#Ending 13: Diamond Castle
teaberrii · 5 months
Chapter 13: The Archons
You and Dan Heng are a match made in heaven until fate takes him away from you too soon. Years later, you think you moved on with a mutual friend who shared your grief and stuck with you during tough times until you meet a mysterious man with a striking resemblance to your past lover and a hidden motive. You’re determined to get rid of him, but how are you going to get rid of a god?
Dan Feng/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail crossover
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
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A car and cab pull up to a large neighbourhood with tall high-rise apartments with multiple swimming pools, luxury lounges, and gyms. You aren’t surprised, considering Furina’s wealth and status. Soon, you and the dragon gang are behind Signora as she presses a couple of buttons on a call box.
“I’ve been expecting you! Come on in.”
As the gates start opening, Dan Feng notices Zhongli's skeptical look.
“Is something wrong?” Dan Feng asks.
"Oh, it's... It's nothing," is the answer as Zhongli follows Signora inside.
"My sixth sense is telling me otherwise," Bailu says quietly.
You walk past a diamond chandelier in the lobby and politely nod at those at the receptionist's desk. Eventually, you’re standing in front of a tall door that looks identical to the others on the brightly lit floor. As soon as the door opens, you see a short, young woman with fair skin and eyes with different shades of blue.
Everyone turns to Zhongli who looks like he's seen a ghost.
Furina smiles. “Long time no see, old friend.” She opens the door wider. “And of course, my dear Chief Justice.” 
"Old friend?" Bailu asks, looking from Furina to Zhongli. “Do you two know each other?”
“It’s… a long story,” Zhongli says, sighing.
Finally, she looks at you. “Why do I have a feeling we’ve met before?”
“I can assure you we’ve never met,” you say calmly. “But… You knew Dan Heng and his mother.”
“Ah!” Furina’s smile turns nostalgic and sad. “Were you his girlfriend? I remember…” Then, she said your name, and you nod. “He mentioned you.”
“If I may,” Neuvilette says, his arms crossed, his stern gaze never leaving Furina. “You have a lot of explaining to do.”
Furina pushes the door more. “I know, I know. It’s been… What? Centuries? Surely, we’ll need more than one afternoon to catch up.”
“I understand all of you have some kind of history with each other,” Signora says, entering Furina’s insanely large flat. “But, I hope we won’t deviate from our focus.”
“Ah, yes." Furina walks to the kitchen. “Lan and Nanook… Our notorious Aeons, am I correct?”
“Before that,” Neuvilette says, frowning. “I need to know. Why are you here? How are you alive?”
“Now, now, Chief Justice, I know you must be ecstatic to see your old pupil.” Furina grabs some fancy-looking teacups and starts pouring tea from an elegant-looking teapot. “Take a seat, and I’ll tell you about my little adventure.”
You, Dan Feng, and Neuvilette take one couch in the living room while Zhongli, Bailu, and Signora take the other. After putting the tray of cups and biscuits on the glass table, Furina sits in a large, blue armchair where a white cat is sleeping at the top.
“Let’s start with the basics, shall we? My name is Furina. In this world, I’m in the luxury business. But, I was once a lawyer”—she looks at Neuvilette—”studying under the great Mr. Chief Justice.”
Neuvilette frowns. “But that was centuries ago.”
Furina picks up her teacup and smiles at him. “I’ve been around much longer than you think.”
“Longer than Lan and Nanook?” Signora asks.
Bailu frowns. “How? With magic?" 
“She was once a god." Furina smiles. Bailu looks from Zhongli to Furina and back to Zhongli until he says, “Before the Castle of Dragons… Before any of the gods existed, there were the Archons, the original gods who created life.”
“The Archons…”
Dan Feng looks at you. “Do you know something about them?”
“There’s a lot of folklore surrounding them. My parents used to tell me stories of them when I was a kid…” You look at Zhongli. “But those were just stories… You’re saying they really existed?”
Furina chuckles. “You’re looking at one of them.”
“Is that true?” Dan Feng asks Zhongli with obvious surprise. “You... You kept this a secret from us this whole time?”
“There was never a reason to bring it up.”
Bailu scoffs. “Yeah, I guess just randomly dropping the fact that you’re one of the original gods who created life is too much for us to bear.” She slaps his leg. “How dare you!”
Neuvilette sighs. “This is what happens when we don't talk about our pasts.”
“That’s ‘cause we want to stay away from all the gloom and doom!” Bailu says. “Heck, if I were one of the original Archons, I’d flaunt it.”
“No, you wouldn’t,” Neuvilette deadpans.
“It sounds like something happened to them,” you say, taking a biscuit. “I mean…" You look at the dragon gang. "You're gods. If none of you knew Zhongli and Furina were Archons, what happened to them?”
“You catch on fast,” Furina says, leaning forward with curiosity in her eyes. “You’re supposed to be human, right? Sounds like you know quite a bit."
Signora has one leg crossed over the other. “Well? Don’t keep us in the dark.” She looks at Zhongli. “Is she right?”
“There was what was known as the Archon War,” Zhongli says, after a pause. “There wasn’t just a few of us. There was an Archon for every aspect of life. Some created terrain such as mountains and another made the seven seas. But, when it came time to decide on a ruling party, a consensus couldn’t be reached.”
A gavel hitting the block echoed throughout the large courtroom but failed to silence the overlapping conversations completely.
“We agreed upon a democratic vote,” a woman with long, dark violet hair said calmly, but her patience was wearing thin. “All of us should respect the result.”
Someone scoffed. “Respect a result where it’s skewed?” They glared at her. “You may have won, but the combined votes of the opposition clearly show they do not want you in power, Ei.”
“Please stop fighting,” a man said. “This will get us nowhere.”
Another stood up. “Screw the votes. Why are we deciding amongst ourselves? We should let the people, those we preside over, decide who should rule. We're doing this for their future, are we not? Whoever we decide on bears the responsibility of paving humanity's future."
“That is absurd! Do humans have the knowledge or common sense to decide on a proper ruling party? They are prone to bias and rely on feelings.”
As a war of words broke out, a man in a brown and white cloak watched from the sidelines before making eye contact with another who was also watching in silence: a slim, young woman with long white hair and light blue streaks.
“Instead of solving our conflict rationally, a war broke out to determine the strongest of us all,” Zhongli continues, picking up his tea. “And it wasn’t just us who suffered. Because of our actions, we also caused great grief to the humans. Crops failed to grow due to absurd weather, night and day became indistinguishable, and many natural disasters shouldn’t have happened.”
“Many died in that war,” Dan Feng says, “and only seven survived. Am I right?”
“I should have known you would know something about it.”
“I’ve read about it. But while there were details of the Archon War, there wasn’t a lot on the Archons themselves.”
“Well, you’re right. Only seven survived, but we didn’t escape unharmed.”
“We were much too weak,” Furina says, putting her teacup down and picking up a biscuit. “If we didn’t do something, we would cease to exist as we couldn’t carry out our duties as gods anymore. Those who survived still wanted to live… so, we used the last of our strength to split ourselves apart.”
“Wait a minute…” Bailu narrows her eyes. “Are you saying there’s more than one Zhongli? More than one you?”
“Not exactly,” Zhongli says. “It would be more accurate to say that we split from the power we had left which poured into repairing the damage of the Archon War. We were left as a human when we separated from our magic.”
“With all of your memories as an Archon?” Neuvilette asks.
“Gosh,” Bailu mutters. “Would that be a curse or a blessing?”
“Is that how magic was born?” Dan Feng asks. “Through the remaining powers of the Archons that seeped into different parts of life?”
Furina smiles. “Of course, there’s no solid proof… but I’d say so.”
“But… If all of you still had your memories,” you say, “how come you didn’t know each other?”
“We took on different forms and names as Archons,” Zhongli says. “While we still have our memories, we never crossed paths again since we became human.”
“I saw the look in his eyes at the door,” Furina says, slightly chuckling. “We recognized each other instantly. Perhaps that’s how it is if we ever meet the other Archons.”
“Now, hang on a darn minute,” Bailu says, turning to Zhongli. “How’d you end up at the Castle of Dragons if you’re already an Archon? You lived a human life as Zhongli and then became a god again?”
“I can ask the same for you, Furina,” Neuvilette says, frowning. “Your appearance now is how I met you. You also know who I am, which means you have memories of your life as a lawyer. The Archon War didn't happen during my time. So, I have to ask.” He looks at her. “Are you a god? A human? What are you?”
Furina finishes her tea, but before she pours herself another cup, she refills everyone else’s. “After becoming Furina, I remained human for a while until I recovered my magic." She picks up her cup and takes a long sip. “And since then, I retained this form without getting older."
“You can’t be serious,” Bailu says, frowning. “I spent a good portion of my life researching immortality and all it takes is a little Archon magic? I feel cheated.”
Furina chuckles. “Not exactly, my little doctor friend. It wasn’t just any Archon magic. It was my magic. It was like I recovered myself as a god. Except, I never changed to the form I once took. I'm stuck in this body.”
Dan Feng turns to Zhongli. “Why do I have a feeling you never tried recovering your Archon magic?”
“At one point, I did, but… I let it go.”
“Why?” Bailu asks.
“That is a story for another time,” Zhongli answers, to Bailu’s dismay. “When the Archons became human, we were treated as such. We weren't special because of our pasts. So, the story of how I became a god shares a common theme similar to yours."
After a moment of silence, Neuvilette turns to Furina. “Well, this explains how you knew so much about magic.”
Neuvilette couldn’t believe his eyes. Did a textbook—his textbook—just teleport from one place to another? But, more importantly, why was his pupil responsible? He closed the door to his study, and she spun around. 
“Chief Justice! You scared me! You could’ve said something earlier.”
“I just got here.”
Furina looked at the silent clock on the wall. “Much earlier than anticipated, but I shouldn’t have expected less.”
Neuvilette walked to the table. “What were you doing?”
“I think you knew exactly what I was doing."
Neuvilette looked at his textbook on the coffee table. “You… made something teleport.” Then, his attention went back to her. “Since when do you know something about magic?”
“It's impossible not to know something about magic, don’t you think, Chief Justice? It’s humanity’s flashy new toy.”
“But not a lot is known about it,” Neuvilette said skeptically. “How would you know how to wield it?”
Furina smiled. “I’ve been dabbling. What? Are you interested?” She chuckled. “I could mentor you if you want.”
But, Neuvilette didn’t look pleased. “It’s dangerous.”
“Are you talking about black magic? If so, then I agree.”
“All magic is dangerous,” Neuvilette emphasized. “White magic, if used for the wrong motives, does that not count as black magic?”
Furina sighed. “We are far too early to distinguish between white and black magic. But, you make a valid point, Chief Justice. I wonder how our laws will change as magic gets more developed.” She picked up his pen. “Could you imagine the possibilities if we could make people teleport?” Neuvilette narrowed his eyes. “It could change the world.”
You can’t put your finger on it, but something is tugging at the back of your mind. You remember Dan Feng’s story of the surprise military attack and your dream about eavesdropping on an important conversation. Could the woman who betrayed the brothers know something about teleportation? But, before that, you need to know…
“Was that ever made possible?"
“Hm?” Furina asks. “You mean human teleportation?” A pause. “It was."
Your heart races, and you’re about to ask another question when Signora cuts in.
“What about the Aeons? Do they know who you are? Who you were?”
“Lan and Nanook were humans when I was an Archon,” Furina answers. “They became who they are as a consequence of their actions, but we’ve never met before.”
“Hm… Guess they kept a pretty low profile,” Bailu says, picking up a biscuit.
Furina takes a long sip of her tea. “From what I know… They were the first to experiment with dark magic.”
Dressed in a long, black, dark blue robe covering her from head to toe, Furina had recently recovered some of her magic, and because of that, she could sense when any magic was being used. Her foreboding gut feeling took her to a large cemetery in the middle of the night. She stood in front of a large, wrought iron gate. As she stepped forward, the gates eerily opened as if expecting her. The cemetery was quiet except for the soft steps of her shoes against the pavement. Flowers, most of them fresh, were neatly placed on some of the graves. As she got further in, she began hearing voices.
“Goddamit, Lan, you aren’t doing it right.”
“I’d love to see you try, Nanook.”
Furina looked around but there was no one in sight. So, she continued walking in the direction the voices were coming from.
“Perhaps… we need more than just her skull.”
“Great. And where’re we going to find that?”
Two men stood on either side of a grave on a small hill underneath a dead tree. One had longer hair and held an open book while the other held a candle and a small, round gold mirror.
Suddenly, the one holding a mirror said:
“Who’s there?”
The other turned around and narrowed his eyes. Then, he turned back. “Did you see someone, Nanook?”
“I saw something,” Nanook muttered. “Wait…! It might be—”
“Don’t be ridiculous. That’s not how this works.”
“How would you know? We’re following instructions from some unknown book where it might be all fake for all we know.”
“Magic exists,” Lan said sternly. “You saw it. I saw it. If normal magic can exist… Why not push it to its boundaries?”
“It was obvious that they were trying to bring someone back from the dead,” Furina says.
Bailu pours herself more tea. “Who?”
“A woman named Idrila.”
Dan Feng immediately looks at her. “Idrila….?”
“Do you know her?” Neuvilette asks.
“She was a princess who lived a short life,” Furina answers, to everyone’s surprise.
“Her parents were at odds with mine,” Dan Feng says. “Her military was the one who invaded us.”
“Invade?” Bailu asks, eyes wide. “So… Was she still around when it happened?”
“No, but it added to the tension. There were rumours that someone from our side poisoned her." He looks at Furina. “You sure are knowledgeable about a lot of people’s lives.”
She chuckles. “Are you suspicious of me?”
“You knew about us,” Dan Feng says. “My brother and I. Yet, we’ve never met you.”
Furina glances at you. “I guess you knew about that because of her.”
“Dan Heng showed me your book,” you say. “The Book of Curses.”
“Clearly, Lan and Nanook weren’t the only ones dabbling in black magic,” Signora says. “I may have thought you were crazy before, but now I have to ask. What made you write something like that?”
Furina finishes her tea and puts down her cup. Her eyes land on Dan Feng. “I knew about the plan you and the Stellaron Hunters came up with to erase magic.”
“How did you know?” Dan Feng asks sternly. “That information was confidential.”
“The Stellaron Hunters suffered a similar problem to how the Archon War started. There will always be a majority, but there will always be someone with different opinions.”
The moon was full; the night was calm. Furina, holding a small oil lamp, stood at the shore of a large river that stretched into the abyss under the night sky.
“You’re early.” Furina spun around, startled that she didn’t hear the tall man approaching behind her. “Don’t be alarmed,” he continued. “I only just got here.”
Furina put the oil lamp on a large log. “Shall we get straight to business then? What does a Stellaron Hunter want with a human?”
“A human?” His red eyes shone in the night. “You are far from human. I saw it myself. You were using advanced magic. Magic that has surpassed human knowledge. You're not a human. Not completely. Am I right?”
“Asking questions when you know the answer…” Furina crossed her arms. “Is this the nature of the Hunters?”
He looked at the lake. “Soon, we’ll be living in a world devoid of magic.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Dan Feng… the sole survivor of the massacre that left his nation in shambles. He wants to rid the world of magic, and most of us are in agreement.”
“I take it you aren’t, considering you’re here.”
The fire in the oil lamp flickered.
“I’m not a stranger to his family,” the man said. “So, we’re acquainted. But I know he is not doing this for the good of the future. He’s doing it to restrain himself. He wants to use black magic to revive his dead family and rebuild the life he once had. He cannot accept what has happened, but he knows bringing the dead to life...”
“Has serious consequences,” Furina finished. “The chances of something going wrong is through the roof.” She sighed. “So, he’s running away from his desires? Is that what you’re saying?”
The man scoffed. “He wants to wipe the world of magic but keep our memories of it alive. It doesn’t make sense if we cannot continue using it. It’s simply being sentimental.”
“Someone sure has some strong feelings.”
“But the majority of us agreed upon this decision,” the man said without a change in his stoic tone. “Dan Feng says he won’t wipe our memories, but who’s to say he won’t.”
The flame flickered again. “Are you looking for a protection spell?”
“I wouldn’t want to fight magic with magic. We all know where that led us.”
“The Book of Curses is more than just a book about magic,” Furina says. “It’s also about our history… of how things came to be.”
The conversation between you and Dan Heng comes flooding back.
“So…” Neuvilette begins. “It was this man who asked you to document everything… Who was he?”
Everyone turns to Dan Feng who has a stern look.
“What gave it away?” Furina asks amusingly.
“Right.” Bailu sighs. “So, where does this leave us now? We know about the Archon War, Lan and Nanook’s strange past to Idrila who was at odds with Dan Feng's family, and Furina’s book. The big question remains… What are we going to do about our black magic mischiefs?”
“Finding out more about Idrila would be a good place to start,” Zhongli says. “We know she was a princess… but what about her connections? Why would Lan and Nanook want to bring her back?” He looks at Dan Feng. “Have you met her before?”
“No. My brother and I were too young at the time to attend any political meetings. I’ve only heard about her and her sickness.”
“Sickness?” you ask.
Dan Feng and Dan Heng were walking towards the banquet hall for dinner when three maids turned the corner talking amongst themselves.
“Oh, yes, I heard… They were afraid her sickness would be contagious.”
“That would be frightening. I heard it was making her as pale as a ghost!”
“Perhaps that’s why there’s so much buzz about advances in medicinal magic… Still, is this really a good idea? What if we’re playing with fate here? “Upon seeing the brothers, she stopped and bowed. “Good evening, Young Masters!”
“What were you talking about?” Dan Heng asked.
“What is this about a sickness?” Dan Feng added.
The maids glanced at each other, and one of them said:
“The princess of—”
“It’s nothing, really,” one of the other maids interrupted. The brothers glanced at each other. "Dinner should be served shortly. You should hurry. Your parents are waiting.
“What do you think, Bailu?” Neuvilette asks. “You were a renowned doctor. Have you heard of anything like this?”
“Well… There are tons of illnesses that can make someone pale. But it sounds like it’s either just the beginning or a side effect of something.” Bailu looks deep in thought. “I told you before that we were experimenting with immortality. Before that, we were researching immunity. What if we could make people immune to literally every single illness? Or, at least to just develop mild symptoms.
“We’d make millions selling this magic medicine. But, it was way too good to be true. In other words, there could never be a ‘one-size-fits-all’ to medicine since infection takes different forms. But now that you mention it… Ah!”
“What is it?” Dan Feng asks.
“A colleague of mine was researching a strange illness that"—Bailu looks disturbed—"drains people's blood."
“Drains…” Neuvilette begins.
“...Their blood?” Signora finishes. "Do I want to know how that works?”
“It’s like…” Bailu hums quietly as she wonders how to explain it in simple terms. “...Like Death is living inside of you. Your blood slowly stops running to different parts of your body and then once it stops at the heart… you just… die.”
“Well, now that that nightmare is ingrained in everyone’s minds, is this an illness that’s inherited? Can someone get infected? If not…” Signora looks at Dan Feng. “Why would there be rumours of someone poisoning her?”
“If I remember correctly,” Dan Feng says. “She died earlier than she should’ve.”
“Does this illness still exist?” you ask. “If we could find records of it or anything about it, might give us a better understanding of this woman… and possibly her connection to Lan and Nanook.”
“Now that you mention it…” Bailu says. “The hospital I used to work at is still around.” She smiles. “Maybe it’s the perfect time for me to say hi.”
“I’d be concerned if someone remembers you,” Neuvilette deadpans.
Signora sighs. “I guess this is all we can do right now.”
“Hey.” Noticing Dan Feng is looking at her, Furina turns to him. “You met Dan Heng and his mother. Then, have you met the others? Tsaritsa… Pierro… Childe?”
“Not personally… I know of them but Dan Heng and his mother never talked about them.”
“Did you ever tell Dan Heng about his past self?” you ask. “You gave him that book, after all.”
“I wanted him to find out for himself,” Furina answers. “But, I don’t think he did. Perhaps he treated everything like it was fiction.”
“Why?” Dan Feng asks sternly. “Why would you want to make him remember what happened?"
Bailu looks at him worriedly. “Brother Moon…” 
A loud ring interrupts Furina. She stands, walks over to the counter, and looks at the caller on the screen.
“...I’m sorry,” she says to the group. “This conversation will have to wait.”
And you think it’s for the best.
After saying your goodbyes, you and everyone else are at the apartment’s front entrance when Signora asks:
“Keeping Idrila a secret from Tsaritsa… What do you all think?”
Neuvilette nods. “Not until we have more information.”
Bailu’s hand is in a small fist, and she pats her chest. “You can count on me! I’ll get something for sure.”
“Is the hospital where you’ve been disappearing when you visit every dragon year?” Zhongli asks.
“Oh, well, you see…”
You and Dan Feng are standing a little behind the group, and as Bailu talks about her hustle, you glance at him.
“Hey…” Dan Feng looks at you. “You okay?”
“Yeah…” He sighs.
“I had the same question,” you say quietly. “Why did she want to make Dan Heng remember? And… I remember what you said before about people being doppelgangers upon their reincarnation.”
“In short, it has to do with how they accepted their death at the time they died. If they can’t accept it, they can be reincarnated with the same face and name, which signifies a continuation of their life. If they accept it, they can be reincarnated as a new person, which means a new start.”
“I don’t know how Dan Heng died back then… but”—you sigh—”it sounds like he has unfinished business or something.”
“My impression was that she murdered him…” Dan Feng says quietly. “But”—he puts a hand to his head—”I suppose I can’t say that with confidence considering he was already dead by the time I found them. But, she was the only one with him. It wouldn’t make sense for my brother to kill himself. Or, someone else killed him and spared her." He sighs. "But that doesn't make sense either."
“With the way she died, it sounds feasible to say that she was poisoned.” You quickly look at him. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t make all these assumptions when there’s nothing to go on.”
“No… It’s something I never considered before because”—he closes his eyes for a brief moment—”I wanted to blame someone. All I have are pieces of what happened, and if I convinced myself that she murdered my brother, I'd have closure."
“Then… Let’s gather the missing pieces and start putting them together.”
“Hey!” You and Dan Feng look ahead and see your friends in front of a cab. “Are you two lovebirds done chit-chatting over there?”
You sigh with a little smile. “It's not like we have a choice now."
Dan Feng smiles at you. “You’re right.”
As you and Dan Feng head to the cab, your phone buzzes with a message. Without stopping, you take it out of your pocket and…
Dan Feng, a short distance away, turns back. “What is it?” When he doesn’t get a reply, he walks over and sees the chilling message on your screen from an unknown number.
Found you
Chapter 14
End notes:
Still thinking about how I wanna push Jing Yuan in here XD and Blade may or may not get an appearance next chapter (finally)
Tag list: @lunavixia @aerithsthingss @sunsethw4 @boomie-123
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captainelliecomb · 1 year
Fic Stats Halfway Through 2023
Haven’t had time to do a WIP Wishlist since round 20 in April. Am still reading and slowly commenting. Travelled for work twice as much in the first half of 2023 as I did all of 2021 and 2022 combined. Loads of downloading and reading offline.
In February, I randomly decided to track my fic reading this year. Have some stats as of the end of June. I haven’t read a single fic that doesn’t contain Jaime x Brienne. Sometimes paired with others, too. Haven’t been this monofannish in years.
I read fast, comment slowly, and write rec posts even slower. Not an official rec post, but I recommend everything and everyone in these lists.
Limitations: I know I haven’t written down all the fic I’ve read. I’d say at least 90% of it is in the spreadsheet. None of the lists but one include WIPs or they would dominate everything because I reread with every new chapter. I obsessively reread things. Top authors may appear more times than they have number of fic. Means I’ve reread some of their stories at least twice. I am awful at spreadsheets and manage only the most basic information. Absolutely no pretty charts either.
Time for the stats!
Words Read Feb - June: just under 13 million
Authors I’ve Read 20+ Times:
aviss (61) ddagent (53) tall_wolf_of_tarth (31) angel-deux (29) janie_tangerine (29) winterkill (29) chrkrose (27) Lady_in_Red (25) sdwolfpup (24) Zeta_Mei (20)
Most Read Completed Fic:
so all the world can see by EllisJay (ASOIAF) (9) Undisclosed Desires by Roccolinde (GOT) (5) To be in your arms again by sdwolfpup (GOT) (4) Beyond the Ice and the Fire by littleobird (GOT) (3) Choices by Gwen77 (GOT) (3) Ice by Gwen77 (GOT) (3) They Make You Swear and Swear by angelowl (GOT) (3)
Certainly not obvious I’ve often been in the mood for a show fix-it. I’m tentatively working on one myself.
Pretty much everything else in the spreadsheet has been read twice.
Most Read Currently-Being-Updated-and-Still-a-WIP Fic:
Come-into-my-castle by Zeta_Mei (ASOIAF canon divergence) (13) Pound of Flesh by The_Midget (GOT canon divergence) (9) Simple by languageintostillair (GOT fix-it) (7) when the sun shine, we shine together (Reality Show AU) (7) lover boy. by SeeThemFlying (Modern AU) (6)
Top Five Longest Completed Fic Read Once: 
Heart Full of Gasoline by sdwolfpup (Formula One AU) (406,767) Diamond in the Rough by cardinalgirl75 (Baseball AU) (374,333) Honor Compels Me by angel_deux (GOT S6 canon divergence) (335,399) The One: Game of Thrones Edition by motorbike_on_the_avenue (Reality Show AU) (236,912) Baby Mama by SeeThemFlying (Soulmate + Surrogate AU) (222,769)
Top Five Longest Completed Fic Read Twice:
Brienne-centric Kinktober 2021 by dancinginthecenteroftheworld (varies) (101,177) And Counting by nubbins_for_all (GOT S8 canon divergence) (97,301) All is Black by Weirwoo (GOT fix-it) (65,455) The Right Question by Aviss (pre-canon canon divergence) (56,354) Butterfly Effect by Aviss (pre-canon canon divergence) (51,274)
I know this debate goes around and around. This is where I learned GOT fic is canon divergence for me unless it specifically includes Jaime leaving. It’s fix-it at that point.
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moribundt-mores · 8 months
By no means an exhaustive list (we're getting there) of everything I enjoy. Sometimes it's genuine "write 10k words" levels of brainrot. Sometimes it's just nostalgia (or my particular brand of trash). Either way I'm here to wear my influences on my sleeve and perhaps find other likeminded degenerates. ( ´ ◇ ` )ノ♡ Everything is listed in alphabetical order. ✧ Are my current obsessions (so long as I remember to update lmao). Parentheses contain my particular favorites from a set.
❀ Ace of Diamond ❀ Akame ga Kill ❀ Arakawa Under the Bridge ❀ Banana Fish ❀ Code Geass ❀ Fukigen na Mononokean ❀ Free! ❀ Gankutsuou ❀ Garzey’s Well ❀ Ghost Stories ❀ Gregory Horror Show ❀ Hetalia ❀ King of Bandits Jing ❀ Kono Danshi series ❀ Kyo Kara Maou! ❀ Legend of the Galactic Heroes ✧ Mawaru Penguindrum ❀ Natsume Yuujinchou ✧ Neon Genesis Evangelion ❀ Princess Nine ❀ Princess Tutu ❀ Samurai Flamenco ❀ Sarazanmai ❀ Shin Sekai Yori ❀ Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu ❀ Speed Racer (Mach Go Go Go!) ❀ Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann ❀ Tsuritama ❀ Uchouten Kazoku ❀ Zetsuen no Tempest
✿ Archer ✿ Courage the Cowardly Dog ✿ Dead End Paranormal Park ✿ Gravity Falls ✿ Hazbin Hotel ✿ Helluva Boss ✿ Infinity Train (Season 2, 3) ✿ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir ✿ Moral Orel ✿ Southpark ✿ Superjail ✿ The Little Prince (2010) ✿ The Boondocks ✿ Ugly Americans ✿ Venture Bros
❁ Andor ❁ Arrested Development ❁ Black Mirror ❁ Fleishman is in Trouble ❁ Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor ❁ In the Flesh ❁ It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ❁ Mindhunter ❁ Our Flag Means Death ❁ Penny Dreadful ❁ Psych ❁ Russian Doll ❁ Severance ❁ The Boys ❁ The Sandman ❁ The Handmaid’s Tale ❁ The Prisoner ❁ The Umbrella Academy ❁ Trial and Error ❁ Twin Peaks ❁ What We Do in the Shadows ❁ Young Royals ❁ 13 Reasons Why
❁ Alien Stage ❁ My Student Spirit ❁ Petscop ❁ SCP
❥ Acid Town by Kyuugou ❥ Aku no Hana by Shuuzou Oshimi ❥ Angel Diary by Lee Yoon-hee and Kara ❥ +Anima by Natsumi Mukai ❥ Are You Alice? by Ikumi Katagiri and Ai Ninomiya ❥ Arte by Kei Ohkubo ❥ CLAMP (Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, and Tsubasa) ❥ Elfen Lied by Lynn Okamoto ❥ Fukigen na Mononokean by Kiri Wazawa ❥ Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa ❥ Full Moon by Arina Tanemura ❥ Ganbare! Nakamura-kun!! by Syundei ❥ Golden Days by Shigeru Takao ❥ Hai to Diamond by Mika Sadahiro ❥ Houseki no Kuni by Haruko Ichikawa ❥ Junji Ito ❥ Kaori Yuki (Angel Sanctuary and Fairy Cube) ❥ Kinoko Inu by Kimama Aoboshi ❥ Let Dai by Won Soo-yeon ❥ Lychee Hikari Club by Usamaru Furuya ❥ Moritat by Li Seon Ui and Seo Gyeong ❥ Natsume Yuujinchou by Yuki Midorikawa ❥ Oooku by Fumi Yoshinaga ❥ Osamu Tezuka (Buddha, Metropolis, Kimba the White Lion) ❥ Oyasumi Punpun by Inio Asano ❥ Pick of the Litter by Yuriko Suda ❥ Sakura Gari by Yuu Watase ❥ Seven Days by Venio Tachibana ❥ The Promised Neverland by Kaiu Shirai ❥ Your and My Secret by Ai Morinaga ❥ .Hack//The Legend of Twilight by Rei Izumi and Tatsuya Hamazaki
✧ Cinderella Boy by Punko ✧ Cursed Princess Club by Lambcat ➳ DC (Batman / Batfam) ➳  Everything is Fine by Mike Birchall ➳ High Class Homos by Momozerii ➳ Interview with a Murderer by KJK ➳ Jackson’s Diary by Paola Batalla ➳ Marvel (Spiderman, Deadpool, X-Men) ➳ The Sandman by Neil Gaiman & many, many more
*I don’t really read superhero comics anymore but if I do pick up an issue it’s gonna be Spidey or Batfam
Film (TBU whenever I go thru my Letterboxd)
❥ Akira ❥ Arashi no Yoru ni ❥ Studio Ghibli (Earthsea, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away, and Castle in the Sky)
✜ Boyfriend to Death series by ElectricPuke, Gatobob, Darqx, & more ✜ Beyond Eden by Studio Pieplus ✜ Ciconia no naka koro ni by 07th Expansion ✜ Echo by Echo Project ✜ ENIGMA: by Uzumeya ✜ Hashihime of the Old Book Town by ADELTA ✜ The Letter by Yangyang Mobile ✧ Umineko no naka koro ni by 07th Expansion ✜ Your Turn to Die by Nankidai ✜ 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim by Vanillaware
✜ End Roll by Segawa ✜ Etrayu by Lucy Fox ✜ Freebird Games (To the Moon) ✧ Hello Charlotte by etherane ✜ OMORI by Omocat
✜ Argonavis AASide (εpsilonΦ and Fujin RIZING!) ✜ Ensemble Stars (RYUSEITAI and Valkyrie) ✧ Fate Grand Order ✜ Fire Emblem Heroes ✧ Genshin Impact ✜ Granblue Fantasy ✜ I-Chu ✜ SinoAlice ✜ Touken Ranbu ✜ Twisted Wonderland ✜ Valkyrie Connect
✜ Ace Attorney by Capcom (Apollo Justice) ✜ Atelier by Gust (Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al Revis) ✜ Fire Emblem by Intelligent Systems (Awakening, Sacred Stones, Thracia 776, Three Houses) ✜ Persona by Atlus ✜ Pokemon by Game Freak (Pokemon Black/White) ✜ Sonic the Hedgehog by Sega ✜ Zero Escape by Chunsoft
✧ Baldur's Gate III by Larian Studios ✜ Cultist Simulator by Weather Factory ✜ Dragon Age Origins by Bioware ✜ Ecco the Dolphin by Appaloosa Interactive ✜ Edna and Harvey by Daedalic Entertainment ✜ Heroes Rise by Choice of Games ✜ Hamtaro HamHams Unite by Pax Softnica ✜ Hamtaro HamHam Heartbreak by Pax Softnica ✜ Hollow Knight by Team Cherry ✜ Lunar: Dragon Song by Japan Art Media ✜ Nier: Automata by PlatinumGames ✜ Night in the Woods by Infinite Fall ✜ Sally Face by Portable Moose ✜ South Park the Fractured but Whole by Ubisoft ✜ South Park the Stick of Truth by Ubisoft ✜ Stanley Parable by Galactic Cafe ✜ The Beginner’s Guide by Everything Unlimited, Ltd. ✜ The Last of Us by Naughty Dog ✜ Warrioland 4 by Nintendo ✜ Whispered World by Daedalic Entertainment
❥ Angels in America by Tony Kushner ❥ Leopoldstadt by Tom Stoppard ❥ Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard ❥ Shakespeare (Hamlet) ❥ Six Degrees of Separation by John Guare ❥ Sleep No More by Punchdrunk ❥ The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer
✧ Bare: A Pop Opera by Damon Intrabartolo & Jon Hartmere ❥ Evillious Chronicles by mothy ❥ Frankenstein: A New Musical by Mark Baron & Jeffrey Jackson ❥ Kagero Project by Jin ❥ Les Misérables by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil, Jean-Marc Natel, & Herbert Kretzmer ❥ Marchen by Sound Horizon ❥ Moira by Sound Horizon ❥ Pippin by Stephen Schwartz, Roger O. Hirson, & Bob Fosse ❥ Queen of the Night by Dirt Poor Robins ❥ Roman by Sound Horizon ❥ Stephen Sondheim (Sweeney Todd and Company) ❥ Tommy by The Who
❦ A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess ❦ A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee ❦ A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket ❦ Arthurian Legends ❦ Camp Half-Blood Chronicles by Rick Riordan ❦ Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist) ❦ Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima ❦ Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky ❦ Earthsea Cycle by Ursula LeGuin ❦ Frankenstein by Mary Shelley ❦ Franz Kafka ❦ His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman ❦ James Ellroy (The Big Nowhere) ❦ James Joyce (Dubliners) ❦ John Fowles (The Magus) ❦ Jorge Luis Borges ❦ Kokoro by Natsume Souseki ❦ La Comedia by Dante Aligieri ❦ Lloyd Alexander ❦ Lord of the Flies by William Golding ❦ Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids by Kenzaburo Oe ❦ Oscar Wilde (The Picture of Dorian Gray) ❦ Piranesi by Susanna Clarke ❦ Ryuunosuke Akutagawa (Hellscreen, Cogweels) ❦ Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle ❦ Simon Snow Trilogy by Rainbow Rowell ❦ The Binding by Bridget Collins ❦ The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald ❦ The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ❦ The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen ❦ The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ❦ The Neverending Story by Michael Ende ❦ The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller ❦ The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner ❦ Two Brothers by Eugene Schwarz ❦ Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
❦ .Hack// series by Tatsuya Hamazaki ❦ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver by Hikaru Sakurai & Nakahara ❦ Full Metal Panic by Shoji Gatoh & Shikidouji ❦ Legend of the Galactic Heroes by Yoshiki Tanaka, Naoyuki Kato, & Yukihisa Kamoshita ❦ Kyo Kara Maou! by Tomo Takabayashi & Temari Matsumoto ❦ Spice and Wolf by Isuna Hasekura & Juu Ayakura
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through the “Best Seller” guest cast
Erik Palladino as Special Deputy U.S. Marshal Vostanik Sabatino Vostanik is back from season 13’s “Hard for the Money”.
Bill Goldberg as DOJ Agent Lance Hamilton Lance is back from season 13’s “Bonafides”. On set.
David Paul Olsen as Tom Olsen Last seen as Tom Olsen in “Human Resources”.
Lesley Boone as Nina Barnes Back from “A Long Time Coming” crossover episode. On set.
Natalia Del Riego as Rosa Reyes Back from “Survival of the Fittest” in November.
Gianni DeCenzo as Luke Austin Plays Demetri Alexopoulos in Cobra Kai.  Was Owen in the “All or Nothing” season 19 episode of NCIS.
Guest roles include The Middle, The League, Back in the Game, Liv and Maddie and 100 Things to Do Before High School.
Eddie Kaulukukui as Army Col. Tuivasa Appeared in episodes of The Ex List, Hawaii Five-0, Off the Map, Parings, Criminal Minds, Strange Angel, Corporate, I Know What You Did Last Summer and SWAT.  
Daya Vaidya as Marina Was Nina Inara in Unforgettable, Jen Kowski in Bosch and played Keisha “Summer Diamond” Scott in NCIS’s season two “Pop Life” episode.
Guest starred in episodes of One World, Hyperion Bay, Haunted, Robbery Homicide Division, Cuts, All of Us, Lincoln Heights, Dexter, Two and a Half Me, Twisted, Castle, General Hospital, Major Crimes, Good Trouble, The Black Hamptons and Grey’s Anatomy.
Katrina Begin as Lauren Olsen Guest roles include Grounded for Life, E-Ring, ER, Gossip Girl, The Agency, No Ordinary Family, Devious Maids, Good Behavior, Rebel, Boomtown, Single Parents and Walker.
Duncan Campbell as NCIS Special Agent Castor Back from “Blood Bank”.  So he got up.
Written by: Kyle Harimoto wrote "Omni", "Merry Evasion", "Chernoff, K", "Command and Control" as episode 150, "Granger, O.", "Ghost Gun", "Kulinda", "767", "Se Murio El Payaso", "Assets"/"Liabilities", "Venganza", "Superhuman", "One of Us" (with Lance Hamilton), "Let Fate Decide" (season 11 premiere), "Decoy" (with Lance Hamilton), "Answers" , "Watch Over Me" (with Lance Hamilton), "Cash Flow", "Fukushu", "Bonafides” (with Lance Hamilton), “Come Together” (season 13 finale) and “Of Value”.  He co-wrote "Three Hearts", "Leipei", "Humbug", both ends of the "Matryoshka" two-parter, "Smokescreen" part two, "Searching" (with Lance Hamilton), "A Fait Acompli" and "A Tale of Two Igors" (season 12 finale).
Directed by: James Hanlon who directed "War Cries", "The Grey Man", "Kolcheck, A", "Driving Miss Diaz", "Command and Control" (number 150), "Angels and Daemons", "Where There’s Smoke", "Black Market", "Tidings We Bring", "Can I Get a Witness?", "Cac Tu Nhan", "A Diamond in the Rough", "Into the Breach", "Human Resources”, “Commitment Issues”, "The Nobel Maidens" and “Murmuration”. On set. Grateful to the crew.
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ems-self-ships-galore · 9 months
The World as We Know - Chapter Index
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1 - Awakening
2 - Shake, Rattle, and Roll
3 - Diamond City
4 - Railroad
5 - Wasteland, Baby!
6 - Last Showdown at Sanctuary Hills
7 - I Want to Believe
8 - The Truth is Out There
9 - Boom, Butterfly Effect
10 - Double, Double
11 - An Unholy Communion
12 - Abandon All Hope
13 - Full Circle
14 - Doll Maker
15 - Trinity
16 - Poems and All
17 - Hole in The Wall
18 - Mind Over Matter
19 - Sanctum of Slime
20 - Loveliest Season
21 - The Likes of Fabletown
22 - Lonely Graves
23 - Back to The Wasteland
24 - Merry Go Round
25 - For The Benefit of Mr. Mayor
26 - Wanting to Forgive
27 - Only Us
28 - House Call for Beecher's Hope
29 - Those Loving Fears
30 - Silly Love Songs
31 - Right Here Waiting
32 - Those Atoms
33 - The Beginning is The End is The Beginning
34 - The Wild Hunt
35 - A Bard's Tale
36 - Magic in Your Love
37 - Neck of The Woods
38 - Don Quixote and His Love
39 - Home in Your Arms
40 - Return of The Corruption
41 - Albion's Hope
42 - Chasing Ghosts
43 - Obscura
44 - Higanbana
45 - The Hidden Gems of Riften
46 - Castle Volkihar
47 - A True Companion
48 - Little Ditty About Jack and Fran
49 - Hold Me As We Sleep, Edgeworth
50 - I Can Wait
51 - Constants and Variables
52 - Funeral On a Plane
53 - Dirty Work
54 - Temperamental Minds Think Alike
55 - Personal Heaven
56 - Back With The 4077
57 - The Assignment
58 - The Consequence
59 - The Executioner
60 - O Death
61 - It's Not Fair How Much I Love You
62 - (Nothing But) Flowers
63 - Crystalized Image of Us
64 - Blissful Couple
65 - Underground Song
66 - Close Call
67 - Promises to Keep
68 - Goblin Queen of The Labyrinth
69 - Heavy is The Head that Wears The Crown
70 - Shunning The World Behind
71 - To The Ends of The Earth
72 - Where The Undead Lay in Wait
73 - Beetle
74 - Juice
75 - Come and Get Your Love
76 - We Found Each Other
77 - Waiting for Those in The Delta Quadrant
78 - Continuing Mission
79 - You've Got to Walk
80 - I'm Going That Way
81 - Dance The Night Away
82 - Can't Take Sky From Me
83 - Reagent
84 - Closure
85 - Scorched Earth
Side Notes
86 - To Hear the Song Afar
87 - From Hate to Love
88 - Rampart Days
89 - Laminate the Stasis
90 - Two Daggers
91 - I Declare, BANKRUPTCY
92 - Trapped
93 - If It's You and Me Forever
94 - Sous Vide
95 - Angel Band
96 - All Hands, Hoist the Colors
97 - I Like Adventure Games
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beewantstotalk · 1 year
Hugo Awarded Books:
1. T.H.White - The Sword in The Stone(1939)(3/02/23)
2. A.E. van Vogt - Slan(1941)
3. Robert A. Heinlein - Beyond This Horizon(1943)(21/06/23)
4. Fritz Leiber - Conjure Wife(1944)(30/06/23)
5. Leigh Brackett - Shadow Over Mars(1945)(19/05/23)
6. Isaac Asimov - The Mule(1946)
7. Robert A. Heinlein - Farmer in The Sky(1951)(30/01/23)
8. Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man(1953)
9. Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451(1954)
10. Mark Clifton - They'd Rather Be Right(1955)
11. Robert A. Heinlein - Double Star(1956)
12. Fritz Leiber - The Big Time(1958)
13. James Blish - A Case of Conscience(1959)
14. Robert A. Heinlein - Starship Troopers(1960)
15. Walter M. Miller, Jr. - A Canticle for Leibowitz(1961)
16. Robert A. Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land(1962)
17. Philip K. Dick - The Man in The High Castle(1963)
18. Clifford D. Simak - Here Gather the Stars(Way Station)(1964)
19. Fritz Leiber - The Wanderer(1965)
20. Frank Herbert - Dune(1966)
21. Robert A. Heinlein - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress(1967)
22. Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light(1968)
23. John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar(1969)
24. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness(1970)
25. Larry Niven - Ringworld(1971)
26. Philip José Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go(1972)
27. Isaac Asimov - The Gods Themselves(1973)
28. Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama(1974)
29. Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed(1975)
30. Joe Haldeman - The Forever War(1976)
31. Kate Wilhelm - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang(1977)
32. Frederik Pohl - Gateway(1978)
33. Vonda N. McIntyre - Dreamsnake(1979)
34. Arthur C. Clarke - The Fountains of Paradise(1980)
35. Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen(1981)
36. C. J. Cherryh - Downbelow Station(1982)
37. Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge(1983)
38. David Brin - Startide Rising(1984)
39. William Gibson - Neuromancer(1985)
40. Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game(1986)
41. Orson Scott Card - Speaker for the Dead(1987)
42. David Brin - The Uplift War(1988)
43. C. J. Cherryh - Cyteen(1989)
44. Dan Simmons - Hyperion(1990)
45. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Vor Game(1991)
46. Lois McMaster Bujold - Barrayar(1992)
47. Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep(1993)
48. Connie Willis - Doomsday Book(1993)
49. Kim Stanley Robinson - Green Mars(1994)
50. Lois McMaster Bujold - Mirror Dance(1995)
51. Neal Stephenson - The Diamond Age(1996)
52. Kim Stanley Robinson - Blue Mars(1997)
53. Joe Haldeman - Forever Peace(1998)
54. Connie Willis - To Say Nothing to the Dog(1999)
55. Vernor Vinge - A Deepness in The Sky(2000)
56. J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire(2001)
57. Neil Gaiman - American Gods(2002)
58. Robert J. Sawyer - Hominids(2003)
59. Lois McMaster Bujold - Paladin of Souls(2004)
60. Susanna Clarke - Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norrell(2005)
61. Robert Charles Wilson - Spin(2006)
62. Vernor Vinge - Rainbows End(2007)
63. Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union(2008)
64. Neil Gaiman - The Graveyard Book(2009)
65. Paolo Bacigalupi - The Windup Girl(2010)
66. China Miéville - The City & the City(2010)
67. Connie Willis - Blackout/All Clear(2011)
68. Jo Walton - Among Others(2012)
69. John Skalzi - Redshirts(2013)
70. Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice(2014)
71. Cixin Liu - The Three-Body Problem(2015)
72. N.K.Jemisin - The Fifth Season(2016)
73. N.K.Jemisin - The Obelisk Gate(2017)
74. N.K.Jemisin - The Stone Sky(2018)
75. Mary Robinette Kowal - The Calculating Stars(2019)
76. Arkady Martine - A Memory Called Empire(2020)
77. Martha Wells - Network Effect(2021)
78. Arkady Martine - A Desolation Called Peace(2022)
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glcriouspvrpose · 1 year
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playlist ; loki odinson
→ full spotify playlist
01. look what you made me do - taylor swift ; but i got smarter, i got harder in the nick of time. honey, I rose up from the dead, i do it all the time.
02. you should see me in a crown - billie eilish ; i'm gonna run this nothing town, watch me make 'em bow, one by one by one.
03. emperor’s new clothes - panic at the disco ; heroes get remembered, but legends never die. if you don’t know, now you know. i’m taking back the crown.
04. would’ve, could’ve, should’ve, - taylor swift ; i damn sure never would’ve danced with the devil at nineteen ... now i'm scared of ghosts. memories feel like weapons.
05. anti-hero - taylor swift ; i should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, i end up in crisis.
06. control - halsey ; i can't help this awful energy, god damn right, you should be scared of me. who is in control?
07. the archer - taylor swift ; and i cut off my nose just to spite my face, then i hate my reflection for years and years ... who could ever leave me, darling, but who could stay?
08. immortals - fall out boy ; i’m bad behavior but i do it in the best way.
09. gasoline - halsey ;  you can't wake up, this is not a dream, you're part of a machine, you are not a human being ... i think there’s a flaw in my code, these voices won't leave me alone, my heart is gold and my hands are cold.
10. aimed to kill - jade lemac ; and i tried to save a life. with these diamond hands of mine, but they're sharper than a knife.
11. darkside - neoni ; there’s no heroes or villains in this place, just the shadows that dance in my headspace.
12. god sent me as karma - emilyn ; i'll drive you out your mind. i’ll bring the drama.
13. castle - halsey ;  all these minutes passing, sick of feeling used. if you wanna break these walls down, you're gonna get bruised.
14. temporary funeral - emilyn ; it's better to mourn and move on. it's easier killing you off.
15. bones - imagine dragons ; go ahead and throw your stones, there’s magic in my bones.
16. i did something bad - taylor swift ; i did something bad, then why’s it feel so good?
17. say amen (saturday night) - panic at the disco ;  all the people I know aren’t who they used to be, and if I try to change my life one more day, there would be nobody else to save
18. whatever it takes - imagine dragons ; never be enough, i’m the prodigal son, i was born to run, i was born for this,
19. you’re on your own, kid - taylor swift ; ‘cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take, you've got no reason to be afraid.
20. villain - bella poarch ; i’ll be the villain tonight, i like when you despise me.
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nerd-af · 2 years
Okay so here’s my Bejeweled MV theory that have been brewing in my mind that I haven’t see anyone posted about..
So in the Tonight Show interview, Taylor mentioned how she dropped a lot of easter eggs in this MV. I think this is also reflected in the MV, with how “exile” is so casually used in it. And of course, the most famous line of Exile the song is “I gave so many signs” (aka the easter eggs in the MV).
The castle representing Taylor’s music career and in the end she gets to keep the castle (after the Sc****r drama). I mean the 13 floors are already representing each albums. So in the MV, Taylor was competing in the talent competition to keep the castle, and in real life, she is also “fighting” to keep her masters. (Also the dragons? And the Long Live instrumental -> I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you (us)?? )
I think this might be a stretch but.. Taylor in Bridgerton? The quote from the MV “that weasel down there”.. weasel down = whistledown? Is it even common to use “weasel” as a word to tease/bully someone? Also the whole concept of the MV is so similar to Bridgerton’s ball and diamond picking event thing.. “what a girl got to do? A DIAMOND’s gotta shine” maybe Taylor will play the next season’s diamond? the shot of the Queen.. and the instrumental of the Enchanted & Long Live has the same vibe like the instrumental of Wildest Dream which was also featured in Bridgerton. And it’s so unlike Taylor to not credit artist featured in her songs.. so maybe she’s not crediting it cause it’s the same musician that played the Wildest Dream instrumental version (Duomo)?
I also feel that the scene where it focuses on the jewelries (bracelet & necklace) would have a deeper meaning / would be an easter egg for something, but I can’t think of what yet.. maybe its just literally Taylor being bejeweled cause the jewelries are literally made of jewels??
Maybe these are all a stretch.. but Taylor if you’re reading this.. instead of making beautiful tunes and poems, THESE are the thoughts that I have at MIDNIGHT 🫣
PS. I’ve been feeling myself lately so Bejeweled have been one of my favorite cause I do polish up real nice (NICE!) 💎
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caninegarden · 1 year
Books I've read (2023) for my own reference (dates are completion, only completed books will be added, some of these might be considered short stories but if they're available to me individually at the library that is how I will count them
Genderqueer by Maia Kobabe (4-17-23)
Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien (4-23-23)
Upstairs, Downstair/Diamonds at Dinner Hilda Newman (4-24-23)
Encyclopedia of the Exquisite Jessica Curwin Jenkins (4-25-23)
I'm Glad My Mom Died Jennette McCurdy(4-30-23)
The Murder at the Vicarage Agatha Christie (5-7-23)
A Body in the Library Agatha Christie (5-15-23)
Life Below Stairs Alison Maloney (6-11-23)
The Rise of Wolf 8 (6-17-23)
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents (6-21-23) -this ended up the most useful of the 3 books for me but it's important to note it is very allistic
The Reign of Wolf 21 (6-25-23)
Self care for Adult Children of emotionally immature adulta (7/2/23)
The Redemption of Wolf 302 (7/2/23)
The Two Towers (7/11/23)
Return of the King (7/16/23)
Recovering from emotionally immature parents (7/20/23)
The Alpha Female Wolf (7/22/23)
The Once and Future Sex (7/28/23)
All Systems Red (7/28/23)
American Wolf Nate Blakeslee (7/31/23)
A year in cozy (8/1/23 this doesn't feel like it counts but I did read it through)
Unmasking Autism (8/5/23)
Artificial Condition - murderbot (8/6/23)
Wear, repair, repurpose (8/6/23)
Gideon the Ninth (8/7/23)
Nottingham - anna burke (8/8/23)
The hotel jeffrey robinson (8/11/23)
Tomboy survival guide ivan coyote (8/12/23)
Making Stuff and Doing thing (8/13/23)
Over a hot stove flo wadlow (8/13/23)
The uncensored picture of dorian gray (8/16/23)
The color of magic (8/17/23)
Rogue protocol - murderbot (8/18/23)
Exit Strategy murderbot (8/19/20)
Gentle discipline sarah ockwell smith (8/20/23)
We have always lived in the castle (8/20/23)
Baking yesteryear (8/22/23)
Mend it better (8/27/23)
Platonic (9/1/23)
The light fantastic (9/2/23)
Equal rites(9/2/23)
The emotionally absent mother (9/7/23)
The body keeps the score (9/10/23)
The Song of Achilles [9/15/23)
Sourcery (9/17/23)
Network Effect murderbot (9/18/23)
Harrow the Ninth (9/21/34)
Wyrd Sisters (9/22/23)
Nona the Ninth (9/24/23)
Running on Empty Jonice Webb (10/07/23)
This is where we talk things out caitlin marceau (10/13/23)
House of Secrets Lowell Cauffiel (10/15/23]
How to be a victorian (10/20/23)
Come as you are (10/28/23)
Lone Women (10/30/23)
It's gotten worse since last we spoke and other misfortunes (11/3/23)
Fugitive telemetry (11/10/23)
Dragon's Keep (11/20/23)
Humble inquiry (11/26/2023)
Servants Lucy Lethbridge (12/4/23)
Bi Julia Shaw (12/9/23)
Binging with Babish (12/16/23)
Lolita (12/18/23)
Raising Good Humans 12/28/23
Rhe Art of Showing up 12/31/23
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alter-aeon · 10 days
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OC-Tober Reworks!
Tatsumi Nagashi
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//Say hello to an ANICENT OC of mine, one of the first few I ever came up with.
Tatsumi was my OC back when I first started using Gaia Online as a young'un (I'm talking like... age 13 or so) and he was the first in terms of having a name/powers I'd give him that stayed the same no matter how his looks changed.
His old backstory was a tried and true Tragic(TM) backstory of losing his family, but instead of confirmed dead (sorry Lief) his family, namely his siblings, are missing and his eternal quest is to find them. He's also in the camp of 'He has darkness powers just because' and was really edgy back then. I wanna give him a proper backstory, how he got his powers, and make him worthy of being the first OC of him to be granted a name and actual powers instead of a Gary Stu who pulled new abilities from the aether.
For those interested, see the lore beneath the cut as well as his personal details. For those who were curious about the name/design, here ya go! :D
Name: Tatsumi Nagashi Age: 27 Gender: Male Sexuality: Demi Family: Hitomi Nagashi (Mother/Deceased), Yomitsu Nagashi (Father/Deceased), Kamino Nagashi (Younger Brother/Alive/Missing), Nakatomi Nagashi (Younger Sister/Alive/Missing), Tanji Nagashi (Older Brother/Alive/Missing) Powers: Gravity Manipulation, Swordsmanship
Background: Tatsumi was born in a Castle Town that was favored by the local ruler of the area. His father was a blacksmith and his mother ran an Inn so the young Tatsumi was never left wanting for long. His older brother Tanji was set to take up the mantle of blacksmith so he had options when it came to his future. He considered taking over running the Inn in his mother's stead and even volunteered from time to time when his mother was with child again. The locals loved the little Inn-Keeper, even though his diamond-shaped birthmark was a bit of an ill-omen.
The Nagashi family was doing well for themselves, even being a feature of their town. The Inn was known for it's hospitality, warmth, and home-like feeling while their weapons, armor, and other metal works were touted as the best around. From soldiers to merchants, all were boasting and raving about the family, which brought a massive amount of joy to Tatsumi. Unfortunately, the Nagashi family, and everyone in their town would not know peace forever...
When Tatsumi was 20, his older brother 25, and his younger siblings 14 and 12, there were rumors of a terrible blight going around and striking random towns. A black heavy mist was rumored to envelop the area, drain the life from the very earth itself, and leave the place desolate. Some of the towns folk were preparing bunkers, rations, and everything needed to wait out the trouble. Some had chosen to move towards the areas that were being restored after the destruction, hoping to find sanctuary and holding onto the belief that the mist would not strike there again. Though, the mist itself was a strange anomaly, and no one who was caught in it has lived to tell the tale.
To this day, he still doesn't know if he was kept alive by divine intervention, or if it was pure dumb luck.
The Black Mist came to Tatsumi's town, and he was witness to the horrors that lay within it. Beasts, horribly disfigured and looking like creatures straight from nightmares, materialized and proceeded to rampage around the town. They caused destruction without even exerting much force, people were brutalized with a small flick of their wrists, if it could even be called such, and the sounds they made... it was unsure if there were no survivors of such due to the devastation that was caused... or the fact that those left behind couldn't handle the knowledge that was forced onto them.
During the event, Tatsumi was out in the marketplace when a humanoid figure appeared before him. His life should've ended there, but when the creature saw the black-mark on his forehead, the being simply smirked, leaned in, effortlessly slaying anyone who rushed to aid Tatsumi, and whispered 'Hello Cursed One. It's so lovely to see the Nagashi family is doing well~. You... You will be our witness, and you will give us what we have wanted for so long. Though not now... not yet... you need to grow stronger. You need to enhance your gifts. And once you do... find us~ Don't, keep us waiting Tatsumi~' And with that, the creature flicked his birth-mark, and he passed out.
He awoke to his town destroyed, and one of the local ruler's soldiers breathing a sigh of relief. After being moved to a medical tent to be examined, he was questioned about what happened and what he saw. Once he explained everything, one of the soldiers decided to escort him towards his home. There, he witness what the creatures did to their victims... his father was dead, left standing with a massive hole in his chest, a sword in his hand. His mother was right behind him in a similar manner, though it looked like she was trying to defend... something. Doing his best to hold back his emotions, he decided to examine what she died trying to protect. It was a door.
Tatsumi never once recalled seeing this door, had his parents hid it using magic or something? Did they just install it in the small time between his departure from home to the marketplace and the attack? Were his siblings in there? Were they okay? So many questions that he wished could've been answered before he decided to open the door.
Behind it was a staircase that would descend into the darkness, and before he would advance down it, he heard the soldier scream and the sword his father was holding drop. Going to check, the man declared that his father's corpse had moved it's eyes. Examining the body, Tatsumi discovered that there was blood falling from his father's mouth that wasn't there before... did his father not want him to venture into this unknown space without a weapon? Either way, he needed to see what was this strange new room they were building and get, what he hopes were his siblings, out of there.
Tatsumi would pick up his father's sword and then resume his advance. Down in this new room, he'd spot a large mirror and a note left behind. Approaching the mirror, it shattered and the glass turned pitch-black, rendering it useless. The note that was left behind on it states the following.
'Tatsumi... As your older brother, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but we couldn't wait for you, I couldn't help dad and protect mom... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry that you're alone. Though... those things... they kept saying they need you, so that's why I'm writing this... I don't think they are gonna hurt you or kill you... I pray they aren't... and if you are okay and reading this... there is so much I need to tell you, but so little paper and little time. We're out there. Me, Kamino, and Nakatomi, I don't know where, but I promise you... if you don't find us, we'll come back or we'll find you. I will keep them safe, and we will survive... so please, little brother... do your best to get by on your own. Take whatever you need from our rooms, to sell or to help you heal. Look for mirrors like this one and don't believe the lies, don't trust-'
The note ends there.
He's lost his parents, his siblings are missing, and there are questions that need answers. The soldier from before had come downstairs to check on Tatsumi, and this is where he got the first clue as to what he needs to do when the soldier mentions that he'd seen a merchant with a similar mirror. Though he knew that he should hurry, he also recalls what the horror told him before his whole world was torn apart. 'Grow stronger, enhance your gifts'.
Tatsumi would turn to the soldier and make a request. "Sir... I've lost my parents, my home is in shambles, I have only the money left behind from my family and not much else... please... do you know where I can go... where a simple Inn-Owner's son can gain strength and try to recover?" Pitying Tatsumi, the soldier responded. "Look... I'm suppose to bring you back with me... your information is needed by our ruler and the soldiers... But I promise you, if you come with me and tell them everything, I will take you to our commander. He's a mean one, but, if you need strength, morals, and a good grounded individual to help you recover, he's the man for the job.'
With that, he knew what he had to do. He'd play along, tell them everything he knew, and then be introduced to the man who'd care for him for five years. During that time, he would awaken to the 'gift' that the beast spoke of, Gravity Manipulation. The old commander would keep this gift a secret and upon his 25th birthday, Tatsumi finally began his travels, first getting into contact with the soldier who was with him, and then setting off to find the merchant he spoke about.
It would take two years, Tatsumi would finally find him, and from there, his journey begins.
WHEW! That was much longer than I thought it would be, but I think I like this version of Tatsumi. It was certainly much better than 'Guy with powers loses siblings during panic in village'. Hopefully tomorrow will be a lil shorter and help give another old one their time to shine.
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aliavarrin · 1 year
Chapters: 13/?
Fandom: ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond
Rating: Teens And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun
Characters: Sawamura Eijun, Miyuki Kazuya, Kuramochi Youichi, Kominato Haruichi, Furuya Satoru, Yuuki Tetsuya, Takigawa Chris Yuu, Kominato Ryousuke, Kawakami Norifumi, Isashiki Jun, Tanba Kouichirou, Fujiwara Takako, Kataoka Tesshin, Yoshikawa Haruno, Yui Kaoru
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Fantasy MMO-Like World, Magic, Swords, Raids, Dungeons, Japan Set in a Medieval-Fantasy World, Classes Decided By Baseball Positions, Gaming Lingo, Friendship, Didn’t plan on making this MiyuSawa, But that is where my brain is taking it, Light Miyuki Kazuya/Sawamura Eijun, WIP, Not Beta Read
They continued further into the bowels of the castle, wherein the temperature rapidly began to climb, melting the constant ice that clung to the walls and patches along the floor. The best part about the sudden rise in temperature was that they no longer had to deal with korizo. Though in Eijun's opinion, it was a little too late, as they'd already had to fight a total of five groups of the bastards.
If Eijun never had to deal with them again, it would still be too soon.
In place of korizo, they encountered flame sprites, and fortunately, they weren't nearly as troublesome to deal with; though they had their own fair share of quirks, with their penchant to float toward the ceiling and effectively limit those that could hit them. This meant only Tanba, Kawakami, Furuya, and Eijun were able to attack them, which left the rest to cheer from the sidelines; useless. With only four attackers, it took a while longer to kill them all, as they were also tasked with evading the wisps of fire that the flame sprites shot from the safety of ceiling corners. But in the end, Seido prevailed.
So after hours of wandering the endless halls, fighting anything they came across; they finally happened upon the boss room.
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (267): Thu 8th Dec 2022
My blog is ten years old today. I have written a blog every single day for ten years. Now for those of you asking how can it have been going for 10 years if this is only the 266th edition: relax your batty as the young people say nowadays and allow me to explain. I first started writing a daily blog on Wordpress on this day in 2012. I continued to upload a blog a day until 2020 when I got sick of constantly uploading it to the internet so for the last year I have have been writing every day just for my own pleasure. However earlier this year I got the urge to start putting this thing back online again and here we are. Holy fucking testicles 10 whole years of writing every single god damn motherfucking day. What a decade. What a challenge. What was the point again? Oh yeah. I discovered the work of comedian Richard Herring just over 10 years ago and he writes a daily blog which has been going for twenty years which some could legitimately argue is a more impressive achievement than mine. Herring says he started his blog to get himself in the right frame of mind to write his stand up and also because there are lots of really interesting little things that happen to us every day that we just forget about because we don’t write them down. Thanks to his blog I now know at least one thing that I did or said or thought about on each day of the last 10 years which to me is really fucking cool. If I hadn’t started this blog then year 23 - 33 for me would be just as big of a blur as 13-23 was. I’m so fucking angry with myself for not starting this blog much much earlier. What I would give to go back to my younger self and tell him to start writing about something that has happened to him at school, at college, at the Glass Centre, at college again. So many memories from those years have been lost forever because I wasn’t pernickety enough to document every aspect of my life and upload it to the internet. What a fool I was / am / always will be. As happy as I am that I have kept up this very disciplined practice I’m also majorly disappointed with myself because this blog was supposed to be so much more. I always saw this blog as a way to push myself to do new and interesting things in order to write about the experiences. Ideally I would still like this blog to one day become that. That’s not to say that there haven’t been some fun adventures along the way. In the ten years since I started this blog I have had five jobs (six if you count the two weeks I did at that pub which I don’t), travelled across America, saw Jim Morrison’s grave, gave up drinking and eating meat, vacationed in New York, been to more concerts and shows than I could possibly name here, become an uncle and a great-uncle, lived through a pandemic, gotten a motorbike and had zero girlfriends. Not a bad ten years at all, and made all the more memorable because I took the time to write about all the experiences after they happened. I’m so overjoyed that I started this brilliantly stupid blog. It really is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I hope I never get bored of it.
Leading up to this momentous occasion I have been toying with the idea of doing something bucket list worthy in order to mark the occasion. My dream scenario was to travel to Sarajevo to see the spot where Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated as that’s always been a source of morbid fascination for me. However there are no direct flights there and the indirect flights there plus the accommodation would not be cheap. I just couldn’t justify this expensive anniversary present to myself so I just left it, though I will go there one day. I did treat myself to an anniversary pizza because I’m a fat fuck and checking out last nights Dynamite:
Kicked off with the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal. The winner will challenge for MJF's Dynamite Diamond Ring. This was kind of an uneventful match until the very end. There was a cool spot where Brian Cage kept throwing Dalton Castle over the top rope but The Boys kept catching him and putting him back on the apron. I also liked Dustin Rhodes with a running destroyer on....uh some cunt, what does it matter who it was? I was saddened to learn that 2023 will be Rhodes' last year in pro wrestling. I hope he does the Ric Flair retirement tour gimmick where he faces a bunch of the newer guys. I also hope that he somehow gets an NWA title win by the end of his run because he deserves it. The matche ended when Rick Starks threw out Ethan Page to win. Then afterwards we got a brilliant showdown between Starks and his opponent for next week MJF. MJF brilliantly gloats about writing William Regal off TV then accuses Starks of ripping off The Rock and calls him "The Pebble" which the fans started chanting. I'm worried about this because these chants could end up turning Starks heel again if they stick along with the comparisons to The Rock. MJF also says "Facts don't care about your feelings" because I guess he figures quoting Ben Shapiro will always get heat. Starks gets his on back on MJF by calling him Maxipad which is a great insult which won't hurt MJF because he's on top of the world right now. Stark then cuts a brilliant promo about the fight he's had to get to the main event. This was Starks' coming out party, he knocked this promo out of the park and got the crowd on his side. Obviously he's not winning the belt but hopefully they'll find a way to make him look strong in defeat and maybe become a Johnny Gargano / Daniel Bryan ultimate under-dog type figure. We then got Darby Allin vs Samoa Joe which was a great short, realistic match where Darby took 90% of the damage. Joe walked away from a Darby dive and Darby splatted into the railing which looked nasty. Joe lifted up the crashmats and got me wondering why the ref doesn't just it back? Finish came when Allin went for a Coffin Drop but got caught in a choke. Joe looked really good here and hopefully this will lead to an actual Darby vs Joe feud somewhere down the line. Afterwards Joe continues assaulting Darby until he's saved by Wardlow so it looks like we're getting a solo rematch which I'm down for. Next it was Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli vs Jake Hagar and Daniel Garcia. I'll be honest I skimmed this because I'm sick of these two factions feuding. Move the fuck on please lads. I assume they're going to disband the BCC now that Regal has fucked off. Regal says he left because there is a "maturity issue" in the AEW locker room. AEW responded by saying that there is a maturity issue in Regal's mother's locker room. Hagar gives Claudio the hat and he kicks it into the crowd which was a cool spot. I feel so bad for Claudio because 10 years in WWE did fuck all to help him get better at promos. He's still atrocious. They do promo classes in WWE where they're supposed to helpt the guys get better on the mic but whenever you'd put a mic in Claudio's hand he'd always go to bits. Some of the best dialogue I've ever read is in comic books so I'm thinking there have to be some comic book writers out there who are also into wrestling and they could write good dialogue for guys like Claudio. Man I never thought I would be watching Cesaro vs Jack Swagger in 2022. I got my fill of it in 2014. Hopefully theyll bring in Rob Van Dam to make it a three way feud again. There's a cool spot where Claudio goes for the springboard twisting uppercut but Sammy gets on the apron and stops him. Finish kind of comes out of nowhere as Hagar and Garcia have Claudio and Wheeler in submissions, Claudio rolls through and Hagar's head collides with Garcias and Claudio hits an uppercut for the win. Good match but still kind of sucky build to Final Battle. Afterwards Schiavone shows them an interview he did with Regal where he confesses that he helped MJF so that everyone will be gunning for his belt and he will realize how scary it is to be at the top. This kind of made sense even if it was slapdash but good on Tony Khan for coming up with it.
Before bed I tuned into the final ever Celebrity Juice. Man I am so shocked that this show ended up lasting past one series because by the end of Bo Selecta I got the feeling that Leigh Francis had completely run out of material. However in this show he had other people to contribute and bounce his childish ideas off so I guess that added to the longevity of the show. In the beginning it was mainly young people who watched the show and you can see why because it was mainly sex jokes and puerile humour and it had two gorgeous women in Holly Willoughby and Fearne Cotton in it every week. I can remember the early episodes where they actually did try to make it into a quiz of sorts and it didn’t really work because Leigh Francis / Holly Willoughby and Fearne Cotton aren’t the kind of people who can throw out witty one liners about the weeks news (even if it was gossip magazine-esque celebrity news). This version of the show quickly fizzled out and the panel show format just became a means of Lemon getting his guests to do stupid shit. Celebrity Juice is essentially a kids show that adults have decided to play and make deliberately dirty. This show first started back in the day where I was such a comedy nerd that I would literally just watch anything branded as comedy even if I didn’t like it that much just because I liked to spend my evening watching comedy more than anything else. Although not a fan right off the bat I have to admit I did grow to quite enjoy it partly due to the dynamic and chemistry between Lemon, Holly and Fearne (and Rufus Hound in the early series). It was good for a laugh every now and again. The biggest laugh I ever got from the show was when Lemon told Kelly Brook that if men weren’t obsessed with boobs then she would be working in Dixons. I also liked when Christopher Biggins was a guest on the round where a celebrity sticks their head through a giant magazine. Lemon asked Biggins if he had ever been bent over like that before and Biggins replied “Only when I went on Jim’ll Fix It”. I remember screaming laughing at this and became convinced that Biggins should be made a permanent member of the panel for this one controversial comment. The early version of the show is interesting to look back on in this #MeToo era because this version would not fly today. A lot of the comedy in the early years came from Lemon describing in graphic detail how he would like to have sex with female guests but since #MeToo happened Lemon has not expressed his desire to “Mot Out” any of the guests (don’t ask) or indeed to “smash” any of their “back doors in”. With the eruption of streaming services in the last few years I can’t imagine that a lot of Juice’s core fan base are still around as most episodes of comedy panel shows get uploaded to YouTube immediately afterwards these days and people just seem to have the mentality that they’ll watch them when they become available rather than actually tuning in to watch them live. I think this probably contributed to the cancellation of Celebrity Juice. Personally I used to get told by friends and colleagues about something funny that happened in Celebrity Juice the previous night but I can’t say I’ve heard this in a good while (but then I don’t really watch TV anymore). Whatever you think of Leigh Francis’ brand of humour it’s still impressive that this guy managed to string this show out for 14 years when I personally thought in 2008 that he’d be back doing Bo’ Selecta the next year. RIP Celebrity Juice.
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gowithasmo · 2 years
Mirror mirror in my hand
"I need to keep moving, but it'll be safer if they don't know it's me." MC nods quickly, trying to rationalize the choice to themselves. "Smaller and more easily hidden, you already give your followers gifts all the time so it wouldn't be weird. Put me into the jewelry or whatever you can and then give me to one of them."
Asmo takes a second to rummage through his closet before pulling out a necklace. It's a gold chain with a medium sized ruby pendant adored by a few black gold rose buds. He takes a quick selfie with it, sending the photo to forums with his most dedicated fans. He framed it as an "exclusive raffle" for only the most precious of his followers, the winner to be decided in 20 minutes to see who actually bothered to regularly check his status updates. Within seconds a hundred have joined the raffle so he turns his attention back to MC.
"It's a prototype from Majolish, they wanted to design something off of our demon forms." He explains, clasping the chain around MC's neck. He guides them to the center of the room and continues to explain as he draws the magic circle around MC. "Your consciousness is going to be in the gem itself, so it's okay if the chain accidentally breaks. Being sealed within the gem will obscure your magic, but it also means you can't cast any magic while you're inside. "
"Have you used this before?" MC fiddles with the chain, growing more nervous as Asmo begins to write out symbols they've never seen in class.
"No, not personally. But I've seen Satan cast it and others have cast it for me. It shouldn't be difficult for me." With the circle complete and the spell open on his phone, Asmo weaves his magic with MC's, counting off in his head as each symbol lights up in the correct order. With a soft hiss and a rush of warm air, MC disappears and Asmo catches the necklace before it can hit the ground.
He stares at the gem, a shade darker than before, and gives it a kiss. "MC, can you hear me?"
The gem returns to its former color and a murky image appears. Asmo twists the stone in his hands and when the light hits it just right, MC appears on the top. Their face wavers for a second before MC focuses on Asmo's face. They try to speak, but it comes out warbled, as if they were underwater.
"I'm sorry love I can't hear you, but are you okay? Do you think you can stay in there?" Asmo asks. MC glances around, and although they look a bit unsure, they give him a thumbs up. "Alright, then go back into hiding. We've got to get going."
He watches MC fade from the gem top and the stone go back to the darker shade. Asmo cradles it to his chest for a moment, trying to still his racing heart.
This was insane right? When he spent the night in the hospital yesterday and woke up to bad hair with MC basically comatose next to him, Asmo was sure this day couldn't get worse. And now he was holding their soul in his hand, having to trust their life to another. He kisses the gem, whispering, "I promise to get you back soon."
Asmo cusses when he checks his "exclusive raffle", well over a thousand people have entered at this point. He sorts through the names, looking for a few in particular that he had in mind from the beginning. There- a fire spirit he's known for a few thousand years now, kinder than most, a good fighter, and has helped him in the past. Asmo ends the contest and sends a message to the fire spirit, agreeing to meet them at the edge of the forest so they wouldn't have to walk all the way into town- thankfully he wouldn't have to go past the academy to get to her. They meet up and the exchange happens less than 10 minutes later. Asmo puts on a show for the delivery.
It's an exclusive item only for the most darling of his loyal followers! They can take selfies together but she can't post them, the others can get so jealous you know, and we wouldn't want them to feel un-special just because they weren't lucky this time. Of course she's invited to the next party he throws- bring a friend!
His patience is wearing thin, and Asmo notices he's missed the deadline so with one last kiss on the cheek to seal the deal, he rushes off to the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
The fire spirit is over the moon in joy. She doesn't even pretend to walk, instead floating and cooing over the necklace all the way home. She admired herself in the mirror, already looking for a reason to wear it out when the reason delivered itself to her.
[DUDE! Someone must have seriously screwed up! I haven't seen skies like these since I was in kindergarten! Storm party at Roman's house tonight, I'd better see your sexy self there 😘]
The fire spirit checked outside and her friend was right. The navy blue sky was now a darker red than the gem on her chest, the gales were deafening and it took all of her lower body strength and some invisible hands to be able to shut the door again. This kind of weather meant the demon prince and his butler were distracted so everyone could get rowdier than usual- storm parties are something you NEVER skip out on!
Whatever the prince was pissed about wasn't on her head, so she dolled up to the nines with the necklace as the main attraction. By the time she was done she had to use magic to get to the party, acid rain flooding the streets and would definitely muddy her heels.
The party is every bit the rager she thought it would be- bass drowning out the rain, vices crammed into every room, enough demonus to swim in, and just as planned, everyone ravished her with praise the entire night. All of her friends asked where she got it from, but Asmo's words rang in her head so she lied through her teeth.
"An early release from the brand my boyfriend works at! No I didn't win the raffle, did you? Ohhh, I'm so sorry! Maybe we'll win next time!" All the while feeling superior for having a secret only she and the lovely Asmodeus knew. The party went on well into the morning, every time she thought the demonus was gone and drugs were used up, someone managed to pull out more. When she'd finally had enough, her best friend brought her home and slept off the high with her. When they were both sober, the best friend asked to borrow the necklace- she had a really big date coming up and he wasn't paying enough attention to her. The fire spirit's friend made promises and kissy faces, begging for the necklace so the fire spirit let her borrow it. How could she deny her best friend this?
Months have gone by, so many consecutive storm parties that the Devildom almost stopped functioning altogether. All of its citizens were either high out of their mind or getting bolder, acting out in ways they never could have gotten away with before. Classes at RAD had been suspended for an entire month- while the citizens had been partying, instructors and royals alike weren't seen in the public eye for a while. But the skies had finally cleared, slowly returning to a navy blue, the moon shining bright in the sky again.
After Lord Diavolo had calmed down some, Solomon had defended MC's case for them at great risk for personal injury to himself. It took a solid couple of weeks, but with Barbatos and a handful of powerful witches acting as unbiased mediators, Solomon and Diavolo came to an understanding. MC ran because they felt like their life was in danger, and Diavolo had over reacted. MC can come back and they would both apologize, all could be forgiven.
Asmo could finally conceal his wounds, which is more than he could say for his brothers. But today was finally the day! Asmo was going to get MC back from the fire spirit! He made sure to pack 4 goodie bags of gifts and personal notes that he hand wrote and kissed as an apology for having to take back the necklace. If that wasn't enough he was sure he could find some way to make it up to her- take her to dinner, invite her out for a week- after he'd gotten to spend time with MC of course.
Asmo greets the fire spirit with a big hug, apologizing over and over again for giving her a "defective" gift and taking so long to replace it. He handed over the bags and had to restrain himself from snatching the necklace from her hands. Gold chain with a dark ruby pendant and silver rose buds-
Asmo stops and takes another look at the necklace. Silver rose buds? He turns to the fire spirit and finally gets a good look at her. Her ears were pressed flat against her skull, tail wrapped around one of her legs and she wouldn't meet his eyes.
"What happened?"
The girl burst out into tears, throwing herself against Asmo and apologizing for being the worst person in the Devildom. She doesn't stay there long before Asmo rips her off, slamming her into the closest tree. She claws at his hand, too short to kick him, but Asmo's grip only tightened.
"That's not what I asked. What. Happened. To. My. Necklace?"
Through short- choked - sentences, Asmo finds out that she had lent the necklace to her friend and someone had stolen it off her. He leaves her sobbing on the ground, begging for forgiveness and goes to hunt down the best friend.
It turns out to be useless.
While the girl had gotten a good look at the person that stole the necklace, he'd already traded it to a friend. The friend? Sold it off.
Satan, Mammon, and Asmo were in the middle of checking every pawn shop in the Devildom when they made another unfortunate discovery. The first week of storms had ruined the business cycle of every store in the Devildom and everyone was desperate to make a profit. The necklace based on the prototype that Asmo put MC in had been released a month early, half of the designs with silver rose buds, the other half with black rose buds.
More than a thousand had been sold already.
Asmo racked up millions of dollars of debt within days, buying and taking version of the necklace he could get his hands on- Mammon stealing the ones that people didn't want to sell. Majolish couldn't stop the production fast enough- another 2 thousand sold and even shipped to the human realm franchises. By now, everyone knew that the demon of lust himself was obsessed with this necklace, so replicas began to flood the market as well. No matter how many necklaces Asmo bought, there always seemed to be 10 more he couldn't get his hands on.
After a few hundred odd years the search slowed and then stopped altogether. It was rare to see the demon lords or prince at RAD now. They've all taken up more official positions that kept them busy at all hours of the day. And in the streets, a new local legend passed through the mouths of the students.
A legend about a cursed necklace that would only respond to a spell now lost to time. 'It will grant you a wish!' some would say. 'It'll curse you to fail every exam until you kill someone!' claimed another. But it was just an old wives tale, and even if the necklace was real, the spell had been lost for so long that the necklace would never respond to anyone again.
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Dream SMP Recap (May 16/2021) - Michaelmcchill
On the four-month anniversary of Foolish joining the SMP, the server gains a new member: Michaelmcchill! Phil and Foolish both tour him around.
Afterwards, Foolish sees that L’Sandburg is offering him a deal to end things amicably.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
- Michaelmcchill joins the SMP! He steps out of Spawn and sees the impeccable welcome sign
Michael: “’Spawn is so ugly help.’ I like it! I’m from SMPLive, dude. I feel at home! I feel at home here!”
- The first place he visits is the cat cafe. Then he walks down the cake path and falls straight into the spider spawner. He tries calling Phil for help in chat
- He finds his way out and recognizes Purpled’s UFO from VRchat
- He goes to Church Prime, remembering Prime Church from SMPLive
- He shouts that he is NOT a Homestuck in church
- Afterwards, Michael walks down the Prime Path and finds the Little Penis sign
- He dies and goes back to Spawn, waiting out the night there while Phil comes over to meet him and bring him fish
- Phil starts showing him around and gives him a bunch of iron. At the spider spawner Phil makes him some proper diamond armor and he gets it upgraded to Netherite
- They grind for levels in the spider spawner for a bit, then Phil leaves Michael to explore on his own
- Krinios joins the call and says Michael’s cheating on him, then chats while Michael wanders around and finds his way to L’manhole. He’s not sure what happened, but chat is o7-ing
- He walks down the Prime Path and sees the prison. James and some Roughhouse members join the call to ask what’s happening
- It takes some time, but he finds his way to Snowchester and visits other Michael. Michael meets Michael
- Then he goes to Eret’s museum and the castle
- Chat says to go to Kinoko Kingdom (they wonder who named it that) and Michael visits. They talk about Michael’s 2b2t history
- He returns to the main area and jumps around while they chat
- Foolish comes online and Michael tells him he’s at the Holy Land. Foolish arrives and starts burrowing underground before coming back up to meet him
- Foolish shows him to the summer home and gets rid of the obsidian dicks that Ranboo placed for stealing from Tubbo
- They start going back and that’s when Foolish notices the “FOR SALE” sign Bad left on L’Sandburg. Foolish takes Michael back through the portal. He might have Michael join the war, but it looks like L’Sandburg’s looking for real estate business instead
- Foolish brings him to the Arctic and shows him Phil, Techno and Ranboo’s houses. Then they go to Tommy’s house
- Foolish wonders what to show Michael next and they start traveling to Niki’s. Michael tells Foolish about 2b2t and Team Chunk Error
- Foolish is shocked to learn that OwO and UwU are faces as they go to Cloud Prime
- They return to the summer home and Foolish teaches Michael about the birds and the bees, then Drista’s invisible staircase and the UFO
- Michael ends stream and Foolish returns to L’Sandburg to see what’s changed and reads the “<3 #2″ book:
Dear Foolish,
I have seen the error of my ways. And would like to part on good terms. After recontructing your erroneous wall into a additional fortification. I will now sell everything aside from lsandburg tower to you so that you can collect your own tolls
I think this is an amicable situation for both of us so that we can avoid further bloodshed and tears.
Best Regards and Potatoes, BadBoyHalo
- Foolish is pleasantly surprised at first, but then notices that Bad is saying he wants to sell it and not just give it back. He feels like he shouldn’t have to buy it
- He examines the wall and likes it, but isn’t sure it fits the theme of the rest of the build. If the price is reasonable, he will buy it back, but if it’s unreasonable, he will refuse
- Foolish writes his response:
Dear L’Sandburg,
It brings me great joy to see we won’t have to go to war. I don’t exactly know what you mean by “selling” this place. Let me know more. I love you. I love you more than you love Tall Mama.  Cya soon!
- Afterwards, he continues to work on his summer home build
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Upcoming Events:
- L’Sandburg’s ultimatum deadline.
- Foolish’s date
- Quackity’s business opening
- Quackity’s next lore stream
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s lore stream
- Dream’s lore video
- Sapnap’s possible lore stream
- Awesamdude lore stream
5/10 - Jack and Tommy steal from each other while Tommy works on the mine
5/11 - Nothing much happens.
5/12 - Foolish gives L’Sandburg and ultimatum to take down the wall
5/13 - Foolish sends out letters asking for help with L’Sandburg
5/14 - Tubbo claims L’Sandburg and gets the gift cards with Phil and Ranboo
5/15 - Foolish walls off L’Sandburg, Tommy walls off the Holy Land
5/16 - Michaelmcchill joins the SMP
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grawly · 4 years
Are you the vibrating dildo in ass human??????????
Wario World[a] is a 3D platform game developed by Treasure and published by Nintendo for the GameCube. The game's plot centers on Wario and his quest to regain his treasure and his castle from Black Jewel, an evil gem.
The game was fairly well received by reviewers, who praised the game's fun gameplay while criticizing its short length. The game has sold over 142,000 copies in Japan and over 256,000 copies in the United States.[3] In 2004, the game was re-released as a Player's Choice title.[4]
Wario World's gameplay centers mainly on combating enemies, although it requires some platform navigation similar to Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine. The controls are simple, and are only used to jump, run, dash, perform fighting moves, and use the "Hyper Suction" ability to collect nearby coins.[5] The level designs are platform-based with combat elements, and have an overall linear design. The levels contain trapdoors, which lead to special platforming or puzzle-oriented challenges.[6] Throughout the game, small forest sprites known as "Spritelings" give Wario advice if they are rescued from imprisonment.[7]
During combat, Wario can grab enemies and either spin them around, throw them, or piledrive them into the ground.[8] Enemies drop coins when defeated, and tend to regenerate if the area is left and returned to later. The coins are used to purchase items, such as life-restoring garlic, and to return to life.[9] If Wario does not have enough money to return to life, the game is over.[10] A new feature in Wario World are the spherical "glue globes", in which Wario is stuck to if he touches it, allowing the player to reach otherwise inaccessible areas.[11] Along the way, Wario can re-collect his lost treasures, which are hidden in treasure chests, and collect pieces of golden Wario statues, which increases Wario's life meter by one half.[12] In order to advance in the game, the player must collect a certain amount of red diamonds in each level.[13] If the player collects all the treasure in the various levels, minigames from the Game Boy Advance title WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! are unlocked, and they can be played by using the Nintendo GameCube – Game Boy Advance link cable.[14]
The game begins with Wario enjoying his newly built castle, which is filled with treasures that he has collected from earlier adventures.[15] An evil gem called Black Jewel, hidden amongst Wario's treasure collection, suddenly awakens and takes over Wario's castle. Black Jewel turns Wario's treasure into monsters,[16] and transforms the castle into four worlds called Excitement Central, Spooktastic World, Thrillsville and Sparkle Land, each consisting of two levels and a boss fight. A central area allows access to the different worlds, as well as to the Treasure Square, where the Huge Treasure Box inside of which Black Jewel is hiding can be found.[17] Wario proceeds through the areas controlled by Black Jewel, recovering his treasure and rescuing Spritelings (the creatures had sealed Black Jewel away in the past), then obtains the key to the Huge Treasure Box and engages Black Jewel in a battle. Wario's subsequent victory allows him to regain control of his castle.
During the game's ending, Wario's new castle quality depends on the number of Spritelings rescued. The worst-case scenario sees Wario with nothing but a campsite with his throne in a dark jungle, but if all 40 Spritelings were rescued, Wario is given a palace even grander than his previous one.[18]
Wario World was shown at E3 2002 as a technical demo.[19] At the next E3 in 2003, it was shown with levels of gameplay polish and tweaking, which the previous E3 demo was lacking.[20] On August 22, 2002, at Nintendo's Gamer's Summit, Wario World's North American release date was set to November 11, 2002.[21] The game was later going to be released on May 26, 2003, but was further delayed by one month till June 23.[22]
It was uncertain who was developing Wario World, until April 22, 2003, when Nintendo of America revealed that Treasure was developing the game.[23] After the successful development collaboration Treasure and Nintendo shared with the Nintendo 64title, Sin and Punishment, the two companies wanted to work together again. The R&D1 team wanted to continue their co-development juncture with a 3D installment of the Wario franchise.[24]Wario World's music was composed by Norio Hanzawa and Minako Hamano.[25] Wario was voiced by Charles Martinet, who also voices Mario and Luigi in the Mario series.[25]
Wario World was a commercial success, selling over 142,000 copies in Japan.[3] In 2004, the game was re-released alongside Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour and F-Zero GX as part of the Player's Choice line, a selection of games with high sales sold for a reduced price.[4]
Wario World received fairly positive reviews. The US version of Play magazine gave the game a perfect score, and the reviewer commented that Wario World "pays off every second [he is] holding the controller, and that, to [him], is greatness".[32]Nintendo Power said that the game was "tons of fun".[33]GamePro stated that Wario World "stays addictive by weight of sheer design innovation".[34] The American-based publication Game Informer praised the game for including "droves of awesome boss battles".[35]Matt Casamassina of IGN declared that Wario World had "some great control mechanics and inventive level work".[29]Electronic Gaming Monthly's Greg Ford said, "Wario [World] delivers a great time while it lasts and is well worth checking out. Just don't expect a Mario-quality adventure".[36] Worthplaying gave the game 9 out 10, stating that "Treasure has done itself proud with this title, and Wario himself can lift his head up high. At least in my book, he's got at least one game that's better than Mario's."[37]
Wario World received criticism for its length, with some reviewers stating that the game was shorter than the average console title. Tom Bramwell of Eurogamer compared Wario World to Luigi's Mansion, a game also criticized for its length, and said that the game was like Luigi's Mansion "all over again".[38]GameSpy stated that Wario World "offers little above and beyond the standard 3D platform romp, and what is offered turns out to be very short and repetitive".[28]GameSpot commented that "the final product is too short and simplistic to hold your attention for more than a day".[27]
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