#om cyoa
kitsune-oji · 1 year
-> CYOA - Obey Me
CYOA stands for Choose Your Own Adventure. I will write a story and using polls, you guys can determine the flow of the story/how Mc acts.
Mc will be referred to in second person perspective (you/yours) and I won't use gendered terms or descripe how they look in any way, so that anyone can enjoy this.
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Part 1 -> Part 2 (coming soon)
It's been a long day. Your feet ache and your shoulders are much too tense for your liking. When you open the door to the House of Lamentation and step inside, the silence feels sort of eery.
Deciding that it's just your imagination, you move on. You could really use a bath right now but lying down for a nap sounds good too. Though you'd have to set a timer because you still need to do some homework and it wouldn't do to sleep for too long.
As you ruminate over what to do, you notice that you're a bit hungry but not yet enough for it to be too bothersome.
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princessozera · 2 years
Long, long, explanation made short: I wasn't happy with the original ending, so I've made-
(Choose your own adventure)
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⚠⚠⚠ WARNING!!: The following chapters contain MC/Reader death, major character deaths, mentions of mutilation, blood, and torture.
GN! MC (They/them, 3rd ppov for entire CYOA)
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The sound of the heart monitor pounded into MC’s skull, but the throbbing headache was nothing compared to how their skin pulled taut from their muscles, like an overcooked sausage breaking out of its casing. MC groaned and the room came to life with a buzzing, consistent and low. As MC's hearing comes into focus, they recognize the noise as their name spoken in hushed whispers between gentle hand squeezing and cautious touches.
“Where does it hurt MC?"
“Get the doctor back in here!”
“MC look at me, open your eyes-”
“MC you’re awake!”
“MC squeeze my hand-”
MC takes a few deep breaths to steady themselves before opening their eyes, pulling on the closest arm to help them to sit up. When they can finally see straight, they’re met with 7 familiar faces, all with some degree of concern- despite their best efforts to hide it. The brothers stared back, as if waiting for MC to collapse on the spot again. When none of them said anything else, MC gave a half hearted smile and said, “well, I guess I’m not dead yet.”
Complaints fill the room as Asmo slaps MC's arm (“don’t even joke about it!”) and Satan starts reading them their patient files, “you have heavy bruising, a cracked skull, but miraculously, no concussion.”
They kept talking over each other, trying to get MC’s attention and assess their well-being for themselves, when an oppressive aura killed all noise in the room. Everyone turns to see Barbatos looming in the doorway, hand to chest and an unwavering cold smile.
“MC. You’re awake.” Barbatos gave no false well wishes, and simply ignored the brothers as they tried to bar his line of sight to MC. “Lord Diavolo has requested your presence at the RAD student council room at noon today. You know how he hates tardiness, so plan accordingly.” He leaves with no fanfare but the room was still silent for a few minutes later, the overbearing presence lingering in the air.
“It’s nice to know I get a trial, unfair as it’ll be, before I’m executed.” MC’s sigh breaks the tension in the room and it erupts into chaos again.
"No one's going to kill you-"
"It's not really a trial-"
"We won't let them-"
“You don’t have to-” Levi bites his tongue, but the thought escapes. It stills the room-hope and unease. Levi pales, and it isn't lost on anyone that Barbatos might show up and smite them on the spot for mutiny.
Asmo glares at Levi before walking over and slamming the door shut, even knowing it wouldn't do anything to keep Barbatos from hearing. “You’re talking about going directly against Lord Diavolo, if we’re caught helping MC he won’t hesitate to kill them in front of us before doing us in.”
“So you’re saying MC isn’t worth it?” Mammon straightens up, dark aura flaring with his anger. “We’re demons, anything he does to us we can come back from after a few thousand years, if MC dies it’s over.”
“Remember when you tried to ‘kidnap’ MC when Lord Diavolo was going to send them back home? It’s not just extra paperwork or chores you’ll go through, and MC will get the worst of the punishment.” Lucifer hates the words as he says them, but in all of his years working under Diavolo, he hasn’t seen the full extent of the prince's powers, and he doesn’t want MC to be the person they’re used on. Running and being captured would be a fate worse than death- he had to choose who to save. “ Lord Diavolo is reasonable, MC. You won’t be killed just for this… misunderstanding.”
“We all saw how Barbatos was just now!” Satan grabs MC’s arm from across the bed and yanks them closer to him, away from Lucifer. “He looked ready to kill MC here and now. No matter what happens, this is going to end in a fight.”
'Fight' causes another wave of anger and mistrust to go around- Satan and Belphegor openly glaring at Lucifer while Asmo, Levi and Mammon side-eyed Beel. 
"You shouldn't risk yourselves for me, if you leave now you can have plausible deniability. I’ll just sneak out through-" MC wiggled, struggling to swing their legs out of bed, but Levi and Beel gently pushed them back down. 
“You’re clearly struggling to move, if you’re running, you’ll need our help.” Levi pressed a finger into MC’s leg, hard. Although they winced, they couldn’t easily move away from his grasp. Point taken.
“We don’t KNOW you’re going to d-. It’s not for sure what Lord Diavolo will do, but,” Asmo trails off, Lucifer’s words sounding much less convincing coming from his mouth. 
“I am the one who started the fight; human or not, I am the RAD student that knowingly, willingly, challenged Lord Diavolo. At the very least, shouldn’t this be my choice as well?” MC waited while the brothers thought it over, and one by one they turned to MC.
“So, what do you want to do?”
Go to the Meeting
Run Away
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wordslefthanging · 2 years
"Take a swing at me and we'll see if it's true," MC challenges Diavolo, but this was all starting to feel a bit ridiculous to them. What spell could they even use to beat the prince of hell? Summon a puddle of water and get him to slip?
Diavolo glares down at MC, but MC doesn't waver, glaring right back at him. Neither took another step forward, waiting for the other to strike first so they could claim self defense. Diavolo cracks first, giving a short chuckle.
"If I were to kill you right now, Lucifer might come in and try to kill me." Diavolo comments with a side glance at the door. "Although I should be more concerned about Beelzebub getting the drop on me."
"If I so much as scratch you, Barbatos is going to hang me like a flag on top of RAD." MC grimaces at the thought- they'd be lucky to already be dead by the time Barbatos strings them up. "I hope you know I'm not going to make it easy for you to kill me."
"I never said I wanted to kill you MC."
"Cracking my skull REALLY doesn't feel like friendly banter."
"And attacking me in my home does?"
"I-I," MC catches themself right before they can cuss him out. "Don't twist the events. I came to your house outside of my responsibilities to the program. I offered you my time and knowledge because you wanted to learn about the human realm. I opened up to you- as a friend- and you mocked me!"
"I didn't mock you," Diavolo protests, but Mc doesn't let him get far.
"You laughed in my face, treated me like a child because of something that you didn't understand!" MC doesn't shout, but their agitation is clear to Diavolo. "Maybe I did over react, but you're not off the hook either."
"MC, I didn't mean to belittle you," Diavolo takes MC's words to heart, running through the fight again in his head. "I certainly didn't mean to crack your head open, but I still think an apology is in order.
"It's hard to believe we're speaking the same language." MC shakes their head with a heavy sigh. " Both insulted and expecting an apology, but neither wanting to give one."
"I'll apologize-"
"Oh would you?" MC scoffs. "Would you apologize to me as Diavolo, or as the prince? Am I another bullshit formality for you?"
"I'm sorry I overreacted. Lord Diavolo, I am sorry that I attacked you in your own home." MC's words are genuine, but Diavolo notices they're still upset. "Exactly what kind of relationship do you hope to build with the human realm if you turn your nose up at issues just because you don't think they're serious enough?"
The prince stands there for a moment, turning MC's words over in his head. Was the attack childish? Yes. Would any other royal have killed MC on the spot for their actions? Probably. But 'not killing someone' isn't good diplomacy. Diavolo thinks back to all of the times MC's had to adapt to the ways of the Devildom, how many events they were clearly uncomfortable in , but had stayed because he had asked them to learn their culture. While he couldn't remember what MC was talking about before the fight, he won't forget the way their face lit up and the joy they radiated talking about it. He wanted to see that joy again.
After decades of fake smiles and shallow friendships, Diavolo can't tell when he's being disingenuous. Where others would beg for forgiveness, MC stood their ground and called him out for his behavior and even acknowledged their own fault in the problem. They'd even extended the first olive branch.
As a friend, the prince, and head of the exchange program, Diavolo has failed his first test.
Diavolo comes up to the podium, extending a hand to MC. "I guess we both still have communication barriers to work through. It wasn't my intention to dismiss you, and I never wanted to talk down to you, but it's going to take me some time to see your point of view."
"So," MC shakes his hand, although still a bit dissatisfied with his answer. "Prince Diavolo, will the exchange program lose one of its students today?"
"No, I don't think it will."
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stayforthemeeting · 2 years
It's not worth it, I don't want to watch them get hurt. What was this fight even about?
"I'm sorry."
Diavolo stops, looking back up to MC, but doesn't say anything. Clearly, MC would have to take the lead here so they bow their head in his direction.
"Lord Diavolo, I am sorry for my behavior the other day." There is an edge of bitterness to their tone, but the words are amicable enough. "I acted in a manner unbecoming of an exchange student and as the human realm representative."
Diavolo scoffs and MC's nails drag against the wood, stopping right before they ball into fists.
"I mean I wasn't the only one being an ass about it but-" a quick little cough to cover up their stumble. "Ah- I started the argument, so for the sake of the exchange program, I'm willing to put this behind us."
"Is that it? You're sorry, representative?" Diavolo drags out the word, MC's self appointed title that hasn't been used since they made it up 6 months ago. He couldn't remember what exactly started this fight, or even cared that they attacked him, but MC's words stung. He thought they'd gotten closer over this past year- they'd gone on vacations together, celebrated birthdays and new years together! If he was being honest with himself, he cared more about their friendship than its benefits to the exchange program. He thought they were friends, but no.
MC wasn't doing this for him, and even if it didn't hurt him, they didn't regret hitting a friend. Their apology was purely on a professional level. Whatever apology Diavolo was going to give died on his lips, and when MC didn't say anything else he made up his mind.
"Well I forgive you, for the sake of the exchange program," Diavolo walks forward, and the brothers parted for him, not sensing any more hostile energy. Diavolo walks up the podium, the feeling of being watched and judged from every angle all too familiar. Another peace treaty, another forced smile, another fake friend. After all these years, what's one more? He extends his hand and MC takes it. A quick shake but neither wants to let go first. They stare each other down until Asmo pops up next to MC, and Barbatos next to Diavolo.
"As generous as always Lord Diavolo!" Asmo's voice was pitched just a bit too high, straining to sound normal. "I remember when this one witch that summoned me-." Asmo subtly pushes MC away, trying to keep Diavolo's full attention on himself. Mammon and Leviathan took a clue from the younger brother and staged a fake argument they'd been practicing for their "tweedle-demon and tweedle-dumon" routine. Beel and Belphegor transform out of their demon forms and take a seat at the council table, sitting MC between them, with Beel closest to Diavolo and Barbatos. Lucifer stood by Diavolo's side the entire time, while Satan pulled Barbatos away for a conver
MC is unsure how long they stay in this heavily staged normalcy, but the second that the others decide that Lord Diavolo has given an unspoken dismissal, MC is whisked out of the council room. The next few weeks remind MC of the beginning of the exchange program again. One brother is with MC at all times, and they're under strict orders from Lucifer to always be in public view and avoid 1-on-1 meetings with anyone.
The remainder of the exchange program is tense to say the least. Diavolo doesn't visit the house of lamentation anymore, and MC only attended the most important (and mandatory) events, as the human representative should. Diavolo makes himself scarce when MC helps the student council prepare and run programs, and while MC used to sit in on meetings so they could be escorted home safely, they now took their chances walking home alone or sitting in a nearby empty classroom instead. MC was on their best behavior, succeeded academically and always cordial, but things never got better.
A handful of times one or the other tried to mend the relationship. Diavolo asked MC to be his special guest at his birthday celebration. MC invited him to Asmo's sleepovers and to their home in the human realm on a few occasions, but it never worked out. Even if both MC and Diavolo were willing to make an effort, the brothers' distrust never went away. MC has had more near-death misses than they cared to think about, and they didn't think Barbatos would spar MC again. The two were never left alone, 2 brothers with them at all times, so they were never able to have deep conversations like before.
After the exchange program, MC isn't invited back to the Devildom. Any time they go, they're brought by Solomon or teleport themselves directly to the house of lamentation. MC doesn't bother to make their return known at school or to the prince, the only reason Diavolo knows MC was in the Devildom after the fact is because the citizens started a trend of spotting MC and posting #AWildMCHasAppeared on devitwitter. Diavolo still followed them on Devilgram and watched them post pictures with the brothers, Simeon, Solomon, Luke, and even after a few months, Barbatos too.
The next year of exchange students arrived, and then the next. Every year MC came back as an advisor to help the newcomers transition to life in the Devildom. Their discussions were polite, no resentment lingering, but they were never able to return to what they once had.
MC was just another person that Diavolo had to associate with as the prince.
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fightdiavolo · 2 years
"Attacking me when you lose your temper? How noble of you, my lord."
MC jumps back from the podium as Diavolo takes a swing at it and then dives under one of the tables in the middle of the room. They crawl as fast as they can to the door, already hearing banging from the other side. Diavolo takes his time in chasing MC, making a show of throwing each table so hard against the far wall that it breaks into splinters. He didn't worry about the brothers breaking in through the wall or doors, his magic made them impenetrable.
MC realized this as well; if they wanted protection they would need to get to the other side of the door, or bring the brothers in. MC knows they can't out run Diavolo, and with the way he was stalking towards them right now, it is not far fetched to believe that he would kill them only a foot away from salvation.
"DENIZENS OF DARKNESS, HEED MY CALL!" A desperate hail Mary, MC focuses all of their energy to summon any brother. Diavolo lunges for them but gets pinned to the ground as two bodies tackle him. Be it the angel blood or from studying under Solomon, MC had managed to summon all of the brothers into the room and bypassed Diavolo's magic entirely.
Diavolo roared, Levi joining Mammon and Beel on top of Diavolo to try and keep him still.
"GET OUT OF HERE, GO!" Mammon yells back to MC, Satan already grabbing them by the wrist and hauling them to the door with Belphegor on their flank. Their escape door is flung open and Barbatos stands on the other side, seething and already in his demon form. From just beyond the door frame, MC could make out Asmo and Solomon slumped on the ground, bright red spots coloring the walls behind them. Belphegor runs ahead to hit Barbatos, but he gets pulled to the ground by pale teal chains that shoot up from the floor. Belphegor is immobilized, leaving Satan to push MC towards the door and try to take on Barbatos.
Fighting Satan takes a good bit of his concentration, but Barbatos is still able to chain down Mammon and Beelzebub, the fastest and the strongest. With them removed, Diavolo made quick work of throwing Leviathan off of him and out one of the windows to the courtyard below. He closes in on MC with such a speed that the wind catching up is enough for MC to fall over .As Diavolo reached for them instinct took over and MC closed their eyes.
When the crushing blow didn't come a second later, MC opened their eyes and saw Lucifer holding back Diavolo, both struggling to push the other back. MC's look of surprise was met with an equal look of horror from Diavolo. With the pacts, MC had willed for someone to come and defend them, Lucifer's body moved before he had even decided the best way to protect MC.
With the pacts, MC had forced Lucifer's hand and shown that his loyalty to MC was stronger than his loyalty to Diavolo.
"I'm sorry," MC's voice isn't much more than a whisper as they scramble to their feet and run to the door. But Barbatos had managed to subdue Satan and block Leviathan from entering the room again. Now that they were actually in the chains, keeping the brothers trapped was child's play. With a stern nod from Diavolo, Barbatos drew out a circle of flames and pulled out a thick, leather bound book.
MC stopped when they heard Lucifer's gasp, they turn around to see what had happened only to find themselves lifted off the ground. MC is too surprised to fight back, hanging limp in Lucifer's grip as he continues to squeeze the life out of them. His lips were shut in a thin straight line, but Lucifer's eyes teared up and he was making a visible effort to pull himself away from MC. MC tried to summon the same panic from before- it had brought the brothers to them, so they hoped it could push them away. A few precious seconds wasted, Lucifer hadn't moved and now the edges of MC's vision were starting to grow dark.
"This may be more advanced than your classes, but did you know that having a demon's grimoire gives you full control over them?" Diavolo holds the book open, running a finger over the lines as he reads. "They're dangerous things because above all else, a grimoire can even break rules and commands established by a pact."
MC can't hear the others screaming at Lucifer to stop, to drop MC, to do anything at all. They couldn't hear the scrape of metal on concrete or feel when water touched their feet and quickly rose up to their waist. All they could care about in that moment was the look in Lucifer's eyes- even flooding hadn't gotten him to release his grip. It was too late now, and they could both tell.
"I'm so-rry," MC hopes Lucifer can hear them, but doesn't get long to worry about it. While Barbatos removes a wall to clear out the water, Diavolo makes sure that Lucifer holds onto MC until their body is cold and lungs filled with water- just to be sure.
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gowithsatan · 2 years
[Hide in R.A.D library]
"There's thousands of books, and so many original copies. Hiding in plain sight... its a risk, but I think it's worth it." MC checks their phone, "And you're going to run late if you don't leave soon. Goodbye Satan."
"Bye MC, I'll see you soon." A quick chant in latin made the circle glow orange, leaving only the book on the floor. Satan tucks it into his jacket and runs across town to the school, the bell tower letting him know that he had 10 minutes to make it to the council room.
Being the weekend, RAD is mostly empty except for a few of the staff lingering around. Satan doesn't run into anyone as he sneaks into the library , and it only takes him a few seconds to hide MC deep in the most uninteresting section of the library. He jumps and slides the book across the top of the shelf, if anyone saw him reach for it later he could claim to be on library duty and dusting the shelves. Without a minute to spare, he catches his brothers as they file into the student council room and responds to every question from Diavolo with lies.
MC knows the book must have been found and correctly shelved when Satan doesn't come to visit them. It doesn't bother them too much, the book's setting is cute and as long as they're in the same area as the main characters, MC never runs out of food or a safe place to wake up in.
Satan comes back after fifteen days and apologizes to MC profusely, their book had entered the library catalogs but he'd make sure that they wouldn't be taken out of the library. As a surprise, he asks MC to wait and hops out of the book, only to be replaced by Mammon instead.
"THE LIBRARY? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Mammon tackles MC into a hug, "You've got some nerve to be testing Barbatos like that, but I'm glad you're alright." He doesn't let go of MC for the rest of the time he's in the book , avoiding questions about the new scars across his chest, and telling them about all the places he's going to take them once this all blows over.
The same scene plays out 5 more times, with each brother coming in to check on MC. Some were hiding bandages, other bruises, or like Satan- new scars. They don't tell MC much about the outside world. Yes, Diavolo is still mad. No, he didn't hurt them too bad. Yes, Luke and Simeon asked about them. No, Solomon hadn't taken MC's stuff out of their room yet. All too soon they each have to hug MC goodbye, but they all promise to get Diavolo to see reason and pull MC back into the real world in no time.
MC is grateful for their "unconsciousness", they know it'll only feel like a handful of days before they're walking the streets of the Devildom again, so for now they strolled along garden paths and did every weird thing they could think of in the book- it would all be reset once a new "day" started, so what was the harm in some fun?
The brothers kept their promise and visited MC often. MC even joked that Barbatos would grow suspicious of Beel reading so many romance novels and Belphie not falling asleep in the library. Every day felt like a dream- no school, no work, and no petty death threats! But as lovely as this extended vacation was, there was a shift in the air.
MC isn't sure what tipped them off, maybe the stubble on Mammon's chin when he kissed them on the forehead? Or the way that Levi's voice seemed deeper every time he came to tell them about a new video game release. Lucifer's tips were no longer grey, at this point it had to be at least half of his hair. The more MC looked, the more clearly it showed, they were all aging much faster than before. No one talked about pulling MC out anymore, and dodged the question when MC asked first.
"Satan, how long have I been in here?"
"Don't worry about it MC," But when Satan smiles at them, MC notices the crows feet that have carved themselves near his eyes. It's only a few weeks later that MC notices Satan's first grey hairs have grown in. They stop asking to leave the book, and Satan never makes false promises that "it'll only be a few more days." Instead they enjoy their time together while they can, with the truth dangling over their heads like a guillotine.
Even if MC came out now, there was no place left for them in the human realm.
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gowithasmo · 2 years
6 degrees of everything
"I trust you Asmodeus. And if you think they can protect me, please, send me with your friends." MC sounds more confident than they feel, but Asmo is great at reading people. If he believes that his followers would be more loyal to him than Diavolo, MC was willing to to take that chance. Maybe if they heard what happened, MC would have a few more people on their side.
Asmo wastes no time in sending out a message to his circles. He passes a duffle bag to MC and they shuffle around as fast as they can to prepare their go bag.
It takes longer than he'd like, but his event planner background comes in handy as Asmo coordinates 20 of his friends to house MC for the foreseeable future. Like divorced parents planning visitation, MC would be with this first friend for a week, then with the next friend for another week. Every 2 weeks, a random friend would be in charge of MC's safety for the weekend, just to throw off anyone that might be tracking MC's movements.
Elaborate? Yes.
Convoluted? Most definitley.
Safe? ... As safe as it can be.
Asmo and MC take dark alleyways and winding corners to meet the first friend MC would be staying with, head turned down and jacket collars popped up. While they wait for his friend he picks at their outfit, trying to smooth out non-existent wrinkles and push back any fly away hairs.
"You don't have to worry about being on good behavior or always looking your best, they know better than to mess with you." Asmo's sure of it, that's why his list of 150 loyal followers had been whittled down to 20. They had to keep MC safe, keep it secret, and not do more psychological damage than Diavolo could have done physically.
"Between death and high school level bullying, I think I'll take death," MC nudges Asmo, an attempt to calm their nerves. Asmo gives them a quick rundown of each of his friends and what to expect, how to stay on their good side, and the best makeup adjustments to hide their features if they had to leave the house which was an extreme last resort. They weren't waiting around for too long before Asmo's friends showed up- a lolita necromancer and a succubus who was a teaching assistant at RAD. They brought another large coat and hat for MC to switch into, and once they were ready Asmo and the succubus left in one direction with the necromancer leading MC the opposite direction.
The necromancer rushes MC home and starts asking about their injuries. Asmo had told all of the people involved that Diavolo had attacked MC, but not the reason why. Not that it matters, as a nurse her first priority was to make sure MC was healthy. As Asmo's friend, her second priority is to keep MC safe for the time being.
"If you were any worse off, I think I'd rather kill you and do a full revive," the necromancer laughs. "It would take half the magic and a third of the time." MC's too nervous to ease up just yet, but feeling the soreness leave and the bruises fade to a pale yellow did a lot to improve their mood.
It's been a week since MC arrived at Jenit's -the necromancer- house, and they were getting ready to be handed off to the next friend. MC was washing the rest of their clothes and Jenit was cooking a few meals for them to take.
The first 3 days had been stormy, hail so large that the roof had been damaged and started to leak. Other than that, the days had been uneventful and MC has enjoyed getting to know Asmo's friend. They were nervous to start again, but excited to get some fresh air. MC hadn't been allowed to open the window the entire week- just in case someone might spot them and report to Lord Diavolo.
There's a knock on the door at 3 pm right on the dot- Asmo's friends are surprisingly punctual. Jenit goes downstairs to open the door and MC continues to fold their clothes- until a vase is smashed onto the floor.
"Oh my!" Jenit's voice warbled, high pitch carrying up the stairs. "My liege, to what do I owe the pleasure?" MC stops and drops into a crouch, trying to hear through the floorboards.
"Invite you in? Could we speak outside, I wouldn't want the low ceiling to bother you. Not to mention my home isn't very presentable at the moment, I'm conducting an experiment-"Jenit's stops mid sentence and MC strains to hear more.
"That makes forty-nine. You'll have the honor of being number fifty." Diavolo stands in the doorway, blocking MC in, sleeves rolled up and hands covered in a dark purple goo. He watches with indifference as MC runs to the only other exit in the room- a window. "Asmodeus is such a popular figure, I really thought we'd have to go through every citizen in the Devildom to find you. It's really a great thing that Asmodeus only follows back about a hundred people, I wouldn't want to end this school year with only thirty students."
MC prys at the window and when it won't budge, tries to break it with their fist. They see Asmo, Mammon and Satan just beyond the wrought iron fence, on the street below them, Barbatos holding them all chained in a crouch. Their yelling is muffled through the glass, and before MC figures out their next move they are being pressed up against the window.
"I thought Mammon might have snuck you out at first, or perhaps Satan." Diavolo's grip on MC's shoulder pushed them forward, smashing their face against the glass. "But they don't have the influence that Asmodeus does. And of course, only one of them was late to the meeting last week."
It was faster than expected, MC had lost nights of sleep to the thought of drawn out pain and medieval torture chambers. Instead, Diavolo broke the window with MC's face and threw them full force out of the window- straight on to the spiked fence. MC landed across 5 spikes- through their hand, arm, chest, stomach and leg. Half of their body flopped to the side, forcing MC to face the street. The brothers fought against their chains, watching MC's pathetic struggle to lift themselves off the spikes. It isn't long before MC loses their strength, letting their muscles tear and pull as the spikes pinned them to the fence. Diavolo walks out of the house, watching MC's feeble last moments with distaste.
MC leaves with a whisper, the brothers growing quiet in the final moments when they finally accept that their efforts are useless. There is no time to mourn in the present as Diavolo walks up to them and lifts Asmodeus out the chains, holding him by the scruff of his neck a good 3 feet off the ground.
"Now what shall we do with you?"
985,499 days
23 hours
and 50 minutes.
Lucifer had been counting down the minutes, making sure to be awake early on this day in case Lord Diavolo happened to "forget". He arrived on the doorsteps of the castle with 10 minutes to spare. He would have arrived earlier in the day but it had taken 2 hours to convince the rest of his brothers that he should go to the castle alone. They had no way of knowing what state Asmo would be in when he came out and they didn't want to overwhelm him. It brought him some comfort to know that they had an entire medical team waiting for Asmo back at the house of lamentation, but every worse case scenario was running through Lucifer's head. The door opened to reveal Barbatos, as calm as ever.
"Good afternoon Lucifer. The young master isn't expecting you, do you have some business with me?" Lucifer could strangle Barbatos in this moment, wanting to wipe that smug grin off his face.
"I'm here to pick up Asmodeus," Lucifer says through grit teeth. "I hope he hasn't caused you too much trouble." Of all the years he's had to play the respectable bureaucrat, this was the most irritating situation he's been in. Barbatos allows him in and leads Lucifer through endless dark and winding hallways.
Barbatos walked at an infuriatingly leisurely pace- Lucifer would have dragged him along by the ankle if he knew where Asmo was being kept. He expected to go further down in the castle, maybe the dungeons or the labyrinth where Henry #1 lived. Instead, Barbatos stopped in front of a small wooden door at the end of a hallway with Barbatos' sealing magic locking the door. He undid the seal and stepped back, letting Lucifer open the door himself.
"Hello? Who's there?" a raspy voice called out. Lucifer can't respond, taking in the scene around him. The room was pitch black, with a circle of bright white light in the center, rings of wood and webs surrounding the light. There's a crunch underfoot as Lucifer steps closer- glass. The rings around the light were hundreds of mirrors, now shattered to little more than dust and dried blood on splinters. The webs were strings, only the smallest of mirror shards still clung to the rope. And curling out of a little ball from the middle, was Asmodeus.
Lucifer kneels down to his brother who tries to pull away, too weak to even whine. Lucifer took his gloves off and was as gentle as he could be, pushing the long matted strands away from Asmo's face. Asmo's hands came up to stop his wrists- nails chewed to nubs, glass remained under healed scabs. But Lucifer couldn't look away from Asmo's face.
Papery and gaunt, Asmo's cheeks were hollow and Lucifer would swear he could see bone under the skin. Lucifer ran his fingers over the dried streams of blood on Asmo's cheeks, leading right up to where his eyes should be. "Asmodeus?"
"Lucifer, is that you?" When Asmo realizes he's not in danger, he shakes so hard that he falls into Lucifer's arms. "Can I come home now?"
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gowithlevi · 2 years
[Hide in the Devildom]
Levi agrees, giving MC a hug before logging out of the game. He runs deep into the western forest, using his heightened sight instead of his phone light to navigate the darkness. The entrance to the cave is lower than he remembers, but Levi had no problem finding the cave that used to hold ancient treasure. He clears the shelf of pebbles and a fire newt before placing the case down, setting up a few more enchantments to keep it from getting water damage or getting taken away by curious animals. Levi makes it to RAD in the nick of time, meeting up with his brothers before walking into the meeting room.
With 1 injustice turned into 2, Diavolo wrecked the Devildom in the following days. He turned the town upside down looking for MC, leaving the brothers' punishments for treason to Barbatos. Even after 4 days of personalized interrogation, no one confessed to knowing where MC was. Diavolo even tried a different tactic, calling in Simeon, Solomon, Luke, and a few of RAD's top students. He fed them a story about MC being kidnapped, the brothers having left to the human world to continue the search. No one questioned his story, but even with their best efforts combined with a few sleepless nights, no one could find MC.
Since Diavolo had no proof that the brothers helped MC escape, he let them go once the angels were back in the celestial realm. Leviathan spent the entire day in the tank in his room, healing. He was already planning his triumphant return for MC and other places he could hide the disk- preferably close to the house since his room had already been searched. What Leviathan hadn't planned for, was being tailed.
Every minute of the day, a little D followed Levi around the Devildom. He tried to stay hidden, but that's a little hard to do in a crowded classroom. When Lucifer confronted all of the Little D's about their stalking, the little d's admitted that they were under Barbatos' direct order to follow the brothers.
Okay, a delay in the plan. Levi was sure he could find a way to lose his Little D in the forest or between classes, he would just have to find somewhere crowded to break his routine and then he can use a stream to swim through the forest. But any time he lost one Little D, another seemed to be just around the corner. Even with his brothers scattered around the Devildom someone was always following Levi.
Then Mammon let himself get caught trying to "steal Levi's wallet". After yelling at his brother some and returning to his room, Levi found out something hadn't been taken- it had been left behind. A crumpled up sticky note with smudged writing.
"I can't find my familiars, but I see Barbatos' spiders everywhere. Don't get comfortable thinking you've outrun them."
And sure enough, now that Levi knew to look out for the thumb sized spiders with a single teal stripe, he was seeing them everywhere. Levi tried to act normal, killing them like he normally would, without extra disgust or anger. He found 4 in his bedroom that week alone.
Familiars and animals, when would they stop? Levi always hated being seen in public, but he reached a new level of paranoia. His ears picked up every whisper, felt every set of eyes rake across his body when they looked his way. He hid in his room more often these days, spending 3 hours a day just cleaning every nook and cranny telling Henry #2 how he was going to walk out there one of these days and save MC. He'd crush every spider in his way, throw each Little D across the Devildom, and kill any person who stood in his way.
He was the general of Hell's navy. He was the Lord of Shadows who had conquered beasts and slayed dragons. He was a loyal friend to Henry and would come rescue him in due time- heroes are always a little bit late after all.
He would build up the courage and go tomorrow.
It seems that "tomorrow" never came, for the CD sat gathering dust and cobwebs, destined to one day be buried under debris as the cave fell under the weight of its own stone walls.
The air is chilly as mist rises around MC. They pull their legs up and hold their jacket tighter, the chirping of birds breaking the silence and welcoming in the rising sun. MC watched the sun crawl up the sky for an hour and once it cleared the highest mountain peak, they stood up. MC brushes the dew off their clothes, making sure to grab their sword and backpack off the ground before heading down the hill. On their way down, they spot the remains of the house they built with Leviathan. It's little more than charred wood and stone flooring after the fire that had destroyed the forest 3 full moons ago.
Maybe it was for the best. MC had filled every paper in that house with tally marks, counting the days until Levi returned. Even the can labels and walls had tally marks on them before the house burned down.
This grass is green and animals have spawned again since the fire, but food and water wasn't the issue. MC had lost count of how many days they've lived here, and somewhere along the way, they'd lost hope of seeing Levi again.
"He'll show up tomorrow," they lied. "Just wait it out. He'll be scared if you aren't here." Tomorrow came, but it never brought Levi. Even with no one to hear them, MC continued to lie.
"You'll grow roots and turn into a mushroom, just sitting here," travelers would warn. It wasn't malicious, but out of concern. Trading caravans stopped at the base just to do business with MC, and after the house burned down, offered to give them a ride into town. Adventurers would share stories and hearty laughs over MC's table, begging for MC to join them even if just for the week. MC turned down every offer, and after a while most stopped asking.
MC reached the bottom of the hill and looked at the path that extended for miles in both directions. They couldn't wait for Levi forever. Even in games, time moved forward and MC became sick at the idea of sitting on a hill top, and watching the sun walk across the sky every day- slowly growing old and dying, waiting for someone who may never come.
Levi was a great gamer. If, or when, he returns he can come looking for them. It shouldn't be too hard for him.
MC weighs their options, and with nothing to lose chooses the prettier of the two paths, heading off to the first adventure of their new life.
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(original link to the drawing)
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Run with Mammon
"Staying in the human realm probably gives me my best shot at survival- fighting on home turf you know? Let's go Mammon," MC gets out of bed with Mammon's help. Before they can worry too much about how long it'll take to heal, Satan comes up to them and traces runes into their palm, muttering an indecipherable chant. MC regains most of their movement, the only pain left over is a deep soreness- like waking up the day after training with Beel.
"There's only an hour until we're expected in the council room. We might be able to distract Diavolo for a bit, but it won't buy you more than a minute or two," Lucifer says. "We're going to make ourselves as visible as possible in the town."
Mammon hands his jacket and sunglasses over to Asmo who quickly adjusts his hair to white and with some shoe inserts reaches Mammon's height. Asmo's frame was still too slim, skin too pale, but walking in Beel's shadow might confuse a few people long enough to cause doubt. Satan and Lucifer quickly write down the names and numbers of a few witches they know to be reliable, in case anything should go wrong with the witches that MC ends up with. Satan gives MC a strong pat on the back as a last encouragement, the other brothers giving a quick hug or peck on the cheek before heading out.
Mammon sweeps MC up, ignoring their protests, and wastes no time in bringing them back to the house of lamentation. He brings them straight to his room, dropping them on the bed unceremoniously. In the 20 seconds it takes MC to sit up and get out of bed , Mammon has already tossed a duffle bag onto the bed and started throwing in most of his human credit cards and some of his jewelry.
"At least some of those should work, and if they don't you can pawn off the jewelry," Mammon's voice sounds a bit muffled with the way he rushes around the room. "I'll tell 'em to just bill me for anything they buy for you, but in case you need to leave them too, you should always have some money." Mammon tosses another 3 bags onto the bed.
"I need to make the calls, I'll be back in a minute. If you need something just grab it from the rooms-" Mammon steps out into the hall , leaving MC alone in his room. They look through the duffle bag again, completely filled with gold chains, a stack of debit cards, and a few of Mammon's own t shirts, as if for a second he forgot he couldn't stay with them. MC picks up the bag, and almost topples backwards from the weight. They don't know if their unsteady knees are nerves or the bag really being that heavy, but the minutes seem endless and Mammon hasn't returned.
1.) MC packs their own bag
2.) Don't pack a bag
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mamma-mia-mammon · 3 years
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bunny boy unable to drink his tea properly cause of the two kisses he received a few minutes prior, the kisser in question about to go on a rampage
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kitsune-oji · 1 year
-> CYOA - Obey Me
CYOA stands for Choose Your Own Adventure. I will write a story and using polls, you guys can determine the flow of the story/how Mc acts.
Mc will be referred to in second person perspective (you/yours) and I won't use gendered terms or descripe how they look in any way, so that anyone can enjoy this
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Part 1 -> Part 2 -> Part 3 (coming soon)
-> lie down for a small nap in your room
You decide to take a nap. Getting clean or eating could wait until you felt a bit less tired and trying to do your homework now would only turn out to be frustrating.
Before you even reach your room, you put an alarm for one and a half hours later. As much as you wished you could allow yourself more time, it was too late already for you to sleep for too long.
With a sigh, you let your bag fall next to your desk and drag yourself over to your bed. Like a rag doll, you fall onto the mattress and roll yourself in your blanket. Sleep comes to you quickly and your breath evens out until your only movement is the gently rise and fall of your chest.
Your phone rings and the sound of the alarm makes you want to chuck it against the nearest wall. Instead, you take it and turn off the alarm. With heavy eyes and a groggy head, you stretch and yawn. As tired as you felt, you were still more rested than before your nap.
Now, your stomach made itself known clearly. Before you could stand up to go to the kitchen however, an arm wraps around your waist and drags you back onto the bed.
You yelp in surprise, to which the intruder groans in reply. Really, there was only one of the brothers who would have the audacity to crawl into your bed during the day.
A turn of your head to glance at him proved you right. Belphegor had taken you prisoner in your own bed and he wasn't even awake. No, he had caught you in his sleep to use as his stuffie and his grip was much too strong for you to just wiggle out of it.
Your phone is still in reach and you do have the power over him with the pact you two have. There are a few ways you could deal with this...
Taglist: @mcx7demonbros
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okami-zero · 3 years
Nothing demonstrates horni single-mindedness like some Twitter-poll-based CYOA art stories.
And then the Horni all wonder why the fuck they got the Bad End. And the not the ome you could pass off as kind of sexy, either.
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wordslefthanging · 2 years
[Close in and swing]
2. [Activate pacts- enhance your own abilities]
3. [Activate pacts- summon the brothers]
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stayforthemeeting · 2 years
[enter council room]
For being in hell, the air was downright icy as MC walked into the council room. They did a quick head bow at the entrance, but took their time walking to the podium in the center of the room, in front of the student council president's chair. They noticed the brothers in their demon forms, lined up between the podium and the council chairs. Barbatos and Lucifer stood lurking behind the president's seat, and Prince Diavolo, standing at his full height, framed by the moonlight streaming in.
MC comes to stand behind the podium, no smart quips or goofy salutations to break the tension. Diavolo stared them down, and MC could feel his human-illusion cracking at the edges, his presence filling the room in a why that threatened to choke MC. While looking off to the side MC caught sight of someone they missed walking in- Solomon, even farther in the shadows than Barbatos. Of course, another human representative would have to bear witness.
The silence stretched in minutes, neither party speaking or attempting to apologize. If they didn't know better, MC would think that Barbatos was manipulating time- distorting MC's perception to make them more anxious. But those kind of intimidation tactics would be silly, right?
What do demons have to fear of 1 human exchange student?
When MC shifted their weight, the brothers in front of the podium shifted with them, clearly forming a wall between MC and the prince. Diavolo's brow furrowed, turning to glare at the brothers instead. He pulls himself away from the president's chair and begins to close the distance between himself and the podium. Lucifer flinches, but stays rooted in place, seemingly not by his own will.
"I- "
Keep Quiet
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fightdiavolo · 2 years
Diavolo leans forward a bit too far- MC recognized he was leaning into a crouch. Diavolo lunges for them, but MC pushes the podium between them and runs in the opposite direction. They throw every chair at Diavolo who tosses it to the side with ease, splintering the wood without effort. MC could tell he was playing this out as a twisted game, Diavolo wasn't using his full speed and clearly letting MC skirt past him to run farther into the room. MC had a plan but they needed a complete five seconds to make it work. They scan the room and find the one thing Diavolo wouldn't break, out of simple pride.
Diavolo watches MC run and hide behind the president's chair, even going so far as to cover themself with the curtains.
"Tsk, tsk. I expected more of a fight from you MC. Where did all your bravado go?" Diavolo lets his shadow grow in front of him and consume MC's crouching figure. "I guess this is the end for- gah!" Diavolo loses his breath as he falls back, MC ramming him straight in the stomach. He instantly knows something is wrong- even with a surprise attack, MC shouldn't have been able to fling him this far back. Diavolo grabs MC's head to pull them off, but MC is able to break his grip and turn his hand back into a painful angle. Diavolo manages to push them off and back away a few steps; now with MC in full view, he's able to see what they'd done.
"I don't think RAD has that in it's curriculum." He laughs, admiring the glow of MC's pacts on their skin.
"What can I say, I have some pretty great teachers." MC stays low in their fighting stance and begins to slowly circle Diavolo.
"Let's see if you've been a worthy student." With far less worry about killing them, Diavolo lets himself move faster, striking MC with enough force to break the pillar they hit. MC is up less than a second later, throwing the large concrete chunks at Diavolo before moving on and trying to break the next pillar.
Diavolo throws a table at MC but they duck under it just in time and runs straight for the prince. MC 's moves are fast, but sloppy, clearly untrained. Diavolo doesn't let up, hitting MC 3 times for every 1 hit they landed. It takes far longer for MC to fall than Diavolo had predicted, but MC's body couldn't channel the strength of the 7 sins forever. Their punches came slower, they weren't as quick to block and Diavolo could soon over power them completely with a headlock that lifted them off the ground.
"You never had a chance."
"I- know-," MC panted, taking a full breath to get a single word out. "But- can't let- you- bully- us. Me. Humans." MC struggles to catch their breath but stops resisting, the pacts marks fading into their skin.
"So this is the strength of the human will."
MC bites their tongue, hoping they wouldn't make any noise when they die. There is no reason to give the brothers anymore pain. But instead of hands around their head, MC is dropped and they crumple to the floor when their knees can't hold their weight. They look up, scared for a second that Diavolo had decided to curb stomp them, but the prince was walking away.
"You've shown me your resolve and loyalty." Diavolo says, stopping in front of the door. "For that, I will let you live another day and let bygones be bygones. If you want to start another fight with me, your death will be of no fault but your own."
With those parting words, Diavolo opens the door. The brothers and Solomon, who were all clearly eavesdropping on the other side, rushed past Diavolo and swarmed MC. They all looked worn out, some with bruises mirroring those on MC. They ignored Diavolo completely, but MC watched him walk out with Barbatos. Solomon gave them a nod before turning to leave as well.
"This is the strength of the human will... and for that you will live another day."
"Thanks Dia," MC mumbles, leaning back into the brother that was holding them and giving no protest when they were whisked back to their hospital room from this morning.
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gowithasmo · 2 years
Mirror mirror in my hand
"I need to keep moving, but it'll be safer if they don't know it's me." MC nods quickly, trying to rationalize the choice to themselves. "Smaller and more easily hidden, you already give your followers gifts all the time so it wouldn't be weird. Put me into the jewelry or whatever you can and then give me to one of them."
Asmo takes a second to rummage through his closet before pulling out a necklace. It's a gold chain with a medium sized ruby pendant adored by a few black gold rose buds. He takes a quick selfie with it, sending the photo to forums with his most dedicated fans. He framed it as an "exclusive raffle" for only the most precious of his followers, the winner to be decided in 20 minutes to see who actually bothered to regularly check his status updates. Within seconds a hundred have joined the raffle so he turns his attention back to MC.
"It's a prototype from Majolish, they wanted to design something off of our demon forms." He explains, clasping the chain around MC's neck. He guides them to the center of the room and continues to explain as he draws the magic circle around MC. "Your consciousness is going to be in the gem itself, so it's okay if the chain accidentally breaks. Being sealed within the gem will obscure your magic, but it also means you can't cast any magic while you're inside. "
"Have you used this before?" MC fiddles with the chain, growing more nervous as Asmo begins to write out symbols they've never seen in class.
"No, not personally. But I've seen Satan cast it and others have cast it for me. It shouldn't be difficult for me." With the circle complete and the spell open on his phone, Asmo weaves his magic with MC's, counting off in his head as each symbol lights up in the correct order. With a soft hiss and a rush of warm air, MC disappears and Asmo catches the necklace before it can hit the ground.
He stares at the gem, a shade darker than before, and gives it a kiss. "MC, can you hear me?"
The gem returns to its former color and a murky image appears. Asmo twists the stone in his hands and when the light hits it just right, MC appears on the top. Their face wavers for a second before MC focuses on Asmo's face. They try to speak, but it comes out warbled, as if they were underwater.
"I'm sorry love I can't hear you, but are you okay? Do you think you can stay in there?" Asmo asks. MC glances around, and although they look a bit unsure, they give him a thumbs up. "Alright, then go back into hiding. We've got to get going."
He watches MC fade from the gem top and the stone go back to the darker shade. Asmo cradles it to his chest for a moment, trying to still his racing heart.
This was insane right? When he spent the night in the hospital yesterday and woke up to bad hair with MC basically comatose next to him, Asmo was sure this day couldn't get worse. And now he was holding their soul in his hand, having to trust their life to another. He kisses the gem, whispering, "I promise to get you back soon."
Asmo cusses when he checks his "exclusive raffle", well over a thousand people have entered at this point. He sorts through the names, looking for a few in particular that he had in mind from the beginning. There- a fire spirit he's known for a few thousand years now, kinder than most, a good fighter, and has helped him in the past. Asmo ends the contest and sends a message to the fire spirit, agreeing to meet them at the edge of the forest so they wouldn't have to walk all the way into town- thankfully he wouldn't have to go past the academy to get to her. They meet up and the exchange happens less than 10 minutes later. Asmo puts on a show for the delivery.
It's an exclusive item only for the most darling of his loyal followers! They can take selfies together but she can't post them, the others can get so jealous you know, and we wouldn't want them to feel un-special just because they weren't lucky this time. Of course she's invited to the next party he throws- bring a friend!
His patience is wearing thin, and Asmo notices he's missed the deadline so with one last kiss on the cheek to seal the deal, he rushes off to the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
The fire spirit is over the moon in joy. She doesn't even pretend to walk, instead floating and cooing over the necklace all the way home. She admired herself in the mirror, already looking for a reason to wear it out when the reason delivered itself to her.
[DUDE! Someone must have seriously screwed up! I haven't seen skies like these since I was in kindergarten! Storm party at Roman's house tonight, I'd better see your sexy self there 😘]
The fire spirit checked outside and her friend was right. The navy blue sky was now a darker red than the gem on her chest, the gales were deafening and it took all of her lower body strength and some invisible hands to be able to shut the door again. This kind of weather meant the demon prince and his butler were distracted so everyone could get rowdier than usual- storm parties are something you NEVER skip out on!
Whatever the prince was pissed about wasn't on her head, so she dolled up to the nines with the necklace as the main attraction. By the time she was done she had to use magic to get to the party, acid rain flooding the streets and would definitely muddy her heels.
The party is every bit the rager she thought it would be- bass drowning out the rain, vices crammed into every room, enough demonus to swim in, and just as planned, everyone ravished her with praise the entire night. All of her friends asked where she got it from, but Asmo's words rang in her head so she lied through her teeth.
"An early release from the brand my boyfriend works at! No I didn't win the raffle, did you? Ohhh, I'm so sorry! Maybe we'll win next time!" All the while feeling superior for having a secret only she and the lovely Asmodeus knew. The party went on well into the morning, every time she thought the demonus was gone and drugs were used up, someone managed to pull out more. When she'd finally had enough, her best friend brought her home and slept off the high with her. When they were both sober, the best friend asked to borrow the necklace- she had a really big date coming up and he wasn't paying enough attention to her. The fire spirit's friend made promises and kissy faces, begging for the necklace so the fire spirit let her borrow it. How could she deny her best friend this?
Months have gone by, so many consecutive storm parties that the Devildom almost stopped functioning altogether. All of its citizens were either high out of their mind or getting bolder, acting out in ways they never could have gotten away with before. Classes at RAD had been suspended for an entire month- while the citizens had been partying, instructors and royals alike weren't seen in the public eye for a while. But the skies had finally cleared, slowly returning to a navy blue, the moon shining bright in the sky again.
After Lord Diavolo had calmed down some, Solomon had defended MC's case for them at great risk for personal injury to himself. It took a solid couple of weeks, but with Barbatos and a handful of powerful witches acting as unbiased mediators, Solomon and Diavolo came to an understanding. MC ran because they felt like their life was in danger, and Diavolo had over reacted. MC can come back and they would both apologize, all could be forgiven.
Asmo could finally conceal his wounds, which is more than he could say for his brothers. But today was finally the day! Asmo was going to get MC back from the fire spirit! He made sure to pack 4 goodie bags of gifts and personal notes that he hand wrote and kissed as an apology for having to take back the necklace. If that wasn't enough he was sure he could find some way to make it up to her- take her to dinner, invite her out for a week- after he'd gotten to spend time with MC of course.
Asmo greets the fire spirit with a big hug, apologizing over and over again for giving her a "defective" gift and taking so long to replace it. He handed over the bags and had to restrain himself from snatching the necklace from her hands. Gold chain with a dark ruby pendant and silver rose buds-
Asmo stops and takes another look at the necklace. Silver rose buds? He turns to the fire spirit and finally gets a good look at her. Her ears were pressed flat against her skull, tail wrapped around one of her legs and she wouldn't meet his eyes.
"What happened?"
The girl burst out into tears, throwing herself against Asmo and apologizing for being the worst person in the Devildom. She doesn't stay there long before Asmo rips her off, slamming her into the closest tree. She claws at his hand, too short to kick him, but Asmo's grip only tightened.
"That's not what I asked. What. Happened. To. My. Necklace?"
Through short- choked - sentences, Asmo finds out that she had lent the necklace to her friend and someone had stolen it off her. He leaves her sobbing on the ground, begging for forgiveness and goes to hunt down the best friend.
It turns out to be useless.
While the girl had gotten a good look at the person that stole the necklace, he'd already traded it to a friend. The friend? Sold it off.
Satan, Mammon, and Asmo were in the middle of checking every pawn shop in the Devildom when they made another unfortunate discovery. The first week of storms had ruined the business cycle of every store in the Devildom and everyone was desperate to make a profit. The necklace based on the prototype that Asmo put MC in had been released a month early, half of the designs with silver rose buds, the other half with black rose buds.
More than a thousand had been sold already.
Asmo racked up millions of dollars of debt within days, buying and taking version of the necklace he could get his hands on- Mammon stealing the ones that people didn't want to sell. Majolish couldn't stop the production fast enough- another 2 thousand sold and even shipped to the human realm franchises. By now, everyone knew that the demon of lust himself was obsessed with this necklace, so replicas began to flood the market as well. No matter how many necklaces Asmo bought, there always seemed to be 10 more he couldn't get his hands on.
After a few hundred odd years the search slowed and then stopped altogether. It was rare to see the demon lords or prince at RAD now. They've all taken up more official positions that kept them busy at all hours of the day. And in the streets, a new local legend passed through the mouths of the students.
A legend about a cursed necklace that would only respond to a spell now lost to time. 'It will grant you a wish!' some would say. 'It'll curse you to fail every exam until you kill someone!' claimed another. But it was just an old wives tale, and even if the necklace was real, the spell had been lost for so long that the necklace would never respond to anyone again.
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