not good to trust the skill of other people without trusting your own skill and sense of judgment first. You can only demonstrate or show your full potential when problems and issues arise. Surely, nobody wants to face them. If you make mistakes, carrying its burdens are absolutely scary. However, that is pretty fine. If you want to grow and become stronger, you must be prepared enough to face risks and overcome challenges. Going back to the gym, though, consider the location of the place. It should be accessible to all of your guests. You know who are the people that would be going to the party. Surely, you know their taste and preference. At least, you must be aware. Choose a special place that would give them credible and comfortable ambiance. Always make sure to select a strategic place. You see, you cannot just deliberately choose something just because its owner gives you a fair price or discount. Truly, that might sound quite interesting. However, never let that matter misguide you. You better not allow that to happen. The name of your company is riding on your decisions. You have many prospects. Make use of that. Remember to evaluate and assess the ambiance of the place too. It should be safe. It must be accessible. Always look for several aspects. Never stick to one ideas or solutions. Be creative too. Make sure to organize things correctly. Never overlook any single issue or problem.
About the Author:
When you are looking for information about s gym space rental San Mateo residents can come to the web pages online today. More details are available at http://ift.tt/2urFxL7 now.
Tips For Finding The Best Gym Space Rental via B numbr1 site=tumblr">IFTTT
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