odinsblog · 8 months
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Why do old geezers do shit like this?
This was this person’s comment added to a post I made about Martin Luther King, Jr. (this post)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m Black so it doesn’t surprise me that self-proclaimed “liberals” and good white people™ would derail a post about MLKjr to throw stones. They’re hypocritical liars who are quite honestly racists at heart. I get that part
What I find irksome is how bloggers like this won’t go make a post of their own and say it with their WHOLE chest, on their own blog. Instead, their blog is usually tame stuff that won’t get their accounts suspended and run off of tumblrdotcom
And so often, racist comment trolls will post nothing but pretty pictures on their own blogs, but then go elsewhere to spew racist shit like this in the comments of someone else’s blog 🙄
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The person above is a game developer. LOL, do you think there will be racism embedded in the games they work on, or nah?
Idgi, honestly. Do you know how many trashy ass hot takes I see on here every day? It’s literally the easiest thing on earth to just keep scrolling or block the offensive blog and keep it moving. Easy peasy. But noooo. These “not racist” racists cannot contain nor control their bile. They just GOTTA spew it out onto some unsuspecting blogger who was just minding their own business 🤮
Anyway, my advice is to take control of your online spaces + tend tf outta them like a garden, and please do not hesitate to block problematic people (see related posts here and here)
Look, I learned something in the third grade that is super easy to employ on social media: if you can’t say something nice, then maybe don’t say anything at all? (unless it’s blatant racism, homophobia or something similar, this should be an easy rule to follow, iMho)
If you’re on Reddit or running a discourse blog or asking for people’s opinions, that’s one thing, but the simple act of just putting content on a social media site like tumblr does not obligate anyone to engage in unwanted conversations with what usually turns out to be trolls whose job is to never be convinced about anything they disagree with
Ordinarily I just ignore these kinds of comments, because they want the attention (negative or otherwise), but I had a few free minutes, and I just occasionally need to blow off some steam. I had time today
Lastly, please do not harass these people, okay? And I’m being deadass serious. Don’t do that
I’m just blowing off some steam and hopefully exposing some racists
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nobeerreviews · 6 months
As tagged by @sh1mm3r4ndsh0ut with only a few days delay (yes I'm getting better at this) and in the same format:
Last song I listened to:
Current Favorite Song:
Song of my choice (no not shuffle 😜)
I'll be tagging in turn: @oldgeezersworld @caffeinated-enigmathing @lisa-s-84 @solomonar-culbec @cocolechatnoir thank you!
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