#older megumi
||An Officer's Corruption part Twenty-three||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here and it's time for another chapter to this one. And yes, this might be the longest mini series I've written with my amazing friend of course demon mun. So, I hope you like.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty one ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty two ((NSFW Warning))
((Your reading part twenty three))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Drug use will be spoken of and told of in this
~Relaxing moment for some parts
~Dark theme/mention of Self harm and su**** attempt will be present in this. This is a heavy warning if you read this chapter, it will be dark on a part so just a heads up.
||Drabble Summary||
Another day is here in T prison seeing the prisoners were out eating some breakfast in the main grand hall. The wardens were keeping watch for now but what adventures will be present today? And during the warden's video meeting? Also, what information will be found during Sai's investigation? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Ira"Kali" Vin-Shia, Ink Vanguard, Kinie Ger, and Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Jinx Violet and Yuuka Nakano are my OC's and belong to me. Yuji Itadori, Megumi fushiguro, and Yuji Itadori is from Jujutsu Kaisen but is also a muse I rp as. Same with Terry McGinnis and Maxine(Black cat) also is from batman beyond but also here due to being muses.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. And again, a part in this chapter will involve something dark and heavy so please don't read if this triggers you. With that, I hope you Enjoy.))
Another morning as come at T prison, seeing that all the inmates have went through roll call and was now eating breakfast. Most were either chatting to their 'buddies' or 'next door neighbor' as the morning goes alone. Warden Kinie Ger along with the officers were keeping a close eye on them even the main ones that was eating at their tables.
Officer Vanguard was keeping a eye on the Six claws seeing them eating breakfast or having a light conversation.
Officer Vin-Shia was keeping her eyes on the inmates but she was wondering if Rex already got his food for this morning. Or do they even let him out during this time? Well, given his status, maybe not. They did have a reason for keeping him away from the other inmates so she wouldn't question Warden Kinie's ways.
And for Officer Violet, she was keeping a eye on Inmate Yuji who was eating breakfast with his two friends Kisho and Megumi who were talking about something to see Megumi shaking his head and Kisho laughing a bit.
Honestly, this morning was not too bad right now and the inmates were behaving for once. Maybe this morning wouldn't be so bad. For now, they keep a eye out before one officer goes to Kinie to get her attention.
"Miss Ger?" she blinks hearing this but turns her head to look at him.
"What is it officer? "she asked.
"A meeting is being held in two minutes with the other wardens from their prisons. It seems they are ready for the daily meeting." he said.
"......Hmmmm, Understood. I'll be there shortly in my office. "she sees him nod, turning to walk off.
"Hey, you three." she sees Jinx, Kali, and Ink look at her. "I have to attend a meeting with the other wardens right now. I assume you three can take care of the noon patrol later when the inmates head out for training?" she asked.
"Of course! You can count on us!" Ink and Jinx said happily but Kali growls to bonk them on the head.
"......" Kinie sighs with eyes closed but she reopens them to look at the three. "Just..try to be sure nothing else happens while I'm in the meeting. Understand?" she said seeing the three nod.
"Oh and here.." She shows two folders as she hands one to Ink and the other to Jinx.
"Uhhhh what is this warden Kinie?" Ink asked opening the folder and looks. It shows a paper letter that reads the follow.
"By order of the Warden, the six claws shall be attending classes to improve their skills if needed before being released on patrol. If one has not completed for their GED they will have that chance too. Will be in effect in two days from now."
Jinx's own reads:
"Approval for Yuji Itadori and his two inmate friends Megumi fushiguro and Kisho Hashimoto to be moved to a bigger cell. This will take effect immediately by the afternoon. Their cell will be private and away from the other inmates."
Both Ink and Jinx looks to the letters but at one another to smile happy. It was approved and written right on paper to confirm it!
"Alright, I'm heading off. But if something happens let me know right away..." with a nod from the three, she turns to head to her office for the daily video meeting call. She wonders if their reports are better than last year but she'll know sooner or later.
"Good and if something happens let me know right away..." with a nod from the three, she turns to head to her office for the daily video meeting call. She wonders if their reports are better than last year but she'll know sooner or later.
"I didn't know Warden Kinie did those types of meetings. Do you think it's something serious?" Jinx asked the two.
"It might be. Given from what happened a while back, that's something." Kali grumbles.
"True but we won't know since it's between wardens only. I'm sure it's nothing bad.." Ink said while Kinie walks off. However, Midoriya noticed Kinie walking off but his green eyes looks then looks down. Now where could she be going off too? He might not know but this got Atsushi to look at him.
"You alright Midoriya?"
"Hmm? I'm alright Atsushi don't worry. Just thinking about something is all." he said eating his breakfast with a smile. Ren, Rin, Denji, and Bakugo looks to him wondering what was up before they saw Ink keeping watch with the other two though she was still freaking precious.
"You want me to do what now?" Terry looks to Officer Narong while he was drinking some hot coffee given to him by the officer. Sai was looking at him but drinking something as well to help him focus this morning. Even after the phone call with Oblivion.
"You heard me. I wanted to ask if you could help me gather information about someone named Yuuka Nakano. I know or get the feeling you have inner information where us officers can't get. Maybe if you can, you might be able to help me out with that." He sees Terry taking a sip of his coffee trying to think about it. However, he lowers the cup to sigh.
"Depends on the information. What type of info are you looking for? Background checks? Life history? Criminal records? Personal info that's under lock and key? Medical records?" he said seeing Sai blink but he thinks about that.
"Hold on, how did you-"
"As you would say, I have my ways Officer Narong. So, depending on what you need..what is it?" he asked.
"........." Sai was thinking about it but he closed his eyes. What would he go first? What info would help get them a head start? For that time, he opens his eyes to look at him.
"I guess starting with drug use and medical use in her history. Maybe something involving her path during that time?" he asked but Terry looks to him then thinks.
"So drug dealers I take it? That's something not common..hold on." he reaches to try something before checking something on the computer that Sai had in this office. He begins to type before he checks seeing the screen darken a little making Sai blink.
"What are you-"
"Just a moment.....Cat should be hacking in so we can get her to check."
Wait. Cat?
Within a moment, the screen glitched, showing a hidden room but someone was there hard at work. Dark skinned woman with dark pink short hair. She had a black t-shirt on but was chewing on some bubble gum while looking at something.
'What's up Terry? Need something?' the woman asked but he chuckled to look.
"Still busy as you are Cat?"
'As I always should be. Eh? How are you even able to let me hack through this? I thought the police-'
"Don't worry. The place I'm in has a strong protection CDI so you should be fine. But if they tired to figure out someone hacked into their mainframe they won't know it's you."
"Terry, who is she?"
"Oh right. Officer Narong, Meet Black Cat. She's my partner in crime and my best hacker. She's able to hack into anything and get any information anyone can think of. She's pretty good at her job since none can keep up with her. Not even the police can find darker hidden files like she can...." he said as Cat smiled.
'That sounds like your being a flirt Terry...'
"I'm being nice silly. That's all. Anyway, I was hoping you can help us out here.....we need some information involving someone." he said hearing her typing.
'Sure, who's the name?' she asked.
"What was her name?" Terry asked Sai.
"Oh right....Yuuka Nakano was her name." he said as Cat heard this and begins typing. She looks through her computer screen while looking at the information.
'Hmmm..Yuuka..Nakano...' Cat said typing in her name before hitting Enter. In a moment, she got some data pulled up but she blinks to whistle.
'Wow; she's done a lot of shit hasn't she? Even from the drug medic record. Damn..'
"What you got Cat?" Terry asked as she was typing again.
'A lot of messed up shit if that's one way to say it. I mean, these records are pretty dark to say the least. I'm shocked she's not over dosed with this much pumped into her for so long.' she said.
"Hold on, what do you mean by that?" Sai asked but Cat heard the bubble pop to check something else.
'Here, I'll send it to you both so you can see for yourself....' she said hitting enter. Right away, a few emails were sent but they open up after a while. It shows folders involving data or info about Yuuka.
"This is a lot of information Cat."
'Yeah but the info is again pretty dark. You might be in this for a while..' she said. Sai blinks hearing this but Terry moves the mouse and clicks on one file. It opens showing a info sheet of her when she used to be in UA. It's a older file.
UA student file
Name: Yuuka Nakano
Hero name: Nightshade
Gender: Female
Quirk: Pyro-Toxikinesis (Able to make toxic flames and split them up using fire and posion)
Class: 1-A
Notes: Yuuka is a promising student that's willing to help anyone and become a hero like her parents. She's well known in the school while doing well in classes and being helped with her quirk. So far, studies have been doing well so far. Right now, she is progressing well in 1-A class.
"Okay, that don't sound too bad though." Sai said looking at the file.
'Not right now. This was a file when she was in that school. However, click the next one. It gets a bit darker.' Cat warns as Terry did that. The next file was a bit different.
UA Student file
Name: Yuuka Nakano
Status: Was kidnapped/gone missing
Information: After a failed mission, the classmates in 1-A has been told that Yuuka Nakano a.k.a Nightshade had been kidnapped on Friday of May. We were told of the situation given to us and has sent a look out team to find her. The search began today. We hope to find her.
((Update on search))
No update yet but still looking for her. We pray that she is found soon.
((Update on Search #2))
Still nothing. We have had to get other heroes to do a look out for her. Given no information to what might have happened. Her family is already begging for someone to find her. No records shown so far about it.
((Update on search #24))
Days have passed so far but no luck. We fear for the worst but we have not stopped looking for her yet. She has to be alive still. Given the information we have, it seems we are going to have to address this as either a different case.
Terry and Sai blinks reading this. So she was kidnapped that day though, she must have been gone for a while or longer. As they keep reading they check the next one.
((Update on Search #235))
Finally after a few months or so, we found her. She was located near the riverside but she looked like a mess. She even seems a bit sick. We took her in and got her treated at the hospital though we were given notes from the doctor to tell us about her status.
'Yeah, she was kidnapped for a long while but it explains a bit.' Cat said to the two.
"Though, it don't explain the drugs Cat." Terry said.
'I know..you have to open the next file for that one. It's a list of the drugs she was given at the time. And again, it's a long list...you usually find these drugs in the black market.' she said.
Wait, Black market?
Sai looks seeing the list that Terry clicked on showing it. A long list of not known drugs were seen. Shots, needles, and pills of many uknown drugs were listed here and was given to Yuuka during her time of being kidnapped.
'Though, their is a updated medical note from the school and the doctor.' Cat said sending that. The note reads as follows.
Doctor's note: Even if we treated Miss Nakano from what happened she's not as stable. We tired to help her during treatment but she tends to snap at us and attack with her quirk. We had to bind her down on the medic bed to insure we can treat her. Most of my nurses were poisoned by her quirk. Others knocked out or badly burned. However, she was treated that next day or for a while. We had to monitor her behavior and see what types of drugs were injected into her.
When getting the results back, it was..shocking. So many was given to her it's almost like she became addicted to it. Lucky she didn't but if they kept given her the drugs then it was a strong possible answer. Though, their was some slight healed bruising on her. Maybe she was forced to do something while being kidnapped? We are unsure but will keep a eye on her.
"So she was forced to do something..but what could that be?" Sai said. "Even with all these drugs, she would have overdosed." he mutters.
"True but it seems something must have happened or her quirk must have done something." Terry said looking at the info before seeing something else.
'Oh no, it just gets worse boys...keep reading..' she said sending another one. 'This is when she was back in school..'
((UA student info))
Name Yuuka Nakano
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Status: Student?
Info: After Nakano has returned back to class she seemed a bit off now. After the incident of being kidnapped, she tends to be distracted in class. Scratching and muttering to herself. Even if she is a bit more violent if others try to touch her, she still wishes to be a hero. We worry for her future after that but it must have scarred her badly right after. We are unsure if she will be able to continue with this.
Status: Unknown/Removed from 1-A till further noticed for her protection
Info: We had a little mishap today from a couple missions from the following weeks and months. Yuuka's quirk has gotten a bit out of control due to the violent nature she has shown. Even if her heart still says she wishes to be a hero, the people fear for her. She's already threatened to poison innocent people that was seen as villians in Yuuka's eyes. Many used to see her as a innocent young woman but most fear her now due to her quirk and disturbing behavior. But now some have made allegations that they seen her when doing criminal activity. We are unsure about this information but will keep looking into this.
For now, shes being quarantined for safety of the public and herself.
((Update #3))
Status: Hero status changed to Dangerous Vigilante
After trying to stabilize her and quarantine her, Yuu has gotten worse. We got word that she's been doing things on her own but given the fact she's acted dangerous towards criminals and some innocent people. Because of this, the people has demanded she get some better treatment. We had no choice but to remove her from UA for her safety and the public. That lead to more violent activity from Nakano till we had no choice but to arrest her. We found out she took down a villain but heavily poisoned him to be killed. She then tried attacking the police only to get tazed and handcuffed.
From that night, Nightshade or Yuuka Nakano was no longer a hero and we prey she gets the help she needs. She was to be sent to prison for her safety and others.
Now both Terry and Sai were silent at this. What the hell? Cat sighed to look but she had her arms crossed. 'Oh and just to let you know, that's just the beginning. Theirs more disturbing things in her files so..you both might be reading for a while. Their is info about the black market in there and the owner of the guy who made the drugs and kidnapped her too I believe....' Cat said.
Now Sai was concerned. Just what the hell happened to Yuuka?
~~~~~~~~Meanwhile at Roosevelt Island~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oblivion was leaving the office but sighed having her eyes closed. She runs her fingers through her hair but hopes that Yuuka was alright. Whatever Sai could find will help her know a bit more about her. What happened and what changed her to what she is now.
During this time, she was going to get some water and something to eat when hearing Luna speaking to two officers.
"Guys, you both doing okay?" she asked.
"No worries were fine." Damien said with his arms crossed seeing the others Ming, Maxine, Trevor, and Swan agreeing.
"Alright. Though, has anything happened?" she asked.
"No, we haven't checked on her yet. We assume she's resting right now." Maxine said but he keeps his arms crossed feeling his boyfriend Trevor near him.
"Well, she might be up after last night. I'll go and see if she's alright or at least soon. I heard the goo was gone so the room was not quarantine anymore."
Well, that's good to hear. Maybe Oblivion can check on her this morning to see how she was. She walks over to see the others going about their duties. "Hey Luna, is that true? Is she.."
"Hey Oblivion. Yeah, I got word that the toxic goo is gone so we can check on her if you like." she said as she nods. She wanted to see how she was and hope she was alright. So, the two walks over to Yuuka's holding cell. However, when getting there, they saw some officers speaking to themselves while working. They get to the door seeing the sign was removed so it was safe!
"I'll go and check on her. Is that fine?" Oblivion asked seeing Luna nod.
"Of course." she said smiling. Nodding her head, Oblivion goes to open the door heading inside. It seems everything was alright now but she looks ahead seeing the cell.
"Hey, Yuuka? I wanted to come and check on you..I hope your alright this morning-" she sstarted to say but stops from what she saw. Yuuka didn't respond to her. In fact, she was standing up in her cell looking at the window there. She was holding something up in her hand but from what Oblivion saw.....wait........she saw something else and the smell lingering in the air. It smelled like copper? Hold on..
'I..Is that blood?....hold on, what did she..' Oblivion looks to see that Yuuka was holding something but getting a better look, it was that a glass shard from the window given the light breeze that blew.
'I can't do this anymore..it hurts too much. No matter how many damn times I tried cutting it out. It won't come out. I'll just have to dig deeper to get them out! I want them out..I want them to get it out!!!!' she thought about to stab her own throat ready to spill her blood.
Yuuka tenses hearing the shout turning around but saw Oblivion. Before speaking she tries to bring it down only stabbing her hand.
"STOP THAT!" Oblivion rushes to open her cell door but quickly grabs the glass shard from Yuuka who struggles trying to get it back from her.
"Give it back to me! I have to get these things out of me! Give it back!" she shouted about to poison her but Oblivion held her down while feeling her struggling.
"ENOUGH ALREADY!" Oblivion said now furious that she would go that low but held her down while Yuu struggles. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!? WERE YOU SERIOUSLY PLANNING ON KILLING YOURSELF!?"
"WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE!? YOU POLICE DON'T GIVE A SHIT! YOU ALL NEVER DID! YOUR THE REASON I'M LIKE THIS!!! YOU DAMN POLICE OFFICERS DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELVES! YOU NEVER WERE THERE YOU WERE ALL AGAINST ME!!! EVEN WITH MY QUIRK!!!" Yuu shouted but she tries now burning Oblivion but she felt Yuu kick her back crashing against the wall as Yuu panted shaking. Tears were seen running down her cheeks.
"You fucking officers don't give a shit! So why do you fucking care now!? Even being through so fucking much..NOW YOU CARE!? THEN WHAT OF THE FUCKING DRUGS!? THE SHOTS!! WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT SHOW!!" she said about to throw a fire ball at her but Oblivion ducks but grabs Yuu's wrists. "!?"
"You need to stop this!"
"Let go of me!" she shouted angry at her but Oblivion didn't want to do this only to close her eyes.
"You need to calm down or I'll have to be forced to make you!" she said not wanting to.
"Let me the fuck go!" she said and yet Oblivion looked at her as she struggles again only for her to keep holding her wrists tight. Sparks of electricity shows from her hands.
"I can't...and please forgive me for this." she said before shocking Yuuka. She screams out in pain wincing from the strong shock but Oblivion only sees her shaking before she kept up with the shock then stops. Oblivion looks at her slowly but Yuu was twitching now before she winced. Smoke was seen coming off of Yuu's body as she stood there.
"............" As Yuu stood there, she slowly looks to her but Oblivion wonders what was wrong. Was she going to speak. And being right, Oblivion heard her speak.
"I..I'm s..sorry..I'm sorry..I d..didn't mean t..to do any of t..that. It was j..just so painful..it still..*begins crying* H..Hurts..It hurts.." she mutters now showing more tears that her eyes were dimmed out or dulled.
Before Oblivon tries to ask, she sees her fall that Oblivion catches her quickly. She looks to be knocked out but she got a better view on her. Cuts. Deep cuts from that glass shard were seen and she seems to have made them deep.
"Yuu......" she mutters before the door opens but Luna shows.
"What the hell happened!?"
"Yuuka was trying to....I can't say but you can guess from the blood right? "she said but Luna saw the blood and the cuts she made.
"......Come on, we can take her to the medic room." Luna said as Oblivion carefully picks Yuuka up so follow her.
A few moments later, Oblivion and Luna were standing outside the room seeing Swan healing her as she was laying on the medic bed being treated. Though, Oblivion grips her arms not wanting to do that. Or to say a last resort. She wanted to stop Yuu for hurting others but she didn't want her to hurt herself.
"...Geez, i didn't know she would go that far to do that." Luna said but she was worried too.
"......I don't know how long she's been even doing that. I have a guess it's been a while since she's done it?" she asked but Luna sighed.
"I guess. Even so, that might be due to something. Maybe something happened that drove her down that way. It's sad to see. I just hope.....we can at least help her.." Luna said but Oblivion had a feeling it was due to either drugs, manipulation, or worse. She only grits her teeth angry for the ones that put her through this but seeing Yuu's tired weak expression she looked hurt and alone. It wasn't right. For now, both would wait till she would be let out again...for right now, Oblivion needed to watch her till getting news.
That's when Swan comes out but Oblivion saw. She stood up to look at her. "How is she?"
"Stable. The cuts were not as bad but they were badly deep. Judging by how they looked, she must have made them last night."
"However, I cleaned and wrapped them up so she just needs rest right now. If you wish, you can go in and be with her till she wakes up." she said.
Oblivion looks quiet to her but nods. "That would be fine." With a nod, Swan leads Oblivion in the room but she saw Yuu resting up. She goes to sit down on a chair looking to her. She seems really weak but she looks quiet while doing so.
"......." For now, Oblivion hopes Sai and the other helps in finding out more about this. Or if the ones that did this to her were around because she would make them pay.
7 notes · View notes
hinamie · 9 days
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10 years later
10K notes · View notes
beybuniki · 10 months
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always running late
2K notes · View notes
glolyst · 8 months
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Dw guys they're all happy and fine ahahah
628 notes · View notes
estellan0vella · 3 months
Fraying Ties Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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The buzz of the tattoo parlour hums in the background as you sketch the final touches on a client's custom design. It's a calming routine that helps you focus, a necessary reprieve from the unpredictable nature of your epilepsy.
As you admire the intricate patterns forming on the paper, the door chime jingles. You look up, expecting a potential client or one of the regulars. Instead, your heart sinks as you see your parents storming in.
Their faces twist in disgust as they take in the sight of the parlour. The scorn in their eyes immediately focuses on you, and you brace yourself for the onslaught.
"Well, look who it is," your mother sneers, her voice dripping with condescension. "Still wasting your life away in this dump?"
You open your mouth to respond, but your father cuts you off with a derisive laugh. "And look at that," he points to the large tattoo on your arm. "Making yourself even more of a freak than you already are."
Heat flushes your cheeks, anger bubbling up inside you. But before you can retort, Gojo saunters over from his piercing station, his casual demeanour a stark contrast to the rising tension. "Hey there, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N," he says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Can I help you with something?"
"Stay out of this, Gojo," your father snaps. "We're here to talk some sense into our daughter."
"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen," Gojo replies, his tone light but his eyes hardening. "Maybe you should leave before things get out of hand."
"Out of hand?" Your mother scoffs. "The only thing out of hand is our daughter throwing her life away and associating with people like you."
"People like me?" Gojo's eyebrows shoot up, amusement flickering across his face. "You mean successful, independent, and happy? Yeah, terrible influences."
Your parents' faces darken, but before they can retort, Toji and Geto join the fray. Toji crosses his arms, a menacing glint in his eyes, while Geto stands tall and imposing beside him.
"Is there a problem here?" Toji asks, his voice low and dangerous.
"Yes," your father barks. "Our daughter is the problem. She needs to come home and stop this nonsense."
"Nonsense?" Geto echoes, a smirk playing on his lips. "You mean her job that she's amazing at? The career she's passionate about?"
Your mother's eyes narrow, her gaze flicking to your tattoo again. "And look at her, covered in those hideous tattoos. It's disgraceful."
"Disgraceful?" you finally find your voice, your hands trembling with rage. "The only disgrace here is how you treat me. You've never accepted me for who I am, and you never will."
"Watch your mouth, young lady," your father growls, stepping towards you menacingly.
"I'm done watching my mouth," you snap back. "You're a miserable old bastard, and you," you point at your mother, "are a condescending bitch."
The room goes silent for a moment, the weight of your words hanging in the air. Your father's face turns red with fury, and he raises his hand as if to strike you. But before he can make contact, Toji steps forward, grabbing his wrist in a vice-like grip.
"Touch her," Toji warns, his voice a deadly whisper, "and you'll regret it."
Yuji and Megumi, who had been quietly observing the chaos, rush to your side. Yuji clings to your leg, his eyes blazing with defiance. "I'll kick you again!" he shouts at your father, his small frame trembling with anger.
Megumi nods, his own expression fierce. "Yeah, and I'll help!"
You smile down at them, your heart swelling with gratitude and love. "It's okay, boys," you say softly. "I've got this."
But your father isn't done. "This is exactly why you need to come home," he snarls. "Look at what kind of people you're surrounding yourself with."
You laugh, a bitter sound that echoes in the tense room. "These people," you say, gesturing to Gojo, Toji, Geto, and the kids, "are more family to me than you ever were. So why don't you just fuck off?"
"Fuck off!" Yuji and Megumi echo in unison, their voices filled with innocent ferocity.
Gojo bursts into laughter, clapping a hand on your shoulder. "You heard the lady. Time for you to leave."
Your parents stand there, stunned and humiliated. Finally, with one last glare, they turn and storm out of the parlour, slamming the door behind them.
The tension in the room dissipates, replaced by a collective sigh of relief. You sink into a chair, your hands still shaking, but a weight lifted from your shoulders.
"Those are the only people you can tell to fuck off," Toji says, ruffling Yuji's hair affectionately.
"Yeah," Geto adds, crouching down to Megumi's level. "But you did good, sticking up for Y/N."
Yuji grins up at you. "Did we do good, Y/N/N?"
"So good," You say. 
As you pull Yuji and Megumi into a hug, the door chime jingles again. This time, it's Sukuna, back from his errands. He steps inside, immediately sensing the residual tension in the air. His sharp eyes scan the room, taking in your pale face and the relieved expressions of your friends.
Before he can ask what happened, Yuji rushes over to him, eyes wide with excitement. "Suku! Me and Megumi told Y/N/N's parents to fuck off! And I threatened to kick her dad again!"
Sukuna's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and then a slow, dangerous smile spreads across his face. "Did you now?" he says, his voice low and amused. He ruffles Yuji's hair, pride glinting in his eyes.
Toji steps forward, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, her parents showed up, causing trouble. We had to step in. Y/N handled it like a champ, though."
Gojo appears beside you, pressing a sugary soda into your hand. "Here, drink this," he says softly as he guides you to a chair. "You need to get your blood sugar up."
You take the soda gratefully, sipping it slowly as the room starts to feel more grounded. Sukuna walks over, his eyes softening as they meet yours. He crouches down beside your chair, one hand gently cupping your face. "You okay, baby?"
You nod, feeling the weight of his concern. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just...a lot to deal with."
Sukuna's thumb strokes your cheekbone as you sip on the drink. "Did they touch you?"
"No," Toji interjects. "But her dad was about to. I made sure he didn't."
Sukuna's jaw clenches, his anger barely contained. "They're lucky they didn't." He looks back at you, his expression softening again. "I'm proud of you. You stood up to them."
You manage a small smile, the support from everyone around you filling you with a sense of belonging. "Thanks. It was time."
Megumi tugs at Sukuna's sleeve, his serious little face looking up at him. "We helped too, Suku. We protected Y/N/N."
Sukuna's expression softens even further as he looks down at Megumi. "You both did great," he says, ruffling the boy's hair. "I'm proud of you, too."
Gojo chuckles, the tension fully melting away now. "Well, looks like we've got the best team here. No one messes with our family."
Your heart swells at his words. Family. That's what this was. Not the toxic relationship with your parents, but this—a group of people who truly cared for you.
You take another sip of the soda, feeling the lightheadedness start to fade. "Thank you, all of you. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Sukuna stands up, pulling you to your feet and wrapping an arm around your waist. "You'll never have to find out," he promises, his voice a low growl. "We're here for you, always."
Yuji and Megumi cheer, their youthful exuberance a balm to your weary soul. You laugh, the sound light and genuine. Surrounded by your chosen family, you know that no matter what comes your way, you'll be able to face it together.
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taglist - @sad-darksoul @thejujvtsupost @kyo-kyo1 @kalulakunundrum @ryomku
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pngheavy · 8 months
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nisuna · 10 months
Hi. I just read your post about indecent ideas. oh yeah, I have a LOT of them.😈✨
Okay, the first thing I think about is Megumi's little stepbrother shamelessly jerking off to his older sister, and one evening Megumi slips an aphrodisiac into her sister's tea so he can finally fuck her 🤤
Omg 🤭 I just really love stepcest somehow, might have smth to do with a certain cd drama audio 🥴
Thank you for your take!!<3
~short drabble~ TW.: Step-cest
Megumi is a good little brother
And he loves his older sister very much. How could he not, you're kind, pretty, always there to comfort him when he got in trouble with his father and you were soft. Oh you were so soft. Especially when you used to squish his face between your boobs when he was younger and shorter than you. Even now he sometimes makes himself shorter to fit his face on your chest, wraps his hands around your waist and squishes you right back making you giggle.
Megumi is a boy afterall. So he didn't miss to notice the slight jiggle of your boobs when you came running to him to tell him something exciting. Especially around the house without a bra on. And he definitely didn't miss to notice you wearing the tiniest shorts around the house and the way your asscheeks almost fell out when you bent over to get something he dropped. Gulp.
Megumi is a boy afterall. So you can't blame him for stroking his dick at night thinking about his pretty Nee-san and all of the things he wanted to do to you.
And you definitely can't blame him for slipping an aphrodisiac he got online in your drink one evening when your parents weren't home.
Megumi was just a boy afterall. So who was he to deny his pretty Nee-san who told him she felt weird and needed some relief. You were such a kind, doting sister for letting him sink his dick in your dripping cunt. And he was such a kind younger brother for giving you the sweet release you were begging him for.
Megumi is a good little brother and he loves his older sister very much. But at the end of the day he's just a boy.
Feel free to send me your Hot Takes as well ^^
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They're my latest obsession.
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faerie-fang · 4 months
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many thoughts about gojo in his 20’s + ‘raising’ megumi
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nepttunnee · 2 months
“dadgojo” this “dadgojo” that as if megumi and gojo dont canonically have a doomed older brother relationship. gojo is only 12 years older than megumi. megumi thinks hes annoying, he hates him. he loves him obviously. gojo is petty and fights with him but took care of him all his life. like hello what
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||An Officer's Corruption part Twenty-one||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but have another part to this. Now a warning, this one is a bit spicy so I'm giving a heads up.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
((Your reading part Twenty one))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Very strong NSFW smut is present in this part
~two doms over two subs
~Biting/marking warning is present in this chapter
~Breeding is present in this
~Friends with Benefits is present in this
||Drabble Summary||
The date with Sukuna and Kinie was going well even for her she didn't seem to mind it. However, they do go into more of their conversation that might lead to having Kinie questioning herself around this man. Meanwhile, Rex is enjoying his evening talking with Kali and even he finds her interesting. What will happen then? What about Yuji/Jinx and Megumi/Kisho? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Ira"Kali" Vin-Shia, Ink Vanguard, and Kinie Ger belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Rex oxford Mills and Jinx Violet are my OC's and belong to me. Yuji Itadori, Megumi fushiguro, and Yuji Itadori is from Jujutsu Kaisen but is also a muse I rp as.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
So far, the date was going well. Sukuna was already showing Kinie some things after their little dinner. He was explaining some things regarding the construction at her prison. Everything was going as planned and it should be back to normal as requested. She was happy about that but looking at the table, she was curious about something.
Sukuna Ryomen. One of the most dangerous but strongest men in all of NYC. No one dared to raise a finger at him or speak out of line. You could say he was the devil himself. Though, the shocking part is why he took a interest in her. Kinie was just doing her job and living a normal life with her baby sister Taz. Though, being near a powerful man like Sukuna leaves her lost in questions.
'This is so unlike me. I know Sukuna is a strong dangerous man. Hell, even I know my limits when it comes to someone being as powerful as him. But..why me?' she thought looking so focused as Sukuna was listening to some music while enjoying some sweets he had made for them.
'Or maybe this is just me over thinking things. That's new too. I know Mr. Ryomen is strong and powerful. I know that...even when he offered to help me. But.........still why me?' she thought not hearing Sukuna's voice.
'I might have to just remain calm and focused but maybe I should be-'
"Kinie?" he touches her shoulder that she tenses to snap out of it looking at him. She blinks still holding her water but Sukuna looks at her concerned.
"My dear, are you alright? You zoned out for a second on me. You alright?" he asked but she looks down to let out a sigh closing her eyes.
"Sorry sorry. I was...thinking about something is all, Mr. Ryomen." she said.
"Is their something wrong?" he asked her but sets the glass down as she was looking at her own cup wondering about it herself. Was their something wrong? Their shouldn't be but she was never this distracted.
"No. Nothing is wrong I just..I don't know.." she mutters. "But don't worry, I'm alright. I guess I'm still taking in everything that's happened. Even now with you.."
"Asking you out on a date." he said but he closed his eyes to sigh. "Again my dear. You don't have to worry. I won't do anything if your that nervous. I'm a gentlemen so you are safe here." he said.
"I..I never said that I was just.."
"I know but still. If something was bothering you, I won't get into your business to ask about what it is. That's your business." he said. Well, at least he respects that.
"Thank you..I....I'm never usually like this. Not many tend to ask me out on a date given my recent history. So, it's still shocking that you of all people asked me out." she admits but Sukuna said nothing to look at her then only sighed.
"Now why say that?"
"It's true though. Don't get me wrong, this date is lovely so far and I'm really enjoying myself. But...why me though? I'm not like the other woman out there. I'm not like them or....how they would be pretty. I'm just more focused on other things than that.." she said but Sukuna said nothing hearing this.
"I'm not trying to ruin the date but I-" Before she continues he stops her while holding her hand but leans in to kiss her forehead. Her eyes widen in shock from the kiss till she feels him pull back. "W..w..wh...wha..."
"You are beautiful Kinie to me. Your lovely and a strong dependent woman. You are amazing even given the fact that you run a prison with inmates that are dangerous. This tells me you are strong. I love that in a woman...."
"...." She blinks not sure how to say anything towards that but it leaves her silent.
"Besides, I asked you out because I want to know more about you....I want to. So don't say anything negative about yourself because if you do I'll prove it wrong." he said but she only blinks that her mind was taking this in. However, she feels him let her hand go but her face was now pink.
'What the hell?!?' she thought blushing worse. 'I don't know if he tried to just flirt with me or was that something else. And why is my heart now beating like crazy!?'
"You okay?"
"I..I'm fine.....thanks for that though. That was sweet." she grumbled. This got Sukuna to smile finding her precious. But he hopes they could continue their date.
~~~Meanwhile with Rex & Kali~~~~~~~
Kali was silent not sure why she was even in here this night. She could be sleeping and preparing for the next day. However, she came here due to a request that Rex asked of her. Wanting to have some company. Even Ink was still guarding the six claws to ensure they were alright. From the sounds of it they were.
While looking ahead with arms closed, she looks seeing the imp floating around that it lands on her shoulder again nuzzling the top of her head.
"You know, my little friend has taken a happy interest in you officer Vin-Shia. It's adorable." she heard Rex speak from his cell but his smile still shows on his lips. Geez, this guy was something else or it was like he was some incubus. No, he was more like a werewolf to say the least.
"*Sighs* I guess so. Speaking of....I figure you should be getting some sleep but I came here because you wanted some company?"
"I did. Even if it's just for a while. You can't blame me for wanting that can you?" he teased and yet, Kali looks ahead not saying a single word. She knew better but she only remains focused given the fact she gave her word to Warden Kinie she would still do her best in keeping the prison safe.
"........Uh huh."
"But tell me, we haven't spoken for a bit more in a few hours. I'm sure theirs more that we can talk about can't we?" he asked with a look but Kali only opens her eyes to sigh again.
"What's their to talk about? Unless you have some questions to ask me." she said.
"Well, you and I already spoken of small things in our chat. What we like, dislike, do, what we find interesting....and what we see in others. I say yours is pretty nice to know...." he hums only for Kali to blink then looks to him.
"Well, true they were small chats but can you blame me? Knowing what you do, it's hard not to ask some questions. I don't know what sort of jobs you tend to do when doing requests.." she said but maybe it's best not to ask.
"Trust me love. My requests are pretty dark and dangerous to say the least. Most wouldn't be able to handle or stomach them. I've done this for a while now and many still wonder why I do it." he said but this got Kali to blink turning to face him.
"So why do it? You seem like a smart guy and doing such things it's...hard to ask why you do it." she said. However, Rex looks to Kali but gazing into her eyes already got him silent. Such beautiful eyes even under the glow of the moonlight.
"Rex?" she saw him not respond to her but sighed to smile standing up but looks at her from the cell door.
"You wish to know?"
"If your willing to tell me." she said but Rex remains quiet again to look down at the thought.
"........For my baby sister."
"...Your...baby sister?" she asked but Rex had his arms crossed.
"Ashley Butterfly. I do what I do to insure that she is safe and happy. You know that the black market has disgusting freaks but...given the fact on pay, it gives a lot. At first, I did this to ensure she was getting what she needs due to having a weak immune system when she was born and gotten older.." he said but Kali blinks hearing this.
What does he mean by struggling?
"Hold on, isn't she like you? Your both demons aren't you? She should be fine given the fact of her being healed and-"
"Even if she is, that takes time. A demon is able to heal anything besides the dangerous serious types. She had to heal her immune system for a while but....it was a struggle." he said simply to lose his eyes. "Though, thanks to some help..I was able to find someone that can give her what is needed so this way her immune system to be strong and she's all better again.....but you know who I'm talking about right?" he asked seeing Kali blink but she felt her eyes widen.
"Wait..did Sukuna...help her?" she asked.
"He did more than that. He helped her feel much more better. Her immune system is stronger and she's healthy again. Thanks to him he saved her. However, I hear she made a pack with another demon but it seems that's between her and that other warden. I'm happy for her." he smiled but Kali had a guess who it was.
"Though.....it's fine. Lets talk about something else." he said but Kali blinks.
"And that would be?"
"About you and me..."
"You..and me? Hold on now. I don't know much about you to go down that way first.....besides, I'm not that easy to-"
"Who said I was planning on trying to tempt you? Or are you into that sort of thing? That's sorta cute." he chuckled that Kali glares to growl. What the hell?!
"Hey! That's not cute! I'm strong and deadly you hear me!? Don't think just because you say a few simple things to me that works!" she said. "Your lucky I can't beat your ass!"
"Heh, even cuter when your so angry. I always did find you amazing and strong."He winks that Kali's eyes widen but she only glares to walk over and grab his black prison t-shirt to pull him against the cell door.
"Don't you look down at me as a weakling damn it! Your lucky I am not in there to kick your ass. So don't you start." she said glaring at him with eyes glowing but Rex smiled to his own eyes glowing too.
"And what makes you think I was? I'm only being honest since I always seen you as being pretty beautiful. Deadly but beautiful at the same time. Isn't it nice to get some compliments of someone that finds you attractive?" he smiled to her but Kali only started to let go but Rex slips his arm through the bar to keep her close that she tenses.
"W..what the-"
"You really don't think I was being honest to what you said. You are seriously cute..and I like that very much. Though, given by others I see..you always seem to catch my eye..and I like that." he said but Kali only shook trying to get away but he even smiled to touch her cheek.
"Someone that's dangerous but beautiful at the same time...what a lovely combination." he said.
"Your..Your just saying that to get out! I'm not falling for your tricks.." she warns but Rex chuckled to keep her close but he smiled more.
"I never lie when I speak the truth Kali..I do find you interesting.....even better knowing that you really peak my interests. I love it." he winks that she only looks away before he lets her go seeing her quickly backing up.
"Or am I wrong?" he said happy but Kali didn't say too much that she looks away from him but sighed.
"W..whatever. Just......just get some sleep! I'll see you in the morning!" she said leaving him but Rex only smiled to look at the ground. Yeah, he would really love to know her more. As for Kali, she was leaning against the wall covering her mouth but her eyes were half way open with a tint of pink seen on her cheeks.
This isn't happening! True, she had other guys out there flirt with her or try to hook up with her. Even tried to sleep with her on the first date but..Rex was different. He was getting the feeling of wishing to know her more but it leaves her silent. His words hit more stronger than the jerks out there and it leaves her heart aflutter which shocks her. Shaking her head, she turns to head to her room.
"........." She won't lose to him even if it's the flirting game! She's strong but she hopes the same for the others.
'Ink...Jinx. You two better be strong in this job....' she thought walking off.
'Haaaa h..how.....mmmmm...how did things turn out like t..this?'
Jinx was heavily panting drooling as she was feeling Yuji kissing her neck now spooning her while thrusting up into her deeply. They did make out for a while as he did this which leads to her being in this position. She was shaking feeling her body accepting and tightening around him.
"Ohhhhh f..fuck...fuck y..yuji.....mmmmm..." Her body was aching and burning that it was just getting weaker and weaker. Yuji was panting heavily against the back of her neck, not letting her go while taking her while they lie on the side.
He felt she was tightening around him again, making him let out a primal growl to slip one hand in between her legs messing with the clit.
"!?" She twitched trying to get away only for him to move his other hand up and slip two fingers against her tongue as she was moaning and crying out. Her eyes were glowing even with her canine fangs showing.
"Naughty hhaaaa...kitty cat. Your tightening up already and I just made you cum for this second round too soon." he speaks against her neck only to look up shaking. She felt so wet and hot, Jinx was having trouble staying focused.
"I..It's not my f...fault..you keep h..hitting i..it...h..hitting nuggghh!!!" she suddenly felt him bite the back of her neck that he drew blood growling hungry for more. She shook to feel the bite only for him to thrust forward pushing in deeper. "F..fuck!!!!!" she screams.
"It's all your fault. You being so fucking cute......but your so warm, wet, and soooo tight.." he panted that he was already holding her leg up after messing with the clit now thrusting deep into her.
"Ahhhh!! W..wait, I..Itadori n..no!!" she moans throwing her head back but it felt so good. She couldn't control her body even if she was begging him to stop. It was like her body was aching for more. Wishing for him to breed her.
"I'm not going to. I'm going to keep going all night till you broken. I'll make you feel so good..you'll always ache for me and hunger for me." he said but she moans out gripping the sheets before she was moaning out.
'B..breeding me? I..Is he serious?! N..No..even if he was m..my body..my body won't listen to me. It's just growing more weaker under him. It's like he would seriously e..eat me...' she panted only for him to slam into her that she screams out cumming again all of a sudden.
"Hmmm?" He looks feeling the heat again but he only sees her clawing the sheets to flip them. Now he was on his knees slamming down into her as she cries out that got muffled into the pillow.
"Come on kitty...Were not done. Lift your hips." he said seeing her not moving that he only looks to her.
"I said..raise. your. hips." he said in a dominating primal voice to smack her rear to make her yelp. He sees her squirming before he licked his lips, gripping her hips to force them back.
When doing so, he noticed some black flames showing around her that he saw the cute black flamed tail with the purple flame tip. The panther ears were showing too as he only looks to even run one hand near the base of her tail stroking there.
"!?" She squeaks really tightening around him but he grunts feeling her whining.
"N..Not t..there..n..not around t..the t..t...tail..." she cries showing tears of pleasure but he only moves his hand so the fingers brush against it. Even if the tail was made of flames it felt warm against his skin.
"But you seem to like it...I wanna be sure my kitty cat. I'm going to enjoy making you mine. I won't let anyone else take you from me." he growls before pounding away as she cries out ripping the sheets.
At the same time, Megumi was grunting thrusting up into Kisho while holding him up in his arms. He could see how flushed Kisho was, claiming him just like this.
"Haaaaa...haaaaaaa....hhaaanaahhh!!!" His lips were parted twitching in his hold, Feeling his body so hot that Kisho was not able to speak right now wanting more. When Megumi takes a bite on his neck, Kisho moans out throwing his head back drooling while Megumi was giving him his punishment first.
He was taking it in so well even after teasing his spot. He was nice and tight but he was feeling more heated just to grow more hungry for the little phoenix.
"Ahhhhhh....ahhhhhh!!! M..Megumi!! Megumi please m...more!!" He moans feeling him leaving kisses on his neck then moves to kiss there more. Hickies were seeing but Megumi didn't mind it.
"More you say? Feels that good huh?" He teased that Kisho shook struggling in the hand cuffs that he gasped feeling his chest kissed.
"Mfffmmmm!!!" He nods his head quickly for Megumi to even give a few licks. However, he moves to even deeply kiss him that they started making out. Their tongues swirled around one another while making out till he breaks the kiss showing a thin string of drool connecting them before it breaks.
"Now now, don't get too greedy. We are just starting and I am still punishing you a little more. Why not keep moaning for me?" He asked but before Kisho asked, Megumi started slamming up making him scream out clawing his back.
"Kisho.." He warns but he feels him tightening even more but he only was shaking wanting more that he held onto him tightly. He was taking in the thrusts that Megumi lays back now thrusting up in a jackhammering position.
"AHHH!! N..NOT THERE! NOT THERE!!" he begs drooling as he was bouncing on his lap. He was groaning out already feeling Megumi's hands moving up his chest while he keeps moving.
"That's it..mmmmm...take every thrust...scream for me and show who you belong to!" he growls.
"Ahhhhhhh fuck!!!!! Ohhh f..fuck!!!! mmmmmmm F...Fushiguro-sama!! Fushiguro sama! Please p..punish me! Make me cum! Make me cum!!" he begs that Megumi was still going even stronger knowing he was in a dazed feeling thanks to it. He was high on the lust right now.
With Yuji, he was still pounding into Jinx that she was crying out now having her tail wrapping around his waist wanting more. Deep hungry purrs were escaping her throat that it leaves her moaning out feeling so soaked.
"Haaaa You look so beautiful under me like this. Such a slutty good kitty cat..." he said growling but she had her eyes covered while moaning out shaking. It felt so good that it made her almost forget everything else. However, this goes with Kisho too.
Both were moaning where they were heavily feeling hotter. However, this made them both moan out throwing their heads back screaming.
'I..I don't know if I will get over this feeling. It's too good...it's too good!!' Jinx and Kisho thought in their own thoughts even if their expressions were lost to the pleasure. In their own cells, Megumi and Yuji chuckled loving the views. Yeah, this night was getting more and more exciting.
Yuji kept slamming harder and harder into her, hearing the screams and Jinx just begging for more. Even He was holding her close and tight wanting her to savor every second of this.
"I..Itadori give me m..more, I need more please!!! Please f..fuck me!!"
"Heh, good girl...I'll give you want you want." he said still thrusting into her as she was drooling screaming out loudly that he saw her muffling her moans in the torn up pillow thanks to her talon nails.
Megumi still was slamming up into Kisho who was throwing his head back. His arms were held by Megumi while claiming him. "Fuck!! Ohhhh f..fuck fuck Fuck!!!! I..It's s...so deep! Your hitting me s..so deep!" he moans drooling as Megumi kept slamming away into him. He loved seeing this weak side of Kisho while claiming him.
The two were so lost into pleasure that their bodies were building up inside. Jinx cries out loudly while Kisho was doing the same. Both screams out moaning out in a trance. Both Megumi and Yuji wonders if they were close only to quicken their hips.
"Megumi n..No!! I..I'm c..close again!!" KIsho moans but Megumi keeps going not stopping.
"You know how to beg for it. Say it properly Kisho!" he said but Kisho was shaking still bouncing on his lap quickly wanting him to just cum!!!
"F...Fushiguro-sama!! Fushiguro sama! I'm g..going to c..cum! I"m gonna..." he whimpers but Megumi kisses him deeply not easing up. His thrusts were getting stronger that he breaks the kiss moaning out.
'I can't take it anymore! This r..reward feels more like a punishment. Beating my spots s..so much...I..I can't..I can't take it!'
"So cute..your squirming so much when I take you like this.."
"Ahhhhh f..fushiguro-s..sama!!" he begs but Megumi smiled.
"It's fine hhaa I'll help you cum again so cum for me!" he said only hearing Kisho screaming even worse.
"Ahhhhhhhh! I'm g..gonna cum...I'm gonna cum!!!!" he moans shaking till he claws Megumi's back again drawing blood while taking it all. He tried to hold it only for him to scream till Megumi slams the tip against his spots making Kisho's toes curl throwing his head back.
"CUMMING!!!" He moans cumming hard on Megumi's chest as he feels him tightening again. So good and yet, he groans loving the feeling. However, he sees Kisho twitching before he looks to kiss him deeply.
"Oh no....we are not done remember?" he said.
"H..Huh?" Kisho looks only to hiss feeling him thrust again whimpering. "W..wait wait, I just c...came! Give me a s...second!" he begs only for Megumi to go fast again.
"Nope. You can take it. I know you and again, we have all night my lustful phoenix.." he said knowing Kisho was shaking again from the feeling.
"Itadori no!!" Jinx moans out loudly.
"Come on, love..why not cum again for me. Cum all you want.." He said but Jinx shook trying to not do this that it made her moaning worse tightening her tail around his waist.
"N..No I..I can't c..cum again..I can't c....mmmmmm!!"
"Yes you can. Come on Jinx, Cum for me....cum for me." he whispered against her ear that she only shook to look down shaking.
'I..c..can't st..stop it. My body isn't listening....I'm gonna cum..I'm gonna cum...'
"Cum Jinx...cum...cum cum..cum!!" he snaps his hips up that Jinx's eyes widen to scream ripping the pillow.
'C..cumming! I'm cumming cumming CUMMING!' Screaming out she tenses violently cumming hard as she clamps down really tight around his cock. Yuji growls in pleasure gripping her hips as he suddenly came inside filling her up. She shook gasping out but was crying from the pleasure while shaking. It was hot but thick while he was panting loudly.
Yuji panted still keeping a good grip but he sees that some of his cum spills out before he sees her lost. However, he panted primal like to flip her on her back but thrusts deeper into her. "Ah!? A...again?..." she whimpers seeing him thrusting deep and yet holding her waist.
"Like I said kitty...we have all night. I'm not letting you go till morning.." he purred only to lower kissing her lips as she whimpers returning it.
Even with this round, the two were going to on all night with this with Jinx and Kisho drowning in pleasure. Even through this night, it was a heated one to say the least.
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k-martins · 9 months
Gege killed Tsumiki because he knew Choso and her would be the most epic “cursed, protective older brother/sister” duo ever.
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m-ayo-o · 8 months
I have a love hate relationship with Toji stealing Megumi's girlfriend fics
Like he doesn't deserve to be cheated on there's no reason :'(((
But Megumi stealing Toji's girlfriend????
I'm there
Cheat on that scumbag
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estellan0vella · 3 months
Don't Look Her In The Eyes Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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You’re sitting at the front desk of the tattoo parlour, playing a lively game of Monopoly with Yuji and Megumi. The boys are engrossed in the game, laughing and teasing each other as they buy properties and collect rent. You’re enjoying the rare moment of downtime in the otherwise bustling shop.
Suddenly, the door swings open, and an unfamiliar yet irritatingly familiar figure strides in. It’s Yorozu, Sukuna’s ex-girlfriend. She has a haughty expression, and her eyes scan the room with disdain. You immediately feel a tension in the air as she approaches.
“I’m Yorozu,” she announces, her voice dripping with arrogance. “Heard of me?”
You glance up from the game, giving her a once-over. “I’d tell you what I’ve been told, but I don’t want you to start crying. Sukuna said your crying face was awful to look at.”
Sukuna, who’s been tattooing a client nearby, looks over with a smirk and pulls an exaggeratedly ugly crying face, making everyone in the room chuckle.
Yorozu’s face reddens with anger, but before she can retort, Gojo steps in with a mischievous grin. “Remember, guys, don’t look her in the eyes.”
Toji raises an eyebrow. “Why? Because we’ll turn to stone?”
Gojo shakes his head, still grinning. “No, her eyes are just really ugly.”
Geto snorts, unable to hide his laughter, while you bite back a smile. The atmosphere in the room shifts to one of amusement, the tension dissipating with each joke.
Yorozu tries to maintain her composure, but her irritation is evident. “He’ll come crawling back to me, you know.”
Toji lets out a loud laugh. “No, he won’t. You ain’t got tits like Y/N.”
Gojo jumps in, winking at you. “They’re the shop’s mascots, so they’re not going anywhere.”
Yorozu glares at you, her fists clenched at her sides. “You think you’re so special, don’t you?”
Sukuna, finishing up with his client, saunters over and wraps an arm around your shoulders. “Special? Y/N's got you beat in every department. Especially in the bedroom. You should see how she looks bent over—”
You quickly cover Yuji’s ears while Gojo covers Megumi’s, both of you laughing despite the situation. “Kuna!” you exclaim, playfully scolding him.
Yuji pulls away from your hand, wrinkling his nose. “Your perfume smells bad,” he tells Yorozu bluntly, pinching his nose for emphasis.
Megumi nods in agreement. “Yeah, you’re stinky.”
Gojo doubles over with laughter. “Looks like even the kids know what’s up.”
Yuji reaches into the Monopoly bank and hands Yorozu some fake money. “Here, for new perfume,” he says, his innocence making the gesture even funnier.
The room erupts in laughter, the adults barely able to contain themselves. Yorozu’s face twists with rage and embarrassment as she watches you laugh in her face. “You—”
Before she can finish, Toji steps forward, his expression serious. “I’d be careful. I’ve had to restrain Y/N when she hopped a counter and started beating up a man three times her size.”
You nod, crossing your arms with a grin. “And I don’t think you’d fare any better.”
Geto grins, leaning back in his chair. “Honestly, Yorozu, you’re just not worth the trouble.”
Yorozu’s eyes narrow, and she sneers at you. “You’re nothing special. Just another pretty face. Sukuna will get bored of you eventually.”
You roll your eyes, smirking. “You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, I’m the one he’s coming home to every night.”
“And coming in,” Sukuna adds with a wicked grin. The parlour erupts into raucous laughter at Sukuna’s comment, and even you can’t help but blush a little, nudging him playfully.
“Kuna!” you exclaim, trying to hide your embarrassment while covering Yuji’s ears. “You’re terrible!”
Gojo laughs uproariously, leaning against the counter for support. “Seriously, it’s like a soundtrack to our workday. At this rate, we should start charging admission.”
Toji, not wanting to be left out, chimes in. “Yeah, I mean, who needs a podcast when we've got live audio porn next door?”
You groan, covering your face with one hand while keeping Yuji's ears covered with the other, pressing his left ear against your leg as your hand covers his right ear. "Can we not?"
Toji shakes his head, chuckling. "I've walked in on them so many times, I might as well be part of the relationship."
Sukuna grins wickedly. "We could always use an extra set of hands, Toji."
Toji smirks, looking Sukuna up and down. “I might consider it.”
Gojo turns to Yorozu, who looks utterly flabbergasted. “We're all really close here,” he says with a grin that’s anything but innocent.
The room erupts in another round of laughter. Yorozu, clearly flustered and defeated, huffs and turns to leave. "You’re all disgusting," she snaps over her shoulder.
"Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!" Toji calls after her, still laughing.
As the door swings shut behind her, the laughter slowly subsides. Sukuna pulls you into a warm embrace, kissing the top of your head. “You handled that well, babe.”
You lean into him, smiling. “Couldn’t have done it without all of you.”
Yuji, now free from your hands, looks up at you with a grin. “We won, Y/N/N!”
Megumi nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, we beat the bad lady!”
You laugh, ruffling both boys’ hair. “Yes, we did. And we’ll always stick together, no matter what.”
Sukuna tightens his hold on you, his voice low and affectionate. “Always, baby.”
Gojo, never one to miss a beat, winks at you. “So, who’s up for another round of Monopoly?”
You shake your head, smiling. “Only if you promise to keep the jokes PG this time.”
“To be fair, they’re always PG,” Gojo says with a wink. “Pretty Good.”
Everyone groans at the bad pun, but the laughter and warmth in the room are undeniable. In the end, it’s clear that no matter what challenges come your way, you have an unbreakable bond with the people who matter most.
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satorugojoswiife · 2 days
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but tbh I don't think satoru would want to have kids of his own. He's cool w/ just mentoring his students.
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nouveauxamoris · 3 months
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hisae is trying really hard to be a fun teacher (i’ll probably repost this when i colour it)
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