Heyyyy. I haven't seen the episode yet. Is it just the two of them for the whole time?
hey! it is yeah
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swiftlythebest · 5 years
Omg I love the schmico. One day one of them wouldn't admit they want a hug but the other knows?
This got all emotion-y, but I felt it. I am in desperate need of a hug. So maybe I projected a lot of my current situation onto Nico. I’m in the midst of a writer’s block and being able to write a bit about how I feel helped overcome that. I think it’s sweet. I know people wanted angst with a fluffy ending, but I hope some comfort will suffice. I hope you enjoy!
Levi Schmitt knew something was up. His boyfriend, Nico Kim, was acting strange. They usually tried to have lunch together, when possible, but Nico had blown him off with no real explanation. Normally, he would just say he had a surgery or needed to prepare for something, but today, he just said he couldn’t. Then, he had almost walked right by Levi in the hallway, his gaze fixed on some point in the distance, as though he were in a daze. Only when Levi had placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him did he turn and notice him. Which, again, wouldn’t necessarily be weird if it hadn’t been for the disconnected nature of it all.
“You okay?” Levi rubbed up and down Nico’s arm, trying to soothe whatever obvious distress he was under.
“What? Yeah! All good!” He gave a thumbs up before falling back into his trance and wandering off. Levi watched him walk away, a furrow growing at his brow.
Levi walked into the fellows’ lounge just as Nico was swinging his bag over his shoulder, having already showered and changed into his street clothes. He gave him a bright smile, happy to have the night to themselves. Nico returned the smile, but it did not fully reach his eyes. Levi’s smile faltered, but he took a step closer anyway.
“Hey darling. Ready to go?” The two had just moved in together, meaning Levi no longer had to pretend he wasn’t sure whether he would be going home with Nico at the end of the day.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Nico’s voice sounded hollow somehow, like it lacked its normal depth. He grabbed Levi’s hand, holding it tightly, like an anchor, as they made their way to the car.
They drove home in silence, the radio on low, providing a soundtrack to the awkwardness of the drive. Levi opened his mouth many times, attempting to start a conversation, but fell short on what exactly to say. Nico was rarely like this, moody and distance, but it had happened before and Levi knew that the best thing to do was let him initiate the conversation.
When they pulled into the parking garage, the tension in Nico’s shoulders seemed to have lessened and his gaze was bit more focused. He still gripped Levi’s hand tightly, but something seemed to have brightened within him. They made their way to their apartment in more silence, Nico’s gaze fixed firmly ahead with Levi’s eyes glued to his profile.
Once the door had been closed, Levi spun Nico around and wrapped his arms firmly around his waist. Immediately, Nico enveloped Levi in his arms, squeezing tightly. They stood like that, in a full embrace and swaying slightly, for so long that Levi lost track of time. He heard small sobs coming from Nico and felt the wetness of tears on his neck. He burrowed further into Nico.
After what could have been an hour or just thirty seconds, Nico slowly released Levi, causing him to loosen his grip but not let go. Levi looked up and into Nico’s eyes, glassy from the tears, and tried to convey his understanding.
“I just…” Nico choked out, unable to get a full thought out.
“I know.” Levi nodded, encouraging him to take his time and formulate his thoughts.
He let out a deep sigh. “It just wasn’t a good day. No real reason. I just felt… heavy. I don’t know.”
“It happens. You can have those days. And I’ll always be here to hug you when you need it. How about we order in and watch some dumb TV?”
Nico slowly nodded, his breath trembling. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good. I… thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too. Can I kiss you?” Levi knew that sometimes that level of intimacy was too much for Nico when he felt this way.
“Yes, please.” He tilted his head down and captured Levi’s mouth in a small, close-mouthed kiss. It was short and chaste, but the comfort spread through Nico and warmed him.
Nico had more bad days, but Levi made good on his promise to always be there with a hug on those days. He loved being around for the good but knew his love and support during the bad were just as important. And sometimes, a well-timed hug could make all the difference.
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wittywallflower · 5 years
One of them (probs Pen) getting so jealous she sprouts out she is in love with Schneider
Here it is!
Group therapy leads Penelope to an epiphany about her feelings for Schneider
“Penelope, we havent heard from you yet.” Pam kept her voice admirably neutral.
“I don’t got a lot to say.” Penelope waved off the group therapy leader with a smile.
More than one eyebrow went up. The Cuban was not known as being the wallflower of the group. Penelope knew that and didn’t fail to notice the disbelief on some faces.
“Really.” She insisted “Things are really good right now. I don’t need to take the time away from people with problems they need to talk about. You’ve all listened to my problems plenty.”
“And we are always here to help with those.” Pam said. "But its important for all of us to take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the good things as well. Seeing each other succeed and be happy is a reminder that its possible for all of us, no matter what we are dealing with.”
The women around the circle nodded at that. The therapy meetings helped them in a lot of ways. They had shed a lot of tears together but also shared a lot of smiles and a lot of laughter.
“So, Penelope, would you like to share the good things with us?” Pam asked.
“Okay, well”, Penelope rubbed her palms down her jeans as she considered where to begin. “As you know, i finished my exams. I am officially an NP.”
She took a moment to preen as there was another round of congratulations from her friends.
“And honestly, its like I can breathe again. So much of the pressure is off; no more tests, no more studying, no more researching the reproductive habits of frogs, as if that’s ever going to come up when i am treating bronchitis.” She shook her head, pantomiming shaking off that mental load. “I’m not even nervous about doing the job, I actually feel totally confident in my abilities.”
Which was a marvel when she remembered how she used to second guess her decisions as a nurse, asking Dr. Berkowitz for a consult on so many things she wouldn't question these days.
“Mi mami’s doctor is really pleased with her health, she’s not even fighting me about some of the dietary changes anymore. Elena is an essay writing machine right now, she is raking in so many scholarships for college. So that’s an anxiety attack i don't have to have until next year. Let’s see, what else… Alex has his first serious girlfriend now.”
That had the group chuckling and those who had mothered teen boys expressed their sympathies.
“Yeah, I hear that.” Penelope continued. “But I’ve met her and her family goes to my church. She’s a real good girl. One of the ones we would have called stuck up prudes back in high school, you know? Even Alex couldn’t charm her into anything too bad.
“My tax return was very nice this year. Oh, and I tried that tapas place 3 blocks over on Cayuga street with Schneider last weekend! Food’s a little pricey but the drinks are cheap and really good. We should all go sometime.”
The expected reaction would be for the group to enthuse about a new place to grab post-therapy cocktails but instead Penelope met mostly questioning faces.
“So you’re finally dating that dude?” Ramona asked.
“What? Schneider?” Penelope shook her head in denial. "No, we just got dinner together.”
“Just the two of you?” Penelope nodded in answer to that. “The two of you at a trendy new restaurant on a date night?”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t a date. We eat together most nights.” she said.
“At home with your mom and kids, not alone out on the town. Did you split the bill?”
“Well, no, he paid.” Penelope had to admit, but she was quick to explain. “But that’s just because he lost a bet we had."
I don’t know,” Ramona said, "still sounds a lot like a date. Do you two usually hang out together when one of you isn't having a crisis?”
Not without the rest of the family around. But for the group, that just made their solo outing together seem more significant.
Jill tried to back her up.
“It better not be a date. Doesn’t that Schneider guy have a girlfriend?” she asked.
“Actually, they broke up.” Penelope had to admit.
Jill raised an eyebrow and grinned at the other women, who she had spoken to at length about Schneider’s attractiveness after meeting him at Penelope’s place. Then Penelope’s car was in the shop once, requiring Schneider to drop her off at a meeting. They’d all taken a good long look for themselves that night; after that he became a regular topic of admiring conversation.
“So if he isn’t dating her, and he isn’t dating you… what’s he doing Friday night?” Jill asked.
The group laughed and Penelope joined them at first but then waved the idea off.
“Actually there’s some old musical airing on one of the Spanish channels that night, he promised to watch it with my mom,” she said.
It was really sweet of Schneider to agree to that. The old films tended to make Lydia emotional with memories of home and her Berto. Schneider loved listening to her stories and was always good at cheering the older woman up with requests for dancing lessons or some gentle flirting.
Penelope sensed the stares from the group again. What? It wasn’t that weird for a man to sacrifice his Friday night to keep an old lady he wasn't even related to company. At least not if that man was Schneider. He did macrame with his tenants so they wouldn’t get lonely, por dios. Abruptly, Penelope shifted gears.
“But if you want, Jill,” she joked, elbowing her friend in the side, “I can ask if he is free Saturday night.”
Jill shook her head with a grin. “I’m busy Saturday, what about Sunday? Does he go to worship? 'Cause as we all know i can rock the hell out of a sundress, and he’d look real good on my arm walking into church.”
The whole group cracked up at that.
“I’ll take him Saturday night!”  Another woman piped up. “My cousin is getting married and a hot, rich guy will make a better date than Tom from the mail room at work.”
“No one is forcing you to take Tom.” Penelope pointed out.
“Yeah but its a wedding and going to a wedding alone is just asking for pity.” she said.
Penelope really couldn’t deny that after her own experience at Victor’s ceremony. She’d actually been tempted to ask Schneider to be her date to that. So she wasn’t sure why it rubbed her wrong now to think of him being someone else’s wedding arm candy.
“So, what’s wrong with Tom then?” she asked.
“Um, he’s not a really rich, really hot, really tall Canadian that i want to climb like a maple tree?”
The eruption of ribald laughter covered Penelope’s silent reaction.
‘Hey, he went to your daughter’s quinces right? How does he look in a suit?”
The reminder of Schneider in his suit, weirdly-sexy with that smooth face and no glasses hiding those bright blue eyes of his, … Penelope couldn’t help it, she blushed a bit at the memory.
“Wow, that good huh?” Jill teased her when Penelope didn’t answer. “You know, I have a wedding to go to in 3 weeks myself…”
More laughter. These women loved to talk smack and riff off each other. Penelope knew it was an all a lot of bluster and bullshit. Usually she gave as good as she got. But she was quiet now, strangely unsettled by the words flying around her.
“Is there a waiting list a girl can get on?” was asked with seeming earnestness.
Yeah, so what? So Schneider was kind of hot; kind of really hot. That had never affected Penelope’s opinion of him, or how she treated him. He wasn’t some piece of meat.
“Yeah, I don’t need him for a date,” Ramona stated the obvious, “but I wouldn’t say no to him helping me change my brake pads.”
“My mom’s retirement party is in March. Does he do the fake boyfriend thing, or will that cost extra?”
“Cost extra? If Richie Rich isn’t paying for everything, what’s the point?"
The jokes came fast and easy, but Penelope wasn't finding them very funny. What was he, some sugar daddy for these girls to use and discard? Sure, maybe he did stuff for her sometimes that didn’t exact fall under a landlord’s duties, but that was different. They were friends, they did things for each other, took care of each other. It wasn’t like that.
She was special.
She tried not to acknowledge the thought, just like she tried not to face the fact that she didn’t want to share that with anyone. She didn’t want to share him.
Being quiet really wasn’t a Penelope trait, so her friends took pointed notice that she wasn’t joining the banter. They had been hearing about this guy for years, wondering when or if the two would ever stop dancing around each other. Of course, it is entirely possible for a man and a woman to be close friends on an entirely platonic basis.
But its also possible to be in denial when one’s feelings start to change.
They had listened over the years as he became increasingly important in her life. And they certainly were not above baiting Penelope into admitting it.
“Hey Pen, you’ve seen him in bike shorts. What’s he packin’?” one bold voice asked. Penelope went rigid in her seat. “Now there’s one tool of his I’d like to borrow!”
Oh hell no.
“Well, you can’t!” Penelope snapped.
“Well, if no one else is using it…”
“He’s not a gigolo, or some boy-toy for you to play with!” Penelope exploded. "He’s been through a lot and he’s had too many people let him down!”
Pam settled a hand on her arm and Penelope realized she had been shifting in her seat in agitation. “Penelope, we’re just joking around. You know that. Can we talk about why it bothers you so much?”
“He’s such a good man and so many people look down on him and treat him like he is worthless, even his own family. I don't want that for him. He deserves better.”
“We know he means a lot to you-”
“Yeah. He does.” Penelope cut Pam off. “I don’t know what I’d do with out him. I rely on him to help me with my anxiety attacks. I trust him with my mami and my kids. I, I…”
She groped for the words, trying to find some way to explain it to these women. To make them understand that Schneider’s presence in her life was a blessing, that any person would be lucky to have him around. How to make them see what an amazing guy he is. And also why she couldn’t stand anyone else getting the same special Schneider treatment she got. Didn’t want to do it all without his help.
The group didn’t make it easier for her. They could sense Penelope was on the cusp of a revelation. There were no jokes now, no pointed comments about Schneider’s abs, or queries into any desire Penelope might have to run her tongue over them. They knew that when Penelope got started, sometimes it was best to just let her go, let her ramble and rant and rave until she led herself to the obvious conclusion. They had been waiting for her to work this one out.
Penelope looked around at the expressions on their faces. No one seemed surprised by her spirited defense of Schneider. More impressively, no one was even smirking in that “haha, got you to admit you don’t hate him” kinda way. Suddenly it seemed like the group knew her better than she knew herself. Like they knew what the denial had kept her from acknowledging all along and knew what she was going to say before she said it.
“Holy crap, I love him.”
Penelope breathed out a sigh at the intense realization. It was a surprise. Of course. When had she fallen for the man-baby? But judging by the feeling of relief, the loosening of a tension she hadn’t even known she was holding, it had been a long time coming. She smiled, feeling like another weight had been lifted from her chest and she was taking a full deep breath for the first time in years.
Then her mind started to race again. Her smile fell and when her eyes darted around the group again, they had a slightly panicked look in them. Acknowledging her feelings was one thing (one damned difficult thing), but acting on them?
“Well, what now?!?” she asked in a panic.
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How often do you think Aaron and Robert think such ridiculous things about how in love they are but don't end up saying it
All the time!
Robert will find Aaron staring at him while they’re watching telly and Aaron just shakes his head when he asks him why. One day he told him the truth, that sometimes he just can’t believe how lucky he is to be so happy.
For Robert it’s little things like coming home to find Aaron slobbing on the couch, controller in hand, shouting at the TV. It just feels so right and perfect in his head, like he never used to imagine it would.
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partytimesloth · 5 years
Omg that Pen and schiender art omg
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I am living for all your responses to it, thanks guys! ♥♥♥
Also if anyone’s curious, here’re my recent PS files containing my assortment of references. 
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khaotungsfirst · 7 years
If only words coul fathom the way I feel for you. The effect you have on me everyday. Months of mine would be taken writing down the symptoms you leave me with. And not a moment of that would be wasted. I formed sentences out of air when I thought I was taking my last breath but just a look in your eyes and I fail to form even a syabl to symbolise your beauty.
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ginys · 7 years
voted ginys and illadd you on insta when im next on my phone, im charliefornow on there :)
url: 8/10 / domain:10/10icon: 9/10mobile theme: 8/10desktop theme: i don’t know if it’s a problem with my browser but there’s a glitch and i can’t see any of your posts on your desktop theme :/posts: 8/10overall: 8.5/10compliment: i love your icon a lotfollowing? yes
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cruelniklaus · 7 years
six of crows
Thank you!
slytherin | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | gryffindor
Zeus | Poseidon | Hades | Hera | Ares | Athena | Persephone | Demeter | Aphrodite | Nyx | Artemis  | Hermes
Chicago | Rome | London | Berlin | Athens
art gallery | planetarium | coffee shop | boutique | florist
peony | sunflower | dahlia | rose  | hibiscus
silk | velvet | cashmere | satin  
Aesthetic Rates
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emiliaaclarke · 7 years
@ollyhooper​ replied to your post: .
ily <33
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tvnacity · 7 years
🕶: what’s your favorite accessory?
i don’t actually wear a lot of accessories!! my one constant in life is the rubber bands around my right wrist. i have a small black bag that i take literally everywhere that could count! and my glasses. i also have a ring that i like, but I only wear it occasionally! it’s the same way with earrings. :)
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The first, very rushed, chapter of my terrible fic is up! And, oh boy, do I have a story to tell as to why I am posting it now!
Tagging those who requested (and others): @ollyhooper @such-radishing @tired-night-owl @i-dreamed-a-dream17 @anneshirleywasmychildhood @tumbling-down-life @starlightthief @minnysproutgriffin @ben-roll-io @blackxones @mollylynn04 @aisling-studying @strvngestark @aliceinireland@neliel-deathberry @nymerialittlebird @mrs-shirley-cuthbert-blythe @rachelle3musicals @chocolatelatte121 @gilberts-mango
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wldbirds · 4 years
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@misbehavc​ : Who was the very first muse you ever wrote? | questions for the mun ! molly hooper !  over at j/ollyhooper .  this was like way back in the day heh when people used big ass gifs , on tumblr . i used to do rps over email as john though , so i guess john !  i was inspired by a john watson blog to make my first blog , sadly they are no longer active . . . 
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mousedetective · 6 years
love ur theme and writer
(I realize this ask is, like, three years old but I had NO IDEA there was a whole section of my Tumblr inbox I couldn’t access until today for some reason...::facepalm::)
Thank you so much! I don’t know if you still feel the same way, but my writing is up at @pennywaltzy now (which is also just kind of a general pimp to everyone who doesn’t realize why I reblog stuff from there constantly)
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oikyskau · 7 years
talented and suave
pls akjshdjsadka suave how did i even manage that kjashd thank you!!
Tell me what kind of vibe I give off
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khaotungsfirst · 7 years
also seen as your my closet friend who watches b99 please tell me what/if any character you think im like
idk i feel like you’re kinda like amy but also terry (terry charlie loves love)
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salty--alien · 7 years
Rose 3? Xxx
I started doing this but then the amazing @megabadbunny drew something similar to my thoughts and I was like “would it hurt if I just linked that one here? It is so freaking beautiful and also I’m having an art block anyway” so that’s what I’m doing... please don’t kill me. It’s the most lovely piece of art ever, I swear
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