#olicity ss
lunellafandoms · 6 years
Olicity Secret Santa Gift
for @leuska from @lunellafandoms . Hey leuska! I'm so excited to be starting this little gift for you! At the moment, it doesn’t fit too much of your prompts, but trust me, it’ll get there ;)
Christmas Doll Part 1/3
Words: 977
Premise: Holiday shopping turns bitter for Felicity Smoak as an old foe of Oliver’s resurfaces
Felicity wrapped her coat around her, hugging it to her waist as she crossed the downtown streets of Star City. The winter air was bitter enough that she even had to take out her ponytail to warm her cheeks.
There was something comforting about the atmosphere. Holiday lights strung from tree to tree, bits of salt and melted snow on the brick plaza ground. It almost made her feel normal, as though her husband wasn’t an unmasked vigilante. Passing a couple gathered on a bench, Felicity made her way into the coffee shop to retrieve something warm. As she stepped up to the line, her pocket began to buzz, insinuating that someone was calling her.
“Felicity?” a barista called out, placing her drink on the counter
Bringing the phone up to her ear, Felicity grabbed the drink, stepping away from the counter and to the corner of the room. “Hello?”
“Felicity, I’m gonna need some of your magic right about now”
“Oliver, I’m in the middle of the shopping center right now, what do you want?” Felicity sighed into her phone, looking around warily for anyone eavesdropping on her conversation.
“We are in the pursuit of a dangerous meta-human. Do you have a computer near you?” he asked.
“Do you have a computer near you? You work for the police, doesn’t the precinct have people who do this… professionally?”
Oliver paused. “Well, yes, but the system takes hours to get official documents, and I need something…”
“More illegal?”
She cracked a smile, readjusting the bags on her wrist. “oh, my dear, you are so lucky I love you.” Felicity pressed the phone against her chest, rushing to the nearest table, home to a studying college student. “Hi, ‘scuse me,” she said, waiting until the confused brunette looked up from his laptop. “Can I use this? Thanks.”
Felicity rotated the computer around, sitting across from the dazed man. She brought her phone back up to her ear, resting it between her shoulder and cheek.
“Alright, I'm ready, lay it on me,” she announced into the phone, vigorously typing at the keys.
“We’re looking for a meta-human who goes o a murderous rampage only during solstices and equinoxes, I need you to pull up any correlation between-”
“Yeah, yeah got it. Might take a while to process, this guy’s computer is slow as hell,” Felicity said, glancing at the person opposite to her, whose mouth was still agape.
“Hey- why are you shopping? I thought you weren’t celebrating Christmas?” Oliver asked on the other line to fill the time.
“Well, considering William is coming home, I thought it was about time I conform to the common tradition of gift giving.”
“Yeah… about that,” the hesitation in his voice said it all. Felicity groaned. “The dean called, the school is snowed in, and even if they get out, it's more than likely that the flight will be delayed anyway.”
“Aww, but I already bought him a portable spectrogram with infrared frequencies as an additive,” she whined
“A what?”
“Got it! You're looking for Rodrigo Danielson, current address is 583 South Holly Street, but his last credit card purchase was less than half an hour ago at the gas station on Washington and 23rd.”
“On it.  See you tonight.”
“Oh, about that,” Felicity exited the system on the laptop, turning it back around and dropping a 20 dollar bill with it. “Don’t bother getting dinner.”
“I’m making a turkey.”
“Felicity…” his irresolute tone suggested she mustn’t have told him.
“What? Its completely safe, I did have to learn to cook while you were gone. Otherwise, William would have eaten only Lunchables and Kraft mac & cheese. Don't worry, I even ordered it off of one of those catering websites- well technically not catering since you make it yourself, but it comes with instructions and ingredients. I got a good deal on-”
“Felicity, honey, I’d love to chat more about this, but I'm kind of busy and you're making it a bit difficult to focus.”
“Oh, right, sorry. Bye, love you… be safe!” she wasn’t even nervous, yet her sentence fragments prevailed.
Felicity pressed the end call button, rising from her seat and stepping out of the cafe. 7:13. She had 45 minutes before dinner needed to come out of the oven. She walked along the sidewalk, watching as others enjoyed their outing. It was around time for her to put an end on the shopping spree. Most of the stuff was for herself anyways. It didn’t pay to have a vigilante husband, and not a lot of places were too keen on hiring the ex-mayor’s wife.
She looked over to the crowd surrounded in front of a television store. Watching the breaking news, its title being ‘Star City Killer on the loose’. No doubt about the meta-human the police were currently in pursuit of.
Felicity kept walking. She placed her phone into the pocket of her coat, replacing it with her car keys. The bustle of people began to fade as she stepped into the parking lot under a skyscraper. She found herself relaxed by the peace and quiet, only interrupted by the sound of her heels on the concrete. After unlocking the door to her car, Felicity opened the back door to place her bags. She struggled to slide them off her wrists.
The hair on the back of her neck started to tingle, but before she could decipher her senses, her mouth was covered by a cloth. Her attacker held her shoulders firmly, pressing the sweet-smelling substance into her nose. Felicity struggled to get away. Kicking at his shins, stomping at his feet. Her vision began to blur as the chloroform kicked in, and hopelessly, Felicity drifted into the darkness of her assailant, his greasy blond hair hovering above her slumped body as his fingers stroked her cheek
To be continued…
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arrowfan437 · 7 years
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longlive-verona · 7 years
I loved Slade in the finale. The best part was when he says, "So instead of marrying the blonde, you marry Ras al Ghul's daughter?" because after being in a cage for THREE YEARS, his first instinct is to go to NYSSA and be like "yo so give me the dirt, did Olicity finally get together?"
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Since you did Coldflash, what about olicity
OOOH YES. Thanks for asking *^*
Who’s the…
…werewolf/hunter: There is an appeal to both? Stoick, serious hunter!Oliver who gets completely overwhelmed by that energetic adorable wolf who seems to follow him around?? But also growly wolf!Oliver who has isolated himself to the woods for he is a monster and danger to the world and “hunter”!Felicity who is all about nope that won’t fly you aren’t a monster
…mermaid/fisherman: MERMAID!FELICITY *___* Imagine mermaid!Felicity being stranded on Lian Yu and Oliver, who kind of just wanted to catch some fish for dinner and suddenly he has a chatty mermaid with him who is all smiles and delighted??
…witch/familiar: witch!Felicity with a protective wolf familiar!Oliver yaaas *o*
… barista/coffee addict: OKAY SO, imagine MIT student Felicity who always comes to the coffeeshop for her bad coffee addiction, while Oliver has to work as a barista because his parents said he ought to earn his own money (honestly, they failed parenting a lot with pre-island!Oliver… a bit more sternness would do him good) and then Felicity changes his life! ^-^
…professor/teaching assistant: I have a problem imagining Oliver as either of those, to be honest…? *frowns* But Felicity would definitely be an overly eager teaching assistant for whatever weird professor role Oliver would have and Ollie would struggle with the perky but quickly fall for her??
…knight/prince(ss): (they would make such a good Maid Marian and Robin Hood) princess!Felicity and yeees, Oliver is most definitely the knight in shining armor protecting her! ^o^
…teacher/single parent: AAAH. Elementary school teacher Felicity who is a total student favorite and Oliver, completely in over his head raising William all on his own?? This is perfect for them, tbh
…writer/editor: Writer!Oliver and editor!Felicity who is in charge and amused by the newest reporter
Ship Dynamic Game
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allthingsarrow · 5 years
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I believe this is the moment Sergeant Stepfather officially hopped on the SS Olicity. Like son, like father. ❤️
Gif source: @1-crazy-dreamer
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tangled23works · 5 years
21 Questions
Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better.
Tagged by @hope-for-olicity- Thanks so much!
Nicknames: Sascha
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′8″ (or 1,73cm)
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor!
The last thing I googled: I searched for a conversion site to help me answer the height question 😂 
Favorite musicians: U2, Linkin Park, Muse, Adele, Queen, Ed Sheeran
Some song stuck in my head: Creep by Radiohead
Following: 105
Followers: 161
Do you get asks: I used to when I allowed anonymous asks
Amount of sleep: 6 to 8 hours
Lucky number: 23
What you’re wearing: a Mind The Gap t-shirt and yoga pants
Dream job: Actor
Dream trip: New York City
Instruments: sadly none
Languages: English, French, Greek, a little bit of Spanish and Italian
Favorite songs: Always by Bon Jovi, One by U2, Time is Running Out by Muse, Take Me To Church by Hozier, Show Must Go On by Queen, Dream On by Aerosmith, In The End by Linkin Park, Rolling In The Deep by Adele and many, many others
Random fact: My TBR pile is huge, I own more books than I can ever read because I keep getting distracted by glorious fanfic
Aesthetic: Olicity kissing in Nanda Parbat, Parkour!Oliver, Stephen Amell in suspenders, Chris Evans with a beard and Captain America’s *ss 😉
Anyone who sees this is welcome to join! I love reading your answers!! 
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Today on the WA-fans-are-snakes twitter edition: An olicity fan was DM-ing with this WA fan she thought was her friend and jokingly asked her for help about an online poll since OF made it to the finals. Keep in mind that OF beat the fandom that beat WA. The WA fan tweeted that OF now NEEDS their help, exposed her 'friend' by SS-ing their DM & cut out the part where they joked about the price. Pathetic and mean is their brand. The more they provoke the olicity fandom, the more hateful they seem
Wish I could have seen it in real time. I think everyone knows not to mess with Olicitors. They outweigh any of their competition if you wanna call WA that, mostly they just ignore and mock with the shit load of material against WA.
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
@toooldtoship gets me so well on an SS/SB level for season 1. And Caitlin's love life SLs going forward. And regarding Barry/Olicity the other day. And like...whew! GIRL. Great minds think alike. ❤️
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whiskeydriven-blog1 · 6 years
✉⁇✿@&%$ (feel feel to ignore any you want you don't have to do all of them ofc !!! )
[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 2:47 a.m. ] i don’t know what it is about you [ drafted ][ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 2:48 a.m. ] but god youre the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me [ drafted ]
[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 5:01 p.m. ] mm o hmy go d i fe ll dow nt he ste ps [ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 5:01 p.m. ] ca ll the  p olic e i am S uff erin g[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 5:01 p.m. ] the st ai rs a ss ua lte d me ???????
[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 12:18 a.m. ] i’m gonna be comin home early [ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 12:18 a.m. ] for unknown reasons that i know but you don’t 
[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 4:37 p.m. ] look i don’t know what the hell is going on lately but i just can’t be there right now. i don’t think you can be either. just don’t. don’t go home okay ?? don’t go home, i love you.
[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 6:29 a.m. ] the other day when we were watching tv, i realized that youre the most beautiful damn thing ive ever seen[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 6:29 a.m. ] made me wonder why the hell youre even with me. but uh.. you can’t leave me now youre unfortunately stuck with me 
[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 7:32 p.m. ] hey quick question[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 7:32 p.m. ] my beautiful angel[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 7:32 p.m. ] why do you keep leaving your bras on my floor i just tripped over three of them 
[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 2:45 a.m. ] no, i’m not gonna tell her about it. all it’s gonna do is scare her off, and i can’t do that. i can’t lose her, man[ TO ;; SUNSHINE – 2:50 a.m. ] hi, please ignore that
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tinnefoil · 7 years
Some very quick thoughts on the X-Over
1.) Wow, their CGI is rough sometimes. I think the opening with the shots of the Nazi world with the blimp and the scene with Ray and Barry versus Red Tornado were the worst offenders. Why do these things look so shit, and then things like the Waverider look really good? 
2.) What I got from this is that making it Nazis was extremely pointless/just a question of shock value. Other than that speech from Felicity, it feels like it wasn’t used for anything and they could just have gone for some other rebranded evil dictatorship. Like do Injustice Verse or Earth ruled by Darkseid. I also really wish they had gone with the comic origin where Overman being on their side was a huge factor in them winning and not just “they had the atom bomb first”. Evil!Oliver x Evil!Kara was also extremely pointless in the end. And honestly their bit on Arrow was making me uncomfortable, with how they stressed that they were married. Is this really the image you want to invoke on a show about how marriages are supposed to be a good thing? 
I also did not care at all about the Oliver and FelicityX scene for some reason. I get why it was cool for them to really show us Felicity’s jewish heritage and not wanting to show her was a good way for Oliver to expose himself, but I dunno, somehow the scene didn’t quite work for me. I guess I would have preferred it if maybe they had made her a resistance fighter instead. Maybe so it doesn’t come across as quite as condescending when Oliver (wearing SS gear) bends down to her, gives her a weapon and sends her on her way? 
One last thing, if Evil!Oliver was the big Fuehrer of it all, how does that scene near the beginning where the Evil 3 argue and Supergirl goes between Evil!Oliver and Eowells make sense? Shouldn’t Eowells be deferential to the Fuehrer like he is in some later scenes? 
Also, I’m not fully up to date on Flash, but why did Barry let Eowells go? Shouldn’t he at least have tried to like contain him or something? 
3.) Speaking of which: wait, did Diggle not even brush his teeth? Did Westallen and Olicity really get married next to a puke puddle by a guy with vomit breath? I know how far you are willing to go for a joke Arrowverse, but it would really serve you to think about these things more. 
4.) I think I’ve already sufficiently expressed my joy over Alex/Sara and Leo/Ray. 
5.) Overall I think I liked the Supergirl episode the most. The fact that it was the visually brightest and fluffiest probably helped. I feel like Legends kinda suffered the most from having to close the entire thing. On one hand they had arguably the emotional high point (or would that be low point?) of the crossover in Stein’s death and then that suddenly goes into a montage of the team reacting. 
Which I get, as fans we want to see those scenes. But I couldn’t stop thinking: “wait, so in the middle of the attack Jax just took a timeout to see Stein’s wife and daughter”? Only then to switch right back over to the big battle. Then do the funeral and then do the weddings. It just led to it feeling more uneven. 
6.) Also boy was the crossover hard on Sanvers with everybody drumming it into Alex that leaving Maggie was the right choice. You know show, you could just not have brought her up as heavily/not have Alex doubting the breakup as much, then you wouldn’t have had to rub it in as heavily just to undo it? 
7.) Overall I think Killerfrost benefitted the most from the crossover, they really came up with some interesting and creative ways to have her use her powers. I’m particularly partial to ice sword arm in the first episode. 
Overall verdict:
Supergirl: best Arrow: gloomy Flash: filler Legends: choppy
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kuriquinn · 7 years
OMG!!!!! Imagine my shock and excitement when I found out that one of my fav SS writer is also a Olicity shipper! This is too good! Be prepared I'm gonna spam you with all sorts of my nerdy queries 🤓 Btw, I have read a few DC comics too and I know that Ollie and Laurel are supposed to be canon but yeah, they look extremely forced. And about Barry X Iris, I don't have any probs with it. Though I personally prefer SnowBarry ♡.♡ Oh my! I'm so glad I asked you that previous question! 😁
Heehee. Spam away, though as I said, I may have limited comments on newer season stuff because I haven���t seen it yet. As for SnowBarry...I don’t know, I kind of liked the idea of Caitlin/Julian when Tom Felton was first introduced? I don’t know what the future of that ship is (and don’t tell me, I’ll wait to watch it all on my own time!) but so far that’s the only Flash pairing I’ve really liked. as yet, I have no opinion on Barry...nothing has screamed “chemistry” at me yet ^_^ Though something is to be said for Flash/Captain Cold, just because I love Wentworth Miller’s line delivery...
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oliverdant · 7 years
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Captain Amell and the SS Olicity? For videos check: instagram.com/cw_arrow
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cherchersketch · 7 years
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Season 5 Episode 21 - Honour Thy Fathers
And then Curtis was never heard from again. #NeverGrabOliverQueen
Haha. But like, Curtis is basically SS Olicity matchmaker: Side Felicity. Meanwhile, Diggle takes care of the Oliver side. #teamwork
Lil Justice
Instagram | Tictail | RedBubble | Commmission Me (( if anyone wishes to be tagged or untagged in these ‘Lil Justice’ Arrowverse mini-comics please let me know 0w0))
It’s great to be back home again. //huggles my Cintiq bby
Also, is it just me or was Felicity’s outfit this week kind of weird. It was like a fancy version of her Season 1 style, instead of what she’s been wearing recently?
Lil Justice Tagbag: @smoakinfelicitys @jaspertown @chelsboyer @phoenixred27 @jessebellr @olicitycomics @mell-bell @andjustforthismoment @scu11y22 @loud-burger @geniewithwifi @swansmoaked @arrow-through-my-writers-block @laurabelle2930 @warblermeerkat @emilybuttrickards @mariel-olandag @dopecycleblaze @1forallallfor1 @smoakyfox @stellahellaviola @anarrtsygirrlslove @felicitymoaks @nishtanight @ca-staway @franeeeng @mimozka @katala97 @lovelycssefan @not-too-tall-for-trick @olicity-klaroline-addiction @jonhdiggle @green-arrows-of-karamel @bazingagubicorn
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allthingsarrow · 6 years
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Yess, the captain of the SS Olicity knows!
It's so great to see Diggle's joy at finding out about the baby. He's probably thinking FINALLY. Homeboy's been writing fanfiction about this for years, probably.
Gif source: oliverxfelicity
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ohmypreciousgirl · 7 years
olicity, captain swan, stucky and supercat for the meme
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter: oliver is the were and felicity is the hunterwho’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman: felicity is the mermaid and oliver is the fishermanwho’s the witch and who’s the familiar: felicity is the witch and oliver is the familiarwho’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict: oliver is the barista and felicity is the coffee addictwho’s the professor and who’s the TA: felicity is the professor and oliver is the tawho’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss): oliver is the knight and felicity is the princesswho’s the teacher and who’s the single parent: felicity is the teacher and oliver is the single parentwho’s the writer and who’s the editor: hard this one??? okay oliver is the writer and felicity is the editor
captain swan
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter: hook is the were and emma is the hunterwho’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman: emma is the mermaid and hook is the fishermanwho’s the witch and who’s the familiar: emma is the witch and hook is the familiarwho’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict: hook is the barista and emma is the coffee addictwho’s the professor and who’s the TA: hook is the professor and emma is the tawho’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss): hook is the knight and felicity is the princesswho’s the teacher and who’s the single parent: hook is the teacher and emma is the single parentwho’s the writer and who’s the editor: hook is the writer and emma is the editor
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter: steve is the were and buck is the hunterwho’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman: bucky is the mermaid and steve is the fishermanwho’s the witch and who’s the familiar: bucky is the witch and steve is the familiarwho’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict: bucky is the barista and steve is the coffee addictwho’s the professor and who’s the TA: bucky is the professor and steve is the tawho’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss): steve is the knight and bucky is the princewho’s the teacher and who’s the single parent: steve is the teacher and bucky is the single parentwho’s the writer and who’s the editor: steve is the writer and bucky is the editor
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter: kara is the were and cat is the hunterwho’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman:  kara is the mermaid and cat is the fishermanwho’s the witch and who’s the familiar: cat is the witch and kara is the familiarwho’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict: kara is the barista and cat is the coffee addictwho’s the professor and who’s the TA: cat is the professor and kara is the tawho’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss): kara is the knight and cat is the queenwho’s the teacher and who’s the single parent: kara is the teacher and cat is the single parentwho’s the writer and who’s the editor: kara is the writer and cat is the editor
thanks for giving me those ships ♥
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