olympusrebornrp · 6 years
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Double Vision 
The California weather has been on the fritz lately! News stations are reporting that it will be a wet couple of days. Citizens are encouraged to stay safe and dry. Put on those rain boots and get those umbrella’s ready, because those showers are coming!        
While things with the reborn have seemed quiet, the battle between Gaia and Kronos still wages on. The mortal world can be very draining for the even the most powerful Titans, and both sides have been conserving their power. Now, Gaia feels it’s the perfect time to stir the minds of the sleeping gods and allies.  She’s used her connection with mother nature to shower the reborn with a little hint.
As the rain hits your character they’ll start to see a small flash of English letters turn into Greek letters. Everything from signs on cafes to the messages on their phones could appear to be in Greek for the briefest of moments. The reborn will be left thinking “…did that just happen?”. 
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adrianreeves-blog · 7 years
like this for a housewarming party starter
ooc: adrian and abi are having their housewarming party, and i’m down to get things a little...fucky. like this for a starter and if i can’t come up with something, i’ll slide into your ims to plot. you don’t have to know them super well or anything!
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zekericks-blog · 7 years
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Is that [TARON EGERTON]? No, that’s just [ZEBEDIAH RICKS] the [28] year old [PLAYBOY]. In Olympus [HE] was actually [ZEUS] but he has [NO] recollection of that.
Is this Chip stealing into someone’s intro model? U bet it is. I still need to put up an about page but this will do for now because you shits keep replying to my stuff so I can’t GET SHIT DONE. Anyway here’s some stuff on Zeke:
Is the Paris of people;
His real name is Zebediah Wesley Henricksen aka Zeke Ricks and you can bet he hates his full name, that’s not love, it’s bullying;
I didn’t give him a real name but he’s on row of the Rockefellers, Windmillers, Van der Bilts and so on, old old old money, his money makes money in its sleep;
He’s kinda like Paris Hilton, sub-celeb-almost-celeb status, cause he’s pretty and his life is a huge scandal;
He’s from Dallas, TX, his accent is an amazing mix of aggressive southerner with londoner;
His father is an abusive dick, like a real dick, he’s just not worse cause he didn’t straight up murdered Zeke but u get the idea;
When he was a kid there was a full-scale investigation on the dude because of embezzling AND because he beat Zeke so much, he paid everyone off to shut up, the thing went away and no one ever brought it up; 
(That’s the reason Zeke wanted to work with law enforcement so much, cause the system failed him and he knew it failed a lot of other kids too, so he wanted to change it);
Zeke’s mom died when he was 10, so his dad sent him away to boarding schools in Europe and he’s mostly lived around there ever since, he got kicked out of like 5 different schools mostly for lewd acts aka having a lot of sex so MAYBE his dad would pay attention to him;
Zeke is a fuckboi ever since but he’s a big paradox;
(Like he works out daily???? Who tf does that???? He also eats right cause he wants to look his BEST wtf);
He was doing kegstands and throwing orgies at like, age 16;
But he’ll also shout about institutionalized racism and feminism on your face;
He’s very aware of his privilege and he uses it;
He has a very high moral standing regarding most everything BUT relationships, he just CAN’T keep it in his pants (shoutout to Zeus, my bro);
Went to Harvard, played football for the Crimson, nailed Law School, no one knows HOW bc he also partied HARD and when I say hard, I mean a 3-day-alcohol-and-drugs-induced-haze hard;
Has a lot of wasted potential mostly bc every time he’ll get somewhere, his dad shoots him down and he deals with things by partying and drinking and fucking and pretending nothing ever happened;
Got himself a cool internship in the Dallas Justice Department when he left Harvard but he wanted to be a public attorney and eventually the DA but his dad shot him down because he wants Zeke to take in the family’s business;
OD’ed at a party when he was like 22 (s/o to Phil and Heath), ended up in Rehab, CLEARLY IT DIDN’T WORK but he’s a bit more low-key about the drugs now;
Ruins every relationship he lays his grubby hands on because he doesn’t know how to deal with people????;
Someone help this kid;
i MEAN he’s lonely and desperate for love but also he’s such a huge fuckup and an asshole???? love him anyway, about page soon 2 come, xo
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peyton-pasithea · 7 years
/// I’ve gotten Peyton/Pasithea’s bio page and her wanted connections page up! If you want to fill a connection just let me know or like this post! Plus feel free to let me know if there are any connections you want for your character that you think she could fill! ///
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haileyoftroy-blog · 7 years
!!!!  I finally got off my lazy ass and made a connections page??? wow who am I??  lmao but it can be found HERE ! it only contains current connections rn and not wanted ones, but at least i even did that much ok
if I missed you PLEASE message me! ngl between everyone I’ve talked to I wouldn’t be surprised if something fell through the cracks, I’m pretty bad at losing track of im’s >.>
OR if you wanna plot, hit me up loves!! <3<3
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olympusrebornrp · 6 years
Plot Drop - Missed Opportunities 
Working under the radar has not been easy for Gaia. Her mission was made ten times more difficult after Tantalus’ betrayal. Since then, she’s been biding her time, using the few people in Kronos’ ranks who stood by her side to try and come up with subtle ways to lead the reborn in the right direction.
Drawing on all her power, Gaia has put something new into action. All of the reborn will be pulled toward one or more of the reborn that they either have not met yet or have not interacted with very often. Sometime after the conversation, each of the reborn will have a very small flash, maybe even just a short dream, of their family in their original form.
Gaia’s supporters may be needed to push people in the right direction, while people loyal to Kronos might be called upon to intervene for nefarious reasons.
The purpose of this plot drop is interact with roles you might not otherwise get a chance to plot/thread with. Be sure to branch out! We won’t be assigning pairs, but we will take note of those who do and do not participate in this plot drop.
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adrianreeves-blog · 7 years
“I think I need to lay off the alcohol.” Adrian rubbed his forehead with frustration. He could already feel a headache coming on, and the weather wasn’t even nasty enough to blame any more. “Or maybe the ink from this tattoo is poisoning my brain. I swear, I looked in the mirror and saw....it.” Maybe he really was going crazy. The nightmares, the hallucinations, the feelings of strange paranoia - and now this? Either he was really struggling from lack of sleep or he was losing his mind. “I swear to god if you make a joke about what I see in the mirror, I’ll sick my dog on you.” It was a comical threat, seeing as Torch was resting near his feet, half asleep. 
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Is that [EMILIA CLARKE]? No, that’s just [NICOLA BLACKWELL] the [28] year old [MUSEUM DIRECTOR]. In Olympus [SHE] was/were actually [NYX, PRIMORDIAL GODDESS OF THE NIGHT] but they have [ALL] recollection of that. 
Hi, I’m Isa. This sweet, quiet baby is Nicola Blackwell/Nyx. I have been obsessed with Greek Mythology since I was young(I blame Hercules) and I have been reading and learning since I was young. And Nyx, Gaia, and Athena have always been my favorites, probably because there the ones I connect with the most. So here are some fact about Nicola.
Nyx is the primordial goddess of the night
She is the child of Chaos
Her consort was Erebus
She had many children, including Hypnos, Hemera, and Eris.
She was feared and respected by Zues
Ok, enough of Nyx, onto Nicola.
Nicola was born to an American mother and British father.
She lived in London til the age of 15 
Her family move to California when he got a opportunity to teach at a local college.
Her father is a history professor which is where her love of history originally came from.
She did not always have her memories of her past, they began to come to her when her family moved to California.
She has two siblings. A older brother and sister.
She finished high school a year early. 
She has a PhD in history.
She has been the museum director for two years after impressing the previous director.
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estvlla · 7 years
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It’s me, chey. I’m home and ready to plot with everyone for my bby here. look at that saucy gif ; u ;
Is that [EMERAUDE TOUBIA]? No, that’s just [ESTELLA ALVAREZ] the [20] year old [DANCER/MODEL]. In Olympus [SHE] was/were actually [EMPUSA] but they have [ALL] recollection of that. [OOC: CHEY/18/CST/SHE/HER]
Alright first of all Empusa are evil sons of bitches who take on the form of hot women and get men(imma say anyone. gender dont matter) to their bEds and then basically ate them alive. ““feed on their flesh and blood”“ so essentially like a  succubus except they eat people instead of their souls.?? 
Moving on! Estella has ALL of her memory and is sided with Kronos. I’ll have a bio and shit up eventually on how she met him and got all her memories and her reasoning for siding with him. 
OK about Estella. Let us not beat around the bush here. She’s a stripper, exotic dancer, whatever and has been one since she was 18. She’s also a lowkey model, more like instagram level. Uh it’s not all that luxurious and she doesn’t make bank like people believe strippers do. 
She’s self dependent and is 99.9% asshole. Most of her relationships are hella fake and she will cut you off without reason or explanation if she feels inclined. 
Her opinions on the Gods varies, but she enjoys seeing them at their all time low. 
Hmmmm she’s lived in Cali all of her life and was raised by a single mother, and has one older brother.
While she graduated from high school at the top of her class, she’s not in college and doesn’t intend on going. 
Personality wise she’s a mega bitch and a mega brat. She has a short temper and hates when things don’t go her way. It’d be a miracle if you actually wanted to be friends with her. She doesn’t spare your feelings and will intentionally rip your heart out. 
That's all I've got right now. Love me. I’m gonna work on a connections page and bio here in a lil while. But for now come at me with plots. Please and thanks. 
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aidoneus-alistair · 7 years
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HEATH AIDEON ALISTAIR is the THIRTY-ONE year old TRAUMA THERAPIST who just so happens to be the reincarnation of AIDONEOUS HADES: King of the Underworld, Greek God of the Dead, afterlife, and riches. HE is said to be ASTUTE, JUST, UNDERSTANDING but if you get on HIS bad side, he also tends to be BRUTAL, BLUNT, and BELLIGERENT. AIDEON identifies as a CISMALE and bears an uncanny resemblance to HENRY CAVILL.
Played by Dani
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heidi-hebe-blog · 7 years
- tell me more, tell me more
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A hod-podge of things found in the tags further look into Heidi Garner including random thoughts and potential connections
- Name? Any nicknames? 
Heidi Jude Garner - coming from Hebe, and her Roman equivalent Juventas. No true nicknames, though most children and parents know her either as ‘Miss Garner’ or ‘Miss Heidi’.
- What does the character look like? Hair, eyes, build, any special features like a birthmark or scar? Also fashion wise? Hairstyle, clothing style, makeup etc?
A fairly basic build, though on the short side of the spectrum. Brown hair and blue eyes with fair skin and a sprinkling of freckles, nothing particularly stands out about her appearance. She is most often found in ‘teacher clothes’ - a mix of blouses and skirts, and sensible flats. 
- What is their occupation? or are they in school?
Heidi teaches pre-school, working with mainly 2 through 5 year olds. She adores her work, even though she came to LA with dreams that were somewhat bigger, she feels that this is what she’s supposed to be doing. This doesn’t make her free from small grievances though, and she comes home at night with plenty of stories of students, parents, and everything in between.
- How do they talk? Easily? Any accents? Use of slang? What words or catchphrases do they use a lot?
Given her occupation, Heidi’s typical vocabulary is light, and usually free from offensive terms and suggestions. A fan of phrases like ‘goodness gracious’ and ‘oh my’, she is often perceived as innocent and child-like. After a particularly rough day, she may let lose. - Geography. Where does your character live? Any special things to know about that region? Have they always lived there? Is it the place they call home?
Though she currently lives in LA, this was not always the case. Heidi grew up in a small, nondescript town in the midwest, where her childhood left her desiring for little. She studied education in college, and made the big move out to LA after graduation with no real plans - just a feeling that something was out there. The pre-school was hiring and she got the job, and hasn’t looked back since. LA wise - she lives in a single apartment with her dog.
Potential Connections
So forewarning - I really suck at these. So have fun with this stream of consciousness that will hopefully make some kind of sense? And I’m always open to anything you might think of! Half of the fun is figuring it out together, yeah?
- Friends: This is pretty basic, I think? The people she’s met in LA, the people she hangs out with after work. 
- Olympus/Greek connections: Heidi has some knowledge of her past life. This is a very loose some though - there are things that she can’t really explain (naming her dog Ganny, for example, just felt right). People that she’s drawn to and she doesn’t really know why. Maybe your character has a greater knowledge than her? Try telling this girl she’s a goddess. That could be fun.
- Romantic something: Heidi isn’t actively looking for anything, but she still gets caught by passer-by’s in the park and on the beach. She’s fairly romantic, and if something presents it, she’ll go along for the ride.
- Work colleagues: Maybe they work together, maybe your character came and talked to all the lil ones about their job, maybe your character knows one of her students. In any case - something about the preschool drives their connection. Idk. We’ll figure it out.
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tategentry · 7 years
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Hello everyone! My name is Mai and I’ll be playing Tate/Terpsichore. I’m still not sure why I decided to do this thing with pics for my introductory post, but lol... bonus points for effort??? I totally am a complete plot whore (NO SHAME), so please please please send me a message if you’d like to have connections or plots with this dork as I’d love to roleplay with y’all. I’m currently working on a more detailed bio and a relationship page which, considering how obsessive I can get to be at times, might take me all night to finish hehe. But anyway, here you have some basic information about Tate:
Tate is a ballerina. 
She temporarily left the stage in order to major in her second passion, writing. 
Her current job is in an elementary school as a dance teacher (mornings), and works/studies in her dad’s coffee shop by nights (yes, that means she’s a waitress. I guess she sometimes can help baking too? Lol I’ll figure that part soon).
She’s the kind of person that always aspires for more and has this ridiculous need to be perfect in her every move.
Everything related to knowledge and arts attracts her.
She hardly ever does something that doesn’t seem right for her. She’s all for partying, drinking and dancing her butt off the entire night, just not the type of gal that trusts easily on strangers, or that would end up on someone else’s bed just like that.
Anything cheesy makes her cringe, she doesn’t truly believe in love.
She hates when people believe she’s fragile or not capable of something, if she finds a way of proving otherwise she always will.
She loves winning and being right. In fact, she might even try to convince you she is right even when she’s not.
Sarcastic, witty and stubborn.
But she’s lovely in the inside!! That if you manage to get to know her and accept all of her oddities. I mean, she won’t ever consider herself as cute, be warned.
She also loves being surprised.
That’s all I can think of for this post. If you think your character has something in common with this dork please let me know, Tate seriously needs a partner in crime lol.
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amyorariadne · 7 years
Check out Amy’s wanted connections here!
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olympusrebornrp · 6 years
Plot Drop - Just a Dream?
As the guests are being ushered into the theater, for the premiere of the movie with their drinks in hand, Gaia has her allies working behind the scenes to help point the reborn toward their original lives. While watching the movie, the reborn will fall into a trance. The last few normal things they were doing before their fall will play before their eyes. The last thing they will see is how they found out the end was coming.
When the trance breaks, almost everyone will believe it was simply a part of the movie. After all, the endings match up! Only those with strong memories of their past will realize that something else was going on.
Please work the trance into your threads! You can para the flashbacks with other roles or simply give your role flashes of them on your own. Self paras are also fine! They do not have to dominate every thread, but we’d love to see you play them out on the dash. Remember that the majority of roles will think the memories were just a part of the movie.  Memories should be only from their lives as Olympians/the original myths they are based on.
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adrianreeves-blog · 7 years
OOC Guess who updated their connections page? Let me know if I missed one!
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ellie-is-epione · 6 years
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Gaia’s Peaceful Dream
The balmy LA weather meant that Ellie was just sleeping in one of Alex’s shirts instead of her own pajama set. The blankets had long been tossed to the floor and Ellie was sprawled out on the bed as always; most of her limbs dangled over Alex. She often tossed and turned at night and usually woke up instantly if Alex moved from the bed, but tonight she was calmer than normal. A soft smile graced her features and she sighed quietly, unknowingly in the midst of a dream.
Epione was on what had just been a raging battlefield, but she wasn’t afraid. The battle was over. Some had lost, some had won, but both sides had suffered losses and injuries. That weighed heavily on most people but at the moment Epione was more focused than anything. The pain she felt around her weighed her down and left her aching; that didn’t slow her down. She had one last soul to try to bring some relief to and his pain called to her. All of the others were either dying and passing on right then, or she had already eased as much of their pain as possible. Some pain was healthy and some simply couldn’t be eased.
Epione reached the last body huddled on the field and knelt beside him. He was curled into himself, trying to claw away the pain it seemed, and as always it broke a tiny piece of her heart. She reached out to place a hand on his head, ignoring the grime and blood that covered him. A shudder wracked through him but when her hand met his skin a sigh of relief escape his lips. ‘Please...’ was the only word that he managed to press from his pursed lips. Not needing to be asked, Epione took as much of the pain as she could. She couldn’t describe the feeling to anyone that asked her, but it was as easy as breathing and as heavy as the world. Sometimes she felt like she understood how Atlas felt. It hurt, but the satisfaction of helping someone outweighed that by leaps and bounds.
She wasn’t sure how long she knelt there on the war-torn ground, but she knew her time was done when the soldier looked up at her with a dreamy look in his eyes. He muttered a thank you and a prayer before his eyes closed for what Epione knew was the last time. She said a prayer of her own before standing and looking around. It was like she had been in a daze and was only now aware of her surroundings once more. 
Across the field she saw Ares, probably looking for another soul to conquer. The two gods were vastly different, but the fondness she felt for him was strong. He was another father to her; Even when she doubted that he would want her around since she wasn’t his ‘real’ daughter, he still treated her with respect and welcomed her with open arms. She admired him more than most. After a moment he looked up and their eyes met. Ellie gasped unknowingly in her sleep. It was Ares in front of Epione, yes, but his face was Adrian’s. It clicked and when Ellie woke up the next morning she would most certainly remember that realization.
In the dream Epione smiled and nodded at Ares before turning and making her way home. She had a husband to distract from whatever book he was surely reading, and that was a mission she couldn’t wait to fulfill.
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