#olivia dupont
rededgeevents · 8 days
ᴏᴀᴋ ɪꜱʟᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏᴏᴍᴍᴀᴛᴇ ʟɪꜱᴛ
First Floor: 001: Silas Rivers & Sienna Johnson 002: Illiana Fuentes & Kyle Hale 003: Emersyn Michaels & Flynn Gilbert 004: Luke Myers & Emma Eklund 005: Pogue O'Connor & Elena Dawson 006: Leighton Whitlock & Elliot Booker 007: Maverick Anderson & Ocean Simmons 008: Max Turner & Nova Rockwell 009: Klaus Richards & Marc Hall 010: Sloane Ross & Marisol Monroe 011: Anastasia Hill & Lucas Roden
Second Floor: 001: Aurora Thompson & Chase Knight 002: Lana & Noah Rodgers 003: Teddy Wintson & Melody Hastings 004: Theodora Murphy & Georgina Russell 005: Jeremy Fellows & Katerina Lopez 006: Paco Florez & Ivy Fitzgerald 007: Alejandro Fuentes & Nicole Balliol 008: Brooke Barlow & TJ Cohen 009: Elijah Cavannaugh & Serena Bennett 010: Kirby Sinclair & Kennedy Simpson 011: Brittany Miller & Austin Barnes
Third Floor: 001: Logan Slater & Atlas Quinn 002: Olivia Bardot & Petra Cromwell 003: Freya Smith & Killian Quinn 004: Damon Henderson & Kinsley Argent 005: Mila Monroe & Tanner Sommers 006: Tyler Dupont & Autumn Hawthorne 007: Beau Williams & Arrow Ellington 008: Emmett Hills 009: Savannah Cooper & Paris Astor 010: Archibald Deaton x Eric Rose 011: Donny Keller & Delcan Mitchell
Fourth Floor: 001: Bradley Callan & Lucia Rossi 002: Cyrus Thompson & Jared Madden 003: Caleb Peace & Jasmine Harris 004: Valentina Lopez & Bonnie Brook 005: Alexa White & Wyatt Baker 006: Callopie Adams & Jayce King 007: Lydia Brown & Vincent Baxer 008: Shane Nichols & Devin Carter 009: Jax King & Juliette Maddox 010: Mariana Florez & Kiara Langford 011: Rosalie Collins & Jack Sterling
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astra-galaxie · 9 months
what are some of your LGBTQ headcanons for some of the CC characters?
My LGBTQ headcanons for CC characters? Sure, I’ve got some! I’ll also list some characters' canon facts since I support them, but let’s see what non-canon ones I can come up with!
And disclaimer! These are my current LGBTQ headcanons; there is a chance that they could change as my story progresses!
Sexuality-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Main Characters
Samuel King
Eduardo Ramirez
Frank Knight
Elizabeth Ripley
Angela Douglas
Elliot Clayton
Arthur Wright
Issac Bontemps
Diane Parker
Gloria Hayes
Gabriel Herrera
Penelope Sage
Priya Desai
Felix Reed
Nathan Pandit
Amir Devani
Orlando Ordelaffi
Ben Shepard
Hannah Choi
Carmen Martinez
Michelle Zuria
Evie Holloway
Rose Zhao (She and her husband married for none-romantic reasons)
David Jones (Has a preference for women ((and hasn’t realized his attraction to men yet…))
Grace Delaney (She tried to get Jones to realize his sexuality in high school but couldn't get him to understand…)
Alex Turner
Andrea Marquez
Yann Toussaint
Jack Archer (With a preference for women, but unlike Jones, he recognizes his feelings toward men)
Lars Douglas (He likes to call himself and Jack bi-bros and bi-buddies)
Marina Romanova
Jonah Karam
Cathy Turner
Christopher Scott
Jacob Arrow
Hugo Mercier
Amy Young
Roxie Sparks
Maddie O’Malley
Charlie Dupont
Deigo del Lobo
Martine Meunier
Janis Rivers
Jean-Philippe Delacroix
Gauthier Delacroix
Enzo Traoré
Léa Bonnet
Zara Tien
Theo Moon
Kai Malano
Nadia Den Yamin
Russell Crane
Ingrid Bjorn
Rupert Winchester
Dick Wells (This man called science his mistress once, and I have headcanoned him as AroAce ever since!)
Hope Newman
Armand Dupont
Viola Pemberton
Rita Estevez: Thought she was straight but started having feelings towards a certain woman…
Luke Fernandez: He thought he was straight, but after everything with Fabien de la Mort, he started questioning
Carrie James: Unsure of her sexuality
Émile Bardot: Unsure of her sexuality
Other Characters
Olivia Hall: Lesbian
James Savage: Demisexual
Edward Dante: Pansexual
Karen Knight: Bisexual
Nigel Adakue: Gay
Asal Hawaa: Bisexual
Katherine Woolf: Lesbian
Jasper Everett: Gay
Mia Loukas: Bisexual
Arthur Darkwood: Gay
Geroge Mathison: Gay
Cody James: Pansexual
Gender-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Nathan Pandit: Transgender (female to male)
Alex Turner: Demiboy
Hannah Choi: Demigirl
Jean-Philippe Delacroix: Genderqueer
(I don’t have many gender-based headcanons yet…)
That’s everything I could come up with! And like always, I am open to hearing about your opinions, headcanons and suggestions on this topic!
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Miraculous meets the SVU
Season 20 cast, Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins, Sonny Carisi, and Peter Stone
A series of cyber bullying is going on in New York toward teenagers, mainly girls, and causes quite a few to commit suicide when their secrets are revealed to the public, making them special victims. After a round of questioning the bullies of the victims, they hit a dead end.
But then, the IP address of the online harasser is traced all the way to Paris. The team take a flight to investigate and find themselves at Francoise DuPont
They’re not too fond of the principal, especially when they see the way he handles a dispute between a regular student and one who’s apparently a sports captain. (You can tell whose side he takes) Fin and Amanda question Damocles until it looks like he’s about to pass out and gives them permission to access the computer being used to send the messages
On their way to the computer lab, they run into Zoé, whom they recognize after they questioned her about the assault of one of her classmates. Olivia asks Zoé if there’s been any bullying going on at school, and Zoé leaves 0 out
Zoé: Oh! Where to begin? First there’s this jackass, Louis. He constantly calls my friend’s artwork trash whenever he can and acts like he’s Leonardo DaVince, my half-sister acting like the queen of England just because her dad’s the mayor, and of course, Lila Rossi. I haven’t been here long enough, but let me tell you, based on what my friends told me, she is a nightmare. Oh, and I can’t forget Madame Bustier. She lets the rich and privileged students do as they please, be bullies, and forces their victims to apologize. Kind of like Damocles, but he’s more of a coward and doesn’t try to hide his bias with kind words and shit.
Olivia/Fin/Amanda/Sonny/Peter: …
Fin: … Who or what the hell is Shadow Moth?
Zoé would have gone more into detail, but she had to get to class, so now, the SVU has more suspects to question. When they check the computer, it seems whoever was doing the cyber bullying knew how to cover their tracks, because they can’t find anything on it. That, or Damocles was fucking with them and trying to protect a rich kid
Before they could figure out what more to do, Olivia got a call that another New York teenager committed suicide. And it wasn’t any ordinary teenager, this was the governor’s nephew, making this case top priority
After “gently coaxing” Damocles into letting them question some students, they seem to be getting somewhere
They start with Zoé and her classmates
Zoé: Cyber bullying isn’t up Chloé’s alley. She prefers to humiliate her targets in person. Plus, I think she’s smart enough to know her dad can’t get her out of international crimes.
Marc: Louis only likes to mess with my boyfriend. Plus, I don’t think he’s smart enough to be able to pull international cyber bullying off… Unless he hired someone, but he doesn’t have Chloé money.
Cosette: … Nah, it’s not Louis. Maybe Chloé?… Or Lila. I’d check Lila. Her mom’s a diplomat, probably. And if I’m being honest, she’s kind of arrogant… So, might wanna check that out.
Ismael: Oh, it was Lila. Word of advice, do not trust a thing she says. You know, this one girl got expelled because of her and then reinstated because of a “tragic misunderstanding.”
Reshma: I’m thinking Lila for this one. I don’t like to throw out titles, but… I think she may be a psychopath. She fits the description quite well.
Aurore: Check out Lila. If it wasn’t her, then Chloé. Lila’s more meticulous, but Chloé likes to get things done quick with her money.
Jean: Check out Lila Rossi. Oh, and while you’re at it, Gabriel Agreste.
Amanda: The designer?
Jean: Yeah, he’s her and Adrien’s boss. They model together, but whenever I see Adrien after his shoots with her, he’s wearing a TON of makeup on his face and arms… You guys are the cops who handle abuse, right?
So now, Amanda’s looking into Adrien’s welfare while Olivia and Fin handle the case. Back in New York, TARU is able to get past the firewall (Or something) and trace the messages to one of the phones in the school. They barge into the cafeteria, and are lead to Lila Rossi. And they arrest her while her friends followers advocate for her release
They show all the evidence to Mme. Rossi when she storms into the interrogation room, but she’s not buying a second of it and demands for Lila’s release. And as Lila is a minor, they have no choice
After a very frustrating conversation with Gabriel, Amanda runs into Vincent. He shows her some incriminating photos of Lila doing everything but having sex with Adrien during shoots and explains that he showed Gabriel what was going on, but he never did anything to stop it. Amanda relays this to Olivia and Fin, giving them enough reason to haul Lila and Gabriel to the interrogation room and get a warrant to search Lila’s room for “Proof that she’s stalking Adrien.”
The Paris police force look through Lila’s room for anymore evidence of her crime… Then they find a book under her bed. It’s a very disturbing scrapbook filled with news clippings of a few preteens and teenagers who had committed suicide, been arrested, or severely injured. There are also photos of the New York teenagers on some kind of hit list page with little notes detailing how one would make their lives a living hell. Each one who died has a red ex over their face. And just after that page are photos of teenagers from other states and even countries
Olivia: … Haul her ass to court.
The court date arrives, and as one would guess, Lila’s sobbing her eyes out and trying to play the victim. She somehow manages to drag this on until the judge gets fed up and orders for the trial to continue tomorrow
During that time, the SVU interrogates Gabriel, and is just so. Damn. Infuriating. He makes bullshit claims about not knowing, says Adrien is overreacting, and they’ve had just about enough of this guy
TARU pulls up a few things on Gabriel’s phone to prove he was aware of Adrien’s treatment, along with texts to and from Lila where she tells her about the “bad influences” in Adrien’s life which are most of his classmates. There’s also a few messages between him and Nathalie about this Shadow Moth guy again
After looking him up, they realize that Shadow Moth is an emotional terrorist who has been plaguing Paris for nearly a year now, only to be stopped by Ladybug and Chat Noir
Now they have a warrant to search his property and eventually find Shadow Moth’s lair, and Roger has them search the perimeter for Shadow Moth’s Miraculous
Sonny: You know. If I were a supervillain, I wouldn’t leave anything important to me where someone would get to it easily.
They head back to the interrogation room, frisk Gabriel until they find the Miraculous, and rip them off before he could transform.
To make things short and sweet because I’m running out of ideas, Mme. Bustier ruins her reputation in only five seconds by going up to the stand as a character witness for Lila and claiming Adrien should forgive Lila and Gabriel to be a good example for victims of abuse. (It takes all of Olivia willpower to not shoot that bitch) Gabriel, Nathalie, and Lila are found guilty of conspiracy, terrorism, sexual assault, suicide baiting, child abuse, child neglect, aiding in terrorism, emotional abuse, cybercrimes, and defamation.
Just as she’s about to be handcuffed, Lila grabs the glass of water on her table, shatters it to make the end sharp and charges at Olivia, only for her to pull out her gun and shoot Lila’s ankle
At the end, Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive to retrieve the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous, Adrien’s aunt takes custody of him, and Fin calls the school board to have them take in Mme. Bustier along with Damocles for questioning
(Notes? Comments?)
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tbthqs · 3 months
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Abaixo a divisão dos dormitórios e dos quartos (ATUALIZADO EM 25/03):
Olimpic & Centenial Hall
1o. Andar - Quarto 108:  Olivia Priestly (The Wallflower) e Jawie Peralta (The Ambitious) Quarto 109: Arabella Dankworth (The Dramatic), Ji-Won Kim (The Lost Soul - OC) e Theodore Clarke (The Lothario) Quarto 110: Katherine Lewis (The Nerd) e Elise Dupont (OC)
2o. Andar - Quarto 202: Harvey Wang(The Versatile) e Lucien Dragna (The Trickster) Quarto 203: Riley Kalman (The Party Animal) e Marcelo Dragna (OC) e Quarto 204: Gwen Vickers (OC) e Nathan Mellark (The Captain)
3o. Andar: Quarto 304: Veronica Gonzalez (OC) e Donna Zhanlan (The Nepo Baby), Quarto 305: Harper Wang (OC) e Lara Thompson (The Loser) e Quarto 306: Benjamin O'Leary (The Delinquent) e Vincent Kingsley (The Fallen One).
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
An Ear to The Ground
Book: The Royal Romance Book 1
Characters: Kiara Theron (featuring my MC, Esther, and the ladies of the court)
Word Count: 3, 655 words.
Summary: To the rest of Cordonia, Lady Kiara Thorne of Castelserraillan is just another suitor, destined at failure in winning the Crown Prince's hand. Luckily for Kiara, that isn't why she's here. Part of the Petals and Thornes universe.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW
A/N1: Basically I was torn between gushing over Kiara's observation skills in Book 1 (specifically Lythikos) through an essay or through a fic. Though a fic would present more of a challenge for me 😁
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"Le Prince va tomber amoureux de moi."
Kiara Thorne doesn't have to look around to note the sniggers coming from the other ladies, even as the words leave her mouth. Even from young Penelope, the girl she'd been taking under her wing for years...since the minute she became the last Great-House-Heir of their generation to celebrate her debut.
No matter. They may have been friendlier than most ladies in court, but right here Kiara knows she can't be anyone's friend. If anything Penelope returning that favour only means she's taught the girl well. It's not like you grew pigs together*, Maman would say.
Kiara herself knows her statement to be a fib as tall as the Eiffel, but there is such a thing as making sure you don't throw in the towel on your very first day. If you don't project ridiculous amounts of confidence - even in front of this crowd you grew up with - they could eat you alive. Which is precisely what is happening to one of the newer girls right now.
Lady Hana - the rather elusive daughter of a barony pocketed away somewhere between Domvallier and Ramsford, run by Zoroastrians who had settled for two centuries in the Indian subcontinent before finding their way to Cordonia - turns scarlet as Duchess Olivia tears into her for what seems to be an...engagement that ended fairly amicably. Kiara has heard rumours, true, but Olivia seems intent on making it sound like Cordonia considers the whole situation her fault. Kiara bristles a little at Olivia's exaggerations, knowing that she's going to repeat the same in front of the press, and that they will instantly lap it up.
When she knows full well that if this were even remotely true across the board, a Madeleine Amaranth would hardly be able to show her face in public.
The lady of Bethulia makes quick her exit, blinking away tears. That doesn't surprise Kiara. Many women will crash and burn at the first event itself; you need nerves of steel and a blanket assumption that every mistake you ever made in your life will be amplified on a national stage...and not many fully understand what that entails until they've had to face it themselves. She can only hope that what she has heard about the woman's other gifts may carry her through.
What does surprise Kiara, though, is the other new girl's response.
Esther DuPont of New York looks at the Duchess of Lythikos square in the eye - her own brilliant sapphire ones giving nothing away. Kiara doesn't exactly expect much from her either - in Lady Hana's case at least you could tell she has trained herself admirably in their ways despite being brought up an entire continent away. This one just seems entirely clueless.
"You're acting like a child, not a queen," her voice is calm, but every word slices through the tense night air with the brutal clarity of a newly-sharpened knife. "If this is how you behave, I wouldn't trust you with childproof scissors - much less a kingdom."
A shame that Olivia doesn't often feel turns her cheeks a bright red. If you'd just called her a bitch she would have considered that more of a kindness. "I...you can't..."
Esther's eyes glitter, then darken dangerously. "I just did."
The steely edge in her voice makes Kiara shiver for reasons that aren't just the cool night air.
This social season could get quite... interesting.
The first rule of observing well, ya Babba, is to never assume.
Kiara always thought she fully understood what her father meant when he said that. Until now.
Two days. Two days and three events - and already a complete sea-change in the way the competition looks. She'd entered this competition aware that she'd be the first to go - she just never imagined the plucky inexperienced newcomer to pull ahead of them all!
And she will never be more grateful to her father, than for the lesson that sometimes you should just sit back and enjoy the surprises that being wrong can bring.
Yesterday's afternoon with the Queen was a revelation in more ways than one. Her family no longer having King Constantine's favour meant that chances to interact with the royal family are rare, and getting an individual audience with Queen Regina even rarer - but Kiara was transfixed at the sight of her measuring up each one of them; finding more in the things they hid than in what they said. She knew each suitor by name, listened carefully to their answers... skillfully parried each one with deceptively-casual utterances about politics and governance.
Penelope, who had just gossiped two hours before about Lady Esther's tardiness to win more of Olivia's favour, withered almost instantly under the Queen's scrutiny. Kiara felt her own attempts to subtly size up the competition, and observe the Queen, increasingly gauche and far too obvious.
What did comfort her, however, was the grudging look of approval she got from the Queen after she was done. She knew by the beginning of the Derby that her time in the competition was pretty much done, but it felt incredible to have made an impression on someone that formidable.
And what did surprise her, was the Mystery Woman of the season. That was what the press claimed to be Lady Esther's moniker - her answers revealing everything about her interest in Cordonia and Prince Liam, and tantalizingly little about herself - and their reviews, coupled with the Queen's glowing approval, have made her an instant favourite with the public.
(It probably helps that the Crown Prince himself had such a hard time concealing his heart-eyes the moment he caught sight of her, Kiara thinks a little wistfully. It's been over 15 years since she last spoke to him as more than a casual acquaintance, but she knows that the one thing that hasn't quite changed about him is his slightly dreamy, romantic nature. A nature he tries so hard to keep in check)
For all Lady Esther's inexperience and tardiness, it is clear that she's quite adept at reading the room and carefully moulding her answers to pique the interest of her listener, often making them forget any motives she may have in the process.
Kiara doesn't doubt that she's been learning the finer details of court etiquette from her sponsors, and perhaps Lady Hana (she could spot the two of them while they were dancing the Cordonian Waltz today, with different partners - two couples away from each other - their footwork and twirls almost identical). Lady Esther has been adjusting far quicker than any of them realized, to the point where she almost upstaged Olivia tonight at her own party, despite being deliberately kept away from the spotlight.
Kiara's mouth twists in annoyance at the sheer audacity of Olivia's antics today. It isn't uncommon for every hostess to use their power, as the one leading the ceremony, so they can monopolize the main guest's time - but it also isn't every day that one sees a display as brazen as this one. She could almost understand the desire to seat every other suitor at a smaller, lesser table - and to publicly insult the suitors you like the least - but to the point where you forget all propriety? Where you grab the prize of the season like he is some...some rag doll and kiss him without warning? Mock every other woman who would have willingly supported you?
Countess Madeleine, last season's winner and the latest suitor to join the season, haughtily raised her chin at the display later and proclaimed that she could never that unrefined or insecure (Kiara, who has heard of both the drunken displays of Duchess Adeleide, and of Madeleine's own behaviour - both sober and rum-fueled - at the height of her last engagement two years ago, now stifles a snort).
Lady Esther, whose only flash of emotion seemed to manifest when she danced with the Crown Prince, kept her face determinedly neutral as Olivia continued her display, raising her head in defiance, daring the Duchess to admit that she was the reason for such an ostentatious, reckless display.
Olivia made the mistake of meeting Esther eye-to-eye then, and in the instance their eyes met it became clear Olivia knew she had lost.
Not just this twisted game she seems to be having with Lady Esther. No, Olivia has lost far more than that tonight. The press around her now murmur her name in hushed, scandalized tones, several nobles can be seen shaking their heads, and Prince Liam is nowhere to be found. Kiara herself has used the rest of the night to seek out potential contacts and create an impression. If she's lucky enough to find people influential enough, interested enough, she could perhaps return home with some tempting offers at hand.
Lady Esther has just finished speaking to her sponsor now, nodding at what seems to be a suggestion from his end. From the slight inclination of the woman's head in her direction, Kiara can hazard a guess exactly who they're talking about.
Any moment now, Esther will turn this way. She will smile faintly at Kiara's side-profile, unaware that Kiara has been watching her too. She will come forward. She will speak a few words in French (do not let it be voulez vous coucher avec moi I beg you God, I can't believe why these many people find it so funny). She will mention the kiss. List Olivia's faults. Assure her of an alliance of equal footing.
Kiara already knows her answer.
It will be a yes. But not before she makes Esther work a little for it first.
Kiara greets the news that she is officially out of the running for Prince Liam's hand, two weeks before the Apple Blossom Festival, with a sigh of relief. She has always feared the long agonizing wait for the acknowledgement of failure than the failure itself, and its finality is a balm to her brain, which has already begun its pursuit for more networks, more connections, more opportunities. Already she's been approached for a few translation-oriented projects.
While she is still participating in the social season, she uses the little clout she has to promote Lady Esther. Fortunately for her, she isn't the only one. Penelope joined in singing Esther's praises immediately after the Regatta, guilelessly praising her bravery in the face of a vicious crab she had rescued Penelope from at the Capitol beach (she stopped repeating that story after the second week; Kiara still cannot place a finger on why this unsettles her).
She must admit Lady Hana must have been a smart one, to identify and pledge her support to the woman who is now the season's top frontrunner. The one who makes even a Countess Madeleine sit up and take notice. She must have seen something in her that none of them had, and Kiara almost envies her that sense of instinct.
The more Kiara learns about Lady Hana, the more intrigued she feels. There is no doubt in Kiara's mind that the half-Chinese half-Cordonian suitor is no wilting wallflower; you could tell how competitive she is just by seeing her play a simple game with the other ladies. Yet, she seemed to show little interest in the social season for herself...and threw herself wholly into helping and promoting Esther long before even Kiara did.
At least she was doing it at least partly in self-interest. Kiara is hard-pressed to find much self-interest in most of what Hana does. She'd asked the other woman once why she'd plunged herself headlong into that kind of support. Hana had looked her straight in the eye and said, "She stood by me when no one else did."
The naked adoration in her voice, even now, one week later, makes Kiara skin prickle.
It is their final night at Applewood before the famed Beaumont Bash is to begin. Kiara tries not to look in Hana's direction - she is deep in discussion with the one man that Kiara has been trying to avoid directly looking at for months, fearing the flush on her neck and the hotness on her cheeks. Year after year she prays for this futile desire to either die or be met, and year after year it only intensifies with little encouragement from its source. She knows if she does catch a glimpse of him - each denim-clad inch of him - she will not be able to look away. Kiara wraps her cloak around herself a little tighter, hoping her involuntary shiver could be attributed to the light breeze.
Right next to her, Penelope talks to Madeleine in small, halting tones, almost like she fears the older woman's response. "I think Lady Esther will make a wonderful Queen". She brushes her knuckle lightly over the space between her nose and upper lip, wiping away small sweat beads.
Penelope has been looking lost and distracted for three days now. She jerks at the slightest sounds, doesn't look the other ladies in the eye anymore. Just the other day she watched King Constantine from a distance, the strangest expression on her face. She never told Kiara why, even when Kiara tried to nudge an answer out of her.
A muscle seems to jump beneath Countess Madeleine's cheek. "Well," she says, her voice sounding honey-sweet, and like a veiled threat, at the same time. "I suppose you're entitled to your opinion".
The lady they were just talking about is standing just a little way away from the main dining table, talking to Lord Tariq. At a cursory glance Esther seems attentive, but Kiara doesn't have to stand directly in front of her to understand her eyes are probably glazed over from boredom. Lord Tariq thinks entirely too much of his own charm, and he has hardly encountered a person daring enough to let him know how downright tedious he sounds.
Madeleine has turned to her now, her eyes expectant of a more positive response. Till now she's only heard the occasional story about how entitled Countess Madeleine could get, and how much she has assumed herself a gift to Cordonian politics. It's so fascinating, seeing her realize for the first time that she has true competition in a woman that none of them had even heard of, two months ago. It's so illuminating to see her struggle to adjust to that truth.
At least in Olivia's case you could factor in her personal feelings for the Prince himself. Madeleine doesn't even have that. She saunters around like she is above the chore of talking to the man she may have to marry if she wins this - and Kiara can never understand the logic behind that strategy. Even she - who didn't want to marry the Prince in the first place - used the few opportunities they had to speak, to rekindle their friendship and remind him of her own family's close connection to his mother. Attempts that he accepted with open arms and a warm smile, regaling her with memories of his own. Madeleine simply assumed that showering exclusive attention on her aunt and her father's former best friend would be enough.
Kiara knows her answer will make the season's second-favourite frontrunner furious. And unlike Penelope, she can't quite bring herself to care.
She still will deliver the news kindly, though. Madeleine is still a rather powerful woman. No point getting on her bad side when you could deliver honesty alongside a small bowl of honey.
What was it again that Baba had said? About never assuming?
How is it that she somehow never seems to fully absorb this vital lesson?
Lady Esther seemed to have have had it all. The adulation of the press, the approval of the Court, the blessings of the royal couple themselves...the heart of the man who is now Cordonia's new king.
How did she manage to blow it all up that spectacularly??
As soon as the thought leaves her head Kiara knows she's being unfair. She doesn't know the facts, and she doesn't want to fall for the hungry sensationalism that the likes of Them magazine are likely to bring. It seems just as likely - if not more - Tariq had sprung this on Lady Esther, and a rogue tabloid journalist had just caught him in the act.
Of one thing Kiara is sure. Lady Esther can't have been comfortable with any of this. You can tell from the look on her face on that photograph. She looks wary. Astounded. Vulnerable. Anything but a willing participant.
And while some of the possibilities of what may have happened in that room make Kiara sick to her stomach, she knows she cannot dwell on them.
Lady Esther is gone. As are Lady Hana and Duchess Olivia, for reasons that will perhaps forever stay a mystery. The only women standing, giving the new Queen-to-be even a skeleton of a court, are her and Penelope. They're all that's left to represent the Great Houses, and Kiara knows without question that every move she and Penelope make from now on will be examined with a fine-toothed comb. By the press, by the Council, especially by King Liam's future bride.
Perhaps her, more than Penelope. Even as spectacular a failure as the other woman's performance in the social season was, the words used to describe her were always going to be Sweet. Innocent. Friendly. The words used to describe Kiara were always going to be Cold. Snotty. Calculated. And she knows instinctively that were their personalities reversed, Kiara would be called vapid and silly, and Penelope would be labelled a magnificent strategist.
That is something she has never begrudged Penelope, or the court. She stopped caring about what people said about her a long time ago. As long as she still gets the connections she needs and the projects she desires, they could call her Medusa for all it mattered to her.
But now that the season is over, and Countess Madeleine has offered to keep them both on as ladies-in-waiting, Kiara knows that both their reputations are now intricately tied together. They both need to work in tandem, present a unified front behind the new royal couple, and to Cordonia. The onus of bringing Penelope up to speed, of ensuring she can still manage to navigate court successfully even when Kiara isn't around...is now on Kiara's shoulders. If Penelope fails - both of them fail.
Kiara picks up her phone, preparing to type a message to her friend so they can meet up. The press and Twitter public are likely scouring through both their past tweets for some juicy tidbit about their opinions during the social season, even as she is typing. She can already imagine the articles from Trend and BuzzWord, pulling up their statements of support for Lady Esther from just one week ago and placing them under a magnifying glass.
Already she can anticipate the withering looks Madeleine will give them everytime they open their mouths - letting them know she hasn't forgotten that they'd started out supporting someone else. For all her talk of unity and friendly competition and rallying around the winner, the future Queen is a cauldron of resentments inside, and even the most innocent slight can spell disaster for you later on.
Not for the last time, Kiara wonders if the Queen-to-be that King Liam had wanted, would have behaved the same way.
Kiara presses her lips closed, trying hard to chase away that near-scandalous thought. This is no time to be thinking of might-have-beens. Her and Penelope...they can still come out of this not looking like fools. They still have ways they can spin this so it works in their favour. So their loyalty will never be called into question.
She just has to coach Penelope on how to fall in line.
If there is a wary voice at the back of her mind, reminding her that anything can happen in the space between an engagement and a wedding...she pushes the thought resolutely away.
After all, even Baba would have to agree - there will come a time when it would be foolish to second-guess an inevitable result, n'est ce pas?
N'est ce pas??
On n'a pas élevé les cochons ensemble: The literal translation (used in this story) is "we didn't grow pigs together", and the meaning of the idiom signifies - "you need to respect me more, I'm not your friend, or we have no anterior relations". In this context, while Penelope and Kiara may be friendly, they're not close friends and Kiara figures she shouldn't be expecting loyalty from her. (Credit to @thecapturedafrique for pointing me to this idiom!)
Ya Babba - Among some Arabic families, parents tend to playfully call their children by their own parental title. I am not sure if this is common in Darija, which is the language Hakim often speaks with his children, but in the absence of a nickname I could think of at present, I have him call Kiara by the name she gives him, which is Baba.
N'est ce pas? - "Is it not?" in French.
A/N2: You see how great Kiara's observation powers are especially in Lythikos, Book 1 - when it becomes obvious in the "successful" playthroughs that the MC is fitting in to courtly life better than she anticipated. She is the first member of the court besides Bertrand and Regina to note this. I speak more about it in the latter half of this QT.
She is also extremely pragmatic - she understands very well that she is never going to be a frontrunner in her season, and as early as Lythikos, spends more time networking and angling for connections that may further a future career. A lot of the time when people criticize her for being opportunistic, they forget that she never promised friendship, and instead kept her end of the bargain as an ally for the social season. This fic is an attempt to expand on these qualities as they feature in canon.
While in Book 3 and TRH, the team itself is eager to mould her into the shape of the phantom this fandom was so eager to hate, Book 1...and to a small extent Book 2...do feature these characteristics of hers quite strongly.
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londonfalling-rpg · 5 months
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I hate the world. Everything comes into it so clean and goes out so dirty.
Congratulations to the following applicants, your characters have been accepted into London Falling. We’re excited to start writing with you!
Alexander Heathecote-Browne (The Black Quill) - Matthew Goode FC
Asa Holland (Hook; OC) - Andrew Scott FC
Bilal Manihar (Inkognito) - Riz Ahmed FC
Bora Davutoglu (Shadow) - Engin Öztürk FC
Charlotte Astor (La Petite Mort) - Olivia Cooke FC
Eilidh O'Dea (The Fool; OC) - Natasha Liu Bordizzo FC
Eira Blanchard (Cinderella) - Lily Collins FC
Hector Garcia (Prime Minister) - Raul Esparza FC
Gabriel Morelos (Jack of Clubs) - Alex Meraz FC
Javier Morata (Tick Tock; OC) - Daniel Brühl FC
Jules de Saint Gervais (The Hand of God) - Suraj Sharma FC
Kaan Kalaycı (Underdog) - Aras Bulut İynemli FC
Kamile Kaplan (The Campaign Manager) - Melisa Asli Pamuk FC
Lorenzo Arcangeli (Firefly) - Luke Pasqualino FC
Mikala Seabrooke (Dr. Frankenstein) - Keanu Reeves FC
Miodrag Gajić (Crosshair) - Robert Pattinson FC
Nikolaj Beck (Night Fox) - Avan Jogia FC
Sage Sheridan (Scorsese) - Hunter Schafer FC
San Romi (Judgement) - Kim Hieora FC
Taís Morelos (The Empress) - Débora Nascimenta FC
Valentine Dupont (The Whistle) - Robert Sheehan FC
Viktor Liddell (The Crimson Monarch) - Aaron Tveit FC
Please read the New Member’s Guide here (x) and follow the instructions. You have 48 hours to send in your account. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the admins!
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stardxxstbae · 1 year
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The cast.
Meet the family!
"The Liar"
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Amélie Dupont || Monte Carlo, Monaco || December 199
played by: Camille Pidoux
"I did it because I know him and because I love him, I wouldn't stand to ruin his life like that."
"The prince in red"
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Charles Leclerc || Monte Carlo, Monaco || October 1997
"I deserved to know; I had to make that decision, Amélie, not you."
"The godfather"
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Arthur Leclerc || Monte Carlo, Monaco || October 2000
"Sooner or later, you will have to tell him, don't you think he deserves to know? Don't you think she deserves to know?"
"The bestfriend"
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Olivia Moreno || Barcelona, Spain || March 1999
played by: Özge Yağız
"I'm on your side, always, but I think you should give him a chance. It seems like he's trying
"The impostor"
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Esteban Ocon || Évreux, France || September 1996
"And do you think he's going to buy into the story? Amélie, look at us, we don't look anything alike."
"The little lie"
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Eliane Juliette Dupont || Milan, Italy || July 2019
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criminalcaselover · 6 months
💙My CC fankids part 1💙
(only two of them are actually canon (Sammy Turner and Arthur Cromwell), the rest are all made by me)
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Sammy and Diane Turner - Alex and Cathy's kids
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Lea, Alexander and Olivia Jones - David Jones and Alessia Dupont's kids (Lea and Alexander are twins)
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Carolyn, Francis and Matthew Crane - Amy Young and Russell Crane's kids
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Jun Choi-Valentine - Hannah Choi and Heather Valentine's daughter (they have her through artificial insemination)
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Viktoriya Karam - Marina Romanova and Jonah Karam's daughter
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George and Alif Devani-Everett - Amir Devani and Jasper Everett's adopted sons
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Mirco and Aurora Herrera - Gabriel Herrera and Sofia Quadrelli's kids
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Dalnim, Korain, Noa and Lucy Tien-Moon-Malano - Zara Tien, Theodore Moon and Kai Malano's kids (Dalnim and Korain are twins)
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Arthur Cromwell - Gwen Harper and Pierce Cromwell's son
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Luna and Indu Stark - Priya Desai and Zander Stark's twins
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fundieshaderoom · 6 months
Summary of Lydia Meggs on the Sarah Fraser Show
Link to pod
I am going to refer to Lydia as Lydia Meggs to avoid confusion with Lydia Plath!
Lydia Meggs just went through a break up with CJ Sizemore confirmed. They were together for almost 4 years. She was kicked out of the family home on her 20th birthday because she refused to do a courtship with him. She hopes CJ is doing well but they were not good for each other.
Lydia Meggs said Olivia was valid for sharing her story about Kim stealing money from Ethan. Lydia Meggs says this was a huge factor in Olivia's falling out with the Plath children.
Lydia Meggs looks at Moriah fondly and even if she's not close with her anymore. She is glad that Olivia and Moriah had time together even if they were maybe toxic for each other.
Moriah and Micah has Lydia Meggs blocked. Olivia has no contact with any of the siblings.
Lydia Meggs thinks the main toxicity of the Plath family is the dysfunction and the values instilled.
Lydia Meggs says she never saw the Plaths reading the bible with the kids. It was confusing because they claimed to religious. They also didn't really attend church.
Lydia Meggs hasn't seen Kim since she was 18 but says she doesn't think she is a bad person per say, but she has shit she has never dealt with.
Micah Meggs' death brought Olivia and Lydia Meggs together but none of the other siblings. Lydia Meggs had not spoken to her late brother since 2020. She wasn't allowed to. Olivia and Lydia Meggs did go to the funeral but they stuck together and didn't really talk to the other family members.
Lydia Meggs says she can't spoil if she and Olivia will be on the show.
Lydia Meggs has been traveling and been going to college. She will be the first women to get a college degree in her family. She is focused on meeting people and finding herself.
Lydia Meggs is only close with Olivia but she does speak with some adult sisters. They are not close because of religion.
Lydia Meggs says Olivia is single currently. She says Olivia needs to take her time and focus on herself. But, she says Olivia is very loyal so she will try to keep her single but she is basically more of a relationship girl.
Lydia Meggs says Olivia did not cheat on Ethan.
Lydia Meggs says Kim is probably not a narc but has traits of narc.
Lydia Meggs says her dad was wealthy and corporate guy (GE and Dupont) before becoming a preacher. Barry is a corporate guy and Kim was more of the one driving the farm life thing. She does think Kim was successful in the MLM system.
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fevermedia · 7 months
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✧ ⁺ ⁺  a warm welcome to everyone! please make sure to follow everybody on the masterlist (or use the quick follow here) and have fun! we've missed you!
HEADS UP! due to the amount of applications there are two follows posts!
the mods have worked diligently over the past few days in order to welcome you all! despite this, we are only human and sometimes things do slip through cracks. if you notice we have missed anything or input any information incorrectly on any of our pages (relationships pages will be live later this evening!) then please do not hesitate to reach out to us to have things corrected!
✧  Aleksi Hintz┊ Tattoo Artist┊ blckhvrts ✧  Alex Snowden┊ Guitarist┊ discountslash ✧  Andrew Schafer-Hozier-Byrne┊ Musician┊ hozemedown390 ✧  Awsten Knight┊ Musician┊ texasboyfriend ✧  Bang Chan┊ Idol - Stray Kids┊ nooddinarychan ✧  Bishop Briggs┊ Singer┊ unchainmylove ✧  Cale Makar┊ Hockey Player┊ 8cakemakar ✧  Cassidy Moon┊ Makeup Artist┊ makeitupcass ✧  Chloe Dupont┊ Model / Influencer┊ pumathurmans ✧  Clementine Rue Power┊ Social Media Manager┊ snctgirl ✧  Courtney Lottie Villen┊ Content Creator┊ wishingyouhxll ✧  Crystal Jennifer Dennings┊ Model/Vlogger┊ twistedxcherry ✧  Danny Worsnop┊ Singer┊ daddysnop ✧  Delilah Wolf┊ Model┊ cobraremixx ✧  Dermot Kennedy┊ Musician┊ checkthatmath ✧  Edie Marie┊ Exotic Animal Rescue┊ txxnxgedirtbxg ✧  Elizabeth Green┊ Social Media Manager┊ Elizabethallisongreen ✧  Esa Lindell┊ Hockey Player┊ palestfinn ✧  Esmeray Schafer┊ Tattoo Artist┊ skinofakilla ✧  Han Jisung┊ Musician┊ devilsspite ✧  Hunter Schafer┊ Actress & Model┊ wutrfeelins ✧  Isabella “Ella” Mercy Williams┊ Merch Manager┊ lilellaphant ✧  Jack Hughes┊ Athlete┊ lacroixdenier ✧  Jada Jones┊ Photographer┊ ssaccharineheartss ✧  James Deberg┊ Vocalist┊ letgourlove ✧  Joakim “ Jolly ” Karlsson┊ Guitarist┊ dadomcns ✧  Julien Baker┊ Singer/Songwriter┊ thornedrosaries ✧  Jung Wooyoung┊ Musician┊ gltteremoji ✧  Juniper Jones┊ Baker┊ heresyrletter ✧  Kim Mingyu┊ Musician┊ thatdancingtree ✧  Kinsey Mae Lindell┊ Business Owner┊ imtherealwednesdayaddams ✧  Lee Felix┊ Musician┊ caselixie ✧  Lee Minho (Lee Know)┊ Musician┊ fortypersonality ✧  Lee Taemin┊ Musician┊ redbottomcroc ✧  Lucia Pineda┊ Model┊ downunder.mp3 ✧  Lucy Dacus┊ Singer/Songwriter┊ redlipclassicc ✧  Lynn Gunn┊ Musician┊ romanticterrors ✧  Mason Marchment┊ Athlete┊ puckedoff27 ✧  Madison Beer┊ Musician┊ loversdelux ✧  Mateo Ibarra┊ Tattoo Artist┊ himbocore ✧  Minatozaki Sana┊ Musician┊ cryingflex ✧  Nico Hischier┊ Athlete┊ scarlethazed ✧  Noah Sebastian┊ Vocalist┊ diganothergrave ✧  Nikolai Sokolov┊ Tattoo Artist┊ wastelvndbxby ✧  Nora Casella┊ Tattoo Artist┊ rebellicns ✧  Octavia “Tavia” Rhodes┊ Band Manager┊ urfinalgirlxx ✧  Olivia Cynthia Villen┊ School Teacher┊ theshrxke ✧  Parker Cannon┊ Vocalist┊ quoteiguessunquote ✧  Patrick Miranda┊ Singer┊ worstwiishes ✧  Pete Wentz┊ Bassist┊ waxedpoeticz ✧  Phoebe Bridgers┊ Musician┊ lilmissnonsensical ✧  Quinn Hughes┊ Athlete┊ rizzlybears ✧  Ramone Valerio┊ Musician┊ shrimpramon ✧  Rinley Jones┊ Photographer┊ elegantrhiino ✧  Rissa ‘Seven’ Owens┊ Influencer┊ callmeseven0607 ✧  Roope Hintz┊ Hockey Player┊ aceandspades24 ✧  Rosalie Cooper┊ Photographer/Model┊ rosieposeyfallsdown ✧  Ryan Snowden┊ Tattoo Artist┊ featmarkhoppus ✧  Seraphine Charlotte┊ Librarian┊ suckerpcnch ✧  Shane Madej┊ Youtuber┊ ratbxy ✧  Sidney Crosby┊ Hockey Player┊ siidsthekiid ✧  Tara Yummy┊ Content Creator┊ glitterbreakdown ✧  Taylor Swift┊ Musician┊ spicytakisluv ✧  Tyler Glenn┊ Singer┊ skxlxtonboy
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undrcssed · 10 months
A masterlist of muses that I have played throughout the years, that I am always willing to play. I do need to go over some of the FC's and probably make some changes since this list is YEARS old. But I will do that and update it!!
Abigail ‘Abbi’ Abrams FC: Victoria Justice 
Addison Smollen FC: Kendall Jenner 
Allison ‘Alli’ Ortiz FC: Madison Beer 
Amelia ‘Mia’ Abrams FC: Torrey Devitto
Ana Flores FC: Camila Mendes
Angelina Rose FC: Clemence Posey
Apollo Kona FC: Roman Reigns
Augusta ‘Gwen’ Porter FC: Hailey Baldwin
Avery Smollen FC: Kylie Jenner
Bailey Allwood FC: Katherine Langford
Bethany DuPont-Hunter FC: Rachel Bilson / FC: Crystal Reed
Benjamin DuPont FC: Theo James
Blaise Zabini FC: Keith Powers
Bleau St. Claire FC: Val Mercado
Braelyn Carter FC: Alycia Debnam Carey 
Caleb Kyriakos FC: Tom Austen
Callie Haverford FC: Gigi Hadid
Cameron Bartell FC: Natalia Dyer
Cathleen ‘Rey’ Murphy FC: Paige / Saraya Jade Bevis
Chasity Dean FC: Troian Bellisario
Clara Spencer FC: Alexis Ren
Connor O’Brien FC: Cody Saintgnue
Cooper Brozene FC: Joel Kinnaman
Cyrus Morgan FC: Scott Speedman
Daphne Greengrass FC: Pia Mia
Darya Smirnov FC: Taylor Hill
Davina Pace FC: Carmella Rose
Dawson St. James FC: Finn Wittrock
Dean Munroe FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Demi O’Connor FC: Jessica Lowndes
Destiny Savvin FC: Eiza Gonzalez / FC: Salma Hayek
Dev Ambrogino FC: Nathan Parsons
Diya Gupta FC: Naomi Scott
Dorian Porter FC: Justin Hartley
Dylan Boyer FC: Olivia Wilde / FC: Odeya Rush
Eden Hunter FC: Danielle Campbell
Elizabeth Rush FC: Hayley Atwell
Evelyn Perez FC:  Bruna Marquezine
Genivive ‘Ginny’ Kennedy FC:  Alicia Vikander
Gracie Abernathy FC: Nicola Peltz
Harleen Quinzel FC: Margot Robbie
Hudson O’Connor FC: Charlie Hunnam
Hunter Munroe FC: Kit Harington
Irina Savvin FC: Claire Holt
Isabella Martinez FC: Naya Rivera  Christian Serratos
Isobel Garcia FC: Jackie Cruz
Ivy Hartley FC: Maggie Duran
Jack Collins FC: Tom Holland
Jalessa Myers FC: Jade Thirlwall
Jayden Munroe FC: Leigh Anne Pinnock
Jayson Hunter FC: Dominic Sherwood
Jennifer Martinez FC: Diane Guerrero 
Joanna ‘Joey’ Martell FC: Marie Avgeropoulos
Judith Grimes FC: Daisy Ridley 
Karina Smirnov FC: Irina Shayk / FC: India Eisley
Katherine ‘Katy’ Abernathy FC: Katie Stevens
Katya Ambrogino FC: Ariel Winter
Keith Newman FC: Travis Mills
Kimber Rhodes FC: Karla Souza
Layla Abernathy FC: Emily Kinney / FC: Candice Swanepoel
Leah Douglas FC: Nathalie Emmanuel / FC: Amandla Stenberg
Lee McBride FC: Dan Stevens
Lilliana ‘Lily’ Rey FC: Bella Thorne Luca Hollestelle
Lorelei Ambrose FC: Imogen Poots
Maddox Young FC: Amadeus Sarafini
Madison Nolan FC: Ashley Greene
Makenna Dean FC: Shelley Hennig
Mateo Fiore FC: Theo Rossi
Matheus Silva FC: Chay Suede
Matty Dodson FC: Cody Christian
Maximus ‘Mac’ Porter FC: Austin Butler
Melanie Rhee FC: Lauren Cohan
Mickey Wolfe FC: Troye Sivan
Natalia ‘Talia’ Smallwood FC: Emily Ratajkowski
Nate Ballard FC: Randy Orton
Nikolai Savvin FC: Joseph Morgan
Paige Stabler FC: Madison Davenport
Pansy Parkinson FC: Nona Komatsu
Parker Mercer FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Phoenix Dattolo FC: Avan Jogia
Piper Romero FC: Maia Mitchell / FC: Giza Lagarce
Priyah Jacobs FC: Alysha Nett
Psyche FC: Sophie Turner
Rami Armand FC: Zayn Malik
Reagan Powers FC: Allison Williams
Rhea Lockhart FC: Julianne Hough
Richard Thorne FC: Jon Hamm
Rose Granger-Weasley FC: Madelaine Petsch
Ryan O'Brien FC: Cam Gigandet
Samantha ‘Sammie’ Barker FC: Arden Cho
Sergei Savvin FC: Max Riemelt
Sierra Tsu FC: Dichen Lachman
Stella La’ei Kona FC: Nikki Reed
Sunshine ‘Sunny’ Jacobs FC: Dove Cameron 
Sydney Pearson FC: Zendaya 
Tanya Dash FC: Khole Kardashian Bree Kish
Teegan O'Brien FC: Lili Reinhart
Titus Kona FC: Jason Momoa
Tobias Graves FC: Travis Fimmel
Trent Lancaster FC: Andrew Lincoln
Valentino De Luca FC: Dominic Cooper
Veda Patil FC: Priyanka Chopra
Wyatt Cahill FC: Ryan Guzman
Xavier Waters FC: Don Benjamin
Zion Waters FC: Ricky Whittle
Zoe DiMarco FC: Bex Taylor-Klaus / FC: Ruby Rose / FC: Ash Stymest
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thepeaktimes · 10 months
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The Peak Times would like to take a moment to wish everyone a very happy birthday in the month of August. Don’t forget to redeem your free sunrise yoga session with Humming Bee this month to celebrate!
Aslihan Fahri-Bailey will be turning 32 years old on August 3rd.
Atlas Williams will be turning 34 years old on August 8th.  
Thierry Dupont will be turning 48 years old on August 10th.
Asher Franklin will be turning 33 years old on August 25th.  
Olivia Soto will be turning 40 years old on August 25th.  
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roswell-rp-archive · 2 years
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Please see below the scenarios for E.T Fest! These are simply prompts to get your characters interacting with new muses, some fun ideas to push you and your characters from your comfort zones. Allocations are below the cut.
Please don’t feel constrained to the below — they are starting blocks to give you ideas of how to interact with fresh faces.
All these scenarios have been randomly assigned so, if you don’t think they fit with your muse or if there are any problems, please let us know!
Participation in the below is not mandatory.
However, what is mandatory is that you reach out to at least one character you have not interacted before during your time in Roswell.
You’re enjoying watching your favorite artist play on the main stage, when a child tugs on your shirt with tears in their eyes! It looks like you’ve been chosen to return them to their parents, having lost their guardian in the excitement of the festival. Feeling a twinge of parental instinct your muses band together in order to reunite the child with their company, even if it takes trawling through the entirety of the field to find them. Please tag all interactions with #etf.thekidsareback — Ian Cahill + Isaias Cabrera + Nora Huynh + Jaden Lapointe + Poppy Dupont + Ramona Colby + Winter Carver + Stevie Novo.
It’s a wardrobe disaster! Your character spent all month looking for the perfect ensemble for E.T festival, and now a ‘Free Hugs’ guy has covered your outfit in beer, glitter and god knows what else. It’s up to your muses to find something alternative (and equally as stylish) to wear before the next act comes on, whether that’s stealing somebody’s jacket while they’re not looking, buying some of the awesome new merchandise, or fashioning a bralette out of aluminium foil and paper towels. Please tag all interactions with #etf.sweaterweather — ​Zoren Reyes, Olivia “Liv” Sunar, Fletcher Liu, Lara Fitzgerald, Mickey Cannon, Rose Anong, Adrienne Gano.
Your characters meet each other in the middle of the Pride march after getting separated from their usual group of friends, and band together to create some eye-catching signs and some new chants to bring cheer to the festivities. With your flags, face paint or some E.T festival merch, you’re showing your Pride and ally-ship by screaming the festival down. Lets hope you don’t get separated from each other too! Please tag all interactions with #etf.loveandpride — Maristella De León, Zoe Lovel, Xiomara Cordova, Sparrow Moore, Jack Huxley, Breanne Samaya, Quentin Dupre, Sophie Jones.​
Your character’s festival wristband has fallen off in a particularly sweaty mosh pit and now, after leaving the festival grounds (for a cigarette, a sit down, or some food that didn’t require a loan to buy) you’re refused entry. Your muses have to find a way back into the festival without being spotted by security and banned for the rest of the night. Will you band together and ensure you slip beneath the radar undetected, or rush the gates in one mad dash for success? All you know is one thing — you’re not missing the headliner. Please tag all interactions with #etf.thegreatescape — Jovi Dicamillo, Theo Fischers, Juniper Green, Artemis Wallis, Suraj Das, Astra Osorio, Gunner Dunn.​
Your character’s favourite artist is performing at E.T Festival! You really enjoyed their set, but now you’re desperate to meet them and it seems you can’t find them anywhere at the festival. You decide to formulate a plan to sneak backstage and it works, but the backstage area is too big, and now you’re lost, Is that a security guard coming toward you? Oh no, come up with an excuse, quick! Maybe that innocent bystander will help you come up with a get-out? Please tag all interactions with #etf.therockshow — Deniz Ersoy, Connor “Soggy” Braxton, Emmett Moore, Sebastian “Seb” Ortiz, Simba ‘Sim’ Gano, Riggs Maddow, Selena Suksai.
Your character is hyping themselves up to perform on the local talent stage where, between acts, there is a karaoke machine to make use of. The crowd that gathered is a little too large for their liking, and they need hyping up to be able to pick a song and, finally, actually get the guts to perform it! Fill this muse with heightened self confidence or shred what little self-esteem they have left by throwing them into the deep end; the choice is up to you. Just, please, don’t sing Wonderwall! Please tag all interactions with #etf.karmachameleon — ​April Winslow, Darryon Sims, Serena Miller, Ender Baptista, Nao Chiba, Alara Zorlu, Juliette “Jett” Moore, Wylie Fyfe.
Your character promised they’d help a friend run their food truck for a brief stint as they enjoy a break to grab some water and use the facilities. They vowed they’d be back in twenty minutes, but the clock is ticking.. The queue is doubling, there’s the smell of smoke in the air, your favorite artist is only minutes away and your festival outfit reeks of grease. Will you make an excuse and go running into the sunset with a hot-dog burdened stranger, or will you enlist the help of an observer to relieve the tension. Please tag all interactions with #etf.americanpie — ​Lance Cannon, Adiya Kaur, Avery Cooper, Holly Berne, Rollo Moore, Amavi Rosales, Alev Özberk.
Time seems to stand still when you’re at the festival. Your character (and their friends) have stopped off to take a breather, but whilst enjoying the June heat they notice.. wait.. isn’t that? Is that one of the headliners, stumbling through the crowds in a daze? Turns out one of the billed artists has had a little too much to drink backstage and has been unleashed out into the real world. It’s now your responsibility, whether you like it or not, to babysit the celebrity and return them to the rest of the band, but not without having a little fun first. Please tag all interactions with #etf.celebritystatus — ​Imogen Xu, Caroline Davis, Aofie Gallagher, Rhys Taylor, Jurriaan Knight, Manuel ‘Manu’ Gonzáles, Brook Tumanday.
Whilst in the queue to buy some much-anticipated merchandise, your character puts their hand int heir pockets to realise their money has disappeared. What can they do? Perhaps they leave the queue to try and track down their wallet or a few singles caught in the wind, or perhaps a silver tongue could help them sway a few bucks from the person in front of them. Either way, it’s going to be a long night without a dime to their name, and that E.T fest t-shirt would just look great on them. Please tag all interactions with #etf.vampiremoney — Lonette Hastings, Aryan Chabra, Maya Åhlund, Victoria Adsuar, Archie MacMillan, Dilan Sunar, Alicia Molina-Cordova.
Your character has been having perhaps a little too much fun at the festival, dancing away the afternoons and evenings without a care in the world. It turns out your mother’s vows of drinking enough water and ensuring you’re wearing enough sunscreen weren’t pointless, after all. You’ve been banished to the medical tent and told to stay inside until you feel 100%, to drink water and enjoy a snack (on the house) to replenish lost energy. Time to make some new friends to pass the time — blowing up latex gloves and pretending you’re a cockerel is always endless fun, right? Please tag all interactions with #etf.fatlip — Bryce Sirilan, Matilda “Mattie” Laurent, Mei Xuan, Striker Cannon, Bridget Matusiak, Weston Davis, Joseph Berne.
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eddysocs · 2 years
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Introducing: Abigail Harmon
Fandom: Our Kind Of People
Face Claim: Bailey De Young
Full Name: Abigail Anne Harmon
Nickname/Alias/Pet Names: Abbie
Age: 25
Myers Briggs Type: ESFJ
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Love Interest: Leah Franklin DuPont
Collections: Perfumes
Style/Clothing: With her new sudden inheritance, Abigail's fashion is expensive, but a little all over the place. She has a good selection of neutrals, but also bright and vibrant colors, and she hasn’t quite found her new style just yet.
Signature Quote: "I’ve always gotten what I needed, now I’m going for what I want."
Plot Summary: Being Jack Harmon’s illegitimate daughter has its perks. When he turns up dead, his shares of Darmon fall to her. While she has no interest in going into his line of business, it does secure her financial future. She plans to sell them off, but it’s not just money she’s after. If Raymond wants his company back, he’s going to have to sacrifice his marriage, and though he’s not prepared to do that, his mother Olivia is more than willing to do it for him. Can Abigail find a way to fit into Leah’s world, or is she doomed for even trying?
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @antonybridgertons, @foxesandmagic, @connietheecunning
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thierrydupont · 2 years
( nov 23rd - the dupont family home )
I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair
The attic of his parent’s house held more memories than Thierry could count. Boxes upon boxes held meaningful items and pictures that had been passed down through the Dupont family. Before he lost Olivia, the cop had no reason to feel any kind of negative emotion towards that single room in his family home. Now, Thierry was utterly terrified by the haven of memories. Some of his daughter’s belongings resided in that attic. When he moved to Providence Peak, Thierry had left behind any trace of Olivia. All he brought with him was a picture of his daughter that he kept safely hidden in his bedroom closet. Everything else stayed behind to collect dust in the attic of his parent’s home. He had never been proud of that. It was selfishly easier on him to not have the belongings with him.
When his mother had asked Thierry to grab some Christmas decorations from the attic his heart froze up in a sheer panic. He had no logical excuse to make up for why he couldn't do the simple task that was asked of him. All the poor soul could do was smile and nod at the dear woman he loved. He walked up the steps to the second floor of the house, fists clenching up tight as he looked up to see the thick string hanging from the attic door. His lids closed, releasing a steady stream of collected breaths before reaching up to grab the string. The familiar creaking noise of the steps coming down sounded almost thunderous in his ears. His dark hues glanced upwards into the eerie darkness, slowly reaching out to make the climb up the wooden steps.
The scent of dust and cardboard boxes filled the air around him. Thierry reached over to switch on the light to the attic, squinting slightly as his eyes adjusted to the change of color to the room. He shuffled his way through the boxes and family belongings that had been tucked away for years, searching for his Mother’s Christmas decorations. Beads of sweat started to break out across his brow and his palms felt clammy to the touch. Thierry just wanted to find what he was looking for and get the hell out of there. He pushed his way to the back of the attic, spotting a box with Christmas lights spilling out of it. “Thank Christ.” The anxious male muttered under his breath, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead. Thierry scooped the box into his arms, noticing something that caused the cop to go frozen with fear. A red plastic bin with Olivia’s name scribbled across the top stared up at him. He roughly swallowed down the massive lump that swelled within his throat. The box in his hands fell to the floor. As if an imaginary hand was pushing him down, Thierry quickly dropped to his knees, despite the voice in his hand telling him not to. His fingers popped the lid off the bin, sucking in a soft breath as his daughter’s belongings met his misty-eyed gaze.
His hands reached inside to gently pick up the blanket she used to sleep with as a baby. He could vividly remember how precious his daughter used to look wrapped up in the soft, pink covering. Memories of rocking Olivia to sleep in his arms played out in his head. A constricting ache wrapped around his heart, squeezing the organ tighter and tighter. Thierry pressed the blanket against his nose, inhaling deeply in the hopes that her sweet scent would still be lingering. There was nothing there. His lids shut tightly together, holding in his breath until his lungs began to burn. Any physical trace of his daughter had been gone for a very long time. All that was left was boxes and bins of her belongings, collecting dust in a dark attic. Thierry’s mouth finally parted open to gasp out a muffled sob into the baby blanket buried against his face. Warm tears soaked into the cotton fabric as the former father wept uncontrollably. He wept for Olivia. He wept for the life that was taken from her. He wept for the time he missed with her. Every emotion he had buried down deep within his soul after Olivia’s passing was clawing its way to the surface. Thierry was helpless to stop it. His guilt wanted him to experience the immense agony coursing through him. He deserved this. He had failed his daughter, and this was his punishment. A never-ending pain that would haunt Thierry until his last dying breath.
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Petals and Thornes - Side Stories
As a series, Petals and Thornes focuses on the friendship - and later, love - blossoming between Hana Lee and Kiara Thorne during the engagement tour of the newly-crowned King Liam and Countess Madeleine.
The story is largely canon-compliant in some of the story beats, but I make significant changes to accommodate questions I've had about canon itself. Some of the times, those changes include or explore the stories of other characters in the series, but including them in the series proper would mean taking the story away from Hana and Kiara. So this is the space where I explore those characters and their side-stories, through one-shots and miniseries.
Right now only Liam and Esther have side stories, but I have a few plans for Drake and Maxwell in the P&T series too.
Keychains: Esther | Liam
In the aftermath of the Coronation, and the scandal that robbed Liam and Esther of their chance to be together, what do the two lovers cling to in their time of grief?
Dressing for Cordonia's first event of the social season - the Masquerade Ball - has Esther walking down memory lane. Set in Chapter 2 of TRR1.
When the Sun Kisses the Sea
Esther and Liam spend a magical evening at the beach. Set after the Forgotten Falls scene and before Constantine talks to Liam at the end of Ch 10 of TRR1
Three and a Half Weeks (miniseries)
Esther DuPont has three and a half weeks in Ramsford. Three and a half weeks to prepare for her return to court, three and a half weeks to get over the man she thought she was going to marry, the friends she thought would be at her side.
Three and a half weeks...to make peace with the way she left.
(Coming soon!)
Esther Noelle DuPont: Character Sheet
Eleanor's Kitchen (series)
Join little Prince Liam as he watches his mother, and her friends, experience the foods that remind them the most of their homes...as he enjoys the delights of good food and great friendships.
Cordonian Waltz
Box step, reverse, spin, twirl. A mere arrangement of dance steps. Until you came along, that was all Liam ever imagined the Cordonian Waltz to be.
Our Sword of Damocles
Barely seconds after becoming king, Liam faces his first ever crisis in court - a scandal that results in his chosen bride being disgraced and thrown out. Is his final decision a wise one that will protect her, or an act of cowardice? A former monarch helps him find the answer.
That Old Grape Juice: Cabernet Franc | Chardonnay
As Liam and Olivia renew their friendship during his social season, how do they deal with the changes they see in each other? Set in the Lythikos chapters of TRR1.
Legacies (miniseries): The Statues | The Queens
In the aftermath of his father's death, Liam struggles with the lionizing of Constantine's rule, and wonders at the legacy he wants to leave behind. Answers emerge from an unlikely source.
(To be updated soon!)
Coping Strategies, Food and Fashion HCs
The Children of the House of Rys
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