#omegaverse headcanonc
Why do Alphas sexually abuse Omegas so often?
WARNING contains mention of sexual assault and sexual abuse.
I believe that alphas sexually abuse omegas so often because they are seen as submissive and weak, they see it as an easy target for their abuse. And it’s an omega’s natural instinct to please an alpha, even if it’s harmful to them. They also have a harder time speaking up, and as messed up as it sounds, people aren’t likely to believe an omega because they are so often abused, people have started seeing them as liars. They insist that they can’t all be true, and use messed up statistics to try to back it up.
Hope that answered your question!
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starsdies · 2 years
All your omegaverse headcanons are PERFECT. They're just so 😩👌 and that ex mates au... Uff
Could you grace us with more of that??? How Obi-Wan helps Anakin, Anakin's pain (it's a crucial part), and such??? Because all your headcanoncs with these two are 💯
anon i would be more than happy to tell u more while i write! i imagine ex mating almost pushes people to the brink of going feral (feral is kinda what it sounds like - and in my omegaverse world it's like a mental snap, often violent and impulsive and dangerous. most of the time ferals can't be saved / are 'put down' if ya get my drift!) so with that in mind... that's what obi-wan realizes he's dealing with. why he can't tell the council. especially considering anakin's intense emotions pre-mating. (rots inspo woo!!) mate bonds are very intense and binding. your scents mingle, your thoughts and feelings can be shared/mixed - these types of bonds are more powerful than say, a training/master bond. so having that severed after years... after YEARS of sharing his livelihood with padme, would be utterly devastating. it's like suddenly losing another sense. it's debilitating, and in the middle of a war nonetheless? yeah... poor anakin, really. and poor padme.
obi-wan probably feels the emotional and physical pain through their bond despite anakin's high shields. can you just imagine feeling that, and not knowing what's wrong for the longest time? and anakin under immense pressure as The Chosen One(TM) and decorated war general trying to perform and also train a padawan? maybe something happens, like anakin gets seriously hurt with this new impairment he has yet to seek proper help for. his shields falter, obi-wan is hit with a tidal wave of loss, guilt, deep longing, pain so unimaginable he probably stumbles. the last time he felt this kind of pain was when he lost qui-gon. when he realized anakin killed younglings. when he lost satine in his arms on mandalore.
as for comfort: i think anakin would require alot of grounding touch. physical touch is one of his primary love languages, afterall. alot of soothing bond feelings, too. anakin wakes from nightmares and obi-wan starts to sleep on the floor nearby until anakin finally just... hand on his arm when obi-wan tries to leave and "stay, master, please? it's better if you stay." scenting is harder. especially when obi-wan is an alpha who may or may not absolutely have unearthed feeling for anakin. i imagine having another alpha scent around would be incredibly painful at first, as if anakin's body is rejecting someone that isn't his ex-mate. but his body... starts to accept it. maybe faster than it should. we love fated mates. obi-wan never being one for such intimacy but somehow it feels right to take care of anakin. there's satisfaction over time witnessing anakin seek him out, ask for scenting, his clothes to sleep. his presence for anakin's very first, very painful post-exmating heat.
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